Courtney,One Crazy Little Bitch. Part 2 free porn video

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I knew what we were doing was wrong. What more can I say? That I knew it was wrong and that I didn't care? Well,fine. "I didn't care!". There. I said it. Does That Make You Happy?

I had pleaded with Samantha,Courtney's Mother,never to ask me to babysit for her again! Granted,I didn't go into any great detail,but that's besides the point,damnit! I'm sure She has a pretty good idea as to my reasons why.

I mean,it's not My fault,that Courtney is litterally "certifiably insane"! It's not My fault,that I'm the only one who can handle her! And it Sure As Hell isn't My fault, that no-one else will agree to watch her,even for 5 minutes! Samantha knows all of that. She also knows that Courtney is a 60 pound hyper-active,exhibitionistic,escape artist that has been known to terrorize her neighbors and the town!

She also happenes to be Gorgeous!

So,when Samantha has to go out of town for a weekend,Who does she call? You guessed it. Me! And of course Idiot Me,agrees. After all,Courtney is my Goddaughter,and like Samantha pointed out,who else will watch her? I must be as fucking nuts as she is.


"Ah,Courtney! My beautiful,crazy,little Courtney. Why did you have to tell me about sneaking into my room and spying on me last night? Why do You insist on teasing me? Tempting me,and making me want You? Do You want to hear me admit that I need to hold you? To run my hands over the slight curves of your body, and lose myself in the sweetness of your youthful scent? That I need to feel the silkiness of your hair? Am I to tell you how much I want to cover you in soft,loving kisses and arouse your budding sexual desire until You melt with orgasmic pleasure? Is that what You want from Me?"

"Huh? No! I just want to look at Your Penis again! Come On! Show it to me! If You don't,I'll run away!" she threatened. "Or maybe I'll just ask Malcolm to show me his. HE Wants to show me his penis! He tells me that all the time. He almost did it too the last time You came over,but You found me before he could pull it out. Do you want me to do that?" she wasn't playing.

"Ok. I'll show You My penis,but only if You are absolutely sure about this,Courtney." I sighed. But who was I ki dding? I wanted to show her my cock, almost as much as She wanted to see it! Maybe more!

Using her head,Courtney pushed me backwards till I was leaning against the kitchen counter,then her small,nimble fingers worked quickly to undo my belt and pull my pants down. I was suprised by how focused her attention was on the very prominent bulge in my boxer shorts. She knelt down and leaned so close,I could feel the warmth of her breath when she said "Wow! It's even bigger than it was last night!" Then Courtney looked up and batted her long,indigo mascaraed eyelashes at me.

"I get to play with a penis,I get to play with MY Penis!" she sang as she pulled my boxers down passed my knees,and giggled when my cock slapped her upside the head.

"Wow! Look At That Dick!"

Courtney arranged herself till the head of my cock was resting on the tip of her nose and she looked at it crosseyed. I was going to laugh at her expression,but stopped when I noticed a sudden change in her mood. She tightened her grip on my thighs holding me so I wouldn't move. Oh yeah,Courtney was all business now. She parted her dark-green painted lips,baring her teeth like an a****l ready to strike,then flicked her head back and caught my cock on her protruding tongue.

"Mmmmmmm!" She hummed while licking around and under my swollen glans.
"Kissy,kissy!" she laughed and proceeded to do just that!

For several minutes,Courtney lavished my hard-on with hot,soft,wet kisses and giggled when it twitched or I made it bounce around. Each time that happened,she would use her tongue to chase it down,trap it,then take the head between her teeth,making me wince.

"Oh calm down! I won't bite it off. Maybe." She scolded me. "I think I like kissing penises!"
"Why don't you try sucking on it?" I asked.
"Will it get even bigger? I don't think I can fit it in my mouth now!"
"If you suck on it,I'll give you some candy." I teased.
"You'll give me candy anyway or I Will bite it off! While You sle ep! Why do You have eggs in a bag between your legs? They look funny. And They're Moving Around Too!"

Before I could say anything,Courtney let go of my thighs and lifted my ballsack in the palms of her hands. To get a better look,She rested my hard-on against her forehead and leaned even closer. "Oh! That feels weird! They Are Eggs!" she exclaimed as she began to instinctively roll and kneed them gently between her fingers. I started breathing a bit harder. She was making quiet,clucking noises right before she started to softly kiss them.

"Hmmm,Burrrk. Is this O.K.? I don't want to break them. You need to shave off all this hair. I keep getting it in my mouth." she whispered.

"You're doing great,Sweetheart! You can keep kissing them. You can even suck on them,if you want to." I was loving it,but I didn't want to go too far too fast.

"I'm Your Sweetheart? Awww. That's cute. But I think I'll try sucking on My penis now."

"Sweetie,It's actually MY Penis." I chuckled.

"No it isn't. Not any more." She said it so matter of factly I was a little shocked. "This penis," she said and flicked the tip of it with a finger,"belongs to Me! It's Mine! Any questions? From Now On,You just carry it around till I want to play with it again. If You are want to argue the point,We can always take it to Court."

Well,Who was I to argue?

Without any coaching from Me,Courtney became bolder. She sucked on the tip of my cock and began stroking it in her hot little hands. She wrapped one hand around the base and began jerking me off with the other,while swirling her tongue around and over my piss slit!

I heard purring and came to the conclusion that it must be coming from her.

Now,I knew that she had never done anything like this before,and I wondered how she learned how to do it! I was going to ask her that very question when she suddenly sucked the head of my pecker into her mouth and started drooling all over it!

"Oh ,Shit! Fuck! Courtney! You'd better stop,Sweetheart. Really! Stop it!" I insisted. Will-power alone kept me from cuming in her mouth! I reached down to touch her cheek with my fingers but pulled my hand back when she popped my cock from between her lips and snapped her teeth at my thumb.

"Sssssss! I do the touching!" she growled. Then she giggled and said "For some reason,My pussy itches. You may scratch it when I let you. You may scratch it with Your...tongue. Yes. I think that would feel good. I like it when Mommy scratches my pussy with Her tongue. Oh! Look! I just peed all over the floor and now my costume is all wet. You need to clean me up and change me before I get a rash or Something!" and she burst out in cackling laughter!

"Take me to my room,Jeeves! Chop,Chop!"
"You spend too much time watching old movies,Girly." I joked as I scooped her up into my arms and stepped out of my pants and underwear. I had to act like her telling me that She and her Mother,Samantha, having sex was nothing strange or any kind of a big deal. I wondered how long,and just what,exactly,they had been doing.

"You don't have any idea about the stuff I watch. But I promise,You're going to find out! I absolutely Loved The Ghost and Mrs.Muir! I bet He secretly watched as she played with her pussy. I wonder if He tried to do anything with her? Do You think He tried to suck on Her Pussy? Or Maybe stick his penis into Her mouth? I sure would have!" she whispered.

When we got to her room I started to put her down,but Courtney was having none of it. "Sit on the chair and take my costume off. Do it!" she demanded.
"Sweetie. I don't know how. I don't want to ruin it. You look so beautiful,dressed up like a wood-nymph!" I told her.
"Fine. Then just sit there and I'll do all the work!" she was not pleased. Not at all. Then She must have realized what I said. "You think I'm beautiful? Do I have a sexy ass? Tell Me! Is My Ass Sexy? Does It make You want to Kiss it? You didn't kiss it before even tho I told You You could! If I asked nicely,would You French Kiss My asshole?! Please? I'll let You Fuck Me!" she whispered. "Shhhhh,don't tell anyone that!" she said looking around the room. "You never know Who is watching."

With all the work she had to do to take it off,I wondered how on earth she ever managed to get her costume on! And seeing her sitting there on my leg naked,made my cock throb!

Her breasts were almost nonexistant,just slight mounds and bright pink,hard nipples. She arranged herself so I could suck on them,which I did. Much to my delight she moaned and cupped my face in the palms of her hands. "Oh,that feels so good! You are so gentle! Mommy can get kind of rough. Oh,OH!" She exclaimed as I teased her nipples with my tongue and lips.

"You can put me on the bed and scratch my pussy now. But remember. You may only use Your tongue!" she panted.

I did as I was told and was rewarded almost instantly when her legs clamped against the sides of my head and she ground her tiny slit against my mouth. I began rubbing my nose between her pussy lips and pressing it againt her clit. That drove her wild! Courtney tried to pull my hair,but opted to pet my head instead. And then she came,with abandon!

Her legs shot out straight along my shoulders and her back arched! She was panting and I opened my eyes just in time to watch as she gripped the quilt till her knuckles turned white! "More! Keep going! Scratch My Pussy!" she snarled. So I did.

Holding her hips in my hands I went to work! Three more times I made her cum! I ate her sweet,little cunt out till she couldn't breath! Her eyes were rolling back till all I could see were the whites! And I made her cry when I tongue fucking her ass! I used almost every one of the tricks I knew to get her off,but I made sure to hold a couple in reserve. Imagine,If she came like that with only my nose and tongue,she was going to go balistic when I used my fingers. And I couldn't wait to see the expression on her face when I buried my cock up into her!

She swung a leg over my head and rolled onto her stomach. Getting on hands and knees,Courtney tried to crawl away from me, but I caught her about the waist and picked her up. Clasping her tightly to my chest,I french kissed her. Deeply. When we finally broke apart,I saw that she was crying. Shit! What had I done?!

Still holding her closely I sat back down in the chair but when I did the shaft of my cock parted the lips of her pussy. I was thankful that I had not penetrated her. My God her pussy was hot!

Courtney was sobbing but she got up,put her feet on either side of my legs and squatted down till the head of my cock was inbetween the lips of her pussy.

"I can't wait any longer! Do You really Love Me?!" She whimpered.
"Yes! Oh God Yes!" I moaned.
"Good!" She said as she reached down between her legs for the shaft of my cock. I felt her slide my cock head in just a little bit and then she stopped. "Do You Really,Really Love Me?"
"Oh Courtney! You know I do!" I replied.
"Good! Like I said,I can't wait! Not any Longer!" and with that said,she held my cock tightly against her cunt and pissed all over Us!

I think Old Malcolm next door could hear her laughing! "You should see the look on your face!" she laughed as she continued to piss on my cock!

When she finished her wet hands let go of my dick and She began wiping them on my neck and face. My cock,now safely nestled between the cheeks of her ass,allowed Courtney to lean in,and it was her turn to French Kiss me! My Head swam as our tongues danced!

Courtney rotated her hips,stroking my cock up and down between her wet asscheeks. "Your lips are green." she told me.
"Maybe. But Your the one with Green teeth!" I said. She slid off of my lap and ran over to look in the mirror. Lifting her upper lip with a piss moistened finger she cut me a look that would shrivle a lesser man's soul. "Lier! They are not green! Just for that I'm not going to suck on your penis! Ever again!"
"Oh,Yes You Are!" I said and jumped up.
She squeeled, and laughing,began running around the bedroom.
" 'Try and try as much as You can! You'll never catch Me! Said the Gingerbread Man.'" She sang.

We were both laughing so hard,we finally fell onto the bed together. Snuggling up against me,Courtney reached down and began to slowly stroke my cock. Up and down,Up and down. Then she scooted down,laid her head on my stomach and started sucking on my dick between strokes.

After a couple of minutes,and much pleading on my part,Courtney finally agreed to move her ass up till I could tickle her butt-pucker with a spit slicked finger tip. She was humming a tune I remembered hearing only once before as she continued to suck and stroke my cock. I was getting close. Very close!

"Remember when I asked You if You Loved Me?" she said,talking around the head of my dick.
"It's not polite to talk with Your mouth full,Sweetheart!" I joked.
"I'm being theeerrious! Bakawk!" and she bit the very tip of my dick,making me yelp and shove my finger two knuckles deep up her asshole!
"OH, FUCK YES!!!" she yelled. "Well,do You? Do You remember?!"
"You know I Love You,Courtney!" I was so close to cuming! Should I warn Her before I unloaded my nuts or explain it afterwards?
"Will You Promise to fuck Me? I mean,No matter what? Will You Please Promise To Fuck ME?!"
"Oh,I Promise,Courtney! 'I Promise I Will Fuck You No Matter What!' " I chuckled. I meant every word,too. No Matter What,I was Going To Fuck Courtney's sweet,little pussy till she begged me to stop! And then I was going to fuck Her some more!
"Good! You Love Mommy too? Don't You?"
"Yes. Yes I do." Closer. God! Almost there! Courtney's hand flew up and down. Her mouth opened and closed,sucking my cock like a carp sucks alge! She kept drooling all over my cock and I Knew I was about to empty my bloated balls right into her mouth!
"I know You Love Mommy,too. Wanna know how I know? 'Cause She told me a secret. Remember the knight You fucked Her? Well that the night...You Knocked Her Up! With Me! I Love You,Daddy! Mmmmmmmm! CREAM!! MEOW!"

I didn't say a word,I just came in my daughters mouth and continued to finger fuck Her ass! By the way,I always keep my promises!

To Be continued...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Crazy And Unbelievable Naked Party

Hi All, I am back again with another incident which took place recently. As many of you know, I am Ramya 18 years of age and 32 24 33 are my stats and 5feet 6inches in height. By now most of you know my friends and our fun activities. Today I am going to describe another party incident which we arranged as our holidays are going to end and we all are going to join some college. It was a bright sunny day on a Thursday afternoon when I received a call from my friend Radhika. She wanted to call me...

3 years ago
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A Sweet And Little Bitch is born

I was 16 years old and already two years ago my mind and my body had manifested a desire to be a girl. Despite being a boy I was thin, minute, with a nice pair of female legs and a nice round ass. In my room, secretly from my parents, I shaved, made up, wore a wig, dressed in a sexy way, imagining that I was a woman. In the loneliness of the room I watched pornographic films and imagined that I was the actress on duty who was being possessed by her males. I had never had sex with anyone, only...

1 year ago
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Masters little bitch

His name is “Mike”, and he is the only man I have ever had sex with, but it is the best sex I have ever had. He is completely a top man who never touches my cock, but that is ok, I can jack off. The fact of the matter is, I love the way his cock makes me feel. I love being his girlfriend and I’ll do whatever he says. I met him at a bar one Friday night after I had a few drinks. I was standing by the pool table waiting on my turn, when I saw Mike walk into the bar. I was scared of him as...

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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 041

I prepared some coffee and smoked a cigarette then I text Mariana. I didn’t call her just text her on what’s up. “Good morning, sweetheart,” I send Instantly she replied, “Good morning Vally, wow you waked up early. I thought you would wake up afternoon as usual.” I texted, “Just for you lovely lady.” “You are so charming Vally,” she replied. I send, “So, are you home or at work?" I texted with a smiley face. “Lolzzzz, of course at home, I told you I’ll take today off as you...

4 years ago
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Bitchs Slutty Genes Ch 06

I replied, “Ok sweetheart.” I stayed in the bath robe she bought for me and in less than 10 minutes the food arrived, I unpacked the boxes on the kitchen table and I waited for her till she came in. Finally, she came to the kitchen wrapping her body in a big towel. We started eating like wolves, she ordered too much food, salad, steaks, pasta, some appetizers, deserts. After a while she pulled 2 cold beers from the fridge, and opened them. While giving me my beer, she said in so happy...

3 years ago
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Making Me Her Little Bitch Pegged

What was that? My mind was racing but I was not sure what was going on. Why couldn't I see anything? Why couldn't I move my arms? As I wondered what was going on, it all began to rush back to my memory very quickly. My lover had done this to me, and I hate her for it, I hate being in this position, on my hands and knees tied down to a bed, eyes blindfolded awaiting her return. But now, just as her plan went, I had no choice. How long had I been u*********s for?The last thing I could remember...

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A Good Little Bitch

Movement drew her attention, head turning just enough to watch as Noon pressed closer to her, far too furry and warm for how hot Zendaya felt. But she didn’t complain as Noon cuddled closer, the dog’s sinful tongue lulling out of his mouth, breath on the back of his neck. Noon started to lap at her skin, a small whine escaping him that made Zendaya's fingers fuck into her faster. The collar around her neck constricted as he swallowed hard, one leg stretching out as she braced a foot against...

1 year ago
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My bitch

WARNING: Not for minors! If you are not an adult, stop reading and goelsewhere now! If BDSM, bondage, sexual slavery and homosexualityoffends you, please stop reading. Please keep in mind that this story isa work of FICTION; nothing more. My bitch by 2NN Prologue I come home from work, close the door behind me and take off myjacket. It's been a hard day at work and I really need to blow off somesteam. I need to take a piss and I really, really need to get off.Luckily I have just the thing. I...

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From young man to boi to bitch to object

From young man to boi to bitch to object by 2nn Not for minors! If you are not an adult, stop reading and go elsewherenow! If BDSM, bondage, sexual slavery and homosexuality offends you,please stop reading. Please keep in mind that this story is a work ofFICTION; nothing more. Prologue: The young man The young man stepped off the buss with a big fat smile on his face inspite of being more than a little tired from the long trip. Having leftsmall town life behind him once and for all, shedding...

2 years ago
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Willies New Bitch

Dressed in her best black lace lingerie, Kim Turner, a beautiful thirty one year old mother of two gripped the edge of the tab          ??????????????????????????? ?Willie?s New Bitch?  ???????????????????? A work of fiction for Adults by Taskmaster11????????????????????????????????????????? [email protected]??     ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????A Prologue As always during the week, the husband was consumed by his usual deep sleep, but for his beautiful...

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Feminine Little Bitch For MEN

This week I had mad sex in the booths. Oh - my - fuckin' GOD! I had sex with the hottest nigga in the city tonight! Let's just say that last night was a winner for this little sissy. I went straight to the adult arcade. This nasty looking sexy bitch at the window smiled at me and gave me my coupons. I think she knows I'm the crossdresser everyone talks about, because she gave me that certain smile - you know - that sisterly smile that prostitutes give one another?Anyway, I went inside, grabbed...

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Lucky Bitch pussyboy doggy slut

Lucky Bitch (pussyboy doggy slut)Story about a sissy pussyboy who becomes a dog bitch.Some mornings the smell of cum is so thick in the kennel that it could knock me on my ass--if I wasn't already on all fours with a fat dogcock jerking and spurting inside me. On a good day I'll take on a half dozen or more mutts. On a very good day, my owner, Ed, comes by to watch me get dog fucked.I'm used to being watched. Ed pimps me out every chance he gets. I've taken on the chief of police (a mean...

3 years ago
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A Threesome With 2 Married Naughty Bitches

Hi guys, this Ronny once again from Mumbai with another hot story of threesome session with 2 married hotties and me. About me, my height is 5 ft 7 inches and cock size of 6″. I’m based out of Mumbai would love to fuck such a sex starved or hungry college girls, working bhabhi, housewife in most dirty and hardcore way they dreamed always to get fucked by stranger by most brutal and extreme way as well as romantic too. I’m narrating another hardcore session with my 2 long slaves Swathi and Sonal...

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Paybacks A Bitch

Payback’s A BitchAuthors Note: Hey Guys. This is only my second attempt of a story so any feedback or ideas will be greatly appreciated. The more reviews/feedback I receive the more inspired I’ll be to write that little bit quicker. Thank you to the people who reviewed my first story ‘Taking Advantage of A Betrayed Lover? and I hope to be able to come up with some more ideas for that and finish it soon. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.The Morning After. Jasmine’s House....

2 years ago
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MindControl Panties Story 8 Hot Naughty Bitch

Story Eight: Hot & Naughty Bitch By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure entered a store it had never been in. Or, to say, it was the type of store it had never ventured into before. It wasn't the sort of place that young girls shopped at. Nor was it even a place that people typically went to to find clothing. It was a gaming store. The place tingled its senses. The air hummed with probability, chance, and wagers. The possibility sent a...

4 years ago
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Bitchs Tale

Bitch’s TaleStory from the perspective of a girl who gets dominated by a group of brothers, but then discovers that she likes being abused and fucked and willingly begs for more. Chapter OneMy name is Mandy and I am a bitch. I know this because I've been told that that is what I am many times in the past few days? Let me explain. I am 25 years old and no stranger to sex. I am very familiar with the sight, smell and taste of a man's cock and cum. In fact to be perfectly honest, and that is what...

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Kennel Bitch II

Kennel Bitch Part II        My name was once Lindsey. It is now Kennel Bitch, and has been for some time. At once I was Jake’s slave. Now he shares ownership of my body with a dog. Two dogs, really.       It started out simply enough. You may already have read about my first time with a dog. If so you know it was not what I wanted. Neither is what I am – a dog slave. Regardless, it is what I have become, and I revel in it. Even as I detest it.        That night, as was detailed in the first...

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Black man White Girlfriend and Their bitch Chapter 3 Party bitch

Black Man, White Girlfriend and Their Bitch Chapter 3 - Party Bitch By sissybabs In the first chapter Mark's black supervisor and his white girlfriend figure out that Mark is submissive and probably has fantasies about being a sissy cuckold. They catch him breaking the company's Internet policies while viewing a Cuckold website. They offer him a deal that if he services his supervisor orally then he won't fire him. Once Mark does this their suspicions about him are confirmed and he...

1 year ago
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I Am My Daughters Bitch

Note : This story is completely fictional! How did I end up like this? On my hands and knees dressed in just sexy stockings and suspenders and a lacy corset, my face in slutty make up, my lips wrapped around my daughter's boyfriend's cock while my daughter herself rammed an eight inch strapon up my arse. The worst of it was, humiliated though I felt, this was really turning me on. This is the story of how I became my daughter's bitch and how I came to love it. I suppose I shouldn't have let...

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Lifes a bitch and now so am I

This is Lifes a bitch and now so am I!!! This is a fiction story!! The people in the story are not real!Please exsuse the puntuation and spelling I'm just a blond sissy!I start of my story with my wife leaving to go bingo with her mum, as soon as the car pulls away I'm up to my secret girl cloth's and sex toys.I am a sissy cross dresser, I can't help it i love the feel and how girlie it makes me look. I have...

4 years ago
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Lifes a bitch and now so am I This is a stor

Life's a bitch, and so am I now This is a fiction story!! The people in the story are not real!Please exsuse the puntuation and spelling I'm just a blond sissy!I start of my story with my wife leaving to go bingo with her mum, as soon as the car pulls away I'm up to my secret girl cloth's and sex toys.I am a sissy cross dresser, I can't help it i love the feel and how girlie it makes me look. I have tried many times to stop but I cant, so i lay on my bed and put my computer on. I don't know...

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I Am My Daughters Bitch

I Am My Daughter's Bitch by Richard-to-Rachel How did I end up like this? On my hands and knees dressed in just sexy stockings and suspenders and a lacy corset, my face in slutty make up, my lips wrapped around my daughter's boyfriend's cock while my daughter herself rammed an eight inch strapon up my arse. The worst of it was, humiliated though I felt, this was really turning me on. This is the story of how I became my daughter's bitch and how I came to love it. I suppose I...

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A Bitch Gets Revenge

     This story is written for the enjoyment of adults only.  It is a work of fiction from the twisted folds of my brain.  Please send any comments to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.  A Bitch Gets RevengeWritten by 4Play     My wife Pat and I had been active swingers for almost 5 years and both enjoyed sex with other partners very much as well as sex with each other.  She is a good looking woman in the prime of life and men find her attractive.  We were married very young and were...

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CD crossdresser daughterrsquos bitch

Note : This story is completely fictional!How did I end up like this? On my hands and knees dressed in just sexy stockings and suspenders and a lacy corset, my face in slutty make up, my lips wrapped around my daughter's boyfriend's cock while my daughter herself rammed an eight inch strapon up my arse. The worst of it was, humiliated though I felt, this was really turning me on. This is the story of how I became my daughter's bitch and how I came to love it.I suppose I shouldn't have let...

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Mistress Stormys Lil Bitch

It was finally the weekend and this slave, Little Bitch had time to sit downand start writing his story. He had Mistress's preferred toys laid out andhad just gotten done getting himself cleaned up and dressed. Mistress had requestedthat Little Bitch wear a little lace white thong. It took some time to shaveall the private places and that is only after a couple quick enema's to makesure Little bitch is clean inside and out. Little bitches instructions wereto write as much as possible until...

1 year ago
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Becoming Enzo8217s Bitch

One night while we were lying on the floor drinking wine, smoking marijuana and listening to music he had a silly idea and I went along. I had a bit too much wine. I was too agreeable. I couldn’t really believe he would let anything happen. He was just testing me. It started out with me lying naked on the carpet and him getting the dog to sniff my cunt and lick me. He put peanut butter on me, spreading it on my throat to get the dog to lick me there. Karl said I was offering the dog my...

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Biker Bimbo Bitch

Bimbo biker Bitch So taking a quick break from the super sluts story for something a little different had this concept in my head and needed to write it. Kevin was nervous as he walked up to the bar. He was wearing panties, women's skinny jeans and a crop top. The bar was the only gay lesbian bar for twenty miles and he'd never cross dressed before. Right outside the bar were several motor cycles one caught his eye a candy apple red custom Indian. He admired it for a few...

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