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Go Along with It Written by Mr. Pec "Barry?" I could hear Mike's voice as I drifted out of a lovely dream. "Barry?" he said again with strengthened resolve. I opened my eyes and found him standing in the middle of the living room with a pizza and a six pack of soda. He had the most perplexed look on his face. An instant later I was fully awake and aware of his confusion. I sat upright as fast as I could in my condition and gaped at him. He continued to stare and I flushed red with embarrassment. It's not every day that your best friend and roommate comes home early to find you dressed in like a pregnant woman. "What are you doing?" he asked. I said the first thing I could think of, an excuse I'd actually used before. "I'm just ? breaking in a Halloween costume." "In April?" I don't think he was buying it. "I'm very thorough. It's a very complex costume." I could tell by the look on his face that he really didn't buy it. He set down the pizza and pulled out one of the sodas, which I noticed was already open. As he took a swig, I saw his eyebrow go up. Years of friendship gave me a good idea of what this look meant. "I'm a cross-dresser," I finally mumbled. My heart sank. I knew I'd been taking a risk every time I dressed up in the apartment, and it was just a matter of time before Mike found out. I sat there quietly, unable to make eye contact. "Duh. Thank you, Captain Obvious," he laughed and sat down beside me on the couch. His attitude surprised me. "So what are those?" he asked, pointing at the three protrusions on my torso. All my fears instantly washed away, and I knew he would still be my best friend. "Water balloons," I answered. "Aren't you afraid they'll break?" "They're doubled-up ? One inside another. I've learned a few lessons over the years." He laughed. I laughed. I was so happy he had taken it so well. We talked on for about an hour. Mike was full of questions and I was more that pleased to answer him after having hidden these things from him for so long. Touching my belly, he was surprised to find it warm. When I stood up to model for him, his first words were, "Wow, you look good." I knew he was lying, since I didn't have make-up on or my hair done. He admitted my head could use some work, but he swore that from the neck down I could pass any day. I blushed. I cooked dinner in the belly that night, which was a pleasing experience because I could do it in front of Mike. By the end of that evening, it was as if nothing had changed, and we were joking and bullshitting like the best friends we were. In the following weeks I started to wear my stuff around the house more often, now that I didn't have to hide from Mike. Whenever he came home and found me dressed, he'd say ?Honey, I'm home,' and start asking if dinner was ready, where the kids were, and if I could make him a martini; Like something out of ?The Donna Reed Show.' I always played along, and eventually I was dressed at least five nights a week. Even when we'd cruise the mall, Mike would nudge me and point at some girl. Instead of remarking on her beauty, he'd say, "What do you think of that sweater?" This showed that he wanted to have fun with my dressing up as much as I did. Very often he'd drag me into a women's clothing store and start asking for help buying something for his ?sister.' Then when they asked for size he would turn to me and say I was her exact size, and that it would be best if I tried it on so he could see how it would look on her. Initially I protested, and Mike would whisper, "Go along with it," so I would. Eventually, I revealed my secret to the salesgirls, which only strengthened their resolve to help me. After a few months, I had built up a nice array of female clothing, started buying make-up specific to my skin tone, and even bought my first pair of heels. It was funny how my greatest fear had turned into my greatest proponent. Approximately four months after I had revealed my secret, Mike got the call. His girlfriend of three years, Tanya, whom he'd been corresponding with long distance for nearly a year, broke up with him. I knew it was tough on him because Tanya had been scheduled to come out and visit in only three weeks. Mike was very quiet at first, and I let him alone. In all our years as friends, we'd learned to read the other's signals and act accordingly. When he finally sat down and told me the tale, we talked about relationships, women, men, life and the mysteries of space-time until early the next morning. Good thing it was a weekend. The biggest problem Mike had with the break-up was the psychological build-up he had in his head. The expectation of her arrival, the plans for going out, all of which were not going to happen now. My heart went out to my best friend, and I wished I could do something for him. Then I realized I could. I took what I needed and changed at the mall. The girls at the store were more than happy to finally see me dressed in all my glory with hair, make-up and nails. When I left the store, no one gave me any more than a second glance to check out my figure. That did wonders for my self- confidence. I rang the doorbell, knowing Mike was on the computer. First he just shouted ?Come in,' but I rang the bell again. Seconds later, the door flung open. "May I help ?" Mike started, and then froze. I started acting. "Honey! It's so good to see you!" I dropped my suitcase, ran up to him and clasped my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly and lifting one foot. He didn't react, but I pulled back and continued. "I just flew in from the coast and boy are my arms tired," I joked, fighting to keep my voice feminine. I hadn't practiced a female voice very much. "Barry?" he asked. "Belinda." "What are you doing?" I closed the door and shrugged. "Just go along with it," I suggested. Mike blinked twice, noticed the suitcase, glanced me over, and smiled. Then he pulled me close again and hugged me tight. "Belinda! You look great!" he stammered. I could tell he was choked up. Mike brought me in and ?showed me my room.' I commented it was messy, but it would do. After a tour of the apartment, he became very silent and wasn't sure what to say or do next. I noticed and smiled. "So are you going to take me out to dinner or what?" Mike had planned to take Tanya out to a lavish dinner and then out dancing at a local club. I knew for a fact his planned outfit was still hanging in his closet. He blinked twice, started to smile, and dashed into his room. "Gimme five minutes!" he shouted back. "Take your time, Sweetie!" I wasn't sure at the time what made me call him that. I figured I was just getting into the mood and running with the situation. Mike was certainly getting into the mood. He opened my car door for me, offered his elbow when we walked to the restaurant, and held my chair when we were seated. Dinner was spectacular. Mike never once expressed concern with my being found out. I asked him about it later and he that I looked so good that no one in their right mind would think I was anything other than a lovely young woman. I blushed. We talked about things we'd never talked about before. Things about his family, his fears, where he'd expected to be at this point in his life. When Mike opened up like that to me, all I could do was reciprocate with private stories of my own. At one point in a conversation about relationships, Mike mentioned that he and I were almost the perfect couple. I agreed and left it at that. We left the restaurant around 10:30 p.m. and went straight to the club. The place was packed with men and women, drinking and dancing, a testimonial to indulgence. We found a small table and ordered drinks, but it wasn't long before I dragged Mike onto the dance floor. Once we got out there, we hardly left. Mike was quite the dancer, and I found it curious that I'd never seen him dance before. When a slow song finally started up and the couples on the floor began to move together, Mike paused. I glanced around nervously and then back at him. He smiled, took my hand and pulled me close, slipping his other hand around my waist. He never said a word, just led me around the dance floor like a true gentleman. The club closed around 3 a.m., and we were one of the last couples on the dance floor. When we reached the car, he once more opened my door for me. On the drive home he only said one thing; "Thank you." The next day was like any other. No mention of the ?date' was made at breakfast, nor when we both got home from work. It wasn't until after dinner, when we were watching TV that Mike brought it up. "I had fun last night." "So did I. I'm glad it helped you out." "Well, um ? What would you say to helping me out again?" I turned to face him. "What do you mean?" "Well, I was thinking, maybe we could have a weekly ?date night,' if you wanted to that is." I was stunned silent. In a weird way, Mike was asking me out, and I was flattered. In another way, it was a business arrangement; he got a girl to pamper, and I got to dress up in public. Before he could take it back, I accepted. Saturday was chosen as the appointed night. Sometimes it was dinner and a movie; sometimes we went dancing; sometimes we just drove around. It was only a matter of time before someone we knew saw us out together. Mike told me that one of his co-workers, Mitch, had seen us out together. At first I tensed up; Did he know? Mike took me through the whole conversation: "'Hey, Mike! Saw you out on Saturday.' "'Oh, really? Where?' "'Mini-golf. So, who's the babe?'" Mike just stared and smiled while I blushed. It seemed out secret was safe out in the open. Mike told Mitch my name was Belinda and I was a good friend who he sometimes took out. Then Mike laughed. "What?" "He even asked if we were going out." This was a question that had yet to come up between us. Up until now we'd just been best friends, hanging out and having fun. But now it seemed this was getting serious. Mike noticed my curious look. "What?" "Well, are we?" Mike just stared at me for a minute straight. Then he looked away and lowered his brow, deep in thought. Finally, he looked back at me. "Um, do you realize what your suggesting?" His pause before had given me time to think up a response. "I'm suggesting that you make your relationship with my alter ego a bit more stable. Let's face it, she needs a good man to make her respectable, and I can't think of anyone better than my best friend to fit the bill." He started staring again. "C'mon," I said with a poke, "Go along with it." Mike glanced away, smiled, shrugged, and stood up. He extended a hand to me and I took it. Pulling me to my feet, he led me to my bedroom door and stopped. "Could I speak to Belinda please? I have something important to ask her." I beamed. "Dinner or casual?" He caught right on to my suggestion. "Dinner." In twenty minutes we were ready and in the car. I chose my classiest evening dress with matching shoes and purse. Mike took me to a wonderful French restaurant and ordered for me. While we were waiting for the food, he placed a hand on mine. "Belinda, I want to ask you something, and you don't have to answer right now, but if I don't ask now I don't think I ever will." My face got hot with expectation. "Okay," "Belinda, will you go out with me?" For an instant, I forgot that we'd already planned this out and felt like a young lady. A thousand emotions ran through my mind, and I had to struggle to remember what to say in response. "Yes," I whispered. Mike smiled, stood, pulled me to my feet and gave me a big hug. I could feel the eyes of the other diners on our backs as we stood there for nearly a minute. Finally, Mike whispered in my ear. "Now we are the perfect couple." I blushed. Not much really changed after that, except we took to going out on more nights than Saturday. More of Mike's friends and co-workers saw us out, solidifying the stories of his cute girlfriend. Eventually, Mike introduced me to some of his co-workers when we bumped into them at the movies. I think I'd met each of them once as myself, so they never thought for a second who I might be. One day while getting dressed for work, I realized that whenever wasn't working, I was dressed as Belinda, whether I was with Mike or not. I shopped as Belinda, sat around the house as Belinda, and even went out some nights with the girls from the store as Belinda. This thought was just solidifying in my head when Mike walked into my room. "Hey, Barry. The Blue Sunday is having a Halloween party on Saturday. Wanna go?" "Sounds fun. Got any costumes in mind?" He grinned evilly. "Well, you've already got YOUR costume so ?" I punched him in the arm. "Just kidding. Actually, how about the hooker and pimp routine." I lowered my eyes at him. "You expect me to dress up like a piece of meat?" "Okay, just a suggestion." He looked up in thought and suddenly got a glint in his eye. "Hey, do you still have that pregnant thing?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Huh?" "Remember when I first found you?" I suddenly understood and nodded while I brushed my teeth. "Well, how about you wear that?" I considered the possibility until my mouth was rinsed out. "Yeah, I could do it, but I'll need some other costume to make it work." "How about a nun?" "A pregnant nun? Sick." "Okay, a cheerleader." "That's a little trite. I saw an actual pregnant woman do that one last year." "Well, what do you suggest then?" "Ballerina." "Ballerina?" I nodded. His eyes perked again, "Oh, and I can be the pompous stuck-up ballet director with slicked back hair, smoking jacket and a pipe!" "Well, you got the pompous part down pat." He pinched my arm. "Now, now. I only let Belinda get away with that." "That reminds me ?" I considered telling him about my recent revelation, but decided against it. "What?" "Oh, never mind. How about we go to the costume and thrift store after work for costume parts." He agreed. Between the two stores, we found everything we needed to make our costumes perfect. My outfit looked perfectly ridiculous with it's pink spandex, tutu around my expanded middle, tiara on my head and fairy wings on my back. Mike couldn't wait to show me off. Saturday came quickly, and I spent the afternoon at the hair salon. I took the tiara with me so they could work around it, and I had them do my nails long and pink to match the outfit. When I told Rebecca about the complete costume, she burst out laughing and said it sounded great. When I got back to the apartment, Mike merely said, ?Wow.' After a light dinner, we got into our costumes. Mike looked great with his red smoking jacket, silk scarf tucked into his collar, and bubble pipe. The drive to the club was quiet, and Mike noticed I was fidgeting in my seat. "You okay?" "Huh? Oh, yeah. It's just ? I've never been out like this before." "How is it any different from what you've been wearing for the last seven months?" I opened my jacket slightly to reveal my belly. "You have to ask?" He laughed. "So? Instead of playing a lovely young woman, you'll be playing a knocked-up lovely young woman." His flattery always made me feel better. We got to the club and walked up to the front door. I could see scores of people through the glass doors and my nervousness rose again. Mike placed his hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me closer to the door. "Stay calm. Just have fun," he whispered. The first boost to my confidence came when a lady took our jackets and commented on my costume. She said it was wonderful that I wasn't letting the pregnancy slow me down. I felt much better after that. Our first stop was the bar, where Mike ordered two rum and Cokes. The bartender took one look at me and asked what I would be drinking, not realizing that Mike had ordered for us both. I started to say ?Rum and Coke,' but then I remembered how I looked to him, and decided to go with a Shirley Temple. We hadn't had our drinks more than a minute before people started asking me about the baby. ?How far along are you? Boy or girl? Would you like to sit down?' I was dodging as many questions as I could, when suddenly Mike piped in. "Oh, she's due any minute now! We thought a party might be just what it would take to get those little buggers to come out. Honey, maybe you should have a seat." Mike led me to a table near the dance floor and everyone graciously moved out of the way for my passing. After we sat I tapped his hand and leaned in close. "Little buggers?" I whispered. "Yeah, twins," he whispered back with a smile. I didn't. "C'mon, go along with it," he added. In the few seconds he gave me to make a decision one way or another, I couldn't see anything wrong with a little pretend for one night. It's not like it was much more pretend than we'd already been doing together. The night was wonderful. Mike and I only got on the floor for the slow dances due to my ?condition,' and everyone was terribly gracious to me. I felt a little too pampered, but I was enjoying it. Sometime after midnight, Mike and I were on the floor dancing to Faith Hill when he whispered in my ear. "Belinda?" "Yes?" "I need to tell you something, and you don't have to answer right now, but if I don't say it now I don't think I ever will." There was a seriousness in his voice that I'd never heard before. "Okay." There was a long pause and I thought he was reconsidering, but then finally he said it. "I think I love you." I just kept dancing. I was in shock, and a tear rolled down my eye. "You mean you love Belinda," I said with a tremble. Mike pulled back and looked into my eyes without missing a step. "No, I mean I love you." Another tear fell. I dropped my head against his chest and wept as he held me tight. I wiped away the tears and chuckled. This moment was so perfect. "I love you too," I whispered. Mike lifted me head to face him once more, and wipes a tear from my cheek. Then he slowly moved closer, and placed his lips against mine. He was so warm and gentle; I just melted. We held that kiss until the end of the song, and when it was over and we parted, more than one pair of eyes were on us. I smiled and wiped away the last of the tears, then led Mike back to our table. Sitting down, I leaned in close and tried to talk sensibly. "Mike, this is crazy. It will never work." I noted a slight glint of disappointment in his eyes. My stomach twitched with hunger. "Belinda ? Barry ? I know what it seems like, but we can make it work. I love you." I was just about to unleash a number of reasons why we shouldn't go through with this, but a sharp pain to my gut distracted me. Mike noticed. "What's wrong?" "I don't know. Maybe my appendix." Another jolt hit me, harder and longer than the last. Mike was at my side as I nearly doubled over. "I'm getting you out of here," he said, helping me to my feet and practically carrying me to the door. He shouted at everyone to move, but between the music and the amount of alcohol in their systems, the response was slow. Finally, he said it. "Woman in labor!" That got the crowd's attention and they parted like the red sea. A man dressed like a fox took up my other arm and helped carry me while a Playboy bunny ran ahead to open the door. I notices genuine looks of concern in everyone's eyes, and I knew they were all hoping I would be all right. Finally we were in the car and racing toward a hospital. The pain was getting worse, and seemed to sweep through my whole body. I wanted to thank Mike for his quick action, but I couldn't talk over the pain. When I could see the lights of the hospital up ahead, Mike placed his hand on my belly. "When we get to the hospital, just go with it." All I could do was nod as another wave of pain hit me. He squealed up to the entrance and jumped out screaming ?Woman in labor.' Half a dozen interns ran to the car while others ran for a gurney. Mike helped me out of the car, and it was getting increasingly difficult to walk. The interns all took a limb and carried me over to the gurney where I was quickly rushed to an Operating Room. A barrage of questions came my way, asking my name, age and how far apart the contractions were. I didn't answer and looked around for Mike, but he had been stopped at the front desk. "We may have to cut off your costume," I heard someone say. Fear of what they would clearly discover welled up inside me and I tried to tell them ?no,' but the pain stopped the words in my throat. "Did anyone get a time between those contractions?" one voice said. "Forty seconds, maybe less," said another. "Let's get this off of her," the first one said. I tried to sit up to tell them to stop, but before I knew it my tights were being pulled off my legs. There was a flurry of activity and I suddenly felt the crotch of the body suit I was wearing go slack. I cringed with embarrassment as I felt my underwear come off as well. Everyone in the OR seemed silent, and I knew they were all just stunned at what they'd found. "She's fully dilated!" someone shouted. "What?!" I exclaimed. "Forget the rest of the costume! Get her prepped now!" The flurry of activity continued as someone lifted my legs into two cold metal stirrups and they erected a screen over my mid-section. A nurse was at my side telling me to breath while someone stuck a needle in my arm. The pain hit me again and I began to breath like the nurse was instructing me. It helped a little, but I could feel another surge coming on. "PUSH!" someone shouted from between my legs. The pain washed over me and my entire lower torso seemed to contract. As the pain faded, I felt someone take my hand. "Barry?" Mike said through his surgical mask. "Mike!" I shouted as the pain hit again and I felt compelled to push once more. A head popped up between my legs. "Okay, his head is out. I need another good push on the next one." He vanished again. Mike patted my hand gently. "It's going to be all right," he said. "All right!" I shouted, clenching his hand with all my might, "I'm having a baby, Mike!" Another rush of pain and I pushed as hard as I could. Suddenly, the intense pressure between my legs was relieved. I gasped a sigh of relief. I heard a ?snip' and then saw a nurse take a bundle over to a side table. That was when the pain hit again. "Oops, looks like he's not alone," the doctor voice said. Again pressure built up between my legs, and after three or four pushes this time, it was all over. Mike patted my sweating brow dry and praised my courage as they took down my legs and sat me up. One of the nurses carried a bundle over to me, and as I looked down I saw the face of an angel. I don't know how I knew, but this was my child, and he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. As I was staring at him, I felt the nurse take my other arm and place another bundle in it. There, too, was an angelic face, this time of a girl. I was so caught up in the moment and happy that I scarcely recalled that I had been a guy less than an hour ago. Mike walked over and gazed at the babies. "They're lovely, Bar ? I mean, Belinda." His use of my feminine name slightly snapped me out of the spell the little ones had put me in. "Mike, what happened?" "I don't know," he said with a smile, "But what do you say we just go along with it." *** After a short stay in the hospital I was released with the babies and Mike and I set to figure out what had happened to me. It seemed that no one, not even my parents remembered the old me. Mike was still my best friend and roommate, and I still had the same job, to which a phone call informed me I was now on paid maternity leave. My entire room was different, and a quick search came up with a journal that explained a lot. Seems the pregnancy was the result of a deadbeat boyfriend, who had run off when I told him about it. The journal also had a list of possible baby names, so I chose Tristen and Kristen. Mike quickly fell into the father figure role and six months later we made it official. We moved into a new house, and Mike got a promotion about three months ago. I quit my job to take care of the kids, but I still do some on-line story editing. Tomorrow is the twin's first birthday, and tonight I have a special surprise for Mike. It will be nice to get to experience the entire pregnancy this time, I think. The End

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Along For The Ride

Another work of fiction intended as entertainment. This will be a single chapter.The scent of her arousal filled the cab of my pick-up. Setting beside the road on a rural gravel road Kim pulled her wet fingers out of her shaved pussy and said, “Okay Larry, slide over here and prove that you are man enough to make me cum. I’ll warn you it takes more than talk to get me off.”My day had started with needing to pick Kim up at the store where we both worked. After my first retirement I went to work...

3 years ago
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Along Came a SwapperChapter 2

The Bensons ate a hearty meal in celebration of Max's promotion, then washed their dishes and returned to bed, seeking to surpass the fervent joy of their Special. They both had to admit that the later climaxes didn't quite measure up to the bone-crushing splendor of that first grand culmination, though they also admitted that the effort had been delightful. They fell asleep only after totally exhausting their bodies that night, and Max awoke early the next morning to find Jackie bent over...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 14

Charlie We watched the water come down and then Gordy rescuing that mutt for Andy. I just stood watching, 'cause Maddy sure had everything under control. She was sure a good 'un. We got horses and tack and I looked for a hackamore. I hate puttin' a bit in a horse's mouth. I found a bosal on a peg. Looked like it had hardly been used, so I took it. Maddy noticed, started to say something, and just closed her mouth. Better all the time. The river was bringing stuff downstream. Gordy...

2 years ago
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Along Came A Spider Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

2 years ago
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Along Came Jane

This story is total fiction and dedicated to a wonderful member here janebbw54. I was finishing off a story to publish on Xhamster when I took a break to see if there were any new stories of interest. I noticed I had a message. It turned out the message was from a very nice woman named Jane commenting on one of my stories. She was still on line so I thanked her for her comment and we started talking. As it turns out we had a lot in common we are both married. We are only a year apart in age,...

3 years ago
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Along the Seine river

yeah I did had a girl at the end of december. blonde, tall, green eyes with short hair. really good looking and we had met cuz she crashed in a party I was. we were really drunk and did it but I didn't like it so much. though I remember I had fun with her and she was different in bed so... I called her the next day, evening and we went for a drink. then we went walking along the seine and she said she didn't knew how she felt about her ex she just dumped the day before the party. at first she...

2 years ago
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Along Came a SwapperChapter 12

Throughout the weekend, Max periodically erupted with fresh rage at the effrontery of Gene Harris' request. More and more, as he thought about it, he wished he'd tried harder to learn who the impudent rascal's employer was. Then, he believed, he could have gone to Dr. Hensley with a clearer conscience, and made a clean breast of the entire sordid affair. "But wouldn't it be rather embarrassing?" Jackie questioned him when he told her this. "I mean, it would all have to come out, that...

3 years ago
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Along Came A Spider Ch 01

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

2 years ago
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Along the Trail

She had been in a slump for a couple weeks. Nothing had been going right for her and she felt like her world could collapse at any moment. Whenever she wanted to relieve stress, she hiked this trail, one mile up the mountain and the other mile back down. She was almost to the top of the trail when it started to rain. ‘I’ve got to get away,’ she said to no one in particular as she walked along the trail. ‘So much for walking to help me take my mind off HIM.’ The ‘HIM’ would be her first real...

4 years ago
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Along Comes Mary Part 1

Along Comes Mary – Part 1 Dedicated to Mary, from Montclair NJ – if you ever read this please get in touch. My God, over 40 years ago, how you rocked this man’s world! Summer 1967, a time of burgeoning sexual energy and youthful exuberance. I was sixteen, playing guitar in a rock band that covered the Beatles to The Young Rascals. Most of you are too young to remember those days. The war in Vietnam was ramping up accompanied by street protests, Muhammad Ali was stripped of his title for...

1 year ago
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Along Came A

Born of parents that gave her all that she wanted except attention, it was enough to set her on this path. Small town and small mind, or so she felt. Her mind set was, "I will do all I can to get out of here." High school to her was a blur, the only thing that came of that was her pattern, a pattern that would repeat itself over and over in life. Her best friend, the prom queen, had the most desired boy in school. This became a challenge to see if he would pay attention to her, as she felt...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 5

Gordy Weena led the three of us out of the bank and to a place a few doors down; we went in and took a table. Weena smiled, and then said she'd get some drinks and came back with three bottles of lemonade. "Charlie, do you know what's happened?" She asked as she sat the drinks on the table. "Pretty much," he replied. He took a drink, and then continued on, "From what I can tell, he left money for me to make sure that the cattle would be taken care of." "That's right, Charlie. Now...

4 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 8

Gordy It took about ten minutes to walk to the police station and see the Inspector. He was willing to give Charlie a copy of the note with a pretty purple stamp and a scribbled signature. Charlie folded it and put it in his shirt pocket. Reynolds asked Charlie whether he'd thought about claiming the property that Vincent had in Adelaide. "Ayup, Let the state keep it. I sure don't have time to fool with it; maybe something good will come of it." The inspector nodded his head and shook...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 11

Gordy "Are you OK, dear?" I asked Weena. "I love it! This is the best honeymoon I've ever been on!" She laughed and flashed one of those million volt smiles. I twisted around a bit. "Looks like Charlie's having a good time, too." Weena turned. "The old horndog! Isn't he the sly one!" We rode on in silence, the bulls heavy breathing was the loudest sound. After a while, I realized that herding here was a matter of containment. As long as one of the bulls didn't wander off to...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 15

Gordy Sunday morning saw us back up on the horses. We rode along the river, now a red-mud stream about two meters across. I could see frogs hatching out of the mud. It was easy to understand the stories from the dreamtime. Maddy led us inland and in a few minutes I could hear cattle. Only a bit later, I could smell them, too. "Here's your heifers," Maddy said. "Around 500, you said?" "Yup. Exactly 500. There was 573, an' that feller from Undelaroo or someplace bought 50. And 23 of...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 17

Charlie Tuesday was nuts! Just nuts. The four of us had breakfast together, an' Weena had to go an' ask Maddy what she wanted as a wedding present. Dumb ass Charlie had to say I hadn't said nothin' about a wedding. So I got the rest of Maddy's coffee over my head an' she started in with "What the hell was I thinkin'?" and that sort of stuff. An' I tried to explain that I'd said I wanted to git to a jewelry stare, an' I was plannin' to ask her, but she hadn't even told me what...

2 years ago
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Along Came a SwapperChapter 4

"Not fair?" Pris asked, arching her eyebrows in surprise. "Why, you stood in there and watched us bang away!" "Yes, but that's not the same," Max threw in as he tried to rise from under Jackie's wet body, realizing as he did so that there was no graceful way to disengage oneself from one's lover "That's right," Jackie added "You asked us to watch you! Oops! I'm dripping!" She clasped a hand over her juicy sex, feeling the great, thick stream of semen begin to run out. She...

3 years ago
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Alongside My Fathers Cock

My dad started acting different about two years ago. It was just small things like a pat on the butt, or he started giving me kisses when ever I did something good. Nothing big but it just seemed a little different. Then he started doing stuff that would make me a little uncomfortable. He would "accidentally" walk in on me when I would be changing and when I would do something small like put a glass in the dishwasher he would give me a kiss almost on the mouth just for doing that. Then he...

4 years ago
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Fire Smolders Within

Thousands of times a week my eyes fall on the picture I have of you on my wall. You are such a precious person to me. Your beauty is far more than skin deep. Each time I activate my cell phone, your smiling face greets me and I feel better, no matter what problems I may be facing.I close my eyes and can visualize you naked. Your body excites me like no other. You have fulfilled my wishes for happiness and I long for you to again quench the fire of my lust that rages within my soul.Fire smolders...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Better Alive Than DeadChapter 6 The Beast Within

She was very young. But despite her youth, the Terran had indulged his desires willingly and was now sucking on his massive member like a greedy little piglet desperate for its mother’s milk. The girl’s eyes looked at him in worship as her small pink tongue, and soft wet lips explored every dimple and crevice of his crimson skinned cock. Her tiny mouth on his immense cock looked obscene. He pushed the cock in a little more, forcing the massive tip inside her small mouth. Her eyes widened,...

4 years ago
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Along Came Amy

Don't forget to enter your name for the main character's. Just click on the right side of the page (desktop) or the three lines atop the right side of the page (mobile) and go to 'Customize.' It was a day like any other in your mundane life. It wouldn't have stood out to you years from now, or even a week from now. If it hadn't been for that email. Such a simple thing. A quick greeting, a few sentences, and a bombshell that would change your life forever... You came home from work like any...

4 years ago
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Along Came a Drider

"Agamor, Lord of the Sun, hear me. Please, light our way to victory. Shine your magnificence down on us, and keep your humble servant safe." Teysa concluded her prayer and unshipped her mace. "I'm ready. Let's move on." They were four when they first arrived in the cave system: Rodrik, the doughty dwarf fighter and the group's leader; Mez, the arrogant elven mage; Aliara, the half-elven rogue, skilled with tricks and traps; and Teysa, the human paladin, armored in her faith and her plate. She...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 2

Gordy I stretched my shoulders and turned the motor off. We were finally in Alice Springs. Getting out of the car, late in the afternoon, I noticed something and told Weena to stand still. I squatted and looked in the dust. "What's there?" "An Odontomachus -- I didn't know there were any around here. Lots further north, some further south. Are you allergic to bites? Bee stings?" "Allergic?" Weena looked at me. "Folks can die from ant bites. I don't want to lose you ... yet."...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 3

Gordy I woke up with Weena literally all over me and an urgent need to rid myself of last night's beer. I looked at the clock. It was 7:10. Time to get up anyway. I eased myself out of bed — Weena mumbled something unintelligible. Once in the bathroom, I figured I might as well get ready, so I started to shower, too. About 90 seconds later, someone joined me. "Need help?" the voice asked. "O-o-o-h boy!" I responded. And turned around to hug and kiss my mate. After a few minutes, I...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 4

Charlie It didn't take a rocket scientist to see these two had just got married, they were 'bout close as two people could get. He'', the two of 'em had arms around each others waists and kept bumpin' butts as we walked down the street. Here, these two kids were draggin' me around on a lark, havin' a hell of a time. An' in the meantime, they were gonna fix me up. At least I hoped they'd fix me up. The way things been goin', I weren't too sure what might happen. I just shook my...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 6

Gordy We met in the lobby and I got a thermos of nearly-coffee from the deskman. Weena climbed into the rear seat, announcing that she was going to sleep some more. As soon as we were out of town, I floored the accelerator. "No speed limits in the Territory outside of towns," I remarked. It was cool and a middle blue, as we sped south on the Stuart Highway. "We go a bit more than 300 kilometres -- 200 miles -- on this. There's really nothing much. Sand. Salt pans. Some ravines to the...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 7

Charlie That Severin feller had given me a lot to chew on. I could tell that he knew cattle, by the way he talked. Some of the words were strange, but you could get the feel from him that he knew what he were talking 'bout. After we finished eating, we ended up on the porch — what Gordy called the veranda — when a group of these real strange things sort of paraded in front of us. They kinda looked like hairballs with legs. "What's that?" I asked. "Emus," Weena answered. "There...

1 year ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 9

When we got back to the hotel, Charlie learned that breakfast was available from 6:30, but that also meant coffee, tea, toast, and juices and fruit. With an obvious expression of distaste ar what we called breakfast, he told us that he had "a mess o'" planning to do, and would eat in the hotel and that he'd be going to the yards as early as possible. Weena and I went to our room, took a long shower together and then spent about an hour — uh -- "drying off." I took another shower after...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 10

The next morning we were packed, a bedroll each, and on our way to the yards by 5:45. I asked Charlie, who had his duffel and backpack, about a check for the train and he just patted his buttoned breast pocket. At the yard, the cars had been pulled onto the siding near the pens. I parked the Rover, asked Weena to sit tight, and Charlie and I walked around. We could see ramps and chutes and everything looked ready to me. "What do you think, Charlie?" "If'n them kids know how to work the...

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Along the FinkeChapter 12 Weena

I woke up with the first rays hitting my face. I was stiff. M y thighs ached and my bum hurt. My head was on Gordy's arm and I realized that he smelled. I'm sure I smelled, too. And the whole area smelled from the cattle. I lifted my head a bit and could see Charlie. He was holding hands with Maddy as she slept. He'd moved real fast. The crew were stirring and I could hear cookie working on breakfast. My bladder got me up, aches and all. I walked a few paces downhill and squatted behind a...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 13

Charlie After she'd showered, Maddy cooked us up a fine dinner an' then Weena an' Gordy jes' went off to bed. I started to help clearin' the table, but Maddy said it'd go faster if'n I just set. But then I got thinkin'. Where was Andy? "Maddy?" "Yep?" "Where's Andy?" "With the men, I s'pose." "Should I check up? I'm responsible to his parents." "I'll phone. [pause] Hey, Arnie? Maddy. Is the kid with you? Oh. OK. His roll's here. Right. Don't let him get in too...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 16

Gordy "OK," Charlie began after we'd washed and lunched. "Here we are. Maddy, how many cattle you got?" "'Bout 100." "Right. Looks to me like we got three bores on your land an' at least two on mine. I'd like to git them bores workin' but I'm not sure how good them windmills are." "The one I started yesterday's an old IBC mill. I'm not sure but it's a 12-footer and must be 40 years old. The one we saw today is that age or a bit more." "IBC?" "Intercolonial Boring...

3 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 18

Gordy It took us about four hours to get to the hotel. The first 60 kilometers were the worst: ruts and bumps all the way. Then it got easier and the last hour we were doing at least 75kph. We got ourselves checked in and washed up and walked to the Italian place in the Mall for lunch. Charlie said he "hankered" for more of the hot sausages. After lunch, we went into the jewelry store — actually, Charlie steered Maddy into the store and I grabbed Weena's arm so she couldn't...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 19

Gordy I called my parents and Weena called her dad before we went to bed. I had a feeling that Thursday was going to be hectic. I also remembered something we'd overlooked: mail. When we got downstairs for breakfast, I asked Maddy: "How do you get mail?" "Oh, we got a big box at the post office an' whenever someone comes into town, they collect it. An' they drop off the outgoin'." "Charlie," I said, "That's what you want to do at the bank. If anything comes to us, we'll send...

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Along the FinkeChapter 20

Gordy Friday morning we got up, packed and went down to breakfast. Somehow, what we had in the rental Rover and our bedrolls had grown. Stuff does that, I guess. We'd barely begun when Charlie and Maddy appeared. He was grinning like a nutcase and she was walking funny. I smiled, but Weena burst out laughing. "Yeah, I know," said Maddy as she sat down gingerly. "Cowboy here wanted to go midnight ridin'." "Yup." After breakfast we loaded up Maddy's LandRover and I settled our...

1 year ago
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Along Came a SwapperChapter 3

As soon as they got inside their, apartment, Jackie began tearing the clothes from her hungry body. Max stripped in record time too, and followed her into the bedroom as he flung clothing right and left. Jackie twisted out of her panties and leaped onto the bed, turning to face him with an urgent, wriggle. "Don't stop for anything," she whispered, falling onto her back and spreading her thighs wide for him. "Just give me that sweet, wonderful prick and I'll be happy!" Max had rarely...

4 years ago
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Along Came a SwapperChapter 5

Max was dreaming that Jackie, sated with intercourse in the ordinary style, had moved down in the bed and taken his prick in her warm, loving mouth. The dream had a compelling reality that finally stirred him into awakening, and he then saw it had not been entirely a dream at all. However, it wasn't Jackie who was mouthing his prick; it was Pris! He gasped with surprise when he looked down and saw her blue eyes looking up at him, her mouth stuffed with his flaming flesh. Her look implored...

3 years ago
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Along Came a SwapperChapter 6

"Did you, ever hear of such a thing? Actually offering me her husband! As if you weren't the greatest lover on earth!" Jackie burst out indignantly once they were moving down the highway. She seemed more indignant than offended by the offer, and not as surprised as Max would have thought. "I didn't get the impression she was slighting my ability," he remarked cautiously, uncertain of Jackie's temper. "It was more like she was saying, 'Sure, he may be great, but you might try...

3 years ago
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Along Came a SwapperChapter 8

"What do you think of trading now?" Pris directed the question at both Bensons, turning her head toward them as they lay beside her and her husband on the big bed. They had separated themselves and stretched out, all four on their backs, resting from their exertions. "I thought it was better than it's ever been before," Max replied, still gazing up at the ceiling where a large mirror afforded him a fine view of all four naked bodies. "Me too," Jackie murmured, squeezing her thighs...

2 years ago
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Along Came a SwapperChapter 9

Jackie heard nothing from Pris until Tuesday, when her friend called to say that she'd contacted several of her friends in the group of mate-swappers who were to meet, and asked their opinion of bringing a new couple to the next party. "Of course they were a little leery at first," she told Jackie, "but when I described you and Max, they were sold completely! Now you will remember, wont you, that you don't have to play around with anyone unless you want to? I've gone to several parties...

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