Bad Wishing 6: A Little Girl's Chirstmas free porn video

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This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story. All characters in this story are the creation of the author, and any resemblances to real persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental. This story may contain aspects of fantastic science or magic. The parameters of what this science/magic can accomplish are completely at the discretion of me, the author, and, as such, I make no apologies for any rules of "real" physics, chemistry, biology, or magic that may be broken within the story. ------------------------- Now onto the fun stuff ------------------------- BAD WISH 6: A LITTLE GIRL'S CHRISTMAS By JRD Seven-year-old Muriel Lucas ran into her room and jumped on the bed. She buried her face in the pillow and started sobbing. She was still crying when she heard a voice say, "Ah, now what would a wee lassie like you be havin' such a fit about?" Muriel sat up and saw a strange little man all dressed in green sitting on her dresser. "Who are you?" "My name be Patty; Patty the leprechaun. Now what does a pretty lass like you have to cry about?" Muriel sniffled a bit, and said, "I shouldn't talk to you. Mommy and daddy say I shouldn't talk to strangers." Patty smiled. "Normally good advice, lass, but I'm not a stranger. All children know the wee folk. We live on the edges of dreams where the innocent walk and only the young remember visiting. Now what's wrong?" "It's this lousy season." "Christmas? I thought all humans loved Christmas, particularly little children." "I used to love Christmas, but this year... Everybody just sucks. Daddy keeps complaining about bills. Mommy says she's so busy with her work that she doesn't have time for Christmas. The only decorations we have are that ugly fake tree down on the table." Muriel wiped a tear from her cheek and sniffled. "That tree is smaller than you are." Patty grinned. He leapt down from the dresser and walked over to Muriel and sat beside her on the bed. "Lassie, you shouldn't despair. I have seen many wonders, many magics in this world, and the greatest of them all is the magic of Christmas. But Christmas doesn't come from out there." Patty swept his hand in a wide sweep, signifying the rest of the world. "Christmas comes from right here." He tapped her chest. "Your parents know the true spirit of Christmas; they just forgot it as they grew up. As long as you keep it true in your heart, it'll infect others and make them know it, too." Muriel sniffled up the last of her tears, and said, "Thanks." "Feeling better?" "A little." "Good. I have to go now, got a lot of work to do, but if you need a little cheering up, call me and I'll stop by as soon as I can." "Patty, could you help me? Help me teach my mom and dad about the Christmas spirit? Use your magic?" "I can't. I am bound by ancient laws not to use my magic except in trade for gold." "Wait a minute." Muriel leapt off the bed and ran to the closet. She dug around for a while, and then came out carrying a pair of gold-colored ballet slippers. "I got these for Christmas last year. Mom was supposed to get me some ballet lessons to go along with them, but she never got around to it. I'd really like to get to use them, but," she held them out to Patty, "I'd gladly give them up to help mommy and daddy be happy again." Patty took the shoes and looked at them, fighting back tears of sentiment. He was almost heart-broken over the fact that he'd have to turn them down. With no real gold in the shoes, they weren't worthy of a wish. But then he stopped. The law stated that he was only allowed to trade wishes for gold of significant value. But the law said nothing about it needing to be real gold, and these shoes were clearly of significant value to the girl, so... "Alright, it's a deal. I can give you one wish, but you must be very careful what you wish for. I must grant the wish as you word it." Muriel nodded. She didn't really understand, not being old enough to realize the difference between literal definition and inferred meaning of words. Patty, not being used to dealing with young children, had no idea that she didn't know what he meant. But she did think about it and said, "I wish my parents would learn what Christmas was supposed to be by living each other's childhood," thinking it to be a very grown-up sounding wish. Patty was about to ask her to rephrase, but stopped. Sometimes kids knew best, even if they didn't know it. The wish probably wasn't what she intended, but it would do the job. Patty smiled and said, "Granted." Downstairs, May Lucas was working on some typing that she had. She could've done it at work, but she wanted to impress her new bosses, so she took it home to get ahead. Michael Lucas had just finished paying the last bill. He had a little extra left over, which he planned to just store away for a rainy day. Suddenly, the world just dropped out from under them and both passed out. ************ Michael woke up in a soft bed. He sat up, the soft shirt he was wearing shifting on his frame. He looked around. His blanket was covered with pictures of pink bunnies, and there was a pink bunny on his shirt. Without knowing why, he got up and snuck downstairs. Underneath the tree were far more presents than what had been there last night, and he knew that Santa had been there. He ran down and looked around. He wasn't allowed to open any gifts before his parents got up, but that didn't mean he couldn't look. Santa usually left one unwrapped gift for him that he could see. When he got downstairs, he saw it. A big, pink, fluffy, stuffed bunny rabbit (he loved bunny rabbits) larger even than he was. He clapped his hands gleefully, thinking about where that'd go in his room. Now he just had to wait for his parents to get up. He could go through his regular routine of making a lot of noise until his parents got up, but that never seemed to work. In fact, he was beginning to suspect that they purposefully ignored him just to tease him. He instead decided to get into his stocking. His parents didn't mind that. He dumped the stocking out. Most of it was chocolate or dried fruits, and, of course, there was that new toothbrush that Santa gave him every year (as if he didn't get enough pressure from his parents about brushing), but what really grabbed his eyes was the single pair of clip-on earrings. His very first pair! He ran to the bathroom and put them on. They were crooked, but mom would help him straighten them out when she got up. He returned to the living room, the new weights already feeling weird on his ears, but mommy had told him that would happen. He sat down next to the contents of his stocking and began eating some of the food. He wasn't allowed to eat the chocolate until he had breakfast, but he could eat the fruit. Then he decided, "Why wait?" He'd show his parents he was a big girl now and make his own breakfast. He went out to the kitchen and looked up at the cabinet with the cereals. He then went over to the column of drawers and pulled them out. The lowest went out furthest, and each one up a little less, forming a set of impromptu stairs he could climb to get up on the counter. Mommy had told him not to do this, but how else was he going to get to the cereal? He got out a box of Cocoa Puffs (his favorite), set it on the counter, got a bowl from the next cabinet, set it beside the cereal, and jumped down. He took the bowl and box and put them on the table, then went to the fridge. The milk pitcher (mom made her own from dry) was on the top shelf and barely within reach. He grabbed it and pulled it down, spilling a good amount on the floor. He carried it over to the table, setting it beside the other stuff. He poured the cereal into the bowl, filling it right to the rim. He poured the milk in on top, spilling half the cereal and some of the milk on the table. He got a spoon from the silverware drawer and dug in. After most of the way through, he heard someone behind him and looked up to see mommy. She was smiling, and he lifted his spoon, proudly saying, "I made my own breakfast!" She said, almost laughing, "I can see that. Finish up your breakfast, young lady. Santa left you a lot of gifts to open." He didn't understand what she was so amused about, but he happily scarfed down the rest of his cereal and went with mommy back to the living room. The rest of the day was normal for them, opening presents, mom cooking, dad reading while smoking his pipe, and him playing with his stuff. And the haul had been great this year. Among other stuff, he got a new Barbie with a new dollhouse, a whole collection of stuffed animals (including 5 new bunnies), and a small collection of plastic jewelry. He had hoped for some make-up, but mommy said he was still too young for that, and he guessed Santa agreed with her. ************ May woke up when her little brother, Luis, climbed into bed with her. He looked up and smiled conspiratorially. They both got out of bed and crept over towards her older brother's bed. She was getting pretty sure her older brother, Kenny, let them "ambush" him every Christmas morning, but he never admitted anything. They jumped on the bed, yelling, "Christmas time! Christmas time! Get up! Get up! Get up!" Then with a loud roar, he suddenly grabbed them and started wrestling like brothers do. The two of them were getting better, but Kenny was growing up, in his first year of high school (almost an adult!), and when he had them pinned down, he yelled "Winner and still champion, Kenny Lucas!" then made the roaring sound of a simulated crowd. From the door, they heard their dad say, "Alright, kids, time for Christmas." Luis and May ran downstairs with Kenny and dad following behind. They went through their gifts quickly. Most were handmade, and May loved them all. They were a poor family, particularly since mom had died, but somehow dad always made Christmas a special time. And the best time was when Kenny got to the special gift they had got him. He unwrapped the box and said, "An official, regulation- size NFL football! Dad, I can't accept this." May said, "You better! Luis and I both chipped in to help." Dad said, "When your brothers heard your coach recommend some home practice last September, they both agreed to go on half allowance to help pay for that. If you're going to make it to State on a scholarship, you need all the practice you can get." Kenny turned to his brothers. "Thanks, guys. Why don't you go get dressed and we'll go toss this around." May and Luis ran upstairs and got into their winter clothes and went outside with Kenny. While dad made their Christmas meal, the three boys tossed the ball around, then they had their meal and both of the younger boys crawled into bed, too tired to keep their eyes open. ************ It was the first day back to school from Christmas break and Michael was on the playground playing with his doll with some of his friends. He didn't even question that he had spent a few years growing up in the body of his wife, nor did he question the fact that everyone around him referred to him as May. While playing, Linda said, "Cool doll, May, where'd you get it?" "It was a gift from Santa." "Oh, you mean your parents got it for you." "No, it was a gift from Santa." "Don't tell me you still believe that. Grow up. Santa's just a story adults make up for little kids." "LIAR! Santa is too real!" Linda snorted a most unladylike snort. "Come on. Flying reindeer? One sled filled with toys for ALL the girls and boys? Delivering all those toys on one night? Santa. Isn't. Real." Michael stormed off, refusing to play with mean old Linda anymore. But her words had already sunk in and were having their effect. Over the rest of the day, all the logical inconsistencies of Santa filtered forth, and by the end of the day he was convinced. His parents had lied to him. Santa was a lie. That afternoon, when he got home from school, he went upstairs to his room and got the ultra-large, stuffed bunny he had gotten from Santa years ago and started dragging him down the stairs. About halfway down the stairs, mom saw him and asked, "Dear, what are you doing with Mr. Floppy?" Tears in his eyes, he said, "Getting rid of him." "Why? I thought he was your favorite gift from Santa?" "Santa's a lie! I don't want to see him anymore!" "Oh, hun. Come on down here. Leave Mr. Floppy where he is." Michael came down the steps and his mom pulled him up on her lap. "Now let's talk about Santa." "You gonna try to tell me he's real?" "Depends on what you mean by real. Am I going to tell you there is a big man in a red suit up at the North Pole with a bunch of elves making toys? No. But Santa is the spirit of giving without expecting anything in return. He's the essence of all that is good about Christmas. And as long as you keep him real in your heart, then the world will be a better place." "I... guess so." "Now look at Mr. Floppy. Think of all the joy and happiness he's brought you. Does he deserve to be thrown out just because he was paid for by your dad and me rather than made by Santa Claus?" "No. I guess not." "So let's get Mr. Floppy back to your room, and I'll make you some hot cocoa." "Okay." Michael did as his mom asked, but despite her words, the world had lost just a bit of its magic. ************ May was pretending to be asleep in bed. She could hear her little brother Luis sneaking up on her. Kenny was off at college, so now it was her job to be the ambush victim every Christmas. She heard and felt Luis jump on the bed and tackle her. They wrestled around until May managed to pin Luis, saying, "Winner and still champion," and making roaring sounds just like Kenny had done when he had won. Both boys then looked over to the door, expecting to see their father. He had always been right there every Christmas after they finished their little wrestling match, but not this year. Luis said, "Maybe we can get dad." So they snuck into dad's room. He appeared to be still sleeping, so they jumped onto the bed, yelling and screaming to wake him up. Finally they stopped, but Luis kept shaking his dad, saying, "Daddy, wake up. Wake up, daddy, wake up." Finally he turned to May and asked, "What's wrong with daddy, Mikey? He won't get up." May knew, but she didn't want to say. "It's... just something. I'll try to get him up. You go down and make yourself some breakfast." "O... okay." Luis left the room, and May checked her father, just like they had taught her in health class. But there was no pulse, no heartbeat, and the body was noticeably colder than it should've been. May crawled off the bed, sat in a chair and cried. She was still crying when she heard the phone ring and her brother call out, "Mikey, it's Kenny." May wiped her eyes and went downstairs. She took the phone and shooed Luis back to the kitchen. When she spoke into the receiver, Kenny asked, "Hey, kiddo. Luis said something was wrong with dad. What's up?" "Kenny, daddy's... dead." She sniffled back some tears. She couldn't cry. Big boys weren't supposed to cry. "Are you sure?" May explained what she had done. "Okay, just to make sure, call an ambulance. Now. Then call Mrs. McGuillicutty and ask her to come over. I've got a car I can borrow. I'll be home by noon." The next few hours were a grief stricken blur as May watched people come and go. Finally Kenny got home and things settled down. At the end of the day, Kenny said, "Okay, you guys have had a rough day, so why don't we open the presents now?" May was too upset and blurted out, "I hate Christmas! I never want to open another present again!" "Hey! Don't ever let me hear you say that again! I don't care about your opinion of presents, but Christmas is about family. Saying you hate Christmas is saying you hate family. Every year, dad went to a lot of trouble to make Christmas a special time for you. Don't let your grief ruin that." With tears in her eyes, May said, "Kenny, what are we going to do now?" Kenny took her in his arms. "We'll find a way through. We'll stick together as a family and find a way through." ************ Michael walked downstairs, his soft, blue nightie clinging to his form like a lover's caress. He saw the stack of presents and smiled. Right in the center was a carved ivory bunny. He was eighteen and the quickest way to get him to smile was still give him a bunny. He walked to the kitchen and got out a box of Special K (a girl had to watch his figure), and prepared his bowl of cereal. While eating, he heard a strange pop, but thought nothing of it. Only a short while later, he noticed a strange flickering of lights from the living room. He went back and nearly freaked when he saw that the Christmas tree was on fire! He ran through the room and upstairs, banging on his parents' door. After they were awake, he ran back to his room, grabbed a coat and boots and ran to the rope ladder in the box at the end of the hall, under the window. His father was waiting and tried to usher him through the window. He tried to go back, realizing he had forgotten Mr. Floppy, but the flames were already coming up the stairs and almost to his bedroom door. He regretfully went through the window and retreated to the family's place of safety. After the fire was over and some of the rubble was cleared, he found what remained of Mr. Floppy. The only thing left was his head, and it was covered in soot and burn marks. His parents thought it was just silly, girlish sentiment when he held it and cried. They didn't understand. Mr. Floppy had come to symbolize the essence of the season to him. When he went up in flames, so did most of the magic of Christmas. ************ May slammed her book closed. "I'm never going to get this!" Kenny told her, "Relax, and just go with it. You'll get it." "History's just a mystery to me. I'd much rather add up a column of numbers. Math is so much more... precise." "So when you get to college, major in accounting or math. But for now, you got to finish all these little classes that the school district, in its infinite wisdom, has determined that you need to take." "Kenny, I was thinking about that. About going to college after I graduate next May." "Yeah?" "I was thinking that I could put off going to college for a few years. I could take your job at the plant, and you could go back to college and finish up. Then maybe you could get a better job, and make it easier for you and Luis while I was away at college." "No way, kiddo. You've got a scholarship to State, and next September, you're off to college." "But it's only a partial scholarship. You had a full scholarship." "Which I'm not even sure I'm eligible for anymore." "But-" "Mikey, I appreciate the thought, but it's time for some blunt honesty. The most I was ever going to be was a ball jockey, running a weird shaped hunk of air and plastic up and down a hundred yards of turf. If I was good AND lucky, maybe I could've gone pro. But you and Luis? You've got the brains to really take yourself places. But not if you're slaving away in a factory making assembly- line furniture for 12 hours out of every day." "But-" "No more buts. You're going to college and that's final." "Thanks, Kenny." "That's what family is for." ************ Michael wandered through the dance hall. It was the last dance before finals, and even though Christmas was a few weeks away, the official theme was "The Holiday Season." All the holidays of the time were supposed to be represented, but about 80 percent of the decorations were the standard Christmas fare. He wandered out of the hall to the open area outside. There was no one out there, but that was okay. Michael didn't really feel like company. He figured he'd spend the rest of the dance outside, but after a few minutes, he realized his dress and stockings were scant protection from the cool December air. He was about to return to the hall when someone placed a heavy coat around his shoulders. He turned and saw a handsome, young man and smiled up at him. Michael said, "Thank you." May said, "What's a gentleman for? My name is Michael." "My name is May." "No offense, but you don't seem much in the spirit of the holidays." "I'm not really. Last year my house burned down on Christmas morning. Between that and some business setbacks, things haven't been the same. I guess I'm just feeling a little melancholy." "I know the feeling," May mused. "Five years ago, my father died on Christmas morning. Passed away in his sleep. My brothers and I always managed to make Christmas something special despite that, but without them..." Michael finished the statement, "Christmas just doesn't have the same magic." The two of them looked into each other's eyes and May said, "Neither one of us seems happy here. Want to go get a latte or something?" "I'd like that." And having found each other, a little of the magic of Christmas was restored. ************ "What? You can't be serious!" Kenny said. May replied, "I'm sorry, Kenny. But I love this girl and I'm going to marry her." "But what about your family? Luis is going to be entering College next year. We need your help." "I'm sorry, but I've got a woman I love and a family to be. I've got to think of them first." "Them? Don't tell me you got this girl knocked up?" "Yeah, I got her pregnant." "Great! So because you can't keep it in your pants, Luis and I have got to suffer? Why couldn't you at least use protection?" "HEY! For the record, I did use protection. It just failed. And just to forestall any further argument along these lines, I asked her BEFORE I knew she was pregnant. The pregnancy just speeds everything up." "So because you and your little slut can't-" Kenny wasn't able to finish his statement when May slammed her fist as hard as she could into the side of his face, knocking him to the ground. "Don't you EVER talk that way about May again!" Luis got between them. "Come on, guys. We're a family here. We can work this out." May said nothing as Kenny stood. Kenny said, "Nothing to work out. Little Mikey wants to choose his girlfriend over his family, he can just get the hell out and never come back." May was shocked. Luis said, "Kenny, you don't mean that?" Kenny remained silent and stoic. May angrily said, "Fine. If that's how you want it, I am out of here," and turned and walked towards the door, grabbing her coat as she went. Luis turned to his eldest brother. "Kenny, please." But Kenny said nothing and walked towards the kitchen. Luis dashed out the door to catch his brother, intercepting him half way down the walk. "Mikey, wait. Come on back inside. Kenny's just angry. He'll cool down. Don't ruin Christmas." "Me ruin Christmas?" May pointed back to the house. "I'm not the one running him out of the house!" "Kenny's just angry. You did everything he couldn't. You'll graduate college next May, and you've got a job lined up. Now you come in and say you're not going to be moving home. He's upset, but he'll get over it." "Fine. When he gets over it, I'll be in my dorm room. I didn't ask him to go George Bailey on me. I didn't ask him to sacrifice his future for me." "Mikey-" "Luis!" May took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I really am. Our original plan was that we'd marry in a few years after you'd gone through college, but with the baby on the way... I'll still do what I can for you, but I've got to look after May. I'm going to be a father, Luis. That's got to come first." "I understand. Just give Kenny some time." May sighed. "He's got all the time he needs. He's got my number at the dorm." Luis tried to protest, but May just walked past him to the beat-up clunker car she had bought earlier that year. ************ Michael's father was almost yelling. "I can't believe you're going to marry this... this pauper!" "I love him father. He's a good man who treats me right." "But the other boys we introduced you to." "Overstuffed puffins more concerned with profit management and inner-business politicking than with me. Michael loves me, daddy, and I love him. That's all that matters." "Fine! You want to marry this boy against my wishes, you do this without us. I'll disown you. Cut you out of the will. Cut you off without a penny." "If that's the way you want it. Michael and I will make do." "Hah! You've never had to exist without money before. Wait'll you find out what the real world is like. You'll be back begging for forgiveness." "Is that what you think of me? That I'm some hothouse flower who'll fold at the first sign of trouble? I'll show you! I'll make it on my own without your damned money!" And before his father could say another word, Michael stormed out of the house in tears. He drove right back to the dormitory, seeing his intended drive up at the same time. He ran right into his beloved's arms. "What's wrong?" "My father and I had a big blowout. He threw me out of the family. I didn't even get a chance to tell him I was pregnant." "Sounds like what happened with my family. So I guess all we've got now is each other." Michael sniffled. "Some Christmas we've got." "Hey. As long as we're together, we'll make Christmas a special place for you, me, our baby," May rubbed his tummy, "and any other babies that come along." Michael was so caught up in the moment that he kissed May with all his heart and soul. ************ May was at her desk doing the bills. Little Muriel came up to the edge of her desk and asked, "Daddy?" "Yes, dear?" "Daddy, I was thinking that since we couldn't afford store decorations this year, we could make our own. I drew this tree." May, barely paying attention, just made non-committal agreeing sounds. "Daddy?" "Muriel, daddy's very busy right now. Whatever it is, ask your mom." Muriel was sad, but said, "Okay." She went over to her mother at the typewriter. "Mommy, I made up this tree, and thought we could get together and make up a bunch more for Christmas." Barely noticing the crayon drawn tree, Michael took it and set it on the other side of the typewriter. "Very nice, dear. I'll put it up on the fridge, later." "No, mommy, it's for-" "Muriel, honey, mommy's very busy right now. Why don't you go upstairs and play with your dollies?" In real life, neither noticed their daughter run upstairs with tears in her eyes, but now their attentions were forced to her, even if their eyes were not. Then the world dropped out from under them again. ************ They were back in their own bodies, stunned. May looked over and picked up the tree her daughter had drawn. Michael looked around, seeing the decoration-less room they were in. They both stood at the same time. Michael said, "I'm gonna go out and get some Christmas stuff. Will you-" "I'll take care of Muriel. We'll get started on some home-made decorations, but you'll need to get construction paper, glue, et cetera." "Be back shortly." After Michael left, May went upstairs to Muriel's room. "Honey?" "Yes, mommy?" Patty had disappeared right after granting the wish, only seconds before. "I'm sorry your father and I haven't been really Christmassy this year. He and I just forgot what the season was all about." "Okay. Where is daddy?" "He's out getting some more paper and stuff. Let's you and me get started on some decorations of our own." Muriel gleefully yelled "Okay!" and leapt off the bed to get into her supply of art stuff. After about fifteen minutes, May said, "Mommy's got to go make a quick call." ************ Michael was running through the stores, getting a bunch of supplies for their homemade Christmas. He was walking right by the thrift store when he saw it, knowing it was perfect. After he loaded all his purchases into the car, he made a quick call before driving from the mall. ************ It was Christmas morning in the Lucas household. The walls were covered in paper trees and Santas, and glitter covered paper ornaments were stuck to the tree. The place was clearly home-done, but that only made it all the homier. They passed out all the gifts, until only one very big box was left. May picked it up, figuring it was for Muriel, she read the tag, saying, "And this one is for... me?" She looked to Michael for some kind of explanation, but he said, "Just open it." Muriel tore open the wrapping and paper and opened the box. She was surprised when she saw a big, stuffed bunny, larger even than Muriel. "It's... Mr. Floppy. But how?" "It's not the exact same doll, but when I saw him in the thrift store I knew he was for you." May picked up the stuffed bunny and hugged Michael, tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying, mommy?" Wiping tears from her eyes, May replied, "Sometimes adults cry when they're happy." "That's silly." "Yes, dear." The doorbell rang, and May pushed Michael towards the door. "You got me all misty eyed, so you get that." Michael walked to the door with a big smile on his face, figuring he knew who was on the other side of the door. But when he opened the door, he was stunned into immobility. "Luis?" Luis stepped in and hugged him. "Hey, big brother. Long time, no see." Behind Luis, Kenny stepped up to the door. "Hey, squirt. Got room at your table for a broken-down old fool, too stubborn to admit when he's wrong?" Michael grabbed his brother and hugged him, tears in his eyes. "Always room for you." May said, "Welcome, guys. Come on in. We don't have much, but you're welcome to share everything we have." As the guys hung their coats on a nearby coat-rack, Michael said, "Things might be stretched a little tighter than you think, May." "Why's that?" The doorbell rang again, and Michael grinned. "Your turn to get the door." May gave him a curious look, but stepped past him to the door. When she opened it, she almost feinted. "Momma?" May's mother stepped in and grabbed her daughter to her tightly. She hugged her so tightly that May thought she was going to pass out. When they separated, May saw her father just behind her mom. "Daddy," she said properly. "May-flower. Can you ever forgive me?" "Oh, daddy!" She leapt into his arms and hugged him. "But what happened? Why'd you come?" Her mother said, "Michael called us yesterday. He said it'd be wonderful if we could both come by for Christmas." "We're kind of packed, but it will be great." Kenny said, "Hey, there's always room in a Lucas household for family," while giving Michael a knowing look. Suddenly, Luis said, "Hey, Mikey, there's one last gift under the tree." "Really? I thought we got 'em all." Michael walked over and picked it up, reading the tag. "To Muriel; From Patty" He handed the gift to Muriel. "Patty a friend of yours?" "Yeah." She tore open the wrapping and opened the box. Inside was a pair of ballet slippers in her size, these ones silver. Beneath the shoes was an envelope. Written on the envelope was a note saying, "I may not be able to use magic except in exchange for gold, but sometimes the intrinsic magic of gold is enough. Merry Christmas!" She opened the envelope and pulled out the paper inside. It was a certificate to a ballet school for a year's worth of lessons. May looked at it and said, "Patty must be a very special friend." Muriel smiled and said, "Very special." Luis said, "Come on, guys. Let's make dinner!" They got together and started making dinner. At one point, May pulled her husband aside and said, "Y'know, I can't actually recall ever having told you about Mr. Floppy." "Yeah, well..." "It happened to you, too. You lived my life while I lived yours." "I guess so. Any idea what happened?" "No. But it was definitely a needed wake-up call. So what do you think after living my life?" "It definitely gave me a better understanding of you, but..." "What?" "Nothing." "Come on, hun. What's up?" "It's just..." "Yes?" "After living your life, I realize that I prefer sleeping in nightgowns to the pajamas I normally wear. Would you think me too fruity if I wore one of your nighties to sleep in?" May grinned. "I think we could work something out." Then she kissed him, and they walked back to the rest of their family. ************ HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL MY READERS!

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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

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Bad Wishing 2

BAD WISHING by J R D Kyle was morose. He had lost another job, and, once again, it was because of nothing he had done. Kyle was a wus. He couldn't stand up to anybody, couldn't say no to anybody, and his co-workers took advantage of it. Inevitably somebody wouldn't do their job right, then they'd bully Kyle into taking the blame. And Kyle just went along with it. Kyle was tempted to stop by the porn shop to get a magazine or two to uplift his spirits. His favorites were...

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Bad Wishing 8 The Singer

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

4 years ago
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Bad Wishing at Bikini Beach Bikers Revenge

Bad Wishing at Bikini Beach: Biker's Revenge By JRD Leopold Brenner, a.k.a. "Spike," walked into the bar and sat on one of the stools. Spike was a rather large man, six foot, three inches with muscles to match. He had stringy blonde hair with a severe widow's peak that was made even more severe by his receding hairline. He was wearing leather pants and a leather vest over a sleeveless T-shirt, which exposed his tattoo covered arms. On the back of his vest was a skull surrounded by...

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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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The Wishing Well

The Wishing Well By Deane Christopher "Come on, Kathy." Dennis Sojourner grimaced upon hearing herself sensually implore with a come-hither voice, a voice that could make a good portion of the male population cream in their jeans. "Please! I'm begging you! Stop snickering. This isn't funny." "It may not be funny for you, but I think it's hilarious." Dennis' wife, snickered, owing to the fact that she was thoroughly enjoying her husband's predicament. Though it took a...

3 years ago
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Bad Wishing 3 Expectant Parents

BAD WISHING 3:EXPECTANT PARENTS by J R D Leo and Maya stared at the pregnancy test hopefully. Finally, crestfallen, Maya said, "Negative." Leo kissed his wife. "It's okay, hun. There's always next month." "You've been saying that for six month now. We've finally agreed that it's the perfect time to start a family, but no matter how hard we try, we can't seem to make it happen." "Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day. It'll happen." Leo gave his wife a quick kiss and went...

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Bad Wishing

------------------------- BAD WISHING: THE WIFE BEATER By JRD Victor smacked his wife one more time. He had had a bad day at work with lots of problems that he was blamed for. Now, according to Victor, if people had just listened to him and done what he had told them, everything would've worked out. Nothing was his fault. And when he came home, his wife MADE him smack her around by giving him flak about... what had it been? No matter. It was her fault. She just...

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Bad Wishing Erins First Wish

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

1 year ago
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TGirlsxxx aka! There are plenty of great tranny sites out there, but there are also those that fall way short. But when it comes to the hottest premium shemale porn, there is every reason for you to choose I wasn’t sure of what I was getting myself into the first time I saw the site, but once I landed on the tour page, I realized that is part of the Grooby Production network that specializes in hot transsexual porn and exclusive content. Now, anyone familiar...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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The Wishing Stone

The Wishing Stone Part 1: The Wishing Stone Part 1:ObsessionBy Darqside I will never forget the moment the world as I knew it, ended. Of course, I had everything to do with it. It all started several years ago?I was a college student working on my capstone?my final project that would make or break me?earn or deny me of my degree. My major involves art?and so in many ways I had to come up with some great artistic design project.? The problem was, I had no subjects to work with. Well...

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Wishing Well

WISHING WELL This story is one of six stories in the compilation, A New You by Emma Finn, a book of transformation and body swap stories available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. 1 The well was ancient; easily as old as many of the oldest houses in Bycastle, the original village from which Nockton and its twin-town Barton spread. It had been restored somewhat in recent years by the Friends of Nockton conservation group. Loose stones had been mortared...

3 years ago
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Bad Wishing 7 Objectification

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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Promises of the Wishing Moon

It had been a trip six years in the making. Between juggling school and work, the three friends were excited to be in the place that had held all of their fascinations for the past decade. Now at twenty-four, Beth’s heart gave a small patter as she looked out the plane and saw the infamous skyline of London as they approached. Upon landing, the long process of getting off the plane began and on more than once occasion, Beth had her heels hit by luggage and knocked her not-so-funny funny...

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Promises of the Wishing Moon

Introduction: Seven years after her last dream of the fairy prince Conlan, Elizabeth travels with friends to England to visit the fables site of Avalon, Glastonbury Tor. What happens when she passes beneath the Tor changes her life for the better. A small bell dinged and the televisions in the cabin dimmed and muted as the flight attendants voice came over the speakers announcing their descent into London. Tuning out the noise, Elizabeth and her two friends, Amber and Greg, gathered their trash...

3 years ago
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The Wishing Bracelet

The Wishing Bracelet By Morpheus Great Uncle George was a strange old man, the kind who would insistently argue that Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster and little green men were real. But at the same time he was one of the most calm and reasonable men that I knew. He was what some people called 'eccentric', though I'd always liked him in spite of that, or perhaps even because of it. I was sad to hear that Uncle George had died, though not surprised. He was nearly 70 years old and...

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The Wishing Well

THE WISHING WELL By Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams,1997 Carl and Dave had been friends for as long as they could remember. They met in grammar school when Dave's family moved into the school district where Carl went to school. Now they were in their twenties Dave was married. Carl could never quite get over his shyness with girls and was still not only single but a virgin. Carl always envied Dave's good fortune to find such a wonderful wife as Tracy. He often daydreamed of...

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The Wishing Blanket

The Wishing Blanket Katie Leone Chapter One New York City in January isn't the warmest place to be, and this year it was even colder than it was in recent years. Some people love New York in the winter, maybe because of the lights and decorations, or maybe because of the holiday spirit, but I think it's because the only thing they know about New York is what they learn through movies. People don't know how cold New York...

1 year ago
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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Wonderful Magical Wishing Tree

THE WONDERFUL MAGICAL WISHING TREE by Spewdude666 Once upon a time there were two little Princes who lived with their Granpma the King in the Enchanted Forest as both their parents had been killed in a horrible incident with a salad shooter, both their mother who had been a raven haired cheerleader at ENCHANTED FOREST POLYTECHNIC HIGH SCHOOL as well as a candy striper at the local VA hospital before becoming a renowned veterinarian and their father- a 5'5" powerhouse of a dynamo and...

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Where Ponygirls come from

Where Ponygirls come from Summer was not your typical 15 year old girl. She didn’t go to school (well not any school you would recognize). She didn’t keep up with the latest fashions (those were useless to here). She didn’t spend her idle time online or on the phone. She had a job in the family business one that she loved, and that business was being a ponygirl. Ever since she was 13 years old she had been a pony girl like her mother before her and all her younger sisters on the compound where...

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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...

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Wishing and Hoping Part One

Wishing and Hoping - Part One By: Light Clark Synopsis: On the fringe of his best friend's social circle, Vali tries to tell himself that he's content with that. In his heart, though, he holds onto secret hopes and wishes, until one fateful night, one of those wishes comes true. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It does not expect any require any real familiarity with that universe to enjoy. However, it does use some of my other characters,...

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Wishing and Hoping Part Two

Wishing and Hoping - Part Two By: Light Clark Synopsis: Vali's greatest wish has been granted, but it wasn't her only wish. Hoping to achieve another, she has confessed the feelings that she has long kept secret, but will she get the answer that she was hoping for? Chapter 29 What was I thinking? What had I done? Those two questions echoed in my brain, crowding out every other thought, and yet, I could not convince myself to do anything to resolve them. I just stood there...

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Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get The Blues

Chapter 1. Life’s a Beach(Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get the Blues, Aurelius c. 2002)It was a fine evening for a walk along the beach. On Rabbit Island every evening was a fine evening for a walk alongthe beach! The scenery, the tropical climate and the idyllic locationmade it so.Kate and Jessica ambled bare-foot across the soft wet sand at thewater’s edge, both captivated by the radiance of the pumpkin redsun sinking rapidly on the maritime horizon. They marvelled how muchquicker the...

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Islamabad Se Peshawar Tak

Hello every buddy!I m rehan from age is 23 .my id is Today am going to share a true incident which happened to me. This is my third story. Today on the request of two of my very good friends (two sisters) from Islamabad Ill narrate my true incident in Urdu & English, which I already mailed them but they said its hot and very sexy one, so it should be online for everyone coz it will really make every one hot. So here it is just for you all sex lovers, on my friends request. Tu...

3 years ago
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Islamabad Mein Pyar

My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, . I m doing ACCA from skans.i m a well educated guy. I live in islamabad..agar koi larki/aunty /married /un married pakistan mein especially rawalpindi and islamabad mein mere sath kisi b tarah ka relation ,phone sex,real sex mukamal raazdari k sath rakhna chati hain to muje mail kareen at so howa youn kay main shroo hi say apni cousin per khuwaar hon she is such a smart girl 38 will be figure so u can just imagine but i have tested aik din main apni nani kay...

5 years ago
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Bad Wishing 5 College Lovers

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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Pleasure Island Ponygirls

Pleasure Island Ponygirlsby Sarah        Sarah and Emily couldn't believe their luck in getting the invitation to Pleasure Island.  The two 18 year old teens had survived their first semester of college, with a D average, but it was enough to pass them into the spring semester.  Now as the pivotal moment for all new college girls arrived, spring break, the girls had each received in the mail an invitation to what was rumored to be the best party spot for all of spring break.  Of course they had...

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Davids Life Book I I Dreamed of Djini and So Much MoreChapter 4 Wishing Well

I had a lot to consider, wish wise and otherwise. I'd thought carefully over years of reading about what I would do with wishes. Some were banal, such as wishing for riches, invincibility, and such. The typical kinds that most people would throw out without thinking. I suppose that included me, to some extent. I had our eyes done. I thought about things that I have enjoyed doing and how I could use wishes to make them better. We both had some health issues, so I decided that my next wish...

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IslamabadRawalpindi Encounter

I am 24/m from Islamabad/ Pakistan.To tell u about my self, I am not a casanova. I am 5.9? well built but a little overweight and very horney. The experience, I am telling u has happend just 2 weeks ago. I would say that this happening is not a story of a Resputiene and Russion Queen, but between a normal 34 years man and a plump lady of 30. I was in Super market, for some shopping,when I saw a fat woman wresteling with a flat tyre of her car. I observed few boys laughing at her, for her...

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Islamabad mein Choudai

Hi This is Ali I live in Islamabad I am very big fan of human digest and I have been reading stories for about 3 years this is my first story ever I told to any body and this is 100% true story which happened to me. My English is bit on weaker side so please don’t mind and I don’t know that way to write my story but here is my little effort to let u know about my sex experience with a sexy lady First let me tell u about myself I am a typical Pakistani guy with a fair looks I had 6 feet height...

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Islamabad ka waqeya

Hello dear readers This is me, marriam peerzada again. After quite some time I m back with my new story, it’s the real story and all characters are alive and few are very close to me, let me start it then. As u know me m marriam that time I was 19 years old I was living in Lahore, but I had to move to live with my tayyaba baji in Islamabad. She works for a firm that gets contracts from army so she actually has a flat in an army area (can’t.). I moved with her because she fell ill and there was...

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Santas wishing booth

It was the Christmas I was 15. I was wandering through the shopping centre with my best friend and next door neighbour Ed, when we saw a little booth: "Santa's Wishing Booth." In smaller writing it said, "Write your deepest wish to Santa, and don't tell anyone. If you're prepared to work together and have faith, Santa will do everything in his power to make it happen." Ed and I looked at each other. Weird, but why not? We thought. I took a form and walked away. I could see Ed was...

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Wishing coins

Author's Note - Go ahead and add to this. I want to see where people will take this story. I'm not creative enough nor do I have enough time to properly explore this story, so go wild. This wasn’t normal. Last thing I remembered was sitting on our couch at the flat watching Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir mowing their way through uruk-hai, and now somehow I’m sitting on the same couch in the middle of a whole lot of nothing. Dave had just left to get drinks, and suddenly the world...

Mind Control
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Ahmadabad Aunty

I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have published two stories earlier. I am Arjun, now in Ahmadabad. Now I want to tell you what happened 10 days back. Once I came to Ahmadabad, there was not much people whom I know. I have taken a flat in a luxurious apartment and there I met a family. Uncle, Aunty and their son. Let me tell you about aunty, Her name is Deepa (name changed). She is now 35 years old, well built with 36-32-38. I met them in the lobby one day and after talking to them, I...

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Shes Wishing for What Hes Wanting Ch 01

**Side Note: The story has a bit of a long intro, just getting to know the situation and characters. If you want to skip to the nitty gritty, skip to part 3. But I highly suggest reading it through, just to understand it as a whole.** –=1=- She was a relatively quiet one, Lena Taylor. But that was only until you got to know her. Tall, skinny, and secretly playful. Ok, so a few details about her: She had long straight brown hair with bright green eyes. She had a small chest, B-cup, but she...

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Hyderabadi Hostel Girls

Hi I am rahul…..I am 5’9″ and brown in colour……This I my first experience with a virgin girl…..Her name is shalini……Coming to her body shape …..She is having a sexy fig and a big round ass…..Her sizes are 32,30,34……I am from hyderabad….And basically hyderabad is completely with majority of hostels….And coming to the story….There’s a ladies hostel near my house…. And I daily used to go there and meet my friends and watch the girls walking around there…..There were many sexy girls and we used to...

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Islamabad ki aunty

Hello resdrs mera naam ALI hai aur main Islamabad(PAKISTAN) main rahta hu meri age 21 year hai, aj main jis aunty ki kahani sunane jar aha hun wo aunty hamary mohalla ki rahne wali hain aur married hain magar unka koi bachha nahi hai .aun ke husband army main hote hain aur kabhi kabhi ghar ate hain aunty k sath aun ke saas rehty hain lakin wo aun dino apne bete k ghar kise village main gaye hoe thyn. Aunty aksar auqat hamary ghar main aty aur hamare ghar walon se kafi frank the main college ky...

3 years ago
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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila

Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...

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Wishing Stone

I hold my head in my hands as I try to clear my head of the last remnants of sleep. It's five in the morning and after years of having to get up early for numerous job's, you would think I had gotten used to it by now, but no... of course not. Finally I stand up on my aching old knees and hobble my way to the bathroom. I look in the mirror as I turn the lights on and see the same tired old face draped by long dark brown hair which is liberally peppered with grey hair and a long beard that...

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Wishing Confusion

Wishing Confusion It all started with a heated argument with my twin sister Linda. We had never got along as children, and while we were forced to live together for a spell while we were in our twenties, she ended an argument with the phrase... "I wish you knew what it was like to be me, you jackass," she muttered. Suddenly I heard a loud buzzing, vibrating noise. Linda looked down at her hand. The ring she had found was humming and it began to glow like it was red hot. She didn't...

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Wishing WellAn older couple

The motel beautification project was well underway and the roof was nearly finished. Joe persuaded Jessica to allow a four-hour rate in addition to the nightly and weekly rates she had always charged. As Joe had predicted the motel started to get a lot more customers. Lovers of every shape size and race found it to be a convenient spot. Cheating spouses, gays, lesbians, and interracial couples all found the motel's discretion and clean, attractive style suited them well. However, there were...

3 years ago
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Badle ki bhawnae

Yes people, your evaluation sar ankhon pe.You can contact me at mai apne ghar me sabse chota hn 18 ka,aur mere pariwar me mom n dad ke alawa badi bahan divya 21 sal ki gori 5ft 5 ki aur 32 30 34 ke figure ki hai, aur ek bhai hai jo ki shadi ke bad alag rahta hai.Mai serious nature ka tha.Bachpan se hi mujhe khoob pareshan kiya jata tha.Mere dono bhai bahan mujhe daant khilate aur mera majak udate the.Ab college me ane ke bad bhi mujhe bhondu kaha jata aur meri bahan mujhe ghar me bahut...

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wishing you were in bed with me

Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator wishing you were in bed with me, my mind wanders, as does my hand.I have just woken up. I'm lying in the big comfy bed, the sun is shining in through the windows, warming my naked skin. Everyone else is away, somewhere, I don't know, but here I am all alone and I can't get you out of my mind. The conversation we had last night keeps going round and round in my head. You turn...

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Runners Make the Best Ponygirls

Runners Make the Best Ponygirls Chapter 1: Taken 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds. Her foot struck the pavement, the pain lancing up her nerves. The blister’s covering her left and right feet squished with each step. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds, she repeated. Her mouth opened, with a great gasping inhale her chest expanded, oxygen filling her lungs. A half second later her nostrils flared as the air inside her chest rushed to escape. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8...

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An Interest in Ponygirls

About East Coast Slavers Organization stories: My apologies for any confusion caused by the way I screwed up the numberingon the first story I posted from this series. As my draft approached sevenhundred pages, I realized that the single story I envisioned starting withwas too long and too complicated to remain a single story. Then, to my furtherhorror, I realized that A Caribbean Adventure was actually number two in theEast Coast Slavers Organization Series. Anyhow, I have reassigned A...

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When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly They Are PaddledOn Guard

When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly, They Are Paddled. Part 1, ?On Guard?Disclaimer:  Warner Brothers and their studio partners own the show and characters depicted in the show.   All similarities to persons living or dead are pure coincidence. .This story is a parody and the story begins with girls behaving badly.  Rory is accosted and pulled into an in prop meeting, coup held in preparation to remove Paris as editor of the school paper.  Her demands and constant re-writes have caused a mutiny...

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The Camgirls Sexfight A True Story

(I will not be using the names, usernames, or website of the actual event. I don't want to possibly anger any beautiful camgirls out there) Something interesting happened last time I was browsing the webcams of my favorite porn site. See, one of the things I enjoy watching is two girls having fun on a camera. I never really pay, I just like to see how they flirt, and chat with their costumers. This time was different, though. I clicked on one of the cams I have never tried before. The picture...

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Futa Sister Finds Wishing Stone

Me and Jane are brother and sister. One day Jane suggested we go for a hike in the woods. I am not really an outdoorsy person but I went along because I had nothing better to do. We live in a very woody area so over the course of our lives we have found many paths in the backyard around around our property. We started down the path that we always take which is directly behind our house, it was pretty muddy because of the rain the last few days. I was thinking to myself why my sister wanted to...

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Wishing For A Furry Girlfriend

You are James Lancer a pretty average 19 year old guy. You currently live at home with your parents while you complete your studies at the local college. As a keen astronomer and animal lover you ultimately have been labelled as a nerd throughout your whole school career, which unfortunately has done nothing to enhance your reputation with the ladies. It doesnt help that your idea of a perfect lover would be an anthropomorphic animal... Still a virgin, you dream of having a loving girlfriend,...

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Bad Girls Stay Free

My name is Jack and I work as a night auditor at a local hotel. I have always enjoyed my job but something changed one night that made me just love it. For the most part I was an average guy standing around 5’8 with short cut black hair. I neither had a stomach on me or a 6 pack. My equipment was above average at 6.5 inches and I had a fair amount of experience using it, with largely good reviews. So while I wasn't a hunk I was not out of shape and unattractive but I was a little shy, probably...

Straight Sex
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The power of the wishing lollies

He held all the girls and some of the guys with his romantic stories while the girls giggled and said how they wanted a guy like him to date them. Seeing that all the girls were crazily attracted to his charming personality i decided to slip out off the room and look around the rest of the house. I went upstairs and onto the balcony where I looked at the starry black sky. There was a telescope there and with nothing to do I looked through it. After some fiddling around with the knobs I...

2 years ago
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Wishing Herself into a Sweet Dream

I'll tell you a little about myself to fill in some space. I was taught to write in the concise style and may do it to a fault. I write about the real only because, for the most part, it's not easy to write about the unknown. For what we're here for, I share myself, and share my view of the man I love. I'm thinking each story will tell a little of this which, in a good day can consume me. Hope you enjoy.Already undressed she sits comfortable just home from the airport where she dropped her man....


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