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"Have you ever wished you could get fucked so hard to the point it feels like you are going to get ripped apart and maybe even die?" I asked before taking another sip of my luke-warm coffee. It was a typical conversation between me and my best friend, Rowan, as we sat in our usual coffee shop. We probably reeked of weed because prior to coming in here we had been sitting in my car for over an hour hotboxing the shit out of some Purple Kush in front of a TJ max that we ended up never even going into.

I had been in a strange mood for weeks now. It probably stemmed from a complete lack of sex which was now causing me major frustration. So sex was officially the only thing on my mind. Everything made me horny. For example, I saw a bike fall from a rack earlier and I thought 'I bet it would feel good to sit on that bike seat and just grind myself into oblivion.' I also found myself checking out literally everyone. I went into a Joann Fabrics and I fucking kid you not I was eyeing all these basic looking moms and thinking' I bet I could make you scream louder than your husband ever could.' Which of course caused my cheeks to glow red.

When my cat meowed and screamed because she was in heat I just looked at her and was like, "You and me both, my furry bitch." I had found myself completely sympathizing with her. We were officially simpatico.

But that wasn't the worst of it. I found myself thinking about clown dick. Seriously how fucking terrifying would it be to get fucked by a guy who decided that being a clown was a good career choice. But for whatever reason, I imagined that clowns had dicks the size of Godzilla's. It was probably the giant shoes and tiny cars.

Now I know that I could go home right now and fingerfuck myself while watching  pornhub  but it just wasn't the same, Not even Julia Ann could satisfy my lusty cravings.

I also knew that I could go pick someone up or call up an ex and get fucked. But you know what? That just wouldn't fucking cut it either. I needed something different.

"Like by a tree," I faintly heard Rowan saying. I had been drooling at this MILFY Blonde for a few moments now and had practically forgotten where I was. I felt her hand slap my face. "Hello, Ada. I said like a tree. Stop checking out the hallmark moms. It's embarrassing." 

I felt my face redden a little, more from embarrassment than her hand. "Ouch, you bitch! What about trees? That they are terrific or something..." I was only faintly interested.

"Well, Lucia says that if you go into the woods and read a certain spell it causes the trees to fuck you. She says there is nothing like getting banged out by a plant. That it makes you more in-tune with yourself and nature."

I had almost forgotten that Rowan worked at the occult store downtown and now fancied herself a witch. 

"Banged out doesn't sound like something Lucia would have said." I didn't know Lucia very well but she was pretty proper in her manner of speaking. "She had probably said, "I would make love to a tree," I said before rolling my eyes.

"Well, I don't remember her exact words. Just the important parts, We should try it, Ada. We should borrow Lucia's spellbook and go into the woods. We can even go camping. Come on, it'll be fun." She said the last part with a bit of a nagging tone.

I just stared at her for a long moment before replying, "Are you fucking with me?"

"I'm a witch, Ada. Witches don't fuck around. This is serious, You are undergoing some sort of crisis here and it's my job as your friend to get you past this."

My eyes narrowed a little and I really couldn't decide whether it was the weed speaking or if I had finally just lost my mind completely from lack of sex. Had it been anyone else  I'd have decided it was the latter but with Rowan, anything was possible.

"Am I hearing this correctly, Rowan? Your job as a friend is to get me tree fucked?" 

"I know it sounds stupid, Ada, but hear me out. There's a tree fetish called dendrophilia. A lot of people have it. It's natural to be attracted to nature. But that's really not the point. You said you needed a good hard fuck. So who better to do it than a tree. There literally is nothing harder. Lucia told me that when witches come of age at sixteen they do a ceremony that involves going into the deepest darkest parts of the forest and reading from a book of spells. Then, when..."

I cleared my throat loudly and interrupted, "You are fucked in the head Rowan. I don't want to get fucked by a tree no matter how horny I am."

"Then don't. Do this for me. I need it in order to become a proper witch," she said her eyes glimmering with hope.

I knew it. There was a catch and it was more than her trying to be a good friend. There was always something more when it came to a plan of Rowan's I found myself silently thinking.

"First of all, you are past sixteen. In fact, you are thirty years old. Which is a bit old for suddenly becoming a witch. Two. What if we get pregnant by the trees and give birth to acorns or something?" The latter part was more of a joke than a real question.

"Okay, no It doesn't matter what age you are. You can become a witch at any time. Don't try to kink shame me, Ada, I didn't try to shame you when you decided to become bisexual a couple of years ago, did I. And, I seriously doubt we would be lucky enough to become pregnant with a tree's baby. If we did though it would be a blessing, not a curse I assure you."

I found myself unable to suppress a laugh. "Kink shame, huh? I didn't know becoming a witch was a kink. I'll have to try looking to see if it's a category on xHamster the next time I go."

 I could never say no to Rowan, for whatever reason. It was impossible.

It turns out stealing Lucia's spellbook had been easy. Rowan waited until Friday, which happened to be Lucia's only day off and the one and only day she apparently found faith enough in the powers that be to leave Rowan in her store alone.

We were currently walking through the dense forest. It was a beautiful Spring day and all the grass and leaves were a brilliant shade of emerald green. It was breathtaking and even though I knew that all this witch stuff was a waste of time, I was glad Rowan had talked me into it. 

Also, I had scenes from "Stand By Me" running through my head and I wondered which character I was more like. I truly hoped it wasn't Vern but with that said I didn't bring a comb and I didn't even have six cents in my pocket. I found myself reasoning that I was probably the Gordy, out of the two of us, because I liked to write and was often a bit of a buzzkillington. I certainly wasn't badass enough to be Chris and I wasn't quite as crazy as Teddy. 

I kind of liked it because every step I took I was deep in nostalgia. When I was younger I practically lived in the woods. I would smoke cigarettes stolen from my dad there and listen to my Discman, where I would go from Pink to Marilyn Manson And with each step I took my cd would skip because the Discman was shit and I was decidedly not nostalgic for it, but what I did miss were the feelings of being alive and carefree where the possibilities stretched out for miles and every one of my friends was adventure-ready. The thing you don't realize is that every time of your life could be the last time.

So right now while it wasn't exactly the same because I had gotten a dose of life's harsh realities, and the song that I had once carried in my heart had turned to static, I knew that this was something I would cherish. I was glad Rowan had moved back after all these years, glad when I found out she hadn't turned into some sort of burned out stay at home mom, whose only life fulfillment was watching Netflix and posting every little thing online.

Suddenly I felt myself smile and I realized something. It wasn't the sex I was missing it was the intimacy and closeness. It was who I used to be. It was living instead of existing.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted and my smile quickly shattered.

"Ada, I've been meaning to ask how come if you miss sex so much you don't just fuck someone. You could easily you know, I mean sex is literally everywhere you look, Tinder, Grindr, Twitter, Instagram even. Probably some lame-ass vanilla sex over on Facebook. Everyone is a whore and everyone is hot and ready, just like Little Caeser's Pizza."

"That's why. It's everywhere, and also, Grindr is for gay men or sandwiches, probably both even." As usual, I found myself trying to crack a joke hoping to avoid any more questions and I had a feeling I knew what she was going to ask next.

"What happened with you and Mrs. Robinson?"

I looked at her blankly for a moment then realized she was making a reference I, of all people, should have gotten.

"We just ended, sorta. Things are  complicated and I still love her, and also she isn't anything like Mrs. Robinson. She's really beautiful and amazing and one of the few things right about my life."

"And now you're going to fuck a tree to get over her," she giggled.

"Seriously, don't giggle, Rowan. I hate women who giggle," I said my eyes narrowing.

"Should I ask why?" she said tilting her head curiously as she looked at me 

I almost said you're the witch, figure it out, but instead I answered.

"Because it makes women seem silly and they are instantly less interesting and as soon as they do that I dry up like Tatooine."

"Daaaaaaaaamn, you've become cynical. I would say that you really need to get that pussy fucked up by a nice thick tree, but it kind of seems like you already got a stick up in there."

Instead of getting mad I found myself laughing. "Low blow, but nice." 

I was glad she had dropped the subject of my ill-fated romance, though I was realizing something about that. I was going to go full-blown Shaun of the Dead about it, though actually I would probably skip the pub and I didn't have a Philip to kill, but I would try to get her back.

It felt like we had been walking for hours now. My legs were aching, which was probably just a form of punishment for skipping the gym for three weeks and eating pizza instead.

We had both gradually grown silent and the silence was noisy and nerve-wracking so I decided to end it with, "Caw, Cawwwww." I shouted as we ventured further into the forest.

Rowan glared my way. "Why are you doing that." Her tone was filled with annoyance.

"I'm being Carly the Crow," I said with a bit of a chuckle.

"Carly wasn't a crow, he was a fucking cardinal. Now stop, you are ruining the spiritual ambiance."

That only got me laughing more. Rowan took things way too seriously somedays. Especially for a girl who thought she could actually get trees to sex us.

"How much farther do we have to go," I said in a whining tone. Yep, those days of my youth forever walking, never growing tired or sore, they were gone, may they forever rest in peace.

She stopped for a moment and fished out what appeared to be an ancient-looking tome from her bag and opened it, flipping a ways in and then showed me the page. "You aren't a witch so I shouldn't be showing you this," she said her voice filling with the authority of a Wal-Mart greeter who just caught someone without a receipt.

It was a drawing of a gnarled up grotesque and very decayed tree. It appeared to be too gargantuan in size. It had roots that sprawled out everywhere around it. 

Just looking at it caused shivers to run through my entire body. "Is that tree okay? It looks like something one should avoid, not fuck. Um... besides I don't have protection big enough for that," I said with a bit of a nervous chuckle.

"Ada, geez. It'll be fine. Once you do this everything will start getting better. Life will suddenly make sense, and your heart won't be in tatters." When she said that her eyes filled up with concern and empathy and I felt my reluctance quickly fade.

'Besides,' I was thinking, 'it's just a tree, and this book its just bullshit. She'll find the tree or one that she thinks is it, because face it a tree that old has probably long since become lumber or mulch, read from Lucia's book,and nothing will happen.' 

We continued walking, dodging brambles, and watching squirrels run around busily. The forest was growing darker as we ventured deeper. I couldn't really tell if it was because of the time or just the fact that there were so many trees.

I yawned "Maybe we should set up a camp now, then look for the tree tomorrow." 

She shook her head. "No, we can't do that, the spell calls for it to be Midnight the witching hour and there needs to be a full moon. Which if I am correct there is supposed to be one tonight. So the best thing to do is to keep walking and locate the tree while there is light then wait for it to get dark and then begin."

"Ugh, okay then. I am real tired. I really could use some Dunkaroos and an Ecto Cooler."

"Neither of which still exists," Rowan scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Well, I thought since you are a witch you could conjure them up or something. Also, apparently Dunkaroos are scheduled for a come back this year, So that's part of what I remind myself every day when I wake up and hate life," I said, only sort of half-joking.

"Piss off, with the witch jokes. In a while you won't be laughing at me anymore," she said scowling.

"Question though, isn't it dangerous to be stealing a spellbook from a witch. Couldn't she sense that you took it and come and check?" I found myself asking and I was a bit worried. I mean you never know and better safe than sorry.

"I thought that all through. She actually has the store closed on Saturday to go visit her sister who is sick or something, Besides what could happen if she did find out?" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know,Rowan, she is apparently a witch. she could put a curse on us or something like that." I couldn't believe I had just uttered those words it was cringey.

Rowan laughed. "You don't believe in all of this stuff, Ada. Besides, we are Millennials. How much more cursed can we get." 

I had to agree. As Bill Paxton once said, "Game over, man. Game over." 

My knees were seriously killing me, but luckily just as I was about to open my mouth once more to complain and demand we rest, I heard her loud, excited announcement. "The Sacred Tree!" she proclaimed her voice practically radiating in pleasure.

I looked up from the ground I had been staring at for a while and found myself staring at the biggest tree I had ever seen in my life. It was all gnarled up even more so than in the drawing and had the stench of corpse decay about it. Nothing about that tree said sacred or felt holy. it didn't feel like it would make me more in tune with my life or whatever it was Rowan had said it would do. it felt more like it would suck the life right out of me. The tree looked hungry like it hadn't had a single meal in years. But of course, I was letting my imagination get the best of me. There is no such thing as an evil tree.

It was as if Rowan could sense my fear. "Love the tree, Ada, and the tree will love you back," she said her voice changing to a whispering lullaby.

It had suddenly grown dark all around us except for the light of the full moon that glowed above the trees. it cast shadows all around us, And I heard the distinct sound of an owl nearby and the sounds of the mournful coyotes singing their nightly song. It felt like a whole different world out here. I wanted to speak up and tell her I didn't need this anymore but I remembered that I had agreed to do this for her, and not myself.

"You ready?" she asked. It was more of a statement than a question

I nodded. "What am I supposed to do," I asked quietly. "Do I take off my clothes or is the tree going to do that for me?" I said smiling weakly

Rowan shook her head. "This isn't the Evil Dead. This tree has manners." 

'How the fuck does she know that. This tree didn't have shit but rot and decay. It was ready for the mulch bin at Home Depot,' but I quickly let that thought go.

"Take off all your clothes and strip down until all that you are wearing is your soul. Then stand in front of the tree and kneel. Offer yourself."

 I wasn't sure why but the moment I laid my eyes upon that foul-smelling and horribly corrupt looking tree I had begun to feel uneasy. If it were possible for trees to be malicious then this tree was certainly that, but I'd have to admit that to Rowan who would never let me hear the end of it, and what's more, she was my Sandbox, Playing with Barbie's, First Kiss Best Friend. That was the strongest type of friendship. Much stronger than any I had since. I would just have to hope that it was all complete bullshit. Then we could get on with the night and eat s'mores and I could read Scary Stories to tell in the dark to her. Just like we used to when we stayed the night at each other's houses. 

"Well?" Rowan asked impatiently. "Why are you just standing there? Get to stripping. We are on the clock here," she said, looking up and noting the position of the moon.

I began removing my clothes. I could practically feel her eyes looking through me as I pulled off one piece of clothing slowly at a time. After what seemed a nerve-wracking lifetime, I was finally naked and shivering. Goosebumps had started forming on my arms and thighs. I took a deep breath for bravery and stepped closer to the tree until I was at its enormous phallic base with its twisted sprawling roots. The moon was shining eerily on the tree illuminating it in a dread light. I looked back at Rowan for a moment and gulped before reluctantly lowering myself to the surprisingly cold damp ground. I pressed my hands and knees into the dirt. The strong earthy scent of decaying moss began filling my nostrils.

I looked up at the Tree once more which towered above me like an all-powerful deity of the forest. I felt a cold electric shiver run through my body, quickly I bowed my head down.

Rowan began to read, her voice changing into something almost unrecognizable. 

"Tearg sitirips fo emit dna erutan reah ym llac I gnirb htrof rof ouy siht thgin a ecifircas. Ekat reh, reh tirips, reh luos, dna tnarg em eht srewop fo eht kcalb nevoc!"

A long moment passed. Nothing happened. Then I noticed that every sound in the forest had stopped, and even Rowan had grown silent. I was feeling relieved. Nothing had happened after all. But just as I was about to stand up and begin putting my clothes on the ground began to rumble and shake. I almost screamed in terror at what I saw next but I couldn't make a sound. All the trees in the forest were no longer still but had begun to rock back and forth ominously.

The tree's giant roots had begun to free themselves from the earth and were lifting and slithering towards me like bark-covered snakes. My whole body was trembling, and my heart had begun to pound as loud as a drum in my chest.

I tried to stand up but my legs had turned to jelly. I was frozen on the cold forest floor with shock and horror. The vines had crept closer to me and were now wrapping themselves all around me. One had begun to twist around my throat while the others began to wrap themselves tightly around my entire body binding me. Branches moved and caressed my skin. I could feel the rough bark scraping against my entire body as the tree began to lift me upwards suspending me in the air. I felt its leaves begin to run across my nipples instantly causing them to harden betraying me.

A soft moan of pleasure escaped my lips as one of the trees many branches had found its way between my legs and was now slowly running itself over my now glistening and swollen cunt lips, causing me to squirm despite the constraints.

Suddenly I found myself wondering if it would hurt when it penetrated or if somehow because it was apparently an enchanted tree that it would continue to feel good. I was obviously hoping for the latter. Clearly, it had been way too long between fuckings.

It almost felt like the branches had turned to fingers as they explored my body, leaving no part of me untouched. My body was filled with electric pleasure static, and everything felt unreal.

Without warning the tree had moved its limb that was currently playing with my aching pussy and then quickly snapped back, slapping at my cunt, causing me to let out a loud scream of pain and pleasure. My clit felt like it was now completely on fire as the tree continued its merciless spanking. Its rough bark scraping against my lips and clit, causing me to quiver. It was giving me pleasure I had never even dreamed of.

My body was writhing, and had the tree not been holding me firmly in its possessive and firm grasp I would have probably found myself on the ground. But its vines were clinging to me in a lover's passionate embrace.

I was moaning louder with each movement of the tree. "Oh, My FUCKING God!" I screamed out as the tree continued its endless torment. I was becoming increasingly needier. "Fuck me, I want to feel your thick branches sinking inside my needy empty cunt, fill me." Those were words I never imagined I would say, but here I was quite shamelessly saying them.

The Tree, as if understanding, suddenly thrust its way into my tight but soaking cunt, causing me to gasp as I began to get filled completely. Its vines had begun pulling and tugging at my nipples teasing me. So many sensations were flooding my body and that familiar hot numb sensation to the brain had begun, and I knew it wouldn't be long now before I was squirting all over the place. Rowan had better watch out if she didn't want to be showered in my hot girl cum.

I had actually almost forgotten her and the thought of her watching me would normally have made me blush. But I felt almost drugged. The intoxication was mind-blowing.

My moans had turned to loud lust-filled animal-like screams. As the tree began to pound in and out of me, twisting inside of me as it did, I could feel it rubbing against my G-spot, causing my entire body to twitch and tingle.

My juices were flooding rapidly now and I could hear the lewd wet gushing sounds as the branch fucked in and out harder and deeper like a big thick cock. My legs were now spread wide completely exposing my cunt, the branch that was currently working my pussy over somehow began to throb inside of me, and it felt like it was growing like a cock that's reaching its exploding point. 

I let out a scream as I felt it. I was being flooded by the tree's hot sticky sap. It was filling me with it, splattering my walls and filling my womb, and I was cumming. Screaming louder than I ever had in my life as my muscles tightened around the branch inside me, before releasing and squirting all over, drenching the tree and the showering the ground all around me.

" Oh fuck... I cannot believe a tree just made me cum so hard." 

My body was in spasms as I struggled to get my breath. I wondered when the tree was going to put me down. I didn't have to wonder long because when I managed to shyly look down at Rowan she began speaking.

"In a moment now, I'll say goodbye to you. My final goodbye," She said her voice as sharp as nails and cutting into me.

"What do you mean? Say goodbye," I found myself uttering nervously, completely flabbergasted.

"I left out part of what happens at the ceremony when I talked you into this. I couldn't, of course, tell you the truth. You would never sacrifice your life for me. No matter how good of friends you think we are."

My heart had nearly stopped. She was joking, right? Not after what had just happened.

She flipped a page over in Lucia's book and held it up to me. it was a different picture of the same tree but in that picture, it wasn't withered and gnarled up. It was in fact the most beautiful tree I had ever seen.

"You see, Ada, In order to become a full-fledged witch you have to sacrifice someone you love to this tree. It has to eat and be strong. The entire coven has been feeding it their friends and loved ones for centuries now. Every one of us must give back to nature and respect it. It just so happens this tree is also highly sexual and likes to fuck its victims before devouring them and rejuvenating." 

"I can't believe you would do this to me. Just to become a stupid fucking witch!" I blurted out feeling angry and hurt all at the same time.

"Ada, calm your tits. What's done is done. The stronger the love, the stronger the sacrifice. You should be happy for me. I am going to be able to do great things. My entire life is going to be different and all made possible by you."

"Rowan, We have been friends almost our entire lives. You are going to feel bad about this for the rest of your life. Besides, do great things? You aren't exactly acting like a good witch right now."

Rowan let out an amused laugh. "Ada, you don't think I haven't thought all this through? I know I am probably going to feel bad, also good and bad? That's cliché."

I found myself twisting and turning trying to break away from the monstrous tree ready to consume me just so my so-called best friend could become some sort of satanic panic nightmare.

Rowan shook her head. "Might as well forget trying to escape. You can't fight magic."

The tree had finally withdrawn its branch that was inside of me. I could feel the sap begin to drip out of me.

"He must really have enjoyed that snug muggle cunt of yours. I have never seen him fill someone so full of his tree jizz."

I glared down at her. "Muggles? Are you fucking serious?? Wait, you've seen this before!?" 

She nodded. "I have seen it dozens of times. After all, Lucia is my grandmother."

The revelation stunned me, but the realization that she and Lucia had the same eyes quickly sank in.

"This is part of my heritage, this is my destiny. I love you, Ada. goodbye." She said that last part with a bit of genuine sadness but it didn't melt away the anger and resentment I was feeling.

"You can go fuck yourself, you stupid fucking cunt. In fact, your whole miserable coven can go fuck themselves. If I fucking die I can guarantee your ass I'll be back and I'll fucking haunt you and kill every last one of you. And, what's more, don't use dumbass Harry Potter words with me."

"I understand you feeling angry and resentful but I fully doubt that you have it in you to come back as a ghost. But if you do then you deserve your revenge. Also, don't worry I'll make sure to take care of your cat. She's always liked me."

With that she vanished into the fog that had begun to rise, and I let out one more "FUCK YOU" before the tree pulled me away swallowing me whole before letting out a loud contented burp.

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Alan found himself alone and with enough money at the age of twenty four that he didn’t need to work at a regular job. He remodeled the club house into a home with four bedrooms, three baths, living room, dining room, kitchen, and recreation room. The master bedroom was at one end of the building and the other bedrooms were at the other end for privacy reasons. The master suite had its own bath room and there was another for the other bedrooms. The third bath was off the recreation...

3 years ago
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The Vineyard

It was in the massive white walls, track lighting, and spotless, glittering objects of Williams Sonoma that Henri’s world stopped.   His eyes had caught on a crystal sconce perfect for the cozy, romantic eating area in the wine cellar of his family’s bed and breakfast.  He turned to survey the side of its rope-like motif when he heard two men murmuring to each other. They meandered up the little hallway between the bedroom area he was in and the dining area near the window.  “…gonna buy me a...

Gay Male
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Mommy an DaddyPart 2

Throughtout the next couple of months, it became a nightly habit. We all got in a schedule of daddy cleaning my bottom and checking my coochie, he didnt always play with my button though. I always hoped he'd put more of that wet and warm stuff on my button, it felt so good. Mommy came in my room early every morning, took out my cleaner. I heard her talking one morning when she though I was asleep, she said "my hole was streching nicely for daddy". When daddy came home from work, I always...

3 years ago
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Picking Up the Pieces Again Pt IV

Pt 4. (Chris) I had to bite my lip to calm myself down. She felt… indescribable. I kept my forehead against hers, trying to convince myself this was real, that it wasn’t just a dream. Her hands were stroking my back, scratching at them every now and then as I pumped into her. It had to be real. No dream could compare to this. Her hips matched my rhythm, pushing up to meet me at each thrust. I felt like a freaking virgin, doing everything I could not to cum. I was trying so hard not to cum,...

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Stacy Lancaster Saturday Night Schlock

It wasn't something Jared would readily admit but he was in love. No, his love for his wife wasn't the secret; he loved Stacy deeply and would shout his devotion from the rooftops if given half a chance. His secret love was reserved for something else.He loved his new TV. They'd had it for months now and he still thought it was just awesome.The sixty-inch flat-panel almost didn't fit properly in their cozy little house. He was virtually infatuated with it. So infatuated, in fact, that he had...

1 year ago
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The Blackmailed Forger

*** Chapter 1 Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme, and when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control. His job at the bank gave him more than enough to live on, and the recent additional windfall of cash allowed him to put his devious plan into motion. First, he insisted Peggy continue college as well as quit her job. She...

Erotic Fiction
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 24

The three intelligence men, the groundcrew and engineers watched helplessly as John paced the airstrip. He was beside himself and refused anything to do with anybody. It had been half an hour since he'd returned from the mission and there was still no sign of Jana Ivanova. Two technicians carefully removed the film from the two cameras the MiG carried. The negatives were reeled into a can, much like a cine camera, and these they carefully crated to be sent for processing. Rhykov hadn't...

4 years ago
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Teasing Daddy

My Dad had stopped protesting. After our trip to Boston he never tried to deny himself again. We were fucking on a regular basis. Any chance we could get to be alone we fucked. He sometimes snuck into my room at night and got into bed with me. "I want you baby, Daddy is so hard for you." He would press his erection against my bottom and I could never tell him no. He always made me cum so hard and something about fucking my Dad in my bedroom was so naughty. I couldn't get enough. One night...

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Losing Virginity To Neighbor Marwadi Aunty

Hi I am sandeep from Hyderabad, I am following this site from past 4 years but this is my first real and sexy story which I submitting for first time. Please forgive me if you find any mistakes in my story. Myself I am sandeep working as software engineer in Hyderabad. My physical status is 6.3 height and 80 kg weight, with 7 inch cock. For any feedback, comments or to contact with me please mail me to This is a incident which happen to me, which changed my sexual life and had tasted lot of...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Violet Cox Busty Babe Violet Cox Ready To Swallow James Cock LIVE

Sexy hot and wild red-headed sweetheart Violet Cox is ready to get down and naughty with all you horny boys watching her while she fucks and sucks on James Bangs’s big hard cock! She loves choking on that dick getting all sloppy like any good girl does when she is in bed and horny as fuck. How do you like when she teases you with those big natural tits with her hard-pierced nipples? Would you suck and bite them? Violet would love it just like she would like you to shove your own cock in...

2 years ago
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Sissyboy Jake Is Harshly Used Part 2

I lay on the thin blue pad, exhausted and somewhat dazed. As I said, I was very new at this and didn't expect such harsh treatment so quickly. My bottom was sore and I actually thought I felt my insides twitching. My legs were shaking. I felt the warm fluid trickling out and down the back of my leg, pooling on the pad underneath me. This was my first time and they had been so rough. If Tiffany hadn't prepared me so well, I doubt I could have survived it. Karl and Rashid were both getting...

2 years ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Kyler Quinn Paige Owens My Step Sisters Gift

It’s Codey Steele’s birthday, but his stepsister Paige Owens is only concerned with herself. She comes to Codey to complain about what a bitch his mom is. That leads to Paige calling Codey a bitch, too. Later, Kyler Quinn sneaks in to see her friend and Paige shares that she feels bad about being so rude to Codey. She decides to give Paige to Codey for his birthday since they share a mutual crush. Kyler agrees to be tied up naked so Paige can use her as Codey’s gift. Then...

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Hanging Pedos from a Lamp post by their Bollocks

This is set in Lancashire England where people speak like on Coronation Street on Telly and swear a lot.  If you don't like the F word don't F-ing read it and give crap feed back, all right.A sequel to Hanging Pedos by their bollocks from a Lamp Post============================================"Johnno, I've been thinking," Sandra said one morning between sucks as she gave me a blow Job, "I got my period." she says, "No offence but I'm not going to get a Council house at this rate so I've decided...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 7

Becca was ecstatic to find their home in one piece, not looted, burned, or taken over by any roving bad guys. Yvonne didn’t say one way, or the other. She crawled out of the van, waved over her shoulder, and sprinted for the safety of her house. I could hear the door locks snapping into place. She was seriously scared, badly scarred emotionally, and most likely not going to recover any time soon, if ever. When I climbed back into the truck I could see Judy’s look of consternation, and...

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Zombie Leza14 Saving Mankindrsquos Last Hope

The group awaiting Leza was different from before. The same men stood waiting, but there was a new component of four women: Helen, a medic; Linda, the Collective’s veterinarian; Cynthia, Fredrick’s assistant and Rebecca, a community cook. What’s more, the women were positively bubbly, fidgeting with excitement rather than the dread the men had faced their previous encounter with. “There she is!” Rebecca cried. “Right on schedule,” Thomas declared. “For someone without a watch, she’s got...

3 years ago
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The Meeting Part3

She walked around to the front of the sofa leading him by the hand.’Get me a little towel will you my dear’...He did. ‘Your cum will be reappearing very soon and I wouldn’t want to ruin your sofa’. She put the towel down and sat.He thought of all the wanks he’d had on that trusty sofa and smiled to himself, but her conscientious attitude did her great credit and he felt more warmly towards her for it.He was still standing and she gave his now flaccid prick a kiss and invited him to tip out her...

4 years ago
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Cactus Flower

Author's note: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. References to the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars and Marine Corps Aviation in general as well as to Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) and the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps in particular were done for story background. There is no actual resemblance to real persons or factual happenings. These characters and events took flight solely in the "theater of my imagination." There they will remain. Suffice it to say, I have nothing but...

2 years ago
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Working Girl

My name is Emily. I’ve just graduated college with a nursing degree at twenty-two years of age. I truly thought I was going to have to drop out after my second year. This is the story of how I got through those last two years.It started at the end of my second year with a call at 2:00am from my mom. She told me that Dad had had a heart attack. He was alive, but in bad shape. After the semester ended, Mom said she had good news and bad news. The good news was that Dad was going to recover. She...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 329 Archangel Michael Appears in Public

Mid-March to Thursday, April 5, 2007 Mom and Julia had been far enough advanced in their decorating planning to be able to get the Army to paint the walls the likely final colors and lay the chosen carpets, and that's how the two houses were when the Army left. Getting the decorating designs to that stage in only two months was - I was clearly informed by the little person who did it for my new home - a miracle. It required having the house's major theme already decided, its overall look,...

1 year ago
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Sharon ShareAlike

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sharon was very much in love with her 28 year old husband Abel Lindberg, and he loved her too, even though she was 40. They had a son together from their 7 year marriage, named Abel Jr., and Sharon already had a couple of daughters from her first marriage. They were named Dahlia, aged 17, and Veronica, who was 12. Abel also had a by a japanese girl that he had met at an office orgy. Her name was Ameratsu, after the Japanese sun goddess, but most people...

3 years ago
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“Asshole!” “What put you in such a foul mood anyways?” “Look at that asshole! Driving with that damn cell phone stuck in his ear. Going slow and weaving from lane to lane. “What you bitching about? I’m the one who’s driving, not you.” “Why Shouldn’t I? It’s eight thirty, this snow sucks, there’s nothing but assholes on the road and I’m late again. This will be the sixth time. I’m gonna get in trouble.” You’re not that late. Besides I got pull. I’ll cover for you.” “Yeah you got pull,...

2 years ago
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BadTeensPunished Tiffany Watson Good Girl

Tiffany Watson has been hearing rumors about her stepbrother’s dick at school. When she gets the opportunity to ask Peter Skeeter to see his hardon, Tiffany takes the opportunity. Cornering him in the laundry room, she demands to see the goods. When Peter says no, she whips out her landing strip pussy to try to entice him. When Peter’s dad John Strong walks by and sees his stepdaughter pawing at his son, he separates the two kids. John knows he has to discipline his stepdaughter. He...

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Queen of JariloChapter 2 Planetfall

Walker made his way towards the dropship, Kaz following behind him. The hangar bay of the Thermopylae was bustling with activity as the ground invasion force loaded up. The bay was cavernous, open to the darkness of space save for a flickering, almost transparent force field that contained the atmosphere. There were squads of UNN Marines clad in their black, ceramic armor, carrying XMR modular rifles that could be configured for various battlefield roles and users. There were Borealan packs,...

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My New Mistress

It was spring and I had just broken up with my girlfriend of eleven months. It had been a pretty emotional break-up and the sex was something that id miss the most, and I didnt know what to exactly. As the days went by, I began to look at other women in a more sexual way. My ex-girlfriend never liked me talking with a lot of different women, and when we broke up she said that she didnt care who I was with. Initially we where supposed to take a break, but it eventually turned into a full fledged...

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She needs lots of spunk up her old cunt

Searching the web for sex contacts, Fiona a randy old cow, now nearing 65, was desperate for cock and a lot of cum since her hubby died six months ago. She knew full well that it was a long shot to find any bloke near her own age and felt depressed. That was until came across a granny fetish site. It seemed that it was set up for men who wanted to meet, date and fulfil their sexual fantasies with old ladies like her.Reading the ads, it was crystal clear that there were quite a lot of horny...

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My Two Bestfriends

I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...

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My mother in law is having my baby and my wife is

My mother in law is having my baby and my wife is ok with it.I know this sounds bizarre but if I take a minute to explainThe entire situation you will understand my current circumstances.You see my wife’s family are nudist, if you visit her parentsHouse you have to be a part of the family games. That means youHave to be ok walking with watching TV nude, eating dinner nude, or someoneLike her mom or aunt joining you in the shower. When Kay first broughtMe to her parents’ home her mother Wynn...

2 years ago
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Taarak Mehta Ka Ganda Chashmah

Gokuldham society 1) Mr. Hati & mrs hati Mrs hati – huns aaj mera bahut mann kar rha tumhare lund chusne ka aur tumhara toh kuch karne k mann hi nhi krta. Mr. Hati – komal darling aaj nhi please mein bahut thak gaya hui mujhe thoda rest karne do na tum aaj baign se kaam chala lo. Mrs. Hati – huns tum rahn do sodhi bhai ko dekho woh roj raat ko roshan bhabhi se lund chuswate or unke muuh mein hi jhaad dete hai. Kaas sodhi ka lund m bhi chus pati. Huns kuch karo na mere liye sodhi bhai ka lund...

4 years ago
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Sucking cock on video for my Maam

Let me tell you a bit about my Ma’am… her name is Ajay and she is hot! I had always looked at women like her and thought that they were out of my league, and truthfully, she is. I have no idea how I got someone like her, but I am thankful everyday that I am hers. We had been seeing each other just a short time when I told her that I was looking for someone who would be more dominant in the bedroom. I had been a closet submissive all of my life and had been looking for someone to take...

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A Fresh StartChapter 102 The Westminster Diner

Wednesday, October 3, 1990 Political campaigns, at least in America, are designed to produce winners by wearing the participants down to a nub. The survivor gets elected. There comes a point where you have to wonder just how many hands can be shook, how many rubber chicken dinners do you have to eat, how many old people do you have to make nice to? It really helps to be rich, since doing all those things and actually trying to earn a living are impossible. Early on you start wondering...

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Pyx 4 VacationChapter 8 Walter Edith

If you have seen the restaurant scene from "Pretty Woman", you have some idea what dining on the ship is like. There were two waiters standing five feet from us, waiting on us hand and foot. I don't think my water glass was ever under half empty. There were tables for two, and tables for eight. Since there were always three of us, we sat at the large table all the time. That was nice, as we got to meet people from all over the U.S. The Japanese passengers tended to keep to...

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Brandons Fuckslut Family Ch 05

Brandon was lying on the couch, trying desperately to nap. He hadn’t slept well last night, not at all well. First, he tossed and turned, next thing he knew, Bliss had snuck into his room and insisted he give her a quickie. No sooner had the petite blonde finished screwing him silly, then came Julee and she insisted on equal time. He thanked God they hadn’t wanted to do him at once, although Julee gave him fair warning that would be expected shortly. He made sure he was going to get a rest...

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Slut at sixteen Part 1

My name isnt all that important. But if you need to pin one on me, You can call me Hannah. This is a true account and full story of how i got into the sex trade. I say true account but really there have been certain bends in the story to make it more entertaining in the long run, but basically its pretty much all true. I've decided to split this story into parts in an attempt to turn it into a novel of sorts and to improve on my writing skills. I welcome criticism and would happily chat...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 381

Six Little Life Wisdoms: Once all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. That's FAITH When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her. That's TRUST Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning but still we set the alarms to wake up. That's HOPE We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future. That's...

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My Kavitha Mami And My Lover Malar 8211 Part II

This is the continuation of the story my kavitha mami and my lover part I,please read part 1 and continue reading this story. Once malar came in she asked me y u r looking tensed ?I told her I was sleeping now I had a bad dream that’s y I am looking like this she believed my words I was happy. I asked her y u came from your friends house she told me that her friends family are also going for a marriage for two days so i had no other option that y I return to home. Now I don’t know what to do...

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Sexy Louise the Naughty Boy Part 3

I was having a lazy Sunday in my dressing gown watching TV and chatting to my friends on the phone when out of the blue I received a message from Ahmed that read 'Sorry, it wasn't my fault' closely followed by another this time from Aftab that read 'I'm so sorry Louise'. Just before I could start to reply to the messages my flat intercom buzzes. "Who the hell's this?" I mutter to myself as I answer "hello?", A stern deep voice responds sharply "hello this is Mr and Mrs Hussain, we...

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Under The Mistletoe

This story is a work of fiction.It was Christmas time and ever since Stan had turned 30 he'd been holding his own little dinner with a small gathering of friends every 22nd of December, before they all had to leave to go back to their families to spend what could be potentially an insufferable few days over the holiday.Every year he invited the usual friends, Bobbi, Mark, Jack and Sam, and whoever they were dating at the time, especially Sam who never seemed to keep the same boyfriend for more...

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First Night

Hi all readers. I am a regular visitor of ISS. This is a beautiful site where we can share the experience. I am Mohith from Karnataka I like to share my experience. My close friend got married to his relative. It was his first night. My friend had problem of over drinking. My friend was not interested in his marriage. I got a call from my friend’s mother to come home immediately. So I went to his house. His mother asked me to stay in his house for that day, because she had quarrel with his son....

3 years ago
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Our Parents Are Falling in LoveChapter 4

I took her by the hand and we went together to the principal's office. My first time there ... ever! Mom is going to be so pissed at me. After going to the administration office, we handed our 'tickets' to Miss Murdock, who smiled and left to go in to tell Principal Kreisler we were here. She came back and asked us to sit down. After what felt like 15 minutes, we heard a buzzer go off. I practically jumped out of my chair. I got up, took Stacy by the hand and we walked back to his...

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The teenage dream Chapter 10

I was starting out 8th grade somewhere between the popular kids and the normal kids. My lack of social skills and severe acne kept me out of the “cool” group although I was friendly with a few of them. Being a teenager I had a crush on multiple girls and had to keep it secret, because teens. The one that had my eye since 6th grade to be honest was Ashley. She was a very petite Native American girl with nice breasts and an unbelievably beautiful face. She had the attention of every boy in the...

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Losing FaithChapter 4

The build-out continued and was nearing completion. Of course, Larry wanted to be involved with our grand opening. He kept calling the new gallery Live Oaks II and said how he would provide all the beer for our opening and any shows we would hold. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that we would be serving wine, champagne and expensive whiskey, instead of his beer. Even worse, I couldn’t tell him that I had named the new place the Faith Mitchell Gallery and not Live Oaks. I also didn’t tell...

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Taking the Risk Mishas Story Ch 15

For those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love,, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...

3 years ago
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Der Ladendiebstahl

Nina machte die Tür zum "Young Miss" auf. Das war der angesagteste Laden in der Stadt was Klamotten angeht. Die Mädchen in Ninas Klasse waren sich einig, dass man hier die schärfsten Fummel kaufen konnte. Nur leider, fand Nina, waren die Preise auch nicht ganz ohne. Vor allem, da sie nur zehn Euro Taschengeld bekam. Für eine achtzehnjährige, die mehr vom Leben wollte als einmal im Monat ins Kino zu gehen war das natürlich viel zu wenig, doch ihre Eltern waren der Meinung, dass sie sich ja einen...

2 years ago
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NFBusty Kecy Hill Don8217t Start Without Me

Kecy Hill is feeling super horny as she caresses her hands over her shoulders and then down to her big tits. She’s not wearing a bra, so her nipples show clearly through her thing shirt. As the super skinny hottie peels off her shorts, she turns her head to see her boyfriend Michael watching from the kitchen. As much fun as it would be to play with her meaty pussy beneath its thong, she waits for Michael to join her. The couple gets creative, with Kecy putting some whipped cream one...

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My Pussy In The Mirror

It was late when I got home from the volleyball match and I was hungry, tired, and horny. My mom was working an overnight shift at the hospital and I had the house to myself. First thing I did was go to the fridge and open a container of leftover pasta. I grabbed a fork and ate it cold.I crawled upstairs and decided to use my mom's bathroom to take a shower. She has a beautiful bathroom with a rain showerhead, jacuzzi tub, and spa lighting. It was just what I needed.I turned on the spa...

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Capture and training of a slave

                         Capture and Training of a slaveIt started when I won a lottery.  I kept it a secret I arranged to have JG Wentworth buy the Lottery winning ticket. It cost me $5million but no one besides the IRS knew how much money I had and where it came from. I goaded my wife into suing me for divorce, gave her what she thought was a generous settlement, and moved to a small town, where I could establish the life style that I wanted. I bought a large piece of property out of town,...

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Majboori Mein Chud Gayi

Hii friends aaj main apko apni sachi kahani sunane ja rahi mera naam Poonam hai. Mai b.Com St. Xavier’s college Ranchi ki student hu. Meri height 5’4 hai aur meri age 20 years hai mera rang gora hai aankhein badi badi hai mere chuche 34′ ke hai aur mera figure dekh ke ache acheke kache fat jaate hai. Ye story hai 2 saal pehle ki jab mai inter 1st year mei thi mujhe ek sir padhane aate the wo sir mujhe bahut ache lagtethe main unki bahut respect karti thi. Mera ek bf tha main uske saath roj...

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Sarah and Jon

Sarah and Jon By Callie Messenger Sarah looked down through the list of library members and felt a surge of disappointment. There was no J. Davies on the list. There were two L. Davieses, one of whom could be Linda, his wife, but it might not be. She had done so well, considering she had done this alone. The last time Sarah had seen Jonathan Davies they hadn't said a word to each other. He was married by then. Linda didn't know it, but the last time...

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