Lynn, My Loving Little Sister Pt.1 free porn video

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With each eye searing flash of lightning, and mind numbing concussion of thunder,Lynn gripped my hand tighter and screamed for me to pick up the pace.

"Sweetie,it's no use!" I yelled at her,over the buffeting wind. "We don't have any choice! We have to stop! Now!" She and I were still about two miles from the Commune and I knew we would never make it back in time.

"Not here!" Lynn begged "Anywhere but here! There's that old barn up the road. Maybe if We..." her next words were inaudible,because the Nor'easter had finally overtaken us.

"Come on! Time's up!" I called over my shoulder and pulled her along behind me. Back to the gates of the old cemetery we raced,but in the few dozen yards it took for us to reach them,we were soaked through to the skin,and what had been a dirt road,quickly turned into a river of mud beneath our feet.

"Thank God they're not locked!" I shouted "Follow Me!" Without really giving her an option I continued to drag her in my wake,but when Lynn saw my destination she froze. There was no time left to argue,so I scooped her up into my arms and carried her the last few paces.

"I don't wanna go in! Please,don't make me! Please?" she cried.

Lynn's face pressed against my neck and I could feel her body trembling with fear as I stood on the steps of the mausoleum. It's ancient,crumbling stone walls wasn't my first choice of places to be either,but as the old saying goes "Any Port in a storm"!

Steeling myself against what I may find inside,I raised my leg and kicked as hard as I could just beneath the lock. The door was so rotten that the wood splintered under the fo rce of my blow and swung open,it's rusty hinges screeching in protest.

"Oh Cary,I hate this place! I don't care what Preacher said,We should have left the market sooner!" She whimpered to me,as I carried her over and gently sat her down on a stone bench.
We had spent the day in town at the Farmers Market,selling our produce,and altho she may have said it,neither Lynn nor myself wanted to face Preacher's wrath,by leaving too early!

Lynn looked so pitiful sitting there,with her knees pulled up to her chest, rocking from side to side. Her long,blond pony tails hung limply,shedding water,and the whites of her big blue eyes were blo od shot from crying. To top it off, her skinny little legs were spattered with mud,from her bare feet all the way up to her knees.

"What are You smiling at?" she grumbled. "I want to go home! I want Becky!" Becky is Our oldest si ster.
"What? And miss out on all this?" I laughed while motioning around me,then I went over to close the door.
"NO!" she exclaimed,jumping up and running over to stop me. "Don't You dare! It's bad enough just being in here,I don't want to be in the dark too!"

She was pulling the door back open when a gust of wind,accompanied by freezing rain,almost knocked her off her feet.
"Cary,what are We going to do?" she wailed.

"Well,there's always "The Gate Keepers" shack. Want to give it a try?" I asked,hoping she would agree.
"Are You k**ding Me?! That place is worse than this!"
"No it's not! Plus it will be a lot warmer! And it will be drier than if we stay here. I swear!" I yelled as more sleet blew in. "Come on! Let's go!"

"No!" But the storm's sudden v******e made Lynn's mind up for her when we were both thrown to the cold,stone floor. Lightening had struck the oak tree that grew mere steps away from where we hid,and before I could sit up and get my feet back under me,Lynn had taken off! Out into the approaching night.

Regaining my footing,I bolted after Her through the ruined door! It was all I could do to catch up with her,but eventually I did,and together we ran,hand in hand,deeper into the heart of the grave yard.

When we finally got to the 'Gate Keeper's' shack,Lynn was frantic,because the door was locked and no matter how hard she slammed her shoulder into it,the lock held firm. Looking around us,I found a shovel resting against a moss covered headstone. Picking it up,and jamming the spade between the door and it's frame,I threw all of my weight against the handle,but to no avail. It took Lynn and I both,pushing and pulling together before the latch gave way,and when it did,We tumbled over the threshold,landing in a heap on an old,tatty rag rug.

I laid there,on the floor,catching my breath,but Lynn was having none of that. She scrambled up,shut the door and propprd an old stool against it to keep it closed.

"Get Up!" She exclaimed and stomped her tiny,bare foot next to my head.
"Oh,God! This Is Worse than the mausoleum! Look!"

"Aww,Shit!" I exclaimed when I saw what she was pointing at.

There,pushed up against the back wall,was a cot,and laying atop it was a suspicious looking lump. Fortunately,whatever it was,was covered by a faded,moldering patchwork quilt. Crawling over to the bed,I told Lynn to look away then lifted a corner of the covers just enough to peek underneath. My audible sigh was evidence enough to let her know that our fears were unfounded.

"No dead body?" she asked.
"Not unless there's a mouse,or some other critter,that's passed away in there. It's just a pile of old coveralls and a couple of blankets,Sweetie."

I climbed to my feet,looked around and found a box of matches on a shelf. Climbing to my feet,I gathered together a few pieces of wood from the bin,and quickly got a fire started in the ancient,rusty pot-bellied stove.

"You'll be warm in no next time,but we really should get out of these wet clothes. Here." I said,and tossed her a pair of the overalls. "Put those on."

"No way! I'm not wearing those wretched things! You can,but I'm not." she announced and began unbuttoning her dress. I watched her and smiled as she removed the sodden garment.

I had never seen Lynn,or any other girl for that matter,naked before,and even though she may be my little si ster,I could feel my dick beginning to get hard.
I couldn't tear my eyes off of her! I was mesmerized by the water as it dripped from her hair,and fell onto her pale,flat chest. It was then that I became aware of the two,nickle sized patches of light pink skin,which surrounded her hardening nipples.

She stood there,smiling back at me,with only her wet panties on,and motioned for me to get undressed. When I didn't move,Lynn said "Oh,honestly,Cary. I'm Your little si ster,for crying out loud. If We're going to keep warm,we need to get under a blanket and cuddle! Hurry up! I'm freezing!" To emphasize her words,she pointed out the goose bumps pebbling her arms and legs,then to both of her hard little nipples.

I guess I wasn't fast enough for her,because she stepped in front of me and began tugging on my shirt tail until she had pulled it over my head. But I fought with her when she tried to take off my pants.

"Stop it,Lynn,I'm not wearing any underwear!" I told her,and despite everything she started to giggle.
"It's not funny,damnit! I was late this morning because Jimmy hid them from me again,and since I didn't want Preacher to give me another beating for not making it to Meeting on time,I had to get dressed without 'em!"

"I'm sorry,Cary. I promise I won't look. See? I'm turning around. But we still have to cuddle to keep warm,You know. What if I accidently touch know... What if I touch "It"? Whatever will You do?" She teased.

Utterly embarrassed,I held my pants in front of my package,and was crossing the floor to hang them over a peg on the wall,when the tempest without unleashed it's full,unfettered fury upon us!

Glancing out the window,I watched in horror as lightening struck one of the granite monuments and leaped from headstone to headstone,burning it's way through the plot where we had stood only a few minutes before!

I'm still not sure if it was the accompanying explosion of thunder or the hammering wind,but our hovel shook violently,like it was in the grip of a giant hand and the door burst open!
I could barely hear Lynn screaming "Help Me!" and was still trying to blink away the bright green and purple spots that filled my vision,when I felt her press up against my back. "We have to get that door closed!" she shouted,her voice filled with panic. "For God's sake! Help Me!"

Together,we pushed the heavy,rough hewn table across the floor,securing the door which now partially hung off it's hinges. Yet by the time we finished,the damage was done. What little warmth there had been was gone. Leached out into the night,and a coating of freezing rain covered almost everything in the room. Including the two of us.

Hurrying back over to to the pot-bellied stove,I opened the door and loaded as much wood as I dared into it. Opening the dampers,to warm the room back up,I cringed as sleet and ice cold air continued to rush in through cracks that spiderwebbed the walls. But Lynn solved that problem by covering as many of them as she could with the moldy quilt and dirty coveralls that had been on the bed.

"Remember to save a blanket for Us!" I reminded her,and hoped she couldn't hear the tremmor in my voice.

Walking back and sitting on the edge of the bed,she began crying again.
"Oh,Cary,no-one knows where we are,and Preacher isn't going to send anybody looking for us! I hate this place! We shouldn't be here! I'm scared,Cary,and I want to go home!"

"Listen,if that old Bas tard wants his money,he had better send someone looking for us! If He doesn't? I may end up burning his profit trying to keep You warm!" I motioned for her to stand back up and pulled the last blanket off of the bed. "Here,wrap up in this and stand next to the stove. You'll feel better. Promise." I told Her.

"Cary? I'm so scared." she whispered. "What if all those stories are true? I don't care what You say. I know this place is haunted! I can feel it! Everybody says it is,so it must be true! I don't want to die!"

"Who is this 'Everybody' you're talking about? Sweetie,there is No Such Thing As Ghosts." I assured her.

"Yes there is! All the older girls,and sister Betty along with brother Rodger say it's true! Even Preacher won't come here! He doesn't like this place either! It scares Him!" She said while opening the blanket,then she pressed against me and wrapped it around us.

I had momentarily forgotten that I was naked,but feeling the touch of her bare skin against mine made me uncomfortably aware of the fact. Trying not to think about it,and praying that my dick didn't get hard again,I said "Listen,Sweetie. Those two old fools would believe it if Preacher told them that the world was made of fudge and the oceans were filled with Unicorn piss!"

At least I got a little smile out of her. Then she sneezed on my chest.
"Gross!" I laughed and reached for a corner of the blanket to wipe it off.

"Cary,I have to go pee." She said and tears slid down her cheeks again.
"Well,You can't go outside. Not yet anyway. Why don't You go pee over there,in the corner. You can use that old gas can."
"But there isn't any toilet paper!" she wailed.
"Then don't wipe! It's ok. I won't mind. Honest."

She slid out from under the blanket,then stopped,touched my arm,and looked up into my eyes. "Are You going to watch me pee?"
Oh,God! I hadn't thought about that,and now that I did,my cock started getting hard again!

"I won't watch! I Promise."
"But what if I want You to? I mean. I've seen Your "thing",don't you want to see mine?"
"Damn,Lynn. You know I do! Would You really show it to Me?" I managed to ask.
"Sure! It doesn't have all the extra stuff that yours does. It's just a slit with a little bump at the top of it,but Becky told me I have a very pretty one! She calls it a 'Pussy'. Cary? What do guys call their things?"
"Uh,'Dicks' or sometimes 'Cocks'. It means the same thing really. But I thought about calling mine,'Ned'." I luaghed.
"What about those dangly things that hang down underneath?"
"Those are called 'Balls',but some people call them 'Nuts'."
"Oh. Do You have a name for those too? Ok,I'm going to pee now. Kneel down so you can get a good look!" she said,and I did.

The storm was nothing but background noise as I concentrated on the sound of her pissing into the old gas can. To me,it was like music,and there was a very pleasant smell that,for some reason,made Me slightly light headed!

"Do you want to see it closer?" Lynn whispered. "I'll let you,but only if you show me your dick again."

She jumped up and ran over to the bed. "Let's move this over by the fire. It's still really chilly in here."
Chilly? I hadn't noticed. Hell! I thought it was getting hot! In fact,I was beginning to sweat!

I heard Lynn's gasp when I stood up and she saw my hard cock jutting out in front of my groin. Like me,it was actually the first time she could remember seeing the genetalia of the opposite sex.

I shoved the cot as close as I dared next to the stove and added another piece of wood.

"Cary? It's awfully dark in here. Didn't You find a candle earlier? Would You light it? Please? I'm sorry but I'm still really scared of the dark."
"Why? I told You that I would protect you! Nothing! And I mean Nothing will hurt You as long as I am around!" I smiled at Her,and showed off my work hardened biceps.
"Those won't work against a ghost! And what about the Vampires?!
"Vampires?! Please don't tell me you..."
"All the Girls do! Especially the older ones! Tracy told me that She met one in New Lebanon! But She said that He was a 'Good Vampire'. He only drank blo od at certain times of the month."
"Lynn,Sweetie,Why would You worry about Vampires?"
"Because! Their favorite food is the bl ood of a Virgin!" She exclaimed and slapped my shoulder "And I'm still a Virgin!"
"So what? I am too! Tell You what. If a vampire showes up,and Somehow manages to get in here,uninvited...I'll shove this," and I held up a long sliver of wood "Into it's heart and chop it's head off! How's that? Now don't worry. Do You still want to show Me Your Pussy? It's ok if You don't."
"I do! But I'm still scared!" she said, raising her voice.
"Because! I'm Bl eeding!" She broke down in sobs and showed me her panties. My jaw dropped when I realized that there,in the gusset of her panties,was a dark spot.

"Oh,Cary! What will We do? I've never had blo od in my panties before! And I feel so strange!" She cried.
"What do You mean? Lynn,You have got to tell me. You feel 'Strange' how?"
Her fingers were like claws when She reached up and grabbed my head between her hands.
"If You move,I won't be the only one ble eding!" she snarled.
"Sweetie,What should I do?" I asked Her,as quietly as I could,for I could see Her eyes shining with an unholy light.

"What do I want You to do? Baby," She laughed. "I want You to be one of the Good Vampires,and Drink Deep!"

Holding my head between her palms,Lynn for ced my face between her legs and began grinding my nose against her clit.
"I told You to 'Drink Deep'! And it's My turn to promise You that I will do the same!"

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fucking my sister pt1

like a fairy tale it all began long ago she was about 8 or 9 at the time i know it sounds young but just listen we that is my family always done charity work one day we got a fold down bed from one of our collections my sister said to me that night why dont we sleep in it so we can make sure it is ok so i said ok.later when it was bedtime she said to my mum me and chris are going to sleep in the "new"fold down bed in the back room my mum said thats ok so later when every one whent...

2 years ago
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She sits in her living room, the house silent. waiting for his knock. She's dressed as instructed; short skirt, blouse, bra, panties and thigh highs. She looks respectable, almost wholesome. She knows he has her dress this way to add to her "fall from grace". She knows it won't be long before shes panting and begging like the good little pet he loves so much. Thoughts fly through her head. What would he do with her this time? It wasn't very long ago that they were still hesitant to really...

3 years ago
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Lynn And Lee Toy Time

Lynn awakened with a moan, the dream still vivid in her mind. When she shifted in the bed, the covers lifted just enough to allow a breeze from the ceiling fan to kiss her powder blue thong, sending a tingling chill through her from the wet spot there. For the last week, she'd dreamed of what was going to happen two days from now. A couple that she and Lee had met online was coming to visit, and she knew she was going to have her first double penetration in a long time. It would be Teresa's...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Little sister PT1

Mike had been happily married to Marie for about 10 years. He was very much in love with her, and had always been faithful. In fact, only 2 things were weaknesses for him in any fashion at all: panties, and Marie's younger sister Annie. Mike had developed a fetish for panties as a teen, when he masturbated for the very first time with a satin pair that was taken from a friend's sister. Over the next 7-8 years, he had taken dozens of panties from dozens of girls, and curiosity about what wearing...

2 years ago
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Lynn wants more of shaunrsquos dadrsquos cock

After leaving Shaun’s house I went home and took a shower and as I was rubbing my tits and pussy all I could think of was the dad’s big black cock and the way he pounded my pussy it felt so fucken good. He fucked me the way I like getting fuck he made me cum several times and I could not believe he was so fucken deep inside my pussy fucking me hard and me telling him yes fuck me harder. His cock was so fucken thick and long I never had a cock that big and my pussy loved every inch of it. I...

4 years ago
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Lynn Becomes Obedient BitchChapter 2

The subconscious of Lynn speaks to whoever reads this story: Hi. My name is Lynn. A week ago I bumped into my ex-boyfriend whom I didn't think of very much. Something strange happened. All of a sudden he was my Master whom I had to always obey no matter what. I have to obey him but he hurts me and even if a part of me wants to run away, I shan't think of doing so as it is forbidden by him, my Master. My Lord. My God. I just wished he wasn't so hard on me and my body. The Week...

3 years ago
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Motherinlaw Her Sister Me Pt1

Leaving them to catch up l went for a walk when l returned Jodie poured me a glass declaring since l didn’t have to drive it would be fine for me to have a drink, l thanked her and sat at the table. I have to say it did feel strange sitting with my mother-in-law Molly and her sister Jodie listening to them rattle on about boyfriends in their teenage years and what they got up to, it was quite entertaining and sometimes a bit raunchy well coming from 2 woman in their 60s. It turned into a...

1 year ago
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Lynn Cock Pipe

Lynn left the room as Ron, her boss went over the new induction siphon system that the company had incorporated at the suggestion of the state inspectors, the crowd assembled with him in the conference room. He showed the slides up on the screen and took them through the specs and how the plant was much more efficient and very powerful, the thrust of the velocity down the pipe, he explained, was phenomenal, a true upgrade in the wake of other’s failing profits, their plant was actually showing...

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Lynn went to visit Shaun

My name is Lynn and I love fucking young black guys, my story is about me going to see Shaun. He is a young black guy and has a big black cock and he has fucked me several times and I loved it very much. It was a Friday evening and I was restless so I got dress and I wore a red dress very tight and short no bra or panties cause I felt very naughty and nasty. I called Shaun to see if he was home, his mom answered and said sure Hon he is come over so I got in my car and went to his house. I got...

2 years ago
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True sister in law story Pt1

This is a true story! (names changed of course)Almost 18 years ago, i met my wife (soon to be x-wife not due to this story though) while working at a local fast food restaurant. Her sister... We will call jan, also worked there. While both girls were very pretty I was especially drawn to jan, unfortunatly she had a boy friend that also worked there. I did ask jans sister (whome we will call susan) out at some point. She was young and innocent, I was not so innocent. Before long we ended up...

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430 After the passing pt1

430 After the passing pt1 After the passing of Melvin, the son takes on the aunt and …well you`ll see pt 12548 words total 9531 words“DEAD what do you mean dead he was ok when he left here this morning!” the young constable stepped back at the verbal onslaught, he was not experienced in death messages and her reaction had caught him un-prepared, “Erm…yes I`m sure he was, but the tanker of molasses tipping over onto his car meant he came to a sticky end…!” he realised what he had said and...

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342 bdsm and the neighbours pt1

342 bdsm and the neighbour`s pt1 It was a dark and stormy night and the rain came pitter-pat down, and had for the last three days, next doors ornamental garden pond was so overfull that it being a semi-raised sided pond, it broke its banks. Not in itself a big thing but the koi carp that were washed towards the house must have cost a bloody fortune and the folks, their friends at no7 were out. Gethin had rushed to help Megan his wife scooping up each fish and throwing them back into the now...

1 year ago
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273 Visiting a Yorkshire Lady. pt1 The car towing its elderly caravan turned into the long lane leading he knew to her home, he had never been before but had scanned google maps and knew the route as precisely as his own hand, he had, in his mind travelled it time and time again over the past few months. The combination rattling over the cattle grid, and finally crawled to a halt behind the remote but very cosy looking three bed house, once the farm house of this remote farm on the open...

3 years ago
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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt1

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt1 A Hot as hell MILF moves in next door and likes using her hot tub. You like looking. She has an incredible body. She tells you that when it comes to sex, she is totally in charge or there is none…. Would you? I knew how it had started. I had told my gorgeous new neighbor after she caught me staring at her barely covered body that as a matter of fact, yes I would be willing to do about anything to see her naked and to have sex with her. I had followed...

4 years ago
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College Visit with Not My Niece Pt1

College Visit with Not My Niece Pt1This is a series inspired by a conversation with a very nice and very sexy woman here. If she wants you to know who she is, she will tell you in the comments… ++++++++Sitting in the pickup queue at the airport I check my phone. The text says, “Sry I’m late. Just came out. Red top, big sunglasses.” I see her immediately. She is more petite than I had imagined. She has her carryon and another large bag over her shoulder. She looks like she just returned...

2 years ago
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The Unforgettable Weekend Pt1

The Unforgettable weekend... Pt1 Guess looking back I should have know something was up. About 2 months before this wonderful weekend, happened, when my wife talked me into and attached a chastity device to my cock. She told me that she was planning something wild that she had read about. That it would be a surprise, and that the chastity device was to make sure I was ready for it. In the following weeks, there was about 5 or 6 women that came over for dinner. They all said that...

1 year ago
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Lynn a shy hole

Lynn was shy in her normal life, not really timid, in fact she was a mid manager in a good sized corporation. She socialized with many of the top managers and was called upon to speak in corporate meetings to clarify a point or to outline some strategy that her department worked on. She often would attend lunches and spent some nights celebrating with co workers over some new merger they had captured. She was not a wall flower, but neither was she what she knew herself to be. She absolutely...

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Lynn Saturday Cumming Out

It was Saturday before the holiday. It was going to be slow. Lynn’s boss had pulled her in to his office two weeks before he left on a cruise with his wife, had sat her down and explained that the plant had to close down for inspection. The state inspectors needed to see it clean when they came in the following week. Seeing as she was manager of system maintenance she would have to oversee it. She was told Steve, the foreman would be running things but she would be in charge. She had been...

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My Sisters First pt1

He had watched her almost unblinking at dinner. He just had to wait a few more hours, then their father would be out-of-town for a week and he'd get re-acquainted with his little sister. Remy Abale was 19, still living at home not that was bad but he didn't do shit. Just hanging out all the time and fucking everything in sight. Their father had put his foot down. at least about bringing girls home; and had given him one more year, which was quickly running out, before he had to get a job or...

2 years ago
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Lynn Does Her Bit For Better Race Relations

My husband was going to a high-level convention with some people from his department for a week. It was in Jamaica. Being a vice-president at the corporation, he got to take me along. It had been a while since we had gotten away so I made sure everything I brought was more than a little sexy. I brought several skimpy bikinis since my days would be spent at the pool while Jim and his team worked, as well as lingerie to wear under my dresses. I wanted my husband turned-on during the entire...

3 years ago
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Lynn Humilated And Then Tamed By The Hairbrush

About eight or nine years ago Lynn and I were on the beach. It was a fairly secluded spot – we were the only ones there – and the time was about half five on a sunny August day. I was ready to go home but Lynn fancied a swim first – she wanted to make the most of what was left of the weekend. ‘I’ll nip off now and start preparing tea… by the time you get back it’ll be on the table.’ I suggested. ‘Fine.’ she responded. She stood up and slipped off her shorts – she was already topless. I studied...

1 year ago
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Lynn The Boss

Lynn didn’t remember much after seeing her boss in front of her except being taken back to his office and being sat on the couch. She assumed that she was going to be fired, this was the worse thing that could have happened. Her boss showing up seeing her being a cunt begging hole that was completely smeared with cock cream dripping from her face, chin, hair and tits, the rest drooling from her lips. Lynn had just passed the State board for certification and this was just the most sickening...

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Gina The Loving Naive Wife Pt1

It was 20:00 on Friday night, Gina was just returning home from another long shift at the hospital. “I hope he’s done something today.” She thought to herself as she approached the front door. Gina was referring to her husband Alex, he’d been signed off work for the best part of the last 6 months with depression. Gina had done everything she could think of to help. She had helped him find a good counsellor, tried to keep him active where possible and always made herself available should he...

1 year ago
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About 10 years ago, my wife and I were having lunch with my sister and yacking about some old times and she blurts out to my wife “it’s a good thing that Lynn didn’t snatch up Bobby before you met him”. Wtf. I was stunned and so was my wife. I managed to stammer “what makes you say that?” She replies “well she was sure infatuated with you”. So I have to go into great detail explaining to them both that I only ever had a late night coffee with Lynn. We never even had a formal date. Well it seems...

2 years ago
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Lynn finds a Boyfriend Part I

The holiday season is in full swing with the usual festive gatherings. My wife, Lynn, and I are at a party hosted by one of her friends. We have been married for about 8 years and are in our late fifties. Lynn still looks very good as a result of her attention to her diet and regular workouts. We make the rounds at the party greeting old friends and meeting some new people. After awhile we get separated as we each find people that we have some common interests with. Eventually, I figure that I...

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Lynn gets a massage and more

I have had a personal ad to provide free massages, not truly intending anything sexual, to ladies for quite some time. I was and am not opposed to sensual or sexual, I simply love to please a Lady. The ad has not been too fruitful. Lynn responded to my ad and sounded genuine, her photo was absolutely precious, and her photo did not begin to do her justice in any way. She was absolutely beautiful in person, and that observation was made before she disrobed and wrapped her precious little body...

1 year ago
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Lynn Pre Convention Piece

Lynn crawled out of bed and looked back at the two men who laid there asleep, her boss Ron and Steve the foreman. Her cunt felt raw and her hair was crusty from the dried cum. She walked to the bathroom and tried to wash up and pull herself together. She thought, “Fuck, finally, I guess it’s out there now, I am a fuck load whore and the whole company knows.” She absolutely loved it though, jesus, the amount of cock was unreal, just months ago she was a frustrated shy lonely needy executive on...

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The first time I saw Lynne, was at a bar a group of friends and I started to frequent after our weekly workout. Yeah, nothing like losing all those pounds and get it all back in beer and chicken wings. Anyway, I first saw Lynne, she stood about 5′ 2′, shoulder length, silken, honey blond hair, dark green eyes, full lips and huge breasts. They must have been at least D-cups (I’m terrible estimating size). Lynne was also about 175 pounds. But there was something that immediately attracted me to...

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Lynn My First Photo Shoot

My name is Lynn, an Asian woman now approaching sixty. Looking back at the good old days in the late 1960s, I am reminded of how my infatuation with nylon stockings began.  Although nylon stockings were common attire then, I developed a special obsession with them, much more than my peers in college. To this day, I still indulge in wearing sensual lingerie and expensive RHT and FF stockings all the time. Although nylon stockings just about disappeared after the 1970s, I never stopped wearing...

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Lynn the naughty wife at the mall

Just got off of work and I was feeling good so I will go to the mall and shop a little and maybe have a glass of wine so before I leave I took off my bra and my panties and my panties were all wet cause my pussy is always leaking juice and I know she wants to be fucked again so I put on some make up and I looked in the mirror and I look hot and sexy so off I go so as I was walking I notice a young white guy kept looking at me and he smiled so I smiled back so I continued looking at some shops...

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