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"Alan my love you need to drink this, you are far too weak, please my love." Hopix held a cup with a foul smelling brew in it. ‘I've smelled that before,’ Alan thought, ‘when was it? Ah yes back when he'd been on the Fairixie's sister world.’ Alan tried to drink it as fast as he could; again not realizing that one couldn't swallow the concoction as fast as he was trying. Coughing and sputtering Alan was gasping for breath as the foul odor of it surrounded him.

Barely in a whisper Alan told Hopix, "My god woman it's still as bad as it was before!" Hopix smiled, Alan complaining meant that the brew was already coursing through his body helping to strengthen it.

"Alan, please don't go off alone like that again. I was assigned to help you for a reason, you might have quite a lot of knowledge, but you don't know it all." Hopix admonished him her slender hand on her hip as she gently wiped the excess from his mouth.

Again starting in a whisper but growing stronger Alan told her, "Hopix my love I realize this but you have to realize that if I was to lose you I might go insane, or worse kill everything in my way 'til I calmed. I do not want to put you in harm's way like that."

"Alan Glanto! If you weren't as weak as you were right now, I might have to, as you humans say on your planet, kick your ass!" Alan could swear there was steam coming from Hopix's ears.

Holding his arms and hands up in protection, Alan didn't doubt she could kick his ass! There was no way that he could ever hurt her. "My love I was only thinking of protecting you, I..." Alan started.

Hopix stood up with now both her hands on her hips a look of anger that actually had Alan shaking. "I was YOUR guardian BEFORE you became as powerful as you have. I am a lot older than you, I have been dealing with dark mages far longer than you think. Shut me out of doing MY JOB again and YOU will found out just how weak I am NOT!" Alan was staring at Hopix a new respect for her in his eyes.

"I promise you I will not exclude you ever again my dear." Alan told her a slight smile on his face. "You can stop right now old man I am sure Glimmer will have quite an earful for you when we return."

Merlin had tried not to, truly he had, but he'd finally started to laugh. It was hard to tell who was the more fierce Hopix or Alan, though at the moment it appeared to be Hopix.

Hopix turned and coldly stared at Merlin who started into an even harder laughing fit. "I will deal with the both of you later!" Hopix growled as she marched out of the room.

"To answer your question, yes, Glimmer was that fierce, always in her love, her compassion and yes, also her temper. I am surprised this is the first time you have seen it, at least you know what to expect. I was caught off guard the first time after I was married to Glimmer." Merlin told Alan who was watching as Hopix's form retreated into the other room.

"I have to ask you Merlin you have survived a long time with little or no power. I used the porta sphere to get nine of the last seventeen. I also got one that was trying to draw me to another reality; that leaves seven. I am afraid that these last seven won't band together nor attack when another is fighting me. With all the tricks you have I need help getting them. I want this over, so I can take you and Hopix back home to the Fairixie world." Alan told Merlin feeling he was almost at the end of his rope with these idiots on this world.

"I do have a few tricks but I think there are a few things that I need for you to learn. But the way you are right now, almost the entire planet can feel you coming. I think that is where we need to start then I can possibly help you with a few things that might help." Merlin smiled it had been a long time since he'd had anything like a student it felt good, damn good!

Alan gave an exasperated yell as he'd failed again to do exactly what Merlin had shown him. "Damn it Merlin I have been full tilt the whole time I have been doing this. How in the hell do you expect me to tune it down?"

"Son, I am into the high levels now and I can do this, so I know it's possible. Here's something that might help. Take a deep breath and as you let it out feel the power decrease in you, that's it another breath let your body relax let all the tension flow out of you. As you do this you'll feel you power levels start to drop, there you go better, better. See? It wasn't that hard now was it? " Merlin told Alan with a huge smile.

Alan's eyes snapped open his levels were so low it was unreal, staying as calm as he could Alan could feel his levels even out but they stayed low. "This is amazing I never thought I could make them this low."

"Well to you they’re low, to me they are in the mid range, but you are getting there. Compared to where you really are this is a major accomplishment. Now then let's work on a few more before we rest ok?" Alan nodded he was extremely glad he'd asked Merlin to help.

It was two days later that across the planet two of the remaining seven dark mages received a summons to the home of a third. The third was an ally of the first two and had mentioned a plan to destroy the white mage that couldn't fail. When the third mention a meal of a Fairixie; namely the one with the white mage they jumped at the chance.

Outside what could only be described as a murky swamp with a tumbling down shack in the middle the two dark mages appeared."Trigafor! We are here! Where is this meal that you promised us?" The tallest of the two called reaching out he could feel the third but something strange was going on. Neither felt any other mage or power anywhere near, suddenly Alan appeared with Merlin and Hopix.

"So I see you came as I asked," Alan told them as they both discovered that they couldn't leave let alone move. Alan waved his hand and the third appeared a look of extreme anger on its face.

"You are an ass white mage! Release me! I will eat all of your soul before..." Alan sighed and clapped his hands as the third screamed and was a mashed puddle of flesh, blood, and bone. Alan was turning toward the first two when one actually broke free of the spell that was holding him.

"Not so fucking powerful are you bitch?" The one that got lose snarled shooting a freeze spell of his own that hit Alan in his left arm. Cursing when the Tall putrid smelling human shape dark mage started to laugh, Alan quickly shot another paralyzing spell toward it. Laughing again the dark mage side stepped the spell. Smiling Alan increased his shield then shot more spells toward the dark mage. "Damn! Here I thought you were this all powerful white mage!"

Alan started to smile even bigger making the dark mage angry, shaking his head Alan watched as his first three spells returned. Outraged the dark mage stopped a moment then whipped around just as the first spell froze him solid. Alan breathed a sigh of relief as the next shattered the frozen form.

The last struggled also breaking free though this time Alan was ready and fried the dark mage as he was making a move toward Alan. Alan shook his arm as he felt the feeling start to return to it.

"Nice move getting hit to fake the idiot out!" The now familiar voice of the dark council champion could be heard behind Alan. "I am so ready to fight you! Hurry up and kill the last four, then I can have an actual battle with a worthy opponent. Here something to keep you warm." With that the champion left and sent a fireball at least twelve feet high toward Alan.

Alan felt this was different so he sent Merlin and Hopix a little ways off. Erecting a magical water barrier Alan knew it wasn't enough but it would weaken it enough for him to squash it. As he thought the barrier cut it by half then it was moving his way again. Slapping his hands together Alan felt the fireball hesitate still trying to reach him. Alan put more and more into it 'til he was as high as he could go then he felt the fireball falter and flame out.

Damn Alan thought that was exhausting, there was a sudden rush of air, and then the light council was there before him. "You have done a most wonderful job Alan, of the 100 dark mages and well over 300 apprentices that were here. There are only four dark mages left. Know this Alan though we can now come and go from here freely we still cannot interfere. We are sorry but as per the rules that were set down by both you and the dark council this is all we can do. You should also know that this is all the dark council can also do." Alan nodded to the leader of the light council then they were gone.

Both Hopix and Merlin appeared a moment later, Merlin had wanted nothing to do with the council especially now that he had as much power as he did. "I want to thank you both for coming with me; I think I should go after another if you two are up for it?" Alan told them both.

"Hell yeah, I'm game," Merlin told Alan.

Hopix was looking Alan all over making sure he was alright. "You sure you shook the entire spell off that the dark mage hit you with?" She was asking looking even harder at his arm, hand, and shoulder.

Alan leaned down to where she was bent looking at his legs and running her hands up and down then. ‘Damn!’ Alan thought, ‘her touch is about to drive me nuts!’ Grabbing both her hands sent a shock through both of them as Alan pulled her up to his level. "I have already checked myself, I am not seeing any of the energy left on or in me from the dark mage ok?"

Breathing a sigh of relief Hopix looked straight into Alan's eyes a look of nothing but love there. "I have to make sure my husband," here she reached over and gently rubbed his crotch. "I have to make sure that you will be able to help me have children! My mom wants to be a grandmother as she has always wanted to be. I have to keep you healthy my love." Hopix demurely said.

Alan was on pins and needles Hopix's touch on his crotch had damned near made him pass out! What in the hell was going on? Alan looked over at Merlin who was nodding his head and had a huge grin on his face. Alan was sure now more than he had before, there must be something extremely special about a marriage

between a human and a Fairixie. If her extra loving touch just now was any indication, he was in for a hell of a ride that was for sure.

Alan could hardly move after she let go with a little giggle, then he made his self move, they had to end this and soon! Hopix was going to drive him crazy at this rate as he was sure he was her. Taking a deep breath Alan nodded to both of them then they all flashed out. A few miles away they appeared near a waterfall, the place was beautiful or was it? Alan concentrated the place changed to a smog filled, polluted water, twisted and dying tree area.

"So you have come to face one of the strongest. I relish it there are so few to destroy now that bring true pleasure, come!" A rolling voice came from the dark water. Then a creature that seemed to be made of the filth of the place rose up from the muck.

Alan made a half hearted fireball that was extinguished in a second. Suddenly the creature rose higher then fell upon Alan effectively covering him. Under the grime and muck Alan could see that this one was trying the same that the smoke creature. Alan sent first a freezing spell but saw it was ineffective, hmmm he thought. Suddenly an idea hit him as Alan began to alternate his spells cold, water, heat, and electricity.

At first nothing happened, then there was a roaring scream then the entire creature started to tremble. Finally a huge hole broke open in front of Alan that was rapidly moving away from the hole that he'd made. Screaming the creature reached out, and touched the polluted water and was whole again. Screaming again it started to wrap around Alan's shield. Alan just nodded and concentrated as he and the creature arose from the ground.

Within moments they were high above the planet, "I was wondering if the vile pool was keeping you alive now we will see!" Alan smiled as the creature turned and was at a loss as to where they were. Alan again hit it with the four spells in succession. This time the muck started to dry and harden, with a last scream Alan pushed out and the creature exploded off him.

Appearing next to Merlin and Hopix Alan told them, "I suggest we move, what's left of it is coming this way at a high speed." Both of them nodded then they were standing a ways off, within moments it appeared to be raining mud. "Well that leaves three. What say we..." Suddenly there was a massive wave of water moving toward them. Alan sighed they never learned did they?

Alan set up a freezing barrier but he felt it wouldn't last, the worse thing was these last four had used up quite a bit of his power. Alan looked at Merlin shaking his head, letting the man know he was a little used up. Merlin nodded back, opened his own senses, and gave Alan as much of his power as he could. Alan was surprised that Merlin had as much power as he did.

Alan recharged, watched as Merlin smiled then promptly passed out. A slight wicked smile crossed his face as Alan suddenly increased the shield and started to walk toward the dark mage controlling this.

"It is of no matter Alan Glanto! I have felt your power falter, I know of your stored reserves they should be almost exhausted by now." Alan heard a voice thundering at him.

Alan smiled he had a little surprise for this ass! Still advancing Alan suddenly increased the freezing effect hearing the dark mage scream as he tried to overcome Alan's attack. "Now you die!" Alan yelled at the mage.

"No! Your power was exhausted you had nothing Noooooooooooooo!!!!" with a final scream the dark mage was silent. Alan reached out not feeling that much from it, looking around the shield Alan saw the water mage was frozen solid. Alan took a rock shattering the column of ice.

Grabbing Hopix and the unconscious Merlin, Alan thought of the sanctuary. Three sets of eyes had watched this last battle of Alan. They too had thought that Alan was finished then he suddenly had an abundance of power. The three strongest mages on the planet were more curious than much else. The champion was half tempted to kill the last two dark mages so he and Alan could finally have the battle he was waiting a thousand years for. Shaking his head even he had to follow the rules of the dark council. Oh well the champion thought as he flashed out.

The last two dark mages knew that Alan was coming for them next, their dark partner wasn't that far below either of them. They were going to have to set a trap it was the only way either of them were going to survive. They both agreed and left to set everything up to hopefully kill Alan Glanto long before he did them.

Fools! The champion thought as he watched the last two flash out then the champion smiled. They were playing right into Alan's hands the way the champion had seen him do things those two should be dead in a couple of days. Well, he thought with a sickening look of delight on his face we can hope can't we?

Alan, Hopix, and an unconscious Merlin appeared at the front of the sanctuary. Several Lobrits appeared helping to carry Merlin inside. It's a good thing Alan thought, as all the energy Merlin had given him was suddenly gone. Alan collapsed against the open doorway unable to go another step. Hopix had gone ahead and turned to tell Alan something when she saw he wasn't with her.

Running back to the entrance she found Alan trying to move further inside the entrance way. "Alan my love what's wrong?" A worried Hopix asked.

"The energy wasn't mine I was only borrowing it, once what I had to do was finished, it went back to its owner. I am not a dark mage I do not take and keep energy that isn't mine." Alan gasped out as he tried to move another two steps. He really didn't want the door open putting the Lobrits in danger.

Hopix started to yell as several more Lobrits came up the corridor and helped Alan to move further inside. Sighing Alan was glad as he watched the door close. These people weren't the greatest but the still deserved a chance like everyone did. They barely got Alan in his cot when his eyes started to close.

"Thank you Merlin, that was dangerous. I am far higher than you; my body could have taken more than it did." Alan told a now awake though slightly weak Merlin.

"I know my boy it's ok, as I told you before I have more tricks than you know. Now sleep we have a busy few days coming up." Here Merlin looked at a worried Hopix, "both of us." Alan nodded then surrendered to the darkness that had been creeping up on him.

Merlin motioned for Hopix to join him a moment. "Yes," she asked when she caught up to him at the back of the sanctuary.

"My dear I have a warning," here Merlin reached into a pocket and withdrew a cube not unlike the two that Hopix and Alan had.

The cube flashed a moment, and then a circle of light appeared in front of Hopix. "Hello my dear," Came the voice of Queen Glimmer. "I have watched all that I could. Hopix you have to tell him, you know the danger if you don't. You may be afraid that he will leave you now, but if you wait it will be a disaster. Are you that anxious to die? After all that your mother went through saving the both of you, you are going to let this one secret kill the both of you?"

"I... I can't, not yet, it would be too big of a distraction to him. I am afraid that it would get him killed." Hopix stated as tears began to fall from her eyes.

The queen's face softened as she looked at Merlin the first good look she'd had of him in a very long time. "I had thought the same thing though in Merlin's case it turned out to be a bigger push. He tried to free all of the enslaved people. Then our world fell betrayed. Hopix tell him or you and many others will die. Your brother is still waiting to get married 'til he knows you are safe."

"I know my queen I will try but not 'til this is over, if it would help Alan I would tell him. I won't here 'til I feel this." A tearful Hopix replied.

"Alright my dear but there is far more than just you and Alan to consider. My love I have waited for you for so long you would be proud of you daughter Glimix she was so brave when Alan was rescuing our world I was so terrified. I had thought of using Glimix to hide in to protect the spirit of our people, and then I thought of Hopix." Glimmer was telling Merlin.

Merlin had tears in his eyes he hadn't seen Glimmer in so long. The bond was there just as strong but they were so far apart it hurt in a way that Merlin had never felt. "It was the best choice that you could make my love I am glad that Alan saved you and the people, so glad. I owe this man far more than I can ever repay, though I'll try."

Hopix also had tears in her eyes everything might end in the next few days. It was all up to Alan as it had always been. She just hoped that Alan took the news better than she thought he might. Taking a sigh she shrugged, Alan had reacted far differently than she thought he would quite a few times.

Merlin shook his head at something Glimmer said. ‘Yes,’ he thought ‘Glimmer was a hell of a lot better judge of a person than almost anyone he knew was. Yes,’ he thought again, ‘it just might work!’


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It only took a week since my night out and total submission for the video that recorded the events of the night to be posted online. Though I had only initially agreed to be filmed if my identity was concealed, in the heat of the moment I could not say no to him. Of course, I was nervous about such a pornographic video of myself being online, but each time I touched the black metal collar secured around my neck, I knew it was what I truly wanted.The day it had been posted was the first time he...

1 year ago
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My first gay experience

I’m 22 and I’m still living with my parents and I’ve just finished at one company and I’m about to start a new job in a few weeks, so during the day as my parents were at work I had the house to myself. I would get up as my parents left for work make myself my breakfast and then treat my to a wank before doing some bits of d.i.y around the house. One morning as I was mid wank when the door bell rang, I quickly pull up my pants and answer the door, it was the delivery man dropping off a parcel...

2 years ago
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True Story Mostly Sivi

True Story Mostly: SiviIf I remember right Sivi and I fucked the first night we met. Pretty sure meeting either at Cousins or E/Js. Around the same time I was still connected with Brittany/Roger but barely. I know it was really because I’d get her high but, what the hell. I was going to get high anyway why not share. I remember slipping off the futon and situating myself between Sivi’s legs so smooth and dusty chocolate brown. Just enough licorice stick and shaved cock and balls I was in...

3 years ago
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A Quiet Weekend At The Cabin

Last weekend Lisa and I had plans for a quiet weekend away from our home, at our cabin some miles out of town in the woods, but little did she know that I'd been talking to our friend Heather. Heather and Tom are two of our closest friends, and she and I had decided to surprise my wife Lisa and Heather's husband Tom with a fantasy weekend that they'd both love and enjoy.Lisa and I had planned a master-slave getaway as we sometimes role play and she loves it, and Heather knew that both Lisa...

Group Sex
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Wild College GirlsChapter 2 The Horse Ranch

The following day we all gradually awoke to a blissful morning, the smell of sex still in the air, probably emanating from their hot stuffed pussies. I had awoken a few times during the night to some squirming and moaning. Both girls were having erotic dreams throughout the night, stimulated by the huge intruders. Excited like two small girls on Christmas, both girls wanted me to take the temperature of their beer cans like I said. I complied and retrieved an electronic thermometer and a...

3 years ago
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Face Fucker Better than Pussy

Times had been tough since the family breakup and my mother did what she had to do to make ends meet. She spoke of how some of her dates were "professional" and since it was evident that she liked sex and needed money, then so what? At least she was discreet. Early in life, she had been a runaway and a prostitute, so prostitution was by no means a new thing. Then, she married a smooth-talker who, like so many men, was a philanderer but, unlike many, not a good enough one to get away with it....

4 years ago
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Tonight Tonight

Someone new. Thirty but he looked to be the same age as me and had something shy and schoolboy-esque that attracted me to this sexy stranger with expensive taste. He had plenty of disposable income and seemed happy to spend it on me through flowers, dinner, drinks and the taxi to his home. I felt like he had a world of experience under his belt… and under his boxers for that matter and yet, he seemed reserved as he held the door open to his home. I walked ahead to the open plan kitchen and he...

1 year ago
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Dreaming of Daddy

This is the second in a series I plan to write the sex that went on in my family, some gay and some not. I was 18 years old when my mother sent me to live with my father, an hour away in a town even smaller than the one we lived in. Mom had caught me fucking her boyfriend and was none too please about it. She was also nervous because I knew of the secrets she shared with my brother, sexual secrets, and she wanted me out of her life for a while. Oh, well! I was anxious to go live with my dad...

3 years ago
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Jessica the Cum Slut

The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.My name is Jessica, but my Master affectionately calls me "Cum Slut". I am 24 years old, and Master is training me to be a cum slut. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes. My tits are a perky 36C cup (natural), a thin 23" waist, very curvy 34" hips, and a firm...

3 years ago
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Kinky Public Sling Fuck

I guess like quite a few people into Water-sports – I like the idea of “piss accidents” – but the ones I do are almost all deliberate or planned in advance and where it’s OK or no chance of trouble.Like anyone else I don’t want to really embarrass myself or others – but I have had a few embarrassing past incidents where this happened to me where it wasn’t appropriate. Luckily none have caused major trouble – and I guess looking back they’re hotter than the “fake” accidents.The first time was I...

4 years ago
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Wife Tales Dual Massage

As I was looking through the closet deciding what to wear to dinner, my husband reached over my shoulder and pulled out a dress he had bought for me some time ago.“Why don’t you wear this tonight?” He asked.It was a black halter dress that was cut almost to the waist in the front and completely open in the back to the top of my butt. I had tried it on a few times but never had the nerve to actually wear it. It was somewhat sheer although not completely see-thru.“You really want me to wear that...

3 years ago
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Massage To My Innocent Chachi

This story describes sex with my chachi. It happened when I was 20 years old. I, with my parents, went to my grandmother’s house which is in a village. My uncle also lives there. He is not much educated and run a shop. My chachi is illiterate and does house work. She has a son. She has got attractive figure. She has curvy waist with average size boobs and fleshy thighs. Her skin colour is whitish. She always wears saree. I was dying to have sex with her. When we reached there, we were made sit....

1 year ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 29 Leave

March 30, 2005 - April 2005 As soon as we were dismissed, the place broke into sheer pandemonium, as everybody tried to find their family members. I wasn’t even sure my family was there, so I ended up wandering around looking for a familiar face. I think the people who had it the worst were the spectators, since there were about a thousand of us all dressed alike and with the same haircut. Fortunately, I was a few inches taller than most and that made it a little easier. I slowly circulated,...

4 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 17 Conversation With a Cop

Gryllos had thought the night that the Gamelin came to tell him that he was to command the Heavy Weapons Company was the most exciting moment of his life, but this day was the same thing over again, only ten fold more than the other. He'd been having lunch with his officers when a messenger handed him written orders. "I'm sorry, sir, you have to read them quickly, then I'm to take them on to the next commander," Gryllos had been told. He read the two short paragraphs, and then reread...

4 years ago
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Kaise Mane Kunwari Badi Behen Ko Manaye Chudai Ke Liye Part 8211 2

Hello dear ap sabko mere salam maine phle ki bhag me kaise manaye aur choda badi behen ko to ummid karte hu ye bhi kahani aap logo ki pahle ki tarah achi lagegi aur mujhe mails bhi aayenge ye chudai ki kahani undino ki hai jab mene us rat didi ki chudai ki to kafi dino tak aise chalte raha roj he me didi ko chodta raheta tha to ek din me didi ko college chorne gaye tha didi ki college wo college girls thi isliye bahot sari larki friend thi ye sab sunder thi me high secondary school me padhte...

2 years ago
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Holiday with Mum chapter six

I went outside to breathe some fresh air and saw the girls walking arm in arm across the car park, wicked grins on both their faces."What're you two up to?" I laughed, but they just laughed and told me I'd find out later.I did too.At their request, I sat in the garden drinking a beer and thinking about my encounter at the bar while I rolled a few joints.I really didn't know how mum would react, when and if the gorgeous little teen did actually arrive with her girlfriend the following night, but...

8 months ago
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SheLovesBlack Aria Lee Paying for Rent

Having a housemate is fun, but it can be tedious when someone can’t pay their portion of the rent. Your patience for your beautiful housemate, Aria Lee, is running low. She has been spending a lot of money on shopping, but can’t give you money for rent. Three months of paying for her portion is enough for you, so you decide to confront the beautiful girl. Aria tries her best to come up with an excuse for her missed payments. After noticing that her excuses are not working, she comes...

2 years ago
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Hidden Lust Devoured

HI I’m Lin. Hope u liked my previous story {Sex With Older Colleague} Let me introduced myself to people who don’t know me I’m Lin 26 Average normal looking guy with a decent Weapon From Hyderabad (as this a real incident story might be long) Send your valuable comment & Feedback to This is another story of mine which happened in the month of September. I met this girl in my office we both joined together and we sat to gather and we causally started talking and then we started talking on phone...

4 years ago
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Following BBC home after the Gloryhole

My freshly converted sissy husband and I followed Aaron to his spacious home in the hills after the wild time in the ABS.When we got out of the car Aaron gave me a big embrace and a deep, wet kiss.He told us we were in for a great time as we entered his beautiful home.As Aaron mixed some cocktails he told my sissy to go get cleaned up, take a shower, and get ready for use. Off he went as I pulled out Aaron's delicious BBC stroking it as we sipped our drinks laughing.Aaron made a phone call as I...

4 years ago
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Dono Hath Laddu Ek Hath Priya Or Ek Hath Sonam

Hi friends, I am amar here age 24 .ye meri 2nd story hai friends I really like this site to share about our sex stories bhut acche acche response milte h chat karne bhut friends milte h maja aata h. Now me apne bare m kuch bta do waise to sab mujhe jante h fir v btana chahta hu. I m basically from Bhopal but now a days indore m job kar rha hu av 6 months hi hue h ye story tvi start hui jab me Bhopal s indore shift hone aaya. phle to mujhe room search krna tha jo k bhut time lene wala tha office...

1 year ago
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The Partnership aka Bad DeaconChapter 11

I tried to call Anne on Sunday morning, but the call went to voice mail. My guess was that she was pissed. My opinion was she would either get over it, or die pissed off. I was glad that I wasn’t too invested in Anne Corcoran yet. Later Sunday Anne returned my call. “Deacon you need to come to Jackson tomorrow and meet the staff.” “Okay I’ll try to make it around noon,” I said. “So give me the address.” The address turned out to be on Pearl street. It was in a classy older part of the...

2 years ago
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Mein neues Leben

Tag 0 (Samstag) Mein Name ist Frank Heinrichs und ich bin reich. Ich bin nicht reich geboren, sondern habe mir alles hart erarbeitet. Erst als Investmentbanker bei Goldman & Sachs und anschlie?end selbstst?ndig. Au?erdem hatte ich Gl?ck, das muss ich ganz klar sagen. Aber ich habe auch K?pfchen und den Mut meine Pl?ne umzusetzen. Nun bin ich 38 Jahre alt und habe 150 Mio. Euro auf der Bank. Ich gehe nicht mehr arbeiten, sondern genie?e das Leben. Frauen sind meine gro?e Leidenschaft. Das Ge...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 54

Allie was sitting alone in the living room when Adam came in precisely at 2:45 p.m. – a scene reminiscent of the night before. Sarah was nowhere to be found. "She heard you pull in, ripped off her clothes and ran to the bedroom," Allie said with a laugh. "You're not supposed to say a word to me, nor am I to try to entice you stay out here." She glanced down the hallway to the bedrooms. "However, I will just say that I would not be averse to giving you a nice long blowjob if you want...

4 years ago
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More Urges First Day of Sixth Form

The holidays were finally over and time to continue our education. Our choices were to either do our A levels at college or to stay on at school, moving into the sixth form and do them there. All six of us, with advice from our parents, made the decision to take the sixth form route, our first day had arrived. For the previous two weeks the six of us had been having sex every day. I’d spent most nights of that period sleeping with Issabella, at either of our homes and though we were...

2 years ago
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Helpful HannahChapter 3

I could hardly wait until the next time I got to help my brother. He has this weird psychological hang-up: basically, he can’t cum while there’s anyone else in the room. It’s really started to cause issues in his relationships, so I’ve been helping him out - not anything gross, just being in the room while he jerks off. And, of course, to make sure he feels comfortable, I’ve been masturbating as well - otherwise it’d just be weird, y’know? Anyway, while he hasn’t been able to cum yet - not...

3 years ago
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My Relationship With An Elderly Lover 8211 Part II

My live-in relationship with Shekhar at Kolkata was quite memorable and there was not a single day when we did not experience sex in all the ways possible. At the age of 55 years, Shekhar’s vigor and vitality was commendable. He possessed the stamina to satisfy me four to five times in a day. One fine Sunday, we had completed a sexual bout of around 1 hour in the morning, had our breakfast, went to the market and then had lunch. It was hot a humid in Kolkata and we both retired to the bedroom,...

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The plumber was nothing to look at short kind of fat ugly hair on his lip and he smelled like Ben-gay but his helper on the other hand was an a dream come true tall blond muscular with deep blue eyes I couldn't keep my eyes from straying to his crotch where a telltale bulge was visible...I knew the plumber thought I was a real woman but his helper kept stealing looks at me I suspected he was on to me even though I look totally hot as a woman and most times they can't tell some guys just...

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Jaipur Welcomes Me With A Punjabi Bhabhi

A warm regards to all the beautiful and amazing people out here. Life is crazy so are we, but in this race of competitions we tend to find few people who are just like you giving immense preference to life as it is right now this very second. I am Arjun, Punjabi Munda(hire me for my fun loving and erotic services) age 30 fun loving, broad minded, sensible well qualified & average built currently in jaipur with all the qualifications to pamper and take sweet care of a person willing to have...

4 years ago
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The Day He Finally Fucked His Sister

Amy picked up at a young age of the special way her brother looked at her. At first not understanding why, but as she grew older she soon realized it was her sexuality which caused her brother to treat her differently. She did what all sexually attractive women do, and that was to use her looks for her advantage. She would get her brother to do things for her like take her and her friends to the mall, almost anything she would ask for, he would do. Around the age of 16, she now had breasts a...

2 years ago
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Imperfect beauty

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek , 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

3 years ago
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Lunch Time

I could see the dust plume coming from a ways off. Eventually I could make out the rusty Ford pickup truck kicking it all up as it moved down the country lane. Glanced at my watch, after rubbing the dirt off of it, and sure enough, it was time for lunch. I stopped the tractor, and then turned it off. Right away the AC stopped in the cab. The rust bucket carefully pulled off of the road and then moved across the field that I was plowing under, towards me. The field was so fucking dry that even...

2 years ago
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An Early Return

You are alone in the hotel room, I had to leave for a several hours and told you I’d be back around 10:30. You didn’t want me to leave, but when I promised you extra special treatment when I returned, you graciously didn’t argue with me. After an hour or so you decided to draw a bath, and prepare yourself for my return. You soak and luxuriate until you feel as if your skin is going to slough off if you stay in any longer, and then rinse the suds off with the showerhead as the tub drains. I...

3 years ago
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Paid For Sex With Mother 8211 Part I

This happened few years back. I got admission in Engineering degree course in a college which was situated in the city famous for ‘dancing diva’ and ‘big redlight area.” Like other first termer I was also ragged . I fully cooperated with seniors and as a result intensity of ragging was at low level for me. Further they got impressed by my physique and keen interest in sports and exercise . I did not skip my exercise . Time passed soon. We visited our natives during puja & diwali vacation but my...

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Christmas Bet

It was Christmas Eve, just before midnight. Away from home for the first time, John and Ben, both 18, were just watching TV in the small old house they had rented on the outskirts of town. That?s all they could afford while going to university. They were a little bit high and joking around. Ben complained that his girlfriend was stuck up and wouldn?t even let him get to first base. ?She just pushes me away when I touch her tits. What kind of girlfriend is that? How can I learn anything that...

3 years ago
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Love Meat

I found this story on the web, it's not from me.She was prepared in the upper master bedroom of her owner's mansion under the guidance and care of two younger housebroken hand maidens, naked except for their collars and ankle bracelets.She was bathed in lightly scented water, her body shaven and waxed smooth only an hour before. They scrubbed her skin clean, tutting over each mark or the slightest speck of dirt or facial spot. Below them they could just hear the sounds of the many guests...

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