Bad Wishing At Bikini Beach: Biker's Revenge free porn video

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Bad Wishing at Bikini Beach: Biker's Revenge By JRD Leopold Brenner, a.k.a. "Spike," walked into the bar and sat on one of the stools. Spike was a rather large man, six foot, three inches with muscles to match. He had stringy blonde hair with a severe widow's peak that was made even more severe by his receding hairline. He was wearing leather pants and a leather vest over a sleeveless T-shirt, which exposed his tattoo covered arms. On the back of his vest was a skull surrounded by a wreath of flames, the symbol of the biker gang that he was once a member of. "One beer," he told the bartender. The bartender, one Shamus O'Flannigan, filled a mug from one of the taps. He could tell that Spike didn't want to chat, so he just set the beer down and returned to other customers. Five minutes later he saw that Spike had yet to even sip at his beer. He wandered over and said, "Hey, Spike, haven't seen you in a while. Where you been keeping yourself?" Without looking up, he said, "My wife didn't want me going into bars and getting drunk." Sensing the sadness in Spike's voice, Shamus asked, "Is something wrong with Jasmine?" Spike said nothing for a while. Finally, he said, "She's dead." "I'm sorry. What happened?" "She committed suicide." Spike straightened up. "Look, I appreciate the effort, but right now, I'm not much for talking." "I understand. Hey, why don't you rub the lucky beer? It's level has gone down tonight." Shamus gave Spike a big, Irish smile before he returned to his work. Thinking of the "lucky beer", Spike almost smiled. Shamus was a bit of an odd duck. When he opened the bar every day, he filled a single mug of beer and set it on the corner of the bar. He refused to let anyone drink from it, but that didn't keep it from being drunk from over the course of the evening. Weird thing was, no one ever saw anyone drinking from the beer mug. Some even claimed they saw the level of beer just drop with no cause at all. And what did Shamus say if anyone asked why he did it? "Why, to curry favor with the Leprechauns, of course." That caused a lot of sniggering, but there was a bar legend that if you were the first one to rub the mug after the level dropped, you'd be blessed with a bit o' Irish good luck. For whatever reason, Spike looked over at the lucky beer. He was surprised to see, standing on the bar beside it, a two-foot tall man dressed all in green. The man was holding a tankard designed for his size. He passed it right through the side of the mug and lifted it up. He sipped at the now full container, and then seemed to notice Spike. He walked the length of bar until he was right in front of the biker. He took another drink of beer, then said, "So, what can this old Leprechaun be doin' for ye?" Spike was so stunned he couldn't say a thing for a few seconds. Finally, he shook his head and said, "Pardon?" "Me boy-o, only three people can see a Leprechaun without the Leprechaun first wishing it: young children, wizards, and those who need to. You're too old to be a child, ya ha'n't got the smell of magic upon ye, so that means ye needed to see me. So what can I be doin' for ye?" Spike shook his head and went back to staring in his beer. "I must've gone nuts." "Now why're you bein' so quick to dismiss me? I might be able to help." "Help?" Spike snorted. "Can you bring my wife back from the dead?" "Sorry. The eternal night is untouchable by any faerie." "Then what good are you?" "That seems a might rude." Patty sat down cross-legged and sipped at his beer. "Perhaps I could be gettin' more details. How'd yuir lady die?" Spike sat there morosely for a few seconds before saying, "She killed herself." Patty took another swig of his drink. With an even voice, he asked, "So who killed her?" "I said-" "Me-boy, I heard your words, and a lot more. For one of the wee folk, like myself, misdirection and illusion is a way of life. The fact may be that she killed herself, but you blame another for her death. It shows in your words. So who was it?" Spike trembled, clutching his beer so tightly that the glass shook. "His name is Paul Roberts. He is... was her boss. He wanted her and threatened to fire her unless she went to bed with him, but she told him to fuck off. So he used his money and connections to frame me for a crime I didn't commit. He told her that he'd get me off if she went to bed with him. Feeling she had no choice, she consented. He did spring me, but Jaz wasn't the same. A week later, she took her own life, leaving me a note explaining everything and saying that she felt she had betrayed me by sleeping with that scum. My first instinct was to get a gun and blow his fucking head off." Spike choked back a sob. "But Jaz wouldn't have wanted that. She tried so hard to get me to leave my old life behind, at least the violent parts. So I tried to do it her way. I went to the courts with her note. That bastard and his lawyers got the case thrown out before it even went before a jury. I was so irate that I tried to strangle him right in front of the judge." Spike wiped the tears out of his eyes. "So now he's got a restraining order on me. If I come within 100 yards of him, I get thrown into jail, not that that's going to stop me. I just wish I had some way of ensuring that I could get five minutes alone with that scum." Patty smiled. "Now, my friend, if it's wishes yuir interested in, then it's indeed lucky you met me here. For a bit of gold, I can grant that wish. I can give you a disguise so complete that he'll never know it's you. It may take a while to get to him, but he won't know it's you until it's too late." "Gold? I've got to buy your... disguise?" "Unfortunately, yes. If it were up to me, I'd help for free, but I am bound by ancient law to trade wishes only in exchange for gold. Sorry, it's a rule I cannot break." Spike thought about it. He was probably crazy for doing it, but he reached into his pocket and got out the gold tennis bracelet he had got to give to his wife on her next birthday. He gave it to Patty and said, "Do whatever it is you're planning." "Be right back." Patty jumped off the bar, disappearing before he hit the ground. Spike waited impatiently. After about five minutes (when Spike was beginning to wonder if Patty had run off), the Leprechaun reappeared. "Okay, everything's set up." He held his hand out and a card appeared in it. Spike took it and read it. "Bikini Beach? What the hell is this? Some kind of con?" "I'll forgive ye for impugning me honor due to your emotional state. No, just head over to Bikini Beach, and follow the directions of the lady at the gate. Before the day is out, you'll have that disguise I promised. Do you know where it is?" "Yeah, but-" "Now, young fella, trust this ol' Leprechaun to steer you right." Spike shrugged. He had already gone this far; he might as well finish the ride. He got some money out of his pocket for the beer and dropped it on the counter. Not even waiting for his change, he went out, got on his bike, and drove across town to Bikini Beach. He pulled into the parking lot, parked his hog, and headed up to the main entry booth. He briefly looked around and saw a plethora of scantily clad women. From an intellectual standpoint, he knew that they were all pretty, some were even beautiful, but other women had stopped being attractive when he met Jasmine. He truly loved her and when she had taken her own life, he had nearly done himself in. Now, the only thing that kept him going was getting that bastard who had driven Jaz to the depths of despair. He stepped up to the pretty brunette handling the booth. He handed her the card. Not sure about saying anything about Patty, he said, "I got this from a... friend." Anya looked at it. Grandmother had not told her about giving a pass to any man, but it seemed to be in order. This man, despite his rough appearance, didn't seem to be any kind of abuser or chauvinist, but he did seem to be hurting, and Anya wondered if that was what he was here for. She was about to hand the pass back when she did notice an anomaly. "Excuse me, sir, but where did you get this pass?" "Is there a problem?" Before Anya could reply, she heard Grandmother say, "It's okay, Anya. I know where the pass comes from. Let him on through." Anya looked over at her Grandmother. As ever, the younger sorceress still couldn't read her elder relative, even on an emotional level. Anya turned back and said, "Okay, just go into the men's changing room and take a shower." "That's it?" "That's it." Spike shrugged and went inside. After he was gone, Anya turned and asked, "Grandmother, what's going on? The duration on that pass said, 'Until it gets done.' Until what gets done? And I thought you didn't do passes of flexible duration." "The what is either vengeance or redemption, depending on the path that young man decides to walk. As for the pass, well although I can do a pass of variable duration, I didn't give him that pass." "Where'd he get it then?" "From a wish." "Gonna tell me any more than that?" "Not right now. Maybe later." Inside the men's room, Spike stripped to the buff. He didn't have a suit, but that didn't seem to matter. He went into the shower and turned on the water, surprised at the warmth of the spray. He spent a few minutes under the water before getting out. As he walked back to his clothes, something struck him as odd. Things were off, as though spatial dimensions had been just slightly skewed. And his body felt weird, his center of balance was changed, but he shrugged it off. As he walked, he saw a woman off in the distance and briefly wondered what a woman was doing in the men's room. He ignored her and went to his clothes, but when he got to where he had left his stuff, he instead found a pile of women's clothes. It was all the same basic style as his own clothes, but it was definitely not men's clothes. He looked around for his own stuff and saw Patty sitting on the edge of a sink. The green suited man was chewing on the end of a shaft of wheat. He removed it from his mouth and asked, "So how do you like your new disguise?" He gave Patty a mean look and asked, "What are you talking about?" but was shocked by the tone of his own voice. Patty waved at one of the mirrors and said, "Take a look." Spike ran to the mirror and looked in. Staring back was not the rough, manly features he knew before, but the features of a pretty blonde. She was no less rugged or strong looking than he had been, but it was a sexy, girly ruggedness. The only thing he could think to say was, "Holy crap." "So what do you think?" "You turned me into a woman?!" He looked down to his crotch, but when he couldn't see past the large boobs on his chest, he pressed his hand to where his cock normally would've been. "I'm a woman! A real woman! Why'd you do this?" "I didn't do this. This is all part and parcel of the magic of Bikini Beach. I just got you access." "Why this?" From behind him, Grandmother said, "The general reason is that I created Bikini Beach to be a haven for women from those that would lust after them and leer like they were objects. The specific reason is that Patty came to me and explained your loss and what you wanted. You wanted a perfect disguise in order to get at the man you blame for your wife's death. Well, let's face it. He will never think the woman you have become has any connection to the man you were, and he is far more likely to let a strange woman get close to him than a strange man, no matter how good the disguise would be. Normally I sell memberships for set durations, up to and including lifetime, but with a little assistance from Patty, you will be able to stay as you are for however long it'll take." Spike looked in the mirror. This definitely wasn't what he expected, but the woman was right. He... She had a far better chance of getting close to Paul Roberts as a woman than she ever did as a man. Grandmother handed her a towel. "Here's a loaner. I know you didn't bring one." Spike took the towel and dried herself off. She got dressed in the new clothes, seeming to have an instinctive understanding of the feminine articles. Her new outfit actually had far more leather than the old. It had leather pants, jacket, bustier, and boots, all of a distinctively feminine design. The only thing not leather was her panties and socks, both also very feminine. Spike noticed none of that. From her behavior, it was clear she had no idea how sexy she was. She just dressed quickly and left. When Grandmother left the room, Anya was waiting. "Okay, now I'm really confused. I understand changing him into a woman for this revenge plot. But what I don't understand is you helping with the plot, or why Patty brought him here. That old Leprechaun has more than enough power to change a hundred men into women with a snap of his fingers." Grandmother just smiled. "Watch and learn, Anya." ***** A WEEK LATER... Spike, calling herself Lara Jones, had gotten herself a job as a secretary at the firm where Jaz used to work. She wasn't a very sociable secretary, but that wasn't her intent. Every time she got close to her target, she'd flirt a bit, trying to get him to get her alone. The other girls had tried to warn her off, thinking she was aiming on landing a rich husband and not knowing Paul wasn't the marrying type, but they didn't understand what she was after. Finally, Lara's patience paid off. Paul, a relatively clean cut man who presented an image of respectability while stabbing his allies in the back to get ahead, asked her to come up to his office for a little "dictation." After she got up there, he told her, "Put your pad and purse down and come over here." She did as asked, knowing what was coming next. He put his hands on her shoulders, rubbing suggestively. "You know I can make your job here a lot easier with just the right... incentive." Then, without even waiting for a response, he started sliding his hands around to the back of her dress. Lara had wanted to wait, draw him out a bit, but now that the moment was here, she couldn't hold back. Her hand curled into a fist, almost of its own volition, and she hauled off and hit him. Paul staggered back under her enraged blow. As soon as he collected himself, he backhanded her, yelling, "What's wrong with you, bitch?" Lara wasn't even fazed. If she had been the delicate flower she was pretending to be, Paul's blow might've meant something, but male or female, Spike had lived a life that inured him to minor pain like Paul sought to inflict. She grabbed him and drove her knee into his groin. He doubled over, but she didn't let him drop. She pulled her knee back, drove it into his gut, and then pushed him onto the floor by his desk. As she walked back to her purse, Paul managed to get enough breath to say, with much gasping, "Stupid bitch! You'll... be in jail... by nightfall." Lara pulled a revolver out of her purse and pointed it straight at Paul, cocking the hammer menacingly. "What the hell makes you think you're going to live to nightfall?" The sudden threat of having a gun pointed at his face was enough of an adrenaline rush that Paul was able to overcome the throbbing pain in his lower body. "What do you want? Money? I can give you money. I can-" "SHUT UP! All I want is you dead." "You'll never get away with it." "I don't care. I'm prepared to go to jail. I'm prepared to die. I just want you dead." Seeing the rage in Lara's eyes, Paul knew she wasn't exaggerating. "For god's sake, why?! At least tell me that!" With a burning rage and clenched teeth, Lara explained, "Remember Jasmine Brenner?" Paul did and his eyes grew wide with fear. "You killed her." "I didn't-" "You did! What you did to her destroyed her! She was too soft, too delicate to deal with it. You might as well have put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger yourself. I'm going to kill you for what you did to her. I'm going to kill you for her." Paul was too frightened to think of anything to say. He was moderately surprised (although too fixated on the gun to show it) when he heard a voice with a classic Irish accent say from on top of his desk, "Ah, me boy-o, but is that a gift yuir dear wife would want?" Lara saw Patty sitting on top of the desk, calmly puffing on a briar pipe. Paul called out, "Whoever you are, save me! Stop her! I'll pay anything you want!" Lara growled, "Stay out of this, Patty!" "Ah, lassie, ye need not worry about me. Although all Leprechauns have a bit of mercenary in them, this rogue has no gold to bargain with, and I don't do credit. So if ye're bound and determined to kill this man, I won't stop ye. I was just wondering about yuir wife. From what ye have told me, I don't think this is something she'd want. Am I wrong?" Lara considered it, her arms shaking with the emotional turmoil. But she stiffened both her arms and resolve. "She may not have wanted him dead, but he doesn't deserve her concern." From the side of the room, he heard a woman's voice say, "But what of her concern for you?" Out of the corner of her eye, Lara saw Grandmother step up. "She wouldn't want you to sacrifice yourself for him, no matter what he had done." Lara trembled a bit, and then stiffened up again. "He deserves to die! He needs to be punished for what he did!" "At the cost of your wife's wishes?" Patty said, "Yuir wife loved ye, Spike. She made saving you her fondest desire. Will ye make her life's work a failure? For this sorry excuse for a man?" "Choose another path, Spike." Spike, a.k.a. Lara, trembled. She knew they were right. Jaz wouldn't have wanted this, no matter what the sleaze had done. But he had to be punished. Finally, Lara came to a decision. She grabbed her purse and slung its long strap over her shoulder. She put the gun back in the purse, but didn't take her hand off of it. "Get up!" Paul obeyed her and she grabbed him and pushed him to the door, moving so she was behind him. She bumped the purse into his back, reminding him of what was inside. "We're going to take a little walk. I'm prepared to go to jail, so if you try anything, no matter where we are, or who's watching, I will empty this gun into you. Now move!" Paul wondered where they were going, but was too frightened to even consider asking. She marched him out of the building, ignoring everyone they passed. She made him walk for almost an hour, until they reached Bikini Beach. She marched him right up to the front gate where a pretty brunette waited. She told him, "Get out your credit card." When he handed it to Anya, Lara said, "A lifetime membership." Anya got out the paperwork and said, "I'll need you to sign these." Paul debated whether or not to try to enlist Anya's help, but Lara bumped him with the purse, saying, "Don't even think about it. I am sure that this young lady doesn't want your guts all over her." Anya said nothing but took a large step to the side, clearing the path, just in case. Realizing he had no one to turn to, Paul signed. Lara grabbed him by the shoulder and all but threw him towards the men's locker. They went inside, and Paul saw one shower running. "Now what?" he asked. "Now you get wet!" she replied, kicking him at the shower. He tripped and sprawled head long into the stream of water. He got up to his knees but froze as he started to change. Lara felt a tingle run through her body and watched the change as Spike. Paul changed and morphed. His business suit became a revealing dress. His hair grew down his back, and his chest ballooned out to become a massive pair of tits. The new girl sat up and looked down at herself. Suddenly she giggled and said, "Look at me. I forgot to take my clothes off to shower again," then giggled once more. Grandmother stepped up beside Spike. He asked, "She seems awfully stupid." "Standard physical bimbo-ization plus extra stupidity. And bimbos aren't smart to begin with." They walked back towards the front gate, Spike stuffing the gun into the back of his pants. "Does he even remember what he was?" "Not really." Spike rolled his eyes to the sky. "Then what's the point?! If he doesn't even know he's being punished, why bother?!" "It was needed to make other changes stable." "What other changes?" Spike heard a soft voice behind him say, "Hey, hun, miss me? Hope you didn't have to wait too long." Knowing the voice, he was too afraid to turn to confirm it. He just stood there as his wife, Jasmine, walked up beside him, pulled him down and kissed him on the cheek. She gave him an inquiring look and asked, "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." Spike was too stunned to say a thing, so Grandmother said, "I'm sure your husband will be fine. He and I are discussing things." Jaz looked at him for a while, then said, "Okay, I'll wait over at the bike." Spike could only stare as she walked over and climbed on his Harley, getting out her helmet. Finally, Spike turned back to Grandmother, pointed to Jaz, and asked, "How?!" "When I changed Paul, I changed reality. SHE is and always was female, so he never raped your wife, and she never felt the shame and despair that drove her to take her own life." "But Patty said-" "Patty said HE couldn't. No fae can. It's part of being immortal. They just don't understand death, and thus can't reverse it. The best they can do is transplant a soul and make it think it's the other person, but you'd have known the difference." "Why didn't you just tell me?" "Because you needed to know that YOU were worth saving." Spike thought about it and reached behind him and pulled out his gun. He handed it to Grandmother and said, "Would you take care of this? I don't think I'll need it anymore." He went over to his bike, hugged Jaz, and climbed on. She nestled into him and they drove off together. After they were gone, Grandmother used a bit of power and changed the gun into a decoration for the new expansion she was planning. She then turned and saw Anya with an annoyed look on her face. "Problem, child?" "After all the speeches, all the lectures you have given me about 'giving away the store,' you go and do this?" "Well, let's see. In return for helping a man who truly deserved it, Patty now owes me a favor, and we've got two new customers. What was it I gave away?" Anya thought about it while Grandmother said, "Besides, I think this little bit of help may be more fortuitous than I first thought." ***** THE NEXT DAY... Anya was working at the front gate that morning handling new memberships. Things were moderately busy and she had her hands full most of the time. She was processing some basic forms when she heard a sound like angry thunder. She and most of the crowd looked up and saw twelve bikers, all wearing the same jacket design as Spike had, ride six bikes into the lot. Each bike had two riders, one female and one male. The crowd froze as the group parked and the man who had been on the lead bike got off and walked up to the booth. Anya could sense he meant no ill will, but he was still an intimidating figure. He was just under six foot tall but had muscles and shoulders that seemed ready made for someone a half foot or more taller. Not helping soften the image was the WWI aviator's helmet he was sporting, or the obviously visible skull tattoo on his arm. Most of the crowd stared as he walked up and took one of the brochures on the counter. Things settled a bit when he brought his finger to the edge of his helmet in a greeting/saluting gesture and respectfully said, "Ladies." There was a bit more staring and some muttered musings as he returned to the other bikers. The bikers all crowded around the brochure and a few minutes later the females of the group came over and got into line. The men stayed by their bikes and talked, but made no move to actually leave. When everyone realized nothing was going to happen the line got moving again. It was only a few minutes later when a potential problem arose. A couple of local college kids came into the parking lot and started hitting on the girls in line. It wasn't anything that Bikini Beach hadn't had to deal with before, although these boys were a bit more belligerent than most, returning at least once every day. Anya had tried enticing them in, but rumors of Bikini Beach had spread widely enough that the boys stayed out of the park itself. Usually Anya called out one of the lifeguards to chase them off and that'd be it for the day, but now she was worried about the bikers. What would they do if these punks started hitting on their girls? Anya could sense that a few of them would start with pounding them into the ground and go from there. Anya immediately called for Elizabeth and told her to hurry. Before Liz could get there, the boys reached the biker chicks and started their routine. Anya looked to the men and saw one nearly leap off his bike, ready to do extremely nasty things. She was grateful when the leader put a restraining hand on his arm. Then the leader looked towards the back of the group and nodded towards the punk kids. One biker stood. Anya could tell when he had been sitting that he was the largest of the group, but standing, he was immense! He stood just a couple inches under seven feet tall and was over three hundred pounds of solid muscle. As he strode up to the boys, Anya knew that although he was capable of great force, he really wasn't the violent type. He walked up to the boy who appeared to lead these kids and tapped him on the shoulder. The kid turned, looking right into the chest of this giant. He slowly raised his head until he could see the eyes of the biker, whereupon the biker looked down and said with an emotionless tone, "Stop it." The kid stammered out, "Y... Y... You don't scare me." Thee giant raised one eyebrow in an "Oh, really?" expression. He leaned over until he was eye level with the kid. "Why don't you go run home to mama, boy, before I do what she should've and turn you over my knee?" The boys didn't say a thing, instead only slinking off a short distance before the giant growled and they took off at a dead run away from the park. One of the girls, a small thing barely over five foot, grabbed the giant's shirt, pulled him down, and gave him a peck on the cheek. Anya found it amusing to see this giant of a man blush down to his toes from this simple act of affection. The man walked back and Anya heard her Grandmother say, "I don't think those youngsters will be back any more." Anya turned the booth over to an employee and went back to talk with Grandmother. When they were in a little more private place, Anya asked, "Did you plan this?" "Of course not. This is simple word of mouth advertising. The bikers like the concept of a place where they don't have to worry about their girls being ogled by others. Now that the girls are customers of Bikini Beach, the boys will make sure they and resultantly we remain relatively free of harassment." "But bikers?" "Oh, admittedly, they're a bit too prone to violence and definitely rough around the edges, but they're basically good boys, and aside from a bit of over- protective jealousy they respect and love their girls. And if eventually their curiosity creates a situation where they wind up understanding their girls a bit better... But that's a story for another day."

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Bikini Beach Whats Good for the Gander

Bikini Beach: What's Good for the Gander... By Jezzi (c) 2000 As he neared the ticket booth, Carl Desmond's mind was filled with evil glee as he thought of what he had done to that little bimbo office girl temp. She had been eighteen, fresh out of high school with a virginal beauty oh so rare these days. Carl had played nice boss, drawing her out over several lunches, finding that she was a genuinely nice girl, a virgin saving herself for marriage to her college sweetheart. Carl...

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Bikini Beach The Doctor

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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Bikini Beach Guideline and Concordance

Bikini Beach -- Story Guide As one of the reviewers of stories for Elrod, I've been asked about guidelines and such. Elrod had a bunch of material on his web site, but he took that all down. I had printed some of that out. I also reread all of his stories. I'm treating the material I printed, his stories, plus those stories of mine that he had reviewed for me, as "canon." Here it all is. If you have a story you'd like me to review, in keeping with the wishes of Elrod some...

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A Bikini Beach Summer part 01

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 1 Thanks to Elrod, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator. The protagonist, and thus the narrative, are what the protagonist believes or interprets from...

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Bikini Beach

******************************************************* This one came like all the others - in that strange world between dream and fantasy. What would happen if two macho guys went to a private beach where the price of admission was a change? I've got at least four story ideas in this same setting to follow - someday. In the meantime, if anyone else finds this stirs a story idea, I'll post the rules to the list. ******************************************************* Bikini...

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A Bikini Beach Summer part 05

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 5 Luke Gets a Two-Week Membership Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes...

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Bikini Beach A Boys Visit

Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit By Daphne Xu Bikini Beach and its principal characters are copyright 1998 by Elrod W. ********************** The lines at all the checkout stands were long. That was to be expected on SuperSale Day, Black Friday, the Day after Thanksgiving, and I kept fidgeting impatiently. Ahead in line was an old woman and a pretty lady who looked like she might have been a college student, or in her lower twenties. I didn't realize...

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The Bikers Party

Mal had been arranging a few parties in the doctors’ mess and various escapades had occurred since the first Toga Mazola do. He had a hard core of friends who were open to fun of any kind and they either planned parties or had multiple sex spontaneously on many occasions, usually after heavy nights out. Apart from work, sex and drinking he also liked to have other fun. He liked to live life to the full, he played rugby, cricket and when possible also went rock climbing. When he went back to the...

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Grandpa Takes Beth to Bikini Beach

Some readers may recall sick Beth mentioned a couple times in "A Bikini Beach Summer". Unfortunately, Grandmother's solution to everything wiped out Ruth's attempt to get information about Beth's sickness to her parents. This is a side-story to the sequel, which is still being written. It occurs a few weeks later, and Beth's condition has consequently worsened. As usual, thoughts and statements about Bikini Beach are potentially wrong, being made by persons with imperfect knowledge....

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A Bikini Beach Summer part 02

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 2 Daily Routine Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the...

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Bikini Beach Addiction

This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. This tale may be archived on Fictionmania; all others, ask. Bikini Beach: Addiction By Elrod W Calvin Lawson should have been overcome by lust as he and Fred walked toward the gate of Bikini Beach. All around him, luscious babes, most wearing next-to-nothing, streamed toward the gates. It should have been a man's paradise - a water park surrounded by hordes of beautiful shapely women. But there was something nagging in the...

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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 2021 END

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 20 Disaster Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator....

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Bikini Beach Swim Date

Bikini Beach: Swim Date By Ellie Dauber (c) 2000 "Hey, look," Mack Reilly said, "here comes that stuck-up Amy Bowlan." He pointed at a pretty blonde, about 17, who had just come into the school cafeteria. Paul Kauffman put down his Coke, and looked in the direction his friend was pointing. "Aw, I don't think she's stuck-up, man." "Then why won't she go out with anybody? She's either stuck-up or - hell, maybe she's a lesbie. You think?" "Nah. She's new here, just moved in the...

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A Visit to Bikini Beach

This is a spoiler for my story "A Bikini Beach Summer". Please read that one first. A Visit to Bikini Beach by Daphne Xu This is a spoiler for my story "A Bikini Beach Summer". Please read that one first. Disclaimer: The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by Elrod. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told...

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Bikini Beach Summer Fun

Bikini Beach: Summer Fun By Paul G. Jutras Charlie, Barry and Larry were on their summer vacation in Florida, listening to music on the radio. The group passed many billboard signs for water parks, amusements and resort areas. The group couldn't figure out which one to go to. Then a sign got their attention. BIKINI BEACH NEXT EXIT. "That's for me." Charlie said as he turned off the road and followed the road signs down to a parking lot. There were many cars in the parking lot,...

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Bikini Beach Twilight Zone Edition Chapter one

Bikini Beach - Twilight Zone Edition Chapter 1 There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone. Rod Serling Somewhere out in...

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Bikini Beach If I Should Die Before I Wake

Bikini Beach: If I Should Die Before I Wake by Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2000 (This story can be posted at Fictionmania or any free site. If you're not 18, or are offended by transgendered themes, don't read it!) (This story begins immediately following the events in Caleb Jones' story, "Gidget Surfs Up at Bikini Beach", and involves Gidget's dad and Gidget, from the TV series, as well as mentioning the character, Biff, from Caleb Jones' story.) July 2, 1968, 5:15pm Gidget...

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Bikini Beach Spring Break

Bikini Beach: Spring Break By Elrod W Stan and Chuck were still wiping their hands as they emerged from the restroom. They moved slowly; from the fatigued look in their eyes, one would correctly guess that they'd been awake for a very long time. Jack stood up behind the windshield, peering at the two. "Come on, guys! Time's a-wastin'." He slid back behind the steering wheel of his Camaro convertible, a sleek midnight blue car suited for a young man. Right now, however, it looked...

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Holiday Queen

This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...

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Bikini Beach The BrotherinLaw

This started as a quickie piece. It didn't finish up that way. There is, by the way, no relationship between this story and my recent (and forthcoming) Altered Fates stories. * * * * * Bikini Beach: Brother-In-Law By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 Lynette Dorsey was working at the sink when Carter Dorsey came into the kitchen. He stood by the door for a minute, watching the way her slender body moved and how the early evening light made her dark blonde hair seem to glow. He held...

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Bikini Beach A Private Matter

Bikini Beach: A Private Matter By Bashful Anya called her grandmother and told her the bad news. "We've had another incident, someone sprayed 'Silly String' inside a locker and ruined a girls leather coat." "Damn it! Of course, no one saw anything, right?" the old woman said. "Nothing. I told the girl we would replace the jacket but she said she wasn't coming back. I'm sorry grandmother, I don't know what else we can do." Anya was near tears. There had been many incidents...

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Bikini Beach Nerds Fund Raiser

This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. It may be freely posted at Fictionmania. Any other site, free or otherwise, must ask permission. *** This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee,...

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Bikini Beach Junior Prank

Bikini Beach: The Junior Prank By Heather St. Claire Because the magic of the Bikini Beach water park is designed to affect men, some people might mistakenly assume that men are the only ones who can be taught lessons there. That's far from the truth. Let's look back at a story from Bikini Beach's past, when Anya was younger, and not long after Grandmother first allowed her solo duty in the ticket booth. It was early March, and a beautiful weekday. The clouds had parted...

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Bikini Beach A Punks Story

Bikini Beach: A Punk's Story By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 By the time we came back after the Memorial Day break, the school year's just about over. Sure, there were a couple weeks left -- and the exams, but who worries about them? Me, I was thinking about the summer, three months to have fun and raise hell. It looked like the fun was starting early. It was just a couple of days after we got back. I was walking around, looking for Bill Gerhart. Bill was just a guy I knew, but...

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Bikini Beach Same Old Story

Bikini Beach is the creation of Elrod W, who has kindly let me visit and helped with editing this tale. May the Maker smile upon him! Bikini Beach: Same Old Story By Anne-Mal Hello. My name is Tina, or at least that is what I like to call myself. You see I was born male, but always wished to be treated as if I was female. So while my real name is male, please just think of me as Tina! One of my passions is dressing up as a woman. I have thought about undergoing the various...

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Bikini Beach Friends with Benefits

Bikini Beach: Friends with Benefits By: Light Clark Synopsis: Andy seems like the kind of guy that has it all, rich parents, good looks, and smarts. However, in spite of all that, he leads a double life while hoping to find a special friend who might be willing to share in it. A heavy sigh slid out of my lips as I plunked down at one of the round, common area tables with my lunch tray in hand. It wasn't because of the low-quality, lukewarm meal. I wasn't picky. Nor was it...

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Bikini Beach The Band

Bikini Beach - The Band ElrodW A high school garage band isn't doing very well at getting opportunities to perform. Some of the band members think they'd go further if they could replace the female lead vocalist who moved away. The problem is where to find such a singer. Then one of them decides to see if he can find a girl to recruit at Bikini Beach... ********** Bikini Beach: The Band This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative...

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Bikini Beach The Sub

Bikini Beach - The Sub ElrodW Synopsis: A young man is dropping his sister and her friends off at Bikini Beach, and overhears a problem with lifeguard staff. Anya realize he might be able to help, but he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. This story and the Bikini Beach story theme are copyright, all rights reserved. Use of the characters or them without the express permission of the owner is a violation of copyright...

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Gidget Surfs Up At Bikini Beach

As always, this story may only be posted at sites, which charge no fees to read the stories, and must notify me prior to posting. This story is copyrighted to the author known as Caleb Jones and all rights are reserved, save for the concepts owned by Elrod and Bill Hart, and the owners of the Gidget licenses. I make no claims on them; I just borrowed them for this story. (Elrod asked me to remind all that this tale is set before Anya grows up and goes to work at Bikini Beach. My...

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Bikini Beach The Family Outing

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the express permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The Family Outing By Elrod W "This one doesn't look good, either." Mike Harwin slid his key into the ignition as he slammed the car door. He glanced over the seat. "Sorry kids, but this doesn't look like a very nice beach." There was an immediate cry of protest from little Jimmy and his older sister Nichole, seated in the back of the sedan....

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Bikini Beach Initiation Rites

*********************************************************** This is the second in my Bikini Beach series. The good news is there are at least 5 more such stories in my head. The really good news is that I'm writing easily again :) Enjoy. And please comment... ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Initiation Rites by Elrod W Allen sighed as he drove slowly away from the beach. No luck - in fact, he'd almost had his face smashed by a few...

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Bikini Beach Wandering Eyes

Bikini Beach: Wandering Eyes By Elrodw An active volcano would not have fumed so much as Brenda. It always got to her. At first, she'd considered that she was just being jealous, that her husband's roving eye bothered her because she felt threatened by other women. But now, after several months, she was certain that it wasn't because he was jealous - it was because Dennis' ogling really bothered her. She slapped him lightly. "Stop that," she hissed. Dennis turned his gaze back...

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Bikini Beach Dear Jenny

Bikini Beach - Dear Jenny ElrodW Melinda and Jenny have a fling during Melinda's temporary job as a lifeguard. Jenny finds herself falling for Melinda. But Melinda's time is up, and Mitch has to go back to his life. What is Jenny going to do? Author's note: This story takes place after The Sub, but before Cousin Trouble. It is strongly suggested that you read Bikini Beach: The Sub first. This story and the Bikini Beach characters and universe are copyrighted by the author,...

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Birthday with the Bikers

“You’re welcome. Consider this your birthday present from me to you.” The man smirked and took another drink from his bottle and I leaned back into him. His chest was beefy and he smelled like cigarettes and Old Spice. “Hmmm…I hope this isn’t the only present you give me…” I laughed in his face. I didn’t really know who this man was, but I liked where he was touching me. He had one of his thick arms wrapped around my waist and his big hands were tucked into the inside of the back of my...

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A Book About Bikers Chapter Two

She cheerfully took the phone Mike extended to her and dialed a number from memory. She spoke pleasantly to someone for a moment then she asked the person to hold on as she covered the speaker with her free hand. "It's my best friend, Melissa; I worked with her in the emergency room downtown. She knows I run with bikers so she called me as soon as she went on break to tell me who got shot; she thought I might possibly know them." Larry jumped right into that interesting conversation with...

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Beth and the Bikers

Beth Chapman walked into The Sex Fiends motorcycle club house looking for info on a biker she and her husband were looking for. It was a very important case for Beth and Dog The Bounty Hunter. Their business had hit a big down period and it was very much dependant on catching them biker tat sped out on them. She really needed to solve the case, so she used all of her "weapons" at her disposal. Since she was alone in the biker bar, she needed an edge. She had two very big ones. They were on her...

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Bikini Beach The Regatta

Bikini Beach: The Regatta Synopsis: A few friends are looking for sponsors for their sailboat in the big annual regatta, but no one wants to help out. One of the guys overhears a conversation about 'diversity' in sponsorships, and he gets an idea. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: The Regatta by ElrodW Tim flinched visibly as he heard Mike give the number. "That much for the entry fee?"...

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Bikini Beach Teaching Sally

Bikini Beach - Teaching Sally By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author's Note: When I wrote "Swim Date", I got several comments about how rotten I was to Sally, the young transformee that Paula met briefly on Sunday. It wasn't right, the comments said, for the Old Woman to take her memories away. Here's the whole story of Sally's transformation. Judge again, now that you have all the facts. * * * * * * * * * * * * "There's some cops out here to see you, Mitch,...

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Life after Bikini Beach

Life After Bikini Beach I can't believe this is me. My life is nothing like I expected it to be. I'm not talking about the fact that I'm a girl. I chose that. I went to Bikini Beach on my eighteenth birthday and bought a lifetime pass. I knew what I was doing. I did it because I liked the sex. I know that sounds pathetic. Like I allowed base desires to control the most profound choice I will ever make in my life. But it really wasn't any more complicated than that. I never had...

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Bikini Beach The Gift Certificate

Bikini Beach: The Gift Certificate Elrod W Something strange was going on, Rick knew. That new water park, Bikini Beach, was a tremendous success; everyone was talking about how great it was. Yet something - some little quirk - tugged at the back of Rick's mind. The park was advertised as a haven for young ladies. So why weren't there hordes of guys going there - to pick up the babes? Perhaps other guys weren't paying attention to the little details, but Rick was. And that was...

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Bikini Beach A Day At The Beach

Bikini Beach: A Day At The Beach By Paul Jutras Pat and his friends Louis, Paul and Steve arrived at Bikini Beach and were given a change receipt before they entered the beach shower area. Before they were allowed in they were forced to answer questions on their favorite color and what they thought the perfect woman would look like. "Enjoy your stay at Bikini Beach." Josie laughed as she watched the shower doors close. She knew first hand what it meant to enter those...

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Bikini Beach Child Star

Thanks to Elrod for building Bikini Beach and letting us play there, and to him and Radioactive Loner for the encouraging words and the great patience shown in editing my draft. Many thanks also to Tiana Red Wolf for the Spanish translation that appears in this story (and to the others who offered to help). Tiana, your translation came through without a hitch. Thanks again. Speaking of which, any Spanish-speaking readers might want to skip over the short Spanish...

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Bikini Beach YuGiOh Style

I'm doing putting a different spin on Bikini Beach by using Yu-Gi-Oh characters. Wait and see what happens. I should probably say I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or the idea of Bikini Beach. This is not an official story in the Bikini Beach Universe. *** Yugi waited for the doorbell. He was taking T?a to the beach for a date. He was going to go to the new one called Bikini Beach. T?a finally arrived at Yugi's house. Yugi said goodbye to Yami. "So Yugi, are you ready for this?" T?a said "Yeah o...

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Bikini Beach Hey Hey Paula

Bikini Beach: Hey, Hey, Paula ElrodW A friend of Melinda's has some serious difficulties with women, mostly because he gets all tongue-tied and clumsy when he's around a girl he's attracted to. Jenny and Melinda think that a trip to Bikini Beach might help him find a different approach. ********** Bikini Beach: Hey, Hey, Paula This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivs...

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Bikini Beach Saving A Life

Bikini Beach: Saving A Life Copyrighted 2000 By Radioactive Loner and JDG I was not a happy man. The heat was baking me. Well, not just me, but pretty much all the residents of the fair city where I lived, except those with air conditioners. I was unfortunately not among that number, and so I lay prostrate across my bed, sweat popping out of every pore in my body, feeling as if I was being baked in a slow heat, heat resounding both into and out of my body in a languid...

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Bikini Beach Nerds Date Rape Avenger

Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger When a friend of the nerds is date-raped, the nerds decide to help see that justice is done. ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. ...

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Bikini Beach The Purse Snatcher

Author's Note: This story got written while I was also working on the story, "Teaching Sally". I never meant it to be so long, but after I set up the initial situation, which involves a thirty-day pass, I had to do something to fill that time. I decided to try developing multiple story lines, sub-plots. So, this is an experiment. Let me know what you think. Negative constructive criticism ("I don't think you did X very well") is welcome. Suggestions on how to improve ("I...

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Ann ndash At The Beach ndash 1 A New Bikini

It all started one beautiful day during the summer holidays. The early morning already promised great temperatures, and when we left for the beach, the sun was shining pleasantly warm on our skin. When my girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers, her younger sister Ann and me arrived at the beach, it was already pretty crowded.After finding ourselves a nice spot, we began settling, spreading out our towels and changing into our swimwear which we had already put on at home. Until then I had never taken...

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