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This is a FigCaption - special HTML5 tag for Image (like short description, you can remove it) By Bashful Author's note: The URL "" does not exist as of the writing of this story, I checked. I would like some feedback on this as a possible new universe. If you might be interested in writing a story in this universe, send me an E-mail. The rules need to be established yet. [email protected] ***************************** 10 years old Jimmy Williams had two serious problems, his older sisters, Anne, 19 and Wendy, 17. His mother had stopped taking Jimmy anywhere, since they both could drive and had cars, he had to get rides from Anne or Wendy or he had to walk. His mother wasn't cruel, just busy. She figured that her two daughters that could drive, would help their brother get around. Jimmy's sister's didn't see it that way. "Wendy, can you drop me off at the park on your way to the mall?" Jimmy asked one Saturday afternoon. "No way creep, I'm taking my friends with me and we don't want any snot like you in the car with us." Wendy said. Discouraged but not beaten Jimmy decided to ask his other sister. "Anne, can I get a ride to the park?" Jimmy asked. "When pigs can fly, sure, just see me then." Anne told him. She didn't even look up from the Glamour magazine she was reading. Jimmy had no way to the park and it was too far to walk, he went back to his room and sat down.. He would miss the Saturday game again. His team never expected him to show up anymore. He might as well quit the team. Just then Jimmy heard his mother drive up. Jimmy flew down the stairs to the kitchen. His mother had sat down at the table, she looked tired. Jimmy's mother was a single parent who worked two jobs to keep the family going. Her 2nd job allowed her to work at least some of the time at the house on her computer. "Mom, can you take me to the park? Please." Jimmy pleaded. "I don't have time dear, ask Anne or Wendy, they'll take you, I'm sure." His mother told him. Just them Anne walked in and kissed her mother on the check. "You look tired Mom, let me fix you some lunch." Anne said, as she began preparing a light meal. "Hi Mom, you got home early, can I rub your back?" Said Wendy as she walked in the room. "Jimmy, go get the groceries from the car please, dear." his mother asked. "You two are the best daughters a mother could ask for." She said, as Jimmy went out the back door. He didn't hear her say he was the best son in the whole world. "Mom likes them best because they're girls." Jimmy said to himself. " I'll bet if I was a girl, mom would like me better than them. I'd be cuter, heck, I'm already cuter than Anne." Jimmy unloaded the car and spent the rest of the day in his room. He gave up on ever playing baseball again. He began to dream what his life would be like if he were a girl, like his sisters. He imagined he would get to go places with them and his mother would spend more time with him. He would have friends that he lived close enough to that he could play with them. While he was dreaming these things, he finally worked his tooth loose. The one that had been threatening to fall out for over a week. "This is my chance," he thought. "I can use this tooth to wish to be a girl." Jimmy had been told by his mother that if he placed a tooth under his pillow and made a secret wish, the tooth fairy would grant it. Jimmy put the tooth in his drawer and waited for bedtime. That night Jimmy went to bed earlier than he had in a long time. He was excited and he wanted the wish to be granted as soon as possible. Placing the tooth under his pillow, Jimmy lay down and wished as hard as he could that he would wake up to be a ten year old girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He knew it was going to happen. He dreamed happy dreams that night. When Jimmy woke up, he ran to his bathroom and looked in the mirror. A little ten year old boy stared back. He hadn't changed. He checked under his pillow and the tooth was gone. He had been ripped off. He didn't get his wish and he didn't get paid for the tooth either. Jimmy sulked around the rest of the day. On Monday, he was home alone, Anne and Wendy went to mall and left him behind. At lunch time, his mother came home with a surprise. She had bought Jimmy a bike. He had never had one before. It was used but it worked. He had learned to ride with his friends bikes. Now he could ride to the park and the theater and all the other places he hadn't been able to go before. All thoughts of being a little girl left his head. *************************** 14 years later. James was in the bathroom of the honeymoon suite, getting ready for the big moment. He had met his bride just 6 months before. They had fallen in love at first sight. James and Kerri had both had lovers before but they had abstained from sex until now. James didn't regret it a bit. He loved Kerri so much, he would have done anything for her. This was such a small thing. Now however, the big night had come. They had a fantastic wedding with all of their friends and family there. Even his sisters had shown up and been nice to him. James was about to leave the bathroom when he bumped into a young woman. "Gaaaa!!" James yelled in surprise, "Who the hell are you and how did you get into my bathroom?" "My name is Samantha Lewis, are you James Tiberious Williams?" She asked. "Yes I am, now what are you doing here? How did you get in here?" "James Tiberious? That's a bit..." Samantha started to say. "My mother never watches TV so she didn't recognize the name. She let my sisters name me when I was born as a way of letting them be 'part of the birth experience'. I don't use the middle name. Now can you tell me what you want?" Samantha Lewis was a young looking woman with brown hair and eyes. Her hair was worn in a neat bun on the back of her head and she was dressed in a very severe looking gray business suit with a knee length skirt and low black heels. She wore pale pink lipstick and matching nail polish. She was very professional looking and she spoke with a clipped and direct voice. "I am from, Customer Satisfaction. I am here because an audit of some older files has turned up a number of unfulfilled wishes. I am part of a team working to resolve the matter in as expeditious a manner as possible. I want to apologize for my organization as a whole for the failure to grant your wish in a timely manner. We strive to grant all properly expressed wishes, in the minimum time. Occasionally, we have system problems or, as in your case, a personnel problem. I am prepared to grant the wish, just as it was expressed on August 18, 1985. Again, please accept our deepest regrets for the inconvenience we may have caused you by failing to carry through with our promise of granting wishes as soon as possible." With that Samantha waved her hands in the air and a pink flash filled the room. James was trying to get a word in edgewise when he felt himself change. When the light returned to normal, James blinked and noticed he was now staring up at Samantha. "What happened? I'm short, what did you do?" James was talking very fast but he stopped when he heard his voice. "What's wrong with my voice, I sound like a, a.....little girl!" "That's right Miss Williams, your wish to become a ten year old girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes has been granted. We are very sorry about the delay. Now if you will excuse me, I have to be going, I have a wish to grant in..." "Stop, wait, don't move." James said, he was staring in the mirror at his new face and what he could see of his body. He really was a little girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a pair of pink, Winnie the Pooh pajamas. "What the hell did you do to me. I don't want to be a girl. I just got married. You have to change me back, now!" "You just got married? Why, congratulations, I'm very happy for you. I really must be going. I have several more overdue wishes to grant." Samantha said as she glanced at her watch. "No, you can't leave. I don't remember wishing to be a little girl and if I did, I was ten years old in 1985, I didn't know what I was wishing for. Look, just change me back, forget the wish. It was a mistake, I like being a guy. Hell, I've already graduated from college, I have a great job and a good future to look forward to. I do not want to be a little girl. Change me back, please." James was getting very excited. "Uh, Jamie, that is not appropriate language for a little girl to use and you should not speak to your elders in such a tone of voice." Samantha chided him. "But I'm not a little girl, I'm a grown man, at least I was a few minutes ago. Why did you do this to me?" James wailed. "James, who is in there with you? I hear other voices." Asked Kerri from the other side of the door. "Oh God, what do I tell my wife. You have to change me back, now, I demand it." James's lower lip stuck way out and began to tremble. He had placed his hands on his hips and he punctuated his demand with a stomp of a petulant little foot wearing a 'Tigger' slipper. Samantha broke out laughing and clapped her hands at the sight. "You are as cute as you can be Jamie, I think you will handle being a little girl just fine. Now if you will excuse me, I have to leave." Samantha said. James face got beet red at Samantha's remark, he was acting just like his sister Wendy acted, even today. In desperation James wrapped his arms around her legs and held on tight. He started screaming. Kerri opened the door to the bathroom and stared in disbelief at the sight before her. A young woman dressed like she belonged in an office was standing there trying to unwrap a little girl from around her legs. "What the hell is going on here? Where is my husband?" Demanded Kerri Sighing with resignation, Samantha explained who she was and who the little girl was. ?'She' is the man I married today, do you think I'm an idiot? Where is James." Kerri shouted. "Please ma'am, don't shout. I'll explain it all again if you want but this is James Tiberious Williams right here." Samantha insisted. "Tiberious? I thought your middle name was Timothy?" Kerri said, looking at the little girl. "I'll explain that later, right now, I want to be changed back into James and she's trying to leave." James said. "Look lady, I don't know what kind of scam you're running here but if that is my husband, I want you to change him back right now or you are going to have a very serious problem, I'm an attorney and I will sue your butt off." Kerri said in a low even tone that raised the little hairs on the back of the necks of both Samantha and James. "Maybe I better get my supervisor here to help." Samantha said as she punched a speed dial button on her cell phone. "Jack? This is Sam, I'm working the lost wishes files and I have a problem. No, I can't handle it, the wish-maker has an attorney. Yes, I'll be right here." Samantha hung up and smiled at Kerri. "My supervisor will be right here." A moment later, a flash of light signaled the appearance of Samantha's supervisor. "Hello, how are we all doing this evening? My name is Mark Lyons. I am Samantha's supervisor. I understand we have a little problem, how can I help?" His tone and manner was courteous and friendly, Kerri didn't buy it for a second. "Simple buddy, make this twit here turn me back into the man I was before she barged in here and changed me into this." James gestured at his new tiny body. "Ah, yes the lost, 'I wish I was a little girl' wish. Samantha, this is exceptional work, did you model her after someone or is this freehand?" Mark asked. "Freehand, pure improvisation." Samantha said, blushing. "Very good, she is the perfect little girl. Long blonde hair, bright sky blue eyes, pixie face. I hope I have a little girl just like her someday." Mark gushed. He patted James on the head as he said it. "Watch it buddy, I'm not amused by this in the least." Snapped James. "Hmm, someone is getting a little cranky, maybe you should tuck her in and we adults can talk out in the sitting room?" Mark suggested to Kerri. "Hey, I'm right here, don't talk about me like I'm a chair or something" Shouted James. "Besides, I am an adult". "Maybe you're right," said Kerri, "she does seem excitable. Why don't you two make yourselves comfortable and I'll be right with you." The man and woman walked into the other room of the Honeymoon suite and Kerri turned to James. "Okay, I believe you are James but why do you want to be a little girl? I thought you loved me and wanted to have children." Kerri asked. "Oh shit, Kerri, I don't want to be a little girl!" James said. "Jamie, little girls don't use that kind of language!". "Oh God please, make me wake up. Kerri, don't start treating me like a child. I know I look like one but I'm James, the man you married. The man who loves you. Help me get my body back, I want to be a man again. I don't remember wishing to be a little girl." James was in tears now. "Okay, I'll talk to them but they are right, you're way too young to be up this late. I'm going to put you to bed and then I'll go talk to them." Kerri said. "Put me to bed? Kerri, this is our wedding night, it's only 9:20pm. This is the night we have waited six month's for. Please don't do this to me." James sobbed. "James, I know what tonight is, but you are in no condition to consummate our marriage in the body you are in. You need to let me talk to these people and make them change you back. If they do, I'll wake you up. If they don't I don't want a sleepy little girl on my hands tomorrow." Kerri explained. Exasperated but having no other choice, James allowed Kerri to tuck him into bed. When he was under the covers, Kerri leaned over and pursed her lips. James puckered up but Kerri just kissed him on the forehead. "Sleep tight sweetie" she said. James was out of bed as son as the door clicked shut. He was going to listen into what was being said about him. He could barely hear what was being said. "Okay, let's talk." Kerri said as she strode into the room. Kerri stood while talking to the pair because it gave her an advantage. She demanded complete restoration of her husband immediately. She didn't expect to get it but she had to try. She was a corporate lawyer for a software company. She didn't litigate but she hoped top move into litigation someday. "Mrs. Williams, you have to understand, we have rules we operate under. A wish is a contract that must be honored. We open ourselves up to all sorts of liability if we start reneging on contracts because a little girl changes her mind." Mark said. "Ah ha! That's it, you can't enforce a contract made with a minor. The wish was made by a child under the age of majority, the contract is null and void, remove the wish, now." Kerri knew she had struck a nerve when the pair exchanged glances and shifted uncomfortably in their chairs. "We have hundreds of years of precedent to justify our entering into contracts with minors." Mark objected. "How many cases have you proven in court though. None, I'll bet. You don't want to go to put this in front of a jury, trust me. It will put your company out of business. By the way, what is the name of you're company?" Kerri asked. "", Samantha replied. "You're an 'E- company'?" Kerri asked. "Yes, we went to computers years ago." Mark told her, "We started with Mac's. We invested heavily in them but they weren't right for our type of magic. We are upgrading constantly to try and stay competitive. It isn't easy." Mark explained. "Add to it the parents that tell their kids to just stick their teeth under the pillow for money and mention nothing about wishes. We are losing a lot of business. We opened a website to try and spread the word about the wishes but the FTC won't let us promise anything. It's like a casino can't discuss odds or winning in their ads, it's the same for us. We have to rely on word of mouth, no pun intended." "Let's make this easy on everybody, change my client, I mean my husband, back now and there won't be any nasty lawsuits." Kerri said. "Oh crap," James said to himself, "My own wife is thinking of me as one of her clients". The little girl who was formerly James Williams yawned and rubbed her eyes, trying to stay awake. "We don't have the authority to void a contract. I'll have to run this by the corporate attorney's on Monday. Until then, things remain as they are." Mark said. "Damn it", thought James, "I'm going to be a little girl for the weekend, this is no fair." James was just barely able to keep his ten year old eyes open. He stumbled back to the bed, and crawled under the sheets. He cried himself to sleep. He was frustrated, tired and more than a little afraid he might be a little girl for the rest of his life. Kerri screwed her face up like she was displeased but she wasn't. She hadn't expected an admission of liability from this pair. They were too well coached. The fact that they were admitting they were going to talk to their attorney's was almost as good as winning outright. They were wrong and they knew it. They had to cover themselves though and she understood. It would be unpleasant for Jamie for a few days or weeks but she would become James again soon enough and the cash settlement Kerri figured to wrangle out of the people would buy them the big house they wanted. "Okay, I expect a call Monday by noon or you can expect a citation by 2:00pm. I hope you understand, I don't bluff." Kerri said. Of course she was bluffing. She was confident of her ability to get the matter straightened out without actually going into court. The three adults shook hands and the people vanished. Kerri went back into the bedroom and looked at Jamie, asleep under the covers. Her face was still wet with tears. "The poor child must be frightened", she thought. She was so cute and innocent looking. Kerri took her robe off and lay down. She thought about the upcoming honeymoon and sighed. She had been looking forward to tonight as much, if not more, than James. She was sure she could get things straightened out though. Kerri woke up first and got dressed. She left a note and locked the door behind her. She planned on being gone just a few minutes and got back before Jamie woke up. "Jamie, wake up honey." Kerri said as she shook the little girl. James blinked and saw the face of his wife looking at him, smiling. It had been a dream, just a bad dream. He sat up and brushed the blonde hair out of his eyes. No, it wasn't a dream! "Damn it, Kerri, I thought you were going to get this straightened out. When am I going to get to change back or have you signed me up for ballet lessons." James said. "Jamie, I want you to stop using that language and I want you to behave like a little girl. You may be that way for a few weeks. I have them sweating but they won't cave in easily. They're afraid of a massive lawsuit. They'll come around and change you back, it's going to take time though. The cash settlement I get from them will be enough for you to put up with being a little girl for a few days." Kerri explained. "Kerri, I do not want to be a little girl for one more minute. I don't care how much money you may get from them. Make them change me back now." Jamie was getting loud again. "Jamie..." Kerri began. "Don't call me Jamie, Kerri, my name is James." Kerri decided she needed to make a point here. She lifted Jamie up and lay her across her knees. James tried to break free, he tried to turn over and block Kerri's hands with his own small hands. He knew what was coming and he wanted no part of it. Kerri spanked James's bottom half a dozen times and then sat the little girl back on her feet. She was crying, rubbing her bottom with one hand and her eyes with the other. James had never been so humiliated in his life. Even his hated sisters never treated him like this. Then he could have gone to his mother for help but he couldn't do that now. He would have to admit that he was now a little girl and he didn't want to do that. "You are Jamie and I am Aunt Kerri until things get straightened out. Is that understood." Kerri said. She was met with silence. "I could have spanked you a lot more than I did, young lady. Do you understand me?" "Yes, ....Aunt Kerri (sniff)." came the reply. "Okay. I bought you a dress and some sandals so we could go shopping. You truly have nothing to wear and we have to get you some clothes." "Why?" Jamie asked. "Because it will be at least a week before I get you changed back. You can't wear those pajama's the whole time, as cute as you are in them" Kerri told her. "Why did you buy me a dress, why not some jeans. I don't want to wear a dress." Jamie complained. "Jamie, I will tell you what you are going to wear. It's summer. Jeans would be too hot. You'll love the freedom wearing a dress will give you. Trust me." Kerri assured the little girl. Jamie thought of more arguments but the words 'Trust me' had just enough of an edge to them that she decided she would do as she was told. The spanking hurt but not as bad as the humiliation. Jamie went into the bath room and got dressed. Kerri had bought a little yellow sun dress with wide shoulder straps and ruffles on the hem. She had also bought Jamie some pink panties and a pair of yellow sandals. Jamie took off the pajamas and looked at her new body. 'Jamie' was about 4 and a half feet tall. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes as James apparently had wished for. Her nose was turned up and... well...cute. Jamie was very cute. James shuddered at the thought of spending the rest of his life as a girl. She had to use the toilet and she sat down to do so. When she was finished she patted herself dry as Kerri told her to. He quickly dressed and went back out to his 'wife'. Jamie blinked and yelped as he walked into the room, Kerri had taken a flash picture of the little girl she was now married to. "I'm glad you're having fun." Jamie told her. "Oh lighten up. It's not like your going to be a little girl forever, you know." Kerri told him. "Did they call, are they going to change me back?" Jamie asked anxiously. "No, but it stands to reason, you'll grow up into to a lovely young woman someday, so you won't be a little girl forever." Kerri said with a smirk. "Ha ha." Jamie said, arms crossed, lip stuck out and looking miserable. "Come on, your first shopping trip as a girl, this will be fun." Kerri announced. The two girls went shopping and Jamie began to enjoy herself in spite of the circumstances. She rebelled at a two piece bathing suit and Kerri relented figuring she had to let Jamie win at least once. They shopped until Jamie was yawning and rubbing her eyes. Kerri wound up carrying her into the hotel from the rental car. She lay Jamie down and she slept until dinner time. Kerri dressed Jamie in a stunning little red dress and black maryjanes. Kerri wore a knee length red sun dress cut low in front and lower in the back that got her plenty of stares from every man in the restaurant. Kerri was 5' 8, taller than many women. She had dark red hair and emerald green eyes that flashed when she was negotiating or arguing a point. Her eyes were what attracted James to her. Jamie noticed the men looking at her 'aunt' and got jealous. She didn't say anything until they were back in the room. "Kerri, are you trying to make me feel bad?" Jamie asked. "What do you mean, honey?" She asked. She was braiding Jamie's long hair before sleep. It was so long, sleeping in it loose would cause tangles. "You wore that dress and had every man in the place drooling over you. I wouldn't mind if I had been your husband, but right now I'm your 'niece'. I don't like it. Spank me again if you want but it wasn't nice." Jamie said. Kerri was silent for a while as she continued to braid Jamie's hair. "You're right, I won't do that again until you are your old self, I'm sorry. I guess this whole thing has skewed my thinking. I like to have men look at me that way. I know many women won't admit it but we dress up for a reason. I'm sorry I spanked you too." Kerri said. "Tell you what, how would you like to be my little sister until we get you back to normal, instead of my niece? Just call me Kerri, I'm not ready to be an aunt yet." "That's okay, I probably had it coming. I'm sleepy, can I get in bed now?" Jamie said. "Sure, want a bedtime story?" Kerri asked with a grin. She was hit by a pillow which she returned. The pillow fight lasted just long enough to take the wind out of both girls. They cuddled as girlfriends do when they sleep over and slept peacefully. They had planned a romantic honeymoon on a cruise ship but they agreed to put that off until they could do it justice. They got a refund on the cruise ship tickets and went to Disney World. Kerri and Jamie had a very good time for the first few days. On the morning of the fifth days since the change, Jamie came to Kerri with tears in her eyes. "What's wrong honey, are you sick, did you hurt yourself." Kerri asked her. Jamie shook her head no she gulped and wiped her eyes. "I'm beginning to enjoy being a little girl. I'm afraid that if we don't get me changed back soon, I won't want to change back." Jamie told her. Kerri hugged the little girl and realized what she said was true. She noticed yesterday Jamie choose to play with a group of children in the pool instead of sitting with Kerri and sunning as she had the previous times they had gone to the pool. "Okay honey, I'll get this finished up now. That may be why they're delaying so much. They know you'll get used to being a little girl and the problem will go away. I'll close this out today or make them sorry they didn't." Kerri assured Jamie. Kerri got on the phone and demanded to speak to Samantha's supervisor. When he got on the phone she demanded to speak to HIS supervisor. That made Mark stop and stammer a bit. "But, but, but....why do you want to speak to my supervisor, Kerri, I thought we had a very good rapport going between us, I'm sure we can rap this thing up in another week or two. Tell you what, send us the receipts for your stay at Disney World and we'll pick up the tab." Mark offered. "No deal Mark, I know you're trying to delay matters until Jamie doesn't want to change back. It won't work, you fix this today or explain it to your boss. You have one hour, no more." Kerri hung up and sat down, she didn't have long to wait before the phone rang again. "Kerri, this is Samantha Lewis, I will be there in a few minutes, please stay in your room." The phone went dead. "Jamie, they caved in, their on their way now." Kerri announced. Jamie was sitting in front of the TV watching a show with a large purple dinosaur that sang and danced. Kerri had her turn it off and pick up the things she had scattered on the floor. She should have noticed this herself when Jamie started buying toys. agreed to restore James to his pre-wish condition. They balked at a cash settlement but they agreed to a 'token' payment of $50,000.00. They accepted the settlement, signed a release and Jamie became James once again. The people left in a flash of light and James and Kerri finally got to share their bed in the more traditional sense. James always believed that Kerri got pregnant that very night. ***************************** Six years later. James and Kerri had a baby girl nine months after the incident. Kerri wanted to name her Jamie but James's stern single NO, changed her mind, she was just kidding anyway. They named her Susan after Kerri's late mother. Life was good for the Williams family. Kerri convinced her company to let her Tele-commute after her daughter was born and she stayed home and raised their little girl. Working over the computer and fax machine. They wanted another child but no other pregnancy occurred. Susan was a very smart child. She had blonde hair and bright blue eyes and even though she reminded James of those two weeks he preferred to forget, he loved her dearly. James was a hard working and very talented systems engineer. After a few years, his company offered a promotion and transfer to the home office. It was a terrific opportunity and after much deliberation, James and Kerri decided to accept the transfer. They sold their old house and bought a new, larger one. They said goodbye to their friends and family and moved 1200 miles away. The move was hardest on 5 year old Susan. She lost all her friends and her beloved grandmother was so far away she thought her heart would break. To ease the transition, James got his daughter a digital phone, all her own. He programmed his mother's number into the speed dial as well as his sisters numbers. Now Susan could call her 'Grammy' when ever she wanted, she didn't have to ask permission. The phone came with 700 free long distance minutes every month. James figured if Susan used more than that, he would pay the extra money. They moved into their new home and spent a week getting settled in. Susan was too busy the first week to be lonely. The last two days before he started his new job, James spent with Susan, helping her arrange her room and playing with her. Then James went back to work. James found himself wishing he could spend more time with Susan like Kerri did. After James left, Susan looked for something to do. Kerri was in her office catching up on work that had accumulated while she was moving. Kerri had just one rule for Susan to follow; if the door to Kerri's office was half closed, Susan could come in only if it was very important. Normally, Kerri never closed the door part way, but with the large backlog of work she had, it had been partially closed most of the time for the last several days. Kerri took a second to stretch and rub her eyes. She had so much work backed up and she had to get several opinions back to the office right away. She sighed and wished for the chance to get out of the house a little more. She loved Susan and didn't regret being a stay at home Mom, she just wanted a break. Then she was grateful for the chance to raise her daughter in the way she was able to. Now if she could just get pregnant again. Susan knew her mother would help her if she needed it and she liked having her mother home. Most kids she knew had mother's that worked in a office. But Susan was lonely. She called her Grammy. "Hi Grammy, it's Susan, I'm so lonely, can you come visit me?" "Oh poor baby, I know it's hard but you'll meet some friends soon. How's your Mommy and Daddy?" "Daddy's at work and Mommy is busy. I lost a tooth today and I can't even tell her about it." Susan said. "What are you going to do with the tooth?" Her Grandmother asked. "Put it under my pillow and get a quarter." Susan told her. "Oh, I know something better than that. Put it under your pillow and don't tell anyone. Then ,just before you go to sleep, wish real hard and your wish will come true." Grammy said. "What should I wish for?" "Well, I'd wish that I had someone to play with." "Okay, Grammy, that's what I'll do. I love you. I wish you would come live with me." Susan said. "Oh Grammy can't do that, she has to work and she has her own house and she has to help take care of Aunt Wendy's little girls." She told Susan. "Is Aunt Wendy there?" Susan asked. "No honey, she isn't but Aunt Anne is, do you want to talk to her?" "No thanks, Grammy, I'll call you again tomorrow. Bye bye." Susan said and hung up. She placed her phone back on the charger like her Daddy showed her and she sat down to think of what she wanted to wish for. What she really wanted was Mommy to play with her like Daddy did before he had to go back to work. Daddy had known how to play Barbie dolls and comb and braid her hair and even have tea parties. She asked Daddy to stay home with her and play but he told her that Daddy had to go to work so they had the nice new house to live in. Susan knew this was true but Daddy played better than Mommy did. She loved Mommy but Mommy was always playing on her computer, she called it work but she spent all day on it now. Susan thought about it for a long time and finally she decided what she was going to wish for. When it was bed time, Daddy came in and read her a story and tucked her in. Then Mommy came in and kissed her goodnight and turned out her light and closed the door almost all the way, leaving it open just enough for a little bit of light to come in. Susan reached in her nightstand and got out her tooth. She stuck it under her pillow and lay back down. She closed her eyes and wished as hard as she could until she fell asleep. Kerri woke up with a powerful need to empty her bladder. She couldn't recall waking up feeling this way before. She hoped she wasn't getting sick. She tried to throw the covers off but found she was on the wrong side of the bed. She shrugged her shoulders over that. They may have switched positions last night and she just forgot it. Kerri walked into the bathroom and thought her perspective seemed off. It was still a new house though, things still looked strange. When she got to the toilet though she knew something was wrong. She had an erection! Last night she had not had anything with which to have an erection with. That was definitely different now. Kerri turned back toward the mirror and stared at the face of her husband. She had become James! She controlled the urge to scream, she walked back into the bedroom and looked for James. The only person in the bed looked like Kerri Williams. The urge to scream was growing but she fought it down. She sat on the bed and shook the other person. "James? Is that you?" she said. James was having a very strange dream and when Kerri shook him he was glad to have been awakened from it. James looked around, confused by his position on the bed. He looked up at Kerri and saw his own face staring back at him. James didn't control himself as well as Kerri, he screamed. It was a high pitched woman's scream. Kerri knew her husband was in her body by the scream. She tried to stop him before he woke Susan but she was too late. Susan walked into the room, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Hi Mommy and Daddy, are you each other now?" Susan asked. Kerri looked at her daughter in shock. Did her five-year-old daughter know what happened to them before they did? Did she cause it somehow? "Susan, what do you mean, honey?" Kerri said as gently as possible. James was watching with horror from the bed. He had been in this position before, kind of, and he wasn't handling it very well. "I lost a tooth yesterday and Grammy told me if I made a wish and didn't tell anyone about it, my wish would be granted." Susan said. James found the strength to speak finally, though he was using his wife's voice. "Oh my God, the toothfairy people again. I don't believe it." James said. "Susan, what did you wish for?" James asked, trying hard not to scare his daughter. "I wished that Daddy was the lawyer and he could stay home with me all day." Susan said. She was beginning to think that she got her wish but she might regret making it. Kerri realized she hadn't used the bathroom earlier and she really had to go now. She walked into the bathroom and started to sit down then changed her mind. She stood there and urinated standing up for the first time and then shook herself off. She readjusted the pajama bottoms she was wearing and went back into the bedroom. James was looking under the covers at his new body. James had sent Susan to her room to dress, promising breakfast soon. "Shit, I'm really in Kerri's body. It's that bitch Samantha, I'll bet it. She got her nose out of joint over that business 6 years ago and now she wants to get even. Damn it, I can't believe it, I'm a woman and I've got to piss." James thought to himself. He climbed out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. "James. We need to get a hold of the people right now. I'll go look them up on the Internet. You need to get dressed and I guess I'll have to call in for you and make some excuse why you can't come to work today." Kerri was always organized and good in a crisis . James normally was, but the second trip across the gender barrier was upsetting him. Kerri turned on the computer and connected to the Internet. She soon was on the website. She clicked on 'HELP' and an Online problem form appeared. It asked for information like her name and address, a daytime and nighttime phone number, the nature of the problem, and other information. She completed the form and clicked on 'SEND' the screen displayed a window announcing her message had been sent. She could expect a reply with in 24 hours. Kerri sighed at the delay. She was about to sign off when she noticed a toll free number for problems arising from wishes. Kerri picked up the phone and called the number. ", your wish is our command, this is Brad, how may I help you?" said a pleasant male voice. "Brad, My name Is Kerri Williams, I am currently wearing my husband's body and he is in mine because of one of your wishes." Kerri told him. "Yes ma'am, uh sir, and is there a problem with the wish?" Brad asked in a friendly manner. "Yes, there is a problem with the wish, I don't want to be a man and my husband doesn't want to be a woman!" Kerri said forcefully. "I see, can I have your address please." Brad asked pleasantly. Kerri gave the address and waited. Brad could be heard typing into a keyboard. He apologized for having to put Kerri on hold and then did so without giving her a chance to respond. Kerri waited on hold for six minutes and was about to hang up when Brad came back on the line. "Okay Mr. Williams, I mean Mrs. Williams, I just checked with my supervisor and she told me since you have completed an Online form, we will have to wait the prescribed 72 hours for it to be handled until we can take any action." Brad explained nicely. "Are you telling me because I filled out the online form, you won't help me until three days have gone by?" Kerri said, in a loud voice. She was starting to lose her temper."Besides, the website said a response could be expected in 24 hours." "That's what it amounts to ma'am, uh sir, uh, whatever. Once the online form has been completed and sent in, no one else, except the online complaint department, can handle the claim. This prevents duplication of effort and reduces costs to everyone. It's a sound business decision. If you have not been contacted in 24 hours, call back and we will look into your complaint for you. We promise a response in 24 hours and a resolution in 72 hours." Brad said in a friendly tone of voice. "Brad, I want to talk to your supervisor, right now." Kerri said in that same low tone of voice that sends shivers up the spine of any who dare to get in her way. The fact that she was using James's voice did not change the effect it had on Brad one bit. Brad knew that this one was going to be a problem. "Yes ma'am, right away." Brad said sweetly. "Samantha, this is Brad, we have a problem wish and they want to speak to a supervisor." Samantha Lewis accessed her system and pulled up the file number Brad gave her. Samantha smiled when she saw the name on the file. 'What goes around, comes around', she thought. "Okay Brad, I'll handle this call." Samantha said as she picked up her phone. "Good morning Mrs. Williams, or should I say Mr. Williams?" Samantha said."This is Samantha Lewis, it's been a few years since we spoke last." The gloating in her voice was obvious. "Samantha Lewis? You're a supervisor now?" Asked Kerri. "Yes, my hard work on clearing up the 'lost' wishes earned me a promotion, despite the little commotion that you and your husband, or should I say wife, caused? I understand you have benefitted from another of our wishes." Samantha told her. Kerri could hear the smile in Samantha's voice she was enjoying this greatly. "Look, Samantha," Kerri said, "we both know you are writing contracts with minors and they won't hold up in a court of law. Just reverse the wish, put me and my husband back into our own bodies right now and there won't be any further trouble." "You may know that James, but I don't. There was a Supreme Court decision last month that stopped a class action suit against us. We weren't writing contracts, there is no consideration passing from the wish-makers to us. We merely grant the wishes. We are a philanthropic organization and as such we have been granted preferential status. You may notice that you are having a hard time coming up with a legal reference to what I am saying. Based on the wish your daughter expressed, you are now James, the Daddy, and no longer an attorney. Your lovely wife Kerri is the attorney. If you are silly enough to want to try and sue us over a wish that was granted as expressed and in a timely manner, she will have to talk to our attorney's about it. Now, if there is nothing else, I have work to do." Samantha hung up and left Kerri stammering for a response. Kerri was badly shook, she had tried to think of the definition of estoppel as she was listening to Samantha Lewis gloating. She couldn't think of what the term meant, nor several others she should have known. She was no longer an attorney. For some reason, that didn't bother her as much as it should have. Instead, she found herself thinking about her job as a computer systems specialist. Her mind was filled with thoughts of servers, hubs, LANs and more. They people had turned James into the lawyer and she was now the husband and computer expert. Getting up from the phone Kerri went in to break it to James. James was wrestling with a blouse, trying to button from the other side was slowing him down. "Have any trouble with the bra?" Kerri asked. "Huh? Oh, the bra, no, I just put it on the way I've seen you put it on for the last six years. I just have a little trouble with buttons on the wrong side. What did the 'ice maiden', Samantha have to say? When do they change us back?" James asked. "They aren't going to, not yet. They claim to have a recent Supreme Court decision that protects them. They refuse to take any action until their 'problem resolution team' has made an assessment." Kerri explained. "When will that be?" James asked, suddenly pale. "Twenty four to seventy two hours." Kerri told him. "Damn it, I can't miss three days of work. I have projects that demand me being there everyday." James said. He felt panic setting in, he tried to keep it down. He didn't want to blow up in front of Susan. She had done this to them but she was too young to realize how upsetting this could be. "Uh, honey, you couldn't go to work now if you wanted to." "What does that mean, Kerri?" "First answer this for me, can you define estoppel?" Kerri asked. "It's a principal of law. Basically it refers to a claim that a fact does exist to the damage of another who has relied upon your claim concerning the fact. Once it has been established that the fact does not exist, if damage has been sustained, the party who claimed that the fact existed cannot now claim the fact does not exist. Where the hell did I learn that?" James wondered out loud. The same place I learned what a server, a hub and a LAN was. We are now each other. That was Susan's wish that you would be the lawyer and stay home with her. I guess because you two played so much the two extra days off you had after the move. I believe that I could go to your job and do it just as well as you used to be able to." Kerri said. James sat there thinking for several minutes and finally nodded. "I just thought of five or six cases I could site to use in an argument against You're right, but why change our bodies. Why not make me the stay home father and you the office working mother?" James asked. "I don't know, probably because of the hassle we gave them after our 'honeymoon', it's a way of getting even. We may have to wait for Susan to lose another tooth to make another wish." "I guess we better get Susan some breakfast. I guess we may be this way for a while." James said dejectedly. "Hey, don't look so glum, we got through the last time, didn't we? We can do this, didn't you have fun despite the body you had and didn't you learn something about women?" Kerri pointed out. "Yes, you're right again. I guess a few weeks as you won't be the end of the world. At least this time I'm an adult. I did wish the other day that I could spend the kind of quality time with Susan that you do." "I was hoping for a chance to get out of the house a little more. This may be what we needed, a vacation without leaving home." Kerri laughed. James joined in using his wife's girlish giggle. "I guess I should call you James now and you should call me Kerri." the new woman said. "Yes, it would seem strange to anyone for me to call the sexy redhead James." the new man replied. The 'sexy' remark caused Kerri to blush but 'she' smiled at the same time. "I'll fix some breakfast." Kerri said as she walked toward the kitchen. She had finished dressing in jeans and sneakers. James was going to say something about her clothes but decided not to. "I can still get to work on time if I hustle." James said as he headed for the shower. Later that afternoon, Kerri received a call from the Problem Desk at "Hello, is this Mr. Or Mrs. Williams?" the friendly voice asked. "Yes, it is." Kerri answered, "and that is the problem." "Ah, yes, so I see. My name is Frank, I am a supervisor on the Problem Desk here at I've reviewed the wish, sir uh, Ma'am, yes and well there is no wrongdoing on the part of The wish was made freely and without telling anyone. It caused no great harm to any person and it was granted just as it was expressed.. I'm sorry you feel like it is in error, but there is no reason to set a precedent and change the wish once it has been granted." Frank said, speaking very rapidly. "Frank, I was a man last night, today I am a woman. How is that right?" Kerri argued. "We don't question the wishes ma'am, we just grant them. The only rule is it can't cause physical harm to a living being. Beyond that, we simply grant the wish. You may, if you choose, request the wish maker rescind this wish with another wish when she loses her next tooth. Just make sure you don't discuss the wish with her after she has lost the tooth. Now, is there anything else I can help you with, Mrs. Williams?" Frank said. "You haven't helped me at all Frank, how about having Samantha Lewis give me a call. Can you do that, Frank." Kerri asked. "I'll be glad to tell that you wish to speak to her right away. At, your wish, is our command. Have a very good day ma'am." Kerri slammed the phone down. She was at a disadvantage. She was on the defensive, her enemy was not likely to cave in as easy as they did the last time and The real Kerri had the memories of the last negotiation. Jamie had been 'outside the loop' during those talks. Just then Susan came running in. "Mommy, Mommy, Barney's on, will you come watch it with me, please?" Kerri and Susan sat on the couch, Susan in Kerri's lap, and watched the big purple dinosaur sing and dance and play with the children on the show. Kerri was bored to tears with the kiddie show. She was sure it was something Susan loved but she didn't want to be here doing this. She didn't want to be a she. Just then Susan grabbed Kerri's hand. "Sing along Mommy, please." Susan said. "I love you, you love me...". Kerri didn't really know the song but she hummed along. It was very simple and very sweet. Kerri finished the song that ended the show. When it was over, Susan turned to her 'mother' and hugged her hard. "Thanks for watching the show with me Mommy, I want to do this everyday." Kerri hugged her back and could think of no reason not to. It was a very small thing and Susan enjoyed it. It was everything else she had to do. Kerri had to work about 4 hours a day on the matters the office sent her. Reviewing contracts, giving legal opinions. She had to tele-conference at least once a week. That meant dressing like she was going to the office since they had upgraded to video conferencing. Kerri didn't like that part. She dreaded the thought of wearing makeup and a dress or skirt. There was no choice though. She had to do it. It was her job now. In addition to the legal work, she had to care for Susan, shop, clean house and cook meals. As James she had gotten used to having dinner ready soon after getting home each night. Now she was responsible for that. These thoughts caused her to try and stir into action. Kerri called and left several messages but Samantha did not call that day or the next.. Finally, Kerri checked her e-mail and found a message from Samantha. It had a huge text attachment. It was a short note suggesting that Kerri read the attachment before taking any legal action. The attachment was the transcript of the recent Supreme Court decision. She printed it out, it was 76 pages long. It took Kerri six days to read the decision. She had to make time between work, housework, Susan and Barney. In the end, she had to agree with Samantha, they were judgement proof and they knew it. Kerri called Samantha one more time. "Samantha, this is Kerri Williams," Kerri said when Samantha came on the line. "Hi Kerri, how's life as a woman?" Samantha said with a chuckle. "Not bad, how's life as a bitch?" Kerri replied. "Well, we learn quickly, don't we. Are we going to make this personal?" Samantha asked. "You did that when you changed my sex, again." Kerri told her. "I just called to tell you that I have read the decision and I agree with you that you are decision proof. Is there anything I can offer to you that would entice you to change us back immediately?" She was eating crow and she should have passed on the bitch remark but Samantha had always irritated her since their first meeting. "Kerri, nothing you could do or say will cause me to reverse your daughter's wish. Maybe if it was a permanent wish, I'd consider it, but you can get changed back the next time Susan loses a tooth. It may be several month's though. It'll give you a better appreciation for what women go through." Samantha said. There was no humor in her voice. The settlement had slowed her promotion by at least six months. This was the only chance she had to get even. "Samantha, I know you could do this if you really wanted to and I hope you have a good laugh over this, but consider this. You and your company may be judgement proof but what about wishes?" Kerri said in the same low tone the other Kerri used to scare the hell out of people. It didn't work. "Oh, wish something on me? Go ahead if you want to waste one, employees and former employees of are immune from legal and magical action, we have a special Spell-Check program for that very purpose." Samantha said with an evil chuckle. Kerri could tell she was telling the truth, it made sense. Kerri slammed the phone down. Susan came running in, looking worried. "What's wrong Mommy, I heard you talking to the woman at the toothfairy place, are you mad at me?" Susan's eyes were filling with tears. Kerri knelt down and hugged her tight. "No dear, not at all, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm just mad at the lady on the phone. Mommy hasn't felt very good today." Kerri said truthfully. "I bet it's 'that time of the month' Mommy." Susan said. "What do you mean?" Kerri asked but she was sure she knew. She was curious how Susan knew about periods at age five. "Mommy told me that when she doesn't feel good and sometimes cries when nothing's wrong and she has to go to the bathroom a lot, then it's 'that time of the month'."Susan said, smiling. Just then a cramp ripped though Kerri's lower abdomen. Susan was right. "Damn it, it just keeps getting worse." Kerri thought. She spent the day trying hard not to yell at Susan, she hadn't done anything wrong and it wasn't her fault that Kerri started her period. Still she hated Samantha Lewis all the more for it. Kerri made it through until James came home. He helped her with dinner and offered some advise to help her through the next five to six days. Kerri had managed to find the tampons and make proper use of them. She explained the situation with the wishes to James. They decided they didn't want Susan to think she had done anything wrong. They carefully explained they wanted her to tell them if she lost a tooth. Then they explained that they wanted her to wish the last wish never happened. She nodded her head very gravely and promised. Kerri found being at home and working as an attorney was better than she thought it would be. She got a lot closer to Susan. They watched Barney everyday, went for walks and shopping. Kerri had stuck to wearing jeans and little or no makeup while she anticipated a reversal of the wish. Now, since that wasn't going to happen, Kerri began taking more care in her appearance. Susan helped her pick out clothes to wear and James taught her how to apply makeup. Kerri found wearing dresses comfortable and natural. She liked the way she looked with her makeup carefully applied. She began getting her nails done every week just as the other Kerri had. It wasn't perfect but she would get by, it couldn't last much longer. James found adjusting to life as a man far easier than her had expected. As Kerri, he used to take an hour to get ready to go our with make up and pantyhose and long hair. Now he could be ready in just ten to fifteen minutes. His job was every bit as rewarding as the law was. In many ways it was better, he had almost immediate results, not true in his former profession. He liked interacting with adults all day and coming home to a clean house and dinner cooked by Kerri. There was just a couple of things that James missed about their new 'situation'. One was his time with Susan was more limited. He just saw her in the evenings and on weekends now. He was a little jealous of Kerri now. He laughed out loud in his car on the way home one night. This was exactly opposite of what he thought before they switched. The other thing he had begun to miss was intimacy. Kerri and James hugged each other and they kissed, but not seriously, not deeply. They shared the same bed but they never touched each other. James's body was making demands. He wanted to be with his wife but he didn't want to make her do something that would seem so different and strange to a former man. He was afraid that just bringing it up would cause a problem. He decided to let Kerri make the first move, he was sure she would sooner or later. One day, Susan said her feet hurt, Kerri checked and discovered her shoes were too tight. She decided to take her daughter clothes shopping. Kerri had not shopped for clothes as a girl for years.

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When the conversation again became more general, Sally Duncan spoke up for the first time. Turning towards Andy Taylor at the end of the table she said, "Mrs. Taylor, I think it's about time we cleared the air around here." Sitting up straight in her chair, Sally looked exquisitely beautiful. As Andy had been doing earlier, now Sally was idly toying with her wine glass. She seemed preoccupied by the brilliant burgundy-red color. The people around the table watched her as she seemed to lose...

2 years ago
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More Skinny Dipping

I'm 16 and I recently got a new pool. My parents were out of town so I decided to have a pool party with a bunch of friends. The crowd was a mix of girls and boys. I was excited because my crush was going to be there in a bikini. The party started and everybody was there and having a good time. I saw my crush and got a slight hard on. She was wearing a two piece bikini that was really small. The party was ending and everybody was leaving except my crush until it was just us. During the party I...

1 year ago
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Das Jahr mit Sabrina

Sie lachte. Als Tibor das erste Mal seit zwei Wochen kam und auf den Teller mit dem Goldrand und den Pizzaresten spritzte. Die harten trockenen Ränder ihrer Meeresfrüchtepizza – Sabrina aß niemals die Ränder mit – würden bald aufweichen. Am meisten amüsierte es sie, daß Tibor weinen mußte, während sein kleiner Penis noch zuckte. Sabrina schlug das rechte Bein über ihr linkes. Ihr Rock rutschte hoch, so daß Tibor ihre wunderschönen nylonbestrumpften Oberschenkel sehen konnte, jetzt, nachdem er...

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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 7

10 Ceti System Flag Bridge, Gns Moshe Dyan 15/06/41 Nr 1545 Hours Admiral Aaron Peters sat in his command chair on his flag bridge and tried not to fret. Every remaining warship in the Genevan navy, except for the scouts he had detached as escorts for the fleeing transports, was arrayed at the Delta Volantis wormhole terminus. He gazed into the main holo display, and his eyes strayed to a pair of light codes crawling across the display toward the 28 Librae wormhole terminus. Luisa had left...

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The Boss pt 2 Claimed

I hurriedly walk down the gorgeous tile floor of the new building that houses Jason’s record label. I have been getting my ass ripped all day long and I am determined to not screw up this time as I make sure everything is right in the McDonald’s bag that I’m carrying. It seems that no matter how hard I try, everything has made my boss pissed off today. I swear everything has been perfect and done his way, but he seems to find fault in everything I do today. Yes, it does hurt my feelings, but...

3 years ago
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The former babysitter

It was a spring day bright and sunny but not too warm. Jakob and some of his friends were in town at the street fair drinking beer and enjoying themselves.As the evening slowly approached, fair attendance shifted from families with small children to teenagers showing off in front of each other by buying alcohol whether they were allowed to or not. Jakob saw some of his son's friends trying to buy beer though they were way too young. Luckily, his wife was with the children at home, a night of...

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Johns Sexual Adventures Sister and Boyfriend let me into their threesome

Now you’ve probably read some of my previous adventures before now so I wont go into too much detail about some of the previous characters, please feel free to go back and read those to catch up. This is the second part of my previous story with my sister. It happened about 3 weeks after our little trist on a hot summer day. We were sitting at home one day when she told me her boyfriend Ryan was going to come over and they were going swimming out back. I told her I was just going to watch...

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Maviah Modda Pakkinti Lanja Manisha

Hi Everybody. This is a Telugu Story written in Roman Script. It is not a short story But I hope you all will enjoy it.Ma illu first floor lo vuntundi. kinda ground floor lo house owners vuntarru. Kanni pillalu chudadaniki anni USA vellaru. ma pakkana illu votti ground floor.Ma rendu illa madhyana gap challa thakuva. samayamu summurga udayamu 11 ayyi vunda vachuu. nennu newspaper thirgestunna. appuddu vehicle vachi aggina sound vinnapadindhi. yevarra anni paiki legisi chusannu. voka truck aggi...

2 years ago
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Doctors Office

Having visited the same doctor since I was a child I knew inevitably theday would come that he would retire. The letter in my hand confirmed my thoughts. I never contemplated all the intimacies that patients and doctors share until the prospect of finding a new doctor was upon me. I wasn't having any medical issues, but it was 3 months past my annualexam. I knew I had to find a new doctor just to make sure nothing was wrong. I decided to go to another gentlemen I heard about. He was about 50...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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New Slave PlanetChapter 2

The space shuttle was ferrying a load of passengers from Two.the space ship Nomad to Earth Brianna Jones realized her journey to Earth Two was nearly at an end. She sat back and wondered what life would be like on the newly discovered planet. She knew practically nothing about it as regular communication from it to earth was confined mainly to the ruling elite who only announced essential information. The rest of the communication came in the form of a few letters sent to Earth families who...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 1 The Fall Of Man

“ARRRGGHHHH!!!” Ana smiled as an especially brutal lash whipped into the back of her naked, shivering submissive. He was shackled to a St. Andrew's Cross and naked, aside from the metal cock cage imprisoning his shriveled manhood. His back was covered in welts. Some were old. Many were new. The canvas of his body was growing more raw and red by the second. Anastasia was a skilled artist with a bullwhip and she enjoyed painting the skin of powerful men most of all. *C-CRACK C-CRACK...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 56

Several people have asked for an updated character list. Jeff's wives to date: Diana is Jeff's first wife; their daughter is Arlene. Laura is Diana's long-time friend, and her daughter is Ann. Ann was the virgin with the armor-plated hymen. Jennie and Melissa are Arlene's friends from Georgia whose parents were having the orgy when Jeff and the others walked in. Hope (not yet fully in the story) is from the scene in New York where her father is selling her. Helen is the genius and...

2 years ago
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Dman2Chapter 1 Jamaica

I closed my eyes and let the sun beat down on my pale skin. There was a soft breeze off the sea that kept me cool even when the temperature was in the high eighties. The dark sun glasses I had purchased at the resort gift shop helped keep the sun out of my eyes and finally I could relax. I was happy with the decision to come down early to the resort so I could have a couple of days alone to relax and de-stress. The resort was beautiful, right on the beach but still had a couple of pools. It...

1 year ago
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Impregnating my mother

Ever since I was a little boy I was afraid of thunderstorms, andwhenever there was a particularly violent one at night, I would run tomy parents bedroom and climb into their big king size bed, where mymother would hold me until the storm abated. I literally shook withfear, and only the warmth of her body holding me close, and hersoothing voice could calm me down. One such occasion when I was twelvetook a different twist, we were experiencing the worst storm I had everwitnessed, the thunderclaps...

3 years ago
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Spring Break

Spring BreakChapter 1: The VideosIt all began the spring of my first year in college. Spring break was a week away, and my friends were planning a road trip to florida for the week. Seeing as how I was completely broke, I couldn't go with them, and was forced to spend the week at home with my mom. I figured I could at least watch some Girls Gone Wild, maybe feel like it was really spring break. I was pissed that my friends would be getting so much action, while I sat at home and played scrabble...

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What was I thinking? How could I let this happen? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, every bit of it! I mean what middle age man wouldn't, Rafel thought to him self. I mean, I just lost my wife of nine years, I'm not sure if I know how to date any longer and I'm horny as I was when I was in my twenties. There she was consoling me, telling me all these wonderful things and then she caressed my thigh. At first I didn't even notice her touch, her words dripped like honey onto my ears. Telling me...

1 year ago
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Fucking Married Part 3

The next few weeks are the closest I have ever had to a relationship. Not because exclusivity had been promised, but because between work, and fucking Paul, and fucking Tam, and sleep I had no time for anyone else. Paul and Tam led very independent lives and so they each had plenty of time for me separately…. But I wanted both of them at the same time… I wanted my delicious lady love, and my hard fucking cock at the same time. These two had me obsessed.One lazy afternoon, while Tam and I lay in...

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Becoming a leather toy boy

This is a little story of one of my first encounters with a leather milf.It all started when the parents were looking to move house and began visiting properties. Not something I'm interested in at all but one day decided to go with them to see this so called 'amazing' house. And I'm so glad I did because it turned out it really was.... Well for me anyway!!!So we walked up the drive and knocked on the door. As the door opened there stood a gorgeous green eyed, blonde mature woman. Not only did...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Middle Aged Cuckold Couple as told by

My name is Gloria (alias actually). My master (my husband's boss) picked that alias because he thinks I look a lot like gangbang Gloria on xhamster. My master has instructed me to share our story from my point of view. I have read my husbands posts and find it interesting how the point of view of a man and woman can often be very different. He surely fails to describe my feelings both physical and emotional to what our life is and how it came to be what it is. This all started for us about 14...

2 years ago
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A Little Tail Part 9

A Little Tail - Part 9 By Lexi Lee Question I really need your help here. No it's not that I need a cum fix (Umm, I can't believe I said that, maybe later, 'K?) What I need is some information. You see we were having a discussion over lunch and it ended up in a bet. You really have no idea what I'm talking about do you? Sorry I'll start at the beginning. Mickey, Cherry, Chad and I went to our local mall for a girls day out. You know shopping, flirting,...

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my mom

hi my name is gill. i just write the story about my life. its really true. i was 16 year old when i was saw my mom change the clothes in front on me. i was saw her nice boobs and her nipples. i also like her nice white long legs without any hair on it. her nice back. i want to touch her but i couldn,t did. because she is my mom. after that it happens some time i watched once a weak even then she was comes in my dreams. what happened once she forgot in bathroom and forgot her towel and then she...

4 years ago
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Curious Clients 3 Ariel Anal Sex Slave

Small sweet shy poor pretty Ariel is completely confused from her hot amazing orgasm and enormous eruption at the lap of Professor Peter. He still has his fingers in both her tight twat and up her arse. She notices now how badly she needs to pee. She never would have imagined he would spank her ass so fiercely, nor that it is such a terrible turn-on. Would he let her go to take a leak? What were his last words when she came so hard? Seems something in his tone had changed. She searches her mind...

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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 5

A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him...

1 year ago
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My Aunt Padma Showed Me Heaven Part 10

Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. After her orgasm, Indira took her mouth off my cock and rested against the sofa, taking her nipple off my mouth. Indira: What...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Cecilia Lion Black Is Beautiful

Cecilia Lion is new on the scene, and she is ready to tear it up. Her tight young ebony body is so hot that she can barely keep her hands off herself. She warms herself up by touching and teasing her cute black pussy. Then our stud shows up and Ceclia demonstrates what she can do. She takes his cock in her mouth and stuffs it into her mouth for a super wet blowjob. The only thing she loves more than stroking cock is taking it in her tight cunt. She pops her pussy and lets our stud enter her...

2 years ago
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Pacifying My Husband

I'm feeling sea-sick in my own bed. My husband hasn’t been sleeping, which means I haven’t been sleeping. Let me tell you, when his six-foot-two, two-hundred-and-thirty-pound body tosses and turns, it feels like a tidal wave rocking the mattress beneath me. We fucked before bedtime; both of us came so hard we immediately collapsed into sleep. But he didn't stay asleep. Work is troubling him lately, stirring his mind.Others see him as a little stern maybe, but he is always fair with his...

Oral Sex
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I Hate You Chapter Two

It was also raining outsideagain. My eyes had been aching since about four o’clock today and it’s nearing seven p.m. now. I had to get home to Elaina. Ever since I have been driving for more than a week at a time, she has been very irritable. Once she even gave me the silent treatment and slept in her room for the first time since our first night together. I don’t ever want to go through that again. That was the loneliest night I’d had since her mother died. This time I drove down the Alcan...

3 years ago
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Tribe Part 1

Unlike other local tribes the warriors are white with the exception of the leader and a couple of the younger girls who have darker, olive coloured skin. Having lured him into a trap they snare a Tarzan like figure. He is dressed in just a loincloth, is really well built and muscular. It takes 4 or 5 of the warriors to wrestle him to the ground. As he is pinned to the floor a couple of the girls are already grabbing the front of his loincloth, checking out his equipment! Once they have him...

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The night that changed my life Chapter 4a What have I done

The Night That Changed My Life- Chapter 4a – What have I done?  As we leave the hotel and get into our cars, the guilt of what I had done hits me like a ton of bricks. Vivid thoughts of my wife, and good times we have spent together over the last 10 years race through my mind. I even scream to myself in my car ‘You fucking idiot! What have I just done?’ But there is a feeling that I get when I am with ‘her’, something way more than just pure sex, it’s so hard to describe….she completes me.

4 years ago
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25 December 2006Chapter 2

Brad felt it was time to give Abby her present, and Karen smiled as Abby retrieved his gift. They sat side by side and exchanged presents. Karen had to cover her mouth, anticipating what she already knew. “You got me a necklace!” Brad cried. Then looking closer at the design, he looked to Abby. “You got me the same one I bought for you!” She remarked, revealing her gift. Karen couldn’t control her laughter as she recited the Living Liver Donor day when Brad then Abby took her along to buy...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 520

The Prison Planet ...”Good choice,” the Clan Queen said, “And you are marrying an Alpha. That Alpha is changing as we speak, although the changes are subtle, just as your changes are, but time will make a difference in both of you. Some of those differences will be obvious and some won’t,” she finished, mysteriously. The other two left, leaving Arlene, Kei, Jeff, Morales, Nat, Nicki and Whitney to eat. After a moment, Morales caught Jeff’s eye. “What’s on your mind?” the Prime...

2 years ago
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The husband of Tatsumaki

(Will be re-writing chapters to make it a more enjoyable read. This is going to take a while and any tips or advice is more than welcome.) It's a cold Saturday morning the pan sizzles as you pour the pancake mix on, looking out the kitchen window you see the sky is filled with grey clouds spitting small flakes of snow that settles on the ground. Your house sits in a remote area it prevents reporters from hounding Tatsumaki about the Hero Association. Not that their an issue since she could...

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A new Friend

I had met a guy on xhamster who lived nearby and we chatted for a couple of days. He confided that he was really looking for a J.O. buddy and I was interested. We finally met at a bar for a few drinks and hit it off even though I am older than he is. Alcohol was working and during some sexy talk, he quickly slid his hand to my crotch. I was already hard and this was getting hotter by the minute! I got a chance to reach for his crotch and he suggested we go elsewhere. As we were leaving,...

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Jogging Wali Ldki

Mai jamahedpur se hu aur mai apni dusri story lekr apke samne ayahu.Pichli story k koi comments to nai aye lekin is baar ummid krta huki mil jaye..Okk…Mai ek average ladka hu jisse slim body wali ldki hi pasand hai.Sbki apni pasand hai.Ab mai apni story pe ata hu.Mai ek kaam semorning me kahi ja raha tha to jaise hi room se nikla to dekha ki ekldki morning walk kr rahi thi.Mai surprised hua kuki wo to phle naidikhi thi.Sayad nai ayi hogi.Pata krne pr malum chala ki wo 2 din phlehi shift hui...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 1 Daughters Rebellious Futa Passion

Chapter One: Daughter's Rebellious Futa Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! “I'm totally going to do it!” the futa-demon Spice said. She had her hands on her hips, her big boobs bouncing before her and cute devil's tail swishing back and forth. The gold chain, connected to the two rings that pierced her nipples, jingled. Red hair cascaded down around a youthful and mischievous face, black horns peeking out of the fiery curls. She unfurled...

1 year ago
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4 My Fathers Son Ch 1315

CHAPTER THIRTEEN The office walls were covered in Van Gogh prints and Nicholas found it to be ironic. Wasn’t Van Gogh the one who went crazy and cut off his ear? ‘Tell me why you’re here,’ the old man requested, his rectangular spectacles slipping a little down his straight narrow nose. Nicholas sighed. ‘I guess I’m confused. I don’t really know who I am or why I’m doing the things I do.’ He jiggled his knee nervously. He hadn’t spoken to anyone about how he felt about his life since...

2 years ago
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En Vacances Part 5 Fucktoy Tease

En Vacances Part 5: Fucktoy Tease All is quiet, the silence broken only by the eternal background noise of insects and the heavy panting of shivering, orgasmic me. I’m clinging to the balcony rail, my body shaking from the after tremors caused by Anita’s fingers’ twin assault on my arse and pussy. Ejaculant drips from between my legs, my vagina an open faucet with a stopcock that can’t quite be fully closed, my thighs streaked with its slippery wetness, my calves and feet splattered, and...

2 years ago
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Sunlights Ache

I let the amazement wash over me with an unadulterated wave as I stand there silently. Looking down at you, I quietly take in yet another moment that seems to expand infinitely outward as it stops time once again. The early afternoon sun is coming through the sheers and has not quite made it all the way across the bed to where you are sleeping. Dust particles tattle as the late summer breeze puffs into the room cool from the shade of the oak tree on the north side of the house. To watch you...

Love Stories
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Hypnotic Tits you have to be kidding

The new neighborI am now in my early thirties, keep myself in good shape physically, taking time each day to attend the gym, not far from my home, working at a hospital pharmacy gives me steady hours and the pay is good, could be better, but I can’t complain. I graduated with out any debt, so the first two years, i stayed at my mom’s house, saving everything I made, taking my time to find the perfect home for me and maybe someday a wife if she ever came along. Dating and my sex life are all...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ki Gand Ki Mehek

I’m a new iss member so if any errors in story occur please excuse Mera nam xyz hai.I m a maharshtrian.Mai medical padh raha hu aur 3 saal me doctor ban jaunga . Mai iss bahut saalo se padh raha hu so isislye socha apni ek kahani bhi likh du . Ti chalo kahani pe aate hai. Meri kahani hai meri aunty k bareme. Unka figure bahut hi kadak hai rang sawla hai. Unki height 5”4 hai.Unke mamme jaise ki ras ki dukan aur gand jaise bada sa makan. Baat aise shuru hui ki mai hamesha chuttiyo me aunty ko...

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