Losing It At University Part 2_(1) free porn video

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Groggily I awoke, the hammering in my head unrelenting. I needed water. I looked around slowly trying not to do more damage to my fragile head. As my eyes moved around the room they settled on the beautiful girl next to me. She was still asleep, her bare breasts rising and falling with each breath. The cool air of morning made her nipples perky. The sunlight made her skin glow. My headache was quickly forgotten as I stared. I slowly got up to grab a glass of water. When I got back to the bed I sat down doing my best not to wake the beauty next to me.

I continued to admire her, her perky boobs and silky skin. She stirred and smiled at me. I smiled back and she grabbed my head and pulled me in for a kiss. Her lips were delicious and wonderfully soft. My hands instantly went to her boobs, they started to massage and caress. She pulled out of the kiss and shook her head at me.

“Not yet, eager beaver.” She said with a smile.

Our hangovers began to fade as we rehydrated. I realized we still didn’t know each other’s names.

“How is it I don’t know your name?” I asked.

“Do you really need to know it?” She replied.

“Well shouldn’t I?”

“I’m not so sure, it’s more fun this way, no? How about you just call me S.”

“S for what? C’mon I wanna know your name!”

“Sorry but that’s all you’re going to get darling.”

She smiled and jumped out of bed, her boobs bouncing playfully unfortunately she had put her thong back on while I hadn’t been paying attention so her cute little mound was hidden. My penis twitched, I wanted her so badly, I wanted to be inside her.
“Why don’t we spend the day in bed? Maybe have a little fun?” The words came out of my mouth before I could stop myself. Did I really just ask her to spend the day in bed with me? I sounded so cocky. She looked back at me, “As much as I want to just that, I think I have a better idea.”

She told me about a forested near the campus that she enjoyed walking in. The weather was warm, the last days of an ending summer. She bent over to pull her jeans on, I had to restrain myself from slapping her round peach shaped ass. It was perfect, her tiny black and red thong framing it perfectly. She put her bra on next and must have seen the disappointment in my face. She laughed and said we would have fun later.

I dressed quickly, excited to spend the day with this new exciting woman, I couldn’t believe I didn’t even know her name. I pulled on my favourite pair of jeans and one of my band tees. I wanted to make sure I looked cool (I certainly thought I did back then).
She led me out the dorm holding my hand as we walked. Luke and Dylan were in the common room and saw me and S as we passed. Seconds later I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Luke, ‘good night eh?’ I would fill him in later. I didn’t want to spoil the afternoon texting.

Soon we arrived at the park. She took out her phone to check the time and said “I have most of the day, so we can take out time.” We began to walk, the path was clearly marked and well walked. The trees loomed high above, their branches swaying in the gentle breeze. The sun shining through the leaves gave the glade an other-worldly feel, as if we were walking through a dream. Her skin glowing whenever the sun kissed it. I just watched and tried to keep my brain as focused on the conversation as I could. Her round ass drawing my eyes constantly. Every time she looked at me it was right into my eyes, she was so direct. She knew what she wanted and I tried to appease her.

She asked me about school and what I wanted to do. I told her I was in game development. I asked her the same question, “I dabble here and there. I’ve switched programs a few times. I started in the sciences and moved into the arts. I haven’t quite decided what I want to do.”

The minutes passed faster than I wanted them to. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to talk to her. How did this gorgeous girl want to spend her time with me? I couldn’t stop asking myself that over and over.

I realized suddenly that we weren’t on the path anymore. “Where are we going?” She looked back at me with a mischievous smile, “You’ll see.” She had peaked my curiosity once more. Soon we reached a small clearing, the grass was green and soft. She sat down and invited me to join her. She pulled out her phone and checked the time again. Then grabbed me and kissed me again. “Ready to have some fun?” She asked playfully.

My dick was almost instantly erect. We kissed and tongue wrestled for a little but before long our hands were all over each other. One hand was pulling my head into hers while the other began stroking my cock outside my jeans. She smiled excitedly as she felt it. “Good to go already? I like that!” I closed my eyes and kissed her harder. My hands massaging her soft perky boobs again. Her hand began undoing my belt and then the button of my jeans and then only my boxers separated her soft warm hands from my rock hard dick. Then my shirt was being pulled off, but I still felt her hands on me. Another pair of hands was pulling at my shirt. She broke off from the kiss and I looked around shocked. S giggled as I spun gasped. Another girl!

She was brunette with gold flecked brown eyes. Her big D cups begging to be released from their cloth prison, they bulged beneath her tight tank top. She was wearing cut-off jeans and was somewhat shorter than S but her petite frame made her boobs and ass stand out. S introduced her as K. S patted the ground gesturing to K to sit. They sat next to each other, giggling once again. My shirt clasped in my hands half covering myself in embarrassment. It was instinctive, I didn’t want to cover myself, obviously I wanted to get more naked with these girls but I couldn’t help but be tentative.

K smiled at me then turned to S “Well done, he’s cute and with a nice body.” I blushed. K suddenly kissed S, their lips meeting gently at first, quickly the passion rose and their lips embraced furiously. S’s hands grabbing and cupping K’s big boobs. Soon they were both feeling each other up. I was in heaven, and perfectly happy to watch. But soon their embrace was broken and S grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her.

Our lips met once again. K took her tank top off. I couldn’t help but utter “Oh my god, how did I get so lucky.” The girls looked at one another again. ”We could say the same thing, S told me about your equipment.” K said.

I continued kissing S, I was in love with those lips of hers. But my hands were all over K, her big boobs begging to be released from her bra. I couldn’t believe what was happening. S took her shirt off and then the bras came off. Then the pants. We all stood up still kissing and touching. Each taking a turn to remove the other’s pants. As soon as our clothes were all laying in a pile I stepped back and stared for a moment. Trying to take it all in and mentally record everything. The two beautiful girls standing there in the lovely little clearing. Their bodies, both bombshells kissing and touching eagerly. S looked at me and said “get that cock over here.”
I practically teleported. I kissed each one and tried to fondle both sets of breasts equally, they were different but wonderful, S’s cute perky breasts with small nipples, K had bigger rounder D’s which sagged only slightly due to their size, with slightly larger nipples.
A hand from each of them was on me, both moving to my boxers and the big throbbing member that was struggling against the fabric. I noticed they also had a hand on each other that was moving in a similar direction. Soon their hands were under the fabric. I felt each one move slowly, gently examining my dick. I felt my balls tense. Not yet I told myself, hang in there. They slowly began stroking. I looked down and saw that their other hands were doing the same thing under the panties. We were all moaning softly as we stroked one another. I moved my hands from their breasts down and pulled their thongs off at the same time. They did the same to me and bent down as they did so. Kneeling in front of me. I started to follow them and kneel but they pushed me to stay standing. I obliged and watched. First they kissed each other, then turned their heads to my throbbing cock. First S kissed the tip and swirled the tip with her tongue. K started kissing and licking the shaft. I was dumbstruck. It was taking my entire mental strength to resist exploding.

S took me into her mouth, just as she had done before. This time though she got up to speed faster taking me deeper and deeper. Meanwhile K watched, then lay beneath us, putting her head between S’s legs. She began licking and sucking, while her hand went to her own mound. I could feel S’s moans on my cock. She was getting close too. We all sensed the other’s getting close to climax and our speed and ferocity increased. S deep throating me, the sensation making me quiver as my balls began to tingle and twitch. Her moaning rose in pitch and volume. K’s hand had stopped stroking and changed to a fingering motion. Our bodies seemed in unison as we all tensed up before the release, I could feel my muscles flex and tighten before letting go. I spewed rope after rope of hot cum deep down S’s throat. Her body electrified by her own orgasm tensed and then finally relaxed. K was last to finish, she practically screamed as her climax rocked her body. Her hand moving at lightning speed until finally she lay still, her breathing rapid and shallow.

We all lay down in the soft warm grass. It was itchy on my back but I barely noticed. S and K lay on either side of me. Each one had a hand on my resting cock. I told them it was tired but they just smiled and S whispered “I don’t think so.” She stroked it and then kissed it. To my surprise it began to stand back up. Slowly at first but as they each stroked it in turn it returned to standing at attention.

I was excited, I couldn’t believe I would lose my virginity this way, in a threesome of all ways! Not only that but with two absolutely gorgeous women.

S straddled me. K still laying next to me watched, stroking herself gently again. She whispered in my ear between quiet moans, “I can’t wait for you to get inside me.” With this my cock went rock hard. S kissed me again, I could feel her firm nipples brush against my chest as she leaned over me. Our kiss didn’t last long as she sat up.

She reached behind and grasped my member. I felt her wet clit at first, then her silky pussy lips. She was teasing me, moving my cock and using it to stroke herself. I was going mad with anticipation, I wanted to badly to be inside her, to feel her pussy swallow my cock.

K, still watching, whispered in my ear, “you want her don’t you? You want to be inside her?” I practically shouted back, “Yes! God yes I want to be inside her!” S smiled and looked me in the eye as her hips adjusted, she slowly moved downward, I could feel the slight resistance and then the most glorious feeling. Her silky smooth warmth as my cock was engulfed by her wet hot pussy. I almost came again. A loud moan escaped both our lips as we relished the feeling. S put her hands on my chest and started moving her hips, rocking back and forth slowly. I felt her tunnel grip and tighten around my cock as I pushed in and out of her. The feeling was nothing I had ever felt before and I was in awe.

K sat up, and kissed me, then she kissed S. Her hands began to massage S’s boobs again and she moved behind her. She started kissing her neck and fondled her breasts, S arched her back and threw her head back moaning. She started moving up and down instead of just using her hips. First she sat all the way down, my dick disappearing completely inside her. The muscles of her warm tunnel contracting around my cock. Then she started moving up and down.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of what was happening in front of me. K’s hands pinching and squeezing S’s nipples and kissing her neck. While S continued riding my cock, up and down. She was so wet and warm. I started to move my hips with hers. Instinctively we synced up and soon the pace began to increase as our passion rose. Up and down, faster and faster. She moaned out “Oh God! Oh don’t you fucking stop!” She moved faster and faster, I did my best to keep up with her pace. Suddenly I felt her pussy clench tightly around my cock as she climaxed, “Fuck yes! Oh fucking yes!” she cried as her body shook with orgasm. She slowly climbed off herself and kissed me.

K said, “finally it’s my turn!” She pulled me to my knees and turned herself so her tight round ass faced me. I looked down at her bum, it was nice and round with a little extra to it, making it perfectly circular. She looked back at me, “Well? C’mon I’ve waited long enough haven’t I?” I snapped out of my ass induced daze and pushed my cock into her ass. “Woah, woah there, that’s not the right hole.”

“Oh, sorry.” I said, embarrassed. S who up until now was watching guided my cock into the correct position, again she grasped it and began using the tip to stroke the pussy lips. K was even wetter than S, practically dripping. No wonder she was so impatient.
I felt her hole and gently pushed forwards with my hips. I slipped inside her easily, her soaking wet tunnel felt amazing. My hands instinctively grabbed her hips as I began to thrust. “Mmmm oh yes, don’t stoop.” Moaned K. In and out, I pulled myself until the head of my cock was almost outside those amazing lips and then slowly pushed back inside until I couldn’t get any deeper. I couldn’t help but begin to speed up. Faster and faster, in and out, in and out. My cock began to feel a bit numb, as the stimulation became too much. K was moaning loudly, her breathing was becoming shallow, her hips were moving against mine so I was getting even deeper with every thrust. She cried out, “Yes, yes yes harder, harder!” With all my remaining energy I sped up, thrusting harder and harder, the smack of my hips into her ass was loud in my ears, her moaning reaching a crescendo. I felt my balls begin to tingle. “Fuck oh fucking yes, don’t stop!” She cried. I summoned everything I had and moved even faster, even harder. In and out, in and out. Then “Oh, oh fuck, mmmm fuuuck!” She screamed, as she climaxed. Her tunnel constricting and throbbed around my dick. It sent me over the edge, and I squirted ropes of cum deep inside her. It was the best feeling I had ever felt.

I pulled my now soft cock out of her and slumped over, completely spent. S embraced me, “That was the most amazing experience of my life.” She said. I agreed, “Ya same for me, but I also just lost my V-card so it’s obviously going to be the greatest moment for me.” I laughed. Both girls looked right at me,

“Wait, you’re a virgin?” K said.

“Well not anymore.” I replied.

“Holy shit, no way, that was like the best sex I ever had!” said S.

“Really, well it was definitely that for me too!” I said with a big smile on my face.

“I guess we are going to keep you around.” K said.

“Ya, although I don’t know if I want to share him.” Said S.

“I don’t want to get in between you two!” I said quickly. “Let’s just enjoy the moment”

They both decided that would be best for now. We lay in silence, watching the afternoon begin to fade into sunset. I kept going over it in my mind, how had all this happened. I still couldn’t believe it. I barely been at school a month and I had just lost my virginity to two amazing bombshell girls in a threesome.

What else could the semester have in store?


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Just as everyone had warned me; second year electrical engineering was full on, right from the first day. In each of the subjects, the lecturers didn’t waste time reviewing what we might have studied in the previous year; it was head first into the deep end. I had some doubts about one of the subjects; Solid State Physics. To me, this looked like the sort of subject material that graduate students at Oxford University or MIT would cover; quantum mechanics, atomic particles, and similar...

4 years ago
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UniversityChapter 45

Mum phoned from some restaurant. Apparently she'd spoken with Sarah and appeased in some sense. But more importantly, dad had decided to take to post at the Australian Museum and Rachel's dad was moving to CSIRO headquarters in Canberra. I told her to wish everyone happiness in their big moves. When I got off, I had to report fully to Rachel. "And so the fuss about Sarah is shoved aside?" "Seemingly. Do you know Tennyson's 'Departure'?" "You're joking." "It ends: 'Across...

1 year ago
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Georgia goes to University Part 010

by Vanessa Evans Part 10 – The Spanking Society and the Top Brass see me naked. The Friday after my public humiliation (that I loved every seconds of) was the meeting of the Spanking Society. Riley had agreed to come along with me, and to get spanked. Wearing just very short dresses and a warm jacket, we got a taxi to the pub, got ourselves a drink then asked where the function room was. As with the Orgasm Club there was a huge bouncer outside the door who opened it when I said that we...

3 years ago
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XChange University

You wanted nothing more than to escape the life you found yourself in. Growing up in a lower class borough brought hardships that someone your age shouldn't have had to deal with such as working part time jobs in the afternoons and evenings, having to take care of the house while your parents were out working or drinking (usually drinking), and trying to feed yourself. You had little, if any, time for studying for your high school exams and standardized tests. As such, It was no surprise that...

2 years ago
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Eight University students and me part 3

Well, my next gang bang really did have to wait a lot longer than I wanted it too. The next couple of days were agony for me and the eight guys; they were desperate to give me another good seeing too, and I was going out of my mind wanting to fuck my next three guys but there was no chance it was going to happen any time soon.With the guys going back to uni the day after tomorrow, I did everything I could to tease them and drive them insane whenever I could behind my husband's and son's backs....

Group Sex
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Eight University Students and Me Part 2

After my first meeting with my eight university students, life returned to normal. My son did end up going to that very same university, my husband still really didn't pay me much attention. Life went on as boring as it was before, but something was very different about me. What happened that night with those guys changed my life forever.So fast forward a couple of months, it was coming up to Christmas, my son was due home from university. He said he was going to bring a couple of friends back...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Learning something new after leaving university

After I left university (that's a good few years ago) I had no idea what I wanted to do as a career but needed to find work quickly as I had decided to stay in the university town rather than move back home. I took a junior clerical job in a large government services office. I was one of very few men working there, which suited me as I enjoyed the company of women and got on well with most of my colleagues, who were from a wide range of ages and personalities. There was a fair amount of...

First Time
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Hela University

Ah the unhallowed halls of Hela University, sister school to Hades University and according to those who know, the much more sinister sibling. It is located on the opposite side of Hell as Hades U, and is a Women's University with a very special student body. Slime girls studying shifting, vvitches testing their spells, suckubi practicing seduction, orges organizing orgies, cat girls capturing masters, dryads blossoming and ensnaring sweet beebabes, cowgirls shooting looks that beg you to milk...

3 years ago
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University Encounter

When I went to university many years ago now I was a virgin and I’d never even had a girlfriend. I arrived at university with high hopes of getting a girl straight away. Those hopes faded in my first few weeks as I had no success with girls. My frustration was compounded by being surrounded by innumerable young micro skirted girls. It was made even worse because in my last year at school, as a sex-obsessed eighteen-year-old I’d had a couple of “wank buddies”. Boys at school I masturbated and...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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University Story

It was in my first semester at University when my world was set on its head.Hi, I'm Franky. You might think that small town colleges are for people who can't get into an Ivy League school, but it's a little tougher to get into my old school. Sure, you have to be accepted on academic merit but there are some other categories you have to be proficient in as well. Just because you get a letter that says that your in doesn't mean that you've got both feet on the ground there. I graduated from there...

College Sex
3 years ago
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University Story

It was in my first semester at University when my world was set on its head.Hi, I'm Franky. You might think that small town colleges are for people who can't get into an Ivy League school, but it's a little tougher to get into my old school. Sure, you have to be accepted on academic merit but there are some other categories you have to be proficient in as well. Just because you get a letter that says that your in doesn't mean that you've got both feet on the ground there. I graduated from there...

College Sex
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University Life First Ch 0304

CHAPTER THREE ‘Oh God.’ Lorna groaned dropping on the sleeping bundle on Kainene’s bed, ‘I can’t believe it’s the end of the week. We start classes tomorrow. Gahhhhhh!’ She fell back heavily on Kainene who poked her head out of the duvet. ‘Gerroff. You’re deceptively heavy Lorna. Off.’ Kainene half-heartedly tried to shove Lorna off her legs but to no avail. Lorna did not budge one bit. It had been a wonderful week. Going for talks in the hall during the day and going clubbing at night...

1 year ago
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University Life First Ch 0506

CHAPTER FIVE Kainene sighed to herself yet again. She had been staring at the same page for half an hour but could not understand a word that was written. She tried to focus but knew that it was hopeless. Who knew Criminal Law could be so boring? Boring, a voice slyly replied. It’s not boring, you just can’t get Rufus, who’s taken by the way, out of your scatty head. Kainene groaned inwardly at that. Now she knew she was definitely going crazy. When the stupid voice inside her head was...

2 years ago
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University Life Part 5 The Initiation Pt 2

I started to pee.The feeling of euphoria as the pressure in my bladder began to ease was nothing compared to the thrill I received as a sudden nearby gasp revealed that those who had captured me had caught sight of my toilet.A very wet splattering arose from two locations as my pussy shower completed its arching passage into the air before gravity pulled it downwards to impact firstly against whatever I was bound to. Then the distinctive wet splashing as my piss landed on what appeared to be a...

3 years ago
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My First Experience At University Part Two

It had been six weeks; a lifetime in reality since I arrived to start my new life at university. It could not have started worse with all my belongings being stolen by some bastard at the bus station leaving me soaked to the skin and with just the clothes I stood in.Just when I thought my life was ruined, I met my beautiful roommate Savvy who took me into her arms and brought light into my life.Last week Savvy’s mother came to visit, and they went for lunch and shopping before a spa date. This...

3 years ago
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Visiting Her Son At University

Elizabeth had a week off work, and nothing to do. It was a case of unclaimed leave which had to be taken by a certain date or she would lose it. Being a single parent, she had nobody to spend the time with, but also, nobody else to consider, so she decided to visit her son, Mike, who was away at University.People had trouble believing her when she told them she had a nineteen-year-old son, telling her she looked too young to have a son that old. Always so flattering to a woman in her late...

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Ganymede University

You wait in the waiting room to meet the Dean. You are nervous because it's not normal to meet the Dean but you didn't meet the minimum standards for acceptance into this university and you had to beg to be let in. The Dean agreed but required you to meet with him in order to prepare you for the university. The Dean comes out and asks John Smith and you stand up to shake his hand. The Dean is handsome and has a great physique. His dark hair has only a few gray hairs. He guides you to sit in his...

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The University

The new semester was starting. It was a time of new beginnings for you in a lot of ways. You had recently broken up with your girlfriend about 2 weeks before school started again. Your relationship was on the rocks for awhile so it didn't come as much surprise, but it did come with the usual negative emotions that come with such a thing. But you were excited. You were in your second to last year of college and were having arguably the best time of your life. Your roommate was your best friend...

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Blue Mountain University

Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that you have been admitted into Blue Mountain University. This year we had a record number of applicants, leaving us with a record low admission rate of only 5 percent. We believe you are one of the select few that has the qualities to succeed here, at our beloved institution. We would love to have you as a member of our incoming freshman class, and you are most welcome to reach out to any members of our university between now and the decision...

1 year ago
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University Challenge Part 3

I slammed my hand on the loudly buzzing alarm clock beside my bed, choking off its insistent drone. Glowing angry-red numbers showed the unearthly hour – six o’clock – but I didn’t care. At long last it was Friday. THE Friday! HE was coming home today. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling in the darkness. Mike was coming home for Christmas. My Mike! My big, beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother was coming home today. Only the second and by far the most serious lover in my young life...

College Sex
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Lust Relief University Chapter 3

Breathing hard, I stared at Yoko’s ass for a moment. I could not quite believe what I was seeing. In this secret library corner, Yoko was supporting herself against the bookshelf and asking me to fuck her. The fact that she decided on that so quickly showed that she had been anticipating this when she was applying to this university. I took a step towards her and could feel how my hard cock was resting in the valley her fleshy buttocks formed. Yoko turned her head around and smiled. She could...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Rani In JS University 8211 Part 1

Rani ek middle-class girl h. Usne abhi abhi school khatam kiya h aur js university mein admission liya h, merit ke basis par. Rani dikhne mein bahut hot h aur uska figure 34c-32-36 h. Uske boobs na jyada bade na jyada chhote h. Bilkul perfect shape ke h aur ass ka to kya kehna. School ke sab ladke uski ass pr fida the. School ka uska ek senior bhi isi college mein h. Naam h rahul. Rahul ka school time se hi rani pr crush tha. Jb vo 12th mein tha aur rani 10th mein tb usne rani ko apni dil ki...

1 year ago
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University ma admission k lya se

Hello. I am mani from Rawalpindi mare hight 5.4 ha r body slim ha mare lun 7 inch ka ha r motaie ma 2.5 inch .ya story kuch ursa pehlay ke ha ma isamabad ke 1 university ma parta hun aur summer ma internship kr raha tha university k admission office ma. Har roz bohat sare larkianate the form submit kwanay.1 din kuch youn hua k 1 larke jis ka name maiam color white boobs ka size shai 36 tha wo admission ka lya aye… us na apna form mjy submit krwaya wo bohat he sexy the r us na kameez kafi patle...

1 year ago
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Maria The Blowjob Queen of the University

Maria Castelo walks the campus in small fast steps. Her 4" spiked high heels prevents the hot Latina from going faster. She notices all the male students turn their heads to see the young busty girl walk by, her large braless hooters sway beautifully with each exaggerated little step. The girls give her evil stares, hating the fact that the big titted girl is able to draw their boyfriend's attention with her large and firm bubble butt and gigantic jugs. The cockteasing little minx loves male...

3 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 11 Home for Christmas

The next notable event before Christmas was daddy’s company’s dinner and dance that I’d promised to go to with him. Coincidently it was on the Saturday before Christmas and the day after the university semester ended and daddy had sent James down to collect me on the Friday evening. James had used whatever to get the car into the car park below the apartments and he had come up to my apartment. When he knocked on the door I just shouted, “Come in, it’s not locked.” When I turned to see...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e17 Gillian 39 university lecturer from Bath

Series 3, Episode 17: Gillian Brook We open with a montage of the beautiful Georgian architecture of the grand city of Bath, near Bristol in England’s south-west. Then cut to a shot of the University of Bath. Hundreds of 18-22 year olds strolling around campus ... And among them, standing still whilst everyone else moves around her, looking right into camera, is our next subject... She’s a fairly attractive woman – soft features and a round (not fat) face. Her long blonde hair is tied up...

1 year ago
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Sandra after University Pt 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 2 So, bathroom routine finished I went to the drawers to get something to wear in the workout room. What I haven’t mentioned so far is that good old Lisa had got some new leotards into her shop that are even more revealing that the ones that I described in my original story. These ones consist of not much more than strings that start looped round my neck then go down my front where there is a bit of the mesh fabric that covers very little more than my dark areolae...

4 years ago
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Harvard University

I was a freshman at Harvard University. No, not that Harvard. Mine was a small liberal arts college in Eastern Oregon, near the Washington border. It's mission was to "Further Education Through Education." Whatever that meant. Truth was, the only people who went there had no place better to be. As for me, I was supposed to go to the actual Harvard or wherever. My grades in high school were perfect, I volunteered at soup kitchens, and I even published a few top selling apps on the Apple store....

Group Sex
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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