Intelligence Quotient free porn video

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Intelligence Quotient by Prezelgirl "I want to borrow your brain for a few days," said Vicky. Vicky is my older sister. She's a junior in high school, while I'm just a lowly 8th grader. Most of the time she's pretty cool. She hangs out with me at home and gives me some advice on how not to be such a dweeb. But I had no idea what she was talking about now. "Um, sure whatever," I replied. "Yeah, you can borrow my brain." She playfully smacked me upside the head. "I'm serious, dumbass! I want to borrow your brain ... well, just the really smart parts of it. And only for a few days. I've got the SATs next week and well..." she trailed off and shrugged. Vicky's a great sister and one of the nicest people you'd ever meet. But she's not the smartest apple in the barrel. That was me! "Okay, Vicky you can have my brain," I laughed. "When do I get it back?" "I told you, Daniel I'm serious," she said without a hint of amusement in her voice. "I want to trade the school-type book learning smarts you have for all the nonsense that's crammed in my head. And only through the SATs." "Vicky," I said as gently as I could, fearing my sister had finally gone off the deep end. "I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but opening up my skull and removing little chunks of my brain won't do either of us a lot of good." "I'm not going to do the swapping," she said. "We're going to use Joshua's lab." At this point, I suddenly grew VERY interested. Joshua was Vicky's boyfriend. He lived a couple blocks away and had some very well-to-do parents. His dad had been a research scientist at the university, but had disappeared mysteriously a few years back. Though no one ever found a body, he was eventually declared dead and Joshua's mother (Mrs. Malaclypse) received a hefty life insurance settlement. Joshua had been following in his father's footsteps it seemed, and had used a good chunk of money in building a laboratory of his own in the basement. Whenever he came over to our house, I used to pester him a lot, trying to get a chance to see it. But he never let me come over. "We're going to Joshua's lab?" I asked. "If you're still interested?" Vicky answered with a smile. I grabbed my coat and we were out the door just like that. On the way over, Vicky told me Joshua was out of town tonight at some Junior Science Convention or something. Normally he wouldn't let Vicky touch anything in his lab either, though she had at least been down there and seen it once or twice. Apparently his father had left some notes and design schematics on a thought-transference machine. According to what Joshua had explained to Vicky, the machine could selectively move the memories of one person into the mind of another. Joshua had tested it on some lab animals, but supposedly hadn't done any research on human subjects yet. Vicky wanted me to tinker with the computer he had rigged up to the machine and see if I could program it to swap my book-smarts into her head. I admit, I wasn't thrilled about the prospect of losing my intellect to my sister, but I figured the machine probably didn't really do any of this stuff anyhow. It would just be a neat chance to see Joshua's lab. His mother met us at the door and let us in. Vicky told Mrs. Malaclypse she had left some notes for school in Joshua's lab and we were just going to pick them up. We trotted down into the basement ... and WOW, it was awesome! There were six computers networked together and a gigantic contraption the size of a furnace, with exposed wires everywhere. I flipped through Joshua's lab notes quickly. It seemed to be pretty genuine stuff. According to his notes, the device could remote-target any subject within 20 feet of it's transceiver. "Can you do it, Daniel?" asked Vicky. "I think so," I shrugged and started messing with one of Joshua's computers. After about a few minutes I found the control software Joshua had designed to run the device. He had some macros and templates already loaded for human test subjects, so I didn't have to figure out how to run everything. I target Vicky and myself, and clicked "okay" ... Everything went black for a moment ... dark black and utterly silent. It was only for an instant, but it seemed so much longer. "Did it work?" Vicky asked hesitantly. "Well, I felt something happen," I replied. "But I don't feel any dumber now." Vicky laughed. "That's not very nice, Dan! I'm not a dumb person. I just don't share the same interests in math and science that you do." She stopped abruptly and stood poised in thought for a moment. Then suddenly she embraced me in a tight hug and spun around in a quick circle with me, laughing. "It WORKED Daniel! It WORKED!" she shouted. "H-How do you know?" I asked confusedly. "Because right after I said I didn't have your math and science abilities, I suddenly remembered my math homework. The extra credit problem I'm doing for Mr. Franklin's Trigonometry class? ... Except then I remembered that Mr. Franklin teaches 8th grade math. That's YOUR math problem. But I was thinking about it!" I frowned. I remembered that I had Mr. Franklin's class and I knew that I was doing some extra credit in there. But I didn't remember the specifics of the problem. It seemed sort of vague and fuzzy. Actually, everything seems kind of distracting and cloudy now. This must be the way Vicky always saw the world. "Well, I'm glad it worked, I guess," I said. "Maybe we should trade back for now. And you can borrow my intellect, or better yet borrow Joshua's for the day of your SATs." "No can do brother of mine," she said. "Joshua already told me no human experimentation with his machine. ESPECIALLY not involving his girlfriend. So we have to keep this a secret from him, 'kay? That's why we had to do it tonight. Tomorrow he'll be back and this is probably the only chance we'll get before the SATs. But I promise that as soon as the SATs are over, we will trade back intelligence at the soonest opportunity." "But what if you decide you like being smarter better?" I asked worriedly. Vicky laughed. "Daniel, you just don't get it. I liked being me. And I always HAVE been a smart person. God, you're so stuck up sometimes! But anyway, don't worry about this. You have my word of honor that we will trade back at the soonest opportunity after the SATs ... no matter how I feel about having your knowledge crammed in up here. We WILL trade back. Feel better?" She hugged me and I flashed a weak smile at her. I didn't feel that much better. Actually, I felt kind of betrayed and tricked into going along with this. I hadn't really believed any of this would work until it did. And now it seemed too late. Vicky drove us back home in silence, whereupon she immediately went into her room to start studying. Vicky never studies, I thought to myself as I plopped down on my own bed. My thoughts wandered lazily and I found myself growing bored and restless. After about an hour, I stood up and went to talk with Vicky. I bumped into her right outside the hall. "I was just on my way to see you, Dan!" she said. "Um, I was wondering if I could borrow a book from you?" "Actually, I was kind of hoping I could borrow one from you," I replied. Vicky blushed and stared at the floor, twisting her foot in the carpet. "Um, actually ... this is embarrassing. Can I borrow one of your comic books? I just suddenly want to read a comic book. One of your Green Lantern ones, please?" Vicky had NEVER been interested in comic books. In fact, she continually chided me for reading them, telling me they were kids stuff and not what the cool people should be spending time and money on. But suddenly, I didn't care. I shrugged and we went back into my room. I dug out a couple of comic books and handed them to her. "Thanks so much, Dan!" she said. "Now what did you want to borrow of mine?" "Maybe not a book," I answered. "How about one of your magazines? Like Cosmo or Seventeen or something?" She laughed. "Sure thing, little brother. Not a problem." We headed into her room and I returned with a big stack of glossy fashion magazines. I immersed myself in them for the better part of the evening. That night I had odd and disturbingly disjointed dreams. After a very restless night, I staggered out of bed and headed for the shower. Instinctively, I used Vicky's shampoo and conditioner, and was about halfway through applying moisturizer to my body afterwards when I realized what I was doing. This was more serious than I had originally thought. I couldn't afford to go to school acting like my sister! At the breakfast table I whispered to Vicky that he had to talk. "Later!" she hissed back. We headed off to school without "later" ever coming along ... I to Junior High and she to Brookdale High School. I went through my daily routine of classes without many incidents. In social studies I found myself staring at Heather Diamond's sweater and thinking, "gosh, that's so pretty! I wish I had one like it." It was a cute sweater. A short one, more of a top really. Light pastel blue in color with a bit of ribbing. And the most GORGEOUS skirt to go with, black silk with a floral pattern. But it was pretty disturbing to me to be thinking these thoughts. A couple of times in class I found myself with my legs crossed girl-style. But other than that, the day was just a hazy blur. I couldn't concentrate on my work and found myself spending most of my time doodling pictures in my notebook. When I got home, there was no one else around. Mom must've been out grocery shopping and Dad hadn't come back from work yet. There was a note on the fridge, though: "Kids," it read. "We won't be back till late tonight. Dinner is in the fridge. And clean up your laundry off the dining room table." Mom had gone and washed and folded all our laundry and had it neatly piled in individual stacks on the table. I grabbed my stack and headed off to my room. But when I got there, I realized it wasn't my room I was in ... and it wasn't my laundry I was carrying. I had an armful of my sister's underwear and was standing in her room. Just then, I heard a laugh from behind me. I whirled around and saw Vicky giggling at me. "Oh, it's all right Daniel," she said. "I almost grabbed your pile by mistake as well." I flushed beet red and found myself at a loss for words. "I'm going through the same thing," she said. "I've been thinking your thoughts all day long. And going through the motions of saying and doing very 'Dan' type things! If you want to wear my clothes, it won't bother me. Seems a fair trade, don't you think? My fashion sense for your brain sense!" She smiled at me again. "I ... I wasn't really going to wear them," I stammered. "I just picked them up without thinking." "Daniel, don't worry," she said softly, hushing me. "Mom and dad are gone for the night. I know how stressful this is right now. Though if I were in my RIGHT mind, I'd NEVER want you wearing my stuff. But let's face it: we're both literally not in our right minds. I think it would be good if we both relaxed in each other's lives for a bit. It's been a stressful day. How about if tonight, you wear my clothes and sleep in my bed and I'll do the same with your stuff. We'll both feel better." I nodded silently. "Holler if you need anything!" she said and skipped off into my room, jumped down onto my bed, and picked up another comic book. Wordlessly I went into her room, closed the door, and contemplated the stack of laundry in my arms. What would be so bad about it? It would, in a strange way, feel more natural and comforting. And she had said it was all right. I stripped off my T-shirt and jeans, shoes, socks, and underwear and stood naked before her floor-length mirror. God, my body looked horrible. Small and scrawny. Turning away in disgust, I stopped to pick up the pile of laundry I'd left on her bed. I picked out a pair of light pink panties, not real lacy or anything, but comfortable looking and pretty. I slid them on, and paused for a moment wondering if I should wear a bra. I felt somehow that I should. But it seemed bizarrely unnecessary. I picked through and found a matching bra and put it on. It seemed such a strange device, but my fingers worked the clasps as though I had been wearing bras for years. Next I went over to Vicky's sock drawer and dug out a couple pairs of socks and stuffed them into my bra. Standing in front of the mirror now, I looked more ridiculous than ever. But somehow, I felt calmer and more at ease. Not to mention prettier. It was the strangest sensation. Quickly, I found a pair of designer jeans and silky chocolate brown blouse to wear. I considered putting on make-up ... I instinctively knew how. But I decided against it. That would be going to too much work, since I was only going to spend a quiet evening at home. I plopped down on Vicky's bed and flipped open another 'teen magazine. Something was still missing though. I snapped my fingers and leaped out of bed. Gotta have music! ... I popped in one of Vicky's favorite CDs into her stereo, and then jumped back onto the bed. Now everything was right. * * * * * The next morning I awoke to the sound of an unfamiliar alarm clock. I stumbled out of bed and found myself still in Vicky's room wearing a long "Cathy" nightshirt. The funny thing was, I didn't remember putting it on, though. If I was starting to behave in "Vicky-esque" ways without even realizing it, we had a serious problem on our hands. I quietly slipped out of her room and down the hall back to my own. She was already awake, though was wearing one of my T-shirts and a pair of my boxer shorts. "Vicky, we've got a problem," I said. "I know," she replied glumly. "I just woke up after having ... um ... a rather erotic dream involving several girls from your grade!" "We have to change back," I said. "We can't," she answered. "Not right now at least. We'll have to wait at least another week. You can make it until then can't you?" I shrugged helplessly. "I don't know. I mean I could barely get through school yesterday. What's going to happen to me there?" "If you're worried about your grades: don't be," she replied. "You've stacked up enough high marks already that one week of being 'out-of-it' won't kill you. Besides, you're at that age when people expect kids to do weird things. Your teachers and friends probably won't give it a second thought if you act up a bit this week." "Vicky!" I exclaimed. "It's no big deal for YOU, sure. But I'm going to get the crap beat out of me by every bully in school if I started involuntarily doing girly things in class!" I started sobbing and Vicky gently hugged me. * * * * * School went by MUCH better than I had feared it would. I mainly just kept to myself and didn't socialize much with anyone. My teachers did comment a few times that my mind seemed elsewhere, but Vicky was right: no one was too concerned. No one noticed that I was behaving more and more like my sister. The worst that happened was that I spent awhile fantasizing about some of the guys in my gym class. It was pretty disconcerting. But I found that female sexual thoughts are much easier to repress than male ones. Vicky and I continued to sleep in each other's rooms at night without drawing any unusual attention. I wore her clothes to bed each night. And she did the same with mine. The problem we had now was that Joshua was back and had noticed Vicky acting unusual. He didn't seem to catch on to what had happened. But they began fighting a lot and didn't seem to see eye-to-eye like they used to. My worst fears were realized when the day before the SATs, Joshua broke up with Vicky. I was in tears, hysterical. She told me everything would work out and we could just sneak back into Joshua's lab the next night and fix everything back to normal. If we got caught, it was soon enough after the breakup that we could fabricate some story about coming over to beg forgiveness and patch things up or something. So Vicky took her SATs that day, and did remarkably well on them. She tried calling up Joshua after she got home, but no one would answer the phone. "Relax Daniel," she told me. "We'll just go to Plan B. Meet me out in the driveway around 3 a.m. okay?" I went to bed, but couldn't sleep at all that night. I was out at the driveway, pacing up a storm a full hour and a half before Vicky came out. "Having trouble sleeping little brother?" she said with a smile. "It's not funny!" I snapped. "I feel more like your little sister right now! Let's just get this over with." We walked over to Joshua's place under the cover of darkness. Vicky knew that Mrs. Malacylpse had a habit of always leaving the back porch door unlocked, so we crept in through there and snuck down into the basement laboratory. It was in shambles this time. It looked as though Joshua had totally immersed himself in some new project that involved taking apart everything component by component. I felt tears welling up in my eyes again at the thought of being trapped with these feminine thoughts in my brain forever. "Hushhhhhhhhh," whispered Vicky. "It's all right. I recognize the core of the thought transference machine. He's only making some superficial cosmetic changes to it. We can probably still use it." She sat down at a computer terminal and fiddled with some controls for what seemed like an eternity. "Well, it appears as though he's erased all the templates files that were in here last time," she said. "So I'll have to come up with a new set of instructions on the fly. It might not work perfectly, but here goes nothing!" * * * * * Well, it worked and it didn't. It turned out Joshua had disengaged several key safety overrides when he dismantled everything. He didn't really know what he was doing when he built the device. He'd only been following the blueprints and schematics left by his genius father. The machine burned out and exploded, setting fire to the house. I screamed and ran up the stairs. I'd gotten halfway to the front door when I realized I wasn't in my own body anymore. I was completely physically Vicky ... her thoughts and her body, with only a shred of my own original identity left here. I turned to find Vicky and saw nothing but the flames licking up from the basement. I ran down there, through the choking smoke and dragged my unconscious body out to the lawn. By the time I'd gotten there, I could hear fire trucks in the distance. Someone had called the fire department. Joshua and Mrs. Malaclypse came stumbling out of the house in a daze shortly later. As we watched the firefighters extinguish the blaze, we quietly huddled together and sorted out what had happened. When the machine blew, it had scrambled ALL our minds around. I was Vicky, but Vicky was now in Mrs. Malaclypse's body ... STILL with all of my old booksmarts! Mrs. Malaclypse had become her son Joshua ... and Joshua now inhabited my former body. Vicky and I confessed the story of what we had done ... after which, Joshua had to confess to his mother that he even HAD such a machine in the basement. We all tried to comfort ourselves with the thought that maybe Joshua could rebuild the device and get us all back to normal. But the truth of the matter was that all his father's notes were destroyed in the fire. No tangible record of how this had happened remained. Sure, maybe after a couple years of intense research he could construct a similar machine. But he now had 8th grade trigonometry homework to contend with as well. I adjusted to being Vicky and actually found it pretty nice and relaxing being a girl. Joshua doesn't seem too peeved about the situation either. He says becoming an 8th grader again just means he has a couple of extra years added to his life. Vicky is pretty upset, being a middle-aged woman ... but with another insurance check coming to her after the fire, she's a WEALTHY middle-aged woman, and that seems to comfort her considerably. Mrs. Malaclypse really came off the worst. Trapped in the body of her own son ... and with no immediate hope of ever changing back. She's sunken into a deep depression and hardly goes anywhere or does anything. Vicky is talking about getting her into a counseling center for therapy. And I go off to college soon. That's the ONE good part about all this. Vicky did SO well with my brain on those SATs that I managed to get a full-ride scholarship. Of course, now that I have these clunky, confused thoughts in my head, I'll actually have to WORK real hard to make it through college. But I figure that's a small price to pay for becoming a beautiful, well dressed, and soon-to-be well-educated woman. (the end)

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It all started when I was younger, my mother always wore stockings or pantyhose, and I don’t remember a time when she didn’t. I used to sit on the floor watching T.V. & she sat on the sofa next to me, I would rest my head against her legs and occasionally rub my hands along her smooth and shiny calves, marvelling at the silky feeling. I believe this is where my lifelong fetish for hosiery and lingerie stems from.After a while she didn’t allow me to continue this activity even though she...

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first time 3some

Despite losing her virginity at an early age cass never seemed to experience the magical sex that her friends would talk about , the earth shattering orgasms the sexual memories and she had put it down to just that her body wasnt designed for that type of sex , she evjoyed the sex she had , it was 'nice' and 'enjoyable' but she had already at 22 resigned herself to the fact she would not have the other magical sex .cass's sex life and indeed outlook on life changed when at 22 she had an...

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TandraChapter 9

I got up a moment later to get some tissue to clean up the mess, before it made stains all over the floor. With a few pieces of tissue, I reached under Spider to plug up any leak. The opening was almost gone. I cleaned up what I could, and it came to me, that she was holding all the sperm in, so they would go about their futile job. "Get up, Sweetheart. I want to get you into bed," I said mentally and verbally. She got up, unsteadily. I pulled down the covers on one side of the girl,...

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Aimees Makeovers

Aimee's Makeovers Part One By Jena Corso Tony and Aimee have been dating since the last two years of college and their relationship had never been better. Since Tony's graduation, they've spent a lot more quality time together than when they were in school. Aimee is in her third year of school and is looking to become a fashion designer. As for Tony, he now has a degree in finance and has been horsing around with his band with the hope of becoming a rock star. He figured he...

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Saskias Sweet Seduction 3

Saskia surely shows submissiveness to me, offering all her tasty tight hot holes to my proud probing pole. For her final test I blindfold her. She hears someone else entering. She fears for a moment I will present her to be used by some other guy. However, she can not really imagine I would want to share her like that. I grab her by the back of her neck. On all fours she crawls forward until her face feels furry. She smells some sexy snatch! She has no time to ponder more, as she hears my wish...

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Cookies Cream Ch 09

‘Peach Cobbler’ Okay, peeps, let me backtrack from Wednesday morning all the way to the twilight hours of Tuesday morning. I did mention you that Rosa argued with Katie. I want to be honest with this. Rosa actually picked a fight with the sexapade liar Katie for only a minute. That’s all, only a minute. After that, she has gotten to know Katie better. You wanna know what happened? I’ll tell you. It was ten minutes passed five when Rosa decided to wake up and take a stroll in a nature trail....

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Purty Prison Guard

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't! I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long as I...

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Two Ships Pass Once Again

with Carree Wilson Jamie Moore, is an erotic story writer in her spare time from her job as a copywriter and account representative for one of the nations largest ad agencies. She had just finished speaking at an agencies convention in New Orleans and was heading home. Her live-in boyfriend and fiance', Randy, was with her on this trip as they turned the 3 day convention into a mini-vacation of 5 days. They were just beginning approach into Atlanta-Hartsfield Airport to make their...

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Indian sex stories

Hot Sex with Vijaya AuntyHi friends this is shijil a 22 yrs old boy, from surat but originally from kerala. I m currently doing my mba from one of most reputed colleges of india. This story is about how I fucked my dream anuty vijaya. She is my dads friends wife she also stays in the same society which I used to stay. Vijaya is a typical mallu girl with huge breast and ass of 33 yrs old mother of 2 k**s, with a figure of 36/32/38.U guys can imagine how big is her ass. I had a great lust for...

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Our Makeshift BDSM Dungeon Part 2

My wife and I enjoyed our shopping outings at the adult store, conveniently located a mere 2 miles away, with other shops within a reasonable drive. It was to the point now that she did not even wait for me to accompany her, she was happy to shop alone. My wife had a knockout body to start with.....a statuesque figure of 6 feet, 165 lbs. and a full, firm 38DD chest. A pure delight viewing her in sexy lingerie, or even nude, she upped the stakes in her slave attire. In a harness or any other...

4 years ago
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The ReunionPart II

Kim and Ajay sat on the couch still. Their breathing had pretty much returned to normal. Ajay’s hands had settled on holding her ass and she had her arms under his and draped around his back. The both felt great, but it wasn’t long before they both started feeling frisky again. Ajay’s hands began to wonder again, but they didn’t go far. They began caressing her ass. Occasionaly wandering up her back and then back down. Kim moaned a little. She absolutely loved it when Ajay ran his...

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How my Mother and I Became Lovers

I've decided to tell you the story of how my mother and I became lovers. My promise is, I'll stay truthful to what really happened but I'll take some liberties here or there (hopefully to not bore you with the details). This is my way of expressing myself, to put it in writing and release it anonymously; I can't exactly go out in good company and tell them I've fucked my mother. It started in 2010 when I was 16. My parents marriage was not going well. My father George ran a huge construction...

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Its gonna be like ringing a dinner bell

I'm smiling so hard my lips hurt. "You're two hours early" I say, trying not to giggle as she glides by me through my just opened door. I'm trying to be cool, I've been talking a lot of shit with this girl online. I want to act hard, but right now I just feel all warm and fuzzy inside."I decided not to stop at the hotel before coming over" she tells me. "I freshened up at the airport before picking up my car... don't you like surprises?" She asks with a wicked grin.Well, yeah, I like...

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Married life by Lucy part four

part four.After the birth of our son James we decided to have another baby so my story continues with me five & a half months pregnant. Money has become tight because there's an overtime ban where John works & with me not working we needed some income to see us through the next few months. John came home after having a drink with friends. saying that he had a solution to our problem. A friend that he hadn't seen for a long time was splitting up with his wife & needed somewhere to...

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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 04

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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House Slut 15

She pushed the thoughts out of her head as she finished rinsing off the soap and toweled herself off. She no longer wanted to overthink these things. It started to seem easier, better for everyone, the more control she let them have over her. Being fucked up the butt eleven times in one night was not her ideal situation but she trusted them enough that they weren’t doing it sadistically, that if she seemed distressed or in any danger they would have called things off. At this point any...

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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 2 The Proposition

Julie drove me in her black Jaguar out to the rich side of town that was speckled with large fancy homes on lots big enough to hold shopping malls. After driving through an ornate gate and up a cobblestone driveway longer than the New Jersey Turnpike, she parked in a six car garage that was also occupied by a Porsche, two Lexus', and a Cadillac, and walked up two fights of stairs to her bedroom. "Uh, mind if I use the bathroom?" I asked pointing to the master bathroom through a door in...

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My wife, Sherry, is generally quiet and proper. But even so, she absolutely loves sex with me, though in a sweet, affectionate way. She actually can't seem to get enough. But there have been a few times that she has *really*surprised me. The first time was before we were married. We had been living together a few weeks and were really getting along well. One night after we had just turned in, she grabbed my head and kissed me. That may not seem like much, but Sherry was usually more passive...

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two young lads and me

hi my names dawn and Im fifty seven years old, with what I consider to be a great body and am still very attractive, now this story starts about twelve years ago when I used to work at a local department store, I enjoyed my job and had made lots of friends both male and female, for some reason I was attracting a lot of attention from the younger male members of our work force, It all used to go over my head as I had heard suggestive comments coming my way for some time, like Hi ya sexy , and...

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A dirty bike ride

Blue skies, warm sunshine, the perfect day for a bike ride and the perfect time to try some alfresco sex….. My husband and I have been camping several times and this time we were on a trip to Devon. Sex when camping is always interesting, normally a quickie in a tight space therefore unadventurous and a quiet affair. This can be a problem for me as I tend to be quite loud during sex, showing my appreciation for the pleasure I am receiving. The sex so far on this holiday had required some...

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The PhotographerChapter 8

The next morning Dan was at the site on the hill above the Judge's house. He had his camera and the telephoto lens and he was hidden behind dense underbrush in case they had figured out where the pictures had been taken from. Several times he saw Adrianne pacing by the patio door. Shortly before noon he called the Judges number and Adrianne answered the phone. As soon as she answered he started talking, "Ok Adrianne, we're done with this little game. Come to the Rat's Tail Inn on Route...

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Lady Painting at the Beach

Grumpy Bastard as he was called by some, usually miffed opponents, at the golf club when he was more or less out of earshot while others knew him by his more regular name of Bob Hill, stepped on to the sands of Bob’s Beach (all other locals knew it as Sandy Cove) and he stopped in shock. Jesus. A woman wearing only a bikini bottom was seated on a stool twenty yards away at an easel painting. Judging by the almost lack of no breast droop, not that he was a connoisseur or professional bra...

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A Gift From His Father Ch 04

Mary Smith was in love. She was in love with her new freedom, being able to enjoy herself as she pleased untethered by the bonds of her service to Dr. Zachary Smith, the father of her son Johnny. Now that he was dead she was free, free to date and even marry if she wishes. This was the first time she had been with another man in a very long time and she wasn’t sure exactly how to behave, but she was thoroughly enjoying her weekend with Jim, the Cabo San Lucas weather was delightful this time of...

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Masseuse Girl Strikes Right Chords Leads To Hot Banging

Hi friends, I am here with an amazing new story. I have shifted to Andheri and I visited this new salon in Lokhandwala. One fine evening, I was jogging in the Lokhandwala and I made eye contact with a nice lady who must be in her 40s. We see each other regularly as many people jog during the evenings. We both smiled at each other and she stopped beside me. She said, “Hi, I am Kani.” “Hi, I am Tathya,” I replied and the conversation started. Kani: Are you new to this locality as I haven’t seen...

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A Lesbian Romance

Barbara is tall, about 5′ 7′, slender and light-boned, so that her 127 pounds are not skinny. She wears her deep brown hair short and curly, and dresses for business in tailored pantsuits, with just a touch of color in her accessories. Although she appears to be in her early thirties, she will celebrate her forty-second birthday this coming November. Her body is soft and curvy. Her waist is small, accenting the firm roundness of her hips, the small mound of her belly. She has been known to...

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One Drop to Heaven

"So what's this then?" I asked Tony, my best mate, when he held up a small blue bottle. "It's one of those 'date rape' drugs," he said with a huge smile, "got it from this guy I know at work, free sample, if we want more, it'll cost, and plenty too." "Wow," I said, "so who are we going to use it on?" "Well," he paused. "Well," I prompted. "Well, I thought your sister," he said. "What! My sister!" I exclaimed, "why her?" "Two reasons really," he said with a sly...

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Best Friends

I really appreciate comments which make me a better writer. Please comment and Heart if you like it :) xoxox -BelleWomen are nothing like men (as if you needed me to tell you that.) But not just in anatomy or in any carnal way. Women are unlike men in how they think and how they react to stimulus. A woman discusses her friend's body, in a conversational way, "Your tits look so great in that dress, I wish my tits looked so nice in anything I own." I have never seen men discuss their anatomy in...

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Percy McQuinn

Percy McQuinn By Cheryl Lynn This is an adaptation from my "Momma's Good Girl." It can stand alone but recommend reading "Momma's" for better understanding. It should answer the questions left by commenters. All the standard disclaimers apply. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use is strictly prohibited unless approved by the author. As usual, this story is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. Comments are welcome at...

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TeenPies Nikki Knightly Creampie From My Boyfriends Dad

It is always nice when someone lets you in on a story they have not told too many people. It makes you feel exclusive and lets you know that there is some juicy dirt that they do not want getting out. That is the kind of story Nikki Knightly is telling us, and it is definitely full of all the kinds of twists and turns we like. She has a boyfriend whose dad is one of the biggest flirts she has ever met. He always walks by and grabs her ass in the kitchen, and even though at first it is a little...

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Ninas HR Review

Nina had been happy when she was told that Julie, Mrs Lawson to her, the forty-three-year-old HR Director, didn’t get back to the office on the day that she said she would, and in fact, it would be several days before she got back. Nina was dreading the meeting with Mrs Lawson because as well as discussing the clothes that she wore for work, Mrs Lawson was also going to undertake her six-month review. She said that she already had a report from Miss Millie, and there were, ‘things,’ to...

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Summer Rain

I sat on the porch as it was starting to rain. The wind was blowing a cool breeze as the sun was starting to set. It was just a light rain at first. I love the smell of rain in the air-it's a bit of a turn on for me. I sat on the chair taking in the wind & rain. There's something so incredibly sensual about it. I found myself sitting & starting to daydream. I was picturing my lover caressing my shoulders his hands grazing my breasts. I sat & closed my eyes as the wind started to...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 5

2076 a.d. – Winter The Writ of Stone The Goddess of the Land stood in front of her temple with her arms raised to the night sky. She was wearing a white ceremonial robe that she and Elaine had designed. It was open in the front exposing her unscarred belly to reveal that the gods had healed her wounds. Various passers-by, noticing an obviously religious rite being performed by their goddess, stopped to see what was happening. Word spread quickly and a large crowd gathered around her in a...

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a different night away part 1

I say woman, she’s 23 but looks about 16. Very slight build, many at work think she’s borderline anorexic. She about 5’4” and I guess a small size 8. Her best feature is her luxurious longish brown hair, which she highlights with blonde tints. She often plays the “dumb blonde” but is smarter than she makes out. Kay does have a serious side but she can be really cheeky and loves winding people up. On occasions she is a little flirtatious making it appear humorous. She admitted once...

5 years ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 19

Elinore clings to Kaito clenching him as he holds her hoping to calm her down as holds him tighter. He rubs her head as she cries, letting go of her grip as the tears flow rapidly. “Elinore, what’s wrong?” Kaito asks. She rubs the tears from her eyes. “I ... I hate this,” She says. “I thought going into the dungeons would be fun, but it’s been a struggle every step of the way.” He stares at her, holding her close. “You’ve done your best so far.” “Yeah, but I feel so worthless. We’ve only...

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Romantic Wild Day With Seductive Bhabhi

Hello iss readers. I m kabir from bhilai(c.G), ye meri first story h plzz like n apne suggestion meko mail krna plzz().Mai apko apne bare me thoda bata du fir story pe aata hu.I m 6ft tall, complexion is between wheatish n fair,my cock is 6inch jyada lamba ni h bt mota h.Ab mai apni life ka experience aap sbse share krta hu. Mujhe bohot mann tha kisi bhabhi aunty ko chodne ka aur mai bohot betaabi se khoj rha tha . Maine apne frend ko ye baat bataya aur fir usne mujhe bataya ki mai ek bhabhi h...

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Six Times A DayPart 107 California Dreamin

As lunch started, Katherine went looking for Christine. She'd promised Alan that she would try to befriend Christine and also apologize for spying on her and Alan at their Tuesday night dinner date, and she was determined to keep both promises despite her great reservations about Christine's character. Christine, though, wasn't at her usual cafeteria table with the other "Goody-goodies." But the members of that group seemed to have some sort of sixth sense about what the others were...

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My hot neighbour namrata

Hi Guys, this is Gary from Delhi. I am 34 years old and have shared intimate moments with a few women including my bhabhi, neighbourhood bhabhis, and a couple of girlfriends so far but the best fuck I had, was with my sexxy neighbour in Mumbai.I still like having a good time with ladies and do get lot of chances, as I travel quite a lot on work. If any of you sexxy ladies is interested, please let me know on my email id [email protected]. I would love to give you a good time as well...

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