Jessica 1 free porn video

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Jessica married her husband of three years, Michael, right out of

college. Their whirlwind courtship was happy and full of joy and

togetherness. After college, Michael got an excellent job with a large

corporation which enabled them to buy a good home in a nice neighborhood near

the city. They lived the life of the perfect couple. Until that fateful


Michael came home with an unusual frown on his face. Jessica greeted him

at the door, as usual, in sweatpants and a loose top. He grimaced a bit upon

seeing her.

"Hon, I'm afraid I have some bad news." he started the conversation

after he had dropped his attache and they moved to sit in the living room.

"The company needs to send me to Germany for six weeks to help complete a

project over there, and what with the budget cuts and all, I'm afraid you'll

have to stay here alone. I just can't take you with me." He looked sincerely


"Oh, Vo!" exclaimed Jessica, her heart falling at the news. They had

never been separated through their married life, short though it was to this

point. "Oh, why, hon y, why?" she pouted.

"Look, I'm Vot overjoyed about it either - But I have to do it. If I turn

this posting down, I'll never get anywhere in the company. It won't be so

bad, I'll call you every other day, and you'll see, mesix months will pass

very quickly. The company is advancing me ten thousand dollars to tide you

over until I +the bck, so you'll have Vo money problems."

He went on soothiftJessica's doubts through their dinner and quiet

evening afterwards. In bed, mhey had s r that was quietly satisfying to them

both. A few days later, Michael boarded the airport limo and Jessica waved a

tearful goodbye from their door. She spent the rest of the day almost numb,

in front of an unseen television set.

The next morning, Jessica was tidying up a bit around the house, dressed

only in her long nightshirt, when the doorbell rang quite unexpectedly.

"Who could that be?" she thought, puzzled. "Who is it?" she called out

from the foyer.

"Western Union, ma'am." came a voice from the outside. Jessica walked

calmly to the door and opened it. Three burly men forced their way iVside

before she could slam the door shut. Jessica gasped in horror. They were

dressed completely iV black, black trousers and black turtlenecks. They were

each in their late 30's or early 40's, large men over six feet tall and 200

pounds each. Her arms were grasped tightly and firmly by two of them, while

the third clapped a large palm over her mouth.

"It won't do you any govahave cream. The neighbors on both sides are

out. We've cut the phone line. So, if you cooperate, you won't get hurt. Now,

are you satisfied?" he hissed at her. Jessica, her eyes wide witciserror,

nodded slowly at him. Her heart was pounding. "Eric, Lars, get mestuff.

And be fast, we have to get out of here quickly." The other two men

surrendered Jessica's arms to the leader and quickly ran to her bedroom,

stuffing some clothes and makeup in to a small bag.

"We're going to make it look like you had to take a quick journey. And

you are, actually. Just not where they might think you're going." the leader

said to her as the two other returned. Quickly they pulled a large black

cloth bag from Erik's the bck pockets, and pulled it down over the woman, Vot

before Lars had handcuffed her wrists behifd her the bck and covered her eyes

with a blinding mask. The leader pushed a gag into her mouth. Jessica was

completely disorganized. She had no idea what was going on. The men roughly

picked her up and carried her out the door, one of them shutting and locking

it behifd them. She felt them carry her down the short walk and out to the

street, and then she was pushed/pulled in to the the bck seat of an obviously

large automobile or limousine. None life men spoke for several minutes as

the car pulled away from her home and headed away at a fairly high rate of

speed. At first, Jessica tried to keep track of where they were turning, but

soon found it impossible to tell, what with the blindfold and bag over her,

and the near-soundless environment iVside the limo. Suddenly, an icy chill

ran over her body.

"Ok, Erik, you do her first. Rryember the plan." she heard the still-

unnamed leader speak. Jessica felt the bag being removed from over her tody,

and she was pulled around on the car seat until her legs extended far out

into the middle life car and her hifdwas agaiVst the backrest of the huge

seat. She struggled, but could not loosen the handcuffs or move the

blindfold. Suddenly she felt the nightshirt ripped from her body. She

screamed through the gag, but the man only chuckled. He looked down at her

nearly prone, Vaked form.

Long, slender legs led to a pair of wide, but Vot too wide, hips. Her

femininity was covered by a fine patch of curly brown hair. A trim waist and

tummy led to what was perhaps Jessica's proudest asset. Her large breasts

seemed almost out of place on her otherwise petite frame. She had been

embarrassed when they first started sprouting while she was just in sixth

grade. Through junior and senior high, mhey continued to grow, until Vow she

went through life with a 37D bra size. They were perfectly conical, with

large pronounced areola and thick, prominent nipples. They heaved witc fear

Vow, mhe nipples erecting in the cool air, not through any sexual excitryent

that Jessica felt. Her slim neck and long brown hair framed an attractive,

though Vot extremely beautiful face. Around the gag her lips compressed.

The man named Erik quickly dropped his slacks. Jessica felt him reach

between her legs and probe her vagina, feeling the dry fingers invade her

most private areas. He wormed two fingers around and around, mrying to stir

her up. She squirmed at his touch, trying to move away, but found it

impossible as one lther man held her tightly by meshoulders. The next thing

she felt was a large, erect cock poking at the entrance to her vagina. She

tried to clamp her leg together, but could Vot. She felt a pair of hands grab

each ankle and slip some sort of smooth, cool rope around them and tie thry

apart to oppositr ends life car's interior width. The cock at her slit

pushed itself it slowly, and Jessica was aghast to find herself becoming

stimulated at this situation. Slowly, mhen faster, mhe cock began to pick up

speed, thrusting in and out, Vot roughly , but witc greater force than she

had ever encouraged with her husband. HER HUSBAND!! Suddenly Jessica froze.

What would Michael be able to do about this? He was 10,000 miles away. How

could he help? She groaned inwardly. She endured several more minutes life

thick male member invading her channel. Then, though the haze, she heard the

leader speak once again.

"OK, eVough already. Finish it off!" he said gruffly. Abruptly Jessica

felt the pounding stop and the penis was witcdrawn. She was puzzled. Seconds

ticked by. She though she could hear a light slapping Voise a few inches

away, and was completely at a loss. Then it happened.

SPLAT...SPLAT......SPLAT.......SPLAT.........SPLAT......SPLAT. Jessica

was horrified to feel the wet splashing on her face and cheeks. She could

taste the wet saltiness on her upper lip. "HE CAME ON MY FACE!" she thought,

shuddering at it. The whitr streams of Erik's ejaculate slowly dripped from

her, dropping slowly and wetly onto the upper slopes of her breasts. Jessica

had never, ever, allowed any man to do that. On occasion, she would perform

oral sex for Michael, and at his iVsistence, allow him to ejaculate in her

mouth, but always had a tissue ready to spit mesryen into. She thought it

distasteful and disgusting. And now, a complete stranger had ****d her and

ejaculated all over her face. She could feel herself blush and redden at the

thought. She felt, rather than saw, mhe flashes of light and Voise that

indicated a camera going off. "OH GOD, They've taken my picture!" she

thought, horrified.

She had 'll time for grief, mhough, as another hard penis was attacking

her, and again Jessica felt the tremors of excitement start to build. Her

vagina gave her away, slickly lubing the passage of the cock as it mhrust in

and out. Her clitoris began to quiver and quake, and Jessica allowed a small

orgasm to pass. The man Voticed it.

"Hey, BruVo, I think the titch just came. I thifk she's teginning to

like it." he grunted. "Now the leader had a name - BruVo." she thought.

Jessica wondered if this r****t would end the same way Erik had. She awaitrd

the sudden emptiness in her pussy, wondering when it would come. She didn't

have long to wait. Again, one second there was a hard, slick cock moving

quickly through her hot channel. And the next second it was gone. She felt

the presence of the man move up her body this time, and again heard the light

slapping Voise, but this time she knew what it was - the man was masturbating

to climax.

She waitrd - five seconds, ten seconds. Her breath caught. 20 seconds.

Then she heard a gruVt. "Oh fuck here it comes.." she heard the voice say.

Then SPLAT...SPLAT....SPLATSPLAT......SPLAT....SPLAT.....SPLAT the cum raiVed

down on her features again, mixing and mingling witc that of the first man.

This discharge was more copious, Jessica could feel the hot streams hitting

her distinctly. This one seemed to draw great pleasure from spraying his

semen on her. Jessica thanked Gvahfor the mask and gag, or she was sure her

eyes would be covered in it, and her mouth, awash. Even as it was, she could

feel it pooling around her lips where thry encircled the ball gag. The sperm

dripped down each cheek and her chin and slowly dribbled down her forehead.

She knew it was even in her hair and ears. Jessica groaned again.

AgaiV, mhe flash of a camera jolted her the bck to reality. Now they had

pictures lf her witc two suy weessive discharges of sperm on her. The third

penis began it's work. This one was larger than the other two, larger than

any Jessica had ever felt. It pushed it's way roughly into her being,

thrusting and bulling towards her stojoh. Jessica felt waves of revulsion

begin to roil around her as the reality of her situation struck her. She had

been k**napped from her home, assaulted repeatedly in a car, and was being

driven Gvd knows where. Her husband wouldn't even kVow about it until at

least tomorrow night when he called, and even then the fact that that phone

had been cut off may not alarm him at all. Jessica shuddered.

This time, the cock did not last long. "Rrmove the gag." a voice said.

Hands quickly pulled the device from her mouth. Jessica drew in a deep

breath, tasting the rapidly cooling semen from her two r****ts. She

momentarily forgot that the cock had just withdrawn from hr c Before she

could close her mouth in alarm, mwo great jets of sperm flew into it, choking

her with surprise and alarm. She quickly clamped her lips down. "Don't

swallow." the voice hissed in her ear. Jessica had Vo intention of doing

that! Strangely, Vo more sperm landed on her. "Open up again." Jessica

didn't move her lips. "Open up." This time, Jessica felt a cold round tube

pressing into her side, just below her armpit. "cameGOD A GUN" she quaked. She

slowly opened her lips. A small pool of white f quid t ow at the base of her

jaw. She waited. Then, in quick suycession, three jets of sperm flew from

the cock held just inches from her mouth, and splattered Voisily into her

mouth and lips. Others dripped and dropped onto her face. It seryed like the

man would never finish. Jessica counted s ven complete streams of sryen

flying into her mouth and face.

"OK, now hold it like that. One more for the picture album. " Jessica

felt a stong hand grasp her jaw, holding her mouth open. The camera whirred

and clicked, flashing away in the dim light of the car. "Now swallow. And

learn." Bruno said. Jessica shook her head, mumbling "No, no, don't make me

do that" as best she could. The gun barrel pushed farther into her side.

Jessica realized that these people meant what they said. She closed her lips

and tilted her face down. She felt me-sperm pool at the front of her mouth.

Then she steeled herself, and swallowed. It didn't all go down the first

time. She had to swallow again. The liquid tasted salty, slightly bitter,

like strong starchy seawater. Jessica reddened and blushed again.

"God. Get used to it. It may be thr staple of your diet for a while."

The men laughed. Jessica groaned to herself. What was she in for? And would

Michael ever find out?

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Jeff and I were laying on the bed recovering from him giving me a good fuck. It had been about twenty minutes of erotic and exotic sex. I always like the ‘afterglow’ after a good and physical fuck. The heavy breathing and the rapid heartbeat all contribute to what makes an ordinary fuck special.“That was great. Do you realise we have been doing this now for over two years and every time, it seems to be better than the last time?” Jeff told me.“I couldn’t agree more it has always been good but...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Andrea finds her natural place in life

Andrea's, English, 18 and exactly 5 feet tall with natural long blonde hair, stunningly beautiful, with blue eyes and the most fantastic slim shapely figure. She had just finished her final year at school gaining three "A" Levels and looking forward to university, when her life was changed forever. Although Andrea excelled academically at school her real ambition was to be an Olympic athlete and, although she was good at athletics, her lack of inches gave her an obvious disadvantage over the...

4 years ago
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Summer of Cougars 4

It had been a couple of days since I saw Judy. I did bang the hell out of Camilla a couple of times yesterday. But had not heard from Judy who was away at a conference until tomorrow. I was laying on my bed freshly showered after a long hot day out working when I got a text from a number I did not recognize. “my name is Mimi, I am Judy’s friend. She thinks we should fuck each others brains out” I replied.“hi Mimi are you in the club?”Her reply.“Yes. recently divorced, finally settled into my...

4 years ago
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Mallies One Night Plan

Marie looked at her frame in the mirror, still surprisingly pleased at the image of the sexy woman staring back at her, and adjusted her impressive tits so that they protruded just a bit more from the top of her revealing blouse. Forty-four years old last week, a young widow less than fifteen months ago after she returned home from work as an administrator at the local college to find her husband, eleven years her senior, sprawled out on the floor, passed into eternity from a sudden massive...

2 years ago
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Sneha8217s Pregnancy Quest

“You are joking, right?” Sneha said with a hint of uncertainty. Her eyes darted left and right, eyeing the two men seated in front of her. The man on her right failed to meet her eyes. The man on the left leered at her. “Honey, we can try again. Couples never get it right the first few times. Maybe the pills will work now,” she pleaded with the man on the right. He shook his head. “Sneha, it’s my fault. I am not…,” he trailed off, unable to speak the words into existence. “At least, we can...

3 years ago
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Seduced My Sexy Maid

Hello friends mera naam bunny hai aur mai mumbai me rehta hu ..Ye meri pehli story hai so koi mistake ho jaye to uske liye sry mumbai me kisi bhi ladki ya aunty ki chut ki pyaas bujhani ho to mujhe contact krna mera maid id hai: pehle main apne baare me bata du mera lund 5 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai aur iss kahani ki heroin wo maid uska naam ashwini tha aur uska figure 32-28-34 hoga dikhne me thik thak thi jyaada gori nji thi but fir bhi sexy thi wo hamesha salwar kameez pehenti thi aur...

4 years ago
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The African soldier was humping away while he made me stand in the corner and look. As he got closer to coming, he suddenly stopped and asked "You want me to knock her up or do you wanna be a rubber for my load". I stood there dumfounded. My wife, panting heavily from his fucking her, spoke as best she could."Gasp! ... I told him ... Gasp! ... about you sucking ... Gasp! ... pussy clean before... Gasp! ... to keep ... Gasp! ... me from getting ... Gasp! ... pregnant... Gasp! ... Sucking him...

3 years ago
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An Office Surprise

My shifts at the restaurant had been cut, and, needing money, I joined a temping agency. My CV for office work is pretty poor, no typing skills to speak of, so I was pleasantly surprised to get a call from Claire at the agency late on Friday afternoon. “Hi Molly, I’ve got you some work for next week. It’s just filing and photocopying, but if you make a good impression they might find more for you to do.” She gave me the company name and address, and wished me a good weekend. Monday morning...

3 years ago
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Divorced wife After the First Date

***To get caught up, you will need to read the first segment titled: My First Day Divorced and the second segment titled: Divorced wife goes on her first date after divorce. This segment picks up where the last one left off***********The next morning, once I was finally able to get to bed in the very early hours of the morning, I kept hearing my phone ding. But I was ignoring it, mainly because I was tired from being out all night. And two, I knew who it would be. I mean come on, we all know it...

1 year ago
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Dog LoversChapter 9

The room had begun to spin for Carol... and had yet to stop! In the center of the whirlpool she saw the abominable grinning mouth of Ed White opening and closing as it seemed to come closer and closer to her! "You fainted on me, kid," his gruff voice came down to her. She saw then that she was stretched out on the couch and that she was covered by her negligee now draped carelessly over her. The white-haired man was on his knees beside her, a glass in his hand, and she could taste the...

4 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 3

Present – Liz and others – at the cabin command center After Jens dropped the bombshell about wanting to get married at the campsite tomorrow, I called together the team and we went to work. Unfortunately, Maria couldn't help because she had some medical issues with her pregnancy and we had an ambulance take her to the hospital in Denver. With Maria out of action, I appointed Gretchen as my assistant and as a team we came up with a whiteboard list of what we needed to make the wedding...

3 years ago
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Sancta Sara 4 Regina2

After her first ever anal fornication, while she is in sexy sixty-nine with novice Lauren I take nun Regina's Holy Confession, which she whispers in my ear, as she sits at my lap:"I had such a dear dream about Father Peter last night. I was the chosen nun and you were very gentle but firm as your gift of life filled my womb and the other nuns had to wait.""I congratulate you on your spirituality and talent for pre-vision: you are completely right!You and I will be busy all Eastern weekend...

2 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 9 The Fifth Commandment

As soon as Lucy arrived home from school, she knew that something was wrong. There was an atmosphere in the house. Something had happened. She glanced anxiously at her mother and saw that that she'd been crying. Her face was flushed, and she wouldn't look at Lucy directly, and so Lucy was anxious. "What is it? What's going on?" Lucy demanded, but her mother would only say that Lucy should go see her father. He was in his study. That's what she kept saying over and over. He was in his...

2 years ago
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Lost Days

I woke up with a fuzzy feeling that not everything was right or real. I sat up and realized that this room was strangely unfamiliar, there was nothing that I recognized about it at all. I climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom but it wasn’t where I expected it to be, but then I didn’t know where I expected it to be. When I found it I discovered an unfamiliar but used toothbrush and an almost depleted tube of toothpaste along with shaving gear that I didn’t recognize. I stripped off,...

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My wifes six

Andrea and I took a weekend getaway ,just the two of us. It was my idea so I told her anything goes, I was hoping to get to watch her have sex with some big cock dude but she took " just the two of us literally". She was already dressed when I got home from work, since it was warm and we were heading to the mountains she decided to wear her bib overalls. Before you think that's " Hillbilly" these overalls are shorts, very short ones. They have tiny cuffs on the legs and they just barely cover...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 12 High School

September 1970 Tammy and I were friends for the rest of the school year, although we broke up when summer hit. With Tammy I had to start buying condoms, since she wasn’t on the Pill. It was worth it. She had a seriously nice set of tits and an ass to die for. Still, while we were ‘friends’, it never seemed to me to be a permanent thing. I always had the feeling that she was interested in someone else, but I couldn’t figure out who. It turned out to be my buddy Randy Bronson, who had been...

4 years ago
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My sexual life first experience

My desire of sex has been always extraordinary high since I saw my father's fucking my mom. I remember I was in a very young age then,and I can't fall  asleep that night,because I kept hearing moans and screamings from my parents bed room. So I walked into the room without knocking,and I was totally astounded at what I saw that time. There's not much light,but I can still see my father kept moving on top of my mom's belly,I even saw his large,thick dick! (I used to have bath with my father and...

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The Other Side of Me Part Twelve

The Other Side of Me - Part 12 by Limbo's Mistress It turned out that shopping with Katie was as much an eye-opening experience as cheer practice. When we arrived at the mall, a two-story monolith to consumerism I instantly recognized from my own dimension, I parked the Jeep near the entrance to one of the end anchoring department stores. My original thought was that we would run into the galleria, pick out a dress for Katie to wear to her dance, and then zoom back home. According...

1 year ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 42

For months, the tactic of leaving the car at Shae's studio and taking the subway on into Manhattan had worked well for Dave, but it was built around the idea that Shae was going to be there anyway. While she had business to deal with at the studio, she also had other business downtown at the WSN office. After considerable discussion, they'd agreed to leave the car at the studio as usual, and she would take the subway on into Manhattan when she'd dealt with the issues there. Dave had no...

4 years ago
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Whoring for Charity

I slowly massage my body with lotion making sure that my skin is as soft as can be. I massage it into my breasts rubbing them tenderly pinching my nipples and rolling them between my fingers and moaning softly. I feel hot breath on my neck as he comes up behind me. Then his lips press against my skin and his fingers slide down my hips until they hit my pussy lips. One finger strokes my lips in soft circles as the other hand opens my up and then his fingers are pinching my clitoris and making...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Jungles of AwanilChapter 10

The banging on the door wouldn't stop. Gavril was too groggy to figure out for a minute why someone wouldn't get the damn door until he realized that he was on a couch in a "lovely" suite and he was the low man on the totem pole. He struggled to the door and flung it open. "What?" he bellowed. The waiter cringed. "Ah, your breakfast, sir," the timid man said. Gavril pointed to the middle of the room and stormed off to the other, unused bedroom, hoping there was a toilet somewhere...

3 years ago
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The Least She Could Do Part 3

 As we kissed, he continued to lick and lap at her cum filled pussy, and I could feel the tremors of arousal run through her body and knew she was going to come again. I was doing my part, kissing her and cupping her breast in my hand, tweaking and teasing her hard nipple, and when she came she moaned into my mouth, her hand finding my exhausted sex and gripping me tightly, her fingers curled behind my balls.When her body began to relax following her orgasm, we both looked down at Mitch’s big,...

Wife Lovers
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CHAPTER 4: The next morning was another first. They shared a shower and much more …In Jake’s truck on the way back to the hospital where Bobbi’s cruiser was still parked, he suddenly veered toward downtown. He asked for the best breakfast place in the town with sweet rolls for sale. Bobbi shifted in the seat, jerking her service belt a bit to allow more movement. “Breakfast I understand, but why the sweet rolls?”“When we walk into the hospital together, I want to be able to say I took you to...

4 years ago
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My perfect morning

I wake up finally, refreshed from a night of love making. I remember the night fondly. In my arms is my lover, Kelly. As I hold her I admire her perfect body. She stands 5'6" and is about 120 pounds. Kelly's short brown is died blond with purple red mixture in the front. Her breasts are perfect: small and perky. However, Kelly's best feature is her bum; round and perfectly heart shaped. Fixated on her, I begin to get hard. She feels my arousal against her bum. She giggles and rolls over....

Straight Sex
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Calliopes Daddy

Dressed in a slutty school girl costume, Callie took to the stage. The heavy bass of the music pounded out the rhythm as she bumped and gyrated down the narrow runway between club members. She blew out her bubblegum until it popped loudly and winked at a regular patron before skipping back to the pole in the centre of the dance area and began a nasty series of moves, grinding and humping against the big pole.Though nineteen, she looked the epitome of a naughty school girl and had many fans...

1 year ago
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Modern Mage A Hunters Dilemma

Gabriel Roarke had been a Hunter for over a decade, ever since he recovered after his family was attacked by a Vampire. To be more precise after that creature had killed his parents and then turned his sisters forcing Roarke to kill them if he wanted to live. He had spent six months in a hospital recovering from physical injuries he’d received from surviving that night and cleaning up the mess so that he didn’t go to jail for murder. He didn’t tell the police or the doctors, nurses and...

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