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Please let me apologize in advance for this story. It is very dark and not very nice. Certainly not the sort of work most people seem to associate with me. I can only plead distraction for the quality (or lack) of this work. I have had, for the last month, increasingly more frequent and severe, stomach pains. I spent some time today at a local hospital having some thoroughly unpleasant tests done and I'm afraid that this experience may have colored this work. My recommendation? Run, don't walk, away from this story and relegate it to the trash bin where it belongs. Defiant By JDG "Are you sure about this?" The words held an iron that was belied by the frail blue/white hair that topped the ancient crones head. "There is no going back once this is done." Mary sat fidgeting in her chair. She continually twisted the brightly colored scarf about in her hands. Was she making the right decision? Was it even a decision she had a right to make? Yes! She believed that... she had to believe that. She was loosing Tommy. Her little boy. He was all grown up. She thought, bitterly, how he didn't like her calling him Tommy anymore. "Call me Tom, Mom." He would say. "Tommy is a little boy's name." Then he would flash that dazzling smile at her and melt her heart all over again. Mary knew that young people had to grow up. They had to go out into the world and live their own lives. But Tommy... her Tommy, he was still so innocent. So unready for the evils of the world. He was like his father that way. Always believing the best of others. Always ready to help out. That was what had taken her Ron out on that rainy night, 12 years ago. It was dark and a light drizzle was falling. Ron got a call from his brother Dean. Dean's car wouldn't start and he needed to get something for his son's cold. Could Ron give him a ride to the ReXall? Of course Ron went. It's funny how the mind can see things that the eyes never witnessed. Mary saw her husband approaching that intersection so many times. The wild, reckless, teenage boys going just that little bit too fast to stop. The bight flash as the pinto exploded into flames. Ron had hung on for 2 weeks, so badly did he want to stay with his wife and son. Mary vividly recalled that first time she saw him after the accident. The stench. So like roast pork that she could never eat it again. Her stomach roiled at the memory, and threatened to empty it's contents all over the little house she sat in. All over the paisley print table cloth and the yellowed linoleum floor. She choked it back down. Tommy was her son. Hers! She would protect him in spite of himself. She thought of how she and her husband had dreamed of two children. A boy first, and then a girl. A beautiful little girl that she could teach all about life. She could teach all about being a girl and then, when the time came, a woman. A child who would grow from child to best girlfriend. A child who would never want to leave her all alone. "Yes." She nodded her head slightly. A quick jerky motion that went with the wild and distant look to her eyes. "I'm sure." "Then give him this liquid, in a hot drink, just before he goes to bed. The formulae is very powerful and will do it's work in a single night. In the morning it will be as you wish." Mary grabbed the little vial of clear liquid. She stared at it. Was she being conned? Was she pinning all of her, and Tommy's, hopes on a pipe dream? But no! She had found Mrs. Borgia on the Internet. She had to be real! The Internet was the modern electronic highway. If you stayed on the highway, off the side streets, then you couldn't get blind-sided. Ron's death had taught her that. The old woman took the money; all Mary had left of the life insurance settlement, and tucked it into the top of her blouse. She stared at Mary with her dark eyes seeming to see into Mary's very soul. It made the middle aged woman shiver. She got up to leave. The vinyl of the seat sticking, slightly, to the back of her legs where her skirt had bunched up. As she walked toward the wooden door to exit the kitchen, she turned one last time. "Mrs. Borgia... if I'm not being impertinent... may I ask you a question?" Her words were halting, as if afraid of being rejected in response. The old woman had seen it so many times before. Always they thought alchemy could solve their problems. Always they were wrong. "Ask." "You have such wisdom... such power. You could, you should, be wealthy beyond imagining. Why do you choose to live in such a small house? In such an old neighborhood?" "Where should I live? In some great construct of steel and glass, where people cannot find me? Sometimes it is better to be content with what little we have, than to be forever yearning for what cannot be." Mary turned and left. As the screen door closed with a bang she wondered at the old woman's words. Tom Jenkins sat in his room. He kept reading and re-reading the same paragraph in his physics book. He just couldn't concentrate. He had fought with his Mom and it ate at him. He loved her, far more than she could ever know. When his Dad had died he was just a kid and his Mom had been there... always there. But the mothering the small child needed became the smothering that was choking the life out of the young man. He hadn't planned on leaving home until he was 22 and had completed college, but his Mother just couldn't let him live his own life. Tom thought of how she tried to pick out all of his friends. How she tried to pick out even his girlfriends! She had embarrassed him so many times. He would have friend's over to spend the night and she would come in with a tray of hot chocolate and cookies. That was fine when you were 6 or 7 or 8, but when he was 12 it had been downright embarrassing! Finally he quit asking kids to sleep over. He never played sports because he was too busy studying, besides sports were rough and dangerous. His Mom would never have allowed it. Finally it had all come to a head earlier today. He had finally let all the pain and humiliation that had been slowly building within him boil over. He had shouted at her that he wasn't a child anymore. He didn't need her to control his life anymore. He was moving out when he turned 18, two days after he graduated High School. His friend Rob had offered to share an apartment with him near the local university. With the money he got from social security, the grants and loan's he qualified for, and a part time job he could just about swing it. He felt his guts clench up when he remembered the pain in her face. The single tear trickling from the corner of her eye. She had reached out for him, but he couldn't face her then or he would cave in. So he had fled from the room. When he got home, hours later, she had been out. He was worried that, in her distracted state, she might come to some injury. It was as he sat in his room, his head spinning with guilty thoughts and fantasies of the results of his actions earlier, that he heard the car pull into the garage. She was home... Thank God! Mary unlocked the door from the garage to the house. Tommy's car was sitting in it's usual place, and the engine was cool, so he had been home for a bit. She paused for a moment, unsure if the course she had chosen to walk down was right or not. Pushing such doubts aside she walked into the kitchen of her house. It would be so much better after. They would be so happy again. Happier than they had ever been before. Mary could see the light shining under Tommy's door. She smiled as she thought what a good boy he had always been. It was just lately that he had become so defiant of her. So reckless and foolhardy. But she would save him from that. Mommy would make it all better. Knowing that his Mother was home safe had relieved part of Tommy's stress, but not all. He still had to face her. He wasn't sure he could bear to see the pain in her face again. The shock and betrayal. A soft knock at his door startled him out of his musings. "Tommy... Tom. It's Momma, Honey. Can I come in?" Rising he went to the door and opened it. His Mother stood in the hallway, dressed casually, with a tray in her hands. On it was a cup of hot chocolate and some cookies. "I know you're a bit old for this." She said shyly. "But I thought it might be nice if we just sat and talked a bit... like when you were little. You never minded a cup of hot chocolate and some cookies then. Please?" It was the please that got him. Looking in her big soft eyes, so like a frightened rabbit, he couldn't bear to disappoint her yet again. "Sure Mom. That would be nice." He took the tray and placed it on his desk, moving his physics book to one side. He took her in his arms then and embraced her. She felt so small, so helpless. When had she gotten so thin and frail? Mary snuggled in her son's strong arms. So like his father. It would all be ok. She knew it would. "Drink your hot chocolate dear, before it gets cold." Smiling Tom took a tentative drink, and found the temperature tolerable. The chocolate tasted slightly bitter tonight, or maybe it was the tollhouse cookies with their dark bakers chocolate that made it seem that way. He and his Mom talked and laughed for an hour before he began to feel oddly sleepy. Just like when he was kid. A cup of hot chocolate and he was ready for bed. His Mom saw him fight to keep his eyes open and smiled to herself. Shortly afterwards she was slipping from his dark bedroom. His soft breathing the only sound in the darkness. "Goodnight Tommy." She smiled into the dark. "Hello Tommi." Tom's sleep was troubled. He kept seeing his Mom standing before him, like a giant. Just as he used to see her when he was little. She kept saying that it was time for Mommies little girl to get dressed. Tom looked and looked but he couldn't see a girl anywhere. Then she had brought the bright pink dress, with the big bows, out from behind her back. She smiled as she reached for him. Tom had screamed in the dream then, but his voice was wrong. It was the shrill high scream of a little girl. A very frightened little girl. The scream woke Mary up. It was coming from Tommi's room. Her little girl must be awake. Ahhh, but soon she would calm down. When her Mommy took her in her arms and held her, she would make it all better. As Mary put on her robe and headed toward Tommi's room she thought of the day's ahead. The house had sold, secretly, a week before. They would be moving out in another week. Moving to a new home, in a new town, where no one had ever heard of Tom Jenkins. Where there would only be Mary Jenkins and her lovely little 6-year-old girl, Tommi. Mary knocked softly on the door. "Tommi? Tommi Honey? It's Mommy. Can I come in?" Only silence answered her. She opened the door and peered in. On the big bed lay a tiny cherub. She was beautiful. So like a doll. Her long dark hair lay tangled about her head in a mass of curls and waves. Her face was the very face of an angel. Her lashes were long and dark. Her little mouth hung open slightly. She seemed to be staring at something, off in some indefinable distance. Tom's big t-shirt lay about her like a dress. "Tommi?" The doctor's could do nothing. All they could say was that her daughter seemed to have suffered some tremendous shock and retreated into herself. Maybe, if they had some idea what it was, then with years of patient therapy she might come back. They just couldn't say. There was no way Mary could tell them. There was no one she could tell... unless... Mrs. Borgia sat at the same small kitchen table, staring at Mary. It had been nearly a year since they had last met. Mary looked, if anything, worse now then she had then. It was always like this. "I am sorry, but there is nothing I can do." "But you must! You have to be able to do something!" The woman's voice cracked with the strain of emotion. Her eyes were red with tears unshed and lack of sleep. She had developed a tic in her cheek and her hands trembled constantly now. "Tommi just stares. She never talks, or moves. I have to feed her and change her like an infant. This isn't what I wanted!" "Was it what your son wanted?" Her word's shocked Mary. "Did you ever once stop to consider what this might do to him? This was your you have it. That's the thing about fantasies... the reality is never what you expect. His soul is bruised, and not all the magic in the world can repair that. He has been betrayed, completely. His very body has betrayed him, and now she is lost. I'm sorry." All during the long trip home Mary had kept replaying Mrs. Borgia's words in her mind. "Was it what your son wanted? Did you ever once stop to consider what this might do to him? This was your fantasy... your fantasy... your fantasy." Home at last Mary paid the nurse who stayed with her little Tommi when she had to go out. "It's such a pity." The woman had said, shaking her head sadly. "She's such a beautiful little girl." Mary turned to her daughter after the woman had left. She looked so beautiful... so perfect. It shouldn't have been like this. She had wanted her son to be her little girl. The little girl she never had. To be with her, needing her forever, and now she had that. Forever. She stared at her Tommi, the tears welling in her eyes, as she smelled the odor. Her daughter needed her. FINI

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Cum Slut Mom And Her Son

It’s been three weeks since I let my son and his friends wanked over me in the woods and I have went to bed every night thinking about my son’s swelling cock and the look on his face as he sprayed his cum in to his mom’s face. The sheer joy and relief was obvious when he pulled that last time on his cock and a thin watery jet was followed by a mighty load of warm creamy spunk, covering my face to where it was running off my chin before sucking it in to my mouth.I am wet just thinking about it...

1 year ago
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Friendship threesome and pregnancy

THIS IS TRUE STORYNOTE: Since English is my second language please forgive any style or grammar mistakes.NAMES ARE MODEFIEDI know Sami since college days, he is my close friend and my wing man. When he married his girlfriend (Nadia) I thought he made the best choice, she is beautiful, smart, friendly and looked so in love with him.After graduation he got a job with a government sponsored company and I opened my own business which is constructions contracts, but we still maintained the...

4 years ago
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Last Customer of the Day

It had been a long day, and Kim was looking forward to locking up and going home. She let most of the employees leave, and was about ready to lock up when a customer walked in the door. Kim scanned her from her black heels up her nylon legs to a short yellow dress that flowed in the air as she walked. This all leaded to the most amazing breasts Kim had seen, large and firm, nipples clearly erect. She had shoulder length vibrant red hair that d****d over the left side of her face. She walked...

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hotel meet

Another story part true part fantasyhi all had a nice meeting last week. i was away on business which happens very infrequently so i planned to make the most of it. i was away with my boss for two days of meetings and one night in a hotel in Birmingham. anyway by the Thursday lunchtime the meetings were going so well i suggested i stay an extra night and take the guys out for drinks. he readily agreed so i quickly posted an ad on craigslist for later that night.5pm rolled around and my boss...

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Vanna Whites Porn Star Career The Beginning

Most people -- even those who've been paying attention -- think Vanna White's career is solely based on "Wheel of Fortune" and her longtime job of turning letter wheels or pointing to them. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Some avid Playboy fans will know about Vanna's appearances in a dedicated Newstand Special issue that featured all of the more risque photo shoots that Vanna did in her pre-"Wheel of Fortune" years but how many folks know about the same time period and some of...

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Serving a black bbw part 1

My new lifeI had always browsed the online dating sites, the adult dating sites... rarely reaching out. I had a pretty vanilla life, always with white women, the kind that fuck and suck...but not really ....enthusiastically? I watched porn off and on, wondering if I would ever meet a woman that was so sexual, so powerful, so raw. I got home from work Friday evening, turned on the TV and had a quick bite to eat...the plan was to meet some friends for drinks later. I heard my phone beep,...

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Of Intimate Moments and Laundry

The key clinked into the lock, and I was already tired before it even finished turning. I opened the door to my apartment and lugged my workout bag with me. I ached everywhere and I needed a shower, and I was pretty sure I had the start of a black eye, which wasn’t anything particularly new. There was a commotion of noise and chaos storming from one of the back rooms, but for the moment the living room was blessedly empty, and I wasn’t about to go running off to investigate. It didn’t sound...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 7 Partyville

A week before THE PARTY, the caterers and party planner started to have equipment dropped off at the house. Twenty-five round tables that could each seat eight were delivered along with two hundred folding chairs. The delivery crew set up about a dozen of the tables in the area away from the kitchen and heavily used part of the patio. Dave’s garage and carport became unusable for cars as box after box of other things needed for the large crowd arrived: paper goods, linens, racks of glassware...

4 years ago
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Brian Guess WhatChapter 4

So, Tuesday, Lyssa comes home and comes to my bedroom where I'm laying in bed naked waiting for her. "Oh, I see your ready. I'll be right with you," and she's back in a minute dressed as I am, undressed. "Just stand there, Lys, I just want to look at you. You really are beautiful." She raises a leg up and puts a foot on the bed exposing her most intimate beauty to me. "See anything you like, big brother?" My sister is no longer shy about her body as she lays down and spreads her...

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un dia de calor

Comienza a caer el sol…pero el calor no para. tu y yo nos encontramos en un punto en el que el sudor se ha vuelto un elemento constante…yo me encuentro sumamente excitada pues dentro de mis vicios esta el mirar pornografía, algo no común de una mujer, pero que importa a mi me excita y eso es lo importante. Tú no tienes idea de que es lo que te espera pero te aseguro te gustara. Desde el balcón te observo y noto que no estás solo. Hay una mujer a tu lado a quien tu tratas de una manera...

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Erika the Sex Slave Chapter 3 REPOST

"Nice dress," Joe says as he pops open the beer and takes a sip. "Yup." "Nice panties," he says and Erika blushes. She moves her hands in front of her crotch. "Yup." "Like the pattern on them. Nice frilly dollies." The dress material is thin and in the right lighting very transparent. Erika turns a little red and her eyes dart around the room. She tries very hard to avoid eye contact with Joe. "I don't think that dress is meant to be worn in...

3 years ago
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Cuckhold in Milwaukee Part 6

Recently had to go away to a meeting. Drove 6 hours. Called my wife to tell her I wish she was with as I was passing all these adult toy stores and strip jointsTurns out there was one just a couple of exits away from my hotel. My wife asked about it and I filled her in that it looked kind of dead and empty. The few times I drove by it no one was there. The morning I was leaving at about 9am to go home. At 8:30 I get a text from my wife that she wanted me to stop and pick a few things at this...

1 year ago
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BlackCocksMatter Lauren Phillips Zoey Monroe Scoring Big On Black Friday

Zoey Monroe sure knew how to piss off Lauren Phillips when she squirted all over her to make sure she got that hot Black Friday deal! Isiah can not believe what Zoey did when Lauren confronts her at home and is soaked from Zoey’s squirt! There is only one way to solve this feud; Isiah whips out that large black cock of his to see who will be triumphant and make him cum first! Lauren wastes no time taking the lead sucking down that hard black cock and Zoey takes every inch deep in her wet...

1 year ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 3

I suppose this as good as place as any to introduce the man who became my greatest friend during my service career, and even more importantly, in civilian life. I first met Harry Ledbetter, or 2nd Lieutenant Ledbetter as he then was, when we both joined 3 RGJ. He had just graduated from Sandhurst and I had just finished at The Junior Leaders Battalion. He had just turned 21 and I was 3 weeks past my 17th birthday, so it would have been about the middle of July 1981. Harry was a stocky bloke,...

4 years ago
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Ctrl Alt Shift

Prologue Jack had enjoyed that last adventure. My god, he thought, it almost felt like I was actually surfing on the solar winds. It was amazing. As he prepared to go back in, ZIG the A.I. reported a glitch in the system. It actually surprised him. Suddenly the V.R. system was locked out for more than an hour. The A.I. ran a self diagnostic and to pass the time Jack reviewed his in box and sent some urgent responses. The Secco deal was looming large and things needed to fall into...

3 years ago
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Campsite Diaries part 2

I didn’t expect it to be one of the girls at all and I was mildly shocked to find a young woman on the doorstep to my cabin at 1am. I recognised her straight away from the camp sessions – Sandra. She was 5’6, shoulder length black hair and green eyes, dressed in an overcoat. “Sir-” “It’s 1am, get back to your dorm.” I warned her, peering out the door. It was dark enough that no one had noticed she had turned up. If someone had seen her there, as her camp leader I would’ve been expected...

4 years ago
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The First Time With Helen

This story, to my shame, is absolutely true. To save embarrassment to Helen, I have changed her name and some of the smaller details that might give a clue to her real identity. I don't know who will read this and would hate for it to get back to her and cause any difficulties. I met Helen on line. Her handle was "Lady of Kent". The chat line was a free forum, I can't remember which one it was now and it doesn't really matter. Just that it was the vehicle that brought us together. We...

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Dear Serena Sutherland

So it would start that you come all the way, from Texas to bring me back, an to be your husband, we're sitting in a McDonald's eating, and you tell me "Well for one Mr. Willis, all of us in the lone star state absolutely love your music and your type of entertainment, and I was wondering if I could persuade you of coming back to Texas with me, and letting me help you start your record label on a bigger platoe." I say "Well I love the West Coast, I'm born and raised in San Jose, I don't know if...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Texas Patti Anal Foot Fetish MILF

Elegant and busty MILF Texas Patti waits patiently for Josh the repairman to visit her swanky hotel room. She shows off lithe legs in silky black lingerie, sucking the unwitting handyman into her seductive game. He licks her sweet cunt, and she spreads her legs so he can fuck-pound her hungry pussy. Josh slides his dick inside slowly, and he squeezes her round tits. When Patti bends over, Josh slides his meaty rod inside her tight sphincter. She gasps in ecstasy as he reams her butthole. Patti...

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The Forest Nymph

The Forest Nymph The hunter paced silently through the forest, his bow held at a low ready. The sunlight that pierced the thick canopy was tinted a faint green, and a pale smoky mist collected around the forest floor. The hunter stood a proud 6’4”, and was nude but for his quiver and a small animal skin bag. His powerful lean frame attested to his hunting prowess, his muscles stood like knotted ropes, earned by a lifetime of chasing his meals. He had lost count of his age, his kind did not...

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New Master Meet New Sub

After chatting online for weeks, you agree to meet at a Starbucks for a cup of espresso.   You have carefully considered this encounter after privately chatting with a man for a few weeks on an erotic stories web site.  You have a compulsion to meet the man who made you a molten, sweaty, and breathless mass of flesh on a few  occasions with just his mere written elucidations of situations which previously you did not even fantasize about. The vivid erotic pictures he has painted on the canvas...

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Copyright© (c) 1994-2003 "Oden the bardling averred His muse was the bum of a bird, And his Lesbian wife Would finger his fife While Fisherwood waited as third." -author unknown She came highly recommended, with references and a resume that greatly impressed me. The children loved her, my wife was thankful of the excellent work she did, and I was able to spend more time with my work. The maid also entered my family and began to systematically control or terrorize everyone in the...

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Dyngus Day

Lewy watched her cross the snowy plaza. The soldier wasn't sure what it was that attracted him to the young woman. For one, Jaromira didn't look young. Her face was in an almost permanent scowl, black hair pulled back so much in her braid it seemed to add a decade to her appearance. Not that he had anything against mature women. Widows could be the most fun, freed from having to find a man to latch their claws into. The King's new policy called pensions seemed to see to that. Jaromira,...

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Night with Erika

Introduction: I spend a night with my friend Erika and get the unnexpected. It was a late night and I had just got home from practicing with his band. It was friday, I had nothing to do, like any normal friday night for me. It was 6:30 going to bed early was nothing new I would sometimes I would take naps that lasted 18 hours I called them short comasI took off his blue skinnies and his t- shirt and hopped into his bed as off couse I slipped my hands to rub his 6 inch cock completely shaved....

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