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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I want to thank Eric for his support. Dear readers, this is my first time, so be gentle. Inverted By Dale Ribbons Peter Worth was a lucky man. At the young age of 30, he was already a junior executive at Wilson, Wilson, & Fisk. He had average good looks, which attracted many women. Unfortunately for them, he took no notice. He was already married to a wonderful woman, Farisa. Farisa was an Indian beauty. She had lovely features, a nice figure with curves in all the right places, and dark, exotic skin. She was an ideal housewife. She seemed determined to keep their home a showcase and cater to Peter's every need. In fact, she seemed to be a bit too devoted to Peter. It was like she had no free will of her own. Then, there was her sex drive. Farisa was an animal in bed. She had to have sex every night, whether Peter wanted to or not. When he tried to refuse, she used her secret weapon on him, what he called the jelly look. She would stare at him with a pout and her limpid brown eyes, and his resolve would turn to jelly. In the end, they both wound up happy. Farisa had other qualities that endeared her to Peter. She had an excellent head for business, better than her husband's. Peter felt that his success at an early age was due to Farisa's suggestions and input. Every idea she had to advance Peter's career worked out great. It seemed to him that she had to help him in order to be complete. Peter was amazed at how far she had come since he had first met her. It was at the bus stop where he got his ride home from work. She was sitting there in the dark rainy night looking miserable. He never usually talked to strangers, but he felt compelled to. He learned she was a 22-year old immigrant with nowhere to live, no skills, and only her green card, a few dollars, and the clothes on her back. Peter felt so sorry for her that, despite his misgivings, he asked her to come home with him. When they got back to his small apartment, he offered to let her stay until she could get on her feet. Peter had no intention of taking advantage of the girl, but she forced the issue. She refused to accept his offer until they consummated the deal... in bed. Peter learned she was adamant, and reluctantly agreed. The sex was great! Over the next 6 years, the couple had gotten married, pushed Peter up the corporate ladder, and bought a house and a car. Everything was going great! However, something was going to happen that was going to shake their perfect suburban lives down to its core! It all started when Peter come home from work one afternoon. There was an unfamiliar car sitting in the driveway. Peter figured it was just some friend of Farisa's visiting. Sure enough, there were voices coming from the kitchen. However, it didn't sound like it was a friendly chat. When Peter entered the room, the conversation stopped. "Oh, honey, you're home!" Farisa said nervously. "Peter, this is my... friend, Mildred." Peter looked at the other woman in the room. She was 5 feet tall and seemed to be mostly made of gristle. Her small, scrunched-up face was dominated by beady, black eyes and a large, smelly cigar clenched in her false teeth. Her obviously baldhead was covered by a black wig. She wore a drab gray suit and orthopedic shoes which did not match her gaudy jewelry or make-up. Peter guessed she was in her eighties. "So this is your husband." she said, with a lecherous smile on her face. "He is a handsome one." Peter didn't like the way she looked at him or how nervous she made Farisa. She tried covering up her anxiety with a false smile. Peter didn't want to cause trouble so he went along with it. "So, Mildred, how long have you known Farisa?" "Oh, since she was born. You might say I was her godmother. The last time we saw each other was about 6 years ago I'd say." The trio sat there for another hour talking. Mildred stunk the place up with her cigar and pumped Peter for information. She knew he was a success in his field, but didn't exactly know what it was. Then, she started asking questions about their love life. Farisa was extremely embarrassed, which made Mildred laugh for some reason. Peter wanted to punch the rude hag in her mouth. After what seemed an eternity, Mildred left. But when she promised to return, Farisa turned white. The young couple sat down to a quiet dinner. Peter noticed that Farisa ate little and acted like she was deep in thought. After they cleared the table, he asked her what was wrong. She sighed and told him to sit down. He realized she had something to say but didn't know how to say it. "Peter, I have to tell you something and I don't know you're going to react. It may sound like I'm crazy, but I ask you to believe me. To begin with, I've been keeping a secret from you. I used to be a man!" Peter was shocked. At first, he thought she was joking, but the look on her face told him she wasn't. Impossible as it may seem, this very feminine woman was really a man! "But how?" he asked. "Some sort of operation?" "NO! It was Mildred! She put a spell on me. She's a witch!" Once again, the look on her face told him it was the truth. Farisa went on. "Before I met Mildred, I was Frank Manners. I was a successful executive with charm, good looks, great business sense, and the personality of a jerk. I treated everybody I knew like dirt. I was charming to those people who could get me things, and then I stabbed them in the back when I no longer needed them. Then, there were the women. I treated them like Kleenex, using them and throwing them aside when I was finished. "Then, I met her. She was the embodiment of my fantasies. She was a sexy, young Indian girl. I took her home to have what I thought was going to be just another one-night stand. Then, after a session of wild sex, I woke up to find I had changed into my dream girl! "Mildred was there. It turned out the 'young girl' was really her. She laughed and said she enjoyed being the last woman I would ever have sex with. She told me that one of the women I had used wanted revenge, and hired her to turn me into a woman. The original plan was for me to become a hooker, so Mildred added a nymphomania spell. But, Mildred said turning me into a hooker was a waste, so she did something else to me, but didn't say what. "After that, I wound up at the bus stop and met you. You treated me so nicely that I fell in love with you, despite the fact I had been a man not twenty-four hours before. Having sex with you was weird, but I quickly became used to it. Thanks to Mildred's spell, I had to. After that, I settled into my new life as a housewife. I began to realize that taking care of one good person sort of made up for hurting people. I was happy, settled. But then that damn witch showed up today." "But... but..." Peter stammered, "What does she want after all these years?" "I don't know! Oh, Peter, I'm scared! I don't know what to do! I need your help!" But Peter was in no condition to help. He was too stunned to speak or think. He had to get up, get out, get away, and go somewhere to think. Without saying a word, he ran to his car and drove away, leaving Farisa alone. He drove around for a while until he wound up at a local bar. He had come here before when people at the office wanted to party. Tonight the bar was quiet, which suited Peter fine. He ordered a beer, which just sat there while Peter thought about things. The bartender, who knew the signs, went over to talk. "Hey buddy," he said, "You got problems with the missus?" "I just found out my wife used to be a man." Peter answered. "Huh? Is that all? You're lucky. My wife used to be a woman." The bartender rolled his eyes. Peter had to laugh at his joke despite himself. "Let me ask you this, do you still love her?" Peter thought about this. He thought about everything that had happened since he met her. He thought about how lonely his life was before he met her. He remembered the day they met. The day they got married. Their honeymoon. The time he had pneumonia and she took care of him. Then, fate put in her bony hand. The jukebox started playing Sting's 'Fields Of Gold'. The song they danced to at their wedding. Their song. That did it. He realized the truth. "YES! I DO LOVE HER!" He shouted as he stood up. He paid for the beer and ran back to his car. He drove like a bat out of hell, pushed by a feeling of incredible guilt. He had left his wife alone and defenseless. The feeling of guilt turned to sheer dread when he saw a car in the driveway. Mildred's car! He burst into the house and found Farisa collapsed on the floor, sobbing. Mildred stood over her, looking triumphant. They were both surprised by his sudden entrance. "PETER!" Farisa cried with joy. "Oh, good", Mildred said with a laugh. "It saves me the trouble of having to find you" "Get away from my wife, you witch!" Mildred laughed. When Peter advanced on her with murder in his eyes, she opened up her hand and a ball of orange light appeared. It hit Peter with incredible force and slammed him against a wall. He blacked out in pain. When Peter awoke, he found that he was sitting in a chair, totally paralyzed except for his head. More of Mildred's magic, he realized. The clock on the wall told him it was nearly twelve. Looking around, he saw an iron pot bubbling on a portable stove sitting in the middle of the room. On one side of the room, Farisa stood in a chalk circle, totally nude and standing as still as a statue. Opposite for her stood Mildred in another chalk circle, also totally nude. That was a sight Peter could have gone a long time without seeing. "What's going on here, witch?" he asked. "Why can't you leave my wife and me alone?" "I would, handsome, but I need Frankie, or more specifically, her body. You see before you a woman who has reached the end of her life, at least as far as this body goes. I know that I would eventually need a new body. That's where Frankie comes in. Her body is perfect for my needs. Young and well-built. To think, the girl who hired me just wanted him to end up as a hooker. But there was no way I was going to live in the body of a whore. I wanted better. So, I put another spell on her. One that would lead her to a handsome young man, one she could fall in love with and devote her animal lust to. Then, a luck spell would kick in. Combined with Frankie's business sense, it has led you to success in your field. Now, I'm ready to switch bodies with Frankie and become young again!" Peter was horrified beyond belief. His wife was going to end up in the body of an ugly hag! "This isn't going to work. I'll kill you first!" "Oh, please. You can't move. Once the spell is complete, I will use my magic and my new body's feminine charms to keep you... docile. Just take consolation from the fact Frankie won't have to suffer long. This body won't take the stress of the switch, and will die soon after. Well, it's time to get started." The witch blew him a kiss and turned her attention to her evil work. She waved her hands and started chanting an incantation. Smoke began to rise from the cauldron. Then, strange gaseous forms began to flow from the two women's bodies. Peter knew it wasn't going to be long now. He was pissed. That hag was wrong, he thought. She may have caused them to meet, but everything since than was the result of their hard work and love, not a spell. Now, Mildred was going to take everything good in his life to garbage! He couldn't let this happen! Perhaps it was Peter's anger, or Mildred's distraction, but Peter found he could move with effort. He pushed himself out of the chair, and walked over to Farisa's side. He stumbled, and pushed her out of the circle. There was a shriek of pain and a flash of light. Then, Peter blacked out again. When he awoke, the room was dark and still. He felt something large and heavy on top of him. He pushed it off, realizing it was human when it groaned. Looking down at the body, Peter found it was his own! A horrible realization started to dawn on Peter, which was confirmed when 'he' saw breasts on 'his' body. Young, perky breasts. Farisa's breasts. He was in Farisa's body! (Okay, hands up whoever didn't see this coming.) Peter looked across the room at Mildred. She could tell already that she was dead. Before she could check out the body, Peter heard an angry voice behind her. "Get out of my body, witch!" "Farisa, it's me, Peter! I'm in your body and you're in mine." "Do you expect me to believe that, Mildred?" "Hey, how do I know you're not Mildred trying to trick me?" The couple eyed each other suspiciously. They spent the next 15 minutes questioning each other about intimate details of their personal lives until they were sure they were who they claimed to be. Then, they called the police to deal with Mildred's body. They told the cops the truth or at least part of it. Mildred was a lunatic who thought she could use magic to switch bodies with Farisa, and after attacking Peter, died from a heart attack. Medical reports confirmed this, and since Mildred had a history of strange behavior, the cops let the couple go. They went home to deal with their new lives. With Mildred dead, they had no hope of returning to their normal bodies. Farisa wasn't too concerned, having been a man before. Peter was a different story. She wasn't used to having breasts or other female parts. Then, there was the fact that she was getting turned on her former body. It was kind of creepy, but Peter couldn't help it. "Well, I'm done in. Let's go to bed." Farisa said. "Oh, bed sounds sooo wonderful." Peter said in a feminine purr as she stretched seductively. Farisa suddenly remembered the nympho spell. It must have stayed in the body, and was now affecting Peter. "Honey, I know what you're going through, but I can't. I'm not ready yet. I need to get used to be a man again." Then, Peter used the jelly stare. Farisa proved to be as susceptible to it as Peter had. Sex that night was interesting to say the least. Farisa found doing it as a guy as easy as riding a bicycle, while Peter found it was a whole new world of pleasure for her. The next few days were spent adjusting to their new lives. Learning to respond to their new names, moving and talking like their new sexes, things like that. Then, the big day came. Farisa, now Peter, went to work at Wilson, Wilson, & Fisk. His old business instincts took over immediately. The new Peter was more of a success than ever. However, he had learned his lesson from his time in a woman's body, and treated people a lot better. Peter/Farisa also adjusted quickly. She discovered she actually preferred being a housewife instead of a businessman. She also felt that this was her penance for abandoning Farisa. So, the young couple lived happily ever after. But not Mildred though. Yes, she still lived, a higher power decided to punish the witch by giving her exactly what she wanted. She awoke to find that she was in the body of a different woman. Another immigrant from India. The good news was the body was young and well-built. The bad news was she had lost her powers, while gaining a thick accent and a major case of nymphomania. The final sting on the tail? Her new body was employed as... a hooker. THE END

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I awaken, not suddenly but gradually. My consciousness returns to me even before opening my eyes. After a moment’s confusion, I remember where I am and slowly open my eyes. I don’t know if I’ve been asleep for five minutes or an hour and since I’m wearing no wristwatch I have no way of checking. But it seems like it must be closer to the latter because upon lifting my head and looking around, I can see the shadow of the cliff behind us has lengthened and now covers half the distance between us...

3 years ago
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The First CommandChapter 6 Tying Loose Ends

After lunch we went back home again. First, the cabal agreed that we didn't have to be dead yet. Second, they called George-the-recruiter in and I handed him my keys. He had a cell phone that worked anywhere, even down in tunnels, and he always carried at least two of those portable pads with him in his briefcase. If they needed him, he could stop anywhere, lock himself in a bathroom somewhere, and pop back to the ship for a minute. They had him go back to our condo and set a transporter...

4 years ago
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Ted and His Best MateChapter 2

You've never seen two guys move so quickly and the drive back to his flat was very quiet. No one seemed to want to talk. Chrissie sat in the front next to Arthur, as we were in his car and I sat behind her. I reached around and placed a hand on her breast, now covered by her T-shirt and she let me fondle her, but I saw her move her hand across and place it on Arthur's thigh on the inside, not far from his groin. Just close enough to tease him and keep his interest high, not that I thought...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 12 Lets Get This Party Started

Let’s Get This Party Started Hermione arrived with Ron, Ginny, and Harry in the sunroom of the family cottage at Anglesey. Cottage was probably a bit of a misnomer, holiday home was probably a better term but even that failed to express the size and comfort of the home. It was an extensively remodeled, two-story, 12-bedroom Georgian built on a secluded five-acre plot surrounded by trees. Despite their remoteness, they had electricity connected to the house and it was a wonder of Muggle and...

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Milking Time B4 Chapter 1 Jeannes Indoctrina

This story involves a group of shemales who live on an island thatexists in our world, but they chose to remain mostly isolated. That's partof the reason I also call them amazons.The shemales in my stories have genitalia that start at JohnHolmes' size, and then get much, much bigger. (This is a work of fantasy afterall.) So if extreme size is not to your liking, I suggest you go elsewhereand pick another story.This story is copyrighted and may not be posted anywhere without myexpress written...

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Again Ch 2

Rolling onto her back, Marie threw her arms over her head and basked in the warmth that has come from her soft body. The sunlight softly streaming through her room falls on her face and she turned toward it. Stretching, she remembered her night, and him. He had kissed her softly on the lips, making her melt against him. All night he had stayed near her side. Finally he helped her clean her kitchen after all her friends had left. Jake had leaned in for that soft kiss, and her world had shifted....

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My Other Daddy

He had a pool in his backyard me and my siblings would frequent quite often. One afternoon we were all swimming and my brothers got out, leaving only me and Matt. “Do you want me to throw you?” He asked. “Yes!” I squealed and swam over to him. He threw me about 5 times, and the next time I swam back he turned me around and wrapped his arms around my waist. This was my dream, mind you, but I was freaking out. I had no idea what to do. “Can I tell you a secret?” He whispered in my ear....

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Showed Me Heaven

I am a 22 yrs old girl sharing my first sex experience with readers. .I lived in Hyderabad. Two years back when I was in the 2nd year of graduation, one day I went to my friend’s house to pick up some study notes at about 3 PM in the month of hot July… Since I was a regular visitor to my friend’s house I entered the house without knocking the door. The door was open and I just opened it entered in the room. I found nobody in the house. Suddenly my friend’s brother came out of bathroom after...

4 years ago
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Let It Rain

I was on my way home from a three day weekend ride on my motorcycle when I stopped about ninety miles from home to get something for lunch. They had the news on and when the weather came up they said a front was coming through and we were in for thunderstorms and a temperature drop of around twenty degrees. I finished eating and pulled back on the road looking at some angry dark clouds off in the distance. I decided to hurry like hell and see if there was a chance of getting home before it...

1 year ago
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The perfect maiden and the dream lord

Alexandra wanted to study high finance in Fontenebleau, one of the best businees school of the world. She has a brother who had to take care. Because of it, in summer she was employed at the house of a few wealthy investors. She was nice and reliable, apart from beautyful and obliging. She was charmed with being nice with the people. Especially with the persons of major age which she was venerating. One day while it was cleaning a china´s cups and plates, Peter, his host proposed her to...

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It8217s A Family Affair 8211 Part 4 How We Make Dreams Come True

In the previous parts, you read how we got infatuated with our mom and how we got into incest. Now you will read how we make dreams come true. Probably one month had passed after our adventurous summer. I had a bad headache. I had spent the previous night having wild fantasies about my mom and couldn’t sleep. So I decided to bunk college. But I didn’t tell my mom as she would not allow this. So Chetan, mom, and I got out of the house at the same time to go to our respective schools and...

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My Landlord

I remember this well, even though it took place almost 40 years ago. It was the summer between my junior and senior years in college. I had not done well the last semester of my junior year, probably because I preferred partying to studying. That, combined with the fact that I would need a few extra hours to graduate on time, made it necessary that I attend summer classes. I had always lived in a fraternity house during the normal school year, but in the summer the house was closed down so I...

2 years ago
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TemptationChapter 16

It ended up being a long, quiet drive back home. Lisa had volunteered to drive everyone home, but Paul wanted to stay behind to make sure that the rest of his friends made it home okay. Maddie and Roxy had no objections to leaving though. The whole drive home, Yumi stayed quiet, not having much to say, instead she continued to just look out the window, a almost blank stare crawling over her face like a mask coming into place. Lisa could only imagine what was on Yumi's mind, and glanced in...

1 year ago
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Indiscretion Cock Choke

Jay and I were still members of the church and we always attended mandatory gatherings, but our new friend Lee would have a problem joining because he wanted to wear lingerie.....and he really didn't want to be in such a big group anyway. I decided to turn my basement into our private mini-temple where we could spend hours in worship. It was already pretty much decorated, so we just added some awesome Cock pictures, a small statue of Priapus, more candles, s**ttered pillows and a mattress. I...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jasmine Wilde Luscious Natural Tits

Naturally busty brunette Jasmine Wilde models a skimpy bikini with clear stripper heels. Eager for dick, the thin young thing talks with director Mick Blue, shining up her big boobs with oil throughout. Jasmine playfully bounces her fleshy breasts and strips out of her bottoms, dousing her plump booty in grease. They make out — she strokes Mick’s big cock, wrapping her luscious knockers around his boner for a titty fuck. She stares deeply into the camera as she sucks Mick’s...

3 years ago
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Uber Driving Slut Mom Fucks Young Football Players

Hi Y’all,Well I guess you can only go so long without being recognized as the Uber driving slut mom. I live outside of Joint Base Lewis McChord in Washington state. Just yesterday when after dropping the k**s off at school I decided to turn on my Uber app and see if I could make some money before needing to complete some errands and clean the house some. Within seconds of turning on the app there was a request just down the street. It was a young guy who turned out to be late for high school...

4 years ago
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Lucky Beyond Belief

It’s said that opportunity only knocks once, and am I ever lucky I answered that knock. Looking back, though, my childhood wasn’t all that lucky. Dad and mom both worked to provide enough income to feed my brother and me. We always had food on the table, but money was tight. While other families went to Disney World on vacation, our vacations were inexpensive alternatives—camping out or visiting relatives. Mom was our moral compass. She was strict and upright—a proper mom who taught us to...

2 years ago
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The Pleasures of Beth

This story is the beginning of an erotic novel that I was encouraged to write by a friend of mine. Many of the events in the story actually took place, although a few are figments of her libidinous imagination, and mine. Beth is a real person, but her name has been changed as she would be recognizable otherwise. Some of this is a fantasy, but an awful lot is not. Enjoy! * * * * * I – By way of introduction Beth is standing alone in her washroom. Water drips from her body as she dries herself...

3 years ago
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Pantyhose sex on a sunday

I sat daydreaming looking at my wife dressed in a short skirt and blackheels with sheer nude hose. Hanes silk reflections barely there! She always dressed so nice for Thanksgiving. Listening to a relative drone on about his doings I thought back to last Sunday morning. I had just come back from taking the kids to Sunday school, she was dressed and ironing her clothes for the upcoming work week. She came around the corner in a sexy black skirt and matching heels with Hanes silk reflections...

1 year ago
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Aztec Artefacts and Their Path to SubmissionChapter 12

Lloyd had been treated to a gratuitous and well received whipping by Joyce, watched by Patti, Kay, and Maria, who noted the pleasing sign of a boning erection as his wife confirmed her new status as his owner, then was bundled into a walk-in wardrobe at Patti’s house, trussed with his head down to await their further pleasure. He was not alone in the wardrobe. Lucy was stripped and trussed likewise, after a brusque spanking by Kay, and the tearful sissy placed so that Lloyd’s nose hovered...

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Fucking In Train

Hi I m rakesh 27yrs , working electric company in barmer, 5’7″ and having a good looking personality. I m going to tell u my story which happened with me last summer. As i m 5’7″ and having good physique. All the ladies who see me got impressed with me. Last summer i was going from jodhpur to Barmer by a passenger train. I was sitting on my seat in general compartment. One widow(Sarla) which i came to know later) was also sitting besides me near window. It was a late train and started from...

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Sex Diaries Cheerleader Initiation

The day I made the cheerleading squad was the happiest day of my life. I remembered driving to class when the phone call came. I was so shocked and excited that I almost drove into a cops car. I didn’t think I was going to make the team. I’m only 5’4′ and 117 pounds so naturally I thought I would get passed over. Unlike the other girls on the team, I wasn’t a knockout or had huge pair of tits. I mean I could land any man. I had the physical assets to turn heads or get laid whenever I wanted....

2 years ago
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BD Bridal ShowerChapter 3

Donna watched Tom leave, not able to meet his gaze but not able to look away from him either. He had ravaged her body, beaten her and tortured her, spilled his jism into her pussy and mouth. Once he had gone, slamming the door shut behind him without a word, Donna stumbled to her feet and looked for her clothes. Only her jeans and her coat were salvageable. Her top had been ripped to pieces and her bra and panties were in tatters. She slipped on her jeans and buttoned her coat up to her...

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Up the alley

The evening hadn’t started well; your hubby had taken exception to your choice of dress- too tarty in his opinion ! True, the little black skirt was on the short side and the cool weather had forced you to don some fancy black tights but you were perfectly happy with the top you had chosen- it was a bit see-thru but you had a bra and panties on , albeit peephole and split-crotch !However, It was all too late to change and you only just made it to the restaurant in time. Usually he liked having...

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DP and my wife

My wife Andrea has been a hot wife ever since I told her about my desire to eat her after she had sex with another man. I had no idea how she would react but one night I just came clean with her. She played it extremely cool and asked me on several occasions if I was absolutely serious. Once she felt I was she told me that she would handle it in her own way and if I interfered she wouldn't do it. Each night on the ride home from work I was fantasize about walking in to a freshly fucked wife....

2 years ago
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The bed is pushed up against the east-facing window of the small bedroom, so it was no surprise – only an annoyance – that I awoke to sunlight in my face as the bright rays of golden light passed through the narrow gap in the curtains and bombarded my closed eyelids. The sun was shining so brightly already that even before my eyes were open, I practically felt blinded. This was not the first time such an occurrence had been the cause of my unwanted awakening, as evidenced by the quick, deft...

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