Thorvald's Sage free porn video

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Thorvald's Saga By Ellie Dauber (c) 2001 Thorvald Gundarson looked skyward. His gray eyes narrowed when a strong breeze blew at his thick, black hair and beard. From the way the clouds were darkening, it would probably begin to snow within the hour. He turned in the saddle and looked at the man riding a few paces behind him. "What's the problem, Olaf? You're falling behind again." "I'm sorry, Thorvald. My arm is still sore from the fight. Those two men were hard to best." Olaf Gundarson looked much like his older brother, but he was shorter, though much broader at the shoulders. Their father had always said that Thorvald got most of the brains, while Olaf got most of the muscle. "There was a man on me, too, as you well know. He almost had me, until my knife found its way into his belly. By that time, you had one man down and were about to finish off the other." "I know, but did you have to kill them both like that?" "With what they heard -- what _you_ were fool enough to tell them -- yes! Do you like being an outlaw?" "We've had no real trouble the last few months, and the Allthing did only vote us outlaws for three years." "'No real trouble,' you say? What about those men -- or any of the others we've had to fight? Any man can kill us without any fear of punishment. Our family won't help us -- father wouldn't even recognize us as his kinsmen. We've had to beg -- or take -- what we needed to survive. It was hard enough in the Summer, but now, with the first snows coming, we'll have more than enough 'real trouble,' my brother." Olaf winced from the force of Thorvald's words. "Ivar Herjolfson will help us; you'll see. I've heard that he hates the Allthing for letting in those Christian priests. People say that he's helped almost a dozen men escape the sentence of outlaw, even if nobody knows how he did it." "I've heard those same stories, little brother, and if I weren't so desperate, I wouldn't give them a second thought." He sighed. "Only, I am that desperate. At the worst, maybe we cam talk the old man into sheltering us for the winter." Thorvald's fingers touched the hilt of his sword. He knew more than one way to get what he wanted. *** The snow began soon after. The brothers rode quickly, not taking the time to talk. It wasn't just the fierce storm that Thorvald had feared, but the snow was still falling steadily when they finally saw a light ahead of them. "Is it Ivar's farm," Olaf asked. "It must be -- unless we're very lost. His holding is the only one that I've ever heard of out this far beyond the mountain pass." "And... and he'll take us in?" Olaf shivered, despite his heavy cloak. "He will take us in, won't he?" "The law says that he must -- if only till this storm ends. The stories say that Ivar doesn't care much for the law, but what man would force a person -- even an outlaw -- to stay out in such weather?" "If he is a man." This time it wasn't the cold that made Ivar shiver. They rode towards the light. After a bit, they could see that it was a shielded torch set burning atop the gatehouse of a high wall, a farm holding. The holding was atop a hill, a fort that commanded the valley surrounding it. The wind was picking up, now, swirling the snow around them. They hurried to the gate. "Hullo," Thorvald yelled. "We are two travelers who ask the boon of shelter from this storm." He pounded his gloved fist against the gate. "I know who you are, Thorvald Gundarson, and why you and your brother have come here." The voice was deep and strong. There was the sound of sliding metal. Then the gate opened. A tall man, his hair and beard the same gray color as his fur cloak, stood in the open gateway. "Now hurry, the both of you, so we can all get out of this storm." Thorvald and Olaf both dismounted and followed the man through the gate, leading their horses behind them. There was another sound of sliding metal. Thorvald turned. A great iron bar now held the gate shut. Yet they had seen no one standing with the old man, nor did any stand by the gate, now. Perhaps the stories _were_ true. He turned back. Now a slight figure, wrapped in a thick cape and hood, did stand next to the old man. Thorvald looked, but the other man's features were well hidden by the hood. "This one will take your horses to be stabled and fed in my barn," the older man -- Ivar? -- said. The figure held out a gloved hand. First Olaf, then Thorvald handed him their reins. Without a word, the boy -- for he was hardly tall enough to be a man -- bowed and led the horses away. Thorvald looked around. There were three buildings with the walls; a greathall, perhaps two stories high, was some ten paces ahead. Next to it was a windowless building, a storehouse probably, and work building. Next to that was the barn. The door opened as the boy led the horses to it, and he went in. Thorvald caught a glimpse of two other horses, and he could hear the lowing of cattle, too, protesting the draft from the opened door. Wizard or not, this was the holding of a _wealthy_ man. "Are you going to stand there all night?" The older man's words broke though Thorvald's thoughts. "No," Thorvald answered quickly. "It's just that... after being so long on the road, it's nice to be in a warm, sheltered place again." "We're not half so warm -- or as sheltered as we will be inside," the man said. "Hurry along. I'm cold, even if you're not." They hurried into the greathall. "It's amazing," Olaf said, looking around. Torches placed along every wall lit a room that was large enough to seat thirty men or more. Brightly colored tapestries hung from the walls to help keep out the cold. There were also two firepits in the floor, and, at the far end, a stone fireplace large enough for -- for the whole ox that was slowly roasting on a spit within it. The room was empty -- besides them -- except for two very pretty young women standing by the fireplace. One was slowly turning a crank that made the ox rotate within the fireplace. The other was basting it with a broad brush. At that moment, a third woman came though a small door near the fireplace. She carried three drinking horns. As she came closer, Thorvald noticed that she was also very pretty. Her dark brown hair was tied in two braids that reached down past her ample bosom. With that hair -- and those dark eyes -- she could almost be the twin of -- no, he pushed the thought from his mind. The older man -- he had to be Ivar -- took the drinking horns from the woman, who bowed low and hurried off. He handed one to each of the brothers. "Over here," he said, leading them to a large barrel resting on its side atop a nearby table. "Try this." He turned a tap. A pale golden liquid poured from the barrel filling his horn. "I put this up fifteen months ago." He shut the tap and took a long drink. "I think it turned out very well." Thorvald filled his own horn and cautiously drank. It was mead, honey wine. "I agree with you," he said with a smile. "It's been a long time between drinks, and a much longer time, since I've had anything this good." He took another drink. "What did you flavor it with?" "Strawberries," the man said. "They grow wild all around this valley, just as they did around your own holding... Thorvald Gundarson." "How did you know?" Thorvald's hand went to the hilt of his sword. Olaf did the same. The man smiled. "Stay your hand, Thorvald, Olaf. If I had wished to harm you, I had only to keep my gate closed. There is no other shelter nearby, and the storm will only grow worse during the night." "Then you are..." Olaf's eyes were wide with fear. "Ivar Herjolfson?" the man finished Olaf's question. "Yes, I am, and I offer you shelter here -- from the storm and from other things as well." Before he could answer, Thorvald felt a gust of wind as the door opened and closed behind him. The boy who had put their horses in the barn -- Thorvald recognized the pattern of his cloak -- came in and stood beside Ivar. "Put that cloak away and go help the others in the kitchen," Ivar said. The figure nodded and pulled back the cloak's hood to reveal a mass of blonde curls surrounding a moon-shaped face with eyes the color of cornflowers. As she took of her cloak, Thorvald saw that the girl -- how could he have ever thought that she was a boy? -- was slender, but with well-rounded breasts that strained against the white blouse she wore. She smiled and bowed, then, Thorvald thought, she winked at him, before she curtsied and hurried off to the kitchen. "You have lovely daughters," Olaf stammered. "Where is your wife that we can properly greet her?" Ivar laughed. "I have no wife, Olaf, and these women are my... servants, not my children." "What of your male servants?" Thorvald looked around the room, trying to guess where someone might hide -- or wait in ambush. Were arrows trained on him even as he stood talking to Ivar? "I have no male servants, Thorvald," Ivar said, chuckling as if at some hidden joke. "You and Olaf may relax. I've already said that I have no desire to bring either of you to any harm." "No men," Olaf said with some surprise, "but who does your heavy work, the plowing, the tending to the cattle, and such?" Ivar smiled. "These same women that you have seen, and several others like them. Some of them are quite strong, and, of course, I am always here to help them in the work." "And we can help them as well," Thorvald said, seeing an opening. "It is only right that we help our host for as long as we _are_ your guests here." "Always to the point, eh, Thorvald," Ivar said with a laugh, slapping Thorvald on the back. "Have another mead; you need something to take the full chill out of your bones. We can talk more about your staying while we dine." Thorvald shrugged. Ivar could only stall for so long, and the mead was very good. He poured himself a second drink and listened to his brother prattle on about the storm and how far they had ridden from their own settlement. Once Olaf started to talk something about the Allthing and their trial. Thorvald was about to stop him, but -- to his surprise -- Ivar changed the subject. It was as if the older man already knew what they had done and wished to hear no more about it. Before Thorvald could say another word, the kitchen door opened. The young woman who had brought out the drinking horns came out carrying a tray of bread. She put the bread and several small bowls at the table near the fireplace, curtsied, and went back into the kitchen. "Food at last," Ivar said. "Come, bring your horns and join me." As Thorvald and Olaf walked to the table, they could smell the aroma of freshly baked bread. It was still warm when they broke off large pieces and used their knives to smear them with the mixture of honey and butter that was in the small bowls. Thorvald ate slowly, still wary of traps, but Olaf cheerfully stuffed himself. "Slowly, Olaf, slowly," Ivar said with a laugh. "There is far more than bread at my table." The door opened again, and the same brunette walked out, this time with another woman that they hadn't seen before. The two carried a steaming kettle of soup -- fish soup by the smell of it, thick and full of vegetables. Ivar tasted it, then nodded for it to be served to his two guests. Thorvald sipped at the soup. It was exquisite, especially to someone who hadn't had a hot meal in almost a fortnight. "This is as fine a board as any I have ever been served, Ivar, but I can't enjoy it until I know how long my brother and I will be able to stay and share such bounty." "Well spoken, very well spoken," Ivar said, slapping him on the back. "Very well, then. You and your brother are my... guests. You may stay as long as either of you wishes." "But... but the Allthing," Olaf blurted. Realizing what he had said, he put his hands to his mouth as if trying to push the words back down his throat. "Hang the Allthing!" Ivar spat on the ground. "Those weak fools should never have let in those damned Roman priests. Now half of them -- half the people here in Iceland -- have crosses on the backs of their Thor's hammers. They pray to that dead, pale godling of theirs as much as they do to Odin and the other, _true_ gods. Why should I worry about them _or_ what they think?" Thorvald sighed in relief. "Well said, Ivar Herjolfson. Olaf and I will be proud to accept your hospitality." Ivar looked at Thorvald strangely. "Proud? Yes, pride is very much a part of you, isn't it Thorvald. Well, life often teaches us new ways, doesn't it?" "Umm, yes, I suppose it does." Thorvald puzzled for a moment, then shrugged and went back to the soup. The old man was playing with him. He didn't like it, but he would bear it -- for now. As the men were finishing the soup, the women came out of the kitchen again and put down trays filled with slabs of roast meat and bowls of sliced turnips cooked in a spiced cheese sauce. While the men ate this, the women kept refilling their drinking horns with mead. Three other women, equally pretty to Thorvald's mind, came in with musical instruments and began to play. A fourth woman, dressed _most_ immodestly and with tiny cymbals on her fingers, danced to the odd melodies the others were plating. She swayed her body and moved her arms in a manner that was all but an invitation. *** The sun streaming in through a window shutter woke Thorvald. He was in a bed -- a wonderfully soft bed -- under thick sleeping furs. He felt the fur against his skin. He was naked. Then he felt something else. He wasn't alone. His right hand was on a woman's breast. He moved it slightly, rubbing the nipple between two fingers. "Mmm," came a woman's voice. "Don't do that unless..." A hand reached down, fingers curling around his manhood. "Well, it seems that you _are_ ready for more, my Lord." Thorvald opened his eyes and turned in the direction of the voice. It was the blonde -- 'Gerda'; the name sprang into his head. She smiled, then leaned over and kissed him. Her tongue went into his half-opened mouth and played with his own. He felt himself stiffen. Gerda rolled over on top of him, sitting upright on his thighs. Her hand guided his manhood to her cleft. She was hot and more than ready for him. "You just lie there, and I'll do the work this time, my Lord," she said, moving her hips against him. "Of course, if you'd like to play with my tits while I do, well, go right ahead." Thorvald grinned and began to cup her breasts, his fingers rubbing and tweaking the nipples. Gerda moved her hips back and forth. She was tight. It almost felt as if there was a hand grasping at, pumping his manhood. She leaned back, her hands grabbing his ankles for support. "Oh, yes," she moaned. "It feels so... so good, like... like be-before. It was... was ne-never like this when... when I... oh, uhh, uhh!" Her body stiffened, and she screamed a high pitched wail even as she began to spasm. The scream, the movement, whatever it was, it was enough to set Thorvald off. He felt his own body stiffen as he pumped what felt like a gallon of his essence into Gerda. Then, it was over. Thorvald felt his maleness begin to grow soft again. Gerda leaned forward, her breasts rubbing against his chest, and kissed him. Kissed him very hard. She slid off him and lay down on the furs. She shifted her body, so that her head rested on his chest. "You were wonderful," she said softly. "Please just hold me for a while." Thorvald put his arm around her, his hand resting on her hip. She snuggled up against him. Ivar's words, "stay as long as either of you wishes", came back to him. It would be a _long_ stay if all the mornings were like this one. He smiled; then both he and Gerda drifted back to sleep. *** "Well, you two certainly enjoyed yourself." Ivar's voice woke Thorvald. Gerda was still with him -- still nude, he felt her flesh against his -- though their bodies were somehow covered by the sleeping furs. "Ivar... I... she... I'm." If the old man was angry, his offer of refuge would vanish like a May snowfall. Ivar laughed at the stammering. "Don't be afraid, Thorvald. Gerda is my... servant. What she did with you -- both last night and this morning -- why, that is just a part of her... duties. Isn't it, Gerda?" Gerda sat up at the sound of her name. "Yes, my Lord Ivar." Her voice sounded odd, without emotion. "And so is tending to _my_ needs. Now, get downstairs and help the others clean the hall." "Yes, my Lord Ivar." Again, there was no emotion in her voice. With no concern for modesty, she tossed back the furs and climbed out of bed. She grabbed her clothes on the run from where they had been tossed the night before and wriggled into her long tunic. A moment later, still barefoot, she was out the door. "Then it doesn't matter to you what Gerda and I did?" "No, though I was a bit surprised at your choice. I thought that you would bed Angmar." "Angmar, which one is she?" Thorvald felt the hairs stand up on the back of his neck, an almost sure sign that he was in some kind of danger. "She's the one that you thought looked so much like Sigurd Karlson's wife." "How could you know what I thought." Then the realization hit Thorvald. "You know what I did, don't you?" "Yes, Thorvald, I've known all along. You raped her, you and your brother, and left her for dead." "She... she _was_ alive when we left her. I swear it! We paid the wergild, Olaf and I did, but we didn't kill her." "Enough! I believe you. So did the Allthing -- eventually. That's why they only voted you outlaws for three years, rather than for life." "Three years is more than long enough. Sigurg's tried to kill us a half dozen times, at least. The last was only a few days ago, and not very far from here." "Indeed, Karlson is a very stubborn man, though after what you two did, it's no great wonder that he wants revenge." "And you still offer us shelter -- offer me your woman. Why?" "Why not just say that it's my way of taunting the Allthing." He paused and stroked his gray beard as if considering some great problem. "I offer you even more. You and your brother can be freed of the name 'outlaw' if you wish it." "How... how is that possible?" Thorvald had wished for such of thing, but he had never believed that it could happen. "In the same way that everything else you've seen here is possible. I pay the proper respect to the old, the true gods, Odin, Thor, and the rest. They repay me by granting me the power to... do such things. He paused. "Now, are you interested in having the sentence lifted -- or do you enjoy being an outlaw?" "Of course not," Thorvald felt himself grow suspicious. "But, what will it cost me -- cost us, my brother and me? An outlaw has little in the way of wealth." "There is a price for everything, for _almost_ everything, in this world. The price for this... service, though, is one that you can afford." "In that case, how soon before you can do this magic for us?" "How soon would you have me begin?" "Begin what?" Olaf stood in the doorway, a tall redheaded woman that Thorvald didn't remember standing next to him, her hand in his. Both were wrapped in sleeping furs. There was no hint of clothes underneath. "Ivar says that he can somehow undo our sentence," Thorvald said. "We wouldn't be outlaws any more." "How... how could he do that?" Olaf asked. "Magic," Ivar said. "A small gift from the true gods." "Let me dress," Olaf said, "and we can begin." *** In less than half an hour, they were standing in the greathall. There had been several women in the hall when they walked in, clearing up a mess that Thorvald did not remember from the night before. But as soon as they saw Ivar and the look on his face, they all curtsied and hurried out. Gerda and Olaf's redhead had gone with them. "Stand on either side of the firepit," Ivar said, pointing. The two men positioned themselves near the stone ring in the floor. The fire had burned low, little more than coals remained. "Can you do Olaf first," Thorvald said. Something in him grew cautious. This was a wonderful gift, and it was coming much too easy for him not to be suspicious. "I'm curious to see what you're going to do." Ivar nodded. "Curious or suspicious, it makes no difference. I'll do as you ask, but...." He gestured with his hands. Thorvald tried to take a step and found that he couldn't move any part of his body except his head. "What... what have you done to me?" Thorvald demanded. "Nothing yet," a voice said. A tall, brown-haired man dressed in an expensive tunic was suddenly standing near Ivar. "Sigurd!" Thorvald said. "Ivar... my good friend, how -- what -- is Sigurd Karlson doing here?" "I've come to see justice done," Sigurd said. His smile was the smile of a wolf watching its prey. "Come to kill us, while Ivar's magic keeps us from defending ourselves," Thorvald spat. "Ivar, I thought that you hated the Allthing and their justice. Why are you helping this man carry out their sentence." "I'm no lover of the Allthing," Ivar said. "But I do believe in justice of my own sort. Especially when the one seeking justice is kinsman to me." "Kinsman?" Thorvald's heart sank. "But if this was to be our fate, why did you send those other men after us, Sigurd?" "To force you to come this way, to seek my cousin's help," Sigurd said. "I know you, Thorvald, you and your brother both. I knew that those men would never manage to kill you." "So you and your cousin will kill us now." Thorvald said. "Where is the honor in killing a man who cannot make a move to defend himself, Ivar?" "Oh, we won't kill you," Ivar said. "My magic will do as I promised. You will live, and you will no longer be outlaws." "I... I don't understand," Thorvald said. "But you will," Ivar said. "In fact, I'll even grant your request and change Olaf first, so you may watch." He made a number of odd gestures and murmered very low. Thorvald could hear only a few words. Mostly, Ivar seemed to be invoking Loki, the shapeshifter, and Freya, Odin's wife. Thorvald heard a low moan and turned his head to look at Olaf. His brother's beard seemed to be pulling back into his head, growing shorter until his chin was revealed. At the same time, the hair on Olaf's head grew longer, thicker, flowing in waves down past his shoulders. Olaf grew smaller at the same time, shrinking a foot or more. He was thinner, too. The great muscles of his arms seemed to melt away, leaving them slender, curved. His hands grew smaller as well, losing some of their roughness, as his fingers grew out, longer and more slender than before. Olaf was still moaning, but his voice seemed much higher now. Thorvald looked at his brother's face. Olaf's jaw was narrower and his cheekbones higher. His complexion was paler. His lips seemed larger, pouting, even as his nose, broken in more than one fight, shrank in size. "No," Thorvald gasped. His brother now had the face and, it seemed, the body of a woman. Yes, it was a woman's body. Olaf's now oversized tunic shrank to fit him, revealing a set of feminine curves: narrow waist, wide hips, and -- by Thor's Thunder! -- large, well-rounded breasts. The tunic grew longer, becoming a woman's garment, even as Olaf's long hair twisted itself into a pair of braids that hung to just below his shoulders. "Olaf, what has happened to you?" Thorvald said, not believing what he had seen. The new maiden's eyes grew wide. She spoke, her voice almost without emotion. "I... I used to be Olaf, but he is... gone. I am... Ulli, now, a servant in all things to my master, my Lord Ivar." He... she ran over to Ivar and modestly kissed him on the cheek. Ivar put his arm around her, resting a hand low on her hip. "There, Thorvald," Ivar said. "It is exactly as I promised. Olaf Gundarson, the outlaw, no longer exists, and the Allthing has never passed judgement on Ulli, my new maidservant." He laughed. "And now for you." Ivar seemed to repeat the same combination of odd gestures and softly muttered words. Thorvald strained and pulled with his mind, but he was unable to move his body the slightest bit. Then, he felt a tingling throughout his entire body. He felt his chin tickle as if something was happening to his beard. Then a... coolness on the newly exposed parts of his face as the tickling moved to his scalp. Thorvald looked down at his hands, the only part of his body that he could see. He watched them shrink and grow more feminine looking until his sleeves came down over them as his body shrank. Then his tunic grew shorter, and he could see them again. But only for a moment until something grew out from his chest to block the view. Thorvald realized that it was his breasts. He felt his manhood stiffen, the way it had for Gerda, perhaps an hour before. Then the feeling changed as it seemed to pass up into his body. 'No,' Thorvald thought sadly, 'into her body." Somehow, she seemed able to accept the change. It was over now, and she was just another of Ivar's servants. Ivar! Not _Master_ Ivar. Thorvald's heart leaped. Something had gone wrong. Or gone right. She was not enslaved to Ivar. Sigurd would not... The thought stopped as she felt her body begin to tingle again. No, no, not Ivar. Sigurd was her master. She felt her breasts, her groin tingle as the name came to her mind. The name -- _his_ name. The girl who had been Thorvald Gundarson ran over and knelt on the ground before her master. "My Lord, my master, Sigurd Karlson." It thrilled her to say the words aloud. "I am -- what was her name, the name that _he_ wished her to have? -- I am Thordis, your slave. Please, I beg you to take me as your slave and to do with me as you will." As she said it, Thordis knew that it was true. She felt a moistness, an emptiness between her legs and a hunger that only her Lord Sigurd would ever be able to satisfy. Just then, a shutter rattled from the wind. "I think the storm begins again, my cousin," Ivar said. "Perhaps you should plan to stay a few more days." "I will, Ivar, and thank you for...everything. My Brunna rests easier now." "And you," Ivar asked, "do you rest easier?" "I think so," Sigurd said. "I do know that no matter what drafts may come through your shutters, my bed tonight will be most warm." The End This story may be posted to any free site. Postscript. The Allthing is the Icelandic parliament, the oldest in Europe, going back roughly 1,000 years. They could vote a person an outlaw for a set time or for life. While a person was an outlaw, any could kill them and not be punished. Wergild was a fine paid for killing another person. The amount varied with the social rank, gender, age, and, sometimes, occupation or trade of the victim. Icelandic names, even today, take the form used in the story. By way of example, Karl Ragnarson had two children, Sigurd Karlson and his sister, Helga Karlsdaughter. Vikings wore amulets in the shape of a small hammer as a religious token. When Christianity came to the island, some who converted "hedged their bets" and wore amulets with the Thor's Hammer on one side and a cross on the other. Some graves even had both symbols on them. A number of worshippers of the old, Norse gods considered this hypocritical at best.

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Before we begin i just want to say i wrote this story with my phone using predicted text so there might be some odd words here and there it all started one day when i was really bored i was trolling though the endless internet when i came across miniclip a game website i decided to play a multiplayer hand and as i started the game the other person asked if i was a boy or girl i replyed any and the person on the other side said good because im a girl This chat - game continued she gave...

4 years ago
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Vanessa Die Falschaussage

Vanessa, eine Reporterin, war im Fernsehen oft zu sehen, wenn es um Gerichtsfälle ging. Mit 39 Jahren sah sie sehr attraktiv aus. Sie hatte braune schulterlange Haare, meistens hochgesteckt und eine BH-Größe von 80 D. Meistens trug sie dunkle Kleidung. Sie hatte fast immer einen Rock an. Bald wurde Chris, Anfang 30, ein Dozent wegen angeblicher Vergewaltigung einer Studentin verhaftet. Doch er hatte nichts damit zu tun. Die Studentin war die Tochter von einer Freundin von Vanessa. Dadurch dass...

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Die Wahrsagerin

Ingrid ist eine lebenslustige Frau Mitte 50. Wie ist immer auf Achse und hat viele Freundinnen in der Stadt. Durch ihre unruhige Art, gepaart mit ihrem Interesse für Mode und Kosmetik, geht sie doch vielen ihrer Bekannten auf die Nerven und eine dauerhafte Beziehung entweder zu einem Mann oder einer Frau konnte sich so nicht aufbauen. Ingrid achtet sehr auf sich, geht regelmäßig ins Nagelstudio und zum Friseur, und das alles noch mit der Erbschaft ihre Eltern. Denn ernsthaft hat sie nie...

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Elle, je l’ai rencontrée chez moi. Elle s’appelait Maud. C’était une copine de fac de ma fille et elle était passée plusieurs fois à la maison. Beaucoup de filles et parfois de garçons défilaient chez nous, sans que j’y prête trop attention.J’étais par mon travail d’enseignant en biologie à l’université plus souvent à la maison que ma propre épouse, mais l’habitation bourgeoise dans laquelle nous vivions au cœur de Lyon était suffisamment grande pour permettre ce genre de cohabitation sans...

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After the Maasage

Continued from “The Yoni Massage”—read that first if you want the whole story.Rachel took me by the hand, helping me to hop off of the massage table. She then escorted me to the exit from her business and led me up the stairs to her apartment. It must have been an interesting sight to see—a gorgeous topless mature masseuse leading a completely naked mature by the hand up the stairs. My body still tingled from Rachel’s expert touch, and I was partially excited, partially nervous, about what...

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Male Usage on Europa!    TJ Ryder  "Do you mind if I borrow your husband for my toilet?"   The casual polite question stunned Timmy as he listened in on the conversation between his tour guide and thelovely young wife who was accompanied by two other women.He stood looking slightly up at the women who just ignored hispresence.  Upward because he was typical of male natives on this womanruled colony, small and slender, while the women were uniformlytall, voluptuous and very...

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Husband gets Wife a Special MassagePT2

"I'm sure it wont," replied Joel with a slight smile. The tone of his voice made Katie open her eyes and look up at Joel, who hastily added, "I put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door.""Ah, OK," said Katie, the tone of her voice was suspicious. Shit, I thought, I think she suspects something. "Maybe it's already arrived?" she added in a slightly cheeky tone."Would you like me to ring reception and check," asked Joel, continuing the game of cat and mouse."I don't think that will be necessary,"...

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A Smokin Bavarian Sausage

Lisa cautiously peered out from behind her bedroom door. She was on a mission of sorts and didn’t want to draw any undue attention to herself. Seeing the hallway clear, Lisa padded her way down the carpeted hall to the top of the stairs. From this vantage point, she leaned over the railing and clearly see her mother, father and little brother seated in the living room watching TV.Touching down on each step as quietly as she could, Lisa silently made her way downstairs and turned right to access...

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Stuffing her Pepper with my Sausage

“Oh, believe me; I’d love to do this with nobody else; every fucking day for the rest of my life. You know I’ve dreamed of this for over five years. I kind of feel bad that J.L’s not even in the ground, yet, and I’m already pounding my cum into his pussy... And just how many men have tried to make you cum, anyway?” She grinned as she cleaned up the mess on her snatch and the spots on her sheet, “Most of the time, all they wanted was to dump their own load. J.L. was better than the other...

3 years ago
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Passages By Autumn Writer © Copyright 2006 ‘I hope that you remember that this was not my idea at all, Jeff.’ ‘It will be okay, Barbara. Please, just let me keep my mind on the road.’ He could feel it building, the familiar tension, as the Explorer crept forward on the snow-covered road. Throughout their twenty-nine years of married life she had always lashed out at him whenever stress arose for any reason. After all their years together he could foresee the warning signs in the far-off...

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I ordered the sausage

So this story starts out like this. I was driving around and doing my work when I came up to this diner, it was open but the sign said that it had closed about 15 minutes earlier. So I tried my luck and I was right, they where still open. As I went in I got a wif of pancakes and bacon and that made me even more hungry than I already was. As I sat down at a corner boot a cute waitress came over and took my drink order and handed me the menu. When she came back I ordered my food and waited. After...

2 years ago
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Subliminal Messages

Title: Subliminal MessagesAuthor: slaveboyusaDate: 8/3/12        The noon sun came in through the window of Lilly Chen’s office and reflected off the glass of her framed MBA degree and into her slanted eyes. Lilly was reading the business profile of a dog food company called Little Bites. Ms. Chen is the youngest president in the history of Savory Treats dog Food Company. The last president retired a month ago and after careful interviewing and researching candidates, the board of directors...

5 years ago
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Sailboat Passage

It was 10 years ago this week that we first made the passage together. I was on my boat, the Califia, on a Thursday morning. I was making ready to leave Muskegon Harbor for a 2-week vacation sail that would have its high point at Mackinaw Island, Michigan. I had just removed the sail cover from the mainsail and was folding it up to be stowed. She came out of nowhere. All of a sudden there she was, climbing over the starboard rail which was up against the pier at that time. "Please hide me,...

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Breakfast Sausage

The morning rose bright and unseasonably warm. The sun shone through the thin gossamer curtains in our small cheap hotel room in dusty yellow beams. The light puddled cheerfully on the cotton blanket as if a friendly specter lay there with us to to absorb the weariness of yesterday's travel. Miguel rolled on top of me and squinted down into my eyes. "Mmmmm my sweet, Belle, I will eat you for breakfast."I groaned sleepily and rolled my head to face him. "Morning... It looks like a nice day....

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The Passage

I wish to thank my editor, JP. Without his close supervision and eye for detail, this story would not have been possible! The Passage By Anon Allsop Chapter 1 The year is 1654. As a Fifteen-year old English boy, standing on the sun-bleached deck of the Endbreeze, life could get no better than this. From under the shadows of her gently rippling sail, I scanned the coastline of Boston Town. This young colony would become my new home, continuing an adventure that began for me...

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the man massager

The story is real and true.the story is 8 years back in my country, this was on saturday and i was bored, nobody home, so i thought of going fora walk, that walk took me to sea face,it was almost 730 pm, getting dark. sat on the sand for half hour and getting up to go walking, and this guy come up to me and said, do you like to have good massage, i said to him, in the open , ask him do i have to take my clothes off, he said if you want to, its already dark.i said no, and kept walking, he called...

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Shopping Turned Me To Massager

Hello everyone, this is a real incident happened during Ugadi season. I’m Ram name changed, 5” 9 athletic build working in and IT firm at Bangalore. Your comments are welcome to It was few days for ugadi, mom asked me to bring castor oil for festival. Since in south India on ugadi day all men will apply oil to whole body. I am no different from the tradition. So after my office hours I went to reliance mart to bring necessary ingredients to home along with castor oil. I had taken 500ml bottle...

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Rashidha Chap10 Massages

Being a slutty schoolgirl was awesome. I got teased to go to school without underwear or bra or even something in me. I got fucked while I was doing homework or revising, either in ass or pussy, or even both. At the end of year, when the exams was over, I got to have sex whenever i wanted. We got to try new things, and new positions. Our sex became hardcore as we were doing it rougher. I like it rough though. When my dad would want me, he would say :"Pitin vine la [Slut, come here]" or even...

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Rite of Passage

Alana straddled her brother’s face and began to grind her sex against his warm tongue. She bit her lip and purred, pressing his hands into her ample bosoms. A moan of pleasure exploded unbidden from her throat, her eyes closed and mouth wide open. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ari, her younger sister straddle his hips and guide his cock into her pussy.Sweat glistened on her bare chest, long yellow hair cascading over her dainty shoulders. Her perky breasts jiggled as she bounced on his...

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Savita Bhabhi 78 Pizza Delivery Extra Sausage

Savita Bhabhi 78: Pizza Delivery – Extra Sausage Ashok Patel was celebrating his recent job promotion in Alex & Annie’s home. His Boss Mr. Batra was present along with the new calendar girl. So was his wife Savita Patel who did not wait to point out that she might have had a little something to do with his job promotion, while Ashok was busy thanking his boss. “I think you had more than a little to do with it,” replied Mr. Batra with a mischievous smile. Several images of their recent encounter...

1 year ago
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Silly sausage

100% fiction! It all started when I was 18 and my sister was 20. My sister and I had just gotten home from . dad was still at work so it was just us. We were both bored so I suggested that we play a game called silly sausage the object of the game is to make the other person laugh or smile, my sister went first she started pulling faces and within a minute I was already laughing. I was hoping I was make her laugh easy so I started pulling faces, telling jokes, doing some impersonations that I...

2 years ago
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Confused messages

One of the difficulties about online dating is that you can be having conversations with a number of people at once whilst trying to manage their expectations. It is not always possible to start out with on person come to a conclusion whether it was going to work and if not move on to the next. Quite frequently you think that you are not going to get a reply and move on then things change.That is what happened to me and it got a trifle awkward. Well it was at least partly due to my own idiocy,...

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395 kays second usage

Day 1The next part is in the ladies own words, as I was not present [or ever likely to be] and she alone knows what she endured and in some strange way enjoyed as you will see. I arrived at Jack's house 15 minutes early, parked in front, and sat waiting in my car for the time to pass. my body odour was noticeable in the confined space of the car but was overpowered by the heavy fumes rising from between my legs. I looked in the rear-view mirror, my hair was matted, dirty, and straggly, -for two...

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I pulled into the visitors lot of the Belle Vista Long Term Health Care Facility, found a parking spot in the shade, and turned off the ignition. I hesitated a moment before opening the door, but taking a deep breath, I steadied myself, emerged from the car, and entered the lobby. "Good Morning, Mr. Foster!" called out Dorothy, the always effervescent receptionist. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Here to see your Mother?" Good morning to you, as well!" I replied, "It is definitely...

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"I hope that you remember that this was not my idea at all, Jeff." "It will be okay, Barbara. Please, just let me keep my mind on the road." He could feel it building, the familiar tension, as the Explorer crept forward on the snow-covered road. Throughout their twenty-nine years of married life she had always lashed out at him whenever stress arose. After all their years together he could foresee the warning signs in the far-off distance. She sunk down in her seat, looking unsatisfied....

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Legion of LightChapter 20 Light Passages

When our two week honeymoon was over and it was time to go home again, where to go was a simple decision. We were in the Mediterranean. A daylight jump to the Montecristo station on Meadow would put us there with our clocks already used to the local time. We planned our departure for the afternoon so could make a quick trip home to Angel's Camp before dinner. We had each called our parents the day before and said we'd be popping in at the Parkin's house for a quick visit at 10am this...

4 years ago
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Older brothers rite of passage

Incest, true story, brothers, anal This is a true story. I’m male, married and have grown children. You might say I’ve had somewhat of a checkered childhood which affected my conscious and sub-conscious sexual attitudes throughout my life. When I retired my wife was not longer interested in sex, and that is when I clandestinely started meeting men to full fill lifetime cravings I was introduced to when I was a young boy. This is how begin, with my older brothers’ rites of passage into...

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A Rite of Passage

The following stems from a conversation I had with a young (early twenties) work colleague who is currently staying in ‘digs’ with a middle-aged divorcee/spinster (I’m not certain which) who has a penchant for late-night parties with a couple of similarly aged female friends. My colleague was complaining that they made a lot of noise at these parties and that they went on until the early hours. I asked whether he’d been invited to join and, being the naturally hesitant fellow that he is, he...

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DR QUINN Colleen Gets EducatedChapter 3 Safe Passage

They all slept through the night. This is unusual in the 1870's, where everybody starts up at sunrise and usually work well into the night. They had slept almost twenty straight hours. Billy was cooking dinner while Samuel was thinking what they should be doing next. Colleen just stared blankly to the wall, still naked as a jaybird except for knee socks and shoes. "So what do yuh think unc?" Inquired Jeremiah. "I think that we've worn out our welcome in this county boy," he told him....

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IChapter 5 The Secret Passage

The next several days were spent in a most leisurely and pleasant fashion. Daylight hours would find Siobhan and I working alongside my uncle in his large and elaborate study and library, reading and taking correspondence and otherwise assisting him in his investments. I soon came to realize the grand scale of those investments, and how the breeding stables he maintained here were at best an avocation. Still, he explained to me at one point that even in this he was successful, and the profit...

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Martys Massage

by lingusMarty's MassageI had a problem. Not a big problem but a problem nonetheless. Itwould turn into a big problem if I didn't come up with somethingsoon. My wife Marty's birthday was just ten days away and I didn'thave the foggiest idea of what to get for her. What made mattersworse was that Marty absolutely refused to give me any hints.A few years ago Marty and I stopped telling each other what wewanted for our birthdays because we were getting in a rut. We bothalways seemed to ask for the...

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Husband gets Wife a Special Massage

Katie and I had met as c***dhood sweethearts when we were both only 14 years of age. We have been a couple ever since, married at 20, and about to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. Our marriage was as perfect as you could get. If you were to believe in soul mates then that's certainly what we were. We were, most importantly, best friends.Our sex life was great, Katie was always a bit conservative, but there wasn't much we hadn't done over the years. Katie had never been with another man,...

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Birthday Present A Massage

First of all, my hearty thanks to ISS, for this wonderful website, this has made majority of them to share their sexual experiences and fantasies. I had shared my experiences before and now sharing yet another one. Thanks for all those who replied and encouraged me to share more of my experiences. I’m Nish (name changed), aged 28, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC and also an experienced masseur (providing massage) for females and couples. I...

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Blackout Massage

This starts with me becoming a massage therapist and I was volunteered by the teacher and owner of the massage therapy school to man a booth at a local holistic fair. he told me to select a female student to go with me so that when we offered a free 15 minute mini massage, they had their choice of gender. The space provided us space to make a temporary massage room with the walls made of the white sheets usually use for doing massages after class. We had a booth out front to hand...

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A RomanticSensual Massage

I’m Nishant (Nish), male aged 29, from Bangalore/Bengaluru. I’m a software engineer by profession and working in an MNC and also an experienced masseur (providing massage) for females and couples. I travel across India to give massage to my clients. All the massages are done by me at the customer’s doorstep (home/hotel) at a very nominal cost. Mail your comments, feedbacks, enquires on I keep getting many enquiries from many people, who pretends to be females, but are males, but hard to trust...

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The unbelievable massage

Hi readers this is long time we met in this site I am busy with my Rain forest I want to create it my ever coming classic so the time take to finish please wait for that classic but I will come any time you want my story like this type of classic. Read a different taste themed story and write to me. My name is Roger and during the mid nineteen seventies, I went to college in a large Midwestern city. In that era, massage parlors flourished in that city and I was a frequent visitor. Between...

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The Unbelievable Massage

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers this is long time we met in this site I am busy with my Rainforest I want to create it my ever coming classic so the time take to finish please wait for that classic but I will come any time you want my story like this type of classic. Read a different taste themed story and write to me. My name is Roger and during the mid nineteen seventies, I went to college in a large Midwestern city. In that era, massage parlors flourished in that city...

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Michelles Massage

As a professional escort, Aruri doesn’t get much free time. He spends most of his time working out or keeping up with the latest trends of women’s fantasies. When he does get free time, he likes to spend it soaking in a hot bath.With his head barely above the water, his phone begins to ring. He hears the business ringtone and weighs whether to answer. His massive, throbbing erection very quickly tips the scale in favor of answering the phone.He shakes excess water off his hand before swiping...

Straight Sex
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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 1 Big Sisters Naughty Massage

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Big Sister's Naughty Massage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I straddled my brother's lower back, my large breasts swaying before me. He was stretched out on my bed, his arms folded, his head resting on them. The muscles in his upper back flexed and rippled as I rubbed my pussy into his skin. I wiggled my hips, grinding into him. “Mmm, what do you need, Zoey?” Clint asked me. “Just a little favor,”...

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New Apartment Massage Great Massage

If you guys want another part it may take a while to continue another. This was a true story and like to tell my true stories with as much details as possible, BUT I like to write and make up stories. If you want to read more comment and I'll keep writing! I just moved into a new apartment in a larger city away from my home town. I was hired at a new job that paid slightly more from what I previously held in my hometown. In my hometown there were a few places where you could get your fix of...

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Giving Pussy Cat A Hot Massage

Well this is George from Western Suburb of Mumbai, India. (All names are not real in order to hide the identities of the persons involved for discretion purpose). I come from an Electronics background. During my interaction with people I have learned that every individual has some problem or the other. And I decided to educate myself and equip to be of help to people who need that human touch. So I subjected myself to study further in Psychology and Massage therapy, it turned out to be one...

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mdash Sisters aching breasts need a massage

Eighteen-year-old Kristin Davidge shut the front door behind her and listened to nothing but silence for several seconds. She was relieved to find that the house was empty. She had just gotten home from a particularly stressful day at school, and all she wanted was a little peace and quiet, even if for a short period of time. She dropped her book bag on the floor near the door, kicked off her sneakers, and padded directly up the stairs.She entered her room, not bothering to close the door, and...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 2 Daughters Incestuous Massage

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Incestuous Massage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! A week later, and Olivia had yet to come back with her daughter. It was a shame. I had a great time massaging my first client and giving her such an intimate and delicious massage. Working at The Lady's Touch massage parlor was exciting and fun. I had some great delights seducing clients into lesbian sex or just giving them what they...

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Husband Set me up with a Massage

For years, I've been more than a little curious about sharing a sexual experience with another woman. My husband has been encouraging me to live my fantasy but I hadn't had the courage or opportunity. But that all changed last week. So let me come out of the closet a little and give you some of the background to my fantasy and how I've lived it.In addition to his regular job, Jeff is a certified massage practitioner and use to give massage lessons to singles and couples years ago. Through that...

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Responded To Advert To Try A Tantric Massage

The internet is quite amazing. It provides a channel to access easily those experiences that are impossible to find without it. I was surfing the web and I found a site that looked like a dating site but was more than that. It had postings from men looking for women and women looking for men, offering all sorts of discreet liaisons.I discovered the abbreviation ‘NSA,’ which means ‘no strings attached.’ In other words, two adults getting together for casual sex or the like without a relationship...

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Her Hot Weekend Home Massage

Em was at home alone that weekend. It was the middle of summer and very hot. So was she. Ambrose was away and she was at mid-point in an unusually long gap between business trips. They kept a massage bed at home and in the summer it lived out on the shaded terrace at the back of the house, next to the swimming pool. They used it now and again, either themselves or very occasionally with a visiting masseuse or even more rarely a masseur. Sometimes Ambrose massaged her out there in the...

3 years ago
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My Introduction To Chelsey And My First Erotic Massage

I shuffled my body aligning my face with the oval opening in the massage table. Inhaling the scent of the always freshly cleaned linens, I parted my legs slightly. The cool air from the fan caused goosebumps and I wondered to myself just how transparent or opaque the thin sheet covering my completely naked body would be. What a time to be thinking of this. Awkwardly I tugged on the fabric from behind my back and moved my arms around--from beside my body, then hanging off the edge of the table....


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