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Lance A Novelette by: Miss Deborah (Debi) Leigh Johnson One I lay on my back, snuggled deeply into the soft satin sheets of my bed. I tried to think clearly. It was hard to do. I found that I was very confused. I lay there, my head resting on Lance's left arm. I could feel the heat of his strong lithe and very masculine body beside me. I could also feel the evidence that what he was asking me to do was really really turning him on to. This is what confused me. I did not really understand why he was asking me to do this for him. His hand searched under the covers for my own semi erect penis. I felt his strong callused fingers as he grasped me. "See there, my darling. This is all the proof that I need that you really want to do this for me. It should also be all the proof that you need, that you want to do it to." Then, for the umpteenth time that morning, since waking me up, he again lowered his head and tried to gently kiss me again. I say that he tried to kiss me gently, because it was hard for him to kiss me gently. He has a moustache, and it is kind of prickly. Do not get me wrong, I like it. I like it a lot, in fact. I looked up into his eyes once again. I was looking for some kind of reassurances, that this was really what he wanted of me. His hand was driving me crazy. Lance had always been able to do that to me. But today, I was reacting in a more excited way than I had ever done so in the past. I knew, right from that very first day, when I had learned that Lance and I were to share a college dormitory room, that in this relationship, that Lance would always be the leader. I knew that he was the more aggressive one of the two of us. I had also begun to acknowledge that that meant, that by default, that because he was so much more masculine than I, that I was accepting the more passive feminine type of role of the two of us. I did not know that Lance was as attracted to me as I was to him. It puzzled me and it frightened me, when I first realised that I was sexually attracted to Lance. I tried very hard to mask these deep inner feelings. I did not want for Lance to know. I knew what most people thought about guys having these kinds of feelings for each other. I had never had feelings like this for any other guy before, and it really scared me. I did not learn that till after that first week of sharing our living quarters, that Lance had similar feelings for me. Lance and I are total and complete opposites from each other. Lance is 5' 9" tall, and a hard muscled 197 lbs. He has short black hair, a black moustache, and he has a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow on his chin. Lance's major love in life is competition. He will compete with anyone about anything. Every opportunity that he gets to compete, he goes for it, with gusto, as they say. He just loves that sense of feeling stress in his muscles when he is straining hard at one kind of exercise or an other. He is on the college football team. His eyes are black, and I sometimes feel like he can see right into me, when he looks at me with his piercing gaze. It makes me feel vulnerable and open to him. He is also very rich. I on the other hand, come from a very poor family, and am able to be attending college on student loans and scholarships. Unlike Lance, I am only 5' 3 3/4" tall. I only weight 128 lbs. My thick wavy blond hair is long, well past my shoulders. My eyes are a light blue. He tells me that they are sexy bed room eyes. Also, very unlike him, I only shave once a week, and I often do not really even need to do that. I also have no interest in sports at all, unlike my room mate. From that very first day, he made me feel inadequate. He did not do it on purpose, as Lance is not like that. It's just that from that first day, I became so very aware of his machismo, and my corresponding lack of machismo. I'd only felt that rarely before, but Lance made me feel it all the time. I found that I kind of slipped into the role of the care giver. I was the one who usually cleaned up our suite of rooms. It was I who did the laundry, and the ironing. I made our beds, and it was I who took care of preparing our late night snacks. I did not mind that. I was not really conscious of doing it, to tell the truth. But one night, in our third week of our living together in such cramped quarters, I had just made us some hot chocolate and grilled cheese sandwiches. I took them into the living room, and handed a plate to Lance. Of course, his plate had twice what I had on mine. Lance grinned up at me from his sprawled position on the couch, and thanked me. "You are going to make some lucky person a very fine wife some day, young Dougie..." Then he laughed in his ineffectual way, in order to defuse any anger that he may have sparked in me by his remark. I tried to smile back, in a good natured way. But my face burned with embarrassment. I tried to hide my discomfort, but I could not hide it very well. Any thoughts of myself in a feminine role, like wife, caused me embarrassed humiliation. "Hey, Man... Are you blushing?" I set my plate down and went into the bath room. I made sure that I stayed in there long enough, so that he would think that I had really had to go. I felt the heat in my cheeks subside. When I felt that I was reasonably recovered, I went back into the living room. Lance looked at me in a quiet and appraising way, for a long few minutes of silence. Then I heard him clear his throat. I knew he was going to say something about my blushing. "You know, Dougie... You looked... Well... You looked... Really pretty when you were blushing. I could hardly believe it. For a moment there, you looked like a really pretty girl..." "Oh... Is that supposed to be some kind of compliment?" He looked at me again for a real long moment before he answered. "Yeah... I guess that it was..." I looked over at him, to see if he was making fun of me or not. He wasn't. He looked quiet and serious. I could not help it. I had heard him say that I had looked pretty to him, like a pretty girl. I did not know why, but those words had set off explosions in my psyche. Not only that, but they had also given me a very painful erection. The idea that this virile specimen of maleness had thought that I looked like a pretty girl really turned my crank for me. I hated that. I was thankful that my plate was on my lap. That way, he could not see what was going on inside of me. I was shaking. I prayed and asked God to change my room mate. I did not like the way he made me feel about him. Yet there was also a deep inner excitement that I had never felt before. I liked knowing that he thought that I was pretty, like a girl. Lance wolfed down the rest of his sandwiches, and drained the last of his beer. As I had gotten into the habit of doing, when I saw that his beer bottle was empty, I got up to get him another one. It was only when I returned from the refrigerator, that I began to realise that Lance could see the bulge in the front of my jeans. I hoped he would not notice. "Thanks kid..." He took the fresh beer from me with one hand, and he reached up with the other one and firmly but gently took the wrist of my left arm. I could not move. I was mesmerised. I stared at him as he held me there. I dared to not admit it to myself, but I knew that I would willing submit to anything that this man asked of me, at that moment. He was so lordly at that moment. I was enthralled by it all. It scared me to. I had never felt like this before. "You... You liked it when I said you looked like a pretty girl, didn't you, Dougie?" "No... No, of course not. What do you take me for, Lance?" He just continued to hold my wrist, as he looked up into my eyes. "I think you did like it. I think that you liked being referred to as a girl. I think that you liked it when I told you that I thought that you are pretty, like a girl. You certainly act like a girl around here, you know. I like you like that, Dougie..." Very slowly, his right hand set the bottle on the floor in front of him, by his right foot. His right hand slowly raised up and then it's palm pressed against the front of my pants. I nearly died. I could feel his heat, burning through my jeans. "You know what else? I think that you would like me a lot more, if I started to treat you just like the very same way that I treat my girl friends, you know that? That is what I think..." "No... No, Lance... Please???" "Please treat you like you are a girl friend? Is that what you are saying please about, pretty boy? Well, okay Babe." With that, he pulled sharply on my wrist. I fell off balance. I found that I had landed, sitting on his right knee. I was so scared. I could not breathe. I wanted him to kiss me. "Please... Don't do this Lance..." He did not listen to me. His right arm encircled my shoulders. He was so strong that I could not have pulled away, even if I had wanted to. He squeezed me gently, and pulled me up against his chest. His left arm went around my waist, and he raised his right hand to the back of my neck. He pressed my head forward. Before I could catch a breath, I was being kissed for the first time by a man. I smelled his after shave lotion. I felt his moustache prickling at my tender lips. His lips lightly brushed mine, and I melted. I did not want to like this, but I did. I loved it. He kissed me again. His lips lingered on mine for a very long moment. then I felt the tip of his tongue as it lightly touched my lips. It was so erotic. I opened my lips, in invitation. Lance took advantage of my response, and in a moment, I felt his tongue filling my mouth. He made it dart around in my mouth till I found that I began sucking on it. I felt weak, and vulnerable. I knew that I was feeling like a girl. Lance made me feel like a girl. I did not want to, but it was such an exciting feeling, that I let him continue to treat me like a girl. I reacted like a girl to. I hated it the moment that I realised that I had put my arms up and around his neck. Lance continued to kiss me like that. Time stopped for me. His left hand went down to the front of my jeans, and he slowly pressed against me, and rubbed his hand across me. I whimpered and I could not stop myself from cumming for him. I hated myself for this weakness. But my orgasm was the strongest that I had ever experienced before. After I shopped shuddering from the intensity of the orgasm he had given me, He released me, and let me get off his lap. I did not know what to do. I was so ashamed of myself. I went into the bath room, and took off my clothes. Then I went into the shower. When I came out of the bath room, I glanced over at Lance. He was smiling at me in a way that told me that he knew exactly what I was feeling. I wished that a crack in the floor would open up and swallow me. It did not though. I muttered a good night to him, and went to my bed. I lay in my bed, trying to think about what had just happened. It made no sense to me. I had never felt like this before. I was also aware that I had fallen into the more passive role, between the two of us. This was the role that is usually given to the girl. He had treated me like a girl, and I had reacted like a girl. I... I had even liked being treated like a girl. Lance came in to the bed room about an hour later. I pretended that I was asleep. I heard him moving around as he undressed. I wondered what he looked like with no clothes on. Just before he got into his bed, he came over to my bed. He sat down on the edge, and I felt the bed shift as he lowered his face to my cheek. I felt the bristly moustache, and I felt his lips on my cheek. I heard him whisper into my ear, "Good night, beautiful." He had me, and he knew it to. That morning, this morning, I awoke to the sensation of feeling Lance's weight on my bed. He was crawling into it. I woke up with a start. I soon found that he arm had encircled my slim naked shoulders, and his naked form was stretched out along me, in my bed. I was terrified. I was not supposed to like being embraced by a naked man. I felt his hard on as it brushed against my belly. "Dougie... I got me a really neat idea." That was how he started out. He wanted for me to start wearing girls clothes around the apartment when I was at home. I could hardly believe what he was saying. I told him that I did not want to. I told him that his idea was really perverse. I told him that I thought that he'd cracked up and gone over the edge. That was when he had reached under the blankets, and he had discovered that he had given me a hard on. Leaving me in a state of utter confusion, he laughed at me for my obvious girlishness, and told me that he would take care of everything. He told me that since it was Friday, and he had most of the afternoon off, that he'd have a nice surprise waiting for me when I got back from my 4 o'clock biology class. I tried not to see him, as I got ready for class. I scurried around the kitchen getting my breakfast, and making a pot of coffee for Lance, then I headed out. He had gone back to bed, and when I went to the bed room for my wallet, I was glad to see that he was snoring in his bed. I was terribly confused all day long. I could hardly keep my mind on my work. I was so distracted that one of my friends, Shelly even asked me if I was okay. It was a horrible day. Worse, I dreaded finding out what his 'taking care of things for me' meant, when I got back to the apartment. I did not want to become his 'wife'. but the way he had started treating me was terrible erotic to me. Finally, at 5:30, I got back to the apartment. When I opened the door, everything looked normal. I thought that Lance might even not be home. I checked the kitchen, one of his favourite rooms due to his humongous appetite, then the bath room, and at last I stuck my head in the bed room. He was not there. I sighed a deep sigh of relief, and went to veg out in front of the television for a while. I started to doe during the 6 o'clock news. Two In my half sleep state, my mind went back to the rest of the conversation that I had with Lance that morning. This was how it had all started. I lay on my back looking up at him. He was smiling down at me. What he was proposing was so foreign to me, yet I had to admit, that his reasoning seemed logical. I wanted to rebut his arguments, but I could think of nothing to say that would change his mind. "Well, Honey? What do you think of my idea?" "I think that it is nuts, Lance." "Yeah, that is what you say, Babe, but I got the proof right here in my hand, that you love the idea." With that, he squeezed me tightly, and I could not stop myself from ejaculating all over myself. I knew that I would have to wash the sheets. I hated being so domineered by him, but I was. I may have hated the control that he seemed to have gained over me in the last twenty four-hours, but I had never been so excited in my life before. "Is... Is this really what you want me to do, Lance?" I knew my voice was trembling. "Yeah. It is sweet cheeks." "Okay, then... I will do it. But you got to promise not to tell anyone, ever? Can I trust you Lance?" "This is what I'll do. It is Friday morning I will cut my classes for today. I'll go to my parent's place, get what I need, and I'll come right back. I will probably be able to get back here by around seven tonight. No one is at home this weekend, so no one will know what I am doing. Are you really sure that you will go through with this for me? I don't want to invest a whole day of travelling in it, if you are going to chicken out on me." "Yes... I will do what you want me to, Lance... I said I would, didn't I?" "Okay Babe. I will see you tonight. You be good, okay?" Then he kissed me again, and he left for his own bed. I lay there in the bed, totally bewildered. I could hardly believe the turn my life had taken. My relationship with Lance had gotten more serious less than two nights after that first time that he had touched me in a sexual way. Now, I was agreeing to a most bizarre turn of events. What was I doing? Was I nuts? Lance was banging around, and his noise woke me up. I was amazed to see that he was carrying three large suitcases. I got up, still dazed from my sleep on the couch, and I stood there, dumbly and watched him drag the large suitcases into the bed room. He smiled at me. "Here you go sweet stuff. I got you everything that you will ever need. Best of all, you can keep it all. It's all from storage, and no one will ever miss it. It's all yours..." "What is it Lance?" "Honey, you forget our conversation of this morning? These are your new clothes. You and my sister are just about exactly the same size, and she'll never miss this stuff. She throws out more clothes than most girls buy in a year. You better get started with your unpacking. Oh... and I do not want to see you again, till you are wearing a dress, you got that?" I could hardly believe it. Lance really had been serious. He'd brought me a wardrobe of girl's clothes, and he expected for me to wear them. I did not want to like this turn of events. But my little erection told me that I was about to betray my boyhood in a major fashion, no matter what I thought that I wanted. I went into the room, just in time to watch Lance toss the heavy suitcases up onto my bed. He tugged at the belts, which I thought were probably too tight for me to have ever opened without his help. Then he smacked me on the bum, and told me to hurry up. It took me about an hour and a half to get everything unpacked and hung up in my closet. I now had a huge collection of dresses, skirts, shoes, blouses, lingerie, girl's slacks, swim suits and shorts. There was a complete wardrobe, and it was all girl's clothes. There were so much lingerie, that I had to even pack my boy under things, in order to make enough room in my drawers for it all. Then, it was crunch time. I knew that he'd really be pissed if I did not walk out to the living room, and I was wearing a dress. Lance was big and strong enough, that the last thing that I wanted to do on this earth, was to get him mad at me. Resignedly, I undressed. I had no body hair to speak of, so I did not need to shave my legs or even my face for that matter. I'd never worn girl's clothes before, so I was kind of unsure of what to do, but it could not be all that complicated, I figured. I started by going to my dresser, and selecting the panties, and the bra that I was going to wear. They were pink satin. Lance had also gotten a pair of false silicone breast forms for my bras. In a minute, for the first time in my life, I was looking at my reflection, and I had breasts, and I was wearing brief styled panties. I got a hard on again. I hated to admit it to myself, but I knew that I was going to be absolutely in love with wearing girl's clothes. I especially liked knowing that the clothes had belonged to a real girl. I'd seen pictures of Charlene, and she was a class A fox. The idea of me wearing such a fox's intimate apparel was terribly erotic. I could hardly wait to get into one of her dresses. I put a garter belt on, and sat on the edge of the bed to pull my first pair of nylons up my legs. I could not believe how sensuous they felt. It was no wonder that women loved wearing nylons. They were fantastic. They felt even better when I stood up, and I felt their tautness all over my legs. Then, I raised a pink silk slip up over my head, and I nearly swooned in pleasure as I felt the softness fell down over my head, down over my shoulders, down over my hips, enveloping me in its very girlish nature. I felt like girlhood was settling into me, deep into me. Girlhood was something that I now wanted to feel. I became convinced that I wanted to be a girl, as the lovely lingerie covered me. This was a floor length slip, as I had decided to wear a floor length flowered dress. It was a peasant style, like what girls used to call granny gowns, from the sixties. It was mostly pink and white, and it was made of a very soft material. I loved the feel of it. I raised the dress up over my head, and I let it fall down to envelope me in it's effeminating influence. I felt completely feminine as it hung from my shoulders. I reached around, and managed to get the zipper up to my neck, catching my hair in the zipper in the process. That hurt. I walked over to the full length mirror. I was astounded. The dress clung to my new curves, and I saw a girl reflected back. I was certain that even without makeup, that if I walked down the street, that I would be taken for being a young woman. This awareness absolutely elated me. I knew at that moment, that I wanted to become all the girl that I could ever be. I thought about the brother of the girl whose clothing I had appropriated. Could I do the girl things with him? I thought about it for a moment as I looked lovingly on the girl I had become. My answer was simple. I wanted to get to do every thing that real girls were allowed to do. I wanted to experience complete effemination. I wanted to be Lance's girl in every way that I would be able to be his girl. My spirits soared as I realised the I really had made the right choice in the matter of agreeing to my effemination. Sure, I knew that I was a sissy, and yes I was also aware that sissies like me, were teased for being cock suckers, but since girls sucked cocks, I figured that I would probably like doing it, just because it was a girl thing to do. I certainly wanted to find out what it would feel like to suck Lance, anyway. I really did not know what I was doing, but I did put a wee bit of eye shadow on my eyes, some pink lip stick and I applied some lip gloss to my lower lips, as I remembered hearing some place that lip gloss on the lower lip only made a girl's lips look poutier. I wanted Lance to think I was pretty. I put on a bit of pink blush to. I found a small chest of jewellery, and so I selected a necklace, some rings, a pair of earrings, and I even put a slave bracelet on my right ankle. I strapped on a pair of pink high heeled shoes, that had ankle straps. The heels were only about two inches, and it was only a matter of minutes before I was able to swish around like I belonged in the high heeled shoes. I brushed my with a lovely soft brush that had been in one of the suitcases, and I even dared to tie my hair back in a pony tail, and tie a big pink bow in it. I could not believe how girlish I had dressed myself, and how wonderfully feminine that it made me feel. I was delighted. But, now was the moment of truth. I had to go out there, and show a real man how I had girlified myself, in his sister's clothes. My hands shook in fear. At the last moment, I remembered to put perfume on. What if he thought that I looked ridiculous? What if he started calling me a fairy? Well, if he did call me a fairy, he would be right about me, wouldn't he? This was just one more of the new realities that I would have to learn to deal with now. My hands shook as I walked over to the door, acutely aware of how loudly my skirts were swishing. I made myself open the door, and I forced myself to place one foot in front of the other, till I was into the living room. Lance was sprawled out on the couch, one foot up on the coffee table. He looked over, turned back to the TV, then did a real fast double take. He stared at me, his eyes moving ever so slowly from my head to my feet, then back up again. I had heard that girls felt like they were being undressed by the way that some guys looked at them. It makes you feel very weak and vulnerable. I knew now exactly what they meant when they said that. Lance was definitely in no uncertain terms, undressing me with his eyes. I did not want for it to happen, but a bulge started to grow in the front of my tight dress. His eyes went right to it, and he smiled a knowing, I told you so type of smile. He beckoned for me to come over to where he was. I walked over, my dress swishing loudly. When I got to where he was seated, he raised a hand to take my left hand gently into his hand. He pulled, very gently on my arm. I knew what he wanted. I wanted it to. I turned my back to him, and I sank down to sit on his lap. He had a huge boner poking at me. I felt very strangely flattered, that as a girl, that I could make him react to me like this. I was van. I sank back against his chest, and into his embrace. He held me as thought I were a fragile china doll, and the way that he held me delighted me. This was how I wanted to be embraced from now on. This was heaven. I slid my arms up around his neck, and I looked at him, in the eyes. I smiled. "Well, do you like me as a girl, Lance?" "I like you as my girl... Debi. I am going to call you Debi, spelled the really cute way, because you are a really cute chick." He moved his head forward to kiss me, and my eyes closed. I wanted to be a kissed girl. Lance had kissed me before, but now it would be as a girl. I caught my breath. Three Lance's moustache bristled against my cheek, and I loved the way it hurt so good. His lips pressed against mine once again, and I closed my eyes, to enjoy every sensation. His tongue once again pushed into my mouth, and I greedily sucked it into me. I hungered for his masculine attentions. I'd never hungered like that before, and the strength of my desires for him astounded me. "Well, Debi, was I right. Do you feel like a girl?" "Yes Lance. You were right. I feel like a girl." "You like the way that it feels, don't you Debi." "I love the way that it feels." "Even you could not be qualified as a sissy faggot?" "Hey, I don't care what anyone calls me. The way I feel is worth it all." "Well, Debi, I got to tell you, you make one very pretty girl And, seeing that erection of yours in the front of your dress really turned me on. But, I got to ask you one more thing. Sissy girls like you are known for how much they like to suck cocks. Are you really as much of a sissy as you look and act like, Debi?" "Lance, this is all new to me. But, I feel so much like a girl now, that I want to do everything that real girls do." "My girl friends like to suck me off. Are you willing to suck my cock, Debi?" "Is that what you want me to do for you, Lance?" "Yes." "I... I will try it, if that is what you want me to do, Lance?" I could not believe the words that had just passed my lips. I had just told this man, that if he asked me to, that as his girl, in his sister's clothes, that I would suck his cock for him. My life could never be the same again, I knew. I was kind of glad to. He stood up, cradling me in his arms as though I weighed nothing. I could not believe the feel of the strength in his arms. It really turned me on to feel his muscles like this. He turned, and he sat me on the couch. I was mesmerised, as I sat there, looking up at him, feeling very feminine and submissive. I hoped that he would not hurt me, because I knew that he was so big and strong that he could hurt me easily, and not even know that he was doing it either. I watched as he opened his belt. The sound of his zipper being lowered thundered in my super sensitive ears. It seemed as though every sense and nerve was on fire with sensation for me. I felt the delicate lace of the panty waist, the lace leg holes, the strain of my bra over my shoulders, and the lovely sensation of my slip and dress caressing my nylons legs. I smelled my own perfume. I was womanly, and I loved every bit of it. Lance pushed his pants down, and they soon slid down his legs to puddle at his ankles. he smiled at me and he pushed his white jockey shorts down, to fall on top of his pants, I looked down, and I saw his cock. It was hard, and bobbing up and down. It was so ugly that it fascinated me. Then my most amazing awareness of the evening was that I really, and I mean that I wanted, with strong passion, to feel his cock inside of my mouth. He was so manly, compared to me. I reached up and gently caressed the satiny smooth skin, that seemed to ride over steel hardness. A man like this, I realised, deserved to be honoured by a man like me. "Debi?" "Yes Lance?" I looked up at him. I was still gently massaging his cock. It just seemed like such a right thing for a girl like me to do. "I do not want you to do anything that you do not really want to do. You understand me? I only want you to do what you feel comfortable doing, okay?" "You want me to suck it, Lance?" "Do you want to, Debi?" I looked at it, then I looked back up at him. Even if I said no, I was sure that the expression on my face would tell him the truth. But, he wanted to hear the words. A most lovely sense of humiliation washed over my psyche, and I looked up at him again. "Lance, girls like to suck cocks. I am a girl now. You made me be your girl. Because I am a girl, I want to do everything that real girls do. I want to kiss your cock, and I want to feel it moving inside of my mouth..." "Then honey, this is a self serve station. Get to it wench." The words that identified me in the feminine gender, thrilled me. I held him as he moved closed to me. His cock was right in front of my face. He move from side to side, and that made his cock brush my cheeks, and across my ultra sensitive lips. I could smell his manliness, and it made me worry about splitting the front of my panties, it turned me on so much. I pursed my lips, and I planted a loving kiss on the head of his cock. I was surprised at how dry it felt. I was also surprised that I felt like it was entirely natural for a girl like me to kiss his cock. I could never be a man like this man. I began to kiss him with even more emotion, feeling that somehow I was paying homage to his maleness. Paying homage to his maleness made me all that much more aware of my newly found femaleness, and it thrilled me. Four I could not get enough of kissing his cock. I soon found my lips moving over every part of his cock, and my right hand was gently fondling his hairy balls. I did not know how he could manage having such big balls in his pants all the time. My lips went back to the head of his cock. I knew now that if I could humiliate myself to the point of totally effeminating myself, then kissing a guy's cock, and liking the act, that I was going to be able suck his cock for him, as though it was a natural born right as a pseudo woman to do it. I opened my mouth and pressed my head towards him. He was too big. He was too dry. He would not fit inside of my mouth. I felt a moment of panic, as I feared that I was not going to become a cock sucker after all that I had been through to become one. I nearly started crying in frustration. It occurred to me that maybe, if I got it lubricated, that it might slide into my mouth. The only lubrication that I had was my spittle. The idea of licking his cock was not a really nice idea, but I knew that I had to do it. I touched the tip of his cock with my tongue, and I liked the way it tasted. Soon, I was licking the entire shaft, soaking it for him, and feeling like a little girl with a lollipop. Then I placed my lips on the head of his cock again, and I hoped for the best. I felt the cock head slowly, ever so slowly move across my sensitive lips. Then I felt the circumcised head pop past my lips, and rest on my tongue. I took a bit more into me, till I was nearly gagging. I stopped then. I masturbated him gently, as I sat there in my pretty dress, marvelling that I actually had a real man's cock inside of my mouth. I moved my tongue, and that made him groan. I liked that. I felt terribly powerful. I could make him be at my mercy, having him in my mouth like this. He was at his most vulnerable, only with girls would Lance ever allow himself to be this vulnerable. Skirts gave me power over this man. I licked him some more, and he moaned some more. I knew though, that I had not yet become his cock sucker, because though I had it in my mouth, I had not yet tried to suck his cum out of him. I locked my lips, and sucked hard and started to slowly move my head back. At long last, I was a real fairy cock sucker, and I felt so completely girlish. I loved these emotions, and I loved the sensation of my clothes. I felt like I was aware of every feminine stitch that I was wearing. I was especially aware of the softness of my panties on my own erection. It was the biggest hard on that I had ever had. I had never been so turned on before. Then, when just the very tip of his cock head was just inside of my lips, I loosened my lip lock, and I moved ahead again, locked my lips, and sucked his cock again. I loved knowing that I was his pretty cock sucker, and that I was so pretty that Lance who had never been with a boy, was turned on by my girlishness. If this was what it always felt like, I knew that I would drop to my knees for him, even if he only hinted that he was starting to get a hard on. I sucked his cock like that for a long time. I even started to get a sore jaw from it. I had to take my mouth off of it for a while, to relax my muscles. I rubbed his cock all over my face as I continued to kiss it and masturbate it. I could hear him starting to moan again, and I knew that if I did not want his cream all over my face, and most likely all over my dress, that I had better get his cock back into my mouth. The idea that I was going to suck his cum out of him, into my mouth had never really occurred to me before, in such clarity. I suddenly knew that I was going to have a mouthful of his cum. I was going to taste it, and know that I had sucked it right out of him. What if I did not like the taste? What if I had to vomit? He moaned, and started to swell even bigger. I moved my head back, till just the tip of his cock was still in my mouth, then I placed my thumb on the sensitive part under the head of his cock, and I grasped his balls lightly. I started to masturbate him with my thumb. That did it for him. He moaned loudly, and he gave me his first ejaculate. Then a second, and then so many that I lost count. Soon, though, I was sitting the, wearing his sister's clothes, with a mouthful of his salty kind of sweet tasting cum, and his cock was starting to go soft in my mouth. I licked it clean, and I finally let go of it. I could feel some of his cum on the corner of my lips. I looked up at him. I did not know what to do next. Lance smiled down at me. "Swallow it honey..." I did not know it I could do that. I knew that it would stroke his masculine ego to have a girl eat his cum. I licked the cum from the corner of my mouth, and noted his smile when he saw the tip of my cum coated tongue. I swallowed it. I did not know what I should feel, but I felt like I had done what a normal girl does. I'd sucked off my boy friend, and I had eaten his cum. I had his baby juice inside of my tummy, just like a real girl. I felt free. Lance reached own, picked me up off the couch, and with awkward strides, as his pants were still around his ankles, he took me into the bed room. He lay me on the bed. I watched him as he finished undressing. Naked, a beautiful sight that I could now admit that I appreciated, he came over to my bed, and he lay down on top of me. His lips covered my face and neck, as his weight crushed me into the bed. It was heavenly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as though I never wanted to be separated from him again, and he ground his pelvis into me, crushing the girl material of my panties into my little cockette. I exploded in a most wonderful orgasm. For the first time in my life, I looked up at a man, kissed him, and told him that I loved him. Penned by: Miss Debi Leigh Johnson at: [email protected] If you liked this one, let me know.

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Mom Fucked By A Stranger In Calvin Klein Store Part 1

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How It All Began Part 1

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Dean Loses Everything

Lilly was nervous as she carefully picked out what to wear. The fact that Dean’s boss had called her and asked her to come into the office and meet with him was very odd. Nothing like this had ever happened before. She called Dean’s office immediately to see if he knew what was going on but his secretary said he was at a meeting and she didn’t know when he’d be back. She felt like she had to go. Dean had aspirations at his job and was always complaining that his boss didn’t like him. Lilly...

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First Time With My Sister

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Snippets Leslie or Sex in a van on a hot summer day

(or Sex in a van on a hot summer day) These are true stories from my life. They depict various experiences with partners I have had. These stories include sexual acts, and if you may not, should not, or don't want to read this, then do not read it. This is a hobby, as well as a way to reminisce, perhaps in one or two case, even to brag. My writing skills are not on a par with much of the other authors. I know this. Write to let me know you liked, or did not like a story, maybe even why. I...

1 year ago
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Fucking Your Wife Ch5

Curiosity was killing Jeff. He wanted desperately to know what was on Audrey’s mind and yet a large part of him was afraid to know. They walked to the stateroom and Audrey opened the door. Upon entering, Jeff saw that the room was made up pristine. On the bed were two towels folded and rolled into a pair of gulls in flight. “Let’s go out on the veranda,” Audrey suggested. Jeff began nervously, “As they say, curiosity killed the cat but right now this cat is dying.” “Well then, let’s stop the...

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Coming Onto MomChapter 2

Inside the doctor’s office, Billy sat on the examining table. His mother had just left, but his cock continued to stand up beneath his white Jockey shorts. Nancy, the lovely doctor, stood back a pace or so, looking at him. Taking her stethoscope, she listened to his chest and lungs. She tapped his knees and elbows. She looked into his throat and ears. Her examination was swift and professional. Finished, she sat down at her small desk and wrote her findings in his chart. Billy watched her,...

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A little freaky 2

M/FI had just got home from work, taking off my work slacks and company shirt I walk upstairs to my bedroom to lay down. Kate is in the shower. After some time I hear the shower turn off and Kate enters the room in a towel. We exchange the small time banter every couple does after coming home. She has a playful tone in her voice. She is plotting something.During our banter I had sat up, she was going about the room, doing her hair and some skin care stuff. I got up to go downstairs for some...

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Dunk Shot

Introduction: Please let me know if you like this story, all comments are welcome Well what do you think of my idea? I said, as I moved over in bed and put my arms around her. Mary scooted her body back and pushed her butt into my groin.Mary and I had been talking about how to seduce our neighbors,Tom and Patty. I think we can make it work if we entice Tom. I mean look at you! Youve got a great body, beautiful face and a seductive sexy attitude. I looked at Mary with her petite body and dark...

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Gods Gift

The shrink said that I should write down everything that I can remember about my life, thirty years worth of living is a hell of a lot to put down on paper so I think I'll just hit the high points, there's a hell of a lot of those too come to think of it. Basically the shrink reckons that I'm being driven nuts by my repressed feelings of guilt which was not why I went to see him in the first place, the reason I went to see him was to find some way to turn off my sex appeal before it killed...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kitana Lure Summer Pixi Sharing His Shaft and Semen

Hands On Hardcore has got a hot one right here for you – get ready to lose your load as you watch Kitana Lure, Summer Pixi, and Josh enjoying some morning anal and oral to start the day off properly. Josh made the mistake of nearly leaving his blonde Russian stunner, Kitana, home alone with their bi-sexual roommate and Hungarian brunette stunner, Summer. But luckily for him, he caught these babes in the heat of the moment just before he was to head off to work. What he walks in on is his...

3 years ago
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Devlin the male stripper does a private function

Devlin’s private party:Devlin is 25 years old, single, 6ft 2inches tall, black and well-built with a strong muscular physique. His parents came to Britain from Mali some 30 years ago but brought Devlin up as British. Most importantly for his job as an adult entertainment stripper, he’s very well endowed with a nine inch long fat penis when erect which makes him very popular with the ladies especially when doing his male stripper act at a local night club.The club like their strippers, both men...

3 years ago
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Dorm Floor Bitch

My name is Michael, and I am a bisexual. I only get romantically involved with girls; I love dating them and have had several girlfriends. Throughout high-school, I was just a perfectly normal straight k**.That all changed when I went to college.It all started during my first semester at college. I live in a dorm, and for the first three weeks I had used the communal showers without incident. I never really saw any of the other guys on my floor. Hell, I only saw my RA once!One afternoon I got...

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Bun In The Oven

Copyright© 1999-2003 There was a young lad from Siam, Whose sexlife was caught in a jam. He loved them real small, 'Cause they're funner to ball, So he went out and bought him a lamb! I knew before my wife told me that she was pregnant - for the fourth time! You see, last night my wife craved for my cock, begged for my come and allowed me to fill every hole with my tongue. Still doesn't make sense? Well, my wife and I have had 3 beautiful and wonderful kids, and each time...

2 years ago
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Karl and Laci Have Phone Sex Part II

  This is part two of a two-part story. This is based on true events, as is the previous story, with some changes and a few embellishments. Constructive comments are welcome.   ----- 

Married for several years and in our 50s, my wife Laci and I have what I consider the perfect marriage. She is both incredibly sexy, and addicted to sex. I love that about her. She’s also bisexual. Laci had hooked up with a female friend, Shawna, at a hotel a few weeks earlier, and I got to listen to...

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Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 02

I ran to catch up with Summer before she got inside of her parents' house. Realizing that I was behind her, she spun around to face me."Get the fuck away from me. I’m not going to throw myself at you again. I appreciate your help last night, but I’m not going to beg you to let me thank you.”“It’s not like that Summer. It’s...”“You’re not gay. You’ve already told me you had a girlfriend. I don’t get it. I don’t get shot down, like ever.”“I’m not shooting you down!”“It sure as shit doesn’t feel...

4 years ago
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The Cuckold Journal of Jane and Mark Part VII

Mark: There is a case to make that far from cuckolding being a threat to marriage, cuckolding actually enhances a marriage. Yes, giving your wife sexual freedom can be quite risky. There is always the chance that she will fall in love with her lover and want to leave the marital home and be with him. It does happen and will continue to happen but the majority of marital relationships last. What helps strengthen the relationship is the fact that from the man’s point of view, there is no room...

2 years ago
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My wifes first black cock 2

After seeing how good the response was to my story about my wife's first encounter with black cocks, l thought l'd write about her second encounter with the same black men, l don't think l included enough detail in the first story, so l'll try to put that right in this one.After my wife Ann's first encounter with black cocks at the weekend with Lincoln, who l worked with, and two of his friends, at work on the Monday Lincoln came over and told me he and his friends had had a good time with my...

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A Tale of Loss and LustChapter 5 Petrifyo and Herbido

Dagmar hiked on the path that curved amid the scores of huts. Inga followed her, carrying a torch. They walked past the pudendine and found a couple of hefty girls who stood attentively, holding their spears crossed. "Yamila is smart," Dagmar said. "She must have told them to stand on their guard." "Yes O Great Chief," Inga replied. "I see no one else from the tribd here." "True," Dagmar affirmed. "Gilda is still in the hut but she won't dare pestering my handies." The guards...

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Ninas unexpected winter adventure

Nina sat idly flicking through a few magazines while she was waiting for her appointment with the dentist. For the last three years, she and her mates had hit Southern California beaches, where they swam, surfed, danced and drank themselves silly for about three weeks solid.This year Nina wanted something different, a much more relaxing and hopefully a more romantic setting place to visit. She closed her eyes for a moment, maybe somewhere with a lake, mountains, spa, hiking trails, and clear...

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Mistis Adventures Part 86

The four lovers had exhausted themselves completely, and barely staggered back up to the house. It was, now, almost 2 in the morning. Not wanting to disturb Cathy, Billy and Robbi had gone into the bedroom across the hall from Cathy, and showered and went to bed. Rick and sue had gone into the bedroom next to them and had done almost the same.They had quietly talked while they showered, feeling they had much to discuss, and, possibly to get straightened out. Rick had asked the young girl about...

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The Battered LampChapter 33 The Vision of Hecate

Friday, January 29th – Khoshilat Maqandeli, The Hidden Realm Kyle stepped towards his bed, his mind trying to resist Hawaa binti al-Si'lat's influence. Hawaa lounged on the bed, her lush, mature beauty exposed to Kyle's hungry gaze. Large, dusky breasts rose up, topped by hard, dark nipples. Her hungry eyes fluttered, batting thick, black lashes at Kyle. Her thighs parted and her bush was matted by her excitement. She was the Sheikha of the Si'lat and Kyle's preparations for...

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