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David's Mistake by WGI Chapter 1 The time had passed slowly that evening, the wine had not brought the release of sleep. The demons crept out from the deep of his subconscious wrapping his thoughts tightly until the only image left hung, almost mocking him, in the air in front of him. She stood at the top of the stairs the dress flowed around her as if a gentle breeze played upon the fine silk. The beauty of the creation was how it covered everything whilst revealing every curve and contour. From the soft collar the silk draped softly across the shoulders appearing to twist around the arms until the cloth trapped her wrists in its cool embrace. The stretch of silk across the chest dazzled with its folds falling to a thousand pleats below the breast that danced in the light breeze touching each part of her lower body showing first the waist then an ankle a thigh letting the image of femininity continually wax & wane thus heightening his lust for her, his cry for her. He rose slowly, deliberately, as if in a trance. The desire had hold of him he needed her, had to have her, without her his desire could not be sated he could not be whole. The room had not been opened for what seemed an age, but she seemed to know the way walking rapidly to the chest of drawers. Laying on top was a large box with a pink satin ribbon wrapped around tied in a large bow. She picked the box up laying it on the bed pulling the ends of the bow to release the lid. He sat on the edge of the bed his hand reaching out to the lid slowly turning it over revealing the pastel coloured tissue. He now could not wait he grabbed at the tissue pulling it apart letting the pink satin below shine through like waves lapping the shore. She held the night dress up watching the light shine off the folds thinking how unusual the design was. As she slipped it over her head and it fell down his body he knew why he had not been to this room for a while, the strength he had gained over the last two months ebbed away, he needed this to take away the loneliness and the depression, to feel the one thing he missed that touch of femininity that had left him when she departed. Chapter 2 He woke as the alarm brawled in his ear, stretching then jumping out of bed and moving towards the bathroom, only then did the movement of the silk on his body remind him of the night before and in disgust of his lack of control he ripped the night-dress off and quickly got ready for work. The journey to work gave him time to reflect and remember the day two months ago when Julie had walked out, angry with him. They had been out for a meal and returned to the house. David had gone to fix a drink while Julie ran upstairs to prepare. As she changed from the casual blouse and trousers into the luxurious satin navy pyjamas she had bought for tonight she had a moment of doubt over what she was doing, things had been a bit strained for a week or so since their drunken night in.... She had been sitting, in her long cream silk night-dress and negligee on the sofa trying to paint her nails, her long brown hair falling softly over her shoulders, but finding the task beyond her due to the effects of the alcohol, when she felt a small tug on the hem of her negligee. "What are you doing David?" as she looked down David was rubbing the material of the negligee between his fingers and muttering something. He jumped as if shot: "Nothing just lying here slightly sozzled." "No you weren't, you were playing with my night-dress. Why?" "..um I well like the feel of it on my fingers er.." "And?" "I don't know I have this, I suppose fantasy, of being wrapped in satin till I can't move without the feel of it sliding over my skin.... weird huh." He rested his head on her thigh his hand under his chin but she could feel the slight movement as he slowly moved his fingers across the satin. "I think it's time you and I went to bed young man before you lose it totally." As they made love that night she did not take off the night-dress but let him move his hands across her breasts under the silk he seemed to be entranced and when she reached out and took hold of the discarded negligee throwing it over his back and using it to pull him closer sliding it over his buttocks he exploded inside her like she had never felt before... The robe had a lustre that gleamed in the candle light that she had placed round the spare bedroom it was much more feminine than the main bedroom, she fastened it tightly round her waist and she was ready. No - one more thing, she went to the wardrobe and took the satin belt from her cream negligee and put it in her pocket. "Now here goes." As she walked in to the room David turned and she saw his eyes gleam as he ran his gaze over her body. "You look wonderful, what's the occasion." "A treat for you." She walked to the stereo and switched on the CD she had selected earlier. The beautiful slow melody filled the room and she walked to him taking his hands and placing them round her waist she moved with him stroking his hair and the back of his neck. Again she felt his fingers moving over her, feeling the softness of her clothes and making her thrill to the gentle touch. "Let me loosen you shirt." She leant away from him and his hands held her close around her bottom so she still was in contact but could undo the buttons, her hair fell back in a cascade, and pulling the shirt off him she leant against his chest all the time moving her body so he could feel the satin rub against his nipples. She took his hands from her bottom and placed them by his side while sliding slowly to her knees to undo his belt and remove his shoes and socks. As she stood she danced to his rear and put her arms round his waist to his zip which she eased down shimmying with the music his trousers soon hit the floor. His arousal was obvious the slight groans that had been a background to this dance where more than emphasised by his member sticking out like a flagpole on the fourth of July. Again on her knees she turned him to face her and her tongue slowly moved across the head of his penis producing another low groan and his hands went to her head to push her on to his penis. She quickly moved her hands to his. "Not Yet! Wait," she again licked the end of his penis while her hand went to her pocket pulling out the long satin belt. Still licking his penis she tied the belt loosely around his balls and penis which produced a startled grunt. "What are you doing?" "Just wrapping up my present, I think its time you came with me. Julie stood holding the two ends of the belt in one hand and stroking David's face with the other, "aren't we the pretty little package then." "You're a tease." Holding his hand with her free hand she led him upstairs to the spare bedroom which was by now filled with scent from the candles it was almost overpowering. She led him to a chair she had place in the middle of the room which she pushed him onto. He looked at her enquiringly but she just put a finger softly to his mouth silencing him before he uttered a word. Never once letting go of the belt ends she knelt in front of him and leaned forward caressing his penis with her lips and tongue whilst her hands slowly eased the knot around his penis and balls tighter till David started to fidget. Quickly now still licking and sucking on his penis she took the ends of the belt and tied them to the rear spreader of the chair. "Oy that hurts." "I'm sorry I didn't want you to go anywhere whilst I showed you some things." Her right hand caressed him. "Does that take away the pain?" "Yes I suppose so, but why tie me to the chair hey." "You'll see." She opened the drawer to her left bringing out a sketch pad and a box tied with a pink ribbon. She laid the box at his feet and started opening the sketch pad. As he looked down she continued to slowly rub her hand over his balls and penis. On the first page of the pad was beautiful line drawing of a dress, no a creation a masterpiece, it seemed to hold his attention the way the material appeared to flow around the body wrapping each and every piece of flesh in its folds as if it didn't want to let go... "...Are you listening to me?" "Sorry my attention seems to have wandered." "I was saying about what you said the other night about being wrapped in satin and I thought I could make something to let you feel that way.... You're not saying anything, look it was a thought but anyway I bought you a present just to try, would you like to open it?" His mind was confused she had said for him to wear hadn't she? He looked down she was pressing the box into his hands. He took it slowly wondering what she was on about. Pulling the bow undone he removed the lid and pushed back the tissue paper revealing a pink satin night-dress. Without a second glance he stared at her. "what the hell is this!" "I thought if you wanted to have the touch of satin on you this was the easiest way." "What -- put me in a dress! What kind of a man do you think I am." "I'm sorry I didn't.." "Think! Obviously not." He struggled in the chair reaching behind undoing the belt and standing up, "what the hell do you think you where trying to achieve, do you think I am some kind of pervert?" "No, but I.." The shouting carried on for what seemed like hours and Julie just slowly buckled sobbing on the floor pleading with him to stop shouting at her that she was sorry. David looked down at her and turned with a last shouted "Pervert!" He headed down to the whisky bottle and oblivion. After an hour of crying Julie slowly stopped and started to think. She quietly re-wrapped the night-dress and put it on the top of the chest of drawers. She also half smiled and locked the other drawers and proceeded to hide the keys. As she left the room a final tear ran down her face as she went to the main bedroom to pack and move back to her little semi-detached. "I am sure he can not resist that drawing, he was entranced by it," she said to herself, "I wonder how long before he comes round." Chapter 3 He had phoned a number of times but she never picked up and he only got the answer-phone and she hadn't replied to any of his messages. This time as he walked through the door he new she would reply because he was going to tell her how he had felt last night when he put on the night-dress. How she had been right and he had been a fool. He wanted her back he loved her with an intensity he had not realised till now. He wandered to the bedroom and there in the middle of the floor was a pink mound of satin. He bent down carefully picking it up straightening out the folds, a feeling like electricity went through his fingers. "Wait she would not just get a night-dress, there would be a negligee," he was sure. Laying the straightened night-dress on the bed he went into the spare bedroom to the chest of drawers only to find them locked and no keys. "Well I could break in but bloody antique furniture is a bitch to get repaired, where could she have put them." After a short spell of looking he gave up and knew he had to phone her now, this time he knew what to say. Chapter 4 Julie got in at 7 o'clock and pressed the button on her answer machine as she walked past. "Hi this is Veronica are you going to the cinema tonight." Beep. "Good afternoon Miss Dawson this is Mr. Walters of the First National. Can you please call me tomorrow thank you." Beep. "Julie this is David I need your help - I can't find the key to the chest of drawers to get my negligee. I love the night-dress but it would be so much nicer with the negligee. I love you so much please call....Please." Beep. Julie knew like everybody that they could have been an Olympic medallist as she bounded back from the bedroom down the stairs over the settee and hit the repeat and fast forward buttons on the machine. Beep. "Julie this is Dave I need you're help I can't find the key to the chest of drawers to get my negligee. I love the night-dress but it would be so much nicer with the negligee. I love you so much please call....Please." Beep. "Yes! Only two months, but - YES! he's mine." Lifting the phone she considered how to approach this, slow or fast. Either way could work but she had missed him and he did appear to have got the message. "OK girl here goes!" She hit the speed dial. ring... ring... ring... ring... ring. "Hello David here." "Hello David." "Julie I've missed you so much, why did you just go like that." "You know you acted like a spoilt child and spoilt children should be ignored." "I'm sorry..." She cut him off. "Are you on the cordless phone." "Err... yes." "Good! I hope you are wearing the night-dress." She paused awaiting his reply. "Err - Yes." "Good! I hope you can follow simple instructions," she did not wait for the "Err - Yes" that was bound to follow but quickly instructed him to the main bedroom where she informed him of the location of one key. "That will unlock the top right drawer, I think you should hurry and get your present don't you!" "Err - yes." There was a moment of silence, then a slight click, the sound of a drawer opening and the rustle of tissue. Further silence followed which was too long for Julie. "What are you doing?" "It's beautiful Julie it.. it .. feels so soft. Thank you it's a wonderful present I wish I had appreciated it when you gave me the night-dress." "David I am going to give you a week to think on this, I want you to wear the night-dress and negligee as often as possible and if you agree you will come to my house on my terms next weekend. When I say my terms I mean my terms." I don't understand I've done what you wanted me to do, haven't I?" "We will see. I shall phone on Thursday night: make sure you are in and have kept the weekend free... Oh and make an appointment to have your hair cut in your lunchtime on Friday but give you're self long enough to go to a shop I shall tell you about later." "Err OK, but.." "No buts just go to bed thinking happy soft thoughts, Goodnight." "Goodnight." Chapter 5 He lay in bed wondering what she meant on her terms? But she was right the soft silk seemed to soothe him and he knew now that things would be alright. Thursday came a lot quicker than he expected and he rushed home to find a package had been delivered with Julie's writing on it. "I wonder what this could be?" Once inside he opened the brown paper only to find another layer inside reading DO NOT OPEN! As he stared at this the phone started to ring. He moved to answer it. "Hi David here." "Hello are you dressed yet?" "Julie! No I have only just walked through the door. Oh yes I got a package from you that says DO NOT OPEN!" "Well I suppose I can let you off if you have only just got in. Have you made your appointment for tomorrow?" "Yes." "Good: have you got a pen and paper handy you need to make a list of what you are to do on Friday." "Hang on..Yeah got some, fire away." "In your lunch hour you need to purchase the following, some hair removal cream Imac or similar.." "WHAT!" "Just make the list dear, it will make things so much quicker and easier, there may be time for questions later." "Ok Ok" "You need some tights, lets say 'barely black'; a silk scarf to go with a black suit so it must be based on black, you need to go to Connors for this they have the best range; oh yes you know that black PVC raincoat I have." "Yes." "You need to buy one of those I would think in a size 18 will do. Okay any questions my boy." "Hair removal cream, why do I need that?" "So you can remove all your leg hair I would have thought that would be obvious don't you." "Err - I suppose so." "Any other questions." "No I don't suppose so." "Right on that package you will find attached an envelope you are to give it to your barber when you arrive his instructions are in there. You should get home about 5:30 on Friday phone me immediately and you will receive further instructions." "Is there anything I need to do tonight?" "No just get a good night's sleep you're in for a hard weekend. Goodnight my baby boy." "Goodnight Julie." As the phone went dead they stood one smiling broadly the other staring at the phone in apprehension. Chapter 6 He awoke. Friday - oh god what was today going to be like. Wrapping the negligee tightly round him he started the bath running, and went to the kitchen to make breakfast his nerves were on edge, he didn't know what to expect. Breakfast and a bath later, he felt somewhat better than he had done - until he picked up the list he had to buy and the envelope he had for the barber. "What the hell could be in that." He dressed and set off for work he was early and thought 'hey the tights and Imac I could get those on the way save a bit of time'. He pulled the car in to the large garage that had a mini mart filled up and wandered in to see if they had the things he required. He saw the stand for the tights straight away and moved in that direction glancing quickly at the labels but not being able to see 'barely black' he thought I can try somewhere else. "Can I help you Sir?" The young lady behind him was looking at him enquiringly. "Ah I don't seem to see what I want." "Is it on that list?" She looked down stupidly at the list in his hand. "Oh yes." "Can I see?" "Err I .. yes err tights Barely Black and Imac." This time the look was not only enquiring it almost laughed in his face. "What size?" "Sorry?" "Size for the tights, we have small medium and large, will it be large sir?" Oh GOD! "Yes I think that's right." "Imac is here sir I think a large again would be suitable, don't you." Please let the ground swallow me and let me never run out of fuel near here. "Yes thanks." "Was there anything else... Sir?" As David left, he hoped things would not get any worse than that. The morning in the office was as normal except he kept getting stupid things wrong due to lack of concentration. Lunch drew near, oh hell where is Connors. Telephone directory look in the directory. Shit it's not in or it's under another name. How to find out. Ok no problem ask Tracy on my way out. "Tracy? can you tell me where Connors is?" "Which one David." "The one which sells Scarves." "Some lucky lady there then. Is it Julie? And I hope your bank balance is a lot in credit." "Yes - er I hope so in that order I think." "Well it's in the Milligans Department store on the second floor." "Thanks, I'm off." Now rushing David ran to the barber's getting there just in time. "What can I do for you sir?" "Er - my girlfriend sent some instructions in this envelope." Another strange look arrived probably worse than the girls earlier on. "I see!" He took the proffered envelope and tore it open and read the instructions. "Hmmm." "Sorry?" "Ah well it takes all sorts." "Sorry?" "Please don't keep saying sorry. It's not as bad as you expected I think. Okay a shave first, sir." This was the closest shave David had ever had. His face was perfectly smooth with no nicks at all. The hair cut however was not what he was used to. The back had been left long with the sides shaped up over his ears and his parting was nowhere to be seen and he had a definite fringe. "Is that all right for sir or should I ask your girlfriend?" laughed the barber. Could things get any worse? He ran to Milligans department store and made his way to the second floor. In the corner was what he could only describe as terrifying. Row upon row of scarves all beautiful but how was he going to choose. "Oh God I've still got that bloody coat to buy." "I'm sorry sir we only sell scarves in this part of the store." Oh no he must have said that out load. "Sorry miss I am looking for a scarf for my girlfriend to go with a black suit." "Any particular style sir, square or long?" "Square." "I will get you some styles to be looking at." The counter top suddenly was awash with colour, mainly black, but all the other colours David could imagine. Putting his hand on one to take a closer look he felt the material glide round his fingers caressing the skin. He pulled away. "No sir you need to look at the whole design if you are to choose." Glancing at his watch he knew he was in trouble. Quickly rummaging through the scarves in a way the assistant obviously found amusing. David came across one that was simple with oblongs of red grey and white on a black background that he thought suitable. "I'll take this one." "I will wrap it for you, that will be $65 sir." God he hadn't expected it to be quite that much. "Visa okay?" "Yes sir." he looked again at his watch. "Would sir like me tell him where he needs to go to buy 'that bloody coat'." "Yes please, I need one of those ladies PVC raincoats." "That will be on the next floor down in the opposite corner I will phone down and get Maureen to look out for you as you're in a rush." "Thanks." "Would it be a black one about a size 18, something to go with the scarf," she said as he started to move away. He turned and saw that slightly amused expression again. "Actually yes." "I will tell her." Maureen stood ready with the garment as he got there. "Ah sir, I hope this is right for you. Would you care to try it or will I wrap it?" This time it wasn't an amused look it was almost hysterical. If it wasn't probably a sackable offence to laugh at the customers Maureen would be rolling on the floor. David grabbed the coat quickly put it on, took it off, handed it back. "Yes, its fine I hope I've made your day." "Oh indeed sir." He walked slowly back to the office poorer and more worried than he had been before. He didn't think it could get worse but he now thought it would. He left work with the words of Tracy ringing in his ears. "I hope Julie likes the scarf." He somehow didn't think that Julie would be wearing that scarf. Chapter 7 He arrived home at ten past five which gave him a little time to compose himself for the rest of the evening. He poured a whisky and put the kettle on to make a coffee. The phone rang. He picked up. "Hi.." "You're back early that's good because the next list of jobs is awaiting." "Are you watching me." "No I just thought I would help by giving you the list as soon as possible." "Sorry I've had a difficult day." "Okay no worries, here's what you need to do: use the Imac on your legs as per instructions, have a bath, use that bath balm I left, then phone me. The clock's ticking." David decided to forgo the coffee, grab the purchases and the whisky and go up to the bathroom. "Now what do I do? Rub it on, leave for ten to fifteen minutes, then wash off. I can do that." He smeared the cream all over each leg then sat on the edge of the bath drinking the whisky. "Shit, that tingles. Must be doing something." After twelve minutes David jumped in the shower and washed away the cream and all his hair. "Wow that's scarily effective." He ran the bath only remembering the bath balm at the last moment. He quickly washed his body and hair and started to dry himself. It was only at this point that he could really tell how scented the bath salts had been. 'Oh God it's getting worse' he thought. Dry and bald and smelly he went to the bedroom and picked up the phone. Julie answered on the second ring. "You now need to go to the spare bedroom. Take all your purchases with you and that packet that came yesterday. Now, the key to the top left drawer is stuck under the bedside lamp... have you got it?" "Yes." "Right you will find your underwear in that drawer. Get them put on and the tights you bought. Don't get any runs in the tights or you will have to go and buy some more, then phone me again." "Okay I won't be long." He opened the drawer to find four items all in black. There was a lacy satin camisole that fell like liquid when he held it up. A half slip in the same satin with lace along the bottom edge. Some lacy black panties and a girdle. He held the girdle to his body and thought 'this is going to be tight'. He pulled the girdle up his legs, struggling to get it over his hips, feeling it trapping his penis closely to his body. With it finally in place he, could feel that it had pulled in his stomach and held his penis in a way that gave a smooth line where it would normally show. He quickly pulled on the lace panties and grabbed the camisole and put it over his head letting it fall down his body. The delicate satin and lace flowed over his chest, his hand moved up to touch it, to caress his body... No time.. He very carefully took the packet with the tights in. Sitting on the edge of the bed he opened the packet. "Right I've seen Julie do this a number of times. It didn't look that hard." Taking the tights he did what he had seen Julie do and, sliding first his right foot, then his left into the tights, he drew them up his legs. Although he had always liked the feel of tights and stockinged legs he was not prepared for the feeling that he got when he did this. "That's amazing! If this bloody girdle wasn't squashing me flat I'd have the biggest hard-on ever. Wow - no wonder women shave their legs." Lastly he picked up the slip. It was made of the same flowing satin of the camisole, but as he stepped into it and started pulling it up, he found that it was extremely tight and he only just managed to get it over his hips. It came to just below his knees and closely followed the line over his hips and thighs giving only small room for movement. As he walked to the phone he was amazed at how different his movement had to be to accommodate the restriction: he almost flowed. "Julie what are you doing to me?" "What do you mean? all I am doing is giving you instructions, it's up to you if you follow them." "But you must have planned this." "Two months ago things would have been different, but now, ah well... The last key, the one to the next drawer is stuck to the back of the drawer you just opened. You then will have everything to get ready plus a small present which you will not open. So get to it. I expect you to phone soon my little pretty one." "Julie please!" He heard only the phone being hung up. "Christ, what next?" Removing the drawer and gaining the final key, he nervously opened the last drawer. On top was a pure white blouse, he picked it up and put it on. The sleeves where long and full with a four inch cuff that had six small buttons. With a little difficulty he did these up and then started to button up the front which seemed to have countless of the same small buttons rising to a collar that seemed to wrap around his neck making him hold his head up straighter than normal. He returned to the drawer and took out the black satin skirt that lay there, stepping into it with some difficulty due to the tightness of the slip he slid it up pulling the side zip up. He glanced in the mirror and he found it hard to believe how sexy he looked. The phone rang. He picked it up. "The cardigan: just do up the second and third button from the top then open the package." "Ju.." again she had hung up. As he went back to the drawer he noticed that not only did he stand taller in the clothes he was wearing, but as he moved the noise of his skirt moving over his slip, though slight, reminded him of the times he had looked up to watch a women walk by, not knowing quite why. The cardigan was long sleeved edged with satin. He picked it up wondering at how soft the wool was and why none of his sweaters where made of this wool. Underneath was a small wrapped parcel which he put on the bed. Again he did as he was told just doing up the second two buttons. Going back to the bed he opened the packet to find two boxes. "I bet one of these is a pair black shoes" Taking off the lid of the first box he looked at a pair of black court shoes with a low heel. "Well guess I win this time, I'm glad they're not too high." He slipped them on and opened the second box finding a black shoulder bag. "Christ - coat, scarf, bag, she expects me to go out like this." Standing he again felt the change the shoes gave, even with the low heel he stood differently. He picked up the coat and put his arms in and did up the buttons pulling the belt tight at his waist. Next he took the scarf and folded it into a triangle as he had seen Julie do before tying it over his head with a knot under the chin. Picking up the bag he took out a pair of black gloves "She must mean me to put these on as well." He pulled them on and then picked up the wrapped parcel and place it in the bag. Ready! He rang. "I'm ready," he said quietly. "Good, now you have got your little present in your bag?" "Yes." "You seem quiet, is there something wrong?" "No, no I'm just scared." "Why?" "You're going to make me go out. I thought at the start you would come here." "No as I said on MY TERMS! Now you have till eight o'clock if you are not at my house by then I will have gone out. Now don't worry I won't leave you staying on the doorstep, I will be waiting for you. Remember I love you dearly and want you to come to me my, darling boy." "Okay, okay, I love you too" "So hurry round then." She hung up the phone smiling in glee, he was going to come, she couldn't wait to see what he looked like. She had dressed herself very carefully for tonight and as she looked in the mirror she new that he would not resist anything that she asked tonight and they would have a wonderful weekend. Chapter 8 He stood with the phone in his hand not knowing what to do. He couldn't go out like this, but if he didn't, he may not see Julie again. He had to see her. A tear ran down his face. "Why like this?" He placed the phone on the bed and picked up the bag. Glancing at the clock by the bedside he saw he had more than an hour for his twenty minute journey. At least that's one good thing he thought. He moved out of the room flowing as if by magic down the stairs in to the hall towards the door. He stopped. Turning slowly he looked at the reflection in the large hall mirror and froze. His hands moved to the coat belt which he adjusted without thinking. Then to the scarf which he took off refolded and this time, when he put it on, the front showed his fringe and the knot under his chin was neat and the trailing ends disappeared in the top of the coat. Now when he looked in the mirror she looked back. He looked at his watch and now saw he had forty minutes left and that the watch looked out of place so he took it off. He now needed to get a move on, he hadn't realised how long he had stared at his image. Her image. Picking up his keys he walked the last two steps to the door and stepped out carefully locking the door behind him. He moved towards the car. The breeze on his stockinged legs felt strange, but nice and the slight movement the breeze caused his scarf on his head to make really was quite pleasant. He was glad of the dark and the fact he had not put on the outside light. Getting in the car was unusual, he had to sit on the seat then swing his legs in due to the snug fit of the skirt and slip. Once in he set off carefully. "The last thing I need is to be stopped by the police or have an accident tonight." The drive passed surprisingly quickly and he was there looking for a parking space close to Julie's house. "There's one." As he pulled along side the space and started to reverse a man walked up and started to give helpful direction of the distance he had to go. As he completed the manoeuvre the man looked in the passenger window "Not so difficult, eh luv." "Thanks so much." David tried to make his voice sound feminine, now absolutely terrified. Julie watching from her window was getting ready to go out and help if required. "Typical if I'd needed help parking there would have been no one around." The man nodded and started to continue his walk but as David got out of the car and stepped on to the pavement he half turned and looked David up and down with an expression on his face that David recognised as the one that all men have when they are thinking "Nice Legs!" Oh God! David quickly got too the gate and was walking up the steps before he could think. He knocked once and the door opened and Julie stood there. Chapter 9 "Come in." He couldn't speak he just walked in to the small hall still staring at Julie. She had prepared well, even though he had heels on and was normally taller than her he had to look up to her tonight. The four inch heeled sandals in rich red started the effect moving up over pale stockings a long grey skirt that flared over her hips tightly cinched by a wide red belt at the waist, the red and grey satin blouse hugged every contour and showed a figure that men would die for. Her neck was embraced by pearl choker her hair brushed out over her shoulders and when he started to look at her face and to stare up into her eyes she could see that he had totally fallen. "David do you know why I made you come here like this?" "No Julie." "It was a punishment." "Why?" "Ah you see now why it also has not finished. You need time to think and realise why you are being punished. But first let me look at you." Julie slowly turned him round and was amazed at how good he looked. It made her nearly lose her resolve and take him to bed there and then. "you have done well. Now give me the package in your bag." David opened the bag and handed Julie the package. He found he was unable to look Julie in the face, he so wanted her to hold him, to make him feel wanted. Julie opened up the package and removed the contents. The sound of metal made David look at what was now in Julie's hands. "Yes they are handcuffs. They where a present for you to use but you now will have to earn the right to use them." "Yes Julie." "Now." She took his arm and moved him to the corner of the hall facing into the corner. "Give me your hands." This was a definite order and he obeyed quickly feeling the cold metal circle his wrists just above the gloves he wore. "You will stand in this corner and think until you can tell me why you are being punished and what more punishment you deserve." "Yes Julie." She watched his shoulders fall as she moved in to the lounge turning off the hall light so he was in complete darkness and again she felt herself wavering. "No, in the end it will be more fun for both of us this way." David stood in the dark totally at odds with himself. Here he was dressed in women's clothing, handcuffed. He knew that he had wronged Julie by not trying the night-dress when she asked, but he knew that it was more than that that he had done wrong. What did she mean, what more punishment? The handcuffs should have been a present for him. Did this mean he could have used them on her? A thought started to germinate. It was trust! he hadn't trusted her. He knew she would not hurt him, so why had he freaked at her. He had to trust her. These clothes, what where they? Forget the coat and scarf; she had not had them before. Black skirt white blouse, like a shop assistant; no a waitress; NO A MAID! He moved, the handcuffs chinked. He could have had her as a slave and she would have been his maid. All a game. But no he hadn't seen it at all. He now knew what to say. Do I call her or do I wait for her to come. If I call her, do I make my punishment worse? Only if I think so, because she expects me to tell her how to punish myself. Chapter 10 David turned slowly and then carefully and with a lot of difficulty slid to his knees. Handcuffs and a tight skirt do make life hard he thought. He braced himself. He hoped he had called this right. "Mistress? Mistress Please?" Julie sat waiting tensely in her armchair, her hand caressing her right nipple through the silk of her blouse. She could not get the picture of his face out of her mind. Why with a bit of make-up he would be... "Mistress? Mistress Please?" His voice broke the spell, she stood and walked to the door straightening her attire so that she would project the impression she wanted. Walking into the hall turning on the light she was surprised and delighted. David on his knees eyes carefully on the floor. This was better than she could have hoped, had he grasped the point. "Yes what do you want?" She barked. Her voice struck him, God have I got it wrong? What the hell. "Mistress, forgive me, I realise that what I did wrong was to not trust you. All you wanted was for us to be happy and if it meant doing something to make me happy you wanted to try it. My mind was closed please let me make amends." "Continue!" Again no sign that he was on the right track. He dared not to look up. "I have been a bad boy and should be punished. I desire to serve you as long as you wish." Julie moved slightly closer to him, she was nearly overcome with desire. "Please as a further punishment I should be beaten, possibly a dozen strokes Mistress, I don't know." He could see her shoe just in front of his eyes. He leaned forward and rubbed his scarfed head over her foot kissing her toes. "Please Mistress punish me!" This final entreaty did it. She bent down grabbing the collar of his coat. "Get up slave!" with her pull and his struggle he found himself on his feet facing the wall. She pushed him against the wall leaning her weight against him. Taking the keys she undid one of the cuffs leaving the other locked. "Take off your coat and gloves quickly and hang them up." David was eager to respond and had the gloves off and in the pockets of the coat and quickly removed the coat and put it on the rack. His hands went to the knot of the scarf only to find the hand of his Mistress staying him. "I like it, you have good taste I may even ask to borrow it some time." "Mistress?" "This way." Julie pulled him into the lounge and had him stand in the centre of the room. She walked around him. "A dozen you think, yes that skirt does suit you I thought it would, I'm not sure that a dozen will be enough." She sat on a chair carefully smoothing her skirt so it flowed around her. She watched David's eyes follow her hands over the folds of the material. "Come here." He walked forward. Just as he was close enough, she grabbed his left hand with her left hand and pulled. He had no choice, the effective skirt hobble meant he fell forward over her lap. Julie pushed his arm in to the small of his back holding him firmly in place. Taking his right hand she cuffed them together still keeping her hold pressing his hands into his back. He hadn't realised quite how helpless he was, when she started to spank him. She used the classic back of the hair brush. Her Mother had used it on her and it had been very effective. He was pressed down in a way so he was falling forward over her lap into the folds of her skirt his head almost on the floor. His bottom stuck up in the air his feet off the ground there was no way he could do anything but take his punishment. It hurt, she did not hold back and did not stop at twelve she kept going till he was sobbing uncontrollably, unable to help himself begging her to stop. Chapter 11 Oh God, it felt good but she had to stop. She hadn't realised how much she would enjoy spanking her boyfriend. Putting the brush down she put her arms under his body and legs and, showing surprising strength and technique, turned him over so that he was now sitting on her lap with his head pressed into her shoulder. "Now was that so bad?" She stroked the scarf that covered his head. "Come on baby." The sobbing continued unabated. She pulled the scarf down around his neck and put her hand to his chin and made him look in to her eyes. "I know it hurts but, I will hold you till the pain goes." As the tears rolled down his face his eyes showed total love and obedience that would never end. He was hers forever, not just the weekend. As she stroked his hair the crying quietened till he was silent except for what could only be called a purr of happiness. She stood quickly making him fall to the floor. "I see you have recovered. Come on, get up and look at me." "Turn around." This time she removed the handcuffs completely. "Now take off your scarf and straighten yourself up, I will not have my maid looking a mess like that." "No Mistress." David quickly straightened his skirt and cardigan and undid his scarf and stood twisting it in his hands. "Don't do that you will ruin it. Put it down." "Sorry Mistress." Looking at the scarf David quietly said, "Mistress it would look beautiful tying back your hair." Julie looked at him. Amazing not only did he look like a maid he was thinking like one. "Thank you David. That's a delightful idea." Taking the scarf she turned to the mirror and wrapped it around her hair, pulling it back away from her face. Watching although scared David knew, because he trusted her, that Julie would be good to him. "Come lets make something to eat. I think we both deserve a good meal." "Yes Mistress." He followed her in to the kitchen where she was already putting on an apron. She looked back at him and said, "take the cardigan off and hang it behind the door. You'll find an apron for you as well." The apron that was left was in no way similar to the one Julie had on. Hers was functional, this was totally feminine. He took the cardigan off and hung it up and was about to take the apron down. "Come on we haven't got all day." Her hand went past him taking the apron and quickly passing the straps over his head she adjusted them and tied it off in the back quite tightly so he gave a small grunt as she did it. "There now, we can get on. You do the washing up, there's some rubber gloves there. Come on now, chop chop." Julie moved to work top starting to make up a salad but couldn't help but watch as David looked down at the frilly apron he now wore and slowly moved to the sink putting on the gloves she had indicated and started the washing. He felt odd, how could he feel both wrong and right at the same time? As he finished the washing and had dried all the pots he heard Julie, "now you've done that, you can set the table, here is a tray. Put the plates and cutlery on and the glasses, you will find the table cloth and napkins in the bureau drawer. Come on I've nearly finished." "Yes Mistress." David went through to the lounge with the tray laying it down on the bureau. He quickly laid the table, taking great care to set everything out just so. He so wished to please Julie, 'His Mistress'. Julie moved into the lounge quietly with a tray of food and was delighted to see David busy at the table. As he leaned over to place the cutlery the skirt tightened over his bottom. Julie smiled, he looked delightful. "David, come take the tray." He spun round. "Julie..." her raised eyebrow changed this to "Mistress allow me." Taking the tray he placed it on the table and turned, "Please Mistress allow me." He pulled out the chair for his Mistress. She sat letting him push the chair in for her. He then busied himself serving her and pouring her wine. "You may also serve yourself my dear." "Thank you Mistress." Her smile broadened, he had bobbed a small curtsey. "Take off you're apron while you eat my dear." David reached behind him and undid the bow at the back. Folding the apron carefully, he placed it on the bureau. As he sat he automatically smoothed his skirt. Their meal was eaten in silence. As she finished, she stood up and walked towards him. He tried to stand. Her hand on his shoulder and the soft "No." stopped him he sat waiting for the next order. She moved behind him. "We can leave the dishes till morning." Her hand stroked his head as she moved her face next to his until their cheeks almost touched. The scarf that was now in her hand was wrapped around his head blocking out all the light. She tied it neatly at the back of his head again moving her hand to his cheek. "I love you, now come with me." She took his hand and pushed it back into the small of his back, not so it would hurt but so he knew she was in charge. She kept herself very close as they walked up the stairs to the bedroom. Her arousal had become almost insatiable she had to touch him to be close. In the bedroom she pushed him face first on to the bed. "DON'T MOVE." He lay face down, his left hand in the small of his back waiting. Everything he had felt, had aroused him, but he now was apprehensive. What was going to happen. The slap on his bottom stopped his daydream. "Stand up." He stood. "Now dance and strip for me, but not the scarf." He heard a click and the strains of music filled the room. He swayed his hips to the music and slowly stripped for his Mistress his Love. Julie sat on the bed watching, she had changed to a silky night shirt and her hand slowly moved to her vagina. He had gotten to the final button on the left blouse cuff. He slowly turned with the music sliding the blouse down till it hung off his wrists moving across his bottom the satin swishing over his stockinged legs. As the blouse fell, he left his hands at his back undoing the zip on the skirt and allowing that to fall to his ankles. He stepped away from his skirt. Her hand moved slowly in time with the music watching very closely as his hands moved to the slip easing down till it also fell at his ankles. Next the camisole fell to the floor. He then kicked off first one shoe, then the other, the knickers and tights followed, he was now dancing in a pile of satin in a girdle, blindfolded. The slight groans she was making where drowned by the music, 'I need him' she thought. He was struggling with the girdle, trying to dance and remove the tight garment was not easy but it was slowly pushed down till he had it to his calves. His penis, now free, stood at attention. She moved quickly, surprising him. Her hand encircling his penis, pulling him towards the bed. He struggled with his legs tied by the girdle. At the side of the bed she pushed him sideways till he fell. "In to the middle, quickly." He obeyed shuffling across feeling the soft sheets on his body sensing her scent on the pillow. She hurried pulling his arm up tying the scarf round his right wrist. Moving to the other side she did the same with his left. Oh God he looked good enough to eat. The bed shifted as she climbed on, lifting her leg across his body, straddling him, she eased herself down on to his penis. He almost exploded there and then but held himself back with a strength of will he did not know he had. As she rotated her hips, the feeling of his penis inside her made her shudder in ecstasy. He was hers, the first orgasm hit. He felt her shudder and involuntarily he pulled against his bonds trying to reach her. She felt his struggle and his helplessness gave her the next orgasm. Tightening herself around him, she moved with purpose now increasing her arousal and driving him beyond the edge her third orgasm almost coincided with his. Falling to his chest in pleasure she held him as he shuddered to a finish. Oh God, he's mine!

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Honeymoon Gone Wrong 8211 Part 1 My Mistake

Vineet Sisodiya, 29 years old and the eldest in my family with three younger brothers. Being well settled, my parents forced me into my marriage. I accepted and got married to Chaitali. Chaitali comes from a small town and is a graduate of Arts. Chaitali is magnificent beauty. She’s 5’ 7” tall, perfectly shaped figure, 34-sized firm boobs, 28-sized waists, 34-sized huge butts and fair skin tone. She has a beautiful face cut and long hair with pink lips. Though I have seen some bold pictures on...

3 years ago
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A Mistake

(Everyone in this story of legal age 18+) (This Story Is Purely Fictional. The characters in this story are not real. This story is made up and in no way a re-telling of events. Because they never took place. Thank you and enjoy.) ‘What do you mean I can’t check in to my room? Its’ my room, I paid for it!’ There Lizzy was, bags lying on the floor in front of the front desk counter of a hotel in Vegas and she couldn’t get into her room on a technicality, some one’s mistake. The clerk behind...

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Mias Service Part 1 A Deliberate Mistake

She heard the heavy wooden door that had admitted the cold wind slam shut. At the end of the corridor, the Beastkin servant that kept the dungeon records looked up from her ledger and gave Mia a sympathetic glance. Approaching footsteps echoed and the girl returned to her work. Mia turned her head to watch the stairs, though she knew who was approaching. It was well known, and a source of some scandal, that princess Liana disciplined her servants personally. Sure enough the princess came into...

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A Very Big Mistake

Tags: MC, MF, FF, MD, GR Synopsis: A woman is transformed in order to pay for her husband’s gambling debts. Notes: This is based on a story called ‘My Big Mistake’ by Jim, an older, unfinished tale. I like it and decided to tackle a re-boot and completion. I was spurred by a request on MC Forums for stories in which the wife is transformed in front of the husband, which seemed like an interesting twist. Adult, erotic fiction. Do not read if illegal or immoral for you. It is fiction in...

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Introduction: He gets his wish but now he wishes that he didnt. Jim and I had been married for six months when he started talking to me about swinging. Six more months later I finally said yes. Little did he know that it was a big mistake. Im Jenny. Im 55 tall and weigh 125 pounds with c cup tits and a nice flat tummy, long dark brown hair and blue eyes. I was a 21-year-old virgin when we got married and Jim was 25. Jim is 6 and weighed 180 pounds and was in really great shape. He still is. We...

1 year ago
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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”, she...

4 years ago
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406 Wendy and the big mistake

406 Wendy and the big mistake Having completed her duties at the collage, Wendy turned the little black sports car homeward, it was Friday, and driving in a stupor she was on the san Diego freeway before she realised, tonight she was in yet another randy and frustrated mood, this afternoon she had spent sorting a student`s problems, as it happened, he was a fit good-looking lad which always turns our heroine on. this one was wearing shorts, with an impressive bulge, was fit, bronzed and hansom,...

2 years ago
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A Big Mistake

Chapter One Medicine Hat, Alberta June, 1978 Neil watched Stephanie leave the school with Joanne and Iris and as they walked down the steps and strolled toward the bus stop. He couldn’t help but feel horrible after what had happened. How could he have acted like such an idiot? He had never behaved in such a manner before this. What had ever possessed him to make such an erroneous mistake? Earlier that day Stephanie had been pretty coy, but he was sure he had interpreted her signals correctly....

Straight Sex
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Grave mistake

Aliquis’ mistake The guards lead me into a dim lit room. I was brought with my hands locked in shackles behind my back, barefoot in jeans and a white shirt, a guard on each arm and two more behind. I was frightened, but I tried to hide it."This is my choice." I said to myself.In the room, a woman waited. She was dressed a conservatively; a white sleeveless blouse and a fitted pinstripe skirt over knee-high stockings: nothing too sexy, although the skirt had a side-split to mid thigh. She had...

4 years ago
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He Made A Big Mistake

My name is Jayson Stephens, Sara is my wife of four years. I’m a Seal Team member whose team is attached to a special CIA Black Opts. Unit. Our deployments are non-typical we would go when called and come back when our mission was accomplished. Sara is a beatiful woman 24 years old, 5’6” tall 118 lbs 36c boobs, long perfectly shaped legs and one tight butt. When I’m off deployment she would train with me some days running up 20 miles a day, lifting and calisthenics. Like most enlisted family’s...

2 years ago
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My First Mistake

My First Mistake I thought I would never be like most dirty men, but I am. This is my story. I came home, it was bad dealing with issues at work and my ex-wife calling me crying and worrying about our daughter. Ami had just turn eighteen and once again having issue at school, so I was going to go get her and bring her home with me. I now how to take her with me, where Ami could at least finish high school, at this moment I no longer give a hoot if she went to college. It was no big deal to me...

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Real Sister8217s Innocent Mistake

Hey, guys, my name is Rishabh this is my first story in ISS this is a real life incident which happened a year back when I was 18 how lucky I was and was able to fuck my own real sister due to her own mistake. Hope you all enjoy and will reach your orgasm. Happy orgasm. As I was getting older I was getting sexually attracted to my sister she is 4yrs elder to me (21) telling you guys about her assets she had a body every guy desires for she is very fair and her assets size is- 36,32,36.we have a...

3 years ago
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Makeup Mistake

This can be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Makeup Mistake By Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 John sat at his mother's vanity for the hundredth time. At 10 he had dressed as a girl for Halloween. The love of the clothes and the look stuck with him. He ate and kept himself in shape, making sure he did not develop muscles and overly noticeable masculine traits. He had snuck into his parents room and played with his mothers makeup and clothing ever...

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Brad Mistake

Bra'd Mistake By Callie Messenger It sounds strange, I know, but I'd never been presented with the opportunity before. The wife and her mother had gone to spend the weekend near London leaving me in peace and quiet to study. It's just that when I got into the shower I saw one of mother-in-law's bras hanging on the dryer. I know that my wife's don't fit me - of course I've tried - but mother-in-law is a much larger woman. Her bra was a 40DD according to the label. So I slipped it...

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Correcting a young coworkers mistake

I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”; she...

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One Fatal Mistake

One Fatal Mistake - By Kimberley De Schiffart My name is Kimberley De Schiffart and I?m a 24 year-old woman. I have a 9-year-old son. Yes, I know, I was only 15 when I became a mother, but he?s the most precious thing in my life. My son is biracial, his father is Black and I?m White. We were young and fooling around, but I haven?t seen him since. He didn?t even know I was pregnant. My son never knew his father that?s why he carries my last name. Even since my parents died when...

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One Simple Mistake

One Simple Mistake By Jennifer Allison It started on my graduation night from high school, twenty-two years ago. Let me tell you about myself back then. My dad was a multi millionaire. I was the captain of the team of every sport I played. I had girls hanging on both arms, and not just because my dad was rich. I had a flaming red Corvette convertible ever since the day I passed my drivers test. I had been accepted at Sanford but before starting I intended to spend a year of fun and...

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My Mistake

My Mistake Copyright 2003 By Jessica81 Chapter 1: The Mistake I looked at my sister who was looking at me. "You look cute." was all that she said. I stammered for words here I was standing here wearing a pink pleated mini skirt and a black turtleneck sweater along with a pair of black tights. I also had on a pair of her 4 1/2 inch platforms. She had one pair that she wore to parties that could be closed with a padlock that was the pair I had on and without thinking had closed...

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Moms mistake

Part 1 Mom's Mistake Even though Sharons my mom, the famous bitch deserved everything that happened toher and more. She had built a world wide following as "Sharon with Tits out" on the internet at http://xhamster.com/user/SharonwithTitsoutand was resposible for huge volumes of cum being spilled all over the world daily as i saw when she showed me some of her fans jerking off for her or sending her back pictures of her face and Tits coated in cumThings were fine as long as I fucked her...

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Memories Revisited Fixing Gods Mistake

Memories Revisited: Fixing God's Mistake By Heather St. Claire Diane McMasters poured another cup of coffee for herself and her husband David. The morning sun was streaming into their kitchen and glistened from the stainless steel appliances. The kitchen was big, modern and filled with light?every woman's dream. Diane had particular appreciation for it because David had built it with his own hands. His success as a building contractor had made it possible for their family to enjoy...

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A Very Fortunate Mistake

A Very Fortunate Mistake By Anne Oni Mouse (February 2013) - - - - - - - - My life had never been one of excitement and love was something I saw others enjoying. All of that changed when I decided not to put my shoes on to pick up the milk from my doorstep. - - - - - - - - I had just slipped my stockinged toes out on the doorstep to pick up my milk that had been delivered when I looked up and was stunned to see Paul, who...

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A Stupid Mistake

Author's Note: This is more or less canon/non-canon to my next big story dubbed 'Crimson City'. The first two paragraphs will take place in that story but everything afterwards is just a fun TG tale since CC is going to be very dark. "Again there is nothing that I can do. I could make it so your daughter has either always known she's been a girl or make her somewhat happy with the situation. I sincerely apologize for what happened," Emmi Lams said to the man standing in front of...

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Megans Mistake

Megan's Mistake Prologue This was supposed to be the greatest year of Megan's life. It was her senioryear of high school, captain of the cheerleading team, envy of all the othergirls, and wettest dream of all the boys. Nothing but good times lay aheadfor the prettiest girl in Lakeview High. Sometimes though, life throws youa curve and things don't always turn out the way they are supposed to. It was April now, a particularly cold and rainy day. Megan was sitting ona bus headed to the...

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Forced Mistake

Mina was bored. Her parents were gone on another business trip, and classes had just ended for the term. If she was like her friends she would try to get a job, or go to the beach or even hang out at the mall and shops. But no, Mina was at home, bored and frustrated. By choice. Mostly. By mistake really. A mistake she forced on herself. Mark brought Ruth over for the first time just before spring break. She was a decent girl, pretty enough. But Mina was instantly jealous of girl. Her father...

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Wifes Weight Loss Mistake

My world fell apart several months ago and after I managed to control my hurt and anger I began to retaliate against the cruel, unnecessary attack I suffered through. Like most mid aged persons I (more than my wife) have that roll of fat around my waistline. My wife Ann and I have discussed toning up and losing weight for a couple of years but c'mon. Life is good and we love to eat and drink. Finally, I hit 250 and the crap hit the fan. Ann and I had begun going to the YMCA to exercise and...

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