Making Me Beg free porn video

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The first time I saw her, she was begging – actually begging – outside a coffee shop in the business section of town. She was the prettiest young woman I had seen in a long time – even though she needed to be 'cleaned-up.' And, being totally honest here, my panties got wet just watching her smile shyly anytime someone gave her a few coins or a bill. The little girl sitting on an overturned milk crate at her feet seemed 'needy' enough to genuinely help her mother's cause. I could tell she was taking in a decent haul after watching her for just ten minutes or so.

I'd actually seen the woman there once before and only spared her a passing glance. But this time her hair was longer giving her face a fuller look – her lips seemed round and full now in a way I hadn't noticed before. My clit was almost throbbing as I walked toward her. I could just imagine how those lips and her tongue would feel sucking and licking at my aching clit. I stopped beside her as she thanked a man who had just handed her a five-dollar bill; I waited until she looked at me, then I gave her full eye contact.

She had wavy blond hair that just touched her shoulders, grey eyes that seemed to have flecks of silver gleaming in them, and the sexiest slightly pouting lips I've seen on a grown woman. She seemed to be about twenty-three or so; she was shorter than me – but most women are. She was probably about five foot five and looked no more than about a hundred and twenty pounds. Her tits were tight and perky but as I took another quick peak at them, I realized they weren't as small as I had initially thought. My guess, she was about a C-cup and damn she had a tight round ass to go with those pert lovely tits.

Like I said, I'm tall, around five foot ten and I seem to keep fighting with my weight since I hit thirty a couple years ago. I'm about a hundred and forty pounds. I have to say though that a few of the pounds I'm carrying now went to my breasts and ass; I finally had to be fitted for a D-cup bra about a year ago. So when I go to the gym, I focus my efforts on my ass to keep it from spreading further. I keep my very straight reddish-brown hair cut in a short style that's easy to manage; I have deep brown eyes and one of those annoyingly cute noses. My lips aren't as full as I'd like, mostly average. For the most part people describe me a classic beauty rather than gorgeous, sexy, or sensual.

The woman I was now watching – who had made my panties wet because I couldn't control my fantasies – was most definitely each of those things: gorgeous, sexy, and sensual.

"Would you let me buy you a cup of coffee? And something for the little girl; she looks cold?"

The young woman glanced at the little girl and smiled lovingly as she nodded. "I guess we do need to take a break for a few minutes. I'll probably only miss out on ten bucks anyhow." She looked at me almost anxiously for a moment then turned to go into the coffee shop.

As I followed her in, I bettered my offer. "I'll double what you think you'll loose; how does that sound?"

With that she turned and looked genuinely suspicious. "What do you get out of this?"

"Someone pretty to share my table with-" I reached down and stroked the little girl's hair but made sure to hold eye contact with the woman I wanted much more. "and hopefully a new friend."

"How long have you been in town? I'm guessing you're new to the city?"

"Yes. We got here about four weeks ago."

I waited for more of her story until after we had ordered. I made sure to suggest that the little girl ordered enough food to keep her mother at my table for at least a half hour. It was a rainy Sunday afternoon and I'd had a lonely week – hell, I'd had a lonely year and I was sincerely hoping to change that as soon as possible.

We found our table and I encouraged Pam, her name was Pam and her little girl's name was Amelia, to continue with her story.

"You got here four weeks ago?"

"We've been living at the shelter until the women's hostel has room for us, they keep saying it'll be about two weeks 'til they have an opening for the both of us."

"You'll live at a homeless shelter and beg with just the hopes that the women's hostel will find room for you, eventually?"

"I don't really have a choice, Megan."

I listened to her hard luck story of an abusive husband she'd had to run away from. I really did feel sorry for her but I was still hoping her bad luck would turn into my good luck. I had a really nice apartment in an affluent part of town; there would be plenty of room to invite this sexy lady and her daughter to stay for a while. I smiled at her sympathetically and made my generous offer.

"I have room at my place for you; for as long as you want, Pamela."

"I still don't understand why you're being so nice to me."

"I live alone. I've lived alone for longer than I wanted to or planned to. Basically, I'm lonely. You seem like a sweet lady and Amelia is certainly one of the quietest little girls I've ever seen." I decided on honesty, or at least partial honestly. "I'm taking as much of a chance as you are. I mean you could be pulling some kind of a con, yourself. How do I know you're not going to steal from me?"

"Why make the offer if you don't trust me?"

"I didn't say I didn't trust you; I just suggested that I have no more reason to trust you than you have to trust me. You can trust me, Pamela."

She didn't answer me immediately; I took that as a good sign. "Don't you have any k**s, Megan? a boy friend or husband?"

"I never got married. I like k**s well enough, but I don't think I'm the mothering type. Besides, I prefer the company of women – in all areas of my life."

I was surprised when she didn't even blink at that last comment. I'd honestly expected a shocked gasp and that she'd grab her daughter's hand and run. But she didn't; she just looked at me for a moment then – she smiled.

"Well, Megan, I think I'd be crazy at this point not to take you up on your offer; I think I've had just about all I can take from men these days. I think us girls can get along perfectly fine without a man."

So, that's how I came to be driving a sweet sexy young thing back to my apartment on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Her daughter had curled up in the backseat and fallen asleep almost as soon as I started the car. I decided it was as good a time as any to see what the sly smile that she had given me earlier meant.

"So, Pamela, when I told you back at the coffee shop that I'm a lesbian; you just smiled – I'd expected you to grab Amelia and run – but you just smiled. Why?"

"I got married to Morris because I was in love with his sister. He hit me and kicked me out when he found the box of love letters she had sent me when we were still together. She took a job across the country about six months ago. Morris couldn't figure out why our phone bill was so high for months after Jane moved."

I had to smile at her honesty. "So, phone sex wasn't enough?"

"We tried, we really did, but she told me a couple months ago that she had a new girlfriend. I kept hoping she'd ask me to leave Morris to go be with her."

"Did you ever have feelings for Morris?"

"He was a good father." Pamela shrugged and smiled at me again. "I've been lonely for a long time too. Avoiding sex with Morris had become such a habit that I think he had finally given up on me and found a girl-friend or two."

Pamela carried Amelia into the elevator and the little girl slept all the way up to my apartment on the ninth floor. I smiled at her when she whistled as she looked around; I had spent some time and considerable amount of money decorating my apartment with a mostly nouveau décor. Most of my friends knew I preferred women and those who didn't figured it out quickly when they visited my home.

"I hope you like it here, Pamela; I hope you'll make yourself at home and stay as long as you'd like."

"No stings attached?"

"No strings attached." I touched her cheek and pushed a curling strand of her hair behind her ear. "I'm not going to promise not to try to seduce you on a regular basis though."

When she smiled and held eye contact for a long quiet moment, I felt my cunt tighten and juices flow into my panties.

"Where should I put Amelia? She'll sleep through the night now. I'll have to sleep with her for the first few nights so that she doesn't wake up scared in the morning."

"I understand." But I knew I'd be buying batteries for my vibrators in bulk if I didn't get my hands, fingers, and mouth on Pamela in the next few days or so.

I showed her where she and her daughter would be sleeping; Amelia hardly fussed when Pamela put her to bed in my spare bedroom. I gave Pamela a more thorough tour of the apartment so she would really feel at home in the next few days. I even invited her to make a shopping list for me of things she and Amelia liked to eat. I told her to just leave it on the fridge so that I could shop on my way home from work the next day.

If Pamela seemed like she was starting to settle in, I'd take her and Amelia shopping at the end of the week. I had a feeling that if I provided for the both of them very generously, for the first few weeks they were with me, it would encourage Pamela to stay – or even make our arrangement permanent for the time being.

I took it as a good sign that Pamela had made that list of her and Amelia's preferred food; and that she was in the shower the next morning as I left for work. I'd had a long night with my vibrator – fucking myself again and again as I thought of how her soft young body would feel under my hands. I imagined the taste of her sweet cunt juices flowing into my mouth as I licked her pussy and sucked her clit making her cum over and over. When I got to work, I had to use my private powder room to get myself off again so that I could concentrate on the nearly dozen cases on my desk.

Work dragged on and on and by the time I had been to grocery store it felt like it had been weeks since I'd been home. There was a part of me that kept saying I'd imagined it all – there wouldn't be a soft, sexy, woman-loving lady waiting for me at home. My apartment would be empty – like it had been for years it seemed – when I walked through the door. I actually held my breath for a moment before I unlocked the door and went inside. My stomach fluttered when I heard a little girl's voice chattering in the kitchen and Pamela's quietly sensual tone answer her. I had to smile when I realized that my imagination put the sensuous quality in her voice.

Pamela peeked her head out from the kitchen then rushed into the hallway to help me with the four grocery bags and briefcase I was trying to manage. As she took the three of the bags she leaned close and kissed me softly on the lips.

"How was your day, Megan?" She laughed lightly at the look on my face – I'm sure I couldn't have looked more stunned than I felt. "Amy and I had a great day getting settled in – you have a beautiful home here. We're so grateful you invited us to stay."

"I'm glad you're feeling comfortable already."

Pamela smiled at me as she took the shopping into the kitchen. "I'm not the best cook in the world – Morris always said my food was barely edible – so, I made something simple for tonight. Do you like spaghetti and Caesar salad?"

"Yes, I do." I walked into the kitchen and couldn't hide the delight on my face seeing all Pamela's preparations. "It smells good and I bet it tastes good. I don't remember having spaghetti and salad stuff in the fridge."

"You didn't, Megan, that fridge was practically empty. It makes me wonder if you eat properly." She placed her hand low on my back as she reached past me to finish setting the little table in the corner of the kitchen. Her hand moved up and down my back as she looked into my eyes. "You certainly don't need to diet, you have a great figure."

I was speechless for a moment; it seemed like I was the one who might just have to worry about being seduced. I didn't mind the idea at all. "Actually, tonight is usually a gym night; I have to work on my ass so that it doesn't become too big to fit into my chair at the office."

"Too many women these days worry about being model slim. Unfortunately, I don't have that problem. If I don't eat right, I end up looking like a rail with no tits or ass to speak of."

Her other hand moved to my waist and she stepped in close as if trying to squeeze past me in a small space. My kitchen was small but certainly not so small as to lack space for three or four people to move around. "I think a woman should look like a woman; lots of curves and a bit of softness to cuddle up to. What do you think?"

"I like curves."

She giggled and kissed me softly again. Yes, I was definitely being seduced – oh, and I was definitely enjoying it. "Sit down, Megan, and don't worry about the gym. I think we can come up with some activities later that will make up for missing some of your workout."

Pamela winked at me but spoke to Amelia. "Once mommy puts you to bed, Amy, I want you to try to get to sleep on your own."

When the little girl started to pout, Pamela offered a compromise. "If you can't get to sleep right away or if you feel really scared, I'll come in and lie down with you for a while. You know you can feel safe here, Amy. Megan was very very nice to let us come live with her for awhile; don't you think, sweetie?"

The little smiled and nodded eagerly. "Yup. Megan is really nice. You like her, right Mommy?"

"Yes, Amy, I like Megan very much." Pamela handed the girl a plate with a small portion of each spaghetti and salad. "Now eat up, sweetie."

Pamela brought a plate of salad to the table for both of us. As I picked up my fork to start eating she ran her finger over the back of my hand lightly. "You should eat up too, sweetie; you'll need your energy later this evening."

I had to smile at her; I couldn't help but enjoy her flirtatious nature. "I love a woman who knows how to flirt, and you're very good at it, Pamela."

"I'm good at a lot of things, Megan."

I couldn't help but laugh at that comment. "I certainly hope you get to prove it, Ms. Flirt. Ever since I met you, I've been so wet I'm worried about becoming dehydrated."

Pamela laughed and leaned close. "Kiss me, Megan; a real, deep kiss."

I did as she suggested and before I knew it my blouse was undone and half pulled from my skirt. She had her hands in my bra playing with my tits and making my nipples hard and throbbing. My hand was somehow up Pamela's t-shirt playing with sweet little tits. I was suddenly embarrassed and pulled away, looking at the little girl nervously. Amelia didn't seem to have noticed that her mother and I were playing with each other's tits at the dinner table; she just continued on eating as though nothing was happening.

Pamela smiled and touched my cheek. "Eat your supper, Megan."

After we'd eaten, I offered to do the dishes. At first I was annoyed that Pamela seemed so grateful that I had offered since I was the one who had worked almost 10 hours that day. But when she used the time my hands were busy in the hot soapy water to make passes at me and feel me up – well, lets just say I wasn't so irritated anymore.

Pamela was taking full advantage of the fact that I had worn a business suit with a skirt to work that day. As she'd helped clear the table and put the dishes by the sink, she 'pretended' to brush her hands over my ass but by the time I had washed only a couple glasses she wasn't pretending anymore. Pamela had taken up a position behind me and was feeling my ass with one hand and playing with my tits again with the other hand.

I wasn't even trying to do the dishes anymore; I was just standing there letting a sexy young woman feel me up. It was amazing; she was amazing. She was so good with her hands that in no time I felt close to an orgasm. Pamela used her knee to coax me to spread my legs and as soon as I did she started rubbing my pussy.

"You were hoping I'd do this weren't you, Megan? That's why you wore a garter and stocking and no panties."

I felt almost breathless as I opened my mouth to answer her. "I knew I'd have to wear the garter without panties before I left the house this morning – I took at least six breaks at work to play with myself." I gasped as I felt her fingers slide between my pussy lips and stroke over my clit softly.

"Were you thinking of me when you played with yourself, Megan?" She didn't wait for my answer before she plunged her fingers into my cunt and started finger fucking me madly.

"Yes. Oh, yes, Pamela."

"How many fingers do you want me to use to make you cum, Megan?"

Her question became redundant almost immediately – I came saying her name over and over again. Pamela kept stroking her fingers over my clit from the front as her second hand slipped under my skirt from the back. Her fingers worked my pussy perfectly; the rhythm of fingers over my clit kept time with fingers plunging in and out of my cunt. She didn't stop until she'd made me cum twice more. By then I was almost breathless and dizzy.

"Forget the dishes, lover." She turned me around and guided me backward toward the kitchen table. "Lean back on the table and catch your breath – I need to get a taste of your sweet cunt juice." She licked her fingers as she spoke. "You're so fucking wet and you taste like a creamy white wine sauce."

Pamela kissed me with the taste of my own cunt juice on her lips. I nearly devoured her mouth as I my hands pulled her tight t-shirt up over her tits; I'd been surprised and delighted earlier when I'd discovered that she wasn't wearing a bra. My mouth went from the kiss to suck her soft round tits. I played with her nipples in my mouth, biting and pulling with my lips on those hard swollen knobs. Soon, Pamela was breathless and panting.

"I love your tits, Pammie. God I love your tits." I held one nipple in my mouth and pulled – stretched – it as far as it would go before it popped from between my lips. She gasped and I had a feeling she was close to an orgasm. "You like it when I suck your tits, don't you, Pammie?"

"God – Fuck, yes. Do it again, lover."

I did it again and over and over as I undid her jeans and pushed them down to expose her bare ass and mostly shaved pussy. It was my turn now to use my hands on her pussy. Pamela was easily as wet as I had been. As I played with her clit, I slipped a finger into her cunt to spread her hot thick juices all over her pussy. I was sucking madly on one of her tits drawing almost the entire soft round orb into my mouth when she came. Her cunt ran even wetter with that hot thick juice. I couldn't miss this chance for a taste of her.

I bent over and pushed her jeans down past her knees so she could spread her legs wide enough for me to get my head close to her cunt. I ate her, licking hungrily slurping as much of her cum juice as I could get. It was enough to make her cum again so that my mouth suddenly filled with more of her hot wet fluids. I was on my knees now with my fingers in my own cunt so that when Pamela had cum I came with her.

She moved away suddenly and pushed me almost roughly to the floor. She was between my legs and sucking my clit and lapping at my cunt drawing out my last climax. Pamela looked up at me with my naked pussy at her mouth.

"I wanted to eat you out first, lover. I love the way you taste- like an expensive creamy wine sauce I had at a fancy restaurant once."

"Did Jane take you there?"

"Yeah, me and Morris for our wedding anniversary. We got him so drunk that he passed out in the car on the way home."

Pamela slipped her tongue into my cunt and licked in and out and up and down over my cunt; I could hear her sucking in the juices that she got flowing with her magical tongue. "Jane pulled me into the back of the car, where she had hidden some toys. We fucked each other like wild horny rabbits until Morris started to wake up."

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And not saying a single word, she just grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of her, standing in front of an Asian old-man, who did just looked at my barefoot white feet, and pay close attention to the blue-eyes I had, knowing that I had a rare golden hair, then he looked at my mother's face waving his head up and down, and gave two enormous bags filled with a strange currency, then he took a large ablaze metal, and the woman that was no longer my mother, made a strong wrestling from behind...

3 years ago
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New Beginings

By anon y mouse First a preamble this is a follow on from a previous story ‘NEW MOTHER’ this story stands alone but for the background read you can read the other one first the choice is yours. On with the story............................. Chapter 1 After finally confronting my husband James about his affair with a 12 yr old girl we had reached a pact. He stayed out of my life and me his. The girl in question was the daughter of my lover and Boss Mike. I had been given carte' blanche'...

1 year ago
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James School The Beggining

James was 16 years old and he was late to school, again. He somehow turn is lack of punctuality a characteristic of his. But of all things he never thought it would be this that would make him lose is virginity. He got ready as fast as he could, but he was an hour late. His parents were never home due to business trips, so he practically lived alone. When he arrived at his high school he was caught by the principal. “Mr. James….. Again? You know I can´t tolerate this anymore.” – He...

1 year ago
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A New Beginging

At 14 years of age, sex was not something I knew anything about. Other than seeing pictures in magazines and hearing my older friends talk about it, I didn’t have a clue. Sure, my dick got hard at times and I had learned how to masturbate but, the mind blowing, energy draining experience of a true orgasm was something I couldn’t have even imagined. A freshman in high school, I was shorter than most boys my age, standing only 5 feet 2 inches tall. Stocky build, blond hair, blue...

1 year ago
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Training Gail PArt One Her Begninnng

Introduction: A continuation of Training Sarah PArt ten Sometime during the night, Sarah figured out exactly how she would start dominating Gail. When Sarah woke up the next morning, she was still aroused from her dream about dominating Gail, and let her fingers slide down her stomach and into her waiting pussy. She closed her eyes and gently rubbed her now throbbing clit, before slipping her index finger into her soaked cunt. She could feel herself building towards an orgasm rather fast, and...

1 year ago
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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence – Part 2 – The Fun Begins When I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused. She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

3 years ago
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Das Begattungsinstitut

Sex ohne Verhütung Elena legte sich auf das Bett. Sie hatte nichts mehr an. Der Mann vor dem bett aber auch nicht. Sein Schwanz stand senkrecht vom Körper ab und war dick angeschwollen. Sie stammte aus der Slowakei war wirklich hübsch keine achtzehn und völlig unerfahren. Man hatte ihr gesagt, es werde heute ein kleiner Test stattfinden, ob sie als Au Pair Mädchen geeignet sei. Dann werde sie an eine Familie vermittelt und soll dort hauptsächlich auf zwei kleine Kinder aufpassen und leichte...

1 year ago
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Im Club begattet

Ricks Hände umklammerten das Lenkrad so fest, dass seine Finger rot wurden. Er suchte nach der Adresse, die er aus dem Willkommenspaket, das ihm der Club letzte Woche geschickt hatte, ausgedruckt hatte. Jen saß nervös auf der Beifahrerseite des Wagens und versuchte, die Adresse auf den Gebäuden zu sehen, als Rick langsam die Straße entlang fuhr. "Es ist das nächste Gebäude, Liebling. Bieg doch in die nächste Einfahrt ein." Rick nahm den Fuß vom Gaspedal und bog in die nächste Einfahrt ein. Die...

3 years ago
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Warcraft Begnnings

Raylin's the name and I'm just a regular old human on Azeroth, but my life couldn't be better! I'm the oldest daughter in a wealthy family, living in a safe village deep in alliance territory, away from all of the fighting, and I'm in love with an amazing man who I hope will propose to me tonight! I know we are only 18, but I'm sure both of our parents will approve. There are still parts of me that crave adventure from my younger days, but my parents have done their best to keep me in line and...

2 years ago
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Jeff Zephyrs Life JZL0501 The Beginn

I was a c***d of the sixties, born about the time that John Kennedycame along to shake things up. The times they were a-changing. Myparents were 50's k**s, and my mom was just 16 when she had me. Mydad had his Harley, and I and mom rode behind him (before car seatlaws and helmets), and we lived with my dad's mom and aunt, who wealways called just Grandma and Auntie. I don't recall anythingspecifically related to sex before five years old, and even then it isvague. Like many k**s, I got to see...

1 year ago
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The Brazilian Beauty Beguiles

Everything started innocently enough. It usually does in life. Rarely are you warned in advance that you are about to be bitten in the ass. The new Rio office opening had gone very smoothly. Almost too smoothly in fact—John was waiting for something to go wrong. The “other shoe” usually does drop. Entering the Brazilian energy consulting market would be a challenge, but with huge upside potential. Luckily John had a great partner and customer in Marcos Sergio de Pereira. The two men had been...

3 years ago
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Piano Lessons How It Bega

When my husband left me, saying he has fallen in love with another, I felt numb. I couldn't believe it. But, I had no time to wallow in the pain I felt. I had two kids now to take care of, alone, full-time. I decided a part-time job, along with the job I already had was the answer. I could do it at home as well. Piano lessons had always brought me joy. I let it slip as the children got older, focusing more on them. * Now it is a year later, my husband is now my ex, my kids are stable, happy...

2 years ago
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The Life of Giving Chapter 2 Just The Beginnin

After a long sleepless night, mostly thinking about Samer and getting frustrated because he had no WhatsApp profile photo and I could only vaguely remember what he looks like, finally the morning came and brought more frustrations. What to wear? Does it even matter? What if he’s married? What if he’s gay? What if he’s a terrorist? Is it ok for a Catholic to kiss a Muslim? What if he hates the gays? But still, with every question that came into my mind, I just tried to focus on drinking that...

4 years ago
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Mary the begininng

MaryMary sat at her computer trying to figure out how to compose a message. firstly the words that had formed in her head a short while ago just didn't seem right as she read them. This had been the case for the last two hours. She made herself another cup of tea, and while she waited for the kettle to boil she ran through some more versions of what to write. walking back to her computer an idea struck her, she set her cup down and set about writing.Two hours later, Mary sat back finally...

2 years ago
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BEA der Beginn

BEA - der BeginnAutorenrechte & Copyright by ©DOM4U247Weitere Veröffentlichung nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung des AutorsAlles fing damit an, dass mein Sohn meine Frau überraschte, als sie in sexyDessous vom Badezimmer ins Schlafzimmer huschen wollte. Sie wollte sich fürmich fertig machen, um mir eine Überraschung zu bereiten.Als er sie in schwarzen halterlosen Strümpfen und schwarzer Coursage, mitHalbschalen für den Busen und mit schwarzem String, über den Flur laufensah; richtete sich...

1 year ago
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New beginng

Here was I, Nick Beaumont skulking around like some common thief, butneeds must I thought. I crept through the undergrowth at the side ofthe house. I had hurt my ankle when I had jumped down from the wallthat surrounded it and was limping slightly. At least no one had seenme and for that I had to be grateful. Should the mob that I was tryingto avoid get hold of me I was a dead man and they would not make mydemise pleasant. My stomach churned at the thought of what they woulddo to me. I owed...

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FUN WITH UNCLE TOM by CumBeggarFirst off, let me be very clear about one thing: Uncle Tom was not my realuncle. He was the father of a friend and I used to spend a lot of time attheir house in the school holidays. My own family home was not a happyplace to be and Tom and his wife Ann had lots of room. They had a smallholding and there were horses and ponies and loads of dogs and it was agreat place for k**s. At this point in the story, I was just about 17 andhad been a fixture for a while. ...

3 years ago
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my love story begone

My name is Mimior that the name of my secret lifeI am a167cm tall, 55 kg, and 28y old …. Really I don’t what is my gender any moreI have a male body But I have a feminine soul, and desire...Desire of being pretty, sexy and wanted from menI love to be treated as girl Maybe Coues I been raised with 4 sistersAnd I was the youngest They always treated me as I was a girl like themDress me up like a girl and do my hair and call me Barbie girl When I become 6years old I was listening for them talking...

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A Mothers True Love The Beggining

As a young mother I would bathe with my son, most mothers did back when we saved on hot water, but when we moved upmarket, the bath disappeared to be replaced by a new shower.By then my son was approaching six, and still we bathed, somehow it felt natural, as we had been doing it for years, several times a week.Of course he was getting into that inquisitive age, where my body made him curious, so in order not to make him feel awkward, I allowed him liberties, that some mothers would have...

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strong beginings

This is a story of me and my girls first threesome. My girlfriend had always been a little reserved when it came to sex but I could always tell there was a sexual b**st just waiting to be let out. Gradually we started to experiment and finally after coaxing it out of her she told me that it was a fantasy of hers to be with more than one guy. So one night when we had all been drinking I sugessted the idea to her and one of my friends jon. Jon loved the idea and after a little reassurance she...

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Screening appointment with Him:I have to arrive on Saturday evening at 20.00 clock with Him. I likeHowever, a detailed dress code by e-mail. This time I mustAre "normal" in jeans, sports shoes, T-shirt and bomber jacket. AdditionalI must bring the following things: gym shorts, jogging pants,Army pants, combat boots, swimsuit. I do not know in advance whatTerms are used, so it is always exciting. I have absolutelybe on time, every second too early or too late, I get penalty points.He lives in a...

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March 3 2012 not even the beggining

It was early on a Saturday morning before spring break would start, a bunch of friends and i had made plans to go up north and party like the year before,this year was gonna be different since we all had girlfriends, but we decided that we would go without them, so after playing basketball for a while we sat on the grass talking about the trip, like what hotel are we gonna rent this time, whos in charged of the drinks so on and on. our plans were made so i stood up clean the grass of my ass and...

2 years ago
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New Beginings

Mike hadn’t seen Linda in years well sence they both graduated high school, But today he was going to see her. She had messaged him on Facetalk and said she would love to reconnect. He was so excited he had loved her so back in school, but she had acted like he didn’t exist. Mike hoped Linda had changed and now had time for neerds like him and not just looking for help with her husband or looking for a one nighter just to say she had. He was nervice about meeting her so they decided to meet at...

4 years ago
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True Story The Start of a 3way The Beginnin

The night started off like my usual night on X. Reading stories and getting all hot and bothered from the sexy vidz. My man is on the prowl looking for a hot chick to eat my pussy. You see we decided to make a Fuckit list. The fuckit list is the sexual conquest that we want to conquer before we kick the bucket. His fantasy is to see me eat pussy or vise versa. My fantasy is to watch him eat some pussy. I get wet from the thought of him licking and sucking on a tight lil cunt. As I was saying we...

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Panties upskirt and stocking fetish beginings

It all started years ago, I guees before I even remember. I used to watch my eldest sister get ready to go out. I guess I was about 9 or 10, she would be about 24 or 25, she would parade around the house doing hair and make up in just a bra and her slip, under her slip she often wore stocking suspenders and panties... and they could clearly be seen through the slip. I would sit uncomfortably nursing a little hard on (I was young it was only that is where the stockings and...

2 years ago
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A different Way Kapitel 2 Begegnung

Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin 'Janoko'. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen sind nicht beabsichtigt. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seitever?ffentlicht werden. ©2008 - 2011 Janoko ---------- A different Way Kapitel 2: Begegnung Ich h?rte wie meine Mutter das Haus verlie?, da die Haust?re krachend ins Schloss flog. Meine G?te, musste die heute w...

1 year ago
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Just Wait the beginnig

JUST WAIT.... By "C.C." I have been ordered to make this brief, so I will skip over the details of how I started my own business, made it profitable and eventually hired three ladies to help me run it. I should say however, that my name is--or was--Ed Johnson, and as a businessman, Appearance was always very important to me; I insisted that the office be kept clean and professional looking, so the ladies took turns with the janitorial duties around the office: cleaning, dusting,...

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Rachel Fire and Innocence Part 2 The Fun Begi

Rachel: Fire and Innocence - Part 2 – The Fun BeginsWhen I opened my eyes, I looked up to see Rachel straddling my outstretched body, and patting my bare chest with a cool, damp wash cloth. I could feel a cool cloth folded on my forehead, and another one behind my neck. I could also see right down Rachel’s dress, as she leaned over me. Her breasts were perfectly round and firm and her nipples were aroused.She asked me how I was feeling, poor thing, as she continued to administer her version...

3 years ago
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It8217s Just Begnining

By : Hotlove Hello ISS Readers, this is Sameer 22 years old from Ludhiana, Punjab. I daily read stories I am fan of incest, desi and group stories. Here is my first story and it’s all true. Story is between me and my college junior it all happens in year 2009. This is my first story even I’m not the writer by profession so kindly ignore the mistakes. Mail me your comments at . Now it comes with story, it all started when I was in 2nd year of my engineering. A girl name Vanisha (name changed)...

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Hi readers this is my first story to any site. I was regularly visiting the iss from last 5 years from when i was in second year. Finally i decided to post my own stories for readers so tht new comers can have some suggestions from us. My self itisha sharma, a computer engineer, married 24 haryana. Apart of this i have fair colour complexion and a height of 5’6” right now. I am fond of chocolates and gazals. I hate pop and raps. For me sex is not passion but it is a relation which makes...

3 years ago
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The creature known as Ishkur watched her from the top of the sandy rise, feasting his eyes on her wild beauty. His position, carefully chosen, overlooked the lonely beach house by the windswept shore. The moon was almost full, casting unearthly shadows over the dunes and spindly trees as they swayed in the breeze.He loved the night; he was at home here, and the darkness was his domain, belonging to him totally. Here, he was king. Here, he answered to no one.Created in Mesopotamia during the...

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Gay 8211 New beginings

(This is not a sex story. If you are looking for a quick jerk off then you may be disappointed. Reminder: This story is of love between two boys (gay). Please stop reading if this offends you. ) Senthil had moved to pune for his engineering. He didn’t make it into the iits and the recs and this was the first major decision of his still young life. It was what was best for him he was told, if he didn’t want to drop an year and try again. First year was typical, ragging, sudden feeling of...

Gay Male
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Reluctant Porn StarChapter 4 Carol Lobegeiger

My next movie assignment both interested me and troubled me at the same time. My co-star was to be Carol Lobegeiger, a 35 year old mother of one, who had run up a gambling debt which she had been unable to pay off. It was interesting because I knew Carol. She was a very sexy looking MILF who stood 5ft 6 ins tall, with a slim body dominated by a large rack of DD-cup tits. She had short wavy black hair that framed a beautiful face which was often smiling. I'd often wondered what she would...

1 year ago
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Who doesn't know Tube Galore, aka Galore Tube? One of the keys to success is to leverage other people’s work. For example, Amazon is the #1 place people go to buy stuff, but Amazon itself doesn’t actually make or market the shit it's selling. Amazon is just a platform for you to find products that other companies, just like iXXX, is like Amazon in that it connects you to a bunch of different porn sites that host all the videos. TubeGalore doesn’t make or host its own videos,...

Porn Aggregators
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Tube Gals! I am quite sure you have already stumbled upon sites that are similar to, and I say this simply because I have already reviewed a couple of websites that look the same as this place. That is probably because they have other sites within their network, and I am sure that you must have heard about them.Anyway, this place is quite simple, and there are not that many options given, which just means that you will find what the fuck you are looking for with ease. If for some...

Porn Aggregators
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iTubeGo doesn’t make any big, perverted claims about their masturbatory utility out on their front page. In fact, their whole website is about as SFW as you can get, and the app itself could be used for all kinds of wholesome, family friendly activities. Hell, if your grandma is good with computers, she might even be interested in iTubeGo just for archiving family vids and saving her favorite clips from The Golden Girls. I don’t mean to judge anybody here, but I’m guessing a sexual deviate like...

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