AngelWatch Ch. 06 free porn video

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Windy had interrupted my talk with Julie, but two days later I found Amy, and her story came out quickly. She’d had a boyfriend of sorts, or at least a hookup partner she was kind of into. She’d also had a bi-curious moment with a hot blonde in the same dorm. Her boyfriend got wind of it, and the next day he decided to ‘straighten her out’. In the ensuing rape, she’d had her elbow fractured.

She didn’t report the rape. The guy had told her that if she did, her bi-curious moment would get back to her parents, her friends and the internet. That was all it took to silence her.

There are times I’m a little ashamed of my gender.

The thing that shocked me was that the rape had worked. She told me she’d never do a girl again. I found that bizarre, in her circumstance, it was guys I’d have given up on. But I was learning that rape had different effects on different people. Rape was still around and going strong, I was starting to realize, because it sometimes does accomplish a guy’s aims. However vile.

She told me what dorm he lived in, and what kind of girl he liked — Asians, as it turned out, which meant meeting him was going to be pretty simple. She told me not to go near him. He’d seem really nice at first, but… he got intense fast, and he was so persuasive.

I was going to show him what persuasive meant.


He was easy enough to find. And fuck was he cute.

I actually caught myself thinking maybe it wasn’t rape. Maybe she just decided- and then I cut that thought short. I’d been in Amy’s mind. I knew what he was. But as a shocking reminder of how much a good masculine face can screw with a woman’s thoughts, it was disturbing. It didn’t help that I was in the horny part of my cycle. I’d been noticing guys all day.

He was talking and laughing with friends. Not a care in the world. It must be good to be a hot male in the western world, I decided. Hookups on demand, all the companionship you wanted and hey, if a girl has to be pushed occasionally, so what? They like that, right?

This bastard had forced a girl with a broken elbow.

He glanced my way, and did a double take. I didn’t blame him. I was sporting a short, tight qipao, black leggings and a careful makeup job, after all. I smiled at him nervously and looked down at my iPhone. He knew I was watching him anyway, even with averted eyes, and he winked at me. I licked my lips. He’d be back, I knew.

He was, in three minutes. Alone.

‘Well now,’ he said. ‘I thought I knew all the beautiful girls on campus. How did I miss the best of all?’

‘Shit that’s cheesy,’ I said without looking up.

‘I suppose. But true. You’ve got something good going, girl.’

I read him. He was awash in sincerity. He meant it.

‘Thanks. I can tell you appreciate it by the way you’re staring at my legs.’ I recrossed them for him. ‘It makes me feel all valued.’

‘That just proves I’m male. I’m Peter.’

‘And I’m trying to read here.’

He sat down next to me, enough inches away that it wasn’t creepy, just pushy. ‘Hello, TryingTo ReadHere. Please look up, beautiful. The book or whatever will still be there in an hour, but who knows if I will be?’

‘I know which way I’m betting. You’re the sort that moves in pretty fast — and moves on again even faster.’

‘Very true,’ he said, softly. ‘But that doesn’t make me a bad person.’

That got me to look up. ‘Unholy shit,’ I said. ‘You’re not even pretending to be thinking ahead. Look, I don’t do hookups with total strangers. Kay? Shove off.’

He smiled. Shit, he was good at that. Really good smile. Really nice lips…

‘I’m going, then,’ he said. ‘But I’ll be looking for you from this day on. I’ll find you when you aren’t distracted by a good book. I’ll even learn your name. Don’t dream it’s going to be any other way.’

He got up and moved off. Fuck, nice ass, too.

‘Yo. Flirt boy. Peter.’

He stopped, glanced back, already looking like there were other things on his mind. He really had a good game, I decided. ‘Yeah?’

‘Katelyn. I don’t go to this school, so don’t bother hunting the register.’

He cocked his head at me. ‘Then I need more than a first name.’

‘You wouldn’t even have gotten that if it wasn’t for the nice ass. Look, I’ll be in Predicament pub at nine this evening. I might be alone. If I am, you can buy me coffee. If I’m not, stay the fuck away. Can you handle that?’

He looked at me in disbelief. ‘I’m going to cancel my evening plans and head to a sleazy pub on the off chance you might show up alone. Really?’

‘I like the Predicament. Good pizza. Which you might get to buy me.’

‘No deal. I’ll counteroffer though. The Burnished Brass at 10. I’ll buy. You’ll come alone and so will I.’

The Burnished Brass wasn’t a posh high end place either, but it was a step up from the Predicament. Kind of flattering.

Then he looked me over, and not subtly. When he got to my eyes, he said. ‘And dress up. I will.’

That sent a shiver down my back. ‘Of all the fucking arrogance.’

‘I know. But it’s kind of hot, dressing up for someone you don’t know, meeting for the first time. Usually everyone’s in jeans, you know? Let’s do it differently.’

‘You’ve got pretty fair odds of getting stood up, after that request.’

He paused. ‘Maybe. I hope not. Very much. See you at ten.’

He walked off.

Arrogance and confidence aren’t the same thing. Exactly. Are they? Maybe the only difference is timing. Telling me to dress up — when I already had a nice dress on — and decent shoes, but not my best, and —

I was seething, and it took me a couple minutes to remember that I was going to kill this guy, shortly after he bought me drinks and maybe pizza. That calmed me down.

Broken elbow. I mean, what the fuck? So one of his harem had test-driven the girl model. He couldn’t handle that? He didn’t strike me as insecure. Oh, hell, it didn’t matter why he’d done it.

Did it?

An image of red rain, falling, flashed into my head. I whirled, looking for Windy.

She wasn’t here. She’d never have been able to hide if she was.

I moved off, back to my apartment. I had a date to get ready for.


I showed up fifteen minutes late, which was the least he deserved for asking me to dress up. I figured he’ll bail if I was twenty minutes late, though you never quite know with guys. In fact when I came in he was putting away his phone and reaching for his coat, and it looked like it wasn’t a planned performance. He wasn’t a patient guy, and it wasn’t flattering.

But I was in a gold sparkle bodycon cocktail dress, mid-thigh, and I’d spent an hour on my makeup. Yes, I know. I could have made him see me any way I wanted, so why bother with makeup? But in this case what I was aiming for wasn’t too different than my actual features. He liked Asians. So I was mostly messing with his perception of minor details and using makeup to help the disguise along.

Besides, some days, putting on makeup just feels really, really good.

But the end result is that when I walked in, a lot of eyes turned my way, and a lot of girls got the ‘I’m going to have to hate you now’ smile in place for me.

Peter dropped the coat when he saw me, but I pretended not to see him, and headed to the bar. Two guys closed in immediately, and I gave the nod to the pretty one. If Peter was going to tell me to dress it, he was going to watch how other men responded if I did.

He could have played that several ways. He could have left, or just smiled and waited it out, knowing we’d get together at some point. He might have texted me to point out that he was, in fact, here.

What he did instead surprised me. He walked straight in, getting between me and the guy who was asking me what I was having.

‘Back off, lad, if you don’t want to get hurt,’ said my new friend.
Peter turned to him.

‘You’ll be the one backing off,’ Peter said. ‘It gets ugly fast if you don’t. I invited her here.’

‘Seems to me she’s looking for a change of scenery, pretty boy.’

You didn’t have to be a reader to feel the hostility going off the charts. It was enough to frighten me, and I was about to open my mouth and tell Peter it was ok, I just hadn’t seen him, when Peter escalated.

There was a knife in his hand. I don’t know how it got there.

‘It’s simple, leave or bleed.’

‘What the fuck, lad.’ My new friend backed up, and looked at me. ‘I guess you like them crazier than I am. Enjoy your evening.’ He moved off and went to talk to some friends. The knife vanished, in a smooth and practiced movement.

I moved off to get my coat. Never mind my evening plans, I couldn’t cope with this. I mean, fuck, a knife in a pub? Game over. The police would be here soon, I couldn’t be around when they got here.

‘Yes, I think we need a change of venue,’ Peter said, appearing beside me.

‘The hell? Get away from me, you fucked-up psycho!’

I hadn’t meant to snap like that, but… a knife. The image of my last takedown returned to me, the knife cutting his throat, the blood pouring down like rain… I’d felt nothing at the time. But I remembered Windy’s knifepoint in my arm, and knives were suddenly scary. My gut twisted, I’d been in complete control when I walked in here, and now I wasn’t. I was a scared little girl and he had a knife in his pocket. Somehow that made him more powerful than I was, even though I could have reduced him to quivering fear in seconds.

A group of guys headed my way. The guy who had backed off, and his four friends.

‘Step away from the girl,’ one said.

‘Easy, lads,’ Peter said, but there was nothing easy about his voice. ‘Your boy threatened me, I sent him packing and now I’m leaving. No trouble needed.’

‘You’re leaving without the girl.’

‘Better yet,’ said another. ‘The girl is leaving if she likes, but you’re staying here. The police will be wanting a word on the topic of concealed blades.’

The girl, in this case, liked the sound of that. I headed for the door, quickly. To my surprise, some girl and a guy I didn’t know joined me on my way out, and they held the door for me.

‘Thanks,’ I mumbled, stepping out. They followed me. Now what?

‘Hold up a moment,’ my newest friend said, and he flipped open his cell. The girl smiled at me. ‘Cindy and Amos,’ she said. ‘You?’

‘Um, rather not say, and I’d rather not be around when the police show.’

‘A little late for that,’ she said, pointing a thumb at Amos. ‘Off duty, but it doesn’t have an off switch for him.’

Amos glanced over from his call. ‘I’d like you to press charges. If you have reason not to, I’ll understand, and we’ll walk you to your car. But I didn’t see the weapon and I’m guessing you did. And your testimony will be worth something, unlike the lads in there with your friend now.’

‘Look, I’m sorry, but I’m not local and I don’t know your laws and I don’t want trouble, I just met him this afternoon and I don’t know anything.’

Cindy eyed my dress, which in fairness did not scream ‘first date’. I may have blushed.

Peter stepped out, and of course saw us. Shit. This was ruined now. I couldn’t take Peter down as Katelyn now, or ever. Not with police having seen us together.

‘Katelyn! Interesting start to the date, hey? I think I owe you a better pub.’

‘You,’ said Amos, in a You May As Well Come Quiet sort of voice. ‘You’re going to be answering some questions downtown shortly, so I wouldn’t be hoping for a date this evening. Not with her anyway.’ A badge got flashed.

Peter smiled calmly. ‘Officer, you’ve got nothing to hold me on. Some boys in there tried to horn in on my evening, and I just talked them out of a fight. End of story.’

‘And your knife?’

‘Knife? Some drunk mentioned one but he was looking to start a fight, five on one. Who saw a knife?’

Amos turned his eyes to me. Right, to make an arrest stick he needed an accusation from a creditable witness. Peter hadn’t self-incriminated and Amos needed more to go on.

‘I- I didn’t see a knife,’ I said. I couldn’t get tangled with the police. I tried to pull myself together, all I had to do was get Amos and Cindy to leave, push Peter off in my own special way, and regroup.

Cindy gave me a pitying look. Amos gave me an unsympathetic one.

‘Right, boy,’ he said to Peter. ‘Stay out of this place from now on. I drink here and I like my evenings quiet. You’re within a whisker of reasonable grounds for search, but you walked out of the pub without a fight, which means I can get back to my evening if you keep walking.’

‘Thanks, officer,’ Peter said. ‘Katelyn, sorry for the fuss. Let’s go.’

Amos looked at me. I cursed, inwardly. If I broke off from Peter now, Amos would assume I was frightened, and maybe find grounds for pushing on Peter again, and if that knife got revealed now, I was complicit in a hidden weapons violation. Was that enough to get me in trouble? I didn’t know. It wasn’t worth the risk.

‘Um…sure. Um, Thanks, officer. Thanks Cindy!’

Cindy’s face was an open book. Just twitch an eyebrow, it said. Just a tiny nod. I’ll step between you and this guy with Amos beside me. You don’t have to go with him.

But I stepped next to Peter, and she pursed her lips and nodded. They moved off. I could hear the quiet conversation as they did:

‘I guess it’s ok. Some girls just like them like that.’

‘Well, you sure do…’

‘Shut up.’

I took a deep breath. Peter chuckled, softly.

‘That was fun, eh? I think we can do better than a pub, after that. ‘

‘Let me just repeat fucking psycho,’ I hissed. ‘You think I’m going to go all gooey girl because you pull a knife out? What the fuck kind of girls do you date anyway? Goodnight, don’t ever talk to me again.’

His eyes flared. Anger.

‘I’ve seen those boys before, in the pub here. Your evening wouldn’t have been improved by their company, and that’s putting it politely. The knife was for your benefit, not mine. Walk if you want, I’ll understand, but the knife had nothing to do with showing off. I thought you understood that when you covered for me with the officer.’

Furiously, I read him. Again, total sincerity.

‘You think you’ve earned the right to protect me after knowing me for two minutes. Fucking hell you’re arrogant!’

He pulled the knife out of his pocket, and tossed it in the gutter. I blinked. I recognized the shape from Windy’s training, it was UK Military, and expensive, not some twenty dollar knife. Not something you toss aside. He smiled.

‘Very well.’

‘You’re insane.’ I stared at the knife. ‘All I wanted was a drink and a pizza. Maybe twenty five dollars, whatever in pounds. How many cheap dates does that knife cost?’

‘Um… eight, with shipping. Look, there’s some chance it will still be there at the end of the evening. If it’s not, I can afford another one. I’m trying to make a point here, ok?’

‘The only point you’re making is that you’re insanely … fuck, pick a word: arrogant, unpredictable, risk-taking-‘

‘Male. Male’s the simple way to say it. Look, I’m running out of grand gestures here, so-‘

‘Do you have any idea how fucking frightening it was in there?!’

‘I didn’t like it much either, but I think you might be worth it!’

‘Why? You know nothing about me, except this!’ I tugged at the dress. ‘You risked a fight and a police record over a dress.’

‘Look, Katelyn, I’m not out here this evening for an argument. I canceled plans with a girl I like to spend time with because, well, because in the two minutes we talked this afternoon, you caught at my attention. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s something. I’d like to know which, and drinks and pizza were what you’d let me h
ave to find out. Only now it’s going to be drinks and dancing, because I don’t like the pub scene in these parts when I’m not carrying. But anyway… the dress is hot, and what’s inside it is hot, but I already had a date with a fuckbuddy lined up, so that’s not what I’m out here for, ok? Let me tell you what I want, and you can be either in or out on the deal. I want to walk down this street with you, and hang a right, and get into the Galaxy with you. I want to see you dance in those sexy five inch heels, and then get a table and talk to you. Talk not argue. Ply you with alcohol to get you talking more. At the end of the evening, if I like what I heard I want to kiss your forehead and ask for your phone number. It’s not complicated. So here I go.’

He turned and started walking. I wasn’t done arguing, but he was walking.

I cursed and caught up. Peter was one fucking arrogant guy, and the knife thing was sickening, but his flirt game was good. Kiss on the forehead and a phone number, if he hadn’t been a rapist, and not long for this world, that line would have caught my attention. I mean, how old fashioned sweet, right? Back in the states I heard a lot of ‘hey, babe… wanna?’ as opening lines. I kid you not.

‘I gotta tell you, this whole date thing is hanging by a thread. I’m not into guys calling the shots and assuming I’m up for any random decision they make. Who says I even dance?’

‘I’ve never met a pretty girl that didn’t. Maybe girls from the states are different, but this is England and we dance. And… listen, maybe you’re used to guys who take one look at you and get all smitten. You’re pretty gorgeous, I could see it working that way for you. But I don’t smit all that easily. If you expect me to change how I roll because the ‘date is hanging by a thread’ — sorry. If you don’t dance, propose something else, but let’s not threaten to withhold social interaction, right?’

”Withhold social interaction.’ What planet are you from?’

‘The planet of Gentlemanly Englishmen. What’s yours?’

And he fucking had me there. I was being a bit of a bitch, and he was pointing it out rather nicely. I tried to shift gears.

‘American Abroad. Sorry, we’re not known for manners, I guess.’

‘I was starting to think you were French. Alright, no more sniping. Do you dance, by the way?’

‘Yes, but not in five inch heels on a first date. That feels a little too much like Professional Paid Titillation to me.’

He looked me over again, slowly and lingeringly, as we walked. ‘..and if I ask you to very nicely?’

‘Um… that was an amazing balance of flattering and flat out creepy. And I’m not sniping, I meant it. Look, I know what the dress appears to be saying, but the dress is to punish you for asking for more than you should. I was going to let you take a good long look at what you can’t have, and call it an early night.’

‘Women are always scheming, always planning it out. Everything always has a hidden message, it’s all signals and implications. It gets old. I put it out there, straight and clear, and that’s what I’d like back.’

‘Well, you won’t get it. Women aren’t about straight and clear, or whatever you call it. We keep ourselves secret to keep ourselves safe. Some guys are bastards.’

‘I suppose. I was a bastard, once or twice.’

I shivered slightly. ‘Really? Tell me about that.’

‘Why? Are you into bastards? Some girls are. But I try not to be one anyway.’

‘And what happens when you are?’

We turned a corner.

‘Sweetheart… first date. I’d like to focus on all the reasons why you should date me, not the occasional ones you shouldn’t. I’m no angel, but let’s discuss my past failings another time.’

The Galaxy was up ahead. I’d never been inside. It was probably a good place to find rapists but it was pricey and my finances didn’t allow a lot of extravagance. I looked at a few girls hanging outside, and decided my outfit held up against theirs. I checked out the guys they were with, and… yeah. This was in no way a first date place.

‘Peter… I can’t. It has nothing to do with you. That place is just too much with a guy I just met.’

‘Look, I know the reputation it has,’ he said, stopping and looking at me. ‘Hookup palace and worse. So let me spell it out right now. No drinks other than soda, if that’s the way you want it. No drugs, no dirty dancing, no trading you around. You and me, sober, dancing and talking. It’s all I’m asking for.’

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Sarahs First Party

This happened quite a few years ago now. We decided to join a site to explore our sexuality a little further and having chatted to other members in the chat room, we had an invite to a party. We talked about it and with it being no more than 25 miles away, we said we’d love to join in. We turned up at the time and place we were told and by about 6.30 everyone was there. It was a semi detached house, on an estate in the suburbs, quite smart and unassuming , very ‘everyday’ and very normal. The...

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Soft Cuffs on the Couch

So, last night, decided thatI was up for a little self bondage. Stipped down to a t-shirt and panties (light blue for those who want to know), chose a DVD (Ballista 2, an older one) and went to the couch. While standing up, I put on soft cuffs around my ankles adn on my thighs. Could shuffle aroudn if I had to but wasn't planning on it. For a little stimulation, bent over and inserted a small, vibrating anal probe, letting the control dangle from the panties waist band, didn't turn it on.On...

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Long Fall to ForeverChapter 4

"Yes?" The old man's voice was soft and tired, he'd been asleep. I'd found him in his apartments at the Vatican, which had surprised me, but not so greatly as news of the Pope's recent death. It would take the college several days to select a new one. The Cardinal's secretary in Washington, Father Perron, had told me and he'd been obviously upset by it, as I should have been, but I felt nothing and that realization was only mildly disturbing. "I'm in," I said softly. Perhaps...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 30 Lovin Every Minute of It Before the Energists

I smiled at my disheveled and discombobulated blind beauty. While she was as strong and confident as Wonder Woman a few minutes ago, she now resembled a delicate, fragile flower. However, with what I had planned for her now, I knew she would soon return to the powerful and passion-filled lady, whom I just asked to be my fiancé this morning. "Would you like to have the opportunity to atone for your falsehood?" With her voice still barely above a whisper, she replied, "Yes." "Ok then,"...

3 years ago
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Cousin Sex Steven and I

All through out my life I have always been close to my cousins. But the one that I used to hang out with the most, was my cousin Steven. He is a year younger then me, but used to do everything together. My family was the family with the money and Steven lived with my grandmother. So he used to always stay the night and always be at our house. I dont know what it is, but i always had a short of crush on Steven. We were both about 15 yrs almost 16. When we found a pile of my step-dad's playboy...

2 years ago
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Spacetran Part 2

Spacetran By Beverly Chapter 2 "Two score and thirteen years ago a child was born on that bloody planet. It was two months premature and three pounds underweight. It's mother died during delivery from complications caused by heavy smoking. The father blamed the child for the mother's death. The dangers of smoking and childbirth weren't fully understood in those days. Naturally the older siblings adopted their father's view and also blamed the newborn child for...

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God Among Men

There are many things in this world that are unknown to man. One of those things is the existence of the Angels. A few believe in Angels, but most people don’t. The Angels are well-known in art and literature as the servants of God. Winged beings with a somewhat benign human appearance. Very little is known about them and few of them are named. This is a story about these unapproachable celestial beings. Long ago, there was a War in Heaven. God had recently created Adam and Eve, the...

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Flight 428 The Great Shift

Flight 428 : The great shift by Eric Flight 428 startled prosaic enough. The usual average group of passengers were finally struggling their way on board. The only exciting thing was the presence of Clint Eastwood and Sandra Bullock in First Class - . The passengers' gawked for a moment then filed on pass to fight for overhead space for the luggage they should have checked. An obvious honeymoon couple were laughing and holding hands. He was very large and she was endearingly...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend and the old man

My last g/f was a real stunner, ex cat walk model. She was up for anything sexual when she had a few drinks. She knew I liked cock, we had a 3some with a Bi mate of mine with a big cock, she watched me suck his cock, huge turn on for me.When we went to Cornwall for a break we stayed in a pub/hotel and drinking at the bar all night getting pissed this old man in his 70's who was also staying was chatting her up all night. When time was called I went for a piss and as I was leaving toilet I met...

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Mom Caught Ushellip Part Two The Conclusion

Mom Caught Us….Part Two… The ConclusionThis work is a fictional story, and is intended for the enjoyment of adults only. If you enjoy it, be sure to look through all of my other stories, also.VIJason stood a little more an arm’s length away from his daughter, her petite body was still boyish, but filling out nicely, she was a very cute and sexy young girl of 14, with blue eyes, which held a gleam in them, of which Jason was quite familiar with. He realized she was more experienced than he...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and The Order of the Sex Appeal Chapter 2

Chapter Two by Simon Fear Harry Potter was trudging back upstairs after Dinner. He had found it hard to concentrate on eating with Hermione and Ginny sitting at the same table after what he had witnessed between the two girls earlier. That and the fact that everytime he started to imagine both girls naked he would get a raging hard-on that caused him agony. Ron, his twin brothers Fred and George had returned from the Burrow after making sure that the gnomes were not over running Mrs....

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Every Midnight to Dawn

Things changed for my mother and I.I was a 26 year old college graduate who recently landed a decent job. For the first time in my life, I moved out to live in a small place of my own. My entire life had been spent living with my mother in a downtown apartment, and we became very close as a result. She had even called me her best friend on several occasions.After I left, my mom decided she wanted to move back to a residential area. She grew up in an old Victorian house which she loved for its...

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Jayti Singh Part 2

Jayti Singh Part 2 By Aardvark Maryam dances before the Emperor for high stakes. Mark continues to change. Looking for men. Danger--harem plot! Revenge. Meeting the Empress. Freedom, but at a cost. Jayti tries to recruit Hassan. A clever plot. Muslim marriage. Busted! Freedom! Bandits! Mark goes it alone. To defeat the Moghul Empire. Warning: Some subject matter and explicit language may offend. Don't read unless you are over 18. Chapter 9: The Festival The day of the Festival...

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Tentacle Testing

As your escort leads you through the impressively clean building that is to be your home for the next six months, you can't help but wonder if you made the right choice accepting this job. Sure, the pay will be amazing, free and premium healthcare for life, job perks being rather obvious, but still, are you really willing to devote the next half year to being tested by the scientists of Tentacles Incorporated? "Excuse me, Dr. Banson," you ask the nice woman in a blue business suit who's been...

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Saint LukeChapter 5

I made Kingman by dinner and, after a decent steak, I decided to push on. I wanted to see Las Vegas! Let me tell you ... the only way to come to Las Vegas is at night. Driving down Las Vegas Boulevard at night, with the whole world lit up, is amazing. It was all I could do not to wreck my truck or get whiplash trying to see everything! I had planned on finding a Motel 6, or a Best Western, something small and out of the way, but I found myself driving around for almost two hours, until my...

1 year ago
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First Person Cuckolding

Amber had been cuckolding Leo for six months. It was the only way their marriage would ever work since Leo was unable to satisfy her in bed. Leo suffered from having an embarrassingly small dick, to make it worse he was also rarely able to achieve a hard on leaving him with a shriveled little nub between his legs that could never come near satisfying Ambers sexual desires. So with Leo’s permission she found Jake, a well hung black man to be her lover, she fucked Jake mostly at his house. She...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Trainee

Hi, This is Aayush from Delhi and I am 31 and working in IT sector, just introducing myself. I am going share an incident of myself which I just know that how lovely moments they were and always cherish those in my memories. It is true relationship of my life. It all happened when I was an IT Professional in one of the Indian Companies and we guys were managing the data center for a big oil company and I was controlling the IT infrastructure and networking division of the site. During summers,...

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The Omega TouchChapter 4 Apple Pie and Dog Tricks

Friday, July 10, 2009, 10:00PM Tricia got out of the car noticing that she was feeling much better. She was more relaxed, no longer riding the adrenaline rush, and no longer panicked by the attack. Instead, she was excited at her success. For she had found Joey Harper, Omega Boy, the sidekick and secret behind the legendary Omega Man, and she had exclusive access to him. She watched the boy with some pride as he eagerly scoped out the restaurant, absent-mindlessly licking his lips in...

4 years ago
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Slave Part 2

1. X entered the room and knelt before me. I walked behind her and lifted her skirt; she was not wearing any panties as I had ordered. “Excellent.” I praised her. “You are learning quickly. Master will be here soon, so go on your hands and knees fetch your bag and place it by the front door.” X obediently crawled away. She picked her bag up between her teeth and struggled towards the door. “Kneel up and wait there for Master” I instructed her. I then knelt beside her, my eyes on the floor;...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Sophia 07192018

A hot 18 year old first-timer who does anal? Yes please! Young and blonde has always been a favorite combination of ours, and when you combine that with a super sexy first timer, you get lovely 18 year old Sophia in her video debut. Don’t let the age fool you though, this girl has some experience which she learned from guys twice her age. She grew up watching porn, well not so much watching as studying to learn new tricks. You often hear of girls that are sexually adventurous, but fiery...

2 years ago
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A dark tale of fammmily blackmailchapter one

A dark tale of family blackmail chapter one caught by sisster I lay on my bed naked starring at the video on my laptop, my hard cock aching and twitching as i rubbed my sisstters silky panties along its shaft, my other hand would press the pair she wore yesterday to my nose and they heady musk filled me with passion. I had moved back home at christmas and hadn't realised how much my little ssisster had grown up. I couldn't help myself now and had started to stare at her, go through her...

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Special Delivery

Another hot summer day in the city. I think the temperature is around 34 today. Add to that a complete lack of any wind, makes for a miserable day. I work for a company the supplies restaurants. My partner and I make all the deliveries. To make matters worse my partner Nick called in sick today. He probably went to the beach. Can’t say that I blame him but it means more work for me. It is around mid afternoon (the hottest time of course). I have made several deliveries already. I only...

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Mirror Image

You've had your share of rude awakenings in your life, most involving your alarm clock interrupting a wet dream or just a much needed deep sleep, but nothing quite compares to the moment you wake up, in the dark, coughing up lung-fulls of slime. You cough, snort, spit and nearly puke. You can feel clammy slime clinging to you everywhere. You feel like you're submerged it with only your face free. You flail, find purchase on something solid, and stumble forward, out of the slime. You collapse...

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When wife and I got married we stayed with her Mum for eight months. Mum-in-law was divorced and seeing someone now and again. Margaret (mum-in-law) was not bad looking and like all guys always wondered what it would be like to fuck their wifes Mum.At the time I worked nightshift and as I was getting home wife was getting ready to go into Office for a days work so it was just a Hi and goodbye. Margaret only worked a few days a week so was home for a couple of days a week.I thought of a plan for...

4 years ago
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The Harpy

I stood on the doorstep, staring at the shrieking redhead. The torrential rain had her hair plastered to her face in long strings. Despite that frigid, pounding rain, she just plowed on with her furious tirade. To be perfectly honest, I couldn’t really hear all her words through that heavy rain and the hollow roaring in my own ears Still though, I understood the essence of it. My wife, Beth, was having an affair with the redhead’s husband, Justin. The furious redhead – Nicole, Nikki for short...

3 years ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 14 Risk and Reward

Authors Note: There is/was no such company as Ronco Scientific. It is a figment of my imagination. Sooner or later, I had to tell Belle and my parents what I was up to. I thought it would be easier to tell Belle, because it was all about our future, while with my parents, I would probably be spending a lot of time trying to explain where all the money came from. I had assessed the situation correctly. "Oh, Lee. That's wonderful. I'm so proud of you. You're going to own your own place...

2 years ago
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Sex In Car With Cousin Sister

Hi friends I’m raj. This is the story how I had sex with my cousin sister in a car. I’m big fan of iss . This is my story hope everyone will enjoy. I’m handsome guy of age 27 having 5.9’ height and well-toned body. My cousin sister (changed name Anjali, sorry I don’t want to disclose any personal details) is fair, age 34 having 2 children’s with good body. I mostly like her assets I always dream to nail her ass. When she walk I use to eye on her ass. The sex encounter occurred when I was at her...

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Where the Hell Am IChapter 8

The two grenades followed each other almost exactly as they repeated the arcs of Homer's first two lobs, if such mighty throws could be called that. This time, the grenades landed more toward the front of the charging mass and caused even more turmoil than before. Six horses went down as a result of the hand grenades' explosions and more tumbled over those, bringing down a total of 20 horses and riders. Other horses dumped their riders as the horses tried to avoid the fallen steeds. At this...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Love

I have known him for a long time. He was introduced to me by my boyfriend at the time. They worked together at a company in Bangalore and sat side by side at their computers. My relationship with my boyfriend was an online one and I thought it would go far. His friend quickly became my best friend. But then the relationship between my boyfriend and I began to fall apart and one day split completely. My best friend and I continued on with our relationship even through the end of his and my X’s....

4 years ago
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The Torture Garden Finale

Mistress spent the next week quizzing me on KIK about penny, her likes, dislikes....even her sexual preferences. I must admit I felt bad giving away Penny's secrets, but what really frustrated me was whether I was doing it because of the conditioning or my submissive need to obey Mistress. This came to a head when Mistress sent me an mp3 recording with the order to play it whilst Penny was sleeping. To my surprise I managed to disobey the order, I knew it was betraying my trust with...

1 year ago
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"Sveta, this is Mr. Avdushev," her father shouted after Sveta had cheered her final high school game. "He is from the university and he wants to talk with you about a cheer scholarship, honey." His daughter was a sweet-faced blonde with hair to the shoulders. She took worked hard to keep in good shape, working out 3 times a week. Even her current boyfriend whom she was going to marry disliked spending so little time together because of her cheerleading practice, but he adored the shape of her...

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Kinky Mature Massage

This is a story that is based entirely on a true story from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to provide anonymity for those involved. Discretion is a precious commodity and is becoming rarer and rarer every day. I reached a way back to relive this story for everyone, I was the ripe old age of twenty eight years old at the time. Bear in mind that Cell phones were barely a novel idea at that time. The internet was taking its first baby steps and people were discovering the likes...

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Sucking Off My Best Friend

Curiosity got the best of me. I reached over gently pulling down the waistband of his underwear exposing his huge cock and balls. Without giving it much thought, I leaned forward licking the pre-cum off the tip of his cock... During the summer after high school, I went on a weekend camping trip with my best friend Steve. It was an extremely hot and muggy night. I woke up in the middle of the night sweating like a pig. I glanced over towards Steve who was laying outside of his sleeping bag. I...

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Neighbor Girls Get Naughty in my garage

Sometimes, just for the heck of it, I do household chores naked. This time, I had a few things to put away in my garage, organize some shelves, etc. The garage door (the one through which the car goes) was closed but the people-size door has a window in it. What are the odds of an unexpected visitor? Well, you guessed it. As I was walking around with only a t-shirt on, I noticed their shadows on the floor of the garage, they were peering through the window at me! I expected to hear a knock but...

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Private Izzy Lush Kitty Love Share A Stallion

After breaking up with her boyfriend the gorgeous brunette Kitty Love has gone to visit her friend Izzy Lush for some comfort. Izzy lives with her boyfriend Alberto Blanco and when Kitty hears them fucking she can’t help but watch and soon join in. These stunning debutants share a real nice sloppy blowjob, gagging, deepthroating and getting that big cock wet and ready for their tight and hairy pussies before they take turns getting pounded. Watch them as they ride, fuck and scream as they enjoy...

4 years ago
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My first experience with mature woman

Few years ago i had an unique experience which changed my life entirely.I was 19 years old and i was working in local coffe shop to get some money for the summer break of my collage, after really hard day at work i got into the bus at nearby station thinking only about getting home watching some porn and going to bed.Bus was almost empty and i sat near a mature woman in her mid fifthies, she had straigth blonde hair, big tits and nice legs, i was looking at her and tought how i would like to...

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Her Restless Night

It was late and she was awake. She had gone to bed as normal but had hoped that he would want her – want to make love to her. He was asleep. It was not totally dark and she gazed around at the ceiling and the walls illuminated through the slight gap in the curtain. She wasn’t tired. She lay listening to the sound of his breathing and let her mind wander aimlessly, hoping that sleep would come to her soon. As she remembered the events of a quite ordinary day she found her thoughts returning...

2 years ago
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Siblings Make The Best Sex Partners

This is a fictional creation and should be taken as is. Any resemblance of names, places and or acts should be considered incidental. The best sex is between any two consensual partners who love and enjoy sex and know when and how not to hurt each other. Enjoy and as usual, please do not hesitate to comment. Thank you. ************* I Christopher, am not sure but tend to believe that most siblings play with each other as they are growing up playing their share of “doctor” games and examining...

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Dominated by The Billion Dollar Princess

Jeremy stood on the basketball court in the backyard of his large mansion, he bounced the basketball around and once in a while scored with the occasional three point shot. He grinned thinking how great life was going for him, he had been drafted by the NBA and was playing for the Philadelphia 76'ers, his first season alone gave him the money able to pay for the luxury mansion he was now living in, along with other luxury items. Then not to mention his neighbors who all together made living...

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Playing at Toms House Part 2

I walked back from Tom's house with strange feelings, I was slightly ashamed, thought I might have done something wrong but mainly very excited and couldn't wait to explore more, on my own and with Tom. I went up to my bedroom when I got in and made sure the door was closed and the curtains were drawn, it was nearly dinner time and my parents were downstairs and I often went to my room to read so they wouldn't think anything of it. Making as little noise as possible and listening for anyone...

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