Wilhan Dragonslayer -- A Ring Sword SagaChapter 6 free porn video

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Freyna recognized the people coming down the lane and yelled out, "Wil, people are coming. You should start charging to train here."

"What helps them helps us. Don't you like company?" he yelled back.

She harrumphed and walked into the house to tell the other women that there would be more mouths to feed.

"Jorna, good to see you. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Wilhan said when the people got closer.

"These are my boys, Pawli and Sven. Pawli's about ready to go out in the world for the first time, and young Sven here could use a good beating, so we thought we'd come by and see if your boys would like some new meat to chew on."

"Sure, let me show you the wooden practice weapons. They're in the shed with the shields and weapons Lorgar had for his obligation to the clan."

"Did you get that obligation along with the farm, or was that between Engruth and Lorgar."

"I'm not sure since they cut back on my land allotment. If I'm not told otherwise the equipment is going to the southmark with me. Asking about it might cost me something so I keep my mouth shut about it when I'm in town. The boys are busy stacking hay and I'm about to go help. You can spar till we're done, or help; if you help, we'll have more time after supper..."

Neighbors had been stopping by frequently ever since the babies were born. Word got out that Wilhan liked to spar while the women folk visited, and soon men started showing up without their women. They often stayed for several days. Wilhan put them to work whenever he could get away with it.

"Wilhan, what are those odd heads we saw in weapons shed?"

"What's that, Sven, the fat things with the short barbed points? When my brothers and I were fighting the Helvezii, some spears were thrown and some men had to drop their shields when they couldn't get the spears out fast enough. It got me thinking. Those things you saw are spear heads made to penetrate a shield and then hold fast. They go on a thick shaft, about twice as thick as a normal shaft -- short and heavy so it can't be chopped off quickly. I think that if our line threw those as the enemy is charging, we could take out a lot of shields. They work pretty well with our shield teams. A team can get three of those things off and still have time to switch weapons before the lines crash. It worked when we tried it with six or eight people, but we need a group like you showing up to try things like that."

"What's a shield team?"

"Basically it's a tall man with an extra long spear and two short men with short spears staying together on the battlefield for as long as they can. The tall man stays protected and uses a long spear over the top while the short men jab low. You and your brother look plenty tall enough to be pikemen."

"Why would you want to fight like that? It's not as honorable as fighting man to man."

"The way I look at it, when shield teams can be used the quarrel is between kings or chiefs, and when that happens we farmers are fighting for duty, not personal honor. Then killing is a job to get done as efficiently as possible, honor be damned. Anyway, in battles like that there are plenty of opportunities to fight men face to face -- if you live past the initial crash of the lines. It's not much different than fighting with a shield mate during a raid. It's always good to have someone watch your back."

"You fought the Nwevii, too. Were they really naked?"

No, it was too cold each time, and they didn't have time to prepare for a battle, so I don't know what they wear to war. They did tie their hair on those knots that they think are magic. A helmet would do them more good. Many men around here will tell you otherwise but there is no shame in wearing armor. Those men say it's the coward's way, but they all use shields and pick up helmets on the field as soon as they can -- if they don't have them already. They rather sell mail than wear it because it is heavy and it takes a while to get used to. You feel vulnerable in it at first. Since my shield men like to poke at shins and feet during practice we made some greaves out of rawhide and wood. I have some for myself made out of tough boiled leather, bracers too. Do you want to see them?..."

When word got out at the local spring festival that men had been training with Wilhan over winter, many nobles who felt that their sons could be better fighters asked Wilhan if he would train them. His usual answer was, "Warriors were always welcome if they are willing to work around my schedule, do what I tell them, and sleep in the barn." He did promise some special attention for relatives of his wives, though. As a result the farm was a popular place over the summer, and women often came along with the men to socialize.

When Wilhan had work to do, which was much of the time on the farm, he sent the sons of the idle rich off to do physical exercises instead of farm work. Normally these types of things were races or contests of strength that showed off natural ability, but when you have to run several miles a day every day, or do pushups, or lift rocks and logs on a regular schedule, you start to see improvement in yourself; so the men quickly accepted the training schedule. Wilhan also wanted them tired when they practiced. Warriors were tired during ninety percent of their fighting, even during raids, and that was when they made mistakes.

Things slowed down as harvest time approached again, and after the last of the summer's trainees were riding away Wilhan went into the house and called Freyna over to talk with him.

"You'll be twenty next spring, and more than one man from a good family has asked me about you, as did several from lesser families. Your grandfather obviously would want you to marry one of the former, but I just want you to be happy and pick the best man possible, so if you want to be a yeoman's wife I'm willing to consider it. Your dowry will be large enough for him to make something of himself if he has a head on his shoulders, but I won't let a fool have you, and your sister wouldn't let me if I would. Frankly, after the last spring festival and this summer I don't think there are any men around who you haven't talked too, and they all want you as far as I can tell. You can have your pick of them, and now's as good a time for you to get engaged as any. You should decide soon so that I can start negotiations with the family during the harvest festival."

Wilhan wasn't sure what he said, but it was obviously the wrong thing because Freyna started crying and ran out.

"What in the five hells did you say to her!" Henna said as she rushed out the door to catch up to Freyna.

As Marin went by to find out what was wrong with her sister she simply whacked Wilhan on the head with a wooden spoon.

Wilhan was still confused about what he did or didn't do a half hour later when his two wives returned with a red eyed and embarrassed Freyna.

Henna had her arms around Freyna's shoulders half comforting her and half keeping her from running as they stood a step behind Marin.

"Wil, do you like my sister?"

"Of course, Mari, what's the problem?"

"Do you think that she would make a good wife?"

"Absolutely, that's why I told her that she can start looking for a husband."

"She already found the man she wants."

"Good. What's the problem then? Why did I get whacked with a damned spoon?"

"He's already married."

"She doesn't want to be a second wife? He can't afford her? Who is it? I'm sure we can work something out."

"She would be a third wife, and he can afford her."

"So why is she so upset?" Wilhan leaned to the side to see around Marin. "Freyna, why are you so upset?"

"He doesn't know that she likes him." Marin continued.

"So we tell him. Any man would be a fool not to want her as a wife."

"Wil, who do you know that has two wives?"

"I don't know. I don't ask. That just opens the door to complaints about wives, and I'd rather be the complainer than the listener."

The dour look that came over Marin's face told him that he wasn't getting any pussy later.

"Just tell me so we can work something out." he said.

"You! You Dummy. She's liked you ever since you flirted with me at that spring festival. She was with me. Remember?"

Freyna looked like she wanted to disappear.

"Sure, she was just a skinny kid then." Wilhan leaned to the side again. "You were just a skinny kid then."

"Yes, but you flirted with her, too. That was the first time a boy ever paid attention to her; and then she had to sit by while Henna and I debated about marrying you. She said that she was ready to marry you as soon as Ethy told us what you did to her."

"Ethy told you! If her husband ever finds out, he'll kill me."

"Don't worry, she's not that dumb."

"So what do we do?"

"You marry her. That is, if you want to."

"But she's your sister."

"So? Your other wife is my stepmother."

"Yeah, that is kind of weird if you think about it -- but this is different. She's your sister, and we share a bed. I wouldn't want any of my brothers lying next to me naked and sharing any of you."

"Would you want any man lying naked next to you?"

"Well ... No."

"It won't be a problem. I taught her how to play with herself, back when we all shared a bed."

If Freyna could have made herself any smaller she would have.

"Let me think about it for a while." Wilhan said, not knowing why they had made Freyna stand there embarrassing both of them. Maybe they thought that he wouldn't refuse if he were put on the spot like that. Crazy wife logic eluded him sometimes.

The next spring, Freyna and her big pregnant belly stood proudly beside her bridegroom as the priests blessed their union. Remembering what the midwife had told Henna and Marin, Freyna said that she didn't want to wait on that part of the marriage.

Several months before, that subject was what was being discussed inside while Wilhan went outside to decide if he wanted a third bat-shit crazy wife. By the time he returned it had dawned on him that so far Freyna was the only woman within miles that seemed to be sane almost all of the time, and he couldn't think of a good reason not to marry her.

There wasn't any real stigma against premarital sex for an engaged couple. The law held that a man's word to a woman was binding. If they both said that they were married then they were, as long as both families agreed. The priests were simply blessing a union and presenting it to the goddess. It was not their place to give permission for a couple to have sex.

Freyna insisted on a big wedding banquet with the nobles of the clan present, just like her sister's. From the first time that Ethanda suggested Marin marry Wilhan, Freyna was enthusiastic about the idea. Initially she was just happy to be part of the new family, but something changed when she heard her sister and Henna talk about their wedding night. What she began feeling was part jealousy and part envy. When they finally all lived together her hand always ended up rubbing her pussy whenever she heard moans of passion from the other room -- much to young Toria's annoyance at the time since they shared a bed. Longing turned to hero worship after Wilhan killed two men in one day. The fact that he gave her part of the money for her dowry may have been the turning point. No one had been that nice to her since her mother died.

The day after Wilhan agreed to marry Freyna the three women strongly urged him to take her virginity to seal the deal. Freyna promised to be faithful, and obey him, and every other thing that the priests would ask her later. She had memorized the ceremony, and she said those words as she excitedly took Wilhan's clothes off. There was little hesitation about anything on her part. What she had not directly observed about sex she had asked her sister and Henna to describe long ago. And she knew exactly how she wanted Wilhan to take her virginity -- from behind, as if he was a wild stallion and she was his mare.

Before lying down on the bed, the new couple kissed with their nude bodies pressing against one another. The intimacy of her beloved's tongue against her own stunned Freyna, and any apprehension she may have had about letting him use her body for his pleasure evaporated into the night. She was his, body and soul. Wilhan ran his hands over her torso and down to her cleft, but before he could bring her to an orgasm she sank to her knees and took his member into her mouth.

When Marin and Henna first told her about that particular act of love she was repulsed by the idea, but over time the repulsion had changed to acceptance, curiosity, and finally, desire. Wilhan's moans of pleasure made the act even better than she had hoped. Surely such sounds meant that he loved her as much as she loved him.

Before he reached his peak, he pulled her up and laid her down on the bed so that he could reciprocate. Like her sister, she was apprehensive about him putting his face in her most private area, which was odd considering what she had just been doing. She surrendered her body to him anyway and was glad that she did, but the more excited she became the more she thought about her duty as a wife, something she had long thought about, and that duty was to have babies for Wilhan, lots and lots of babies, strong sons if possible, sons that would grow up to be great warriors just like him. With that in mind she reluctantly pushed Wilhan's face out of her pussy.

"I want you in me now." she said. But as he moved up her body she stopped him again.

"No, I want you to take me from behind the first time. I want to feel you deep inside me."

There were two main reasons that she wanted him to take her deeply from behind the first time: the first was because her sister had admitted that she was reluctant to do it that way initially, and the second was because Marin said that it was now her favorite way. During the past year, whenever Freyna saw the horses mating, all she could think about was Wilhan as the strong stallion mounting her with that fire in his eyes.

Wilhan thought that if a woman said what she wanted then she knew what she wanted, so he thrust into her the same way that he would have Henna or Marin when they begged for it.

The tearing of Freyna's thicker than average maidenhead, and the stretching of her tighter than average channel, started her screaming in pain.

Wilhan immediately stopped, and Freyna put her face down on her arms and started sobbing.

Both Marin and Henna rushed in to see what had happened before Wilhan could even say anything. The commotion from behind caused him to pull out and turn, giving the two women a view of virginal blood running down Freyna's inner thighs.

"What did you do to her, you idiot?" They said in a tandemness normally heard only with identical twins.

"That's the way she wanted it."

"She doesn't know what she wants. You should have known better..." Henna scolded.

Freyna was getting a lecture on the other end from her sister, even while tears streamed down her face. "What were you thinking? We told you what it would be like when it first went in..."

After the family meeting finished, Wilhan's manhood was wilted. Freyna was in shock, both from the experience and for letting Wilhan down so he comforted her with gentle words and slowly started back with foreplay.

This time things went more smoothly and he slowly eased into her from the missionary position. Gradually he built up steam, and near the end, to her surprise, he flipped her over and pulled her up to her knees so that he could finish the way she wanted him to in the first place.

The emotional highs and lows of the past two days, combined with the soul jarring orgasm that took place when Wilhan pumped her full of his seed, soon put Freyna to sleep. This time it was Wilhan who was wide awake. He got up and went to spend time with Marin and Henna, who were busy feeding their babies.

"Everything worked out."

"We heard."

Their sleeping platform, a box filled with packed straw covered with a mattress of horse and hog hair, linen sheets, woolen blankets, and furs was too small for four people so Wilhan was sent to sleep in Freyna's bed. He didn't know why he wasn't allowed to sleep with the woman who was going to be his next wife, or already was -- he wasn't sure which it was. He had a vague idea why he didn't get to sleep with any of his wives, but he had no energy to ponder it right then; it was sometimes easier to do what he was told and then hope that the sun would still come up in the east the next day.

Freyna woke up before dawn to the crowing roosters and wondered why she was not sleeping with her husband. And since her sister and Henna were sound asleep she got up and climbed into bed with Wilhan to make things right. That was when she found out about morning erections.

Wilhan was still asleep when he dreamed of the goddess Nerthia herself sucking on him.

Freyna thought that he would surely wake up before anything happened, but instead she found his rod pumping her mouth full of creamy seed. Of all the options that she had, squealing in surprise was the one she took. But even as she squealed she kept her lips locked tightly around the head of his cock. She held like that as it continued to pump its load onto her tongue.

At first she automatically swallowed, and then when it struck her what was happening she became rather proud of herself and held the last spurts on her tongue to savor the flavor of the thick liquid. Wilhan woke up as she was kissing and licking his cock clean.

"That felt wonderful, what little I remember of it. Thank you." he said in a sleepy voice.

His orgasm helped in one additional way. The cause of the erection in the first place was his full bladder, and now that his member was soft it made things much easer for him after he rushed to the outhouse.

Dawn was breaking, which meant that it was time to get to work on the farm, and as Freyna went about her work of gathering eggs and milking goats and cows, all she could think about was the fact that she might have Wilhan's baby growing in her. The lingering taste of his semen gave her the idea that she now had the strength of his essence in her stomach nourishing her child.*

Just before lunch she cornered Wilhan in the barn and pulled him into an empty stall.

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Jian Mei was born in a town near a military fortress of the Great Zi Dynasty, ruler of the Purple Province located in the Nine Provinces Continent. Her family wasn't too rich yet also not too poor, allowing for Mei a fairly decent childhood when considering a commoner status, but unluckily for her such good times didn't last forever. Being located at the border between the Purple, Blue and Azure provinces, Mei's home town was considered to be in a somewhat dangerous position yet for years it...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 41 One More Secret Sword

(Raijuuta brings the sword down. They scatter out of the way.) Yutarou (thinking) No... Sensei!! The secret sword Izuna with a real sword! You were going to kill him and you didn't even care! Sanosuke: A sudden attack from behind, at night. Now we see what you're really like. Yutarou: No, that was just a greeting! That wasn't serious! Was it, sensei! (Raijuuta, ignoring him, looks to Kenshin.) Yutarou: Sensei... Kenshin: Stand back, Miss Kaoru. (The fight begins. As Raijuuta...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 2 Look Ma a damsel in distress

I continued down the hill following the stream until it abruptly fell off the side of a short cliff. The sheer face didn't even have any vegetation just a few exposed rocks. The risk of injury from sliding against the jagged rocks seemed too high. I needed to find a different way down. Choosing another path to follow I ended up climbing a few hundred feet. All the while trying to keep the stream within hearing distance. Near the bottom of the hill, I spotted an old overgrown path. The...

3 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 3 Robbing the dead

"Do you live by the lake?" I thought that I knew how to get there from here. "It's on the other side of the lake. Gamma's farm is easy to find." That caused her tears to start up again, but she looked like they were not going to overcome her this time. "Is that where you lived?" She shook her head no. I helped her mount my new horse, then grabbed its reins and started off in the direction of the lake. "How did you end up with the slavers?" "They attacked my father's farm and...

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Jax Brightsteel Sword for Hire

Here I am once again broke. The port of Summers Kiss is a beautiful place, but not for a sell sword in times of peace. Don’t get me wrong, peace is great, but I am in desperate need of a job. Summers Kiss is a bustling city on the west coast of the kingdom of Aereon. Full of merchant ships coming in with goods from all over the world. Silks from the far east across the ocean, furs from the northern cities of Wintervale where the orcs dwell in the mountains and fine jewelry from the southern...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 6 A conversation with Sister Emily

“When you are up to it, meet me at the training grounds.” She nodded and I went outside to ask directions. I thought that the grounds might be near the barracks and was proven correct by one of Allard’s men. I had been resting to recover as much of my strength before I started exerting myself again and thought that enough time had passed for me to return to my normal training regimen. I began stretching and continued until I felt comfortable enough to start working hard. Micro-focusing on a...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 7 My what big teeth you have

Off in the distance I could barely make out a group of three barns flanking a house. The barns were painted a faded red and the house was whitewashed. As we skirted around a plowed field that seemed to be growing wheat, I noticed that the main house was much larger than Kira's. This one also had a small shed that was just off to the east and one just off to the west of the main house with the main house facing us to the south. For reference directions I was using earth standard. I know that...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 9 Rabbit season

I called to the ladies in the house to come out and assist the slaver with the sliced leg and bring some rawhide to tie up the one that was knocked out. The rest I was sure were dead or almost dead. Kira brought me my scabbard and some bread. I pointed to the unconscious slaver; "Thanks. Make sure that you tie his wrists and his ankles tightly, if he starts to wake let me know if you haven't finished tying him up yet." I walked over to the slaver with the massive gash across his left leg....

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 44 Nobility equals privilege

"What about my sword? It cuts through everything and it glows." "If you say so, My Lord, but your sword doesn't glow. It is you that glows," Chandra responded. She thought for a second and then continued, "Does your sword cut through everything or do you enhance your strength to cut through your target?" I thought about that. She was probably right on that one she knew more about magic than I did. I enhanced my strength whenever I fought. Come to think of it, I enhanced my stamina...

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 140 Flame of a DoubleEdged Sword

(Leaves drift over the battlefield as Kenshin stands at the ready.) Houji (thinking): He... he stood up. No... calm down, all he's doing is standing. It's highly doubtful he still has the strength to use the succession technique Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki. The burns of the Homura Dana and the explosion of the Guren Kaina... it's obvious he won't survive. Lord Shishio is too strong for him... And yet... this chill! this unease! this fear! (Kenshin roars, sending out a blast of ki that...

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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 2 Home Sweet Home

“My Lord, it is time to wake up.” Bah. Chandra’s hair was already brushed with a freshly washed face, my student bubbled with anticipation for today’s journey, “Did you order breakfast for us?” She was ready to go home. “Yes, My Lord, we are all waiting on you.” She gave me a devilish smile. It seemed that one of us had a very good night’s sleep. “Fine, let me wash and I’ll meet you down stairs.” I took the puzzle box with me, I wasn’t about to let it disappear during my ablutions or...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 42 Hello and goodbye

I went out of my way to act like nothing happened the night before with Chandra. She mostly relaxed during breakfast and seemed to let go my teasing her from the previous night until I told her that I needed to check her wounds. She blanched at that. I led her into the carriage and pulled the curtains closed. I peeled the bandage off her face first. It looked like a week old scratch that so far had healed cleanly. I readied one of the bandages that she had brought and replaced the dressing...

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Josekis Journeys Sword Brother Ch 05

‘What just happened?’ Raphen demanded. ‘He shot Ima?’ I spoke without thinking and it sounded more like a question. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Tanthor stood and just looked on in shock for a second before rushing to Imanja’s side. ‘Hou Raphaen.’ Red Hawk spoke, his voice as calm now as if he was discussing the weather. ‘What happened, Red Hawk?’ Raphen demanded. ‘I told two girls of My camp to come home.’ Red Hawk stated. ‘Imanja tried to stop me. I acted as any Gorean Man...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 7 I am

“You are a Sword Saint.” Sister Emily accused me. I am? “I was accused of being one when I first arrived by two old men on a porch, I didn’t know what one was but it sounded right whereas being called a Wizard Lord didn’t feel right.” “I could be. It sounds right, but I don’t know what one is. Remember, I am still new here and not all that familiar with the religions on this world. Hell, I wasn’t even all that familiar with the religions on my world. Just the basics. And I am definitely...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 22 Consequences

"I may not." The Arbiter said sadly. I just stared at her, incredulous. "Then I will." I sheathed my sword and knelt beside the fallen priestess, her hands were covering the wound over her stomach. There was blood pooling from her stomach, and I could see the pain that she was in. I placed my hands on her blood soaked ones and stared into her eyes. "Let me heal you." She shook her head no. "There is no shame in losing, just in giving up without trying. Let me heal you, Priestess of...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 34 She hates me she hates me not

I was glad of the short ride back. The same soldier that brought me the horse met me when I returned. He asked solicitously about my ride, not even mentioning the different livery of the horse. "I'll leave it up to you to return this horse and get yours back. Oh, and soldier, thank him for me would you. I was not in the best of tempers when I left." "Yes, Milord," the soldier responded and mounted the horse that I just left. I walked around the house to the exercise yard and knelt,...

1 year ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 244 Attacking Sword

On a cold, cold snowy day, two emotions were frozen. Sorrow--and hatred. Now that fifteen years have passed, those two emotions, still frozen, lie beneath one smiling face-- (Kenshin and Enishi cross swords.) Enishi (sinking into a low stance): Let's do this, Battousai! Sanosuke: Low stance-- Megumi: He's going into the Kofuku? Watoujutsu Senran Tousei! (Kenshin dodges and parries a storm of blows.) Kaoru: Kenshin! (Enishi drives Kenshin back towards the treeline.) Enishi: Die,...

4 years ago
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A Life in the ServiceChapter 14 Sword Strike

After a year leading my company through several battles on several worlds and attending the six month Advanced Officer School, I was going back to the Swords. I walked off the shuttle and glanced at the top sergeant that came to attention, “Welcome back Major.” I nodded and glanced around again before starting towards the far terminal doorway, “I did not get a briefing packet. Who is in command now?” The sergeant fell in beside me, “Colonel Winston.” I nodded and looked at the man beside...

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Acquiring the Ring Ch 0104

1. Nick’s notorious father Jack Allan Fesseden passed away that fall. Leaving to his children a vast fortune and an uncertain legacy. Nick rushed home from an extended vacation to Europe to help make the final arrangements and attend the funeral. He arrived to find his numerous siblings in an uproar. While the rest of their father’s fortune was intact and accounted for in his will, the possession that they all coveted the most was unaccounted for- the Ring was missing. About a dozen men and...

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Sex Sword and Sorcery Prologue The Demons Manor

Without sight, she started to scan the area with her hearing. Somewhere there was the sounds of logs popping from a fire, but she wasn’t close enough to feel it’s warmth. She couldn’t hear birds or night time bugs, so she had to be inside. This was confirmed when from behind her she hear sharp steps on stone, coming closer and louder until they stopped. She heard metal ringing, keys most likely, and soon a heavy door opened and the steps moved into Gwenive's room. “You are awake.” A woman’s...

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Shemale on Male Never understimate an Eredar with a massive sword

Hope you enjoy. Dafomir was certainly one of the unlucky members of the Horde, having been chosen to participate in the campaign on Argus it meant certain death for many. He had been chosen however because he was one of the strongest Blood Elven paladins the Horde had. Dafomir had a lot of confidence in his abilities though and the possiblity that he could die here hadn't even entered his mind, thinking that as long as his leaders strategised properly there was no way he could be taken down...

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Bk 1 Ch 7 The Carrot and The Sword

“What is it, Sigurd?” “My Lord,” he responded, turning towards me. He must surely have seen and heard what had just transpired, but he made no mention of it. He and I often disagreed on things, but I could not have asked for a better subordinate. “My Lord, we are clearing the last few houses now. Torstein reports success on the beach, and nobody made it past our archers. What are your orders?” “Finish clearing the houses, but don’t worry about looting the place just yet. We’re...

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The Penis Mightier than the Sword

Introduction: Compulsory bare back by law. The Penis Mightier than the Sword? To mis quote Cardinal Richlieu. But it makes a interesting title. Many years ago when East Virginia became Virginia there was an administrative error and Maidstone County, East Virginia, was left off the list of counties in the new state. They only realised this when the old county records were computerised. Roy Hanks, the local Sheriff takes up the story. Ten years ago we found we found Maidstone County was not...

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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 10 The king and I

Celia’s infection cleared up completely a week before we entered the capitol. The scars she wouldn’t let me see but Chandra assured me that they were slowly fading. I knew that I couldn’t wait much longer for a; very long, very hot bath. It had been four days since my last one at a small town’s inn. According to Allard’s writ, he was supposed to take us straight away to the king, but since we didn’t enter the city until after nightfall, he agreed that we could stay at my house until we were...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 8 Shootout at the OK corral

"Have you told Kira yet?" "She knows." "Have you sent someone to the other steads to warn them of the slavers?" Kira's grandmother just looked at me like I was an idiot. "Mine was the last one attacked, this was a coordinated attack. My granddaughter and I are the only ones left that I can see. If any of the other girls are alive they aren't on their farms." "Can you tell where they are?" "No. I do know that the slavers will be back here soon, and they will come as a group...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 14 Howdy Mr what a big sword you have

We rode at a much faster pace for the remainder of the day. The breaks were shorter, and the time spent walking was cut in half. No complaints came from the girl or from the horses. I still made her keep up her exercises, both mental and physical, for the journey. It was getting to be late afternoon when I noticed that the farms started getting closer together. The terrain was rolling and lush. We did pass one older man on the road, but he scurried off the road and hid before we approached,...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 16 Stormtroopers are your friends

Because of our increased activity, I made sure that we ate very well. This did have a side effect of consuming our food all that much quicker. To alleviate this, whenever we came near a farmer's cart I tried to buy anything that was edible and portable. The farmers, who historically were always short on coin, were ecstatic to sell to me. Since we usually only bought a couple of apples or pears off a cart full of them, we pretty much paid for a bushel and just received the top couple of...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 20 Miss Loris

As soon as we were clear of town I picked up our pace. Unfortunately Orlanth was not the best rider, even with instruction. On top of that, Juniper was fast; I had to make sure that we didn't end up miles ahead of the kids without even trying. Orlanth's book was wrapped up and packed on an extra horse that the stable master provided me. The new horse seemed to be more of a plow horse than a riding horse. She did occasionally want to move slower than a brisk walk; otherwise she did not have...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 48 Sorry about your garden

There was a rude pounding on my door, the sun had not even crested the horizon yet. "Who is it and what do you want?" I called from my bed while I wiped the sleep from my eyes. "Damn your eyes man! What did you do to my garden?" Shouted an inconsolable Lord Grant. I dressed and loosened my sword before opening the door. The effete Lord Grant was fuming. His face was flushed with rage, I thought that he was about to attack me with the defoliated twig in his hand. I saw Chandra peek out...

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Carrington Mansion Ch 01

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who’d exceeded their expectations. Chapter 1 In late spring the Mornington Daily News reported at length the death of the Duke of Beaulieu in the county of Hampshire, England, aged eighty-seven. The obituary was noted with considerable relief in the small city of Mornington-on-Test...

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Diablo and the 12 Swords of Power

Based on the Swords books by Fred Saberhagen mixed in with the Marvel comic book universe (616). The Gods forged the 12 swords to use in their games, planning to distribute them amongst the foolish humans and watch them lie, steal, and murder their way to power with them. The problem was their toys worked too well and even the Gods were vulnerable to them. Each sword, once drawn, has its own power and vulnerability. Coinspinner, the Sword of Chance has the power to make impossibly lucky things...

Mind Control
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 32 Forgiveness

I stopped partway to Duke Dwayne's estates for a chance to regroup. I looped the reins over a tree branch and knelt. I cried for a few minutes before I settled down. The anger had kept me sane enough to do what I had to do. Now that it was gone, my actions left an open wound. I didn't like it. I didn't have to like it. I knew that I had little choice in the matter. Still on my knees, exhausted from my crying, I prayed. Bright Lady, please forgive me. I felt her sad smile while her...

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Carrington Mansion Ch 02

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who exceeded their expectations. In this chapter Kitty and Hayden finally meet and do a bit of verbal fencing. * Chapter 2 When heading to Mornington City in the Midwest, Hayden Carrington called on close kin in New York for three hours. His aunts and female cousins were agog that...

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