Ohhhh Momma ;] free porn video

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It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year old. Always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. One of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains near our house. Ever since I was born, our family would always take trips up to the mountains to hunt & fish. We would spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake. This year we didn't get to take our usual trip due to my dad's job. My mother could tell I was depressed because I looked forward to this trip all year. Mom and I have always been very close. She wakes me up and puts me to bed every night with a hug and a kiss. She's an attractive woman, but I never really thought about her in a sexual way. Don't get me wrong, like most boys I tried to catch the occasional peek at her when she was changing or getting out of the shower. She still had big firm tits and a well-rounded ass. Her long black hair and green eyes were a family trait that all the women in our family had. I guess I would say she was average weight and height. One day, as I sat down to breakfast mom dropped a little surprise on me.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" she smiled at me as I sat there in my depression. "Hey mom".

"What would you say if I told you that you and I were going to the mountains this weekend?” It took me a minute for what she said to hit home.

"Oh my God! Are you serious?" I was so excited I about pissed myself.

"Yes, I'm serious. I know your dad won't be able to come since he's been working so much, but I figure you and I could have a pretty good time without him. What do you say?"

"I say I'm going to go pack right now!" I jumped up without eating my breakfast, kissed her on her cheek and took off for my room.

"We can leave as soon as you get your things together." I heard her shout up the stairs after me. I was packed and ready to go in less than 10 minutes. As I got my gear downstairs I saw that mom had already packed her things and had them sitting by the door. We packed the car and off we went. Being that we live so far north and it was the middle of January, it was blistering cold outside. Not quite freezing, but still in the low 40s. Perfect camping weather.

After a three hour drive into the mountains we got to the spot where we always park our car. We got out, gathered our equipment and had a quick bite to eat. My mom may be 38, but she can still carry her own share of the gear. We packed pretty light, just a small tent, sleeping rolls, cooking supplies our clothes and fishing gear. Everything was tucked neatly into our backpacks. We hiked for almost 4 hours when we noticed it was started to get cloudy. It was close to 4 in the afternoon and we decided it may be best to pick a spot to make camp. We still had another hour to walk before we got to our favorite fishing spot, but we thought it best to finish in the morning. Before we could get the gear unpacked it started to rain. In a matter of minutes the rain became a total downpour. And it was freezing. By now the temperature had dropped to 35 and our hands were hurting from the cold. By the time we got the tent set up, neither of us had a dry spot on us. Everything was soaked. We hopped into the tent and collapsed on the ground completely exhausted and shivering. In the frenzy to get the tent set up, my mom didn't realize that her sleeping roll had been washed down the hillside, and my roll was the only thing we had that was remotely dry.

Mom said in a shivering voice, "Turn around for a minute. I'm going to strip and hop into the sleeping bag and try to dry off and warm up." I swivelled around and listened as she undressed and plopped her clothes in a pile in the corner. I was always wanting to see her naked, but as I sat there freezing, I didn't even think about turning to look. As soon as she was undressed she slipped into the down-filled sleeping bag and told me to do the same. She could tell I was a little reluctant and said, "Come on, you're going to get pneumonia. I'll close my eyes. Hurry!"

As I stripped down to my underwear it dawned on me that I was about to get into the sleeping bag next to my naked mother. I didn't know if it was the cold that was making me shake or the thought of getting next to her naked body. I looked up and saw her staring at me, "hurry up and get those things off! The only way we're going to survive this night is with our body heat." I knew she was right. At this altitude, the temperature would drop to the teens by midnight, and we were both experienced enough to know how to survive. I quickly slid my undies off and tossed them in the pile with our other clothes.

She unzipped the bag and in the little light that was available, I saw her full tits with their hard nipples starring back at me. She slid over as much as she could, but it was only built for one person. As I slid into the bag, I had my behind to her. The last thing I wanted to do was rub my dick down the entire length of her body. The problem was that there was no way we would fit that way. "Hold on a second." she said as she flipped over onto her side facing away from me. "There. Now lay next to me facing me." It really was the only way we would fit comfortably in the sleeping roll together. I had a hard time getting into the bag with her. I literally had to grab her and pull myself down into it. As I feared, my dick was pressed into her upper back. I still wasn't hard (thank God), I was way too cold. She didn't say anything as I slid further into the sleeping bag, the whole time with my dick and balls rubbing all the way down her back. As my dick reached her butt I got quite a surprise. I had assumed she kept her panties on. I was wrong. My dick slid along her ass cheek and along the crack of her ass. She giggled some to try to lighten the mood I guess.

"I'm sorry mom" I said softly as I was finally all the way in the bag.

"Don't be silly. It's my own fault that my sleeping roll got washed away and who cares if we don't have clothes on. You don't have anything I haven't seen before, right?" She was still shivering badly.
"I guess you're right." I said. I ran my hand up and down her arm and shoulder trying to warm her up. She reached around and grabbed my hand and pulled it across her chest. My heart skipped a beat as she placed it right between her tits.

She said, "Hold me tight against you. It's the only way we'll get warm." So I did. Gladly. My hand rubbed all around her chest. I tried not to be obvious about it, but every now and then I cupped her entire breast in my hand. I ran my hand from her neck down to her stomach and back up. I was still pressed tightly against the full length of her body as we lay there spooned. After about 20 minutes she finally stopped shivering some but told me to keep holding her. I noticed that every time my hand passed over her tits her nipples were still hard as rocks. Several times she twitched as my fingers flicked over them. I was freezing, but having the time of my life. That is, until something started to stir down below.

I stopped rubbing her and froze completely still. My dick was getting hard. "Oh my God" I thought, she is going to freak out. My dick was pressed into her ass cheek which has still wet, but warm. I was hoping she was asleep and wouldn't notice that my cock was poking her in her ass. She shifted a little and said, "sorry, but there isn't any more room." I was so freaked out by this point. She felt my hard-on.
"It's ok mom" I nervously said, "I'm gonna try to go to sleep".

"Good idea, honey." she said as she patted my hand which was now resting right below her tits, one of them actually lying on top of my fingers. She squirmed a little more and my dick flopped right into the crack of her ass. That actually felt more comfortable, but made me even harder. There was no place for me to go. I couldn't even turn over. I was stuck there with my full hard on rammed into my own mother's ass crack.
After five minutes passed I guess she could tell I was having a hard time going to sleep. I felt her reach down and she patted me on my hip. "Honey, you know that's completely normal, right?"
My eyes about popped out of my skull like a cartoon character. "Yeah mom, but this is a little embarrassing!" I blurted out.
She laughed and said, "Don't be silly. You're a guy. It happens. Would it help if it wasn't pinned between us?"
I thought about that for a second and had no idea what she had in mind so I said, "maybe." As best as she could, she spread her thighs open and arched her back some. He ass rose up some and before I knew what was going on my dick slipped and landed on her upper thigh. She the closed her legs back and said, "There, is that better?"
Now I don't have a small dick by any means. Maybe 7 inches and very thick. And right now all seven inches was squished between my mother's warm wet thighs. Only an inch from her warm, hairy pussy. This was more comfortable, but felt way too good. Another five minutes passed and my breathing was getting a little fast. I started rubbing her stomach and up her chest to her neck. On the way back down I deliberately flicked her nipples with my fingers and shifted my hips a little pressing my dick into her thighs. I could tell the head of my dick was out past her legs and was getting moist with pre-cum.

Another minute passed when my mother said something I'll never forget. "Honey, if you need to release yourself, go ahead. I think it's the only way we'll get any sleep tonight. I don't mind, I know it happens."
I about blew my load right there. "MOM!!" I said, "There's no way. I'm sorry this happened, but it will go away." I knew I was lying and so did she.

"Look, you are your father's son. I know him and I know you. Neither of us will sleep with you in this condition so just do it, I don't mind." Besides, we're going to need all of our energy tomorrow." She ran her hand up and down my hip and pressed her ass into me.

I knew she was right. Tomorrow was going to be an exhausting day, especially if this rain freezes. And no way am I sleeping with a huge hard-on. Reluctantly, I said, "OK mom, if you're sure you don't care. I'm going to need therapy after this weekend."

She laughed out loud and said, "No I don't care. Seriously, just do what you gotta do and let's get some sleep." She held onto my thigh.

That was all the convincing I needed and I started grinding slowly against her. My dick slid back and forth between her thighs with my balls pressed against the back of her thighs. My hand was sliding across her stomach and back up to her tits. To my surprise she tried to help by slowly grinding her ass too. By now the pre-cum was flowing and my dick was now slick with its wetness. My fingers flicked over her nipples again and as I heard her gasp I got brave and grabbed her tit fully in my hand and pumped a little faster.
That's when fate came knocking.

I guess it was inevitable, but I didn't really consider the possibility. With the pumping back and forth and my dick and her thighs getting slippery, my dick slipped and pressed right against her pussy. She gasped. I stopped moving. My hand froze to her tit. Nothing was said for a few seconds. I could tell she was getting turned on by the heat coming from her pussy. It was very hot. "Honey, please don't stop. I know you were almost finished. Just finish and let's sleep. It's ok I promise"

I started again. Sliding my meat back and forth now between her thighs, but now feeling her cunt lips against my dick. She was soaking wet and very warm. I pinched her nipple softly and heard her moan a little. The end of my dick was sticking out 3 inches past her thighs on my strokes out and I could feel it slid next to her opening on the strokes in. I could feel the cum boiling in my balls and I knew I would cum within a minute. Then mom said something that hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Honey stop for a second." I did. "If you release like your father does there's going to be a lot of your stuff, right?"

I panted, "Yeah, I suppose so". I knew she was having second thoughts. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked.

"Oh no, please don't stop now. But I do have one thing to ask of you, but it's very selfish of me." she said.

OK, now I'm curious. "What is it mom? I'll do anything you want."

"I would rather not have to sleep in a puddle of your stuff tonight. If it's ok with you, when you're about to, um release your stuff...would you do it inside me? I know this is a horrible thing to ask, but put yourself in my position." She sounded a little sad.

I almost blacked out. Did she just ask me to cum inside her pussy? "Um, sure mom. If you want me to, I guess so." I was a bad actor, but I tried to seem reluctant to the idea. "I guess I wouldn't want to sleep in it either."

She replied, "Thank you sweetie. Now let's get this over with". She wiggled her ass at me to signal me to get going. And I did. Now I was in complete a****l lust. I was drooling. I had her tit in my hand, pinching her nipple hard between my fingers. I was pumping my dick hard now back and forth. She could tell I was close and I felt her arch her back again, lifting her ass. This was her way of saying, 'here you go". I stopped thrusting and put the tip of my cock at her opening. She slid down some and I pressed it into her. My dick slid into her like a hot knife into warm butter. She moaned. I moaned. I laid there for about 30 seconds. Not moving. Just savouring the feeling. I could feel her wet warm cunt muscles milking my dick. She was squeezing me. I knew I was about to cum so I decided to make the most of it. This would never happen again. I started fucking her. She gasped "Oh my God" as I went balls deep into her. My dick bottomed out inside her and my balls slapped against her thighs. I was now fucking her like a wild b**st, grunting and snorting. Trying my best not to cum, but I was about to anyway.

Mom actually said to me between her heavy breathing, "Come on honey. Cum inside Momma. Let it out. Yes baby. Fuck me."

I was so far gone now I didn't even realize I was saying it, but I said, "Yes, momma. I'm about to fill you up. I hope you took your pill today." That brought my mom back to reality quickly. She instantly realized that she had been off her birth control pills for 5 years. Ever since my dad had a vasectomy. I smiled as she panicked and said, "Oh honey, I forgot about that. Pull out. Don't do it inside me."
But it was too late. As the words were leaving her mouth the first spurt of cum blasted into her pussy. I cried out, "Oh mom, I'm cumming. I'm cumming." My balls we instantly emptied as I squirted blast after hot blast of my hot goo inside her. She was sobbing for me to stop, but I pretended not to hear as I rammed it deeper and sent the last few squirts right into her cervix. I released her nipple and tit and felt her trying to pull away from my dick. Before she could get off, I squeezed the last few globs of cum out into her now sopping wet cunt.

My dick flopped out of her with a splat against her ass. I caressed her shoulder and she patted my hand. She spoke, "I'm sorry. I forgot that I stopped taking the pill. But I'm being silly, what are the chances of me getting pregnant?" She giggled nervously. I kissed her shoulder and neck as my dick finally softened up a little. I heard her pussy making gurgling noises as some of my goo gurgled out of her. She quickly put her hand down there and apologized for the noises. She was embarrassed. I almost laughed at her. She was wiping herself with her fingers as she said, "well, it really is a good thing I let you do that in me. Look at how much came out. Imagine how much must still be inside me!" She lifted her hand and she had a handful of my creamy goodness on her fingers. I thought I would die when I heard her licking and sucking on them. "Mmmm." she moaned softly. "Good stuff" she said with a giggle. "Now, let's get some sleep, OK?"

"Sounds good to me mom" I replied. Ten minutes later, my dick got hard again.

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Charles Dera is in his car and is just about to drive off to go to work. When his business partner calls him to tell him that the deal they’ve been working on for months just went through, Charles never expected that he’d be a millionaire today. He tells his partner that he’s gonna run an errand to and be in the office when he’s done. He hangs up the phone and smiles; it’s time to celebrate! He goes to his favorite massage parlor to find Mercedes Carerra working...

1 year ago
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Close Neighbour with close relation

Hi this is Vasanth again. Let me give you another incident that happened in my life with the girl next door where i am staying currently. Her name is Shalini. She is a north indian staying with her husband. She just got delivered to a baby girl. I didnt have any intentions towards her till she returned back from her delivery. After delivery she used to wear sleveless nighties with no Bra and as she had t feed her baby. Many a times, i had a glimse of her naked breast. her breasts are not so...

2 years ago
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My sisterinlaw part 4

The next day, at Ann's suggestion, we went to the shopping mall again. "We don't need to buy more clothes. At least not yet," she said. "But you do need to get some food for the next day or two, don't you?" I put on a slip under my dress. This wasn't a waist slip, it covered my bra and had shoulder straps. It was much shorter than my dress, but it did mostly cover my stocking-tops. And it did feel good under my dress, the way it slid against my knickers - almost as if it was stroking...

4 years ago
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Well, I am back with my wife. We sat down, had a conversation, and that she realised that she needed some security in her life, and that I am the one feeling her safe. She told me, that I can do whatever I want, as long as she doesnt know about it.So, to celebrate this, we got to a vacation, in Greece, one of those last minute things.To cut the story short, we had the best sex of our lives, and I wont describe it here, since I told myself that that is the one thing I wont do.I really enjoy...

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PAINTER LOVES PANTYHOSE SEXWhen I was sixteen my parents hired a painter to paint rooms on the first floor of our house. The night before he was to paint I had gotten an insane migraine. The next morning, at 6:00 a.m., when I should be getting up for school, Mom told me to stay home and rest because I still looked a little off. I rolled over and fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t hear my parents leave or let the painter in.I’m not sure when the painter arrived but at approximately 9:45–10:00 a.m....

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Owner8217s Pride Neighbors Envy 8211 Part 8

Hello everybody hope you have enjoyed the previous part, and as usual I would like to thank you all for your comments and encouragements that have you have given me . I also would like to request you all to give feedbacks of yours on the story and your take on it. With that being said, I would like to continue to part 8 of erotic series that you all have been reading. After the nonstop fucking and the kink of banging a married woman’s pussy from behind while her husband was on a call was done,...

3 years ago
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Modeling the Kama Sutra part 1

Call me Steve. I was in my late twenties when this happened. At that time I was still young, fit, and attractive enough to star in porn videos. No, I was not ‘hung like a horse,’ but rather my erect cock was only slightly larger than the average American man’s. However, I almost never had any trouble controlling my erection and my ejaculations, and I could act. Together with my attractiveness, that was enough to make me star quality. But after a couple of sex videos I got turned off to that...

3 years ago
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Hijabi slut fucking and praying

It was the start of another week at work. I work at a small IT solutions company just outside New York. It was Monday and it seemed like it would be a long week. My name is Fariya and my family moved from India before I was born. My family are strict muslims and all the women in my family wear the full islamic dress. I wear a niqab, hijab and abaya or jilbab. I have been called a niqabi or hijabi. I have been wearing this since turning 15. I am not the best looking of girls and boys never took...

2 years ago
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Jabardast Chudai 8211 Part 2

Sabhi chooto ko mere 9 inch kai lund ka namskar to dosto ye meri dusari kahani hai pehli kahani mai apne pdha ki kese mene shubha aunty ko choda or ab agge shubha aunty ki chudai krke jab mai unke ghr sai baher nikal rha tha to dekha unke ghr sai shikha aunty bhi baher nikal rhi hai to mai smjh gya tha ki isne chudai leela dekh li hai fir vo sidha mere ghar mai ghusi mai thoda darr gya fir mai bhi mere ghar per gya socha joo hoga dekha jayega fir ander jane per dekha ki vo meri maa sai bat kr...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Laura Fox The Body Shop Vol 1 E1

An irresistible girl (Laura Fox) desperately needs her car repaired. When the shop owner (Markus Kage) gives her the estimate, Laura reveals she doesn’t have the money and her credit card is maxed-out. Markus suggests a quid-pro-quo arrangement and Laura, having no choice, resigns herself to working off the bill. All the while, the shop’s bookkeeper (Bailey Archer) quietly takes in all the action marveling at how amazing Laura looks with a fat cock in her mouth. A closet-lover of big-dicks,...

3 years ago
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Lauras Legs

My girlfriend's friend was visitiing us for a couple days, she stayed in our guest room.My girlfriend's name is Sunny. Her friend's name was Laura. I wasn't sure whether she knew how open our relationship was, but since she had been a pretty good friend of my girlfriend I figured she had to at least have an idea of the kind of open minded woman my girlfriend was. Laura was cute and likeable. I would say she was prettier than Sunny. Laura had dark blond hair that fell straight and...

4 years ago
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Thursdays ChildChapter 19

On Saturday morning Becca made a fruit cake. In the afternoon she set about applying marzipan to it, something she had never done before. She read the instructions carefully and managed the top of the cake. Doing the sides was not a success. She applied the marzipan with a palette knife and thought she had been successful only to see it peel from the top and roll off the cake. Steven heard squeals of anger and frustration from the kitchen. "What's the matter, my sweet?" he asked coming...

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Jungle Mai Mangal

This is the story of a mom seducing her son in the jungle. Coming to the story my name is aryan and I live with my mom only as my dad left us when I was 7 years old.Now the heroine of the story is my mom rupa she is 38 years old having lovely body stats of 38-26-42, a figure anyone would die for, the men in our colony used to watch her booty and masturbate every day .She was very fair and 5’4 tall and had a well-maintained gym body. I was 18 years old and had an athletic body with a height of 6...

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Diane and Danny

BY DOCKER5000 Chapter 1 Diane Watson was sat looking at the living room clock, it was nearly time for her 18 year old son Danny to get home from college. In her hands where several over dew and final demand bills. She was desperately short of money since her husband, had run off on her with her best friend. Just over a year ago. She only had a part time job working as a receptionist for a local dentist. She had tried to increase her hours but she was still finding it pretty...

4 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 17

"That is indeed an interesting evolution. I don't recall it being in the manuals." The speaker was a silver haired distinguished woman who had been introduced as a retired Admiral and was appearing as a talking head on the MBC 'special' of mostly exclusive footage of the wreck of "Titan". "The release timings and the deceleration have to be spot on and I don't think you can get a 'puter programme to do that as the variables are just too many. No. That had to be done under manual...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Bridgette B Big Black Cock Makes Her Wet

That big black cock of Jonjon makes Bridgette B wet instantly. The blonde babe with green eyes and absolutely breath-taking 34DDD/E / 75G tits can’t wait to seduce him in the living room for some absolutely epic hardcore fun! Watch her big tits unveiled and see him suck her big nipples before she bends over to give that dark-skinned stud a blowjob. Jonjon can’t wait to dip his tongue deep into that blondie’s dripping wet cunny and licks her tasty pussy before sliding his...

2 years ago
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Whatever I want

Lisa and I had been seeing each other for over two months and, although I loved being with her and cherished our time together, I was starting to get frustrated about her refusal to sleep with me. I didn't want to rush her into anything and would never force myself on her but I felt that our relationship had reached the point where we should take the next logical step and spend the night together. However, every time I tried to progress beyond necking and a little heavy petting Lisa would get...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Best Friend Allison

I met Allison when I started to date my wife. She is about five foot six, blonde with grayish green eyes, slender, and a cute behind. I am quite a flirt and Allison at first thought that I would end up cheating my wife. The more she got to know me, those thoughts went out the window. I love my wife and she knows that I would never hurt or leave her. A little about my wife and my relationship. We have an adventurist type of relationship when it comes to sex. We have swung a time or two and my...

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Being CUCKOLD and having the desire to see or know that your wife has sex with other men, in this type of relationship the husband usually puts his wife in charge of married life and becomes submissive to her.THE DIFFICULTIES OF BECOMING A CUCKOLD.One of the biggest difficulties in becoming a horn is convincing your wife to understand that you simply want to take a horn.Usually the horns start to fantasize about this during sex, then after a while the wife begins to dislike the idea, thinking...

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The Workers

The nearest occupied house is several hundred feet away from her home, as American and Mexican men work on building new homes all around her. Her husband is oblivious to everything. They watch him leave for work each morning, and know that when he stuffs luggage into his trunk, that he will be gone 2 or three days. The two boys are off to school each morning and on weekends stay with their friends or grandma. So Sue Bates spends much of her time alone, working in her garden, doing her painting...

2 years ago
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Desperate Indian Housewives Part 1

“Who is a husband? Is it he who marries a woman, lives with her under one roof, and fails to satiate her? Or is it he who fulfils her deepest darkest desires whenever he takes her to bed?” Yasmin asked Shalini, puffing a cigarette. The question made Shalini uncomfortable yet made her zone out. Yasmin and Shalini were next-door neighbours and have been friends ever since Shalini moved to her new flat. They bonded like sisters, although they were the exact polar opposite of each other. Yasmin was...

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Unwanted attention Chapter 3

Introduction: Continuation – This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery....

2 years ago
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At it like Bunny Rabbits

It was just a normal lad's night out. We'd been to a few pubs and bars, had the usual chats about football, women and sex and were feeling pretty rowdy when we got to the club. I spotted her as soon as I walked in. She was dressed as a bunny rabbit and looked sexy as hell. Her short black pvc bunny suit clung to her figure and her cute pink fury bunny ears on her head really stood out in the crowd. She also had on a black bowtie, black silk gloves up to her elbows, and on her legs, fishnet...

4 years ago
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Talking To Strangers

Paul smiled at the irony of it all.   For so many years his parents had warned him away from talking to strangers, and now he wanted nothing more than to talk to a stranger.   More than that, he ached to talk to her. He had seen her every night, sitting in the same chair by the fireplace at the hotel.   Every night he came down for dinner, she was there, reading a book.   Every night when he stopped into the bar after dinner, she was still in her seat, still reading the book.   He guessed she...

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Maid Sex 8211 Rekha The Maid

This is a real time experience that happened to me when I got a job in Delhi. I had moved in to a one bedroom house and hired this maid Named Rekha she was 40 yr old woman from Bihar. Initially she used to bring her daughter along with her because I think she was not comfortable coming alone but after two months she started coming alone. Although I had my mind set on her and wanted to fuck her but I was not eager to show my desperation. My House was a one bedroom kitchen and bathroom so what...

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Jack Junebug Go To Prison Ch 01

Jack & Junebug Go To Prison Chapter 1 by KenUnknownThis story is a fictional story. This story takes place in prison. Jack was arrested for arm robbery and sentenced to 2-Years and Half in Prison. He had a good lawyer, and that's why he got less time. With good behavior, Jack could get out with in 21 months. He needed help and protection. So enters Junebug!Junebug is a career criminal. You name it, he did it! He has earned a lot of respect in prison. Especially among the older inmates. He...

1 year ago
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Sissy RoomMate

You finally did it, You got through all the headache of fixing your academics at community college and have been accepted into a UNI across the Country to finish out your degree. It took a lot of hard work to make up for the type of student you were but man was it worth it. Now you just need to find a place to live near by that you can afford with the money you have saved and your parents were able to scrap together, the grant and loans you got will only cover so much and this town is priced so...


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