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Chapter 1

"Doctor! Doctor, I think she, I mean, um, he's waking up."

I could faintly make out a nurse leaving the room. Where was I? What the hell happened? Slowly I could feel my mind drifting into darkness again.

I still clearly remember the dream I had before I woke up. In the dream it was so evidently clear why I was whom I was and what I was going to do in the future in my life. Everything seemed so open and free. I could do what I wanted to do and I knew I would enjoy myself as long as I lived. The only thing was, it wasn't me. I really wasn't anybody, just a thought, radiating though my mind of everything I had dreamed and felt. It was the most exhilarating but frightening dream I've ever had.

As I slowly awoke I knew my life was different. I decided this was going to be the new me from now on. The spell between dreams and reality finally broke as I opened my eyes. This time my vision was less blurry and I could finally see where I was. I looked around the room I was in and found I was in a hospital room. I tried remembering how I got there but everything was still being swirled around in my head from the eerie dream I just had.

A rush of terror soon swept over me. I remember now that I was in a horrible car wreak. The whole scene played through my head as I remembered what happened. I saw myself driving along a rural road common to Indiana. There usually aren't to many people on the road I was on, so I was driving in the middle trying to avoid potholes and large bumps. I got to the top of the hill and saw a car no more than twenty yards in front of me. I screamed as I tried to swerve, but I still hit the car. I realized I had actually screamed out load. It didn't register that I did at first because the voice wasn't mine; it was clearly a girls scream.

A doctor and two nurses rushed into the room as I finally saw what had really happened to me. Wait, wait; this has got to also be a dream. There is no way this could be real. I looked up at the doctor who was asking me if I was okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine. This is a dream, so I have nothing to be afraid about, right?" I said relaxed.

"I'm sorry, this really is not a dream. What you are thinking is true. You are a girl now," the doctor said convincingly.

I just lay there giving him a questioning look. Maybe I was actually dead. I'm dead, and this is what my mind came up with for my after life. Those thoughts faded from my head as I slowly felt pain radiating from the back of my neck. My god, this can't be real. It can't be! How can it be real? No, this is a dream and I'm going to wake up. I'll just close my eyes and when I open them I'll be in my room.

I closed my eyes, thought about home, and then opened them. Of course, the doctor was still standing there looking at me. Damnit.

"I know this has got to be a huge shock to you, and I do understand that, but let me explain what happened to you first before you ask anything," the doctor said with a concerned but stern voice. "You were in a very bad and damaging accident. You actually shouldn't be alive right now. Lindy Richardson, the person who was driving the other car is the body you are now in."

Lindy Richardson? She was kind of girl every guy wanted to date, including me. A lot of my fantasies included her. My situation was sounding a little better. Odd, but better.

"In the wreck, you suffered no damage to your head. Most damage was done from you midsection down. The injuries were irreversible, but you were still alive when you came it. Lindy, on the other hand, had the opposite kind of injuries you had suffered. Her head had been snapped forward and then quickly back from the airbag, breaking her neck. Her body was virtuously untouched other than cuts and bruises. When you both came in, a doctor that had been working with me at the time realized the opportunity. You see, I'm a specialist in brain and spinal surgery. My colleagues and I have been developing a new way to make damage to the spinal column repair itself and even fuse back together. We had recently been successful with several patents, and the next step was to try to get a whole spinal column fuse together. That's where you and Lindy came in. My colleagues had them keep your bodies alive and you were both flown here by helicopter. Of course we got both of your parents consent. They agreed because we convinced them how much the information we would gain from the operation, and how it would help so many people in the future. The only thing is it actually worked. So, now we're here."

"You're telling me this is actually an accident?"

"We knew that it would partly work, and from that we would know better what to do next time. Somehow though, most of the neurons matched up and fused in the correct place. The others made new paths for the functions that were left. From what we've observed so far, your body should be in perfect working order in accordance with what your brain is telling it. We have to do a lot more tests, though, to make sure everything is okay."

"I'm pretty much stuck like this for the rest of my life then?"

"Yes. It may seem bad now, but were very hopeful that you will grow accustom to the new you. We'll need to do some tests soon, so when you feel strong enough to move around some, just buzz us in with that button to your right and we'll start the testing. In the mean time you will have a chance to think things through, and maybe you'll feel better about everything that has happened."


"Good. I need to get going now, but just remember to push that button when you're ready."

He rushed out and left me there utterly confused and terrified. How will my parents react? What about my friends? How could I possible go back to school? I started to feel nauseated as these thoughts and others swirled through my head. Whoa, get a hold of yourself. Let's just slowly think this through bit by bit. My parents probably already know and have thought things through, hopefully. Now what about Lindy's parents? They will probably still want the image of their daughter to be in their lives, but I'm not really their daughter anymore. That's going to be hard to get through. I might be able to keep my old friends, but the thought of making new friends didn't sound to bad to me. School, who cares? Now what about me?

I slowly pushed myself back and up, resting my shoulders on my pillow. Pain surged through my neck and skull. The feel of her body mixed with the pain was all new and overwhelming. My mind felt very detached as if I was outside my body looking in. I soon found the controls to the bed and made it raise my upper torso so I could get a better look at myself. First off, I need to mention Lindy was very popular and envied by many girls. She had nearly the perfect body. She was kind of short, about 5' 3", maybe shorter. She also had silky blonde hair that looked like it would turn to liquid if you ran it through the fine straight strands. She also had sparkling blue eyes whose gaze draws you in. Her face had very delicate features that were perfectly proportioned.

I was remembering all of this from memory, as I couldn't see my face right then. I had memorized it before with every glance I got at her at school. I had a crush on her since the first time I saw the figure of an angel standing before me. Well, that's how I had liked to think of her, an angel.

I then looked down and thought about the body that went along with the heavenly face. I was wearing a hospital gown, so most of her features were covered, but I remembered well what she looked like. Starting from the top down, she had very feminine arms that were also firm. She had small firm breasts that never lost their shape. Further down was a flat stomach that showed some muscle, but not too much. Her waist came in a little, followed by hips that widened a little, making an hourglass form. She had slim legs that seemed to flow from her body, ending with small, well-shaped feet.

I then started moving different parts of my body. I stretched my arms up over my head feeling my breasts move as I did. My arms were shorter and lighter than my last. I put my hands in front of my face and stretched my fingers out while looking them over. They very small and very delicate looking. The nails were long and manicured with an oval shape. I then moved my feet a little and wiggled my toes. They were beautiful in there own right. I myself had always liked a girl with nice looking feet. Lindy's were nearly flawless. I almost enjoyed just looking at them, but I was broken away from my thoughts and memories by the growing pain I was feeling in my neck.

There was still a nurse in the room cleaning or something, so I called her over in my new voice and asked for some painkillers. I watched her leave as I started to feel tears well up in my eyes. I didn't understand why I was crying at first, and then memories of my sister came to me. My sister cried over almost anything. After a while my family would just ignore her until she got over what she was crying about. In about five or ten minuets she would be over it and smiling again. I realized that the female hormones from Lindy's body were effecting how I thought. The pain mixed with everything that had happened was making me cry.

The nurse soon walked in and kindly asked why I was crying. I felt kind of embarrassed, but told her it was just because of everything that had happened. She told me a bunch of comforting things, but I just wanted her to leave. I told her I'd be fine, and she finally gave me the pills I had asked for. She told me some more things, but I think she realized I wasn't listening anymore because she all of a sudden left.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to get a hold of myself. I laid there and concentrated on making the pain go away. Soon I started to feel quite good as the pills started to take effect. I looked around the room and I think I started to laugh. The next thing I remembered was the doctor waking me up.

"Lindy. Lindy, are you okay?" the doctor asked in a loud voice.

I blinked a couple of times trying to adjust my eyes to the light. I felt pretty groggy, but the pain from my neck wasn't nearly as bad.

"I think I'm okay. I don't hurt as much now. How long was I out," I asked in kind of a raspy voice.

"Only a couple hours, but we need to get those tests done before you can leave."

"I think I'm up to it now. Let's get it over with."

For the next couple hours they did a lot to me. I just kind of spaced out during that time, but I remember doing a CAT scan and several other things like that. I really didn't know what was going on most of the time. I was still thinking about my predicament. After the tests were done the doctor told me my parents would soon be here to see me. Hearing that, I suddenly felt scared and tense. What would they say? Would they be able to accept me like this? I started to wish I had died so I wouldn't have to go through any of this. There was one small thought gnawing at the back of my mind that kept me going, though. I could have a lot of fun being a girl. There were things that went along with being a girl that I had thought about before. Just the whole thought of being surrounded by soft and pretty things sounded kind of enticing to me. I think I might enjoy this.

My parents came. My mom cried. I cried a little. My dad just stood there with a little bit of a questioning look on his face. I tried to act a little positive and upbeat, but my dad did what I was afraid he would. He all of a sudden when off, yelling at the doctor and nurses.

"How could you do this to him?!" my dad yelled. "You said it wouldn't work, all you needed him for was the information! Now you've changed my only son into a girl! How could you do this to me?"

The doctor eventually got him calmed down with apologies and such, but my dad has always been an ass, so the whole happening didn't phase me much. I never did like my dad. He was always trying to talk to me about sex, but not in the usual sense of the father son talk of STDs and condoms. His version was to ask how far I had gotten and if I was still a virgin. He'd then continue with questions like; you know that Jessica girl is pretty hot, why don't you ask her out? Maybe you could get some from her, or your last girlfriend was a dog, you didn't actually do anything with her do you? Let's just say I tried avoiding my dad whenever possible, and in the rest of the story I'll try not to mention him that much.

Now let's skip ahead to when I was finally going to leave the hospital. A nurse came in with some cloths over an arm. She said I had a choice over what I could wear home. I could either wear a pair of sweats to feel comfortable and not too girly as she put it, or a pair of jeans shorts and a plain white tank top and be more daring and look girlish for the first time in my life. I chose the second. I got up and she handed me the cloths, which include a pair of plain white shoes, a pair of white cotton panties, and a white lacy bra. She pointed me to my bathroom and said she needed the hospital gown when I was finished. I walked into the small bathroom and realized I was going to see my new body naked for the first time.

Chapter 2

I laid the cloths down on the toilet seat and shut the door behind me. I then turned and faced the mirror. I could tell I needed a shower but her face and hair still looked beautiful. Now for something I'd only dreamed of. I could feel my heart racing as I reached back and undid the gown. I closed my eyes and let the gown fall to my feet. I started breathing a lot heavier. I then slowly opened my eyes. I felt excitement mixed with pleasure race through my body as I gazed upon her naked body. Her breasts were the perfect size. They weren't small, but they didn't look too big for her frame either. Her areolas were medium sized with now excited nipples the size of her pinky standing on end. Her breasts were a shade lighter than the rest of her skin with her areolas and nipples a like pink color. I reached up and took one of the round globes in my hand. It was firm, but so smooth and soft also.

At the same time it felt like hundreds of new sensations and feelings were overwhelming my body. I rubbed and then tweaked one of my nipples. I almost moaned out loud as my first feeling of ecstasy ran through my veins. I then drew my attention further down past her bellybutton. Tracing her V was a small mound of blonde pubic hair that was only slightly darker than her hair color. I hand my hand over the mound and it felt fine and smooth. From all these sensations I could also feel myself what I had heard referred to as 'getting wet'. Inside my crotch I could feel my vagina getting hot and slippery. I spread my legs a little and started to move my hand down.

"Lindy? Lindy, what are you doing?" the nurse yelled through the door. "I really need to get going soon."

"Umm. I'll be right out."

I guess I'll have time for that latter. I reached over and picked up the cotton panties. I found the top in my hands and inspected them. They were pretty much plain except for some lace that went around the top elastic. I bent over and stepped into them and pulled them up. The softness and tightness over my flesh brought more feelings flowing through me. I arranged them until I thought they looked right and then picked up the bra. It was rather plain too except for some lace on the cups. I put my arms through the straps and pulled it up to my chest. I reached behind me and tried to hook the back together. I didn't have much success, but I had never put a bra on before so I wasn't too surprised to feel myself fumbling around. I finally got it hooked and I then adjusted the cups until they felt right. During this I was getting more and more turned on from the sensations. I felt like I was going to melt right there.

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© Copyright 2006, 2007 Dear Readers, The following story is a sequel to the very first one that I wrote, ‘Remembrance’. It is possible to read and understand ‘Renewal’ without reading the earlier work. If you could do so, however, it might enhance your enjoyment of this story. Thank you for choosing my work for your reading pleasure. Whichever you decide, I hope that you like it. Autumn Writer *********** George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her...

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Copyright© 2006, 2007 George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her shoulders. He envied the way she could fit comfortably in the space provided by a seat on an airliner. He was on the aisle, she sat near the window. Even in First Class, his long legs were constantly searching for the right place to be. He refolded them as best he could. He was glad to be on vacation with Helen, but getting there was not 'half the fun'. The flight attendant refilled his...

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My best friend that I've known since I was in kindergarten had finally tied the knot.  It wasn't a race or anything, but we all thought we’d be single in our late twenties.  It seemed fate had other plans for her.The reception itself wasn’t glamourous. The venue was in the town hall of Cripple Creek, Colorado, the town we’d all called home for our whole lives.  The church in which they were married was right down the road.  No need for any type of limo to drive them a half mile away....

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I sat on the bench watching the girl at the rail, waiting for her to leave so I could finish what started here five years ago. I had met my sweet Angel at this very spot five years ago today, it was where I proposed and where we took our vows to be man and wife till death do us part. It was here that I came and cried the day Angelina and our unborn child were taken from me by a drunk driver. My lonely empty house was locked up and my affairs were in order. Before coming here I had mailed my...

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I love my wife but she would be the first to admit that she has a naughty streak that demands attention. On our honeymoon she explained that she needed a strong hand to control her and that she wanted to be spanked whenever she misbehaved, the harder the better. Clearly, my beautiful,blushing bride was very kinky and spanking was her biggest turn on. She reads romance novels: The Cowboy and the Schoolmarm, The Pirate and the Beautiful, Young Stowaway, The Handsome Teacher and the Naughty...

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I sat next to Debs on the plane. We left our wedding reception a few hours ago and we're now on our long haul flight to paradise. Hell, life with Debs would always be paradise, but the local I'm sure would help. We'd chosen a remote part of the world where we could loose ourselves in each other. Her head was bent over on my shoulder and I could feel her soft breathing. A twitching in my pants let me know that even after doing it in the cramped back room of the village hall as we...

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I woke when a thin strip of sunlight, filtered through hastily closed curtains, touched the side of my face. For a moment or two, I had no idea where I was. Then I felt them, and it all came back to me. The party was loud. I wasn't opposed to that idea, but after a few beers I really needed to get away from the noise for a little while. Alcohol enables you to find the strangest things. In this case it was a little old sofa in a small room. It didn't seem to be there for any specific...

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Owned The Training and Taming of Kittenbritches p

I wanted to meet you after your first message on x hamster- I have an unwrapped diamond ? stud collar waiting for the likes of you! You had me at 'lady in the streets' part.... Icing on the cake was take home to momma!! Let's chat! It was such an intellectual/emotional turn-on that you watched my whole profile video, and my pussy gushed a little at Your mention of collar. Could I have met a kindred spirit? My soul mate, so to speak? I seldom respond to messages, there are so many given my...

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Remote Control SlavePart 10It was late. The Mall would be closing in about 45 minutes, so the people there were an assortment of store employees of places that had already shut down, and various customers who had waited till the last minute.I walked ahead into the major Atrium area, a section with a huge glass-ceiling three stories above me. It was dark out, so the glass showed an ominous expanse of nighttime sky.The clamp on the right tit activated, and i turned in that direction. Up ahead was...

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A spanish holiday

Puerto del los Americas, ( about 20 minutes from the Airport ), will cater very well for most peoples idea of what a Spanish Seaside Holiday resort should be like. Particularly so if you're the sort who is quite content to stay in the one place and have Hotel pool, beaches, bars, restaurants and shopping all close to hand. As Tenerife is part of the group that make up the Canaries Islands off the West African coast the temperature averages 20 C all year. The Islands are volcanic and Tenerife...

2 years ago
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Adventured With My Friend And Sister

Hello, Guys, How are you, I have an Interesting Story for you guys, I’m Ata Khan from Lahore, I m 20 years old, Good Looking Smart Guy with a dick size of 9 inch long and 5 inch fat, I have a Sister, a Mother and Father, total we are all 4, The Heroine of the story is my Sister, Whose name is Sara, she is 21 years old, She is Cute, Hot and Sexy She have a really hot figure her Body is Creamy in oclor, she have a creamy Milky body, her boobs are filled with milk and are fully white like milk,...

1 year ago
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Thanks Sis Youre The Greatest Teacher

“I didn’t know you had chest hair.” Lin was eying Ken’s well-formed pecs she’d traced earlier through his tee. She sucked on her fingers and thought, Ken is one… fine… specimen. Now, she didn’t have to touch herself to tingle, tingles radiated from her clit all by themselves. The slighted movement of her legs, cause her muscles to flinch. OMG. Ken’s my brother, and I’m so horny for him I can’t stand it, she thought. What’s wrong with me? The weekend had arrived and their other roommates left to...

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Special Bond Long Weekend at the Lake 12

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...

4 years ago
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Making the MILF List P05

Sharing Mom, Mrs. Wills and anotherI slept till the house was quiet Saturday morning. Dalia and Tawny got home around midnight and roused me and they were up with Georgia around 9 and gone by 10. Around 11 I got up, pulled on running shorts and a tee and padded downstairs. As I passed through the living room, I could see my mother sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of joe. She glanced over and spied me. Knowing, it was a risk, I went right to her and kissed her on the lips, a long,...

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LTD Malissas Academy 27

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 27 By: Malissa Madison I hurried towards the Tank Community telling myself that I really just wanted to visit with Lydia. But I knew deep down why I was pushing the speed limit, I wanted to know about the Seekers. And Julie's continued reminders every time I pushed her up over the posted limit were only making me more nervous. "Malissa, we are being pulled over," she announced as the flashing blue lights came on behind me. Pulling over to the side I...

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Rick Gets a Date

Rick followed Jane with his eyes. He was sitting on the bus as it was going to school that morning and Jane had just boarded. It was only about a mile more to the school, but he got to at least see her long curly blond hair as she walked unsteadily down the aisle of the school bus as it started moving again. Rick had been on the bus for almost an hour now. He lived out in the country on a rock farm. They called it that because the only crops they seemed to raise were rocks. They did have some...

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The Other Side of Me Part Seventeen

The Other Side of Me - Part 17 by Limbo's Mistress As ridiculous as it might sound, I had hoped that Shelly would offer to spend the night with me. After the evening I'd gone through, I wanted the comforting touch of someone who knew the truth about my situation and gave a shit about me. Unfortunately, soon after our discovery that my absentee phone was currently hanging out at de Casa la Kappa, Shelly yawned and stood up to raise her arms high over her head and bend her back as...

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Leather granny fuck buddy Part 2

The next few days after the fun I had had with this leather clad granny my head was all over the place of how I should play the next move. Did I go round there? Do I message her? Do I just leave it as I one of night of drunken fun?And because we didn’t have a number for one another that ruled out the ease of her contacting me that way too.But once again luck was on my side. I was driving back from work one evening and it was heavy rain when I noticed a lady wearing a pair of tan leather, flat...

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Midget Sex

My wife asked, “Hey honey the circus is in town this weekend. Do you want to go?” I answered, “Sure if you want to.” Well that was on a Tuesday. That Thursday we went grocery shopping as we usually do. It was a beautiful summer day and I wanted to watch the attractive ladies walk in and out of the store so my wife allowed me to sit at the picnic table where the smokers usually hang out. Apparently it wasn’t break time and I didn’t have to inhale any second hand smoke. Otherwise I...

4 years ago
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A Little Tail Part 8

A Little Tail - Part 8 By Lexi Lee Christmas Day No it really is not December 25. It is Tom (the Monster Cock Destroyer of Assholes, the Giver of Great Orgasms) night. I get to have his manhood up in me. Now the last time my Super Plumbers Dick was where it belonged (IN ME) was the night he thought he wanted to fuck Chad. Wrong. You're mine, Stud Cock. Lexi is going to put her brand on that Monster Meat (God I can't wait). I may let...

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REFLECTIONS by CutePatti (3/2018) I have written and posted 31 stories on Fictionmania since the year 2008. I've also had a break from writing for several years, suppose it's maybe writer's block...but in actuality it's been more of a 'reflection' on myself as an author. Pausing to give myself a break and to consider other more important things in my life. And there have been many including a new marriage and health issues. So maybe it's time for me to share with all of you how I see...

4 years ago
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A Family Memory

There is no sex in this story but it is a good read. Thank you to Linda62953 for editing this story and making it a much better read. Chapter 1 My mother passed away a couple of years ago. My dad took it pretty hard but went on with his life, what else could he do? He ran a combination gas station and grocery store, which was passed down to him from my grandfather. Dad is a good man, as was my grandfather before him. Mom was only fifty-four when she died of that dreaded Cancer. She and Dad...

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internship fuck with sexy nurse 2

This is part 1 of the story I lifted her tee shirt from the back and unclasped her bra and released her melons. And I started to pinch really hard on the nipples. She was moaning aahhhhh ahhhhhh. Love u. I made her face towards me and removed her tee shirt and her bra came along. She was topless and shying. Trying to hide herself in me. I lifted her chin and we again ended up kissing, this time I did not kiss just her lips but her cheeks,...

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Confessions of a fetishist

Hello all. I would like to write something about myself and my thoughts as a fetishist.Somewhere, I read that fetishes are shaped in c***dhood and that's how it was in my case.It started in kindergarten. Then I started to pay more attention to the legs and shoes of my friends.Something fascinated me about it, later in primary school while playing with my friends I noticed that girls like to crush various toys like toy cars but also others. To make the boys angry. It was the first time it...

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Taste For Pink

“Really are you checking your phone again?” Asked Shelle as she looked at me from across the table.“So what if I am” I stuck my tongue out at her as I sighed. It had been over 3 days and still no call or text I guess thing really were over between us. Not that I was surprised. Me and Lewis seemed to break up pretty much every week but this one seemed to be the worst.“Really, Tammy I don’t know why you put up with that crap. He only does it to get under your skin. He breaks up with you every...

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My Mom gets a shocking surprise

Well, last time I related the story of my Aunt Kara and myself enjoying ourselves and when we had we knew who each other were. What happened between my Mother and I was surprising and as you read you'll understand. First I thought I would describe the time and then my mom at that time; I was 15 and with proper diet and care surprised my docs by still being alive and also filled out somewhat especially in dick size, gained a half inch on a large cock already. My mom had short blond hair and 36...

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Relentless Dan Fey Ch 03

Della Delaney called Penny Fay and she sounded really on edge. ‘Penny are you aware of the rumor?’ ‘What rumor?’ ‘That as a result of Kip’s dramatic rescue by Dan and that young woman from the South Island staying with you, half of the island thinks Dan is about to propose to her.’ ‘Half of the island permanents think that, are you sure?’ ‘Well a quarter of the population then. The girls came home raving about her after meeting her and I suspected this would happen, with her sitting right...

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Lusts What The Doctor Ordered

Chapter 1 Lying on the soft leather couch, the lovely young redhead licked her dry lips and stared blankly toward the ceiling. Sitting at the head of the couch, A. B. Prinz, MD, Ph.D., smiled down at her as he repeated the question to the woman in the deep hypnotic trance. ‘Describe what happened between you and your father on that night, Denise.’ Denise Powers struggled inwardly with the vision and she spoke hesitantly of the secret she had kept locked inside her mind for nearly ten years....

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