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Percy McQuinn By Cheryl Lynn This is an adaptation from my "Momma's Good Girl." It can stand alone but recommend reading "Momma's" for better understanding. It should answer the questions left by commenters. All the standard disclaimers apply. This story may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use is strictly prohibited unless approved by the author. As usual, this story is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. Comments are welcome at [email protected]. Percy McQuinn Percy McQuinn wasn't always who he was now. His step mother Imogene Nelson McQuinn and step sister Janet had seen to that. Percy was a young teenager when his father died from a massive heart attack. Soon after the golden spoon life he had been living was gone. He had never gotten along with either step mother or sister. There was never a doubt in his mind that Imogene had only married his father for the vast wealth he controlled. When he confronted his father about the pending wedding, was told that he needed a mother and older sister. "I love Imogene but more importantly you need a mother to watch over you and give you guidance. You're almost a teenager and I'm on the road too often. Imogene and Karen, if you give them a chance, will make your transitioning into adulthood easier," he had said. "I can't talk you out of this marriage? You know she's only doing it for the money don't you?" Percy asked hoping he would change his mind. "I don't believe so. Her behavior regarding our wealth was expected. You must understand that she and her daughter come from living on a very modest income. It's only natural that they would spend so much. They have to fit into our society now. Imogene was my secretary for a long time and I got to know her very well. She has proven to be very resourceful and intelligent. Please, for me, accept them into our family," he responded. With the reading of his father's Last Will and Testament, Percy wasn't surprised. It left Imogene in total control and his guardian until he turned twenty-one. Soon after that his life changed forever. The first big change was Imogene selling the mansion and moving them from New Jersey to California. The mansion wasn't as large but completely furnished. Percy was given a smaller room than he had nor was it to his taste. None of his posters or other memorabilia were brought. Left behind to be sold off at auction with the rest of the furnishings. ## Mary Margaret was in her bedroom when her guardian entered with a stack of clothing in her arms. "What now?" she spat. Now that her father had passed on, she hated her step mother all the more. They had never gotten along and she blamed her father's death on her. Moving to a new state and all of her friends left behind made her bitter. "I've decided to make some drastic changes. You have been a spoiled rotten bitch ever since I married your father. You have disrespected me and my darling daughter far too long. As of today all that changes. I've made some appointments for you. Put these on," she replied frostily handing her the clothing. "What? Wear this? Are you totally out of it? I'm not wearing any of this!" she screamed tossing the clothing to the floor. Mary Margaret was both very surprised and in pain when her guardian grabbed her long hair and jerked from the vanity bench. No one ever dared to do something like this when her father was alive. Finding herself across her step mother's lap, then feeling the pain of being spanked was unthinkable. Never in her life had anyone spanked much less disciplined her. Not even her loving mother. With red rimmed eyes and a stinging behind, Mary Margaret got dressed as step mother demanded. Greatly embarrassed was taken to her first appointment, Betty's Cut and Curl beauty salon. She was wearing plain denim jeans and pull over blue shirt. Mary Margaret for the first time in a year not wearing her training bra. She only had the beginnings of breast buds but felt naked without her bra. The salon was located in a mixed neighborhood Mary Margaret would never be seen in the past. The salon also wasn't the fashionable salons she always went to. This one she would never have entered but was being forced into. She wasn't surprised seeing no other customers in the shop. "Who would come into a dump like this," she thought as an older blue haired lady walked up. "I sent everyone out for a long lunch like you asked. Is this the darling child you want me to take care of?" she said. "Yes Betty, this is the little bitch I've been telling you about," her step mother declared pushing Mary forward. Secured to the styling chair Mary Margaret struggled to no avail. She didn't know what her step mother was planning but it wasn't going to be good. Not good at all if she had to be strapped into the chair. "Probably some shitty perm or horrible dye job," she thought. It wasn't until she saw strands of her lovely blond hair falling into her drape covered lap that she became afraid. When she heard the bee like buzzing of the electric clippers, she became very afraid. Mary Margaret screamed out in horror as those clippers touched her scalp. "Go ahead scream your silly head off. Only we can hear you and its pure pleasure to our ears," her step sister spat. With the clippers put away, Betty applied warm shaving cream then with a straight razor trimmed away the excess stubble. Mary Margaret hadn't stopped crying since Betty started. Her crowning glory had been sheared away. Leaving the shop, she was in shock. Betty using a hand mirror showed her what had been done. Her hair was short but none existent at the sides. It was, if anyone of you remember "The Little Rascals," just like Alfalfa's. Further down the road they pulled into the parking lot of an optometrist. Inside Mary Margaret's eyes were dilated and given an examination. She had no idea why she was taken here. Her eyesight was 20/20. When the optometrist fitted a pair of thick rimmed black eyeglasses even more confused. The ear pieces had an elastic strap to hold them securely on her face. Everything was blurry as they left that place. The only ones seeming to have a good time were her step mother and sister. They were laughing their asses off as they got back into the car. Mary Margaret had a difficult time just finding the door handle, which made them laugh even harder. "Don't worry bitch, give it a few days or so and you should be able to see clearly again. You'll be wearing glasses for the rest of your life so get used to it," her step mother said. Mary Margaret couldn't see clearly, mostly blurred images and couldn't tell where they were going next. The letters on the sign of the next stop were too blurred. If she had seen, Dr. Angel, M.D. gender specialist, on the plaque would have run. In the examination room Mary was stripped naked and given a paper gown to put on. If Mary Margaret could have seen Dr. Angel clearly would have shivered in fright. The doctor looked more like one of those crazed characters you see in B horror movies. Dr. Angel was a tall reedy older man with white hair sticking out from the side of his otherwise bald head. He had a beak like nose and beady looking eyes. After giving her a thorough exam including blood and urine samples, gave her two injections. As the exam progressed he said very little and the conversation was between him and step mother. "She's just beginning to enter puberty. I think we can do what you want. Shall I proceed?" Dr. Angel said. "Of course! That is why I'm paying you so much. Get on with it," step mother replied sharply. "Very well. After two months of treatment this will become permanent. So, if you change your mind, you have until then. I'll give you a prescription. One tablet in the morning and one before bed. I'll set up standing appointments for every two weeks," he answered. "Why did I have to have those shots and what treatment?" Mary Margaret timidly asked. "You needed them. That's why and momma wants..," her step sister began but was cut off. "That's enough dear," Imogene stated. "We still have one more stop to make." By the last stop Mary Margaret's dilation medicine had worn off but everything was still blurry. The sign was large enough to read, "Jo's Thrift Store." Reading it sent a shiver down her spine. She would never be caught dead in a store like this. All her clothing was designer and nothing else would do. Her step sister had to hold Mary Margaret's hand as they roamed down the aisles. She pleaded to take the glasses off so she could see but step mother absolutely refused. Her step mother didn't want her to see what she would be wearing from now on. At least not yet. Mary Margaret left the store wearing a pair of black slacks, white dress shirt, white cotton socks, black penny loafers. There was a white pocket protector in the shirt's single pocket and a black bow tie around the collar. For underwear Mary Margaret had on a pair of cotton y-fronts and boy's white cotton under shirt. Step mother was very pleased, step sister had a bad case of the giggles. Mary was not as mortified as she would have been. She had an idea of what she looked like but those infernal glasses left everything so unfocused and fuzzy. "They made me look like a geeky boy," she thought. "I'll get them for doing this. Somehow I'll do it." ## After two weeks Mary Margaret could see a lot better. As her vision improved wearing glasses the more despondent she became. She was looking more like a nerdy boy with each passing day. The hair on her underarms and legs more visible and irritating day by day. The first week her step sister had to hold her still while step mother shaved her face. Followed by a harsh spanking. Now she was doing that every morning and evening by herself under supervision. More infuriating was being called Percy. Percy McQuinn was officially Mary Margaret's legal name. Imogene had it changed soon after arriving at their new home. Every day she wore the same style clothing, ill- fitting black slacks, white men's dress shirt with pocket protector holding several ball points and bow tie. Y-fronts and men's undershirts her only underwear. White cotton socks and black penny loafers completed her dressing. She sorely missed her nylon and silk lingerie. The beautiful designer dresses and high heels. Today she had another appointment with Dr. Angel. Mary Margaret was dreading it. She had been told by Karen, her step sister, she was getting testosterone and steroids. "Yeah bitch," Karen had sneered. "You're never going to become a woman after Dr. Angel gets finished with you. You're getting male hormones and won't develop breasts or able to get pregnant in another month or so. Get used to it bitch or maybe I should say bastard now." Mary Margaret was laid out on the examination table, leather straps holding her securely to the table and ankles in the stirrups. Dr. Angel had just given her a series of painful shots to her groin. Now she didn't feel anything and he was doing something down there. Finally he moved away so Imogene and Karen could see what he had done. "She's just going to soooo not love this," Karen shrilly screamed. "Very nice doctor. Quite realistic. How permanent?" Imogene asked. "I stitched it tight. It should stay secured for at least a year maybe more. She will have her monthly menses for a while longer. To properly cleanse and for hygiene there is a slit here under the empty scrotal sack," he answered. "I was wondering about that and I'm guessing she, I mean, he can stand to pee," Imogene said. "Yes even in the boys' toilets or gym. It is realistic enough to pass any casual inspection. The only thing it can't do is get erect. Shall I show her what I've done?" Dr. Angel asked. "Oh of course. By all means show my little darling," Imogene smirked. Using a large hand mirror Dr. Angel angled it so Mary Margaret could see. She shrieked then fainted. What she saw was a realistic looking limp six-inch circumcised penis and hairy scrotum. "She is going to need to see a certified therapist if you go any further. I can recommend Dr. Thelma Vitner. She's very particular in who she takes on as a patient. I'll give her a call of recommendation, if you like. Dr. Vitner ( I have several stories about Dr. Vitner at is very good at making reluctant patients accept their appointed life style," Dr. Angel said. "You're telling me she is very discreet and trust worthy?" Imogene asked. "I wouldn't recommend her if she wasn't madam. This case is very different than the ones she normally treats. She specializes in making men and boys love being sissies," he answered. ## Doctor Vitner was an expert at creating effective subliminal hypnosis CD's. Along with certain psychotropic drugs and office visits for deeper hypnotic trances was always successful in changing one's behavior and outlook on life. Behavior and lifestyles neither wanted or desired by the ones being altered. Dr. Thelma Vitner sat behind her ornate antique rose wood desk examining the folder Dr. Angel had sent. "Umm, interesting. I haven't worked on that many of these transitions. Angel wouldn't refer a case that would get me in trouble but I'll have my private investigator check it out any way. While he is doing that I'll get started on the basic subliminal CD's. Later when I find out exactly what this Mz. Nelson wants, I can make them more specific," she thought. Pressing the intercom button Dr. Vitner asked, "Miss. Radner is my next client ready?" "Yes Doctor, Dorthey and Drew Jones are here. Who shall I send in first?" ## Mary Margaret tried only once to remove the offending appendage from her groin. The pain made her stop and she understood that it would stay on until a doctor removed it. She had always been a girly-girl and hated what her step mother and sister were forcing her to become. Mary Margaret was becoming used to having hairy pits and legs but forced to stand to pee seemed so unnatural. Wearing dull scratchy boy's clothing and seeing a bulge in the crotch upsetting. She didn't want to be a Percy or any other boy. When Mary Margret was told she had another appointment with a new doctor, became ashen faced. "Oh my gawd! What horror am I going to have to face now?" she thought. Imogene went into Dr. Vitner's office first. There she explained what she wanted. "Dr. Vitner my ex-husband's specifically gives me guardianship over his only daughter. She is a mean spirited rotten spoiled one at that. His will leaves the entire estate to her when she reaches her majority. I've decided she needs a new point of view on life. I need her to accept that from now on she is no longer female but a male. Most definitely not a macho one but rather a nerd. Since her daddy no longer has a girl; then, I get to keep his fortune for myself and daughter. Are you willing to do this for me?" Imogene said. "Yes, but I have another question. Do you want her to subconsciously know who and what she formally was?" the doctor asked. "You can do that? Why that would be great. Being able to know and not be able to act or tell anyone, wow. For the past several years she has made my and my daughter's life hell. It's time to turn the tables on the little bitch," she responded. For Mary Margaret the visit to Dr. Vitner was a pleasant surprise. She was served a cup of tea as soon as she entered the office. Mary Margaret always loved sipping tea but now had to drink coffee with cream and sugar. When she left had no idea she had been there over two hours but felt wonderful for the first time. She was looking forward to her next visit and listening to her new CD when she went to bed. "Your name is Percy McQuinn and you are a nerd. You love school and learning yet have a hard time remembering what you've studied. Percy McQuinn is shy and submissive. Percy McQuinn you will always obey your step mother and sister. Your name is Percy McQuinn, a nerdy looking boy," the CD repeated on an endless loop. A week later when Mary Margaret saw Dr. Viner again was feeling very confused. Sometimes she thought she was Percy and sometimes Mary Margaret. She still disliked her step mother and sister but didn't hate them. She hoped Dr. Vitner could clear things up. Percy McQuinn was very happy as he left the office with a new CD two hours later. He couldn't wait for bedtime so he could listen to his old and new CD. The second disc repeated, "Percy McQuinn, you are a nerdy boy. You adore your step mother and sister. You will obey them in all things. As a nerd you like being neat and tidy but don't mind rumpled clothing or missing a shower once and awhile. You are Percy McQuinn a nerdy boy and will behave and act like one all the time. You love being a nerd and a boy. You will do whatever your step mother or sister tells you. You are Percy McQuinn, a nerdy boy." ## That fall Percy McQuinn was enrolled in public school. He was apprehensive as he thought he should be going to an exclusive private school like Karen. So nervous several more pimples broke out on his face. After his first day of classes hated it. The guys picked on him and the girls avoided him. Gym class was not only embarrassing but painful as well. They played dodge ball and it seemed like he was the primary target. Having to take a shower with the other boys traumatic. Everything was blurry as he had to remove his glasses. Then there were the snapping wet towels directed to his butt as he went back to his locker. Percy complained bitterly to his step mother when he arrived back home especially about having to take gym. He also didn't understand why he had to take the school bus. "I hate that school. Everyone makes fun of me and pushes me around. Why do I have to take gym? I hate that class. Please let me go to a private school like Karen," he plead. "Nonsense Percy. You're a pimple faced nerd and should expect that kind of treatment. I can't get you out of gym. It's a required course," she replied. "At least have me driven to school like Karen. I have to get up two hours before school even starts to catch the bus," Percy added. "She has a ride Percy because she is a girl. Girls should be pampered. You're a boy. You will ride the bus. Now I don't want to hear any more about it. Go and do your homework," Imogene said dismissing him. During the course of the school year Percy did make a couple of friends. Other outcast boys like himself. None were his best friends. More like acquaintances as he had to come straight home from school. He couldn't join the various clubs like The Chess Club that they did. Percy also wasn't allowed to participate in after school activities in any case. High school was a miserable four years for not only Percy but Mary Margaret as well. While unable to control her body or change anything, she was painfully aware of what was happening. About the only thing she liked and that was questionable, was not having to wait in line to pee. There were times when she wished that if she had to be a boy at least it could be as a regular boy. If school was miserable Mary Margaret's home life was hell. When they had visitors over for a party or dinner, which was frequent Percy would make a brief appearance. Then be sent back to his room where he could hear them having a good time. Imogene wanted all her friends to know she had a nerdy step son. After a year of not having a period, Dr. Angel changed her male appendage. This time the scrotum was sealed but could be filled with egg whites to simulate sperm. The penis shaft could also be inflated to full stiff erection. When the scrotum was squeezed, the egg whites would be ejected. This confused Mary Margaret and Percy until they got home. There Imogene filled the scrotum with egg whites and had Percy inflate the penis to full erection. Their bewilderment was soon understanding and mortifying. "Percy you are a nerd and can't get a girl to fulfill your teenage urges. So, I had Dr. Angel make a few changes to satisfy those for you," she said as Karen stood off to the side giggling. "I don't understand step mother," Percy said. "All teenaged boys masturbate to relieve those urges. So you may begin now," she stated. Having to masturbate in front of his step mother and sister was mortifying but Percy had no choice. He had to obey her. Clumsily he began pulling on the ersatz penis. As he did that something on the inside of the device rubbed against Mary Margaret's clitoris. That sensation was pleasant. It took more than thirty minutes before Imogene told him to squeeze his balls and ejaculate into the cup she held out. Mary Margaret wanted to scream as she was very close to having a climax. Like all her other efforts to exert some control, she failed. "Now you shouldn't waste good sperm, drink it all down like a good nerd," she ordered. "We'll do this every month from now on. Can't have you running around frustrated," she informed the humiliated boy. ## With graduation Percy spent all his time with Imogene and Karen. With school he could get away from them for a time. Now that he was home, Imogene put him to good use. She made him become the butler. She had several butler uniforms made for him. Two for every day wear and one with tails for more formal occasions. Imogene also had him take a driver's training class. With a license, Percy McQuinn (m) could also be their chauffer. Imogene and Karen knew that Mary Margaret while unable to do anything was aware of her situation. They took great satisfaction in having Percy accompany them when they went shopping. Something Mary Margaret loved to do. He not only drove but had to follow them into the upscale stores. Percy was embarrassed having to stand by while the women shopped for fancy lingerie and designer outfits. Karen took delight in holding up a delicate item of intimate apparel in Percy's face asking him what he thought. Usually that item was a Wacoal bra and panty set she knew was Mary Margaret's favorite brand. Karen did that for two reasons. It made Percy blush furiously. It also drove home what might have been Mary Margaret's future. For his twentieth birthday Imogene introduced him to a friend's daughter, Cameron Jones. Imogene was introduced to Deloris Jones and Miss. Simms by Dr. Vitner. The doctor suggested that Percy and Cameron would make a great couple while the women were under her drug induced trance. "Imogene and Deloris I think getting Percy and Cameron together would be a great idea. Deloris you're not getting any younger and knowing Cameron will be taken care of by a loving husband will ease your mind. It would also give you a chance to move to Florida where you've always dreamed of going. Miss. Simms will be more than happy to go as your companion. You know you adore and love her and count on her advice." "Imogene, Percy has never had a girlfriend much less a lover. How much do you think Mary Margaret will like that? Percy is already your butler and Cameron can be your maid. Two people you will have total control over. You would like that wouldn't you?" Deloris and Imogene, I've kept you from making wedding plans too long. Why don't you two go and have that conversation," Dr. Vitner instructed then turned to Miss. Simms. "You've done a great job with Deloris and Don Miss. Simms. I've set you up for the rest of your life as we had agreed. You will have the devoted lover you wanted and access to her wealth. Thank you and goodbye." ## Percy was happy to finally have a girlfriend but Mary Margaret wasn't. While closeted inside her brain, she was still heterosexual. Cameron's French kisses sent shivers of disgust into Mary Margaret. When the wedding announcement was made she tried valiantly to exert her will but failed. During the ceremony, Mary Margaret again tried but only managed to get Percy to stutter the vows. It seemed like Cameron did the same but it was official. They were man and wife and would live with Percy's family. Both Percy and Cameron got instructions about their sex life from Dr. Vitner. Instructions that couldn't be disobeyed. "Percy you are repulsed by Cameron's vagina. It looks weird to you and you will avoid trying to penetrate or touch it. You love anal sex more than anything," Dr. Vitner instructed. They would have anal sex every night for a month, in the doggy style. After that, intercourse once a week with Cameron giving Percy oral sex every night. On the beginning of the third month, they would only perform anal sex every week from then on. Neither of them were looking forward to that. Percy was given more specific instructions. He was to fill his scrotum with the egg whites, let Cameron provide oral sex then proceed with anal intercourse for a full thirty minutes. Dr. Vitner knew this would be horrific for both Don and Mary Margaret. Karen at first wasn't happy about Percy ever getting any pleasure out of life. Getting married might do that and argued against it. "Mother how could you? You know how much I don't want that bitch to ever be happy," Karen complained. "What makes you think I do Karen? Think about it for a minute. Mary Margaret is straight. How do you think she's going to like having sex with another woman? There's an added bonus. Cameron is actually a guy inside just like her. Trapped in a body he never wanted. How do you think he's going to like having sex with another guy? Plus we get a maid out of the deal," Imogene answered. Since Percy was the butler it was obvious that Cameron should become the maid. Six every day uniforms were supplied for her and designed to humiliate. They were all semi-sheer nylon A-line dresses with starched white double breasted collars. Cameron's lingerie would be on full display through the thin material. Colorful with lots of frills full slips or camisoles and half-slips. They came with a white ruffled organza half apron and nurse styled cap. In addition, Cameron would have to wear support hose held up by a six- suspender belt and three-inch spike heeled black patent leather pointed toed pumps. For formal occasions and even more humiliating uniform. Cameron would wear a sexy black satin French Maid's uniform. Yards of pink chiffon crinolines would hold the short flare skirt out almost horizontally. Cameron's panties, garter tabs and stockings would be in full view. Black fishnet stockings and six-inch stiletto pumps were required. It would not only be humiliating but painful as well having to wear those shoes. Besides the red satin high waist garter belt Cameron would wear a bright red satin up lift bra and high thigh matching panties. The square cut bodice would leave the straps of the bra visible which Imogene wanted. That would add to her embarrassment. It would very likely get her butt pinched more often when Imogene had her parties. Imogene just planned on humiliating Cameron but Karen had other ideas. She relished the idea that Cameron was actually a guy. A man who like Mary Margaret was stuck in a body they detested. The panties she got for Cameron's formal uniform had a hole cutout in the back frilled with black lace exposing her anus. "Cameron might be getting it up the rear but by a dildo and filled with egg whites. I bet she's going to love getting the real thing. I broke up with that ass hole David because he tried to do me that way. He's got a bigger dick than Percy too. Well, now he will have a chance but not with me. Mother has that big Halloween party coming up. I'll invite him and those two drag queens mom hired for the wedding. Yeah, mom will drink way too much and won't interfere. I'll let David take care of Cameron and the other two have a go with Percy," Karen thought. ## Halloween night and Imogene's party was in full swing. The only ones not in a holiday costume were Robert and Cameron. They were wearing their formal servant's clothing, Robert in butler tails and Cameron in the French Maid's. Robert greeted the guests and took their coats while Cameron served drinks so no one would mistake them as guests. It was very late and Robert was cleaning up pool side when two guests approached him. As they got closer he recognized them as the two weird bride's maids from the wedding. One had on a ridiculous looking fruit covered hat and brightly colored floral satin skin tight dress with wide hem of pink netting. The one with the thin black mustache in a rainbow patterned strapless tea dress. "Hi there Robert. Do you remember us from the wedding? I'm Carmen Miranda, you know the Chiquita Banana girl tonight. This here is Rainbow Queen," the one with the mustache said. "Yes, I seem to remember you," Robert replied wondering what they wanted as they moved to stand beside him. "Goodie," Carmen said grabbing his arm. "Nice of you to remember Robbie. That means were friends, so this will be more fun," Queen said taking his other arm. "Wha....what?" Robert managed as the two drag queens began moving him toward the cabana. "We're going to have so much fun. Karen told us how much you wanted to get it on with us. Said you might put up a fuss because you're such a nerd but we don't mind. We both like rough sex," Carmen replied as they entered the bathhouse and locked the door. It was after midnight when the two drag queens left the cabana. Robert was left lying on the floor crying. His y-fronts and pants around one ankle. He had been thoroughly used and abused. The brutal raping had a side effect. Mary Margaret was back in control of her body. While Robert was undergoing his ordeal, Cameron was having her own violation. David took her into one of the spare bedrooms. He wasn't gentle and didn't bother with a condom. Cameron's bottom was left gapping, on fire and dripping when he left. When Robert took her that way, he always used a lubricant and gentle. She was also "in love" with him. As with Robert, the brutal rape brought Doug back into possession of his body. ## Mary Margaret staggered back into the room she shared with Cameron. She was still dazed from the rape and having full control of her body. As she shut the door and put her back to it, saw Cameron sitting on the bed still in the maid's uniform. "Now that I'm back in control what do I do now? I can't do what Robert had to. Not anymore. It's too repulsive," she thought. Cameron looked up from staring at the floor. "He's back. So what do I do now? He's going to want sex like always and after tonight there's no way now that I'm free," Doug thought. "Percy," "Cameron," they said at the same time. "I have something important to tell you." Mary Margaret wasn't sure how to start and curious about what Cameron was going to say, "You go first Cameron." "First of all I'm...I'm not Cameron. Well not exactly, it's my middle name and I'm not a woman. My real name is Drew and beneath all this a man. I'm not entirely sure how I got this way. Everything is still a bit fuzzy. I can assure you it wasn't by my choice. I hated every second of it. So if you're thinking of doing anything Percy, you can forget it," Drew stated unsure of how Percy would react. Mary Margaret was stunned for a moment. "What the...She...errr I mean he me?" she thought then told Drew her story. They talked for several hours until their adrenalin high wore off and exhaustion took them. They fell asleep still in their formal uniforms. Before they slept had reached some decisions. Their biggest difference was whether or not to murder Imogene and Karen then and there. Mary Margaret finally convinced Drew that was a bad idea. Spending the rest of their lives in prison was worse than their current situation. It was decided they needed more information and time to formulate a plan of retaliation. So they would stay in character until they could get their revenge. One of the first things Mary Margaret did was have Doug remove the penile prosthetic using a pair of pinking shears. The scissors had a sharp pointed narrow tip that could get under the tight stitching. He only nicked her skin a couple of times but it was off. "You know, when I was Cameron I never noticed this was fake. It looked so real to me but now I can see what it really is. I'm happy you can finally be free of it unlike mine. I've been in it for so long and Miss. Simms had the only key. I have no idea where she or mother are now," Dough ended with a sigh. "You have on a fake vagina?" Mary Margaret asked. " looked so real. Here let me see. Maybe I can find a way to remove it." "Okay but it's not a vagina. It's a steel wire mesh reinforced rubber chastity device. It has something like a built in taser too. I'm afraid of what will happen if it's forcefully removed. Miss. Simms told It could fry my balls off, not that it probably matters anymore. It won't come off without the key," he sadly replied. "I always thought it was real but weird being yellow. I guess that's why I never tried penetrating it and used your....I'm truly sorry about that Doug but I couldn't help it," she said. "No problem Mary Margaret. I've been wearing it so long it feels natural now. I can wait until a locksmith or someone else can get it off. I have an idea about getting away from all this. Imogene wants me to get the groceries tomorrow. I'll sneak you into the car and go straight to the police. You better bring that thing with you as evidence. They'll be arrested and go to jail for a very long time. We'll get control of what's ours again. I'm sure some bribes in the right places will make sure their confinement is anything but nice," Doug said. ## Epilog: It was an embarrassing process for both Doug and Mary Margaret but in the end had their revenge. The only one who managed to escape justice was Dr. Vitner. It seemed no one could remember the name of the doctor that treated them. The only one who could, Miss. Simms had committed suicide. They did eventually find the office where the doctor worked but it was vacant. As far as Doug's mother, she was exonerated due to her programming. She believed Cameron was her daughter even after extensive treatments. For Doug and Mary Margaret not all the news was good. Their bodies and mannerisms had been so adulterated, it would be impossible to return to functioning adults. They decided to stay together and resumed their gender roles as man and wife. It was easier that way.

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Percy Jackson Loves Cocks

Percy Jackson had turned 18 a week ago, and today was out in the forest, looking for a monster to fight... or, at least, he was, until he heard someone moaning and groaning. Confused, and worried that someone was in trouble, he hurried towards the source of the noise. He stopped, his eyes wide, when he saw who had been making that noise.

3 years ago
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Percys Halloween

This is my first story. Comment if you like it, or if you figure out the refrence! :D *** "No!" Percy refused. He crossed his arms and glared at his friends. "I'm not doing it!" "C'mon, Percy," Grover pleaded. "Connor, Travis, and I are doing it, so you have to too!" "Yeah," Connor butted in. "You said you would be in our Halloween group, so you have to dress up in the same theme we do!" "That was before I knew what it was!" Percy argued. "I am NOT doing it!" "I didn't...

2 years ago
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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 8

We prepared for our next trip. The maps were studied and the cities picked out. We managed to get a rocket launcher for the truck that had no cannon. The rockets cost nearly four hundred thousand a pop so I was hesitant to use them. I only got them because I could trade directly for gold. We did have visual on the missiles so we could actually see what we were going to hit. With no aircraft, the weapon could not be used to its full potential. Some biker businessmen found three pilotless...

3 years ago
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Little Black Dress

I, like every woman, have a little black dress. A dress designed specifically to accentuate my look and to draw in the unsuspecting man. My little black dress is silk with a sweetheart neckline that curves over my breasts and allows the onlooker a teasing glance at the tops of my breasts. It’s floor length with spaghetti straps and fitted snugly but not so tight as to reveal all the details of what lies underneath. Finally, it has a scoop back that goes down to my lower back and pinches the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Noc 7

Aaron and Megan both still laid asleep on their mattresses in the almost overly girly room. After seeing that she could never fulfill Aaron, Megan began almost resenting her older sister and began phasing out their social relations. Carly feeling guilty, but not wanting to hurt either her sister or Aaron, fell asleep with Aaron every night and later moved through the middle of the dark to wake up with Megan. Not wanting to gloat or upset Megan further, she hadn’t tried anything since the...

2 years ago
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Aprils Anal Adventure

April’s words made my cock pulse as she hissed into my ear, her finger nails digging deeper into my back with each thrust of my hips. The room filled with the wet slapping sound of our sweaty bodies colliding as she urged me on. “Harder,” she moaned, her legs wrapped tightly around my body. I raised myself up with my arms in an attempt to gain better leverage as I repeatedly slammed my hips into hers, driving my cock deep with each forceful descent. Her eyes were locked on mine as I...

4 years ago
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Love after the Business Trip

love couple seduction eroticDaintily d****d over the curve of her hip delicately concealing what she had between her legs./The candles, placed strategically throughout the house, were all litjust waiting for her arrival. Their tiny orange flames dimly brightenedthe whole house. Their sweet scent of lilac and lavender burned andwafted aroma filling each room the way she loved. It would be the firstthing she smelled when she entered. It definitely set the mood for theevening.Her favorite meal of...

1 year ago
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Nikki runs out of luck

       Nikki runs out of luck        Sorry if the  spelling is not always the best, english is not my native language. I  hope you will enjoy reading this story        Some people believe in luck, others don’t, yet  everyone agrees  when luck runs out, bad stuff starts popping up all over  someone’s life.  For most people, in an average country, this " bad stuff "  includes, business, financial, marital or health related problems. This is bad enough, we cant deny that. But there are obscure...

2 years ago
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Bad Day Sex

Introduction: Michael has a bad day and shows Silk just how to ease it. Ok its been addressed in comments. I am Mystress_Carlie on here as well but I wanted to fix my stories and whatnot and xnxx doesnt work with its writers very well on this plus I wanted to post under my pen name that I am know on other sites for so I made this new profile. Xnxx is supposed to be taking down the Mystress_Carlie profile but has yet so just bare with me people. I am not stealing her work as she is ME… Also...

1 year ago
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Stories of The Relic The Book of Keilari Part 4 Ground Rules

Stories of The Relic: The Book of Keilari - Part 4 - Ground Rules By Alexander Kung The Quietness of the loft was broken by the soft sounds of whimpering and sobbing. Gia growled as she tossed and turned on the couch unable to sleep soundly. After not being able to sleep for centuries, she found herself haunted by the memories of the cruelty shown to her over the years. But the worst was the memory of how it all began.. ~0~ Venica, Italy 1491 It had all started right after she...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Cums True part 3

This story is written by tittie-baby for Fantasy cums true #3Terri is my shemale wife. And yes we are legally married. We have been married about a month now and have started to get our sex routine down a little. I have found out that as much as we love fucking each other that our tight little asses can't take getting fucked 5 or 6 times a day. So we have compromised a little, we fuck each others ass every morning and every night. The rest of the time we 69 until we cum in each...

2 years ago
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The Lincoln Madam

The Lincoln Madam.A Crazy Time In My Life!I guess I was about 38 and recently single, the usual story of wife ignorant of my real passion, the big secret that finally came out, and what a fool I must have been to have let her trick me into breaking my own rules of, "Never tell a soul"!However, I did and now the world had changed from what I was expecting, to a new beginning, forgetting the pain and hurt on both sides, it was over!That was 2 years ago now, and the first night on my own, was...

2 years ago
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Older Makes a Good Teacher

It wasn't that easy being gay and living in a place like Omaha.  I was attracted to a lot of guys in my high school, but there was no way I was going to approach any of them.  I had visions of them ganging up on me in the gym and beating the shit out of me.I knew the answer would be in hooking up with older, maybe married guys.  Besides, they were safer ... they were just looking to get off, not looking for a relationship.  I figured it would be the perfect way to satisfy my curiosity about...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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PART IIWe started out looking for a place to have lunch. I finished my food and it was around 4 PM. Since we had to travel 60kms out of town and Rajesh told me it was not a full highway but a small road and it would take about 2 hours at least. We started off and just when we were exiting town I picked up a few cans of beer and a cpl of packs of smoke just in case I don’t get my brand in the small town. We got stuck in a traffic jam caused by a minor accident between a cpl of cars on the road...

3 years ago
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Attacked a home

Snuggled up and lying on the sofa, I rest my left arm over Nick’s stomach. My head lies on his chest against his heart that gently beats against my ear, as his left arm pulls me close and subconsciously strokes the back of my right hand. We lay there watching a film, I’m not sure what it’s called since I’m not really paying attention to it, instead I just close my eyes and breath in the manly scent of his lynx deodorant and cool water after shave as they combine together to make a very sexy...

2 years ago
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Hot time in Bangkok

HOT TIME IN BANGKOKBack since a few days in Bangkok. Horny as always I went to look for my massage-boy I had last time. I know it is very hard here to find someone back again, they stop there and go work somewhere else or whatever. So I went last Thursday to Silom area where was the massage parlor for men. It was late afternoon when I went in. Some boys jumped up and walked in front of me. I Asked to the “mamasan “ about the boy I had last time, “she-he” told me not work here anymore. Wow no...

3 years ago
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The Builders hut

I’d walk past the small building site every day on the way home from school. Had it not been for what I could see through the little site shed window, Id never have given it a second glanceLinda Lusardy ( I think thats how she spells her name) Naked on a calendar on the scruffy wall. I’d noticed several times that the door had a padlock but they must have lost the key because every night it would be wedged shut with something heavy and the door wasn’t properly locked.I decided to raid the shed...

3 years ago
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Stress relief with Sasha

"Excuse me, could you help me find a book. It's supposed to e here but i don't see it." "Let me check my cart" Sasha could feel his hazel eyes staring at her as she walked away. He stood about 5'7 with honey colored skin and a muscular build. Sasha figured him to be about 20. "Wow, heavy reading," she said holding up his book. "Yeah, I need it for school" "Ok. Well don't study too hard." "Yeah whatever." "Hey. You don't have to be rude. I didn't have to...

2 years ago
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A Kenyan in my Wife

In June of this year my family and I spent a two week, luxury vacation in Kenya. It proved, as you’ll find out, to be an unforgettable experience. My wife Kirsten and I have been married eleven years now and I guess you could put us down as your typical white, British, middle-class couple. We of course have our daughter Poppy who is five and plans for a bigger family eventually. Both of us travelled all over Europe together in our early twenties but our determination to see Africa was one we...

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my love

It seems like I've known her forever, though really it's only been twoyears. Whenever I see her my heart warms up, and my mind becomes blank witha happy sort of delirium. Of course, when I had first met her, it had allbeen different... I was at school, laughing with my best friend Alice, when I first sawher. I didn't realize then, the amount of love I would one day feel forthis girl. All I knew then was that I wanted to know her. I wanted to knoweverything about her I could, and for some odd,...

1 year ago
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TS In Memorial

Introduction: The good times with a passed friend TS (In Memorial)) TS entered our lives many years ago. He worked for NASA in Baltimore, MD until his parents died six months a part. He had lived with his parents all his life and was crushed by their death. He settled their affairs, collected his inheritance, bought a very nice but small motor home and headed west. His trail lead him through the south into Texas and final to Arizona where he found AHVR, a newly developing nudist resort. My...

3 years ago
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My Hot Loving Wife

It all starts just after I get home from work. It was a crappier day than usual and I’m exhausted. I tell my wife that I’m going to go take a shower and then lie down and relax a bit before dinner. I go to the bathroom and start the water, get undressed, switch it over to the shower and get in. The hot water feels wonderful on my head and skin as I start to let my body relax from the crazy day. I’m lost in a daze when I hear the shower screen slide over and a voice say, “How about some...

3 years ago
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With Friends Like These

Author's Note: This is the first transformation story I've written, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Let me know what you think of it! :) Thanks! *t* With Friends Like These By kittara Dan and I had known each other since we were kids. We had always hung out together. Wherever I was, Dan was usually there and vice versa. As we grew up, we both kept pretty competitive in things all the way through high school. Dan was more of a jock than I was, but he kept up on...

2 years ago
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Finding Home

Found this gem onlineFinding Homeby Bob W.Sometimes it seems to me that destiny, fate, God, depending on how you tend torefer to it, has a very twisted way of working things. Most of us spend much ofour lives searching. Half the time we have no idea what we are searching for,yet we continue to push onward. That funny twist comes when that thing we weresearching for finally shows itself and we then realize it had been there allalong. Such has been the case for me and the home I have finally...

1 year ago
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Fantasy For You

Hi. My name is Teri and I have written five top rated stories on this web site I do it because it is a release for me, letting all my day's worries and hassles slip away as I write about sex on my computer screen. Little did I know what was going to happen by me writing and how it would change my life enormously. I got an email after writing A Day At The Beach. It was from a screenname called Fantsy4u. I didn't know if I should open it with all of the damn viruses going around,...

3 years ago
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New Phone Led Me to Being Gangbang

I got this new smart phone and it was the first one that I ever used and I was assigned a new phone number that I had to remember. I had my phone plugged in and in the middle of the night I get a phone call and it is a voice that I don’t know asking if I want to come over. It is a man’s voice and I ask who is it and he says “it’s Duwan b*o.” He says where is Donny? I proceed to tell him that I am not Donny and I have this number now. I look at the clock and it is 3 AM. I fall back to sleep and...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 132 Dirty Mother Nature

Even though I don’t remember doing it, I sure did a great job making myself look like I survived a tornado by lying in the lowest place I could find in a pinch. My goggles popped up a message that 911 had already been called and there were lots of emergency responders heading this way. No one was killed thanks to me getting the family behind Trudy’s house into their bomb shelter. In fact, I was the only one with even minor injuries. The family behind Trudy didn’t even yet know that all they...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Threesome

The holiday so far was amazing with lots of hot girls in little bikinis. The girl I had met at the nightclub, Nicole, had been spending some time with me during days and at night. One day we were at her apartments having a nice little kissing session when her Dad interupted and basically told me to leave and that he didnt want his daughter doing anything while hes around. I could sort of see his point but she was old enough and mature enough to make her own decision. As I left teh apartment I...

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I Fucked my Girlfriends mother

Hello friends, this is NAREN writing my story on XHAMSTER which happens to be a true incident. This story is about how I screwed my girlfriend’s Mom after breaking up with my Girlfriend. My age is 27 years and my girlfriend is 25 and her name is Smita. We were in relationship from about three years and we broke up due to some misunderstanding between us. I use to visit her house regularly and was quite comfortable with her Mom and brother. Whenever I went to her house, I use to scan her mom’s...

2 years ago
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This Must Never Happen Again Right

You could cut the atmosphere with a knife, there was tension in the air. The atmosphere was civil yet tense at the same time, in the meantime Matthew and Sarah Jones were just waiting to explode. They had quietly bit their tongues and watched their words, ensuring not a word was said out of anger but it couldn't last. Something had to give. They didn't know what to expect but the result surprised both of them. It all started when Matthew came back to the house angry and irritable, Matthew...

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Swordswomen Sex and the CityChapter 2 Transformation and Asparagus

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. Abraham Maslow Both in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. Even when your spirit is calm do not let your body relax, and when your body is relaxed do not let your spirit slacken. Do not let your spirit be influenced by your body, or your body be influenced by your spirit. Miyamoto...

2 years ago
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Tommy Part 26

"Tommy"By GentilePart 26---------Back to The Night of the Driver-Along:It would do no good for me to go first. It had to be Tommy. I wanted to watch him with her and her with him. Girl knew it. Tommy knew it. That's why she worked on him exclusively. "Tommy, darling, please. I'll make it good. I want to love you. To show you how much I love you. And I do, boy. I love you so much. You're my favorite."Dead silence.She moved from behind his right ear to his left. The whispering lasted about a...

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All for Mr Redman

Introduction: Finally landing the Teacher I always wanted *This is my very first story. I have never posted anything before but decided it was about time I did. I apologize in advance for my errors in grammar and spelling. I have tried very hard to correct them, but this is not my first language. I hope you enjoy this story. It is based in on true events. Obviously, names have been changed to protect the guilty I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical...

1 year ago
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Mere Bhai Ne Mujhe Fasa Kar Choda 8211 Part 2

Lesbian sex ke baad humdono bed par lete hue the. Thodi der ke baad shivani uthi or room se bahar jaane lagi. Uski gaand bilkul gol gol the maine use dekhte hue pucha ki kaha ja rahi hai. To wo boli susu aayi hai to mai boli mujhe bhi aayi hai ruk mai bhi chalti hu. Fir humdono ek dusre ki haath ko pakad kar bathroom me gaye or ek dusre ke samne face to face baith kar susu karne lage. Wo meri chut ko dekh rahi thi or mai uski chut ko. Fir haste hue humdono bahar aa gaye or fir se apne room me...

2 years ago
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First time with my cousin Part 7

Mom came home about three, she walked into the lounge to find me pounding Grace’s pussy, while Ashleigh fucked her ass with her strap-on “Having fun are we” Mom said “OOOOOHHHHH FFFFFUUUCCCCKKKK YYYYYYEEEEAAAAHHHH” Orgasm hit Grace, her pussy squirting its juices all over the couch “UUUUUUUHHHHHAAAAAA, FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, UUUHHHHHHAAAA” Ashleigh chanted as she joined Grace in orgasm “I’ll take that as a yes!” Mom giggled I turned to face mom, still...

4 years ago
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This story isn't all that original and I have seen the basic premise used several times, in TG and non-TG stories. However, I'd been thinking about this one for some time and decided to finally write it. C.A.L. By Morpheus Danny cursed silently as he hurried along the sidewalk, moving as fast as his legs would carry him, though the weight of the schoolbooks in his backpack slowed him some. He glared up into the sky, wishing the rain would stop. However, he knew that there was...

3 years ago
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Couch Dance

I walked into the topless bar and almost immediately turned around and walked out. Too crowded, too noisy, too smoky... it wasn't going to be worth it just for $10 table dances. On the way back to my hotel a small building caught my eye with the sign "Gentlemen's Dance Partners". I figured I could spare five minutes to check out the place. When I went in there was a latina hostess in an enclosed foyer and a sign -- $10 entry, $20 per hour to the house for the ladies' time and a tip of at...

1 year ago
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CubScout MotherChapter 4

Gary found some old rags in the garden shed back of the garage. He wiped himself as best he could, still seeing in his mind every detail of the incredible spectacle he had witnessed between his father and Wanda. It wasn't fair! His father had his mother to fuck. Why the hell did he have to fuck Wanda too? God damn it, the bastard had just committed adultery with his own sister-in-law. Didn't he know that? Wanda was his own age. He should have been the one giving it to her. He trembled at...

1 year ago
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The journey Home

We’d been to kelly’s mums and dad for the weekend, and due to her family been strict we were not allowed to sleep together which was a right downer. Anyway we soon made up for it on the way home in more ways than one. Kelly was a petit woman with a nice size breast and bum and cruel long black hair and beautiful brown eyes. We’d taken her mum and dad out for dinner and we’d got semi dressed up for dinner i.e. I was wearing shirt and trousers and commando like always I hate boxer shorts and...

Group Sex
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My Neighbour 8211 Part 1

I am Reddy, 24 years old guy from Bangalore. This sex story is about seducing and fucking my hot height our. The heroine of the story is Leena 24 years old girl of height 5.6 fair complexion around 60 kgs with 36-28-34.Her mom is Lisy and she is 5.4 38-32-34.About me I look good with 7.5 long dick. In this story I will explain sex encounter with neighbor which led to series of other encounters. Before this story I was a virgin then I a fucked many girls and made girls beg for my dick. I am...

3 years ago
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The GeneralChapter 10

Mark left Sue Ann Pfeiffer just before lunch and headed back to Atlanta to make final arrangements for his prom commitment to Sandy. He was determined to make the evening memorable for her as best he could. To counteract the feeling of isolation that she was experiencing from her classmates, he suggested that she invite her best friend Carol, and her date, to join them for the evening. He knew just enough about high school proms to know that no two were alike and decided that he needed more...

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Mera First Sex Simran Bhabi Ka Sath

By : Sexyjattboy24 Hi I am Dilmeet and I am fron Amritsar Punjab meri age 27 years hai. Aje me aap ko apna frist sex ka bara me batana ja rah hun bat un dino ki hai jab mena meri 10th passe kar li thi. Mera papa ka dost city me rhata tha unka bar bar khana par papa na muja unka pase aga ki study ka liya city baj diya unki family me uncle, aunty, beta or beta ki wife thi unki beti ki shadi ho chukyi thi. Uncle bank me job karta tha, Aunty Houewife thi or unka beta army me tha. uski duty Assam...

4 years ago
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Warm and Clear

The night was warm and clear. I drove, she took a taxi. We met for a late-night drink. Just one. A martini, cold and harsh in an empty bar. We made small talk and allowed our legs to touch beneath the table. Her bare legs rubbed against the fabric of my pants and I saw spots of colour that had nothing to do with alcohol appear on her cheeks…a tinge of rouge colour on the pale, oval face framed by jet-black hair. She put her fingers on my forearm while we talked, then traced her lips slowly...

3 years ago
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The guy with a nice ass

8/1/2013 Another night at the bar. Tonight, I couldn't help myself. Every time this guy walked past I would stare at his ass. I mean--it was round, it looked tight, and I was feeling a little buzz from my drinking so my inhibitions were practically nonexistent. Then there is that awkward moment when he walked back to his table of friends and looked at my reflection in the mirror that clearly showed that I had my eyes glued on his beautiful, round ass. I looked up into the mirror and saw that he...

1 year ago
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Stephanas Sugar Fix

Stephana Stevens was a very curvy chick with a huge sweet tooth. Though she eats healthily for a plus-size chick, Stephana had a penchant for anything and everything sweet. Every now and then, whether it's during her lunch break at work or after work, she would have a sweet craving. Sometimes she would go to the nearby bakery Sweet Sensations for some cookies or pastries, the cupcake shop called Cupcake Inc. for a cupcake fix, the Cold Sweet Treat ice cream parlor for an ice cream craving, or...

1 year ago
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Our First Time

It was a dark and stormy night!... There was this guy named Ricardo... he was really handsome.... nice built figure... fair skin...and dark hair he was driving along a back-road... all by himself.... it was getting really rainy.... and he decided to stop... because the visibility was poor.... then... from way behind... he saw a car coming..... and he got out of the car..... he waved down the driver.... and she stopped.... he said to her.... "hey, its really rainy... bad conditions for...

First Time
3 years ago
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Caught My Friend8217s Mom With A Dildo In Her Room

Hello friends, Myself Rushi, I am 5’6″, fair and normal built. Penis size enough to satisfy a women’s desire. Actually it’s not about the size, its about how you use it ! I’m from Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Presently I am 31 yrs old, married and a 4 yr old son, this incident happened way back in 2003. This sex story is about my friend’s mom and me. Shweta (my friend) & Rekha (her mom) When I was studying in first yr. Engineering, I had a classmate who stayed in our area. Both of us used to daily go...

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Fucking Around With Her

p Rated StoriesMy Favorite Posts & StoriesMobile StoriesPost Story!CategoriesAnalBDSMCelebritiesFetishFirst TimeGay MaleGroup SexHardcoreInterracial SexLesbian SexMasturbationMatureSex HumorShemalesTabooVoyeurStories RankingsTop RatedMost ViewedMost CommentedTop AuthorsScrewing my Step-sisterThe thought of watching his step-sister screw, excited Justin. She was a cute girl, blonde with big blue eyes and a cute smile. She had had sex before, and he always wondered what it would be like...

2 years ago
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Wife wants a young lover

Wife wants a younger lover.My wife Helen passed a bit of a milestone birthday and was a bit down about it. I had been trying to encourage her to fuck a younger man for some time now to no avail so I turned up the pressure again telling her that it would cheer her up and remind her that she’s still attractive to take a young stud and fuck him rigid while I watch and wank. I could see that she was starting to like the idea by the way she frigged herself energetically while I told her a story...

1 year ago
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Lunch then afters

Lesley and Sandra had enjoyed a lovely lunch catching up on the last six months. They had also enjoyed a lovely bottle of wine, and as they walked arm in arm back to Lesley’s house for a coffee they were a little giggly. Once they got there Lesley let them in and went to put on the coffee machine. “Fancy a little something in that?” asked Lesley “Oh, go on then. You’ve twisted my arm” laughed Sandra. Lesley added two very large measures of brandy to the coffee and they went through to the...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Vol 1Chapter 5 Trouble

Paul felt the fine stinging sensation of the suit’s Auto Doc administering drugs and injecting tissue and medical repair Nanites into his back. He tasted blood in his mouth and opened his eyes. He lay sprawled on the vegetation covered ground of Green Hell. He saw the wrecked skimmer not far away, a smoking and twisted wreck. Then he saw something he had never wanted to see up close, hundreds of Dragon Ants crawling over the faceplate of his helmet. The suit must have automatically sealed...

1 year ago
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The AXE Effect

"Welcome to your first day of employment at Biogenetech," the old man told you in a very unenthusiastic voice. "My name's Scruffy, and I'm your new boss." "Hi," you say as you hold out your hand to shake his, "I'm John. I'm very excited to start here." You weren't really excited to work here, but a position on the janitorial staff here was the only job you could find after being fired from your last job. Scruffy looked at your hand, but didn't shake yours. "Heh, nobody's excited to be a...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Private Strip Show

It was a muggy Wednesday evening in Marietta, Georgia as I left my downtown office and walked the six blocks to the closest gay bar. My name is Tony Gibbs, thirty year old junior partner at the Stevens and McCloud Law Firm. I needed a beer badly after the long hard day I’d had in court today. I got my client off, but it wasn’t easy. As I walked down the hot sidewalk I unbuttoned my suit coat and loosened the knot in my tie trying to cool off. With my briefcase in my hand, I entered the bar and...

Gay Male
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RebelChapter 66 Galley Slave

I never made it to camp, at least not for a fortnight, and in fact, I was back on the water almost at once, much against my will. A Redcoat patrol gobbled me up and sent me, with my arms tied behind me and my belt and weapons as displays of my rebellious intent, down river where I was made a galley slave. Now I know that sounds odd and unbelievable, but that is what we were, galley slaves. Only it was not a galley but a barge and none of us were chattel slaves. In fact the one slave in the...

1 year ago
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My summer Boss 6

They didn’t seem to get it right away, their minds clouded with one singular objective. After a few moments of jostling each other, catching a few elbows and knees myself, Eve managed to shoulder Brook off of me. “What do you mean, bind?” She asked, grunting and catching Brook’s hands as she tried to grab her and throw her off. “Well, just stop for a second and look at what you’re doing.” They both paused and looked at each other. “I don’t see a problem here.” Brook...

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