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That's What Friends Are For by Bashful Have you ever had your life saved by a friend? I have, twice, by the same friend. That same friend had to kill me to save my life the second time. I know it's confusing, it will become clear as you read the entire story. Please do so with an open mind. If you are reading these memoirs, then I am most likely dead. I have decided to write this down in long hand and then put the book in my safety deposit box. I will leave instructions in my will to pass this book onto my oldest living relative, after my death. I don't intend to die any time soon, but I have been compelled for some time to tell my story. This is the only way I can do so without being accused of being insane. I suppose you can do so now, but it will not matter. Jack Grant was my best friend. We met in high school and discovered we both had the same interests in cars and helicopters. We both wanted to be helicopter pilots. When we finished high school, we talked to the recruiter about the Army Reserves. Neither of us had the money to go to college. The reserves would accept us but they wouldn't train us to be pilots without a college degree or at least some college. The recruiter talked us into the regular Army. He pointed out we could serve for two years and when we got out, we would have the money to go to college through the GI Bill. He could get us into helicopter maintenance and we would get some valuable training other people paid thousands of dollars to receive. We talked it over. It made sense. We believed in being good citizens and a tour in the military would look good on our resume. We never thought about being in the middle of a shooting war. The gulf war began six months after we had enlisted. We went to Saudi Arabia with our unit and waited for the fighting to begin. As helicopter crew chiefs, we were responsible for the maintenance of our own helicopters. Some pilot got to write his name on the door but it was our bird. We just let him fly it. We were part of a CSAR unit, Combat Search and Rescue. When any American soldier was trapped behind enemy lines, we would go in and pick them up. Usually it was a pilot. Once we found who we were looking for we would pick them up and get the hell out of there. Sounds like it could be exciting but more often than not, it was just a routine flight out and back with a short time on the ground. If our helicopters were working right, there was little for Jack and me to do on their flights. When we landed for the pickup, we would jump off the helicopters and provide cover for the solider or pilot we were extracting. One day it wasn't routine. We were given a mission to rescue a downed pilot. The location was determined by GPS, Global Positioning Satellite, and we headed out. When we arrived at the location, the pilot was pinned down by enemy fire. He only had a pistol and was mainly keeping under cover. Jack's ship landed for the pickup and we flew cover overhead. Jack's helicopter took some hits to the engine and began smoking. We found the enemy position and hosed it down with machine gun fire. They stopped shooting and we went in to get Jack and the others. We landed and the crew from the other ship headed our way. Jack had gone out to pick up the pilot who had a minor leg wound. He was helping him back to my chopper and I was on the ground to provide cover if needed. Jack was just a few yards from my helicopter when the world went black. I woke up in a hospital. No one there knew what happened to my ship or crew or Jack. I had been unconscious for four days and the war was over. Finally, about eight hours after I woke up, my commanding officer came in to see me. He congratulated me on my bravery. I didn't know what he was talking about. Apparently, as Jack approached my helicopter, a small group of Iraqis charged us. I got in between them and the chopper. I managed to get three of the five before getting hit in the helmet with a rifle bullet. Jack ran out and carried me back over his shoulder, taking out the other two enemy troops in the process. I was being awarded a Bronze Star. Jack was getting the Silver Star. I was alone when I woke up because the Army public relations unit had set up a press conference to announce the two best friends who had been so brave in the face of the enemy. They really wanted to have both of us there but my being in a comma hampered that. Jack came in. I thanked him for saving my life. He didn't want to talk about it. He never did. My injuries weren't serious but I was sent back to the United States. Jack and the unit followed a month later. We finished our tour of duty and we were discharged on the same day. Jack and I were closer friends than we had ever been. We picked out a university and started with the fall semester. We shared an apartment to save on expenses and each bought a car. We found that being a couple of years older than most of the freshmen made us a little more attractive to the girls on campus. We had no problems having dates every weekend. Jack was the better looking of the two of us. He's about 6'3 with short brown hair. He likes to wear it short because it's easier to take care of. He has hazel eyes and a strong nose and chin. He reminds most people of a very young John Wayne. Many of the younger girls don't make the connection since they don't watch the old westerns on TV. I was a more regular looking guy, I guess. I was never called handsome to my face but no one ever turned down my invitation to dinner. I was about 6'2 with sandy colored hair and brown eyes. My features were unremarkable. I had been told I looked like some soap opera star but I had no idea who the girl was talking about. Jack and I had a plan for our lives. We would get our degrees in business and open our own flight service with a GI Bill business loan. For the moment everything was going great. We had our schooling paid for by the military. We were working part-time for a helicopter flight service earning good money. It looked like we had everything we needed for our lives to turn out well. Then Jack won the Powerball Lottery. $137,000,000.00 dollars. After taxes. The kind of fortune you couldn't spend if you tried. We always bought lottery tickets when the jackpot got really large but we never expected to win. Jack almost had a heart attack. Then he went quiet and just sat there for more than five minutes. He looked at me. "Tom, I don't want this money to ever come between you and me. I think a good friend is much more valuable then any sum of money." I didn't know how to reply. If we had been girls, I could have hugged him and we might have cried a little. But we were guys and while I would do anything in the world for him, guys don't hug. I shuffled my feet a little and told him how much it meant to me to hear him say that and we shook hands. Two weeks later, Jack gave me $13,700,000.00. After taxes. He said it took his accountants that long to get the paperwork through the IRS so they wouldn't try and get me to pay taxes on it again. I was floored. The man saved my life and then he gives me all this money with no strings attached. After handing me the deposit slip (he had the money electronically transferred to my meager savings account) he told me the reason he didn't talk about the firefight in the desert. When I jumped out of my chopper to cover Jack and the pilot, Jack was scared to death. He just knew he was going to die right there. Seeing me standing there with my M-16 at the ready just scared him more. He thought I had spotted an attack coming. He ran faster then and he h that if the pilot had fallen, he would have left him. When the attack did come, Jack made it to my helicopter and was waiting for me to get in so we could leave. I was under fire and couldn't get up. Jack was sitting in the chopper praying I would stop fighting and get on board. Then I got hit. Jack said he never stopped being scared, he just knew if he didn't go out and try to get me back, he would never be able to face himself again. That's what heros do. They keep their heads when other panic. Jack was running for me before anyone else could act. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me back to the chopper. Jack said he saved me out of selfishness, he was afraid of what he would think of himself if he didn't try to save me. Now I was in tears, not many, just a couple, I was a guy, but this was deep stuff. Even I knew that many brothers didn't share a love this deep. Let me make sure you understand. We were regular guys. We dated girls only. There was just a special bond between us. That's why I ended up the way I did. More about that later. Four or five-month's after Jack won the lottery, he met Julie. She was a living doll. She was tall, 5' 9 or 5'10. She had short blonde hair, long enough to cover her ears and just reach her collar. She had great looking long legs and she always wore short skirts or dresses. She was a classic beauty with a cute nose and sky blue eyes. Her skin was flawless and translucent. She wore just enough makeup to accent and improve her face. Her figure was perfect with "D" cup breasts that were the right balance for a woman her height. She had a stunning smile and a voice that sounded like a bell ringing over a frozen lake, clear and clean. Her laugh was infectious, her giggle just girlish enough to be adorable. I knew something was wrong the moment I saw her. I had no reason to be jealous of her. She was a beautiful woman and if she would make Jack happy, so much the better. Remember, Jack had already given me more money can I could ever hope to earn. I just knew something was wrong with her. She treated me as a friend, she always smiled when we met, but I knew she didn't like me. There was no reason trying to explain this to Jack. I couldn't explain it to myself. I decided to follow her. I wanted to see if she had another boyfriend on the side. I watched her for two solid weeks. I followed her from the restaurant she worked in as a waitress to her small efficiency apartment. She never went out unless it was with Jack and she was with him a lot. After two weeks, I gave up. It was just an overactive imagination. Now I had to get over the unreasonable suspicion I felt whenever I saw Julie and Jack together, or just Julie. I was waiting in a coffee shop one day for a date to show up when I heard Julie's distinctive voice. She was sitting in the next booth talking to an older woman. What I heard chilled my bones. Julie was talking about poisoning Jack. She told the woman she had just accepted Jack's proposal and she wanted the poison they had discussed on the phone. The older woman had a European accent. She told Julie the poison was very slow acting but it was absolutely untraceable. She guaranteed it. Julie warned her she would not be pleased if the poison didn't work or Jack's death was not considered natural causes. The old woman assured her it would look just like a tragic heart attack. I wasn't sure what to do. I sat there, my mind spinning. I had been right but how to prove it? Just then, the old woman said goodbye and left. She was just another old woman wearing a black dress and support stockings and orthopedic shoes. Her hair was wrapped in a scarf and she walked with a slight limp. Julie left then and when she passed the booth I was in, she stopped short. She was startled and looked it. Her mouth dropped open. "Tom," she said, "how long have you been here?" "Oh, I just got here." I lied, "I'm meeting a date. Is Jack with you?" She looked relieved. She shook her head no, her perfect hair falling back into place. "No, just dropped in for a cup of coffee." She flashed that dazzling smile and wiggled her fingers at me and left. I watched her perfect little butt bounce out the door. My date arrived just then and I was terrible company for her that night. I could think of nothing but how to break the news to Jack. He obviously loved the girl, or he wouldn't have asked her to marry him. This was going to be a blow. Finally I took Jane, my date, home. She invited me in and I normally would have jumped at the chance but I declined. I needed to talk to Jack and it couldn't wait. I raced over to his house and knocked on the door. Julie answered, she was dressed to go out in a short red dress and high heels. She looked fabulous. She smiled as usual but I saw mistrust in her eyes. She was wearing a huge diamond on her left hand. Julie said Jack was in the shower and then they were going out. They had tickets to a charity event and they couldn't be late. I insisted on seeing Jack but she wouldn't budge. I gave up and left. I went and sat on the hood of Jack's new Jeep Grand Cherokee. Soon they came out and I tried to talk to Jack. He wanted to tell me about the engagement and I needed to tell him about the death that awaited him. I couldn't say anything in front of Julie but by now, she knew that I knew she was plotting to kill Jack. She no longer was smiling. She kept tugging at Jack's arm and they left. Jack promised to call me the next morning. I waited until 3:00pm and then called him. Jack said he wasn't interested in speaking to me. Julie had told him about what I had said to her in the coffee shop. Jack said he was very hurt that I would try and steal the one girl he loved and he thought it best if we didn't see each other again. I tried to explain to Jack that it was a lie but he wouldn't listen, he hung up on me in mid-sentence. I knew then something else had to be at play here. Jack wouldn't refuse too here my side of the story unless Julie had found some way to control him. This was all too easy for her. I did what I should have done in the first place. I hired a private detective agency. I told them I needed to find out everything they could about Julie and I needed the information yesterday. In forty-eight hours, they had a detailed report on my desk. Until three months ago, Julie had been a college student in a small Texas city. She dropped out of school, packed up her car and moved to our town just one week before getting the job she held at the restaurant where she met Jack. Her parents had not heard from her since she moved. She sent them one letter giving her address and phone number and saying she was looking for herself. She had not called and would not return the calls they made to her. All of her calls were answered by her voice mail. She took a 6-month lease on the apartment she was living in and yesterday, Jack had paid off the balance of the lease. Julie had no criminal record and she had good credit. She had no negative marks of any kind on her high school or college records. There was no indication that Julie Wilson would ever be involved in an attempt to murder someone. Yet I knew she was. I had no idea what to do now. I had the detectives' agency maintain a watch on her and tap Jack's phone. Hoping they would come up with some evidence. After one week, nothing. I never got a wedding invitation. I did see the announcement of their engagement in the paper and was not surprised to see that the wedding was only two weeks off. I had to move fast. Once Julie started feeding Jack the poison, it might be too late. I had heard the old woman tell Julie not to start the poison until she was married. It could take six months to kill Jack or it could work much quicker. I decided maybe finding the old woman would help. I had very little to go on. I gave everything I had to the detectives and they went to work. When you can spend as much as I could, a lot can be accomplished in a short amount of time. In less than a day, they had a strong lead. The agency had gone to the coffee shop and spoke to the waitresses and manager. The old woman was a regular but they hadn't seen her for about ten days. They had a name though and the investigators soon located her home. It was empty, but not by choice. The old woman was dead, struck by a hit and run driver in a stolen car. The accident occurred the day after I had overheard Julie and the dead woman in the coffee shop. The police had no leads. The car was found with no prints and no clues. They suspected joy riding kids. It seemed like a dead end. I was very sure Julie killed the old woman but there was no way to prove it. Then one of the investigators I hired called me. She had located the dead woman's sister and she lived in the city. I was over to her house in less than an hour. The dead woman was named Maria Santini. Her sister was named Sabrina Santini. They lived about 2 miles apart. They had both come to America when they were very young, three and four years' old. Maria was the younger girl. They had both married men named Santini but the men were not related. According to the investigator, the sisters were not close. They had not spoken in several years. However, Sabrina was very upset over her sister's death. I knocked on Mrs. Santini's door and waited patiently for the door to be opened. I had been warned she had arthritis and moved very slowly. Mrs. Santini finally opened the door. She had a scowl on her face. There was no doubt that she was the sister of the woman I had seen in the coffee shop talking with Julie. In her youth, she must have been beautiful. Now she was a striking woman. Her eyes were piercing and clear. Her body was slow but her mind was quick. Quicker than mine I was to find out. "Who are you?" she demanded. I introduced myself and told she I was there to speak about her sister's death. I asked to come inside. I had requested the investigator meet me at the apartment so another woman would be present. Mrs. Santini looked me over and said I could come in. She said she knew she was safe with me. I thanked the investigator and she left. Mrs. Santini slowly made her way to the kitchen table and sat down. I explained what I had heard, what I had seen and what I suspected. Mrs. Santini nodded several times during my explanation. When I mentioned the poison, her face contorted into a mask of anger and spite. She shook her head and muttered an inaudible phrase. When I had finished, she put her head in her hands and began sobbing. I was unsure if I should go to her or not. Finally I stood up and stepped next to her. I put my hand on her shoulder. She seemed to relax a little at my touch. She continued to weep for a few minutes more. I did not move, waiting for a sign from her. She wiped her face and took a tissue from a box on the table. Her eyes were red and swollen. She had not cried for her sister before now. I came to realize. Her anger toward her sister for whatever reason, had blocked her grief. Now she had allowed her anger to find a new target. She believed as I did that Julie was responsible for the death of her sister. I told Mrs. Santini how sorry I was for her loss. "We cannot bring your sister back," I told her, "but I want to save my friend's life. Is there anything you can tell me that may help me convince Jack that I am telling him the truth?" Mrs. Santini shook her head. She told me that Julie had turned Jack against me with a spell! Nothing I could say to Jack would be believed. There was only one way to make Jack believe me, by swapping bodies with him! I had decided that Mrs. Santini's grief had caused her to become delusional. I was very uncomfortable sitting with her and was trying to think of a polite way to leave. She looked at me with those piercing eyes and told me she was not 'delusional'. A chill ran up my spine. She knew my thoughts! I sat there waiting for her to make the next move. Not sure whether I should be afraid or not. "You have nothing to fear from me." Mrs. Santini assured me, "I will not try to kill you, but Julie will. You must avoid being killed by her. Your death would strengthen her. She is not whom she appears to be. She has stolen the body from the girl named Julie and the real Julie is dead. This is a powerful sorceress. She is very old and is at the peak of her powers. The young female body of Julie multiplies her powers. Because she is so powerful, you must not attack her. You must instead remove Jack from her spell. That is why you must trade bodies with him. No one can affect the spell Jack is under. Only by removing him from his body, will he be able to see the truth. I know you are brave enough and strong enough to do this thing. Do you love Jack enough to do it?" This was a question I had never been asked before. Of course Jack was my best friend and I would gladly lay down my life for him but I had never thought about loving Jack. Thinking about it now though I realized I did love him, as a friend. "Yes," I told her, "I guess I do love him enough to try and save his life." Had I known the effect those words would have on my life, I would have chosen them more carefully. Mrs. Santini told me she could help me and in turn I would help her get vengeance for her late sister. She asked me to buy some ingredients for a potion and return to her home later that evening. I agreed and left. She had also warned me to stay clear of Julie. She may try to kill me now. That evening, I returned with the odd assortment of ingredients I had purchased. They were not expensive but they were very diverse. I had spent all the time since that morning locating the items. They included dried body parts of several lizards and bugs, rare herbs, spices and a bottle of Italian wine of a particular winery and year. That was the hardest item to find. Mrs. Santini was standing at her stove preparing something when I walked in. She had told me the door would be open so she wouldn't have to make the trip to let me in. I placed the items on the table and she told me to open the bottle of wine for her. She continued to add ingredients and stir. She was humming and singing very softly. It was in a language I did not recognize. Not Italian, French or German. I sat in her kitchen and waited for her to finish. Mrs. Santini was an old Italian type kitchen. A bunch of dried red peppers hung over the sink. There were baskets of onions, garlic and tomatoes on the counter. Different kinds of dried pasta were stored in glass containers on shelves on one wall. Sunday afternoon, this place must smell wonderful. Not today, whatever she was making was pungent and unpleasant smelling. There were crayon drawings on the refrigerator from grandchildren, no doubt. The report on Mrs. Santini had mentioned children, grandchildren and even a great- grandchild. Finally she was finished. I waited for her to pour the wine into the mixture, instead she sat down and poured us each a glass. She told me it was her favorite but it was too hard to find and she couldn't afford it any more. I felt a little scammed over the wine but not too bad. It was nothing compared to what happened later that night. Mrs. Santini said the potion needed to simmer awhile. She told me of the reason she and her sister did not speak for the last several years. Their mother was a Hungarian sorceress. She had moved to Italy in the 1920's and married their father. He had brought the family to America when the two girls were very young. Their mother had taught them the art of sorcery and potion making. It was an honorable profession in the old country, if used for good. It was never to be used for personal gain beyond just making a living. Sabrina used the knowledge her mother had passed on to her to help people. She never allowed her abilities to be used for evil. Her sister Maria had used the potions and spells she knew for profit. She did not care what purpose her customers had in mind, she would sell them the potions they wanted. This caused the riff between the two sisters that had not healed. Now it never could be. "Listen carefully, Tom Chambers," Sabrina Santini said, "What I say to you will affect the rest of your life. If you do not listen, you will die. If you do listen, you may live. This is very dangerous. I have made a potion that will cause you to change bodies with the first person whose eyes you look into after drinking it. The eyes are truly the windows of the soul. When you and Jack look at each other, the change will take place. When Jack is in your body, he will realize what you have tried to tell him is true. He will have all of your memories as well as his own. He will remember hearing Julie and my sister Maria talking about poisoning him. Once he knows that, the spell will be broken. Then you and he must return to me, here, so I can change you back. Be very careful. Julie will try to kill you both, once her plan is ruined. She will have nothing to lose. Once exposed, she will leave that body for another and escape. I would prefer to deal with her myself, but I am not able in this body. She is too strong in the body she possesses for me to fight in any case. You must do this right the first time. You will not get a second chance. You and Jack must come back to me before midnight or the change is forever. You must drink the potion no more than five minutes before you look into the other's eyes. What time does your watch say?" I told her and she had me change the hands on her kitchen clock to match the time on my watch. "When my clock says 9:30pm sharp," she told me. "I will call Jack's house, I will make sure I get to speak to Julie. You knock on the door just a minute later and Jack will answer. The rest will be up to you. Go now, hurry, do this deed. Save your friend and avenge my sister." I got up to leave. I felt like I was going forth into battle again. I was nervous and excited. Jack was worth the risk, he had thought I was. It wasn't fear of how I would feel if I didn't try, it was the right thing to do. Jack had the same values I did. He was too modest to admit he had been a hero. Now it was my turn. I hoped I didn't screw it up. I didn't, not really, I had been betrayed before I left the Santini kitchen. I drove over to Jack's house. He could have bought a mansion but he bought a new two story home in an exclusive gated neighborhood. I lived in a smaller house just a block away. I parked across from his house where my car was not visible from the front porch. I checked my watch and walked up to the porch. At 9:31 I knocked on the door. I heard footsteps and drank the potion. It tasted like stale soda. I braced my self and when the door opened, I made sure I was looking straight ahead so our eyes would meet. Julie opened the door. She stared me right in the eyes and then the world went gray. When I could see again, I was looking at my own face. I had swapped bodies with Julie! I was in shock. Julie was too, from the look on my former face. I took a step backward and almost tripped in the 3 inch heels she was wearing. They must have been on the way out because she was dressed for an evening on the town. Everything slowed down. My vision compressed to a narrow focus. I could see the body I used to possess and nothing else. Julie reached for me with a snarl of rage on 'her' face. "How did you do this?" 'She' screamed in a rage. "You idiot, you've ruined everything, I've worked years on this plan and you have screwed it up. Why can't you mind your own business? By God, I'll not let you get away with it. I'll kill you and Jack and you can rot together." 'Her' voice sent chills up my spine. 'She' leapt at me. I tried to run, but the high heels I suddenly found myself in, tripped me up. I put my hands up and she knocked then aside with ease. She had much more physical strength than I did now. She punched me in the stomach and I doubled over, the breath knocked out of me. I couldn't scream, as much as I wanted to, she then picked me up by my neck and shook me. I started to black out and then I heard Jack's voice. He was yelling at Tom, who was trying to kill me. Suddenly I was dropped. I fell to the floor, gasping for air. I looked up to see Jack standing over my former body, holding the fireplace poker. It was stained with blood. I saw a red stain spreading out from the head of the body. I scrambled to my feet and stubbled to the phone. I called 911 and heard Julie's voice yelling for an ambulance. Jack was still standing there. I went to him. He looked at me with empty eyes. I knew the spell that caused him to love Julie was broken. I looked down at my male body and knew it was dead. The damage was too severe for any other conclusion. I was stuck in this body. With this point being made. From now on when I refer to myself, it will be as Julie. I am she now. That is final. I accepted that when I saw my dead body. I realized that Jack was probably in shock. I took the poker from him and laid it on the floor near his feet. I led him over to the couch and sat him down. I got a cover from the closet and put it around his shoulders. I knew from my first aid training to keep people in shock warm. I went and opened the front door so the ambulance crew and the police could come in then I went and sat down beside Jack. He was just staring straight ahead, his hands in his lap. I put my arm around him and held him until the ambulance crew arrived. They pronounced Tom dead and I asked them to take Jack in for a check up. I was worried about him. I had to stay at the house and talk to the police about the incident. I explained that Jack and Tom were very good friends but lately Tom was acting erratically. I told them about an incident in a coffee shop just a few days ago where Tom had propositioned me. Jack had told Tom to leave us alone and then Tom came to the house tonight and tried to kill me and threatened to kill Jack. It was mostly lies of course, but Julie had convinced Jack of the lies. If asked, he would tell the same story. I knew everything Julie had told Jack, and I had all her memories. I even remembered the night the evil one, as I called her, killed Julie by removing her soul and stealing her body. I choose not to dwell on that memory. When I was through with the police, I changed clothes and went to the hospital to check on Jack. I put on a sweater, jeans and running shoes. I got to the hospital just as the doctor finished examining Jack he told me that Jack was in shock. Probably a night's rest would help. He gave me a prescription for some sleeping pills and told me to make sure he slept at least 12 hours. I promised I would. I got some help getting Jack into his Jeep Grand Cherokee that I had driven down the hospital. When we got back home, Jack was still just sitting and staring. I coaxed him out of the car and into the house. I got him up to our room and undressed him. I gave him two of the pills and tucked him into the covers. I sat with him until I was sure he was asleep. I went down stairs and called the police. I asked about the crime scene. They told me they had finished and I could clean it up if I wished. I could have waited for Jack's cleaning lady. I'm sure the evil one would have. I got out some cleaning gear and mopped up Tom's blood. I got the floor clean, fortunately, the blood didn't make it to the rug. When the mess was cleaned up. I sat down on the couch and relaxed. I had been going hard for several hours. I was very hungry and felt shaky. I realized that Julie suffered from low blood sugar and needed to eat. I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich. I drank a glass of milk with it and felt better. I went back to the living room and sat back down. It was almost 1:00am. Any hope of ever being a man again had vanished at midnight. Actually, earlier, since my body was dead. Now I was Julie. I had all her memories and mannerisms. I walked, talked and looked just like her. No one would ever know the difference. I could keep my mouth shut and let life continue. But to do so would mean lying to Jack. I don't want to do that. I decided to give Jack a chance to get back on his feet before explaining what happened. If he had too much trouble dealing with Tom's death, I'll tell him that Tom is still alive. I was exhausted. I didn't want to climb the stairs. I stretched out on the couch, the cover I had gotten out for Jack was still on there and I pulled it over me. I was asleep in minutes. I woke up about 9:30am and went up stairs to check on Jack. He was still asleep but he looked restless. I decided to wake him and give him another pill. He groused about being woke up but he went in and used the toilet and took a pill and went back to sleep. I was feeling grimy so I decided to take a shower. I grabbed a change of clothes and went into the bathroom. I undressed and caught sight of myself in the mirror. I knew from my new memories, what I looked like. But seeing myself moving in the mirror, I had to stop and examine my new body. My breasts were firm and tipped with large nipples. They were currently erect partially from the chill of the room and partially form the arousal I was experiencing. The empty area between my legs was at the same time disconcerting and normal. I knew I had a beautiful body. I was at ease with this new body which confused me. Less than 24 hours ago I was a normal man who loved women and having sex with them. Now I was easily accepting being changed into a woman, it seemed so strange and yet . . . Maybe it was because I had all the memories of Julie Wilson. It wasn't really new since I could remember growing up as little girl. My first date, my first kiss, the first time I had sex with a boy and the first time I had sex with Jack. That as a subject that would come up sooner or later, having sex with Jack. Julie was engaged to Jack, she lived in his home and I was now Julie. It would have to be dealt with, but not now. First I had to make sure that Jack recovered from the trauma of killing his best friend, me. I intended to take a quick shower but once I got to lathering up, it got out of hand. Washing my breasts, and other areas, felt too good to stop. I finally did though and patted myself dry. When I was dressed again, I replayed the shower in my mind. Before showering I had gone right to the drawers that had my underwear and socks and the part of the closet with the jeans and casual tops. When in the shower, I washed my hair twice and conditioned it as if I had been doing that for years. I had never used conditioners when I was Tom. I patted my body dry because that was the way Julie dried herself. I put on the bra as if I had been doing it all my life, instead of for the first time. My actions had been automatic. Like the brushing back of my hair to hook it around my ear, I do that now without thinking. I was very much a part of this female body. I was comfortable in it. I like the way I looked as a woman. I had not put makeup back on, but I knew that I wanted to. I turned to the mirror. My makeup was laid out on the counter and I spent several minutes applying it. It was easy and I was pleased with the results. When I was finished, I looked just as Julie would have looked. I could smell the lipstick and it was both a new experience and familiar at the same time. Many things I did as Julie were that way. The first time I had to sit down to pee was a new experience but I knew just how to clean myself afterwards. Becoming a woman would be a struggle but not as great as it could have been. I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. I cleaned up afterwards and went upstairs to check on Jack. He was still asleep but seemed to be resting better. I tried to call Mrs. Santini but didn't get an answer. I sat down and began to access memories from Julie's life. I knew whom each member of her, scratch that, my family was and I even remembered their phone number in Texas. I called my parents and tried to apologize for running away from them and cutting off all contact. I never got the chance. They were too glad to hear from me to worry about the past. We talked for over an hour. I explained that I was with a really nice guy who had asked me to marry him. I told Mom that I hadn't made up my mind about that yet. I explained that Jack was going through a rough time now. I carefully explained the attack and Jack saving my life. Mom was upset but she understood. She knew I had to stay with Jack until he was better. I promised to come home as soon as I could for a visit and to call often. I didn't mention the millions that Jack was worth. If Jack and I fell in love then I could tell them that later. I didn't want my mother to think I was a gold-digger. When I hung up the phone, I was in tears. Partly over the love that I had just experienced during the phone call and partly over the loss of my own parents. They had been notified by now that their son, Tom, was dead. I couldn't tell them what had happened, they would think me crazy. I might be able to explain it to them later but right now I needed to allow them to accept the death of their only son. My thought turned to the subject of Jack and me. My new memories confirmed what I already knew, Jack and Julie were intimate. I could summon up memories of making love to Jack. I knew it would be a pleasurable experience. I was sure, I wasn't ready for that. It would be awhile before having sex with a man was appealing. Since I was a woman for life though it seemed inevitable. Julie was a young, healthy, sexually active woman. Sex was a natural, life affirming act. The only question was, when would I allow a man to penetrate me. I noticed my nails were in need of attention and spent the next 20 minutes filing, shaping and then applying polish. I selected a subtle pink polish. The evil one would have had them done for her but I would have had to leave Jack alone to do so. When my nails were dry I checked on Jack. He woke up as I walked into the room. He looked rested but still unhappy. I could understand why. We had lunch in silence. Jack was more animated than last night but he was still withdrawn. I suggested watching movie and he nodded. I picked out a tape I knew was safe. No violence or arguments, just comedy. I spent more time watching Jack for a reaction. He just stared at the screen. About half way through the movie, he put his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him and felt him relax a little. I laid my hand on his thigh and my head on his shoulder. It was one of those new, yet old, sensations. I had never been held in Jack's arms before as Tom but Julie was used to it. I felt comfortable and more important, I was giving him comfort by my presence. We watched a couple of more movies that way then it was time for dinner. I made spaghetti and meatballs. Jack toasted the garlic bread and I was encouraged by his helping. He hadn't said more than ten words to me. I was concerned that he blamed me for Tom's death. What I did was done to save his life. Suddenly I had a thought. I ran upstairs to my closet and dug into a shoe box. I took the small vial of poison out and flushed it down the toilet, emptying the bottle in the water and then flushing the bottle away as well. Relieved I returned to making dinner. I had become a pretty good cook and I was very happy with the way dinner turned out. After we ate, we watched more movies. I didn't want to watch TV because the news or some cop show would cause a set back. Jack was opening up. I wanted that to continue. We watched movies until after 11:00pm and then I suggested we go to bed. Jack said sure and we headed upstairs. He striped down to his jockey shorts and I put on a knee length gown. I was apprehensive about climbing into bed with him but I didn't want to appear to reject him. I had him take a couple of sleeping pills and when we got in bed he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I felt him kiss the top of my head. He relaxed and fell asleep holding me close to him. I wasn't uncomfortable but I was very aware of Jack's larger male body. I felt my nipples become erect and a warm feeling started to spread outward from my crotch. I felt my heart beat a little faster. I was becoming aroused. I lay still, enjoying the sensations. I felt content, safe and protected by Jack. I drifted off to sleep. I woke up when Jack got up to use the toilet in the morning. I needed to go too, so as soon as he left the bathroom, I went in. When I finished, I came out and Jack was getting dressed in clean clothes. I started to get dressed as well. I had my bra and panties on when Jack approached me. He took me in his arms and kissed me on the lips. It was my first kiss as a woman. Jack had not shaved for two days and I noticed the stubble. It was a brief kiss which I returned automatically. When he pulled back from the kiss, I looked into his eyes and asked him how he felt. His eyes couldn't meet mine. He glanced to the side and mumbled "okay." I hugged him and he hugged me back, holding the hug much longer than the kiss. I finished dressing and we went down stairs to fix breakfast. Jack again helped, chopping vegetables for the omelets I made. We cleaned the kitchen up and went back to watching movies. Jack was slowly coming out of the depression. I wanted to give him time to heal. If he wasn't much improved by the end of the week, I would get him to a specialist. We repeated the day before, movies until lunch, more until dinner and then movies until bedtime. I had Jack take another pill and we slept the same way we did the night before. Jack's arm around me, holding me in close. He was seeking someone to hold which is a very basic human reaction to tragedy. Most of the day I spent with Jack's arms around me. He didn't seek romance and I wasn't ready to give it yet. But if he had started something, I wouldn't try and stop him. I would allow him the act hoping it was what he needed. I believed that Jack would not initiate sex until he had found release from the guilt he felt over Tom's death; until then I was there for him. Like a child clutches a favorite stuffed animal when scared, I would be Jack's security blanket for as long as he needed me. After three days we had run out of what I considered 'safe' movies. We were also low on groceries. I told Jack we needed to go shopping and he gave a noncommital answer. I got each of us into the car and we headed to the local supermarket. This was the first time I had been out in public since the change. I was wearing a sweater and jeans as I had been wearing for the last several days. I became aware I was being looked at. I wondered if my makeup was smudged or something else was unusual about me. Then I remembered that men often stared at me. I was 5' 10 and had a great figure. I stopped worrying about it and knew it was something I enjoyed. I did notice that Jack wasn't looking at me or any other woman. All men look at other women. It's human nature. It doesn't mean they are faithful it just means they are normal men. Jack wasn't paying attention to anyone else at all. He would answer my questions and he would get the items I asked him to pick up but he was still withdrawn. After we had finished shopping and loaded the car, I took Jack next door to the video rental store. I picked out a dozen movies, not caring if we got them back on time or not. If we went through these films and Jack wasn't communicating, then we were going to a doctor. I tried to get Jack to suggest a film or two but he just grunted. I did believe that he was making progress or I would have already taken him to a therapist. We got home and I put the groceries away while Jack went and took a shower. I was avoiding showering at the same time to keep from turning down an offer to shower together. Jack didn't need any type of rejection right now. When he had finished, I had lunch ready. He seemed disappointed that I had fixed a meal without his help. I made a mental note to let him help whenever he wanted to. We watched movies until dinner and then Jack helped me grill steaks outside. While standing by the grill, Jack stepped behind me and put his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on my head and we stood there enjoying the evening and the moment. After dinner we watched more movies and then went to bed. As I climbed into bed next to Jack, he pulled me close as usual. I snuggled up to him feeling a little cold. He put his hand under my chin and tilted my face up. He kissed me and I kissed him back, our tongues flicked against each other lightly. Jack didn't proceed beyond the kiss even though I would have let him. I still wasn't ready but his self esteem was fragile, I would do anything he wanted if it brought him back to his old self. "Thanks for being here for me, Julie." Jack whispered. In the dim light I could see a tear glinting in one eye. Jack had not shown any emotion over the attack and Tom's death. I was encouraged. This was a good sign although it meant I may have to offer my body to Jack sooner than I was ready. I was prepared to do so though, he had saved my life, twice. I owed him more than I could ever repay. However, if we were to make love, I wanted it to be based on mutual desire. Jack's lack of emotion was a problem. I knew he would feel better if he could let it all out but I didn't know how to help him. The next day, Jack wanted to make breakfast himself, I agreed wholeheartedly. He made Belgian waffles. I knew it would go right to my hips but I ate two for the moral support it would give him. Besides they were delicious. After breakfast and cleaning up, I suggested a walk. Some fresh air might do him good. Jack agreed and we sat off around the block. Jack took my hand and we walked hand in hand. I enjoyed the simple show of affection and the feeling of closeness it created. We made three laps and decided that was enough for now. I had another reason for the walk. I wanted to walk off some of those calories. My waist and hips were a lot more important to me now. When we got back to the house, a car was sitting in the driveway. It was a police car but it wasn't marked. One of those flashing lights sat on the dashboard and there was a police radio visible hanging beneath the console. A man in a suit was sitting on the front porch. He stood up when we approached. Jack stepped between me and the man, shielding me. "Hi, I'm detective John Swanson." He said as he displayed a badge and ID card. "Are you Jack Grant?" Jack's body relaxed and he admitted he was. The detective wanted to discuss the death of Tom Chambers. I saw Jack's shoulders slump and he nodded his head dejectedly. Jack opened the door and let us all in. I offered to make coffee and suggested we all talk at the dinning room table. I asked Jack to get me some aspirins. He went up stairs to our bathroom. I spoke to the detective and asked he if he could do this another day. I explained that Jack was just starting to recover from killing his best friend, and this would set him back right now. Detective Swanson shook his head and said he was here to help. Jack came back then. I took the aspirin I didn't need and made a pot of coffee. I could hear them talking, idle chatter mostly. They were waiting for me to join them. I took the coffee and cups into the table and the detective began. I reached out and took Jack's hand. He said he had looked into Tom's death closely. The killing of one man by another with a woman in the middle was very common and he had to make sure it was really self defense. He told us he had researched Tom's credit card statements for the last two months. He found out that Tom had hired a private investigator to do a background search on me. The search showed up no criminal activity at all. The investigator was also hired to find a Mrs. Santini. She was found but she had been killed in a hit ad run. They now had a suspect for that crime. My head started to spin. He was about to arrest me for killing Maria Santini. They must have found a witness that saw the evil one commit the murder. The detective said they had a witness come forward who identified a boy who lived down the block from the dead woman. He had been arrested and confessed to hitting her when he stole the car for a prank. My relief must have been evident because the detective asked me if I was okay. I said it was just my headache but it was getting better. He went on, they didn't know why Tom had wanted to locate the woman. He had never told the investigator why he wanted to talk to her. They did locate her sister and Tom did go and talk to her. They don't know what he wanted with her because she had moved and nobody knew where. "Mr. Grant," the detective said, "I received the results of the autopsy today. Mr. Chambers died as a result of a blow to the head from the fireplace poker. He was not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. When they examined his brain however, they discovered a malignant tumor. It would have caused Mr. Chambers death in a matter of months. I have no doubt that the tumor had a direct effect on his ability to reason. His erratic behavior before the attack and the attack itself was totally out of character for a man such as him. Mr. Grant, you actually saved your friend a great deal of pain and suffering. He would have not enjoyed the death that awaited him. He has not seen a doctor in the last year that we could discover so it is doubtful he knew he was dying." "Considering the history between the two of you, it is unlikely that even a woman as attractive as Ms. Wilson here would create a serious conflict. I have discussed the case with the district attorney and we are marking the case closed, justifiable homicide - self-defense. I am sorry for your loss Mr. Grant. I had a partner who saved my life once and died in the act. It is a humbling experience. Don't let this control your life. Mr. Chambers is truly better off than he would be if he were alive today. Let me assure you of that. I have discussed all of this with Mr. Chamber's parents. They accept it. They never believed that you would intentionally harm Mr. Chambers anyway. Remember, if you had not acted, Ms. Wilson would likely be dead." The detective rose to leave. Jack was pale and shaken but he thanked the detective for coming by. They shook hands. I put my arms around the detective and hugged him, I whispered a thank you into his ear. I had tears stinging my eyes. He left and Jack and I were alone. Jack took me into his arms and we stood there together for some time. I felt several tears run down my face. "Do you want to go see Tom's parents?" I asked Jack. He nodded and we both changed into more presentable clothes. I didn't have a dress or skirt that was long enough, in my opinion, to wear on a condolence visit. I picked out a white silk blouse and a pair of black pants. I also wore black, 2 inch heels. Jack put on a pair of slacks and a jacket. We drove to the Chambers' house in silence. I knew this was going to be tough on Jack but I also knew we needed to do it. The autopsy made the visit possible. We arrived at the house I used to live in and parked. Jack sat there staring straight ahead. "Are we going in?" I gently asked after a few minutes. Jack nodded and got out of the car. I got out as well and started for the front door. There were several cars there. I recognized most of them as belonging to family members. There must be a wake going on. I turned to look for Jack. He was leaning against the front of his Jeep, his head down. I went to the front door. I was going to get a reaction to our presence. Then I would either go and get Jack, or we would leave. I knocked on the door and it was opened by Tom's Uncle Russ. He looked confused until I introduced myself. He told me to wait there and he turned and walked back into the house, leaving the door open. I decided I needed to get Jack out of there, but before I could leave, Tom's father came running out the door. He raced by me and headed for Jack. When he got close to Jack he stopped and I could hear him saying something. Then they hugged him. They headed toward us. Tom's father had his arm around Jack's shoulder. I felt a touch on my arm. I turned to face Tom's mother. She touched my throat lightly with her fingertips. "Did my son hurt you?" she asked me. "No, he didn't, not at all." I told her. She smiled and knew I lied. "I'm so very sorry my dear." She said. I never could lie to her. Jack and Tom's father arrived just then. Jack stood in front of Tom's mother, his head down. Jack had eaten many meals prepared by this woman. She was a second mother to him growing up. She lifted his head and looked him in the eyes. They were shiny with tears. She thanked him for saving my life. She and Jack hugged, Jack began crying and soon his body racked with sobs as he finally began grieving for Tom. I put my hand on his shoulder and waited for it to pass. He finished and wiped his eyes as we all did. We went into the house and in half an hour, Jack was telling stories about Tom and himself in high school. Jack was almost his old self. We left several hours later and Jack drove us home. When we got home Jack and I went straight to bed. As we lay in bed, Jack told me more about Tom. He embellished the stories in Tom's favor. "Jack," I said to him, "if you'll let me, I'll try to be as good a friend as Tom was." He kissed me and kissed him back. He cried a little more, as did I. We made love for the first time that night, then fell asleep holding each other in our arms. I had memories of making love to Jack but the real thing is thousands of times better. Tom's funeral was the next day. We went and sat with Tom's family, Jack's parents did too. After the grave side service and the family meal, we went back home. Jack was subdued but not withdrawn. I had bought a knee length black dress just before the funeral. It was not sexy or revealing but I looked good in it. Jack thought so too. When we got home, he couldn't keep his hands off me. I didn't fight it either. Jack followed me upstairs and we undressed each other. Jack was finally home again. Jack married me just a month later. At our wedding, Jack told me I saved his life. Maybe I did, if so, he is still one up on me. I almost told him the truth about who I really was. My mind was changed by a visit from an old friend. I was home alone just two days after the funeral. Jack had some business to take care of. He talked me out of going with him, claiming it was boring guy stuff. Turns out he was out buying me a new car. There was a knock at the door. I opened it to an attractive young woman. "Hi Tom, how do you like being a girl?" she said. My blood chilled and goose-bumps popped up all over my body. I was terrified. This was the sorceress from Julie's body, the evil one. She had escaped from Tom's body, maybe into someone waiting in the emergency room. Now she was here to kill me and then Jack. I grabbed for the phone to call 911 but the woman beat me to it. She unplugged the phone and sat down on the couch and smiled. "I'm Sabrina Santini, Tom." She said, "You're safe with me. I've come to explain why I have done what I have. I knew when I met you that you were dying. I also knew you were a good man. I had suspected my sister was murdered but had no way to avenge her or even know who had done it." I interrupted her and told her the police had caught the real driver, a kid who had stolen the car for a joy ride like they suspected. "I know that now," she said, "but the evil one killed the real Julie and many others. She would have killed you and Jack had we not intervened You were an answer to a prayer. I was able to help you and your friend, as well as ridding the world of a great evil. I had hoped you would not be killed, I'm glad you were not injured, but there was no other way. Remember when I asked you if you loved Jack? That was an important ingredient to the spell. If you had not been able to admit you loved Jack, I would not have allowed you to swap bodies. I made the phone call I said I would make, but I made sure I kept Jack on the phone so you would be switched into Julie's body. The rest you know. Now you have a chance at life. Jack is truly in love with Julie. All the spells died with the evil one. You are a lovely young woman and have all the memories of Julie Wilson. For all intents and purposes, you are Julie. I know what you are thinking. Don't destroy your life and Jack's by trying to tell him the truth. You will only make the two of you miserable, if he even believes you. Accept the gift you have been given. Now, what do you think of my new body?" She turned around showing off her trim attractive figure. "This woman came to my new home today to tell me how she could help me live better if I moved into a nursing home. She called it an 'assisted living center' but it's a fancy word for nursing home. I gave her a cup of tea and went she went to sleep, I borrowed her body. I could not make the trip down here in my body, too slow and painful. I will go back home and let her have her body back before she wakes up. But first, maybe I will find a man for the afternoon. What do you young people call it? A nooner? It has been a long time since I felt a man between my thighs. A wonderful feeling, isn't it?" I had to blush at the question. Mrs. Santini left with a wave. I don't know if she had a 'nooner' or not. She had answered many questions for me. She had used me but it had been for my own good. Everything she said about being Julie was true. I was comfortable in the body ,I had a full set of memories and I knew I was in love with Jack already. It would take some getting used to but I knew I could do it especially with Jack by my side. All of that was almost six years ago. I am sitting in my living room watching my 3-year-old daughter playing with her tea set, serving make- believe tea to her stuffed animals. A few minutes ago, she had gotten to feel her baby brother kick me again. Impatient, no doubt, for the next three weeks to pass until his birth. Our wedding had been perfect. My parents had been there, Tom's parents too. We spent a month in Hawaii and then returned home. We both got our helicopter's pilot's license. Jack bought a flight service and we had a great time running it together until my first pregnancy. Then I watched the office until Deborah Denise Grant was born. She was named for both of our mothers and then we flipped a coin to see whose name went first. Not that it mattered, she was D.D. before she left the hospital. I still fly when I'm not pregnant. Jack gave most of the lottery money away in the form of educational grants and scholarships. Many of them named after Tom Chambers. Jack feels that way many people will remember the name Tom Chambers in a positive way. I have striven to be a best friend to Jack as I promised, but guys need guy friends. I understand that very well. Jack hasn't found anyone he can call a best friend but that problem is about to be solved. I am sure he and his son Tom will be best friends. Authors Note: This story has special meaning to me. It is meant as a tribute to the one person in the world who was there for me when I needed it the most. The only person in the world who I will get a milkshake at midnight for. I am not a war hero. I was not in the Gulf War or Viet Nam. This is a work of fiction with some harsh realities added. The love and friendship was real though. Thank You, Sweetheart.

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt1

I'm the prison guard and Kareem Mwangi is the prisoner, so you would have thought I had the upper hand, and until a few weeks ago you would have been right.When I first heard of the trailer addition to the prison I was furious. A few states permit conjugal visits and the prisoner has to be married (just for a start) before his application to schedule one is approved. The prisoner requests a block of time and the Warden has final approval, but giving prisoners any sort of privileges is something...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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His Hardware Her Software

A consultant meets a beautiful IT Manager at a conference set up by a company hoping to sell their Warehouse Management system. Max’s part of the system makes picking easy using his voice software, instead of a hand held device. She is quite eager to learn more about it, and about him. This story begins with Max, a single, 42 year old software programmer, who owns his own consultant company. He’s been working with a company who developed a software that was used for big warehouses, to keep...

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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt3

That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...

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Sarah Carerra 310 Adams Center Arena

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: April 2, 2012) Chapter 10 - Adams Center Arena "Whoa," Madison said as I stepped out of the shower Saturday morning. I jumped slightly, since I thought she was still asleep. If I had known that she was...

3 years ago
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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 1

Verschlafen wachte ich am Samstagmorgen auf und gähnte erst einmal herzhaft. Dann bemerkte ich meine volle Blase und wollte aufstehen, um mich zu erleichtern. In dem Moment klingelte mein Handy. Maren! „Guten Morgen, Maren“, sagte ich noch ganz verpennt. „Guten Morgen, Kleiner! Na steht die Morgenlatte und ist die Blase voll?“, fragte sie ihn belustigtem Tonfall. „Äh… ja, der Schwanz steht und ich muss dringend auf die Toilette.“ Maren antwortete bestimmend: „Nichts da, die Pisse bleibt schön,...

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Deborah buys a Maren everyone loves raymond

Deborah found the mall exciting only when she had the chance to be alone. With Raymond and the k**s it was more like trying to shop with a circus at your heels. But today Raymond was watching the k**s and she had a few hours to browse and window shop in peace. As she entered one of the many mall hallways she noticed a peculiar store she had never seen before and saw the sign above the entrance read: Carol's Curiosities.She looked through the window and saw plenty of unique items that would look...

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Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale shadow on the heart

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without. To all my readers, thanks for your posts. I do read each one and some of the ones posted recently, they added to my ideas on where to go in long term plot ideas! So keep posting and thinking out there! Copyright ©2018 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by...

3 years ago
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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 02

Maren gab mir die Tüte mit den Einkäufen und wir schlenderten weiter durch die Mall. Ihr Geld, vielmehr das Geld ihres Mannes, saß locker und so schleppte ich schon bald eine beachtlich Zahl an Tüten. Langsam meldete sich meine Blase zurück, da ich mir ja noch nicht so wirklich Erleichterung verschaffen konnte. Als wir dann am Ende des Einkaufscenters an einem Springbrunnen vorbeikamen, wurde der Druck übermächtig. „Maren, ich muss pissen.", sagte ich und blickte mich nach einer Toilette um,...

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My Sweet Experience Of Sodomy By Naresh Manish And Jitesh

This is a true story about my experience of gay relations with 3 male occurred during my teenage as first lesson about sex. I was 18 years old then. My father was an officer and posted in an eastern district of U.P. We were staying with him in his official quarter. He was provided with a male servant Naresh, aged about 18 years and a watchman Jeetesh, aged about 22 years. In addition to that he has engaged a cook Manish aged about 23 years. It was the time, when my curiosity about sex just...

Gay Male
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Fucking Kareena Kapoor Sex Story

I'm a police officer with the LAPD and I was patrolling Sunset Boulevard in the wee hours of the morning when a silverMercedes went flying by me. The driver must have been blind not to see me or just didn't care. I flipped on my lights andstarted following behind the car as the driver turned onto a side street and pulled over. "Car 23 to dispatch, stoppingspeeder on North Palm Drive" I called in as I pulled out my ticket book and got out of my car. The driver put her windowdown as I approached...

1 year ago
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Tunch Mamiji Ki Hui Chudai Bina Saree Utare

Main 20 saal ka hoon, class 12 exams ke baad Jaipur chala gaya, height 6 foot 1nch hai meri. Mama ke ghar aya kyunki gaaon me acche college nahi tha. Mama, mamiji aur Amit unka 10 saal ka beta Jaipur wale flat me rehte the. Mama ki sarkari naukari hai, unka beta school aur mamiji housewife. Mama ne bca me admission karwa di, lekin session teen mahine baad start hota. To mama ne kaha tab tak ghar me hi padhai karne. Amit morning 9 baje school jata tha to sham 4 baje wapas ata aur Mama subah 10...

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Kareena Kapoors Honeymoon Night

As you all know, the sexy and gorgeous Chammak Challo, Kareena Kapoor married the hot and dashing Saif Ali Khan earlier this year.. They had been in a live-in relationship for many years during which he had fucked Kareena senseless many times.. He had also fucked her in the sets of Agent Vinod in her vanity van and then on the set when in a scene, while running from the villain, they fell on a bed decorated for the wedding couple.. After that, the whole cast and crew had enjoyed her creamy...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 26 Whats Wrong With Me Doctor

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 15, 2010) Chapter 26 - What's Wrong With Me, Doctor? I had just sat down to eat dinner with my family when my phone started to ring. I got up from my seat and quickly walked over to the table where I had set my purse. Digging...

4 years ago
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Kareena Kapoor having sex

I’m a guy from India. This trust me is a true story. No not a stories it is an incidence which truly happened. So I’m not going to reveal my name & any identities. Here is how it goes. I’m a guy working in a hotel at a hill station in Maharashtra.(I can’t tell my post or name of hotel or name of hill station as I can lose my job. Actually I’m taking a great risk here as if anyone knows abt this I’ll be dismissed immediately but anyways!). It’s a very royal hotel not meant for any ordinary...

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Aunt Margarets VisitPart 2 Aunt Margaret Intercedes

The wail of a mortally wounded soul brought Maggie and I to a startled awakening. My mother's body bent double as she clutched her stomach. She cried out her sister's name as if cursing a demon out to possess her soul. She moaned and collapsed to the floor unconscious. The pounding steps of my father beat a staccato rhythm on the stairs. Maggie didn't panic, but leaped out of bed, grabbed a robe and knelt by her prostrate sister. My father roared, "What's happened to her?" He quickly...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 9 school meeting

Thursday August 9 2007 6:10 am Guest cottage area The green space in front of my house Homestake Paranormal Activities Research Center I am running through my morning routine, when Becky rolls up with a cart and Gunny driving. I glance over the carts back deck, to see traveling bags all laid on it? I walk over to see what is happening "Hi Gunny what is going on?" "Heya Kyley, Ahh I think Becky should tell you? As I don't want to get hurt!" "Haaa you old warrior. Your afraid......

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 7

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels Peril a...

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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 2

Chapter 5 Mom? Bastogne winter unknown date I moved through the snow my black hair flying loose in the wind behind me while covering the girl in my arms with my body. It was freezing outside and the snowstorm reduced the sight to a mere few meters. I decided we would need some cover and I knew that the best way to find some was to walk to the towards the enemy lines. Howitzer were always build in some kind of trenches. Moving towards the rumpling sound of the ongoing bombardment I...

1 year ago
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kareena 2nd

"Spread your legs, girls." They did. "Wider", they obeyed, spreading their legs about 2 and a half feet wide. Kareena gasped as she felt the cold air of the room caress her bare pussy in that micro-dress. "Hands behind your head", again silent, unhesitating compliance. Even Kareena was obeying without any objection. Less for fulfilling her promise and more from the animal fires burning between her legs, I thought. After the shoes and socks I let Mahima take off my pants and...

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Sarah Carerra 235 Friends and Family

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: May 9, 2011) Chapter 35 - Friends and Family When Ethan opened the door and got a look at me later that afternoon, he busted out in laughter. I grimaced. I had failed miserably at my plan, and his reaction just proved that...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 2 Robin prepares Alfred beware

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 2 Robin prepares, Alfred beware! by Tawny Suede The evening before the date in Part 1... Sitting in her resplendent suite of rooms in the Manor, Robin inhaled a slow drag from her cigarette. As she exhaled the stream of smoke, she admired her lipstick on the filter of the cigarette. It was funny. More than a year ago, when "he" was just "Dick", he was appalled by the idea of smoking. But then the big change had hit him and now he thought the sight of any...

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Kareena kapoor sex at her farmhouse

Not a very brief period earlier .. Kareena Kapoor Khan .. welcomed Alia Bhatt into her fuck escapades .. though Alia .. didnt need any.. they drained that choreographer .. took him to his limits.. and made him gasp for his life ..Surely he wont be in any state to use that dick .. for a while now !!Kareena was back in India .. for Xmas Eve and New Years .. and on top of that she was getting restless.. after having that foreigner cock .. she was craving some Indian dick .. and not...

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Mo bia bhitare pua banda

Kali ratire genhi genhi raju mote kundhei soila. Sakhalu sakhalu sea mo pachare lagichi genhiba genhiba boli. Maa bia ku genhichi aau seea chadiba. Hau taku rati ku karibu boli kahili. Rati belaku raju banda ku dhoi room re basithila. Mu fresh hei hasi hasi room ku gali. Mo maana bi genhena khaibaku heuthila. Swami two month re thare asanti. Bia galu hua. Jaha heu raju kama chaleideba. Mu khata ku asiba matre raju mote bhidi nela. Hau aji masti kari heba. Dekhi khulilu. Mu dekhe kemiti achi....

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Zack and Daren

Zack I was laying on the bed, and Daren was laying on me. His head was just under my stomach and just above my hips. His legs were wrapped around my legs, and his arm was laying across my member. He moved his head slightly lower, and his shouler length, wavy, black hair rubbed across a bit of my bare skin' where my shirt had pulled up. He was making me so hot, just by looking at him. I began to imagine him, if he were awake, licking my member, that he was now lying his head so close to. He...

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Sarah Carerra 204 Song and Sand

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 23, 2010) Chapter 4 - Song and Sand Uncle Kevin and his family were gone when we arrived home after seeing Mary. I assumed that they had already headed down to the beach, and Mom said she'd drive me down after lunch to catch...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 2

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 3

Chapter 9 A new wardrobe and a Day at work After Sara and I managed to comfort Dr. Otto that I wasn't a threat, I finally was allowed to go back home. My clothes however didn't fit any longer and Sara seemed to understand what bugged me. "You know we should do something about your clothes Melanie." "Ain't no way around that?" I winced. "Don't you worry I happen to know the best tailor in Dunwich. Do you already have your school uniform ready?" I had not and I was pretty...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e8 Maree 57 company director from Nottingham

Series 3, Episode 8: Maree Our drone is flying in over the top of the Wollaton Park Golf Club in Nottingham on a drab and dreary cold day. The sky is grey, and the trees are leaning slightly in the wind. We come to rest on the fairway of the 15th hole. Four players, two husband and wife pairs, are wheeling their clubs toward us. We focus in on the two wives who are walking together a few paces ahead of the husbands. One thin, the other more ‘bulky’. We close in further on the bulky one ......

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 3

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

2 years ago
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Kareena Kapoor Bob

Hello everyone, my name is bob & I am not a terrorist  that line was from a Bollywood movie ). Alright I am a big fan of ISS & I have read so many stories here in multiple categories, which motivated me to write stories of my dreams. Girls I am virgin, if anybody likes to help me with it then please contact me at . Boys if you do not like my stories so I can understand because I am virgin & these are nothing but imaginations of mine. But if at all you like it then never forget to give your...

1 year ago
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Sarah Carerra 207 Press Forward

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: September 13, 2010) Chapter 7 - Press Forward Dad had hired a limo to take us home. I felt really weird leaving the hospital and climbing into a limo, but that's what happened. "You need to take it easy for the next week or so,...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 1

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 4

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. With this launch I am trying to go a different route and I will release the story in smaller chapters to make it easier on me to get...

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Vantier A whateley Tale chapter 5Dark Ones rise

Shadowsblade here. This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one. But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon! To have an idea about the main protagonist...

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Maree bahan or bua

Aik din mai college sa jaldee a gaya mom or dad office gaa tha kam wali chalee gae thee didi college sa wapis nahi aee thee, maina door bell dee bua na darwaza khola aj toon jaldee a gaya? Hain bua vo period khalee tha isee leya a gaya, khana khaa ga? Nahi bua didi ka sath khon ga, phir bua na kaha mai aram kar rahi haoin taree didi ae to batana khana garam kar doon gee, mai kuch parashan ho gaya ya kon sa time hai aram ka, abhi to bua so kar uthee ho gee, phir bua chalee gae or mai be...

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Maree shemale bahan

Hi dosto sunny again, recieving alot of friends stories, but care about some interesting & meaning ful stories, here it is 1 more. Hi mara name ram shiri chan(call ramu)age 18 1 sister name preti age 19 figure 30 boobs 26 waste 3″ cock, mom & dad is doing job abroad. Dosto ya recently he ki baat hai ka mujha pata chala maree bahan shemale hai. Mara dad 2 sa 3 years ka baad ghar ata hayin. Or ghar main hum 2 log he hayin. Middle class family… Wasa ya stories par kar maree neyat bahan par wasa he...

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Sarah Carerra 202 Tonight with Sarah Carerra

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 9, 2010) Chapter 2 - Tonight with Sarah Carerra The next few days passed slowly, but I was glad for the calm that had settled after the concert was over. It was a good break from the full- throttle schedule that I had been...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 11

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley completes her journey to Whateley and helps her soon to be roommate out. NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 20 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 34 Its Whats on the Inside That Matters

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: May 10, 2010) Chapter 34 - It's What's on the Inside That Matters "I'm scared, Mom," I told her while we sat in the waiting room of Dr. Holbrook's office Friday morning. "It'll be okay, Megan," she said and pulled me closer. I...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 9 The Debut Album

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 23, 2009) Chapter 9 - The Debut Album We were standing in the lobby of Olympic Records, having a good laugh at the name, when Scott came up to us. "Mr. Campbell," he said while extending his hand towards my dad....

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 41 Backstage Pass

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: June 28, 2010) Chapter 41 - Backstage Pass "You were awesome!" Sophie said as the girls and I stepped out of the backstage area and made our way toward the building with the dressing rooms. I was disappointed to come off stage and...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 7 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

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