Only The Moon Could See free porn video

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Tank leaned on the bar, enjoying the feel of a cold bottle in his hand, the taste of beer on his tongue, and the friendly chaos of the clubhouse where he and his brothers went to unwind. Classic rock ‘n’ roll thumped and wailed out of the jukebox. Drunken laughter and the clack of pool balls echoed around him. Neon signs advertising every manner of alcohol decorated the walls, glowing in a riot of colors behind a haze of cigarette and cigar smoke.

Nearly half the chapter was here tonight. Eleven of his brothers, five of them in the company of their old ladies, plus a couple of unattached honeys lounging around made for a lively crowd and a full house. The booze would flow. Brothers would fight. Honeys would cozy up to whichever man seemed best suited to scratch their itch.

Just a typical Friday night for the local chapter of the Red Tide biker gang.

As taverns went, the Jokers Wild was not a large establishment. The furnishings were mismatched and well-worn. It was not easily found on Google search. The only indication of the business inside its walls were two wooden signs nailed to the front door of an otherwise unremarkable looking, two-story, brick building.

One displayed a skull and crossbones design, except the crossed bones were two assault rifles. The other was a warning to the foolish and the unaware. “No colors, no entry. This means you, mother fucker.”

Tank smiled into his beer and shook his head. And yet, despite that friendly warning, every once in a while, some ass hat with no sense of self-preservation would walk through the door. If they were respectful, one of the brothers would explain their mistake and escort them out. If they came in looking for trouble, then that too was on the menu.

“What are you grinning about?” Slider asked from the stool on Tank’s left side. He sat with his broad back against the bar. Salt and pepper beard hung almost to his belly, a stark contrast to the complete lack of hair on his head. Tattoos decorated every square inch of his bare arms, from knuckles and shoulders.

“Just thinking about those college kids that walked up in here last month.”

Slider through his head back in a burst of explosive laughter. “Yeah, well, they learned a valuable lesson.”

Tank took another sip of his beer. “And a few bruises. Some people just do not understand what 'not welcome' means.

The bell over the front chimed, a notification to all present that someone had walked in. Slider looked up. “Yep.” The old guy breathed. “And thank God for that.”

Tank heard the odd, almost awestruck tone in Slider’s voice. He looked up to see his brother staring wide-eyed at the door, mouth hanging open in the tangle of his beard, and turned around to see.

He felt his jaw unhinge as a long pair of shapely legs in a short skirt walked toward him through the haze. A tight, black dress emphasized the curve of hips tapering to a narrow waist, only to flare again over high, firm breasts. Silence trailed behind her like ripples in still water until the only sound was rock ‘n’ roll music and the click of heels on the battered hardwood floor.

Tank tore his eyes away from the neckline of that dress and the pale cleavage on display to look up, past the graceful lines of her neck and the gentle fall of thick, auburn hair, and over the soft swell of painted lips. She stepped closer through the smoke. Familiar, blue eyes looked up at him.

Tank felt a hard slap of recognition. “Kerri?”

“Hi John,” she replied, using his birth name. “Buy a girl a drink?”

From somewhere in the back, one of his brothers let out an earsplitting wolf whistle. “Baby girl!” another called out to a rumble of agreement from the other men in the room and a murmur of anger from the women.

Tank looked around the room, swallowing against a surge of protective anger. “Pipe the fuck down.” His voice carried across the bar. “This is my sister.”

A collective groan of good-natured disappointment filled the smoky air.

“You didn’t have to do that.” Kerri frowned up at her brother. “I’m not a kid anymore. I can take care of myself. You should know. You taught me how.”

“Yes, I did need to do that,” He growled. “You can’t just walk into a biker bar looking like…”

“Like what?” Kerri looked him in the eyes and arched an eyebrow in challenge. Her voice was challenging.

Tank struggled to find the proper words for a reply. They just piled up behind his teeth. “Looking so beautiful,” he managed.

“Oh.” A blush touched her cheeks. “Thank you, John.” Kerri smiled, but it did not reach her eyes. “I needed to hear that more than you could know.”

“Don’t that fucking figure,” Slider grumbled. “A woman as fine as you walks through the door and you're family. Damn the luck.”

He heaved a sigh, then vacated his seat at the bar and patted it an invitation. “Sweet thing, if you get tired of hanging out with your boring ass brother, I would be happy to buy you that drink.” Slider looked up at Tank and scowled. “How does an ugly bastard like you have such a smoking hot sister? You adopted?”

Kerri offered a smile and a friendly handshake to Slider. “Close. Step-brother. My dad married his mom when we were children.”

Tank was still staring at her. “Fuck off, Slider,” He replied in a distracted tone of voice.

“Yeah, yeah.” Slider grinned and winked at Kerri as he walked away.

“So, how about that drink?” she asked.

“Sure,” her brother replied. “Have a seat. Buzz, give the lady whatever she wants.”

“Tequila,” Kerri ordered she settled on the barstool. “And make it a double, please.”

Tank raised an eyebrow at her as he too settled onto his barstool and leaned on the counter.

Kerri shrugged. “It’s been a long night.”

“You want to tell me about it?’ he asked.

“Yes, but give me a minute, ok?” She made short work of the tequila shot and signaled for another.

“Sure,” Tank nodded. “Take your time, sis. I’m always here when you need me.”

Kerri blinked at him. He could not read the expression on her face. “I know you are.”

In truth, Tank did not object to a moment of silence. His thoughts were tangled and troubled. Smoking hot sister, Slider had said.

And she was, Tank now realized. He had seen her, all tits and legs, a woman in the prime of her sexuality, before his brain had time to recognize her as family.

My sister. My baby sister. He repeated the thought in his head like a prayer. As if by will alone, he could make himself forget what he had seen and felt at her approach.

In his mind’s eye, he summoned a memory of Kerri as a skinny tomboy with dirt on her face. Of having attended her wedding to Bradley, smiling until he thought his jaw would crack. Cheering as she graduated from college to begin a successful career as a trial lawyer. All the things a good brother did for his sister.

“Bradley and I are getting a divorce.”

“What?” Tank snapped out of his troubled thoughts. His hands curled into fists. Hard muscles rolled beneath the US Marine tattoo on his forearm. “If he hurt you…”

She laid a hand on his clenched fist. Her touch was gentle and cool against the heat radiating from his flesh. Logan stared at the contrast of her small, elegant hand and manicured nails laying on his large, sunburnt, battle-scarred knuckles.

“It was a mutual decision.” Her voice was calm, but Tank knew her as few ever would. He could hear the pain beneath the surface and knew that it ran deep. “Neither of us was happy, John, and I don’t want to go on living a lie. This is for the best.”

Tank took a deep breath and let his rising anger go. “I never liked that guy.”

She smiled. “I know.”

He looked her in the eyes. “And you never loved him.”

Kerri blinked at him. Undefined emotions swam behind her blue eyes. “How would you know that?”

Tank turned his hand over to wrap his fingers around hers. “I just know. I’ve always known.”

She took a deep breath and looked away, blinking rapidly. Kerri shook her head and looked down at the bar. “Life just doesn’t make sense, does it?”

“No,” He said. “No, it sure as hell doesn’t.”

Both of them seemed to realize that they were still holding hands. Both sat back and disengaged. Kerri cleared her throat and gestured to catch the attention of Buzz at the other end of the bar.

“I need more tequila. A lot more. Will you drink with me?”

“I would love to, sis, but one of us has to get you home safe, and I’m not about to drive drunk on a motorcycle with you on the back.”

“Fine then. We drive first and drink after.” She replied. “Hey, Buzz. How much for the whole bottle?”

Buzz glanced at Tank before answering. “I’m not supposed to sell liquor by the bottle.”

Kerri leaned forward over the bar. Poor Buzz was torn between looking into her pretty blue eyes or staring at her breasts, threatening to spill out of her little black dress. He attempted to do both.

“I won’t tell if you don’t,” She smiled at him. “Please?”

Buzz never stood a chance.





Stars wheeled overhead, shining brightly in the endless black of deep night as they stepped out of the Joker’s Wild. The moon hung large and full, softly glowing with blue radiance. Golden light and noise spilled out behind them. The door shut, muting the rock-n-roll to a rhythmic throb.

Tank looked over at his sister, at her blue eyes, so wide and vulnerable looking in the moonlight. “Ready?’

“Yes,” She replied. “Yes, I am.”

Tank walked over to his Harley and knelt to secure the liquor in a saddlebag. He threw a leg over. At a touch, the engine rumbled to life. He braced and held the bike steady.

“You’re not exactly dressed for this, ya know.” He tried not to think about her little black dress and how little of it covered her long legs while standing, much less straddled on the back of his bike.

“I’ll manage.”

The bike shifted as Kerri stepped up onto the footpeg and threw a bare leg over the seat behind him. Tank heard the rustle of cloth. He glanced in the side mirror.

For a brief, heart-stopping moment, a tiny triangle of black silk and lace was perfectly framed in his mirror as his sister lifted the hem of her dress to give her legs room to spread for the machine between them. He could see the plump softness of her sex cradled behind that thin cloth barrier and the flash of smooth, naked inner thighs.

Tank looked away, looked anywhere else. It didn’t matter. The image was burned into his memory.

Stop it! He told himself. Stop looking. Stop wanting to look. Tank wondered why his pulse was racing. He wondered if he might suddenly be sick.

Kerri twined her hair into a braid and then settled in, molding her body against his back. Tank stifled a groan as her hands slid around his waist, her naked thighs lay soft and warm against his denim-clad legs jeans, and her breasts pressed against his back. He could smell the scent of Jasmine in her hair.

“Where do you want to go?” he asked over his shoulder.

Kerri laid her chin on his shoulder. Her cheek brushed against his scruffy face. “Don’t you know?”

The only sounds were the distant thump of rock music, the hum of passing cars, and the chirping song of crickets in the tall grass.

“It might not be there anymore,” He replied. “Some things change.”

“Some things don’t.”

Tank took a deep, shaky breath, then nodded. “Alright, then. Hang on to me.”

She held onto him tighter. “Ready… when you are.”

Swallowing against a dry mouth, Tank nodded and guided his Harley onto the road. The engine purred, then roared as the bike got up to speed. Night wind tore at his hair and clothes, scouring his flesh and replacing her scent with the smell of earth and green.

The road twisted and turned in the glow of headlights. Tank leaned the bike into the turns, and his sister leaned with him. They moved as one; a perfect, unspoken union of flesh, machine, and motion.

Every mile carried them farther away from the lights and noise of the city. Vast stretches of farm fields, bathed in the blue radiance of the full moon, stretched from either side of a two-lane towards a shadowed horizon. Tank eventually slowed and turned left onto a tree-lined, dirt road. The only sound was the crunch of pebbles beneath the rolling tires and the rumble of the engine.

Tank found a break in the trees and gently maneuvered the bike onto a grassy field. Just ahead, a small hill rose above the surrounding landscape. On the crest of the hill was an oak tree rising, gnarled and ancient, toward a glittering expanse of stars in a black velvet sky.

A blanket of silence swept over them as he shut the engine off. Tank waited for her to dismount. Now that the engine was still, he could feel a slight tremble in her hands gripped tight around his waist.

“Ladies first, ” He prompted.

“I just…need a moment.” She gasped.

“Are you ok?” He tried to turn and look at her. Kerri reached up to his shoulders to prevent it.

“Yes! Fine. Really. I had just forgotten how much I enjoy riding bitch on a motorcycle. Just let me catch my breath.”

It was then that he caught the unmistakable scent of a woman’s arousal on the still air. Shocked laughter rumbled out of his chest. “Did you just…”

“Shut up!” she laughed. “Several times,” Kerri muttered almost too low to hear.

“Well…” Tank licked his lips and tried to ignore that scent or the painful swell in his jeans. “Not the first time that has happened. Just not…”

“With your sister?” she finished for him. “Yeah, well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me, big brother. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but I grew up.”

“I noticed,” He replied in a somber tone.

“Ok, I’m good. See you at the top!”

He watched as she climbed down, kicked her heels off, and ran toward the top of the hill, their hill.

Tank pulled the tequila out of the saddlebag and followed at a more hesitant pace. He found her sitting on the grass, staring out at the star-filled horizon. Blue moonlight bathed her in ethereal glory.

He sat and opened the bottle. They passed it back and forth in comfortable silence, listening to the rustle of the leaves swaying in the breeze, and the whispering echo of memories. The grass swayed around them in gentle, sweeping ripples.

Tank lay back in the grass. It was then he noticed something else swaying overhead. He looked closer at something lacy and dark hanging from a low hanging branch.

“Are those your panties?”

“Yep,” Kerri replied as she took another strong pull at the bottle before holding it out to him. “Drink.”


“To get drunk?”

“Why are your panties in the tree, smart ass?” he laughed as he took possession of the tequila.

“To dry out. Have you ever worn wet lace panties?”

“Uh, no,” Tank coughed. This was not a conversation he wanted to have, and he really did not want to think about his beautiful sister sitting so close with a wet pussy and no panties on. Or maybe he did want to think about it.

No, I don’t. He told himself even when he could not get the image out of his head.

“Well, take my words for it. It’s not fun.”

“Ok, I will.” He drank enough tequila in one go to make his eyes water.

“You will what, big brother?”

He looked at her. Kerri was leaning back on her hands, legs slightly open. There was a light of challenge in her eyes.

“Take your word for it.”


He thought he detected a note of disappointment in her voice and chose to blame it on the booze.

“I love it here,” she sighed up at the stars. “Always have. This was my safe place after dad vanished on us, and mom crawled into a bottle of gin.”

“I remember,” Tank murmured and took another drink.

She looked at him with a sober, serious expression. “I used to come here all the time after you joined the Marines.”

Tank clenched his teeth against a tightness in his chest. “Kerri, I’m sorry I left you alone with mom.”

She turned to look him in the eyes. “Don’t you be sorry. Don’t you ever be sorry for that!” She took a breath and went on in a gentler tone. Emotion choked her voice. “You’re the only reason we didn’t starve or end up homeless. You sent every dollar you ever made to us until…”

Tank offered her a gentle smile. “Until I was shot. It’s ok. You can say it.”

“Does it still hurt?”

He shrugged. “Not really.”

“Liar. Can I see it?”

“That’s kind of morbid, sis.”


Tank sighed and took another drink before setting the bottle down. “Fine, but don’t freak out, alright?” He lifted the edge of his shirt to his chest.

“Lay back.” Kerri crawled over beside him and gently pushed at his shoulder. “Let me get a good look.”

Tank did as instructed. His sister lay down beside him, resting her head on the one hand and stared at the play of shadow across his six-pack abs. “Damn, big bro. Work out much?”

He grunted a laugh. “Keeps me out of trouble.”

On his left side, smooth skin ended abruptly at a twisted knot of mottled, scar tissue. She reached out and traced fingertips over the ruined flesh. She looked up at him. “Can you feel that?”

Tank just shook his head.

“Turn over,” She said in a soft, vulnerable voice. “Let me see it.”


“Let me see it.” Big, blue eyes pleaded with him. “Please.”

Against his better judgment, Tank rolled over onto his stomach. He heard Kerri gasp. He had heard similar reactions before, but coming from her, it hurt more than the lingering pain of a broken body.

“Hollowpoint,” He explained. “Expands on impact. Bigger hole coming out than going in, unfortunately. “

“Oh my god, John.” She sobbed quietly. “I never realized… oh my god.”

Tank rolled over and sat up. Tears spilled down her face. Having nothing else to offer, he pulled his t-shirt off and handed it to her, revealing a tapestry of tattoos across his chest and arms.

Kerri made no effort to hide the tears or wipe them away. She just sat on her knees and held his shirt in her hands. “You almost died for us.”

“No.” He wasn’t going to lie, not to her. Maybe it was the tequila talking. Maybe it didn’t matter anymore. “For you. Always and only you.”

Her fragile composure shattered. Kerri fell on him, flinging her arms around his shoulders with desperate strength and letting herself break in his strong embrace. Tank held her and let her cry out the new pain and guilt of a failed marriage and the old pains that had lingered, secret and unspoken, through the years. Tears streamed down his face, and he felt no shame for it.

In time, she began to calm down. They held each other in silence, long after the last tear had dried. Holding her for the rest of his life would not have been long enough.

Kerri pulled back and looked at him with puffy, red eyes. She laughed and wiped at her face with his shirt. “I must look a mess.”

“You’re beautiful,” Tank replied. “You have always been beautiful to me.”

She blinked at him, the shirt forgotten in her hands. “Do you remember the last time we were here?”

He nodded. “You had just turned nineteen, and I was back from my first tour.” Tank swallowed. “I remember we almost made a big mistake that day. One we swore not to let happen again.”

“You swore.” Kerri took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. “John, I love you.”

“I love you too.” I love you too much. He thought to himself.

She shook her head. “No, John. I love you. I always have. You are the only man I have ever loved.”

“Sis… Kerri, I don’t…”

She laid a hand against his lips. “I don’t care about that. We are not blood-related. All I care to know is, do you feel the same way I do? Do you love me?”

“I…” He couldn’t do it anymore. His guilt and doubt flared and turned to ash in the heat of her confession. “Yes, goddammit. I love you! “

Kerri growled and shoved him onto his back in the grass. “Then stop treating me like your baby sister and love me, you hulking idiot!”

Before he could even consider protesting, his sister straddled him, bent over to cradle his head in her hands, and kissed him. Her lips were soft but very hungry. Eager moans vibrated in her throat as her tongue snaked out to probe at his mouth for entry. He relented to her need, to their need, and felt the first electric sensation of her tongue dancing with his.

Even through his jeans, Tank could feel the warmth of her bare sex, pressing against his growing desire. His hands reached up and behind to touch the forbidden glory of her perfect ass. Disbelief warred with desire as he peeled the hem on her skirt back to reveal soft, naked flesh to his touch.

“Yes!” She moaned into his mouth. “Touch me, John. Love me. I’m so fucking hot for you!”

“Damn, sis.” He laughed between kisses. “You got a mouth on you!”

“Fuck you,” She grinned.

He looked up at her. “Yes. Now, later, and forever.” Tank started to roll Kerri onto her back. She stopped him.

“Uh, uh.” She flashed her teeth in a naughty smile. “You always took care of me. Now I am going to take care of you. No argument.”

“Well, then.” He chuckled and lay back, resting his head on his hands. “Make your case, counselor.”

“Damn right, I will.” Kerri looked at her brother’s half-naked body and smacked her lips in anticipation. “God, you are a sexy beast!”

She rose onto her knees and reached down with crossed arms. A single movement stripped the little black dress off of her body. There was nothing underneath except luscious, eager female flesh. Her mons, like the rest of her body, was smooth and hairless.

It was Tank’s turn to gape in wonder. “Holy shit, sis. You are gorgeous!”

“Wait until you see what I can do with it.” Her eyes promised wicked wonders.

Kerri began to kiss her way down his body. Her lips and tongue explored across his neck and down over the rock hard muscle of his chest. Down to trace the shivering lines ofTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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The Last Full Moon

The cottage door closed behind her as the wind whipped down the side of the mountain. The trunks of the trees stirred and groaned, as though their sleep had been disturbed. It was late autumn and Charlotte felt the cold down deep in her bones. She wanted to turn around and go back inside, to just sit by the fireplace and wait for the morning. But she couldn't. There were no stars in the sky. A pale yellow moon drifted in and out of the clouds as they passed. A full moon meant danger, it...

1 year ago
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Cousin Waseem

Dear readers, you must have read many incest stories till date but I am sure you must have never come across a sister fucker cousin, like ours. Just read it and then give your comments. Actually, we belong to eastern Uttar Pradesh and live in a joint family. It may sound strange but we were 3 sisters,myself being youngest. After lot of prayers my youngest Uncle was blessed with a boy. My father and other uncles must have been inspired by this feat and thinking the fortunes will turn in their...

1 year ago
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Part 2 By Hardrive Several days passed since Danielle’s encounter with the police officer. She used that time she experiment with the Moon Stone and got to know how to use some of its powers. The alien’s gift was amazing and there was much more to learn, but she had other obligations. There were deadlines to meet and several photo essays to produce before the end of the week, so she tossed the stone in her sock drawer and went about her business. A few days later she was putting...

3 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 27

I was told when I finally woke up that I had been out for nearly five hours. Everyone wanted to be there with me when I woke up, but they knew the importance of the burning of the skulls. Lillian had stayed by me and told the others when I finally came to. I explained to them the meeting I had with Phaltina and that the curse had been released from the skulls when they broke apart. Kayla was a bit disappointed that she would not be using her mortar and pestle, but she was happier that I was...

3 years ago
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Fertility Moon

In a jungle far away in time and distance was a group of people who lived a simple life. They planted seeds by the moon and they planted seed in their women also by the moon. The priests had long ago determined the best time for c***dren to emerge from their mothers was in the fifth moon. During the seventh moon, fertility grass was harvested, one stalk in the number of fingers on two hands leaving other nine stalks to fertilize the grass that helped sustain them. This grass had fine...

3 years ago
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Einstein 3 Life on the Moon and an Early Departure

On the moon base, when you were on duty, things were expected to be totally professional. I, Bruce McCoy, will not say that sexual relationships did not show up at work, but when it did it was consensual, at least between sponsors. Many sponsors had their concubines as secretaries. Even so most people liked to keep the sex at home, including most discipline. When you were off duty, sex was everywhere. There was not much traveling to places because of the transporter pads. Once at any public...

3 years ago
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Hunters Moon Ch 01

Chapter One — Discovery Please be aware that the ‘Hunter’s Moon’ series of stories may involve minimal sex. I’m doing this as an experiment in writing. For those that are looking for strictly sex, this story is not for you, but keep reading if you wish. I would also like to mention that many of my ideas may come from other stories of varying media. So if you notice a similarity to another story it is usually by coincidence. So prepare to embark on the first chapter of ‘Hunter’s Moon’. ~~~~~ ...

4 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome final edit

"a bully took my backpack" he said through his tears. I smiled secretly I had faced a similar problem when I was his age. "Well I don't see why would do that" I told him. "You seem to be a very nice kid" he looked up. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I held out my hand to help him up. He took it, his soft skin felt amazing. I pulled him up. "What's your name?" I asked him. He hastily wiped away his tears "Cedric" he told me I let go of his hand "Well Cedric" I said still...

3 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome

His name was Cedric, he was thirteen had tan skin, dark brown wavy hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean, he had a girlish figure, and a soft voice, Cedric was always trusting, especially of me, I was like an older brother to him, I'm sorry I've gotten ahead of myself. My name is Yan, I am a German American with Blonde hair, eyes the color of Cyan, and a slightly muscular body, strong from years of track, now where was I? Oh yes. Cedric was always trusting of me; he looked up to me like...

2 years ago
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Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2b Rickys Halloween Surprise

Queen of Harvest Moon Part 2B By Angel The town of Harvest Moon was a very rich and connected town. In actuality, Harvest Moon belonged to a corporation and that corporation was footing the bill, as it were. Taxes in Harvest Moon were almost nil. Even the state tax was subsidized by the corporation, so all who lived in Harvest Moon kept most of what they earned. If you did your research you would find that the entire town's populace could be categorized in four parts: 1)...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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By Hardrive It was bitter cold and the fridge air hurt Danielle’s lungs. Every breath felt like razors ripping open her chest, but, in spite of the pain… she was forced to… take in large gulps of air… to satisfy her desperate need for oxygen. The struggle to the top of the ridge was exhausting. The icy terrain made the climb difficult, allowing her only a few steps forward for each step she slipped back. That was frustrating but she had no choice but to persevere and do everything...

2 years ago
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Teahouse Of The August Moon

The Teahouse Of The August Moon The Teahouse Of The August Moon was a very nice movie made back in 1956 staring Glen Ford, Marlon Brando, Eddie Albert, and Paul Ford. It took place after WWII on Okinawa. That was all that I could think about as I had my building constructed. My ‘Teahouse Of The August Moon.’ I had it all thought out and designed. I had an Oriental designer help me decorate and furnish it. It was going to be a romantic restaurant for couples only. By couples I meant...

2 years ago
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White Brides Horny Moon of Hell

my name is Jenny, and I am nineteen years old. I come from a good family and was one of those girls that was raised right. I guess it is a little ironic that I kept myself pure all while I grew up only to have it taken so filthy from me on the very night of my wedding which was suppose to be the start of my lifetime of respectability.It was still worth it to me that I stayed pure until my weeding night and earned the right to wear white for my walk down the aisle though. It pleased me how...

1 year ago
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Blue Moon

Laura Lee was 18. Well, two weeks from tomorrow Laura Lee would be 18. Having graduated from high school that year, she was aware that her future lay ahead of her, but she had no idea what that future would hold. She had been dragged along with her parents to visit her Grandma Mandy who lived way down in the Florida swamps. Grandma Mandy was 98 at the time and some say she was the family witch or shamaness. She found herself with nothing to do most of the time when she first got there. Her...

3 years ago
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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

1 year ago
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The Dark of the Moon A Sock in the Mouth

A Sock in the Mouth by Christopher Leeson Josette had a face and even a body like the old time troubadours used to sing about. Wow! That golden cascade, those swinging hips. I kept asking myself, "How can a nobody like me be so lucky?" and "How long can it last?" I was absolutely crazy about her, and who could blame me? She dressed the way I would have wanted any girlfriend of mine to dress - in mini- dresses and stiletto heels. The one worry I had that kept me...

3 years ago
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The Taking of the Moon Maiden Ch 03

‘She was a goodly woman and respected by most. She lived alone on the boundary between the McVörss and the Claire’s. People would come to her for curing potions and such. Then the fields closest to her cottage began to fallow. The harvest began to shrink. Whispers from both clan of witchcraft started. Both Laird’s tried to protect her, but fear does strange things to people. The fire began in the small barn and quickly spread to her cottage. One Laird risked his life to save the old woman, the...

2 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 45 Naughty Moon Rise Approaches

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Haunted Woods I trembled beneath Argil, fear flooding through me. The barguest, in his human form, had me pinned to the ground. I shook my head. I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Racing the Moon

Running fast. Running hard. Her arms are around my shoulders. The wind whips our hair into a mass of knots. It is cool enough our jackets feel good but not so cold as to give us an ice cream headache. We lean into the curve. The bike starts to drift just a bit. I crack the throttle to power us through the curve and to correct the drift. We race the full, bright moon. The moon is winning, although we are running a close second. The vibration from the engine makes its way through the soles of...

2 years ago
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Moon Phases

Moon phases.Six months earlier.It was at a beach party that Jack was turned. Someone, an acquaintance, invited him and a few bottles, to the dunes on the South Kentish Sea front near Dungeness.As usual, he drank a bit too much, but he was sure afterwards, that his drink was spiked. Certainly, he had a metallic taste in his mouth the next morning and a monumental headache, the like he had never experienced before. He was also quite photosensitive to the point of almost being blinded by the...

First Time
3 years ago
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Wish upon a moon

You get out of your car after a night shift that seemed to go on forever, your girlfriend gets out of the passenger side. It was nice having the same shift at the same job, even if the shift was over night. You're walking up the path to your house's front door when she stops you. "Gray, don't you remember? You said we could watch the super blue blood moon!" You look at her skeptically, "Explain what this is again?" Naomi sighs and elaborates, "It's a moon that's at it's tightest radius in orbit...

2 years ago
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Full Moon Rising

The werewolf drifted through the crowd of writhing dancers at the club, Gothic Noire and scowled. Although the moon had yet to rise over the horizon, he could already feel its power calling to his soul right through the brick walls of the club. I’ll have to find someone to fuck soon, or I’ll spend the next month locked in my wolf shape.In the smoked mirrors that lined the club’s walls, his eyes glowed a brilliant predator green, reflecting in the club’s low lighting. He turned his head,...

1 year ago
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Full Moon Rising

The werewolf drifted through the crowd of writhing dancers at the club, Gothic Noire and scowled. Although the moon had yet to rise over the horizon, he could already feel its power calling to his soul right through the brick walls of the club. I’ll have to find someone to fuck soon, or I’ll spend the next month locked in my wolf shape. In the smoked mirrors that lined the club’s walls, his eyes glowed a brilliant predator green, reflecting in the club’s low lighting. He turned his head,...

2 years ago
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

4 years ago
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Under the light of a full moon

Under the light of a full moon"Ahhh, Another full moon!" Thor moans looking up at the night sky and the glowing moon.He sits down on a stump and watches the fire burn. He occasionally tosses a stick into it and see it disappear into the flames. Leaning back against a log, he felt a swelling between his legs and looks down his body across his chest and six-pack abs. He sees the front of his pants bulging and smiles as he runs his hand across the bulge feeling the heat from it.He opens up his...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 15

We woke early and decided against having a morning meal, instead hoping to get on our way sooner. I collected my goods and made my way out of the inn with the others. I took Janet’s equipment as she was going to head to the carrier bird aviary to send out a message to her contacts. She would meet us at the stablemaster’s when she was done. Lillian padded alongside me and we were warmly greeted as we approached. “Hello, my friends,” he said warmly. “You are ahead of schedule, but I was able...

3 years ago
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Howling at the Moon

The branches and twigs whip against this alien body as I rush through the trees. My unnatural eyes see through the darkness of the forest, the trees blurring as they fly past, my claws sinking into their bark pulling me onwards. Your scent filling my nostrils, my muscled legs tear up the distance between us. The silvery globe above me flickering and dancing through the canopy of branches. Always seeming stationary, guiding me, and leading me on. This heart pounds within my chest, pumping fire...

3 years ago
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Howling at the Moon

The branches and twigs whip against this alien body as I rush through the trees. My unnatural eyes see through the darkness of the forest, the trees blurring as they fly past, my claws sinking into their bark pulling me onwards. Your scent filling my nostrils, my muscled legs tear up the distance between us. The silvery globe above me flickering and dancing through the canopy of branches. Always seeming stationary, guiding me, and leading me on. This heart pounds within my chest, pumping fire...

1 year ago
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Star ChamberChapter 21 Going to the Moon

On Saturday: 7:24 AM in West Seattle. Frank was going to wash that Alien ship. He had been wanting to do that all week. The buckets weren’t where they should be. The rubber gloves were also missing. As he exited the shelter Zeke was sitting on the steps, “How long have you been here?” “I couldn’t sleep, I got here at 6:35,” Zeke said “Let’s get you a cup of coffee.” Frank turned around, “Follow me.” When they got to the kitchen, Frank asked, “You got any money?” “Got a ten, five, and a...

2 years ago
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The Power of The Moon ch4

Sorry it has been so long since I have written about these two but Holidays are crazy!Grace and Matty's date had been perfect. He had been standing right outside her office building, with two cups of hot coco with way too many marshmallows on the top. They had walked through the park that was between her apartment and her office. It started to rain, and quickly turned into snow. Matty stood with his face turned up to the sky, letting the snowflakes hit his face as though he had never seen snow...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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How the moon was formed

Once upon a time there lived a lovely young planet named Earth. She was an attractive young lass, and many a planet tried to court her in her first billion years of life. Earth enjoyed hiking in the mountains and volleyball. One day, Earth was out for her early morning walk, in space, when she noticed a huge orange orb only a few billion kilometers away. She decided to go see what this monstrosity was. She flew her way there, this took her 40 years, but this is a mere blink of an eye for a...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Moon Phases

Six months earlier. It was at a beach party that Jack was turned. Someone, an acquaintance, invited him and a few bottles, to the dunes on the South Kentish Sea front near Dungeness. As usual, he drank a bit too much, but he was sure afterwards, that his drink was spiked. Certainly, he had a metallic taste in his mouth the next morning and a monumental headache, the like he had never experienced before. He was also quite photosensitive to the point of almost being blinded by the...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 24

“Please. Join me, Davik, I have been waiting for some time, knowing that you would eventually find your way to Retvan. We have a lot to discuss.” I turned to find Ruben’s eyes staring at me, signs of care and weariness in them, but a cold resolve behind them. He looked a bit thinner and a bit more haggard in appearance since the last time I had seen him, though he had been falling into a chasm when I saw him last. The beard, as well as the used and torn clothing, would not let anyone except...

1 year ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Codex 02 The Moon of Deznessuian

Author’s Note: People didn’t seem that interested in the last codex, so this will probably be the last one. I’m only submitting it because I already had it done. This is the history of the gem that Datoran gives Lyriena in chapter one. **** 69 years before the beginning of the current Age of Peace, the Moon of Deznessuian was found in a mine on the isle of Felara. Roughly the size of a chicken egg, it was found already cut, polished, and in pristine condition. The original miner who found it,...

3 years ago
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Under the Full Moon

A vampire can only reproduce on a Friday the 13th, under a full moon, and the female has to be a virgin. Passion, lust…love; it doesn’t matter the kind of fuck, as long as the female becomes impregnated. We’re prepared for it during our schooling, but it could happen at any age in our lives, provided we are sixteen or over, and that it’s the right date and moon cycle. Of course, we never get to choose who we fuck for the first time, it’s always the males who decide. My boyfriend planned to fuck...

2 years ago
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Chosen Of The Moon

In the distant past, the moon goddess Ama looked down upon the world of humanity, and saw countless women trapped by the will of men. She saw daughters passed over in favor of sons, denied their birthright and forced to marry as their fathers dictated. She saw wives ruled by their husbands, denied freedom and independence and confined to their homes. In each generation she heard the prayers of those women who wished to live their own lives free from men, until at last she was moved to act. One...

1 year ago
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March Moon

The sky stretched around them in a sheet of black midnight, the dim light from the half moon casting dull shadows that stretched longer as the hours passed. Rhia had been monitoring the hours by watching a cactus a few feet away, the night time shadow lengthening as time dragged.The crunch of the gravel behind her, and then the sound of one last, long inhale told her that Dean had finished his cigarette. This fact was confirmed when he came back around the front of the truck and leaned up...

3 years ago
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Drarry Neon Moon

I was listening to Neon Moon from Brooks & Dunn and because I’m nowhere close to a scene like this in my RP’s, I decided to write it myself. I haven’t written a store by myself in forever. I am using lines from the song in this!WARNING, it’s a sad and short Drarry one-shot, no happy ending. I might make a happy ending, because I do have an idea for...

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