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This story has sexual scenes involving a change of gender. If this type of story offends you, or if you are under age, or laws in your area prohibit reading this type of material, please do not read the story. If you have any comments regarding this story please e-mail me at [email protected] TOY (revised) by Angela J. I wonder how long she had been watching me and planning her game? At first I thought I was extremely lucky. Then I thought luck was against me. Then I learned that it was all part of her plan. A plan that would change my life forever. I was extremely happy and surprised to receive a letter offering a permanent attorney position with Smith, Williams, and Associates, a small law firm, in Dallas, Texas. Despite the fact that it required me to move away from Denver, I quickly accepted the offer. Smith, Williams and Associates, was not one of the more prestigious firms in the United States. In fact I never heard of it until I read the ad in my law school's paper. However the job market in Denver was rough the year I graduated from law school, and despite applying with many firms in Denver, I was unable to find a permanent position. The only work I was able to find was temporary work. Most of the jobs were clerical and few involved legal research. Although I was able to make a living doing the temporary work, I got increasingly depressed with my condition. I went to law school with great expectations, and not to just make a living. I never expected to be without a permanent position one year after graduation. But the economy was bad and my grades were not that great. I wanted to blame others for my misfortune but honestly it was all my fault. I was lazy at school. It was a rare occasion when I even read my assignments for the day. Other students read their assignments and other study aids. They even met in study groups to enhance their grades. But I thought that I could do well just by cramming at last minute as I did during my under graduate years. During the exam week of my first semester at the law school, I learned that cramming for a law school exam was a lot more difficult than I anticipated. There was just too much material to memorize in a short time. It was too difficult. Unfortunately for me the semester grades in law school is based solely on the final exam. Therefore I did not get any test results during the semester to warn me to study harder. So I was surprised when I received mostly Cs in my first semester. The poor grades depressed me and I knew then that I could never catch up to the other students in my class. After all, first year grades determined whether or not you would be selected for the law review honors. And even if my grades improved in later semesters, it would be extremely difficult to overcome my first semester grades. I reasoned that it was too late to make any difference because I would need excellent grades to get into the top third of my class. Instead of changing my ways, I continued to be lazy and only studied enough to pass my classes. Furthermore, my shy personality left me without any friends and therefore without any connections. I skipped all the social events at school and spent my free time either watching television or playing video games. I was leading a lonely stagnant existence. So when it came time to graduate and study for the bar, I found myself without any job offers. For what seemed like one-millionth time, I responded to various ads in my school's paper. My hope was very low, and I expected to either never hear from the firms or to receive a letter of rejection. All of the advertised jobs, including the job with Smith, Williams and Associates, required at least one year of full time work experience and/or required the candidate to graduate in the top third of the class. I unfortunately had very little legal experience and graduated in the bottom halve of my class. All my previous applications were fruitless. So you can understand, my great joy at opening the letter offering me an attorney position. The letter stated that the job was being offered on a trial basis. The permanency of the job would be conditioned on me passing the Texas bar by next year, and my satisfactory job performance. The conditions, in my mind were only formalities. They simply meant that I had to work hard my first year. My grades had suffered due to my laziness but I knew that I had the intelligence to become a great lawyer and all was needed was hard work. I reasoned that I learned the lesson that laziness produces failure. I was ready to work hard and expected a great career. This job offered a salary of $45,000.00 a year and promised promotions in the future. My future was finally looking good. Despite my bad decisions, I was lucky. It had never occurred to me that my good fortune of finding a job would lead me to a trap. I visited the firm and met with all the staff and the attorneys, including Mr. Smith at Smith, Williams, and Associates. He was surprisingly a young man. My guess was that he was barely over thirty. He must have been brilliant to become a senior partner of a twelve-attorney firm at a such an early age. When I spoke with him it was obvious that he had more than intelligence going for him. He was extremely personable. It seemed that everyone at the law firm respected and liked him. However his popularity and intelligence intimidated me a little. I wanted desperately to impress him so that I could earn his respect. But my clumsy attempts to make him like me only backfired and made me look foolish. Curiously, all the attorneys were male and all the legal assistants and secretaries were females. But I did not think much of it at the time. I guess I was a little chauvinistic in my view feeling that males were superior to female. The fact that many females had better grades at school did not change my view. After all I did not do my best during school. I was certain that if I worked hard, very few females could beat me in anything. Another strange thing was that Mr. Williams was no where to be seen. However, I merely assumed that he was on vacation or assignment somewhere. One week after my visit, I moved into an efficiency near the office, and started work. The work was demanding and the hours long. My work mostly involved drafting motions, and responding to discovery requests. Despite staying after hours, and doing my best, my work seemed to be inadequate. The attorney that checked my work, often looked at me with disappointment. Right before the deadline, my supervisor would redo the work and ultimately file documents that looked nothing like the ones I drafted. Worse yet, I had to sit during meetings, while my supervisor gave his report to all the attorneys on how I was doing. I felt like an incompetent fool. If I had an option, I would have quit. But I was stuck in Dallas because I signed a year lease with my apartment complex and had no other job offers. I was sure I could last at least a year and here I was less than a month from fist date at work and I already wanted to quit and feared getting fired. Because I was frustrated with my inabilities, I treated the support staff like shit. I often yelled at them for no reason. My life was hell, so why not make my underlings life a living hell as well? Between my constant mistakes, my bad treatment of the support staff, and my lack of social skills, I managed to make no friends at the law firm. I constantly ate alone during lunch hours. Furthermore I never received any invitations to office parties. The only reason I knew about the parties was because I overheard conversations about them. The fact that I was isolated from others in the office, made me more grouch and therefore more of an asshole to the staff. My life outside the office was not much better. Due to the long hours that I put into my work, I had little time to meet friends. In fact, other than one "get to meet your neighbors party", I did not have any opportunities to meet anyone. And even during the neighborhood party, I sat in a corner by myself. During my entire stay at the party I only exchanged brief small talks with few people that came up to me to talk. My paranoia made me believe that the only reason that I had any one to talk to at all was due to the fact that they felt sorry for the lonely guy in the corner. Therefore I left my only social event in Dallas early. As usual I went to bed alone and masturbated myself to sleep. My chance to get some respect from Mr. Smith came at last. One night, the night before my captivity, Mr. Smith asked me to stay late and work on a response to a summary judgment. Instead of getting my assignment from my supervising attorney as usual, Mr. Smith himself gave me the assignment. He told me that the deadline was the next day and that all other attorneys were busy doing other work. Mr. Smith wanted me to finish as soon as possible, so that another attorney would have sufficient time to correct any mistakes I may make. Despite the fact that I was tired, I agreed to stay. This was my golden opportunity to kiss up to the boss. If I could impress the boss, then all the mistakes that I made so far could be erased. Perhaps, I could show Mr. Smith, that I deserved to stay with this firm by showing him that I was willing to work hard. If I could get in good grace with Mr. Smith, perhaps I could get a promotion. I decided that I would do my best job and impress Mr. Smith. I worked harder than ever before. At 4 a.m., I finally finished the response. I checked my grammar and spelling one more time, then printed the document. Except for my room, the office was completely empty and dark. Everyone had left. As instructed I left the printed copy on Mr. Smith's desk. I was sleepy and could not wait to get some sleep. I quickly went to the parking lot and was about to enter my car, when I heard a male voice call out my name. I looked for the source of the voice but could not see anyone. After looking for the man who called out my name without success, I entered my car. Suddenly I felt a wet cloth on my nose and mouth. Someone was in the backseat of my car. I was too tired to check my car before I entered. Before I could put up any type of struggle, I passed out. I awoke sitting on a chair in a room. A bright light was aimed at my face, which made it very difficult to see very clearly. I tried to move away from the light, but it just followed me. Because of the light, I almost fell over various furniture before I learned to stand still. The constant light increased my fear and anxiety over what was going on. Before I could get used to the light, a female voice came from all around me and asked: "What is your name?" I was so shocked by the voice that I almost peed in my pants. The voice repeated the question. Again the voice came from all around me. I assumed that the voice was coming from a speaker system that surrounded the room. "George Duncan", I answered. "How old are you, Mr. Duncan?" asked the mysterious voice. This was crazy, these people kidnapped me and instead of telling me what they wanted, they were asking me questions. "Who are you?" "What do you want?" I asked. "I am your owner and I want to play," stated the mysterious woman's voice. Her answer made no sense to me. What did she mean by "owner" and what did she mean by "play". Her questioning suggested that they did not know anything about me. I could not recognize her voice. Apparently, I was an unlucky victim of a random crime. They obviously wanted information to find out whether or not they could get some type of ransom. "I have no friends or family that would pay a ransom for me." "I do not have a lot of money but what I got I will let you have, just let me go." I stated. The voice laughed at my offer. "Believe me you have nothing to offer me except of course yourself." "Now how old are you?" "If you don't want money, what do you want from me?" I asked. "Now, now, you must answer my questions first, then I might answer yours." "Why should I?" I asked. "Fine," was her only response. The lights went out. It was completely dark. I could not see anything. I asked several more questions but got no response. I yelled at the top of my lungs but still got no response. I could not hear or see anything. I sat on the floor, emotionally exhausted by the events. After several hours of feeling sorry for myself and wondering what was going on, I decided to explore my surroundings. Carefully moving so that I would not fall and injure myself, I explored the room with my hands. The room was about the size of my efficiency, small office. All four walls and the floor were made out of smooth, cold surface. I could not feel any cracks on the walls that might indicate a door or window. The ceiling was unreachable. In the middle of the room was a large bed, possibly queen size or king size. The bed did not have any sheets and there weren't any covers. On one side of the bed, was a love seat, and on the other side was the seat that I began my ordeal. Also in the room was bathtub and toilet. I was thirsty and therefore relieved to find the bathtub and the accompanying faucet. However my relief was short lived because the faucet did not work. For a brief period of time, I considered drinking out of the toilet, but even that was impossible. Upon further investigation, I found that the toilet did not have any water and nothing happened when I flushed. I again searched diligently for a door or window, but could not find any opening. I was trapped. After learning about my room as much as possible, I laid down in bed and closed my eyes. There was little else to do. Time passed slowly. I attempted to sleep to pass time but could not. Worry and dread filled my head. If I never moved to Dallas or if I just told my boss that I had to leave early, I would be safe. I could have made better grades, if I studied harder and I could have gotten a good job in Denver. Or in the alternative if I had a better personality, I could have made connections and gotten a job in Denver. Despite not having any social life, I still managed not to study. Due to my laziness I did everything, from playing computer games to watching late night television, to keep from studying. In a way I was now paying for my own personality. I started to count sheep to empty my mind of thoughts so that I could sleep. Slowly I began to feel drowsy. "How old are you?" asked the woman's voice again. Her voice woke me up. I had many questions and it seemed from my last experience, that she would answer my questions as long as I answered her questions. "I am twenty seven." I responded. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "I want you to play along," stated the voice. "What does that mean?" I asked. "What is your profession?" asked the voice? She wanted me to answer a question before she would answer my question. "I am an attorney, and I can tell you that what you are doing is illegal." You are in serious trouble. Kidnapping is a felony. Furthermore I can sue you for assault and false imprisonment, among other things. The voice laughed again. "Are you a good attorney," asked the voice. "Yes," I answered. "Liar!!!" she yelled. Suddenly the lights came on and I could see my surrounding. The floor, ceiling, and the walls were made out of dark glass. The glass was similar to the glass on sunglasses that completely covers the wearer's eyes and reflects images back to the person looking at the glasses. I guessed that the entire room was made out one way mirror. It reminded me of interrogation rooms in spy movies. All the furniture was there as I suspected. I still could not find any doors or windows to this room. The bed had no covers or sheets that I could use to cover the walls. Unfortunately for me, I no longer had any privacy. My earlier inspection was fairly accurate. The only thing that I missed was a document near one side of the wall. I immediately moved to inspect the document lying on the floor. My heart skipped when I saw the document. It was the response to the summary judgment that I wrote!!!!!. It was covered with red markings and words. What was it doing here? This was too weird. "How did you get a hold of this?" I asked. "Are you a good attorney?" asked the voice. "Yes, " I answered. "Liar!!!" yelled the voice again. "Look at all the changes that were made to the document." "Look at all the mistakes that you made. " "You are incompetent as an attorney." "Are you a good attorney?" I looked at the summary judgment response. Despite my best efforts, I made several obvious mistakes. Furthermore the changes made with the red ink made the argument better and clearer than my writing. It seemed that the kidnapper knew a little about me. Although it was obvious that my work was not good, I was not ready to admit it aloud. Besides she seemed to have concluded that I was a bad lawyer and there was no point in admitting it. "You already know the answer." I crumpled up the document and threw it on the ground. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "I want the truth." stated the woman. I hesitated giving what she wanted. Instead I began to think about my situation. I was kidnapped and brought to this strange room. There were at least two people involved in my kidnapping, the man who called out my name and drugged me and this woman. At the present time I could not think of any ways to escape. My life could be in danger. "Are you a good lawyer?" asked the voice again. I needed to respond. Keeping in mind my awful situation, I decided to give her the response that she wanted. "I am not a good lawyer yet, but I have potential," I countered. "Liar," stated the woman. I knew then that she would only be satisfied with one answer. I was getting tired of her games and angry at my situation. As humiliated as I was at stating what she wanted me to say, I angrily yelled "All right I am not a good lawyer!!!" "Are you happy!!!" "Yes," answered the woman's voice. "Do you have any sexual desires for men," asked the voice. What a strange question? Perhaps she was attempting to find something to blackmail me. My answer to this question was not going to help her. "No, I am a healthy heterosexual male." I answered proudly. "Have you ever worn women's clothing?" "Never." I stated. "Did ever you want to?" "Never." I stated again. I was happy to know that she was not finding anything to blackmail me with. Other than getting me to say that I was not a good lawyer, she was failing to find any secrets. If this was her best attempt at blackmailing me then her attempts would fail. I guessed that she and the man who kidnapped me were mere amateurs. My relief was short lived however by her next question. "Are you hungry?" asked the voice. Because of my anxieties and fears, I did not notice my hunger. But reminded by her question, my concentration shifted from my captivity to hunger. I was still worried about my situation. However my immediate concern was survival and that meant that I needed to eat. "Yes, I am hungry." I stated. "Of course you are." "After all you haven't eaten in over a day." "Poor Mr. Duncan." "I will give you something to eat, if you will play with me." Her promise to give me something to eat got my full attention. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "Take all of your clothing off," asked the voice. "What?" I asked shocked by her request. "Take all of your clothing off," demanded the voice. She wanted to me do something sexual. That is what she wanted from me. She was a perverted bitch. My guess was that she was an ugly old woman who got her kicks by capturing young men and forcing them to strip. I was disgusted by her request. My situation was desperate but I was not going to going to fulfill her perverted fantasies. The fact that I was not a good lawyer yet did not make me ready to be a boy toy. I was not going to prostitute my self for food. "Who in the hell are you, bitch?" I yelled. Suddenly the lights went off again. I was alone in the darkness with nothing to do and nothing to eat or drink. All I could think about was my hunger, thirst and my predicament. I wanted, no, I needed food and water. My stomach felt empty, emptier then ever before in my live. The emptiness and the darkness stayed with me for a long time, possibly two days. My hunger and thirst were unbearable. I must have searched the room in the darkness one thousand times to find something that I could eat or drink. I hoped against hope that I missed something in my previous investigations. But unfortunately my searches always resulted in me finding nothing new. Even my past experience of being alone, did not prepare me for the loneliness and boredom, I felt. All I had were, emptiness, questions, fearful thoughts, and nightmares involving physical torture and death, to occupy me. Darkness surrounded me. I wanted to commit suicide to end my depression but could not find anything to aid me to end my life. I cursed again and again at the bad luck that brought me to this helpless situation. Then there was light. Something changed. I carefully reexamined the room. Yes, the chair was missing and so was the response to the summary judgment. How did they remove these items? Somehow someone came into this room and removed the items and they did so without me noticing. How did they do it? There must be a door somewhere, but where? Instead of answers, I kept getting more questions. "Are you ready to take off your clothing?" asked the voice. My hunger and desperation took away all reservations. I considered following her request, if it meant I could get food. "If I take my clothing off, will you give me something to eat? I asked. "I would have given you something to eat if you followed my instruction when I first asked you." "But you were nasty and therefore you must do something else." "You must also permanently remove all your body hair," responded the woman. Her request was strange. Never in a hundred years would I have anticipated such a request. Making me take off my clothing at least made sense. After all it was normal for a woman to want to see a healthy young man naked. But she wanted me to shave my body hair. Why in the world would she want that. My fear was that she was more perverted than I had originally anticipated. "I don't understand," I stated. "You are a dumb one." "Its simple, I wanted you in the nude." "You refused a simple request, therefore I want you to be, in a sense, more nude by removing all your body hair." "In addition, since your stupid questions have delayed my wishes, you will also beg me to allow you to undress and permanently remove your ugly body hair," stated the bitch. Her request was terrible. If I only followed her instruction in the beginning, I could have saved my self from this ultimate humiliation. Taking my clothing off in comparison to removing my body hair seemed trivial. Removing my body hair permanently seemed extremely strange. And even worse I had to ask for her to allow me to this strange deed. All I thought about was the fact that it would be very difficult to lead a normal life during the summer. And from just living in Dallas a short time, I knew that summer was extremely long in Texas. However I could not risk being in the darkness without food or drink again. I was too hungry and thirsty. Little embarrassment over the fact that I had little body hair did not seem that important at this time. Begging made it worse but food was more important then pride. I did not want to risk angering her any further. Even if I had to suffer the humiliation and allow this woman to get her kinky satisfaction, I decided to follow her instructions. I knew that at the present she controlled my life. She was my only source of nourishment and hopefully my freedom. "Please let me take off my clothing," I asked. "I want you to beg on your knees to allow you to take your filthy clothing off," ordered the woman. In shame, I got on my knees, I begged her to let me take off all of my filthy clothing." "I grant your wish," she said in triumph. I slowly stood up and took off all of my clothing. After I took off my underwear and dropped it to the floor, the room became completely dark again. I feared that I was too slow in following her orders. But to my relief, the lights came back on after a few seconds. I was relieved to see light again. However my relief was short lived as I discovered that all my clothing were gone. As my eyes became accustomed to the lights, I began to sense embarrassment over my nakedness. My nakedness increased my awareness of the mirror walls. I could see my body reflected on all sides. I became increasingly embarrassed by my lack of privacy. I self-consciously looked at my reflection in the mirror walls that surrounded me. My five foot nine inches body was completely exposed. At one hundred and ninety pounds, I used to be a little over weight. No I was not fat, but before this ordeal started, I had a little more belly than I wanted. But now because of my starvation, I had a flat stomach. Although I never lifted any weights, my body was well formed. I had what I called natural muscles. Other then my relatively small dick, I was proud of my body. However completely naked, I was sure that the perverted woman would concentrate her sights at my small dick. At this time it was soft and therefore it looked very small. Out of shame and embarrassment, I covered my dick and balls with both my hands. "Covering your penis was not part of the deal." "Are you ashamed of your penis?" she asked. "No!!!" I yelled and slowly removed my hands from my dick. My mind thought of ways to deprive this perverted woman from getting pleasure from my nakedness. But I had no solutions. I had no idea where the woman was. She could be behind any of the walls. "Liar, you are ashamed of your penis!!!" "Don't ever lie to me again or you will feel my anger." "If you lie again, I will leave you to starve to death," she warned. "Now tell me how you are ashamed of your penis and tell me why." If I wanted to eat again, I had no choice but to comply with her demands. With tears, I meekly stated, "I am ashamed of my dick." "It is so small that it is barely a dick at all." "It makes me feel less than a real man." She laughed at my confessions in a cruel manner. I wanted to cover my dick again but knew that it would only be more proof that I was ashamed of my dick. So I stood still, sobbing aloud. All of a sudden the lights went off and on again. The woman gave me further instructions. "Walk over to the left wall." "There you will find a bottle with some chemicals." "The chemicals will permanently remove your body hair." As I turned my head to the left, I noticed that the corner of the left wall had a small opening. Inside the opening was a bottle. I walked towards the opening. Upon investigation, the opening itself was made out of the same material as the rest of the room. I lifted the bottle. "Now ask me to let you use the chemicals to permanently remove all your body hair so you can be prettier.." By this time I knew the routine. Although the implications of the word "pretty" disturbed me, I obeyed her in hopes that I may eat. I got on my knees once more and stated, "May I please permanently remove all of my body hair so that I could be prettier." "I want to be pretty." "I grant your wish," she stated. She instructed me to go to the bathtub and use the chemical to remove my body hair. I obeyed her command. I walked over to the tub, and with a sad expression, started to apply the chemical. "I want you to look like you are enjoying yourself," she said. Despite the humiliation and anger, I was able to smile and look happy while removing my body hair. "Turn the water on and wash your self." "But be warned, do not drink the water." "It has been poisoned." "Don't worry, you will only be harmed if you drink it." On hindsight I would have been better off if I had drank the water. Dying would have been preferable to what followed. But at that moment I was afraid to die and therefore followed her instructions carefully. I smiled as all my body hair permanently washed away. "To show you good faith, I will answer all the questions running in your little head." "But you must first agree to wear something nice," stated the voice. "What about my food?" I asked. "You are more stupid than I thought?" "Don't you see that you are only making me angry by asking such silly questions." "I told you that I would give you something to eat, and in due time I will." "So don't worry your little head about that, I always keep my word," stated the voice. "However since you insisted in making me angry by asking such a silly question, I will have to punish you further." "Now you will have to beg me to let you wear the clothing that I provide you." Once I finished removing all my body hair, the lights went off and on again. When the lights came on the bottle that held the chemical and the opening where the bottle had been, disappeared. However on the right side of the wall there was another opening. I walked over to the opening and saw panties, bra, dress, pantyhose, some makeup and instructions on how to apply the makeup. "Now beg me to wear the clothing that I have kindly provided." "I can't," "Those are women's clothing." "You can't make me wear that." "Suit yourself," is all she said. Darkness again consumed me. After holding out for several hours, my hunger took all my remaining pride. I reasoned that it was not a big deal to wear the female clothing. After all actors, such as Dustin Hoffman, Patrick Swazy, and Robin Williams wore dresses and they were still men. The actors did it for laughs, I would be doing it to survive. Still in the darkness I got on my knees and begged, "Please let me wear the pretty clothing." "I want to be so pretty." "I want to look like a girl." "Please, please," I cried. "I grant your wish," stated the woman. The lights came back on. "Because you did not obey immediately, you must now, not only dress like a girl, you must act like one as well," she stated. Although part of me still wanted to refuse, I obeyed her command. I went over to the clothing and smiled as I put on each garment, first the panties, then the bra, pantyhose and then the dress. With each garment, I stated how pretty it was and how lovely it would make me look. "Now ask me to let you put on some makeup," she instructed. I got on my knees and begged, "Please let me put on some makeup." "I like looking pretty and the lipstick and eyeshadow, and foundation, and the rest of the makeup will help me look so pretty." "I want to look like a beautiful girl," I stated. "I grant your wish," she stated. "Now read the instructions and apply the makeup." I did as told but despite my best efforts, I did a terrible job. She made me wash my face and do it all over again several times. As I continued to practice putting on makeup, the woman answered my questions as promised. "My name is Susan Williams, I am Mike Smith's partner." "No, I really don't work with the firm, you see I am very wealthy." "Mike asked me to finance his firm, in return he named me as a partner and agreed to do little favors for me." "He does not know what I am doing to you." "All he knows was that I wanted someone that I could play with." "He agreed to provide you." "Don't look so surprised." "You really did not think that you got the job because of your resume." I could not believe it. Getting that job was all part of her evil plan. Mr. Smith sold me out. "Why are you tormenting me," I asked. "Wealth has made me a very bored woman." "I have tried everything, twice." "Life had lost joy." "Then I came up with a brilliant idea." "I needed a toy, something to play with." "But I needed something different, something I never had before." "Since I liked little dolls when I was a kid, I decided to get myself a doll, a very special doll." "You are going to be that doll, "she responded. She was a sick and depraved woman. Because boredom, she was going to ruin my life. How could she do this to me. What an evil bitch? "Why me?" "If you are as rich as you say, why not just hire someone to be your doll?" "And besides, you obviously want a female doll, why me a man," I asked. "As I told you, I was bored." "If I picked someone who was willing to be my doll, then I would lose part of the fun." "You are the perfect solution to my boredom." "I have checked your background." "No one will miss you if you disappear." "You have no friends or relatives." "Everyone that knew you, either thought of you as unimportant or hated you." "All Mike has to do is tell the office people that you were fired due to your incompetence and bad manners." "You see you are the perfect candidate to be my doll," she stated. "I am man," I protested. "Not much of one," she countered. Despite my fears that I would be left alone in the darkness again without any food, her words angered me so much that I briefly stopped putting on the makeup. "You bitch, you hate men don't you," I accused. "I will punish you for that little remark later." "But to answer your question, no I do not hate men." "Some of my best friend's are men." "Mike, for instance, is a very good friend." "He is smart and kind." "You on the other hand." "Well let's just say that I am doing the world a favor by changing you into my doll." I began to sob, ruining my makeup in the process. Partially because of my own actions, I was doomed to be this evil woman's doll. "Enough," the woman stated. "If you can't control yourself, I will not tell you anymore." "Now stop crying like a little girl and continue practicing putting on makeup." Her accusation that I was acting like a little girl angered me. I attempted to stop crying. But try as I might, I could not stop. I continued to cry for approximately an hour, until my tears dried up. Because my body fluid flowed through my eyes, I became thirstier. I needed nourishment. After I stopped crying, I cleaned my face and continued to practice putting on makeup. I concentrated very hard in putting my makeup. I still looked like a man wearing a dress and even the best makeup did not change that. I tried my best to make myself pretty and as a result I looked like a fag. However my attempts were finally rewarded, if you can call it that. The lights went off and on and the makeup kit was gone and in another wall there was new opening. "Time to feed my little doll," stated the woman's voice. I was very excited by the woman's last statement. Finally I was going to get some food. I approached the opening quickly, eager to eat even the nastiest foods. There in the opening was a large glass. The glass was filled with a white liquid. "What is it?" I asked. "More stupid questions." "You never learn, do you." "Instead of being grateful for what I give, you question me." "all right, if you must know, I will tell you, but with a price." "Its sperm." "What?" I asked astonished by her answer. "Its sperm." "Among other things that I own, I own a sperm bank." "I have virtually unlimited supply of it." "And you my doll will drink it." "Not only will you drink it, but due do to your insistence in asking dumb questions, you will beg me to let you drink it." She was crazy, if she thought I would drink... As hungry as I was there was no way I would drink sperm!!!!! "You fucking bitch!!!!" "Go to hell." As expected the lights went off. I was alone to starve to death. It seemed that was my fate after all. I went back to bed and laid down so that my death sentence could be carried out. Then I remembered her statement regarding the poisoned water. I quickly went to the faucet and found that it no longer worked. The fact that neither the bathtub nor the toilet had any water did not surprise me. If I was to die, I was to die slowly of starvation. With this realization I went back to bed and laid there, I do not know how long. But in the end I could not do it. I could not let myself die of starvation. In the end I was too weak to die. John Wayne and even his lesser sidekicks would have died, but I was not that brave. She had won. In my mind I had become the sissy that she was attempting to turn me into. With tears that came from eyes that were already cried out. I begged, "Please let me drink sperm." But there was no response, only darkness. I repeated the humiliating words once more. "Please let me drink sperm." " Still no response. I was beginning to get desperate and thought of words that I could say that would satisfy her. "I love sperm" "I am a naughty girl and need to drink sperm." "I will do anything to drink sperm." "I will be your doll, just let me have sperm." Finally the lights came back on. However the opening with the glass of sperm was gone. I got on my knees a renewed my begging. "Please let me have sperm, that's all I want." "I grant your wish," said the woman. The lights flashed off and on and the opening with the sperm reappeared. With all strength that I could muster I ran over to the glass of sperm. I gulped it down like it was the best tasting thing in the world. I even humiliated myself by wiping the glass clean with my finger and licking my fingers to get every last drop. After I was finished I gently put the glass down. However my need for nourishment did not end. I was still starving and worse yet, the salty liquid made my thirst unbearable. "Please, I need something to drink." I got no response. I went over to the bathtub. I frantically attempted to turn the water on. I knew from experience that it would not work but I had to try again. Not surprisingly not a single drop of water came out. I looked over at the toilet that I did not yet use. Thanks to the starvation, I did not have to use it. Unfortunately the toilet still did not have any liquid in it. "Please, I need water," I begged again. Suddenly the lights flashed off and on once more. The glass and the opening that contained it were gone. Another opening revealed a pink hypodermic needle with a clear liquid. I looked at the needle fearful of what it may contain. It wasn't enough for my evil captive to make me drink sperm, apparently she wanted to turn me into a drug addict. Despite my fears and reservations, I kept quite. I learned to keep quite, but I was still unwilling to move towards the drugs. "Its female hormones." "I want you to beg me to let you inject it into your body." "After all, you need it to make yourself pretty." I knew that I had to do as she ordered, if I wanted to get something to quench my thirst. This time I didn't even protest. I simply begged on my knees. "Please let me inject myself with the female hormones." "I need it to become a pretty girl doll." "I grant your wish." I injected the female hormones to my body as instructed. As a reward I got a glass of water. After I drank the water, I became sick with realization of what I had done. I drank sperm and injected myself with female hormones. I silently swore to myself that I would never do it again. Despite the fact that I had other questions to ask my captive, I was too emotionally exhausted to speak and I remained silent in the room, waiting for the next humiliating order. After an hour or so, I realized that for the first time since my captivity, I needed to pee. I hoped that she would temporarily turn off the light to let me pee in private. "I need to pee," I stated. "Go ahead," she said. I knew that she would not allow me to have luxuries like privacy and went to the toilet. I lifted my skirt, lowered my pantyhose and panties, and grabbed my small dick to pee standing up. As I peed, my dick seemed even smaller than before. I knew that this was just my mind playing tricks, the female hormones could not effect my dick size so quickly. But despite my knowledge, I became red with shame. I guess that a brave male would have torn the dress off and cleaned the make up off, but even in my most rebellious state, I was still to afraid to openly go against my captive's wishes. I was already loosing some of my manhood. It was all I could do not to beg for more humiliation. I initially kept the promise to myself and lived with my hunger for several more days. But even that did not last. After my brief rebellion, I again begged for sperm. I found out that the next meal that I got was worse then the glass of sperm. "You didn't appreciate your meal because you got it for free." This time you will have to work for this meal," said the woman. I soon found out what she meant when the light flashed off and on again. One of the walls opened up to reveal several small holes. The holes were filled with ten cocks. Some were black and some were white. Some were large and long and some were relative small and short. But all of them were bigger than mine. "Go for it girl, beg for dicks," she instructed. After a little hesitation, I got on my knees and begged, "Please let me suck cocks." "I love cocks." "I can't get enough cocks." "Please let me suck those beautiful cocks and eat cum." As usual she granted my wish. Still on my knees, I crawled over to the cocks. I was not able to see the men that were attached to the cocks. But I knew that they could see me humiliate myself. My humiliation was horrible because I also knew that they could easily tell that I was a guy in all that feminine clothing. As I took the first cock into my mouth, I wondered what the owner of this particular cock looked like. His cock was black and very big. I guessed that the owner was also a big black man. Because I did not know what I was doing, it took along time to get the man off. As my hunger pains grew, I concentrated more and more and did everything to fulfill the man. Several minutes passed, I began to get inpatient. This was simply taking too long. I tried different techniques. When I used my tongue to lick the tip of the cock while at the same time sucking it, he finally came. I swallowed all the sperm as if it was the best thing I ever ate. To my shame, I felt disappointed when he stopped cumming. I was still hungry. I crawled to the next cock. This time a white one. I looked at the veins on the cock and wondered if the owner was muscular. .I sucked cock again. This time I began with the technique that had worked the last time, licking the tip and sucking at the same time. I was awarded with pre-cum and swallowed it. However my technique failed to bring him off fast. Only when I deep throated the cock, did it cum. I learned that each cock was different and that I needed to do different things to different cocks to satisfy them. This was taking too long. I had an idea to speed up the process. While I sucked one cock, I used my hands to masturbate other cocks. I masturbated the cocks so that I could get sperm as quickly as possible. Few of the cocks came while I masturbated them. I licked the cum from my hands. Others I had to suck to get off. During the entire sucking session, I had to act like I was horny and completely satisfied sexually from sucking cocks. Even after I finished sucking the last cock, I was still hungry. I crawled back to the first cock and began to suck on the limp cock. After a while, the cock again rose to the occasion and later I was awarded with cum. Only after I sucked each cock at least three times each, I finally satisfied my hunger . By the end of my ordeal I could honestly say that I had become an expert cocksucker. I felt deep shame. In order to satisfy my thirst, I again begged to inject myself with the female hormones to wash down the salty taste of sperm with water. This continued for several months. Each day began with me begging for various female clothing and makeup. Sometimes I wore little girl clothing, sometimes slut clothing, sometimes just normal women's wear. I wore everything from dresses, to tights, to bikinis, to skirts, to lingerie. I even learned to walk in high heels. Once I was dressed, I was rewarded with a glass of sperm. Each evening I sucked cocks to get my food. After each meal, I begged to get female hormones so that I could get a glass of water. To prevent myself from going crazy from boredom, I was allowed to read various romance novels, instructional manuals and women's magazine. Some of the magazines were wedding and bride magazine. Reading all those magazines eventually made the idea that some day I may marry a man reasonable. During my captivity I learned how to talk, walk, stand and gesture in a feminine manner. For what I guess to be several months, my ordeal continued in a cycle. I acted like a girl and dressed in various female clothing. As a reward for I received cocks and sperm. Needless to say, I became very accustomed to eating sperm. The salty content of the sperm drove me crazy for water. In order to get water, I injected myself with female hormones. Throughout the entire degrading process I begged for everything that was happening to me. Sometimes I was made to masturbate and drink my own sperm. But eventually the female hormones prevented me from ejaculating anything. The female hormones eventually made grow breasts and I become round and soft all over. It also decreased my penis size. In fact eventually my penis was so small that I had to sit like a real girl to pee. My hair grew very long. As each day passed I became more and more feminine. Until I no longer looked silly in women's clothing. In fact I looked very beautiful. In every sense of the word I was becoming a beautiful girl doll. During the entire ordeal I heard laughter from that horrible voice. My life continued several months without much change, until one day. "Do you ever want to leave this place," asked the woman. "Yes, please," I stated. "I might let you leave here someday, if you agree to do something for me," stated the woman. "Anything," I stated, eager to end my nightmare. "I want you to beg me to allow you to have a sex change operation." "You will get larger breasts, higher voice, few minor changes to your face, and of course a vagina." "All you have to do is ask," stated the woman. I wanted my freedom very badly, but her request was too much. Yet I feared the consequences of saying no to her. I merely stayed silent. Sensing my hesitation, she stated, "I will give you one day to decide." During my next meal of a glass of sperm, I made up my mind. I knew from experience that I would regret saying no to her. As awful as the sex change surgery sounded, I knew that saying no would bring a worse fate for me. That I could not imagine any worse fate did not matter. I knew that she could come up with something. Perhaps the surgery was her last demand. Once I obtained freedom, then I could attempted to reverse the evil things that this mad woman had done to me. Perhaps I could be a man once again. And even if I could never look like a man again, at least I could lead a fairly normal life as a woman. Even I could only stop from having to eat sperm everyday, my life would be a little better. So I begged to have the sex change surgery, "Please let me be a real girl." "I want a pretty pussy between my legs." "I also want bigger tits." "I want higher and sweeter voice and a prettier face." "I want to have a pussy." "Please let be a girl." "I want to have a pussy." "I grant your wish." "You will need a new name." "What is your new name." I knew that I was expected to come up with a name for myself that would be feminine. After careful consideration I stated, "Please call me Jennifer, Jennifer Duncan." Smoke filled the room and I became drowsy. I slowly lost consciousness. When I awoke, I was still in my room. I was completely naked. My face and voice were more feminine. I had bigger tits. And instead of a dick, I had a soft wet pussy. As I was examining my new body, I was startled by the woman's voice. "You like your pussy?" asked the woman. I knew the answer she wanted and gave it without hesitation. "Yes, I love my pussy." "Do you want to get fucked?" she asked. I did not answer. There was no way that I would allow a man to fuck me. "I tell you what," "If you beg to be fucked, then I will let you eat something other then sperm," she said. My mouth watered at the thought of real food. No matter how much I tried to think about other things, all I could do was think about food. Finally I got on my knees and begged, "Please get a man to fuck me." "I want to feel a cock inside my pussy." She laughed once again and granted my wish. This time the light did not flash off as I expected. A door simply opened to reveal a big man. I guess I could have ran for the door. But my stay in this room made me very passive, and I did not even try to escape. Instead I seductively approached the man, swinging my big butt in a suggestive manner. Once I approached him I got on my knees and sucked his cock. Once the cock became hard, the man lifted me from the floor and hugged me. To my shame I welcomed this gesture. It was the first time in a long time since anyone held me in their arms. I held as tight as possible because I did not want to let go. The man soon got tired of just holding me and whispered in my ears to put his cock inside my pussy. I complied by guiding his cock into my pussy with my trembling hands. Once he was inside me, he grabbed my ass and lifted me from the floor and pushed me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his body. The pain that I felt was intense and I cried out loud. The man did not seem to care for my sissy behavior. He instructed me to act like I was enjoying my self. I began to pant and moan like a slut in heat. I even begged him to fuck me harder. Slowly the pain decreased and in its place came a pleasant sensation. I began to lose my thoughts and heard myself begging him to never stop fucking me. After a few minutes, he came. Despite my shame I was disappointed that my first love making session with a man ended so quickly. I did not have a chance to cum myself. For my reward I received a sausage shaped like a cock covered with sperm. I hungrily ate it like a slut. For a month or so different man fucked me. I began to recognize the cocks as the ones that I sucked during my first months as a captive. It was interesting to connect each man with his cock. Sometimes during the fuck sessions, I was able to cum several times. And other times the man came without satisfying me. On the occasions when I was able to cum, I was very grateful to the man and kissed him on lips to show my appreciation. After each fuck session, I was rewarded with various foods like: sausages, bananas, cucumbers and other long vegetables shaped like cocks and always drenched in sperm. My life continued once again without much change, until.... One morning I was awakened by several female voices. The voices came from all over. None of them were the voice of my tormentor. But for some reason they all seemed familiar. The voices mainly asked questions like: "who is she?" "why she is naked?" "can she see us?" "why did you bring us here?" and so on. "Oh my God!!!" was all I could say as it dawned on me who the voices belonged to. They were the voices of the staff of Smith, Williams, and Associates. What were they doing here? What other humiliation was in store for me? As if to answer my questions in my head, my tormentor spoke, "Ladies, please." "All your questions will be answered shortly." Please direct your attention to the screen." That is when I first noticed the big screen behind me. My childhood pictures appeared in the screen. An announcer told a tale about a boy who desperately wanted to be a girl. A boy who enjoyed dressing as a girl. The announcer then proceeded to describe the boy as being very naughty. According to the announcer the boy wanted to suck cocks and drink lots of sperm. To my horror, the announcer then stated that this video would tell the story of the boy and that it was called George Duncan' dream of becoming Jennifer Duncan. I wanted to die at that moment. Even prior evil deeds of my tormentor did not compare to this humiliation. As the video continued some of the women gasped, others made comments like "that's gross" and "disgusting", others just giggled. The video continued on, showing my first day of captivity. I heard my tormentor ask my name. And the video showed me answer "George Duncan" . The video was edited so that my tormentor's instructions were not shown. Also missing were all the threats and any hints that I was being starved. It did not show my struggles and brief rebellions. Instead my tormentor's voice warned me not to take my fantasies too far. The voice asked over and over again if what begged for was what I really wanted. The video showed me begging to allow me to take all my clothing off. It showed me happily removing my male clothing. It showed me confess my shame at having a small penis. Then it showed me begging to allow me to permanently remove all my body hairs. It showed me with all smiles, permanently removing my body hair. It continued by showing me begging to wear women's clothing in tears. It showed me putting on various clothing and makeup. I saw myself, with a smile, stating how much I liked the female clothing. It proceeded to show me begging to eat sperm and suck cocks. It showed me sucking cocks and eating sperm over and over again. It even showed me masturbating and eating my own sperm. It also showed me begging to allow me to inject female hormones. It showed the gradual feminization of my body by my own hands. It showed how I could no longer pee standing up. The video also showed me beg to have a sex change operation. My words repeated over and over again, "Please let me be a real girl." "I want a pretty pussy between my legs." "I also want bigger tits." "I want higher and sweeter voice and a prettier face." "I want to have a pussy." "Please let be a girl." "I want to have a pussy." Then the video showed my sex change surgery. It showed me confess my joy of having a pussy. The video continued to show me begging to be fucked. It showed several guys fucking me and me begging for more, moaning and panting like a slut. It finally ended with me happily eating various cock shaped food covered in sperm. I was mortified. As far as these women were concerned, I begged for everything that happened to me. Out of the overwhelming weight of the humiliation, I fainted. When I came to again, the video screen was gone. One of the walls opened up to reveal a wall of cocks. I could still hear the familiar female voices throughout the room. I was to put on a live show. All fight in me was gone. My tormentor had won. In perfect view of all the women from Smith, Williams and Associates, I sucked all the cocks on the wall. I moaned as each cock ejaculated large gobs of sperm into my mouth. I knew that is what my tormentor wanted. If I wanted my nightmare to have a chance to end, I had to do what my tormentor wanted. I even begged the men to come inside the room and fuck me. The men of course obliged and I got gang banged. For the first time in my life, I got butt fucked. Three men even fucked me at once. One cock in my pussy, one cock in my butt, and one cock in my mouth. Soon after the performance, all the voices were gone, except my tormentor's. "It is almost time for you to leave this place," she said. I began to have hopes again. Maybe I could start living a somewhat normal life again. But my hopes were short lived. My tormentor began reading off a list of addresses. I recognized some of these addresses as being people I knew or had known in the past. After she was finished she stated, "my private investigator assures me that the list contains every persons' name and address that you know or had known." "Would it not be nice to send them a copy of your video tape?" "Think about how surprised they would be to find out that you wanted to become sperm eating slut." "Please, not that," I begged. "You are the only one that could prevent that." "After you leave this place, you will still follow my instructions." "If you fail to do so, I will mail a copy of your tape to every person you knew." "Furthermore I will market the video tape and every adult video store will sell it." "I imagine that you will be very famous soon afterwards," she threatened. "I will do what ever you ask me to do," I said meekly. I found out later what she had in store for me. According to her instructions, I started each morning with a large glass of sperm. To guarantee compliance, Ms. Williams installed a video cameras in my apartment. Then I dressed provocatively went to work at Smith, Williams and Associates. This time as a secretary. When one of the attorneys asked whether I was related to George Duncan, I simply stated that there was no relation. I decided that George was no longer a part of me. It was up to me to seduce every men in the office. Eventually every male in the office fucked me regularly. Clients with lots of money also fuck me. It was our office's way of showing thanks for choosing our firm. Among all the men who fucked me, I liked Mr. Smith the best. He always made me feel special and more like a lover than a slut. All the girls in the office loved my situation, giggling over their little secret. I always ate lunch with the girls. It was ordered that I take a bottle of sperm with me for lunch. Although I was allowed to eat what I wanted, I always had to drench with sperm. When some of the girls asked whether I liked the taste of sperm, I always responded yes. I had to act like I liked sperm because I feared that one of them may report back to Ms. Williams. During the weekend, I worked in the sperm bank. My job was to do anything to make the men cum into their jars. Ms. Williams felt that since I was drinking a lot of the sperm, I should take part in obtaining some. I do everything from strip teases to blowjobs to letting the men fuck me. At first I hated what had been done to me. But soon I started to enjoy all the fucking. There is only so little a girl could do not to enjoy being fucked, and I was getting fucked so much that I could not help but reach orgasm after orgasm. I guess that I am a fairly happy girl now.

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Beer Goggles II MindbenderChapter 3

Ellie: I went back to work really confused. I knew this old guy, Pete, from the neighborhood and his being a frequent customer at the store. I couldn't believe all I'd just talked to him about and that I was so honest with him. By the time I got off work, I'd calmed down and accepted all the 'weirdity' of it. I went home, showered, had a bite and went into my room and watched tv. Or at least had the tv on. I kept thinking of my 'Rick fantasy' and the possibility I was actually...

4 years ago
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train ride home leads to an interesting night

This is a true story. It happened approximately 20 years ago. Only the names have been changed to protect the naughty participants If you like it let me know and I would like to hear any comments you may have.I apologise in advance for any grammatical errors as I have dyslexia and have real issues with grammar. Train journey homeSandy and I had just been to an Adult Cinema in the CBD and were heading home on the train. Not much to do except talk on the hour long journey to our stop so Sandy...

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Anushree Chudi Sheikh Jiju Se

Main Anushree..mere Sheikh jiju ne mujhe kaise choda ..unhi ki prerna pa kar main apni aapbiti sunne ke liye utawali ho rahi hoon. Ise aap jaise chahen len, pyar muhabbat se. Apana pyar de kar mujhe nihal karden jisase main aap ko har bar naye-naye tarah se deti rahoo. Meri bahan ki shadi abhi haal hi me hui hai. Sheikh jiju multi-national ek achchhi post par hai. Sajeele sunder nawjawan jiski chahat koi bhee laraki kar sakati hai. Meri bahan badi seedhi hai aura pane duniya mein hi magan...

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First Time Blacken

Mary and John Larsen are a typical suburban husband and wife. They had two c***dren in college. He was a successful businessman. Mary had always been the typical stay at home mom. Since the k**s started college, she devoted her life to social functions, yoga classes and coffee with her friends.She was 5ft tall, with a figure to die for, despite having given birth to two c***dren. He breasts had just a slight sag and are C cup. She has a narrow waist and a world class ass.They live in a 3...

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Cheryl and her brother satisfy each others needs

While I sit here expecting my own expose video to be posted soon, I am reminded of how many teen girls are fucking and are on the internet, the mixture of wild hormones, and the deepest need for good sex, are driving them into uncharted, sexual exploits.Cheryl, was not long into her teens, when her slightly older brother walked into the kitchen, where she sat having breakfast.Both parents worked so they were alone for that early part of the morning. One look at him and it was obvious he had an...

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DanicaPart 7B

Upon awakening, Danica began to rearrange things in her new rooms. She tracked down a large servant and asked him to move the larger items such as her kiln, chamber pot, and one of the tables from her lab. He seemed rather stunned and pleased when Danica gave him a few coins for his trouble. He quickly agreed to find a craftsman to hook up the vent pipe for her kiln, and returned shortly thereafter with someone. She gave him a few coins as well when he completed his work. Danica then moved...

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House of the future

Hi my name is Justin I have long brown hair and green eyes, I'm wearing a green T-shirt ,blue jeans and sneakers,I play the guitar in my band "Wild Wolfs" ,I also have a girlfriend her name is Diana she works as a model at the mall. One day I went to find a new place to live and I found a place very interesting, so I asked the saleswoman. Justin : Hello can you tell me about this house ? Woman :Yes sir this is a high tech house ,everything in there is automatic, before 3 girls lived in here:...

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After Five YearsChapter 6

July 2009, Sudan It was a few hours before dawn when I locked the motorcycle up, next to a shed and hid it behind some rusty sheets of corrugated iron. Then I struggled my way to the back of my home, and opened the lock in the rusty gate. Even if the gate was rusty the hinges were well greased and it opened without a sound. I locked the gate after me and soon was inside the house. For the first time, I really felt the exhaustion of recent events. I forced a smile when my wife and daughter...

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The Pleasures of Three Ch 3 Exhibition in broad daylight

Deana, John and Mathew enjoyed their threesome so much they couldn't wait to get it on again, but it was two months before John could make another visit. Deana and John couldn't get their little rendezvous in the parking lot out of their minds, and she secretly hoped that he would want to repeat it. Sure enough she had the same email in her Inbox at 10:00 that very morning. The only difference is that this time John added, "Wear the same dress you wore last time."This time when Mathew suggested...

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Loving Aunt Part1 reposted

I am Zeeshan here. I wanted to share with you friends a real story of mine. I am from Karachi, Pakistan. I am 22 year old.6ft tall & good loking boy, with an watch porn movies but act like this that i am a very innocent boy and know nothing about these things. When I read these stories I used to think does it possible in Karachi, until I experienced it my self. My mother has a widowed step sister Ramla(honey), 36 year of age, having a breast specially boobs bigger twice as her age, having a...

2 years ago
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Our Place

I think I've finally made up my mind about what I want to do if and when I grow up. I'm a junior at the university now and I've been vacillating between two majors since I came here but now it seems to be coming together. I've always enjoyed writing and I've kept a journal since I was about ten so it's fairly extensive. Now I'm thinking about tackling a book. It wouldn't be an autobiography, though. I'm not interested in sharing my whole life with the world at large but I think I've...

3 years ago
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Linear Dominate HierarchyChapter 2 Home Cumming

As it turned out Mom and Dad were less than enamored with Lacy. Dis-regarding her appearance, and her social skills were abhorrent. No one had ever taught Lacy but the most basic of manors and her table etiquette was deplorable. It hadn’t been too much a problem for me when Lacy and I were living alone and I could suggest she close her mouth when chewing or not nor belch when others were present. These indiscretions were not appreciated by my family and Lacy was ashamed of herself and her...

3 years ago
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The Playroom My First Visit

I had never visited your home before. I think it was mainly because I did not trust you, or myself when it came to that. I knew that you had designs on my body and although I enjoyed your attentions, and encouraged them in fact, I also enjoyed keeping you waiting. But then, I have always been a tease.You knew that from the beginning though, back when you first saw me in the club dancing with a girlfriend and wearing my favourite little black dress. Remember that dress? It was a little short...

2 years ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 23

Loni and I sat on my rock and watched a storm march across the desert valley. The sun was setting, and the sunset was fighting a losing battle with the storm. It wasn't cold, but it was chilly. We wore jackets. Mine was leather, the jacket I'd worn while riding the Harley from Houston to Gold Canyon. Loni's was a designer jacket, a Geiger of Austria walk jacket, she'd told me. She wore a matching beret. She looked adorable. "The art of giving that you talk about," Loni said, "has to...

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My lingerie fetish

Nearly 40 years ago I began to get turned on by lingerie especially pantyhose. One night I had slipped my hard dick into the legs of my Mom's hose she had placed jn the dirty cloths pile. The silky texture got me hard and excited. I had taken my cock out of my jeans and slipped my throbbing dick in to the legs and started to stroke myself. I only was able to stroke myself a half a dozen times when my cock exploded. At first the sensation startled me, later I stroked myself off into one of her...

1 year ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 449

A FEW WORDS ON THE VIRUS JUST TRYING TO LIGHTEN THE LOAD???? Ontario has banned groups larger than 5. If you’re a family of 6, you’re all about to find out who’s the least favourite. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be to return to a society where pants and bras are required. Happy hour is starting earlier and earlier. If this keeps up, I’ll be pouring wine in my cereal. Today’s Weather? Room temperature. Smoking pot and skipping school had me in trouble constantly. Now...

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Girls Night In

When I go over to my best friends house, I always hope that somethings going to happen between us. We're always cuddling and hugging, and she's constantly touching me whenever she can. Not in naughty places though, although I wouldn't mind. We even have the odd shower together, in bathing suits. Although there was this one time that she poured the water down my back giving me shivers up my spine. Still, there was no kissing or sexual contact.I'm not a lesbian, I guess I'm just bi-curious since...

1 year ago
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Summer in the UK

One night, my friends and I went to a pub called the Old Stove in a very old-looking section of London where we had a few beers and some laughs. Before long, my friends had all found girls to dance with and I sat alone at the bar drinking a pint. Right as I was about to leave, a girl sat next to me and ordered a pint and chugged it in under 15 seconds which I found quite impressive, so when I complimented her on her drinking skills she laughed animatedly and we started to talk. She told me...

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the dark side of me

I applied the dark black makeup to my eyes and put on my red lipstick, I was getting horny as fuck and was extremely ready for action. I'm a 15 year old love machine, as innocent as I look... And I have a fetish for way older men, that's why I was especially excited that my uncle was coming over for the week, my uncle Mike. I sat down on my bed slowly getting wet just at the thought of him slowly filling me with his hot penis... I tossed and turned as I let out another orgasm of the day and...

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Witamy w wiecie rozkoszy

Wyobraź sobie świat gdzie seksualność jest elementem codzienności. Ludzie nie wstydzą się swojej nagości, orientacji ani fetyszy. Seks można uprawiać w każdym miejscu, gdzie nimfomanka i satyryzm to norma. Gdzie nie ma niechcianych ciąż ani chorób wenerycznych. A teraz wyobraź sobie że nasz świat łączy się z takim w niedalekiej przyszłości dzięki technologii przejść miedzywymiarowych. Prowadzi to domwymian technologii, zasobów a przede wszystkim: ludzi. Dzięki temu każdy człowiek który ma...

Group Sex
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Return Of The Hung Wallpaper Stud

Return Of The Hung Wallpaper Stud # 6 of 6My last story described how Ann met Bill the wallpaper man in 1987. This is what happened after that. He had done a small, six hour wallpaper job, in our previous home. Ann made it clear to both Bill and I, at the time, how fascinated she was with the enormous bulge in is blue jeans. He possessed a package that stuffed the entire crotch area of his jeans. Bill’s unusual package didn't stop there. HIs...

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The Dogging Diaries Questions With The Author I

Part 1 of a series of questions and answers with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries I'd like to thank Matt who has been such a great friend and pen pal throughout this entire process for putting together these questions. Awesome job. Away we go ... 1. It was almost a year from when you first dressed as Kristy until you even touched another man's penis. How did you drift? What were some of the things done that help you to drift? What would you say to help someone...

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Third Time Part Fourteen

Author's note: This chapter is the first of final three chapters of this long and sordid tale. Your patience, and your comments - good and bad - have been most appreciated. G.A. Elizabetta reveled in her conquest. She looked down at her sleeping victim and gently stroked her hair. "You had no idea, my sweet girl. They never do. Your beautiful wife, my lover, has paid me dearly to kill you, to erase you from her life. And that is exactly what I'm going to do. But you will not...

4 years ago
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Uni with Sandra part 6

My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the sixth story based on my diaries and memories from when I was a teenager.Sandra and I shared a house with another two girls, Alison and Fiona, all in our first year at university. My first story was about how Sandra introduced me to girl on girl sex within weeks of us starting university. My second was about how Sandra introduced me to threesome sex with her and her boyfriend, Pete. My third was about starting to have sex with my new boyfriend, Martin, plus...

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Night Adventures With Didi 8211 Part II

Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi”. So many readers wanted to know what happened next, whether I was successful in making physical relations with didi or not. After my didi got married, we used to meet occasionaly on her son’s birthday or on some marriage functions. It was month of January and there was a marriage of one of my cousin brother and the baraat had to reach girls place at Ajmer. My sister called me on phone and asked whether I was planning...

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When Lance Banged His Stepmother Pt 2

Nicole stood at the window, mesmerized by the figure in the pool. The swimmer knifed through the water at astonishing speed. His long muscular arms fanned out in a butterfly stroke as he finished his fiftieth lap. In one fluid motion, Lance cruised to the edge and hauled himself out of the pool, his trapezius rippling with power as he bounded up to his feet.She found herself walking downstairs and out into the backyard. The grass felt wet to her bare feet. That’s when Nicole realized she went...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 79

The cat wouldn't come in, so I was alone on a Friday night. It wasn't my first Friday night alone, when I didn't want to be alone. Life was just like that sometimes. I could have stayed at Jen's but I most likely would have been alone there as well. If you weren't able, or didn't want to play their games, you were left to your own devices. Jen was my best friend, but I recognized her for what she was. Then again she recognized me for what I was as well. First I removed Jen's tight...

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I Kissed a GirlChapter 6

Standing in her underwear, the dress shop change cubicle with the curtain open, a chill ran through her and it was quite confusing because she felt so hot. Her mother, standing with her back to the gigantic mirror across the narrow hallway at the back of the store, had her eyes all over her and it was making her skin tingle on top of it. Maryann refused to believe the sensations she was feeling. Things were tightening up, nipples, vaginal walls, even her anus. Time seemed to be standing...

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The Escort

The Escort By Jennifer Richardson I got the idea for this story from a reply I received from a gentleman who I have been writing a series of fantasies. He is into all manner of kinky stuff so I wasn't really surprised when he requested a tale involving him and a transvestite. He is aware that I'm a hetero transvestite and all the previous stories I'd written for him were hetero too. I checked with him and he confirmed his requirements. What he actually said was: "I don't know...

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GingerPatch Aria Skye Ginger Femme Fatale Gets Fucked

You ever see one of those old detective movies? You know the ones that are in black and white and have a sexy sax playing as some femme fatale walks into a Private Eyes office? This is just like those, except in this one, the femme fatale gets fucked by our studs super secret Private Eye. Aria Sky invites our stud over to check out her knew outfit, this striped body suit that has us poking through our pants right away. He pulls up and put this ginger sex muffin in her place. She hops up on the...

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Seducing my Bosss Daughter Part 2

Orgy  My boss had gone to France for the weekend and left his eighteen year old daughter in my and Laura’s capable hands. What was he thinking! Ashlie, as you have doubtless discovered in part one, is a gorgeous brunette with big brown eyes. Her body is a joy to behold with an amazing bubble ass and pert boobs, which barely quiver as she walks. It didn’t take long for my lesbian radar to pick up on her bicuriosity. It was just little things, the coy glances and the way she gazed at my breasts...

3 years ago
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A Sleepover With Aunt Stephanie Part 2

For the first few months after that night in her bed, Stephanie and I went to bed together every chance we got. It was almost like a honeymoon, except we had to plan every liaison in advance, and keep anyone from finding out, which if anything, only added to the excitement. My parents thought it was great that my aunt Stephanie and I got on so well together, little knowing that we were screwing each other senseless, practically under their noses, but I wasn’t so sure about my sister, Casey....

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Temporary Injunctions

THE MILKY WAY God's semen spilled, Across the heavens, Breeding stars Out of the void, And people, eons Later, out of the dust Of nebulae; The Big Bang sired us All, and may begin a new Universe again. . . in time. FROG FEAR Tadpoles are vile and hideous Creatures audacious enough To become frogs instead of princes; Like Willow, I fear them, Except when I am swallowing them, Whole and wriggling, That they may become amphibian Briefly, before they die. AT THE...

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Sue My Cum Loving Wife 2

My cock was twitching around covered with precum as Sue told me in detail about her first sexual encounter with her best friend Kate. They were still bet friends and Kate was in our circle of friends. I knew Kate and finding out her and my wife were young lovers and still were lovers had my mind and cock racing. Hell, I even knew Kate's mom Mary who at 53 was still a hot, attractive woman."Let me give you some visual aids!" Sue laughed going into our closet. She was in there for awhile then...

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Step Moms Discovery Chapter 4 Repost 5

Introduction: Ok readers, here comes a LONG chapter 4 to Step Moms discovery. I have been working on it for a while. Stacy decides its time to tell her husband about her cheating on him with David. But what happens next shocks even her. Read on and enjoy A couple days later, Steven and James returned from their trip. Stacy was starting to have second thoughts about what she was doing with David behind James back, and knew that she couldnt keep it going without him eventually finding out. While...

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Kavita Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Namaste to my lovely bhabhis and aunty.I’m Dhruv from Baroda Gujarat.I’m like to read indian sex stories. This is my first story so if any mistake so forgive. And please write a comment. Me ak society me rahata hu mere pass me hi ak makan bandh pada tha uska koi kirayedar nai tha.Kuch dino bad vaha ak bhaiya or bhabhi rahne k liye aaye.Bhabhi ko dikhke kisi ka bi man badal jata bhabhi ki figure 34-30-32 thi..Wo bahut hi sundar dikhti thi..Unaka name kavita tha. Wo nayi nayi thi isliye wo kisi...

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The Greek lad

I saw the again lad tonight, plucked up courage and winked at him as I passed. That, as it turned out, was all I needed to do. It is now dawn, he’s just left and I have to get this down before I forget. Not that I ever will. I had been on the island for only one evening when I started to realize two things about the local lads. One, they were all desirable and two, they all wore really tight jeans even in July when the sun was burning hot. I had only been on the island two days when I realized...

2 years ago
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Quarantine High School Sleepover

“Anyone wanna have a sleepover tonite?” Megan, Chloe, and Hannah all responded yes, and they were to have a girls sleepover that night. “My parents are gone for the week, so we can do ANYTHING. Make sure to bring food and swimwear if we wanna go swimming!” Adrienne texted. Later that night, Adrienne’s doorbell rang and she opened it to find her 3 friends. “Hey guys come on in! We can swim now before it gets dark.” Adrienne said. “Alright, let us get changed haha.” Said Chloe. The girls...

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DreamWeaverChapter 10

When I woke up, I had a similar problem as yesterday. This time though, I left it alone and got dressed for the gym, selecting a pair of running leggings that would show off my legs, ass and bulge a little more than yesterday’s outfit had. I wore it occasionally, but more often, I picked something less revealing. When I got to the gym, several of the ladies were there earlier than normal, just hanging around. I started my warm-up and stretches, aware that they were watching me intently. I...

1 year ago
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My mom sunanthini

Hi guys its sanjay from bang lore….This story is for my who love incest especially mom and son incesters. My mother, Sunanthini, has always been very warm and affectionate towards me. She had been extremely ill while pregnant with me, and after I was born the doctors said she would probably never be able to have any more children. This was a hard blow for her, because she had always wanted several kids. In place of them, she lavished me with love and praise and filled my life with happiness. It...

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BitchChapter 9

It was again a nice day, and tension was in the air. Everyone with the exception of Bitch knew that the day was special. Nobody had told her, of course. Kat came over in the morning, and we fed and then walked the dogs together. I think Rex felt that something was up, because he was unusually jumpy. After the walk we bathed Rex, but decided to wait till noon before we would do the same with Bitch. After we took him back to the living room, Rex who was still wound up walked over to Bitch and...

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