Debbie's Mum And Her New Best Friend Marion free porn video

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Debbie's mum Susan had met Mike's mum Marion at ten sharp as arranged in the Olde Coffee Shop in the High Street. They greeted each other like old friends and the conversation was soon flowing very nicely.

Sue was a stunning natural blonde and Marion could tell who Debbie has her good looks from. Wherever Sue went, people looked twice at her and although she had no regular boyfriend she was never short of a partner when one was needed. She was thirty-seven years old and had been divorced from Debs' dad for seven years. They never saw him these days and rarely talked about him, they were both perfectly happy with this arrangement. She worked for a national newspaper as a sub-editor and loved her job with her Flexi hours and it kept her not only motivated but with total job satisfaction as well.

Marion was thirty-nine-years-old, university educated and a good looking woman who looked ten years younger than her age. She had dark hair, beautifully styled, a lovely innocent face and a figure to die for. She'd been married to Mike's dad Dave since finishing Uni and had fallen pregnant with Mike almost straight away. She had worked in the Home Office for six months, then went on maternity leave and hadn't worked since. She stopped being in love with Dave, years ago, they had separate bedrooms and completely separate lives.

The conversation had flowed beautifully and the girls soon knew a great deal more about each other. Marion said that she was all coffeed out and if Sue hadn't made any plans she could come back to her place as Mike was round at her house tonight with Debbie and they would have the place to themselves. It was just around the corner and they could be there in five minutes.  Susan had enjoyed Marion's company so much she jumped at the chance, she wasn't at work until the Wednesday afternoon and as she had nothing arranged it was ideal.

Marion's house was wonderful and Sue had said how lucky she was to have such a nice home. Marion replied she had a lovely house but was afraid that it wasn't a home apart from when she was in her room with her dreams, laptop, and fantasies.

Sue could not wait for Marion to elaborate as she had a good idea of what would be coming next and she was really looking forward to finding out what Marion's corporal punishment experiences and fantasies involved. Susan had soon got the conversation around to Marion's schooldays and Marion was very keen to talk about them.

She then got all her school photographs out to show Susan and was soon explaining them to her. The photographs showed a stunning looking pupil, Marion had been a real beauty when she was a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl and Susan felt the familiar tingle down below that always seemed to happen when she got excited.

Marion told her that the picture she was looking at was taken the year she had entered the fifth year to prepare for her O Levels at the local mixed grammar school in Hornsey. She said to Sue that the photograph had mixed memories for her as it was taken the afternoon of her first-ever punishment at school and she now realized that it was the beginning of her life with the added excitement corporal punishment had contributed.

Susan was all ears at Marion's explanation and had became enthralled just looking at the photographs and anticipating what the story would entail. Marion must have known by the smile on her face that she was eager to know the tale. Marion had said to her that corporal punishment had been a part of school life and everyone had accepted it as such. She added that she was not saying that everybody had felt the stick but a good number had, over half the boys and a good many of the girls had experienced this punishment at one time or another.

She went on to say that her form teacher at this time was a Mr Stevens who caned the boys when the headmistress didn't, but to her knowledge, he had never punished any of the girls. She had said that it did not occur every day but usually two or three times a week. The boys would line up at the front of the classroom waiting to be punished. 

She then told me that she had often wondered what it would be like to be caned and if she would cry. The boys had held out their hand to receive one to four strokes of the cane, some had cried out but the majority of them had taken it well. She had said that on reflection she didn't think it was such a severe caning that they had received, knowing what she does now. 

She went on to tell me that two of her friends had been caned by the headmistress and they had told her that it had stung their hands and bought tears to their eyes but it wasn't unbearable and they had never cried out. They had received one stroke on each of their palms and their marks were very faint when they had shown Marion their stripes. The day she was to be caned by the headmistress for the first time had certainly provided a watershed in her life, little did she know that it was to be a change forever.

She had said that she had been very naive, she had never been caned before and had no personal experience to fall back on. She said that she had seen people caned and had been told about the effects but this was to be a whole new scenario.

She added that the whole corporal punishment experience fascinated her and she had become more than a little intrigued by the subject.  She added that she had spoken to other girls who had told her about the canings that they had received, they said that they had been painful and stung their hands but the after-effects had been a different experience altogether and had seemed worthwhile. Some had found that just thinking about the punishment had made some of them as horny as hell.

Not all the girls had these feelings but those that did had told her that they had played with themselves and had got wet between the legs and were excited just thinking about the whole experience, not just their canings but being there and seeing the others punished. She said it was to become a whole new world to her and one that she had yet to encounter. That was all about to change the day she had visited Miss James' study.

She said that she and her friend Jayne had been practising their netball moves together ready for their important cup match against Wormsley. That they had both been very well behaved at school and had never been punished or got into any kind of trouble before. They had been good friends since the juniors and she couldn't remember a time when they hadn't been together. They played netball and rounders for the school team, were very studious and the perfect pupils so they had thought.

That day they had been playing together with the ball in the playground it had gone over to the boys' side, they had had separate play areas and were not allowed into each other's space. This boy called Colin had grabbed their ball and wouldn't give it back to them. He had said to Marion that if she gave him a kiss he would return their ball. Jayne had had enough and had flown at Colin and knocked him down,  then the ball had bounced loose and Marion had grabbed it. Then they had quickly run back to their own side of the playground, bang into the duty teacher.

Marion said, "She had said that she had seen what occurred and asked us what it had been about, we had then told her and she sent us to stand outside Miss James' office and to wait there for her. We waited for what seemed like an age but it was only probably ten minutes or so when she had arrived with Colin in tow. She knocked on Miss James' door and had quickly disappeared inside her study."

Marion continued, "Colin had then said to us how sorry he was and told us that if we rubbed our palms together then if we were caned it wouldn't sting so much."

  It was at this point that they had realized that they were in a lot of trouble, even though they didn't think that the incident was really of their making. Just the thought of being caned was scary but Marion said that she had felt quite excited anticipating what was likely to happen to them. She said she had often wondered what it would be like to be caned and now she could find out. They didn't have long to wait to find out their punishment as they were called into the study and had stood in front of Miss James' desk.

Jayne had tried her best to tell the head what had happened but Miss James stopped her straight away and said that Miss Jilkes the duty teacher had seen it all and had told her all that she had needed to know. She added that there weren't any excuses for what had occurred and the three of them were to be caned with two strokes on each palm.

Even Colin had looked scared at this point, four strokes was a severe caning and Jayne had already started to cry. Marion said that she had felt she was in a state of shock. Marion Webb thought she was a well-behaved girl who had never been in any kind of trouble at school before and was now to be severely thrashed like naughty girls were.

She said she had rubbed her palms together behind her back like Colin had told them to do and she could not believe that she was about to be caned. She said that her poor palms were sweating in anticipation of the punishment to come. Miss James had then told Colin to step forward and said that as he knew the procedure he could go first and show the girls what they had had to do. He was told that he would receive two strokes on each hand and if he moved his hand he would get extra.

Watching this Marion said she had felt a tingle down below and had wetness between her legs. She said she hadn't a clue what was happening but for some reason. She felt excited seeing Colin waiting to be punished. Colin knew what he had to do and had held out his right hand, palm up and the strokes cracked on to his outstretched palm.

He hadn't murmured but screwed up his face as the cane struck his palm. Then he had stretched out his other arm and again there was a whoosh and a crack as his palms had been struck. This time he groaned and tears had escaped from his eyes. Then it had finished and he had been told to stand by the wall with his hands on his head and he wasn't to move.

Marion then said that Jayne her lovely, beautiful friend had been called forward. She was already in tears and she heard her croaked voice say that she was so sorry and had begged Miss James not to cane her. She had said that she had never been in trouble before and had promised to be so good and that she would never do anything naughty again.

Miss James had then told her to stop acting like a child, that she had disobeyed the rules and must accept her punishment and trusted that she would learn from it. She then said to Jayne that she should raise her right arm, put her palm out flat as Colin had done.  Miss James was still not happy with the position of Jayne's hand and she had adjusted it until it was to her liking.

Marion said that she had become excited and was wet again seeing her poor friend standing there with her arm out straight. She said it had had a strange effect on her. Little did she know that her life was about to change forever. She told me that poor Jane had screamed, cried and shouted out loud from her very first stroke of the cane and it was only when Miss James threatened to give her extra while being held down that Jayne had then raised up her arm again.

The stroke of the cane on Jayne's open palm had cracked out loud but the noise was drained out by Jayne's wail of pain. Jayne's left palm was then attacked by Miss James cane and Jayne cried and shouted until she had received both the strokes and her punishment had finished. She had stamped her feet and rubbed her hands together but the poor girl could not stop the stinging whatever she tried. Miss James had told her that it had been a  lesson hopefully well learned, that if she broke the rules she would be punished for it, she then told her to stand next to Colin and be quiet as she had made enough noise to wake up the dead.

Jayne had walked to the wall with tears running down her cheeks. The pain was etched on her face and she blew on her hands. As she put her hands on her head. Marion said that she had actually thought she had wet herself but it was then that the tingling had started down below again. Marion had then been called forward and she was determined to take her caning with as little fuss as possible after witnessing Jayne's punishment and her display. She said she had braced herself for her punishment and that she had been determined to act as stoically as she possibly could in the circumstance.

The head had said to Marion that she was the last person that she had expected to see in her office. But breaking all the rules would lead to a deserved and severe punishment which she hoped would serve as an example to her and ensure that it would never happen to her again.  Little did Miss James realize that this was only the beginning and it would only be the first time.

Marion said that she had raised her right arm without being asked and her palm was flat and ready to be punished. Then there had been a whoosh and the cane hit her poor tender palm with a crack. She said that the pain had been excruciating but she had gritted her teeth and remained silent.  She said that the next stroke had been even worse and that she had let out a low moan as the tears welled up in her eyes. She told me that then it had been the turn of her left hand. She said that she could not believe she was going to get two on her left palm as well.

She said that she had held out her left hand and screwed up her eyes. She said that she seemed to enter a different world as her palms received the two strokes from that terrible cane. The tears had escaped down her cheeks but she said she had remained silent throughout although the stinging of her palms was the worse pain that she had felt in her life.

She still had her hand out when Miss James had said to her that she could put her arm down, that the punishment was over and she should stand against the wall, with her hands on her head. She told Marion that she had taken her punishment in the appropriate manner and she hoped Jayne had learned from her the way to act.  The caning was finally over, her palms stung and stung but she had survived the punishment and had been as brave as she could have hoped to have been.

Miss James then dismissed them all and told them that she did not expect to see them in her office ever again as if there was a next time that they could expect six. They had returned to their classroom via the toilets, they let the cold water run over their palms and it certainly helped soothe the stinging but did not eliminate their pain completely. Jayne had calmed down and although she had not completely recovered from the caning she was a lot more composed.

Jayne then asked Marion what that wet patch was on the front of her nicks. She had told her what had happened but she had had little response. Jayne had said to Marion that she must have wet herself. Little did she know that Marion had told her the truth but it didn't seem to have registered with Jayne. They had then looked at each other's striped palms and Marion said she had felt the feeling return. She wondered if this was what the other girls had been talking about when they had told her that it had all seemed worthwhile.

Marion then asked Jayne if she had felt anything at all before or after the caning. Jayne had replied she had felt the dread at getting the cane and the pain that the strokes had inflicted on her poor old palms. At the time Marion thought it must only be her that felt that way but then she remembered what the other girls had told her.

When they got back to the classroom, their form teacher Mr. Stevens had asked them to show him the damage. They showed him the stripes on their palms and he looked sympathetically at them. He told them that four-strokes was severe and that it must have really stung. He said that it had looked really painful and that he could see the stripes on their hands where the cane strokes had landed on their palms. He then told them that they were being photographed for the yearbook that afternoon so they had better go and smarten themselves up so they would look presentable for the photographer.

Marion said that she had felt strange for the rest of that day. Her palms were sore but the more she thought about the caning the more excited she had become. She really did like this feeling that she had now but she did not want any more canings. She could not understand why Jayne didn't feel the same way as she had and thought that she must be unusual but again she had remembered what the other girls had said to her that the after-effects had been very special for them.

They had their photographs taken that afternoon and she had imagined that next to her photograph, it would say that Marion Webb had had four strokes of the cane and would never be the same again. She never knew that this was the point that her fantasies had just begun.

When she got home Marion's mum had asked her what the problem had been as she hadn't looked well. Marion told her what had happened at school and showed her mum the stripes on her palms. Her mum was sympathetic but could understand why she had been punished and told her that she hoped she wouldn't be caned by Miss James again as she had always been so well behaved in the past and now she was sixteen and a young lady she should start behaving like one.

When she had got into bed that night Marion said she had thought about her caning and the way that Jayne had reacted to her punishment. She had imagined Jayne standing there, arm raised crying as the cane struck her lovely white palm. She had then played with herself properly for the first time and she had become wetter and wetter thinking about the punishments until she had shuddered and she had felt so happy and excited.

She looked at her palms and sucked the stripes. Her hand then went to her sex and she rubbed herself until she shuddered again a lot harder and longer this time. Is this cumming? She had wondered. It was certainly a very nice feeling, one she wanted, again and again. Little did she know that she was to experience this for the rest of her life.

The next day she had felt so very different. The caning had left her with so many feelings that she had never even known she had had. She realized that at sixteen, her life was to enter a brand new phase altogether. She was so looking forward to starting the O Level year at Hornsey Grammar. Not only was she now sixteen and quite the little woman with grown-up emotions but one who had felt the cane and had experienced the big thrill as well. But that is a story for another day.


Susan looked at the photograph that Marion had given to her and told her that she should write a book as the story of her caning had made her wringing wet and as horny as hell. Marion then passed her another photograph. It was of her friend Jayne. She said that it had been taken on the same day as Marion's after they had both been caned together.

Susan then told Marion that she must use the toilet or she would burst she had felt so excited.  Marion then took Susan by the hand and she felt the wetness trickle down her leg, Marion had led her up to her room and lay both the photographs on her bed. 

Marion said to her that she had never done anything like this before and she was pretty sure neither had Sue. She told her that she would describe the caning while she looked at the photographs. She said that she would masturbate her with her right hand while she could play with her left palm.  Susan said she was in heaven and she had come, again and again, she could not believe that Marion had never done this before. She had screamed out loud, bucked and jumped as she had felt so wild.

She sucked Marion's palm and cried tears of joy onto the photographs. She had found utopia and little did she know that the best was still to come. Susan and Marion had lain on the bed spent but had felt as contented as they had ever been. Marion kissed Susan full on her lips and Susan kissed her back with passion. Susan had put her hand on Marion's sex and worked her fingers in and out with one hand while rubbing her clitoris with the other. Marion had shouted out in ecstasy. She had thrashed about as she had come, again and again. She had never really known what true satisfaction meant up until now.

Susan woke up and had a look at her watch, it said ten pm. Mark would be back soon and Debbie would be wondering where she had got to. Sue had woke up Marion who kissed her on the lips again and Sue had told her that it was time she had to go home. Susan thanked Marion for the happiest day of her life and said they would do it again soon. They had kissed passionately and then had said their goodbyes.

Sue only lived ten minutes away. Her house was not quite in Marion's class but it was nice all the same. When Susan got home Debbie was still up and couldn't wait to get the news. "Firstly, young lady," Susan said to her, "Show me your hands."

Debbie had smiled at her and showed Sue two well-caned palms. God, that girl did like to be caned and could take what she was given thought Susan. 2Well, young lady," she said to Debbie. "You certainly know how to enjoy yourself."

She said that she hoped that the sex had been as good as the caning because her palms were very impressive. Debbie had laughed and told her mum that she had never been happier and that they were so much in love they would definitely get married. Susan had told Debbie she should wait and see as she had a lot of living to do first but added she had to admit that he was a nice boy who had such a lovely mother.

Debbie then said to her mother that she couldn't leave her in suspense as she had to know if Marion was like them. Sue had smiled and told Debbie that Marion would make them look like amateurs. She had only told her the one story and it had blown her away. She said that she could not wait until the next instalment but it was too late to tell her now. It would take too long but to believe her when she said it will be well worth waiting for. 

Susan kissed Debbie goodnight and went to bed happy. She thought out loud that she would ring Marion first thing in the morning. She was very tired but looked at the photograph of Marion, it had made her so very horny. She knew that she wouldn't be getting much sleep that night.

The next instalment is even more eventful as Marion tells of further punishments and so much more.

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I had an interesting encounter with my best friend’s mature mum Angelina when I was 18 years old. My best friend Bruce, was a sibling of one older brother, Carl. I’ve always liked his mom. Whenever I am at Bruce’s house, his mom would always flirt with me slyly by winking or accidentally on purpose pinch my ass, or brush her massive cleavage across my chest when we pass in the hallway. She was 40 years old at the time.I was at Bruce’s place listening to some rap tunes, when his mum called...

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Mum Me Dads Friend

It was a Friday evening and I was in for the night. I was up in my room just flicking through the tv channels when my dad had said that his friend barry was over tonight for dinner. Barry was a friend to both parents but had worked with my father in the past. Still in my room I heard the door bell go, i could tell it was barry as you normally hear his voice before anything. His a nice guy in his early 50's, confident and quite well spoken. Barry is about 6FT 2 Slimish, with grey short hair. I...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 4 Gallagher Meets the Female HeadHunters

After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...

4 years ago
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Mums Best Friend Made Me Cum

Introduction: my mums friend is lisa, she is 38 blonde hair, brown eyes, lovely warm thick lips with 36 DD boobs big hard nipples, a slightly curvy figure, a huge thick tight bum but in proportion her pussy is trimmed she has size 7 feet which are chubby and a not wrinkly sole like mums and paints her toes red. Mums Best Friend…. Made Me Cum _____________________ This Is Part 4 of the Made Me Cum Series. Hope you read and enjoyed my other parts comments are much appreciated and i write...

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Best friends Mum all true

Best Friends Mum:I was about 18 and hormones bursting 24x7 although very inexperienced and easily embarrassed around girls. My best friends mum was in her 50’s and we just kind of clicked. She wasn’t a stunner, just a good mum who liked to have a bit of fun every once in a while. Living alone I was often invited around for something to eat and especially on a Friday evening before me and Steve would hit the town (always better to drink having eaten). She was married with two grown boys and I...

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 2 How

Ms Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...

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The hotel fun with mum and her work friend

It was coming up to Christmas and it was that time of year when all the Christmas parties happen. This year I had started work in the same office as mum, so instead of normally picking her up from them parties I was now going to one. The company had taken everyone to a hotel for dinner and dance night. Being a bit of a distance away and both wanting to drink we stayed about 5 minutes away in a travel lodge. We had only booked the one room but with single beds. Me and mum are pretty close so it...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

2 years ago
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Andee Poses For A Friend

It had been a long time in coming. Andee wasn’t sure if having to “pay up” for losing a friendly bet with her co-worker was just a passing joke in the hallway, or if he was serious about collecting on it. As a thirty-eight year old mom of two very active boys and career woman, she enjoyed a bit of adventure in her life and this was the second time in a year she had found herself confronted with a sexual complication with her friend. Without question, Andee had been a shameless flirt with Paul,...

Wife Lovers
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Illegal Orgasm 8211 Part 4 Mumtaz Tastes Like Candy

Mumtaz tried to slither and push him away when his strong hands grabbed her from behind! “Is that you? Admirer?” “Yes,” an eerie whisper landed on Mumtaz’s ears. She could feel her skin getting aroused. She had goosebumps. Mumtaz could not resist his advances. “Who are you?” She asked again, “Please show me your face!” His strong hands slid through her wide waist and grabbed her open, exposed milky belly. He ran his fingers through her love folds. His rough palm was feeling Mumtaz’s belly...

4 years ago
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Mum Was My Teacher

I am a 24-year old woman from Manchester,UK. My family consists of mother, Amy, father,Lee, sister, Claire and myself, Sarah. When I wasgrowing up we lived in a semi detached house. Wewere like most of our neighbors, just making a livingand going to school. My life changed when I wassixteen. I went to a school that required that all of thestudents wear a uniform. All of us girls hated havingto wear the same type of clothes every day. Wetried to rebel by doing things like making the...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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brother and sister fuck mum p1

brother and sister fuck Mum, Part 1.His sister Sharon is one hell of a horny slut. She first fucked her brother when she was sixteen and Tom was f******n and it was the time they both lost their virginity. They started playing with each other earlier on in their younger lives when she first caught him masturbating in his room and wanted to watch him doing it. When he told her that he always thinks of her when he does it she told him that she does the same while thinking of him. Tom asked her,...

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Debbies first

I’ve been friends with Debbie for almost fifteen years and have always had the hots for her. She’s a petite, 5’2”, hard bodied, small figured woman. She is in her mid 40’s, but has a body that most teenagers would kill for. Though I don’t consider myself any particular body part kind of guy, I gotta say she has an ass that would cause me to just blatantly stare like some kind of school kid. I consider myself respectful of women, but occasionally I lose large amounts of blood to my brain, and...

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The time I fucked my mums best friend

As said in my first story, I had been sucked off by one of my mum's oldest, and closest friends, Steph* (fake names used here, as always)... This is the story of the time I fucked her, which happened a few months, maybe a year, after I saw her eating my mum's arsehole and fucking her. She was the same age as my mum, had size D tits and a tiny waist. She usually was fully waxed and really made an effort with how she presented herself, she was probably the biggest MILF out of all of my friends,...

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My Friend MumChapter 6 Just Friends on Holiday

Over the next few days she showed me the joys of using the vibrators and it was wonderful having the ability to put the toys deep in me and be fucked properly. With all the excitement I had forgotten my period was due until I got the tell-tale cramps. Mum gave me some tampons and showed me how to insert them. I didn't want to use them while I was a virgin but now I was free! Our love just got even better now I had thrown off the shackles of the hymen and it became harder to switch back to...

2 years ago
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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Payback after I caught mum fucking MY boyfriend

I've been with Jerome for 8 months now and I can say he's my first love. Mom and dad weren't happy about us at first as Jerome is four years older than me at 21. As times gone on, he's become sort of part of the family. He's around at least 4 times a week. Even when I'm not home it's not uncommon to come back and find him eating dinner with my parents. I loved that they both seemed to love him as much as I did. I was having some difficulty in college, it just wasn't working out. I wanted to...

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brother and sister Fuck Mum Part 3

brother and sister fuck Mum, Part 3Please read parts 1 & 2 first from my blog to follow this story if you haven’t already.Tom went and took a shower as Kelly and her daughter talked about sex and orgies. Kelly was on Sharon’s bed besides her peeling her daughter’s wet hair from her shoulders as she told her about her first group sex she had with her father and some friends. She said that she always had a good sex life with her husband and still does and he always made her feel good. “Then...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

2 years ago
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My Girlfriends Mum Part 1

My Girlfriend's MumBy ManndeePart 1How many people say, 'take a look at the Mum because that is what your girlfriend will look like when she gets older'? That always worried me when people said that! It was always older family friends that would tell me that! It usually finished with one of them laughing at me and ruffling my hair. I guess the saying was one of those things that stuck in my mind.I grew up in the East End of London; pubs were places where real people went to be social and...

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 1

Ms. Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMContact Author, Email : [email protected] 1The Beginning – Dry Humping My Teacher’s Ass!Starring : South Indian Actress Nandhini aka Kausalya as Nandhini TeacherSchool days, they are the most colorful days of our life, so they say. I don’t know about others but in my case it’s completely true! My school days are the best because I am living the dream of every school boy in the world, yes the ultimate dream every boy wants to happen in...

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Mums New Nightie

I had a pretty 'normal' upbringing. Mum had me when she was 35. There's 10 years between me and my older sister, so we've never really had a lot to do with each other. She'd already been to university, got her degree and a good job, before I'd even got to secondary school.Dad's the family provider. Mum has a part-time job, but more for the social aspect than the money. Although he's only 2 years older than mum, dad was already an old man by the time I really became aware of him. He's not...

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Mum took my cherry

I was only 15 and I remember it well. Being an only child, Mum and I are close. Often we would sit together on the couch and just watch tv. I thought everyone was like this. This night was just like that. Dad had gone out for the night so it was only Mum and I at home. Mum had changed into her nightie earlier as she wanted to be comfortable after a long day. It was coming to the end of winter and as we snuggled together watching some movie, Mum had her arm around me and was lightly stroking my...

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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Plays a New Version of Around the World

Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...

Wife Lovers
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Randy And Sherri Ch 02

Sherri waited on the computer the following evening at the time she and Randy normally chatted. She wondered if he would show up tonight. The time of their regular meeting came and went, but no Randy. Sherri did her best not to be too disappointed. After all, he was married and there could have been many reasons he was not able to show up. Sherri waited another 30 minutes, then turned off the computer and slowly went to bed. She did not sleep well that night. There were too many thoughts going...

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Randy And Sherri Ch 01

We were both nervous as we got ready for our first meeting. We had been chatting for several weeks now, both wanting to meet, but then again trying to be discreet and cautious. You were looking for someone that could be romantic and gentle and someone that could make love to you, not just have sex. I was looking for someone to be romantic with. Someone that would enjoy and encourage my romantic nature. Someone that might enjoy reading my erotic stories. We had met each other on the internet....

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Debbies self discipline LC part 1

Please be gentle as I have never written anything like this in my life…..this story is a fantasy of mine and has been inspired by someone who I think is an amazing writer and someone I hold as special to me…you know who you are xoxo After leaving high school at 18 I decided I wanted to become a writer and after researching different colleges and specialised schools I stumbled upon the L & C school of writing, the fees were within my budget so I thought …why not I need to learn from someone...

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My Mum And New Lover

I'm Kyle About 8 months ago my mum and dad split up and my dad moved out .3 months ago my nana who lives in Cheshire sadly passed away and left her house and money to my mum in her will .My nana was very wealthy and had a huge house and too my mums surprise she was given a huge sum of money , her Mercedes convertible car and her belongings .After the funeral and everything my mum decided we moved down to Cheshire and lived in my nanas huge house .Within a few weeks we had moved in and sorted...

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Randy And Sherri Ch 03

Sherri watched Randy pull away from the hotel and give her a wave as he drove by. She knew he couldn’t see the tears on her cheeks, so she waved back at him. Just to make sure Randy didn’t suspect anything, Sherri started her car and pulled out of the parking lot. She saw Randy turn onto the highway and head toward his home. Sherri drove home slowly, her emotions all mixed up. She was so glad that no one was waiting for her at home. She really wanted to be alone and try to sort all her...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

1 year ago
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Mum meets my girlfriend

100% fiction! When I was 20 I was living and working on the other side of the country from where my Mother lived. I had been away from home about a year and I had a steady girlfriend, My girlfriend, Kelly, was an irish girl that had grown up in Australia, she was 5’5”, red hair she had an nice tits they weren’t huge but they were perfect and she had a cute little ass to finish out a hot little package. I was going home for a holiday to visit my mum and I took my girl with me to meet the family....

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My best friends mum

I'd known this woman all my life and apart from when I was a teenager -and couldn't stop staring at her tits- I never thought about her sexually. To give you an idea, she looks like a mix between the head of Cassidy Exe and the body of Anastasia Lux. It was my best friend's 30th so we went out for drinks, a lot of his family and friends. It had got quite late and most people had gone home. The bar was getting quiet and his mum came over to talk to me. We had a little chat about life and how...

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My Friend MumChapter 2 My Seduction Commences

In the morning she had gone, the others too, but it was after ten o'clock so I had slept in longer than usual. I had a smirk as I thought why that might be. My Mum had a distinct spring in her step too despite the drinking last night. I wanted to talk about what had happened to me but couldn't think of a way without dropping her friend right in it. I decided that I couldn't bring up the subject directly with Mum but I was pretty sure that she preferred girls to men, if indeed she was not...

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Mums friend comes to stay part 2

Julie was a friend of my mum. She often came to stay since divorce, because she needed mum's company and a shoulder to cry on. Her husband has 2-timed her for a year. But there was another reason she kept coming...We had become very close after the night she licked my cock and swallowed my cum. She had caught me wanking and one thing had led to another. It was a fantastic first time together. I smelt her pussy juices on my fingers for many hours afterwards. About a month later, she came over to...

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My best friends mums panties

It was last friday (28th January) and I was round at my mates house with a few other mates too. We were all enjoying the night, knocking back a few beers, listening to some music and having a game of poker. Both his mum and dad had gone to visit family down south for a few days, so we had the house to ourselves. As the night went on, our beer supply ran quite low, so a few people had to go to the shop for more...luckily, i was not one of them! Three of my mates ended up having to go to the shop...

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