Shahzara free porn video

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SHAHZARA ? by: Sissy Maid Sapphire My first memory was being awoken cold, hungry, naked and filthy by an absolute horror of a man whose face I knew all too well. Scarred and pockmarked, his face leered at me and hatred filled his eyes. He towered over me and roughly grabbed at the collar around my neck and hauled me to my feet. As I stood I felt incredible pain shooting through my entire body. I then remembered that I was prisoner of Sultan Haroun, in his dungeon. I saw the damp walls, human bones and a rat scurry into a dark corner. I was led down the hallway, being half dragged as the pain and exhaustion left me no strength to walk. Pieces of my memory clicked into place as I was marched back to the torture chamber that was now my new home. Menkara was the dungeon master's name. More pieces fell together... I am Zukala, an assassin ordered to slay the Sultan Haroun who had murdered so many of my people. I was the best there was and I had every confidence in succeeding. I had easily slipped past the castle guards, made my way across the roof and crept down the wall to a balcony. Keeping to the shadows, I crept to the curtained entryway where he slept. Drawing my dagger, I slipped past the curtain and approached the immense bed where contented snoring rose. I took another step and suddenly was surrounded by dozens of armed guards!!! I raised my blade, intending to take as many of them as I could before my death. Instead of fighting me, one of them hit my hand with the handle of his spear, knocking the dagger from my hand. Several of them then jumped on me and forced me face down onto the floor. They knocked the wind from me and pummeled me until I was barely conscious. My head was roughly pulled back by the hair and I saw Sultan Haroun strolling slowly to where I was held. "Excellent work! All of you will receive a bonus of your choice for capturing this dog!" The guards were obviously pleased at this pronouncement! The Sultan's foot lifted my chin until I could see his face looking down at me. His cold smile chilled me, "As for you... you have failed, as many have done so and will now see what the penalty is for such failure!" "Kill me, you animal! If you have the nerve!" My voiced hissed as I spoke, and I received a kick across the face for my words. Sultan Haroun laughed as he spoke. "Fool! I do not allow my foes to die so easily... as you will see! Take him to the dungeon. Tell Menkara he may do as he will, but this one is not to be killed for a long, long time!" I must have been knocked out then, as my next memory was waking in the torture chamber, shackled to a cold stone wall. As soon as I awoke, the whipping began. Within minutes I was nearly blind with pain and yet it continued. Finally I was dumped into a cold stone cell, which was all I saw before passing out from the pain. From then on, I was woken, Menkara would drag me back to the chamber and laid into me, causing more pain than I imagined was possible! I was given little time to recover, being woken at seemingly random times, and fed slop so awful I retched at the smell. I shuddered to imagine what they were feeding me. Over time, the smell of my own wastes began to gag me as well. The torment seemed endless, as did Menkara's cruelty. Each time I would feel I could take no more and each time he proved me wrong. Over time, my mind would slip away and I felt a strange confusion that made it hard for me to think straight. Each day I prayed for death and was only rewarded with more anguish. I was barely conscious of these thoughts as he dragged me to the chambers once again. I didn't think I could take any more and whimpered in despair. This time, however, we passed through the chamber and he put me in another cell that was much cleaner than where I had been kept. I didn't understand what was happening, but rays of hope made me think that I wasn't to be beaten, burned or tortured today. I was thrown into a pile of straw and the door slammed shut. After days or weeks of sleeping in agony on stones, it felt like silken sheets and I fell asleep almost immediately. I don't know how long I was asleep, but found myself being woken by the most beautiful woman I had ever seen! This could not be true! My mind was obviously gone and I was dreaming! I closed my eyes, opened them and the vision stayed. She shook my shoulders urgently. "Please! Zukala! You must wake up!" Hearing my name, I looked up and she held a bottle to my lips and I felt a liquid poured into my mouth. It burned a bit as I swallowed, but it cleared my head a bit. I shook my head a couple of times and looked again at the woman who was with me. My earlier vision was true. She truly looked like a goddess! Long, black hair swirled around her face, held here and there by golden ties and a blue silk veil that covered her face. Only her eyes, the deepest blue I'd ever seen, were visible, painted deeply with kohl. I leaned back and took in more of her. Clad entirely in blue silk, with scarves, pearls and gold decorated her body. My breath was taken away by her! "An angel, a goddess... I must be dead!" "No, you are not yet dead. The Sultan does not kill quickly and you may be taken back to the dungeon at any time. I am here to offer you a way out of the dungeon, but there will be no escape from the Sultan. And the way will be very hard for you." "I don't understand. Who are you, goddess?" "There is no time for that and I am no goddess! My name is Denara and I have been commanded to help you out of the dungeon. You must do as I say or they will take you back..." Her voice trembled and I could see she was recalling some painful memory. "I am tasked by the Sultan with helping people in your situation. There have been several and they have all failed. The last one took nearly a month to die! They made me watch as Menkara broke his bones, bled him, burned him, flayed the skin off him and worse! It was horrible! I have an idea of what you have been through, and believe that you have not seen how sadistic and evil he can be! Listen to me, the guards watch us even now and I can't explain more. Do you wish to live or die slowly in agony?" My mind reeled. I had barely survived this far, and could feel my soul shrinking at the thought being taken back to the dungeon. I looked in her eyes and felt warmth in them. She was the key for me. Her eyes made me realize I wanted to live. "Very well Denara, I will do whatever it takes to live! I can't bear the thought of the dungeon again and that accursed dungeon master! I will do what I must, just tell me what!" Denara said nothing, she just stood and clapped her hands twice. The doors opened and two guards came and lifted me roughly to my feet. I was still so weak I could barely stand and they walked me out the door and down the hall, following Denara. In spite of my state, I could not keep from watching her body as she walked. Her sinuous curves moved in her blue silk pants in a way that made me think that she had fooled me. Perhaps she was a goddess! I hoped my fate included her somehow! Part of me didn't think I would ever be so lucky! We were brought to an exquisite bedroom. Tapestries hung on the walls and lush carpets caressed my feet that had known only stones and clubs. Denara sat on the edge of the bed and motioned me to sit on a chair nearby. The guards did not leave the room and I saw there were others already there. "Very well, now you will begin to see your fate. What it will take for you to live." With that, Denara took my hand and led me to a bath that was filled with warm water. Two women were there and as I stepped in, they began washing me. Again, I felt that I was dreaming! They began to scrub harder and I felt wounds opening and stinging as they cleaned them out. Afterwards I was covered in a sweet-smelling balm that eased the pain I felt. I was then wrapped in a soft robe and led back to where Denara was still sitting. My body was swooning, but I felt better than I had in a long time. I was starting to doze off, when Denara spoke. "Sleep now, there is a mild soporific in the balm that will help you sleep and heal. When you awaken, you will begin a new phase of life." Her words flowed over me, but their meaning scarcely registered. My eyes closed and I was gone. I slept my first dreamless sleep in ages. Eventually, I awoke and as I sat up I saw Denara across the room signal and a tray of food was brought into me. I had no idea when I'd last eaten a real meal and ate like I was possessed! Denara spoke to me as I ate. She gestured to the guards that had not moved. "Tonight I will be telling you things you will probably not like. You need to be calm, though. If you hesitate to obey, move toward me threateningly, or act irrationally, you will be taken back to the dungeon, never to return. The guards will be watching you closely, and you are on a knife-edge between life and death right now...or worse and you will remain so. This is your only chance, do you understand me?" I nodded my head vigorously. I didn't need to be reminded what was going through her mind. I was just beginning to feel free of pain for the first time in what felt like ages. In fact, I looked at my skin and saw no scars or wounds at all! It was like magic!! "You see what that cream did for your injuries? It was given to us from a trader from Asia, and has been in use by our army ever since. You have been sleeping here for two days now, and look, there isn't even a scar on you, your skin is perfect!" She was right! I could scarcely believe that all of the welts, burns and cuts were gone! She clapped and the remains of the food tray were removed by one of the female servants that seemed to constantly float around Denara. She faced me and looked deep into my eyes. "Now then, we need to find out how badly you really wish to live!" Her words gave me a chill, but I remained calm, waiting for her to explain what was awaiting me. "Get out of bed, stand before me and remove your robe." I complied and waited. She looked me up and down. In spite of myself, I shivered a bit, expecting something awful. Her voice was quieter and the words came from her slowly. She pointed to a table by a doorway. "Put on the clothing that is on the table there." I walked across the room and stopped short. The outfit she pointed to was a woman's! It was a sheer, pink silk choli, with matching pants, a skirt and veil. There were jewels and multi-colored scarves to the side as well and I hesitated a moment. "Denara, I.." "Please! I know what it is! Put the clothing on right now... I don't want to spend the next month watching your body being torn apart! Just do it!!" Her emphatic words gave me chills and as I put on the choli and pants, I heard her exhale. It was clear that her well being, as well as mine, was dependent on my compliance. I wrapped the veil around my head like a woman would and added the jewels to my waist, neck, ankles and wrists. "Is this what you had in mind, Denara?" "Thank you! Yes it is. From this point on, you will be named Shahzara. As I said, this will be difficult, but your very survival depends on you appearing and acting female from this point on! It is time for your first lesson. Goodbye Shahzara...for now." She kissed me on the forehead and clapped her hands. A guard appeared and attached a leash to my collar and led me back into the hallway, down the corridor and into another room. This one was huge! A flat, wooden floor and mirrors everywhere. A tall flame-haired woman stood up and I was pulled until I stood right in front of her. "What is your name, wench?!" "Shahzara, my lady." My voice was barely a whisper and I surprised myself by even saying it! Her harsh expression broke into a big smile and she grasped me in her arms and kissed me deeply! Needless to say, I was completely taken aback! She pulled away and laughed at my expression! "Right answer! You will live a bit longer. You will call me 'teacher', but you should have little to say to me. For now, turn and face the mirror and do everything I do! It seemed like hours followed, she directed me, coached me and, in some cases, physically moved me around to a tabla and sitar that were being played. At first, it was lessons in walking, turning and gesturing. Then moved to swaying and moving like a woman dancer. I reflected that the dances were seduction dances I had seen in brothels and shuddered, wondering what I was learning them for. Toward the end, she taught me a basic spinning dance with veils that she said was the first most women learned. I was getting tired after several hours and was going to ask how long the lessons would last when Denara walked in with a tray of food and a carafe of wine. The three of us ate in silence on the floor. "Well?" Denara posed the single word question to my instructor, who smiled and said I would be 'acceptable'. Denara visibly sighed at that and almost smiled. She turned toward me and asked me to remove my veil. She leaned forward and touched my lips. It took a second to realize that she was actually painting them. I touched one finger to my lips and saw they were the color of ripe berries. The significance was not lost on me. "Denara! This is the sign that a whore uses! What is going on?" "Yes, you are correct. I'm sorry, but you are to be clad as a whore tonight! There is a crowd and you may have to dance before all of them! The Sultan is having a banquet, and we are expected there soon. Also, a number of the guests will know who and what you really are! I'm not sure what you will have to do but remember, do not hesitate when you are ordered, keep your eyes downcast, and make sure you never forget that from now on, you ARE Shahzara!" Almost as if it was a cue, a distant gong sounded and Denara stood up. At that moment, several guards walked in, and walked towards me. They smiled, looking me up and down and I blushed, realizing that with my painted lips and eyes, I looked like a common prostitute! I wrapped my veil around my face, which afforded me some cover. One of the guards attached a leash to my collar and, with Denara leading the way, I was led down yet another hall toward two massive wooden doors. The two guards in front each moved to the side and opened the doors. The scene within took my breath away! It seemed like hundreds of people were gathered, all dressed like royalty. They were seated at long tables that ran along the walls all the way around the room. They were covered with piles of food and drink that would feed an army! I had little time to study more, as the guard leading me handed my leash to Denara and walked away. She led me to the center of the room, where there was a small round platform and as she and I stepped up onto it, the room grew quiet. She whispered to me, as the silence became almost palpable. "Do as I do!" She knelt down and touched her forehead to the platform. I did the same and we waited. There was a small amount of murmuring and I was sure there was some speculation about me. My cheeks were burning as I thought of what was likely being said about me! Eventually, a commanding voice bid us to rise. We sat up until we were both kneeling and Denara began to speak. "My Lord and Master, who God smiles upon, as you have commanded, this one was trained and now is before you to show her gratitude." I was perplexed by her words, but what was said next was all too clear! The Sultan commanded me to dance for his guests! Denara took the leash off of me and left the platform, whispering good luck as she walked back to the doors where we had entered. There was some quick drumming and I began to panic! Fortunately, the musicians began playing a song that I recognized as being the one I learned earlier! I tried my best to sway, spin and move as seductively as I could. At one point, I noticed Menkara and several of his cohorts across the room, brandishing some of their dungeon implements. No doubt, they were hoping I would make a mistake and be sent to them for some sport. The look of them chilled me, and yet strengthened my resolve! I would live! I would do whatever I had to do! I began spinning and twirling my veils around and felt my heart and soul lifting in song! I was becoming lost in the sensuous movements I was making when suddenly the music stopped! I turned toward the Sultan's throne, only to find he was standing right in front of me!! I quickly dropped to all fours and touched my forehead to the floor. "Up my little dancing dove." The Sultan's voice had a strange tone to it that made me uncomfortable. As I sat up and found myself kneeling before him, he reached down and drew my veil from my face! "What is your name, GIRL?!" The stressed word was unmistakable! I swallowed and spoke through my suddenly dry throat. "I am Shahzara, my master." I was literally trembling, he smiled and touched my cheek. "Yes you are. Now tell me why you are dressed as you are." "Because I am a whore, my master, and wish to make sure I look as one!" "Excellent, I am pleased with your dancing, my whore, now show me what a whore does best!" With that he lowered his pants and I saw that he was incredibly aroused! That is what I heard in his voice that scared me... I had turned him on! I glanced back quickly and saw that Denara had her hands covering her mouth in shock! Clearly, she had not expected this! Without waiting, he took my head in his hands and began roughly fucking my mouth! I couldn't believe what was happening to me! I looked at the cock that was in my mouth and noticed it was covered with the berry color from my lips! I wanted to just vanish through the floor and make this end! Fortunately, he must have been very aroused, for in seemingly no time, his seed was shooting into my mouth! He held my head lightly to him until he was spent, he then pulled his pants up and casually walked back to his throne, leaving me in a disheveled, silken pile. I was practically crying and could hear people in the crowd talking about me as Denara came up, whispering as she clipped the leash to my collar. The only thing saving me from total despair was the disappointed looks the dungeon keepers now had. I was not to be theirs at least! "I am so sorry Shahzara! I had no idea that he would do anything like that!" She stood me up and we turned towards the Sultan. As an afterthought, I replaced the veil around my face, realizing as I did it what a feminine gesture it was! "Denara, I am well pleased! Take Shahzara and prepare her for my bed! I wish to continue to entertain myself with my new girl! Now beggone!" With that, he clapped and Denara led me away from the crowd that was still talking and laughing! I was so embarrassed I could scarcely meet anyone's eyes, and it was clear Denara was close to tears as well! A Phalanx of guards fell in around us and escorted us to the Sultan's room. I was led to another bath, where the two women who had earlier bathed me were again waiting They helped me undress and began washing me from head to toe. As they were drying me off, Denara reached into a closet and produced a strange looking device. Some kind of hose and funnel with several hooks attached to it. "Shahzara, I have to apologize, usually this does not happen so quickly. You should have been given more time to adjust to your new role. The Sultan's will is not to be trifled with, though. At least you are alive! And I hope the worst is behind you!" "How can that be? I don't even know what to think right now! What just happened is absolutely beyond belief!" "Yes, you are right, but I think you will not be forced in front of a crowd like that again. He did it mainly to try and break your spirit!" "I'd say it worked very well! And what is that thing you are filling up?" I was practically crying again, and realized how feminine my reactions were getting. It scared me! "This is how we will prepare you for the Sultan's bed...he will likely want to take you in ...other ways tonight" She was having trouble speaking, but suddenly it dawned on me what she meant. "Oh no. You mean he..." My voice trailed off and my hands dropped to my hips. "Yes Shahzara, this will clean you inside, and we have some balms that will make it less painful for you. Now we need to hurry, there is no telling how long it will be before he leaves the banquet." I resigned myself and knelt down next to the commode that Denara stood by. She inserted the hose into me and I felt water flowing into me! It was at that moment, I became acutely aware of the guards that were stationed nearby! I found myself wishing for my clothes again, I hated the way they were staring at me! After a time, I was allowed to empty myself out and one of the girls began rubbing something on my rear! I felt it get warm and was surprised when I found myself enjoying the sensation! Denara must have known what was going through my mind, as she smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "Goodbye once again Shahzara. I will see you in the morning. Good luck and don't despair and remember this-" She moved closer, her lips almost touching my ear! "I can't promise, but I will try and arrange for you and I to be together someday!" With a final kiss on the cheek, she left the room and her maids dressed me and painted my lips and eyes again. This outfit was clearly a woman's nightdress, made for seducing. What there was of it made even my body look girlish! I tried to smile a bit, thinking of Denara's words to distract me from what I knew was coming. At that moment, the Sultan came in, nearly falling over drunk and stopped when he saw me posed on his bed, awaiting him like a harem girl. He smiled and strode up to me, roughly flipped me over onto all fours and slid into me! I cried out, which made him chuckle and he began sliding in and out of me. "You are mine Shahzara! My whore! My Woman! From now on! Any way I want!! Do you understand!!??" "Yes my master. I am yours! Now and forever!!" Both of our words were punctuated with the thrusts that were deeper and harder each moment! He gripped my hips extra hard and knew he was again coming into me! I realized at that moment something that was disturbing me. I realized that the Sultan found me sexually exciting! That thought scared me, realizing that I aroused him and could really do nothing about it! His breath finally began slowing a bit and I thought he was asleep. Instead, he grabbed a handful of my hair and roughly kissed me on the lips! Of all the indignities I had been through, this almost seemed the worst! I felt his tongue in my mouth, probing and licking me like an animal!! When he was done, he pushed me away from him and ordered the guards to take me to my sleeping cell! "And tell Denara to continue her training! And be sure Shahzara is brought to my bed tomorrow night!" With that I was taken to my cell, where I laid down on my cot, trying to accept what had happened to me. I realized that this was truly to be my life from now on. If I failed to keep the Sultan sufficiently aroused, I was finished! If I succeeded, my reward was to be used as a woman, over and over. At last, resigning myself to my fate, I cried myself to sleep, trying not to think of what was ahead of me. ~ THE END ~

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She was only 16 years old, her name was Kelly; she had dark hair, she was pretty, she wore glasses and had a nice body for her age. She live alone with only her mother. Three months ago her mom started seeing a guy. He was 35 years old, kinda tall with green eyes and dark hair. He had a good body with big arms and a big chest. He was funny and really nice to Kelly. Sometimes he would tell her how pretty she was and that the guy she fell for was going to be a very lucky guy. He was fun to...

1 year ago
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Adrenaline Rush

My name is Jason Gates. At 34, I’m the head of the R&D department at Biokines. You’ll probably never have heard of the company, because we’re very secretive and contract for the military. Let me tell you how I started. I was 22 when I started my Master’s degree in Biochemistry. I had a Bachelor in Science, and had a research interest in hormones, especially adrenaline and serotonin. For those not interested in science, these are the hormones that regulate our levels of excitement and...

2 years ago
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Jims WorldsChapter 2

"Jim's World"--Chapter 2 Jim turned to the stunned audience and asked, "Does anybody want to back out?" After a short silence, he continued, "I thought not! Good. Susan and I will be married in three days and we would like for you to attend. We'll put you up while you wait. "I would like to leave on our expedition about the middle of January. It'll take that long to get everything ready. I don't know how long we will be gone, but it may be as much as six months, or more. Please...

1 year ago
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Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation A joint legally copyrighted by Rd LePew, please don't redistribute without permission ([email protected] , I'll give you permission, don't you worry about that) Written July 11, 2003. Summer Vacation Tim Wheeler sat alone in a very large waiting room. There were a few magazines for him to leaf through, but he was much too excited for something as mundane as Newsweek Magazine. Here he was, on the cusp of a lifelong dream. And he was to be the first. Just...

3 years ago
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Annas Punishment Part 1 The Taking

Anna’s Punishment, Part 1 - The Takingby Alina Aamustorycodes: F+/f, bdsm, D/s, bond, gag, reluct/cons, XIt was supposed to be just a quiet, ordinary evening at home. Naturally being Taken was always a possibility ever since the law had been ratified over 30 years ago in 1977, but you never plan for it to happen. You don’t plan for it, even though it happens to at least once to 85% of all women in their lifetimes. But you just don’t talk about these things, so you never think about them...

3 years ago
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Karen takes her first black cock

My wife, Karen , is 32, 5ft 2” 130 pounds with long straigt blonde hair, athletic legs and a beautiful sexy ass and perky 32C tits. We have been married for years and have a very active sex life. We have always discussed and acted out as many of each others fantasies as possible and this is the story of one of Karen’s and my own, longest standing fantasies and how it came true a few months ago.My wife has always known that I love to see her getting fucked by other men and she loves as much cock...

1 year ago
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FuckingAwesome Jessa Rhodes The Housemate

In The Housemate, Jessa had recently broken up with her live-in boyfriend. She found it tough no longer having a man in her life, and it was a real shock when she had to start looking for her own place. Jessa didn’t want to live in an apartment or with friends, but she got lucky when she found a room for rent at a beautiful house in the hills. She got even luckier with the good looking owner of the house, Seth Gamble. Jessa wanted to fuck her housemate badly but it had been weeks and he still...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend Turned into a Slut Part 1

This is the first story of how I turned my girlfriend into a slut. If you want to see some photos of her sexy naked ass then head to my profile and view my gallery and tell me what you think. If you like the photos and story then feel free to like, comment and PM me and I might post more.To give you some background info my name is Josh and I’m 25. My girlfriend is Amy and she’s 23. We’re from the UK and have been together 5 years now. Amy is blonde and has lovely perky tits. I love her ass...

2 years ago
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The Dream January 2008

In this dream, I have a two month old baby girl Elizabeth and my son Corey; I am in what appears to be a hospital in London. I wake up in the hospital with some grungy man trying to kidnap/ rape me. He forces me to leave the hospital at knife point. After about fifteen minutes of walking he lowers his defenses just long enough for me to get the knife away from him and start screaming at the top of my lungs. A couple walking nearby hears me scream and the husband runs and tackles the man down to...

1 year ago
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Sexy Real Sex Dolls! Do you laugh at the thought of owning a sex doll? Well, you shouldn’t, you ignorant mother fucker! We live in the Internet age, meaning all of that shit is fair game. Whether you are lonely as fuck and want to ship the woman or male of your dreams to your home or you think owning a doll that looks human is going to impress your friends, you need to know where to turn to. The place to turn to begins at and with one quick visit, I think you are going to...

Sex Doll Shops
4 years ago
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Hot and horny solo

It's one of those days that you just feel some extra awareness and sensation...the way the lace of your panties slide and rub again pussy, when your tits want to be touched and licked badly, when you ache for hands to touch you all over your body...when you just want to have sex.I get horny moments every time and at times even at work, I sometimes find myself removing articles of clothing to get closer to the kinky feeling -- being naughty but nice. Today, I woke up with a moisty, warm feeling...

2 years ago
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A Mothers Love chapter ten

They reappeared about half an hour, two beautiful little schoolgirls dressed identically in tiny micro kilts, crisp white shirts, a tie each and little straw hats perched cheekily on the back of their heads. Black court shoes and knee length white socks completed the picture and left me absolutely drooling, these two were a dream, a bloody wet dream!"We thought you might like to help us on with these Terry," mum said, and they each held out identical white panties."I don't trust her, she'd take...

3 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Chapter 9 Playing Hooky With Jessica

When she realized I was there she apologized for walking in on me. “Sorry Tony, I didn’t realize you were in here but judging by what’s going on down there I’m glad I did.” “That’s fine Jess, I’m happy to see you. You were pretty quiet last night. I thought you would have popped in at some point.” She said, “I thought about it but wanted to leave Char alone so she could enjoy her time with you. Did you have fun?” “Of course I did and I think Mary Ann and Char won’t be waking up for a...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Nikole Nash 04192020

What do you get when combine a redhead with a big black dick? About 20 orgasms and one sore pussy! Newcomer Nikole Nash thinks she’s starting out her porn career with the director, surprise! It’s actually porn star Jax Slayher and his big black snake! Nikole doesn’t seem to mind the change up and can’t take her eyes off Jax’s huge cock, she was truly mesmerized by it. But truth be told, she’d much rather be fucked by it and Jax is happy to accommodate her!...

3 years ago
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A Virgin Paradise Part 2

A Virgin Paradise Part Two: Karen This is part two of the story that took place in the mid-eighties in the coastal city of Port Elizabeth, South Africa and it is based on actual events and not fictional. Only names have been changed to protect the privacy of those concerned. In part 1, I told you how I met Anita and the events that took place over that faithful weekend. If you read that and from that page landed here, I certainly hoped you enjoyed the story so far. oooOOOooo After that...

2 years ago
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I had wondered what the night would bring when I received a text from him around two o’clock that afternoon, as the office had quieted into the post-lunch lull, with the words, “My place, tonight, 8pm. Let yourself in. I’ll be waiting.” I didn’t get much work done that afternoon as I thought about what he might have planned. After the success of our last date, my anticipation was high, but as he was as non-commital as ever about making arrangements, and just said he’d be in touch, I worried he...

3 years ago
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The Devils PactEpilogue A Thousand Years

My heart was filled with despair. The Living Gods were dead. All I could do was stare blankly at the wall, my mind full of ash. They had reshaped the world, and now They were gone. What were we to do? Who would look after us and protect us? Already heretics had arisen, decrying Them as false, and putting to torch Their churches and temples. And then They appeared in my dreams. "Have faith," He spoke, His voice booming like a thousand trumpets. "We are not gone. It was time for us to leave...

2 years ago
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Pleasant City

"Hrrgh Slurrrp" Smack The sounds a nice, wet, sloppy deepthroat fill the room in the morning. Jessica, A warm, sloppy 18-year-old mouth with big juicy lips sliding up and down on your girth. It's like she was designed for milking a cock, getting every inch of your fat meatstick covered in her spit and throat slime as you pump it in and out like a pussy. Drool spills down out the sides of her face, covering her eyes, even a bit coming out of her nose. She is lying on her back completely nude on...

Mind Control
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I suppose I should tell you a little bit about myself. A little background or something… But you don’t really want to know about me. You want to know about Summer, right?We met… well, that’s kind of boring too. Let’s just say we met at an event. Or rather, that’s the first time we met as adults. I found out later that she was my niece. Long story short, I didn’t care much for my family. Feeling was mutual, so I didn’t bother keeping in touch. Last time I’d seen her was at her birthday party....

3 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 24

Mary woke early. Her sleep had not been very restful. Her mind was whirling out of control. Dreams of her teaching her class dressed in her dancing clothes and of Lisa allowing Amy to do all sorts of things to which she objected kept her sleep restless. Her fingers had found their way to her stimulated pussy and she was near orgasm when jolted awake by the alarm clock. Mary quickly showered and did her hair and make up. She slipped on a robe and made breakfast for Lisa and Amy. Then she woke...

3 years ago
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Flash back

FLASH BACK By Tender Cowboy I sat at the kitchen table reading the local paper, sipping my second cup of morning coffee. The price of crude oil was up and cattle prices were down, nothing very newsworthy, I thought as I quickly scanned the obituaries. Well, my name’s not in here so I guess it’s a good day, I thought to myself with a chuckle, but one name sort of caught my eye: J.P. Forester (Smoky), 63. I recalled that name from somewhere in my mind so I continued reading. It stated he had...

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Davids Life Book II Just Like Starting OverChapter 8 Spring Semester 1983

With the spring semester, which began on January 4th, David was once again taking the Ministry/Leadership course, rather than the standard Religious Education course. The rest of their classes remained the same, with the only other big change being they both landed spots, again, on the basketball teams. This time, Meri pursued a place on the Lady's Varsity team and made it. She was coming out of her shell more and more. David had advanced at this point to Cadet Ensign (C/ENS) and it looked...

2 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version AlphaChapter 6

Jill was very unhappy, initially. Her mother clamped down on her, insisting that romance came after college, instead of before it. Lynne knew that wouldn't hold up, and that once Jill got to school, where she could do what she wanted, she would most likely find a boy to be interested in. So she also got her daughter on birth control. She didn't banish me from their house. Nor did she try to impose some irrational rule about Jill not being allowed to come to my house. She just sat us all...

4 years ago
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"Come in guys, blimey its so good to see you, it must be 10 years since we were all together." Paul and Colin stood on the porch of the small bungalow that John had rented and stared at the man in the doorway. They really didn't know what to expect, but were both somewhat surprised by John's appearance. Last time they had seen John he had been a massively overweight kid of 16, who had been dogging the cool guys for that last year in school. The three of them had let him come to a...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

I was chatting to someone the other day sharing experiences of losing our virginities. It was obvious, after a little while though, that we were talking about two different things. He was describing the first time he fucked someone whereas I, as a gay bottom, was describing the first time I had anal sex!In describing my experiences, I skipped the very first time it happened to me. Yes, I was curious and allowed it to happen, but it was not with someone I wanted it to happen with. It was more an...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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National Guard Training Part II

Life in the National Guard was always exciting and fun. As an officer and a Company Commander, I had my very own driver assigned to me. Weekend drills were mundane, consisting mostly of inspections and classes in the Armory. I usually secluded myself in my office, signing paperwork and reviewing plans for planning future training activities and just goofing off in general. Every now and then, I’d purposefully make myself look unusually busy, just for show and if we had a visitor to the...

3 years ago
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The Absent Client

Most of the jobs I get from Amanda are pretty mundane but she does like to feed me the weird ones too, the next job I got was from a man named Brett, he didn’t say why he wanted me just to be at his house at 4pm. I think this came under the weird umbrella due to lack of information.I made sure I wasn’t late getting there half hour early, finding the address and waiting around the corner. It wasn’t a bad part of town and from my earlier drive by my client has a decent enough house, small but...

1 year ago
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Carly and the Cabinet

Carly had received the call earlier in the month. Her Spanish contact had managed to find a torture cabinet. It had been authenticated as genuine, and, though it was a bare shell, there was a written description of how it had been when last used, by the Inquisition.Carly was a collector. Especially in items that had been used for torture in years gone by. She owned several items which had been used y famous torturers through the ages. Some she had found cheap, as the seller didn’t really know...

3 years ago
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Milwaukee Cuckolds Wife and the Patient

I had been cuckolded for a long time. Judy my wife has had fun with others for 27 of the 30 years we have been married. My dick is 2 inches hard if I am lucky and I have always been a little voyeuristic. She would jerk me off every couple of weeks and fill me in on what she had done. One night she said, “I did something I shouldn’t have with someone you know.” That got me a little excited as my cock got harder than normal and she noticed. She wouldn’t tell me what though and told me I had to...

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Dont Change Book 1 HopeChapter 15

"NO, I DON'T CARE IF HE'S SLEEPING, GET ZERO ON THE HORN NOW!" Amy commands as she walks into the command room where Leiara is sitting, along with a group of Asparians. "Mom, calm down, we'll find Daddy." Leiara says without looking up. Amy turns to her. "Leiara, the only way that Joshua can be blocked is by electromagnetic interference..." Amy says. "Or if he's with one of the chosen ones that we can't track." Saitx says as she enters the room with Ares in her arms. Young...

4 years ago
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I want paige

Joe wants paige. She is so beautiful. They both turned 18 last month. Paige is somewhat popular. She has peky D cup breasts, curly blonde hair, and a fat ass. She is athletic and smart and funny. She has blue eyes and is 5'1". Lead Joe to her pussy. Author note: I'm letting you guys take control of how this story goes. I just gave the description. I will accept all chapters.

1 year ago
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Speaking With Your Demons04 Searching For Additional Allies

Phil was on his way out the door when his cellphone rang. “Crap! Who’s calling my private line this time of day?” Mizo and Slavsin found this hilarious, chortling. Tristan had other ideas. “Please, you’re better than that. You need to practice expressing yourself since you need to convince so many in the coming weeks.” “You’re right, I should behave better, damn it!” That set Mizo and Slavsin off again, but before Tristan could respond, Phil answered his phone. “Hello, Phil...

3 years ago
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No Ordinary LoveChapter 5 Intermission

After a lot of dithering and fussing, I finally decided to ignore the US colleges and attend Ottawa University. I would be a Gee Gee, not to mention a worthless frosh dork with no knowledge and no friends. That wasn't really true. Several of my classmates chose O.U. and I could at least say I had some familiar faces, even if they weren't real friends. I bought a car, a 1989 Volkswagen Golf two-door. It was only afterwards that I learned of the various problems this model had but...

1 year ago
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My DaughterinLaw is Hot

100% fiction! My daughter-in-law is hot as hell, and she loves to show her body off. In her 30's, nice tits that she shows with low cut blouses and a big bubble butt that she put's in tight jeans and short skirts. She has a bit of a reputation dating several men before hooking up with my son, but since she has been married she seems to have settled down. But she is always around distracting me with her hot little body at family gatherings, in the summer she drives me thong or bending over in...

3 years ago
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Shame on YouChapter 5

Tom woke up the next morning and for a moment he thought the entire day before had been a dream. Then as he sat up he winced as his sore ass rubbed the sheets and he realized that it had all been real. How could he have done those things to himself! In front of Linda and her friends and the girls out by the car! God, even Mrs. Whitford had seen him! He showered and shaved and began to get dressed for work. He had already put his jockey shorts on when he remembered that he wasn't allowed to...

1 year ago
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MARRIAGEI live in Puerto Rico with my husband and two little k**s. I am very attractive and have long brown hair and eyes and I’m only 4’11” tall but tightly packed if you know what I mean weighing only 107 pounds. I have been married for 9 years now, sex has tapered off from my husband and my vagina needed more than a quickie occasionally. I know we have 2 k**s, but that doesn’t change my attitude toward sex and it is more quickies now than ever. I needed some pleasurable intercourse. I love...

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meeting my ex lover Dirk

Tuesday morning while I was in the mall, I bumped into an ex-lover, Dirk.We chatted for a short while and when saying goodbye he gave me his business card and said to message him if I want to catch up sometime. When I got home, I decided to go have a oily foam bath to relax a while. Once in the bath and relaxing I started contemplating whether I should message Dirk or not. My loving husband had never met him and it would be better for me to keep my relation as a secret. Then I decided to save...

2 years ago
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Foam Party

The foam machine was loud, the rhythmic pumping music alongside it raised the energy levels to frenetic. The foam pit itself was quite well lit, with a variety of lasers reflecting their rainbow lights on the glistening bubbles. It seemed like a free for all, and to be honest, that’s what had attracted us to it. Lots of the girls were already topless, and it was no surprise when I found he was quickly helping me join their number, his adroit fingers easily undoing the catches and cords.  He...

Straight Sex
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Four Wheeling Ladies Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. I was out on a photo shoot on a remote trail in the woods. I stopped for a bit, to rest, removed my shirt and wiped my brow with it. It was warm today. Off to one side of the trail was an old tree trunk lying about a foot off the ground. I walked over and sat down. In the distance I could hear the sound of engines getting closer. I guessed they were four- wheelers or maybe dirt bikes. I would soon find out as the sound got...

Group Sex
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 30

Earth time: 7:43:22 PM Monday, June 27, 2022 (EST) Aina time: high noon day 0 of 1423 "All systems are checking out fine. Are you ready?" Keona glanced at Mayoni and smiled. She looked completely relaxed and comfortable, hanging in her harness of ropes fifty-four meters above the rock path. Just above their head was the lip of the ledge leading to the sunflower plants and the solar tower. Below them was their base camp consisting of two tents, one for them and one for their traveling...

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