By: Joseph M. Sheeler 01/14/1999
"Being a criminal is the only life for me," thought the 21 year old, Alex
Shartelle, as he ran out the back door of the house, " because women are rich
and single these days!"
Alex remembered his grandfather telling him about growing up in the
technology boom of the 22nd century. There hadn't been very much material
wealth within easy reach because everyone was putting their money in
technology. This was great for a man like his grandfather who had devoted
his life to science but not for Alex. Worse yet, there was a resurgence of
emphasis on family life, initiated by the United Christian Coalition.
As Alex ran out the back door, he heard the woman crying because of the
humiliation that he had inflicted on her, but was never one to suffer from
pangs of guilt. He loved sex almost as much as he loved money but had
never been very good with the committal aspect of relationships. "Love 'em -
n- leave 'em" was Alex's motto, even if he had been burglarizing the house at
the time. He knew, somewhere in the furthest reaches of his callous mind,
that forcing sex on a woman could hardly be considered as love, but he really
didn't care. At 6' 8", however, there were not many women who could
argue the point against him, so he always got his way.
Just as he reached the bottom of the stairs of the back porch, Alex thought
that he heard a door slam somewhere in the house. It sounded like the
woman was still crying in the living room where he had left her and her
husband was on at an F.O.P. conference in Minneapolis. He decided that it
was just his overly active imagination and reminded himself that he always
got his way. He continued around the side of the house, running effortlessly
toward where he had parked his car absently fondling the wad of cash he had
just stolen in his right hand.
Alex barely saw the 2 x 4 arching toward his head in the darkness as he
cleared the corner of the house, entering into the front yard. He felt a searing
pain in his head and everything became temporarily confused, though he felt
the distinct sensation of falling. His vision went dark, leaving him blind, but
he heard a male voice, husky with rage, shouting something at him. He did
his best to listen to what was being said over the roaring that was filling his
"Roarrr...ain silent. Any... roarrr ...eld against you in a co... " said the
voice with obvious disdain before everything went suddenly silent.
Some time later, Alex found himself lying face down on a lacquered table
extending from the wall. His head throbbed as he slowly sat up and allowed
his eyes to adjust to the light. The room was about 10' by 8' and reeked of
the foul smell of cigarettes smoke. From the ash tray built into the table, he
deduced that at least fifty cigarettes had been consumed in this room that day
alone. The room itself had gray walls, that looked as if they might have once
been white, and a single door in the far right corner.
After a few attempts to stand, all of which had been thwarted by extreme
dizzy spells, the door opened and two men walked in. One of them was a fat
pompous looking man with a pudgy pig-like face and a finely polished
badge. The other was a lean blocky youth wearing a similar badge and
carrying a shot gun. Alex noticed that the young police officer was glaring at
him, his expression betraying tremendous hatred.
"Do you recall your rights, Mr. Shartelle?" asked the pompous officer as
he plopped into the chair opposite Alex.
Alex absently shook his head affirmatively, remembering fragments of the
shouting, but instantly wished that he hadn't.
"Let the record show that the suspect has been read his rights," declared
the overweight officer in an exceptionally loud voice.
Again, Alex noticed the baleful glare of the officer with the shot gun and
wondered what might have made this man so bitter. He looked back at the
hefty officer and observed that he was a sergeant and therefore he might be
able to gain some leverage with a properly negotiated bribe. As he was about
to speak, he suddenly recognized the obese police officer from a description
given by one of his associates. He quickly sought out the name tag and
confirmed his worst fears, that this was indeed Sergeant Flast.
With an experienced eye, Alex quickly sized up the sentry and decided that
if he could take them by surprise, he could take the man in a fight before
anyone could assist. He quickly decided that it was a good plan so he spent a
moment clearing the dizziness from his head. When he felt ready, he jumped
up and rushed menacingly around the table toward the policeman with the
shotgun. For a moment, he thought he was going to succeed until he was
suddenly stopped short but two gigantic shotgun barrels.
"Just give me a reason to shoot you, scum bag!" urged the young officer
contemptuously between clenched teeth.
The interrogation was long and tedious, lasting nearly 21 hours, but the
police got the confession they needed to convict Alex. Alex reprimanded
himself time and time again for losing control of the situation before he
realized that he was hopelessly out matched in the linguistic arts. After a
night and a day of disastrous confessions, he was finally led to a temporary
holding cell for the night. He was told to get plenty of sleep because his
court hearing was scheduled for the coming day.
"But I haven't even talked to my lawyer yet," protested Alex to deaf ears,
while trying to stifle a yawn.
The next morning, a man entered Alex's cell, identifying himself as
Samuel Deekes, the federal defense attorney assigned to his case. After an
hour of questions that reminded him of the interrogation he had suffered
through the previous day, the lawyer advised that Alex try for a plea bargain.
Although it distressed him that his "perfect record" would be destroyed, he
accepted the advice, allowing the lawyer to perform his judicial function. The
lawyer departed leaving Alex to wonder if he might have just made a very
serious mistake.
A few moments later, he was hand-cuffed and escorted out of the cell for
his day in court. He grimaced at his present current condition, a days growth
on his face, wrinkled clothes, and smelling of smoke and sweat. As he
boarded the prison transport bus, he glanced over his shoulder and noticed
that the police officer that had wielded the shotgun the night before was
glaring at him again. He had never met this man before in his life and didn't
understand why this man would despise him so much. Again he shrugged it
off and sat in the first seat in the transport.
Alex was escorted into the prisoner section of the court room to wait for
his hearing to begin. There was only one person being tried before him, the
proceedings of which he paid extremely close attention. He had never been
interested in law before, in fact he disdained law, so he had never taken the
time to watch what actually transpired in a court room. Having absolutely no
idea what to expect, he was poised at the edge of his seat through the entire
ten minute event.
The young man was brought to the defendants table and helped, still hand-
cuffed, into his seat. The defense council stood and waited to be addressed
but the elderly judge sitting on the bench. The judge seemed to be taking her
good sweet time about beginning the days workload. Alex's heart sank at the
sight of a female judge.
"The accused is charged with petty theft, first time charge," stated the
judge in a weary tone of voice. "How does the defense plead?"
"Guilty, your honor," answered the defense attorney
"Please make your arguments, councilor," said the judge as part of this
age old ritual.
"If it pleases the court, this young man just made a mistake of falling
victim to the ill effects of peer pressure," the lawyer explained. "He was led
to believe that shop lifting was acceptable behavior by some of his less
reputable associates. The defense calls upon the mercy of the court."
The judge sat behind the bench, leafing through papers and nodding
approvingly periodically.
"The court finds the accused guilty of petty-theft," concluded the judge
after a short pause. "Michael Paul Tibanne, by all rights, you should serve
time for your despicable behavior. Unfortunately, the prisons have long
since been full beyond sanitary capacity. Therefore, you are sentenced to six
months probation and community service."
The judge banged the gavel, a tradition that had survived the test of time in
the judicial arena, indicating the end of the trial. After the young man had
been escorted from the court room, the bailiff approached the bench and
handed her a folder which she accepted with a tired expression. As Alex was
being led to the defense table, the expression of the judge transformed from
fatigue to open contempt, leaving Alex with the feeling that he was in serious
trouble. He sat down as his lawyer took his place standing beside the table.
As he thought about the punishment received by the young man, he felt a
glimmer of hope that he might be set free after all.
"The accused is charged with rape, larceny, aggravated assault,
trespassing on private property, willful destruction of private property, and
resisting arresting arrest," accused the judge malevolently. "How does the
defense plead?"
"Guilty, your honor."
"Please make your arguments councilor," added the judge grudgingly.
"If it pleases the court, the defendant feels that he was a victim of
circumstances," said the attorney "He suggests that the confessions were
coerced and thus begs the mercy of the court."
There was a substantial delay as the judge sat frowning over the
paperwork that she had been handed at the beginning of the trial. Nearly half
an hour later, the judge looked up at Alex and back at the paperwork on her
"Alex Samuel Shartelle, your crime is beyond reproach. As dictated by
precedence, you are hereby sentenced to life imprisonment, effectively
immediately," lectured the judge. "Unfortunately, as I'm sure you have
already gathered, there is no room in any of the male prisons. It is therefore
decreed, that you shall be placed on a waiting list to serve your time in
prison. You will be cryogenically frozen until there is room for you to serve
your sentence."
"No!" shouted Alex as the judge lifted the gavel to end the trial.
"Councilor, please find out what the problem is, quickly," commanded the
judge, obviously irritated by the disruption.
During a brief council, Alex conveyed to his lawyer that he would rather
die than to be placed in one of those freezers, that he had read about in
Society Magazine, where they mess with your mind while you lay helpless.
The lawyer took a moment to consult some papers that he pulled from his
briefcase before he assumed his position, standing beside the table. Alex felt
relived that his objection was at least being heard. He waited anxiously to
hear what fate would befall him in this highly inhumane display of prejudice.
"Well?" demanded the judge.
"My client alleges to wish death above the sentenced punishment, your
honor," offered the lawyer, "but there is another way."
"Please approach the bench, councilor," invited the lawyer.
The lawyer approached the bench for a few minutes though Alex could
hear nothing of what was said. Just when he felt that he couldn't bear it
anymore, the lawyer finally returned to his place beside the table and waited.
Alex had no clue what to expect but hoped that it would be better than losing
his identity in an ice-box. He looked up, his anxiety clearly visible, as the
judge began to speak.
"Mr. Shartelle," gloated the judge, trying to conceal her pleasure for his
apparent anxiety, " although nothing would give me more pleasure than to
grant you your petition for death, that punishment is not an option for a first
time rapist, though I highly doubt that this is your first time. Defense has
offered an alternative, however, that allows you to serve you time
immediately and offers a much more fitting punishment for the nature of your
crime. You are therefore sentenced to a fine of $20,000,000 and one year in
the Stockdale Federal Correctional Facility, effective immediately."
Before anyone could object, the judge banged the gavel three times and
Alex was led out of the court room. Alex could not believe this stroke of
fortune that his lawyer had somehow managed to negotiate. Only one year
and he was free to live life as he chose, where he chose, with minimal
punishment. He gleefully considered how easy it would be to recover the
money he had lost while his youth was a completely different story. He
decided that next time he brushed with the law, he wanted Mr. Deekes as his
personal lawyer.
Alex was taken to a holding area where he waited for several hours before
the prisoner transport arrived. He was lined up behind several women to be
checked for any potential weapon or tool capable of providing an escape. He
thought that there must be some mistake but admitted that serving time at a
female prison sounded ideal to him. Within moments, he was seated and the
transport was flying toward Stockdale. As transport neared the destination,
Alex decided that this could provide considerable entertainment for a man
such as himself.
The transport landed just long enough for the new prisoners to be
unloaded and the new releases to be loaded. Alex was marched, still behind
the women, beneath a massive portcullis that secured a long entrance. They
continued across a vast court and through the heavy oak door that stood
formidably in the center of a three story stone wall. Having never been in a
castle before, Alex's curiosity was almost as great as the arousal he felt from
the exquisite view he was being provided.
Once inside, however, the women were taken into one room while Alex
was led into another. He supposed that special processing was necessary for
a man to co-exist in a female prison. He was set in a chair, resembling a
folded up table, and told to wait for the doctor to conduct the preliminary
examination and a few preparations. He was not sure what, exactly, this
entailed so he just accepted that it was all standard procedure to avoid any
liability and would all be over soon.
The doctor entered the room from the door on the far wall and moved over
to the instrument table behind the chair. It was uncomfortable for Alex to
shift around in the chair he had been placed in so he settled himself to wait.
A moment later, he felt a sharp pain in his neck as the pressure forced stream
of fluid was shot through is skin, into his carotid artery. An extremely cold
cloth was pressed against the point of injection and the doctor asked Alex to
hold it tightly in place. Despite his extreme annoyance, he complied with the
doctor's request and held the cloth there for several long minutes.
Finally, the doctor came around, unfolded the chair into an examination
table, and conducted a thorough examination. Alex was not fond of being
prodded and poked in such ways, yet he knew that he was not at liberty to
object. The table was folded back into a chair and the doctor produced some
electric clippers.
Without a word, he removed all of the hair from Alex's head, catching it
in a small trash can that he carried around. A short time after the doctor had
finished and left the room, a guard entered and escorted Alex through many
long corridors. He felt somehow very listless and couldn't seem to muster
any concern or interest about what was happening to him at the moment.
The march finally ended at a cell at the end of a long hallway, secured by
an eight foot heavy oak door with a barred window. Once he was inside the
cell, they took his shoes and socks as they left, closing with a resounding
thud and bolting it into place. The room was a small room, only 10 feet by
15 feet, though five feet of the room were on the other side of relatively thin
steel bars. The far wall, also on the other side of the bars, was completely
covered by a mirror. Alex stared at in without much interest, not able to
comprehend what it might be there fore.
Aside from the mirror, the room contained a toilet, without a seat, built
into the wall, a sink without a drain stopper, a drawer built into the wall, and
an iron framed bed that was bolted to the floor. On the wall above the sink
were three dispensers labeled shaving cream, soap, and tooth paste. A plastic
holder, also attached to the wall above the sink contained a plastic bladed
razor and a tooth brush.
It was easy for Alex to deduce that the injection he had received before his
physical examination was a sedative because he was feeling extremely
drowsy at the moment. He figured that it was probably to prevent him from
doing anything brash too soon, thus allowing him time to adjust to his new
environment. He eyed the bed appreciatively for a moment before shuffling
over to it and lying down. He was mildly annoyed that the bed was so short,
but he was too tired at that moment to complain. He decided that he would
take up the issue in the morning as he drifted off to sleep.
Alex awoke the next morning with a dull ache throughout his body that
proved to be very uncomfortable. Even more uncomfortable, however, was
his dire need to empty intestines. It took him a couple tries to sit up and even
longer to get out of bed. The stone floor was cold against his bare feet as he
sat on the edge of the bed. There were no clocks in the cell but he guessed
that it was some time around 7:00 in the morning. He thought that the
discomfort was originating from sore, stiff muscles and that stretching would
make everything better.
When he tried to stand, Alex was thwarted by a dizzy spell reminiscent of
some of his drinking binges during which he didn't eat for more than a day.
He remembered the injection he had been given and wondered how long it
had rendered him unconscious. He felt hungry enough now that he didn't
think that a seven course dinner would satiate him. He had not choice about
waiting for his food, however, he couldn't wait any longer to use the toilet.
He must have been sick to his stomach because he had a serious case of
diarrhea. His urine came out in a long steady stream as if he had been storing
water in his bladder for days. He sat there for nearly twenty minutes until he
felt completely empty inside. He could not imagine where all that excretion
had come from, especially since he hadn't eaten more very much over the
past two days.
Once he had relieved himself, Alex started looking around to see what he
could find. The drawer that was built into the wall was empty, as he had
expected, and he was not able to move the bed. There was nothing else in the
room of any interest so he moved over to the sink and shaved the four day
old beard. The razor had a plastic blade, presumably to keep prisoners from
harming themselves while in the custody of the prison. He managed to
remove most of the hair, however, so he at least felt cleaner.
He glanced down to see what else was available to him concerning
personal grooming. There was a pair of flat head plastic tweezers, a
toothbrush, tooth paste, a small plastic brush, soap, and a wash cloth. Alex
brushed his teeth, since he hadn't gotten that far the night before, and washed
his face and hair with the soap. When he was done, he rung out the wash
cloth and used it to dry his hair as best as he could before he brushed it.
Without warning, a loud grinding sound erupted from a wall somewhere
in the room causing Alex to jump out of his skin. He casually glanced over
his shoulder after he had regained the better part of his usual composure. His
curiosity was instantly aroused as he watched a section of the wall retreat
from its normal plane to form a doorway. He fought down a dizzy spell as
he stood up and walked over to the bars between him and the opening for a
closer look.
As Alex approached the bars, an aged woman walked through the opening
pushing a cart laden with food. He unconsciously licked his lips several
times before he realized that he was staring at the food and salivating. He
quickly turned away and pretended not to be interested but was rewarded
only with another dizzy spell caused by the sudden motion. He could not
resist the smell of the food, however, and turned slowly back towards the
coveted prize.
"Excuse me, what is today's date?" asked Alex, suddenly remembering
his concern about the duration of his drug induced siesta.
"I'm sorry, Larissa," apologized the woman, "but I'm not allowed to
answer any questions. Here is your food. Someone will be back in a few
hours to pick up the cart."
"What?" ask Alex, decidedly confused. "My name is Alex and all I want
to know is the time and date for Christ's sake!"
The elderly woman retreated through the passage without another word.
The loud grinding sound erupted again except that this time the section of
wall was restored to its original position. Alex sighed with exasperation,
paying absolutely no attention to the mechanical wonder taking place and
focused his sole attention on the food sitting in front of him. All they had
given him to eat with was a short plastic spoon but he wouldn't have cared, at
that particular moment, if he had been forced to eat with his hands.
The food was delicious and solved the problem of the dizzy spells he had
suffered from since he woke up. After his meal, picked up the little bundle of
clothes lying on the bottom of the cart. He couldn't think why they would be
bringing him matching panties and bra, considering his obvious manhood.
He was about to put both undergarments back when he realized that he had
been wearing the same pair of underwear for many days now. Feeling very
foolish, he replaced his grungy, smelly underwear with the fresh, silky
panties. He quickly put his pants back on before anyone could notice. He
considered hiding his underwear under the bed but the smell was enough to
convince him to put it on the cart.
After a moment of contemplation, Alex accepted that panties were all they
would have available in a woman's prison. He put his mind at ease that this
was only a temporary situation, and set about alleviating the incessant
discomfort he had been feeling. His athletic prowess once again proved to be
his ally as he easily stretched the stiffness out of his muscles. He was
distressed to find, however, that deep down, he still felt sore.
Alex glanced over at the mirror on the far wall. Despite the bars, he was
provided a full height image of himself to admire, and admire it he did. He
had always known that he was handsome and all of the women he
encountered inevitably supported his theory. He considered himself so much
better than women that he could not maintain any respect for them. As a
result, he used and abused them.
Reasoning that exercise would do him a world of good, Alex proceeded
with a stationary workout. He only got through about ten minutes of
jumping jacks, however, before his stomach acted up again. He thought that
his illness served him right since he had eaten so much at once. After another
long while sitting on the toilet, he continued his exercise and worked up a
healthy sweat that made him feel extremely good. After that, he did just over
twenty minutes of running in place, followed by some mime jump rope.
Several times, he considered stopping but ever time decided each time that
working out was about all he had to do anyway. He wondered briefly if the
ventilation to this room was adequate for this much exercising.
A few hours after his morning meal, Alex was amazingly hungry again
and was certain that he shouldn't be. He attributed it to his illness since his
morning activities hadn't required much exertion. Thinking back over the
morning to try take his mind off of his hunger, he realized that while he was
exercising, he had completely forgotten about the mild pain he was
Alex's contemplation was interrupted by the grinding sound he had heard
earlier and he quickly turned toward the bars. As expected, the panel receded
and a woman entered through the revealed opening pushing a cart filled to the
brim with food. This was a much younger woman with an average body and
short brunette hair. This was his chance to get the information that he so
desperately wanted to know.
"Hey babe," began Alex, trying to turn on the charm.
"Here is your food, Larissa," interrupted the young woman, "enjoy."
Alex glanced down at the food and then stared at the woman who had
ignored his irresistible charm, seemingly without any effort. He had seduced
thousands of women from all walks of life with the ease that a mouse fits
under the door. Was this woman a lesbian? That shouldn't matter, however,
since he had even seduced lesbians before. He wondered frantically what
had gone wrong.
"All I want is to know the date and time," pleaded Alex, his charm washed
away by momentary doubt.
"I'm sorry Larissa," exclaimed the woman with obvious sincerity, "but
I'm not allowed to answer any questions."
There was that name again. Alex suddenly remembered the earlier visit by
the elderly lady who had called him the same thing. Were these women
blind? Couldn't they see that he was someone that could make their wildest
dreams come true?
"My name is Alex," he declared, but the woman had already disappeared
through the opening with the empty cart.
Pushing the incident out of his mind, he dug into the food, certain that he
wouldn't be able to finish it all. Not only did he finish it however, but he
was not full after all of the food had been consumed. He wondered what
eating so much would do to the athletic build that had been his pride and joy
throughout his adult life. He pulled up his shirt but could see nothing wrong
with his splendidly sexy abs. He decided that more exercise was definitely in
He didn't have time to return to his exercising before his stomach acted up
again. While he sat on the toilet, he considered that perhaps these women
were simply frightened of some higher authority. This would explain why
they didn't seem affected by his charm. After further deliberation, he decided
that he would try intimidation next time food was delivered. After a while, he
got up and moved the flush the commode when he noticed that most of his
excretion was white. He couldn't remember this ever happening to him again
but he didn't know what could possibly be happening to him. Without
further consideration, he returned to his exercising.
A little while later, the grinding sound was heard again so Alex rushed
over to the bars to confront the visitor. A slender but well endowed woman
with blond hair falling half way to her waist walked in pushing a cart with
lots of food on it. He began eyeing the food greedily before he realized it and
reprimanded himself for losing control. He pulled himself up to his full
height and fixed the woman with a stern look.
"My name is Alex and I want some answers now!" he insisted in the most
threatening voice he could manage.
Alex thought he saw the woman flinch but he wasn't sure and she
certainly didn't slow in her duties. Her cart squeaked enough to be
annoying, even for the short trip from the door to the bars. As she moved
into the light, he could tell that this server was no more than a girl and
wondered what could have landed her in prison. He thought about asking
her but quickly opted for more intimidation.
"Of course you do Larissa," stated the girl flatly.
Alex was taken aback by her distinct disregard for his size and stature
towering over her. "Doesn't she realize that he could easily reach out, grab
her and throttle her before she could even scream? And why do these women
keep calling me Larissa?" Alex decided that enough was enough. When she
stepped within his reach, he grabbed through the bars, barely missing her
arm as she deftly dodged his attempted capture.
"You do that again, Larissa," scolded the girl, "and you will go without
your meals for a whole day."
That was enough to convince Alex that he should not attempt that again.
He glanced again at the food but his curiosity got the better of him.
"Please give me some answers," begged Alex, "I only want to know..."
"I'm sorry, Larissa," interjected the girl, "but I'm sure you know by now
that I'm not allowed to answer your questions."
Alex gave up on the girl and concentrated on the food. He could not
believe that he was this hungry for the third time and he didn't think that it
was even dinner time yet. When the fourth server came in, her hair only
hanging to her shoulders, Alex noticed that she seemed to be somewhat taller
than the other women. She wheeled the cart over and removed the other one,
just as all the other women had done before her. Alex gave her a curious
glance but was mostly concerned with his much needed meal.
"Enjoy your meal, Larissa," offered the woman as she pushed the
squeaky cart out of the cell.
Alex looked up from his meal at the mention of 'Larissa' but quickly
reprimanded himself when he realized what he had done.
"My name is ALEX!" he shouted, even though the door was already
sliding noisily back into place.
During the time between the fourth and fifth meal of the day, Alex did
nothing but sit on the toilet and remind himself that his name was Alex and
NOT Larissa. When the next meal came, he was once again very hungry and
the stiffness in his muscles had returned, presumably from lack of activity.
He pulled up his shirt and glanced down at his waste line, half expecting to
see expansion in that abdominal region. On the other hand, he also half
expected to find that he had lost some weight, though this somehow didn't
seem possible.
Over the next couple days, Alex generally ate, groomed, and exercised
when he wasn't going to the bathroom or sleeping. He shaved and washed
everyday, and changed into the new panties provided with the first meal of
the day. He couldn't figure out why they kept bringing the bra but concluded
that it wasn't his problem. He watched the hollovision, initially, only once in
a while because there was little about women, except having sex with them,
that he was interested in.
Increasingly throughout the week, he found himself watching the
holovision on the other side of the bars. With each meal, he noticed that the
women they were sending to serve them were getting taller and taller. He
also noticed that he was definitely losing weight despite the extreme amount
of food that he was eating every day. He supposed, however, that he was ill
and that could explain his weight loss. Every morning he woke up hungry
and every evening he went to bed hungry. His only other notable activity
was the constant reminders that his name was 'Alex', which he, for some
reason, regularly seemed to forget.
By the fifth day of captivity, he was beginning to wonder if they were
going to keep him in solitary confinement for the entire year. He thought he
had read somewhere that the maximum time in solitary was seventy two
hours, which meant that he should have been let out, uh, how many days
ago? He had lost all track of time and nobody would tell him what the date
Besides that, Alex had noticed that the mirror seemed considerably further
away, and taller for that matter. He initially explained it with tricks of the
walls, just like the sliding section that covered the doorway. He later
explained it that the roof and far wall had actually moved, making everything
appear to be of greater proportion. One of the most frightening revelation of
all, however, was that 'they' had somehow changed beds on him without
him noticing. How else could it be that his feet no longer poked out over the
end of the bed when he slept?
Alex had grown accustomed to the feel of the panties and changing every
morning. It seemed to him that the panties fit him considerably better than his
pants did these days. He had lost count of the number of times he had
needed to roll up his pant and sleeve cuffs, but didn't really care anymore.
He was a little confused by the increased amount of excess string hanging
from his waste band these days but decided that loosing a little weight could
only add to his overall charisma.
Shortly after the last meal of the seventh day, Alex was frightened by a
voice outside of the heavy oak door.
"Larissa?" the voice repeated several times before Alex had caught his
breath and regained enough composure to respond. He had long since given
up on reminding anyone but himself of who he was so he simply went along
with their little game.
"What?" asked Alex with a little indigence.
"We are coming in now so please stand away from the door," requested
the voice from outside.
Without argument, Alex stood back and watched as the door opened
slowly inward. Two of the largest men he had ever seen walked through the
doorway, both carrying riffles. The didn't fill the doorway as he would have
expected but the both towered over him and dwarfed his stature. He
estimated that these men must have easily been seven feet tall. As the stood
before him, he realized without much surprise that he had answered to the
name Larissa again.
"You are required to accompany us for your examination," ordered one of
the guards.
Alex walked sandwiched between the guards back through the corridor to
the room where he had received his last examination. After they had sat him
in the chair, he determined that this must just look like the room because he
remembered the chair he had sat in before as being much smaller than this
one. He had gotten comfortable and almost dozed off when he felt a sharp
pain in Alex's neck, forcing him mind instantly alert. The doctor handed him
a cold cloth and instructed him to hold it against his neck while the chair was
adjusted. Alex was glad to see that at least the doctor seemed to be the same
"Doctor, why have I lost so much weight lately?" asked Alex, hoping
finally to get some answers.
The doctor ignored him as he proceeded to conduct another thorough
examination. Alex asked his question several times more, without result,
before he finally gave up, slumping into a sour mood. After the doctor had
left, the two extremely tall guards returned and escorted Alex back to his cell.
Again he felt the tranquilizing effects of the injection he had just been given
and was thankful for the sight of his bed. He thought hazily that he had to
escape because he couldn't stay in solitary confinement for a whole year but
the consideration was quickly lost to sleep.
When Alex awoke the next morning, the dull ache that had been his
constant companion over the past week was gone. He quickly realized,
however, that he was itching all over his body but was not able to stop it.
Unlike with the aching, however, exercise did absolutely nothing for the
itching, except, perhaps, to make it worse. He quickly decided that there
would be no more exercising until he could get back to see the doctor and
find out what was wrong.
Alex waited anxiously for his first meal to arrive, passing the time by
watching a demonstration of a woman douching on the holovision. He
thought that the process was rather disgusting, and that the demonstration
contained entirely too much graphic detail, but he seemed compelled to watch
it, almost to the degree of studying it, anyway. When he heard the familiar
grinding, he turned away from the holovision thinking how glad he was that
he was a man.
The meal was as delicious as usual but Alex found that he just couldn't
finish it all. He expected to feel the dire need to defecate but found that he
simply felt full. He was hungry again after a few hours, as he expected, but
no more food was delivered. When he couldn't wait anymore, he ate the left-
over food from his earlier meal and returned to the holovision.
A new demonstration had begun providing a close-up view of a woman
braiding her hair. Alex had always liked looking at women who wore their
hair braided, though he had never cared how it was done. Now, for some
reason, he found himself wishing that his hair was long enough to test his
knew knowledge. He quickly realized how ludicrous it was for him to think
that way and silently, but with less conviction than before, scolded himself.
The next meal was delivered a few hours later by a woman almost as tall
as those two guards that had come for him the night before. Alex was
amazed, and a little intimidated, that there were women that were taller than
himself. He had always thought of his considerable height as a formidable
tool for subduing women. He was rather distressed to learn that there were
women in this institution who dwarfed him by comparison.
Alex ate less than he would have because of his state of mild depression.
He didn't understand where he had lost control of this whole overwhelming
situation. He had been given a chance of a lifetime, to seduce all the women
that he could handle, only to find that all of his gifts were useless. His mood
swung back up, however, when he noticed the holovision showing a fashion
show. Alex hoped that watching pretty women swagger down the runway
would help to restore some of his waning confidence.
One of the dresses caught Alex's attention above all of the others that he
had seen. He tried to convince himself that the woman modeling the dress
was prettier than all the rest of them. While he watched the model parade out
and back, however, he became acutely aware of his own ill-fitting clothes.
The outer seem of his pants that covered the pelvis had come unraveled on
both sides. He assumed that the stitching had just worn out, considering that
he had been wearing these pants everyday for more than a week.
Alex waited for the next meal to be served that night because he really
wanted some clothes that fit. The itching was bad enough but to hear his
pants ripping little by little every time he got up or sat down was unbearable.
When he heard the grinding and ran to the bars so he could ask for a change
of clothes. A shorter woman walked in with extremely short hair pushing the
dinner cart.
"Is it possible to get some clean clothes?" requested Alex.
"Preferably clothes that fit," continued Alex blankly, thinking of that
pretty dress that had just been modeled.
"And that don't stretch so much just because they have gotten dirty,"
added Larissa quickly as an afterthought, but couldn't quite figure out why
she had said it.
The young woman smiled at him as she pushed the cart into position and
moved over to the empty cart.
"I'll see what I can do, Larissa," offered the woman as she made her way
out of the cell.
"Oh, thank you so much," exclaimed Larissa, a tear forming in her eye for
the kindness she was being shown.
Alex caught himself and fumed about it for nearly five minutes before he
even considered the food. How could he allow himself to consider a mere
woman as his equal, regardless of his current predicament. What was wrong
with him anyway, had he really wanted a dress like the one that wretched
model had been wearing. He resolved that he would address this problem as
soon as he was done eating.
When Alex had eaten his fill, he started to review the events of the past
two weeks when he noticed the display of the holovision. A woman had just
begun the mystical process of giving herself a manicure. Alex had always
loved the look of long nails on a woman so he wanted to find out what they
had to go through. After a few moments, the woman paused to let the base
coat dry. Alex looked down at his own hands and noticed with distant
concern that they seemed awfully small.
"I wonder how they would look with such beautiful nails?" considered
Alex with growing concern for his crazy behavior.
He admonished himself mercilessly because of his perceived deviance
from the strength and fortitude he had once possessed. No matter what he
did, however, he just couldn't dismiss the desire for a manicure. The woman
on the holovision had continued, finishing the fingernails and beginning the
toenails. Alex sat and watched wistfully, his mind absorbed with learning all
there was to learn.
He watched the holovision without moving for several hours until sleep
began to overtake him. He was quite startled when he heard a shuffling from
the other side of his bed and went to investigate. The only thing of interest in
the area was the drawer so he opened it and found the nightgown folded
within. After briefly considering that he was doing the wrong thing, he
slipped into the nightgown, curled up in the bed, and fell asleep wondering
where the night had come from. As usual, he decided to check it out in the
Larissa woke late that morning to the grinding sound of the opening wall
panel. She had gotten up and run over to the bars for her much desired food
before Alex realized what he was doing. It was too late, however, the girl
had already come through the door with the cart of food. Alex imagined that
she was laughing at him and bowed his head, bringing him face to face with
the source of his embarrassment. He silently screamed at himself when he
felt the tears welling up in his eyes.
"I'm not Larissa," he whispered feebly to himself.
"Now, now, Larissa," soothed the server, "I brought you your new
Alex looked up at her through tear blurred eyes and smiled at her
gratefully. He really hadn't wanted to wear those over-stretched tatters he
had been wearing. The woman was as tall as he was, which didn't help his
current mood any. As she walked away, Alex saw that she wore a ponytail
that fell about half way down her back. Alex stared blankly at the food on the
cart as he thought about all the beautiful ways such luxurious hair could be
As Alex was eating his food, a voice from somewhere in the back of his
mind kept warning him that something was extremely wrong. The longer he
sat there eating, still wearing the nightgown, the less influence the voice had.
When Alex had finished his meal, he picked up the uniform lying on the
bottom shelf of the cart. He held it up before him and stared in disbelief at
the denim dress with which they had provided him.
For a full hour, he stood there looking back and forth from the dress to the
tattered clothes he had been wearing. As he was about to place the dress back
on the cart, he glanced over at the holovision. He watched in fascination as a
woman demonstrated how to zip up a dress without damaging a manicure.
Alex stared intently at the holovision while the woman put on one style of
dress after another. Without thinking, Alex set the dress down while he
slipped out of the nightgown and changed panties.
It took Alex a couple tries to get the dress zipped up the back but he was
finally successful. The dress was sleeveless with a skirt that fell just fell
loosely several inches below the hips. Also on the cart was a slender pair of
flat-healed sandals that fastened around the ankle. Alex had only to think
about how cold the floor was before he sat and put on the sandals. He
thought again that this was only a temporary arrangement until he was back
on the streets.
Alex stared blankly at the mirror without recognition at the slender woman
who stood before him on the other side of the bars. He felt detached from
himself without any real cognition of what was happening. The little voice
that had been warning him earlier was now very distant, nearly inaudible.
The mind numbing realization of what appeared to be happening washed over
Alex in a flood of self-pity.
A half hour later, Larissa glanced over to see what was showing on the
holovision. She sat there intently watching two one-hour long soap operas
showing the difficulties experienced by women who just got out of prison.
As the second soap opera finished, Larissa realized that she had to pee very
badly. She walked over, pulled up her dress, and sat down to do her
business. Alex shook his head and swore bitterly when the pee sprayed more
on his leg than into the toilet. He ego sank two levels deeper than he thought
possible when he saw the small hairless penis nestled between two small
folds of skin.
As depression began to set it, Alex did the only thing he could think of to
help take the edge off the situation, sat down and watched the holovision.
His curiosity was perked as he watched a woman with beautifully long nails
slipping into stockings without damaging them. Alex absently reached down
and rubbed his shaven legs, trying to imagine how a silky pair of stockings
would feel. He continued his tactile exploration all the way to his feet, at
which time he realized that the callous skin on the soles of his feet was gone.
This new revelation caused him both joy and concern. On one hand, his
socks had regularly gotten stuck on that skin and thus wore out faster. He
remembered that he had spent more money on socks than on any other type
of clothing. On the other hand, having soft delicate feet just didn't quite seem
A full length movie came on the holovision just after Alex finished the
third meal. It was a drama about a family being split up by the ravages of a
warring society. Larissa found herself relating to the young girl as the plot
line progressed. When the young girl died at the end, Larissa cried in sorrow
for the terrible loss.
Larissa was still crying when the last meal came. The woman who
brought the cart spent nearly fifteen minutes consoling her. Finally,
however, hunger took control and Alex wondered exactly how he had come
to be hugging this sexy woman. He hoped that they were finally recognizing
his primary function in life. Food, however, was more important right now
so he let her go and began to eat.
Alex fell asleep on the floor that night watching another movie. This
movie was about a boxer who gets drafted into the war. Alex forced a cheer
every time the hero killed one of the enemy soldiers but he somehow felt
frightened by all the violence. He forced himself to keep watching, despite
the mild fear or the weariness he felt.
He woke up to some pain on his chest that he felt when he rolled over. It
was considerably easier to manipulate the zipper on the back of the dress this
time. He had started to take the dress off when the panel began to recede. In
a fit of modesty, Alex quickly pulled the dress back up, causing him to wince
from the pain.
A girl walked in looking like she had just had her head shaved that
morning. Embarrassment held Alex in check as the girl wheeled the cart of
food toward him. The girl looked to be no more than 16 so Alex wondered
how she had gotten so tall. She looked very lost and frightened. Alex heart
melted and he felt a very strong urge to hug and comfort her.
"Your name is Larissa, isn't it?" asked the girl bashfully.
"Yes, it is," replied Alex before he could stop himself.
Alex felt somehow close to this girl though he could not have explained
how. He began to feel helpless himself and wished he could be with the
other women of the prison instead of in solitary. He started to reprimand
himself but suddenly couldn't remember why. After a moment of indecision,
Larissa walked over to the bars, reached her hand between them, and tenderly
grasped the girls hand.
"I'm so glad to meet you, Larissa," said the girl with a lovely smile. "I
just arrived today; convicted of petty theft. It was my brother, I swear it was.
I'm only seventeen, though, so nobody believed me."
"I believe you," comforted Larissa sincerely and squeezed her had gently.
"My name is Rebecca," offered the girl enthusiastically. "They told me
that you will be my roommate when you get out of solitary. I can't wait.
The cell gets so lonely."
"I can't wait either," admitted Larissa, pulling her hand back through the
"Well, I've probably taken too much time," reflected the girl sheepishly,
"but it was wonderful to meet you."
"I hope I'll see you again soon," ventured Larissa, beginning to feel a little
The girl left the room after a final smile over her shoulder which Larissa
returned. Larissa picked at her meal without any enthusiasm. When she
turned toward the holovision, she remembered why she had unzipped her
dress. She pulled the dress down and instantly saw the source of the pain.
The breasts and nipples had swelled, presumably because of the rough
texture of the material. She scolded herself for not wearing a bra and set
about correcting that oversight. She went to the sink and washed her breasts
with cold water, which seemed to arouse her in some way. She felt a warm
feeling deep within her but fought down the urge to indulge herself. She put
on the bra and pulled off the old panties.
She looked disgustedly at the child-like penis protruding from her vagina.
Confusion manifested out of control within her as she tried to remember how
it might have gotten there. Alex found himself staring at a tiny, boyish penis
sticking perversely out of the folds of a vagina. He was shocked and
frightened, but he couldn't comprehend what was happening to him. He
realized for the first time that perhaps these women weren't really any taller,
that perhaps he was actually shorter. He couldn't believe that this was
He couldn't stand to look at the pathetic example of manhood between his
legs. He hurriedly put on the fresh panties to hide his extremely wimpy
penis. He walked over to the food, realizing how hungry he was, and ate a
generous portion that would have made him feel much better if it hadn't been
for the constant itching. As he bent to pick up the dress, he saw himself in
the mirror. He vision blurred as he frantically searched for any trace of the
man he knew that he should be seeing.
Larissa shook her head in confusion and found that she was admiring
herself in the mirror. She wished that she had bigger breasts but she thought
that she was pretty enough otherwise. She glanced over at the holovision and
determined that the two women were discussing how to alleviate feminine
discomfort. She quickly put her dress back on and listened intently. The rest
of the day was spent watching the holovision.
Alex woke up the next morning from a dream about the incident that had
landed him in prison. The woman he had burglarized and raped had been
very pretty and very rich. To Alex's dismay, however, he found that his
fantasizing seem to focus on the young officer with the shotgun. He couldn't
believe that he was actually having fantasies about a man but none-the-less
needed to address the sexual tension had built up inside of him. He reached
down to stroke himself but could find nothing between his legs to stroke.
He rubbed the partial vagina that had replaced his penis but was not
getting enough gratification. While he was rubbing, he felt warm deep inside
around the groin but also in the chest area. Desperate for gratification, he
pulled the nightgown up further and gently rubbed the breasts that he found
there also. Finally, after a while of clumsy masturbation, Larissa finally fell
asleep, unrelieved.
For the next two days, meals and holovision programs came and went for
Larissa in a constant stream. The servers lingered to talk to her which helped
to alleviate some of her loneliness. She looked in the mirror in between
programs because it seemed to her that her appearance was gradually
changing. She liked what she saw but it caused her more-than-a-little
Larissa didn't know how long she had been in solitary but it seemed like
forever. She began to pray that she would soon be taken out of solitary
confinement. She began to long for companionship, but most of all, she
wanted someone to talk to. She could sense a vague memory in the back of
her mind that she hadn't always been like this but she didn't understand it and
couldn't clearly envision it.
She had just finished eating as much as she could of the first meal that day
when she heard a man's voice outside the heavy wooden door. She never
looked out that door anymore because she only ever saw darkness anyway.
The voice was stern and commanding, yet somehow stirred something inside
her. Her confusion didn't last very long, however, and soon she had
collected her scattered wits.
"Alex?" said a voice from the hallway outside the door.
Larissa jumped out of her skin, partly due to the suddenness of the deep
booming voice and partly because of the eerie reverberation in her cell. She
caught her breath and stood to confront whoever was out in the hallway.
Unconsciously, she smoothed the skirt of her dress and glanced down at her
legs to make sure she had shaven that morning.
"Larissa?" asked the same voice that had just spoken.
"Of course I'm here," scolded Larissa, "and you just scared me nearly to
"Sorry," apologized the voice from the hallway.
"We are coming in now Larissa," advised another male voice, "please
stand clear of the door."
Larissa was already clear of the door but she took a few steps back
anyway. She had not idea what to expect. She inwardly hoped beyond hope
that these men were here to take her out of solitary. She gingerly clasped her
hands in front of her and waited to see what would happen.
Two men walked into the cell, both wearing pistols at their sides in prison
guard uniforms. Larissa thought that the second man to enter was incredibly
handsome. This thought brought back a little of the confusion she had just
dispelled but she ignored it. The guards led her down the hall, one in front of
her and one behind her. As they walked, she became aware that the guard
behind her was staring at her.
The guards delivered her into the hands of a doctor that she felt that she
should recognize. Again the confusion welled up inside of her and again she
pushed it down. The doctor put her in a chair and strapped her wrists,
elbows, and shoulders to the chair. Larissa was more than a little concerned
by this but she kept quiet, not wanting expose herself while in such a
compromising position.
The doctor walked around the chair and held a picture of a tall handsome
man close enough for her to see it.
"Do you recognize this man, Larissa?" he inquired.
The confusion that she had been pushing down surged up anew and she
felt as if she was about to lose control of herself. She was very slow to
answer as a flood of memories washed over her, scaring her with vivid
images of inconceivable atrocities. With great effort, she pushed the
memories aside and focused again on the picture.
"He looks familiar to me but I... I can't be sure," stammered Larissa.
She didn't like the way the doctor smiled but was in no position to do
anything about it. More straps were fastened around her head and chin,
waist, knees, and ankles, leaving her completely immobilized. The doctor
came around in front of her wearing plastic gloves and carrying some sort of
ointment. Without explanation, he rubbed the ointment around the outside of
her eyes. She blinked her eyes a couple times to adjust to the strange feeling
she felt. Her eyes stopped responding mid blink and she found that she
couldn't open them again.
"I'm going to show you a little movie now that you absolutely must see,"
explained the doctor as he pulled her eyes open.
Now that they were open, she found that she couldn't close them. Her
eyes began to water causing a slow trickle of tears to run down her cheeks.
She struggled against her bondage helplessly for a moment before giving up
completely. She got the feeling that she wasn't going to like what ever it was
that he was about to show her. In the few minutes it took to start the movie,
her eyes had begun to feel dry and itchy.
The movie came on, and she saw the man from the photograph run into a
room. She remembered this room but was sure that SHE had never seen it
before. The man grabbed the woman by the hair and ripped off her blouse
with one swipe of his strong arm. That man was her, she realized with utter
repulsion of the memories that she could no longer control.
She felt like a man and a woman all at the same time. She watched the
man rape several women in different places and knew instinctively that she
had done that, but worse, that she had enjoyed it. As she saw it this time,
however, she felt akin to the women that were being brutalized, and it scared
her to think of what she had done. In the last scene, she watched in abject
terror as the man that she once had been mercilessly performed his sadistic
abusive art on her. She could almost feel it every time he hit her but she was
unable to look away.
When the movie was finally over, nearly an hour later, Larissa felt
humiliated, alone, and violated, as if she had really been raped. Her eyes had
gone completely dry during the movie because she hadn't been able even to
blink. Now, however, her eyes were overflowing with tears, for herself and
all the women that she had once hurt. Unable to assimilate the emotional
overload all at once, she fell into a state of depression. A part of her died that
day, the part that had once been so malevolent, and she knew somehow that
she had killed it, strictly out of self preservation.
It took nearly a month for Rebecca to pull Larissa out of her depression.
Although the events of the past were etched into the front of her brain
forever, she too had been violated by what she had been. Forgiveness came
slowly but she did forgive herself, knowing that she didn't really own that
part of her past. Finally, she started meeting people and learning how to live
her new life.
Rebecca was Larissa's salvation through it all though she never told her
anything before she had 'found' herself. Rebecca became her best friend,
and she found that they shared much in common. Larissa quickly learned the
rules of prison life and abided by them, having had her fill of being tormented
that one fateful day when she was released from solitary. Her remaining five
and a half months were not very difficult, since it was an unspoken rule not
to ask about anyone's past.
Larissa learned many things about prison life that convinced her that she
didn't want to return. One thing that she found very interesting was the
symbol of status recognition within the prison structure. When the women
first arrive at the prison, their heads are shaven, and that is the last hair-cut
they are allowed. It is thus strictly observed by all, inmates and employees
alike, that women with longer hair rank higher within the system than those
with shorter hair. Neither Larissa nor Rebecca ever made it very high up the
ranks of that little Stockdale society
Rebecca and Larissa were released to the mid-house at the same time on an
early release plan, and got to share a room there as well. They were given a
week of free room and board until they would be charged $200 a month rent.
All inmates were given $1000 dollars and two new outfits upon their release
to help them get started. Larissa was also provided with a new ID tag and
updated birth certificate, identifying her as Larissa S. Cissel. More than
anything else she had received, however, she had been given a fresh start and
she was determined to make it work. The first thing she did, though, was to
go to the local solon and get a manicure and a pedicure, complete with a
pretty shade of velvet nail polish.
During the week in the mid-house, Larissa sat through 73 interviews and
was getting very discouraged. She only had two more interviews lined up,
leaving her frightened that she would fail. The interview that she was
currently waiting for was for the position of administrative assistant. Larissa
couldn't call upon her college degree since that was a lifetime ago and didn't
really belong to her anymore, so she was trying for anything she could get
until she could replace her education.
The interview lasted longer than what she expected, so she was anxious
about missing the shuttle. The wait was worth it, however, because she was
offered a job earning enough to support her, and Rebecca too if her friend
hadn't found a job by the end of the week. Once everything was concluded,
she ran down the steps, checking her skirt as she went, hoping that the
shuttle would be late too.
Larissa ran up to the shuttle stop just on time to see it taking off. Since the
mid-house was only a mile or so from the shuttle stop, she started walking.
The shoes that she had received from the prison were great for interviews but
were definitely not meant for walking substantial distances. She remembered
that she once loved the look of these shoes, and still did she supposed, but at
that moment she would have liked to strangle whoever designed them.
The hair on the back of her neck prickled, yanking her from her reverie, as
she realized that she was walking down a dark, deserted street across a dark
alley. How many times has she, as a man, hidden in just such an alley
waiting for an unwary woman to walk by. She heard a thud from
somewhere in the darkness and stifled a shriek before the cat ran up to her
begging for food. Relieved, she pulled out a strip of dried beef from a bag in
her purse and gave it to the grateful cat.
She sighed, but was still quite anxious, and hurried her steps as much as
she could without risking tripping or twisting an ankle. She heard footsteps
behind her and had to fight down the urge to start running. A moment later, a
very muscular man standing about 6' 1" walked by her without a word. She
was about to count herself lucky when she noticed another man watching her
from the shadows across the street. He whistled at her, adding insult to
injury, but she didn't dare confront him. The whole rest of the journey, she
was constantly looking over her shoulder and avoiding shadows and allies.
When Larissa finally walked into the mid-house, she happened upon
Headwife Ashley and wanted to hug her just for being there. The headwife
knew of her past too so she told the tale of the harrowing experience of her
trip back, as they related to her detached memories. When she had finished,
the headwife hugged her for comfort, congratulated her on her success, and
left for her office. Larissa was greeted with a big worried hug from Rebecca,
and felt obligated to relive the experience with her second retelling.
The headwife sat down at the desk in her office and pulled out Larissa's
file. Over the next half an hour, she updated the file, compete with the
experience after the interview. It was getting late so the headwife put the file
away and went to bed. Two days later, when Larissa and Rebecca left for
their new apartment, their files were sent down to public records for filing.
A month later, the bailiff set a folder down on the judges desk and walked
out of her office. The judge ope