Girdle Of Masculinity/Femininity free porn video

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Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity by Diann Tommy was mildly surprised when he got a notice there was a certified package for him. He knew he didn't send away for anything recently, and couldn't think of anybody who would send him something in the mail, especially a package. Anyway, he decided, he'll wait till tomorrow after his weight training session at his high school gym to pick up the package. The day at school passes in a blur as Tommy wonders about what he could've gotten in the mail. Mike, his weight lifting partner, notices Tommy's distraction as Tommy almost lets a 150 pound barbell fall and almost crush his windpipe. Mike, in his typical fashion, suggests rather loudly that he might as well go early before someone gets hurt. Since all the guys on the bodybuilding "team" were his friends, he decided that he'd better take off too, before he got angry and lose control. Tommy has always been aware that his large size and strength were somewhat intimidating to the kids at school, but he also learned at an early age that they could also get him into trouble quite easily, especially if he was mad and got into a fight. Tommy walked the few blocks to the post office and waited to get the package at the service window. An old man waited on Tommy with a cheerfulness that Tommy didn't expect out of a postal worker, thinking that they were all overworked, and that most of them were one step away from snapping (at least that's what he gathered by the term "going postal" on someone). He signed for the package and saw that it was somewhat small and light, he'd actually half thought it would be something like a kitchen appliance or something large and heavy. He hops the bus at the corner and gets home at about his usual time. His mom is home early from work early, and asks about his day and all the usual 'interrogation' questions, then she notices the box tucked under Tommy's arm. "What's in the package Tom?" "Don't know ma. Didn't open it yet." He gets a sneaking suspicion she sent him the package, but as he signed the receipt card he remembered it was from Harry something-or-another, and it was from the post office's address. He didn't necessarily believe his mom would pull something elaborate like this, but there's always something hidden that people don't always sense. "Well, why don't you open it. Who's it from?" she asks innocently, throwing Tommy's suspicions for a loop. Tommy gave a nod and set the box down on the table. He tore off the brown wrapping paper and opens the box to reveal an ornate leather weightlifter's belt. The leather has some ornate runic markings worked into it with an ornate gold clasp closing it. The carvings in the clasp depict two people (one on each side of the clasp) holding two bars between them. There seems to be stones set in each person's eye ... the left hand one has what looks like a piece of cat's eye, while the other looks like a piece of jade. Tommy, somewhat bewildered by the gift looks in the box and finds a small slip of paper ... ~~~ Something to help you win some contests. ~~~ ~~~ Harry. ~~~ "Who's Harry" his mom asks. "Don't know, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth," he replies. "You going to try it on for me Tom? I'm sure you'll look great, not to mention that it's good in a functional way too." She strikes a mock muscle flexing pose and the two break out in laughter. He takes the belt and wraps it about his waist. At which point he feels a second or two of wooziness, like his body was falling from a great height for a moment. As his awareness returns, he sees a shocked look on his mom's face. "What happened?" he asks, in a somewhat strained voice that reminds him of some "Adult Entertainment" ladies from the TV commercials late at night. Then he notices some 'odd' feelings his body is sending him. His hair, for instance, feels like it's longer. A quick shake of his head confirms this as a few strands of coppery red hair fall into his face. Tommy's gaze turns to his hands as he grasps his hair and more of it forward for viewing. His hands are more suited, in his opinion, to wearing delicate rings and colorfully polished nails instead of lifting a couple hundred pounds over his head. He starts to run through the house to the bathroom, trying to ignore the weights bouncing on his chest, afraid of what they might mean. He hears his mom screaming in the background as he reaches the bathroom to see a beautiful red haired girl staring back at him with a horrified look in her soft, green eyes. Despite the baggy shirt she's wearing, she's making Tommy's mind drool over the young lady in the mirror. Instead of the hard-on he usually gets, he feels a dampness between his legs that should feel weird beyond belief, he is overcome by a feeling that this is 'natural' somehow. His mom appears in the doorway to the bathroom, still wearing a shocked look on her face. "Tommy???" she asks with disbelief. Tommy sees the young lady in the mirror nod as he does the same. His mouth drops open and it seems the young lady asks "Why??????" Tommy whines again "Why?!?!?!" He shakes his head in disbelief, allowing his long, red hair to obscure his vision. His slender shoulders heaves in time to his soft sobs as his mom gingerly takes him into a comforting embrace. "There, there honey, everything happens for a reason. Just be brave and you'll come through this with flying colors," she whispers soothingly into Tommy's ear as she hugs him close. She's reminded of Tommy's new state of being as her breasts brush against Tommy's voluptuous mammaries. She pats her son, now daughter softly on the back. "Err ... Tommy ..." She starts as she lets go of her embrace, instead her hands take Tommy's delicate, feminine hands with their inch long nails in her gentle grasp. "No offense Hon, but we should sit down and talk for a bit." Tommy and his mom walk into her bedroom and sit down on the bed. Tommy's sobs and sniffling punctuate the silence between mother and child. "Dear, I don't know how or why this happened to you, but you should know I still love you ... no matter if you're male or female. Also, if it helps any, I think you're a lovely young lady." Tommy brushes his hair back from his face and looks across the bed to his mother. "Thanks ma, but it doesn't help me any. My life is RUINED!!! I've always wanted to be a weight lifter, yet now I don't think I'll be able to lift a quarter of my usual maximum. What can I do now?" Tommy almost bursts into tears because of all the build up of anxiety and other emotions. "And it's all because of this ... this thing!" He gestures to the oversized belt barely gripping his curvaceous hips. He slips it downward and off, then tosses it angrily into a corner with a loud clatter as the buckle opens. "Well, no use worrying about it now Hon," his mom shrugs. "Since you're a young lady now, you'll have you look and act the part. Let's start with your name. Tommy just won't work any more. Do you have any ideas?" Tommy shrugs, "All the girls' names I like are already taken by the girls in my classes ... mostly girls I wanted to date before this happened." "Well, what's wrong with that?" "Nothing, I guess. I suppose I don't want to end up inadvertently offending them or anything. I like these girls, and the last thing I need is for them to be turning against me." Tommy's mom laughs softly for a moment. "How are they going to know you picked their name because you like them? Besides, they might be flattered that you liked them enough to use their name, making yourself a little more like them. However, I don't think you'd want to be telling everybody about your past life as a boy looking like you should be modeling for Vogue or some other ladies magazine. Just pick a name and let's move on, okay?" Tommy thinks for a few seconds. His mom could see in his eyes how he was torn between the possibilities until his eyes lit up, signaling to her that he had made a decision. "How about Amanda Lynne?" Tommy asks, somewhat timidly. "It's very pretty dear. And thank you for using my name as your middle name, it's what I would've done if you were born a girl. You're such a sweet young lady for flattering me like that." She gives Tommy -- now Amanda a kiss on the cheek and hugs her new daughter. "It's the least I can do for you mom. Especially since you've raised me on your own since dad died when I was five. You're the best woman I can think of." Amanda holds on tight to her mom and the love between mother and daughter flows openly, seeming to make up for fifteen years of lost time. Amanda finally breaks the silence. "So, what's next mom?" "Well, we've still got a lot to do. First thing though is you getting the proper 'uniform' for your new role as a lady. Then we have to get your identity re- established and re-enrolled at school. Maybe we could work it so you're a freshman again so you can concentrate on getting used to being you again. In the meantime, you've had a rough afternoon already, why don't you get cleaned up and get some sleep. Give me a call once you're ready to change for bed, I'll give you some of my stuff to sleep in for your first night as a girl." With that, Amanda goes off to shower. In the shower, she carefully explores herself and the new sensations her body is sending her. She dries off just as carefully after she gets out of the shower. Wrapping the towel around her chest to protect her modesty, she goes back to her mom's room, where she sees some clothes laid out on the bed. A pale blue cotton nightgown is laid out, with a pair of cotton panties also in the pale pastel blue of the nightie. Amanda pulls the panties up her hairless legs and is somewhat surprised at how comfortable they feel. She looks at the nightie and shrugs, pulling it over her head and down over her ample bosom, putting her arms in the sleeves, she lets the hem of the gown settle about her calves. "Well, how do you like them?" asks her mom as she sees Amanda admiring herself in the mirror on the closet door. "I could get used to this, I think," Amanda says with a trace of a hidden smile on her lips. "Well, you get some sleep young lady. In the morning we'll get you started in your new life." Amanda crawls somewhat awkwardly into her bed, looks around at the posters of scantily clad women hanging on the walls, and sardonically thinks to herself that she might BE in one of those posters eventually. Amanda awakens to find herself as she was last night, thus disproving her hopes that her experiences weren't just a dream. She gets out of bed and gingerly steps through all her boyish mess toward the hall door, and from there, the bathroom. She lifts the nightgown off and hangs it on a hook on the back of the bathroom door, and goes about her "normal" morning routine, starting off with her morning pee, which she reminded herself to sit down by trying to aim her absent penis for a neat urine stream. She quickly relieves herself and turns the water on for her shower. After the water warms enough, she steps in and realizes that the angle of the spray hurts her breasts with the constant pulsating. She carefully starts her wash with a shampooing of the hair, which is made considerably longer because of her hair length, now being to the small of her back as opposed to not even collar length less than twenty-four hours ago. Once her hair is clean, she washes her face with the washcloth. However, she feels like it's no longer entirely what she needs. She feels a need for ... SOMETHING, but she can't pinpoint what it is yet. Then she hears her mom trying to be heard over the running shower ... saying something about some toiletry supplies. She looks out onto the bathroom counter top to see what was left behind: A bottle of body wash with a net sponge, some bath beads, a can of ladies' formulated shave cream and a disposable ladies razor. Amanda's eyes immediately focus on the body wash and the netting sponge and she knows THAT is what she needed. She quickly lathers herself up and scrubs herself clean, then carefully rinses herself off. She thinks about whether or not she should shave her legs, then decides against it for now. She stands under the steaming water, running her hands over her smooth, clean skin and she wonders how it would feel inside herself. She gingerly places one finger at the lips of her womanhood, and gently pushes it inward. With a sharp intake of breath she feels her finger hit an 'obstruction' a couple inches inward. Her finger plays with the little nub of sensations, sending electric waves of tingling pleasure through her entire body ... slowly building in intensity. She inserts another finger and starts pumping them in and out in a slow rhythm as the waves of ecstasy keep building toward climax. She changes the tempo of her fingers' thrusts and the wave threatens to overwhelm the young lady for a few moments. After an unmeasurable time where her pumping fingers are the focus of Amanda's world, the tidal wave of pleasure crests and breaks, sending a tingling spasm through every nerve of her being, and she's dimly aware of a liquid being discharged as she climaxed. After a few minutes, she recovers enough to turn off the water and dry off. Grabbing her bathrobe off of its hook on the back of the door, Amanda puts it on although she's positively swimming in the loose folds as she tries to tie the sash, trying not to show her breasts, she puts her hair up turban-style in a towel after trying to figure it out for a couple minutes. She gathers up her panties and nightie and goes off to her mom's room, ready to start her life as Amanda. Amanda walks from the shower to her mother's bedroom, knocks on the door and opens it slightly, upon hearing her mom's voice beckon her in. She enters the room to see her with the phone to her ear, apparently on hold with someone. She points Amanda to her dresser drawers, indicating she should put something on from in them while she talks into the phone. "Hello, this is Lynn Olsen calling in for Tommy Olsen ... yes, he's had an accident, and from what I can tell he'll be out of school till the fall ... no, I don't know exactly what the injuries are, but I'll make sure you get notice from the doctor as soon as I can, okay? Thank you very much, I'll let him know." She smiles as she hangs up the phone. "Mrs. Banks from the attendance office hopes you 'get well soon' hon. And I think you'll have to be doing some homework from your bed for a while too." She walks up to Amanda and gives her a hug. "Anyway, how's my little girl today?" "Huh? Oh, still getting used to everything I guess." she says, still a little sleep addled. "Now what were you pointing me to over here?" Her mom opens the drawer she was pointing to, revealing a wide variety of colored lingerie. "I was pointing you to this, pick out a bra and panty that you like. The bra may not fit, but at least you'll have SOME support for your breasts until later, when we can get you something that fits." Amanda rummages around and pulls out a french cut satin panty with lacy trim around the leg openings, she also pulls a matching bra out, also in shining black satin with lacy cups and a front hook. She holds the cups up to the chest of her closed robe and turns to her mom. "What do you think?" she says with a trace of a sarcastic smile turning up the corners of her mouth. "Sexy! The boys will be all over you hon." her mom snaps back, smiling with obvious sarcasm, trying to keep things easy on what she would suppose Amanda's fragile emotional state might be. She then guides her daughter over to her closet and opens the sliding door, revealing another multitude of colors, this time belonging to skirts, blouses, slacks, dresses and other outfits. Arranged along the floor of the closet are shoes of all kinds, and up on the shelf is a mass of boxes containing hats, purses and other accessories. "Well, since we're close, but not exactly the same size, I'd suggest just a jogging suit for now, but try on a pair of shoes to see how far off you are from me. I'll leave you to get dressed. If you need me, I'll be down in the kitchen getting some breakfast started." She walks through the open door, closing it quietly behind her. Amanda looks at the sheer lingerie she's holding in her hands, and quickly shrugs off her oversized bathrobe. She steps into the panties somewhat timidly, not used to the feel of the fabric on her hairless legs. She settles them about her hips and they seem a bit loose, but they seem to be staying up as she observes in the mirror. She then fumbles with the bra for a bit, trying to get it around her prodigious (for her) breasts. Silently she thanks her mom for her choice of front hook bras for herself. Again she looks in the mirror, beholding the snugness of the cups she overfills as they try to give her cleavage which she already has in abundance. She smiles sarcastically to herself as she realizes she's 'Stacked' better than her mom. Satisfied with her undergarments, she looks to the open closet and sees a dress her mom looked gorgeous in when she wore it a couple months ago for a night out with some friends. She takes it out and holds it against her body with a critical eye. It's a knee length, sleeveless red dress with a low cut sweetheart neckline with sequined trim. She thinks she'd love to try this on, but she decides to follow her mom's instructions. Putting the dress aside, she looks for her mom's lilac jogging suit. The pants are somewhat loose in the waist, and the top is stretched by her busty chest. Shrugging, she also looks for some shoes, and decides on her mom's running shoes, white with a purple stripe on the side. She notices her lack of socks and calls down to her mom for help. A few moments later she comes up. "What's wrong Hon? The outfit looks nice on you, a bit too small in some areas, but nice anyway." "Well, I need socks for the shoes." she says. "I'm sorry. I forgot about that." She moves to another drawer and pulls out a pair of 'footies' and gives them to Amanda. "Here you go Hon, these should work." "Thanks mom." Amanda sits on the bed, quickly putting the soft, white cotton mini-socks on. She's somewhat annoyed by the little pom-pom at the back, but tolerates it as she puts on the running shoes and ties them securely to her feet. She looks up and sees her mom rummaging through the boxes on the closet shelf. "What's up mom?" she asks. "Well, you need one more thing ... a purse." "A purse?" Amanda asks, with a note of morbid curiosity and slight revulsion in her voice. "Yes, a purse! You'll come to notice that you'll have few to no pockets anymore. And those few times you DO have pockets, there's not going to be enough room for everything a girl needs." her mom calmly explains as she pulls out a small black suede 'bucket' purse with drawstrings and a flap that latches in the 'front', covering the opening from the elements. "Okay Hon, here you go." she says as she hands the purse to Amanda. "The first thing you can put in there is your wallet and keys. We'll add other things as we need them. Okay Hon?" Amanda nods, taking the purse and putting the strap over her shoulder, letting it dangle at waist level as she walks back to her room to fetch the items her mom suggested. As she was getting her wallet and keys, her mom called her, saying she'll be downstairs on a few minutes as she still has to get dressed. Amanda finishes her quick search and fills her new purse, then spies her 'boyish' comb and thinks to try doing something with her hair. She takes the comb to her hair and is rewarded with a pain as it hits a snarl, then another, and another. She crosses over to her mother's bathroom and sees a rounded hairbrush sitting on the counter. She takes it and gently tries to brush out her hair, and quickly develops a 'rolling' technique to gently rid her hair of snarls. After a few dozen strokes, Amanda starts to feel satisfied with her hair for the time being. She takes one of her mother's 'scrunchies' and puts her hair up in a pony tail. She then gathers up her purse and deposits the brush in it. Then she goes downstairs and sees her mom waiting there for her, wearing a white silk blouse paired with a black pleated skirt and black patent leather pumps. She laughs at the sight of Amanda coming down the stairs. "Gee, you're definitely a girl now ... I've been waiting for five minutes already, and that's after I thought you were ready." Amanda responds with a sheepish smile and a shrug. "Well, what can I say ... it's my first full day as a girl." "Well, grab a couple pop-tarts, you can eat in the car on the way to the mall." She walks quickly into the kitchen and grabs 'breakfast' ... trying to catch up with her mom as they go out to the car ... The ride to the mall is pleasantly uneventful. Amanda was nervous that somehow, she'd be recognized as Tommy by her friends from school. Her fear was because her school is a block away from the mall and is a very popular hangout with the students. After a few minutes of looking at herself in the vanity mirror, she decided that there's no way anybody would ever mistake her for her former musclebound masculine former self. The mall looming ahead brings a sense of anxiousness to Amanda's being, aside from going into stores that were more or less taboo to her as a male, to thinking about how her friends would react if they ever found out who she was just twenty four hours ago. She's brought out of her reverie by her mother talking, unfortunately she didn't hear it all. "What was that mom?" "I just asked if everything was all right. You seemed distracted for a few moments there." "Well, obviously everything is NOT all right mom, since I'm a girl ..." Amanda can't help but state the obvious, even though she knows that wasn't what her mom had meant. "Other than that, I was wondering about what to do about my friends, not to mention the fact that I'm going to be hit on by most of them." "I see. We'll have to take care of that then by getting you a pretty dress, then all of your friends will be hitting on you." her mom chuckles as she pulls into the mall parking lot. She quickly pulls into a space by the entrance to the food court, otherwise known as 'Food City' by the patrons of the mall. The two ladies enter the mall and Amanda spies her weightlifting buddies, noticing for the first time how small she had become as Brian, her best friend since third grade, comes up to her and her mom. She used to be eye to eye with Brian, at 6' 1" tall, but now she comes up to his chin at about 5' 3" in height. "Hello Mrs. Olsen." Brian says, with a somewhat worried look on his face. "Coach told us earlier that Tommy had some sort of accident, how's he doing?" Not wanting to outright lie to the boy she'd come to think of as an adopted son, she says "It doesn't look good for him Brian. I don't think he'll be up and about for quite a while. Anyway, I'd like to introduce you to Amanda, she'll be helping me out around the house since I'm without Tommy." She puts her hand on Amanda's shoulder to give her some silent strength and support. Brian turns to Amanda and they exchange a quick greeting as he turns his attention back to Mrs. Olsen. "You know if you need anything, just give me a call. Okay?" "Thanks Brian, maybe you'd like to stop by the house later and we can talk for a while." "Thanks. I'd like that. In the meantime though, I'm back to school. See you tonight, and nice to meet you Amanda." he says as he waves good-bye, then he goes to rejoin his friends to jog back to school. Amanda turns to her mom with a puzzled look on her face. "What did you do that for mom? It almost smells of you playing matchmaker with me and my best friend." Smiling, she says "It did, didn't it. I'm actually thinking he might be able to help us with your situation. He IS a very bright boy, and we can always use help, especially in getting you an identity." At that, the subject is dropped as the two ladies concentrate on shopping. They visit every store catering to young ladies, from Victoria's Secret to Dress Barn, not to mention the many shoe stores making their home in the mall. The first place they went, at Amanda's request, was the piercing shop, where she got her ears pierced. Amanda reasons that every girl she knows has her ears pierced at least once, and that as a girl, earrings are going to be almost mandatory accessories. They wind down their shopping day many hours later with several armloads of bags, boxes and a couple of baskets. They take the time to pack the purchases away in the car and return to the food court for a late lunch. By this time Amanda has changed into an exercise outfit of her own, making her more comfortable to say the least. The outfit consists of a black leotard with a built in sports bra to control her jiggles, followed by a grey sweatpant with a purple stripe down the sides of the legs. A matching grey zippered jacket with a purple stripe angling from the shoulders to the waist, meeting at the zipper and repeated on the back. Her shoes were grey suede walking shoes, and she's wearing a pair of lavender socks to complete the outfit. As they both sit eating from a stir-fry restaurant. Amanda twirls her starter studs in her ear with an idle fascination. "Okay, what's next mom?" she finally asks. "Well, I think you're ready to learn lessons from 'Womanhood 101' ... namely, carrying yourself as a lady, and the basics of hygiene. Eventually you'll learn makeup and everything else, probably from your girlfriends as well as from me." The two ladies share a laugh, finish their food, and head home ... As the two ladies rode home, Amanda's mind is abuzz with questions ... Can she act as if she hasn't known Brian for most of her life? Should she confess to him that she was Tommy just yesterday? If she does tell Brian, how to prove it to him? Would he remain her friend or would he try to hit on her? She's brought out of her reverie as the car pulls into the garage. Shaking herself out of her lassitude, she takes her packages from the trunk and heads to her room. Again she sees the masculine influence of Tommy. She looks down at her protruding, feminine breasts and thinks that she should do some redecorating ... if at the very least she takes down the posters of scantily clad ladies (only because she can see it in the mirror now, she thinks to herself). She thinks to herself that if she were Tommy, she should still be attracted to the women in those posters, but now they do absolutely nothing for her. She shrugs as she starts freeing up closet space by taking her old clothes out and piling them neatly on her bed. After several minutes of working, all of Tommy's clothes are out of the closet, and Amanda starts putting her clothes in. Again, after several minutes, the closet is filled. This time however the clothes are distinctly more appropriate to a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old instead of a sixteen year old male. The pinks and lavenders mixed in with the greens, reds, yellows and blues. She thinks that even though the selection seems small, it should last until mom gets paid again. In the meantime, she empties out the dresser drawers, putting the male briefs and undershirts on the pile, while Tommy's socks, although big on her, would still fit ... so she keeps them in the drawer, adding the feminine socks, knee highs and pantyhose to the collection. She notices that her mom must have dropped off the robe she wore out of the shower earlier since it's lying on the bed instead of in her mother's room where she left it. After hanging it up on the back of her bedroom door, she finishes up with her unpacking, taking out several boxes of shoes she opens them and puts them in a neat row on the floor of her closet. She looks at them, a pair of flats, pumps and sandals, then the pair of sneakers on her feet and the two pair of male shoes she's putting in storage: one pair of sneakers, and a pair of dress shoes. Sighing softly, she puts the male clothing into the bags from the mall, and takes them down the hall to the guest room. She has to stand on the tips of her toes to put the bags up on the closet shelf, but manages to get her old clothing stowed without mishap. She walks back to her room and grabs her robe. She makes her way to the shower and thinks better of it before turning on the water. She goes downstairs after tossing the robe on her bed. Finding her mother in her home office area working on a presentation, she knocks softly as she enters. "Mom, you busy?" Turning her display off. She turns her chair around. "What's up dear?" "Well, it just occurred to me that I still need a few things. Like a bath robe, and some toiletry items." "Oops, I guess we forgot. Let me finish this presentation and then we'll go get you some bath supplies. Okay?" "Okay. Thanks for everything mom." She smiles, "well, it's not every day that my child changes from a boy into a girl. I wish it didn't happen, but in the meantime I must say you're handling the change with quite a bit of aplomb. How are you, emotionally speaking, dealing with the change and all that? "I really don't know what to say, I can't say I feel the same or different. I did notice some little changes ... like I used to be attracted to girls, but now they don't do a thing for me." Trying to contain a slight chuckle, her mom crosses to Amanda and gives her a big hug. "I guess it's just your 'female instincts' dear ... I think that whatever changed you also changed your basic instincts to conform with your condition." She shrugs and continues "I don't know if that's true, but it sounds logical at least." "Well I have to admit I am used to these things" Amanda says as she gestures to her breasts. "Not to mention that the sensations I experienced in the shower earlier, all of them were definitely new and yet they seemed so ... so natural at the time." "I see ... You know you can always come to me if you have a question about anything. Especially now that you're in such a new situation, I'm here for you dear." She turns to her computer and takes a minute to finish up everything and close up the programs she was using. As she turns the computer off, the phone rings next to her desk. "Olsen Enterprises, Lynne Speaking," Amanda's mom says into the mouthpiece. "Oh, hi Brian. What's up? ... Yes, sure you can. ... Okay, how about eight o'clock then? ... Okay dear, see you then. Bye." "Well, I assume he's going to be here at eight," Amanda remarks sarcastically. "Yes, and he says hi to my pretty young guest as well. I think he likes you too." Raising an eyebrow, she does an imitation of her favorite television character "Fascinating" she says in her best approximation of a deep, gravelly voice. "I think it'll be weird though dating a guy I've known since third grade." "You talked about things seeming natural, it's only natural for a young lady like you to go out with guys." "Do you think I should tell him who I really am?" "That's up to you dear, but know this ... it's going to take quite an effort to prove yourself as the former Tommy Olsen. And IF he believes you, then what? Have you thought about what the consequences of what you're thinking about doing might be?" "A little. But he's my best friend, he deserves to know the truth." "Does he? Just because he's your friend? I suggest letting him get to know Amanda first. Then if you think he still deserves to know the truth you can tell him. You can then blame me if he asks why you waited to tell him. Okay dear?" Amanda gives a slight nod to acknowledge her mother. "Come on dear, it's not that bad. If it'll help, we'll get you a diary, so you can write down your thoughts. Then when the time is right, you can let him read it. Anyway, since we have a few hours before Brian comes here, we've got to go get some supplies to stock your bathroom with, so let's get going." With that they grab their purses and head back out to the store. Returning a couple hours later with another armload of packages. The ladies take them up to Amanda's bathroom and start unpacking the bags ... Bath oil and body wash, shampoo and conditioner, facial cleanser and moisturizer, cotton swabs and cold cream all go into their proper place in the bathroom. Finally, Amanda takes out a baby blue cotton bath robe which she hangs up on the hook on the bathroom door. "Now get cleaned up and dressed. Brian should be here in about an hour." To be continued...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 19

Alejandra and Joe had a most loving night together in Barcelona. And then a day in Milan celebrating. Her photographer friend had brought someone to the shoot. An older Italian gentleman. A director. A bit heavy, but still handsome. “I will fuck you for a part,” she told him in Italian, making him laugh. “I have that reputation,” he replied. “Warranted?” “Depends.” “On what?” “Whether my wife approves. She was my first actress.” “Approves?” “She would wish a taste?” “Not my thing....

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In the Lift

I am in a lift in the corner at the back, its the start of the day so its getting pretty full. A woman gets on she stands in front of me, she has dark shoulder length hair and a thin halter neck summer dress on. I can smell her perfume waking my desires. More people get on, she steps back touching me, her hair brushes my face making her scent stronger, I can feel the soft cheeks of her ass against me. My cock stiffens against her, she must feel it through her thin dress but she does ...

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Lube in the Subway

Juan lay buried six deep at the rear of the carriage. Clinging desperately to the last strap on the pole. Something stirred, diverting his attention briefly from the ad for Tourist Bus Tours above his head. Standing there, the woman facing the same way directly in front of him had the unfortunate habit of accidentally grinding backwards. Either it was intentional or it wasn’t. Juan knew his physics, but he had also seen her get on. He was pretty sure that she’d seen himself get on too. ...

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I was 16 when I went to summer camp for the first time and found it to be a lot of fun. Between archery, canoeing, hiking and swimming there was plenty of activities to do. I made friends with several of the other boys and we hung out together most of the time. One day after we had been swimming in the lake, the three of us laid in the sun on the sandy beach talking for a while. We talked about how much more fun it would be if there were some girls in the camp, this being a boys only camp. We...

1 year ago
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New ArcadiaChapter 3

"Every health society has a ceremony which marks an individual's transition from childhood to maturity. It can be a ritual like a Bar Mitzvah, a celebratory feast, or even a driver's license examination. In our new Arcadia, we propose a ceremony whereby the entire adult community welcomes a member into a life of loving promiscuity, with all its rights and privileges. It will be highly charged with sexuality, yet never violent or intimidating." —Alfonse Gregorio, from Return to...

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Kat Tries Something New

“He did what?”“He ate my ass!”Red sat there unable to comprehend her best friend for a moment. Then she shook her head. “You’re kidding me?”“Fuck no, Red. It was great. You know we’ve fucked for the first time last weekend, but last night he went down on me like he was a starving man.”“Damn, I wish my husband would do that,” said Red wistfully.Kat gave her friend a sad smile. Ever since Red tied the knot, Kat’s been listening to a litany of her husband’s failures in bed. It was a shame because...

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Claires Punishment

It should be obvious what things are about, but you may want to read the other story first in order to get the whole idea. I thought over and over about what Claire’s punishment should be. I didn’t want to be cruel or hurt her. I really just also wanted to have some more, mutual, naughty fun, though this time, at her expense. After she told me about how she had made the wall cupboards so difficult to remove, I thought that she ought to be punished for that, although be it in a nice...

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Amber and Friends

He thought he had gotten away clean when he saw his ex and her friends come into the bar. Alas, he was not so lucky. “Jake? Jake!” Amber said. She ran across the lot and caught his arm ten strides before he got to his car. “I thought that was you.” “Oh, hello Amber,” he said. “Hello yourself. I thought you were in Miami.” “I was.” Jake took a moment to look at her. She had lost weight through her middle, which only served to accentuate her ample chest. Her hips and ass also appeared to...

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Aunty Tho Aaaaahaa Anipinchaa

Hi everyone… I’m here to say my sexual encounter with an aunt…I’m comfortable to tell this story in Telugu… Story loki vasthe… Naaa peru sai… Maadi vijayawada loni oka palleturu..Memakkade naaa chinnathanamantha purthichesukunnam… Konni ani varya kaaranaala valla memu city ki vijayawada ki raaavalsi vachindhi… Memu appartment loki rent ki vachaamu… Chinna appartment andhulo motham meedha 10 houses untay… Floor ki only 2 houses untay…. Ayithe memu rent ki digina pakka house lo oka aunty n uncle...

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The Devils PactChapter 26 The Order of Mary Magdalene

"Come in," I said to my fellow nun's, inviting them into my hotel room. Well, it wasn't actually my hotel room. Last night when I flew into SeaTac from Miami, Providence led me to an insurance adjuster named Curtis at the airport's baggage claim. We flirted while waiting for our luggage and he invited me up to his Hotel Room. When Providence gives you a place to stay, with a cute guy to boot, you don't say no. Right now, Curtis was attending the convention in the hotel and I didn't...

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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 36

EDEN CITY The YK-55 missiles plodded along over the tops of the trees at nearly four thousand miles an hour, their computer brains and nano-chips ignoring everything around them except for the massive blue shield they were targeting. They had been configured for atmospheric flight before being loaded on the VHC-21s and they were at their maximum atmospheric speed, tearing across the landscape. They were designed to punch holes in starships, and the shield they were approaching should provide...

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Toms Adventures Ch 01 Pt B

Chapter 1: Poker Night Part B ‘Let’s play Truth or Dare,’ my sister said. ‘No way! Then I’ll end up doing something that’s worse than being naked!’ Alex said. ‘You said, ‘Let’s play anything.” my sister said. ‘Yeah, but…’ ‘Then it’s settled. I’ll go first,’ my sister said. ‘Scott, truth or dare?’ ‘Uh, truth I guess,’ he said. ‘OK. What was Emily like when you screwed her for the first time last night?’ I was in the middle of taking a swig from the beer can in front of me. When I heard...

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Undercover RoseChapter 34

Monday started for me at 6 AM. I set the stove right, while the water for my shower heated. I not only had the coffee cooked, but a cup consumed before the water was hot enough for a shower. I carried a clean white short sleeve thermal tee shirt and a pair of white bikini panties into the outer bathroom. My choice of underwear might not be fashion forward, but they did sort of match. I managed to get naked in the warm outer bath before I set the shower running in the huge shower stall. I...

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Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell

Posted: October 10, 2005 - 12:00:00 am  Chapter 1 He looked at the time and yawned slightly, tonight, it seemed was a total bust. The only available females were either skanky, large or just not interested in men so it seemed. He turned back to the bar and took another drink of his beer. This was going to be the last one before he headed home for the night. He was in the middle of a drink when he smelled a highly erotic scent that seemed to send blood surging straight to both...

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No More Hassles from Eddie

Note: The following is in Black & White. "No More Hassles From Eddie" School was finally out for the year and with the Memorial Day three day weekend at hand Ward had put his golf game aside and kept his promise to take the boys on that camping trip to Friend's lake that they had been talking about all winter. June had decided not to go and had mentioned it more than once. She'd been on family outings before and even camping once but the camping part just...

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Dad Me Uncle at Cabin

Woke up freezing under the covers, Dad had already gotten up and I didnt even here him. It was dark but I could see shadows from the fire buring bouncing against the walls with dads shadow of him stiring around, Trying not to make any noise, but wasnt doing to good of a job. I had to stop and think to myself and ask was that a dream last night or did my old man and I really suck and jerk each other and I even tasted him. Dam I was already sporting a morning wood, and had to pee real bad as...

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Through the YearsChapter 5

Prep for the ‘Ride’ “Hello?” “Tim, it’s me.” “Hi, Wren.” “How’ve you been? I’ve missed working with you on the rentals.” “Me too.” “What can I do for you?” “You know me, I’m always wanting a favor.” “Okay, tell me what you want.” “You know, I kind of made us cool down on the wild things. Well, I miss the ‘Ride’.” “Really? What’ve you got in mind?” “Well my sister has a big mouth.” “Sounds like you’re pissed at Tam.” “Kind of but not really. She was partying with my two girls...

1 year ago
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My Sister My Sex Guru

Hello, readers of ISS, I’m Kishan from Bengaluru and this is my story. Thanks for all those who read stories and give good feedback. This is the story which started me to get involved with elder women and the master who showed me the path was none other than my cousin Amrutha. She is 4 years elder to me and has a great set of boobs. Her figure is 34dd-30-34. She was elder to us so from childhood we always had this respect and fear for her. She used to scold even our parents and also her parents...

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Sharing Accommodation

By : Hii .. Guys & Gals.. I am Deepak.. living in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Well life in U.A.E. its fun being with family & also being alone sometimes. I am 32, happily married for 5 years now.. Since my wife is not working.. She stays with me for 6 months & stays in India for 6 months. :) soo.. i get the FuN of married life & also the freedom of Bachelor life..Well.. because of the high rents here.. I have given 1 bed room for a Young couple (Pooja & Sachin), we have a bed room & a hall for...

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Iam the Birthday Gift Mature

Sometimes things happen for a reason, other times life is just fucked up and shit. Everyone knows I have the biggest cock in all of Trashville. Playing football with the boys isn't a great way to keep secrets like that. Too many people get to see your assets. All the trashy sluts then get to find out, and they want to jump on your cock because it feels good. And yes it feels wonderful to me too. I love having my cock buried deep inside some horny slut. However it has its bad side. In the end I...

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Hard forced fuck

a story I found that I had to shareIt was an ordinary Friday night out in Brussels. I had met up with some friends to grab a drink in a newly opened gay bar in centre of town. The premises were rather trendy; the crowd was young, cute and looked smart. People mostly stayed in their respective groups, distinctly cornered in, throwing a look now and then over the room at other boys. Yet they didn’t take the initiative to move over taking the initial contact. The curse of being young: the...

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Being a single guy, I'm pretty much a regular at a local diner that serves only breakfast and lunch. Darlene is one of the waitresses there. She's a bundle of energy and friendly enough, although not over the top flirtatious like so many waitresses get with regular customers. She always wears her hair pulled back tight in a pony tail, has a cute ass, but is otherwise mostly kind of plain. I know she is a single mom, with two school age kids who she supports with her waitress job and...

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Friends with Benefits Ch 01

The ad read: Wanted – Housemate, M/F to share house and expenses. Room has a private bath and shared living space with fireplace and hot tub. Immediate occupancy, the address and the amount expected for the rent and damage deposit. The phone number followed with the request to please call for an interview. Jenna had been thinking she wanted out of her living arrangement with her boyfriend for some time and now the opportunity presented itself – the location was perfect, a ten minute commute...

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Greedy Girls Night PART 3

Eventually i got away from work about 3.30, i was very happy & excited as i had what i hoped would be good news, i decided to go & get a nice gift for Shirley, i went into a local mall & went to Victoria`s Secrets shop, i was just browsing when a very attractive assistant cam over & asked if i needed help, i told her that i wanted a very sexy short skirt for my wife she led me directly to a great choice of sexy stuff & asked if i knew the size i said about the same as you...

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My First Love

Hi. My name is Rohith, I am 21 year old. I am in final year of engineering in Bangalore. This is my real story spanning last 3 years. I am not a good writer but I am happy to share my love story. This happened when I was 18 year old, just passed my 12th in science. I scored good marks in the final exams and gave 2 to 3 entrance exams. And I got a decent rank well enough to get admission in a reputed engineering college. Around june first week I got my seat selection date where I have to go to a...

Gay Male
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Boss Ke Sath Meeting Hooyi Rangeen

Meri shadi ko 3 saal ho gaye hai. Pehle to husband ke sath bohat maza aata tha or hum takriban roz sex karte the par ab kuch mahinon se maza nahi aata. Aisa lagta hai jaise sex ek routine sa ban gaya hai. Vo meri gand marte hai or dusri taraf muh kar ke so jate hai. Mein bistar par padi rehti hoon. Mera apne pati ke sath sone ka man nahi karta or dusre mardon ke bare mein sochti rehti hoon. Mere office mein kuch samye pehle naya boss aaya hai. Vo hamesha mujh se bat karne ki koshish karta rehta...

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Donnie get a job at the greyhound bus station 5

Chapter 5As it turned out we had no class just assembly, where teachers and the principal gave us a talking too, then dismissed the school, with the admonition to make sure all textbooks were left with the teachers. So, ended the last 2 weeks of school. I passed with flying colors. There will be much more with my teacher, neighbor upstairs and the older woman down the street. The next part will be dealing with my job hunting and finding. The gloryhole in the bust station is the same gloryhole...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 40 A Little AfterParty Play

They were seated in a fairly private booth a few minutes later. Their formal dresses helped them fit right in, and the only raised eyebrows they caused were directed at their beauty, and the way that they held hands and whispered to each other while they were waiting. All of the men, and most of the women, followed their progress through the restaurant to their seats. A gorgeous young girl appeared a minute later and introduced herself as their waitress. Her dress was almost a copy of...

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Wife Worship

This morning I woke up early and walked naked downstairs to the dressing room. There as always were the garments my Wife had laid out for me in a perfect order. The panties were pink with small white polka dots and there was a matching chemise. To the right were white stockings and a white garter. I looked around as if someone were watching, a small, embarrassed smile on my face. I showered and shaved my pubic region as was my custom now each and every morning. Then my legs. Then I dressed as...

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Head Above WaterChapter 17

I sometimes wonder if I mix my feelings up with alcohol. I’m not much of a drinker, but when I do drink, it’s straight. Vodka gives me bad memories, and rum, while delicious, tasted like the breath of one of my foster dads. There was something about whiskey that tasted like a fire, like something was being set ablaze inside of me. It was my poison of choice. So while I lay here alone in my room, Alexa playing music on the Echo, a glass of whiskey in hand, I wondered if I missed him so...

3 years ago
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Carrie The cinema visit

Carrie – The cinema visit Donald Dentley © 2017 I saw Carrie again a few weeks later when I walked past her house to post a letter. She was in the garden cutting the hedge, but she saw me and said: ”Come to return my undergarments have you?” I replied that I didn’t have them with me, but it seemed she wasn’t very interested in them anyway. She suggested that the following Thursday we go together to the cinema in X, a moderately large town some thirty kilometers from ours. I looked a bit...

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CowboyChapter 18

They began to make preparations, and then Jesse announced “No! I’m not going!” Marie: “But why Jesse? Surely you don’t want to stay here? It isn’t much better than where we started” She meant the town when they both nearly ended up as whores “You know why. Cavendish promised! I’m fourteen and still he’s refusing me. It’s not fair!” At one and the same time she was acting like a child refused a particular treat and demanding to be treated like a full-grown woman. “I’m not leaving!” Mary...

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Sharing milk feed

Hello, as an avid reader if ISS I came across many situation in which people enjoy. Most of them related to sex. However here is some details about how we enjoyed ourselves. We are three friends from college days. Myself Neeta, Ramya and Jyoti. Very soon after passing our college days we got into jobs and within the same year well three got married. Jyoti to her boy friend and we fell for arranged marriages. So we all are very good and close friends. We meet regularly and have fun…. (now to...

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She stood at my doorstep drenched

A cool summer evening, I was home alone, my hubby had left two days ago on a business trip. It was around 7pm, all was quiet except for the thunder & rain storm that come out of no where. I decided to put my jammies on and make myself a cup of hot tea.I decided to watch TV, a rerun of Law & Order, makes a perfect quiet evening. I thought I heard a knock on the front door so I waited a bit, but nothing; so I continued to watch TV. Then I heard it again, so I turned on the foyer light and looked...

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A Whore For The Whole Family

Diana felt anticipation growing within her as Michael wheeled their small, fully packed MGB down the narrow road. Outside, the moss-laden cypresses of the bayou country blurred by. She reached out and lovingly squeezed her husband’s thigh. He glanced at her, smiled, then returned his eyes to the winding road. Michael had been uneasy about this visit to his parents home, afraid she would be offended by the interruption of their honeymoon, which would eventually end up in Mexico City for a...

1 year ago
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MommyBlowsBest Nina Elle Blowing Bubbles

Busty milf Nina Elle is taking a nice relaxing bubble bath when she decides to take a few sexy selfies. While taking pictures of herself and her beautiful breasts she notices her stepson Brad peeping at her in the background. She calls him up to confront him about the situation. He starts by denying the fact. But finally admits he was stalking his stepmom in the bath tube. Since he is such a dirty boy why not going all the way. Nina proposes to give a deep sloppy blowjob. She swallows his...

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Allys Sharing My Room pt1

So it all started with the annual family reunion. My relatives flock once a year to someone's house for a weekend and partake in festivities or something like that. The only good thing about having it at our house this year is that I would not have to go anywhere; I could seclude myself in my room and ride out the weekend. But other than that, it sucked. Who the hell likes a bunch of people roaming around their house; family or not it gets annoying real quick. At least I wouldn't be...

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Late Bloomers Syndrome

Late Bloomers Syndrome Dr. Liam Large New York, NY Abstract Frequency of Delayed Puberty commonly known as Late Bloomers Syndrome has been on the rise in recent decades. By examining the diets and day to day activities of the selected volunteers, we can better understand the dangers and possibly correct the imbalances that the population experiences that will lead to a more stabilized society. Introduction Delayed Puberty is simply defined as puberty that occurs outside of the age range between...

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Hot Wife Hotel Olivias Fabulous Foursome Part Twelve

Olivia was sore for a few days after her session with the Hot Wife Hotel's owner, Darko Angeles. But she didn't mind. The man had promised she would find him to be a generous lover and he hadn't lied. She came multiple times and had never felt so filled up. She wondered how her fellow Premium Hot Wife, Heidi, was able to take Darko's massive cock in her ass! A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined how it would feel going into her ass. It had barely fit in her pussy.She opened her email and...

Wife Lovers
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A Secret Sub No More

I walk to my bedroom, yawning and I’m glad it's time for bed. I slide under my soft cotton bed cover and snuggle into my pillow. As I close my eyes I’m thankful that it's Friday night and the end of a very long working week. Being a manager of a large administration team is challenging at times. Everyone expects something from you, to sort out their petty squabbles and, of course, the incompetent ones often seem to create more problems than they solve. I think that's why I am very submissive in...

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‘Hi Darling’, I said. ‘Hi Dan’, she replied, ‘my Boss Ted let me go early because I said that we would go to his house tomorrow afternoon for a social game of tennis with him and his wife Barbara, now I don’t want any complaints or you will be over my knee, besides this will good for my career’, added my wife. I should explain, my wife, Janet, had been spanking me for a few years. It started as mutual spanking as part of our lovemaking, but soon she decided she preferred just to spank me, so...

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A New Agenda

When Karen got out of bed that Monday morning she wasn't to know that by evening she would have been hit by two 'whammies' that were going to shatter her and eventually open a new chapter in her existence, in other words point her towards a 'new agenda'. The first was her doctor's advice. "Karen!" he said. "If you don't start loosing weight you will create for yourself a severe medical condition. I know you have been dieting, but you need more physical action. I would suggest bike...

1 year ago
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The Christmas Party ThreeSome

Jason moved to lay flat on the bed as his wife standing over him looked down. He had his rock hard tool pointed straight up at his wife’s cunt. She rubbed her cunt trying to bring herself closer to orgasm while Jason cooled down. He looked up at his gorgeous wife. She was a larger woman but Jason liked them big. She had 48DD breasts, 42 inch waist, and 46 inch hips. She had jet black long hair, brown eyes, and a beautiful round face. Jason really adored his wife’s body. Slowly,...

2 years ago
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My Parasitic LifeChapter 4

Being such a charismatic alpha-male, I never have lacked for female attention and pretty early on I started to fairly frequently alter my DNA (although I didn’t have any words to think about it with way back then) in order to not overwhelm the gene-pool with extra copies. I would optimize a current copy of the host species for passing on genetically to my progeny to allow for survival trait selections. Ok, I also selected for aesthetics, I always have appreciated beauty and tried to find...

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My date with mom

Mom and I spend every Thursday night together as you may know reading my other post regarding our times together. Yesterday was special she took off work and we spent the whole day and night together as mom and daughter. We went for a ride in the mountains had lunch at an small town inn. There were 6 others there and they all were looking at us as we sat next to each other in a booth exchanging quick kisses and our hands on each others legs. Just mom and daughter in love. She was wearing a...

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Delhi Turned Village Girl To Sexy Bhabhi

Hi friends, This is Rajesh. I am back after a long break. You people are just fantastic and your response to my earlier stories has just been fantastic. Your mails have pushed me to limit of desired happiness. Any how today I am going to narrate an incident which happens to me 15days back when I was in Delhi. My cousin brothers Akash and Vijay live in Delhi. Both are married and younger one is Vijay and his wife is Anu bhabhi. Vijay and Anu bhabhi are married for 12years now and Anu bhabhi is...

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The HeirChapter 9

I called Spencer and asked about the property Steve was leasing, thirty acres on the south side of my property (at least it would be mine eventually). When I asked if I could sell it, Spencer said it was up to me, but that he’d have to sign all the paperwork since he was still executing the will. He reminded me that the money from the sale would go into my uncle’s holdings and not into my pocket. I told him I understood that, and that I’d get back to him. I called Steve’s cell phone and...

1 year ago
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Plays Well With Others

So, after we'd discussed it a VERY long time...I mean, the whole "scenario" and just how we wanted it to go and all that....I put on this incredibly sensual outfit and presented myself for (for lack of a better term?) "inspection." Now, please understand that from the beginning I had really wondered if he would be able to stay in "character" or...really, for all my boasts and cockiness, whether I would! And yet, as I emerged from the hotel bathroom, wearing this amazing little ensemble that I'd...

Group Sex
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The Preachers Family

I wake up and feel the soreness in my jaw and throat has gotten worse overnight. I stretch and look at the clock. It is a little before 8am. I amimmediately grateful that today is Saturday. I don't have to ride to schoolwith my brother Luke. I don't know how to at or what he is going to sayabout what he did to me last night. I look over towards the bathroom doorand see the light is off. I get up and go to the bathroom. I lock the doorthat connects the bathroom to his room. I stand there in...

3 years ago
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TripinChapter 15

"Lucille Avery?" the male voice on the phone asked. "Yes, how may I help you?" I asked. "Actually I can help you. I am looking at a package which I have for you. It's from the Texas State Police. If you stop by and do the paper work I will be happy to return your .38 Saturday night special to you," he said. I had expected a detective with whom I had previous contact to make the delivery. Instead it was a patrolman who was assigned to the property room. My guess is that the pistol...

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Box Office Bang P6

Now, there's 'cumming' and then there's 'cumming'! There's the cumming that I do when I fuck my Wife and then there's the cumming that I do when I empty my balls with the aid of my 'e-stim'. The latter makes me shoot a bigger load even further - I guess that I must do this when I fuck one of my friend's Wives or one of their Daughters, too? However, given that I hadn't cum for about ten days, I knew that this load was going to be big? It's a bit like when you go out drinking and are dying for a...

2 years ago
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The Inferior

The InferiorBy Kurt SteinerPrologueNaked, back against the smooth painted plaster of the living-room wall, legs sprawled out before him on the cold parquet flooring; he looked on as she entered from the dining room carrying a chair. Panic provoking hysteria, he watched her position it over and to either side of his feet before taking the single step required to bestride his body. Powerful legs, clad in the sheerest black hose, towering above his shivering frame as her eyes bore down into his...

4 years ago
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Fetters of Velvet

"We have fetters of iron there against the wall," the guard said. "But we're ordered to not put them on thee. Here's a bed; there's a fire. The baron will send more comforts down, I'm sure." They disappeared up the ladder. The floor was at least two manheights above him, and the trap about four fingerbreadths thick. If he got up there, and they'd remove the ladder soon, he'd confront at least two guards, armed, armored, and probably experienced in war for longer than the fourteen...

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