First Steps To Sissyhood - Part 2 free porn video

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First Steps to Sissyhood - Part 2 ? by: Jennifer Richardson I decided I wanted to have a quick play with the Mistress Cindy character from "Steps to Sissyhood." To tell the truth I don't think she had much of a look in, perhaps she's been nagging at the back of her mind so this one is for her! "A Sister for Sissy" ? by: Jennifer Richardson ? ( [email protected] ) Flirting with him had been fun, (the him that I'm referring to was who Sissy now is) I'd wanted more than just the flirting but he kept dropping his girlfriends name into conversation and this only served to get me more and more jealous. I thought that if I got something to hold over him then I could maybe blackmail him into some kind of an affair. From the moment that he'd admitted that he was wearing the frilly white satin knickers I'd given him, I knew that I had him. What I hadn't anticipated at the time was that having him dress in more and more feminine garments, would give me such a buzz, both of power and arousal. That was when I'd decided to ensure that no woman in the world would look at him in a sexual way except me. (Actually, I perhaps took it too far, Sissy had many male admirers and customers on her website and in contact through the mail order business I set up, but the female admirers and customers easily equaled the men.) From the moment that Sissy had kissed her contract of ownership she was mine. With her pink glossed lips leaving a lovely print on the paper, the sweet moment when she saw she could be blackmailed into anything had opened his emotions and his mind to me. In a tidal wave of fear and guilt she'd crumpled like a paper house. After breaking 'him' I offered 'her' all the sympathy and consolation she could take. She grasped at it, clung tightly to it and began to respond. From the shattered male shell I began to shape her, form her and create her. Through a cocktail of chemicals and a regime of pleasure and denial, Sissy emerged from the fog of the drugs I'd been pumping into her and began to blossom. I'd loved the entire process, the power and the control, the earth shattering sex and simply enjoyed having the exotic creature around. She was making bucket loads of money for me and all she asked for were clothes, make up and a share of my bed. (limited sometimes until she would beg me with tears in her eyes.) Having resigned from my position with the employment agency, Sissy was my income, I modeled myself as a consultant. This afforded me the opportunity to visit many of many former clients in a new capacity. It was actually a mechanism whereby I could scout out a target for my new project, a sister for Sissy. Funnily enough I found the target almost straight away, he was Sissy's replacement. The big question was, how could I lever him away from the factory? Two security officers going missing from the same place would have been too much of a coincidence. It was actually Sissy who gave me the idea, now all I needed was a method. I gradually weaned Sissy away from the baby girl lisp, not completely, she still lapsed on occasion but that was cuter than the full on lisp had been. Her voice was soft and lilting, though she had a honeyed velvet tone that had arrived one evening when she was trying to get me to bed. "Sissy, would you like to come out with me tomorrow?" I asked her, catching her off guard while she was ironing. "Me Mistress? Out? Outside?" she squealed. In the two months that I'd had her, I'd allowed her out in the walled garden behind the house once a week, this as a reward and as a treat. My reasoning behind this was not just the reward, I wanted her complexion to slide to a soft milkiness and in this I was very successful. "Yes, you, outside, with me," I laughed at her reaction. "Mistress has an appointment and you can come too if you like?" "Yeth pleathe Mithtreth!" she reacted just as she had been conditioned, to every lisp she would look a little puzzled and break into a bright smile. Bright? She'd perfected a dazzle that would put the stars to shame. Her actual conditioning had been done while she was under the influence of a combination of anti depressants and hallucinogens. The anti depressants shut out the doubts and the hallucinogens opened up her imagination. So, she watched hour after hour of transexual films, listened to audio tapes of mood music which was interspersed with trigger words and phrases, a kind of chemical audio video hypnosis that I more or less made up as I went along. The walls of her room were covered in pictures, drawings and photographs of women doing every kind of sexual act, the magazines were transvestite, transsexual and shemale in nature as well as beauty and fashion books, magazines and manuals. These served to reinforce the 'treatment' she underwent, aided and abetted by her dressing and acting as she developed. "Where are we going Mistress?" I had been wondering if she would have flashbacks to her former self. To this end I'd allowed her to see some of the earliest picture she'd taken of herself. No reaction at all, other than suggesting that 'she ought to put some clothes on', when she saw one of her on all fours in front of a computer in her old bedroom. I'd asked her why she thought that and she'd replied; "No make up, bad hair and she hasn't even waxed her legs." I was reasonably convinced but willing to take the risk. She'd never be able to function without my being around, she was fine in the house alone, even for extended periods of time but if she didn't know where I was she'd become very frightened. Again this was down to her conditioning. I gave her a list of clothes she was to wear the following morning and she set about creating a look to go with it. She refused to show me telling me I'd have to wait until morning. I allowed these slight outbursts every now and again, it gave her a taste of freedom, of having a will of her own. She was spirited enough to look after herself in any case, another planted trigger, if she didn't like what she was seeing, feeling or hearing she would say 'please stop'. Should the thing that was distressing her continue she'd get louder and become more forceful, she'd caught me once with a dig in the ribs that had knocked the breath out of me. I'd been a little rough with her in bed, purposefully, pawing her, biting a little bit too hard that kind of thing. I'd no doubt that if I hadn't let go of her she'd have got into a real temper. All the better that she could protect herself if she ever got into a nasty situation. I didn't intend that she ever should got into such a position but I'd decided not to trust to luck. When she emerged from her room that morning I tried to cover my sharp intake of breath. She looked absolutely stunning. She saw my reaction and gave me that slow satisfied smile of hers. I'd eased the lavish praise and encouragement gradually, once her character began to emerge and her confidence with it she knew what worked for her and what didn't. The myriad of styles that she developed was impressive enough but the number of looks she'd discarded were double those she retained. True I'd dictated what she should wear that morning but I hadn't decided on her hair, make up or accessories. The above the knee black leather skirt went perfectly with the soft cowl neck jersey sweater in white. Her feet in knee high heeled black leather boots, the between the top of the boot and the hem of the skirt was an expanse of black zig-zag patterned stocking. The clothes looked good on her but the combination of the softly waved hair looked captivating and utterly sexy. She'd gathered a thin pony tail and picked it out with the pink chiffon scarf nestled among her long blonde tresses. Her eyes were dusted with a dusky pinks and a hint of glitter, lashes picked out with a light mascara. Rose pink lipstick, lips lined with a darker rose lip pen. This was something of a Sissy trademark, the thin line perfect when she pouted, I'd even seen her lips lined in a glittering gold to compliment a gold metallic cocktail gown she'd made. Her fingers were tipped with another Sissy trademark, her nails French polished but with the moon of her nails a soft coral pink similar yet a little darker to that which I'd insisted she paint her toes with. Gold hoop earrings, a light gold chain and slinky thin bracelets, I didn't allow her a watch. "Do I look okay Mistress?" she asked, she never fished for compliments, she seemed happy knowing that she deserved them but didn't necessarily need to hear them. This wasn't down to any conditioning on my behalf, it was one of those endearing things that she seemed to develop on her own. There was the secret little smile when she caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror, the soft touches she brought to her looks, like the chiffon scarf. Most obvious of all were those she reserved for the bedroom, her penis becoming a 'clittie'" or 'cockclit', her behind was her 'bumpuss'. I guess she had picked these up from something she'd watched or read. It wasn't something for me to worry about, so I didn't do anything to deter her, actually, I loved it! "You look gorgeous darling." I said quietly, feeling drab by comparison. That would only add to the plan. I handed her a small pouch handbag into which she put her make up, a soft brush and never mentioned the small tape recorder in the bottom. Taking the bag from her again I told her she could have it back when we got where we were going. "Mythterious Mithtreth!" she giggled. When we pulled into the companies car park I saw Sissy looking around in interest. She gave me a little smile when we got out of the car and then giggled. "What's wrong?" "Nothing Mistress, it's nice feeling the breeze under my thkirt, skirt, thank you for letting me come." It was one of the countless moments that had made my effort worthwhile. I opened her handbag and switched on the tape recorder to record, then put a ten pound note in the top of it and gave it too her. "Pocket money Sissy." I smiled at the glow which suddenly lit up her face. Walking over to the security office she giggled again and without prompting told me that she loved the sound of her heels on the concrete. If she carried on producing any more of those countless moments that morning she'd have me cumming in my panties, they were wet as it was. Just before going in through the door I told her she could call me Cindy for the day, I couldn't have her attracting attention to us if she called me Mistress. "And we shall pretend that we are cousins if anyone asks." "Kissing cousins Cindy?" she closed her eyes a moment then gave me the dazzling smile. "I love saying your name!" Had it been a warmer day I might have considered leaping on her on the spot. As it was I took a deep breath and told her we could consider the kissing part later. Stepping into the security office I saw Shaun taking an interest. "Hi Shaun, this is my cousin Sissy, Sissy, this is Shaun." "Hello Cindy, Hi Sissy," he replied, if he wondered about her name he didn't say anything. "Hi Shaun, pleathed to meet you," she said, her voice betraying not one note of worry or concern. "I'm here to see Paula Jacob's," I said as he turned to his access list. "Right, I see, thing is Cindy, you're on the list but Sissy isn't I'm afraid." "It's alright Cindy I can wait in the car." What an absolute Angel! "It's too cold to sit in the car, I'll just rearrange my appointment with Miss. Jacob's." "Erm, no need, how about, well, Sissy could stay here, with me." Here's the line, here's the sinker, now where was that hook? "Won't you get into trouble?" "It'll be okay." "Miss. Jacob's won't be upset?" "She'll never find out," he held a finger to his lips. Oh yes she will, I thought giving him a bright smile, and the hook was that half an hour later Paula Jacob's came to meet my cousin Sissy. She looked delighted when she was introduced and Sissy behaved perfectly, all charm and smiles. On the other hand she gave Shaun a thunderous look as we left telling him she'd speak to him later. How could he have been so stupid to allow an unauthorised person beyond a sign stating that 'Unauthorised persons were not allowed beyond that point'? A sign that said the rule was the creation of the Executive Director? One Paula Jacob's. Having known her for years I knew that if she felt she was being ignored she would be after the hide of the unfortunate person who had incurred her wrath. Poor Shaun, he didn't have a hope. I took Sissy into town, more to gauge her reaction to being around people than anything else but also to pick something up from the post office. I got Sissy to carry the packages back to the car but didn't tell her what was in them. I took her to a wine bar for lunch and watched her nibbling on a salad. She had little interest in eating herself but at home she had proved to be a very good cook. It had got to the stage that I'd had to be careful that she didn't get me fat. "Was Shaun okay with you Sissy?" "Yes Mistress, Cindy, I mean, sorry." She seemed a little evasive so I'd asked her what they'd chatted about. "Well to be honest Cindy it was all stuff I don't have a clue about. Alarms, and that sort of thing, he was very full of himself though, he even asked me out on a date!" There was no excitement in her voice about it, in fact she seemed thoroughly bored by the whole idea, all the better for my plan. We got home in the middle of the day, I took one of the packages and told Sissy it was for her. As ever when given a present she was very gushing in her thanks. She wasn't quite so thankful once I'd laced her into the unforgiving steel stayed corset. The pinky ruffled satin panels looked fantastic but I hadn't expected the waspish waist they enforced or the way that they boosted her boost and flared her hips. With the corset tightly laced her body screamed femininity. She looked so sweet in the pink satin heart shaped panties she'd bought with her pocket money they went beautifully with the corset, down to the pretty frilled lace trim. If Sissy had seen the other corset I'd bought I'm convinced she would have begged to be put in it. Black leather, double layered but with eight stays made of extremely slim metal. The body shape it would enforce would be entirely feminine but Sissy couldn't have it yet, there was someone else to put into it first. That they'd be wearing it for at least two months was beyond my real interest at the time. That was focused on Sissy and the way her lips were snaking back and forward across my stocking tops. What an easy fish Shaun was to play, I rang the works the next day only to be told by a strangers voice that Shaun had been suspended until further notice dependant upon investigation. "Can you tell me what happened?" "As far as I know he made his mouth go about the site alarm systems and some operational procedures which are restricted. Miss Jacob's has a tape of the conversation, it's very much one sided apparently, he's right up the creek if you ask me." "You don't happen to have his phone number have you? I'd like to offer him my support." Of course I had no such intention. His replacement gave me a number, I thanked him, hung up and then dialed the number he'd given me. "Hello?" "Hi, Shaun? It's Cindy here, I'm so sorry to hear what's happened," I said as softly as I could. "Thanks, I should have thought before I told Sissy all about the place. Typical for the place to be bugged." Of course it wasn't bugged, Paula had just received the tape by courier, I smiled to myself thinking that Shaun had probably signed for the delivery himself, so sealing his fate. "We should have left Sissy in the car I suppose, I'm so sorry, Sissy is horrified by what's happened." "Is she? Really? Could I speak to her do you think?" Now to begin reeling him in. "Why don't you come round this evening for a drink?" "Could I? I need something to pick me up, what time?" "Eight thirty?" He was at the door at eight. "Sissy is upstairs getting ready, come on, let's have a drink while we wait for her, fancy a cocktail?" By the time that Sissy came down Shaun was on another planet, at least his mind was. "Is he alright Mistress?" Sissy asked when she lifted and then dropped his floppy arm. "Just a little overwhelmed darling, help me with him upstairs, let's let him have a lie down for a while." Between us we got him up the stairs and along to the door I intended to go to work on him. "Be a dear and get on with answering the e-mails would you babe? I can manage from here." "If you're sure Mistress," she pouted prettily. "I'm sure Sissy," I smiled as she simpered and pouted again before going down to the converted dining room which was part office part studio. I hauled Shaun into the dim bedroom and rolled him onto the wide bed which was covered with a plastic sheet. Taking up a pair of dress making shears I began cutting him out of his clothes. Casting the pieces of material into a refuse bag before tying a knot in the top once I had him naked. I'd perfected my bed bath technique whilst creating Sissy so by the time it came to dealing with Shaun I had the routine down pat. First I washed him down with warm soapy water drawn from the en-suite bathroom. After drying him off I massaged the depilatory cream into his skin and allowed it to soak in before massaging the fragrant floral oil into every pore. The advantage of this is that the oils aroma only dissipates slowly so in the more conscious moments the nose is overwhelmed by a light feminine fragrance that the mind begins to associate as belonging to it. I then began to lace and lock the leather corset about his body, as tight as possible until the body began to be forced to adapt to the lacing. The breath was expelled from his body, ensuring that only soft breaths could be taken. Again through time the body would adapt to this and through training would require less oxygen as time moved on. I used the same pleasure and reward treatment that had been so successful with Sissy, rewards for reacting physically to the soft touch of feminine clothes, for reaching arousal through watching hour after hour of shemale sex, the constant diet of vitamins drinks and chemical cocktail bringing down the body weight until the corset could be tightened further. Once the body would only physically react when dressed in the conditioned feminine clothes, when the mind made the mouth ask to be dressed, then and only then did I wean away the drugs. Sissy, knowing that something was going on, was intrigued, she accepted her responsibility for running the business and did so with surprising insight. I was very impressed by the way that she handled things and even more so when she didn't pursue what was going on upstairs. I spent about six hours through the day working on the transition and training, spending the rest of the time with Sissy. After six weeks the Shaun that had once been was responding to the new name I'd given 'her', Missy. From then on she responded with a greed for knowledge that surpassed Sissy's own. Her hunger for cosmetics was astounding and once she'd begun applying her own just as well as either I or Sissy she moved on to her hair. Now just long enough to be styled into a short blonde bob. After ten weeks I finally allowed her to emerge from the room. She dressed as ordered in a short black shift dress which barely covered her ass cheeks, Black lingerie beneath but no panties. With high heeled ankle boots on her feet she followed me down to the studio come office where I introduced Missy to Sissy. "Sissy, I'd like you to meet our sister, Missy, Missy this is your other sister Sissy." The inbuilt conditioning both had been given kicked in, whenever they heard sister, aunt, cousin they would experience a very deep love for the other and so it proved. Though I have to note that the kiss they shared was anything but sisterly. It would have had the same effect had I told them that we were all aunties to each other, or cousins even nieces. The sister affectation was designed to bind us as tightly as possible together. Our physical differences, mine to theirs, had no effect in their eyes we all were the same. The kiss in greeting served to get me intensely wet, my whole body trembled with arousal and seeing Sissy moulding her body against Missy I found myself unzipping and then stepping from my skirt. I walked over to them, my right and snaking under the brief hem of Missy's skirt to squeeze her cheeks, my left hand finding the clip that held Sissy's cross over dress closed. I undid it and then took Missy's hands, encouraging her fingers to push it open and off Sissy's shoulders. Naked but for the tiniest tight pair of panties I took in Sissy, so perfect now and ready for the next step, her implants. Sissy slipped Missy's dress over her head and stepped back, glancing down I saw Missy's cockclit swing out and up, looking so hard and erect. I reached down and freed Sissy from her panties, then drew the tips of their arousal together, making them both shudder at the soft caress. I sank to my knees and took both heads into my mouth, the girls turning so I could suck and lick them all the more easily. I was in great danger of losing control at that point and was thankful to Sissy when she eased herself away from me, taking Missy with her. I stood and welcomed them into my arms, four sets of ruby tipped fingers began undressing me until I was as naked as they were. I desperately wanted to see them sucking each other, and I so desperately wanted to capture the moment on film. Further than that, I wanted them to be attuned to the utter pleasure they could afford one another. They were to become as dependent upon each other almost as much as they were dependent upon me. To this end I made them bend over the studio bed, Sissy needed little lubrication, the little slut had been fingering her bumpuss, sliding her fingers in and out coated with saliva. Now she was filled with the remote controlled vibe and soon after Missy had her latest taste of absolute ecstasy. When she came she had the vibe vibrating heavily, twisting and thrusting in her bumpuss, laid on her side her face was buried between Sissy's legs just as Sissy was doing to her. Mouths filled with hot spurting cum, both swallowing hard, gulping it down. I didn't slow the vibes at all, leaving them thrusting and wriggling within them until I had sampled a deep tongue probing kiss with Missy, then the same with Sissy, mixed taste within my mouth. Squatting above their smeared faces I lowered my hot soaking pussy onto one ruined red mouth then the other, building up my passion and arousal until it was like a lance of lava spearing every nerve. Looking down I saw them fingering each other' cockclits, moaning and sobbing smothered under my mouth until my climax ripped through me. When I recovered I slipped of the rumpled sheets and smiled down at my two creations. They were entwined with each other, caressing and stoking whilst they kissed long and deep with hips gently pushing forward, rubbing their cockclits against one another. Despite my own exhaustion I felt the glow of arousal spreading through me. Just watching them together was almost enough to send me soaring into orgasm. I re-focused the cameras and then changed the tapes, this would be a recording in its own right, a collector' item and I wondered idly to myself why I'd never thought of it earlier. Whilst it would no longer be a humiliation for either of my girls, indeed they would willingly accept the attention, I suddenly wanted to see them submitting to a real cockclit, of flesh and hot blood instead of the various rubber and plastic vibes, strap-ons and dildo's. Even as I thought about it Sissy rolled away from Missy, turned on the bed and spread her legs wide. Missy pushed them wider still and pushed her sister back a little so Sissy's bumpuss rose from the bed. Sissy giggled when she felt Missy's tongue flickering at her root, then shuddered when the tip of the tongue probed between her cheeks and prodded at her hole. Shifting the two camera tripods either side I checked the focus so both lenses had a clear view not only of what was happening but also of what was shortly to come. Missy was so gentle, to begin with, she positioned herself and allowed Sissy to take control. It made an even bigger thrill for me to see her doing it willingly. Sissy gasped when Missy hitched her hips, through the camera I saw the head of her clittie push inside. Inch by inch Sissy guided her sister in, her face twisting at the sensations she was experiencing. Her hand left the invading clittie and returned to her ankles, holding her legs high and wide, aided by Missy. Missy began to slowly withdraw, teasingly slowly, I could tell from the look on Sissy's face that she didn't want to lose the feeling of being filled. With only the head of her clittie inside Missy paused then in one long smooth stroke she fed it all back in. A long moan escaped Sissy's lips as one stroke became two, then three, then a continuous smooth rhythm as Missy began to quicken the pace yet varied the length of the strokes, probing deep then stopping short until Sissy was panting heavily. Soft little cries, low grunts, high pitched squeals. Missy herself was moaning, the delicious tight sensation of driving in and out of her sister was obviously having its effect until finally she screamed loudly, her body went rigid and then she began to shake. I saw her buttocks clenching, muscles ripple, and I knew she was pumping her cream deep into Sissy. Buried up to the hilt, eyes closed a wide smile on her face. I watched in amazement when Sissy's untouched clittie erupted, spraying cum the full length of her body, even hitting her pretty face. She actually cried when Missy began to withdraw from her, a soft wet sound when the clittie slipped out. I was shocked and thrilled when Missy collapsed on top of Sissy, Sissy locked her legs round Missy's back. They slipped and writhed together, the pair of them ending up coated in Sissy's cream. I switched the camera's off and slid silently from the room. I headed for the shower with a Cheshire cat grin on my face. Under the warm water I soaped myself all over and then allowed the water to rinse me off. My memory replaying what I'd watched in the studio I was left with shaking legs when an almighty orgasm tore me into pieces. After recovering and then drying myself off I dressed in a wrap over black dress then saw to my hair and make up. When I went back down to the studio in my high heels butter wouldn't have melted in my mouth. I cursed myself silently for not having left the cameras recording, Sissy was slumped over Missy's back, her clittie still embedded deep in her sisters bumpuss. Still, there would be and there were very many other times. As I'd intended the girls became very reliant on each other, to me first and foremost but importantly they developed a deference of each other even if I was to mildly scold one and not the other. Whoever wasn't being scolded would always speak up for the one who was being punished. Just as sisters should do, they also supported each other in the business side of things. Missy turned out to be as good with the video editing suite as Sissy was with her dress making. For good measure I put Sissy through the same corset training regime as I had done to Missy. The flow of money coming in was steady and regular, it was time to make the next investment in their future so I began cultivating a renowned plastic surgeon. Dr Herbert was a consultant at one of the local Accident and Emergency hospitals and also had an interest in a private practice. It wasn't his only interest, he was also on our mailing list for the new video's we made. The whole ground floor, other than the lounge and kitchen looked more like the small business that it actually was as opposed to belonging to a large suburban detached house. Sissy had her dressmaking room, Missy had virtually taken over the studio, a large colour photocopier and other printing kit plus a large computer system took up most of what had been the dining room. Piles of blank video tapes and boxes stood round it's walls. With my girls being so into the business as well as each other I was more or less free to go about whatever business I decided to get up to. This included a series of appointments with Dr Herbert. "As far as I can tell Cindy, you are perfectly healthy, why on earth would you be so interested in hormonal treatments?" "Mr Herbert," I gave him a sweet smile, "I'm about to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity." "I'm afraid I don't see what you mean," he said, his face blushing puce. "I happen to know that you are a collector of, shall we say, exotic entertainment." I watched his face redden further and his lower lip tremble. "How..." "That doesn't matter Dr Herbert, what does matter is that you and I are in a position where we can do each other, certain favours." "That's blackmail!" he objected. "Don't be silly Marcus," I smiled, "it would be blackmail if I was taking something from you without giving something in return. This is more of a, an exchange of professional expertise." I smiled again. "Let me get this straight, you want to exchange my expertise for, yours? What is your field of expertise by the way?" "Don't try looking down your nose at me Marcus," I said mildly, "I may not have letters after my name but I know precisely what I'm doing." He looked at me then cleared his throat. "Okay, what exactly have you in mind?" "You will oversee a course of hormonal treatments for two subjects. There will be no objection from their side I can assure you of that. You will also provide surgical procedures, two tracheal scrapes and two sets of breast implants. In return I shall allow you to have the time of your life once a week with both subjects." "You're asking me to risk my career, my practice and my reputation on the line!" he spluttered. "Now you're being ridiculous Marcus, if I wanted to do that I would simply have let it be known that you're more than a little interested in shemales, receipts, film titles, when and where they were delivered to, the serial numbers of each tape or photograph you have ever received." I watched the colour drain from his face with a smug satisfaction. "But the staff, what do I tell the staff?" "About the surgical procedures? Never done implants or a scrape before?" "Well of course I have!" he snorted. "The two concerned will present as exactly as they appear, two beautiful girls who just feel the need to be even more beautiful." "No, I'm sorry, do your worst but I will not do this!" "Well, I'm very sorry to hear that Marcus, terribly sorry indeed. I know that Missy and Sissy will be very upset." "Who?" "You heard." "But they..." "Need implants and tracheal scrapes." "The hormones?" "A regime to keep the hair growth down, skin soft, as for breast growth, well, you'd be the best judge of that. I'd rather they had natural breasts that they have grown themselves in the long term, in the short, implants." "You realise that there will be side effects?" "Such as?" "Their testicles will shrink, eventually they won't produce sperm," he said. "And their clitties? Sorry, the penis?" "Will, if the hormone levels aren't monitored, go the same way as the testicles." "And if they're monitored, over an extended period of time?" "It could be controlled so they loose the minimal, in performance," he blushed again. "I think that's what we're looking for isn't it Marcus?" He nodded. "How long before we can begin?" "I'll make some gaps in my schedule, we should be looking at the surgical procedures in a month, the hormonal treatments would have to run, say, perhaps up to eight months. Can you wait that long?" Eight months? Surely plenty of time for the next stage in my plans, we couldn't have Sissy, Missy or myself feeling left out could we? So, another lady to even things up, Paula wouldn't know what hit her under the combined influence and attention from my kinky little family. She'd make a lovely Candy. I pulled myself back to the present. "Shouldn't you be asking yourself that question Marcus? Can you wait that long?" "Of course there isn't anything to stop the hormone treatments starting as soon as possible," he looked flustered now, turned on, aroused. "This weekend soon enough for you?" "I think that might be ideal," he said shortly. I stood up and walked round the side of the desk, unfastening the belt at my waist. Unclipping the catch at the back of my tight red dress I drew down the zip to the small of my back. The dress slipped from my shoulders, gathered at my waist until I pushed it down to the floor then stepped out from it. Standing naked but for sheer black, a black lacy suspender belt and my spike heeled red courts, I smiled at him then straddled his lap. "Let's fuck on it Marcus."

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sold into sissyhood

They were standing in a small group, drinking beer, smoking, and laughing. I could hear the rap music thumping aggressively from their boom-box. I could see them watching our car.It was late, well after midnight, and this particular park was no place for a white sissy to be at this hour. I've never been a physically or mentally strong person. Im very easily intimidated. And there I was in a tiny plaid mini and white pump sandals about to mince my way passed a group of young black street-toughs....

2 years ago
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Ex GF Stepsister Cheryl part2

Sorry a little late writing a another chapter about my ex girlfriends cock teasing stepsister ( Cheryl) and how we ended up fucking. Now on to the story. Well as you probably know if you read my first post on her that Cheryl had been teasing me for sometime and we ended up finally fucking. Well Cheryl and myself have been fucking for a good 6 months up to this point and it was the best 6 months a guy could ask for. Cheryl would be waiting for me to get home from work at times and we would...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

4 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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My Stepsister Hailey P6

So, there we were in the car, my stepmother, Father, my stepsister Hailey and me heading to my aunt and uncles house for my cousin's birthday.It was my cousin Samantha's birthday , she was just turning 18, and like normal tradition all the family were invited to celebrate it, at my uncles house. So we put on our best clothes, me and my father in shirt and trousers, my stepmother and stepsister in very pretty dresses, climbed into the car and made our way to the next town where they lived.As we...

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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 5 I try to understand what is motivating my stepson

Chapter Five: I realize I needed to understand Robert's motivation and desires betterIt happens again the next morning.I arose early, slipped out of bed without waking Robert. Silently, I went into the bathroom. I turned the water on, giving the hot water time to work its way through the pipes for my warm shower. While waiting for the water to warm up, I stared into the mirror and assessed my thirty nine year old body. Objectively speaking, I was in excellent shape. My breasts were firm and...

3 years ago
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My Stepsister Hailey P3

It was a bright sunny day when my Stepmother said we should go for a bike ride like we used to do when we were younger."Really?" I groaned unhappily, because I always hated those bike rides."No it'll be great!" said Hailey eagerly, before looking at me and smiling."Then that settles it!" my stepmother said happily "You guys go get ready, and i'll get your father to load the bikes on the car!"And so quickly Hailey skipped off to her room, where's I trudged off to mine, really not enthusiastic at...

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My Stepsister Hailey

When I was still a k** my father divorced my mother and married another woman called Veronica, she was a beautiful tall woman with long brown hair and clearly loved my father a lot.She also had a daughter from her first marriage called Hailey who looked a lot like her, and was about a year or so older than me, but as we grew up Hailey began to run wild, and eventually they shipped her off to boarding school, and except for holidays, I hardly ever saw her.Then when she turned 18 she finally...

2 years ago
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Im Having Sex With My Stepsister But Fantasize About My Stepmother Part 2

The last few weeks have been very interesting. I can't stop thinking about my stepmother. The urges have been unbearable at times. My stepmother and I have not had sex in a few weeks. I constantly jerk off in her panties. I just dream of sucking her nipples. I loved when I fucked her. Her breasts were so firm and didn't even move. My stepmother is a natural size 38D. She’s so experienced and her pussy was just the best thing I ever felt. It really did feel like I was fucking velvet. I just...

4 years ago
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My Stepsister Hailey P5

As we sat in the kitchen eating breakfast on that bright summer morning, my stepmother said eagerly "Hey, why don't we all go to the beach today?""Yes!" exclaimed my stepsister eagerly "We haven't been for ages, and I want to work on my tan, before I go off to university!""Yes, why not!" agreed my father, and so as everyone else was eager to go, I said yes as well, and then we headed off to our rooms to get ready.Half an hour later we were in my fathers car heading for the beach, and because it...

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Im having sex with my stepsister but fantasize about my stepmother

My father recently married my stepmother. She’s a very sexy looking woman. She tells everybody she's a dancer, but she’s really a stripper. I think that’s where my father found her. She’s my father’s third wife. My father is always getting married. He’s a player and loves to have a sweet piece of ass on his arm. My mother left him years ago, because he couldn't keep his zipper up. He cheated on her with his secretary. My mother had a nervous breakdown and was unable to take care of me. I live...

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My Stepsister Hailey P4

Saturday was my big game, the season was over but our team had got to the cup final, and now our little town was going to play in one of the biggest football games we had ever played in, and I was one the key midfielders they were going to rely on.So, Friday night I eat well, had a light run down the park and back, and then got an early night so I would be fresh for the game the next day.However, the next morning I didn't count on my hot brunette stepsister, slipping into my room early to wake...

3 years ago
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StepsisterBy  Sonya  EsperantoStory:FIRST WEEK -  Monday Later AfternoonJames  was  out  by  the  backyard.  He  was  smoking  a  cigarette,  oblivious  to  the  fact  that  he  was  being  watched!!  His  backyard  faced  a  cliff,  that  overlooked  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  He   lived  in  a  big  mansion,  on  the  top  of  a  hill,  somewhere off the coast of  Miami,  Florida. He  quickly threw away the cigarette,   since  he  believed  his  parents  would  be  home  any  moment!!  James ...

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Defiled Stepsister

Defiled Little Stepsister "You really need to get your act together," Tiffany told herolder stepsister, Kelly. "The people you're hanging out with arenothing more than a****ls, disgusting street thugs. Why are youdoing this to yourself? Don't you want to attend college, meet anice man, settle down and have a family like I'm going to do?"Tiffany continued as she unpacked her clothes from the suitcase. Kelly stared back at her beautiful, younger stepsister withcontempt, but said nothing. ...

2 years ago
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Stepsister8217s Skillful Mouth 8211 Chapter One

Carmelita eyed Mark’s stiff cock with lust. She knew the devilish glint in her dark eyes told him better than words that his new Stepmother was more eat-hungry now than fuck-hungry. She was standing before him, naked from the waist down, baiting him with her cunt, while her wet pink tongue licked still another invitation across her plush red lips. Suddenly her heart was pounding faster when a wicked little smile creased his lips. Without waiting another second, she dropped to her knees...

4 years ago
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Stepson helps me with my bruised butt and then

Hi Y’all,Well the week could have been better but it’s ended well. This past week we had a little bit of ice and snow Wednesday night causing for a not so fun Thursday morning of getting the k**s off to school and driving for Uber. My bad Thursday morning started off as I was driving home after dropping the k**s at school and hit an ice patch on a downhill road. The car in front of me hit their brakes as soon as they hit the ice and they started sliding, I hit my brakes too and joined in the...

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My Stepsister Hailey P2

After having fucked my beautiful stepsister I really didn't know what to say or do for the rest of the day, it was amazing, and I did enjoy it, mainly because she had a beautiful tanned slim body, and her pussy was so wet and warm when it rode my cock, but she was still my stepsister and now I was really confused.Then eventually it was time for dinner, and my stepmother had made a big family meal to celebrate my stepsister coming home, and so I took my seat at the table beside my stepmother and...

3 years ago
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The Sneaky Stepson

Foreword – This story though of a familiar genre was inspired by a letter to Dear Abby that contained the line My husbands son – Ill call him Duncan – came to visit The Sneaky Stepson By rutger5 (An original story- copyright 2012) Dont misunderstand me honey, Im not dismissing your concerns but I believe youre overreacting a little is all&hellip, Overreacting? I dont think so Paul. If it was the shoe on the other foot you wouldnt feel the same Im sure Tara Ferguson replied to her husband....

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Breastfeeding My Stepson

Hello.. I want to tell you about how i started to breastfeed my stepson and start to have new lovely bond with him till now. Before let me introduce myself. Myself riya and i am my husband’s second wife. His first wife was actually my elder sister who had meet with an accident and expired so later on my family made me marry my sister’s husband only. He has teenage child shreyas who was now also my son. Days passed on and i gave birth to a baby boy. My relationship with my step son was not good....

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My Stepsister Hailey P10

It was just a few days before the summer was over and I would be going to college for my first year, and Hailey my stepsister, would be going away to her college as well.Now, my college was just the basic local school for further education, but Hailey was going to a really big posh place in the country, because her real father had gone there, and he was willing to pay for her to go there too, and this also meant she would need a new school uniform."Come on then, young lady!" I heard my...

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My Stepsister Hailey P9

My Stepmother and stepsister had both just sucked me off until I came in my stepmothers mouth, this was the first time I had done that with my stepmother, and as I lay on my bed staring at her, she sat watching us, as my stepsister Hailey finished sucking my cock back to life, and now I was fully hard again, she stripped off naked and climbed onto the bed.Standing over me, my stepsister with her slim hot naked tanned body, little perky tits and smooth bald pussy grinned down at me, before she...

2 years ago
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My Stepsister Hailey P7

"Come on see!" cried my stepmother eagerly."See what?" I asked as I walked towards her stood by the backdoor."See what your father has brought me for my birthday!" she replied back grinning excitedly.So I stepped out of the backdoor with her, and there on our back deck was a large grey plastic bathtub."It's a jacuzzi!" exclaimed my stepmother excitedly "I've always wanted one! And now I have!""Great!" I replied less enthusiastic."Oh don't be like, you'll enjoy it when you get in!" my stepmother...

1 year ago
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Bonding With My Stepson

John, a straight forty-year-old, takes his eighteen-year-old gay stepson's virginity. To please his wife and bond with his stepson, John asks Aaron if he wants to learn some mechanics with him. As they have a nice moment together, John discovers something he had never felt before, a need hidden deep inside him. He's going to breed the young gay boy. New message from Sandra — Don’t forget what we talked about! Go talk to Aaron. Luv you. I read the text message from my wife and put...

3 years ago
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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 9 rewrite A wild threesome

Introduction: Okay I went and rewrote Chapter 9 since I got bad reviews on the previous one. No more parents will be involved, as well as no pregnancies so quit asking for it. Let me know what you think. Read on and enjoy. If youre new to this series, please read the previous chapters first. After Tim walked in on a threeway, lesbian sexfest, mom suddenly had second thoughts, but the younger girls werent done yet, and Tim wanted a little more action too. But his stepsister and her friend may be...

4 years ago
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My Stepsister Hailey P11

The summer holiday's were about to finish and it was time for my stepsister Hailey to head off to her big posh college, while I stayed at home to go to the local one, but it wasn't just going to be a simple goodbye see you in the holidays with my stepsister, no, she wanted us to travel with her to her new school.So, on the last but one day, before I was a due to start at my college, I climbed into the car with my stepmother ready to drive her the hour or so into the countryside, where her new...

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My Stepsister Hailey P8

I was enjoying a lazy Monday morning in bed, it was the middle of the summer, collage didn't start for another few weeks, and I didn't have a care in the world!Until I realised this happy warm feeling I was experiencing wasn't just my good summer feeling, but something else, something physical in a area lower down on my body, and as I opened my eyes to see what was causing it, I saw to my surprise my slim brunette stepsister lying between my open legs, gripping my morning boner in her soft warm...

2 years ago
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Baby Steps Pt 1

by Vanessa Evans I used to be so shy but not any more and I love the way I am now. Part 1 I grew up with very prudish parents. When I left my bedroom to go to the bathroom I always had to wear a dressing gown over my nightie and I had to be fully dressed to go downstairs. My parents also sent me to a catholic, girls only school. Even the college that they sent me to was all girls catholic. At the college the other girls idea of fun was play chess. So, when I left college and got my first...

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Stepsiblings Attend Wild Sex Party

Melissa Roberts (age 20) tells the story:About a week ago my younger eighteen year old brother Michael and I were sitting in the living room watching television. It was Friday evening and I normally had a date, but recently broke up with my boyfriend. Michael would also usually be out on a date with his girlfriend but she was out of town with parents visiting her grandmother.I was getting bored and decided to take a shower then play around on my computer. As I got up from the couch my brother...

4 years ago
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Stepsiblings Attend Wild Sex Party

Melissa Roberts (age 20) tells the story:About a week ago my younger eighteen year old brother Michael and I were sitting in the living room watching television. It was Friday evening and I normally had a date, but recently broke up with my boyfriend. Michael would also usually be out on a date with his girlfriend but she was out of town with parents visiting her grandmother.I was getting bored and decided to take a shower then play around on my computer. As I got up from the couch my brother...

3 years ago
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Bonding With My Stepson

 ... New message from Sandra — Don’t forget what we talked about! Go talk to Aaron. Luv you....I read the text message from my wife and put back the phone in my pocket. Aaron was her son. After living with his father for a few years when he was a teenager, he came back to his mom’s at the beginning of the summer, as we were living closer to his college.I never had children with my first wife, so kids were not my specialty. Well, he was eighteen, so not really a kid anymore, but still, we barely...

Gay Male
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Vacation with my stepson

Hi Y’allMany people have commented on my last story of an amazing random cock I sucked while on vacation. The main private comments I received were wondering if my stepson tried anything with me while I was in Utah and he was joining us from 29 Palms where he is stationed. I’ve been reluctant to say anything but have to admit we did have a little fun. The first time something happened during the trip we were sitting in a cabin we had rented outside of Capitol Reef National Park. I was in the...

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Husband Told Me I Could Have Sex With My Stepson

I’ve been married to my husband nearly three years now, I’m 28 and he is 45, I was probably the cause of his marriage break up with being his secretary. He has a son and daughter 17 and 15 from his first marriage, which we often see, and I get along fine with.Four months back my husband suffered a stroke; he was paralysed from the waist down and needs a lot of help all the time. Jake my stepson came and stopped with us to help look after his father. Jake is used to having girls stop over at his...

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Sissy Stepson Part 6 Carolines Sissification

Part 6 - Caroline's Sissification Mrs. Monet was now going to really put the spurs to her sissy stepson and force him to live a life of sissified faggot. With Carl still lying on the floor with sissy cream stains all over his pantyhose and panties she began taking pictures of sissy stepson. "What are you doing, I want to change," said Carl. "Oh, no just because you popped your cookies doesn't mean its over, you pathetic faggot. I now have evidence what a pervert you are and I...

2 years ago
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Stepson Fantasies Chapter 2 Joey

A few days after Peggy broke the taboo ice by fucking her new stepson, she was anxious to share the event with Wanda, her college girlfriend. Wanda was the one person she could tell anything to and would not get any condemnation from. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She and Wanda had an unspoken competition between them. Each wanted to outdo the other with the dirtiest stories and nastiest desires. There was always a hazy line between what was real and what was fiction between these two....

5 years ago
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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 9 rewrite A wild threesome

Jenna watched her mom leave the room, not noticing how her mom was acting. She quickly sat up, looking at her stepbrother's fat member hanging there. "That means this is all ours now Anna," she exclaimed, wrapping her tiny hand around Tim's shaft. Tim watched his stepmom leave, wondering why she had just suddenly got up and left. It seemed to him that she must be having second thoughts about what she was doing now. Kelly walked back to her room, knowing she should have told Tim to...

3 years ago
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Watching my stepsister

Watching my I was 17 at the time and was dating a lovely girl name Cassi. My stepsister was 19 just out of school and was dating a guy name Marc. Our parents went away for the weekend on a with two of their friends leaving the thursday afternoon, leaving my sister and I alone at home till the Sunday. The Thursday evening my sister and I while having dinner discussed what our plans where for the weekend. She was going to be out with her boyfriend as well as at home and I told her that I would...

2 years ago
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Stepsister Sleepsexing Surprise

--- Stepsister Sleepsexing Surprise (MF, inc, nc, oral, impreg?, reluc, safe, viol) by Krosis of the Collective --- I opened my apartment door and let my sister in. As she shuffled past I noticed a bruise under one eye. I didn't ask. She had called me out of the blue a few hours before to ask if she could stay with me for a while, and now I was pretty sure I knew why. Regina (I call her Reg) was a big woman -- not fat, but tall and proportionate -- an Amazon with an hourglass...

4 years ago
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December holidays part 9 My Stepsister

After spending a wonderful Thursday by Claire I stayed home the friday with my mom and dad helping prepare Christmas day lunch. Friday went by rather quickly and before I knew it was 9pm and I was already laying in bed chatting to my girlfriend Jessica. I fell asleep while we messaging as I was pretty dead. Waking up Christmas morning I got up and went to wish my family a merry Christmas. We all slowly got up and then had a light breakfast, so the big lunch wouldn't be ruined. After breakfast...

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Friday to Monday with my stepsister

Friday evening I didn't have any plans as I made arrangements with Jessica on Thursday to go to a club Saturday night. I relaxed and rested the whole of Friday. My stepsister was first home at about  4 30 from varsity, our mom literally walked in 2 minutes later and a few mins after that our dad. We all greeted each other and then our dad asked Amy and I what our plans for the evening were? I answered first saying that I'm home tonight relaxing as I'm going clubbing tomorrow night. Amy answered...

1 year ago
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Pleasuring my virgin stepsister at night Virgin Sex Stories

I was 21 when I met Jo – Josephine actually, but she preferred Jo. She was all of 18 and a very spunky girl. She was Fran’s daughter. Fran – my father’s wife. I hadn’t seen her before although Fran and Dad were married for more than four years. Maybe because I was at university and hadn’t come home in a while. But this summer, I saw her. She was a tiny brunette who was interested in astronomy. What I didn’t know was that she was untouched and I discovered about my virgin stepsister soon. We had...

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My stepsons girlfriend

The first time i meet my stepsons girlfriend i was jealous from the start. She had beautiful eyes, soft white skin, plus a nice set of tits! They were ready to jump out of her shirt. The way she wore her hair pulled the beauty right out! I know it was wrong to be attracted to her but i have a wife that stopped enjoying sex several months ago so i couldn't help it. After a few times of her stopping by i started to notice that she was looking at me also. I seen that my stepson was running around...

3 years ago
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My stepsons girlfriend

The first time i meet my stepsons girlfriend i was jealous from the start. She had beautiful eyes, soft white skin, plus a nice set of tits! They were ready to jump out of her shirt. The way she wore her hair pulled the beauty right out! I know it was wrong to be attracted to her but i have a wife that stopped enjoying sex several months ago so i couldn't help it. After a few times of her stopping by i started to notice that she was looking at me also. I seen that my stepson was running around...

4 years ago
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Sissy Stepson 7 Family Affair

Part 7 ? Family Affair On Friday, Mrs. Monet had a surprise for her sissy stepson. "Your father called this morning and won't be home for another week, aren't you lucky and today I called you off school to do your laundry!" she said. "Oh, but I don't know how to do laundry" cried Caroline. "You will learn just like you learned to suck cock and guess what my sister Maryann and my Mother know about your little perversion!" "Oh, know you promised not to tell anyone!" cried Caroline....

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Sissy Stepson 10 Stepmothers Sissy

Part 10 - Stepmother's Sissy Mrs. Monet put another knee high on the exhausted sissy and got an open toed spike heel with a very small opening in the toe of the shoe. Mrs. Monet forced the shoe on the sissy's limp dick, which started to harden within the shoe. "Come on sissy, just three more milkings, I know your balls ache and your sissy stick is red and sore, but you promised to hump my shoes!" his stepmother cooed. Finally, Caroline's sissy stick got hard enough for the just the tip...

2 years ago
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“Can we do it again soon Sarah? I would love to have your man and you could have mine,” Lara whispered as I escorted her and her man to the car park. “Would love to soon, very soon,” I whispered back as we kissed goodbye. “And perhaps just you and one of you girlfriends one day soon?” You can read all about that encounter in my story SARAH WATCHES ANOTHER MAN HAVE HER MAN. Three weeks later while my man is away, and by coincidence hers, Lara has invited me to her condo to meet Joyce at two...

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The process of taking someone through the 12 steps

People will approach you to take the through the big book and when they do approach you ask them: 1 do you want what I have? 2 what are you willing to do to get it? 3. Have the person read the first 164 pages of the big book and after for them to call you Read it, just read it Don’t bug them, do not ask them where they are in there reading. Humbling him or her is the key What is working for them is not working for them anymore or they would not be coming to see you… Let them come to...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

4 years ago
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Baby Steps Pt 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 2 I woke up early, probably because I was excited about the day ahead. At first I felt a bit weird when I realised that I was naked but the memories came flooding back and I felt good. I also remembered that I had decided to shave off all my pubic hair and my hand moved to it and I decided that I wouldn’t miss it. I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. Okay, I’d shaved my arm pits, arms and legs every few days but pubes was different. For starters they were...

4 years ago
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Imprinted by stepsister Shelley while edging and selfsucking

There I was laying on my bed, remembering having shared the first dance at prom with my beautiful, gorgeous, blonde stepsister.  She was a super brain all her life, won scholarships and excelled at everything she focused on.  She was also a stunning demure fox!  I would have done and still will do anything for her. This is a brief story of how I was imprinted into love for my stepsister, Shelley.  Ever since she walked in on me by accident, into my bedroom, and saw me sitting on my bed with my...

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Aarons New Stepsister Part 1 of 3

------------ Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both...

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Stepsister Seduction Chapter 6 Jenna Caught Mom in the act

Jenna slowly walked into the room, looking at her mom laid out on the bed, Kelly's lingerie messed up a little, but still on and covering her. Jenna walked in front of them, looking down at her mom's still gaping pussy, Tim's cum clearly visible yet. She looked over at Tim, his limp dick laying in front of him, as he laid on his side, the remnants of the condom still on his dick. Jenna shook her head slowly, "no wonder why you wanted me to leave, and you let him shoot inside of...

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