(continued from part 1, file split in two because of size)
A Novel by Miss Anthropy
(c) 2000 Miss Anthropy. All rights reserved.
This is an erotic work of fiction the setting of which is an alternative history of the
United Kingdom. Any resemblance of the characters therein to actual persons living
or dead is entirely coincidental. The text contains strong language and depictions of
persons engaged in violent, sexual and/or degrading acts that some people may find
"In woman, a slave and a tyrant have all too long been concealed"
Two weeks after the unfortunate demise of the Head of Penal Services, Henrietta
Raven was sitting at her desk once more, trying desperately to catch up with her
paperwork. She glanced with irritation at the clock on the wall. It was two o clock in
the afternoon already and she had not yet started on the official business she had to
deal with. The Minister was much too busy writing up some notes in a little green
book she kept locked in her desk.
The notes were in code of course, but the letters, numbers and nicknames marked
down in Henrietta's cursive hand represented a wealth of information that gave her
much of her personal power. Each page of the booklet represented a different
individual; a small number were for her friends and confidantes, rather more were
for real or potential enemies, but by far the greatest number were for women
Henrietta had snared in her ever growing web of intrigue and deceit.
She leafed through the pages, viewing the grotesque collection of human heads on
display, inspecting the intimate balance sheets of strengths and capabilities, desires
and vulnerabilities. Reaching the page that represented the Head of Penal Services,
she printed a small letter 'R' in the bottom right hand corner and waited for the
glistening ink on the yellow page to dry.
There was rather more detail to add about the heiress, though this was a tiresome
task. She noted the significant increase in the amount the heiress was donating to
one of Henrietta's trust funds. Henrietta found blackmailing for money a rather
vulgar business but sadly necessary to support her less official political activities. If
it could be done alongside more important tasks, so much the better.
The topic of blackmail reminded her of an altogether more important and
pleasurable task she would shortly need to undertake. A useful minion whose name
she had forgotten had recently arranged for a small blue file to come into the hands
of one of her agents in London. When copies of the papers the file contained
reached Henrietta, the Minister had almost fallen of her chair cackling with amused
delight and juicy anticipation at the use to which this information might be put. The
North Castle problem would shortly be dealt with very nicely.
Henrietta's contemplation was disturbed by a gentle knocking at the great oak door
leading into her room.
"Yes, what is it?" she snapped, slightly annoyed.
The door opened and there stood Josephine, looking nervous as usual. Henrietta
was puzzled.
"Did I ring for the maid?" she asked, wondering if a bout of incandescent fury
against a serving girl might lighten the day for her a little.
"Miss Blacklock sent the maid here, Mistress," came the reply. "There are no duties
for the maid this afternoon and Miss Blacklock did not want her to idle, Mistress."
"No duties?" Henrietta snorted. She tried for a moment to think of something
particularly unpleasant for Josephine to do but quickly gave up trying. She could
only think of asking her to polish the brasses again but most of these were in the
study and Henrietta could not bear the thought of Josephine clumsily working in the
room while she was dealing with reams of dull paperwork....
"You've got a brain of sorts, haven't you?" she asked suddenly.
"The Mistress is very kind."
"Hmmm. Yes. A free brain," mused Henrietta to herself. "One that can't even leave
this house without my permission. That's quite useful, really. You used to be a
political theorist, didn't you Smythe?"
"The maid was an enemy of....."
Henrietta cut Josephine short with a sharp wave of her hand.
"You will find," she said slowly, "that women are better at the practicalities."
She indicated towards one of the heaps of paper on he desk. "Those are things I
have to deal with myself because I don't trust the bureaucrats. It's pretty obvious
from Joseph Smythe's seditious writings that you are familiar with the way we like
to do things around here. Start by sorting them out according to what they are and
I'll see how you get on. You can work on the floor down there, but stay where I can
see you."
"Thank you, Mistress," replied Josephine flatly, carefully hiding her feelings.
Although she had been doing her best to conceal it, Josephine's heart had been
pounding in her throat throughout the conversation. She had lied to the Mistress. It
was only a tiny lie, something which had little potential to do anyone any harm, but a
lie nevertheless. It had not been Miss Blacklock's idea for Josephine to offer her
assistance at that point. Josephine has calculated her own timing for this intervention
and had her own reasons.
Her 'brain of sorts' had been working overtime ever since she had caught Penelope
emerging from her secret passage which she discovered offered the maid excellent
opportunities to snoop on conversations in Henrietta's hall. Josephine was
determined to use every opportunity she could find to make herself valuable to the
person who really mattered in the little world in which she was imprisoned.
She did not know exactly where this resolve had come from. Her first instincts, ever
since she had become aware of herself had been to hide away, to make herself small
so that nobody would notice her. But she had learnt that society took great interest
in the weak as it delighted in dragging them from their hiding places, tormenting and
abusing them. And beneath her self abasement and gratitude for punishment, the
seed of anger had been germinating.
Josephine remembered that anger was a weakness, a horrible, destructive, masculine
weakness. Joseph Smythe was angry about power and domination; about things he
saw as 'unjust'. That was why he wrote his pamphlets and criticised the government.
Terrified that the heretic was still alive and well inside her as, the Mistress had
suggested, she had always tried until recently to drive any thoughts of anger or
revenge from her mind.
Lying in the narrow bed in the maids' room, cradling Penelope in her arms,
Josephine had begun to think otherwise. Joseph's weakness and stupidity was in the
way he used his anger. He had gone onto the streets to shout about 'oppression' and
'injustice' as though he and others like him, could tear down the Party and turn the
clock back to the days of democracy. It was pointless to resist the will of society and
all Joseph and people like him achieved was harm to the community and of course
their own destruction.
Josephine was learning, slowly and painfully, to channel her anger to more
constructive ends. She would not fight the system but she would learn to benefit
from it. Pain and humiliation would come to her unless she learnt how to avoid it,
not by pleading for mercy but by learning who had power and how to manipulate
them. That was how women operated, after all. She realised that while she was
imprisoned in this house, she had to make herself valuable to the one person who
really mattered there.
Penelope had proven to be goldmine of information about Henrietta. She had been
collecting it like a magpie by listening from her secret passageways and, though her
understanding was simplistic, Josephine was able to fill in the gaps fairly easily. A
few whispered conversations with the maid gave her an essential grasp of Lady
Raven's activities, both of the official and the unofficial kind.
Lady Raven's recently acquired political power was keeping her busy. Much too
busy in fact. Her deeply suspicious mindset and the devious nature of her activities
made it impossible for her to delegate the power she had recently gathered into her
breast. The Ministry, the Party and especially Factor Three were full of potential
enemies, any of whom might try to undermine her. Josephine was determined find
out more about these things than Penelope could tell her, though she knew she
would have to be careful.
The more she found out about Henrietta and the way in which she operated, the
more amazed about her she became. Beneath the former judge's official roles lay an
invisible matrix spreading through the power structure around her like a fungus.
There was no way, however, that Henrietta could become more terrifying for
Josephine than she already was. Josephine knew that her Mistress could hurt,
humiliate or kill her on a whim, and Henrietta's willingness to betray, blackmail and
murder others of her own kind made this no worse. It was even quite comforting to
know that others had suffered much more from Henrietta than Josephine ever had.
Josephine also got to know her Mistress's routines and habits. She found out when
Henrietta had callers, who frequented the house and why, when she was likely to be
busy and when she needed to rest. Josephine knew that understanding these
domestic details would be vital. Ever cautious to make sure that nobody noticed she
was gleaning information, except for Penelope who was under strict orders to keep
silent, Josephine waited for the right moment. And when the right moment came, she
"I think that's everything," said Henrietta, signing the final document with her thick
black fountain pen. It was about six o clock in the evening and, with Josephine's
assistance, she had completed all the work that had to be done that day. The maid
had proved to be surprisingly useful in helping her to organise her work, and had
even come up with one or two helpful suggestions on less controversial issues.
Josephine was much more competent as a secretary of sorts than she was as a maid.
Henrietta had frequently looked up from her work during the afternoon to cast her
eye over Josephine, partly to make sure she was working hard, which she always
was, but mostly because she was still intrigued about her. Part of her had enjoyed
beating Josephine a great deal, but she also felt a strange regret about the incident.
She had wanted to hurt Joseph Smythe, or at least something that reminded her of
him, but had begun to see Josephine as a different person in her own right. Perhaps
she should get to know this girl a little better before flogging her again.
"Will the Mistress require anything else?" asked Josephine.
"Not now," came the curt reply.
"Thank you, Mistress."
Josephine was about to leave when Henrietta's eye fell on one small bundle of
papers she had not allowed the maid to see.
"There is one more thing, now that I think of it," she added, with a smile. "I have a
visitor next Wednesday at three o clock in the afternoon. I would like you to make
sure you greet her in person at the front door and bring her straight in to me. Do
you understand me?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Good. Now I think we should both take the rest of the day off." Henrietta paused
for a moment before adding sarcastically, "I trust you have no prior dinner
"No, Mistress."
"Then perhaps you would eat at my table tonight? I have need of company."
"Thank you, Mistress," Josephine beamed.
"Then I'll see you in here then. Eight o clock sharp."
Two hours later, Josephine stepped nervously back into Lady Raven's study. Her
uniform had been exchanged for the satin folds of one of Henrietta's older evening
dresses which the Mistress had lent her and Penelope had done her best to tidy up
her hair. Josephine had spent a long time admiring herself in the mirror watching the
shimmering fabric of the evening dress change from purple to blue as it caught the
light in different ways. She felt liberated and free to be beautiful for one evening. It
was a truly wonderful feeling.
Henrietta looked up lazily from her armchair as Josephine entered the room. She
had always loathed that particular dress and it seemed a suitably ignominious fate
for the wretched thing to end up wrapped round Josephine's scrawny little body. It
was, of course, a few sizes too big for her and it flopped around except for where it
was tightly gathered in. Still, Josephine looked pretty in her own, slightly comical
manner when she shuffled into the dining room. Henrietta greeted her visitor with a
magnanimous smile.
"Good evening, Josephine," she said. "Please take a seat."
"Thank you, Mistress."
"We can drop the usual formalities this evening, my dear," replied Henrietta with a
benevolent grin. "Ma'am or Lady Raven will suffice."
Soon afterwards, the two women were dining on roast beef and potatoes. Josephine
was used to leftovers in the servant's kitchen and found the meal delicious though
rather rich. She ate slowly and carefully, anxious not to spill anything on her
wonderful dress while Henrietta devoured her own portion with enthusiasm. Before
long, the Mistress was greedily licking the gravy from her plate and Josephine
found herself unable to eat any more.
Neither of them had spoken much during the meal itself, but afterwards, when they
retired back to the armchairs for coffee, the evening's conversation began in earnest.
"I'm glad you were able to assist me today," Henrietta remarked, sipping at her cup.
"And I might have need of you again in the future. You seemed to enjoy that sort of
work as well. Am I right?"
Josephine wriggled a little in her seat, unused to the freedom of movement the dress
provided. "I found it different from my other work, ma'am," she replied, cautiously.
"And variety is a wonderful thing, is it not?"
"Yes ma'am."
Henrietta laughed. "You're ambitious, aren't you?".
"Only to be useful, ma'am," Josephine replied.
"Why would you want to be useful to me?" asked Henrietta, quizzically.
"Because I want to serve my country." Josephine remembered the Moral Issues
lessons at the Penitentiary. She used to call it 'Safe Answers'.
"No, you don't," snapped Henrietta. "You are afraid of me hurting you if you aren't
useful, aren't you?"
"I would deserve any punishment that..."
Henrietta snorted. "Always answer any question I put to you directly, and never lie,"
she said. "There's no shame in acting entirely from fear of punishment and hope of
reward. I like that sort of ambition in my subordinates. It makes them predictable
and easy to control."
"Do you think so?" asked Josephine.
"Oh, of course. Provided one has the upper hand of course." Henrietta rested her
long fingers on her omnipresent riding whip with a smile that made Josephine
"Tell me, my dear," she continued, "Have you, and I mean you, not Joseph Smythe,
ever acted from another motivation? Does any other motivation exist, even?"
Josephine thought hard. She knew that Henrietta would see through any recital of
Community Party dogma straight away. There had been little freedom in her life so
far, and on the few occasions where a choice had been forced from her, fear of
immediate pain had been the dominant factor.
"What about friendship?" she asked, half talking to herself.
"Banding together with others of your own kind for mutual gain, you mean?"
sneered Lady Raven. "Very altruistic. Try again."
Josephine's mind raced through her experiences, desperately trying to find
something intelligent to say to Henrietta. She could sense that this was some
horrible trap, something to trick her into saying something that would give the
Mistress and excuse to hurt her. Suddenly, a reassuring figure stepped into her
mind. Miss Stapleton.
"Love?" she asked in a weak voice. Henrietta's blue eyes opened wide in amused
astonishment before her athletic frame shook with laughter.
"You're a jester, not a maid," she spluttered, barely able to control her mirth. "You
even look the part. Love is fear, Josephine. Learn the equation."
"I don't understand, Mistress..."
"That is because your education is lacking," Henrietta snapped dismissively.
"Perhaps I shall take you in hand when there are no important things to tend to.
Then, my dear, you will understand the nature of 'love' implicitly."
"Thank you, ma'am."
Henrietta nodded.
"And thank you, my dear, for this evening. I believe you have an early start
tomorrow so I will not keep you any longer. If you must love, love your own
ambition, Josephine. It's the only thing that will ever set you above the cattle."
Miss Blacklock had made a careful note of Josephine's evening of comfort and
privilege and was determined to make her pay for it with interest over the next few
days. Though careful not to give the housekeeper any excuse to punish her,
Josephine had somehow found her way near to the top of the list of people whom
the housekeeper hated.
This was largely because Josephine offended her sense of natural justice which
dictated that the value of a person was in exact proportion to the number of years
they had been working at the Raven family mansion. The interest Henrietta showed
in Josephine and the mysterious influence the new maid had over Penelope, by
rights her superior, were both in violation of this law and galling for the housekeeper
in the extreme.
So she took her revenge in time honoured fashion and by Tuesday evening
Josephine was exhausted. The grim determination to endure pain, discomfort and
humiliation she had learnt at North Castle had helped her survive through the most
unpleasant tasks Miss Blacklock had to give her, but by that evening she felt her
strength and will to continue had gone. The harder she worked, the more work she
was given and the housekeeper seemed determined to keep turning the ratchet until
something snapped. As she dragged herself up the narrow stairs towards her
bedroom late at night, she knew it would break her before long. Something had to
happen, and soon.
As she reached the low wooden door that led into the Maid's Room, she was
shocked to hear a fervent scraping, scratching sound coming from inside. Was there
an animal or bird in the room? She was worried about Penelope who had long since
been allowed to go to bed, but had a horrid vision of a rat leaping at her or some
giant crow hurtling towards her face when she opened the door. Was Penelope
She gently knocked at the door with the back of her hand. The sound stopped. She
knocked again, her fear driving fatigue away from her
"Help me," came a weak voice from the inside. Penelope. It was not a terrified call
for help, more a mournful, painful whimper. Without further hesitation, Josephine
twisted the door handle and barged her way into the room. She was shocked and
alarmed at what she saw.
At first she thought poor Penelope had been the victim of a cruel prank by one of
the other maids or one of Miss Blacklock's more unusual punishments. She was
completely naked and bound securely, face down on the narrow bed; obviously
uncomfortable. Josephine winced when she saw her hands poking through the iron
bed frame so tightly bound together that they were almost purple. A washing board
was laid across the bed so that Penelope's sex pressed tightly against the ridges of
cold steel. Josephine noticed that Joseph Smythe's old leather belt was lying on the
floor by the bed.
"Who did this to you?" asked Josephine, quickly closing the door behind her.
"Nobody," replied Penelope, turning her tear stained face to the new arrival.
Josephine could see that the ligature that bound Penelope's wrists was tied in an
elaborate lasso with a long dangling strip of cloth the maid had pulled at with her
teeth to tighten it. She had clearly gone too far and trapped herself. Josephine also
noticed Joseph Smythe's old trouser belt stretched out on the floor by the bed. "I'm
sorry, Josephine. I'm sorry."
Josephine could not bear to see her suffer any longer.
"Let me help you." Josephine tried to release her hands, but Penelope had clearly
made a furious effort to tighten her own bonds as much as possible. At length
Josephine managed to free a loop which loosened them but could not unpick them
altogether. She would need a pair of scissors for that and there were none to hand.
Penelope looked up furtively as Josephine massaged her hands and managed to
return them to something like their normal colour. Then she carefully slid the
washing board out from under the maid, noticing a thin smear of clear liquid on its
As she saw what she had spilt on the cold metal, Penelope's face screwed up into a
grimace of disgust. Josephine put it on the floor and tried to calm her down by
holding her gently, stroking the soft white skin of her back.
"Josephine," Penelope said, slowly and deliberately pronouncing each syllable of
her name. "Josephine, I want to die. Make me die, Josephine." The maid looked
longingly into the pillow beneath her chin, hoping to be suffocated.
"I'm not allowed to kill you," replied Josephine in a matter-of-fact manner. "The
Mistress would punish me for it." Beneath her stern exterior, Josephine was in a
state of panic. Penelope knew things that were dangerous; that she had told
Josephine the Mistress's secrets. Josephine relied on Penelope's mortal terror of
discovery for her own protection. Suicidal despair could make her unpredictable.
"She doesn't see me any more," whined Penelope, drooling spit and tears onto her
pillow. "She doesn't touch me like she used to."
"Who?" asked Josephine.
"Mistress!" cried out Penelope, so loud that Josephine was forced to silence her by
placing her hand across her jaw.
"Quiet!" hissed Josephine. "Or you'll get us both into a lot of trouble. She used to
touch you?" She released her grip on Penelope enough to let her nod her head and,
once satisfied that the maid was calmer, allowed her to speak again.
"She saw me every day," whispered Penelope, still excited. "She held me. She
spanked me. She beat me. She made love to me. I was special to her. I felt so
wonderful when she touched me with her beautiful whip, Josephine. I wanted to be
in her arms forever. She is so powerful, Josephine. So beautiful and perfect."
"What happened then?"
"She found another girl. A clever girl; much prettier than me. She liked the clever
girl more than me. She said I had no purpose, Josephine. She never touches me
now; she won't even look at me."
Listening to Penelope's little tale of woe, Josephine felt strangely excited to hear her
name being repeated so many times in the young maid's pleading tone. Penelope
"The clever girl ran away and the Mistress sent for me. I thought she would have me
again but she said I was no good. Now she's got you, Josephine. She likes to be
with you because you're big and clever. I'm no good, Josephine. No good for
anybody. I want to die. I want to..."
Penelope's voice had been raising in volume again and once again she was almost in
hysterics. Josephine stifled her once again, leaning over her from behind trying to
smother her mouth. Penelope bit Josephine's fingers hard, so in desperation
Josephine placed her full weight on her knee in the small of Penelope's back, pulling
up her head as she did so.
"You will be quiet!" This time there was real aggression in Josephine's voice,
coupled with the pain she was inflicting. The effect was instantaneous. Totally
subdued, Penelope went limp and silent. Josephine eased the pressure and felt the
maid breathing through her nose, deeply and rhythmically. Josephine waited for her
to calm down again before letting go of her mouth, but leaving her knee in place
where, if needed, it could assert her authority again.
"Oh, Josephine," gasped Penelope. Her voice had now changed altogether, more a
sigh of pleasure than a cry of pain. "Josephine!"
There was something reassuring but at the same time disturbing in Penelope's
reaction. Josephine could feel her breathing faster again, but this time not in fear but
in anticipation and her skin become warmer to the touch. Penelope was waiting for
"Are you alright now?" asked Josephine.
"Hurt me again, Josephine. Please."
"I don't want to harm you," replied Josephine, partly to remind herself that this was
On hearing this, Penelope began to cry again, filling Josephine with pity for the
wretched creature who lay bound and helpless beneath her. It was an unusual sort of
pity, blended with the growing delight she felt in having another human being under
her complete control. As though linked by some invisible thread of understanding,
both women's eyes fell on the belt that lay on the floor.
"I'll look after you," said Josephine softly, sliding from the bed onto her feet and
reaching down for the implement.
"Thank you, Josephine," whispered Penelope, closing her eyes in expectant bliss.
Josephine picked up the belt and stretched it out. It was thin and made of imitation
leather. She had no idea how much or little it might hurt someone if used as a whip.
Penelope trembled in anticipation as Josephine felt the soft skin of her buttocks with
her fingertips. Breathing in quietly, Josephine prepared herself for what she was
about to do. She would have to satisfy her.
The first blow was pretty feeble; just a flick from her wrist that barely left a mark on
Penelope's behind. Josephine felt awkward and embarrassed as the maid continued
shivering as though nothing had happened.
"Not like that! Harder, Josephine!" urged the maid. Josephine steeled herself and,
raising her elbow to her shoulder to give the blow a little more force, delivered a
satisfying crack across her buttocks. That felt much better; she was getting into her
"Ooh, Josephine. Thank you, Josephine!" gasped the maid, tensing herself up for
the third stroke which landed shortly afterwards. Josephine was amazed at the way
her tiredness was vanishing. She felt stronger, physically and mentally, than she had
ever felt before, rejuvenated and purified. Above all, it was a taste of liberation.
Penelope grew even more excited and repeated Josephine's name again and again
like a chant as Josephine struck her two more times. Josephine realised that she too
was becoming strangely excited. A warm, visceral glow of wellbeing built inside her
as though a disturbed balance had been restored. Penelope had begun to squirm in
her bonds, panting with exhilaration as she tried to knead her clitoris against the
bedclothes. Trembling with delight, Josephine dropped the belt and fell across the
young maid's body, feeling the energy of her straining sinews.
"Help me, Josephine!" pleaded the maid, obviously trying to reach a climax.
Josephine reached under between her legs and felt her sex, warm and wet, twitching
with excitement. Penelope stopped writhing but was breathing faster than ever as
Josephine reached her clitoris. She could feel the burning lines where the belt had
struck Penelope warm against her belly as she slowly and carefully extended her
index finger up inside the hot vagina.
That was enough for Penelope. Her entire body jerked within its bonds covering
Josephine's hands with its juices. Gasping with pleasure, Josephine removed her
hand and embraced Penelope. Penelope gave a little squeak of delight as she felt the
warmth of Josephine gently enveloping her.
"Josephine," she said. "I love you, Josephine, I love you...."
"You're mine now," replied Josephine. "You don't need a Mistress. You're my
precious little one now, aren't you?"
"Yes, Josephine," Penelope replied.
Wednesday morning was once more a trial for Josephine but her load was lightened
by her memories of what had happened the previous night. She had managed to find
a pair of scissors and, finally released from her self inflicted confinement, Penelope
slept soundly in her arms. The stripes that Josephine had given her were nothing
like as savage or numerous as Henrietta's blows and had more or less disappeared
by the morning. They were more symbolic than actually damaging.
Still, part of Josephine felt uneasy about what she had done. The ghost of Joseph
Smythe's morality wormed its way into her mind as she scrubbed the kitchen floor.
True enough, Penelope was what Joseph would have called a 'consenting adult' in
the physical sense but her stunted personality made a mockery of this concept.
Joseph would have said that she needed help, not exploitation.
Josephine reproached herself. This was foolishness. Joseph Smythe was dead as
was his world of personal rights and responsibilities. It no longer mattered what he
would have thought. The rules were different now and Josephine would do whatever
she needed to in order to survive. Penelope had a utility value. She also represented
a danger. She therefore had to be controlled and by whatever means necessary.
Three o clock approached and Josephine changed into her black and white uniform
to greet Lady Raven's special visitor as instructed. She hovered near the door until
exactly five minutes to three when the heavy doorbell chimed. When she opened the
door she was astonished to see the Governess of North Castle Penitentiary waiting
on the threshold.
"Hello Josephine," said Miss Peters, instantly recognising the maid. She was
wearing her most expensive suit in a form fitting light grey with a white blouse
underneath but seemed somehow less threatening and overbearing outside her own
office where Josephine's excruciating interviews with her had taken place. If
anything, though, she seemed more nervous than usual though was trying to appear
chatty and relaxed.
"Good afternoon, ma'am," replied the maid. The Governess was still a terrifyingly
powerful figure and as she swept through the door Josephine held open, fearful
memories of the prison came in as well and hovered menacingly in the air.
"You're looking very nice," said the Governess. "I hope you've been behaving
"Thank you, ma'am," Josephine looked at the floor.
"There's plenty of room in North Castle for you if you don't," she laughed. "How is
the Mistress of the house?"
"She is very well, thank you ma'am."
"Is she? Never mind...." The Governess paused awkwardly at Josephine's
astonishment as her casual reply before chuckling nervously. "Is she waiting in her
lair for me?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"No time to waste, then!"
The change in Miss Peters' demeanour when she entered Henrietta's giant hall could
not have been more marked. Her flippancy vanished and she drew herself in as
though preparing for a battle. Henrietta herself was waiting in a corner of the room
in the same peach coloured suit she had worn on the day she had sentenced Joseph
Smythe. Josephine wondered for a moment if the discussion might have something
to do with her, but dismissed the idea from her mind immediately. Women like the
Mistress and the Governess would only meet to talk about important things.
"I'm glad you could join me, Jocelyn," said Henrietta with a sickly smile. "How do
you like my humble abode?"
"The house is most impressive, ma'am," came the reply.
"I'm glad you like it. Maid, fetch me a Scotch and for Miss Peters..."
"Just a glass of water please, Josephine."
Josephine hurried out of the room to fetch the drinks while the women continued to
exchange brief pleasantries. By the time Henrietta was swilling her whisky glass
they had started on more serious matters.
"I'm not accusing Factor Three of anything," said Miss Peters. "But the regulations
make it clear that...."
"Let me put this differently," replied Henrietta, stretching out her arms. "The
Minister for Law and Order is asking you, as a personal favour, to reconsider your
approach to this."
"I don't think it is in my gift, ma'am."
"That's a pity," replied Henrietta. "A great pity as you are a lady of some talent.
You've come an awful long way, haven't you?"
"Are you asking for my resignation, ma'am?"
"Calm down!" Henrietta flapped her hand through the air. "Why would I do that? I
was merely observing that you've climbed a lot of rungs since you first joined us.
What were you to begin with?"
"Clerical assistant, ma'am."
"And before that?"
"It was my first job, ma'am." The Governess was suddenly uncomfortable with this
line of questioning.
Henrietta grinned evilly.
"I think we can provide a little more detail than that about your background," she
said slowly, watching for the horrified reaction on her minion's face. "Maid, fetch
the little envelope on my desk for Miss Peters."
Josephine obeyed her Mistress. There was something small and heavy inside the
envelope which was open with the flap tucked in.
"No building can be stronger than its foundations, Peters," reproached Henrietta.
"Look inside, it's yours."
Miss Peters had gone pale. She looked as though as though something terrible was
hunting her down. She slid her hand into the envelope and then withdrew it
suddenly. Two small spots of blood fell from her fingertips onto her pure white
blouse as a metal object fell out of the envelope and clattered on the floor. It was
silver butterfly brooch from North Castle Penitentiary.
"Twenty years ago, when you first joined, you told us you had never been convicted
of a criminal offence," boomed Henrietta. "Your entire career rests on that lie."
Josephine watched in horror as the Governess crumpled to her knees.
"I want you to watch this, Josephine," said Henrietta, scooping up some papers from
a chair with sadistic delight. Josephine noticed that her riding whip was also close to
hand. "Listen to your Governess telling us exactly what she is and where she came
The Mistress walked over to the Governess who knelt staring at the unfastened
silver badge on the floor in front of her.
"We're waiting" sang Henrietta. "Recognise yourself?" She waved a photocopy of
an old black and white photograph in front of Miss Peters' face. Even from a
distance, Josephine could see the image of a terrified young woman standing in
chains between two wardresses, her mouth wide open at the enormity of what was
happening to her. Despite the years the resemblance was striking.
"Absconding from a girls' reformatory," pronounced Henrietta. The Governess'
haunted eyes were still fixed on the photograph.
"I... shouldn't have been sent there," she stammered. "It was wrong!"
Henrietta struck her hard across the face, knocking her down from her knees into a
heap on the floor.
"Who are you to tell me what is 'wrong'?" the Mistress cried, raising her hand once
more. The Governess had started bleeding from her nose and her lip. "I'll tell you
what was wrong. Your parents were traitors to their country. That was wrong. They
should have hanged all three of you."
"They..." began the Governess, sucking in the blood so she could speak. "They
were internees, not traitors. I.... I shouldn't have been sent..."
"Poor little rich girl didn't like slumming it with the working class?" sneered
Henrietta, crouching low to seize her victim by the hair. She allowed the
incriminating documents to scatter on the floor around her.
"They were cruel to me... they hurt me....."
"Probably because they loved their country!" Henrietta hissed, twisting Miss Peters'
hair and forcing her to stare up into her face. "So you ran away? I think the
magistrate was perfectly within her rights to send you to North Castle!"
"You're hurting me!" squealed the Governess. Henrietta laughed and squeezed
"How old were you when we caught you?" Henrietta laughed. "Eighteen? What a
tender age! I bet you had company in there! How many times?"
Josephine, watching the little scene and with rising fascination saw the moment
when the mistress of North Castle, hitherto a superhuman figure and a symbol of
authority, broke beneath the glare of the Minister for Law and Order. Henrietta
released the Governess and watched her cry like a baby, bleat like an animal and
shed blood as a, very ordinary, injured human being. Josephine knew that she would
never see this woman in the same light.
Henrietta had not finished with her yet.
"And now we have caught you again," she pronounced, walking around the
Governess who had curled herself up in a tight ball just as Josephine had the first
time Henrietta beat her. "Deliberately making a false claim on an official form?
That's five years imprisonment, Peters. Five years. I doubt if you would last five
Miss Peters murmured softly to herself on the floor. It sounded like a prayer about
forgiveness. Henrietta smiled when she heard the words and knelt down by the
"The Ministry never forgives and it never forgets, Jocelyn," she whispered.
"Everything we do leaves a permanent mark. You belong to me while I control your
little secret. After that...."
Henrietta left her sentence hanging in the air and drew herself to her feet. She cast a
casual glance at Josephine.
"Maid!" she ordered. "Miss Peters will remain here until she has composed herself.
Then the maid will show her outside, through the servants' entrance."
Josephine stepped forwards to see if there was anything she could do to help Miss
"Don't touch her," cautioned Henrietta. "She's still your superior."
Late that evening, the Governess arrived back at the old fortress she had entered
before once as a captive and again, twenty years later, as its mistress. She was
shocked to find a prison van waiting for her at the station, but the driver tipped her
cap and begged her pardon as the official car was in the garage being serviced.
The Governess rode silently in the passenger seat as the van approached the prison.
As the van bounced along the badly kept road, the little brooch inside her handbag
rattled around like a malevolent genie waiting to burst out and declare itself. She
clutched the handbag tightly in her lap, desperately trying to hold it in a way that
would silence its guilty contents. In doing so she accidentally wound its leather strap
around her wrists until, thinking she had snared herself untangled them in a frenzy
as though they were laced with poison.
She watched the black form of the Penitentiary looming up out of the night. Why
had she lied about her past so many years ago? Her boyfriend, now deceased, had
told her it was the only way to escape from it and to live as an honest citizen.
Henrietta's words that afternoon had swept the illusion away. The years of faithful
service that were laid upon that lie and the promotions that followed only served to
maximise its impact and therefore the severity of the punishment that awaited her.
As they opened the main gate she realised the cut on her lip had burst open again. It
was dark, as it had been the first time they brought her here. She was bleeding, as
she had been the first time she heard the awful grating sound of the opening gates.
She was afraid.
As the Governess stepped through the door that was opened for her a sodium lamp
snapped on and bathed her in its unforgiving light. Cowering from the glare she
heard, as she had done thirty years before, the unmistakable clacking of a North
Castle wardress' heavy boots on cobblestones.
"Fell down the stairs?" a callous voice enquired, accompanied by a jangling of keys.
Miss Harper had descended from her room to welcome her. "Ma'am?" she added as
an afterthought, after a suitable pause.
"I am fine, thank you," the Governess whispered.
"I'm your instructions from Her Ladyship," Miss Harper whispered with a cackle.
"Please don't try to leave this building, by the way. Welcome back."
The gates slammed shut behind her.
The weeks that followed the Governess' humiliation had passed relatively pleasantly
for Josephine. Miss Blacklock's efforts to make her life a misery were increasingly
frustrated by the Mistress who would regularly summon her to her study to assist as
she had done before in her own duties. Furthermore, Penelope was always willing to
take care of any particularly unpleasant tasks assigned to Josephine, gladly to free
her own little 'mistress' from unwanted labour.
The work that Josephine did for Henrietta was absorbing and fascinating. By the
end of the third week she had dismissed two incompetent officials, approved a plan
to build a new prison and written a short lecture for the Mistress to deliver to a
group of the Party Youth. To begin with, Henrietta closely scrutinised her work and,
where she disagreed with something, tore it up and gave the maid a stinging blow or
two to discourage future errors.
Josephine learnt quickly and such beatings became few and far between. She came
to understand Henrietta's view of the world, the attitudes that she would take and,
most importantly, the way in which she liked to express herself. Suspicion and fear
of potential enemies were the watchwords all the time, and a callous view of human
life compulsory. Josephine treated it as an intellectual exercise, trying to second
guess the way the Mistress would deal with any given situation and to copy her
She began to gain a small measure of Henrietta's confidence. The Mistress started
thinking aloud when Josephine was in the room, using her as an extra brain to help
resolve particularly difficult problems. Before long, Henrietta felt able to involve her
in more interesting and intimate matters than her official role. Josephine already
knew something about these from Penelope but learnt much more from the Mistress
as they began to plot together.
There were of course some matters Henrietta kept private, mostly to do with her
enigmatic friend Sophia, Factor Three and the women she was blackmailing.
Josephine relied on Penelope's spying for these details. In most things, though, the
Mistress was happy to confide in her, not because she trusted her, but because she
knew she had her completely within her power. Josephine could not leave the house,
and when her usefulness expired she could be quietly disposed of.
One evening the two women finished work together later than usual having been
very busy all day. Josephine was pulling together the bits and pieces that lay around
her on the floor while the Mistress sat above her at her desk, adding her signature to
three Preventive Custody Orders Josephine had carefully typed out for her. These
would go straight to the Party Enforcement Branch without the Ministry of Law and
Order even knowing what had happened. The suspects would be arrested first thing
next morning without any of the usual bureaucratic niceties. Henrietta liked it that
"On your feet, Josephine," called Henrietta, snapping shut her briefcase. Josephine
obeyed immediately, standing with her hands behind her, waiting for further orders.
She remembered that she had been unsure of a spelling and expected to be asked to
fetch the riding whip.
"I'm starting to like you," Henrietta commented thoughtfully. "You think like I do
sometimes, though at a lower level. I like that."
Henrietta pulled the rope behind her desk and waited for Miss Blacklock to walk
into the room. The housekeeper took a little longer than usual.
"Ah," said Henrietta. "There you are Miss Blacklock. We were wondering what was
keeping you."
"I'm sorry ma'am," replied the housekeeper, looking pointedly at Josephine. "I'm a
little low on staff."
"I'll get you another maid," Henrietta replied. "Miss Smythe is now working full
time for me."
"Miss Smythe?" asked the housekeeper in disbelief.
"Miss Smythe," replied the Mistress flatly. "She's wasted on housework. She will
need a new wardrobe as well. I would also like to move her into one of the smaller
guest rooms."
"First floor, ma'am?" Asked Miss Blacklock, with rising incredulity.
"Why not? Most of those rooms are empty. The little room along the corridor from
mine would be about right for her. I'm sure you don't mind sharing the indoor
bathroom with her."
"No. ma'am."
"And I expect she'll need to borrow a maid from time to time. For her personal
"I'll see to it, ma'am."
"Excellent. Leave us now."
"Yes. ma'am." The housekeeper departed.
"Thank you, Mistress," Josephine stuttered in astonishment. Henrietta laughed.
"Little things," she chuckled. "Little things that cost us nothing. That is how we
control one another, Josephine. Just remember that anything I give you I can take
away. Very easily. That will be all."
It took a long time for the warmth of summer to penetrate the damp stone walls of
North Castle Penitentiary. For the girls incarcerated in the gloomy corridors of the
East Wing there was hardly any sign that summer was approaching, except perhaps
that the wardresses were leaner, fitter and always looking for some exercise.
The regime in the prison had recently become particularly brutal even by its previous
standards. The old system of iron regulations, harsh but perversely fair in their
application had been replaced by the more or less unlimited authority of each
wardress over her own little area. Miss Harper had told them to do whatever they
liked as long as they got 'some fucking results' and most of them interpreted this as
an order to have fun making life unpleasant for their charges.
Most of the changes had resulted from a meeting that had taken place two days after
the Governess was called away to meet with Henrietta. Miss Stapleton had just
reached the end of a long shift when she was summoned, without warning, to the
Governess' office.
"I'll be brief with you, Stapleton," the Governess muttered, in a tired and strained
tone of voice. "I'm not happy with the way you run your section. Very dissatisfied."
Miss Stapleton was standing to attention in front of the Governess' desk, staring
directly forwards, as the regulations required. Miss Harper was hovering nearby
with a satisfied sneer on her weather-beaten face. She was enjoying this a great deal.
For some reason, now that it was warmer the Governess had closed the windows in
her office, making the room stuffy and uncomfortable.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" Miss Harper asked, pointedly.
"In what areas must I improve, ma'am?" Miss Stapleton asked, addressing the
Governess directly.
"The purpose of this interview," hissed Miss Harper," is not to tell you how to do
your job, but to deal with the consequences of your failure!"
"Stapleton," said the Governess. "You aren't... assertive enough with the prisoners."
"Ma'am?" replied a slightly puzzled Miss Stapleton.
"You spoil the little bitches!" snarled Miss Harper. "Every girl outside your section
wants to be one of Veronica's little pets. That's poor management, Stapleton.
Pathetic, in fact."
The Governess feebly raised her hand in protest.
"In case you hadn't noticed, women come here to be punished!" Miss Harper
continued. "You're not up to that, are you?"
Miss Stapleton could tell that there was something wrong with the Governess. She
was clearly short of sleep, but there was something else about her; something lost
and listless. Her greyish skin reminded her of girls they brought in still recovering
from drug addiction. Her eyes were swollen and listless.
"I'm sorry, ma'am," she said, desperately trying to think of what she might be doing
wrong. She had always admitted to herself that her philosophy of discipline erred
towards leniency and reassurance but did not think that she was too wide of the
mark. Perhaps she had made an error in her judgement, and if so, she was
determined to put it right.
"I'm sorry, Stapleton," the Governess continued, languidly. Miss Harper drew
herself erect with her chest in and her baton under her arm, barely able to suppress
her glee. "The Chief Officer has recommended you be reduced in rank to the first
grade of Officer. The decision has been authorised..." she paused to draw a deep
breath, " by myself. Effective immediately."
Nothing in Miss Stapleton's appearance betrayed the shock and bewilderment she
felt at what seemed to be the instant demolition of her promising career. It took her
just a fraction of a second longer to recall the standard response to a disciplinary
decision from a superior officer.
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am," she replied in her usual clipped tone of voice.
'Don't fight it, don't question it, accept it!' she screamed at herself inside her head.
The Governess closed her eyes and seemed to stare through her eyelids at the
window behind Miss Stapleton, as though conversing with the heavens.
"Dismissed," she muttered, burying her head in her hands.
Josephine waited patiently for Penelope to finish dressing her for the evening. She
hardly needed assistance but rang for it anyway since the maid enjoyed serving her.
It was to be an informal occasion so she wore a short black dress held up by a neck
band that revealed her shoulders and the top of her cleavage. Underneath she wore a
light waist clincher, subtle enough not to show but strong enough to bring her
visible measurements within the limits recommended by the Ministry of Health and
Welfare for a girl of her age and height, and rigorously enforced on her by the
Mistress' private decree.
It had been almost a month since her sudden elevation and she had found her new
life more agreeable to her in many different ways. The 'little room' Henrietta had
prescribed for her was over twice the size of the attic room she had shared with
Penelope, with a comfortable bed opposite a large glass topped dressing table over
which hung an ornate mirror. Above the bed itself was a large painting, a scene from
classical legend or history. Two maidens in armour stood over the remains of a
battlefield as one passed a serpent across to the other. Behind them loomed a
mountain, the peak of which was lost in the clouds.
The room was not perfect, however, and the age and condition of the house
expressed itself in the long cracks that had appeared in the ceiling and the walls.
More disconcerting were the thin bars fixed in the window, painted white so that
they were not obviously visible. There was also heavy lock on the door, usually
unlocked, to which Henrietta had the key.
Josephine had been allowed some latitude in choosing her new wardrobe but during
the day had to conform to a formula of long, dark dresses, normally in navy blue or
black, similar to those Miss Blacklock wore. In the evening she was allowed and
expected to wear more revealing outfits, appearing playfully seductive to please her
Mistress. Amongst her many other skills, Beatrice turned out to be an acceptable
hairdresser and offered to tidy up Josephine's hair. Josephine giggled the first time
she saw it cropped short all over because she looked a little bit like Miss Stapleton.
Nevertheless, she planned to grow it longer as soon as she could.
Despite her freedoms, she remained a prisoner in the house and the greater interest
Henrietta now showed in her had its disadvantages. The harsh but simple rules she
had been forced to follow as a maid were replaced by a complex and subtle array of
precise regulations intruding into every detail of her life, from the times she took her
meals to the parts of the building she was allowed to enter. The servants were unsure
of her status at first, though as she always seemed pleasant to them, they were happy
to let her flit between their world and Henrietta's, treating her with familiarity or
deference as appropriate. Only Miss Blacklock resented her. It was, by all accounts
a strange existence, though she was getting used to it and, were it not for the
arbitrary and changing nature of her Mistress's whims she might even have found it
Tonight would be particularly interesting as Sophia had come over again, this time to
spend the weekend at the house. Sophia had arrived around lunchtime on Saturday
and the two women had immediately locked themselves away in Henrietta's study to
begin plotting together. Frustratingly enough, she and Penelope were both far too
busy to monitor the conversation as she would have liked to.
Josephine had heard there was some terribly important meeting of Factor Three
coming up within a few weeks and she guessed that the Mistress and Sophia were
making plans for this. It was unlikely, she thought, that they would involve her in
this since Factor Three was always a secretive business. She was therefore surprised
and delighted when Henrietta sent a note ordering her to join them for dessert that
evening after dinner. She did not know why they wanted to see her but she was
determined to make a good impression.
"So this is your new personal assistant?" Sophia asked with interest. "I thought she
was a chambermaid."
Sophia and the Mistress were relaxing together in the giant leather armchairs in the
study when Josephine was admitted to their presence. Next to the young magazine
editor, Henrietta seemed much older than she normally did. The contrast between the
women was striking. While Henrietta appeared old fashioned in her clothing and
habits, the young businesswoman looked modern in every sense in a royal blue
trouser suit with a crisp white blouse. Sophia was also quite openly armed, perfectly
legal for women with the appropriate licence, with the handle of a pistol protruding
from the inside of her jacket.
"I used her as a maid until recently," replied Henrietta. "But it was clear to me that
her talents lay in another direction. You must remember she was once an academic."
"One of our best conversions, I believe," replied Sophia. "Is she completely cured of
the political disorders Joseph Smythe suffered from?"
"Judging from the work she's done for me she is. You're a good citizen now, aren't
you, Josephine?"
"Thank you, Mistress," Josephine replied. "I hope I am."
"Well, she's certainly a pretty one," Sophia added. "And a pretty little mind as well,
no doubt?"
Josephine blushed.
"Pretty when she wants to be," replied Henrietta. "And ruthless too, in her own little
way. Quite a useful asset, really."
"Are you sure we can trust her?" Sophia asked, more seriously.
"Trust does not come into it," Henrietta replied. "Whatever happens, she belongs to
me and I can treat her as I choose. If she fails or tries to do something silly, I'll bring
her back here, set my dogs on her and put whatever's left back to work in the
kitchen. It would be a shame to spoil that face of yours, Josephine."
"Now that's what I call a staff incentive," laughed Sophia. "Is she bright enough?"
"She'd better be."
"Well, it's your call."
"We'll do it."
Henrietta invited Josephine to sit down on a small wooden chair in between her and
Sophia and the two women explained the task they had mind for her. The Executive
Committee of Factor Three would shortly be meeting to elect a new Mother
Superior and Henrietta intended to stand for the post.
"Most of the real work at these meetings goes on under the table," explained Sophia.
"That's where the Servitors operate."
"What do Servitors do, ma'am?" asked Josephine.
"Most members of the Committee have a girl who sits on the floor next to her,"
replied Sophia. "In theory, they are there as an observer and a helper for their
committee member. In practice, they spend most of their time bargaining, on behalf
of their mistresses, with the other Servitors."
"What sort of bargaining, ma'am?"
"Mostly buying votes, forming alliances. That sort of thing."
"I never used to have one," put in Henrietta. "Didn't see the need. Sophia has
convinced me otherwise."
"I used to be one until recently," remarked Sophia. "So I know what I'm doing. But
I'm on the Committee now, so I can't do the job for Henrietta and cast my own vote."
"But why me?" asked Josephine in astonishment.
"That's the clever part," replied the Mistress.
"Lady Raven has recently acquired a large amount of money from, let us say, an
unofficial source," continued Sophia. Josephine remembered the night of the Head
of Penal Services' unfortunate death and guessed where the money might have come
from. "This means she is considerably richer than her opponents think she is."
"An ambush?" asked Josephine, innocently.
"Exactly!" beamed Sophia. "And you, my little friend, are going to engineer it for
us. From the floor. Anyone else is a security risk."
"And we can't afford that," put in Henrietta. "At all costs."
"I've still got my old Servitor dress," Sophia added. "And I'll teach you everything
you need to know."
"Of course, we will need to make her a life member for this," mused Henrietta.
"Otherwise she won't be allowed in the Great Chamber."
"I'm sure you can afford that," grinned Sophia. "The Secretary always turns up early
for these meeting. I was at school with her Servitor so I can book out a slot with her
just before it starts. No problem."
"Are you sure you can teach her enough in time?" asked Henrietta. "There's a great
deal riding on this."
"I should think so, she does seem pretty bright," replied Sophia. "I'll show her the
basics now. Watch me, Josephine."
"Yes, ma'am," Josephine watched as Sophia slid her jacket off and, with a playful
giggle, descended to her knees in front of her armchair.
"As a Servitor, you're not allowed to speak at meetings so the first thing you've got
to learn are the hand signals," she began. "I'll show you some now."
"Brings back memories," grinned Henrietta, leaning forward in her seat.
"Now, if there's about to be a vote," Sophia continued, "your Mistress will probably
want you to show the other Servitors what she's about to do." She pushed her chest
forwards and raised her hands in the air, slightly behind her head. "That's for a yes
vote," put in Henrietta. "Even I remember that one."
"This is 'no'," said Sophia, suddenly crossing her arms tightly on her chest, fists
clenched defensively. "Generally, the more emphatic the gesture, the stronger your
mistress's intention is. Now this one's my favourite."
Sophia placed her right hand on her left breast, stroking and tugging at her nipple
though her silken blouse as though drawing milk from her bosom. With her free
hand, she pointed at Josephine.
"This means that my Mistress wants to offer yours a bribe," she said. "I'll teach you
the signs for amounts later. If I rub both breasts at once, I'm bribing any takers."
Sophia paused. "This is to accept a bribe," she said greedily mauling a pair of
invisible breasts in the air in front of her.
"Now what do you think this means?" she asked, snapping her hand through the air
as though slapping someone in the face.
"You're rejecting the bribe, ma'am?" asked Josephine.
"Bang on. Well, my Mistress is, anyway. Here's another one you need to know,"
Sophia mimed the action of slipping a ring on her finger which she held up in front
of her. "Wedding ring," she explained. "Your bribe didn't work because someone
else has already bought me. Now, if you offer more than they did," she continued,
reversing the gesture, "the wedding ring comes off and we're back in business. Quite
simple, really. Do you understand?"
"Yes, ma'am," Josephine replied, fascinated by the gestures the young
businesswoman was making.
"You see," remarked Henrietta. "I told you the girl was a natural!"
The universe has suddenly become a very different and altogether more pleasant
place for Senior Officer Jones. Striding through the courtyard to return to her
quarters, she felt as though she was walking on a cushion of warm air. The hard
cobblestones had strangely become flexible and buoyant, as though made of warm
rubber. The skies above were clear, the breeze in her hair pure and refreshing.
Everything around her had passed out of focus from the moment the Chief Officer
had shaken her by the hand. The people around her seemed different; smaller, less
threatening and more willing to obey her or at least to get out of her way. Even the
grim walls around her were friendly and welcoming, reminding her of the extra keys
she was now entitled to possess and fencing in the little dominion of which she was
now an aristocrat.
As she entered her room, which she would shortly be trading for a proper flat, closer
to the main gate, she reflected that this feeling, dwarfed only by her elation on the
day she first became a wardress, was the only true happiness possible in life. She
knew would become used to her new position and then life would continue as before
with its little ups and downs, small pleasures and frustrations. But now she revelled
in the unique joy of having broken a barrier, expanded herself and entered a new
mode of existence.
She lost no time in replacing the epaulettes on her uniform blouse in front of the
mirror, amazed at the difference one extra pieces of brass on each shoulder made to
her appearance. She looked older, wiser, more confident and less inwardly afraid.
This was a feeling to be treasured. Then she remembered something, which put the
icing on the cake. It was time to pay a visit to Officer Stapleton.
Miss Stapleton was busy packing away the few belongings she allowed herself to
keep in her daytime office. Sadly. the little collection of Victorian implements of
restraint and discipline she kept would have to remain as they belonged to the
prison. She would miss these, she thought, as they reminded her of society's
determination looked after those in greatest need of its care.
As she saw Miss Jones entering the little room, she stopped what she was doing and
stood upright, awaiting her superior's instructions.
"Are you still in here, Stapleton?" Miss Jones asked with a leer.
"I'm sorry, ma'am. I'll be as quick as possible."
"Miss Harper told me all about you," Miss Jones continued. "Don't expect any
sympathy from me. You're a fucking loser, Stapleton, and nobody likes you except
the little sluts who think you're their fucking mother."
"I'm sorry, ma'am."
"Miss Harper's told me to knock a bit of sense into this place and that's exactly what
I'm going to do. You're on my team now and don't forget it!"
"I am under your orders, ma'am."
"You are, aren't you?" replied Miss Jones with a grin. Miss Stapleton noticed she
had hooked the office door behind her with her foot and pulled it shut.
"Blouse off!" she snapped.
"Pardon, ma'am?"
"Underwear inspection. If its non regulation, it's coming off"
"Yes, ma'am." Miss Stapleton began to undress herself.
"Skirt as well. Come on, I don't have all day! Not on my desk, leave them on the
Before long, Miss Stapleton was standing a set of white underwear perfectly in line
with the prison regulations with her arms by her side. Miss Jones watched her with
interest, becoming increasingly excited at the sight of her firm, healthy, beautifully
proportioned body.
"Anything in there you shouldn't have, Stapleton?" she asked. Miss Stapleton
noticed a few drops of saliva dribbling down her cheek.
"No, ma'am."
"Nothing to help your favourites get to sleep at night?"
"No, ma'am,"
"Shall we take a look?"
"A search should be undertaken in the presence of the Medical Officer, ma'am,"
Miss Stapleton reminded her.
"Keep your legs apart and put your hands on your head," ordered Miss Jones,
stepping over and rubbing her hands gleefully. "Unless you want to make a formal
complaint to Miss Harper, that is."
"No, ma'am," replied Miss Stapleton. "Just let me know when you've finished."
Josephine was only half aware of what was happening around her as they laid her
face down on the table in the middle of the chamber. She was naked, but the air
around her was warm and filled with heavy vapours from the portable burners that
hissed away in the corners of the room. Only the coolness of the table top beneath
her kept her senses alive.
Early that morning she had left Henrietta's