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I studied her as she plotted my demise. She was rapidly approaching maturity, the end of her transformation from awkward pubescence to an alluring young woman. She might have not even been done developing but in the past few months I'd been entertaining some very erotic but forbidden thoughts about her. Looking at her just then didn't do anything to quell my fantasies. She was wearing blue denim shorts that were loose enough around the leg that I could see the edges of her pale yellow panties at the junction of her legs. An abbreviated tank top covered her breasts but her midriff was bare from the bellybutton to the band of the shorts. The sharp form of nipples announced to my eyes that she was not hindered by a bra. She leaned forward, put her elbows on her knees and cradled her chin in her hands while she stared at the chess game. The new position allowed my eyes to roam down the loose neck of the top and take in a grand view of the soft mounds rising from her chest.

I was quickly building a strong carnal desire for the young female sitting across from me. I felt my cock swelling in appreciation of the enchanting view; I was getting restless, waiting for her to move the game forward. I had nothing to do except take in the vista, I couldn't put my mind on the game. She jostled her butt on the bed which caused her breasts to bob slightly, my semi-hard grew even more. I'd lost all concentration on the board between us as my chest constricted with erotic tension.

She used to be cute but her facial features were altering subtly to pretty, by the time she was fully matured she would be devastating; by that I mean beautiful. Short black hair, cut to a naturally windswept bob offset her most startling feature, her sharp sapphire eyes. They were so deep I could have fallen into them and drown in the rich blue orbs. Long dark lashes flickered when she blinked. Her nose swept long and slender to a slight flare over full, sultry lips that could turn into a blinding smile in an instant. As I took in the view of the girl I could only envy her future lovers.

She looked up from the board and gave me one of her bright smiles. “You're gonna die sucker.” With that she moved a bishop four spaces diagonally “Check! You've got only two moves left.” She grinned at me “You gonna concede or do I have to kick your ass?”

“The only ass kicking around here is when I boot your butt off my bed you little witch.”

“Ha!” She looked at me sharply, victory shining in her blue eyes. She bounced out of her sitting position and stood directly over the chess board, most of the pieces tipped over with a clatter and rolled to the blanket. “You can't boot my butt, go ahead and try you slack assed wimp!”

I lunged for her legs, wrapped my arms around her knees and pulled her down. She collapsed sideways onto the bed laughing with delight as she struggled to break free of my hold. She thrashed her legs, raising one and put it against my stomach and pushed me away. Her hands on my shoulders and the knee in my gut forced me from her, breaking my hold. As soon as she was loose she flung herself over me and tried to pin me down by straddling my chest and pinning my wrists to the bed beside my head. She sat on my chest breathing heavily, griming largely. I could see the curve of her breasts under the halter, I felt her soft thighs caressing my chest. My cock was solidifying to granite in my Levis.

She moved her hands to the center of my chest and sat straight up. I took advantage of the freedom and ran my hands up her sides until I held her by the waist, her bare skin was smooth and warm. I dug my fingers into her ribs and tickled. She started squirming while she laughed, “Oh god, stop! I can't stand that!” As she protested she bounced backward until her ass was rocking against the bulge in my pants. I don't think she was aware of our position but I sure was. Every time she moved her hips she put more weight and pressure on my stiffness.

I stopped digging holes in her sides to let her catch her breath. She quit bouncing on me for a few moments while recovering from the laughing fit. When she finally opened her eyes she looked down to where she was sitting. The lump in my pants was evident and pressed against the junction of her legs. She looked into my eyes, embarrassment quickly flooding her cheeks. She scrambled off my body and the bed to flee but before she did, she paused for a moment and looked intently at my erection then moved her eyes to mine. I wasn't sure what the message in her eyes was, but it wasn’t disgust or revulsion.

She started avoiding me and quit coming to my room. We got on fine in all parts of the house and when others were near but all of a sudden we were seldom alone and those few times were always cut short by her excuse to be somewhere else. This became the norm as the weeks went by. I got used to the change in our relationship, after all she wasn't a little girl any more, something she realized that day in my room. We both knew our childhood was dwindling rapidly with the advancement of years and maturity.

It was one of those rare occasions that she and I were alone together. We were watching a rented movie on the Blu-ray about some college kid's adventures. There were some intimate scenes but nothing to start jacking off over, the intimacy was more inferred than real. One part of the movie had the hero at a frat party where the boys and girls were playing a game, trying to figure out who their party partner was just by feel. The couples were blindfolded then touched and felt the opposite member until their identities were guessed. Since it was an R rated film there was a lot of groping and less than casual body contact. I mean the girls felt up the boys, the boys played with all the girl parts. For me it was the most erotic part of the film.

Three days later she knocked softly on my bedroom door. “It's open.”

“Can I come in?” was the tentative question.

“First of all, you never have to knock, you never did before and you are always welcome in here, you don't have to ask.”

“I just wanted to make sure I wouldn't catch your without clothes on or something.”

I snorted my reply “It's 2:30 in the afternoon. If you want to catch me hacking it you'll have to come over when the lights are out.”

She blossomed red and looked everywhere but my face. “I want to do something, something I don't think we should but I can't get it out of my mind.”

Several questions formed but only one came out of my mouth “What's that?”

She was agitated, fidgety and the flush crept from her cheeks down her neck. “Remember that movie we watched the other night? The one where those guys had the party and felt each up to guess who they were with?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

She hesitated, nervous eyes settled on my face, “I want to do that. I want to feel up a guy like that without him wanting to take me to bed.”

I was caught off guard, unsure of what to say as an image of her replaced the hot girl in the movie, running her hands across the hero's ass. “Any guy who gets close enough to you to touch you like that is going to want to have sex with you. I guarantee if you start playing those games with a boyfriend you’d better be ready to let him.”

Blue eyes met mine, I saw determination replace hesitancy, “I don't have a boyfriend, not one I'd let fondle me, not yet anyway.” She took a deep breath then the next set of words rushed out as a high pitched blur of sound, almost as if her lungs were being squeezed. “I want to do that, I brought these and since you aren't my boyfriend it should be okay because we won't have to go all the way.” She pulled her left hand from behind her back had showed me two black satin blindfolds, the kind that women used for sleeping.

I looked at the blindfolds then her face. My eyes traveled from her eyes down her curves then back. An involuntarily spasm of lust twisted through my loins and settled in my balls. “You want me to put those on then touch your body? Why do we need to put them on?”

“If I wear this, I will be able to imagine you are anybody I want you to be. I might think you're Brad and I can be Angelina. If I do that, you won't be you and I won't be me and I will finally get to feel what it's like to be touched. You do know how to touch a girl don't you?” There was a slight challenge in the last question.

“Even with the blinders, you will know who I am.” It was my last attempt to dissuade her even though I wanted to play her game.

“No, in my mind you will be somebody else, that's the only way I can do this.”

I pulled an eye patch from her then put a hand on her shoulder and turned her so she was facing away. I slipped the blindfold over her hair and positioned it over her eyes then turned her around again. She fumbled with the second eye cover while blindly putting it on me. As soon as she touched my face to place it over my eyes my cock started perking up. Her feather light finger tips on my skin started a shiver that crawled down my neck to my chest. I couldn't see a damn thing. I reached for her hands and pulled them off me. I stretched her arms until they were straight and wide from her shoulders, she was standing like a cross. “Stand still, hold your arms like that.”

I started at her finger tips, caressing them with mine. Slowly I moved my hands along her arms over the cloth of her blouse, massaging and touching every inch of her arms until I reached her shoulders. I couldn't see her reaction but I could feel it. As my hands roamed over her they became hypersensitive, I explored each dimple, each small fold or crevice in her skin under the cloth. She was shaking ever so softly, I heard her breath grow uneven as I squeezed her shoulders. The next part of her to fall under my ministrations was her neck, I circled it with finger tips sliding them along her hairline then up behind her ears. I teased the ears and lobes before moving across her chin and running my fingers across her lips. She dropped her arms and sighed deeply, the hot air from her lungs wafting over my hands. Her skin was warming. I caressed her nose, her brow and the satin over her eyes.

I urged her to turn around again so I could work on her back. I massaged and touched her shoulders again then drew circles with the heels of my hands on her back. I moved slowly down to her waist then put my hands on her hips. I drew them back up her sides, trailing my thumbs one each side of her back bone. She shuddered and stepped her feet further apart. My cock was tearing the crotch of my pants.

She was wearing jeans but I could still feel the soft smooth skin under them as my fingers drifted over the curve of her butt. I dropped to my knees and worked my hands down her sides, over her hips then along the outside of her legs. From thigh to ankle I felt her then squeezed her ankles. I urged her to turn around again.

I started back up the inside of her legs. She fumbled for my arms, grabbed my wrists and stopped my advance up her inner thigh. As we paused like that I could feel her legs trembling. She released her grip. I slipped my palms further up until I caressed the junction of her legs with the edge of both hands. She grabbed my shoulders as her knees went weak. Her crotch was smoldering with heat, damp with desire. I moved back from her and stood again. Hands went back to her hips, this time my thumbs were exploring her stomach. I felt her pulse hammering under her ribs when I eased up and over the rise of her breasts. I grazed the two nipples with finger tips then pulled away. I pulled my blindfold off and looked at her. She was flushed, arms akimbo, legs spread wide. I took a hand and led her to the door of my room and urged her into the hall then quickly closed the door between us.

She hadn’t touched me but I knew that if I stayed that close to her for any longer I’d lose what little control I had.

I didn't see her again until the next day. I wasn't sure what to expect so I was a little anxious when she walked into the house from work. She flashed me an unencumbered smile, said “Hi” then went about her business as normal.

The tension between us that had been building since our play on my bed evaporated but nothing was said for days. Our relationship was as normal as it had been for years. That lasted 8 days. On the 9th afternoon I found some blindfolds on my bed with a note tucked under the elastic band. I unfolded the paper “Your turn, put these on then come to me.” My prick expanded with just the thought of what 'Your turn' might entail.

The blackness over my eyes was complete so I felt my way from my room to hers. My cock had stiffened rapidly, the material of my pants was stretched tight so I knew it would be on display. If she had any female instincts at all she would know she caused it. I pressed down on the door handle and moved from the blacked out hall to her blacked out room. As soon I clicked the door shut she touched my arm, guiding me to where she me wanted to stand. She pressed a set of blindfolds into my right hand and I knew she wanted me to put them on her.

I didn't turn her around this time. I slipped the elastic band over her head then slipped the eye pads over her eyes then rested my hands on her shoulders. She took my arms by the wrists and moved them to my side, “Don't touch me this time.”

She fumbled up my arms to my face and began to explore with her fingers. Trails of heat traced the path of her finger tips across my cheeks and down my neck. She left long soft tracks across my broad shoulders then down the outside of my arms. My fingers got individualized attention, she gripped and tickled each of them then moved to my chest.

I was suddenly glad that I have a good build. I've developed into a tall, well proportioned young man and now the palms of her hands were gliding across the toned muscles of my upper body. My skin rippled where she was leaving finger prints and I wished silently that I could take my shirt off. She felt the outlines and rises of my pecs then followed the contour of my body down my stomach. She paused to dig a fingertip in my bellybutton then kept heading south over my hips, outer thighs, and finally stopped her sightless examination at my knees. She had deftly avoided contact with my bulging hard-on.

I felt her move closer to me then her hands found the back of my knees. The trails of fire moved back up my upper legs until she held my ass in her hands where she paused. She flexed her grip, kneading my butt like bread dough then continued up my back. She had taken several minutes to examine me by touch and by the time she was resting her hands on my shoulders I was shaking with high levels of adrenaline and testosterone. I needed to get away from her and beat meat until I flooded the room.

Just about the time I thought the game was over she dropped her hands to my waist and held me from moving away. Her thumbs pressed into my stomach slightly then after a short pause, as if she were debating, she slipped her hands to touch the tent in my pants. She passed a hand over the lump of my cock which caused me to shiver with need. Since the first contact with my erection didn't burn her she started massaging it with all ten fingers. I bucked and sucked in a breath then let it out as a soft moan.

Encouraged by what she felt and heard she pressed on my erection with both hands, massaging me though my pants. The pressure was building, my balls ballooning. She moved one hand up over my muscled stomach and rested it on my shoulder while keeping up the pressure on my hard-on with the other. She pulled me closer by the hand on my shoulder until her forehead was lying against my chest and continued to rub my cock. I couldn't hold back, my balls contracted, my prick convulsed and I started filling my shorts with hot shots of cum. I heard a small gasp escape her as I moaned into thin air.

She pulled her hands off me then led me to the door then quietly closed it behind me. In moments I was standing in the hall alone, my pants soaked through with the evidence of my discharge.

Two hours later she was sitting at the chess board when I came into the front room. She looked up at me with fathomless blue eyes, flashed a small private smile and asked in a silken voice “You want to play with me?” I got dizzy from a surge of lust as the double entendre crashed into my ears. For the second time that day she created a storm of chaos in my loins. I had a hard time thinking about the game and she took full advantage. She kicked my ass all over the chess board then flounced out of the house surrounded by an air of satisfaction.

Again our relationship went back to what I considered normal. We had our own lives to live and crossed paths occasionally at home. It irked me a little because I had gotten a taste of something delicious and I wanted to sample another bite, metaphorically speaking.

About a month after she masturbated me we were again alone for the night. We were folding and putting up some laundry when she shook the wrinkles out of a pair of my boxer shorts. I said to her, “Those are the ones I was wearing.”

She folded them neatly and laid them on a pile of t-shirts then delicately fingered the crotch of my underwear. “Are you ready to put on the blindfolds again?” Her question caught me momentarily off guard but I recovered quickly.

“Yeah, but let's touch each other at the same time, not just one of us.”

“That's what I'm thinking too, put this stuff away, I'll get them.”

We went to where this all started, my room. Again we put the blinders on each other but then I stepped back from her while holding her hands. We began our new experience at the hands and wrists, touching and caressing each others fingers. Slowly we worked up the others arms to the top half of our bodies. My cock had levitated in the laundry room and solidified to oak in the few minutes we fondled each others arms. I could feel her warming under my touch as I worked on her neck and face again.

This time I wasn't being as cautious or indiscreet as the first time we did this. When she rubbed me to an ejaculation it changed the dynamics of my thoughts. I wanted to turn her on, to make her feel the need between her legs. I knew she wouldn't ever screw me but I wanted to get her hot and panting for cock. I was sure some guy was going to get lucky soon because of me.

I went to my knees in front of her while she massaged my head and torso. She was wearing a skirt this time so when I put my hands on her calves there were only thin smooth thigh length stockings between her skin and my touch. I played with her legs and ankles then moved my hands higher, under the skirt to her thighs. She was trembling as I massaged the firm flesh of her upper legs. I slid a hand between her legs close to the junction of her legs and I could feel the heat radiating from her body. I got bold enough to grip the panties on each side of her hips and tug on them. When she didn't protest I pulled them off her ass and down her legs. She kicked off her shoes and let me peel the underwear off her feet, one at a time. My heart was hammering against my rib cage, my balls were starting to ache.

She shivered and gasped when I moved my hands back up under her skirt. My fingers brushed against her pubic curls, she made a soft noise in her throat then grabbed my hair and pulled me up to stand in front of her again.

She reached for my hands then lifted them to her chest. She moved my fingers until I held a blouse button then she put her hands on my shirt and began to open the buttons. I twisted her top button open then moved to the next while she pulled mine apart. The third button on her blouse was resting between the peaks of her tits so I took a little extra time and effort to tease her nipples while I undid it. The ends of her tits grew under my touch.

She had finished undoing my shirt then pulled the tails of it out of my waist band and in moments I was completely bare chested. I lifted her open blouse away from her bra then put my hands over the mounds. As I was feeling her breasts she reached behind and unclasped the restrictive garment. It fell away with the blouse and I got to touch her bared body. She let me squeeze them for a couple of moments then pushed the shirt off my arms. She put her arms around my body, pulled me close and then mashed her hot soft breasts against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced the tender body, pressing my erection against her. We didn't move. She stood like a warm statue and held me while I melted from the heat we were generating. I bent my head and whispered in her ear “Should I take my pants off?”

She twisted slightly so her mouth was next to my neck, her words were strained but clear, “I'll do it, you get my skirt” Since the skirt was the only thing she had on except the blinders, that would mean she would be nude with me. I didn't believe my cock could get any larger or harder but it did, and she felt it.

I fumbled at her side until I found the clasp for the skirt. Once loose it fell off her hips to the floor where it became part of the growing pile of discarded clothing. She moved back from me and with both hands unhooked my pants then tugged the zipper to its stop. She eased her fingers under the band of my shorts and pushed the last covering I had to my ankles. She lowered herself to her knees and held the pant legs still while I pulled my feet free. As she stood back up her hair brushed against my distended cock and I almost came at that instant. The target of her explorations became evident when she put both hands between us and tentatively fingered my erection. She ran two fingers along the length of it then got bolder and held it in one hand. When she discovered that it was longer than a single fist she put the second around my cock and gripped it hard. I put a hand between her legs and pressed on her hot swollen body slit.

She was wet with lust so my hand slid easily along her crack, she widened her stance which gave me more room to rub her. She was shaking and pumping my cock erratically as I brought her to higher levels of excitement. She began to make wordless sounds while I stroked her body, I bent my head to her chest and kissed a nipple. Encouraged by a squeak of pleasure I started suckling a nub while keeping up the pressure between her legs. She let go of my cock with one hand and moved it to cradle my swollen balls. I eased two finger tips to the top of her body slit and searched for her clit. Just as I found her fleshy hot spot she began to groan and quiver. I had found the combination to unlock an orgasm and she began to rock and flex as her body cramped with ecstasy.

Her hands cramped tight around my cock and balls which was the final act I needed to blow up. I started firing surges of cum on her stomach while she pumped my cock until my nut sack was empty.

She let go of me and collapsed to the floor, pulling me with her. Fingers lifted the blindfold from my eye and the first thing I saw was her deep blue eyes glittering with delight. I looked at her nudity for the first time then at the rivulets of cum dripping down her stomach.

Even though she looked euphoric, not upset, I had to ask “Was this too much, did we go to far this time?”

She stood up which put her sex directly in front of my eyes, I could see the slit of her body under the thin cloud of black hair curving between her legs, I detected the musk of her arousal. She picked up her clothes then held out a hand, an invitation to stand. She looked me up and down carefully, her gaze lingered on my half stiff shaft “No,” she said, “This was just exactly right.” I watched my door close behind her and wondered how far we would take this experimentation.

I was a predator on the prowl and she was my elusive prey. She had initiated the three increasingly intimate sessions so I wanted to make a move, to show her I could be causally inventive too. In my own mind I had determined that she was waiting for me to up the stakes. It was up to me to make the next suggestion.

My chance came one Friday about two weeks after we did our blindfolded masturbation of each other. I got back early from a frustrating date, horny and restless. The house was empty, even she was out. As I went past her room I got an idea. I went in and found the satin eye covers and placed one on her pillow. Next was a set of matching lingerie, brief panties and a bra that had very little material. I placed it all on her pillow then dug into my pocket and pulled out my unused protection and placed it strategically on the crotch of the panties.

I was sitting in my room, lights out, looking at the night sky through the window when I felt a small disturbance of air as my door opened. Padded footsteps approached slowly then hands placed a set of black satin blindfolds over my eyes. She caressed my cheeks then leaned over and whispered “What will I learn tonight?”

I stood facing her, I felt for her waist and discovered bare skin. A quick run of my hands down her back and over her butt revealed to my touch the brief panties I had selected. I explored her face, her eye cover was resting on her forehead so I pulled them into place. I had to put the brakes on my hands, I didn't want her to think she was there just so I could feel her up.

I felt for her hands and found the packaged condom in her left fist. She had come to me fully prepared for more adventure. I pulled her close and let her feel the effect she had on me. My cock was already swollen and hurting in my cramped jeans. “You should learn how to put one of those on an erection.”

She pulled away from my arms, put the round tinfoil package in my right hand then started loosening my pants. In moments she was pushing them down. My boxers got hung up on my hard-on so she carefully hooked her fingers in the band and pulled them out and over, then eased them down where I kicked them off with the pants. She wasn't being timid or shy this time, she was going directly meat of the matter and that meat was pounding, throbbing and aching when she wrapped her fingers around it. The soothing caress of her hand on my cock almost set me off. I fought the urge to shoot my load as she started pulling up my t-shirt with her free hand.

Less than two minutes after she came to me I was naked and turned on like I hadn't been in a long time. Once my clothes were scattered on the floor she started running her hands, familiarizing herself with my body again. She fingered, caressed and massaged every part of me, lingering with a delicate touch on my testicles. Once her hands were satisfied she stepped back and held her arms wide, and invitation for me. I fumbled in the dark until I found the brief breast cover and pulled it over her raised arms and head. As it fluttered to the floor I put my hands over her breasts, I could feel the racing heart beat under the warm soft globes. I moved my hands down her sides causing her to tremble, I heard a sharp intake of breath as I slipped my hands under the panties and over her ass. The lingerie slid easily down her legs. She and I were naked again.

We took our time getting familiar with each other again. Her fingertips on my skin was causing my temperature to skyrocket, my erection was aching as it thumped with pressure. I was dizzy from the sensual intoxication. Her body flowed, waves of thrills and shivers passed under my hands as I caressed and massaged her bare skin. Her breath was hot and rapid.

I stepped away from the discarded clothing pulling her by the hand. I stopped but she kept moving until our bodies meshed, arms entwined. We held each other, the head of my erection dented her navel, her hands were on my ass, holding me tight against her. We were both trembling with surging hormones.

I pulled myself reluctantly away from her and pressed the condom back into her hand. “You have to learn how to put this on somebody.”

Shakey fingers took it. “How does it work?”

“Tear open the pack. It is rolled up so you only have to put it over the end of me then unroll it along the shaft. It's a lubricated rubber so it will be a little slippery.”

“Can't you put it on?”

“I can but it's a hell of a lot more fun for both partners if she does it.”

I heard the wrapping tear then felt her fingers on my prick again. She held me steady with one hand and tried to slip the rubber over the head of it. “You should use both hands to get it started” I hinted.

Fingers fumbled, the condom slid around the swollen head of my erection but it wasn't working the way it was designed. I took it from her hands “I'll do it, you can feel how it goes on.” She put her hands over mine and let her finger tips follow the motion of mine as I unrolled the rubber cylinder down the shaft.

Once it was in place I said to her “Feel it, how it fits snugly except at the end of it.”

She followed my directions “Why is it so loose at the tip?”

“If you keep playing with me like this you'll find out in a hurry.”

I heard her smile “That's what you fill up instead of me.”

My heart stuttered, “Not you, other girls.”

She whispered sensually into my left ear “Let's see if it works” then started stroking my erection.

She was using one hand on me and running the other over my body. I reached for intimate parts of her and began to bring her to my level of want. I was sliding my fingers along the lips of her sex which were hot, wet and puffed. She was ready to receive a male injection. She was shaking, hot and having trouble breathing when I dipped my long finger tip into her crack and felt for the clit. When my finger contacted her button she moaned deep in her chest and nipped my chest with her teeth.

I wrapped her up in my arms and lifted her off the floor then stepped backward to my bed where I fell across it with her lying over me. She was lying full length on me, paralyzed by the forwardness of my move. My hard-on was lodged between her thighs, I could feel the heat of her pussy through the condom.

She pushed up on her arms then pulled the blindfold off my eyes, hers were hanging around her neck. I thought that this was the end of the night, taking off the eye covers was the signal to stop.

Deep blue eyes locked on mine and studied me for several long moments then she cupped my cheek in her hand, “Not other girls,” she murmured, “me” then put her lips on mine.


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Ken's second feeding took place two hours before sunrise the next morning. It was considerably less ceremonial than the first feeding. It was also not as well attended. Harold was there because he'd gone out and gotten the human woman for Ken to feed from (she was a fairly well-built twenty-six year old unattached night shift factory worker who had stopped in at a convenience store for a pack of smokes on her way home from work). Jo was there because she was Ken's mother (something Meghan...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Anna Clarke

It was Adam’s third week at his new college and had just turned 18. He was studying biology and mathematics. He found it hard to settle in, after all he started the courses later than everyone else so he had a lot of work to catch up on. The fact that he enjoyed all of this clearly made him stand out as a stereotypical nerd. Adam did prefer to work hard than socialise which didn’t help. He didn’t care how he looked, always seemed to ware black clothes that combined with his glasses,long greasy...

1 year ago
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Boarding School Sex TrainingChapter 4

Rachel had thought about yesterday’s examination. She had never been so humiliated and at the same time so excited. She had been stripped naked and her body intimately inspected by both Michael and Stephen. She thought about today, what would be expected of her. Michael told her to report at 9:00 P.M. She dressed in her usual schoolgirl outfit as instructed. Michael heard the knock on the door. “Come in.” He watched as Rachel entered the room, his cock beginning to stir as he saw her again. He...

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GirlsWay Penny Pax Elena Koshka Alina Lopez Bait And Switch

Elena Koshka arrives at the office and greets Alina Lopez, who is waiting for her behind her desk. Alina Lopez slyly slides her a piece of paper telling her that she needs to sign a disclosure when dating someone in the office. As expected, Elena denies that she’s involved with anyone in the office, but Alina smirks and pushes her a little more, knowing full well that Elena isn’t telling the truth. After all, it’s Alina that Elena’s fooling around with! Alina wants to...

4 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue LineChapter 4

A week later, Ryan was on the UMD campus. She walked over to the statue of the diamondback terrapin, symbol of the school's teams, and rubbed its head. The week had been hectic, including a tense dinner with her parents, and it felt like it was the first time in days she'd even been able to take a deep breath. "So, let's see." She patted the terrapin's head again. "In the last week, I've filed a record number of reports at work, argued both on the phone and in person with my parents,...

3 years ago
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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 23

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. Scientific Note: A Light...

2 years ago
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Of LateI Think of Clifford

Looking out the window of the seedy roadside café where she worked, Lisa noticed him even before he had a chance to walk through the door. He came in dressed in sharply pressed slacks, wearing a conservative sport shirt, with an unusual expensive design, and a light suede jacket. By the way he was dressed, she immediately rule him out as one of the good ole boys who too often frequented the café. It'll be nice to wait on someone different for a change, she thought, as she made her way toward...

2 years ago
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Roxys Caravan Part 1

This is my first post, so constructive criticism is welcome. This is based on the true story of one of my first sexual experiences. When I was 17 in my summer holidays, a big group of us decided to go camping. There were five guys and four girls, but I was the youngest of the bunch, with the rest being around 20. The nine of us piled into two cars with a load of camping gear, and set off on our road trip. When we pulled up to the campsite about 2’oclock, Fred and I left the others to set up...

Straight Sex
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Honesty Works Best

At least that was Carol’s core belief and, for thirty-two years it seemed to avoid more problems than it had caused. You weren’t to be unfeeling or brutal but, especially when asked, tell the truth. That was especially reinforced when she found out her husband of three years had lied about so many things even including his fidelity and she had to go get some VD treatments. She was far from a prude, starting sex when she was 17 and, as an attractive and nicely shaped brunette, enjoying her body...

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Lesbian Encounter With Roommate Neelu

Hello everyone. This is Shalini (obviously name changed). I am a huge fan of this ISS Forum for the last 5years where I get too much horny temptations when I go through some erotic stories which make me to masturbate me with my dildo in front of PC only. I am not criticizing other stories by saying that they aren’t erotic and each and every story has its own temptations which boost us to have immediate sex right now. Now let me describe myself guys I am a girl from Hyderabad with 34-26-34 not...

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Journey to EdenChapter 7 The Marshes

In the low places the air grew foul, and the stench seemed a living thing, as if the filth of the world had washed into the sloughs and marshes, and had taken root there. And the stench was not alone. Swarms of wetland insects, some of which they had never encountered before, plagued them to the point they were tempted to turn back. Doe had fashioned face coverings from the bark cloth, and they helped a little, but even these had to be wet, and that meant dipping them into the pools they...

3 years ago
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Capturing My Sister

My sister Jessica is 23, about 4 years my junior, and she is a babe, with a lovely combination of blue eyes and brown hair. She has a petite figure, with a delicious ass and long, graceful legs. I should know all of this, because I am now her lover, and she is mine. Jessica, or "Jessy", as my family tends to call her, is very much a romantic, sentimental type of woman, with a desire to give her love to someone who will protect her, and hopefully never leave her. She had always assumed that...

1 year ago
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Compulsion IslandChapter 4

Queenie had been the leader, to the very small degree that a leader was necessary, primarily because of her age and her seniority on the island. But people very quickly realized Mom and I were a good deal brighter than anyone else, with the possible exception of Art, who was a former green beret, and had terrific practical experience. But few decisions were necessary, since life moved with intense regularity, and somehow jealousy's and rivalry's never occurred. But meeting new arrivals was...

1 year ago
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A spike and a pussy

"What a day," Pamela Watkins sighed while filling her brief case with paper work. It had been a long day, court appearances, lunch with a client, and an afternoon of dictating letters to her secretary, Kari. It was well after six o'clock and all she could think about was having a tall cocktail and not thinking at all about the law for at least an hour! She exited her office building and hailed a cab and gave the cabby an address on the near north side. Ten minutes later she was standing in the...

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My fantasy

This is my first story so any comments, good or bad are apprecited. Terry is sitting on the couch, waiting for me to come back into the living room.  I ask him to cover his eyes, I give myself one last look in the mirror.  Damn, I think to myself.  I am petite, and curvy, I have the classic hourglass shape. I am wearing a short,checkered mini skirt, a white button up top, mostly unbuttoned so you we able to see the red lacy bra I had on.  My skirt was short enough that I only had to bend a...

Straight Sex
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Wife8217s Holi At Uncle8217s Place 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am back with yet another story .Thanks for the response given for my previous stories.This story is a a mix of real life incident and fiction to enhance the pleasure. You can always leave your feed backs and comments on my mail I am raj 28 yr good looking guy married to beautiful wife swetha, 24 yrs young housewife with good figure.Her well maintained figure of 36 30 36 makes her really adorable ,though wheatish looks nice.we had love marriage about a year back.My Mom Kavitha ,49...

1 year ago
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Rancho del ito

Rancho del i****tobyfictitious©I am Emanuel Luis Sanchez, the son of Cornelio Felipe Sanchez. My father was once a great man, being one of the richest and most powerful men in Mexico. Like most of the rich men in Mexico, my father had a beautiful wife and, like most of the powerful men in Mexico, my father had a rival. I don't know the full story behind it, but I knew my father hated his rival and wanted to see him dead. Unfortunately, it was my father's rival that was victorious.I was only...

1 year ago
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shelf and retrieved the video I was interested in. Her skirt barely hid her pronounced buttocks, and the slight smell of sexual excitement was in the air. seemingly, we were the only ones in the store at that time. "This video is hot, hot, hot," she said as she turned and bumped into me suddenly. Slightly flushed, I could tell her temperature was rising as we headed toward the checkout stand. I could hear the heavy "Swish" of her wetness as she walked toward the counter. "My husband and I...

3 years ago
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Ana lets me hear her on the phone

On Tuesday I had to work later at my office. I had told my sweet Ana I would be home at least three hours later than usual…Before I finished with the paperwork, the office’s phone rang. It was Ana. Sounding out of breath, she whispered: "How are you doing? Are you... going to be....home late as you promised?"" Are you okay, babe? You sound kind of winded. How was your day?"She still sounded like she was running a marathon. "Good...good. I am doing great. Uh, uh...I went out to the mall and made...

2 years ago
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How It All Started

In my early 20's I was having a birthday party for my 1st husband, with 3 other couples he invited from work. We had already started out the night at the house getting stoned on pot and having a few drinks before we moved to the local bar/pool hall down the street. We mostly had the place to ourselves except for some out of townies. The drinks flowed and party went on. I was playing pool with his work friends in a loose ruffled skirt, black panties, boots and spaghetti string T-shirt, with no...

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Next in the examining room was a nervously boy named Ronny waiting for Dr. Jenkins to arrive. He had told me before that he hated doctorsand felt uncomfortable even though this was just a routine sports physical for school. Theappointment was for 2:00pm and here it was almost 3:00, making him wait seemed like cruel andunusual punishment! I opened the door and being Doctor Jenkins' nurse, I cameflying through the door and told Ronny the Doctor was on his way. Within two minutes Dr.Jenkinsentered...

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Once More With FeelingsChapter 24 1975

Christmas 1974, the second time round, was the best I had since we stopped putting milk and cookies out for Santa, some thirty-seven years in my past. Up till now, Wendy's Christmases had been strong on the giving of thanks with little rejoicing, and her delight at each new surprise helped us all to see once again the wonder of the season. Boxing Day at the Denures' was every bit as exciting as I could have hoped for! Mike had picked up Linda and Julie, and had swung around to pick up...

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Satisfying ISS Reader In Her Home

Hello everyone, I am Sam from Bangalore doing my degree.Thanks to all for your reviews and comments on my previous stories….Any women or girl who wants to have a private sex in personal..Can contact me at I m back with a new story.The story is about how I satisfied a married women and who was iss reader who had read my stories and was impressed by them. Coming to the story… After I posted my previous story..After two days I had a mail from a women..Her name was rashmi (name changed).She had...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Brandi Love Kiara Cole Moms The Boss

Kiara Cole has had a thing going on with her adopted brother Seth Gamble. When Seth sends Kiara a Valentine’s Day card, Kiara’s stepmom, Brandi Love, walks in on her reading it. Brandi insists on reading her stepdaughter’s card, but is horrified to realize the explicit content is from Seth! Brandi sends Kiara to her room, then pulls Seth’s pants down and bends him over her knee so she can spank him. Neither of them knows that Kiara is watching them and that she likes...

3 years ago
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Lost Empire 55

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - ...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Gianna Dior Alina Lopez It8217s A Dream Cum True Gianna Dior Alina Lopez Share A Cock

Banging Babes Gianna Dior & Alina Lopez bring their talents to JulesJordan.com and make Manuel one extremely happy guy! If you got a chance to be with Gianna or Alina alone it would be a night to remember, but having both of them together might be too much to handle for your average guy, not Manuel though. They’re dressed in matching fishnets (but contrasting colors) & high heels as they make out and examine each others’ bodies, licking and caressing each other from head to toe. Gianna...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Destiny Cruz Clean Up Your Life

Tina (Destiny Cruz) arrives at the house her older sibling, Sophie (Vanessa Vega), shares with her boyfriend, Rick (Jessy Jones). Tina has just been through a bad breakup and loss of employment, and will be staying with them until she gets back on her feet. Unfortunately, it only seems like things are about to get more stressful because the siblings not-so-secretly hold resentment towards each other. Over the next few days, the resentment becomes much more obvious as the siblings take jabs at...

2 years ago
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A Turn of Events I Never Saw Coming

If you haven’t read the previous chapters, you need to so you’ll understand what is going on.  The quick version is an electrician found some very graphic pics and videos of my wife in our attic and used them to blackmail us into letting him have sex with my gorgeous middle-aged wife (Lisa).  It was supposed to be a one-time thing, but of course, it wasn’t.  He ended up using Lisa as his personal fuck doll.  We found out he was married, so to stop him, we invited him back over and recorded the...

Wife Lovers
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Mature and Younger, Flashing and Flaunting, Impregnation, Kink and FetishBrenda panted rapid breaths, legs spread, feet in stirrups waiting to have her baby. She thought it would be much easier since Barry had really stretched her, inserting large toys, fist and sharing her with his friends. Having her legs up was a normal position since he got her pregnant. At 39, she hadn't been pregnant in 19 years and was certain back then, she wouldn't have another. It was the unexpected "Bomb Cyclone...

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Shes a Man Baby

Al Helford was getting worn down by his girlfriend Lisa Willner always bringing up wanting an open relationship. Each time Lisa talked about wanting the open relationship Al became more open to the idea. The point of him not being able to meet all of her desires in the bedroom was making more sense each time the man heard it. Al wanted her to be as happy as she could be' and this would help him reach the goal. Al hearing her out was so sweet to Lisa and that was one of the reason he was...

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AftermathChapter 24

There was still some dust and dirt, but little noise when I got to the office on Wednesday, clad in my brown suit. I worked my way through the mail and the phone slips and was mulling the interview schedule when Chaz arrived. We chatted briefly about his trip — they were leaving this Saturday and returning the following one — and about what he wanted for Floreat. I told Mona to get to work on ads and on salary range. I then told Chaz about our disappointment with the house on College Road. He...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Peer Teacher

It all started my first year in highschool. It was the second semester and i had music. For our music class we had a peer teacher too teach us. There was about 30 students in the class. Our peer teacher was a slim girl with a nice size ass and b36 breast. Nice petite size. She wasnt a slut at any meanings. She didnt wear sluty clothes just and average girl. She did wear some sexy shirts sometimes though. We were getting ready to rehearse for our upcoming concert so we were in the music room...

First Time
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Zugzwang Part 1 ZonersChapter 2 Absinthe

Dinner that night was an awkward affair. Diana was acting sullen for some reason, barely picking at her food, and not so much speaking as grunting when I tried to make conversation. I wasn't much better - I'd started to feel responsible for what happened to Marissa, even if it wasn't anything I did on purpose, and that left me growing more quiet and introspective the more I went over it in my head. As for Marissa, she seemed to have accepted her new self wholeheartedly, and her interest in...

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A Deadbeats Diary First night as a Bouncer0

You have to understand that to a 19 year old who was shy and had a severe lack of confidence at the time, a gig as a bouncer was like a shot of powerful steroids in to the arm when it came to self image. Up to that point I had been with 3 girls in my entire life and 2 of them were only 3rd base. I did have a sort of long term relationship with the 3rd girl but that lasted about 9 months when I was 17. I will tell you about that in a later Diary. On my first night, I was shown the ropes...

2 years ago
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Dreams Do Come True

This is my entry into the ‘Winter Holidays Story Contest’. Be sure to vote, and either leave a comment or send feedback. I hope you enjoy it. **** Dozens of lights twinkled from their perches. A fresh pine scent filled the air. Gaily wrapped presents crowded together to find a spot under the tree. People scurried through the stores to find those last elusive gifts. It was three days before Christmas, and Abby wished it was over. The packages were empty, fake, like the tree with its air...

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WebYoung Keisha Grey Gina Valentina Romancing The Bully

When teen Gina Valentina overhears Keisha Grey bullying the new girl Alison Rey, she comes to her rescue and clocks Keisha in the face, knocking her out cold. And when she wakes up with a headache in her bed, Gina is sitting beside her. Gina wants to know why she bullies everyone. Keisha defends her position and claims that she’s putting them in their place. Her family has been working the farm forever and the new girls come in thinking they run the place. Gina suspects something else is...

3 years ago
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MY FANTASY FOR OLD COCKI was s*******n when mom had to go out of town and she left me with my granDpa. I was wild and hard to handle. One day as I was walking around dressed slutty he told me, "You look like a slut'" I told him "I am a slut" He replied "well I will treat you like a slut then. Come over here."I walked to him in my short skirt and tight top with no bra. He lifted my skirt and saw my bare cunt with no panties. He then pulled down my skirt and lifted my top over my head and I was...

4 years ago
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Learning a Lesson his

I received a comment on my story Learning a Lesson . . . the commenter thought that the story appeared to be written by a guy.   This intrigued me because I have never been accused of anything like that before and it made me think .. . what was it that made the person think that?   I wasn’t sure but it inspired me to think about the story from another perspective.   What if the main character was male instead of female?   Would it still seem like it was written by a guy?   I don’t know.   But I...

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The Strange Forest

Brad Johnson sat on the edge of his bed. He had recently turned 21 and was home for the summer. Attending an out of state college had been difficult because he hadn’t been able to come home for any holidays. Growing up Brad had always been close with his family and he was looking forward to getting as much quality time in as possible over the break. Settling in to his old bedroom, Brad lock out a quick set of push-ups to maintain his athletic physique. He had worked hard to gain his muscular...

4 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 27 Saying Goodbye

I had just returned home from my morning workout, when Mom made me promise that instead of swimming at Beth’s I would go with her to the hospital. I’d been putting it off. Every time I thought of it, I would see Terri in my mind’s eye, the girl Mom was friends with at the cancer center at Stanford, and the girl who passed away. What finally convinced me was when Mom said I knew one of the children. As we parked, Mom gave me some pointers. “This is a traumatic time for these kids. Be patient...

1 year ago
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Dark TownChapter 9

THAT SAME TUESDAY BUT EARLIER IN THE MORNING "So my dad's friend told him that what is left of America are Kansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Utah and Colorado. Everything else is completely gone!!" cried a high schooler named Roberto Garzia. They were all high school friends and classmates sat inside McDonalds: Roberto Garzia, the 3 Trusk kids Miley, Chris and Sara, Carol White, an African-American girl named Kira whose parents were migrants from Kenya, 3 sexy Latinas named Gabriella, Esther and...

2 years ago
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The GauntletChapter 14

Northumberland, England August 20, 1385 On the third day after rapidly breaking camp, the English Army under the command of Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland and King of Mann, fell upon the fleeing French army. The bulk of the army escaped, but the English managed to capture the French Wagon train, denying them of their loot and supplies. The French only had the things they wore or carried with them. Just before dawn the next morning, Sir Luc de Vienne summoned his commanders. “We...

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Happy Birthday to Me

So last month, I was lucky enough to experience one of my favoritest annual events ever: my birthday party!!! Now, for those that don't know, I take my birthday VERY seriously. You see, I was only 12 years old the first time I played with a pecker...and I've been lickin' 'em and suckin' 'em and bouncin' up and down on 'em ever since :-) I suppose my love of being gangbanged and making guys cum on my birthday all began on the eve of my 14th...It was a hot night in June and I had invited about...

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Vixen Ameliorates

Vixen stood before her tall mirror with her firm breasts in her hands, lifting them and studying them, her nipples so high she could bend and lick them. "They are just much too big," she decided. When she squeezed them hard, more than half of each boob jutted well out beyond her grip. The implant job had been done when she was fifteen and had about a 32B chest that was enlarged to 36C with heavy silicone bags, illegal at the time, but done for a good price by an unscrupulous surgeon who...

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Loving Adrian Ch 2

Chapter 2: Tenderness Despite her vow to avoid Adrian, or any inviting situations, at all costs, Helen found herself spending most of her free time that week with him. Adrian was fun company, and together they shopped, laughed, joked, and studiously avoided anything that could release the tension between them. That was, until the day they went sunbathing by the Cathedral. The sun’s heat was almost oppressive as Helen sprawled out by the ancient stone wall of the cathedral in the city centre....

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The Unprofessional Masseuse

This was one of the first stories I ever wrote, short and sweet. I have five minutes until my next client is due. That gives me just enough time to quickly tidy up and make sure that everything is in order. I check that the massage couch is ready with fresh towels and a fleecy blanket, although the room is nice and warm, some people prefer the weight of something on top of them. I close the blinds, light a couple of candles, dim the lights and put on some subtle, relaxing music, not too loud,...

Office Sex
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The Devlin Family

Readers of mine will recognize similarities to my other story Runt of the Litter. The set up is the same, clueless young man is let in on a family secret and then the fun begins, but in this one I wanted to dabble more with teratophilia and experiment with the storytelling options of having magic to play with. Beyond this you can expect my usual bullshit. Namely: incest, futanari, femboys, occasional humiliation, fringe kinks, crazy characters, melodrama, and bisexual shenanigans in general....

1 year ago
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BangingBeauties Anna De Ville Prolapse Princess

Amazing Anna Deville has been living in Europe, but she’s back in the USA and can’t stay away from PervCity. Wearing glasses, the hot brunette looks more cultured since the last time, but it doesn’t take long before she slips back to being that sassy American slut we know she is. In fact, she’s fired up — and after stretching her cute butt with a lube bottle, she enlists Steve Holmes to stuff her asshole with ping pong balls, before turning her asshole into a canon and launching them across the...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Diary 8211 Part 1

My hubby is a very nice man, 38-year-old, average built but looks smart and attractive. We enjoyed married life very much. At the start, I was a shy type common Pakistan girl and have many fears to explore my sexuality but with the help of hubby, I explored my hidden beast gradually. He is a man of liberal and western thoughts. I opposed him on many occasions and did fight sometimes but gradually I find that he is right. This is actually not a sex story it is the fantasy come true type A Real...

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Domination in a Travelodge

This week rather than write another story of make believe people in a make believe world, I would beg your indulgence and relate to you MY story. Or at least the story of one afternoon a few summers ago in a Travelodge on the west bound side of the M4. Every word I write here tonight will be the truth. It all happened. I hope that in reading it, those of you who face life alone will be encouraged to believe that there IS someone out there who shares your fascination for the outer edges of...

2 years ago
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Aaron carefully made his way into the dark, abandoned warehouse. This handsome-looking blonde-haired, blue-eyed young guy was nervous. He had not yet found Jeremy. Granted, he could barely see 10 feet in front of his face, but he had searched nearly every room in the building. There was one door at the end of the hallway that was unchecked. As Aaron approached the door, he looked down at how he was dressed and realized how ridiculous this would look to an outside observer. There was something...

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