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Pedal to the metal. The roar of the engine as I shifted and pushed the Porsche 911 to its limit thundered in my ears.

The rage I felt blinded me to all sense of space and time. I was on a mission, a mission of self-destruction. How could he have done this to me? After all the promises, how could he have left me and disappeared from my life?

I was his lover, his mistress, and according to him, the only woman he loved. He and I were to sail off and travel the world on his fucking sloop. The dream shattered when I got the cryptic text message that came out of nowhere.

Pam, I decided to stay with my wife and kids. We set sail this morning, and I will not be back. I have paid off the car and the balance of the rent for one year. I'm sorry and good luck, Mike

Two years of promises that he would leave her and that we would get married went down the drain in an instant. Finally, all I had been to him was arm candy and a good fuck. Yes, he had been a fantastic lover, and I had given my heart unconditionally to him.

Yes, I had accepted his gifts and the luxuries he had offered me. He had given me all the material luxuries that I craved. Now I could not give a shit for any of those. I have lost him, and my heart is rent.

There were tears in my eyes and rage in my heart when I suddenly felt the car start to get out of control on a curve in the road.


My body was racked with pain as I slowly became aware that I was on my back, laying on something soft and warm. I opened my eyes but could see nothing; it was pitch black. Slowly memory returned, and I felt the dread I'd experienced as the car plunged over the guardrail and tumbled down the cliff. Another terror took over was I blind? I tried and move but was unable to do so.

I was in too much pain to be dead unless this was hell. I realized that I was sobbing and shivering uncontrollably. The pain was not unbearable. However, it was pervasive.

"Shush." A hand softly caressed my brow. Definitely a human contact. I'm not in hell, but where the hell am I.

"Who's there? Where am I?"

I was shushed again, and the hand gently kept caressing my brow and forehead. I was lulled back into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to the smell of burning wood and much to my relief the smell of coffee. There can't be coffee in hell. I slowly opened my eyes, and I found myself in a whitewashed room. Sunlight streamed through a drape covered window.

My mouth was parched, and when I looked down at my body, I could see that I had been wrapped up in crude bandages that immobilized me.

"Water," I croaked through a dry voice and parched lips.

Through the door appeared a… woman?


"Yes. May I have some water, please?"

She handed me a glass of water. I brought it to my lips as she said, "Sips only. Don't gulp it down."

I dutifully obeyed as I sipped the ice-cold water.

As my eyes focused, I saw it was indeed a woman. Her black hair was tied up in a ponytail that reached down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were green and vibrant, set over an aquiline nose and a mouth that begged to be kissed. Her high cheekbones made her eyes seem like pools of luminosity against her dusky copper-colored complexion.

"How did I get here?" I asked her.

"I carried you here."

"What happened to me?"

"Well, if I had to guess you went off the road and your car plummeted about 100 ft off a cliff. When I reached you, you had been thrown clear of the car, luckily as the car was blazing merrily about 25 ft away. You landed in some bushes, which is what probably saved your life."

"Am I badly injured? I ache from my follicles to my toes."

"I don't believe so. However, I have not had a chance to do a thorough examination in the dark. By the way, my name is Brianna."

"Brianna, I'm in no shape to shake your hand. I'm Pam."

"Well, Pam, it's time to see how badly you're hurt."

"Before you do that, Brianna, where are we?"

"These palatial surroundings are my home. We are about 50 miles from Dolores, Colorado."

"Isn't that Indian territory?"

"Yes. Now keep quiet so I can check you out."

Slowly she unwound the makeshift bandages in which my body had been wrapped. I couldn't help but giggle as she worked.

"Why are you giggling?"

"I feel like an Egyptian mummy who is being de-mummified."

"Bless your stars that I probably won't need to reverse the process in order to bury you," she said with a smile.

As she removed the final layer, I realize that I was stark naked. I made a futile attempt to cover my nudity and yelped at the pain that shot through my arm.

Brianna grasped my arm and folded it across my chest. "Well, that establishes that your arm is not broken. I think you have dislocated it, however."

She proceeded to palpate my body, starting with my feet and worked her way up. As she bent my legs to check them out, I became extremely conscious that my intimate parts were fully exposed to her gaze, and I felt my face flush with embarrassment.

Her hands ran up to my chest, and as she reached my ribs, I could see in her eyes an almost feral glow. She licked her lips and continued with her hands to explore each muscle and bone.

"Brianna, are you medically trained?" I asked as I realized just how thorough a job she was doing.

"No, I'm not, but when I decided to come and live here, I decided to learn first aid. It's over twenty miles to anyone else, and I thought it could be useful."

"Why so isolated?"

"That's a long story. When you feel better, I might tell you, now try to sleep. That was quite a shock you had, and you need to recuperate. I am going to prepare food and will wake you when it's ready."

She stood up, and for the first time, I could see all of her. She was tall and slender. Her legs, encased in jeans, seemed to go on forever. Small breasted and with a curvaceous butt, this was one lovely woman. She looked like a runway or lingerie model.

I wonder if there was a man in her life. This brought back memories of Mike. After a pause, I realized that the accident had a cathartic effect and that I no longer felt the rage. The sadness I felt not for him, but for the time, I wasted chasing a false dream.

I must have fallen asleep, for when I woke up, I could smell a delicious aroma wafting from what I presumed was the kitchen. Brianna strode into the room and asked, "Hungry?"


"Want to try getting up, or shall I get you a tray?"

"I'll try getting up," I said. "Where are my clothes?"

"I thrashed them. They couldn't be resurrected without the intervention of a more talented seamstress than I or I presume you."

"I can't go out naked."

"Why not? I have already seen all that you have to offer, and there isn't anyone else around for miles. However, I think I can lend you a shirt that will partially cover you. You are a trifle more buxom than I am. How big are those babies?"

"36 Ds," I said, blushing.

"Don't blush girl, you've been blessed. My god, if I had those, I would have ended up making millions."

She went to the dresser and returned with a pair of high cut panties and a flannel shirt. She helped me sit up and carefully threaded my injured arm through the shirt sleeve before helping me slide the panties up my legs. They were tight on me and encased my bottom like a second skin. She fashioned a sling to support my arm and attempted to button up the shirt. Only the three bottom buttons could be tied. My breasts were half exposed.

"There we go, the latest fashion in dinner wear. All the rage in the more fashionable restaurants in town. Girl, if any men were around, you would be ravished on the spot."

"Don't talk to me of men. I'm done with those bastards."

"Oh! It's like that, is it? You'll have to tell me all about it. Come, let's go eat."

I stood on shaky legs and followed her to the next room.

"What's that delicious smell?" I asked as I sat down at the table.

"Venison stew."

"Where do you get venison from?"

"Out there," she said, waving her arm and pointing outside through the picture window that practically covered the whole of one wall.

My jaw dropped at the sight, which met my eyes. I was looking out at scenery that I could not have imagined except in a movie scene. Brianna’s home was set up on a bluff overlooking a stream and a forest of spruce and pine trees fronting a rugged escarpment, which I presumed to be part of the foothills of the Rockies.

"Here, let me help you with your food," she said, bringing up a spoonful of meat, broth and vegetables to my mouth. I opened my mouth reflexively and swallowed. The taste was incredible, the mixture melted in my mouth, and I could almost feel the energy coursing through my system.

"This is so good. I've never tasted venison before. You don't need to feed me; I can manage."

"How?" she said, motioning to my arm pinned across my chest.

"Oh! I forgot."

"So tell me what brought you out here and what you were doing driving like a madwoman in this wilderness?"

I told her of how Mike had treated me and of the betrayal I felt at how he had handled his leave-taking from me. "He didn't even dare to face me to tell me. He left a note."

"Bastard." Was her only comment when I'd finished my tawdry story.

She had kept feeding me while I was talking. I was forced to look at her as her face reflected every emotion that she felt while listening to me. As I finished, my eyes started to tear and soon, I was sobbing uncontrollably. I think the 'bastard' was what did it.

She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and hugged me to her as I sobbed. Her hand caressed my face, and she whispered in my ear, "Let it out. Let your tears wash the betrayal out of you. You are done with him now and can and will move forward with your life to maybe a better place."

When I had cried myself out, she took my hand and helped me stand. "Pam, you stink. The smell of fear from the crash and the pain you suffered both emotionally and mentally linger on you. Would you like to wash?"

I nodded, and she led me out of the house. I was conscious that I was garbed in panties and a shirt out of which I threatened to explode. I protested, "Brianna, I'm not dressed to go out!"

"Don't worry, Pam. There's no one within twenty miles of us."

"Where are we going?"

"To the stream. I don't have water coming into the house yet. At this time of year, the water is warm, and you will enjoy it."

There was a path going down to the stream. My feet were warmed by the flat rocks that formed the way and the sun beat down on my body, warming me up. I could hear the chirping of birds all around us. When suddenly Brianna, who had been holding my arm, stopped and pointed up to the sky. "Look up there."

I shielded my eyes from the sun and saw a majestic bird gliding far overhead. "What is it?"

"A red-tailed hawk. It's out hunting."

We both sat down on the warm stones and stared at this ruler of the skies as it seemed to just glide through the air scarcely moving its wings. It just circled lazily overhead, then it plummeted down at a vertiginous speed. I thought it was going to crash to an early demise when suddenly it rose up in the air again, but we could see that it had a rabbit in its talons.

"Oh! How sad. Poor rabbit. That's so cruel."

"No, Pam, that's not cruelty that is the cycle of life. Cruelty is what mankind does. Animals are not cruel. It is getting food for itself and its young and also helping maintain a healthy ecosystem. If not hunted, the rabbits would overrun the earth; they are so fertile. Now come bath time."

I smelled the air as we scampered down the path. It was fresh and clean with the faint smell of resin and occasional floral scents commingling. This was so different to a city-bred girl like me. I could hear the sound of water as we rounded a bend, and we were there. A small waterfall fell into a crystal clear pool.

Brianna stopped and asked me, "Have you ever been skinny dipping?"

"Uhh… No."

"Well, there's a first time for everything."

She unbuttoned my shirt and removed my arm form it, then knelt at my feet and removed my panties. I stood there, flabbergasted. Here I was naked in front of a woman something I'd never expected to happen. She looked at me, and I thought she licked her lips before she smiled and said, "Wow, you are beautiful. Okay, my turn."

She removed her shirt unbuckled her jeans, which she shimmied off her hips, revealing the most amazing body. I stood there, awed by her beauty. "You like?" she asked.

"Brianna, you are perfect. You should be a model." I stared open-mouthed at the sheer perfection revealed to my eyes.

"Oh, Pam, been there and done that. It's no life for me. Come, let me help you down into the pool. The rocks are slippery."

She took my good arm, and we started down the last few feet to the water. I felt my feet slip from under me, and we both landed in the water with me wrapped in her arms. I felt her breasts against me and her nipples brushing against mine as we stood waist-deep in the water.

I blushed as I sensed my nipples hardening against hers and started to apologize. She placed a slender finger against my lips to silence me.

I looked into her eyes and lifted my face to her. She looked deep into my eyes and tentatively moved her mouth towards mine. Our lips met, and I felt a thrill run through my body, which sent sparks flying to my pussy.

Her tongue parted my lips and slid into my mouth seeking my tongue. It was a kiss so different from any other kiss I had ever received. I let my tongue toy with hers as I felt her hand reach for my breast and caress it gently before she grasped the nipple and rolled it between her deft fingers.

I wanted so much to do the same to her and struggled with my aching arm to bring it to her breast, but she stopped me. "Later, Pam, just relax and let me wash you."

She led me to where the water cascaded over a ledge and formed a small waterfall. "Our shower," she said with a grin. She reached into a crevasse and produced a plastic bag from which she took out a bottle of shampoo and a bar of soap.

I suddenly realized what had just taken place. My mind went into overdrive as I tried to understand my reaction. I had never been attracted by women in the slightest and yet here I had responded to her. That kiss was as much my doing as hers. Was this a reaction to my being dumped by Mike and just wanting to feel desire and desired. I definitely had had a healthy sexual response. Strong enough that I wanted to reciprocate and pleasure her.

I felt her hands begin to massage my scalp and realized she was shampooing my hair. As she lathered and ran her fingers down my tresses, I felt cared for. I heard her titter behind me.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"You have a mixture of soil, leaves and twigs in your hair. If we don't get it cleaned up, small animals could build a nest and take up residence."

I could feel the tension and the headache that had been nagging at me from the moment I regained consciousness steadily fade away. Brianna pulled me back until my head was under the cascade as she rinsed my hair. I could see the grime washing away in the previously crystal clear water. She repeated the process, and the second rinse was free of sediment.

I shivered as her hands lathered my back. It was the gentlest of touches. Brianna worked her hands down from my shoulders to my behind. She ran her hands in circular motions over my tush and soaped between my butt cheeks. Those sparks started flying through me again, and I could feel that oh so familiar tingle in my pussy.

At the same time, I felt an odd sense of freedom from my past, where I had been arm candy as the mistress of a married asshole. In the past, I would have gone running into the woods, even at the risk of being attacked by a grizzly, rather than allow what was being done to me. I just allowed myself to enjoy my body being used by this ravishing creature.

"Pam, hold on to the ledge to keep your balance. Good, now raise your left leg and place it on this rock."

Brianna proceeded to run her soapy hand up my inner thigh. I shivered in anticipation as her hand approached my pussy, which was fully exposed in this position. She lathered my mound and then repeated the process on the other leg. This time when she reached my mound, I felt her fingers penetrate and wriggle around deep in my vagina.

I brought the leg that was raised down to trap her fingers. She slapped my ass cheek and said, "Later, little one. Just relax for now. Good things happen to she who waits."

Coming around in front of me, she again soaped my body, paying particular attention to my tits. She massaged them and teased my now engorged nipples lightly pinching them. I writhed under her ministrations and thought I could take this type of treatment forever.

Finally, she was done and again took me to the cascade to rinse the lather off my body. I desperately wanted to reciprocate and maul her delectable body. However, she led me back to shore, where she helped me lie down on some flat rocks. "We'll let the sun dry us before going back," she told me before lying down next to me.

"Brianna, how come the stream is warm? I would have expected the water to be freezing."

"It's fed by a hot spring that's a couple of miles away."

"How did you ever find this place and excuse my curiosity, why are you here?"

"Do you want the short version or the whole sordid mess that led me here?"

"Well, maybe the short version for now."

"We are on Indian tribal lands and here is where I was born. My father was 100 percent Indian, and my mother was white. I grew up here. At the age of sixteen, I was discovered by a fashion agency executive. He convinced my parents that I had a future as a high fashion model. So off I went with him to LA.

"He was true to his word and obtained modeling assignments for me. Soon I was climbing up the pecking order and was solicited for assignments by famous designers, top cosmetic companies for ad campaigns. The whole shtick, as we say in the trade."

"I hear that in that world, there is always a quid pro quo to climb up the ladder? Did the producer want sexual favors to promote you?" I questioned.

"No. He was a sweetheart, and he acted with absolute propriety towards me. He was married and was one of these people who truly loved his wife. Now others I came in contact with had no such scruples. Agency men, photographers, and all the people around me wanted my body. On my friend's advice, I refused all those attempts. Sure, you would get groped under the pretext of rearranging a pose or adjusting a garment, however, those were the risks that occur in that trade.

"I became quite affluent. I started drinking and doing drugs. I went through a series of so-called boyfriends and one day, I woke up with the mother of all hangovers. At that point, I asked myself, why am I doing this? I went through a detox program and decided I was through with that world.

"I had no need for money and decided to come back to the world I loved where I could live a life that suited me."

"But such isolation. Don't you get lonely out here? I understand you are all alone here."

"I am. Once a month, I go into town to get supplies I can't provide off the land. And every once in a blue moon, I will take on a modeling contract with people I trust, and for products or services I deem worthwhile."


"Products that I believe are ecologically sound or services I judge are of benefit to the world."

"I see. What did you mean by supplies off the land?"

"The meal you ate was from a deer I shot myself and the vegetables I grow in a plot of land behind the house."

"You shot it with a rifle?"

"No. I use a bow and arrows."

"That's amazing. You know I see why you live here. I feel really at peace here. No smog, no traffic and honking of horns, just a soul-filling peace and a sense of being one with nature. You are very fortunate. "

"Come, let's go back in, Pam. The sun is setting behind the range soon, and I don't want you to stumble in the dark."

As silence fell around us, we made our way up the slope in the twilight. The birds were no longer singing. A hush surrounded us as we walked arm in arm. I was very conscious of Brianna's presence next to me and the sense of peace that seemed to exude from her every pore.

Brianna lit candles to illuminate the kitchen when we went inside and started a fire in the fireplace. "It gets cold at night, and I love a fire to warm the place up and keep out the chill. Are you okay with leftovers?" she asked.

When I answered in the affirmative, she brought the pot of stew and hung it on a hook above the fire in the fireplace.

"You don't have electricity?" I asked.

"Yes, I have a generator to give me electricity, but I only use it when absolutely necessary. It's noisy and smelly."

We sat before the crackling fire on a pelt thrown on the floor and ate our supper in silence. My mind was sorting out my feelings and the events of the day. I was terribly confused. It was evident to me that I was attracted to Brianna. I loved her independence and strength. Not to mention that she made me feel cared for, which was something I had not felt even with Mike.

She broke into my thoughts, asking me where I was at as I seemed very pensive.

Taking the bull by the horns, I made up my mind to face my feelings head-on and not to play games either with myself or her.

"Brianna, are you a lesbian?"

"Hmmm… Now that's a very personal question."

"Oh! Sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

She smiled at me again, making my heartthrob with that radiant smile. "No, I am not strictly lesbian. I am bisexual, with a strong leaning towards women. Why do you ask?"

"I'm confused. I always saw myself as heterosexual until today. I have never been intimate with another woman. Your kisses and your caresses made me very horny, and so I question myself as to what I really am."

"Well, want to find out?"


"Just lie down on your tummy with your head on this pillow."

"Like this?"

"Yes. Make yourself comfortable, and we'll try and find out."

I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach as I positioned myself, with the warmth of the fire on my skin. Her hands began to work their way down my back, caressing my shoulders and back. They just barely touched my skin as she applied touches as light as a butterfly's kiss down the length of my back.

Reaching my tush, she slid her hands under my panties and caressed my butt. I turned my head, and her face was next to mine. Her eyes reflected the flames of the fire. As I looked at her, she kissed my neck and then licked my ear. She kissed me and said, "The panties have to go. Is that alright with you?"

I realized that I would be crossing the Rubicon as I smiled at her and nodded my assent. I felt her slide her tongue down my back and lick her way down till she reached my feet, at which point she removed my panties.

Spreading my legs, she worked her tongue in the reverse direction up my calves and thighs, getting closer and closer to my intimacy. She then hit the jackpot in her search for treasure, and as I felt her hot breath against my pussy, I erupted in orgasm. My pussy flooded with juice, and I convulsed as I experienced one of the most powerful orgasms of my life.

"Now young lady, that's really a hair-trigger you have. I hardly touched you."

"Oh, Brianna, that was so sensual I couldn't help myself. I want to also pleasure you."

"You do. I would love that. Here lie down on your back and raise your knees."

She straddled my face and lowered her mouth to my yearning pussy. Her tongue slid back and forth on my labia, sending tremors through my body. I sensed her opening me up and felt the thrill as she thrust her tongue deep into my core. My juices were flowing, which she lapped up like a kitten. No, not a kitten like a tiger.

I grasped her hips and pulled her down to my face. Tentatively I started mimicking what she was doing to me. Her aroma was intoxicating, as was the taste of her juices now coating my tongue. I could hear her moans as they vibrated against my sensitive flesh. When her mouth found my little fleshy nub, I erupted into my second orgasm, flooding her with my copious cum.

Thinking she was done, I removed my mouth. "Don't stop," she moaned. "We're just getting started."

Just getting started! What next?

I felt her hands adjust my position by raising my legs and hooking them under her arms. As my behind was raised, her tongue licked all around my rosebud and probed my bottom hole. The feeling was indescribable. Her fingers found my clit and started rolling it between her fingers, she curved her other hand to reach deep into me and rub on my most sensitive of spots. I just about went out of my mind at the sheer pleasure. I screamed in pleasure and felt my juices burst from within, as I flooded her face.

I lay panting and trembling in post-orgasmic bliss as Brianna smiled at me and said, "Well, what do you think?"

"That was a most convincing argument," I smiled back.

She led me back to bed, where we sank into an orgy of voluptuousness for the rest of the night.

The light from the rise of day woke us up enlaced in each other's arms.

After exchanging kisses, Brianna said, "Pam, how would you like to spend some time here while you recover. Time to find yourself and to rebuild your strength to face the world."

"Brianna, I think I found my world. I love it here, and I think I've fallen in love with you."

Tears streamed down her face, and she kissed me passionately. "Darling, I'd love you to be with me and to see if we can find a life together."


It's been a year since the accident, and tonight will be one year since Brianna found me damaged and broken both physically and emotionally. I have learned so much about myself in that time. Being exposed to nature has changed me. The simple life we lead has stripped me of my thin veneer of what I considered to be culture. I am happy and at peace with myself at last.


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I barely had time to grab the graduated cylinder to catch and measure Jody's spectacular ejaculation. Wendy's warning came not a second too soon as I placed his cock up to the opening of the container. Letting him spill his milky-whiteness into it as I stroked his twitching manhood, taking care not to lose a single, precious drop. After his spasming subsided i placed the cylinder in its upright position. Even before his cumm had completely gathered at the bottom I could tell it was an...

1 year ago
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Marvel Porn Universe

Welcome to the Marvel Universe X. It is I, the God who created this multiverse reality, invite you to explore and enjoy my world. Now, usually my world is rated PG-13, something people of all ages can enjoy sitting together. But today particularly I feel very horny which is why I have filled this iteration of the same events with a lot of sex, perverse stuff... nasty stuff. Please motivate me to contribute more to this story by becoming a Patron:

2 years ago
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Oh what a night

I had convinced my hubby to spend some days at Florida’s beach.Once at a very nice resort that Victor had hired, we both ended up becoming friendly with another couple about our age; Alba and Jon.They were Dutch and really very friendly.We did night walks together and hung out by the beach together and had many margaritas at the bar together.It was our last night and we were all having fun and too much alcohol, when I noticed Victor was almost passing out. Poor hubby could not even stand...

1 year ago
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Training The Boss Part III

Rod needed more time with Marie, the extra hour was not enough. Her punishment had taken longer than he had anticipated; there were after all two dozen strokes of the cane and belt to administer and he had to slow down and take longer breaks between strokes. He had taught her to count each stroke out loud and thank him and she had started to struggle at stroke number sixteen. She was not only crying profusely but she was also squirming and wildly writhing. It had been the changeover from the...

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1st sexual experience with shemale

For a long time me and my girlfriend had fantasized about a threesome with a shemale. We even brought in her didlo for fun one time and i found myself very excited by it. After that, thats all i thought and fantasized about. Soon it was to a point that I wanted to experience a sheamale alone. My girlfriend was very understanding and she sent me on my way one night. I had met a transexual online and we had agreed to meet up at a local sports bar. We started drinking and conversating, getting to...

She Males
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iPorn TV! When talking about simple websites that get right down to the fucking point, the first site that I remembered is i Porn TV, and soon you will see why. But, keep in mind that just because the site is simple and shit, does not mean that it is bad. As long as I suggest a website for you to visit, that means that the site is worth it, trust me, I am a pro.All it takes is one visit for you to understand why this site popped into my mind when I thought about the ‘simplest porn site’. I...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Central Calling

CyberPhun - For Immediate Release June 3rd, 2025 "CyberPhun: We put the 'phun' in the CyberWorlds..." In the evolution of the 'Net many events have heralded the beginning of a new age. The WWW in the 1980's marked the first time the average person could have access to the wealth of information available in the CyberRealms. In the 1990's Virtual Reality started out in caves, just like the early humans. And like those early humans, the drawings were crude and the lighting was...

2 years ago
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The Class Project Chapters 18 20 Conclusion

The Class Project by Janice Dreamer Chapter 18 Robyn sat on the toilet and stared at the blue plus sign on the little white stick. This simply could not be happening. How? How could she be pregnant? What the hell was she going to do? She leaned forward and put her head in her hands. A gentle tapping on the door was followed by Cathy's soft voice, "Robyn? Are you okay in there?" Robyn closed her eyes and drew in a gasping breath. "I'm okay." "You sure? Do you need...

4 years ago
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Anita Hot Village Mom 8211 Part 2

This is the second part hope you guys enjoy.Please read the first part as it is direct continuation .Its all fantasy just enjoy. Anita woke up and saw her completely nude in the arms of Raj.She recalled the pleasures of last night she felt a mix of happiness and guilt.She looked at Raj he was in deep sleep his face was rested on her breasts he was sleeping like a baby on her. She carefully put her son aside she saw his 9 inch dick which had fucked her for hours last night.she got up her feet...

2 years ago
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The Return of Thomas GreyChapter 13 On the Prowl

April, 1812 HMS Dido was sailing on a southerly course, holding the seaward position in a 20 mile-wide line of frigates that were combing the sea off the Pyrenees foothills. Cerbere had to lie due west Thomas knew although all they could see was a thin line of land on the horizon. Thisbe was holding the most landward position of their line at some two leagues from the shore. In perhaps an hour they would have to change course to southeast to avoid Cap de Creus which was jutting out from the...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 13 Frustrated Silence

Kora Falk – Cheyvn, Kivoneth Princedom, Strifelands of Zeutch I bit my lip, trying not to moan aloud as I masturbated in the corner of my brother’s inn room. Three fingers of my right hand plunged in and out of my silky, wet pussy. Pleasure rippled through my body, soft whimpers escaping my lips. My left hand massaged my round breast, tugging on a pink nipple, twisting it. It was so hot. My brother’s muscular ass rising and falling, pumping away as he plunged his cock over and over into...

1 year ago
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Vixen Little Caprice Ana Foxxx A Long Time Coming

Ana and her husband have traveled all over Europe, and while in Prague, they met a hot couple who showed then all the local places of interest. Now it’s their turn to host their new found friends, and they are staying with Ana and her husband in their home in LA. The bond has been fast and obvious, and they have been wanting to take this friendship to a new level for some time. So after a few glasses of champagne, the sexual tension builds, and it’s time to live out their hottest...

4 years ago
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The Sheik

THE SHEIK        His eyes demanded Linda’s attention, black eyes watching from above a black vale.  His eyes captured her, held her, consumed her.  She stood bare-footed upon the carpets of his tent, her linen dress limp upon her body.  Linda stared back at his eyes, unable to take her eyes from his eyes.  She raged.  She stood bare-footed upon the carpets of his tent, and in her soul, in her breast, she raged.        He had dared.  He had dared kidnap a British subject.  He had dashed into...

3 years ago
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The Delivery

Being fresh out of high school with no work experience made it hard to find a good paying job, so I had to take what I could get. Having a good car and being at least 18 years old were the only requirements to work at Anthony's Pizza and with good tips, you could easily make over minimum wage. Given the other options available, this seemed like a pretty good one. Not to mention you could take home any "burner" pizzas at the end of the night. During my first week of work, I was waiting for...

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A wild moment at the adult book store

Home alone and horny, my usual state of mind.After dinner at home, I decided I could take a chance for a slutty night at the local adult book store. I dressed like a nice whore and grabbed my car keys, hoping not to be disappointed by men…Once there, I paid the fee and went directly into the back section, to the booths where there was a nice amount of single guys around.I stood there, getting a little anxious and nervous, waiting for an empty glory hole to enter. I felt fine, as I was catching...

2 years ago
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Sara and the New Family Dog

The sun glittered in the icy exhaust of idling cars lining the curb. Boxes and suitcases leaned to one side or the other under the weight of their owner’s elbows as they awaited their parent’s arrival. It was holiday. Students were finally finished with their classes for the semester, finals just behind them. A chill wind whipped at Sara’s freckled nose, her brown hair tickled her cheeks. It had been a long three months of studying physics, though since her first year ended last Spring the...

3 years ago
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Officer Dan responding to a call from Angela (a police dispatcher), saw them in front of the alley, congregating again. Jesus, these hookers are like cockroaches; you just can't get rid of them he thought to himself as he turned on the red & blue lights of his patrol car.Dan thought about calling it in, but decided against it; he wasn't very well liked by his fellow cops these days. Nothing good would come from mentioning this to dispatch.Officer Rosita, his former partner had just been...

3 years ago
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 10 After the Party

“Now what the fuck do we do?” muttered Bob Turner under his breath to the host, Tom Tallman. “Fuck if I know,” whispered back Tom. “Let’s hear from Barbara.” Bob shrugged in agreement, and the two men wandered back to the bar set up on the Tallman’s back deck. The party had broken up, and almost everyone had left. It was late, but three couples were heading out for some late-night clubbing, and most of the others had also gone home. All that was left now were Tom and Terri Tallman, who had...

1 year ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 16 Letting Their Milk Down

I thought that we were about three quarters or more finished with milking, still just the four milkers and I. There was no sign of Lilly and I’d given up thinking I’d see her. Many worries circled my mind wondering what would happen after milking was finished. I assumed to be left alone, on my own. Maybe the magic creatures would simply disappear. I secretly hoped they would because I needed to talk to Lilly about them. I needed her to tell me I was going to be okay. The sun had gone low...

2 years ago
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More Charley and one more gloryhole

The next week was so busy I hardly came up for air, but in my few spare moments I daydreamed of my adventurous night with Ruth and Charley. Three things kept popping into my thoughts: Ruth’s gloriously fine big ass with my dick in it as she sucked Charley’s giant prick, the feel of his big dick sliding in and out of my mouth, and the incredible sensation of anonymous sex having my dick sucked at my 1st glory hole. I beat my meat 3 or 4 times that week standing up in my dressing room, cumming in...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 16 Settling Down

Now I had made my peace with Miriam, and had the purchase of the Iver apartment well under way, I could fully concentrate on my career. I make no bones about it: I was struggling to get my head around my new life, not only the technical aspects of system analysis and programming but also with civilian life. After spending almost 23 years in a regulated and well-ordered environment I found Civvy Street unfocussed, scrappy, and largely shambolic. Although MilSys was based on a RAF camp there...

2 years ago
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I Finally Get My Wish

Before I start this story, I'll tell you about me and my girlfriend. I am five foot seven, medium build, not a body to die for so I guess this is why this happened while on holiday. My girlfriend Nikki, however, is gorgeous. She's five foot six, hot slim body, a really nice ass, 36C boobs that I could play with all day.We left, excited, for our holiday, our first one alone as we normally go with friends. We flew from London, England to a resort in Spain. When we arrived, it was very hot and...

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Harry Potter And The Love Feather

"Common, Harry it's getting late, lets all go to bed," Ron said. I got up and packed my homework. We were in the Gryffindor (our house in our school, Hoghwarts) common room studying. "Yeah, lets go," Neville agreed. We all talked and then walked to our dormitory of five. It was lit by candles and immediately caused us to feel drowsy. That was the beauty of magic. We all jumped into our beds and went to sleep immediately as we were dog-tired from the Quiditch match (I love that game)...

1 year ago
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And All Things Nice

And All Things Nice by Paul1954 "Daddy, daddy - did you get it yet?" Sally asked excitedly as she ran to greet her father as he returned home from work, following a hard day in the office. Martin Hall's mind took a few moments to register his daughter's words as he made the transition from Sales Manager to father. This was something that was getting increasingly hard for him, and he inwardly groaned, as he remembered his promise to her, made that very morning. He had known at...

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The Kid Cut From Different Cloth Chapter 2

The Kid Cut From Different Cloth – CHAPTER 2- “Hello kids, this your new classmate, Emily Banks. She just moved in our town from, huh, where did you say Emily?” said the teacher. “I come from Ludlow.” Said Emily in a low tone voice. “Very nice. Please, take a seat, and I’m sure the kids would love to tell you all the details of my class.” Emily scanned the class with her eyes, until she spotted the empty spot besides Bryan. She started walking to the seat, and sat down by...

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The Girls Times Part Five

Reaming Sharon's restrictive pucker was something that I've always wanted to do.  But she'd never let us slip more than two fingers inside and never past the second knuckle.   That was only accomplished after extensive amounts of lube and some serious clitoral stimulation.  But, with her so clearly enjoying Linda's slippery gap, I figured it was my chance to abuse her rectum.I raised her hips as she did mine. However, I took the time to please both of her waiting holes orally first.  Knowing...

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My Horny StepMother Banged

Hello everyone, I’m a regular reader of ISS from the US. My father and mother are seperated, and had been for the past 5 years. My dad asked me to come stay with him in the US and I moved in during 10th grade. I then found out that my dad had married another woman and also had two children. She was an American and they had only been married for two years. I was not intially attracted to her, maybe because I hated her but I’m not sure. She had an average figure, it was a 30-28-32 and she was...

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Bossing the Boss

“That’s it,” fumed Tom as he stormed into the lunchroom. “I’m not working for that bitch any more. As soon as she comes back from lunch, I’m going in there to give her a piece of my mind and quit this lousy job.” Suzanne Stevens might own this pharmaceutical company, but being rich and successful didn’t give her the right to treat him like a piece of trash. He had a degree in business, but she acted as if he was some sort of office boy, relegating him to mindless busy work and always looking...

Mind Control
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Dominique Ch 05

Friday morning. I loved public holidays. It's funny, but I wasn't even thinking about the weekend. Lying in bed watching the sun come up, my thoughts were on the previous twenty-four hours. Closing my eyes and replaying it in my mind, I was getting horny all over again. Two cocks. Two! God. I'd seen the porn. I'd wondered what it would be like. I could see it so vividly in my mind. It was almost like it happened to someone else, and I just watched! Except, I was sore. Not stingy sore. More achy...

1 year ago
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The Final Encounter

Authors Note: I placed this in Non Erotic because the story does NOT revolve around sex. However, there are R Rated elements, so beware. ************************ “So, what do you want to do?” asked Jessica as she swatted a bug away from her face. “I don’t know, what do you want to do?” Anna replied. “Jeez, Anna- make up your mind! Well, we’re almost to the lake now – so, I guess we’ll just change and go for a swim. How does that sound?” “Sure. That’s just peachy.” Anna replied, joining...

4 years ago
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Jakes Saga Ch 10 A Saturday Night In

As Friday came, Chloe had caught him in-between classes. “Hey, we’re still good for this weekend right?” Chloe asked “Yeah, my parents will be going to a friend’s party Saturday night, so I should have the house to myself.” “Cool, I’ll be hanging around the area, just shoot me a message when everything is ready” "Sounds good, will do” Chloe gave him a quick peck on the cheek as she turned around and the two teens went their separate ways. Jake watched as she walked down the hall, and he...

2 years ago
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First Time Pleasure Sex Experience With Bhabi

I’m Anil from Hyderabad 22 years. This story is about my cute bhabi. This incident happened 1month back in this year. I enjoyed the great sex with her daily she gives me a great pleasure in sex. I enjoyed with her every day and experienced different types of positions with her. Coming to my bhabhi she is a great body she is 27 and her boobs are perfect in size and her ass is awesome she is average in color but she is very attractive. Coming to the story i was completed my graduation and i was...

2 years ago
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Hot Srilankan Wife Aisha 8211 Part 1

Hi, welcome to my very first story on this site. About me, I am Sandhu, 26, male. Iam from Sri Lanka. The purpose of me writing for this site was to give an outline of what Sri Lanka is like compared to India, and of course, to write something sexually entertaining for the Indian and other readers here. So sit back and read, and enjoy the story! ~STORY STARTS Mrs Aisha Hameed, was a woman in her mid-20s from Kandy district, central province, Sri Lanka. As said before, she was a married woman....

4 years ago
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Changing Room

The hot water cascaded over her aching, trembling body. It sounded so loud as it splashed onto the concrete floor of the empty changing rooms, echoing around the stark brick interior. She turned the tap, making the water pound her body with more force. Turning to the wall she pressed her hands to the cracked white tiles allowing the water to massage her back as she stretched out her calves. It had been two weeks since he’d touched her and the marks were almost gone. She knew every one of those...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Sex With Cousin Brother

Hello! ISS readers , I am james 26 male vadodara, Gujarat. I want to confess in front of you all that I have had gay sex with my cousin brother 5 years back. Before telling you that how had it happened I want to tell something about myself. I was normal boy. I had never any desire of sex before 10th std. But after 10th suddenly such desire was aroused in me. I used to see blue films with friends. After doing all these some times I used to imagine how a girl feels when she takes cock in ....

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Vacation Gangbang for Mom

This is a story about something that happened to me on a vacation in Florida last year. My hubby and I took the k**s on a Florida holiday and did the usual tourist things for most of the trip. One of the plans was for my husbands and our 3 boys to go fishing for a day. I'm not a fisher person so I decided to stay at the hotel and sit around the pool to relax. The plan was for them to be gone all day and not be back till after 8 pm so I had all day to myself. I'm 45 stand 5.7 about 220 Lbs. Long...

1 year ago
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Evil Life Evil Wife

"Ahahaha, take that! Not so loud anymore when you can't even get a proper hit in, huh? This'll be your end, Rider Raichi! Attack, my lovely minions! Get him down to the ground where he belongs!" Raichi Ikeda, known as the hero Rider Raichi to the world at large, was in a pinch - one that even his trusty, power-enhancing suit of armor didn't seem to be able to get him out of. His assessment of the opponent was too naive - he way underestimated what the slime girl in front of him, the...

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A Day In A Lungi

It was when I came back from playing football that my mother told me about this news. It was summer vacation and I was a keen football player, spending almost the entire day on the ground. That is why I didn’t like the idea when my mother told that I will have to stay out of home for the night to give company to an aunty who is our distant relative. It is like her husband had to suddenly go out of town on account of a close relative’s death. In emergency he was able get only one flight ticket,...

1 year ago
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Secret Housewives Society

"My name's David and I've lived in the same neighborhood my entire life. There's always been something kind of off about it though, like something is always looming in the darkness during the nights or something hiding in the woods. " I said as I sat in front of Alan's camera. "You need to add more emotion to it man, it has to seem real, like you're actually scared." Alan nagged me. Alan had always been super into videos and movies, he's probably taken every single class related to it that our...

Group Sex
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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 10

While Russell was putting his plan together, Spencer Patterson had another go at Cheryl. This time Garry took the sexy brunette teen to a motel where Spencer was waiting. She reluctantly got out of the car. Garry then forced her into the motel room. “We’ll be a little less cramped this time,” Spencer said, as he looked over the beautiful teen in her nice blouse and skirt. “I just bet you give all them high school boys a hard-on. They’re just too afraid to take you down and fuck you,”...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 143 YumiForms of Love

(In front of the wreckage of the Aoiya, Omasu hands Kaoru a cup of tea.) Omasu: Here you are, Kaoru. Kaoru: Oh--thank you. Misao (climbing to the top of the smashed roof): They really wrecked the place. Okina (similarly perched): Ah, this is nothing compared to what happened in the Boshin War. Omasu: Will you two get down from there! (You're hurt!) (Kaoru broods over her tea.) Hiko (sipping sake): You worried about him? Don't be. The Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki I taught him can't...

1 year ago
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My Daughter Final Victory

It’s all in my imagination. Enjoy. Thanks "No fair! You suck Daddy!" Mario plummeted off the platform for the last time. My baby girl dropped the controller in her lap with a huff, blowing a strand of hair to the side. I grinned at her pouty expression. "What do you mean? I pummeled you fair and square. You just need to not let me grab you so much." "GAME" boomed the TV, throwing up a scoreboard: SHAE: 2. DADDY: 7. "One more," she said, lips pursed with determination. The...

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Amy 26 All Hands on the Bad Amy

Amy 26: All Hands on the Bad Amy Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: You're No Rock n'Roll Fun Lena was not cool with the chunk I'd knocked out of her bass. In fact, she was so not cool with it she jumped me over it and immediately got in my face and started yelling. Then...

1 year ago
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School Girl Ko Choda

Hi, all I am back again. Ye story tbki h jb m college 2nd year m tha or as a freelancer kaam krke thoda bhot extra income or savings krta tha. Kyuki clg ghr s door tha to mere mom dad n clg hostel m dalne ka fesla kia pr mere jid krne pr mujhe clg k pass hi ek room dilwa dia. Meri building k side wali building m ek schoolgirl rheti thi (18 years old )jiska name vaishali tha. Height 5.2 black hairs black eyes and kya gzb dikhti thi. Hm, dono mostly park m hi hello krne lge or kuch hi dino m...

3 years ago
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She was told that she was to stay in bed that day. He told her that she would have visitors. The front door would remain unlocked, and the visitors had been instructed to enter without knocking. He told her that she was not to speak, she was simply to do what the visitors wanted her to do.He had left the house at 6:30, and it was almost 8:00 now. As she lay there wondering if anyone was actually going to show up, she idly fingered the rings in her nipples. Her hand then strayed to the ring...

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NAILED --------------- A freak industrial accident puts his life on a path that he never would have expected, much less dreamed of in his wildest fantasies. --------------- I was fresh out of high school and was working construction to earn money for college. I really did want to go to college and get into business, but my less than stellar academic scores in high school prevented me from getting any decent scholarship money. Mom and dad were sympathetic, but unfortunately...

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Pacific Penal ColonyChapter 7

Rico's mind was in turmoil as he was whipped forward to the elevated auction gantry by a huge woman, her large breasts, ass and thick thighs bulging in a tight black leather cat-suit. She smiled with spiteful pleasure as her bulbous fleshy arms rippled in her application of the stinging whip; her taunts and the pain were becoming almost routine to Rico now, his spirit being slowly and inevitably eroded as each woman he encountered played her part in breaking him. His cock almost conceding...

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