Sovereignty 10 free porn video

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"I want all of you to meet Queen Glimmer she rules here." Alan told them.

They all bowed, again their mouths a gape at the splendor and beauty of the queen. Glimmer looked at Alan closely then at Hopix, "Finally!" She said throwing her hands up. "I thought you two would never get together! Everyone could see it but you two."

Alan looked at her strangely, "how pray tell can you tell?"

"It's obvious; she has told you the secret of us, Alan I can tell you are still having trouble seeing the truth. Look in your heart and think of your love for Hopix with your eyes closed. Then I want you to open them." Glimmer said with crossed arms.

Doing as she asked he slowly opened his eyes, Holy shit! Alan backed up a few steps, everything, almost everyone was close to the size he was! What the hell was going on here? They could hear Hopix start to giggle as

Alan was backing away from her and Queen Glimmer. "Serves you right still having doubts after watching me grow," Hopix said.

"Hey! If you were in my position you'd be having doubts yourself! Besides I didn't think that you were going to be this beautiful when I got a really good look at you!" Alan said starting to get a little annoyed. Looking around further it was almost as if his eyes were different, the colors were sharper, and everything he looked at seemed 100 times better than he'd remembered them.

"There," Glimmer said seeing Alan's reaction, "everything seems far clearer now doesn't it? I mean with your vision of course," Glimmer added with a smile.

Looking around he saw that everything was far more colorful than he at first thought, plus his real, first good look at Glimmer, had almost taken his breath away. Shaking his head he had to admit she was gorgeous, that is 'til he turned and saw Hopix, his mouth dropped open he wasn't able to catch his breath.

Staring at her he couldn't believe his eyes! She was by far more beautiful than he could put into words, if he could speak at the moment that is. Her light green eyes were flashing in pride and love toward him, usually he'd have been uncomfortable, but right now he could only feel the warmth of her love. Oh my god! He thought she doesn't even realize just how perfect she is to me! Hopix could hear all his thoughts, she was perfect to him? What did he mean by that? She was the same old Hopix that she'd always been, looking at her body she saw that her nipples were hard from his staring at them pressing against the material of her dress. What was going on? Why was she feeling so warm under his gaze? She'd have to ask her mother later, she had to remember to speak to her. Shaking her head she also noticed that Alan was uncomfortable again, it seemed his pants were causing him problems again.

"Alan if you are in as much pain as it appears; you should let me help you with it!" Hopix told him.

Alan turned away from Glimmer and Hopix trying to adjust his self before things got out of hand. Glimmer could only shake her head, her own husband had been as bad when she first met him but unlike Hopix she wasn't a virgin. Again shaking her head at the predicament at hand she really needed to take Hopix aside and advise her of a few things. Suddenly Glimmer realized that she might be a grandmother soon, this caused an even bigger smile to break out on her face.

Hopix noticed and walked to her, "Queen Glimmer are you alright? I just noticed you were smiling strangely."

"Oh I am fine my dear but I think we need to have a short talk," Hopix nodded looking at her and then Alan people were acting so strange lately as was her body. Alan watched as Hopix and Glimmer went to the other side of the room, still uncomfortable Alan just stood there undecided what to do, that is 'til Torax flew next to him.

"So you both have finally realized that you love each other well for you it is far more simple, but I take it you have guessed that Hopix is a virgin?" Torax said.

"Yes," Alan replied as he watched Hopix's face start to blush scarlet, what was causing that he thought. "I realized it not too long ago."

"My sister is older than me but I have an advantage over her in many ways, she has never been in love. As I have heard it put by the council she blamed herself for many of the mage failures that have happened over the last few thousand years. She has worked tirelessly to try and correct what she felt were her mistakes." Torax related to him.

"Her mistakes? How are they her mistakes? How the mage she trains uses their power is in no way her fault." Alan told Torax.

Here Torax smirked, "You know my sister, she took the entire universe on her shoulders trying to bring the balance back to it."

"Yes I know very well, you mean to tell me she hasn't stopped in thousands of years 'til she found me?" Alan asked Torax, his mouth hanging open.

Torax's smile grew, "You've just about got it, I am proud that you have finally got her to open her heart, it will be a wonderful change from the all business sister I have had the last few thousand years. Just remember Alan my soon to be brother in law, be gentle with her she is most definitely delicate and fragile, I am afraid that her heart and emotions would never recover if they are broken. Oh I forgot; her mother might not react all that good either." Torax snickered as he walked away.

Damn, he was on dangerous ground but then again it shouldn't be; he did love Hopix he owed her more than just his life and love. Looking over at Hopix and Queen Glimmer he could see that Hopix's mouth was hanging open and the scarlet color on her face was still there.

Walking over he heard them both quiet suddenly, "Hopix I have to contact the council and let them know what is going on." Hopix stared at him her mouth still hanging open, could only nod.

Shaking his head Alan walked outside and called the council. "Ah! Good Alan you have done an exceedingly good job the balance has finally started to shift in a more positive direction. We wish to give our congratulations on your upcoming wedding to Hopix." they told him.

"Wait, wait, wait, my upcoming wedding?" His skin started to glow as did his eyes, "I haven't said or thought anything about a wedding to Hopix, I haven't even thought of asking her yet!" Alan shouted blowing half the council off their seats, shattering several windows in the palace and blowing a certain lizard man into view.

"So you son of a bitch you found me after all!" The lizard man shouted though Alan could see that he was shaking. Reaching out Alan brutally smashed through his defenses and started to snap his powers. Screaming the lizard man flashed out, though unknown to Alan he couldn't leave the Fairixie's planet for a while. Turning back to the now shielded council Alan's power started to flare higher now, Alan was about to crush the shields of the council when a soft sweet voice spoke.

"Alan my love? Come to me my love, please don't hurt them." Hopix stood in front of several huddled and terrified Fairixies at the entrance to the palace. Turning Alan saw a scared and shaking Hopix staring at him wide eyed she'd never seen his power flare this high or this violently. Almost immediately Alan felt ashamed, all his life he'd felt this fear at one point or another like Hopix and her people were feeling, watching him. Hanging his head Alan reached in his pocket and pulled the cube from it.

Hopix's eyes grew large when she saw what Alan was about to do, "NO ALAN! PLEASE NO!" Hopix begged of Alan as she flew toward him. Sadly he looked up at her then without ceremony Alan vanished.

Hopix was suddenly angry, turning she didn't see that her power had more than doubled. Looking at the council she gritted her teeth, "If I have lost him the council will pay! I just found the one being in the universe who completes me and you drove him to this. I guarantee that if he can't be found, there will be retribution from the Fairixie people! You all know who I am, though you will soon find out what I can do!" Palming her cube, Hopix also vanished.

Queen Glimmer smirked, she'd wanted Hopix to express more emotion as her mother did but this was a little beyond what both of them had wanted. Smiling to herself she looked at the small screen in her hand, thank goodness she'd planted that homing button on him the last time he was here. Reaching out she felt Hopix heading to earth shaking her head she thought Hopix would learn soon, home was the last place Alan would go. Especially with that terror of a female that he'd been mated to living there. As she could see Alan was going in the opposite direction, ah! So he was going to see friends after all, good thing they were hers as well.

Alan appeared on the Trembly world for the second time shielding himself he didn't want the Trembly to feel him. He especially didn't want them to feel the deep depression that he was feeling, he'd terrified the first person being that truly loved him, a feeling that had warmed him deeply, lightening his soul making him feel better than he'd ever felt. He'd seen her shaking, and the terror on her people's faces, he knew then in that moment he was no better than the evil that he'd vanquished. Then again he wondered why he'd chosen this planet to come to, all they would do here would try and convince him that he wasn't evil and try to get him to go back. After what he'd done he wasn't all too sure he could ever go back. Sighing, well, this was starting out real good just a minute of thinking and he was already twice as far down in his depression as he was when he arrived.

He'd been there maybe an hour when he felt a stirring, not much at first but it was there, shit Alan thought they found me I hadn't done anything to attract them. Waiting Alan knew they would be there soon no matter what he did they would find him so he sat still and waited.

Within minutes the leader that he'd met before was floating not too far from him. "Hail Tranzarie it is good to see you again though we would like to actually see you. Please forgive me for not getting close but you are so full of low energy and emotions I am afraid I cannot come too close."

Smirking a half smile Alan thought if they only knew that what they wished was actually here and it was poisonous to them.

"I will not ask why you are here but it appears that you are where you need to be. May I hear what has transpired since you last blessed us with life that was fleeing the planet?" Sighing Alan wasn't really in a mood to talk but didn't really have much of a choice as he was only a guest here.

Alan started slowly at first describing the many battles of the evil ones of the sister planet of Queen Glimmer and Hopix's planet. He told of how he was hurt and healed by the love he had found and then the anger he'd felt and the abject terror he'd seen on the faces of Hopix's people and the fear on her face. The whole time Alan watched the leader; he neither accused, objected, nor said a word. Alan was actually starting to feel a little better just what he'd been afraid of when he first landed here but it was the one place that he felt no one would look for him in. Suddenly Alan stopped feeling a presence behind him, looking he saw literally thousands of the green fuzzy life forms behind him. Oh great he thought, they weren't looking all that great.

"Why do they all look so sick?" Alan asked the leader.

"They are sick because you helped them so much before and now they cannot repay you when you are in such need. It has saddened them so badly that they are now sick with the pain." the leader explained. Oh great I thought I could hide here and I am killing all of these gentle peace loving creatures. If he wasn't feeling bad before he really was now.

"Leader/ Elder I am going, I almost killed many who are dear to me now my mere presence is killing your people. I only hope that the next place I go that the death I meet there is horrible and as painful as the pain I am causing you and them."

As Alan started to rise the leader stopped him, "Great Tranzarie please before you leave, can you feel inside and tell us who it is controlling you?"

Shocked a moment Alan looked within and saw that there was a strong magical hand of magic on him a very familiar hand.

Growling Alan called the light council, "I need all of you to witness this." Alan told them. "Reficul! I know you are watching I can feel you and your magic in me you made a vow that you would keep out of what I did directly." With a flourish the Dark council appeared all of the 12 growling at Alan, Taking the magic presence and making it clear to all. Alan looked accusingly at the council especially the red skinned leader.

"You broke a magical vow therefore I invoke ... your name LUCIFER!" Alan shouted the red skinned leader screamed as his skin started to flay off the body being replaced and re-flayed again and again.

"I also know he wasn't the only one Dracula! Death! Was he?" The other two members started to scream as they were also were flayed over and over. "One of the conditions of winning the fight with the tenth mage on the sister planet you your self, Reficul said, ’there will be no interference from us in any regard.’ You have broken this therefore I call for the continued judgment upon the entire council. If this is broken again by any of you or your agents then the judgment will enact."

"You cannot call for that!" A pale member of the dark council called.

"No he cannot though it is his right to ask us to, under the circumstances it will be enacted. The only time an agent can act out against Alan is if he is on a world controlled by the dark council. Then only to try and keep the planet, then I am afraid Alan it is on you and we may only step in when something is done wrong or you win the world. Realize that everything changes now, you no longer will have us to help you while you are there and are at the mercy of the agent there." the leader of the light council warned Alan. "There are still many out there that are stronger than the last you faced on the sister world."

Smiling a huge smile Alan nodded, "I accept the dark council needs to realize I am no longer the unknowing earth man I was, I have gained far more than they might think I have, much more," this last almost whispered as Alan looked at the light council and smiled.

Alan turned and saw that the Tremblys were hiding not far away, hiding in a great many flowers that he hadn't seen before. Bending to the ground he placed a hand over them and could feel Hopix, all her love, all her patience all of her. Smiling, he finally knew what he had to do, bowing to the council he invited them to the wedding when Hopix and her mother planned it, that is if he wasn't on a mission. Looking at the dark council he almost felt sorry for the three members that were being tortured by their own treachery, almost. Thinking a moment he thought of the release words. "Relicul, Alucard, Htaed desaeler era uoy, evael I Nehw."

Passing his hand over the empty field Alan smiled when several other types of flowers and very small trees suddenly grew. "Another thank you for you and your people for helping me find myself." Alan told the now shocked leader, he hadn't seen the small trees in a thousand years since he was small. Grasping the cube Alan smiled even larger he could feel Hopix, goodness she was worried. With a pop Alan flashed out, the three on the dark council suddenly released and dropping to the ground. All three looked at the light council with extreme hatred and malice in their eyes.

"Ha! You should have known not to go against one as smart as him. Especially when you gave him access to all the knowledge like you did!" The gnome leader of the light council said.

"Know that you and your agent will pay for this! Your agent isn't..." the dark council leader started.

"We already know what is in his heart and we better than you know the FULL extent of his power, you do not want to experience it though you got a taste a few moments ago. Be forewarned he does have full knowledge of all the in and outs of the councils. As he has already liberated the Tremblys, he also has a source of even more information. As I said be warned, now he is far from through!" The leader of the light council said.

"He will soon see that we also are far from through, the battle is coming soon his planet will be the battleground if he continues to liberate the worlds we have rightfully claimed!. Best you advise him of that!" The red skinned leader of the dark council warned. With a flourish and a dark cloud the dark council disappeared.

Shaking his head the light council leader needed to advise Alan before they sent him out again though Alan had tipped the balance on earth more toward the light there were still a great many dark agents there.

Alan flashed into the hotel room looking around he didn't feel Hopix anywhere he could have sworn that she was... hmmm it appeared they had passed each other, grasping the cube he was about to flash out when he felt a presence.


Hopix appeared in the hotel room but there was no sign of Alan looking through the few things he had there hoping for a clue as to where he had gone. More tired than she thought she was, she laid down, a dream came to her that she should go home and wait for him there, she did and Alan appeared a few moments later, grabbing him she kissed him a hot and passionate kiss that could melt the strongest metal. As she started to feel faint from the amount of love that he put into the kiss, the lizard guy appeared lunging forward to drive a knife into her back.

Alan turned her at the last instant taking the knife in his side. Screaming, her eyes and body glowing Hopix's power rose to monstrous levels reaching she grabbed the lizard guy who laughed and waved his hand. Hopix started to laugh when nothing happened.

"You pathetic little man!" Hopix's voice echoed off the walls of the palace and every other building nearby, "You no longer realize that you are dead!" With that Hopix's power climbed higher as the lizard guy’s skin began to melt, his eyes popping out like loose marbles. An eerie scream issued from his throat 'til it turned to a gurgling death rattle. Smiling Hopix watched as the last of the lizard guy melted to a mass of putrid wetness on the ground.

Jerking awake Hopix was shaking, the dream had been so real, still shaking she grasped the cube, she had to go home and talk to her mother, the Queen wouldn't do this time; it had to be her mother. Flashing out she was only gone a moment when Alan flashed in looking around he was about to go when he felt her, reaching out he had her appear in front of him.

"Now then you cannot leave you are cut off from your body, mostly, tell me your mission and I'll let you go." Alan told her.

When she spit on him Alan smiled a wicked smile that for a moment scared her, and then she laughed 'til she felt her energy starting to fade. "How about it? I can leave you here in a rotting corpse, when it dies so do you then you are the dark council's and you know how forgiving they are. Besides according to you I am powerless to stop anything you do."

Squeezing harder the woman started to tell all, including the lizard guy's plans. Alan made a scissors motion above her then she was gone, as was the body. Hmmm so lizard guy thought he could kill them, smiling Alan thought, well he has another thing coming.


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I was an average student in high school. My grades weren't good enough to get into a decent college, which didn't matter to me at the time. I just didn't care about much except hanging out with my friends and trying to get laid. The problem was, I had no marketable skills. No one was going to hire a lazy dumb kid to do much more than, well, flip burgers, which was what I was already doing. Not what I wanted. So, I enlisted in the Army. It was much harder than I expected at first,...

3 years ago
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The Contract

Her hair was the color of golden wheat, like her mother’s. She was beautiful but not in a coveted manner, her eyes were not the color of the sea. Nor was she a graceful swan with porcelain skin. She was beautiful in the way the wind dances through hair, of black coffee in the morning, in the way the ocean kisses the shore. She was beautiful because she refused to taste the sadness of her fate. The little girl grew up playing with the other children in the hilly areas with fields of tall weeds...

3 years ago
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Twisted Tales volume 1

After coming home after work one bad night, and participating in some relaxing activities to which put you in a slumber throughout most of the night fortunately for you, since on that night a pair of universes collided purely by inevitable expansion and a wormhole was born for long enough to eject a powerful demon from another world which rapidly tried to survive by finding anything in this strange universe habitable, he too was fortunate as he found your sleeping form, and the energy of your...

Mind Control
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Fat Bastards Rapes My Arse story 4

I was lying on my bed reading a book for Uni when I heard the key in the door. I wondered which one it was. It made little difference which one took there turn first. I saw the son step around the corner and lean against the door frame. He had a big grin on his face. He was still wearing a white shell suit which was not very attractive, but he had a few less spots on his face and was slim and young and better looking than his Father. “I guess you came for the rent,” I mumbled and...

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Daddys Cock ForeverChapter 3

“You really are delicious, you know, my sweet princess,” I told Amy, my beloved daughter, who smiled and knelt to lick my freshly washed cock in the shower, “oh, damn, girl, you know how to make your old man happy!” “My dirty, horny old man, who is also a god to me. Look, Daddy, I worship you and I live to serve you. This ... is ... your ... mouth. These are your tits. This is your ass. This is your cunt. You want it, you get it, no questions, no hesitation, no resistance or reluctance at...

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My Boy Callum Part 2

Introduction: Thanks for the great feedback on part one.. I had to bring the next part to you guys! Be sure to go read part 1 if you havent already. Hope you enjoy, please remember to leave any feedback you may have.. positive or negative! Three days had now passed since I had met Callum. Three days ago Id got to know him a bit, went round his house, played Xbox with him.. oh yeah and had his mouth wrapped around my dick. In all honesty he was all I could think about from the very second I...

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Helplessly Bound

Helplessness Bound Helplessness Bound????? by YamiNoHikari written: July 23rd 2006 Genre: PWPFrom : Original Characters from my another fic. DICLAIMER: I have all the original characters, they are all from fic (Bond of Destiny) with some changes. Oh yes, this has no relation to (Bond of Destiny), only the same Original Characters. Bond of Destiny is available in BDSMLibrary and Adultfanfiction Anime Crossover Section. WARNING! This is a fiction of hentai, so only adults may view or if you...

3 years ago
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What Happens with Dr Erickson Part One

Amongst all of the doctors at Chestnut Grove Medical Practice, Dr Erickson was the individual whom most of the patients most hoped to see. As a GP he was excellent, friendly, informative and patient with all of the patients alike, however, he was also six foot two, broad shouldered and toned with a perfectly formed behind and well cut, suggestive trousers. The nurses were fond of him for his kind disposition while discreetly admiring his arse from behind and the other doctors couldn’t help but...

1 year ago
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First Luck Experience with Sexy Aunty

100% fiction! Hello friends this is Jack master 20 years old from Pune. I am a regular visitor to this site so thought to share my story with you which happened with me 10 months ago. Let me tell you about me. I am Pursuing my graduation from Pune University. This story is with neighbor lady. Let me describe you her details she is 5ft9inch tall and having figure about 38-34-38. She is full of flesh, white in colour, brown hairs and nice face. I cannot mention her name because she is still...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Chanel Preston Honey Gold The Stylist

Tonight it’s a big day for Mrs. Rochester (Honey Gold). Her new husband Mr. Rochester, invites her to a fancy dinner with his friend and businesses partner. Mrs. Rochester is younger than them and she wants to make sure that her age will not give a bad impression. She asks Lilly (Chanel Preston), her personal stylist, to find the perfect outfit for her. During this intimate meeting, Mrs. Rochester realizes that Lily is more than just a stylist. She can make you look good, but she can also...

2 years ago
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Dating Curtis

As a single, independent woman in my early forties, sex plays an important role in my life. Maybe it’s my hormones; I’m always feeling horny. Not a day goes by without masturbating at least once, or twice, and sometimes more. I have vibrators and dildos of different sizes, shapes, and colors. But nothing, and I mean nothing, takes the place of a real cock attached to a sexy man who knows how to use it. I’ve tried several ways of meeting men, from bars to church, but I found it much easier and...

Straight Sex
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What have I woken up Part I

It was a time before midnight when I woke up from a window banging open downstairs in my still to-be-tamed country home. It was a dilapidated building, with lots of rot to be replaced, lots of cracks to be repaired. Its location, miles away from people, made it perfect for isolation that my lover Quinn and I were seeking.I looked at my phone - there was still no connection and thus no message from Quinn; he'd had a three-hour web conference, late hour for him, early for the other side of the...

4 years ago
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For Better or Worse Janets Story Part 1

Introduction: Janet starts to take a bigger interest in her new job Janets Story Janet had been at her new job for about six months and she was loving it. She had jumped at the chance to move to the downtown branch, but she really didnt know anyone there at first. She had taken to the promotion quickly and easily, and was soon feeling right at home. She discovered after her first couple of weeks that she actually knew one of the IT guys from college. They talked from time to time, and one of...

3 years ago
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Fucked Step Son And Driver 8211 Part I

My name is Latha. I was wife of a millionaire. He married me at an age of 49. But I was 23. He was a widower. I trapped him and married. I was his steno. I married him for his wealth. After our marriage, I came to know that he can’t fuck me. I was very much disappointed. As every woman want sex life. I lost my sex life for wealth. My husband had a son, Rajesh who was very mischievous. I caught him so many times peeping into our room. He was now 18. I lost my sex life from 4 years. Now I was 27...

2 years ago
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The Abbey

She wandered around the room, touching the red velvet bedspread, and blinked at the chains embedded into the posts of the huge bed. ‘Why?’ She shook her head. ‘Never mind, I can guess.’ Jack slid an uneasy glance at the painting of a group of laughing villagers on the wall. There was something about the eyes of the figures in the painting… ‘Mrs Wyndham, we’ve got to get out of here.’ ‘Maria, remember?’ Her tone was chiding. ‘You can’t call me by name here.’ ‘Maria. We’ve got to go. If you...

4 years ago
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Losing Control

Adam has been married for years now. Adam's wife, Angela, was a stunning woman with long black hair and beautiful eyes. She was average height, 5'6'', but there was nothing else average about her. With a bubble butt to die for, Angela was an 'Angel'. When Angela agreed to date Adam, he thought of himself as the luckiest guy in the world. he wasn't overly attractive, or even too physically fit... But he was smart. Much smarter than most. It's what landed Adam such a high paying job in an...

2 years ago
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A Day At the Lake Part 1

As Jim returned to the scales, he stopped for a smoke break. His boss, also his best friend Ted was sitting at his desk, going over the day's tool production report. Jim walked over, lit up a cigarette and sat on the edge of Ted's desk. "Studying figures again?" Jim asked. "Yep. Same old shit everyday," Ted answered with a growl. Jim paused for a puff and continued, "Is that all you ever do, study tool figures? No other figures?" Ted rolled his chair away from his desk and folded...

2 years ago
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Chocolate Tastes Better On A Dick

Hi I am Roy again I am going to tell you a true story, we live in a flat and there are many flats in a building, there are many sexy aunties and beautiful girls and nice kamwalis around, I have fucked 3 girls, 6 aunties and 12 kamwalis out of them, I will tell you about them one by one so put your hand in your pants / skirls / Salwar / Ghaghra and relax and have a nice time reading my stories. This story is of my neighbour’s daughter (elder one), when we moved into our own flat, we had a...

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My wifes fantasy comes true

My wife and I have been married for 12 years. In that time we have had so much fun with her being my submissive and I can say that sometimes it is hard to constantly come up with new and inventive way to surprise my beautiful little pet. She is 5ft 2in of dynamite with big beautiful breasts and a tight perfect bubble butt that can take amazing amounts of punishment. She has a perfect shaved pussy that tops off a set of killer legs. After we were married for about four years and after a...

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The Summer of LeahChapter 2

I arose at mid-morning with a lingering hangover. After a shower I followed the scent of frying bacon to the kitchen. I was greeted by a rotund and jovial cook, who hearing the shower had started preparing breakfast. She related my uncle had departed before dawn. She detailed the daily operation of the kitchen. She would be in twice a day to prepare breakfast and dinner. I would need to tell her in advance if I were expecting a lunch. She showed me the phone to call in special orders from the...

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Seducing my own brother

I am hema, preparing for my dissertation for my msc in bio in a lady’s college. I am quite busy with my work. I go to the library daily and collect data and put it in my laptop and get more data from the net and compile my dissertation. After hours of work just for relaxation i watch porn sites and used to be fascinated by the fucking scenes and how the girls enjoy the huge cocks inside their cunts. I had no boy friends and no cousins who could fuck me. In other words, i am totally sex starved....

1 year ago
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Sejal Lose Virgnity With Pleasure

Hi friends this is raj again…. Hope you liked my old stories..And I’mthankful to all of you for your love… I got many mails from girls some from delhi and from other states… Boys also did msg bt just to ask girls mobile numbers..Bt friends aise m kisi ladki ki personal details ya number share nhi krta sorry for that.. Girls trust kr k mujhe mail and msg krti h ya apna number deti h to m trust nhi tod skta kisi ka..Hope you understand…Ok lets start for introduction…As you know…I’mraj from...

4 years ago
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Something Old Something NewChapter 2

“Come on, I want to take a shower and watch some movies,” Priscilla moans. “Alright,” Clarissa puffs. “Let me get my keys.” She slips the keys into the door and Priscilla pushes past her and shoots upstairs. “Hey! What’s the rush?” she calls after her friend. “Sitting in that car mashes sand into my crotch,” Priscilla cries. “I’ve got to take a shower.” Clarissa laughs. “There wasn’t that much sand there.” Priscilla laughs herself and says, “It was enough.” Clarissa heads for her room to...

2 years ago
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Double TimeChapter 61

“Pride was the belt you used to hold your pants up when you had no pants.” —Stephen King, Dreamcatcher RACHEL AND LIVY MET ME at the door of school Tuesday morning with a luscious kiss before we went inside. I’d just shared my last passionate kiss with Em when she dropped me off and I watched her little Prius disappear up the street. “Was it wonderful?” Rachel asked. “I love Em so much!” “Desi told us about Sunday night and how sweet and accepting she was,” Livy said. “Even my panties...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood Exposure

Jason Fladger sits at home just before lunch time, browsing through his favorite 'erotic' websites and getting hornier by the minute. He is 31 years and recently unemployed, so he finds he has a lot of time on his hands to surf and jerk. Most days that is enough to get by, but today he has a serious craving for pussy. Jason's new wife, Leanna, works for the local university. She has a mostly Latin ethnicity, with a little African mixed in. She is very short, only 4'11", with wide hips and a...

2 years ago
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friend stays with us

My friend john was going through a ruff divorce and needed a place to stay so i asked my wife alice if he could stay with us in our spare room for a little while and she said yes. So he moved in and every thing was fine I had to get up at 3 in the morning every day to go to work so i would go to bed early by around 8 or 9pm. john was laid off so he wasnt working at the time and my wife worked afternoons so her and john would stay up at night after i went to bed and just talk and watch tv and I...

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PyxChapter 4 Background Picture

The previous day had been more wearing on my little houseguest than I thought, because Pyx didn't wake until ten am. She slipped on her underwear, then her sundress, before she walked over to the adjoining door. I was reading the paper, when I heard the faintest knock on the door. I opened it. "Pyx," I said. "You don't need to knock. If we want you out, we'd have our door closed and locked." The blonde looked on the verge of tears. "I know, sir. I'm sorry." "Hey, hey! No big...

1 year ago
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Foreword: This entry is a direct continuation from my previous stories. Basically I’m just telling all of the most interesting and exciting sexual stories of my life in chronological order. I will try and include enough back story for a new reader to be able to jump right in, however I apologize if I fail to provide enough. In short, if you want to get the full effect, you may want to read the entire thing from the beginning. Thanks and enjoy. The RoommateJune 2002In the summer of 2002, I was...

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The Private Game Chapter 4

***************************************** This is a continuation of the Private Game. This contains my usual themes of wife infidelity, cuckolding, and voyeurism. The series is meant to be a standalone story and not as a prequel or sequel to any of my other stories. I appreciate the feedback I have received and some of the correspondence. I have taken some of your suggestions and interwoven them into my stories. I look forward to your continued comments. This series should be read in order. ...

Wife Lovers
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Occupational Benefits

“I have an idea for some stories. I think I might want to be a writer.”“That’s cool. What do you want to write about?”“I am not 100% sure yet. But, if so many people are making their livings from blogs and twitter and all that other social media opinion crap that they spout, why not me too? And then there is that Kindle self-publishing stuff. I thought I might give it a try. I am sure I could write a book. Anyway, I won’t know unless I try. It probably wouldn’t be anything to interest you, but...

Straight Sex
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HypnoSubmission Pt 06

Part 6: BrendaFeeling happy and refreshed, Brenda jumped out of bed to start her day with Hypno-Slave Induction, knowing Master would be happy with her. She met Katie and Cynthia on campus. She couldn’t tell them about her night – Cynthia would lose her mind – but she was dying to find out what happened with Katie. She’d tease her if she brought anything up, but they just talked about classes.“Hey, Brenda,” Katie greeted.Something squeezed Brenda’s nipples.What the fuck was that?She stumbled a...

Mind Control
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Adams AuntChapter 2

Christine glanced out the window at the sandy-haired young man mowing her lawn and licked her lips with a little shiver. For the last week, she'd found her thoughts almost completely consumed by sex, and two people figured very prominently in those frequent fantasies. One of them — stripped to the waist with a sheen of sweat glistening on his muscular torso — pushed a lawnmower around the various obstacles in the yard. Seeing that Adam was nearly done with the yard work, Christine turned...

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Spanking School 5 Jennifer and Jessica 2

Spanking School is the name my students use informally for my exclusive Erotic Education Enterprise. Our institution is inviting interns interested in inspection for fresh well-bred virgins of some social standing.Petra is the name of the first graduate and granddaughter of Professor Peter, founding his Enterprise for her. Together they inspect in Summer their first ever applicants from all over the globe for a full year of training.To form from them a small class of a dozen classy cute...

3 years ago
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Aphrodites Shell Ch 06

Story till now: Mark was invited on a cruise for sex-freaks and nymphomaniacs by his cute girlfriend, Lolita Kwon, and her mother Dominique. Unfortunately, his mother and sister also decided to come along, both of whom have made humiliating Mark a game for years. Mark isn’t on the ship one day before he learns of a plot by the ship’s owner, the evil Sophia Underland, to have his girlfriend raped because she once dated her current lover, the handsome and hung Marcus Black. Now Mark is stuck on a...

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