The Alien Within Or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed free porn video

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The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed! (c) 2002 By Lorraine B. All Rights Reserved Chapter One I moved in my semi-sleep state, I thought I had heard a baby cry. Perhaps what I heard was a dream. Wait a moment I never had children, if I had they would be adults now, gone from the safety and security of the nest. I was alone in this immense house having had no wife in many years. I couldn't remember if I had brought anyone home from that bar I went to last night. There was always the possibility I did. Lord, I drank too much! My head throbbed! My muscles hurt! Are the ravages of old age setting in? I just hope I didn't bring anyone home, if I did I do hope it was a she and not a he. Oh yes, I have done that before but I don't know what or who I did in my inebriated state. All I know is that the male person called incessantly for a month. All I can think of is that it must have been good! Okay, I think I enjoyed it also. Damn, I wish I could remember that episode. I only hoped that this time it was a female that I had brought home. I really do have to stop this drinking. The doctor warned me at my last physical, that my liver couldn't handle my binges as it once could. My shrink says that I have repressed memories causing my drinking. The hell with them both! Partially awake, I rolled over onto my side stretching across the bed noticing immediately it was empty. I also noticed unfamiliar feelings, no sensations in my body. Yes, I came home by myself, no Bar Hogs this time. Deep stirrings in my mind brought forth what I seemed to remember that there had been a woman that I vaguely remember. We had made conversation while we drank in that establishment, what we spoke of I don't remember. What she looked like I don't recall, although I think I remember that we went to her place. Was I still there? No not at all, or at least she wasn't in bed with me. I thought of all the lies I had fed to those people that I had gone to bed with just to get my sexual gratification. I had to stop this whoring around! I was a male whore to say the least! I went back to sleep only to be awakened again by that sound or sounds that I heard earlier. My sleep was interrupted as the sound increased its volume as I tried to and refused to acknowledge it. I kept telling myself in thought to block the sounds out. Perhaps it was a bad dream I was having or the noises from my neighbor's children. I remembered my next-door neighbor's baby as I put a pillow over my head. Was that what I heard? The volume of the child's crying increased forcing me to roll onto my side. I felt an added weight that had never been there before. I felt a warm wetness on my chest that I had never felt before either. I felt the warmness grow as the baby cried louder and louder to a brashness I had never heard. The warmness became an itch that needed to be touched or rubbed. I reached under the blankets moving my hand to the direction of the warmth. At first I thought I felt a pillow then wetness, my eyes sprang open. My mind said Woman's Breasts; it remembered the entire episodes of all the women's breasts my hands have ever felt. I threw the blankets and sheet from my body, looking at my chest in partial shock. What in the hell... Oh Shit, the doctor was right! I was in panic mode, remembering that the doctor told me I would grow breasts if I didn't stop drinking. What in the hell was my hand wet from? I touched my breasts; again they seemed to be large, hard and leaking fluid. Fluid, breast milk, lactation? I sat up perplexed, very scared and now totally awake. I wasn't dreaming as I felt the excrescencies on my chest again. I was going check myself to see if my other equipment was there, I heard the baby cry again. This time the cries were much louder and coming from within this house. Was I hearing things? No, not at all the cries came from inside this house. I was in complete sensory shock. I had to feel my breasts once again, oh yes they were still leaking and the baby cries getting louder in pitch and volume. My swollen nipples leaked all the more. I rubbed my face and eyes to wake up further. I noticed I had no beard as I usually had in the morning after touching my face. Maybe I shaved last night without cutting my throat with the razor. My skin was soft to the touch. What the hell was happening? I immediately placed a hand to the Family Jewels. Oh yes! They were intact; all was fine down there. The baby screamed louder as I felt my breasts. They were heavy, hard and ached. I needed to get up. I needed to think. What the hell happened? What was I to do? I bolted from the bed very awkwardly in the shadowy darkness. The only illumination in the room was from a nightlight plugged into a wall electrical outlet. I was totally off balance my center of gravity had changed. I needed to steady myself, leaning on a dresser near the bed. That was when I caught a reflection in the dresser mirror of a young woman. That young woman had a picturesque face of unknown origin, (possibly Celtic, Slavic or Scandinavian), very green eyes, alabaster skin (Just beginning to tan), High Cheek bones, perky nose, a great deal of thick, Auburn below shoulder to the waist hair. Her body was young, curvaceous with very lovely perky breasts that appeared full and firm. As she stared back I saw she was also nude to her baby baring hips. I also knew she was totally naked. She too held the dresser as I did. I was beyond befuddlement. Everything was out of the norm. Although I saw this woman there was no way I could be her after all I was taller, heavier, a great deal older and of course male since birth. The correlation between us being one and the same was impossible to say the least. Or was there a correlation? I didn't want to think of this improbability, or perhaps fact. I turned away from the mirror the young woman was not there in the room only I. It was then that I noticed the furniture around me seemed to be placed differently. All the furniture was larger. Wait a minute this isn't even my furniture or bedroom. What the hell did I drink last night? I know I didn't smoke, ingest or snort anything. Where in the hell am I? My fear was rising; everything was out of synch. Please, oh please, what is going on? What's happening? My mind spun in confusion. I gazed down at my nude body in the dim light; I never slept in the nude. Everything was in a different place more specifically my chest, hips, waist and butt. My waist was small. My hips were large as well as my butt. My chest was not the manly chest of old, being replaced with a set of womanly breasts that any woman would have been proud to have on her body. I was not proud of these protrusion I was a man after all. Dropping to the floor I began to cry and so did the baby. I got up gently with feminine grace, off the floor with tears steaming down my face. It had been years since I had cried so profusely. My mind was screaming in torment. I still heard the baby; it had to be somewhere close. Perhaps as I said it was a neighbor's child but after looking at my protruding chest somehow I doubted it was. I found a pair of pink silk lounging Pajamas lying across the bed and a pair of pink low-heeled mules by the bed. Oh shit not that! Staring about the room there was nothing there to put on. I had no choice but to put those on, as I was not about to walk around naked. After getting dressed, I followed the sound of the crying after opening the door to my bedroom almost falling in the low-heeled shoes. How in the hell do women walk in these things? The baby's crying was louder! My crying was harder! I also noticed further as I walked out of the bedroom, that this was definitely not my house at all. I padded softly down the dimly lit hallway wiping my tears. The hallway had several doors but only one that was open partially with soft rays of yellow light coming from the room. Walking up to that door I heard the baby crying. I pushed the door open walking into what appeared to be a nursery. The room was done in white, pink and blue, which confused me all the more. A white crib was located against the far wall against another wall was a changing table and dresser. Near the other wall were a white rocking chair, side table and playpen. Fairy Tale images hung from all the walls; Stuffed animals and dolls abounded everywhere throughout the room. The plush rug was a very dark shade of pink. Entering the room further I thought that the nursery was tastefully decorated. It had a woman's touch! How in the hell did I get here? Why was I here in this house? Where was the mother? Why was the baby crying as if deserted? I just couldn't leave although the crying was driving me to a demented state not able to think until I came to the crib. Gazing down into the crib I saw the baby. It was adorable, perfect in so many ways but crying, no screaming its lungs out. Something came over me at the moment I saw the child, perhaps a maternal instinct. Maternal Instinct? I reached into the crib taking the child into my arms placing the tiny bundle into my shoulder holding its tiny neck for support. Almost immediately the child seemed to settle down as I held it as a mother holding any child. The thoughts I had were many. Maybe the woman was in one of those other rooms that I saw. Maybe she and I drank too much and she passed out. Why had she neglected the cries of her baby? Who in the hell was I now? I had so many questions and not one answer. "Please Honey Don't cry Mommy is here." Holy Shit, Did I just say that mommy was here! My voice scared me even more being so high in pitch, sexuality spewed from it. The baby began wiggling its little body trying to dig itself into my shoulder. Why, I didn't know but I sensed it was hungry. The baby and I went down the hallway. As we went past each room I opened the doors to peer into them. All four massive bedrooms were empty, each again attractively styled and furnished in a feminine hand. Not a bed was mussed; a doily out of place, not even a dust bunny was visible anywhere. We went down the stairs after finding no one anywhere upstairs. Carefully we made our way to the kitchen. I noticed that in all the rooms we went through the color tones and paneling were dark and muted but not to the point of being morbid, they were more of a masculine flair. Was there a man that lived here? A husband? Oh Shit! As we continued I felt the odd sway of my hips, breasts jiggling and my hair rubbing across my back down to my butt cheeks, the silk rubbing on my skin and shoes on my feet. I thought I had to be hallucinating or a very bad dream. Reality struck as the baby began to whimper. It wasn't a dream! The baby in my arms was real. I knew it needed to be fed. I had to get to the kitchen and feed it soon. Before getting to the kitchen I started to shiver, from the sensory overload. As we passed the next room, I would assume it to be a family room. I saw a quilted comforter on the couch. I went to it and draped it over my shoulders, wrapping it around my body while holding the baby. We once again proceeded on our journey to the kitchen. The kitchen was a very modern one, almost commercial in appliances and design. I opened the stainless steel door of the refrigerator looking for, but not finding any formula. I did find a diet Pepsi taking it with us. Looking through the cabinets I saw no formula or food for the baby. The baby was stirring once again in my arms. I knew it would start crying again. We went back upstairs to the nursery. Just as we entered the doorway the baby stirred, crying very loudly. I placed the diet Pepsi on the table near the rocking chair. After sitting down and crossing my legs, I noticed that my nipples began to tingle. I remembered ages ago when my ex-wife breast-fed our children that she said she experienced the same sensations. I tried to do what she had done emulating her actions. Okay, so I didn't know what I was doing. I had that fear again but I also had a very large need to feed this baby now crying, no screaming, all so very loudly. I hoped that no one would hear it screaming. I thought once again stirring old memories of those past days. I opened my top finally raising the baby to my aching, engorged breasts it found my nipple and sucked greedily as it attached itself. I felt a warmth flowing through my body and a stirring in my loins. While the baby suckled I thought of the songs my mother used to sing to me. They were songs of joy, love, and of course family. I remembered those past wonderful memories. I thought of my three sisters and brother that I had not been in contact with in years. I truly missed them all. They were family. Coming out of my reverie I glanced down at the baby. My little angel had its eyes closed as it fed at my breast. Oh Lord what did I say 'My' for? I'm not the mother! I'm a man or at least I was. The baby continued to suckle taking me back to those songs of my childhood. I began to sing one softly. I was pleased with the sounds that came from my mouth. I had a very pleasant singing voice that seemed to relax the baby and myself; I had to smile as I sang. The baby was content, as was I. I was experiencing something that no normal man could or would do. I was experiencing the joys of motherhood. I was still confused on how I came here. It was still unclear how I was changed to my present form. What was the explanation? The questions repeated themselves in my head, why did it happen. While the baby suckled I tended to relax more continuing to sing to the baby. I switched the baby over to the other breast, immediately it took the nipple. It seemed to me that I was getting better at this nursing thing. Chapter Two The baby and I must have fallen asleep. I remembered the dreams beyond description, beyond imagination. The one dream that I had was I was being made love to by a person or persons that was unknown to me. The dream shook me to my very essence, though I think I was enjoying the love fest. I awoke startled by the dream. I was so startled and annoyed that I checked to see if I still had my penis. Oh Lord it was gone! My penis was gone! In its place was a vagina that was very moist. I began to panic! Why? Why was this happening to me? I once again placed my free hand between my legs to check myself, almost dropping the baby in my panic. Now I really needed to think, perhaps getting out of this house. What about the baby? I couldn't leave it alone. Damn these maternal instincts! I drew the comforter closer to the baby and me as I felt a chill. The baby was still nursing and partially asleep. Ever so gently I took the baby from my breast, taking it into my arms to the crib. I placed it into its crib. It didn't stir when it was put down. I covered it, giving it a kiss on the forehead. It was a kiss any mother would give a baby. As I did this I had forgotten all the changes to my body, as the baby was the most important item of thought. Where was the mother? What if she saw me breast-feeding her child? How would she react? I'm Dead! Truly screwed! I gazed once again at its cherubic face. I was thinking that maybe someone would come to claim it. Damn I hoped not! What did I just think? There was absolutely no sense to my feelings, new body and parts. At the very least I could have received an owner's manual! Since the baby went back to sleep, buttoning my top going back to the Master Bedroom padding down the hallway. I knew that I would have to face whatever had happened to me and soon. As I entered the bedroom I turned on the lights. I first noticed a strange woman in the mirror at the dresser I hung onto before. I almost spoke to her before realizing the reflection was my new one. She appeared to be ever so young while I was previously over the age of fifty. She was average height being about 5'7" while I again used to be 6'2". This woman was pretty with her lightly tanned skin, auburn hair down her back, large firm breasts, waspish waist, full hips and a pretty rounded butt. Her vagina was framed with auburn pubic hair that was trimmed expertly. I looked closely at my new face, gone were the crags and valleys that had etched themselves over time. Now my face was smooth with high cheekbones and very green eyes. The ravages of age were gone but so was my old body. Why did this happen? Where was the logic to this situation? What was I going to do? Perhaps I need to telephone Irene, my youngest sister. Yes she was wise in her ways and would keep quiet about my situation. I hope! I turned away from the mirror, feeling drained of all the energy I had and cried. I pondered whether to go back to bed again to rejuvenate myself; perhaps this nightmare would end. I looked at the drawn blinds noticing the light beginning to seep through them. I saw an alarm clock on a bedstead table that I didn't notice before that it showed 6:30am. I wanted to peek out those windows but was afraid to do so. I heard the ocean and the breaking surf that was close by. I was afraid that the world had changed like I had. Looking around I knew that I was safe here in this house and things had some semblance of normalcy. I felt dirty and sweaty. I reached behind my back of my neck pulling my hair, for me to look at it. My hair fell heavily to my chest covering my breasts. My hair was dirty and knotted. It was totally unacceptable by my standards or by any woman's standards. I thought about cutting some of it off. I left the comforter on the bed. I went to the Master bathroom to look for scissors to trim my mop of hair. I thought to myself how could anyone live with this mess? All I knew is that I couldn't. I searched everywhere in that room cabinets, drawers, and closets. There was not a pair of scissors to be found not even cuticle scissors or nail clippers. I thought about the nail clippers, as my fingernails were long, painted a deep red and well taken care of but far too long. I found the necessities of grooming supplies, loads of cosmetics and feminine sanitary supplies. This was truly a woman's bathroom. It had different shades of the color pink throughout; even the towels were pink. The only thing I found close to scissors or a razor was a Lady Remington electric shaver and an Epilady Epilator (Ouch!) Why wasn't there anything here that was sharp or had a blade? I'd have to check that kitchen again! I debated whether to lounge in the sunken Jacuzzi or to take a shower after seeing them both. The shower won! I found all that I needed in the shower stall except for a privacy curtain. I noticed that this unit could also be used as a Sauna so it had a door instead to seal the stall like a separate room with a bench that protruded from the wall. I walked into the stall after disrobing, leaving the door to it open so I could hear any noises. My first priority was to get my hair in shape. Thankfully I had watched all the women in my life as they took care of their needs and bodies. I knew what had to be done to this mop of hair I had. After cleansing my new body and hair I sat on the toilet. I crossed my legs high, as I have seen so many women in my former life do and hanging my head down combing out the tangles from my now long gorgeous hair. I was so very proud of it before, now I was even prouder after I blow-dried it. Chapter Three I had noticed that the sensations of this body were more enhanced then the sensations I had when I was a male. My hearing was more acute. My sensory perceptions were double of what they were. While in the shower I had noticed that my breast and vaginal areas were very sensitive to my touch. Now I knew why all the women I had known loved foreplay so much in preparation of being made love to. The feelings of arousal, stimulation tended to increase in intensity in readiness for orgasm. To some degree I thought how provocative it was sitting on the toilet seat while taking care of my hair. My hips were wide, seemingly to straddle the furry cover I sat upon. When I bent over my breasts hung and swayed. I thought that if I were a man watching this erotic scene the man and I would be making grand love. I am not the man anymore; I am the woman. Who the hell was I posing for? I had to stop this erotic thinking! Having lost that erotic train of thought I needed to focus on what had happened last night. What really did happen? Why did this happen to me? Who was I now? When did this happen? So many questions and no answers! I had to remember! I found a terry cloth robe in the bathroom closet and put it on. Going out to the bedroom I picked up the telephone receiver and dialed my sister's Irene's number. She answered; thank goodness it wasn't my brother-in-law Al, who answered. "Hi Irene, it's Andy" "What is this some type of joke? Did my brother put you up to calling me? He hasn't spoken to me in months! Put that no good son of a bitch on the phone!" "Irene, it is me, Andy. Please listen, I'll prove it." "This better be good!" "When we were kids you and I went to the candy store around the corner from where we lived over on Jackson Street. You stole a candy bar from the store. The owners told mom and dad but they didn't know which of us took it. I told mom and dad I did it to protect you from the beating. We promised we would never tell anyone what really happened not even the others. I know you remember how close all of us were. Do you remember?" "Oh Lord, it is you! I had almost forgotten that little episode. Why do you sound so funny? Like a little Girl? Are you in some type of trouble? Can I help? Where are you?" I told her I was somewhere near the oceanfront. I really needed to see her quickly but not going into great detail. As I was speaking to her I was also looking through the various drawers of the bedsteads and the dressers trying to find an address. I was in luck! I found a checkbook with the address and my new last name. Giving the information to her she would be here in ten minutes. Irene told me to just relax and to make sure I would open the door for her. I vaguely remembered the leading events after speaking to Irene. I had been restless after getting off from work. I decided not to go home but to go to dinner out and a nightclub after. I didn't know if I wanted to get drunk or to get laid. I went to a place in L.A. that I knew of. It was one of those kinky types of places, all Leather and Lace. It had a diverse clientele that ranged from Straights to BD/SM to Drag Queens and everything in between. I just loved to see the costumes that these people wore. This was a vacation for me of sorts being in the financial world as an investment banker, the suit and tie crowd. While in the nightclub I had noticed a very gorgeous looking woman. After several drinks and some great conversation, I knew this woman was a genetic woman and not a queen. I had found out from her that she was a commercial artist doing stained glass leaded windows. We had hit it off tremendously. I do remember I followed her to her car. For some reason she managed the make me fearful. Perhaps it was her height being around 5'11" in short heels. Perhaps it was her short boyish haircut. All I know is I was thinking of trying to get out of this situation gracefully. She turned to me before getting into her car; it was then that I became really fearful. "Did you want to tell me something?" I asked. She turned toward me and kissed me. It was then that I knew I was with a real woman and all would be well. She handed her keys to me saying, "You drive Sweetie." We were heading toward her place after she gave me the address. As a matter of fact it was this address, now that I think about it. After we pulled out of the parking lot she began to be all over me. Leaning into my direction she began to massage my crotch. I still remember the slowness of her fingernails tracing my erection. As she drew down my zipper I think I lost consciousness. I don't remember anything after that until this morning. Did I pass out? I was the one that was driving. It was impossible that I had passed out, as I was the one driving the car. Why didn't we have a wreck? I didn't think I drank that much. Was the complete episode real? How could I wake up in someone else life? I had my own to live! I suddenly remembered my job. I was about to call as the doorbell rang with intense fervor. It had to be my sister Irene! Chapter Four I ran down the stairs with my robe flapping in the breezes I made. I arrived at the door seeing two shadows of females at the stain glass window. Oh shit she brought someone with her, I thought. I swung the door open, standing there was my sister Irene and Karla another sister of mine. I only wished I had a camera to photograph the expressions on their faces. I was once, one of the middle children of the family now I'm the baby! Oh shit mom would have a fit if she found out. I let them in, hit a button that said Security Gate and took them up to the Master Bedroom. Not a word was spoken until we reached it. "Hi Karla, Hi Irene." I said as I smiled my best. "Oh Lord, it is true! I thought Irene was smoking the neighbor's shrubbery again." Karla said. "Damn you are cute! Now why couldn't something like this happen to me? Are you Okay?" Irene asked. "Oh Sure, Physically but... Oh shit, I'm all screwed up!" I said sarcastically and crying. Between sobs I went into detail about all that had happened. I saw the looks of disbelievement and astonishment. They each gave me a sisterly hug although I sensed they were hiding something. "Now ask me if I'm okay again." I said before starting to cry again. My sisters came to me and held me until I calmed down. We discussed my options deciding I didn't have any. Those options even included medical science. (Hey there's your sister over there in the jar. We dissected her.) "Well baby Sis, welcome to womanhood and motherhood. You used to like wearing my dresses as a kid when we played house. I guess you'll have your own now. I can't wait until the rest of the family sees you. Tommy and Sheila will absolutely faint. You'd better watch Al though he might try to get into those panties of yours. Mom will be absolutely without words." Karla said with a smile. I told them about work and the meeting with the board of directors at 8:30am. I needed to call the office but couldn't sounding like I did. There was no possible way I was going in the way I looked. They would have me lock away as a crazy woman. Karla had always been the devious one of the family, suggested she call the office for me. Chapter Five She went to the phone and dialed the number to my office. There was no answer until the voice mail responded with my secretary's voice. At the beep Karla said, "Mary this is Andrew's sister, Karla. He asked me to call and let you know that he has had a family emergency. He wanted me to ask you to reschedule the board meeting for sometime next week. Also here is a number where you can leave messages for him. (Which she gave her and Irene's telephone numbers. It was not a good idea to give the present number out to her.) Sorry but as I said before the emergency was a death in our family. Thanks." With those final words Karla hung the phone up as if it was going to melt from the heat of the lie she just told. I felt as if I was a fool to let Karla lie for me. They both knew how I felt. I may be a great many things but deceitful to others was not in my genetic make up. It was Irene that spoke next saying, "C'mon Sis, you need to get dressed. Maybe you'll feel better then." "What am I going to wear? I can't find my clothes from last night." "I don't think you'll be able to fit into your old persona Sis." Karla said. Those two sisters of mine were off like a Hurricane turned loose in that bedroom. One went to explore the dresser while the other found an immense walk-in closet. Me, I sat stoically on the bed in my robe more in shock then anything else. Both of them discussed everything feminine without my opinion. Finally they emerged with their hands full of clothing. Oh my Lord, they had nothing but lace and satin. "Okay Sweetie off with the robe. You're our Barbie Doll for the day." Irene said. I removed the robe, embarrassed for them to see me this way. All I heard was an intake of air from the both of them. This was the first time that they both were speechless since we were children. "My Lord, you're bigger on top then we are. I thought I was seeing things when I checked your bra size tag. You really are a D cup. I've just decided, I'm getting breast implants, Bigger is better." Karla said teasingly and laughed. I was handed a pair of red satiny bikini panties and a red front hook, strapless underwire bra to put on. I have to say I was in a sensory overload as the panties went up my legs to my new vagina. The bra took some of the strain off my back but the satin cups hardened my nipples. I also had to put nursing pads into them to absorb any leaks that they had brought from the bathroom. Next was a lacy red garterbelt that they showed me how to put on pulling the garters through my panties and explaining why. Next came a half-slip, nude nylons, red Mary Jane's and a red and white floral patterned sundress. I was miffed, as I wanted jeans, shorts or slacks. I was vetoed immediately by Karla and Irene. They both said I had to give the impression to all that I was what I looked like a beautiful young girl, wife and a mother. Their logic was impeccable! I had to do as they said at least until I knew what was going on. I happened to look in the mirror, the girl I saw before naked really looked much better now. At the same time I had a difficult time in realizing it was I. Forcibly I was taken to the, no my make-up table where I was instructed in the art of application. When I was finished I had to admit I looked and felt extremely different. The baby began to cry once again. Chapter Six I rushed to its room followed closely by Karla and Irene. I had already picked up the baby after uncovering it when they both came in. The baby seemed to recognize me and smiled. "Hi Sweetie, How's mommy's little one?" I said. It was then that I realized I said mommy, much to my chagrin and my sister's merriment. As I held it I realized it needed its diaper changed. Going to the Changing Table the baby wanted to touch my face and play with my hair. My hands shook I had not changed a diaper in decades. I fumbled with the sleepers' snaps finally getting it off. After that I saw the adhesive strips and opened those on the diaper. It was soaked. It was then that I saw the baby was a little girl. Irene and Karla smiled as I did this. Irene said, "You're doing swell Sis. It looks like you have a daughter and we have a new niece." My mind went blank for a moment but said, "Daughter? How could I have a daughter, I'm not a woman! I didn't give birth!" "Look Honey, Whatever or whomever did this had a reason for doing this to you. I don't know how but they did it. But you my dear have a second chance at life, but this time, to take care of and raise a beautiful little girl. I do hope you have a husband too. Then you will be complete woman. Okay so now you're only two-thirds complete." Irene said giving me a light pinch on the arm. After cleaning her and replacing the diaper, I realized that I hadn't changed one in many years. Oh well, it needed to be done, but I would have to do something about these fingernails. I didn't want to scratch and injure my daughter with these talons they were dangerous. I guess we will do okay. The only thing is I wished that my hands would stop shaking. I picked up the baby carefully asking her, "Are you hungry, Sweetie?" My new daughter looked at me smiling and gurgled. "Well I guess that's a yes, huh." I said walking over to the rocking chair with her in my arms. Prior to sitting down, somehow I managed to hold the baby and smooth out my sundress before sitting down in the rocker. Why? I untied the shoulder strings, allowing the covering to fall exposing my bra's breasts. I managed to pull out the breast pads after unhooking my bra. "Okay Sweetie Breakfast is ready." I said as I positioned the baby and myself. She found my nipple and started to suckle at once. I picked up a folded shawl from the side table placing it over the baby and myself so we wouldn't chill. I looked up noticing that both of my sisters had left the room. Looking down again at the baby I said softly, "Well I guess we're stuck with each other Sweetie. I'll try to be a good mommy to you. You sure are cute." I gave the baby a motherly kiss and smiled contentedly. In the recesses of my mind I thought that my sister's were holding something back from me. What was it? My sisters returned to the nursery shaking their heads. "My, my Sis, you certainly have adapted to your new status. She does look content in your arms." Irene said with a smile. "Sis, we don't want to worry you but we went through the house. We looked for formula or pureed baby food and couldn't find any. We noticed that there were no sharp objects of any type anywhere. We did find an electric Breast Pump and Baby bottles though they've never been used. We wondered if the sharp objects were removed because of you and your new status. You know Post Partum Depression maybe." I had to wonder myself if they, him or whatever thought I would commit suicide. I was too strong mentally to do that, I think. I adapted to a situation that most would have done themselves in. Okay, I hate the sight of blood especially if it's mine. "By they way, there was a strange man across the street looking at the house. He scared the hell out of me when I saw him in looking into the window." Karla said "What else is going to happen?" I asked feeling as if I was trapped into a situation with no escape possible. While thinking I switched the baby to my other breast. I never saw a happier baby. She was always smiling after she was given a dry diaper and fed. She was happy and healthy. I guess that I was happy too. I found peacefulness, no tranquility in my new role as a nursing mother, although my nipples did hurt from the breast-feeding. While I put myself back together the baby played with my hair. I really do have to get my hair cut or there were going to be problems. "Irene, could you or Karla cut my hair, please?" I asked. "I should say not. Your hair is gorgeous. Why do you want to cut it?" Irene said. "The baby is always pulling it or playing with it. It just seemed to be a sensible idea." Karla left the room and re entered holding a red scrunchie and hairbrush in her hand. "We should of thought of this before. I guess we forgot that babies play with hair or earrings that dangle." Just as she said those words the baby spit up on my shoulder. Oh the blessed joys of Motherhood I thought. Karla and Irene found the adjoining bathroom. They went in and came out with a towel and damp face cloth. They both helped to clean the baby and me. Irene took the baby from my arms saying, "I'll hold the little Sweetie so Karla can help you with your hair." In nothing flat Karla had my hair brushed and into a Ponytail. She took me into the bathroom to show me myself in a mirror. Oh Lord, I really did look young, too young to be a mother or Oh My Lord, a wife. My thoughts almost caused me to Hyperventilate. Wife, Mother Oh Shit, Lover, pregnant! Please kill me now, my brain screamed. How, there's nothing sharp in this house, it said mumbling in return. Karla must have seen the panic in my eyes and facial expressions. She placed her hand onto my shoulder giving it a slight squeeze. I calmed down and turned toward her saying, "I'm scared, Sis." "Don't worry we'll help Sis, That's what families are for. All the girls in the family will help you." Karla held my forearm in reassurance as we left the bathroom. Suddenly my mind screamed, 'All the girls!' Now I knew there would be hell to pay for all the hell I caused them while they grew up. I went to the dresser and pulled out red shorts and a red T-shirt styled top for the baby. I found cute white baby sandals in her closet. Within minutes I had her dressed. Irene brushed her hair out (which was not long) placing barrette's in it. We all agreed the baby looked adorable! Like mother like daughter. Oh crap, did I just think that too? Since the baby and I were dressed, we all descended to the main living room at the front of the house. I sat on the couch with the baby in my arms facing the windows. Irene and Karla went to the kitchen. I gazed about the tastefully furnished room. I thought it was simplistic in design yet fully functional for entertaining guests. As I looked about the room I looked out the front bay window looking past the security fencing and driveway gates. I happened to see a man on the other side of the street from the house. He just stood there looking at the house. I expected him to go on his way but he didn't, he continued to stare at the house. At first I thought he might be out for a stroll although it was possible he may have been looking at the flora and fauna in the front yard garden. Maybe he would lose interest and leave. The man appeared to be normal having short auburn hair and clean clothes, but you never know today about people. For some unknown reason I shuddered. I was thankful of the energy saving photosynthesized glass that allowed you to see out but not in that I realized was installed throughout the house. Even if the man could see inside all he would see is the baby in my arms and myself. In many ways I felt insecure. I decided to check the front door making sure it was securely locked. I then walked toward the kitchen. Chapter Seven As we were walking toward the kitchen from the foyer hallway, I noticed a purse on a table there. I grabbed the purse and entered the kitchen with my sisters making coffee. I sat down at the breakfast counter laying the purse down with the baby still in my arms. Karla had just placed a cop of coffee before me. "Whose purse is that?" Irene asked. Just as she said that there was a resounding crash from the rear of the house. I began to tremble as I almost fell from the padded stool, and the baby whimpered. We were both frightened by the sound but I wanted to run, no I was determined to protect my daughter. Karla stayed with the baby and me as Irene ran out the kitchen door with a skillet in her hands. She had always been the brave one when we were growing up. She was neither afraid of anyone or anything especially growing up the youngest in our household. Oh how we tormented her. Several minutes later she had returned to us saying, "In the back of the house I found a trashcan lying on its side with a cat sniffing at the trashcan. It was my assumption that the cat had knocked the can over. By the way have you been outside yet?" "No, Why?" I said. "Well just for starters you are right on the oceanfront. There's a wonderful pool, Jacuzzi, small garden, poolhouse and deck. I think you're pretty well off Sweetie." "I was pretty well off before and you two know that. I had a plan for retirement, now I guess I have many more years to plan for it." Relaxing with the friendly banter of my sisters, I reached for the purse. "Hey Karla, take a look at that purse, It's a Mila Schon! Rodeo Drive stuff! Okay Sweets, you do have money or your husband does." "We know Sweetie it's just that eventually you're going to have to face the truth. You're an adorable piece of womanhood. If you do have a husband, consider yourself blessed or cursed as the case may be." Irene said. "Here we go again with that husband stuff! Will you two lay off! I just don't need to think about that just yet. There's just too much that's been dumped into my lap. A daughter is just one of those. So can it, Huh!" "Irene, she's so grouchy, I bet she's close to her time of the month." I ignored what they were saying as I dug into the contents of the purse after I dumped it unceremoniously onto the counter. The purse contained the necessities such as makeup, hairbrush, nail polish, emery boards, lipstick, sanitary pads, a bulging clutch purse, checkbook, cigarettes and lighter, Address Book, red velvet jewelry bag, cell phone and many keys on a Taz key ring. I picked up the clutch purse opening it. Inside were photos of the baby and a man holding her. He was tall, muscular, brown haired and good-looking. I handed all those pictures to Irene and Karla. In another compartment were filled with Bank Credit Cards, American Express (all of the Platinum series), an ATM card and over $1000.00 in cash. In a concealed compartment were all the P.I.N's, Banks, account numbers and balances of all. I was about to put the clutch away when I noticed a Drivers License, Social Security card and folded were also other papers. I took out a Drivers License and looked at the photograph nearly passing out. It was I! Or at least the person I now was. My name was now Arlene Francine Foster- MacGregor, Age 19. Holy Shit I wasn't even 21 yet and a mother but the maiden name was correct. Folded up was a copy of my, no our Wedding Certificate, my husband's name was Gordon Michael MacGregor, Age 24. Next I found in the clutch was a Birth Certificate of the baby, Lynn Allison Foster-MacGregor; Age 6 weeks. There were also copies of both Gordon's and my Birth Certificates and a new license identification card issued by the State of California to me. I handed all these to Irene and Karla. I needed to think a moment; the name of Gordon MacGregor rang the proverbial bell. "Well Arlene, hey, that name fits you. I love it!" Karla said. "Yeah and I remember where I heard that name before. The kid, I'm sorry my husband has an investment brokerage firm that does business with the bank I work for, no worked for. We went out several times for luncheon meetings. He's a good kid and very intelligent in the banking field, very personable, not stuck up or snobby in the least. Very old money left to him by his deceased relatives or something. That still doesn't answer what happened. This just confuses me more." I reached for the opened pack of cigarettes, taking one and the lighter. Handing the baby to Irene, I lit it. Now why did I do that? I gave up smoking over 10 years ago. I exhaled the smoke, getting up to get an ashtray from the cabinet. Now how did I know it was there? All I knew is the cigarette tended to relax me but tasted terrible. While I smoked the cigarette, I could see that both my sisters were displeased, tough shit. I didn't care at the moment what they thought. I thought to myself, if the real mother should show up she'll probably kill me for several reason. The reasons flooded the first was for assuming her place as wife and mother; breast feeding her baby, living in her home and quite possibly many other things that I haven't thought of. I picked up the jewelry bag dumping the contents; out of it came a diamond engagement and matching wedding ring with diamonds that could sink a ship. For an unknown reason I placed them onto my left-hand ring finger. Oh Crap! I'm in really, really deep shit! Now how do I come up smelling like a rose? All Karla and Irene did was give a knowing smile. Chapter Eight As I sat I picked up the drivers license again looking at it. Placing the contents back into the purse and closing it, I started to question my sanity, remembering who and what I was before. What if this woman really was me? What if this house was really mine? What about little Lynn was she mine also? How could I have a baby and not remember the pregnancy and birth? Why didn't I remember anything of Arlene's life if I was truly she? I had all of Andrew's memories over fifty year's worth. Gee it was like an episode of the television series the Outer Limits with no end to the plot. How in the hell did I wind up in someone else's life? What happened to the other Arlene? Is this what they called an alternative universe: the Doppelganger Effect? I want my own life back! I got up from my stool walking toward the living room. My composure was leaving. I started to shake, violently trembling. I needed to leave this house. I needed the fresh air. I needed to think. I looked at the rings that were on my finger. I looked out the window not seeing the man I saw before. No one was on the street. Walking back through the Foyer again I saw a stroller. I opened it, rolling it back to the kitchen. Taking the baby from Irene's arms I placed her in the stroller. "I assume you want to go for a walk or ride somewhere." Irene said. "I have to get out of here. I just need to clear my head and think things out." "Well why don't you at least do some window shopping. We saw a shopping center with one not too far away." "Okay, we understand, but I want Karla to go with you, I'll stay here in case anyone comes. Also here's a list of what Lynn needs. We noticed that the refrigerator is full as is the freezer and pantry." "Irene, I think you should go with us. I don't know what is going on. I don't like the idea of you staying here by yourself." "I think Arlene might just be right." Karla said. "I guess you both may be right. Then let's go, I'll hold onto the list." The four of us walked back to the foyer. We stopped for a moment so I could check to see if Lynn was secure in her stroller. Panic-stricken again, I thought about the baby needing a diaper changing or spitting up. Stuffed into a corner was a pink bag, which I opened. In it were extra diapers, wipes, powder, Desitin, sunscreen, a towel, and a light sweater for me, a change of clothes for the baby and a light blanket. It was just what we needed. Irene graciously took the bag smiling as she placed it over her shoulder with her purse. I took my purse and did the same after her hand signals. It was out the door we went with Karla locking the door behind us. Nothing eventful happened as we all left the porch. My panic seemed to subside gradually as we got further from the house and through the security gates leading to the street. In some respects I was self conscious about wearing the clothes I had on. I imagined everywhere I went that people would stop, stare, point at me and laugh. Here I was, a used to be overage man, that looked like a teenager girl, was dressed as a teenage girl. Could or would anyone know of my past life? I surely hoped not, nonetheless I was afraid, very afraid of my predicament. Thank goodness for Irene and Karla coming with the baby and me. I managed to take a deep breath, to compose myself, forcing myself to relax and once again to adapt to my situation. When we were at the driveway I saw Irene's car and a new red metallic Hummer H-2 in an open doored garage. I had to assume that was to be my vehicle. Why in the world couldn't I have a small car? I guess it was a safety thing. I looked for the key ring I found earlier, handing the keys to Irene. "Wait a minute there Sis, you expect me to drive that tank?" Irene said. "You expect me to drive after all I've been through?" I said. Without a further word spoken, Irene found the electronic device to open the doors on the Hummer, doing so. We found a baby carrier in the back seat; I placed Lynn into it, with me sitting next to her. After everything needed was placed into the vehicle Irene started it backing up and out through the gates. When the gates closed to the property I was amazed with the vehicle. It was custom made, having all the latest gadgets and some I've never seen before. I looked at Karla and Irene; both seemed to having a good time as we drove and spoke of old family reminiscences. Lynn just slept in her carrier. Me, I looked for the bar and booze! Irene drove the Hummer into a parking lot of one of the local malls that catered to the locals as well as tourists. After parking we all got out heading to the supermarket. I couldn't help the feeling that we were being watched. I looked around but saw nothing unusual but again I was in a strange place. As I pushed the stroller, Irene and Karla were on either side of me holding onto me giving the much courage and support that I needed. Arlene was awake and very happy to be outside or so it seemed. A breeze picked up in velocity making it difficult to push the stroller and hold down my dress as we walked along the pavement to the sidewalk. Both Irene and Karla began to laugh with Karla saying, "You'll get used to it. Just think of how many men are hoping your dress goes up. How many of them may well have a Heart Attack if it does?" There was no one around but I still had that feeling of being watched. Chapter Nine We had been walking toward the sidewalk; there was an area that was used as a type of alleyway between buildings for deliveries. I noticed that the man I saw at the house earlier was standing near that alleyway. He seemed to be waiting and watching. My fear factor climbed. How in the hell did he get here? How in the hell did he know we were coming to this particular mall? I stopped suddenly which seemed to surprise the Auburn headed man a bit but he did recover quickly. He took several steps toward the stroller and us in a non- threatening way. We were several feet away from the man when I stopped abruptly saying, no almost yelling, "Do we know you?" The words came out of my mouth in a little girl way. I was frightened out of my wits. I knew that the sound of my voice was not intimidating to anyone or anything. The man looked quizzically toward us saying, "You have my baby." He had a pained facial expression along with the body language. I was very close to panic, running to the doors and safety of one of the stores close by. It was then that I realized that this man was the mother of Lynn. She was the former inhabitant of this body. I don't know how, but my feelings seemed true. (Okay, I'll say it, Woman's Intuition-Better now!) "Stay away from us. Don't come any closer." I screamed. My intuition sensed, no screamed that this man was on the verge of violence. It screamed to me to run! I saw that this man was clenching and unclenching his fists possibly to indulge himself in hurting us, no me. He stood still moving his mouth with no words coming out. There was anger in his eyes along with hate for me. I was the interloper in his life. Irene was about to say something. She decided not too. I think that if she had said anything it would have worsened the situation. This man was deranged! He was certifiably demented! My primary objective was to maintain the safety of Lynn and my sisters. I started to walk again pushing the stroller making Irene and Karla follow. I knew that if there were a physical confrontation I would lose, as this body was not large of physically muscular. We had to get past this person that was on the edge of psychotic behavior. Ahead of us was a jewelry shop. I hoped that it would be open. That was our destination. Drawing up parallel to the man he blurted out, "She won't let you keep her. She will take everything away from you." The son of a bitch was following us. Because of the heat, the pavement was becoming slippery due to the petrochemicals being released. I screamed over my shoulder, "Leave us alone!" He stayed his distance but continued to follow. Stalking us! "You'll never keep her. You can't have her you bitch! You're dead!" He said. I stated to let loose my tears of anger, frustration and fear. The only things that helped were my thoughts of Lynn and my sisters. The man still came toward us as I looked over my shoulder. There was a woman that came from the doors of the antique or jewelry shop coming toward us. I heard the footsteps of someone running behind me, running away. I quickly pushed the stroller toward the woman. Karla and Irene followed me not saying a word. During the verbal altercation I had hoped that those two would remain quiet and not add fuel to a fire that could spread into a disaster. As I have said those two could be formidable opponents. I quickly closed the distance between the lady and myself that had perhaps saved all of us. She seemed to be waiting for us. What was I going to say to her? All I could say was thanks from all of us. At the last moment I was going to try to avoid her but decided against it. "Are you ladies okay?" she asked politely and with true concern. I was taken aback for a moment. I didn't know for a moment to whom she was addressing. I then recovered remembering my present state. I looked the woman that appeared to be concerned about all are welfare. She was perhaps in her mid thirties to early forties, with dark hair done into a French Braid. If I were a male again I would not hesitate to ask the woman out for dinner she was a stunner in her looks. Her eyes were what caught my attention. They show immense intelligence, love and a special caring. They appeared to be wise beyond her ways. My intuition kicked in telling me that she knew about my new life. Could she be trusted; again my intuition said yes. I would have to take a position of wait and see. "Yes, We're all okay." "I guess he was scared and ran." "It was you that must have frightened him. We have to thank you for coming to our aid." "You're shaking, Honey. Are you sure you're all okay?" "Sure, my sisters took us out to get groceries and shop a little." "Oh my she's just adorable. What's the little darling name?" "Lynn Allison and she's 6 weeks old." "She just as sweet as can be." She said bending over and touching Little Lynn's hand. The baby took the lady's finger immediately, smiling all the while. "She surely is a happy baby. That's good, that means she's loved by those around her." All I could do was smile and tell her thank you. I then began to realize that the baby did mean a great deal to me. I was becoming attached to her. What was that term? Oh yes, bonding. I had become bonded to her as any mother does to their children. Whoa now back up! Did I just say as any mother? I was not her mother! Oh what the hell, I guess I probably do look like her mother now, but now I'm more in the role of her protector. (Yeah I know what you're thinking, Bullshit. Okay you're right!) "Look you ladies need to compose yourselves. My shop is open so come along and I'll make us some tea. Besides I could use a little company, business doesn't pick up until later in the week." "We don't want to impose upon you, Oh, alright." Why I accepted I really don't know. I didn't want to go home to that house yet. Chapter Ten We walked with the shop owner. As we walked, I thought of many things that I kept private. The first thought was if I was the true mother of Lynn that I might have acted the way that the Auburn hair man did. Someone had stolen both of our lives scrambling them ever so well. Was there a reason to this insanity that I did not perceive? Why had I not handed Lynn to that person? Why didn't I try to reason with him? Perhaps between us we may have found out what had happened to us. But if I remember correctly my senses screamed that there was something not quite right with that person. The very thought of that person recognizing Lynn! It was nerve shattering! The thoughts of that person being mentally deranged were as noticeable as a blind person walking. And that blind person was trying to cross the street holding their white, red tipped cane. If my problem became physical how was I to defend myself and protect Lynn? I was now almost a foot shorter, many pounds less and no musculature strength then I had as a male. I was shaken from my thoughts as the woman asked saying, "I know it's none of my business, but did you know him?" "No I saw him around my house near Malibu this morning. I would have known if I had ever met him. Is there a reason you asked that?" "Not really, I have seen him around here before but that was a very long time ago, months actually. He was around here with woman that looked like you. I thought you might have gotten a separation or a divorce from him. Was he a boyfriend or lover?" "Sorry, but no it wasn't me that you saw. Absolutely not!" "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you defensive. I do remember you walking around here with a dark haired man when you were pregnant though, that's why I asked." I didn't know how to answer. What the hell was going on? I saw the looks that Karla and Irene were giving the lady and myself. They were totally confused as I was. We arrived at her shop, going inside. I guided the stroller inside; the baby was still smiling when I checked her. I was amazed that she didn't become upset with all the screaming that had been done. The Shop had a multitude of display cases with mirrors at different areas for customers to use. The items that were on display were all antique, custom made and expensive. It consisted mostly of rings, necklaces, anklets, earrings and sets. "Are you the designer and craftsperson of all these?" "You don't remember me or speaking to me do you?" "I'm sorry I don't." "We had been friends, you had bouts of Post Partum Depression later. That's what I think the doctor called it." "Do I look or seem different to you?" "Would you ladies like black or green tea, Karla, Irene, Arlene?" We all agreed on black tea. After she went to the back to prepare the tea, the discussion began. "Arlene, she knows about you and us, even our names. I think she knows of the body switch that occurred. I don't know but I think somehow she's involved." Karla said softly. "Do you think we should leave?" "Absolutely not! She may be a key to this whole mystery." Irene said. "Yes but she is starting to ask questions that I can't or won't have the answers to. I don't want to be committed to an asylum and I don't want people thinking I have mental problems either." "Don't worry we're here for you Sis. We'll help as much as we can." Karla said. "And so will I." The lady said as she came from the back continuing by saying, "I wasn't trying to eavesdrop. This shop has excellent acoustics, I'm so sorry for hearing your conversation. Arlene Honey, I will help you as much as possible. Right now I am limited in what I can say." She said before going to the back again to a whistling teakettle. Before I could say anything Lynn started to get feisty. I thought to myself please not now I have so many questions that need to be answered. I un-strapped her from the stroller took her into my arms. She was hungry and needed to be fed. I didn't want to take her back to the Hummer for fear that the man may still be out there waiting. I saw a large couch, tables and chairs near the back of the store and started walking to it. We all managed to get to the couch and chairs. Karla handed me a towel and the light blanket. To untie the straps and releasing my breasts stared to become second nature to me. I pulled out the nursing pads from my bra, adjusted myself to a comfortable position allowing Lynn to begin suckling. Those wondrous feelings again washed over me as I breast fed although my nipples were getting sore. I smiled when I looked at her. "That suits Arlene. Doesn't it ladies." The lady said in full voice as she came back holding a tray with a teapot, four mugs and necessities. My sisters nodded their heads in agreement as they each took mugs of the steaming brew. "This is a first for you drinking tea, usually it's coffee or pop." Irene said. "My Lord, I can't believe it either." Karla said. The woman smiled as my sister gave me the raspberries. I just tolerated what they said. "I can tell you are all from the same family even-though the body similarities are not evident. Arlene would you like honey or cream in your tea?" "Just the way it is please." Before I knew what was happening she went right to the jugular vein. "Are you having problems again at home?" "Other that strange man today among other things, no." "No Sweetie, I meant with nursing Lynn." "What's happening to her is that she's inflamed around the nipples. We never breast fed our children so..." Karla said. "I guess, Oh hell, is it supposed to hurt like this?" "Please take her off." I gently removed little Lynn from my breast. Wow what a fit she threw. The woman then showed me how to make Lynn to take more of the breast into her sweet mouth. Also she showed me to hold the flesh back away from the baby's nose so she could breathe. "Honey the problem was she wasn't on all the way. She is not going to choke on you. Now the milk is another matter. If she's not on right just pull her off, the both of you will learn quickly." "I thought it was supposed to hurt. I had no idea what I was doing except I knew that the baby came first over any discomfort I had or endured. Thank you again for the lesson on Breastfeeding 101." "You're quite welcome Sweetie. We as women tend to forget that the younger mothers don't know all the intricacies of motherhood. Most mothers today never saw how their mothers did it because their mothers didn't breastfeed. The decision of whether to breast-feed or bottle feed is very important. Many younger women feel it is too time consuming and would rather bottle feed with formula. "On the other hand other mothers say there is a greater bond with your baby, more system immunities, vitamins and minerals along with faster developmental growth. "Are you going to tell me who you really are?" She asked. Chapter Eleven "I do know that you used to be a man, or at least someone that isn't used to being the you you're now." she replied while she sipped her tea. I was shocked, as were Karla and Irene by this woman to be so blunt. Irene was shaking her nodding her head, indicating no, while Karla nodded to indicate yes. I decided to go with Karla's instincts. This was not a good time to be misleading. My instincts were of before that this woman knew or sensed the truth. I also sensed she could be trusted. I told her the truth of what had transpired from yesterday. I didn't leave anything out completely telling her the truth as I told Irene and Karla earlier. She was or did not seem flustered at all with my revelations. "How old were you?" "Old enough to remember seeing watching the Rolling Stones, Beatles and Elvis on Ed Sullivan." "My, my." "Could you please tell us about Arlene?" Irene asked. "She tried all too hard at being the perfect wife and mother, she was afraid of being herself. She talked a talked to me a great deal of killing the baby and committing suicide. I repeatedly asked her to get help, but she would only shake her head. In time she stopped coming around here, I think she was embarrassed by what I knew. I thought that she had psychological problems that needed to be addressed." "Do you know what happened to me?" "No I don't know why you're in Arlene's body? There are many things that I don't understand one of which is what happened to you. I think you may need to speak to your husband." "Oh yes my husband." I said look

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The Mysterious Tentacle Forest Alien Part 2

There I was, tangled up by multiple tentacles and covered in alien lube. After hours of being fucked and jizzed on, the alien monster released me from it's tentacle bondage and let me roam free outside of the cave. As I walked out of the cave naked and covered in slime, I noticed that it was daytime the next day. I had been trapped inside the cave for so long that I was unaware of what day and time it was. I noticed that there was only a river a few metres away, so I decided to go wash...

2 years ago
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Alien Encounter

Alien Encounter By Morpheus Walter Peyton sighed and changed position. He'd been sitting in his car seat for hours already, and he still had several more to go before he arrived at his destination. And to make things worse, he couldn't even pick up a decent radio station at the moment. There were too many mountains. The only good thing about the trip so far, was the scenery. Since he was passing through eastern Oregon on his way home to Boise to visit his parents, there...

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The Adventures of Sage Tumbleweed And the Secret Alien Agenda 1

 In Adventure One, we find our intrepid agent, Sage Tumbleweed, on the trail of the alien infiltrators plotting to exploit Earth’s resources. Galactic immigration was getting out of control. Not only that, but using humankind’s dimwitted senses against itself, the alien marauders' secret agenda included increasing the stupidity level on a global scale. Intending to hasten the devolution of the human species, the intruders' scheme to ensure rapid regression throughout every population group....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Alien Sex

The alien was a member of a highly evolved race but dwindling race who unbeknownst to the world's public had just conquered the earth. They privately demonstrated to the world's major powers just how futile an armed conflict against them would be. They were actually a peace-loving race and believed it was their mission to stop warlike tendencies among the planets in the galaxy. However they would allow us to continue governing ourselves provided we provided them with willing human females...

4 years ago
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An Alien Abduction Part 2

Introduction: Rebeccas already resigned herself to letting these aliens try to breed her…but things are about to get a whole lot more interesting She had been living in this gray prison cell for days now…maybe longer. She had no idea what time it was ever. Sometimes when the creatures came for her it seemed like it was the same day…sometimes it felt like it had been days. The human man who had come to see her had come again, but he hadnt explained much at all. For some reason she hated him...

2 years ago
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Dick Pound Gets Pounded Out By A Glowing Green Alien Phallus

Dick Pound was always sure that one was a phallusy. Until one strange night, when he gladly awoke to discover a green glowing alien phallus inside his ass. It was safe to say he found himself on the receiving end of a dick pound that night. The next morning he arrived at work. He was a manager, and therefore expected to be the one giving out the dick poundings. Greeeeaaaatt…he mused, while marching round the office like an erect cock. In fact, one day some of the boys had seen fit to wrap him...

3 years ago
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Human sex had a special fascination for them, the BEMs. By Oediplex 8==3~ This is a true story. I don't expect you to believe it, however. My mother and I were abducted by aliens from outer space. They were not little green men. They were BEMs, Bug Eyed Monsters, though actually they treated us quite humanely. My mom is letting me write this story, since in this genre and on this site, anyone who reads it will naturally think it's fiction. But I wanted to tell the real story. ...

4 years ago
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BathGirl 2 BathGirl and the Alien Anal Probe

I have received a number of requests for more BathGirl stories, so here's another one, Sorry about that! :) If you read my first BathGirl story, 'BATHGIRL!' it will help you understand this one better, don't worry, it's short! BathGirl 2, BathGirl and the Alien Anal Probe By Mr. Ram The saucer like spacecraft slipped silently through the skies over Gotham. A combination of sophisticated cloaking technology and a low cloud cover made the strangely organic looking...

3 years ago
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Alien Abduction

Introduction: This is my first story. Please let me know what you think. I was captured from my home sometime during the night. I woke startled to see that I was naked inside a room. It appeared to be a bedroom, and it even had a bathroom with a shower. But the metal door to the room remained locked. I sat up in bed when the door opened. A shadowy figure entered the room. As he moved into the light, I could see it was a tall and bizarre looking figure. He was an alien that stood about seven...

3 years ago
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Kay and Alien Sex

After going to the alien spa for a month or so and finding it very hard to get in due to its popularity, I also noticed that the more we went the more we were craving sex with the alien and less about having sex with each other. It was like they were reprogramming us to only want sex with them and not each other.The spa was so popular that they doubled the size of the building. They also began operating on a 24-hour basis, for women only.  For men, if they got in at all, it was limited to once...

Monster Sex
4 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 17

Jimmy was a little pissed off when I sent him out on his first foray into the real world. I sent him and Ann out as partners to take a look at southern New York and northern Pennsylvania. I sent them in the general direction of Scranton to see if the harvesters had advanced that far. What galled Jimmy was that I sent them out with Ann as the leader. Dammit, she was a GIRL and YOUNGER than Jimmy at that! That was going to kill his standing with his peers. Despite this, Jimmy was so anxious to...

4 years ago
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The Alien aion 2

Many days passed since Bloom was impregnated by the blue semen. Her boobs were big, her pussy very wet and her mind foggy.Every day a robot would enter the room and give Bloom a vitamine injection to make sure she would live a long life. She wasn't able to move since her hands were chained to the wall. Her leggs lay one the ground and her pussy was exposed and still dripping.One night Bloom was asleep. All of the sudden she woke up with a lot of pain in her belly. The pain wouldn't stop and she...

3 years ago
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Short story Tentacle Alien encounter

Amy had never told anyone about this until 5 months after I had started dating her. Back in August of 2015 she had been out walking one evening she told me. She was always told you should never ever walk alone at night so she had been warned. She hadn’t listened and paid the price for that. She asked me if I had wanted to hear what had happened to her. She said it was scary but somewhat sexy at the same time. I told her yes, please tell me. She said a few years ago while out walking an...

1 year ago
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SlaveSlut for Alien Invaders

It had all happened so fast that Belinda Jones was still in a state of shock. The plague that hit the globe was not expected at all. It had started innocuously in some of the third-world countries. Most of the civilized nations didn't consider it a real threat even though the modern era made international travel an accepted risk most governments were willing take for the economic benefits derived. In fact, the initial outbreaks seemed to affect mostly people past their productive lifespan...

2 years ago
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Alien abductions are real

Julie Anderson was a eighteen year old white girl from New York State. She was 5'5" and 120 pounds with curves that made every man, including her father and brother lust after her. She had long, straight blond hair with the help of that stuff in a bottle. She was a very smart girl and she really enjoyed flirting. She enjoyed watching the guys as tents grew in their pants as she teased them. She even found that it was easy to give her father an erection although she never followed up on...

4 years ago
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The Gift of the Alien Horses

Something brushes her leg. She reaches down to brush whatever it was off of her but feels nothing, yet she can still feel that something on her leg. She rubs her leg, wondering now what it could be, but the something starts to slowly travel up the inside of her thigh. A thrill runs up Emily’s spine as she now franticly tries to brush whatever the thing is off, but her hand feels like it passes right through it. The girl next to Emily looks across at her. ...

1 year ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 16 Alien Invasion

Amber looked in the mirror studying her reflection. She was bald. She still had her hair, but it was hidden under a colored skull thing. The package it came in had called it a bald cap. All she knew was that she looked stupid wearing it. While being bald was bad enough, she was also light green from head to toe. Well, she was mostly green with some brownish spots that ran along her back. There was rather intricate patterning in tan and white offsetting the overwhelming green on her face....

2 years ago
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Le ballbusters aliene

Vivo in un mondo di soli uomini, molto tempo fa la mia razza ha abbandonato il mio pianeta d’origine, dicono si chiamasse Terra, la nostra razza è aumentata in modo esponenziale per un periodo, così era stato deciso di spostarci su 2 pianeti gemelli, gli uomini su uno e le donne sulla’ altro, 1 giorno di viaggio in aeronave, stiamo testando nuovi metodi, come il teletrasporto, ma ancora non sono messi a punto, i miei antenati trovarono antiche forme di vita sui due pianeti, ormai fossilizzate...

4 years ago
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Alien SpecimenThe Other Side of the Fence

ALIEN SPECIMEN: The other side of the fence By: ROBO Rob enjoyed writing stories on the Internet about Men turning into Women and had fun reading them. He often found himself day dreaming to what this would be like if it would actually happen. He decided that of course he would only want to try out a female body temporarily. That would be fun! Still, he couldn't help but wonder if the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Little did he know that this dream was going...

4 years ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 3 Planning a Getaway

Jim Bronson's eyes opened on a new world and a new life. For starters, he was not in his own bed. He was in JJ's bed. He could feel JJ's naked body pressed against his side with one of her legs draped across his thighs, just below his soft cock. Jim was not a bad looking man and waking up in women's beds wasn't that unusual but this was completely different. Yes, he could feel her naked breasts pressed against him with her soft nipples resting comfortably against him. Yes he could feel...

3 years ago
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Boarding School Encounter 02 Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien

Chapter Two: Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “...henrietta...” The faint voice called to me as I floated through darkness. It was feminine, familiar. “...henrietta...” The voice grew a little louder, whispering across the void. I tried to move my body, but I didn't have one. That should frighten me, but it didn't. I imagined I frowned as I struggled to understand what was happening. “...henrietta...” I was at Kensington Boarding...

3 years ago
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Alien Sexy toy

I start out by picking a pair of black and red lacy panties, thankfully my dick isn't that big so tucking isn't really an issue. Next I pick out a matching black and red bra. The downside to wearing my mom's clothes is that she is a very busty women so I have to use a couple pairs of socks to stuff the bra. I grab a garter belt and a pair of fishnet stockings I know my mom has hidden in her closet. Last but not least I grab a pair of my mom's denim cutoff shorts and a white button down...

3 years ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 4

JJ smiled to herself as she released the mental connection to Jim. 24 hours before she had simply been an average reserve medical officer getting back in the swing of things after a reserve drill weekend. JJ didn't know if she would have rated herself as ordinary but certainly not extraordinary. JJ was anything but ordinary now and she knew it. She had just had a conversation in her mind with a man over five miles away. She had reached inside a patient today and fixed a torn liver, healed...

4 years ago
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A Better World IIChapter 31 The Alien

I opened my mask and took out the aerosol. Tiger took out his laser. I opened the inner door and popped the aerosol. Three minutes later we got a report from the WE. They had infested the two aliens. Their DNA was different from ours but it was close enough for them to work. They had a small problem. They were working on it. Each alien had a second symbiotic creature attached where their brainstem should be. This creature exercised control over the aliens like the WE sometimes control...

3 years ago
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Alien Flashlight Hypnotizes Women Ch 02

A man finds a magical, hypnotic flashlight in the middle of the road and accidentally hypnotizes his future mother-in-law with it. With him having just hypnotized his future mother-in-law with a pocket flashlight that was obviously not of this Earth, now he wondered if that was an alien spacecraft that crashed and not a commercial, passenger plane. For fear that they’re be a panic, and of course there would be a panic, maybe that’s why there’s no news, no TV, and no cell phone reception....

2 years ago
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Alien Abduction Bliss

I will start by introducing myself, my name is Kiley. I'm twenty six, medium build, with brown hair and eyes. I have large C cup breasts, stand about five foot three and I was abducted by aliens. I know what you're thinking, "another looney with the anal probe story", and technically you would be right, at least about the anal probe part. I'm not lying however. I had the soreness and the "cum" stains to prove it. How about I start from the beginning. I was at home. I had just got in from a hard...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Brendas alien abduction

She drove her BMW convertible to the beach about eleven just as the sea fog was receding from the land. She spread her blanket out at her favorite spot and rubbed on her tanning lotion. The surf was predicted to be low that day so she did not even bring her board. She lay on her stomach looking at the water and untied her top string so as not to have a tan line there. She took out the novel that she brought with her and split her time between looking at the ocean, her book and the...

4 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 8

Our usual low and slow approach was what saved us. It gave me time to see the two flying boxes parked beside the target building. Somebody had really screwed up by doing that. We would have walked into the ambush if their transportation had been hidden as it should have been. I practically screamed at Bill to pull in front of Joe and Sam so that we could keep them from being shot down. Of course, Joe was startled when Bill cut him off, but he trusted Bill enough to follow us when I waved at...

3 years ago
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Alien DebaucheryChapter 2

The next few days are boring for Serori. She and Jo hang out both at school and at home. They watch videos and play with themselves like they have for the past year. But no matter what Serori does, she just can’t get that little white room out of her head. Several times when they masturbated, she sucked on her dildo, pretending to suck someone off through the wall. Jo never really catches on, and if she does, she doesn’t say anything about it. The strange thing is, Jo hasn’t mentioned the...

3 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 4

With a pile of dead aliens in front of us, the next question was what do we do now? Well, while we surely had a few minutes, the obvious thing was to see what we could loot from the aliens that might be useful to us. We had replaced the spent magazines in our rifles with fresh ones, so there was little excuse to put it off any longer. We still were very cautious as we approached the dead aliens. For one thing, we did not know if there were any more of the critters left in the flying box....

2 years ago
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Alien Arena

Some people believe we have been watched from afar for a long time now. Most of us think those stories are nonsense and make-believe. Aliens, beings from far away planets, who have been following our development, abducting people for scientific research. Uhu, and pigs fly, you’d probably react. But as with most stories, there are a few truths to it. Only it’s not one alien race that has been watching us. There is a whole universe out there, a society formed of different space faring races, far...

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alien adventures

Patrick wakes up on a long silvery table up on a platform. he scans the room and sees nothing else. not even a single piece of decoration. then he starts to feel a bit cold, and notices he isn't wearing any of his spacebar anymore. his very small penis is even more shriveled from the cold, his balls sucked back up into his body for warmth. he shivers and wonders where he is and when he is going to get out of here. the last thing he remembers is looking out the cockpit of his ship while his crew...

4 years ago
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Alien Research

We were driving across country on a family vacation, the wife's idea and her route. She decided that we would take the long route, thru deserted roads, vistas and one horse small towns (think deliverance), for the scenery... I'm Mark (38) brown hair tanned green eyes 6'2 I work out everyday to keep fit former soldier and now a middle manager of a large manufacturing plant. My wife Kimmy (38) 5'3 Brunette blue eyes, 34C-25-36 still a looker and she works hard to keep herself looking good she had...

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Alien Ambassador

The alien climbed out of its landing craft. They had been sent down to investigate the simian inhabitants on this planet, a backward world with only limited space flight. The spacecraft was hidden in a large area covered by deciduous woody plants called trees in the local language. The alien knew several of the languages spoken here since it had spent the last nine months studying the world's satellite communication transmissions. The craft also had a cloaking device that made it practically...

2 years ago
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knapped by an Alien Chapter 4

Zorg was pleased with the creature Susi. She had taken the fist up her cunt very well. And Catherine was correct, the singing of her screams were most pleasing. He would attempt to do the same thing that she did, make her scream. As he moved between her splayed thighs, her pussy dripping wet, his kock moved outward, now almost at a right angle to his body. It seemed to be harder then usual. Maybe he was like Catherine, female’s screams making his kock hard.Catherine stood next to Loren’s head,...

3 years ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 16

JJ took a deep breath and said, "Mom, Dad, and Uncle Bran." She paused for a moment looking at them. "I have a big favor to ask but first I need to tell you something that happened to me. To us I guess I should say because the girls are involved too. Last weekend was a drill weekend with the reserves and something happened." She paused again before saying, "This is going to be pretty unbelievable but it is true. I will try to show you at the same time I am telling you so you will...

2 years ago
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Boarding School EncounterChapter 2 Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien

“ ... henrietta...” The faint voice called to me as I floated through darkness. It was feminine, familiar. “ ... henrietta...” The voice grew a little louder, whispering across the void. I tried to move my body, but I didn’t have one. That should frighten me, but it didn’t. I imagined I frowned as I struggled to understand what was happening. “ ... henrietta...” I was at Kensington Boarding School overwhelmed by all the strange, new sensations. My thoughts darted from Nurse Paige’s...

1 year ago
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Alien DebaucheryChapter 3

Indeed, it had become a long night. Serori managed to get back before Jo did from the movies. Of course she didn’t tell the best friend what she had done or that she had even left. After dinner the two did their usual of watching a little porn and getting themselves off. Normally that is what it took for them to go to sleep, but for Serori it just wasn’t enough. Now she lies in her bed, listening to the sound of her best friend’s light breathing and starring up at the empty ceiling. Her...

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knapped by an Alien Chapter 1

This is an experimental story because I use for the first time real persons as protagonists and for the first time I play myself in the story. However, a little bit ‘out of my style’, normally I prefer more the submissive part, not the dominant part. The submissive role is a gift for the user susi-devot, a very special person, visit her profil: le! [user][/user] The alien spacecraft had been observing the planet earth for over five years now. It had been...

2 years ago
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knapped by an Alien Chapter 1

le!The alien spacecraft had been observing the planet earth for over five years now. It had been monitoring earth communications, television, radio and the Internet, hoping to learn everything it could about the race of people called “humans”. It had purposely stayed away from the people, hoping not to duplicate the problem that happened in Roswell, New Mexico in the late 1940’s, early 1950’s. While the spacecraft could be made invisible the majority of time, it was subject to intermittent...

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Alien Sightings1

This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...

2 years ago
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Alien Sightings0

This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...

3 years ago
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Lilprincesss alien encounter pt1

It all starts one strange evening while I'm out walking my dog in the woods and I come across some sort of alien aircraft. As I approach the spaceship I begin to feel disorientated, with an almost euphoric sensation taking hold of me. I stumble forward in an almost intoxicated state unaware of the situation I would shortly find myself in! My heart begins to race as the distant noises in the woods become louder and the realisation that I am not alone hits me like a freight train. Now my...

2 years ago
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An alien intervention rewrote

Copyright 2015 This book is entirely fiction. Any names, dates, or places are completely coincidental. No part of this book may be reproduced in any way or form without the written consent of the author.   1. An unplanned alien meeting. It all started when I was seventeen. I...

4 years ago
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knapped by an Alien Chapter 6

Catherine began to fuck her with the strapon, Susi's insides clinging to the strapon as she dragged it from her clenching asshole, only to push it back in again, each time going deeper. Each time Catherine forced her open to the large strapon, the bottle can sized head of her strapon tearing her open. “You have half of it now, Susi, can you feel my strapon in your hot and tight asshole,” fucking her with a powerful thrust that knocked the air from her lungs.“WWWHHHOOOSSHH, OOOWW,” Susi yelled,...

4 years ago
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Alien Abduction

Warning: My stories include lesbian themed rape and torture. This isn’t BSDM practicing “safe, sane, and consensual” It is rape. It is torture. There are few happy endings here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I do not condone rape or torture ... except for fictional characters in fictional stories. Arrival - Ri’xon The acrid smell of fried electronics fills the air. Damn government contractors! Greedy bastards cut every corner, just to save a credit. My ears drop as I survey the damage. The...

1 year ago
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Alien The BeginningChapter 5

Jim arrived at JJ's before 5:00 PM with Chinese take-out and a six-pack of Seven-Up. Jim hadn't checked with her about supper or the sodas. He decided to surprise her. That should be possible if he just didn't tell her. Surprises were fun. Jim heard the imperative, "AND I GET TO GO FIRST," as he opened the car door and he had to smile. 48 hours earlier he couldn't have even imagined a conversation between a mother and daughter about which would get to make love to him first. Well, he...

4 years ago
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One Man Alien Enhancements and a Horde of Horny Women

Your head is pounding as you slowly open your eyes. The last thing you remember is lying in bed and now you wake to find yourself lying on what feels like a cold metal table in a strange, white room with a bizarre contraption above your head that looks like a sphere with what appears to be surgical equipment sticking out of it, while wearing just your boxers. Your eyes strain against the brightness in the room as you sit up and immediately think that you are still asleep as you gaze upon the...

3 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 19

Well, that lack of families for low status Utorians was a good place to start. Besides, if we did work on the idea of families for everybody, it would give us a good start on breaking up the authoritarian attitude that the Utorians seemed to be wed to. There was one thing for damned sure: we were going to Utor to exact some sort of retribution for their attack on us. I hoped that we could do it without killing a lot of Utorians, but I did plan to eliminate the bosses who were trying to bully...

3 years ago
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Alien InvasionChapter 13

Joe adjusted the speed of the HAF-1 to match the speed of the chip carrier. That alone was a great argument in favor of us adopting the flying box for our air force. The flying box was able to maintain its position in the air at least as well as a human helicopter, so Joe just held his position until the chip carrier had dumped its load. As soon as it departed, Joe dropped to 50 feet above the factories roof and moved slowly in until Sam shouted for him to stop. Joe held the position while...

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Alien InvasionChapter 15

This ambush was different because we had 10 new people along to give us a total of 22 shooters. We had so many because I wanted to be sure of adequate backup in case the new people contracted some new form of "buck fever" and froze when they should have been shooting. We went in with four flying boxes: HAF-1 and HAF-2 in case we needed firepower and HAF-3 and HAF-4 for overnight accommodations. It was a problem hiding that many of the flying boxes, but I thought that we did an acceptable...

2 years ago
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An Alien AbroadChapter 19

The knife was narrow and very pointy. It came in between two ribs, angled to pierce the heart. The pain was intense. I screamed, aware that this was not the scream of Don Johnson, hero of the alien world; it was the scream of Don Johnson middle-aged boring man of Earth. It bloody hurt. Why? Why was I stabbed? A man approached, if I’d been more aware I might have seen his gait, his look, his face all suggested something not right. Perhaps I could have switched to his mental waves and realised...

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