Mark 2 Batgirl, Who Me? free porn video

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This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Characters in this story are loosely based upon the Batman Adventures animated show, since in the comics Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing do not appear or work together. Consider it a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. My imagination does not necessarily work within the usual DC Comics realm. Mark 2 Batgirl - Who, me? by Steve Zink part 1 Ever since donning the mantle of the bat a couple of years earlier to take Batman's place at a rally in support of her arrested father, Police Commissioner Gordon, Barbara had walked a tightrope in keeping him from finding out her alter ego. The prematurely grey Detective was cleared of the charges and brought back into action, which he relished. James Gordon may have been in his mid-forties, but he had the physique of a fit twenty year old. He lived for the action of working the streets with his force. Barbara Gordon was a petite redhead with a body to die for. It gave her father great pleasure to see the way she had trained her body to be fit and well toned. Her actual physique had probably been inherited from her late mother, who'd died while Barbara was still a preschooler. The small frame that Barbara was endowed with was proportioned perfectly, with a tiny waist and nicely rounded hips. It wasn't until she reached her junior year in high school that puberty struck Barbara hard, and it was at that time that her chest started to blossom to match the rest of her gorgeous body. By the time she'd become Batgirl, Barbara was blessed with a 40D-22-36 figure, and her costume showed it off nicely. Barbara had great difficulty sneaking in and out of her ground floor bedroom window at the Gordon residence. Her father wasn't deaf, and odd noises would lead him to her activities right away. Batgirl had to forgo some missions, merely because Barbara couldn't get away from her dad. Once she finished school and got a job at the library, Babs started working on persuading her father to let her move into her own domicile. Batgirl had to bide her time, and watch her moves very carefully. Finally getting her own apartment helped, since she no longer had to live under the same roof as her dad, but Batgirl now had the problem of getting in and out of her apartment without being discovered by her neighbors. One of the bedrooms in her two bedroom flat was being utilized as her computer center, from which she could tap into any system in Gotham City, or beyond if necessary. The other bedroom had more than just her bed in it. The large walk-in closet in her bedroom had a huge unused space behind it, and very conveniently, a ladder leading to ground level was only twelve feet to the right along the inner wall. Barbara had a working permit drawn up in her computer, with all the appropriate signatures in place, to have a large enclosed room built in the blank area behind her closet. The construction team were given the impression that the cute young redhead merely wanted a bigger closet in which to store her seemingly huge wardrobe. Little did they know just how large Barbara Gordon's wardrobe actually was. When the construction work was finished, Barbara herself rebuilt a thin wall at the back of her closet, in place of the one torn down by the workers. A carefully hidden doorway was built into the right side of the wall, in the back right corner of the actual closet. The door, when opened, would lead to Barbara's miniature Batcave. A large rack was assembled upon which her costumes could be hung, a dressing table with a brightly lit mirror on the wall above it was against the outer wall, and a shelving unit was put in next to the costume rack for her wig and cowl collection. Batman and Robin weren't the only disguise specialists in Gotham City. Thanks to her taps into the Bat Computer, Babs knew that their disguises went well beyond costumes, however. She knew the identities of all the members of the Bat team, and had been careful to make sure they did not know hers. She'd been thinking about that as she continued to worry about her dad and his suspicions. The hardest part of the construction for her hideaway had been the skinny walkway Barbara had to install leading from the doorway in the side of her unit along the wall to the ladder. She put this walkway on hinges so that when it wasn't in use, it could be folded up and not lead any straying eyes directly from the ladder to her room. Of course, the main reason that Barbara selected the complex into which she'd moved was that there was a lockable shed big enough for her motorcycle tucked away in the blank space on ground level. All she would have to do when Batgirl was needed, was to get into her little lair, change into her costume, open the door and lower the walkway, make her way to the ladder, then climb down two stories and walk forty feet to the concrete shed. There was a restricted access alleyway behind the complex, which had a thin facing between it and the blank space, so a quick action set of doors was built for the Batcycle to go in and out of. James Gordon did not become a Detective, and then eventually Police Commissioner, by being an unobservant fool. Even with his daughter out from under his wing, he still lived close enough to her to see her for dinner and other affairs on a pretty regular basis. He did wonder every now and then if Barbara was ever going to replace him with a younger man with which to spend her time, but so far she seemed to be a loner. What got his suspicions started long ago, therefore continued for the time being. Ever since Batgirl had come on the scene, he had noticed a distinct pattern of disappearances of his daughter. Every now and then, Jim would call to invite Barbara out for dinner, or to go to a movie, and she wouldn't be there to take the call. At the same time, it usually turned out that some kind of action had taken place involving Batman and Robin, along with their female ally, Batgirl. When Barbara started to notice a distinct pattern of behavior on her dad's part which showed a deep suspicion of her activities, she started to get a bit worried. What could she do to take him off the track? ******************** Bruce Wayne was what many young ladies in Gotham City, nay, all of New York, well, maybe even the whole country, thought to be the ultimate catch. He was still young at 35 with a vital heart, and even more enticing, he was a multimillionaire with every chance of eventually becoming a billionaire. He had a perfectly fit body with neatly trimmed black hair that many an Olympic athlete would crave, and it is easy to see why Bruce was a girl magnet. He had to put on the false front of being a playboy dallying with many young women to keep any serious women from getting close to the truth of his existence. The side of Bruce Wayne's life that had to be hidden from his playboy admirers was his dark side, the bane of villains everywhere, Batman. When Bruce was a youngster, his parents had been shot in front of his face by a young hoodlum who would also show up later to give him trouble. Bruce was raised after their deaths by the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth, who ended up being more of an elder adviser than a butler to the young Mr. Wayne. Throughout his early years of private schooling and tutoring, Bruce had been haunted by the vision of his parents being gunned down in front of him. As he matured, he vowed to put his inherited money, his acquired intelligence, and his hard earned muscular body into some way of avenging them. Becoming Batman gave Bruce the way. For the first year or so of his activities as Batman, Bruce was a loner. He took in Dick Grayson, a young acrobat who'd lost his parents to a contrived accident under the Big Top, almost out of pity in seeing how young Dick was going to go through the same hell he had. It was inevitable that Dick would eventually find out about the activities taking place below the mansion in which he lived, and soon Robin joined Batman in operating from the Batcave. Dick Grayson eventually had to move away from the Wayne estate to go to University, and it was shortly after graduation that Dick adopted a newer, more adult identity, Nightwing. He stayed independent from Batman and the Wayne estate, operating both solo and occasionally in partnership with his old friend in fighting crime. When Dick left the Mansion, Batman was once again operating alone. This did not last for long, though, as a young lad named Jason Todd stumbled across the Batcave one day, and almost by default, was then trained by Batman to be the new Robin. Jason's days as Robin did not last long, though. He fell into the hands of the Joker, the brilliant maniac who at one time earlier in his life had shot a couple of adults in an alleyway, but had to leave the kid behind alive so he could escape. Joker had no respect for human life at all, and out of sheer joy at tormenting Batman, placed the young Mr. Todd in a shack that he then blew up. Grief and a feeling of personal responsibility for Jason's death kept Batman as a solo operator again. Soon after Nightwing came into action in Gotham City however, a young computer hacker named Tim Drake accidentally made his way into the computer in the Batcave. In short order, Batman once again had another Robin to operate at his side. The most interesting point about this was that Tim was so young, only 14 when he first donned the red and green costume, and Bruce was getting so much older. The age acquired wisdom and worldly ways of Bruce became a much-needed inspiration for the youngster. Tim was an overachieving font of energy that absorbed all he could from Bruce, and at the same time gave Bruce a younger, more alive viewpoint on matters. So now, whenever the Bat Signal played upon the skies over Gotham City, there were usually at least two heroes answering the call. Robin sometimes could not get away from his home because of homework or some other restriction caused by his parents, but usually made his way out of the house whenever the alert came from Batman. Sometimes Nightwing happened upon the scene, either filling in for the missing Robin or occasionally making it a three man operation. All three were more than a bit astounded to find that they eventually had a fourth partner, but it most definitely wasn't a four MAN operation. Batgirl was looked upon by all three as a hindrance at first, just a well-built young woman in a costume, trying to butt in. Her intelligence, agility and eagerness to help, along with her good looks, of course, soon made Batgirl an accepted member of the Bat team. She proved her worth the most when she was working with Batman and/or any of the other guys when their opponent was Catwoman, Poison Ivy, or any one of the other villainesses that frequented the bowels of Gotham. It sometimes took the insight of a woman to defeat the opposing woman, and Batgirl proved to have an uncanny ability to work out what the bad girls were up to. She almost seemed to be able to think the way they did. ******************** Since both Barbara and Tim were computer hackers, it followed that eventually the two would meet up in the line of their non-Bat work. Robin eventually gained the confidence of Batgirl, and the two seemed to share something that drew grins occasionally during before and after battle sessions. Though Barbara was ten years older than Tim, the two worked together easily. It must have been the similar energy levels of their bodies that gave them the ability to stay at it, even when Batman was starting to show signs of fatigue in long engagements. Even Nightwing, who started to view Batgirl as a lot more than a fellow crimefighter, started to tire before the seemingly similarly aged Batgirl, and the young Robin. Perhaps Mr. Grayson was partaking of a bit too much beer? Barbara was on the computer one day, building up a database on supposedly secret 'black' weapons being developed for close-in combat, when Tim hacked in with his traditional, Yo! Babs grinned, and put the data building on hold. When Tim had her undivided attention, she zapped back a Hey! to him. Thirty minutes of idle computer chat then took place, with Barbara laughing out loud and her end and Tim having to stifle the laughter at his house so that his parents didn't come checking on him. In the middle of one guffaw, Babs had an inspiration, and waited for Tim to finish his latest missive. She then asked him to meet her later that night on top of the Waynetech Building, presuming that the criminal element would cooperate by staying inactive. Tim made the presumption that she meant in costume, because of the location, and Barbara got yet another chuckle. Barbara was in luck that night, as the Bat Signal stayed dark and no alarms were sounding anywhere in the city. When Robin bounded into view, Batgirl raised her yellow gloved right hand to high five him. After exchanging a few more ribald comments, Batgirl took Robin by his shoulders and said, "Hold on, Tim. I asked you to meet me here because I have a special favor to ask. I did not trust even our secure computer lines for this. Let's sit down." An equipment locker on the roof provided a bench, and the two crime fighters took a seat. "Tim," smiled Barbara, "I know that you and Batman must have made a breakthrough in some high tech disguises during the past year. I even found references in the Bat Computer to Batman being able to go undercover as a notorious, well known madam at a brothel once. Did you, yourself, ever do any disguises as a female? Robin grinned wide. "A year ago, after I hit 16 and Batman figured I was finally *mature* enough, he let me join him in undercover work," he told her. "You know that time that Batman was the brothel madam? Well, I was one her young whores! I really shouldn't be telling you this, but this scientist dude at the Wayne Institute made a breakthrough discovery in molecular memory." "You're kidding!" Batgirl gasped. "You were able to pass yourself off as a prostitute? How? And what's molecular memory?" With all her work in tapping computers, Barbara had never heard of the term. "I never got to the point where any sex was involved," Robin replied. "I'm not really sure I understand it, but in the Batcave, we have the prototype machine. It kind of maps a person's body down to the atomic level. It will only read living tissue, along with the not quite living stuff like hair, skin and fingernails, and with this data in memory, it can take another person and transform them into a perfect copy, as long as they have a similar mass. I became the identical twin of a teenaged whore, and Batman, the Madam. The originals were kept sedated at the Batcave. We found out which politicians were behind the vice and drugs in Gotham." Tim chuckled, then added, "I wish I had kept some of the pictures to show you. I got a kick out of them, but Batman was too embarrassed to hear of it!" Barbara shook her head, saying, "Don't worry, Tim. I'll take your word for it. Since you have done a female part, at least once anyway, how would you like to do it one more time?" Tim's eyes went wide. "Barbara, what do you have in mind? I didn't have any problem in working with Batman before, but if I have to go out on my own, I'm not so sure." He reached with his left hand, and placed it on her right thigh. "Would I be working with you?" "No, Tim," she said, "at least, not directly. I have a problem with my dad suspecting that Batgirl might be a part of his family. I'm going to try and show him that his suspicions are groundless. This invention sounds like a godsend! How would you like to be Batgirl tomorrow evening, while I'm at dinner with my dad?" "Gee, I don't know, Babs. Trying to fill in as you might call for a pretty hefty acting job," he told her. "Before, I had Batman with me, and was in a reasonably controlled situation. What you're calling for sounds a bit more hairy!" He looked more than a little bit scared. "Oh, come on, Tim!" Batgirl argued. "You could do it, I know you could. You've got the balls, well, maybe for tomorrow night you wouldn't want them, hee, hee," she giggled, "you know, you have the ability to pull this off without a hitch! It's only for a couple of hours!" A revelation suddenly dawned upon the young man. "Hey, we could do this! You and I are almost the same height, and I'm not a whole lot bigger than you in physical proportions. But then," Tim snickered, "you do seem to be a bit bigger than me in a few dimensions!" He was thinking, how would it feel to have *boobs* like Batgirl's, and actually *be* the famous crime fighter? Babs said between laughs, "I don't want even Batman to know what's going down, so is there any way you could sneak me into the Batcave to take my image, or whatever?" Tim was now getting excited. It appealed to his adventurous spirit. "Not a problem, Barbara. Batman is out of town for a few days, on some kind of mission with the JLA. We can go right now! I'd have to blindfold you, though, 'til we get into the cave." "That's great! I was worried that I'd have to scrounge up some yellow boots or get a custom set made in your size, but it looks like you'll be the same size as me. And since you've had experience in heels, I guess you won't have any problem in these boots," she told him as she lifted her own right foot, which had a four inch spike heel projecting from it. Tim laughed, "Just don't tell my folks!" Soon they were in the Batcave. Tim had alerted Alfred while they were on the way that he was going to do some research, so the caretaker was not alarmed when he saw the indications of activity down below. "That boy," he thought. "No matter what hour, always trying to learn more. Master Bruce was never this enthusiastic!" Babs looked around in awe after the strap was removed from her eyes. Though she'd heard tales and seen computer information, she'd never before witnessed with her own eyes the marvels of modern technology hidden away there. She could see where Bruce Wayne spent his millions. After a brief tour, Tim led her to the machine. He went around to the operator console as she stripped out of her costume, wishing he had a monitor to watch. Feeling just a bit queasy, Barbara stepped under the scanner and felt a tingle that seemed to penetrate every fiber of her being. Tim then read the dials. "It will work!" he called out. "Our masses are close enough, and the machine can now make a copy of you." Barbara knew now how pointless it was to worry about her nudity with a person that would soon share her body, and just walked right around the unit to peck Tim with a light kiss. He blustered, but then looking over her closely, thought it would be weird; tomorrow, he would actually *be* Batgirl! After putting her costume back on, Barbara handed Tim a sack which she'd filled at her apartment before they went to the Batcave. "Here, Tim, this is something for you to wear tomorrow. Dress as best you can in these. Tomorrow after school, get to the Batcave to make your transformation, then come to my apartment. Find some way to clear it with your dad to be out tomorrow night." "Okay, Barbara. I think I can work up some lame excuse like a club meeting or something. I've had a lot of experience in coming up with excuses for being out of the house!" he told her. "I can't wait, Barb! Watch for me!" part 2 Barbara made quick time in getting back to her apartment. She was very nervous, hoping she was doing the right thing and not getting Tim into any trouble. She decided to take a quick drive to nowhere, thinking it might relax her. One lightning fast change from black spandex to a blue cotton pullover over figure hugging jeans later, Babs was a good looking young woman instead of a costumed crime fighter. She brushed out her hair after pulling off the wig, and tied some sneakers onto her feet. Emerging from the door in the back of her closet, she grabbed a light jacket to ward off the chill setting in as the night developed. Driving almost on reflex, Barbara just meandered about. On an impulse, she made a turn and somehow found herself in an unfamiliar section of the city. Her car approached a shoe store with an empty parking lot, and something made her want to stop there. When she entered the otherwise empty shop, the shoe clerk smiled at her. "Miss Gordon, isn't it?" "How did you know my name?" she asked, puzzled. He laughed. "Your picture has been in the papers, hasn't it?" She shrugged. That had to be it. She'd been at her father's side during a number of awards ceremonies. Babs then caught sight of the footwear. Great, sexy looking footwear. Scanning the arrayed pairs of shoes and boots, she muttered to herself, "Geez, now I know where Catwoman gets her boots. Look at these things..." She was drawn to one pair in particular - - an attractive pair of patent red vinyl boots with what looked like at least six inch stiletto heels. She lifted one to inspect it. Barbara saw that though it had lacing up the front for effect, it also had a zipper down the inner side for easy on-off. When she looked at the bottom of the sole and saw the price of $125.00 on the tag, marked down from $300.00, she whistled, then said, "I've just got to get these!" The clerk happened to walk up at just that moment, and said, "Do you like those boots, ma'am? They set off your hair nicely. Would you like me to see if we have them in your size?" Barbara handed him the boot so that he could get the model number from the tag, and said, "Yes, please. I fell in love when I first saw them. I wear a size 7." He took the boot, got the number, and then set it back down with its mate. "Size 7? I'll go check. Hang on a minute," he told her. While the clerk was hunting, Babs looked around some more. She found a pair of thigh high vinyl boots with an inside zip that stretched to fit, and the sign next them said they were available in a number of colors. Barbara made a mental note in her photographic memory to come back at some point and check out the supply of these in her size. She was just picking up a pair of black ballet toed ankle boots when the clerk came out of the back room with two boxes in his hands. She set them back down and turned to greet him. "Looks like you found them," Babs said. "What's with the two boxes? Do you want me to try on different sizes or something?" Motioning to the seat, the clerk told her, "Oh, heaven forbid, ma'am. If you say you are a tiny size 7, I'm sure you are. I found your boots in red like you wanted, and also in black. I brought them both just in case I could persuade you to take them both." Barbara grinned, and said, "Well, I suppose my plastic is in shape to take a beating. Why not!" He smiled charmingly. "Why not, indeed!" Barbara untied the laces on her sneakers, then pulled them off and set them aside. The clerk lifted the red boots from the box, then unzipped each and pulled the stiffeners from the insides. He then knelt in front of Babs and slipped her right foot into a boot, and zipped it up. The left boot soon followed. Babs loved the tight feel they had, clinging to her calves. She couldn't believe how easily her feet fit in the boots! They seemed to caress her feet like no other shoes had before. They felt so comfortable, and on such high heels, too! As the clerk leaned back, still in a crouch, Babs stood. Her jeans fell back down to cover the boots down to her ankles, but the heels made her feel so good. The increase in height she took on made her feel regal. The four inch heels on her yellow costume boots were almost lame compared to these. "These boots feel divine!" she told him. "Am I ever glad that you brought out the black ones, too." As she started to take a few steps in her unbelievably high heels, Barbara quivered ever so slightly for a moment, then got her bearings and minced with short steps over to a vertical mirror. The clerk rose at the same time, and whistled. "You do look like a goddess in those boots, ma'am. I'm glad you like them." Babs twisted and turned in the mirror, admiring the shape coming out from below her jeans. "Like them? I love them! Would you please put my sneakers in that box? I'm going to wear these home!" As the clerk reached down for the sneakers, he smiled and said, "Wonderful, step on over to the register and I'll take care of you." When the happy young lady left the shop gloating over her great boots and what a steal they had been, the clerk's smile widened, and took on a satanic sneer. "Enjoy your boots, my dear Batgirl. I think they will broaden your life -- yes, I think you will find them very exciting! Very exciting, indeed!" Barbara had to be careful on the drive back to her apartment. The angle her feet were at compared to the gas pedal was quite a bit different from anything she'd done before. She just couldn't get over the feelings she got from the boots. They were just divine. After parking her Toyota in the designated spot for her apartment, Babs stepped out and proceeded to walk across the pavement. In her new boots, she noticed that she did indeed have to take shorter steps, but that meant even more clicks of the heels on the pavement. She just loved it! Disregarding the elevator, Babs decided to walk up the stairs to the second floor. Once inside, Babs went to her desk and picked up a ruler. On the way back to the couch, she passed her phone, and saw the blinking answer light. Setting the ruler down, she made sure the volume was turned up and then pressed the play button. "Hi, Babs, it's dad. I hope you haven't gone and made other plans for tomorrow evening. I'm still looking forward to treating you to a dinner at Maxie's. Call me when you get in. Bye!" Picking up the phone and the ruler, Barbara made her way to the couch and sat down. She punched the phone number for her dad, then stuck the phone between her chin and her shoulder. While listening to the bell ringing at her dad's end, Babs put the ruler against the heel of her left boot. She was just getting ready to whistle and say, "Six and a half inches!" when her dad said, "Gordon residence," and she had to say instead, "Hi, daddy! It's me, Babs. I just got your message." "Are you still meeting me for dinner tomorrow night?" "Yes, dad. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I've made sure to arrange everything else around it." She smiled, thinking about how she would trick her dad. "Okay, great. I won't bother to ask where you were earlier when I called. You're a woman with your own life to live, and I hope you were having some fun." Thinking that he must have thought Batgirl was out in action again, Babs then thought to herself, "You don't want to now what kind of fun I was having," then said, "Oh, daddy, you worry too much. I can take care of myself! I was just out shopping, and bought the most divine boots!" Knowing just how well Batgirl could take care of herself, Jim said, "I know, sweetheart. I just worry sometimes that you might be getting in over your head. See you tomorrow!" "Good night, daddy! Love you!" "Love you, too. Bye bye." Babs heard the click in the phone line, and set it down on the couch. She picked the lighter of the two boot boxes. She took her sneakers out, then unzipped her new red boots. Rezipping and then folding each boot in half, she put them in the box, then put her sneakers back on. She gathered up the boxes, grabbed her jacket, then went to the closet in her bedroom. The jacket went on a hanger, then Barbara reached behind it to open the doorway. Flipping on the light switch as she entered her hideaway, Babs then walked over to the dressing table and set down the two boxes. The red boots were taken from their box and then stood up on the rack next to her other boots, adding to the collection. She had to get the stiffeners out of the black ones, but before she set them on the rack with the others, Babs had an idea. "I wonder," she muttered. Babs set the boots on the dressing table, and pulled off her sneakers. She then stripped out of her regular clothes. She even took off her bra, because she didn't want it to show. Barbara walked over to the costume rack, and took down a long sleeved black lycra spandex leotard with high cut French legs. She also grabbed a pair of suntan shaded glossy pantyhose, some black fishnet tights, and her elbow length black gloves. Sitting at her dressing table, Babs slid on the hose, bringing the waist up past her own. She loved this brand of hose for the way they made her legs shine. Over these she pulled on the fishnets, and the effect of the hose below them was just what she'd hoped it would be. She then stood, and slipped her legs through the leg holes of the leotard. As she pulled the leotard up over her torso, the French cut legs showed almost all of her hips, reaching almost to her waist. Barbara felt the leotard pulling in her stomach and waist. The deep cleavage showed off her abundant chest nicely, with plenty of rounded skin showing. It was made of a special brand of spandex that Barbara had nabbed from Catwoman after one of their escapades, sort of a fortunes of war type thing. She'd made the leotard a few months earlier, and this was the first time she'd gotten around to trying it on. Barbara then slid her feet into the black boots for the first time. She felt the same electrifying feeling she'd felt when trying on the red ones at the shop. They just felt so divine! No, not divine, wicked! Delightfully wicked. Wicked? Where did that thought come from? She did feel somehow quite different from her normal, rational self. Barbara stood, then took short regal steps to her wig rack. She picked up her wig cap and pulled it on over her short red hair, tucking it all in. Next to her long red Batgirl wig was a waist length black wig. She picked it up off the wig stand, and placed it over her head. Barbara then went back to her dressing table and sat down, carefully placing her hair behind the seat. Why did she feel like she was on autopilot? Babs got out her makeup kit, and with a black eyebrow pencil, started working over her red eyebrows, until they were charcoal black. A black eyeshadow was used, and a black eyeliner completed the effort of surrounding her eyes in black. Barbara reached for a brush, and shaded her cheeks with a deep rouge. She applied ruby red lipstick to her lips, then coated them with a lipgloss sealer. Babs licked her lips, then blotted them. She looked into the mirror, and thought, "I know this is a disguise, but who am I? I don't recognize myself!" Almost without any control now, Babs stood up and pulled the gloves over her hands and arms. She walked over to the cowl rack, and reached with a black clad hand for a black domino face mask. It had been another war prize from Catwoman, one she'd worn a few years ago with an older costume. Barbara placed the mask over her eyes, noting the way the eyeholes covered all the skin around her eyes so that the black eyeshadow met black mask in one uniform blend. She reached behind her head, lifted her hair up, and pulled the elastic of the mask up and over it. After letting her hair fall back down over the band, she took a brush and combed it out. When she took a look at herself in the mirror, the black clad vixen said, "I know who I am! I am Catgirl! Meowwwrrrr!!!" Catgirl went through Batgirl's utility belt, looking for items she could use. She then went through the drawers of the weapons locker, and found a few more. One more of Catwoman's old toys was added to her armory, a 20 foot long bullwhip. Catgirl wrapped the whip around her waist and then up and over a shoulder, then back down and through the binding around her waist. She found a wide black belt in Batgirl's disguise collection, and a small black hand purse. The purse was strung onto the belt, and then the belt was put in place over her hips, well below the waist. The gadgets she'd nabbed from Batgirl's utility belt and weapons drawer were than placed into the purse, now a weapons kit on her hip. Barbara should have been more careful. The feelings she'd noticed earlier in the evening while wearing the red boots, making her feel so regal and proud, should have warned her. Then, using materials originally belonging to Catwoman, added to the intoxicating effect of the black boots, had combined with the nearly criminal mind that made Batgirl so effective, to alter her personality completely. Catgirl made her way to the doorway leading out of the hideaway, and flipped down the walkway. Her well-trained and agile body had no problem getting to the ladder, and she quickly made her way down to ground level. She took one look at the Batcycle, and scowled. Fortunately for her, Barbara had a second bike on hand, just for emergencies when the Batcycle might be out of service. Catgirl took the jet black Yamaha out of the shed, and wheeled it to the doorway. She wanted to make damned sure nobody saw her leaving. Catgirl saw nothing after she poked her head through the swinging doors. She eased the bike onto the street, then climbed onto it and cranked it up. The muffling system installed on all the Bat bikes and potential Bat bikes gave her a speed demon that hardly made a sound. The few people that looked up upon hearing a soft whispering sound were greeted with the sight of an incredibly sexy, black clad vixen with coal black hair streaming behind her head as she sped down the road. At first, Catgirl was driving her cycle aimlessly, thinking she would just hit a target of opportunity. Then a sudden urge struck her, and she made a sharp right turn. Catgirl brought the black Yamaha to a halt behind the Gotham Diamond Exchange. Reaching into her weapons kit, she extracted a spray bottle of acid. The area around the handle dissolved, giving her the ability to hit the locking mechanism itself with the acid. In no time, Catgirl had the door open, and was slinking in softly, keeping her heels from clicking, until she was sure no guards were on hand. Seeing no one, she pranced more casually, proudly making her heels announce her progress. When she found the display case holding the collection on loan from the Prince of Monaco, Catgirl stopped. She pulled a glass cutter from the weapons kit, and made a hole in the display case. Reaching in with her black clad right hand, Catgirl gingerly picked up the only item there without any diamonds on it, a Cat's Eye Jade, which stood out among the rest. She nabbed a diamond encrusted, four inch long Persian Cat, a brooch in the shape of a cat's head that was ringed with diamonds, and a diamond necklace with a ruby tiger attached. These were placed into a soft packet, then placed into her weapons kit. Just as she was turning to leave the building, Catgirl heard the clash of alarms going off. She had to hurry. Just before she got to the door, she heard a shout, "Halt! Stand where you are and don't move!" Catgirl had no intention of doing so, and stepped behind a pillar adjacent to the door. As the guard approached, she unraveled the whip from around her body, and jumped out in front of him. At just that moment, every light in the building came on, and the guard saw the image of a black demoness. She flexed her arm, and the whip came crashing against the gun in his right hand. "I don't think you'll be wanting to use that toy, little boy!" Catgirl yelled out. "I've got what I want, so I'm going to get out of your hair. If anyone wonders who the black goddess was in the pictures that I'm sure are being taken right now, tell them that Catgirl was here. Meowwrrrrr!!!!!" On that note, Catgirl slipped out the door and made her way back to the bike. She was gone, on a whispering comet, before anyone even looked outside. part 3 Catgirl made her way back to her lair via a roundabout route, just in case anyone had spotted her. Satisfied that she was unobserved, she parked the bike in the shed, then climbed back up the ladder. At the top, she again flipped down the walkway, then proudly pranced back to her lair. She opened the doorway and entered, without raising the walkway. Catgirl hid all her loot inside a shoebox under the table, except for the Cat's Eye Jade. This she decided to mount at the bottom of the V formed on her leotard. Once it was in place, her eyes became glued to it, as if they were entranced. Catgirl briefly became one of the most malevolently garbed mannequins ever seen, but after a few minutes, nodded her head, as if coming to a realization. She then started to disrobe, carefully putting all of the weapons back where she'd found them, and all the costume parts back in place on the rack and shelves. Back in Barbara's clothes, she then left her lair to go back into her apartment. The black makeup was washed away from her eyes, but the rouge on the cheeks and the lipstick were forgotten. Catgirl then went to bed, since it was midnight and she was getting tired. Luckily, Barbara had reset her alarm clock the morning before after shutting it off, and so, the occupant of the bed was going to be roused from her slumber in less than six hours. What Catgirl didn't know, though, was that the items that gave her an existence only did so while being worn. She didn't know that she would not wake up. Barbara was troubled by some fascinating nightmares that evening. She kept seeing herself as an evil villainess, creating havoc and working alongside her partner, Catwoman. The tone of the nightmares eventually faded, and when the alarm brought Barbara out of her slumber, she rubbed her eyes and wondered why she still felt so tired. After she reset her alarm clock for the next morning, Babs slipped her legs out from under the covers and dropped them over the side of her bed. She put off the tiredness as a side effect of the bad nightmares she'd had. She remembered tossing and turning, but couldn't recall any of the details. When Barbara slipped into the bathroom to relieve herself and take her morning shower, she noted the extreme makeup on her cheeks and lips. "Funny, I don't recall going out last night," she said to herself. It should have made more of an impact on her. Babs ignored it, and took a shower to start her day. She was looking forward to the afternoon and evening. ******************** Tim Drake went directly home after the meeting with Batgirl. His day at school was typical. None of the classes came close to challenging him, and he had to fight off the boredom that kept creeping in. The after-school games and team practices were skipped out on, as he sometimes did. Tim missed them so often that his absence didn't even raise any eyebrows anymore. If they'd known that Robin was out on duty all those times Tim was gone, maybe somebody might have said something. Tim was careful, however, to avoid any references to the boy wonder at school. As he'd done on a number of occasions, Tim proceeded home and changed into his costume. The red top with short billowing green sleeves over green tights, with a cape that was gold on the inside and blue on the outside, was a big improvement over the old Robin costume, Tim thought. He even considered his leg coverings as tight fitting pants, not tights; after all, they were heavily lined with Kevlar armor, along with the rest of the costume. How could anyone consider Kevlar as tights? Sneaking out of his house as easily as he'd snuck in, Tim made his way to the hidden Redbird, his own personal Batcycle. Sliding the red helmet over his head, Tim made sure all the com links were working by setting up the Gotham City police channel. Just as it was concluding, he caught a reference to a heist the night before by Catgirl. "Catgirl?" he wondered aloud. He'd have to check up on that later. Once he was zipping down the highway, Robin keyed in the Batcave on the radio. Robin called in to Alfred. He told Alfred that he needed to come in to the cave and do some work in the Bat Computer. Alfred set the alarms to watch for the Redbird, and then told Robin to have fun. After parking the Redbird next to the Batmobile, Robin took off his helmet and set it on the seat. The first thing he did was to boot up the computer, just in case Alfred came checking, then Tim proceeded to the molecular modifier. He undressed, and did a scan to store his own image in it; otherwise, he wouldn't be able to switch back to himself. That had been impressed upon him by Batman! When that was done, he set the machine for Babs' body, and feeling both excited and scared, he activated the machine. Every part of his body seemed alive with excitement, and he trembled. Tim passed out for just a moment, then came to. "That was weird!" he said -- and she knew Barbara's voice well enough to know that it was Barbara she'd just heard talking. Sure enough, the computer confirmed that for her. To cover her tracks, Tim then erased from the computer's memory any reference to the actions he'd just taken. The disc with Tim's physical makeup on it was hidden in his rack of computer game discs. Tim just couldn't help herself. She went to a mirror. A grinning Barbara Gordon stared back out at her. Her magnificent tits were tingling and jiggling. Feeling guilty, Tim played with them! She couldn't believe the sensations she felt as he tweaked the nipples. That felt great! Babs would never know! She saw her beautiful face filled with passion in the mirror. Could this really be him?! Reluctantly, she stopped -- she had to get to Babs' place like he'd promised. She grinned with luscious lips. She would have plenty of time for that later, yes sir! Tim then asked the computer to access any data collected from the GCPD on the heist he'd heard about. She told it to specifically key in on the name, Catgirl. In moments, the computer was pouring out police reports about the break in, the goods stolen, and pictures taken at the scene by security cameras. She had to admit, the vixen she saw in the pictures sure looked wicked enough, almost like a younger version of Catwoman. The report said she called herself Catgirl, so maybe there was some connection. Nothing else was available, since the culprit had disappeared right away, without any trace. Feeling silly, Tim started dressing in the clothes Babs had dropped off the day before. She wished now that he'd looked at what was in the bag at that time. Putting them on was awkward at first, but she soon got the hang of it. Babs must have wanted to tease him, because she had picked out a short black leather mini skirt, a tight, provocative, low cut blouse, and four inch heeled shoes. "I'll get her for this," Tim vowed in laughing embarrassment. Tim put Robin's helmet back on over her now lush, thick red hair, strapped herself onto the Redbird, then zipped out of the Batcave. The trip to Barbara's apartment gave no indication that anything at all was happening that afternoon in Gotham. ******************** Break to a high cost high rise in downtown Gotham. Inside one of the penthouse suites, we see a woman with a long raven mane and the ultimate in voluptuous bodies, soaking in a bubblebath in an antique stand alone bathtub. This woman was at least one other interested party that caught the notice about the robbery the night before by Catgirl. Selina Kyle was enjoying her soak when the news on the TV broke to the robbery story. When she heard about the heist on a target that she herself had planned on hitting, Catwoman took notice. She sat bolt upright in the tub, her eyes and ears glued to the TV set. "Catgirl? Who the hell is Catgirl?" she screamed, loud enough to scare away two of her pet kitties that were sleeping in the bathroom doorway. The image she saw that was taken from the security cameras made her grin. "At least the young upstart has got the body and the costume to fit the name!" Catwoman would have to watch for any more appearances of her namesake. In what may or may not be a shoestore, a man heard the same news and smiled with satisfaction as he rubbed his hands together. It looked like Barbara Gordon was enjoying her purchases. That was good. Very Good. ******************** Barbara heard references to the robbery all day, first while eating breakfast, and later via radio and TV newscasts. Her reference desk at the library had a complete communications center, all at her own insistence after getting the job. Besides a number of computers, there were radios, TV's, faxes, photocopiers and scanners. She had programmed one of the VCR's to tape any broadcast with mention of the heist. When Barbara first caught a view of the pictures taken of Catgirl, she whistled, and thought to herself that Catgirl was a viscious looking character. Babs committed the image to her photographic memory, but somehow failed to see the connection between what the vixen was wearing and some costume parts in her own inventory, or even the image she'd seen in her own mirror the night before. Perhaps if the camera angle had shown the parts of Catgirl below her knees, she'd have at least recognized the boots. Then again, they were readily available boots. Or were they? Barbara's day went more or less slowly, other than the news about the new villainess. She went over to Police HQ on her lunch break, to see if her dad had anything more on Catgirl than what the news media had put out. She explained her interest to him as merely a natural curiosity about events transpiring. Over a quick bite in the HQ cafeteria, Jim told his daughter that the only thing they knew about it that the news people hadn't mentioned, was that Catgirl had escaped on a very quiet motorcycle. Another tidbit added to Barbara's personal data field, but still she failed to make any connection with known quiet motorcycles. It would probably be asking too much for Babs to see the entire picture as a self portrait. After all, she knew who she was -- didn't she? Back at her apartment later in the day, Babs waited anxiously for Tim to arrive. She figured on the time school got out, then added a bit for a trip to the Batcave. But Babs had no idea how fast the machine worked -- or if it would work at all! Her ringing doorbell brought her out of her reverie. Barbara went to answer it, and opened the door to *herself*! Intellectually, she had been expecting it, but it was still an emotional jolt to come face to face with herself! Tim grinned with her lips. "Hello, Avon calling. My name is Barbara Gordon, miss. May I ask to see the lady of the house?" Babs giggled. It was unreal. "My name is mud!" she answered. "Thanks, Tim. My God, if I didn't know I was me, I would swear that you were Barbara Gordon," she sighed, staring at her gaudily dressed double. "Well, then, let's get you into costume, girl! We're sure cutting it close on time, Tim," Barbara added. "I hope we can get finished in time for me to get to my dinner date." Barbara's twin smiled and told her, "Not to worry! I'm sure we can get me into costume by 6. Hey, did you hear about Catgirl?" "That's the only significant news coming out today," Babs answered. "The pictures I saw of her make her look deadly, and from the report of the guard who saw her in person, she seems to be pretty gutsy. I have to wonder what the connection is between her and Catwoman." "I checked the Bat Computer while I was in the Cave, and it had no more than the news broadcasts. She looked pretty sexy to me, besides being mean and nasty," Tim told her. "She bore a striking resemblance to an earlier file photo of Catwoman, taken many years ago. Think maybe they're related?" Barbara looked her in the eyes, and said, "I doubt Catwoman is old enough to have a daughter looking like Catgirl. I've been up close and personal with Catwoman on a number of occasions, and she does not strike me as being an older lady. No, I think there is some other, more dire background to Catgirl." Tim had never been to Barbara's apartment before, even though she knew about it through computer records he'd checked. She had no idea how she could be Batgirl and operate out of the apartment as she saw it. Babs took her into the computer center in the second bedroom, and Tim's mouth fell agape, but before she had a chance to say anything or get her hands on any of the keyboards, Barbara yanked her by an arm and then led her into her bedroom. "Barbara, don't you think I'm a little young for this?" she joked, as she led her past her bed. "Still a virgin, Tim?" she asked. "I thought that with the rampant morals in the high schools these days that you'd've been laid many times by now!" Tim was pretty sure Barbara didn't know about Stephanie, his girlfriend that was soon to give birth, but since it wasn't known yet just who the baby's father was, she kept her mouth shut and just grinned with a shit eating grin. "Why, you little..." Babs giggled, as she reached into the back of her closet. Tim was a bit surprised when she saw Barbara disappear into the back of her closet, but recovered quickly and figured that she was supposed to follow her. Pushing some hangered blouses and jackets aside, she saw the hatchway and stepped through. Once again, Tim's mouth took the shape of an 'O' as she took in the sheer amount of costume supplies, weapons kits, and other feminine paraphernalia in the mini Batcave. "Welcome to my own little part of the Bat world, Tim!" she proclaimed. part 4 "Wow, Barbara, you really are well equipped here," Tim said. "I don't even want to think of how you hid this in your dad's house before you moved." Babs chuckled. "Believe me, Tim, you don't want to know. Now, let's get going, here. Go ahead and strip down to your birthday suit." Tim hesitated for just a second, then figured that, after all, it was her body, and she saw it every day! Barbara was doing a quick visual assessment as more and more of Tim's physique became apparent. It was true. Tim was actually exactly like her physically. She wondered briefly if he had made any mental changes as well. Anyway, right now she was one hell of a beautiful woman, if she did say so herself! Babs knew she'd have to apply the makeup, since Tim probably didn't remember anything of it from the year before. She started with a basic foundation, thankful that Tim's complexion was identical to her own. This was then powdered, and blush applied to his cheeks. Babs worked the blush carefully to blend the shapes of Tim's face into a beautiful vision. Batgirl was going to look stunning, as usual. When wearing her mask, Barbara almost always wore electric blue eyeshadow, so Tim's eyelids and the area below her eyebrows were worked over. She did up her lashes with a black mascara, then used a black pencil to line the lids. Her traditional fire engine red lipstick was applied to her lips, lined with a maroon pencil, then sealed with a lipgloss. When she was finished, Barbara was looking at a live version of what she normally saw as a reflection while getting changed. Barbara grabbed the nearest wig cap from the shelf and pulled one over Tim's head. She tucked the loose strands of red hair up under it, then pulled down her Batgirl wig. This wig was the same color as her own hair, but fell in waves to just below the shoulder blades. Knowing that Tim could handle the brushing, she gave her the brush while she went to get the batsuit. When she pulled the hanger from the rack with the black spandex suit on it, Barbara saw the black leotard hanging next to it, with the Cat's Eye Jade glowing. For an instant, her eyes were locked to it, and she softly said, "Yes." Tim thought she heard Babs say something to her, and said, "Babs? I'm sorry, did you say something?" Tim broke the Jade's hold on her, and Barbara shook her head, blinking. "What did you say, Tim? I missed it." Tim figured Babs must have been in another world, and couldn't know how correct she'd been, when she said, "Oh, nothing, Babs. I thought I heard you say something to me as you were pulling the suit off the rack." Barbara looked at the hanger in her left hand with the batsuit on it and the hanger in her right hand with the leotard on it, and wondered why she was holding both. She hung the leotard back up, and pulled the batsuit off its hanger. Barbara pulled down the zipper on back, then handed it to Tim. She slid first her left leg, then her right, into the legs of the suit, then pulled it up, smoothing the material on her legs as she went. The material felt even more silky than the hose she'd worn the year before, and she said, "Babs, what is this material? It feels awesome!" Babs put on a wide grin, and said, "Tim, that is a material that was developed as a teasing device by Catwoman. It clings to the skin like spandex, but massages and stimulates the skin to bring on a truly amazing feeling. You're gonna love it when it is covering your whole body, and not just your legs. I find that it makes me faster and keeps the adrenaline up!" Barbara was starting to reach behind Tim to pull up the zipper, when she surprised her and did it all by herself. Tim's arms seemed to know what to do, she thought. Tim sort of wiggled as she felt the material working her skin, and said, "You mean you go into action with this suit giving you a massage every time?" "Yeah, don't you just love it?" she replied. While Tim was straightening out her hair over her back, Barbara was struck by the fact that she was watching Batgirl get dressed. The work they'd done had paid off. "Well, Batgirl," she said, "what would you like to put on next, your boots or your gloves?" Tim picked up on the reference real quick, and said, "The boots, please. I want the dexterity of my fingers to work with before putting on the gloves. "From here on, try to start thinking of yourself as a female, not a male. You'll find it making the disguise that much easier. Also, as you'll soon see, those gloves have all the dexterity of your own fingertips." God, she was moving so much like herself -- Batgirl! -- it was unreal! "Would you hand me my boots, please," she asked. Babs was still a bit stunned, but handed the boots to Tim. She sat down on the seat and slipped first one, then the other foot into the yellow boots. The zips were pulled closed, and Batgirl felt her calves fit into their feminine shape perfectly. Barbara handed her the yellow gloves next, and these were pulled onto her arms, with a moment spent in straightening out the bat scalloping on the outer edges. Barbara was marveling at the way Tim was doing it just the way she normally did. Babs picked up the yellow utility belt to pass it to Batgirl, and wondered why one of the compartments was open. She couldn't remember using it recently, and never left them open, regardless. "Whatever," she mumbled to herself, and closed the lid without checking for what should have been inside, then passed it to Batgirl. Batgirl strung it around her hips, well below her waist. She sincerely hoped she would not find a use for the utility belt that evening. Babs took hold of the yellow cape, and passed it to Batgirl, who noticed that her fingers had no problem handling it, just as Babs had predicted. She clipped it to her shoulders, then swished her hair back out over it. "Now for the crowning touch!" Barbara exclaimed. "Your cowl, Batgirl!" she said as she handed the black headpiece over. Batgirl threaded her hair through the slot in back, then pulled it up and over her head. The bottom was pulled down to her throat, where Velcro attachments hooked it to the back of the cowl. When the bottom was tucked into the top of the suit, Batgirl was in full costume. "My dear, you look outstanding!" Barbara said. "I could retire to the easy life of a librarian and let you take over, as good as you look. But then, I suppose Batman might want to have Robin around every now and then, so I guess after tonight, I'll be back to doing my night job!" "You may have to fight to get this costume back," Batgirl said, in a voice that echoed her own. "Just kidding! I'd hate to think of having to relearn how to fight in this form." Barbara led Batgirl to the doorway leading to the outer walkway, then said, "Okay, here's the plan. My dad is treating me to dinner at Maxie's. You know it, don't you, the steakhouse on route 3?" "Sure do, I've been there with my folks on a number of occasions," Tim replied. "Do you want me to make an appearance there, so that your dad can see you and I together in the same spot, or did you have something else in mind?" "I doubt there could be any reason for you to show up at the restaurant, Batgirl. Just use the comm gear on your Batcycle to monitor for any activity, doing a casual patrol. If any activity does come up, don't try to get involved too much, since you aren't used to fighting in that form, but I'm sure that word will get to my dad that Batgirl was on the scene. Make sure they take pictures. If nothing does come up, I'm pretty sure we're due back at my apartment by 9. Try and drive by on your bike somewhere between Maxie's and here so that dad can see you." "Sounds good, Barb," Batgirl replied. "Have fun tonight!" "I'll try, but having my dad watching over me is going to be tough, as well as the excitement I'll feel as another me is roaming around, in my costume and on my cycle," Barbara said. "Here, let me show you how to get to the Batcycle." Barbara opened the door, expecting to have to flip the walkway down. To her surprise, it was already down. She thought she'd retracted it last night, but maybe she forgot. Babs would have found another anomaly if she had gone to the shed holding the Batcycle, instead of Batgirl. Batgirl had no way of knowing that the Batcycle being stuffed behind a jet black Yamaha was out of the norm. As Batgirl sped out of the hideaway, Barbara went back inside to change into some dinner clothes. She had about 20 minutes before her father was expected. They had timed it perfectly. Jim Gordon pulled into the parking lot at precisely the time he'd predicted, and Babs wondered if he had some way of working around the timing of stoplights and the general flow of traffic. Of course, driving around Gotham City in both official and unofficial vehicles over the years had given him an uncanny ability to arrive anywhere he needed to be almost exactly when predicted. He parked the Montero in a designated guest spot, and was a bit surprised to find Barbara coming out the front door as he was about to open it. Barbara had learned to be on hand when her father had given an ETA. Babs was maybe a bit overdressed for the occasion, her father thought. After all, this was only dinner at a family steakhouse, not a banquet. She was wearing a floor-length dress that almost qualified as a gown. It was powder blue in color, with white lace trim. A wide white belt was used, making it evident just how small a waist she had. Jim got the impression that Babs was standing just a bit taller than usual, but put it off to just the way she carried herself. Every now and then, Jim caught sight of a flash of red beneath the long dress, and remembered Babs saying something about having gotten some new boots. It was so she could get away with wearing her new red boots that Barbara picked the long blue dress to wear. Most of her dress shoes pinched in one way or the other, but her new boots just seemed to fit incredibly well. What Barbara had failed to notice in her reverie was that she was becoming more and more adept at walking and moving around in the extreme heels that had been a bit of a problem at first, the night before. She should have wondered how heels of that height could possibly be worn with ease. Another reason for the bit of overdressing on Barbara's part was the fact that her boots made her feel so regal. A simple cotton dress for dinner? Perish the thought! Dress in class! Mr. Gordon even noticed a slightly different manner in which his daughter worked her plate at the table. No sloppy handling of silverware, it was all picked up and replaced with gentle care. Ham handling rolls or napkins? Not a chance! Her fingers daintily picked up the rolls, and the tiny bites she took showed some kind of restraint he'd never before seen. Napkins were picked up gently and dabbed to her lips. Was this really his daughter eating dinner with him? Barbara may have blown her opportunity to show her father that she and Batgirl were different women. Right now, Batgirl was acting more like Barbara that Barbara was. Barbara was becoming further and further intoxicated with the enchantment of her boots. After the meal, father and daughter chatted over coffee. Jim felt more at ease about the classy demeanor of Babs, and she spoke eloquently about the day's activities at the library and plans for the future. She very carefully worked around any reference to time spent at the apartment that afternoon. Babs sincerely hoped that Batgirl was going to make some kind of public showing to make her dad know that his suspicions were groundless. The night at Maxie's finally came to an end, and Jim walked behind Babs in going out to the Montero. He had never noticed her carrying herself the way she was, almost regally. They got back to the apartment right at 9, but Babs never caught sight of Batgirl, so she was sure her father hadn't either. She hoped nothing really dangerous had developed for her while on patrol. Instead of parking, Jim pulled up in front of Barbara's first floor hallway entrance, and watched as she lifted herself from the car, pranced in quick short steps to her doorway, then turned to wave good-bye to him, saying, "Good night, daddy. Thanks for the dinner. See you tomorrow!" "You're welcome, Babs. Good night, and sleep tight." He waved, then drove off. part 5 While Babs and her father were dining, Tim was navigating the Batcycle in a squares pattern through downtown Gotham. So far, the faux Batgirl had been lucky. No crimes had been reported calling for her help. She checked in with Alfred and was told that all was quiet. It was so funny that Alfred thought she was the real Batgirl!

Same as Mark 2 Batgirl, Who Me? Videos

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 02

Title A Day in Gotham — 2 – Batgirl Begins2 ((Author’s note — this is the second part of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. As with all multi-part stories, it would be better read after Batgirl Begins 1, but for anyone who wants to dive straight in I’ve added a very brief summary of events in the story so far below. I really, really recommend reading the first part first though! And, before moving on, a quick vote of thanks to NaughtyIrishGirl for her unwavering support and enthusiasm. Please enjoy...

2 years ago
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Batgirl Returns Part One

Introduction: Oracle redons the latex costume as Batgirl once again. Oracle had redonned the Batgirl uniform once again, it had been a few nights since her intial return to crimefighting and subsequent take down. One she did not want to have happen again, her body still ached all over. She entered into the Old Gothaam Adult Toy factory, it had long since been abandoned and used by derilects and such. She walked through the main area, she walked past display vacbed, and tables that had custom...

3 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 01

(Author’s Intro…. This story (Episode 2) is a ‘prequel’ to the ‘A Day In Gotham’ series that I wrote a year or so ago. In particular, it precedes ‘Batgirl’s Dilemma’ which is the first story that I wrote and technically is Episode 3 in the series. I always had it in mind to come back to Batgirl at some stage (she’s such a fun character!) and fill in some gaps, and this story attempts to set the stage for some of the later action. As it developed, it grew (as usual!), so I’ve split it into...

4 years ago
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Batgirls predicament chapter 1

Batgirl slowly opened her eyes, moaning, only to find that it was all dark around her. Her head was pounding and she felt disoriented and weak. She immediatley knew on some level that something was not as it was supposed to be, but she couldn't get her mind to think straight. She struggled to keep her eyes open, only to find that it was too hard, and she drifted back to sleep again, her subconscious vaguely recognizing that she was restrained somehow...Sometime later, she awoke again, only to...

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Harley Quinn and Batgirl

Batgirl was out in gotham it had been a long night and she was ready to head home as nothing much was going on. Just then something caught her eye a shadow in the next street.She moved stealthy over and knelt down peering around the corner, she saw harley quinn trying to break in to the back of a jewelers store, batgirl sighed thinking she was in the mood for this but moved round the corner sneaking up behind harley."need a hand there harley" batgirl said, harley jumped around "no im ok...

2 years ago
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Batgirl Returns Part One

It was a slow night for Roland. He hated the late shift, especially patrolling the adult toy factory. His girlfriend had left him several weeks ago and seeing all the sex toys made him wish he had someone to play with. But he didn't really have time for a relationship right now. But he needed to get laid though. As he walked the factory he heard a noise and he pointed his flashlight in the direction. He saw a woman in a skin tight costume. "Hold it right there!" he called...

4 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Undone

A Day In Gotham – 7 — Batgirl Undone (Rejection, discipline, a stranger lights up the day) (Follows episode 6 — Batgirl’s Torment) (Author’s note — this represents a further episode in poor old Batgirl’s monumentally dysfunctional life — sorry for the delay — useful if you read the previous episodes first but not essential — hope you enjoy – comments welcome!) Contents, Chapter 1 — Keeping an Eye on Things Chapter 2 — Batgirl Prepares Chapter 3 – Robin’s Big Chance Chapter 4 – Batman’s...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Begins 03

((Authors Note — here’s the third and final episode of my Batgirl Begins trilogy. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing about my favourite super-heroine. As with all such series, it’s probably best to read episodes one and two first, but if you can’t wait here’s a very, very brief summary of events so far. Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) has just started out on solo patrols. With Batman’s help she captures a dangerous criminal called Marco. Flushed with success she goes to Wayne...

3 years ago
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Batgirl Perspective of an Artist

“That was a great interview!” gushed Anita McCall as she and Dr Susannah Lascelles left the Gotham Museum of Modern Art. “Don’t mention it,” replied the tall woman with the long curly blonde hair, “It was a pleasure in every way. Not only did I get the chance to talk about my life’s’ passion for art but I did it with someone who is quite a work of art herself!” Anita laughed nervously. “Oh,” she chided, “I’m sure there are plenty more pretty girls in this fair city!” “Don’t sell yourself...

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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Vexed

A Day In Gotham – 8 — Batgirl Vexed (A promise fulfilled, a catty surprise, a dangerous enemy) (Follows episode 7 — Batgirl Undone) (Authors Note — It’s taken a while to pull together, but thanks for your patience if you’re following the series. As this implies, this story follows on from my previous efforts, but it can be read as an isolated story if you wish. As usual, Batgirl is still trying hard to sort out all her complex personal relationships with friends and foe alike!) * ...

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Wonder Woman Batgirl Sushi AdventureChapter 5

The time was somewhere 7 in the evening. There was a full moon up on the sky, shining very brightly. It was a very large restaurant, surrounded by palm trees and the sea behind it. In front of it was a vast car parking space. Tonight tons and tons of limousine have been coming by, as the filthy wealthy and the criminal elements from America and all over the world had been coming just for one thing — expensive nyotaimori dining. Inside the restaurant the space was very large, even larger than...

3 years ago
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Shrunken Batgirl

Her memory of the past night was still clouded. As her alter-ego Batgirl, she remembered trying to enter a supposedly closed lab building to look for several missing women. One of her sources had told that a group of scientists was doing experiments on live people there. All that she could remember was a bright light........ ....Suddenly, she felt the room starting vibrate as what sounded like giant steps approached her "room". In an instant, the "ceiling" opened up, and to her shock,...

2 years ago
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The Fall of Batgirl

As promised here is a suite :) But the story is in future so the names may change As I said before the Supergirl is no more she's now Super Evil and with Poison Ivy they love each other but with their sex thristy and their lust mind they want more so they think together how to hunt down the others heroines and they both choose targets Super Evil will take care of Wonder Girl and Poison Ivy chooses the Batgirl. Batgirl alias Barbara Gordon daughter of general Gorgon himself great grand son of...

3 years ago
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Batgirl and Robyn

Batgirl and Robyn 1. Broken Routine Cecily was a pretty detective sergeant with an overwhelming crush on a colleague. Detective Inspector Robin Cloud was the object of her crush, and Robin was her boss. Despite her rationalising, and deliberate attempts to find attractive boyfriends elsewhere, the puerile schoolgirl crush on her boss refused to go away - In fact - The more she tried to spurn him - The more attractive he became in her eyes. "I never had crushes on anybody...

1 year ago
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New Life for Batgirl

The event in this story takes place shortly after the Joker's attack on Batgirl that crippled her for life. Barbara Gordon lay in her hospital bed shortly after her crippling incident with the Joker. She curses herself for being so dumb to get caught by that maniac. She had spent the last few hours crying then getting mad and finally crying again. The Doctor's told her that she would never walk again. She did not know what to do. A nurse came in and handed Barbara an envelope. She simply...

3 years ago
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The Batgirl

Her ass looked like heaven. He’d never seen a smoother, more perfectly shaped set of feminine hips. Her hips couldn’t be better displayed than in those skin-tight, white and pinstriped, polyester baseball leggings.She was the batgirl and he’d been told she was strictly off limits, but Hollywood Kasey couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass. Even standing in the ‘on deck’ circle, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass. He couldn’t be more mesmerized. Bent over scooping up some scattered baseballs by...

Straight Sex
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 01

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! I’ve received a number of queries about whether I was going to come up with any more Batgirl stories, and I must confess that I do enjoy writing them, so here’s a little series taking our intrepid young warrior beyond that rather traumatic ending in the last story – Batgirl Wins 04. I hope you enjoy, and please comment and/or vote. I love to hear from you… Duke )) Index :- 1. The Start of...

1 year ago
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Wonder Woman Batgirl Sushi AdventureChapter 3

It has been two weeks since Wonder Woman and Batgirl had been serving Sanchez and his men. Their lives became routine. Their morning began with their training in sexual techniques. In the afternoon, they would be at Sanchez's office, giving him his daily blow job. When Sanchez wanted a break, he would unzip and stand next to their heads, as they knelt down under his desk, and Batgirl and Wonder Woman would obediently suck him and swallow his cum. If he had no time for having his cock sucked...

3 years ago
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Life With AlphaChapter 19 Batgirl

On a Wednesday in January, Beta, Kasumi, Kara and I took the afternoon off to look at real estate. When I had first started on this adventure to recreate fictional women for my own pleasure and company, I had built a rather large house to accommodate everyone. I hate the word mansion, but that's basically what it was. Three above-ground floors plus a large (and secure) basement. It had fourteen bedrooms and was currently laid out to comfortably hold up to 22 people. (It was originally...

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Batgirl in Charge

*BUZZZZZZ *BUZZZZZZ You slowly open your eyes, irritated at the noise that has awakened you from your slumber. Your hand searches around your nightstand before grabbing the source of the noise, your phone. The light from the screen pierces the darkness momentarily blinding you. When your eyes adjust, you see the name 'Bruce.' Tapping the answer button, you put the phone up to your ear. "...Hello," you say groggily. "Barbara, it's Bruce." "You know, Bruce, there's this new thing called caller...

4 years ago
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ballbusting Batgirl

Una notte come tante a Gotham City. Le strade sono quasi deserte, il vento trascina lungo i marciapiedi fogli di carta e la pioggia sottile cade sull'asfalto. Dall'alto dei tetti Batgirl osserva la situazione. Quattro rapinatori hanno disattivato l'allarme della gioielleria e sabotato il sistema di sorveglianza e stanno forzando la porta principale indisturbati. Ci sanno fare, ma gli occhi attenti della nostra eroina li hanno colti in flagrante.

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Batgirl Nacht ber Gotham City

Als Barbara Wilson (Alicia Silverstone) vor einem Monat nach Gotham City kam, um ihren Onkel Alfred zu besuchen, hat sie kaum davon geträumt, maskiert und in ein schwarzes Cape gekleidet gegen das Verbrechen in Gotham City zu kämpfen. Inzwischen verstärkt sie als Batgirl das Team von Batman und Robin. Doch obwohl sie sich in den Kämpfen mit Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy und Bane mehr als tapfer geschlagen hat, beschleicht sie das Gefühl, dass ihre Partner nicht mit ihr zufrieden sind und gut auf sie...

2 years ago
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Batgirl Against Everyone

The old place never changes. Bats chitter in the dark and every sound echoes for ages, although the dripping and pouring water does its best to drown all that out. The various platforms and walkways that span the cave are all lit with yellow, which Barbara has always found a little dramatic. At least Bruce didn’t change the code on the guest entrance on her again. Barbara cuts her motorcycle’s engine and climbs off, removing her helmet to shake out her red hair. She dons her glasses and brushes...

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Batgirls Falcones Fury Issue 1

… It was a usual Friday night for Gotham city. All sorts of criminals were out in force due to the absence of Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin and even regular Robin. The four were off-world helping the Justice League and Titans take care of some sort of universe ending threat. Gotham wasn’t left unprotected though. At the old Gotham East Docks, a slim, feminine, hooded figure made her way up atop a tower of old containers. “Oracle. I’m in position.” Spoiler said into her...

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The Batfamily were the united heroes of Gotham City. Bruce Wayne when he first became the Batman decided he needed help to save Gotham. He brought in Dick Grayson, the first Robin. Eventually Bruce expanded so far, he had four Robins and three Batgirls. ——————- You play as Dick Grayson, the oldest of all the Batfamily and you are assigned to a mission with the three Batgirls

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Batgirls Falcones Fury Issue 2

Barbara watched in anticipation as the computer attempted to recover the data from the transmitter, fearful that the computer would give her some sort of error and she’d have to basically start from scratch in finding her friend and fellow vigilante, fellow Batgirl. Each minute that passed made Barbara a little bit more sick. FILE TRANSFER SUCCESFULLY “Yes!” Barabara went to work sifting through all the data immediately. More specifically, Barbara was looking for the audio logs...

4 years ago
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Shrunken Batgirl III

Barbara caught a glimpse of Sam's manhood and was in awe. She thought it to be about 8 inches long with a lot of girth. While Sam stood in the middle of the room, Barbara quickly kissed him and them work her way down his body until she was on her knees in front of him. She took as much of Sam's cock as she could into her mouth, and as she played with his balls, she furiously sucked away on Sam's engorged manhood. Sam was overcome by Barbara's act and came within two minutes. ...

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Wonder Woman Batgirl Sushi AdventureChapter 2

THE OTHER GROUP ON WONDER WOMAN Wonder Woman stood in a dark corner of the warehouse, where there was only neon lights above her. Roughly 20 men, Hispanics, were looking and gawking at her. they were the armed Uzi-wielding men working for Sanchez and it was like after 1 in the morning. Sanchez told his men that from now till dawn, they could do whatever they wanted with Wonder Woman. The team leader Enrique stood out from the group and then gave Wonder Woman as order, while she stood there...

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Wonder Woman Batgirl Sushi AdventureChapter 4

Wonder Woman now lives to serve her new Master and Mistress Sanchez de La Gama and the supervillainess Katana, to the point of planning the capture of her sister Donna Troy aka Wonder Girl. Right now Katana and Wonder Woman are in Wonder Woman's invisible plane on their way to do some aerial reconnaissance of her home on Paradise Island. After several hours of flying Paradise Island comes into view. Katana instructs her not to fly to close, as she doesn't want to be spotted by rest of the...

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Universum 37 Batgirls Vernichtung

Um zu erfahren wie ich auf diese Idee gekommen bin und als Leitfaden für Mitautoren bitte das "Zur Geschichte" lesen. Für die ganze Story, einschliesslich dem Lebenslauf des Handlungsträgers bitte die "Vorgeschichte" anwählen. An deren Ende geht es dann mit der eigentlichen Story weiter. "Batgirl's Vernichtung" springt gleich zur eigentlichen Story, aber es fehlen einige wesentliche Informationen für den Leser. Allerdings kürzt es den Weg ab und man ist gleich in der eigentlichen Geschichte...

2 years ago
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Mark to Mary Ann

Mark to Mary Ann by Karen Elizabeth L. Mark was helping to organize his sister's apartment. Sheila was never known for being neat, her lifestyle could best be described as `A place for everything and everything all over the place'. Mark could never understand how his sister could live this way but she'd been doing it for years. Fortunately for Sheila her younger brother was a compulsive neatnick and was more than happy to try to organize her life for her. It was quite...

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Mark and ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder OCD

Hello, I'm a new writer, i writer both real and fictional stories, I depend on my writing on suspense not only softcore stories, I'm studying all about cultures and societies to please all tastes, and also all sex fantasiesI depend on making the reader get into the characters so deeply, sorry for taking along, but I'm going to wait for your ideas and opinions======================== Mark and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder " OCD " " Fictional Story "Characters:Mark: The protagonistAlexa: Mark's...

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Mark Was Straight But He Loved Being Serviced By My Gay Mouth Part 2

Fetishes evolve.  Mine certainly has, over my life.  I realize that my attraction to servicing young straight guys between eighteen and twenty-three is a fetish.  Rimming a cute young straight guy makes no sense cerebrally, but I began licking boys buttholes when I was in my late teens.  My friends knew that I liked sucking their dicks, and they liked getting their dicks sucked.  Over time, they learned to enjoy lying on their back, jerking off, while I licked under their balls.  Eventually,...

Gay Male
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Marks Sster Michelle

My buddy Mark and I have been friends for a long time. We've been thru a lot together, and have done a lot. Up till last Saturday, though, I wouldn't have believed what happened could happen. I started going out with his sister Michelle about five months ago. His Dad Married her Mom about twenty years ago, and they became brother and sister that way, when he was 14 and she was 10. Mark's 34 now, and I am 32.Ever since I had known Michelle, she was a total slut. But she had a nice body on her,...

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Mark and Sis

I’m pretty much hetero in my sexual desires – when I’m at the beach, I’m checking out the babes, not the guys. However, I did have a homosexual experience when I was a teenager, and wouldn’t mind it happening again. I guess that means I’m at least a bit bisexual.It happened when I was sixteen. My best friend Mark, also 16, was in my room one day after school, and we were sitting on the floor doing homework. Mark was wearing tight jeans that day. I noticed quite a bulge in his crotch. Not that...

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Mark the Spot

Introduction: Mark zeros in on my special spot Mark The Spot I was thinking as I walked through the side door of my house that this was probably the worst day of my life. Humiliated at work… no, undermined by a snivelling little shit that worked for me and almost got me fired. To top it all off, my car pool gets screwed up and I have to beg for a ride home. More humiliation… just what I need. Why did I move my family to this town when I was already doing well? Including today, I have asked...

3 years ago
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Mark and his Cousin

Mark arrived at his aunts house, said hello to everybody and then found Ally. She was wearing blue short shorts and a tight white shirt. She looked gorgeous. The two sat down on the couch to talk. "So Mark, You mom told me you failed German for this year?" "Yeah, its not my fault the teacher is a total bitch" Mark knew this excuse was bullshit and he really just was too lazy to study. "Well you better do good next year, or ill beat you up" "Yeah, okay Ally, I would...

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Mark the Spot1

I was thinking as I walked through the side door of my house that this was probably the worst day of my life. Humiliated at work... no, undermined by a snivelling little shit that worked for me and almost got me fired. To top it all off, my car pool gets screwed up and I have to beg for a ride home. More humiliation... just what I need. Why did I move my family to this town when I was already doing well? Including today, I have asked myself that same question 265 times so far this year....

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Mark the Spot0

I was thinking as I walked through the side door of my house that this was probably the worst day of my life. Humiliated at work... no, undermined by a snivelling little shit that worked for me and almost got me fired. To top it all off, my car pool gets screwed up and I have to beg for a ride home. More humiliation... just what I need. Why did I move my family to this town when I was already doing well? Including today, I have asked myself that same question 265 times so far this year....

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mark and emily osment

There were dark clouds that loitered above the small Washington town. There was going to be a bad rainstorm here in a couple of days, mark frowned as he saw them roll towards the town. He ran a hand over his short brown lump of hair as he turned and walked back into the main bar of his coffee shop. There weren't many people in today, but that was typical due to it being almost five o'clock in the afternoon. The main flow of people tended to die down at two or three o'clock in the afternoon,...

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Mark and Andrea plus two One Last Time

It had been days since Mark and Andrea had fucked in the men's room at work. Their days off from work kept them apart. By the time work was starting back up again, the two were horny and ready to fuck at the drop of their clothing. But Mark had time to think about things and knew this little affair was just that and couldn't last. Though Andrea knew how to suck a dick and loved to swallow his cum, he loved his wife and needed to the affair.He drives over to Andrea's house prior to work. His...

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Mark and I first time

It was the last day of 8th grade year. Mark had asked me out to dinner and a movie that night i said sure on the bus ride home Mark sat next to me on the bus and we held each other hand we also kissed a few times. As the bus stoped at our stop Mark walked me to my house as we got to my house we kissed again and he told me he would see me later I said ok. As I got in the door my mom asked me how my day we and I said ok and also told Mark is taking me to dinner tonight and a movie is that ok...

3 years ago
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mark Moves In

("Just a little in site, Mark is half American Indian and half Spanish American. He grew to be a very attractive young man. Not very tall, Smooth tan skin, black hair, brown eyes, and a sweet personality. Note: I never felt or looked at Mark in a sexual way until he moved in with me at age 20.")MarkThis story is about a young man named mark that I knew from when he was young until his present age of 23. Mark was raised by his grandmother in the state of Texas. I am on the east coast USA. I met...

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Marks Job Humiliation

Mark`s Job Humiliation.Well Im happy you like my undies Mark typed in his google window to an online Mistress friend he had been chatting with for the past few weeks. Love hearing about a man in lacy panties and garter belts was the reply that popped up. The two had been chatting while Mark was at work at his desk. Mark had a corner desk in a shared office of a successful modeling agency that allowed him to squander company time with online fun. The three women he shared the office were none...

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Mark Has a Threesome

Mark has a threesome with his wife and s*s-in-law.Mark replays the words in his head.'Would you like a threesome Mark?'These are the words that Tina has said to him in her new video clip. They haven't seen each other for a few days since they fucked next to his wife and Tina's sister. So this, this was a surprise."A threesome?" He asks himself out loud.He emails her back with a simple, 'Who do you have in mind?'Her reply is instant, 'It's completely up to you...'His reply is quick, 'You're on....

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Mark Tracy Ch 02

‘There’s an accident on the Eisenhower that has traffic backed up for miles,’ came the traffic reporter’s voice from the radio. ‘No shit,’ thought Tracy. She’d been sitting in the rush hour traffic for nearly an hour and knew that there must have been something in the way of accident to have the traffic this backed up. Chicago traffic was by far the worst. She hated the traffic but had to go for an appointment that afternoon. Having finished it, she thought that she may miss the majority of...

4 years ago
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Mark Tracy

Gentle Readers – Just a little note to you all. This is my first submission to the site and it’s sort of plain vanilla compared to what I’ve written for myself and a ‘friend’ in the past. But, I found it to be somewhat fitting that I would use a first time with my lover as the topic for my foray into Erotic writing. This is more of a romantic story more then an erotic one. I hope you enjoy it and be gentle with your comments. Hopefully future stories that I submit will bring more of the kind of...

1 year ago
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Mark and Geri

Mark met Geri at the trailhead parking lot just after dawn. It was their plan to hike into the mountains the Lake Genevieve and back. Figuring that one-way was just over 5 miles, an early start should get them back to the trailhead by midafternoon. The pair had been hiking partners for a couple of years now and they both knew their pace on the trail. One that was slower than most, but one that allowed them to capture some incredible wildlife. Mark had met Geri at a wildlife seminar that was...

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