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Percy McQuinn By Cheryl Lynn This is an adaptation from my "Momma's Good Girl." It can stand alone but recommend reading "Momma's" for better understanding. It should answer the questions left by commenters. All the standard disclaimers apply. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use is strictly prohibited unless approved by the author. As usual, this story is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. Comments are welcome at [email protected]. Percy McQuinn Percy McQuinn wasn't always who he was now. His step mother Imogene Nelson McQuinn and step sister Janet had seen to that. Percy was a young teenager when his father died from a massive heart attack. Soon after the golden spoon life he had been living was gone. He had never gotten along with either step mother or sister. There was never a doubt in his mind that Imogene had only married his father for the vast wealth he controlled. When he confronted his father about the pending wedding, was told that he needed a mother and older sister. "I love Imogene but more importantly you need a mother to watch over you and give you guidance. You're almost a teenager and I'm on the road too often. Imogene and Karen, if you give them a chance, will make your transitioning into adulthood easier," he had said. "I can't talk you out of this marriage? You know she's only doing it for the money don't you?" Percy asked hoping he would change his mind. "I don't believe so. Her behavior regarding our wealth was expected. You must understand that she and her daughter come from living on a very modest income. It's only natural that they would spend so much. They have to fit into our society now. Imogene was my secretary for a long time and I got to know her very well. She has proven to be very resourceful and intelligent. Please, for me, accept them into our family," he responded. With the reading of his father's Last Will and Testament, Percy wasn't surprised. It left Imogene in total control and his guardian until he turned twenty-one. Soon after that his life changed forever. The first big change was Imogene selling the mansion and moving them from New Jersey to California. The mansion wasn't as large but completely furnished. Percy was given a smaller room than he had nor was it to his taste. None of his posters or other memorabilia were brought. Left behind to be sold off at auction with the rest of the furnishings. ## Mary Margaret was in her bedroom when her guardian entered with a stack of clothing in her arms. "What now?" she spat. Now that her father had passed on, she hated her step mother all the more. They had never gotten along and she blamed her father's death on her. Moving to a new state and all of her friends left behind made her bitter. "I've decided to make some drastic changes. You have been a spoiled rotten bitch ever since I married your father. You have disrespected me and my darling daughter far too long. As of today all that changes. I've made some appointments for you. Put these on," she replied frostily handing her the clothing. "What? Wear this? Are you totally out of it? I'm not wearing any of this!" she screamed tossing the clothing to the floor. Mary Margaret was both very surprised and in pain when her guardian grabbed her long hair and jerked from the vanity bench. No one ever dared to do something like this when her father was alive. Finding herself across her step mother's lap, then feeling the pain of being spanked was unthinkable. Never in her life had anyone spanked much less disciplined her. Not even her loving mother. With red rimmed eyes and a stinging behind, Mary Margaret got dressed as step mother demanded. Greatly embarrassed was taken to her first appointment, Betty's Cut and Curl beauty salon. She was wearing plain denim jeans and pull over blue shirt. Mary Margaret for the first time in a year not wearing her training bra. She only had the beginnings of breast buds but felt naked without her bra. The salon was located in a mixed neighborhood Mary Margaret would never be seen in the past. The salon also wasn't the fashionable salons she always went to. This one she would never have entered but was being forced into. She wasn't surprised seeing no other customers in the shop. "Who would come into a dump like this," she thought as an older blue haired lady walked up. "I sent everyone out for a long lunch like you asked. Is this the darling child you want me to take care of?" she said. "Yes Betty, this is the little bitch I've been telling you about," her step mother declared pushing Mary forward. Secured to the styling chair Mary Margaret struggled to no avail. She didn't know what her step mother was planning but it wasn't going to be good. Not good at all if she had to be strapped into the chair. "Probably some shitty perm or horrible dye job," she thought. It wasn't until she saw strands of her lovely blond hair falling into her drape covered lap that she became afraid. When she heard the bee like buzzing of the electric clippers, she became very afraid. Mary Margaret screamed out in horror as those clippers touched her scalp. "Go ahead scream your silly head off. Only we can hear you and its pure pleasure to our ears," her step sister spat. With the clippers put away, Betty applied warm shaving cream then with a straight razor trimmed away the excess stubble. Mary Margaret hadn't stopped crying since Betty started. Her crowning glory had been sheared away. Leaving the shop, she was in shock. Betty using a hand mirror showed her what had been done. Her hair was short but none existent at the sides. It was, if anyone of you remember "The Little Rascals," just like Alfalfa's. Further down the road they pulled into the parking lot of an optometrist. Inside Mary Margaret's eyes were dilated and given an examination. She had no idea why she was taken here. Her eyesight was 20/20. When the optometrist fitted a pair of thick rimmed black eyeglasses even more confused. The ear pieces had an elastic strap to hold them securely on her face. Everything was blurry as they left that place. The only ones seeming to have a good time were her step mother and sister. They were laughing their asses off as they got back into the car. Mary Margaret had a difficult time just finding the door handle, which made them laugh even harder. "Don't worry bitch, give it a few days or so and you should be able to see clearly again. You'll be wearing glasses for the rest of your life so get used to it," her step mother said. Mary Margaret couldn't see clearly, mostly blurred images and couldn't tell where they were going next. The letters on the sign of the next stop were too blurred. If she had seen, Dr. Angel, M.D. gender specialist, on the plaque would have run. In the examination room Mary was stripped naked and given a paper gown to put on. If Mary Margaret could have seen Dr. Angel clearly would have shivered in fright. The doctor looked more like one of those crazed characters you see in B horror movies. Dr. Angel was a tall reedy older man with white hair sticking out from the side of his otherwise bald head. He had a beak like nose and beady looking eyes. After giving her a thorough exam including blood and urine samples, gave her two injections. As the exam progressed he said very little and the conversation was between him and step mother. "She's just beginning to enter puberty. I think we can do what you want. Shall I proceed?" Dr. Angel said. "Of course! That is why I'm paying you so much. Get on with it," step mother replied sharply. "Very well. After two months of treatment this will become permanent. So, if you change your mind, you have until then. I'll give you a prescription. One tablet in the morning and one before bed. I'll set up standing appointments for every two weeks," he answered. "Why did I have to have those shots and what treatment?" Mary Margaret timidly asked. "You needed them. That's why and momma wants..," her step sister began but was cut off. "That's enough dear," Imogene stated. "We still have one more stop to make." By the last stop Mary Margaret's dilation medicine had worn off but everything was still blurry. The sign was large enough to read, "Jo's Thrift Store." Reading it sent a shiver down her spine. She would never be caught dead in a store like this. All her clothing was designer and nothing else would do. Her step sister had to hold Mary Margaret's hand as they roamed down the aisles. She pleaded to take the glasses off so she could see but step mother absolutely refused. Her step mother didn't want her to see what she would be wearing from now on. At least not yet. Mary Margaret left the store wearing a pair of black slacks, white dress shirt, white cotton socks, black penny loafers. There was a white pocket protector in the shirt's single pocket and a black bow tie around the collar. For underwear Mary Margaret had on a pair of cotton y-fronts and boy's white cotton under shirt. Step mother was very pleased, step sister had a bad case of the giggles. Mary was not as mortified as she would have been. She had an idea of what she looked like but those infernal glasses left everything so unfocused and fuzzy. "They made me look like a geeky boy," she thought. "I'll get them for doing this. Somehow I'll do it." ## After two weeks Mary Margaret could see a lot better. As her vision improved wearing glasses the more despondent she became. She was looking more like a nerdy boy with each passing day. The hair on her underarms and legs more visible and irritating day by day. The first week her step sister had to hold her still while step mother shaved her face. Followed by a harsh spanking. Now she was doing that every morning and evening by herself under supervision. More infuriating was being called Percy. Percy McQuinn was officially Mary Margaret's legal name. Imogene had it changed soon after arriving at their new home. Every day she wore the same style clothing, ill- fitting black slacks, white men's dress shirt with pocket protector holding several ball points and bow tie. Y-fronts and men's undershirts her only underwear. White cotton socks and black penny loafers completed her dressing. She sorely missed her nylon and silk lingerie. The beautiful designer dresses and high heels. Today she had another appointment with Dr. Angel. Mary Margaret was dreading it. She had been told by Karen, her step sister, she was getting testosterone and steroids. "Yeah bitch," Karen had sneered. "You're never going to become a woman after Dr. Angel gets finished with you. You're getting male hormones and won't develop breasts or able to get pregnant in another month or so. Get used to it bitch or maybe I should say bastard now." Mary Margaret was laid out on the examination table, leather straps holding her securely to the table and ankles in the stirrups. Dr. Angel had just given her a series of painful shots to her groin. Now she didn't feel anything and he was doing something down there. Finally he moved away so Imogene and Karen could see what he had done. "She's just going to soooo not love this," Karen shrilly screamed. "Very nice doctor. Quite realistic. How permanent?" Imogene asked. "I stitched it tight. It should stay secured for at least a year maybe more. She will have her monthly menses for a while longer. To properly cleanse and for hygiene there is a slit here under the empty scrotal sack," he answered. "I was wondering about that and I'm guessing she, I mean, he can stand to pee," Imogene said. "Yes even in the boys' toilets or gym. It is realistic enough to pass any casual inspection. The only thing it can't do is get erect. Shall I show her what I've done?" Dr. Angel asked. "Oh of course. By all means show my little darling," Imogene smirked. Using a large hand mirror Dr. Angel angled it so Mary Margaret could see. She shrieked then fainted. What she saw was a realistic looking limp six-inch circumcised penis and hairy scrotum. "She is going to need to see a certified therapist if you go any further. I can recommend Dr. Thelma Vitner. She's very particular in who she takes on as a patient. I'll give her a call of recommendation, if you like. Dr. Vitner ( I have several stories about Dr. Vitner at is very good at making reluctant patients accept their appointed life style," Dr. Angel said. "You're telling me she is very discreet and trust worthy?" Imogene asked. "I wouldn't recommend her if she wasn't madam. This case is very different than the ones she normally treats. She specializes in making men and boys love being sissies," he answered. ## Doctor Vitner was an expert at creating effective subliminal hypnosis CD's. Along with certain psychotropic drugs and office visits for deeper hypnotic trances was always successful in changing one's behavior and outlook on life. Behavior and lifestyles neither wanted or desired by the ones being altered. Dr. Thelma Vitner sat behind her ornate antique rose wood desk examining the folder Dr. Angel had sent. "Umm, interesting. I haven't worked on that many of these transitions. Angel wouldn't refer a case that would get me in trouble but I'll have my private investigator check it out any way. While he is doing that I'll get started on the basic subliminal CD's. Later when I find out exactly what this Mz. Nelson wants, I can make them more specific," she thought. Pressing the intercom button Dr. Vitner asked, "Miss. Radner is my next client ready?" "Yes Doctor, Dorthey and Drew Jones are here. Who shall I send in first?" ## Mary Margaret tried only once to remove the offending appendage from her groin. The pain made her stop and she understood that it would stay on until a doctor removed it. She had always been a girly-girl and hated what her step mother and sister were forcing her to become. Mary Margaret was becoming used to having hairy pits and legs but forced to stand to pee seemed so unnatural. Wearing dull scratchy boy's clothing and seeing a bulge in the crotch upsetting. She didn't want to be a Percy or any other boy. When Mary Margret was told she had another appointment with a new doctor, became ashen faced. "Oh my gawd! What horror am I going to have to face now?" she thought. Imogene went into Dr. Vitner's office first. There she explained what she wanted. "Dr. Vitner my ex-husband's specifically gives me guardianship over his only daughter. She is a mean spirited rotten spoiled one at that. His will leaves the entire estate to her when she reaches her majority. I've decided she needs a new point of view on life. I need her to accept that from now on she is no longer female but a male. Most definitely not a macho one but rather a nerd. Since her daddy no longer has a girl; then, I get to keep his fortune for myself and daughter. Are you willing to do this for me?" Imogene said. "Yes, but I have another question. Do you want her to subconsciously know who and what she formally was?" the doctor asked. "You can do that? Why that would be great. Being able to know and not be able to act or tell anyone, wow. For the past several years she has made my and my daughter's life hell. It's time to turn the tables on the little bitch," she responded. For Mary Margaret the visit to Dr. Vitner was a pleasant surprise. She was served a cup of tea as soon as she entered the office. Mary Margaret always loved sipping tea but now had to drink coffee with cream and sugar. When she left had no idea she had been there over two hours but felt wonderful for the first time. She was looking forward to her next visit and listening to her new CD when she went to bed. "Your name is Percy McQuinn and you are a nerd. You love school and learning yet have a hard time remembering what you've studied. Percy McQuinn is shy and submissive. Percy McQuinn you will always obey your step mother and sister. Your name is Percy McQuinn, a nerdy looking boy," the CD repeated on an endless loop. A week later when Mary Margaret saw Dr. Viner again was feeling very confused. Sometimes she thought she was Percy and sometimes Mary Margaret. She still disliked her step mother and sister but didn't hate them. She hoped Dr. Vitner could clear things up. Percy McQuinn was very happy as he left the office with a new CD two hours later. He couldn't wait for bedtime so he could listen to his old and new CD. The second disc repeated, "Percy McQuinn, you are a nerdy boy. You adore your step mother and sister. You will obey them in all things. As a nerd you like being neat and tidy but don't mind rumpled clothing or missing a shower once and awhile. You are Percy McQuinn a nerdy boy and will behave and act like one all the time. You love being a nerd and a boy. You will do whatever your step mother or sister tells you. You are Percy McQuinn, a nerdy boy." ## That fall Percy McQuinn was enrolled in public school. He was apprehensive as he thought he should be going to an exclusive private school like Karen. So nervous several more pimples broke out on his face. After his first day of classes hated it. The guys picked on him and the girls avoided him. Gym class was not only embarrassing but painful as well. They played dodge ball and it seemed like he was the primary target. Having to take a shower with the other boys traumatic. Everything was blurry as he had to remove his glasses. Then there were the snapping wet towels directed to his butt as he went back to his locker. Percy complained bitterly to his step mother when he arrived back home especially about having to take gym. He also didn't understand why he had to take the school bus. "I hate that school. Everyone makes fun of me and pushes me around. Why do I have to take gym? I hate that class. Please let me go to a private school like Karen," he plead. "Nonsense Percy. You're a pimple faced nerd and should expect that kind of treatment. I can't get you out of gym. It's a required course," she replied. "At least have me driven to school like Karen. I have to get up two hours before school even starts to catch the bus," Percy added. "She has a ride Percy because she is a girl. Girls should be pampered. You're a boy. You will ride the bus. Now I don't want to hear any more about it. Go and do your homework," Imogene said dismissing him. During the course of the school year Percy did make a couple of friends. Other outcast boys like himself. None were his best friends. More like acquaintances as he had to come straight home from school. He couldn't join the various clubs like The Chess Club that they did. Percy also wasn't allowed to participate in after school activities in any case. High school was a miserable four years for not only Percy but Mary Margaret as well. While unable to control her body or change anything, she was painfully aware of what was happening. About the only thing she liked and that was questionable, was not having to wait in line to pee. There were times when she wished that if she had to be a boy at least it could be as a regular boy. If school was miserable Mary Margaret's home life was hell. When they had visitors over for a party or dinner, which was frequent Percy would make a brief appearance. Then be sent back to his room where he could hear them having a good time. Imogene wanted all her friends to know she had a nerdy step son. After a year of not having a period, Dr. Angel changed her male appendage. This time the scrotum was sealed but could be filled with egg whites to simulate sperm. The penis shaft could also be inflated to full stiff erection. When the scrotum was squeezed, the egg whites would be ejected. This confused Mary Margaret and Percy until they got home. There Imogene filled the scrotum with egg whites and had Percy inflate the penis to full erection. Their bewilderment was soon understanding and mortifying. "Percy you are a nerd and can't get a girl to fulfill your teenage urges. So, I had Dr. Angel make a few changes to satisfy those for you," she said as Karen stood off to the side giggling. "I don't understand step mother," Percy said. "All teenaged boys masturbate to relieve those urges. So you may begin now," she stated. Having to masturbate in front of his step mother and sister was mortifying but Percy had no choice. He had to obey her. Clumsily he began pulling on the ersatz penis. As he did that something on the inside of the device rubbed against Mary Margaret's clitoris. That sensation was pleasant. It took more than thirty minutes before Imogene told him to squeeze his balls and ejaculate into the cup she held out. Mary Margaret wanted to scream as she was very close to having a climax. Like all her other efforts to exert some control, she failed. "Now you shouldn't waste good sperm, drink it all down like a good nerd," she ordered. "We'll do this every month from now on. Can't have you running around frustrated," she informed the humiliated boy. ## With graduation Percy spent all his time with Imogene and Karen. With school he could get away from them for a time. Now that he was home, Imogene put him to good use. She made him become the butler. She had several butler uniforms made for him. Two for every day wear and one with tails for more formal occasions. Imogene also had him take a driver's training class. With a license, Percy McQuinn (m) could also be their chauffer. Imogene and Karen knew that Mary Margaret while unable to do anything was aware of her situation. They took great satisfaction in having Percy accompany them when they went shopping. Something Mary Margaret loved to do. He not only drove but had to follow them into the upscale stores. Percy was embarrassed having to stand by while the women shopped for fancy lingerie and designer outfits. Karen took delight in holding up a delicate item of intimate apparel in Percy's face asking him what he thought. Usually that item was a Wacoal bra and panty set she knew was Mary Margaret's favorite brand. Karen did that for two reasons. It made Percy blush furiously. It also drove home what might have been Mary Margaret's future. For his twentieth birthday Imogene introduced him to a friend's daughter, Cameron Jones. Imogene was introduced to Deloris Jones and Miss. Simms by Dr. Vitner. The doctor suggested that Percy and Cameron would make a great couple while the women were under her drug induced trance. "Imogene and Deloris I think getting Percy and Cameron together would be a great idea. Deloris you're not getting any younger and knowing Cameron will be taken care of by a loving husband will ease your mind. It would also give you a chance to move to Florida where you've always dreamed of going. Miss. Simms will be more than happy to go as your companion. You know you adore and love her and count on her advice." "Imogene, Percy has never had a girlfriend much less a lover. How much do you think Mary Margaret will like that? Percy is already your butler and Cameron can be your maid. Two people you will have total control over. You would like that wouldn't you?" Deloris and Imogene, I've kept you from making wedding plans too long. Why don't you two go and have that conversation," Dr. Vitner instructed then turned to Miss. Simms. "You've done a great job with Deloris and Don Miss. Simms. I've set you up for the rest of your life as we had agreed. You will have the devoted lover you wanted and access to her wealth. Thank you and goodbye." ## Percy was happy to finally have a girlfriend but Mary Margaret wasn't. While closeted inside her brain, she was still heterosexual. Cameron's French kisses sent shivers of disgust into Mary Margaret. When the wedding announcement was made she tried valiantly to exert her will but failed. During the ceremony, Mary Margaret again tried but only managed to get Percy to stutter the vows. It seemed like Cameron did the same but it was official. They were man and wife and would live with Percy's family. Both Percy and Cameron got instructions about their sex life from Dr. Vitner. Instructions that couldn't be disobeyed. "Percy you are repulsed by Cameron's vagina. It looks weird to you and you will avoid trying to penetrate or touch it. You love anal sex more than anything," Dr. Vitner instructed. They would have anal sex every night for a month, in the doggy style. After that, intercourse once a week with Cameron giving Percy oral sex every night. On the beginning of the third month, they would only perform anal sex every week from then on. Neither of them were looking forward to that. Percy was given more specific instructions. He was to fill his scrotum with the egg whites, let Cameron provide oral sex then proceed with anal intercourse for a full thirty minutes. Dr. Vitner knew this would be horrific for both Don and Mary Margaret. Karen at first wasn't happy about Percy ever getting any pleasure out of life. Getting married might do that and argued against it. "Mother how could you? You know how much I don't want that bitch to ever be happy," Karen complained. "What makes you think I do Karen? Think about it for a minute. Mary Margaret is straight. How do you think she's going to like having sex with another woman? There's an added bonus. Cameron is actually a guy inside just like her. Trapped in a body he never wanted. How do you think he's going to like having sex with another guy? Plus we get a maid out of the deal," Imogene answered. Since Percy was the butler it was obvious that Cameron should become the maid. Six every day uniforms were supplied for her and designed to humiliate. They were all semi-sheer nylon A-line dresses with starched white double breasted collars. Cameron's lingerie would be on full display through the thin material. Colorful with lots of frills full slips or camisoles and half-slips. They came with a white ruffled organza half apron and nurse styled cap. In addition, Cameron would have to wear support hose held up by a six- suspender belt and three-inch spike heeled black patent leather pointed toed pumps. For formal occasions and even more humiliating uniform. Cameron would wear a sexy black satin French Maid's uniform. Yards of pink chiffon crinolines would hold the short flare skirt out almost horizontally. Cameron's panties, garter tabs and stockings would be in full view. Black fishnet stockings and six-inch stiletto pumps were required. It would not only be humiliating but painful as well having to wear those shoes. Besides the red satin high waist garter belt Cameron would wear a bright red satin up lift bra and high thigh matching panties. The square cut bodice would leave the straps of the bra visible which Imogene wanted. That would add to her embarrassment. It would very likely get her butt pinched more often when Imogene had her parties. Imogene just planned on humiliating Cameron but Karen had other ideas. She relished the idea that Cameron was actually a guy. A man who like Mary Margaret was stuck in a body they detested. The panties she got for Cameron's formal uniform had a hole cutout in the back frilled with black lace exposing her anus. "Cameron might be getting it up the rear but by a dildo and filled with egg whites. I bet she's going to love getting the real thing. I broke up with that ass hole David because he tried to do me that way. He's got a bigger dick than Percy too. Well, now he will have a chance but not with me. Mother has that big Halloween party coming up. I'll invite him and those two drag queens mom hired for the wedding. Yeah, mom will drink way too much and won't interfere. I'll let David take care of Cameron and the other two have a go with Percy," Karen thought. ## Halloween night and Imogene's party was in full swing. The only ones not in a holiday costume were Robert and Cameron. They were wearing their formal servant's clothing, Robert in butler tails and Cameron in the French Maid's. Robert greeted the guests and took their coats while Cameron served drinks so no one would mistake them as guests. It was very late and Robert was cleaning up pool side when two guests approached him. As they got closer he recognized them as the two weird bride's maids from the wedding. One had on a ridiculous looking fruit covered hat and brightly colored floral satin skin tight dress with wide hem of pink netting. The one with the thin black mustache in a rainbow patterned strapless tea dress. "Hi there Robert. Do you remember us from the wedding? I'm Carmen Miranda, you know the Chiquita Banana girl tonight. This here is Rainbow Queen," the one with the mustache said. "Yes, I seem to remember you," Robert replied wondering what they wanted as they moved to stand beside him. "Goodie," Carmen said grabbing his arm. "Nice of you to remember Robbie. That means were friends, so this will be more fun," Queen said taking his other arm. "Wha....what?" Robert managed as the two drag queens began moving him toward the cabana. "We're going to have so much fun. Karen told us how much you wanted to get it on with us. Said you might put up a fuss because you're such a nerd but we don't mind. We both like rough sex," Carmen replied as they entered the bathhouse and locked the door. It was after midnight when the two drag queens left the cabana. Robert was left lying on the floor crying. His y-fronts and pants around one ankle. He had been thoroughly used and abused. The brutal raping had a side effect. Mary Margaret was back in control of her body. While Robert was undergoing his ordeal, Cameron was having her own violation. David took her into one of the spare bedrooms. He wasn't gentle and didn't bother with a condom. Cameron's bottom was left gapping, on fire and dripping when he left. When Robert took her that way, he always used a lubricant and gentle. She was also "in love" with him. As with Robert, the brutal rape brought Doug back into possession of his body. ## Mary Margaret staggered back into the room she shared with Cameron. She was still dazed from the rape and having full control of her body. As she shut the door and put her back to it, saw Cameron sitting on the bed still in the maid's uniform. "Now that I'm back in control what do I do now? I can't do what Robert had to. Not anymore. It's too repulsive," she thought. Cameron looked up from staring at the floor. "He's back. So what do I do now? He's going to want sex like always and after tonight there's no way now that I'm free," Doug thought. "Percy," "Cameron," they said at the same time. "I have something important to tell you." Mary Margaret wasn't sure how to start and curious about what Cameron was going to say, "You go first Cameron." "First of all I'm...I'm not Cameron. Well not exactly, it's my middle name and I'm not a woman. My real name is Drew and beneath all this a man. I'm not entirely sure how I got this way. Everything is still a bit fuzzy. I can assure you it wasn't by my choice. I hated every second of it. So if you're thinking of doing anything Percy, you can forget it," Drew stated unsure of how Percy would react. Mary Margaret was stunned for a moment. "What the...She...errr I mean he me?" she thought then told Drew her story. They talked for several hours until their adrenalin high wore off and exhaustion took them. They fell asleep still in their formal uniforms. Before they slept had reached some decisions. Their biggest difference was whether or not to murder Imogene and Karen then and there. Mary Margaret finally convinced Drew that was a bad idea. Spending the rest of their lives in prison was worse than their current situation. It was decided they needed more information and time to formulate a plan of retaliation. So they would stay in character until they could get their revenge. One of the first things Mary Margaret did was have Doug remove the penile prosthetic using a pair of pinking shears. The scissors had a sharp pointed narrow tip that could get under the tight stitching. He only nicked her skin a couple of times but it was off. "You know, when I was Cameron I never noticed this was fake. It looked so real to me but now I can see what it really is. I'm happy you can finally be free of it unlike mine. I've been in it for so long and Miss. Simms had the only key. I have no idea where she or mother are now," Dough ended with a sigh. "You have on a fake vagina?" Mary Margaret asked. " looked so real. Here let me see. Maybe I can find a way to remove it." "Okay but it's not a vagina. It's a steel wire mesh reinforced rubber chastity device. It has something like a built in taser too. I'm afraid of what will happen if it's forcefully removed. Miss. Simms told It could fry my balls off, not that it probably matters anymore. It won't come off without the key," he sadly replied. "I always thought it was real but weird being yellow. I guess that's why I never tried penetrating it and used your....I'm truly sorry about that Doug but I couldn't help it," she said. "No problem Mary Margaret. I've been wearing it so long it feels natural now. I can wait until a locksmith or someone else can get it off. I have an idea about getting away from all this. Imogene wants me to get the groceries tomorrow. I'll sneak you into the car and go straight to the police. You better bring that thing with you as evidence. They'll be arrested and go to jail for a very long time. We'll get control of what's ours again. I'm sure some bribes in the right places will make sure their confinement is anything but nice," Doug said. ## Epilog: It was an embarrassing process for both Doug and Mary Margaret but in the end had their revenge. The only one who managed to escape justice was Dr. Vitner. It seemed no one could remember the name of the doctor that treated them. The only one who could, Miss. Simms had committed suicide. They did eventually find the office where the doctor worked but it was vacant. As far as Doug's mother, she was exonerated due to her programming. She believed Cameron was her daughter even after extensive treatments. For Doug and Mary Margaret not all the news was good. Their bodies and mannerisms had been so adulterated, it would be impossible to return to functioning adults. They decided to stay together and resumed their gender roles as man and wife. It was easier that way.

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Percy Jackson had turned 18 a week ago, and today was out in the forest, looking for a monster to fight... or, at least, he was, until he heard someone moaning and groaning. Confused, and worried that someone was in trouble, he hurried towards the source of the noise. He stopped, his eyes wide, when he saw who had been making that noise.

3 years ago
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Percys Halloween

This is my first story. Comment if you like it, or if you figure out the refrence! :D *** "No!" Percy refused. He crossed his arms and glared at his friends. "I'm not doing it!" "C'mon, Percy," Grover pleaded. "Connor, Travis, and I are doing it, so you have to too!" "Yeah," Connor butted in. "You said you would be in our Halloween group, so you have to dress up in the same theme we do!" "That was before I knew what it was!" Percy argued. "I am NOT doing it!" "I didn't...

3 years ago
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Call Me Julie part 3

I stretched and reached out like a cat waking from a nap. Scott was resting on his side with his elbow down and his head resting on his hand looking down at me. "Enjoy your nap?" he asked as he stroked my shoulder. "How long was I out, how long have you been watching me?" I replied. "Not too long on either of your questions," he replied. I glanced at the clock and it read 8:00, I stretched again and reached for his face to pull him towards me for a kiss. My tongue entered his mouth and we...

3 years ago
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The 4th Lady McKenzie

SET in New Zealand’s South Island. CHAPTER 1 Iona was not quite a year old when brought to New Zealand fifty years ago by her Scottish parents Ross and Jennie MacDonald. Ross, a keen fisherman, spent his first two years labouring on a farm on coastal Otago and working late into the night rebuilding an abandoned wrecked fishing boat, buying tools and materials as money allowed, the family surviving near the breadline. Men from his football team had helped haul the hulk off the reef and on...

3 years ago
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Blue Heat

Chapter One ‘Three King Ten…..’ the radio crackled, on a relatively boring night. Sgt. Rick Thorn picked up the mike, and spoke back to the dispatcher, ‘Ten, go agead.’ ‘1345 Euclid, Apartment 1C, see the woman, possible prowler.’ ‘Damn!’ Rick swore to himself. Fourty-five minutes to end-of-watch, and she gives me a prowler call! ‘Ten, clear,’ Rick responded. As he made a U-turn to go to respond to the call, he was fuming. He WAS a sergeant, after all, the supervisor of the shift, and he...

2 years ago
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A Thousand BucksChapter 2

Our exercise business was really picking up. Bill and I spent most of the days showing the young people how to use the equipment. Most of our members were students in high school and college. Since the business was growing we decided to build on a new wing. It would include an inside track since we had a lot of adults wanting a place to walk and jog. Even though I had the money we borrowed over half the money needed. To keep things equal Bill made the long-term payments from his profits....

1 year ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 7

Unfortunately, summer was coming to an end. The next week, I called Lindsay over for a work out. As with previous visits, Cassie joined to watch Lindsay’s coaching. I did notice that with Cassie’s presence, Lindsay’s shit talking was much more subdued. The two girls were also constantly throwing sideways looks at each other in the mirrors. Lindsay and I completed my part of the workout and as with the last visit, I took my leave. I ran upstairs for a quick shower and then checked the...

3 years ago
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Tying my husband up

It was a Saturday night, my daughter was fast asleep after a busy day. I was having a relaxing bath, while my husband was laying on the bed, watching a movie. Once getting out of the bath and drying off, I walked to the bottom of the bed. I slowly crawled up, kissing the inner thighs of my husband. I pulled his boxer pants down to expose his cock to me. It was still rather soft. I decided to suck on his balls, he moaned and his hands were soon on my cheeks, gently pulling me up towards him. I...

2 years ago
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As we travel along the mountain road, you look over and give me a smile. I reach over and take your hand wrapping my fingers around yours. You pull our hands down to your lap and rest them against your leg. I can feel the warm rising from your leg against the back of my hand. You lean over and whisper ‘Don’t I even get a hint on where we are going?’ I smile at you and say,’ Just another minute Angel, we are almost there’. After a few more turns we pull over the side of the road and park next...

1 year ago
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Jeth ki bibi bani 8211

Hello dosto. Meena again… Part 1 se aage yaha shuru karti hu. Part 1 me aapne padha ki kaise mene apne jeth ji ka lund dekha aur kaise mene anjaan ban ke unko apne boobs dikhaye… Ab aagey – mujhe malum tha ki jeth ji jarur plan bana rahe honge ki mujhe kese hasil kiya jaye, par wo plan kya tha ye mujhe nhi malum.. Mujhe intazar karna tha mouke ka. Ek din ki baat hai. Sunday tha. Sab ghar me thay. Pati ke sath main 1st floor par thi… Dopahar ko jeth jethani ko lunch khilana tha. Mene pati se...

1 year ago
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Taking the Class Part 2Chapter 7 Monday Morning 1040AM ndash To Make A Bad Day Worse Spend It Wishing For The Impossible

“She’s really coming?” “That’s what she said,” replied Will. His sister had accosted him at his locker between classes. I haven’t seen Prez around yet today, but that’s pretty normal. Marissa did a little dance, radiating excitement and happiness, then gave him a hug. “You really are the best brother!” “So you’re saying you didn’t believe it before?!” Will asked, sounding scandalized. He ruffled her pinned-up hair. “Wiilll! Not at school!” she complained. “Now I’ve gotta find a mirror and...

3 years ago
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Paise ka khel

Hi dosto.. Mai apke vicky.. Bhilai, chhattisgarh se.. Mujhe pahchan to liya hoga aap logo ne.. Meri pichhli stories ko pad ke mujhe bahut se call aaye.. Par sabhi alib se maslan 1 lady ne raat 1 baje mujhe call kiya..bat ki our phone kat diya.. Maine call back kiya to vo shayad uske husbend ya father ka cell tha.. Khair isi tarah bahut se log to sirf missring karte hai.. Our call back karne par.. Attend nahi karte hai.. Ya sms karke reply karte hai kisi ladki ke nam se.. Isi se samjh aa jata...

1 year ago
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A day at the river

  A day at the river.       I'm an ordinary guy in my thirties to whom nothing real dramatic has ever happened, but one particular afternoon drive in the car put an end to all that.   I was sick and tired of looking after the kids while my wife worked and needed a break from them, so I decided to take a drive in the country to clear my head. Having the kids on your own all the time tends to drive you fucking nuts. Just ask any...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 309 Seducing a Geek and the Gig

So what is the rest of the intel? I asked. Oh you have all the intel you need. We have made it possible for you to run, so do your thing. the voice, that wasn't really a voice said. Bullshit, you are going to get the senator killed, if you don't give me all you have, I said wordlessly. Look you are such a hot shot operative, we are going to give you a shot. Do what you can, with what you have. When it is over, we will all know where we need to go. You might just decide that we do know...

3 years ago
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The WingmanChapter 5

Morning light woke Loren. He kissed Abrielle’s shoulder. “Morning.” “Morning.” “Sleep well?” “I slept wonderfully well.” “Interested in more?” he asked. “Not big on sex in the morning,” she replied. “I like to cuddle and snooze afterward and then half the day is gone.” “I suppose you’re right. Last night I think should hold us.” “Mmm ... I think it should.” She stretched and yawned. “I suppose I should get up and check on Nicole ... then take my shower.” “I’d take one with you except...

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The BarnChapter 4

The next morning Luke got out of bed far later than normal and Amos was already out in the fields. The previous night had been a wild one for Sarah and him. She had been a wild woman and insisted on sex over and over again until they had both collapsed from the exertion. Luke still felt his wife's hot lips sucking his manhood with an intensity he had never experience before in his life. He blushed as he remembered how after he had cum in his wife, she had forced his head down to lick up...

3 years ago
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twilight voyeur part 2

It had been almost three weeks since Ellen watched me through the gap in the fence. Each time I went out into the yard I looked to see if she was out there, hoping she might be waiting for another show. The memory of her watching me jerk off was stuck in my head, replaying time and again.Her blue eyes wide and bright, her gaze so focused on my cock as I stroked it. The intensity of the orgasm when my cock exploded and shot the huge load across my torso. The quiver she gave as she reached climax...

2 years ago
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Teenaged Gift for My Husband

After our threesome with our 17 year old neighbor boy, I knew I needed to return the favor to Jerry and try to arrange a threesome with a teenage girl for him, but I had no idea where to go to find one. A couple of days later I had a chance to talk to Otto about our threesome with Jerry and he thought it was incredible as did Jerry and I. I explained to him that I wanted to arrange something similar with a teenage girl for my husband but wasn’t sure how to go about finding one that would be...

4 years ago
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A True Story

Julia, A true story I've never written a story before but I remember reading one time that you should write about what you know. This is a true story. It is the story of my life. It's not everything that happened in my life - just the part that makes my life story a bit different from other people's lives. Why am I writing it now? I could not have know years ago what I now can see so clearly today. The passage of time has afforded me the knowledge and understanding that only comes...

4 years ago
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My Family Part Part 4 8211 Honeymoon With Girlfriend

Next day mom ne mjse pucha ki tum mili k sath hongkong ja rahe ho kal maine kaha haan mom aap ko kisne bataye toh bola ki dad ne tmne company account se ticket booked kari hai so dad k pass mail aayi hai aur woh tmhra wait kar rahe hain wahn kyunki unko bhi kl shaam ko singapore jana hai meeting k liye woh bi 1 week k liye so unhone tmhra hotel book karwa diya hai aur woh tmse hotel mein hi milenge tmhre sath lunch karenge maine pucha bt mili toh mom haste hua boli ki dont worrytmhra hotel wahi...

4 years ago
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A walk home leads to better things

Shawne was a hippy type girl. She had long brown/blond hair and almost never wore a bra, even though she had a nice set of tits, at least a C cup. We had several classes together but we usually worked together in physics lab. One day as we were leaving we started walking home and we went in the same direction. So we walked together. I found out that she only lived about a block down from my off campus apartment. She invited me in and we went up to her "room". I say "room" because really it was...

2 years ago
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The Breastfeeding BluesChapter 3

I was watching a movie called Tucker & Dale vs. Evil on Netflix when she got home. It's a really goofy movie, but a lot of fun. She didn't say anything as she walked past me. She unloaded Dilly, and left the stroller in the corner of the living room. She disappeared into her bedroom and then came out with Dilly's diaper bag. She handed him to me and I saw she was sweating and still breathing deeply. "You get chased by a dog?" I asked. "I see what running does for you, so I went...

4 years ago
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Defloration sex education in OlsztynPL st8

Irene had been left on the grass between the bushes and the boys were gone. She pressed her vagina and a lot of sperm came out, then there was no other way but to use dry grass for an improvised cleaning and then she got into her pants that would keep back at least part of the remaining juices in her cunt.She had to hurry. The action before hadn’t lasted longer than 15 minutes or so, but there wasn’t plenty of time left.As she had feared, the day at school with still a lot of sperm from that...

2 years ago
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My wife had to go away for her company for a week, so my mother in law came and stayed with me. That night my mother in law drank a bit too much red wine at dinner. She then went to her room.The wine had made me horny, so I was laying on my bed naked, watching some porn. Suddenly the door opened and, without knocking, my mother-in-law entered my bedroom.I looked at her with an embarrassed grin. She looked at me wide-eyed, with her jaw open. She was shocked, but then, she startled me when, with...

1 year ago
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The wet dream i gave my friend

The unfortunate date I have taken a trip to London and have arranged to meet you at the hotel in which I am staying for dinner. Through out the meal we chat about May things TV the food we are eating and the surrounding As we chat it comes to us that we will be nothing more than friends And that romance was probably out of the question. But best friends was ok with both of us You ask to see my room, as you’d never been inside the hotel before And you wanted a noisy before you went home I agreed...

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Light of Hellfire Chapter 10

Chapter 1 Raindrops fell like miniscule fists upon the city of New York, washing away the grime and filth that caked the streets and alleys. It was quiet on this late-spring day, with the hammering rain forcing people to stay inside. Even the roads were mostly quiet, while engorged with cars as usual. But while it was a quiet day, it was by no means a peaceful one. Up at the very top of the Empire State Building, at the very tip of its spire, there was a low red flash in the grey sky....

3 years ago
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Chat Friend Hot Sex

Hi friends this my first story in this site. I’m Arun 27 and I like sex lot I always use chat site to do sex chat. One fine day when I’m doing a sex chati started a chat with a girl Gayathri and we talked decent at first later on and I started crack sex jokes she enjoyed it. She waits for me in chat site and interest to hear my jokes more when asked joke I said today we are going play a game. I want to tell joke and she want Give Company for my chat she agreed and later the chat on following....

2 years ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 1

Sheila Belloq lay in blackness on the dusty stone shelf carved into the catacomb wall. She had barely managed to hide and turn off her light in time as her nemesis, Zachary Jones, entered the burial chamber. She rolled back against the mummified corpse sharing her narrow shelf space as Jones’ light beam swept past her hiding place, then leaned forward again as he passed her. His light beam was illuminating the altar at the end of the chamber as he approached it. She sat up partially so she...

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A Year Ago part IX

A Year Ago - part IX by MadQuill This is an evolving story of Sara's sensual investigation. Please review the first phase of the story... I hadn't driven on these roads for several years, and not in the evening. The countryside was beautiful as the sun slipped lower casting golden rays on the young hay fields. The Audi wasn't running well and I considered calling the Garage to move the appointment when it just died. I was able to pull on to the shoulder. I was uncertain, but I...

4 years ago
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Padosi Ke Bhai Se Chudai Karayi

Hi everyone, my name is Sonia and im from delhi india meri umar 31 saal h mera figure h 36″30″34 meri shaadi ko 6 saal ho chuke h or ab tak koi bacha nhi h mere husband thode purane jmane ke h wo sex me bhi kam intrested h bs jab man krta h unhe tab 3 4 jhatke marte h or jhadd jate h me kbhi bhi unki chudai se satisfy nhi hui bs kisi motte lambe lund ko sochkar fingering krleti hu or jindagi kaat rhi thi . Tab mere sath ek romanchak ghatna hui non veg khalete hain to hmare pados me pakistan se...

2 years ago
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Swinging session

So we had been together for a good few months and had got to the horny dirty stage in our relationship when we started talking about what turned us on and our favourite fantasy. My mrs is a dead horny very fit milf with great tits and a very very sexy open mind!we has watched porn together on xhamster including lesbian and bbc, so one day after a good hard fuck I thought I would mention how much the thought of seeing her playing with another woman turned me on.She was well up for it and the...

4 years ago
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Old Age Slut

This is something that actually happened to me a couple of years ago. I was traveling from Manchester to London and had stopped off at a service station for a rest and some food. While I was finishing my meal I saw an old couple walk in both in their 60’s I’d say the woman the most remarkable. She was wearing a long coat open and under it she wore a micro skirt with I glimpsed black stockings, I had to look twice to make sure as she walked past me and sat up on one of the bar...

1 year ago
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SRU A Walk in the Mall

SRU: A Walk in the Mall By Bashful Lenny was slowly walking through the mall, not knowing what he was looking for. He wasn't sure his life could get much worse than it was. He was hoping he would see something that would shake him out of his depression and cheer him up. That's when he saw the little shop. It was strange looking to be in a mall. It had an old fashion wooden door ...

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Black Mens Revenge Against White Klan GirlsChapter 3

Sammy drove the van while Tommy and Johnny played with the naked, gagged hog-tied girls in the back of the van. Brunette Becky and blonde Alice had firm young breasts, well-developed for fourteen-year-old girls. Little Penny had smaller breasts with pale, puffy nipples. The black men amused themselves with the white girls, slapping at their breasts and watching them jiggle and bounce around on their chests. Tommy, the ex-boxer, was tempted to punch the girls' tits. He did, but only lightly,...

3 years ago
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So it has come to this huh

Your name is John Doe, a average guy who is married and have a daughter. You had a lot of luck in your life because you were smart, patient, diligent and had good contacts during college. You were somewhat different during your college time, not wanting to think so much into forming a family and focused only on studies and the work, you never had much experience with love, holding it deeply when dating only to find yourself suffocating your partner and being alone again not much time after....

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Foreign Arrest

Kelsey was a really pretty blond boy. He had always been adventurous and loved doing things that most other people would avoid. He liked his men tough and being manhandled was no problem for him. Kelsey had always been intrigued by Hispanic men and loved their rough approach to sex. Being used as a puta was like an elixir to him and he found the machination of these kinds of guys extremely satisfying.Having finally decided to go to the source of gratification, Kelsey decided to cross the border...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 18

"Well finally!" Caitlin crowed, as she saw her mother and me in a torrid embrace. That turned out to be a mistake, because suddenly it was over. Either Kat's appearance, or her cheeky comment, had shot holes in the balloon of our passion, and let it seep out. Her hands returned to my chest and pushed, but only gently. She looked a little dazed. "That's how I feel about you," I said, softly. "I just wanted you to know." "Okay," she said, her voice high. I think Caitlin realized...

3 years ago
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Be Reasonable Do It My Way Ch 03

Olivia Freemont strode, to all appearances, confidently into Harry Brinkton’s outer office. Her 42DD tits jiggled delightfully with every step. For some reason, though, she was nervous. She couldn’t figure out why. She had run this scam a thousand times before. It was nothing new. All she had to do was show a man a column of bogus numbers, flash some cleavage, or let him feel her up a bit and she would have him hooked. Maybe it was her new pseudonym. She’d never used Olivia Freemont before....

2 years ago
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Passion in the Vault

I was 22, fresh out of college, and had my first supervisor position at a local bank. I admit, it was a pretty cush job, as the hand-full of tellers I was in charge of were older ladies with plenty of experience and took care of their money pretty well. After a few months a new teller was hired, by the name of Vanessa. She was in her late 30s, a single mom of 2, and Puerto Rican. At first, I wasn’t extremely attracted to Vanessa. I’d been around some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen...

Straight Sex
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Couples Therapy Chapter Two

The next few days were not what I expected. Renee seemed to be back to her distant self and was withdrawn from me. When I finally got her to talk, she told me that she felt dirty and ashamed by her actions the other night. I assured her she had nothing to feel dirty or ashamed about, that’s what the class is for. She said, “I cannot help it, I am planning on talking to Karen about it at this week’s class. As we were getting ready for our class tonight I noticed Renee was very nervous, and could...

Wife Lovers
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Doctors Delight

The lovely Dr. Laura Weston, who many thought looked like a young Meg Ryan, came into the examination room and found the man completely undressed and sporting a large, but flaccid penis. Even in this soft state, she estimated it at over seven inches. She gasped a bit but it was barely noticeable, as she was, after all, a doctor, and had seen penises before, even large ones. Granted, none as large, or potentially as gigantic, as this one before her now, but she had only been in practice a short...

Erotic Fiction
3 years ago
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AnimeCon Harem pt 05

“C’mon in,” Brian said, shouldering the hotel room door open and swinging Stephanie’s travel bag inside. An air conditioner rattled to life in the window beside the door as he flicked the lights on and revealed the small room’s modest accommodations.A single bed took up most of the room, a bag of clothes and costumes strewn across its covers, and the seat of the easy chair beside the nightstand was occupied by a large cardboard packing box. Opposite the bed, Brian’s things were an untidy sprawl...

4 years ago
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Robyns Rage 4 Discovery Deceit

An hour later I was lying in bed, wide awake. It was very late and I was very tired but I couldn’t sleep; my mind was simply buzzing with excitement.My two young, strong, black lovers and I had exchanged goodbye kisses rather awkwardly as they left Fiddler’s Cottage in the early hours of Friday morning. Hoping desperately that Jackie was still deeply asleep upstairs and taking care that my now-tousled hair covered most of my face, I had stood half naked and looking freshly-fucked in the open...

1 year ago
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Mummy Ne Chukaya Pitajee Ka Purana Karz

Rupees One Lac was a big amount in those days, when I was a school going kid. Father borrowed it from Abdul, the money lender in the village. Abdul was a man full of lust and loved abducting mothers and daughters of poor villagers, who could not pay his dues in time. While he preferred fucking virgin teens himself, he often threw mothers and wifes in front of his bodyguard Usman, a man blessed with body of Lion and Penis that of a donkey. The sight of Usman’s Phallus often made abducted mothers...

1 year ago
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E086 Out on a sailboat

The next morning Emma awakes around eight in the morning.  Donald is not there.  She is a little hazy about where she is until she remembers she is in Donald’s bedroom on Cape Cod.  But where is he?She gets up a bit groggy and fumbles to the bathroom to shower.  It is different not having Donald in it with her.  The first time is so long.  She dries and styles her hair, and then wonders what to wear.  It is a little strange to her that in just over four months, she is so used to Donald taking...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Jack and JillChapter 34

I must have fallen asleep without setting the alarm. Mom was leaning over me, shaking my shoulder. I woke up immediately, sitting straight up, forcing her to step back. The last time she woke me like this was the night Mary had been raped. "Sshhh. Sshhh. It's OK, Jackie." My eyes came into focus and it hit me it was daytime. "Mom?" "Honey, you overslept. You need to get up." My eyes shot over at the alarm clock. Thank God, only 10 minutes late. "I guess I forgot to set the...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 17 What Is Right What Is Wrong

"A third realm expert?!" Zax exclaimed. "Girl ... Susuya, you are just an Earth's Core Holder, how can you so casually call someone a third realm expert? Are you even aware what a being in the third realm signifies? Please tell me that you simply heard the term 'Realm' from someone and trying to play a prank on me!" Zax refuted her statement the instant her words sunk to his mind. That she is his granddaughter and that superintendent Ten is a third level Core Master Zax could accept....

1 year ago
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Robin Makes A Decision

by bodaciousbob © His hand had made his way up my thigh until his fingers were brushing the white cotton of my panties where they covered my sex. I grabbed his forearm and held it with all of my strength to keep him from working his fingers inside of the elastic band where they would meet with my freshly shaven sex. His other hand had worked my left breast out of its bra cup where he was rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I wanted to tell him to stop but his mouth was...

4 years ago
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First sexual experience

In that period I had only one close friend that we were always together no matter what.We wanted to start exploring ourselves as we spend more and more time together,so we did that.First we started to look at some naked woman in the magazines and we were very horny.This was in the 90's so there was no internet and it was not easy as today to get some porn! After that I managed to sleepover at his house few times.This was way more interesting cause he had a TV in his room and we were watching...

3 years ago
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Demanding Obedience

[ Again, this one is for Robert and Tara! Exploring new territory can be very, very exhilarating, and even a little bit nerve-wracking (but still a lot of fun)! ]I'd told Tara that I owned a 'chastity cage' (not an expensive one, but still, it did the job pretty well for all that), and she was very intrigued by knowing this!"Hmmm," she'd said as I told this. "Can I see it?"I had it stashed away in a hard-to-find place, and when I brought it out and showed her, her face broke into a beaming...

1 year ago
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Family Healing

Note : This story is completely fictional! "So what are you saying John?" Jenny asked. "I don't know, it's just... I want to be more serious and I don't think that you will ever be ready for that. Your only interested in sex." "John, I'm only eighteen, what do you expect? I'm not going to settle down get married and have a kids with you. Please be serious for a moment." "I'm not asking for you to give up your whole life for me, I'm just asking that I can introduce you to my friends as my...

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Rich old man and my wife

by aceRICH OLD MAN AND MY WIFEThe first time I met him was at a staff party; everyone waspretty shocked when he turned up, he was a billionaire media mogul after all,and we were just a small newspaper he'd obtained when he bought a bigger outfitin Chicago thatowned us.But there he was, in the flesh, right in our grimy littleoffice.He spent most of the evening talking to my wife.Now Joyce was never a woman who stopped traffic, she wasn'tin the same league as the models he was normally associated...

4 years ago
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Working up the nerve Part 2

“That was really good, Will. You fuck a lot harder than my last boyfriend.” “Thanks, I tried to go as hard as I could. You felt really good on me.” We went on complimenting each other for a little while, until she hit me with something I wasn’t expecting. “I don’t want to get into a relationship right now.” This was fine with me. I had done alright in college without a girlfriend and I still wanted to have the freedom to sleep with whoever I wanted. However, I didn’t want to lose...

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Lydias Dream Ch 1314

Like with the other installments, please read the story in order. There is a very important message for you prior to Chapter 1. Thanks for reading my story. Chapter 13 Tough times arrive. Returning to some normalcy on Monday morning with a jog before breakfast, we had cereal and fruit before leaving for work. I had several meetings scheduled with suppliers and our insurance company before going to the restaurants to continue meeting with employees. Pam began her second week at the bank and...

4 years ago
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A Chinese slut submitting to White power

A Chinese woman's submission to White powerPART I1I'm a cheap chink cunt and I have the sexual need to be used by a White man        I'm 29 years old, slim, petite, well educated Chinese woman.  Even though I still look very young compared to other women of my age, biologically I'm approaching the peak of my sexuality.  But I'm married to a worthless Chinese husband who can't fulfill me and every day and night I fantasize of being sexually dominated by a real man, a White man—whenever I...

3 years ago
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The PowerChapter 6 Your Voice Will Sink So Please Stay Off My Back

I stared at the three beauties that pushed Barbie over the edge. They were avoiding looking at the Coven's lunch table. "Can you Spell a girl into having sex with me?" I asked. "Wouldn't touching me break the Spell?" "I don't know if a touch would be enough," Gianna replied. "Half of the time, it's like you completely ignore Magic and it ignores you. If I were going to do it, I'd make her horny for dick and make sure you were the only dick around." Jenaveve got up, walked...

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