Intelligence Quotient free porn video

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Intelligence Quotient by Prezelgirl "I want to borrow your brain for a few days," said Vicky. Vicky is my older sister. She's a junior in high school, while I'm just a lowly 8th grader. Most of the time she's pretty cool. She hangs out with me at home and gives me some advice on how not to be such a dweeb. But I had no idea what she was talking about now. "Um, sure whatever," I replied. "Yeah, you can borrow my brain." She playfully smacked me upside the head. "I'm serious, dumbass! I want to borrow your brain ... well, just the really smart parts of it. And only for a few days. I've got the SATs next week and well..." she trailed off and shrugged. Vicky's a great sister and one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. But she's not the smartest apple in the barrel. That was me! "Okay, Vicky you can have my brain," I laughed. "When do I get it back?" "I told you, Daniel I'm serious," she said without a hint of amusement in her voice. "I want to trade the school-type book learning smarts you have for all the nonsense that's crammed in my head. And only through the SATs." "Vicky," I said as gently as I could, fearing my sister had finally gone off the deep end. "I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but opening up my skull and removing little chunks of my brain won't do either of us a lot of good." "I'm not going to do the swapping," she said. "We're going to use Joshua's lab." At this point, I suddenly grew VERY interested. Joshua was Vicky's boyfriend. He lived a couple blocks away and had some very well-to-do parents. His dad had been a research scientist at the university, but had disappeared mysteriously a few years back. Though no one ever found a body, he was eventually declared dead and Joshua's mother (Mrs. Malaclypse) received a hefty life insurance settlement. Joshua had been following in his father's footsteps it seemed, and had used a good chunk of money in building a laboratory of his own in the basement. Whenever he came over to our house, I used to pester him a lot, trying to get a chance to see it. But he never let me come over. "We're going to Joshua's lab?" I asked. "If you're still interested?" Vicky answered with a smile. I grabbed my coat and we were out the door just like that. On the way over, Vicky told me Joshua was out of town tonight at some Junior Science Convention or something. Normally he wouldn't let Vicky touch anything in his lab either, though she had at least been down there and seen it once or twice. Apparently his father had left some notes and design schematics on a thought-transference machine. According to what Joshua had explained to Vicky, the machine could selectively move the memories of one person into the mind of another. Joshua had tested it on some lab animals, but supposedly hadn't done any research on human subjects yet. Vicky wanted me to tinker with the computer he had rigged up to the machine and see if I could program it to swap my book-smarts into her head. I admit, I wasn't thrilled about the prospect of losing my intellect to my sister, but I figured the machine probably didn't really do any of this stuff anyhow. It would just be a neat chance to see Joshua's lab. His mother met us at the door and let us in. Vicky told Mrs. Malaclypse she had left some notes for school in Joshua's lab and we were just going to pick them up. We trotted down into the basement ... and WOW, it was awesome! There were six computers networked together and a gigantic contraption the size of a furnace, with exposed wires everywhere. I flipped through Joshua's lab notes quickly. It seemed to be pretty genuine stuff. According to his notes, the device could remote-target any subject within 20 feet of it's transceiver. "Can you do it, Daniel?" asked Vicky. "I think so," I shrugged and started messing with one of Joshua's computers. After about a few minutes I found the control software Joshua had designed to run the device. He had some macros and templates already loaded for human test subjects, so I didn't have to figure out how to run everything. I target Vicky and myself, and clicked "okay" ... Everything went black for a moment ... dark black and utterly silent. It was only for an instant, but it seemed so much longer. "Did it work?" Vicky asked hesitantly. "Well, I felt something happen," I replied. "But I don't feel any dumber now." Vicky laughed. "That's not very nice, Dan! I'm not a dumb person. I just don't share the same interests in math and science that you do." She stopped abruptly and stood poised in thought for a moment. Then suddenly she embraced me in a tight hug and spun around in a quick circle with me, laughing. "It WORKED Daniel! It WORKED!" she shouted. "H-How do you know?" I asked confusedly. "Because right after I said I didn't have your math and science abilities, I suddenly remembered my math homework. The extra credit problem I'm doing for Mr. Franklin's Trigonometry class? ... Except then I remembered that Mr. Franklin teaches 8th grade math. That's YOUR math problem. But I was thinking about it!" I frowned. I remembered that I had Mr. Franklin's class and I knew that I was doing some extra credit in there. But I didn't remember the specifics of the problem. It seemed sort of vague and fuzzy. Actually, everything seems kind of distracting and cloudy now. This must be the way Vicky always saw the world. "Well, I'm glad it worked, I guess," I said. "Maybe we should trade back for now. And you can borrow my intellect, or better yet borrow Joshua's for the day of your SATs." "No can do brother of mine," she said. "Joshua already told me no human experimentation with his machine. ESPECIALLY not involving his girlfriend. So we have to keep this a secret from him, 'kay? That's why we had to do it tonight. Tomorrow he'll be back and this is probably the only chance we'll get before the SATs. But I promise that as soon as the SATs are over, we will trade back intelligence at the soonest opportunity." "But what if you decide you like being smarter better?" I asked worriedly. Vicky laughed. "Daniel, you just don't get it. I liked being me. And I always HAVE been a smart person. God, you're so stuck up sometimes! But anyway, don't worry about this. You have my word of honor that we will trade back at the soonest opportunity after the SATs ... no matter how I feel about having your knowledge crammed in up here. We WILL trade back. Feel better?" She hugged me and I flashed a weak smile at her. I didn't feel that much better. Actually, I felt kind of betrayed and tricked into going along with this. I hadn't really believed any of this would work until it did. And now it seemed too late. Vicky drove us back home in silence, whereupon she immediately went into her room to start studying. Vicky never studies, I thought to myself as I plopped down on my own bed. My thoughts wandered lazily and I found myself growing bored and restless. After about an hour, I stood up and went to talk with Vicky. I bumped into her right outside the hall. "I was just on my way to see you, Dan!" she said. "Um, I was wondering if I could borrow a book from you?" "Actually, I was kind of hoping I could borrow one from you," I replied. Vicky blushed and stared at the floor, twisting her foot in the carpet. "Um, actually ... this is embarrassing. Can I borrow one of your comic books? I just suddenly want to read a comic book. One of your Green Lantern ones, please?" Vicky had NEVER been interested in comic books. In fact, she continually chided me for reading them, telling me they were kids stuff and not what the cool people should be spending time and money on. But suddenly, I didn't care. I shrugged and we went back into my room. I dug out a couple of comic books and handed them to her. "Thanks so much, Dan!" she said. "Now what did you want to borrow of mine?" "Maybe not a book," I answered. "How about one of your magazines? Like Cosmo or Seventeen or something?" She laughed. "Sure thing, little brother. Not a problem." We headed into her room and I returned with a big stack of glossy fashion magazines. I immersed myself in them for the better part of the evening. That night I had odd and disturbingly disjointed dreams. After a very restless night, I staggered out of bed and headed for the shower. Instinctively, I used Vicky's shampoo and conditioner, and was about halfway through applying moisturizer to my body afterwards when I realized what I was doing. This was more serious than I had originally thought. I couldn't afford to go to school acting like my sister! At the breakfast table I whispered to Vicky that he had to talk. "Later!" she hissed back. We headed off to school without "later" ever coming along ... I to Junior High and she to Brookdale High School. I went through my daily routine of classes without many incidents. In social studies I found myself staring at Heather Diamond's sweater and thinking, "gosh, that's so pretty! I wish I had one like it." It was a cute sweater. A short one, more of a top really. Light pastel blue in color with a bit of ribbing. And the most GORGEOUS skirt to go with, black silk with a floral pattern. But it was pretty disturbing to me to be thinking these thoughts. A couple of times in class I found myself with my legs crossed girl-style. But other than that, the day was just a hazy blur. I couldn't concentrate on my work and found myself spending most of my time doodling pictures in my notebook. When I got home, there was no one else around. Mom must've been out grocery shopping and Dad hadn't come back from work yet. There was a note on the fridge, though: "Kids," it read. "We won't be back till late tonight. Dinner is in the fridge. And clean up your laundry off the dining room table." Mom had gone and washed and folded all our laundry and had it neatly piled in individual stacks on the table. I grabbed my stack and headed off to my room. But when I got there, I realized it wasn't my room I was in ... and it wasn't my laundry I was carrying. I had an armful of my sister's underwear and was standing in her room. Just then, I heard a laugh from behind me. I whirled around and saw Vicky giggling at me. "Oh, it's all right Daniel," she said. "I almost grabbed your pile by mistake as well." I flushed beet red and found myself at a loss for words. "I'm going through the same thing," she said. "I've been thinking your thoughts all day long. And going through the motions of saying and doing very 'Dan' type things! If you want to wear my clothes, it won't bother me. Seems a fair trade, don't you think? My fashion sense for your brain sense!" She smiled at me again. "I ... I wasn't really going to wear them," I stammered. "I just picked them up without thinking." "Daniel, don't worry," she said softly, hushing me. "Mom and dad are gone for the night. I know how stressful this is right now. Though if I were in my RIGHT mind, I'd NEVER want you wearing my stuff. But let's face it: we're both literally not in our right minds. I think it would be good if we both relaxed in each other's lives for a bit. It's been a stressful day. How about if tonight, you wear my clothes and sleep in my bed and I'll do the same with your stuff. We'll both feel better." I nodded silently. "Holler if you need anything!" she said and skipped off into my room, jumped down onto my bed, and picked up another comic book. Wordlessly I went into her room, closed the door, and contemplated the stack of laundry in my arms. What would be so bad about it? It would, in a strange way, feel more natural and comforting. And she had said it was all right. I stripped off my T-shirt and jeans, shoes, socks, and underwear and stood naked before her floor-length mirror. God, my body looked horrible. Small and scrawny. Turning away in disgust, I stopped to pick up the pile of laundry I'd left on her bed. I picked out a pair of light pink panties, not real lacy or anything, but comfortable looking and pretty. I slid them on, and paused for a moment wondering if I should wear a bra. I felt somehow that I should. But it seemed bizarrely unnecessary. I picked through and found a matching bra and put it on. It seemed such a strange device, but my fingers worked the clasps as though I had been wearing bras for years. Next I went over to Vicky's sock drawer and dug out a couple pairs of socks and stuffed them into my bra. Standing in front of the mirror now, I looked more ridiculous than ever. But somehow, I felt calmer and more at ease. Not to mention prettier. It was the strangest sensation. Quickly, I found a pair of designer jeans and silky chocolate brown blouse to wear. I considered putting on make-up ... I instinctively knew how. But I decided against it. That would be going to too much work, since I was only going to spend a quiet evening at home. I plopped down on Vicky's bed and flipped open another 'teen magazine. Something was still missing though. I snapped my fingers and leaped out of bed. Gotta have music! ... I popped in one of Vicky's favorite CDs into her stereo, and then jumped back onto the bed. Now everything was right. * * * * * The next morning I awoke to the sound of an unfamiliar alarm clock. I stumbled out of bed and found myself still in Vicky's room wearing a long "Cathy" nightshirt. The funny thing was, I didn't remember putting it on, though. If I was starting to behave in "Vicky-esque" ways without even realizing it, we had a serious problem on our hands. I quietly slipped out of her room and down the hall back to my own. She was already awake, though was wearing one of my T-shirts and a pair of my boxer shorts. "Vicky, we've got a problem," I said. "I know," she replied glumly. "I just woke up after having ... um ... a rather erotic dream involving several girls from your grade!" "We have to change back," I said. "We can't," she answered. "Not right now at least. We'll have to wait at least another week. You can make it until then can't you?" I shrugged helplessly. "I don't know. I mean I could barely get through school yesterday. What's going to happen to me there?" "If you're worried about your grades: don't be," she replied. "You've stacked up enough high marks already that one week of being 'out-of-it' won't kill you. Besides, you're at that age when people expect kids to do weird things. Your teachers and friends probably won't give it a second thought if you act up a bit this week." "Vicky!" I exclaimed. "It's no big deal for YOU, sure. But I'm going to get the crap beat out of me by every bully in school if I started involuntarily doing girly things in class!" I started sobbing and Vicky gently hugged me. * * * * * School went by MUCH better than I had feared it would. I mainly just kept to myself and didn't socialize much with anyone. My teachers did comment a few times that my mind seemed elsewhere, but Vicky was right: no one was too concerned. No one noticed that I was behaving more and more like my sister. The worst that happened was that I spent awhile fantasizing about some of the guys in my gym class. It was pretty disconcerting. But I found that female sexual thoughts are much easier to repress than male ones. Vicky and I continued to sleep in each other's rooms at night without drawing any unusual attention. I wore her clothes to bed each night. And she did the same with mine. The problem we had now was that Joshua was back and had noticed Vicky acting unusual. He didn't seem to catch on to what had happened. But they began fighting a lot and didn't seem to see eye-to-eye like they used to. My worst fears were realized when the day before the SATs, Joshua broke up with Vicky. I was in tears, hysterical. She told me everything would work out and we could just sneak back into Joshua's lab the next night and fix everything back to normal. If we got caught, it was soon enough after the breakup that we could fabricate some story about coming over to beg forgiveness and patch things up or something. So Vicky took her SATs that day, and did remarkably well on them. She tried calling up Joshua after she got home, but no one would answer the phone. "Relax Daniel," she told me. "We'll just go to Plan B. Meet me out in the driveway around 3 a.m. okay?" I went to bed, but couldn't sleep at all that night. I was out at the driveway, pacing up a storm a full hour and a half before Vicky came out. "Having trouble sleeping little brother?" she said with a smile. "It's not funny!" I snapped. "I feel more like your little sister right now! Let's just get this over with." We walked over to Joshua's place under the cover of darkness. Vicky knew that Mrs. Malacylpse had a habit of always leaving the back porch door unlocked, so we crept in through there and snuck down into the basement laboratory. It was in shambles this time. It looked as though Joshua had totally immersed himself in some new project that involved taking apart everything component by component. I felt tears welling up in my eyes again at the thought of being trapped with these feminine thoughts in my brain forever. "Hushhhhhhhhh," whispered Vicky. "It's all right. I recognize the core of the thought transference machine. He's only making some superficial cosmetic changes to it. We can probably still use it." She sat down at a computer terminal and fiddled with some controls for what seemed like an eternity. "Well, it appears as though he's erased all the templates files that were in here last time," she said. "So I'll have to come up with a new set of instructions on the fly. It might not work perfectly, but here goes nothing!" * * * * * Well, it worked and it didn't. It turned out Joshua had disengaged several key safety overrides when he dismantled everything. He didn't really know what he was doing when he built the device. He'd only been following the blueprints and schematics left by his genius father. The machine burned out and exploded, setting fire to the house. I screamed and ran up the stairs. I'd gotten halfway to the front door when I realized I wasn't in my own body anymore. I was completely physically Vicky ... her thoughts and her body, with only a shred of my own original identity left here. I turned to find Vicky and saw nothing but the flames licking up from the basement. I ran down there, through the choking smoke and dragged my unconscious body out to the lawn. By the time I'd gotten there, I could hear fire trucks in the distance. Someone had called the fire department. Joshua and Mrs. Malaclypse came stumbling out of the house in a daze shortly later. As we watched the firefighters extinguish the blaze, we quietly huddled together and sorted out what had happened. When the machine blew, it had scrambled ALL our minds around. I was Vicky, but Vicky was now in Mrs. Malaclypse's body ... STILL with all of my old booksmarts! Mrs. Malaclypse had become her son Joshua ... and Joshua now inhabited my former body. Vicky and I confessed the story of what we had done ... after which, Joshua had to confess to his mother that he even HAD such a machine in the basement. We all tried to comfort ourselves with the thought that maybe Joshua could rebuild the device and get us all back to normal. But the truth of the matter was that all his father's notes were destroyed in the fire. No tangible record of how this had happened remained. Sure, maybe after a couple years of intense research he could construct a similar machine. But he now had 8th grade trigonometry homework to contend with as well. I adjusted to being Vicky and actually found it pretty nice and relaxing being a girl. Joshua doesn't seem too peeved about the situation either. He says becoming an 8th grader again just means he has a couple of extra years added to his life. Vicky is pretty upset, being a middle-aged woman ... but with another insurance check coming to her after the fire, she's a WEALTHY middle-aged woman, and that seems to comfort her considerably. Mrs. Malaclypse really came off the worst. Trapped in the body of her own son ... and with no immediate hope of ever changing back. She's sunken into a deep depression and hardly goes anywhere or does anything. Vicky is talking about getting her into a counseling center for therapy. And I go off to college soon. That's the ONE good part about all this. Vicky did SO well with my brain on those SATs that I managed to get a full-ride scholarship. Of course, now that I have these clunky, confused thoughts in my head, I'll actually have to WORK real hard to make it through college. But I figure that's a small price to pay for becoming a beautiful, well dressed, and soon-to-be well-educated woman. (the end)

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Lost Empire 80

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on...

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03 Warm and Snug in the Hills

Warm and Snug in the Hills. The Saga of Ajay and Raja continues. Part 2. I woke up in the morning to find Ajay cradled in my arms, sleeping spoon fashion, my stiffening cock was pressing into the crack of his ass and his cock, also showing some signs of standing again was gripped in my fist. Raja was pressed against my back, with his arm draped over me and resting on Ajay’s chest. I extricated myself from between them without their waking up and went to make some coffee. After I...

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Aunty Ke Sath Maje Kiye Baroda Vadodara Me

Hi friends mera name sameer he or me gujrat ke baroda city me rehta hu me ye web ka bohat bada fan hu me almost sabhi story read ki he and me apna exp share karna chata hu aap logo ke sath ye meri pehli story he a6i lage to muje bata na and kisi ladki, aunty and bhabhi ko intrest ho to muje mail kare plez is id pe me aap ko ko puri tarah se satisfy karunga ye vada he mera mail id he Me apne bare me ku6 bata ta hu meri age 24 he height 5.10 he and good looking hu and muje aunty and bhabhi me...

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Einreiten einer besamungsunwilligen Stute

Es war so ein typisch kalter Wintertag, an dem ich mit meiner besten Freundin Beate bei mir zu Hause auf dem Sofa lag. Wir haben uns aus Langweile auf einem Erotikportal unserer Stadt eingeloggt und uns gegenseitig private Kontaktanzeigen vorgelesen. Bei einer Anzeige die Beate mir vorlas bekam ich augenblicklich eine Gänsehaut und es kribbelte in meinem ganzen Körper. So sehr hat mich diese Anzeige berührt. Die Anzeige lautete: Willst Du Deine Ehestute endlich fremdschwängern lassen von einem...

4 years ago
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Double TroubleChapter 3 Threes Cum pany

I was the first one to open my eyes in the morning. I had a piss hard-on so I gently made my way past the lovely flesh beside me and headed for the bathroom. I decided to brush my teeth wanting to get rid of morning breath. I rinsed and spit and followed the direction my dick pointed out straight to the throne. As I lifted the cover and prepared to let fly another hand grabbed my stiff rod and pointed it at the bowl. I jumped at the touch and then felt two big tits press into my back. "Good...

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A Rainy Afternoon

Would you like to have me to tease you? That’s the question which I posed to Mary one rainy Saturday afternoon when we found ourselves at loose ends staring at the rain drops as they ran down the windows in our living room. From past experience, Mary was familiar with my ideas about teasing. In particular, she knew that I require her complicity. That is, she knew that my pleasure comes, in large part, from the knowledge that she has agreed to temporarily relinquish control over her own body...

1 year ago
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My Mom and my Sis are my Sex Slaves Part 1

This final series will focus around David building towards the life he always fantasized about, where he and his sex slave mom and sister would live in unbothered harmony. The story will be told through the perspective of multiple characters involved. DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, sex slavery, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Hair Stylist

He always goes to sportsclips to get a hair cut. He likes to stair at those chubby stylistswearing those hot sportsclips uniform tight pants. They wear those black and white strip shirts so tight you caneasily find out what size of bra they are wearing :)He goes inside hoping she would be the one cutting his hair. She is 5'5 and around 250 lbs, great round buttand amazing 40DDs. She says hi my name is Janet, shakes his hand as he grabs a great look at her big boobs.She walks in front of him and...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Sex In Singapore

Hi readers, I am a 40 years old man and I look very handsome. I am a rich and successful businessman living in Mumbai. I had not been yet married till this age because I did not find a fitting girl for me. Well, I had many childhood crushes but not good enough to marry. Many women also had a crush on me and wanted to marry me because of my wealth. But I wanted true love. My parents were worried about me and looked for girls regularly. Finally, they met a girl about same my age and they agreed...

3 years ago
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War Snuff Death of Officer Yoko

However, despite the wet mayhem and heaps of corpses surrounding him, Caleb had his gaze fixed on Officer Yoko. He had been having secret crush on her ever since he was assigned to her unit. He watched in awe how her tight panties were all shriveled up and revealed her massive pussy glistening with sweat. He would do anything just to get inside of her juicy meat mound but knew it would constitute a clear breach of Protocol. Yoko saw his horny gaze and could read his intentions. "Don't even...

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Blue balls

One evening I was pottering around in my garage, thinking of sanding an old wooden door knob, but not actually doing it. My mind was elsewhere, and every few moments I looked out through the open door across into my neighbor’s yard, hoping she might be heading towards her pool for a late dip, which she sometimes did. I’m talking about Suzanne. She was about 35, recently divorced with shared custody of a young girl. For four days every week she was a good mother, took the child to school,...

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Serendipity Version CharlieChapter 4

"You're naked," I whispered. "You are too," she whispered back. "I can't find my shorts," I complained. "Go to sleep!" she hissed. "But we're naked," I said, unnecessarily. "Go - to - sleep!" she growled. So I lay down on my bag, because it was too warm to get inside it. She gave me maybe fifteen seconds before I found out it was all an act. Suddenly, she rolled and landed half on top of me. "Maybe just one little orgasm," she murmured into my lips. And then she...

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Claires Awakening 13 Punishing Pupils

The lunch time bell rang, sending a bolt of fear down Claire's spine. She'd spent the last two lessons stressing about what Mr Sunderland had meant by 'some kind of arrangement'. Surely he couldn't mean anything 'inappropriate'... However, it's hardly standard practice to catch his pupils fucking in his drama studio at break time. Claire's mind flashed back to the look on his face when he walked in and found her and Scott semi-dressed on the stage. He'd looked so angry, really letting rip on...

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I Fucked My Best Buds wife

Marcus Goings and I grew up best friends beginning at age 6. We first met in first grade at Hyatt Military Academy (HMA) for boys in the mountains of Virginia. We were definitely an odd couple. Marcus ate up the Military BS, while I could barely tolerate it.Marcus came from a long line of Military officers going back to the Civil War with three family members being graduates of West Point.Me, Patrick Shay O’Donnell, on the other hand, was just an incorrigible rascal that was sent to HMA for the...

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Teachers pet 5

I’m walking to the bus after last period with sarah to go see Jacob he said he had a surprise for me after not speaking to me since the incident. “Hope it’s an actual surprise and not a dog collar” Sarah laughed. She cut her hair recently and dyed it black it fitted her better than orange anyway. Ever since she did that the guys at school had been all over her ever the new star Quarter back Andrew Simmons. “Hey now. And so what if it is? At least we’d have matching ones.” I shot back....

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The Lotus and the Flame Part Two

Farida grabbed a sandwich before making her way to the library. She was so grateful for Anderson's help that she was almost glad that Mrs. Barrington had taken sick leave. Not that Farida wished her any harm but she had been nowhere near as dedicated to her students as Anderson evidently was. In his lectures, the theatre seemed to come alive somehow with his passion for the subject in a way that Mrs. Barrington had never been able to achieve and she had certainly never promoted an open office...

4 years ago
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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 3 Alternate Ending

PLEASURE ISLAND: The Bikini Chapter 3B Wendy/Wendell? Tells You How It Is Both? You spin the word around in the hazy glow of your mind blowing orgasm with a strange blonde man that took you from an alley, bound you, and then fucked you. He'd just taken your virginity (at least in this body) by rape. Instead of outrage all that you could feel was the mixture of your cum and his mixing as it trickled out of your now used pussy. The only regret that you had was not giving your virgin pussy to...

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OSL New YorkChapter 6 Model United Nations II

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006 -- "Salud!" "Prost!" "Kanpai!" "Santé!" Seven glasses clinked together in the middle of the table, the guys chuckling and the girls giggling (even Raven). Sometime over the course of the evening, I'd shared with my co-workers my old tradition of celebrating "cheers" in other languages. So for the past hour or so, actually saying "cheers" or other English salutations had been expressly forbidden, and everyone wracked their brains trying to come up...

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Follow me if you will. Thunderous sounds- horsemen gathered four. Imagine cry’s hunger, or echo and destiny ebbed. Sky’s colored with volcanic puke- rusted and dashed with embers jade. People are there, not long lived of bountiful graces and followers, but they are there all the same- demanding remuneration, shaking their pitiful little fists skyward. With the very last gasp of life, they curse at him. Another child will die. So be it- death is but an illusion. I concede- neither an illusion...

4 years ago
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The Bet

The Bet by Laura Brooks I can pinpoint the day this all started. It was a chilly, Sunday afternoon in early December. A light rain was falling outside and Carol (my wife) and I had built a cozy fire in the fireplace. She was sitting on one of the couch, her legs curled up beneath her reading and sipping a glass of wine and I was sitting at the other watching the Giants begin to give away a 21 point lead to the Eagles. Carol stood up and stretched, heading toward the...

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The Hotel Chapter 1 I Want To Get Lost With You

The receptionist stood behind the large dark wooden counter which ran along the whole length of one wall. She starred at a screen hidden from view below the countertop and tapped on the keyboard.She heard the revolving entrance door swish and caught out of the corner of her eye a couple approach the counter stopping a few metres away. The gentleman was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans with a button-down white shirt with brown brogues. Over this, he had a long cream trench coat. The woman...

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one more night

Harry couldn’t sleep. It was after midnight and he was still tossing and turning in bed. Ron’s snores from the bed next tohim, though usually able to be ignored, seemed louder than usual, and the warmth of the air was uncomfortable.Sighing, he got up out of bed and tiptoed silently out the room. He crept down the stairs and into the kitchen where asleeping Errol was hooting softly between breaths, and a thin strip of moonlight cut across the kitchen table, bringingenough light to where Harry...

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Huntress Ch 03

So here is chapter 3, please lemme know how I am doing, guys. Ratings? Yes, please. Comments, absolutely. Also, if you’re gonna be rude about my story then you need not read it. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. Rudeness is not. * If all the adrenaline in Sage’s body hadn’t been circulating as fast as a gazelle ran from a lion, she would have felt the dull ache that was mostly in her legs. She would have felt the cramping in her shoulders and back. She probably would have also...

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HotwifeXXX Nikita Reznikova Euro Wife Nikita8217s Daytime Secret

Sexy and sultry big tit milf euro wife Nikita had her husbands friend Bruce come by thinking he was going to help repair the fence instead is greeted with Nikita in her sexy black lingerie ready to fuck his big cock again. For Nikita her husband loves hearing about her affairs and Bruce’s wife is ok with his big cock buried inside Nikita’s hot tight married pussy. Nikita drops to her knees enjoying every inch of Bruce’s big cock down her throat and balls deep pounding her...

4 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborChapter 7

“So, what gives ... I know that we had a spat, Nina, one where I accused you of being unfaithful to me with your boss, Vito, and then you accused me of the same with Emily, my ex-girlfriend. Now, you show up here at the house of Vito’s nephew, with Vito’s nephew, Vito’s niece, the neighbors, and your ex-boyfriend, Steve. So, let’s have it out. Have you been unfaithful to me? It sure looks that way,” Matt confronted Nina now rather directly. “Yes, I have ... and so have you, with Emily, who...

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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 38

"I WILL NOT HAVE HIS BABY!" Sammi screamed as she picked up the butcher knife we had not seen on the floor next to her. "I will cut it out first!" She screamed in horror, as she plunged the knife towards her abdomen. My heart sank. Amy was not in the room. Megan was too far away, and besides, I was in front of her, blocking her way to Sammi. I realized with despair that no one was close enough to stop her, as I felt my body begin to move automatically. I had seen Megan move before, and...

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eagerto I was still sitting on the toilet and Mrs Mac was standing to the side. She had come up close so that her hairy bush was level with my face and the folded rag between her legs was pulled hard into her snatch. I could see the bl**d at the edges of the rag and smell that wonderful smell of woman,and her period. She put her hand in my hair and pulled my face into her groin, pushing it against my face.’C’mon baby,’she whispered. ‘You want to smell it. Here you are. Smell it, baby. You like...

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Betsy CarterChapter 3

Ling said, “You look like hell.” “I’ve been around your daughter for a couple of days,” Gary replied pointedly. He tried to count the days, but they all ran into a blur of move and move and move. He had never been so tired in his life. Trying to keep up with Betsy was a constant effort. She was always in motion and that required him to always be in motion. The normal human being wasn’t built for that level of activity. “You should get some rest,” Kelly said. Gary pointed at Ling and said,...

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JulesJordan Angela White Angela White8217s Dark Side Her Biggest Gangbang Ever Double Anal Triple Penetration

Angela White’s BIGGEST GANGBANG EVER! Angela shows her Darkside when she pulls out all the stops in this 11 guy gangbang with double penetration, double vag, double anal and TRIPLE PENETRATION! She’s having a dinner party but she’s the only thing on the menu for these hungry studs. Dressed in a black latex dress, which matching jacket, thigh high boots, and gloves, Angela makes her way to the dinner table and crawls on top before spreading her legs to show that she’s not wearing any underwear....

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The Hunters Tale

It was mid October. Across the bristling hillside the cedar and silver birch trees were slowly swallowing the withered sun. Soon the night would reclaim them. And soon, thought Larissa as she felt the evening frost sting her fingers, soon the snows would come, and then perhaps he would come too.He had come to her last fall. Trekking back to Fort Compton to sell his furs and to shelter for the winter, he had asked whether he might rest awhile. He had stayed nearly a week. In their giving and...

Love Stories
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The Ins & Outs Of LaurabyMikelh©"Keep on washing the dishes." That was the first 'order' he ever gave her. He says that to this day that's the sentence in his head that most turns him on. Probably because he had come up behind her as she stood at the sink, and pressed his cock against her ass. Probably because his hands were cupping her breasts as he said it: and probably because it was his mother's breasts and ass.At least that's what he told me. His name is Steven and he's been my closest...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 586

The Retreat In the living room of the Retreat, Joe Martin, Jeff and Diana stood waiting with Jeff’s wives arrayed around them. Joe kept telling himself not to lock his knees. If I faint, Olivia will never let me forget it. Hell, the whole fighter squadron will tease me until I’m old and gray. Some sign must have been given, because Dave and Evie segued from what they were playing into the Bridal Chorus, and Joe’s eyes, along with everyone else in the living room, was now focused on the...

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The Lady and the Tramp

Suzie was generally happy with her life. Married to Jason, a Vicar, Suzie had become a sort of freelance amateur councillor, or agony Aunt, to her husbands flock, or at least the female half, and kept herself busy. Jason had three parishes to cover, that kept him busy. Suzie showed her face in all three places, but did more of the group stuff, flower club, help the heroes coffee mornings and child related things, in the parish where she lived, Lower Bannerfield in Hampshire. A quiet country...

2 years ago
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Trial By Sperm

Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...

First Time
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DivorceChapter 4

ANGELA I went to see my doctor because I wasn’t feeling well. After some tests she diagnosed me with an STD, gonorrhea. I couldn’t believe it. That son of a bitch gave me gonorrhea. The doctor gave me an injection and an antibiotic prescription. She said I should be cleared up in a few weeks but to come back for a follow up. I’m so embarrassed. I’m damaged goods. Jim will never take me back if he finds out. The kids told me that Jim was out of town for the weekend. I already had heard that...

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