Bi Curious free porn video

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In which a couple from this site get to meet me, and once we get over the (really rather severe) nerves, a beautiful, voluptuous wife and mother gets her first ever sexual experience with another woman. It's hypersexual, once we get there. The husband was very eager to get me and his wife together.

I shall call them Harry and Jane, because those are their names, though not those that they go by on this site, which is where I met them. I don't wish to suggest they are swingers, because they aren't or at least were not before this. Neither had had sex with anyone other than their spouse for twenty years or more.

Having had a few preliminary conversations, firstly by email, then telephone, I even allowed them to come to my house, which I do less of than you might think, from reading my entries. (No pun intended)

They came to my house in Solihull, and we sat in my lounge and had some wine. He had a soft drink, because the initial arrangement was they come for a few hours, because they needed to be home for 1 am or 2 am or so, to let their babysitter go home.

Harry was a stocky ginger haired man, probably 5'6" or so, and looked very fit. Jane was an absolute beauty, very Irish looking, masses of dark hair, green eyes, alabaster skin.
Absolutely beautiful, and yet she seemed to think she was overweight. Not in my eyes. A UK size 16, according to her dress label, but I think she bought that size to accommodate her fabulous big breasts, the dress was pulled in with a wide belt, below that, and her bum was just nice, with a very pronounced waist, and great legs.

We had our drinks, and I showed them round the house, and we went into my room. I really ought to get a bigger bed. There have been several occasions when I've had to try to get more than three people on it. It's a king size which is 5 foot wide, 6" more than usual. Perhaps I ought to get a super king, or whatever it's called , which is 6' wide.

I used the tour of the house to bring everyone into my room, without making too much of a big deal about it.

Jane got onto the bed, to try it, as you do. For firmness and the like, and she was admiring my (rather expensive) bed linen.

Harry , apart from starting to get visibly moved, shall we say, at the prospect of his wife and another woman in bed, was rather intrigued by the large painting of a nude on the wall. It's Jo , in the painting, which I told him.

After some awkward small talk, I slipped onto the bed with Jane and got up close and personal. She looked, frankly, ready to run away. She let me put my arm round her, but when I went to kiss her, she turned away.

"I'm soRRY" she gushed "I don't know whether I'm going to be able to DO this"

"Don't you like me?" I smiled, gently

"Oh no NO, You're beautiful! ISN'T she, Harry?"

Harry vigorously nodded his agreement, he was gulping too much to actually speak.

"Can I not have a kiss, then?" I cooed

She leaned into me, to be fair, and let me gently kiss her on the lips, but when my tongue, (and I wasn't rushing her) tried to make inroads, she shied away again.

"Come back downstairs" I said, kindly enough. There are robes, look, take off what you're comfortable with, and put the robes on and come down.

I'll put something on to help you into the mood. OR we can just order a curry in and perhaps try again another time. No pressure from me, whatsoever.

I stripped naked in my bathroom and put my white silk robe on and went downstairs.

I have some.. er technology in place.
There is a digital wireless camera in my room, (£99, Maplin) and NO is the answer to your question, you cannot hack it and have a look through it, don’t bother asking. And.... it's hidden. It looks through netting, it gives a soft focus but you can still see quite well, and it's got colour and sound.

I flicked my lounge TV on and changed to AV.

There they were, in my room. Harry was naked with a big hard on. Very big actually. I hoped she would let me fuck him.

Jane was undoing her big, but very pretty bar, there seemed to me to be four or more hooks on the clasp, Blimey, I could make do with one!

When they came out they were fucking huge. Gorgeous. They didn't exactly stay put, I have to say. They took a trip towards the floor, but hey, she was 40 odd with teenage k**s.

I caught a side on of the nips, and they were amazing. I wanted her to let me have a suck, desperately, but I was, at all times, fairly sure she was going to bail.

She'd kept her thong on, and put the robe on, though it's Nicole's robe and theoretically has room for some pretty big tits in it, Jane's were absolutely spilling out.

I saw them leave the room , so i quickly flicked the channel to DVD, and pulled out a particularly beautiful Italian movie of Nicole's (one she owns, not stars in) with a stunning cast and lots of very erotic f/f scenes in it, amongst all the big cocks being sucked and fucked. The one guy in it is so gorgeous. Not a hair on his body, not an ounce of fat, beautiful big cock, all over tan, incredibly handsome. He's GOT to be gay.

They were on the stairs, and I welcomed them in and sat them down.

Harry's cock was embarrassingly evident.

We had some more wine, Harry made a call to see if their sitter could stay over, so that Harry and Jane could stay over with me, and thus he could drink. She said she couldn't , but then for an extra £50 she found that she could.

Damned good value though, in the event.

The film got underway. Harry's cock was escaping as the girls artistically ate each other's pussies and bottoms on the big screen in DVD 1080 clarity. How did we ever put up with copied tapes?

"What is it about Lesbianism that drives men wild?" I giggled

"Well that's why we're here " he said, his voice seemed to rather stick in his throat, however
I lubricated it with some more wine, and we must have had a whole bottle of 14% Chardonnay each, by this point, in less than an hour.
I was watching the movie, by now a rather magnificent cock was being welcomed into the girls' proceedings, with a double blow job. I had my hand between my legs inside my robe, masturbating.
"Are you masturbating?" asked Harry, dumbly.
I was giggly, and very slightly movement - impaired.
"Just a little stroke" I giggled
"Did you want to see?"

I opened my legs for him to see me.

His breath rattled in his throat.

Jane was watching very intently a lesbian scene, with her mouth agape. Harry parted her legs slightly, and she just went "Mm".

He had a bit of a rummage and his fingers must have found their way in , as his hand moved sort of into her body.

"Ooh" she said, and still kept her eyes fixed on the screen.

"You like what they're doing?" questioned Harry, of Jane

I thought I might risk a little
dabble now, so I sat the other side of her.

She moaned, quietly as Harry gently finger fucked her.

"She's soaking" he whispered to me, conspiratorially.

I leaned in and nuzzled and kissed her cheek. She leaned towards me, and half turned.

I planted my mouth on hers, and her shaking lips parted and responded.

Again she moaned gently, and I risked a little bit of tongue.

Her mouth opened for me.

Her tongue came to meet mine.

My hand crept inside her robe and attempted to lift out a massive breast. It wouldn't come out, but helpful Harry, bless him, with his vested interest and his erect penis, opened the robe and freed up those gorgeous big boobies for us both to play with. 38F by the way, for you statisticians. I asked.

"Oh god they're beautiful" I whispered in her ear, having broken the kiss.

"They're a rOight state" she bemoaned "they're rawnd moi waist"

"They're NOT!" I chided "They're just so big, so full, so Womanly! They're not made of air, they're bound to weigh. I think they're fabulous, I'm so jealous, I want them, i want them for myself, but as they're not ......available I shall have to just ..... make love to them" I said

Jane moaned slightly again and visibly shook.

Harry had managed to remove the robe entirely, and it lay behind her.

Below these magnificent big tittles, was her fabulous pussy. The thong was pulled an inch to one side, and her neat pubes framed her full cant lips beautifully. She had a neat triangle of hair, above, but the sides were all shaved and freshly so for the occasion, by the look of it. Harry had pushed two fingers in and was working them in and out, and they were wet and glossy with her juice.

"Can we take these off?" I whispered

Without speaking, she lifted her trembling bottom to allow me.

In doing so, Harry had to remove his fingers for a moment.

He removed his robe at the same time, he certainly wasn't shy. His erection waved in front of him, like the jib of a frigate.

"Oh Harry" I giggled "You've got a very big cock! Jane's a very lucky lady. Is Jane going to share? " I laughed

Jane was sitting there, naked now, and totally magnificent, her legs apart, her pussy all pumped up and wet. Looking very very lockable to me, but very unavailable, at present anyway.

"You can have a go, if Harry's happy to. We agreed he could" said Jane

"Well Harry looks very VERY happy to me" I laughed

"Can we ....... have a look at you ?" asked Jane, shyly, blushing rather.

"Sure" I said, and stood, and a with a little flourish , dropped my robe. I was stark naked underneath, with my smoothly shaved pussy very much in evidence.

I stood as they both looked at me.

Harry grew another full inch, I swear, and Jane, she just looked on, and gulped.

"You've got such a byoytIFul little CNUT!" she smiled "Isn't she absolutely gorgeous , Harry?"

Harry nodded

"You can have a little lick, if you like" I invited, taking a step towards her

"N no I cAiRN'T!" she stammered "maybe later, maybe later"

I figured that maybe she could use another drink, so I trotted off through the dining room to the kitchen to get her another drink.

I was bending over at the fridge in the darkened kitchen, when something told me I was not alone.

Harry had followed, and was sticking a finger up my cant, from behind.

"Come Here" he said, quite gruffly

I turned around and dropped to my knees to suck his cock.

"Oh oh" he moaned with his knees vibrating

"Stop IT!" he hissed "I won't last a fucking second!"

He grabbed my hand and led me towards the table in the dining room, grabbing me by the waist and lifting me onto it like I was a doll.

"Spread em" he gruffed . I spread, 45 degrees.

"Condom!" I barked

He had one in his hand all along, and he opened the pack and rolled it on.

"Ready?" He asked

"Well, really REALLY wet, yes!" I said, quite taken aback to be honest.

He took that as a go, so he pushed into me, pulling my hips toward him, for deeper penetration.

"OOOhh" he said, his balls seemed to be slapping the edge of my table.

"OOf" I grunted "Fuck, you're big!"

He wasn't THAT big, I've had dozens bigger, but I DO like to compliment a man.

"Jane!" I called "come in here"

Very very slowly and slightly unsteadily Jane emerged out of the lounge into the dining room.

"Oh my god" she said, though she was smiling, I'm happy to say

She put the light on, we had been in semi darkness, and she came to stand right by us.

I reached and held her hand

We locked eyes

"Ohh" I moaned

"How is she?" she lovingly stroked his briskly pumping arse as she asked.

"She's so fucking TGHIT!" he groaned

"I'll bet" mused Jane, toying with a nipple. Most partners would have been offended I guess.

"How's my Harry?" she asked me, with a glimmer of emotion

"He's got a lovely big cock" I gasped "it's a really ... tight .. fit"

"Oh shot" he cried and promptly came his load into me.

He'd lasted two to three minutes, max, I guess.

He slumped rather.

"Sorry!" he looked like he was going to cry, and he withdrew.

"It's OK, but you must make me come" I cajoled "One of you.Either of you. Go down on me and lick my cant"

I looked at each of them. Harry looked at Jane, who shook her head vigorously, and then looked at me.

Harry dropped to his knees, realising he was going to have to deal, but he ended up too low, so he pulled up a dining chair, and sat upon it, to give him the right height to eat me.

"He's very good" she breathed "Enjoy!"

I did enjoy.

He started off licking the hole out, which was still gaping a little from the considerable girth of his cock, then he slipped up to my clit, where he perfectly lapped and licked at me.

"Come and sit on my face" I begged Jane

She wouldn't , of course.

"I hOven't got da confidence" she said

"What's confidence got to do with it?" I asked, rather cheekily "you've only got to sit there"

"Yew will DEW tings to me" She laughed

"Fucking RIGHT I will" I said "hop up here and I will make you come for England"

"Oh please!" begged Harry , with his mouth full . Of cant.

"Please" I said as well "I'm going to come in a minute, that will take the edge off. Hop up here now, get me while I'm hot"

"GO ON" said Harry , in rather an ordering kind of way. He wore the trousers, when he had any on.

I gave up, however, and closed my eyes to concentrate on Harry's not inconsiderable tongue skills pleasuring my clit.

There was, just as I was least expecting it, a profound creak, as the table had weight put upon it, and a statuesque thigh was thrown over my face.

Mrs R*******n had arrived!

There was a great dark yawning gash of a pussy hovering over my face.

Much slurping ensued as I dipped my tongue deep into the open hole. She smelt STRONG, really...meaty. Perhaps the wrong word, but it conveys what I'm trying to say.

Jane, darling, when you read this, and you will, don't take offence, you have got a gOOrgeous cant, I love it, and I could eat it all day.

"OH!" she moaned fit to vibrate the table. I could see she had gathered up her tits and was giving them some gyp, basically. Really pulling at the nipples.

I moved slightly and slid up the crack to get to her clit. I hadn't even touched it yet. When I did she damn near took off.

She was SO loud!

"Oh FECK" she was going "YES! YES"

So ..she'd overcome her shyness with me !

My lord

She gushed.

Despite her reticence at sex with a woman, she came, as published, for England for me. Or Ireland. Good girl, I thought.

Meanwhile I came as well, hugely, noisily, wetly smearing my juice all over dear Harry's lower face.

Harry had not been unmoved by the proceedings and he was fully hard again, not bad for someone in his 40's.

"Down" said Harry to Jane, back in ordering mode, "go down on her"

He wanted her to lean forward and lick my pussy for me.

I'd only come minutes before, but guessed I might be able to go again, under the circs.

"Husband and wife" I kept telling myself and the thought does turn me on, really rather a lot.

A fantasy of mine of mine is riding a guys cock (bareback) and jumping off to have their wife or girlfriend have to lick all MY juice off their man's cock.

Can't do it in reality as must use a condom, MUST MUST MUST.

Her uncertain tongue parted my pussy lips, which were soaking and frothy.

"Just lick me like you would like to be licked" I murmured from beneath her enormoOOusly shapely bottom, where it had settled, on my face.

I felt her breathe me in

"Oh" she moaned, so quietly

and she settled her tongue immensely slowly, you know where,
in the little slot, and found my hard clotty in there and lapped there like a kitten with a saucer of milk.

Harry was watching intently , trying to cover every angle and not miss anything. He probably would have liked to get a CNN outside broadcast unit there.

"OH yes, oh yes" he murmured, softly, slowly pumping his erect cock.

"Oh my god, my god" he whimpered as Jane's tongue took me to another orgasm. He saw my toes flex, I think.

"OH CHRIST!" moaned Harry, and a rain , well a light shower, of warm sperm showered Jane's back and my legs.

Harry had indeed shot off for the third time, (is that 3?) and I couldn't see how he could have too much more in the magazine.

"Was that okay?" asked Jane, shyly, climbing off both me and my table. I was still trying to get my breath back.

Her lips and chin were glistening from my cant.

Harry came in to kiss both of us, making sure he licked up all the female come he found.

"Lovely, you made me come" I cooed, kissing her also.

She liked having her also kissed.

While I was kissing her, Harry attached himself to one of her wonderful nipples.

I was having a little manual play with the other, and it was both massive and rock hard.

I dropped away from the kiss to lovingly suck it, and I could see from her reaction that I was doing at least as good a job as Harry.

"Shall we go back upstairs?" I grinned

She nodded in agreement, smiling coquettishly.

I led up my steep stairs, with Harry following, having a real good look up my arse.

Jane came up last , having raided the fridge for more wine.

"Did you need to take the taste away?" I teased

"no,No" ,she protested "You tasted..... quite nice"

"Thanks" I smiled

"You'll be wanting some more then" chipped in Harry, whose voice seemed to be descending, into Barry White - with - laryngitis territory.

Now Harry was firmly out of the action, his cock was now hanging down his leg, showing no outward signs of any interest in the proceedings whatsoever. To be fair, or not, his input had been brief to say the least. one brief fuck, and an even briefer wink.

I got onto the bed with his wife, whilst Harry sat on the linen box at the end of the bed, and watched.

I was back on her tits, straight away, her head thrown back and gently moaning as I very lovingly sucked on each nipple.

He was trying desperately to get hard again, his hand pulling at his cock.

I slithered down her belly and she opened her legs as wide as wide could be, she was not so shy now!

As I arrived at her pussy, she opened everything right up for me, with her fingers.

My tongue was straight in there, going for the clotty, and she pushing herself into me, straining for orgasm.

"Oh god, that's fantastic" she howled.

What my neighbours must think!

"Lyn!" said Harry, excitedly "Go and sit on her face"

"What?" we kind of both said, because she'd very nearly come

"I'm ready, I'm READY!" He announced, delightedly.

Grudgingly-ish I withdrew my tongue from Jane's pussy and went to take a seat on her lovely face.

Her hands however, were there to welcome me, opening my thighs wide.

As I sat down her rather marvellous tongue came up to have a little lick of my bottom, initially, which was braver than I had expected. Pretty standard practice girl to girl , if you're interested, but Jane being 100% Hetero, I was surprised, pleasantly so.

Harry was straight on her, cock in hand, no condom, obviously, they were married, and allowed, and into her.

"MmmmMMM" she moaned as she licked away now at my pussy, I was going to come again, quite soon. We came to an arrangement where she licked inside while I masturbated.

Harry heroically lasted about ten minutes on this pass, whilst providing a constant running commentary :
"Lick that CNUT out, go on , drink all the fucking juice" etc, just in CASE the neighbours were missing out on any of the action.

And when it came to drinking juice, it turned out I was in for a real treat, ahem.

His cock was reaching new heights of size and hardness, she was (rather muffledly) telling us it was the biggest it had ever been , when whoop,
off it went, depositing whatever he had left deep into Jane.

He stood immediately, just about maintaining his balance on my bed, and put his cock straight into my mouth, where I licked the smeared and sticky cock and sucked it clean.

Once that was done, he took my hand and lifted me off his wife.

"Go down on her" he ordered me "eat what I've put up there"

"Ah.......!" I said , not keen, I thought, but I did as I was told.

There wasn't much, just a little glob of come which was right in the entrance, so I swiftly got my tongue in there, and scooped it out with my tongue, and ate it. She held my head there, wanting to be licked again, and I quickly made her come another time, until she was a panting heap.

"Christ you dirty bu99ers" I laughed

I suggested we all take a shower. Sadly I don't have one we could all get in, so we went separately, me last.

We re assembled in my room.

"Well, I'm all in", I said "what do you say we get some sleep? Any other business?"

"There is one more thing" said Harry, his eyes lowered

"Oh yeah?" I said, grinning "And what would that be?"

"Your.... bum, can I have your bum?"

I laughed

"Um, yeah, sure, but are you sure you could do it again? Surely you've had it now?"

Something between his legs disagreed. My implied agreement to let him have my bottom had obviously inspired him once again.

"Is that ok with you ?" I asked Jane

She smiled
"Well......yeah whatever. I don't, you see. I don't like it"

"You've tried it though?" I asked

She shook her head, smiling

"Ok, do you want to help though?" I asked her

"Help?" she laughed

"Yes, lubricate me, and hold my bottom open for Harry to fuck it. I think that would be really erotic!"

"Oh, um.... Ok" she said

I went to get the k y ....

I bent right over for her and encouraged her to really get her fingers right UP! (Far more than was necessary)

Under my instruction she thoroughly gel'd my ring piece and inside.

Harry was gently stroking himself, from the middle

"Do you want to have me now?" I ginned over my shoulder, from my position of all 4s on the bed.

"I do" he said, and donning a condom he moved up behind me

Jane leant over my back her big tits lying on me, and opened my arse as wide as wide could be.

Harry's cocked arrived and bounced back out

"Oh" he sounded disappointed

"Push" I encouraged "very tight, but once you're in it's fine. push through"

He took himself in hand and did the biz, he pushed on through, I felt the familiar ping and sting, and then he was in me, filling me entirely.

"Wink me" I said to Jane, her hand came underneath me and her finger found my centre and stroked there, it was heaven.

Harry pumped his big cock deep into my bowels. I could feel him starting to lose his rhythm very shortly after he entered me.

After numerous Oh OH oh and sundry false alarms, he came, just after me ;-)

As he withdrew my gaping arse was inspected very closely by Jane, slipping a wet finger back in to probe.

I moaned at the intrusion and called her a dirty bitch, which she responded by giggling throatily, and kissing me deeply.

"Oh my god that was fantastic" enthused Harry

"I do think you should have a go, Jane" I encouraged

"NO!" she protested

"Come here" I urged "and bend over"

I went to the highest shelf of the wardrobe and retrieved my little basket of goodies.

I have all sorts in there. Restraints, blindfolds, vibes dildos, strap ons, double endeds, some recreational d**gs.

Hanging in that part of the wardrobe are my dressing up outfits as well. Harry spotted my nurses outfit.

"Oh could you put that on" he whispered

I asked which one, I have the plastic fetish type one, and an actual real one, pilfered from a nurse I seduced.

He went for the vinyl one.

I also selected an anal vibrator, which is has a thin end and a fat end, the fat end having the motor and controls, the thin end goes up your bum.

With a little smear of jelly her ring was glistening, and I very gently introduced the vibe in there, telling her I was taking her temperature, and to relax. Well , I was a qualified kinky nurse.

I revved the little motor up

"MmmMf!" she moaned

"You like it?" I teased

"It tickles" she complained

I adjusted the the controls to churn her insides more firmly.

"Oh Christ!" she muttered, shivering

"You like THAT" I grinned

Open mouthed, she nodded

"To be honest, I LOVE it" she whimpered

"Let's try something else" I smiled and I brought a small conventional vibe into play for her clotty.

After a minute or three, I slipped the anal vibe out and the other one into her bottom.

It was a fair bit bigger but she took it like a good un, moaning and OOh ing as I gently fucked her bottom with it.

Whilst keeping a close eye on my pleasuring of his wife's bottom, Harry took his cock off to be sucked by Jane.

He said afterwards it was her little mmf noises felt as vibrations in his cock that had helped him get hard one last time, and the fact that said noises were being caused by a bit of lesbian fibro arse-fucking , if indeed there is such a term. If there isn't there should be.

Her fingers were pleasuring her clit as I worked on her, and before long Jane came again, rather grUNTily. There was a small pool on my duvet by now.

"You FCUKING dirty BTICH" I teased

She moaned, she didn't disagree, her lovely curvy bottom moved back and forth, accepting and pushing back onto my thrusting vibrator, lodged in her butt.

Her luscious full lips and ready tongue had miraculously restored Harry to full working order, he must have Viagra patches on this guy, I swear.

I reached into my basket again, and selected a bigger b**st, more actual cock sized, and long, and purple.

I smoothly replaced the smaller one with the larger, in her arse.

She moaned even more deeply, her bottom was shaking.

"Oh god, oh god" murmured Harry

"IF I help....." I began "do you think you'd like to try Harry in your bottom?"

"Oh lord" she responded "I kind of like the sensations... won't he be too big?

"I had him, I AM more used to it, but you can do it, if you want to do it"

GUYS , can I digress here for a moment, I think I've written this kind of short rant before, but this question of yours "Does she take it up the arse?" That's the phrase.

Please delete it.

It's offensive and insensitive and it is 100% guaranteed to make sure you NEVER find out.

Do ask, always ask, but not like that.

"Can I make love to your bottom, you've got such a lovely bottom, (pity to waste it)etc" completely different approach required.

Don't make such a big thing of it. You can get in there as easily as our pussies, with practice, and I mean that physically, as well as regarding our permission.

And calm down, don't just come the moment you penetrate.

Give a girl warning, let her prepare. Lubricate her. Lick her. Take it gently.

Any q's to me on email (google) . Happy to help you get your cock up her bottom. I'm a fairly recent convert, relatively speaking,
I can appreciate both sides.

Anyway, back to the business in hand

Jane was bending over and all open. She was never going to be more ready than she was now.

"Do you want me to help you get his cock in there?" I asked, "He really wants to. It's a shame if you don't try, I'm reasonably expert" I said.

"god god god" she muttered

"Come on" I murmured and pulling his cock away from her lips gave her the SNGO of her life

"come on then" she breathed, grinning "let's give it a go"

Harry had maintained his strong erection from the tonguing of his lady wife, and I had a little suck, just to be sociable.

"Condom?" I asked

"What's the norm?" she enquired

"It's all very dodgy" I admitted "..without. It's up to you. Myself, I won't go anywhere near it, afterwards, if you don’t' use one"

"Condom then" she advised

I got one out and fitted it.

Harry was behind her and I asked him to open her arse up, while I lubed her more.

He opened her lovely big buttocks while I had a little lick of her arse, and then plunged two then three gelled fingers into her chasm. She moaned and groaned and pushed back onto my hand.

"She wants it" I mouthed to Harry, he smiled enough to split his face.

I took his cock hard cock and removing my fingers from her arse, pushed the head into the opening.

"OH!" she moaned

"Steady" I whispered

"Relax, darling" I said to Jane

I pushed the head and ping he was in

"Don't go any further" screamed Jane

"He's in" I reassured her "that's it"

"Oh.. is he?" she was amazed "That's it?"

"Well..." I giggled "He's not fucked you yet, but it's in your arse"

"Oh" she seemed uncertain what to do

I placed a cool hand gently on Harry's arse and started him moving, very gently.

"OOh" she said looking back over her shoulder

I picked up a hand mirror to show her the cock in her arse.

"Oh goD that looks rude" she giggled

"How does it feel?" I coaxed

I pushed Harry to fuck a little deeper, a little faster too.

"OH!" she groaned and her face dropped to the pillow, her arse right up in the air now.

"Oh my god" she moaned into the pillow

I could see her fingers creeping between her legs to masturbate.

I reached under her crotch to finger fuck her while she pleasured her clit. I got three fingers in there in the end. There was froth coming out.

"I'm going to come" cried Jane

I wasn't surprised

Harry was still fucking away, up to his balls in his wife's virgin arse.

"Ok, baby, come on now, come" said Jane

Harry couldn't, though

Realising assistance was required I got behind him, knelt, parted his buttocks and licked his arse out for him. Still nothing. Finger right up. Jack.

"Come lie here and let me lick your cant" said Jane, finally

I took the position, and spread my legs for her willing tongue.

She lapped away at my clit for me, and I soon felt one more final climax on the way for me. Entertained by his beloved wife licking my shaved little snatch, Harry finally boiled over and shot his load deep inside Jane's arse, collapsing with the effort.

Once everybody had fucked everybody, that was it really, sorry to say, if kind of fizzled out. We went to sleep, they in spare room, and I heard them fucking the next morning, I wasn't
asked in, I left them to it.

At a later date they asked me to take their son's virginity, but that's another story, as they say.

Lyn xxx

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© 2002 Today is the day. I am so nervous. This is my first real experience. I just met this guy online and I am going to meet him. Did I mention that I'm so nervous? Breath Nancy it will be ok. I remember talking to him. He asked me so many questions. He always liked my answers. I am so afraid he won't like me, so afraid. I wasn't prepared for this. I was thinking this was going to happen next weekend. All of a sudden the day is here. I have to get to work and I'm waiting for his...

4 years ago
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Rather unexpectedly, I went on a special shopping outing with a long-time girlfriend — for a wedding gown! Libby was finally getting married to Ben, a guy she’s known since grade school, and I was to be her maid of honor.They might have got married much earlier in their lives but, for various reasons, it didn’t happen. Sadly, one serious problem was Libby’s father. To be blunt, he wasn’t keen on mixed-race relationships and, despite her love for Ben, Libby wouldn’t do anything without her...

1 year ago
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I had never really been the party girl. Everyone said I looked the part. My long legs, firm thighs and ass, and my breasts gave the impression I was a model or a stripper, when in reality I was just a manager at some fancy clothing store that kept herself in shape. I had never been one to get on the crazy side. College had been great, but the few parties I went to weren’t really my style. I always left early and never got drunk. My co-worker had invited me to a party that one of her...

2 years ago
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I had been in a bit of a dating slump recently. The problem was, every guy I met was either married or a creep. I just couldn’t find anyone that stimulated me. One afternoon at work, I was complaining about my problem to a coworker, Angela . She suggested a try letting some people set me up on a blind date. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. ‘That’s a great idea! You got anyone in mind?’ I asked, thinking she might, considering she came up with the idea. ‘Well, now that you mention...

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Quinn falls into the warm embrace of her couch after a long day of school (Grade 12, she's almost 19 years old). She's not tired, but bored, and struggles to figure out what she should do for the evening. After alternating between reading, watching TV, playing on her phone, and eating, she decides to call her best friend Nicole and see if she wants to come over. Nicole is someone Quinn has envied for quite a while, someone that makes Quinn question how straight she is every time she lays eyes...

3 years ago
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I had never really been the party girl. Everyone said I looked the part. My long legs, firm thighs and ass, and my breasts gave the impression I was a model or a stripper, when in reality I was just a manager at some fancy clothing store that kept herself in shape. I had never been one to get on the crazy side. College had been great, but the few parties I went to weren't really my style. I always left early and never got drunk. My co-worker had invited me to a party that one of her neighbors...

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I had been in a bit of a dating slump recently. The problemwas, every guy I met was either married or a creep. I just couldn't find anyonethat stimulated me. One afternoon at work, I was complaining about my problem to a coworker, Angela . She suggested a try letting some people setme up on a blind date. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. "That's a great idea! You got anyone in mind?" I asked, thinking shemight, considering she came up with the idea. "Well, now that you mention it,"...

First Time
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Dot Was Shy This Morning

I lifted myself off Dot and grabbed my hard cock as it popped out of Dot's pussy. "Open your mouth," I told her as I knelt beside Dot and aimed my dick at her face."You can..."I put a finger of my other hand to my lips, "Shh," and stroked my dick. "Ready?" I asked Dot.She opened her mouth and nodded. Dot's left eye closed, and her head jerked as the first bead of cum hit her cheek. My aim was true with the next two shots I fired. They went into Dot's mouth. After that, I didn't care. When I had...

3 years ago
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The New Girl

Author's note: This story is a work of fan fiction, inspired by Shy's story "The Secret Stash." It is not intended as a sequel to the original, but rather, where I fantasized the story going from the point that it ended. I wrote to Shy about posting this story and she gave her OK as long as I made it clear that this is not a sequel, but a tribute. I hope you enjoy it! SMSapphire "The New Girl" By Sissy Maid Sapphire I couldn't believe what was happening to me! The clothes I had...

2 years ago
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Tims Abenteuer German

Tims Abenteuer Tims Abenteuer   1. Die Fotos Tim hatte in letzter Zeit mehrere Probleme. Das gr??te davon war Geld. Er hatte nach seinem Hauptschulabschluss sofort eine Ausbildung angefangen und war dann sehr schnell bei seinen Eltern ausgezogen. Inzwischen 18 ? Jahre alt hatte das Unternehmen wo er gearbeitet hat vor kurzem Konkurs angemeldet und Tim sa? nun ziemlich unvermittelt ohne Arbeit da. Wem man vom Arbeitslosengeld noch ein paar Schulden die er noch hatte abzog wusste er kaum wie e...

2 years ago
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Modern Love StoryChapter 2

Kelly had been due to work late one night, but there had been a mix up and she came home earlier than expected. I didn't hear her come in and only became aware of her presence when she opened the door of the study. I was watching a film, wearing only a tee shirt, masturbating like fury and just about to ejaculate. She was embarrassed, but not as much as I was! She didn't say anything; she just closed the door behind her, and left me alone with my humiliation. She didn't want to talk about...

1 year ago
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Fantasies Came Reality With Kanan Bhabhi Part 11

Hello all, welcome to the next part of Kanan saga. Hope you guys liked the last episode and thanks for all your wonderful feedback. So I am back with the next series after my awesome birthday celebration. First time anal sex was the best b’day gift I ever got till now. So continuing from there. So after that night of my b’day, we didn’t get enough time and space to get close. General rubbing and pressing was there but nothing major as whole family was there and didn’t get any chance to get...

3 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 52

Fred got home about four a.m., stone drunk; Louise figured he must have slept it off some in the parking lot at the bar, because if the cops would have seen him driving at closing time, she would have had to pick him up from the jail. He was in no shape to notice her getting up for work two hours later... Lon didn't see how on Earth he was going to get through Saturday's little party -- but with any luck, Beth and Louise would be less horny, too, given the fact that they'd seen recent...

3 years ago
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A Joyful Experience Of TwinsChapter 6A

By the time, hearing the commotion, Ravi too came out of his room to see what's going on. He found no one in the hall. He went to the kitchen. Ratna saw him and ignored him when he greeted her with a "good morning, ma!" He sensed tension hanging in the air. Deepa looked at him and winked; she asked him, "Ravi, netthu raathiri nalla thoonginiya? Ille ennaiye ninacchittu irundhaiya? Naan nalla thonnginenda. Ammavum appavum kooda nalla thoonginaangannudhaan ninaikkiren. Nammalai patthi...

2 years ago
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Blockade Runner Chameleons Plasma Rifles Book 1Chapter 11

The Didgeridoo set down on the moonbase spaceport near the access dome airlock. She had barely settled down onto her landing skids when two figures exited the airlock door. They made their way quickly to the ship's hatch and cycled through into the ship. James popped off his helmet and was calling for the main computer, "Didgi, make ready for launch. Set an intercept course for the tagged ship. Full stealth, I want to maintain surprise as long as I can." "Aye, aye Captain. Launch ready....

4 years ago
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Jay in the Restroom

So I’m standing at the urinal doing my business when the first girl walks in. Now, just in case you’re a girl and you don’t know, men don’t look around when someone else walks into the restroom. It’s just a boy thing, we don’t look at each other while we are urinating. It’s like being in a elevator, you just stand there minding your own business, not looking at the other people. So it wasn’t until she stood at the urinal right beside mine that I saw she was a girl. I think I gasped. I could...

3 years ago
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My First Big Black Cock Encounter

One late night my hubby comes up to me and decides he wants us to run out for a bit. I was bored so I agreed, for some reason it was midnight and neither of us where in the mood to go to bed so we decided to go on a little adventure. After driving around for about 30 minutes or so I decided that I was thirsty so my husband decided to drive to the nearest convience store. Outside of the store was a 20 something tall muscular black gentlemen I really didn't think anything of it and just walked...

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My First Story Is Sex With Sexy Nurse

Hi,I’m Shankar from Nellore Andhra Pradesh………still virgin……….now living in kottayam,kerala(temporarily for few months).i just graduated MBBS. I have lots of varieties of fantasies like fucking a nurse in hospital,having sex with a stranger in ladies bathroom,having an affair with unsatisfied house wife,threesome with teenage collage goers and the list continues Here I will be writing my series of imaginations which I would think while masturbation because it is my imagination it does the...

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My Wife got Blacked

It all stared, yes a typical opener, well yes it did all start when my Wife A** went on a ladies night out, some Birthday or whatever, I stayed at home, I knew one or two of the girls she went with were a little bit more than free with their favours, Come 1:00am A** was still not in, OK,it was a girly but so I could forgive a little latenes, well she finally arrived home about 2:30, I had fallen asleep on the couch, the door opening roused me, hello,I shouted, it's only me came the reply, A**...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 41 Rosa Gets her Nipples Pierced

10/19/99 Rosa bit into her doughnut and grimaced with the knowledge that although the doughy morsel was delicious, it wouldn't do either her figure or her heart any good. Rolling her eyes, she swallowed it with a gulp of coffee, managing to spill some that dribbled in a thin line down her chin. "Christ, I'm not very lady-like this morning, am I?" she asked herself as she wiped her chin with a napkin. "What the hell, after being with the Rourk's and those super-hung guys the other...

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Camping with Stepdaughter 26

Supper was ready and I yelled at the girls that it was time to eat. Both had on cute little sundresses that buttoned up the front. They only had two buttons done up, so that their firm breast were visible when they turned just right or bent over and their tight little snatches were exposed as they walked. Lesly walked up to me, smiled and said I think that I just one upped mom. I asked her what she meant. She said at least I think so. You have never shared her with another man like you did me...

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Ajbbw Fiona S

Fiona S. was a good friend of mine. We would meet up in the pubs and clubs around town and, usually, get bladdered together. She was 11 years younger than me and almost a foot taller. She was definitely a BBW! She also had an unfortunate reputation for being an easy lay, a reputation that was not totally undeserved, even I had had to step around her outside the pub whilst she was giving some guy or other a blow-job or wank. On this night back in July,1994, I was 33yo, Fiona S. 22yo. We had...

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Demons Slain

Some time ago I submitted a story with the title DEMONS TO SLAY. Many of the comments posted criticized the fact that the story had an unsatisfactory ending. This story is a version of the original that has a much happier ending. This is a fictional story. Any resemblance to persons living or dead and institutions is coincidence. DEMONS SLAIN CHAPTER ONE The West Country was as beautiful as ever. I enjoyed my work, but the times when I came down to Devon and travelled the western counties...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Alina Belle Stepsister Muff Memories

Super thicc chick Alina Belle is pretty chill, which is why her stepbrother has always had such a good time hanging out with her. Today, she is back from college and she wants to relive some their favorite memories together. She has not been able to stop thinking about how they used to fool around back in the day, so she sucks his thick dick and drools all over his rod. Later, Alina is working out and her horny stepbrother wants to slide his cock in her tight cooch. She is game, so she hops on...

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House guest V

In the corner of the case, Rebecca noticed a black plastic bottle. Over looked at first, she read the label. Smiling Rebecca went to the kitchen and fixed another drink. Sitting on the bed, Rebecca gathered the items she found. Sipping her drink, she looked at the metal plug. Setting her drink down, she opened the cap on the bottle. Bringing her knees up and spreading her legs, Rebecca squirted some of the gel on her finger. Reaching down between her legs she rubbed her ass hole. Adding more...

2 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 5

Alan arrived bright and early the next morning, hopefully as eager as I was to get his beautifully huge cock in action. All I'd done since getting up was to brush my teeth put on a little make-up, run a brush through my hair and apply a little perfume behind my ears and to my tits and thighs. My pussy when in heat, smelled wonderful enough, but it wouldn't hurt to sweeten it a little. I opened the door to him wearing a baby doll nightie that barely covered my arse. As I turned and went up...

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Finally scratching that itch

I've always been an introvert. I never want the spot light and that has led to me missing out on many things that I have wanted to experience. For example, I had crush on a friend's mother. She was plus sized and considered unattractive by most, but I loved the feel of her soft body when she hugged me. I masturbated and had many wet dreams involving her. I would meet a girl who could have been her twin, but because I feared being involved with someone unattractive, I denied her advances. I...

First Time
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Uncle makes peace between mother and daughter

Nancy dressed for school. She did not put on any panties or bra. Her mother screamed at her and told her that she could not dress that way. Her mother said she looked like a teenage whore. They argued until Nancy was in tears. She left the house and went to her uncles house looking for an alley."Uncle Ned why do I have to wear panties and a bra?" she cried."Lets see." said her uncle.Nancy pulled her skirt up and unbuttoned her blouse showing her favorite uncle her naked pussy and bare...

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The Accidental Nudist CabinChapter 7

Robin opened the screen door beside us. "Get your asses in here before the bugs eat you alive. You can bring those stinky smoke sticks in if you want; I figure the smoke from the fireplace can use the competition. At least as long as you don't try to go 'Clinton' on me with one of those." I got up and listened to Jack moan. "Damn it! Why'd she have to go and plant that image in my mind?" We laughed, and squeezed through the front door. Forty eight hours earlier, if he'd brushed...

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Harbour City

A few weeks ago I had to go to Sydney for a friends wedding. Well I didn't have to go, I wanted to go, for two things, one was to see my X and see what his new girlfriend looked like and two to see my friend get married. My x didn't show up, which was nothing unexpected. I knew he wouldn't show up. I decided to fly solo on this one, not expecting to hook up with anyone, mmmm, how wrong I was. My friend introduced me to a banker. A very wealthy banker, who I was attracted to straight away. Phil...

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A Very Special Birthday Present

It was my fortieth birthday and my sweet husband Kumar had promised me a very special present. I wondered what it might be — a nice meal in an expensive restaurant perhaps, or a weekend of pampering at a health spa. Whatever it was , I knew that in his thoughtful way he would choose something very memorable, but I was not prepared for the night of pleasure that was his gift to me.First I should tell you a little about us. We had met fifteen years earlier when I was working as a nursing sister...

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Une rencontre sexe meacutemorable

J'ai rencontré cette sexy girl à l'époque ou je surfais sur quelques sites de rencontres et autres bien connus. Quelle tuerie cette brunette orientale, un visage et une bouche humm... Je bande rien qu'en y repensant, mais bref... donc, Une grosse touffe ondulée, un corps pulpeux et ferme a la fois, des seins monstrueusement perfect en forme de pommes, ronds comme jamais, tétons rosés, juteux et attractifs, trop même !Une ravissante Chatte épilée douce et sucrée, je peux dire que j'en ai vu un...

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Part 01 Lance Matters of the Heart

Our story began the summer before our Sophomore year in High School. We grew up together. We lived in a small town in West Virginia known as Montgomery Town, named after the family that lived there years ago. Part of the family still exists today. * I was in my room writing when my cellphone rang. I picked up the receiver. ‘Hello?’ ‘Are you coming up? It was Billy. Um . . . yes, I told him. I’m on my way. Okay, he followed and we hung up. I slipped on my boots and headed for the door....

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Sex in trei

Buna, ma numesc Denisa, sunt studenta, am 20 de ani si sunt maritata de un an cu Alex. Sotul meu are 26 de ani si este Sales Manager la o multinationala din Bucuresti. Locuim intr-un apartament cochet si ne intelegem de minune ; ne iubim la nebunie si nu ne refuzam unul altuia nicio dorinta care sa ne faca placere sau care sa ne faca sa ne simtim bine. Facem sex in fiecare zi, cateodata si de mai multe ori pe zi, am experimentat toate fanteziile sexuale care ne-au trecut prin cap si pot spune...

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Myspace meetup

I’d been using MySpace for quite a few years, when one summer I realised I could use it to find girls living in my close area. I did a few searches quite lazily, and sent a half hearted message to a few girls not really expecting a reply. After work one day I got home to a friend request and a message from a girl who lived in the same city who I’d obviously contacted. My heart raced as I delved into her pictures she was clearly a well keen type of girl. Half of her pictures involved her...

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Last StrawChapter 11

Betty had shown Theresa out after her unbelievable visit, and took Terry's hand as soon as the front door closed. She led him back to the family room, sat on the sofa, and pulled him down next to her. Still holding his hand, she said "That was awfully hard, wasn't it? It was the right thing to do, Terry." He could not look her in the eye, and she could sense the strength of the emotions he was struggling to subdue. On instinct, she pulled him to herself, cradling his head between her...

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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 17

“My jacket’s gonna be cut slim and checked. Maybe a touch of seersucker with an open neck. I ride a GS Scooter with my hair cut neat. Wear my war-time coat in the wind and sleet.” -The Who, “I’ve Had Enough“ “Marco Santori!” Contessa Helena de San Finzione’s shadow called from the doorway of the Taverna. The bartender turned off the music and everyone faced her. “Your Contessa summons you.” At the bar, a man dropped his beer and ran for the side exit. He opened the door and ran...

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Some Joke

My name is Jim, and I began my story in "A Joke," which was posted by Agena. If you haven't read that yet, please hunt it down and read it. It'll help you understand this story. Go ahead. I'll wait. In "A Joke," I was torn over what to believe about Flo, my wife of 23 years, and my jokester next-door neighbor, Roger Kubiak. Roger and his pretty, buxom wife Alice had moved into the big house next door about five years ago. In many ways we'd become pretty good friends. We were of...

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Secret Lives Chapter 17

We arrived in the city and went straight to the parking garage of the casino. It is one that is never closed and never empty plus it’s a damn site cheaper than any of the other parking places nearby. I collected the ticket at the entry and drove straight up the ramp. It’s not worth wasting your time looking on the lower levels for a spot especially when the elevators take you to any floor you want. Besides, your car is less likely to get damaged because there are less people parked on the...

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Fruite Of The Vine

Yeah, that was much better. She'd been so hot and the cool air on her tits felt so good. It made her nipples hard. It made her feel sexy. It was so nice of Carl to find somewhere nice and dark for her to lie down. She wasn't used to drinking so much. Hell, she wasn't used to drinking at all. She was glad Carl had turned off the lights, because watching the room spin made her dizzy. For a brief moment she wondered where her bra was. Then she moaned as her nipple was caressed by a pair...

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My wife Vickie

My wife Vickie and I had a great weekend at a Tunica MS casino. There she fullfilled one of my biggest fantasies. I watched my beautiful blonde wife suck another man's cock. Not only that the man was black. It was a great turn on to watch her. She really does "LOVE" to suck cock. On the day we were leaving she had gotten up around 3 a.m.,so, she was tired and sleepy when it was time to leave. She had on black shorts and a loose white top, and after we got on the highway she was fast asleep....

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Things I Wish I Had Told My Lover

That first night we were together I was so disappointed. It was my first and to this day last gangbang. But from the first time I slid down on you it was as though I found the perfect fit. (Though you being perfect for me is not information I withheld from you. Every time you had me on my back and hit that spot that made my brain fritz it was the only thing I could tell you.) And at one point you had to remind me that there were other men there. I spent the entire time longing for you to be...

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The Meet Up

You roll over, smashing the snooze button on your alarm. It takes a moment or two to be able to get the energy to sit up from the bed. Your feet hand from the bed as you smile, knowing that you will be able to spend time with me after a few weeks of constant work and conflicting schedules. You follow your regular morning routine, getting dressed, throwing on your favourite clean outfit, throwing on jeans and a top, along with a hoodie. You quickly do your hair to get rid of the bedhead before...

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Camp Adventures

DISCLAIMER: This story falls under the Scat category. This story contains graphic depictions of human defecation and may not seem appropriate to all audiences. However, it does NOT contain any consummation of scat, scat play, or physical use of scat for erotic purposes. I walked out of my cabin and squinted as the bright sunlight hit me right in the face. Most people at the camp were still asleep, but I had a habit of getting up early. Toothbrush, toothpaste, and facial wash in hand I headed...

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Human ManChapter 9

Scott woke covered in sweat. The old dream of being buried alive with the spiders had mixed with memories of Afghanistan. He splashed water on his face from the hotel suite's bathroom sink and tried to clear his head. He needed a good long run. Scott drove to campus. He didn't have a student identification card, yet, but doubted anybody bothered to check at the outdoor track. The streets were empty with the sun still a half hour from making an appearance. He parked at the student athletic...

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Wild Sex In Car With My Ex Girlfriend

Hello, So let me introduce myself I’m from Navi Mumbai my name is Ron I’m 5 ft 11 inches tall and a big tool to satisfy every feminine needs and let me tell something about my ex she was tiny around 5ft2inches with round and firm boobs 34s her figure was to die for as she was a well-trained dancer she had a balanced figure of 34 30 36 . Her ass curves were most tempting. So coming to the sex story. We use to bunk our college and meet we had many sexual encounters I’ll explain that later on but...

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Shadowrun The Princess Lovers Other Tales

It is August 15, 2057. Dunkelzahn the Great Dragon, the first Non-Human to hold the office of President of the UCAS (United Canadian and American States) had just been in office for a whole nine hours before some unknown assailants assassinated him. The reading of Dunkelzahn's will six days later was the start of this story. The last line in the will to be exact. "To the last Knight of the Crying Spire, I leave the suit of armor worn by Richard the Lion-hearted on his Crusade, because it's up...

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Charley continued

I pulled up my pants and exited the booth and noticed something. All the booths were open – no one was there except me and the guy in the next booth who had just sucked my cock. As I got to the end of the aisle, the booth door opened and Charley walked out! I was floored, never thinking a pussy hound like him would go both ways. Out in the dark parking lot I asked him, ‘was that you, man?’ ‘Yeah, he said, I wasn’t k**ding tonight when I said I’d do anything.’ ‘Sucking a cock is a great turn...

4 years ago
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Holiday fun 3

Hello dosto kaise ho. App ke bahut sare mail mile. Mujey kushi hai ki app ko meri khahani bahut pasand aayi khas taur se mujey girls ke mail jyada mile thanku very much. Bahut bhaut dhanyawad all girls which u have demanded for next part so pls enjoy this part n tell me how u like my stories. Jab me bhaiya ke sath disco me gayi to bhaiya mere ko kiss kare bole jao pahele dress change karke ao me boli nahi bahiya me nahi change karungi tabhi bahiya bole please neetu maine kaha nahi bhaiya muey...

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The Naturist Old Endings New Beginnings

Oh, I know how the divorce happened. Mr. Five-forty-five, as my wife, now ex-wife so affectionately referred to me, came home one day at three-twenty-six and caught her being ass fucked by our twenty-eight-year-old yardman. I was unlucky enough to walk in just the guy pulled his massive cock out of Amy’s ass, giving me the porn view of her gaping hole, and watched him spin her around as spew his seed all over her face. The look on her face was priceless as she caught view of me just as the...

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A Lover once asked me: If you had to explain why you love cunnilingus so much, how would you describe it? And do you really love it as much as you say? I truly pondered how I should answer these questions because her inquiry was so honest and deserved a full explanation!As to the question: "Do I love it?"Oh do I ever. I love it when I run my hand over a pussy and find it already oozing wet. Feeling over the Vulva, just the feel of that curvature cupping into my hand, the prelude to an exciting...

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King Dong a Monster Movie ParodyACT II

“Beautiful,” Jack said, coming up behind Anne as she stood at the railing, staring out over the ocean. “Yes, It’s a wonderful view,” she replied. “I wasn’t talking about the sea,” he said. She turned towards him, revealing that the plunging neckline of her dress left very little to the imagination regarding her large breasts, or to the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Flatterer,” she said with an inviting smile. Jack smiled back. “I hear you’ve been getting along well with the...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 6 High Father

The Stellaris scientist-led us through several connecting tube tunnels and stopped at another airlock module. Space is limited, unfortunately, and we can’t accommodate Nul or ... is that a Y’All?” I put a firm tone in my voice.”Is there a problem with that?” “Oh no, I voted for their admission. I just noticed the Ensign rank insignia and wondered how it managed to get to be an officer that fast.” “He joined the Union as an individual ahead of his kind. This is Ensign TheOther, a valued...

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A Couples Threesome

Kirk kisses his wife, Sherene as she leaves for work. Kirk is on 2 weeks holiday so he is staying home to relax. After she leaves, the doorbell rings. He answers it and Alisa, their maid walks in. “Sorry, I’m late. I’ll get started right away,” she apologizes. “It is okay,” Kirk says as he eyes her stunning body all wrapped up in her tight tank tops and shorts. She goes over to the sink and begins to wash the wares. He looks outside and sees that his wife’s car is gone. He approaches her from...

Group Sex
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Maa Beta Sex Tragedy From Pakistan 8211 Part II

Wo gusay mai bolin dfa ho ja bahir, mujy koi baat nie krni tbhi bahir kisi k khansny ki awaaz i, mai chup ho gya, ami bhi chup ho gyeen, paroos mai sai koi tha mai 2 mint tk yun hi betha raha or tbhi ami ko kaha k agr mai ab toilet sai bahir gya to koi daikh ly ga or phir glat smjhy ga, wo gusy mai bolien k mai ny kaha tha tujy yahan aany ko, mai ny tb ami ki nangi gaand ko goor sai daikha ami ny kaha kia daikh raa hai mai bola kuch nahin , tb wo loty mai pani dalny lgieen mai jaldie sai aagy...

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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 04

Introduction: Four weeks ago, beautiful college coed Marcy survived a disease outbreak that infected and subsequently killed her best friend, Karen. At the same time, Marcy became pregnant through a once-off sexual hook-up with Karens would-be boyfriend, Paul. At Karens funeral, Marcy somewhat reconciled with Paul, but she hasnt yet told him that she is pregnant. Chapter 4 – Carpe Diem It was a small town, without much of a night life. With nothing better to do, pretty much all the young adult...

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A Kittens TailChapter 27

Nicolina’s cries and Sonia’s jerking awake in response had woken me a couple of times through the night, but they never lasted more than a few seconds before you could hear Kiera’s cooing as she soothed the baby. Sonia had started to leak with each cry, but Marta and I had each taken a nipple to nurse on for a couple of minutes to help soothe her before we all fell back asleep. This time was different though. You could still hear Kiera cooing at the baby, but Nicolina kept crying. I could...

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The Powerful New Super Putties

NOTE: All Charters Involved in This story are above the Age 18 Kimberly was walking in the Park alone as the rest of the team was busy training.She had decided to leave her Power Morpher Behind sense Rita Hasn't done anything in close to a year. She Would soon regret that when a group of Putties showed up but something was different this time.Oh well there just Putties i can take them in my Sleep Kimberly thought.Little did she know she couldn't have been more wrong.


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