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This is my first attempt at a story, I hope you enjoy it, please leave me your comments in order to help me improve... Please Help Me By Louisa I'm sitting here at the computer choking back my tears with my wife standing over me, watching me to make sure I tell the whole story. She wants me to tell you that my name is Leighanne and that my name about 8 months ago was Lee. It started back in a time when I was a successful young executive; I made an exceptional living that provided well for my wife and I. We have a lovely home a three car garage and wined and dined in the most luxurious surroundings imaginable, four holidays a year was the norm to the most exclusive places in the world. Now that has all changed, very rare do I get out of the house now, not only because I can't face the world in my current state, but also because my wife won't allow it, she is now the one making all the money and she is calling all the shots. About 10 months ago I began an affair with a beautiful woman that I met on a business trip, Debbie was stunning, in fact, stunning is an understatement in her case, blonde, shapely and a wonderful personality, she captured me immediately. We dined together, went sight seeing and of course had the most wonderful, passionate sex. I didn't tell her I was married and of course didn't tell my wife about her. About 6 weeks into the affair we were due to meet at a conference, my mind was full of lust and I knew that the week we were there would be a magical time. I drove to the conference centre on the Sunday before and checked into the hotel, we had agreed to meet in the bar for a few drinks then go to a swanky restaurant for a meal, I put my luggage in my room and showered and changed then headed for the bar, I saw her instantly, she was standing at the bar with one of my work colleagues Phillip, as I walked in she ran up to me, flung her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply, I looked over her shoulder and saw my colleague standing there, open mouthed with the look of complete and utter shock. Debbie took me by the hand and led me over to the bar where my colleague was standing "Hello Lee," he said, "have you and Sue split up then?" "Who's Sue?" Debbie asked. "Oh!! Sue is Lee's presumably ex-wife." Phil said. "WIFE!!!" Debbie looked shocked. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU ARE MARRIED!" she screamed, "YOU BASTARD!" then she slapped me across the face and stormed off crying, I looked at my colleague for a second then went after her. "Debs wait!" I called, but she kept walking at a pace. I caught up with her and grabbed her elbow, she just span on her heels and brought her knee up to my groin, I doubled over in agony. "I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL!" she screamed and stormed off again. I went back to the bar, deflated and somewhat humiliated, my colleague was still there, still with a look of shock on his face. "Bloody hell Lee," he said "you're a right fool, if your missus ever finds out, boy are you going to be in the shit." "Well she won't find out," I spat "it looks like it's all over now." Debs never did come back, she checked out that night, telling her boss she felt unwell and headed back home. I spent the next week at the conference, bored silly, I had been given the option not to attend, but decided to so that I could be with Debs for the week. I got back home on the Friday night, Sue greeted me with open arms, she looked drop dead gorgeous, wearing a long white satin nightdress and matching robe, she gave me a long lingering kiss. 'WOW!' I thought, my wife is beautiful and right now was showing a whole new side to herself. "Oh Lee, I've missed you so much." she whispered in my ear, she took me by the hand and led me up to the bedroom. As we entered the bedroom my eyes couldn't believe what they saw, the whole room had been redecorated, it was now a pastel pink colour, with a huge four poster bed draped in white lace, candles burnt all around the room, giving a soft romantic feel and a flowery aroma invaded my sense of smell, it was beautiful. "TA DAA!!! What do you think?" Sue asked. I just stood there open mouthed which she soon covered with her lips again, my arms snaked around her back and pulled her tighter to me and a soft moan emitted from her mouth into mine. She pulled gently away from me. "Make yourself combatable darling and I'll go pour us a drink." she said. "That would be lovely." I said, she smiled and slunk out of the room. I walked over to the bed, sat down on the edge and bounced up and down a little, it felt really combatable, I flopped onto my back and closed my eyes. 'Phil was right.' I thought to myself 'You have the most wonderful woman a man could want.' A smile formed on my lips. I felt a little nudge on my leg. "Here you are sweetheart." she said handing me a champagne glass. "WOW! Champagne, thank you my love." I said. "It's a celebration" she said. I got a puzzled look on my face. "What for?" "I got that job at Medicom." she said smiling from ear to ear. "Oh that's wonderful!" I said. "Congratulations!" She sat on the bed beside me and we touched our glasses in the form of a toast. "That's not all." she exclaimed excitedly. "What?" I asked. "They gave me the position of head pharmacist at ?186,000 a year." I was bowled over, that was double what I am earning. "We'll never worry about anything ever again." she said happily. "We don't worry about anything now." I said. "You know what I mean." she replied giggling. "Let me get us another drink." she said and left the room again. She returned a few minutes later with another two glasses of champagne and handed me one. "Drink up darling." she prompted, I took another mouthful of wine as she watched me, a huge grin on her face. I woke up the next morning with Sue laying on me, I could feel the satin of her nightie, it felt wonderful to have a beautiful woman laying on me, then she stirred and her eyes fluttered open, she looked at me and smiled. "Good morning sexy." she purred. I smiled in return and kissed her on her lips softly, she rolled off me and slid out of the bed, I admired her naked form, beautiful, I am the luckiest man in the world. "Wait a minute!!!" I thought to myself, "She's naked?" I felt my body, it was encased in satin, I lifted the sheets and sure enough I was dressed in Sue's nightdress. "What the hell??" I exclaimed. "What's the matter darling?" Sue said. "I'm wearing your nightdress!! That's what's the matter!!" "Yeah and how sexy you look and you've never made love to me like that before, we'll have to do it more often." she said. I couldn't even remember making love to her let alone dressing in her nightie. I climbed out of bed and started to remove the nightdress, Sue walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me, she kissed me softly on my lips, I let go of the nightdress and felt it fall back around me and wrapped my arms around Sue, the kiss deepened and I felt myself getting hard under my satin enclosure. "You are so sexy Lee." Sue purred as she ran her hands down my waist, it felt wonderful. "Make love to me again, like you did last night." As she said this my erection failed, I looked at her in stunned silence, she ran her hands over my groin, stroking me through the satin of the nightdress. "Please Lee, make love to me!" she was almost begging. Nothing happened, my cock didn't respond at all, she kissed me passionately again, I felt the return of my erection. "Mmmmm yes!!" She said, "Now make love to me." My erection failed again, it just drooped away back to it's flaccid position. "What's the matter???" She asked. "don't you want to make love to me?" I looked her in the eyes, I didn't know what to say, "I'm sorry," I whispered "of course I do, I don't know what the problem is." She placed one of her fingers over my lips. "Shhh," she said. "we have plenty of time." She smiled at me. "Come on Lee, let's have some breakfast and then we'll go shopping, I need to pick up some new things for my new job." Sue slipped on her robe and I started to remove the nightdress again. "Oh please Lee!! Leave it on, you look so sexy, just till after breakfast, just for me? Please!!" I looked at her, I smiled and said, "Anything for you my love." She took my hand and led me downstairs to the kitchen, "Just a quick breakfast this morning, we'll eat while we're at the mall." she said. We ate a quick breakfast of grapefruit and wholemeal toast, then we both went and got washed and dressed. We drove the twenty minutes or so to the mall, it was a cold and grey day and light drizzle filled the sky. "I need to get a couple of new work suits." Sue said, "I need to look professional." We walked into a large department store and headed straight for the woman's wear section. 'This place is huge.' I thought to myself. Sue walked straight over to where the suits were displayed, "There are loads to chose from Lee, I'll need your opinion, remember, professional." She exclaimed. She pulled a black skirt suit off the rail and held it up, it had really thin pinstripes running down the material. "I think all business women should have at least one pin striped suit, don't you Lee?" "I guess." was my only response. "Oh come on Lee, give me some constructive comments here." With that she marched over to the changing rooms, "Wait here for me, then you can tell me how I look." She went into the changing cubicle and returned after about five minutes, she looked really smart, the jacket nipped in at the waist and the skirt ended at her knees, the picture of a professional businesswoman. She tried on another four outfits and ended up buying them all, she handed me the bags and asked me to carry them for her. We then went to the shoe section next and she tried on about six different pairs, she bought all these too, by this time I was fully loaded with bags so she took two of them herself. The next stop was the lingerie section, I was feeling embarrassed standing in this part of the store, I don't know why, it seemed like I was invading a space predominantly reserved for women. She purchased several bra and panty sets, stockings and tights and even a corset, I wondered why she was buying that item, as her body was lovely as it was, but I must admit, the thought of her in it did kind of turn me on. Then she went over to where the nightdresses were, she rumbled through the racks and pulled out a long baby pink satin nightdress with lace at the bust in a deep V. She held it up in front of her and looked at me, then smiled and winked at me. She bought that nightdress and three others, all long and all in the slinky satin material. "Come on," she said "let's go and eat." We went to the food court in the mall and found an empty table, I placed all the bags on the floor and asked Sue what she wanted to eat. "I'll get it." she said, "You wait here and look after the bags." She returned with two bowls of salad, I looked up at her from my seat, disappointed, I really wanted a burger. "We should start trying to eat a little more healthy." she said as she put the salad in front of me. We ate our salads and decided it was time to go home, I was feeling quite unfulfilled with the salad but decided I'd make myself a sandwich when we got back to the house. When we arrived home Sue asked me to put the bags up in our room and she'd make us a couple of drinks. I struggled to get all the bags up stairs, but managed it in two trips. I returned to the living room where Sue was sitting on the couch, she reached over to the table and handed me a glass of scotch, I thanked her and sat down on the couch close to her and put my arm around her. We drank our drinks and Sue poured me another, I thought to myself how lucky I was to have such a beautiful loving wife. I awoke the next morning with Sue laying next to me, her arm across my chest, I looked down at myself and got a shock, I was wearing a nightdress again, this time the pink one that she had bought the day before, I gently slipped out of the bed, not disturbing Sue and stood up, I slipped the nightdress off over my head only to be presented with another shock, under it I was wearing a pair of pink satin panties, panties that were bought yesterday in a bra and panty set. I stood there open mouthed, Sue squirmed a little then her eyes opened; she looked at me and smiled. "where's your nightie Lee?" She asked. I just looked back at her with a puzzled expression, I had no idea what was going on and why did she say MY nightie? "Oh Lee," she exclaimed, "you've just thrown it on the floor in a heap, I'm not going to give you nice clothes if you don't take care of them, now pick it up and put it back on, before you get a chill." I didn't move, I was dumbstruck, my mind was spinning like a helicopter rotor. "Did you hear me?" She snapped. "Pick up the nightie and put it back on, NOW!!" Sue was becoming irate. I tried to stammer a reply but was cut off by her shouting: "Leighanne!!!!" I froze on the spot, my mind not knowing what was going on, I was confused and frightened, never has Sue raised her voice at me, "Leighanne??" She stated again "Are you listening to me??" I nodded my head, for some reason my mouth wouldn't allow me to speak. "Good, now put your nightie back on." I nodded again and bent over to pick up the discarded nightdress, I fumbled with it for a few seconds then slipped it over my head and fed my arms through the shoe- string straps. "There!! That's better." Sue said, "Now come and sit on the bed." I walked over to the bed. I was unable to stop myself and sat down. Sue spoke again "Leighanne?? Is Lee in there??" I nodded. "Good, let him heed what I'm saying, this is for him." I nodded again. "Lee, I know you can hear me, I know all about your little fling with Debbie, she came round here while you was still at the conference and told me everything. We decided that you should pay dearly for your infidelity, so from now on you will do exactly as I instruct you to do, do you understand??" I nodded my head again. "Right, this is how it's going to be Lee, when you hear the word Leighanne, you will go into a trance like state, just as you are now, you will understand everything I tell you and follow my instructions to the letter, is that clear?" Again I nodded my head. "Good, now here is your first instruction, you will do everything I tell you without complaint, you will want to complain very much, but will not be able to, you will know that what you are doing is not right, you will feel humiliation and embarrassment and probably even shed some tears, what I say is gospel to you, do you understand??" Again I simply nodded my head in the affirmative. "Good, now when I say the words Lee is out, you will come out of your trance and remember the instructions I have just given you, is that clear?" Again I nodded my head. "Lee is out!!" She snapped. I looked up at her, then down at myself in the nightdress, I was just going to open my mouth and ask what was going on when she said, "You will wear satin nightdresses to bed every night. You want to wear a satin nightdress to bed every night don't you??" I looked at her with a puzzled expression then said "Oh yes Sue, may I?? Do you mind??" Sue grinned at me. "No Lee, I don't mind, but you will to wear Satin panties too." My mind was reeling, I don't want to wear a nightdress or panties, I tried to tell her this, but all that came out was, "Oh course I'll wear satin panties too." "That's fine Lee, not a problem, now let's get some breakfast." We went down stairs and sat down to a bowl of muslin and wholemeal toast. "I think we should go to the mall again Lee, let's hurry and get dressed." We finished breakfast and went back upstairs, I pulled the nightdress off over my head and slipped off the panties. "Lee, if you are going to wear nightdresses and panties, I think you should remove all of your body hair, go into the bathroom and shower then wait for me." My mind was screaming, 'NOOOOOO!' but I just nodded my head and said, "Okay Sue." and headed for the bathroom. I showered and stood there naked in the shower cubicle, Sue came in and told me to hold my arms out straight to my side, she then smeared a gooey cream all over my body. "Lee, this is the last time I do this for you, from now on you will do it yourself, every day you are to check that you body is completely hair free, except for that on top of your head, beard and eyebrows, do you understand?" I didn't understand, but nodded anyways and said, "Yes my love." She left the cream on me for nearly fifteen minutes then showered me off, my body hair was completely gone, I was as naked as the day I was born. Sue then rubbed a sweet smelling lotion all over my body. "Lee, you will do this lotion after every time you shave, got that?" I nodded. "Okay, let's get dressed and head out to the stores, this is going to be so much fun!" We headed back to the bedroom and Sue went straight to my dresser, she opened the top drawer and took out another pair of panties, these were of a lemon coloured satin with a small amount of lace around the waist and leg openings in white. "Put these on Lee." I was going crazy in my mind, I was doing my best to resist, but it seemed like I had no will of my own, I reached out and took the panties and slid them up my now hairless legs. Sue watched me do this with the biggest grin on here face, then turned back to the drawer, when she span round this time, she was holding the matching bra, again in the lemon coloured satin with a white lace trim. "This bra goes with the panties, Lee, put it on." My arms didn't move this time, they stayed at my sides, I was shaking like a leaf, using all my will power to stop myself taking the bra, Sue was obviously enjoying my discomfort, she tilted her head to one side and sent out a broad smile. She reached her arm out towards me, dangling the bra from her finger by one of the straps, my resolve broke and I took the dreaded item from her, I held it in my hands for a few moments. "Here let me do it for you." Sue said in a mocking tone. She held the bra out in front of me and I slipped my arms through the straps. "Turn around Lee!" she snapped, I spun around and she did up the bra at the back. "Okay Lee, let's finish getting dressed, wear what's on the bed." I walked over to the bed and was relieved to see my own clothes laying there, a pair of jeans black socks and a red T-shirt. I dressed quickly in order to cover up the underwear I was wearing, when I looked in the mirror, I could see to my horror that the outline of the bra showed quite clearly under my T-shirt, I quickly took the T-shirt off again and tried to undo the bra, my hands wouldn't let me, I couldn't get it off, I pushed my will harder and harder but to no avail. Sue burst out laughing at me. "You'll never get it off Lee, not until I say you can, now put your T-shirt back on and be quick about it." I burst into tears as I picked up the T-shirt and slipped it over my head for the second time. Sue spoke again, "Do you know what you are Lee?" She asked. I looked at her through tear stained eyes. "You are a man wearing female underwear." She burst into laughter again. "And you are going to go outside wearing female underwear, in fact from this moment on the only underwear you will wear from now on, will be the underwear of a female, do you understand?" I just said, "Yes Sue." and burst into tears again. What is happening to me? "Good, now come along Lee, dry those tears, we're going shopping." Will be continued if there is interest

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The Helper

The Helper A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I had not realised how far the house was from the main road until the taxi finally drew up beside it. It was a large house with a veranda on all sides, even larger facing the sea. Mr Golbenkian was waiting for me near the front door. He was seated in his electric wheelchair. I had not met him before then, but his warm brown eyes were as friendly as his voice on the phone. "Welcome, Tom," he said. "And thank you for being...

2 years ago
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First Cum First Serve Second Helpings

The Shake It, Baby was almost spooky quiet when Ash and Nina entered through the push doors, hand in hand. A gentle jingling bell heralded their arrival. The mild tinkling startled a young woman with gorgeous blonde hair out of a daze, making her practically jump from her position at the counter. She smiled at the sight of the pair; her hands coming up from below the counter to fetch a pair of menus.“Welcome!” she said in a bubbly voice, then tapped the nametag on her left breast. “My name is...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Handy High School Helpers

Cal was on the phone to his sister who was asking him to take in his niece and her friend for a weekend. They were going to check out the university where he lived, and he could let them stay in his guest bedroom. Both his niece Stephanie, a senior, and her childhood friend Vicky, a junior, were being recruited as athletes, so the University would be taking care of most of the details: getting them from the airport, giving them tours, even most of the meals. All he’d have to do was let...

3 years ago
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The Dinner Party Part 4 Second Helpings

Maggi quickly made sure all three of us were free from our “accessible” clothes.  Then she made Mitch and I lie next to each other while she positioned herself between us on the bed.  Facing us on her knees, she took a cock in each hand and slowly stroked.  She looked somewhat mesmerized by the feel of us.  Then she began to speak. “Do you like this?  Does this feel good?”  We mumbled our approval.“Do you like seeing me do this?  Do you like seeing me so hungry for cock?”  Without giving us a...

Group Sex
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Nautical DelightsChapter 37 Second Helpings

It was just after three in the morning by his watch when Henry was awakened by all the lights in his bedroom coming on and the Emir's voice booming through the intercom, "Anybody else fancy a drink? I'm in my stateroom." As he rose and quickly dressed, Henry asked the sleepy Ayda, "Princess, what is he doing? Why this call to his room?" "I expect he wants to shuffle partners," she replied, "I wonder who you'll get next. Alima, if I know my daughter, and I rather fancy...

1 year ago
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Secret Agents Helper

Secret Agent’s Helper 1-8-2018 The bar was busier than June expected, but then, the hotel was busier than usual this weekend too. It looked like there was some sort of artist convention and a wedding reception both being held in the hotel itself. From the entrance coming from the hotel lobby, she scanned the crowded bar. There were several large groups obviously from the artist convention / show, decked out in their ‘I’m making a statement clothes’ and the like, boisterously talking...

2 years ago
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Santas Helper

It’s Christmas Eve, and for the first time, we aren’t able to spend it with our children. However, we made the best of it, and had that day all planned out; sleep late, play lazy, and maybe with weather permitting go to a movie. My husband even had a holiday feast in mind, turkey, with all its trimming, green-bean casserole, baked potatoes, apple salad, and a yummy apple pie for dessert. A smile crossed my face as I remembered the comment he made. “Honey, this meal is guaranteed to spice...

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Daddys Helper

"Tell me a story, Daddy." Martina was settled in next to me on the sofa, snuggling and cuddling after our dinner, in the mood not for a television show, but one of my stories. "Tell me a fun one!" By that, she meant a naughty one. She liked those. Our bedtime stories and after-dinner time had become more and more intimate since we'd been living on our own. "Tell me the one about when Yvette was your helper at that concert.". . . . . Oh yes. I recalled. That was the day I played a 4th Of July...

4 years ago
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My Helper

I wanted to do some spring cleaning so I sent my husband off for the day and got my neighbor's son to come over and help me. We made a lot of progress during the first hour then Mike, my helper, all of a sudden jumped up and said he needed to go to the bathroom. After about fifteen minutes I went to check to him. I found him in my bedroom. He was naked on my bed with hand lotion laying beside him. He had a massive and very painful erection. It would seem that I had dressed for work, only a...

3 years ago
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Claires Little Helper

Claire's Little Helper By Emma Smith Sunday, 25 August 2002 Chapter 1 Update I suppose I should start by bringing people up to date with some of the things that have happened to me since last time. To be honest there isn't a great deal to tell but I'll give you the highlights, such as they are. I've had a few more trips out and my sister has been much more responsible on calling on me as her stand in. In fact she hasn't done it to me since last time. She did take me out to...

4 years ago
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The Laundry Helper

The Laundry Helper By TheNewGerrie I was standing in the laundry room taking the clothes out of the drier when I did something that changed my life forever. I have no idea what made me pick up my wife's slip and hold it against my body. I was just idly wondering what the material must be like to wear when my wife suddenly cleared her throat right behind me. I think I almost screamed. I don't know if it was just the surprise of having someone sneak up behind me or the...

3 years ago
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Cindys Helper

Cindy's Helper It was the first day of the summer holidays and I was looking forward to lazing around for six weeks. Mum had suggested I get a holiday job but so far I had not had any success, there were very few jobs in our town and no one seemed to need any help. Had I known how my summer was to change I would have made more of an effort at finding one. Both mum and dad worked and as I knew neither would be back before five o'clock I was sitting on the sofa playing with myself....

2 years ago
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HH8Shantis Pregnancy Helper

HH8: Shanti's Pregnancy Helper, part of the HH series TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request,...

4 years ago
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Mothers Little Helper

--------------Two weeks ago:--------------"But Dave, you know what week that is!""I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money.""Money isn't everything."-----------------------------Jump forward - four days ago:-----------------------------Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse to my friends). I'm 15 years old, slim with light brown hair, and I attend Junior High School. I live with my parents in the suburbs. It's quiet compared to the city, and my Mom really likes that. My Dad is a contractor...

2 years ago
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A Sexy Milf for Santas Helper

"Oh yeah, that's it, get that tongue way up inside me." Jesus, this rich bitch sure loved to eat pussy. I could tell she was inexperienced, but she definitely made up for it with her enthusiasm. I sat on the lid of the toilet, my teenage legs spread wide, as she knelt between my creamy thighs with her expensive clothes on, her face plastered against my tingling wet cunt. "Bring that sweet tongue of yours up a little higher," I said as I ran my fingers through her lush auburn hair and...

2 years ago
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Mothers Little Helper

Part 1 Two weeks ago: "But Dave, you know what week that is!" "I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money." "Money isn't everything." Jump forward - four days ago: Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse to my friends). I'm 15 years old, slim with light brown hair, and I attend Junior High School. I live with my parents in the suburbs. It's quiet compared to the city, and my Mom really likes that. My Dad is a contractor for the city and has to drive out there every weekday....

4 years ago
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ExpeditionChapter 29 Mothers Little Helper

After the Natives got settled in... "HEY!! Wait a minute ... Just who are you calling Natives? Listen here, buster ... Political Correctness doesn't fit in this chronical. You might be writing this mess, but WE have a say in what yer doin' We were here first!" shouted Kurt. And the Peanut Gallery all shouted, "AMEN!" "Errrr ... maybe we were first ... kinda ... sorta ... but the first batch of Orientals split," explained Joanne in a rush. "They couldn't take the shaking or the...

1 year ago
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Crossing the LineChapter 4 Santas little helper

Winterhaven was the night before last, its Christmas Eve now and the Konders family was in full Christmas time mode. Sam’s mom Brittany was at the mall picking up a few last-minute stocking stuffers to add to all of the little kids stockings and Dad was at work driving his oil tanker hoping to be home in plenty of time for the evenings festivities. Alex was at work with Brian, both of whom worked at a local car dealership as ‘lot attendants’, washing cars, putting up sales prices on the...

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Video Download Helper

Do you need a porn video download browser extension? Ever wondered if there’s an easier way to download all of your favorite porn onto your PC without having to make an account on various porn websites, or without having to visit other sites where you have to copy and paste the link of the video in question? I’ve sure thought about this problem a million times and you can bet your ass that there’s a solution out there that ThePornDude has found for you. is the perfect tool...

Useful Software
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--- Helpful (MF, nc, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- I heard her hit the floor just as the door was closing. I quickly used my foot to keep the door from locking me out as it closed. Pushing the door back open, the sight before me was Facebook-worthy; actually, probably more Reddit-worthy: my co-worker Carly had fallen on her face, dead drunk in the entryway of her hotel room. I couldn't help but notice that her already short skirt had ridden up a bit, giving me a...

2 years ago
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I heard her hit the floor just as the door was closing. I quickly used my foot to keep the door from locking me out as it closed. Pushing the door back open, the sight before me was Facebook-worthy; actually, probably more Reddit-worthy: my co-worker Carly had fallen on her face, dead drunk in the entryway of her hotel room. I couldn't help but notice that her already short skirt had ridden up a bit, giving me a good look at her toned thighs. Damn, that yoga was really working for her! Yes,...

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Helpless By Jennifer B. I don't have many secrets from my wife but the few I do have are big ones. You see I am a crossdresser and I love bondage. I have a pretty good stash of women's clothing, makeup and even a couple of wigs. But the only time I get to dress is when my wife is going out for long periods of time. Such as, going to get her hair done. When she has a hair appointment she is always gone most of the day. And Saturday was a hair appointment day. I started planning...

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The Plumber and his Helpers

You are having a little problem with one of your toilets. You have called a plumber and I have just arrived at your door, tools in hand. You are dressed in a low cut t-shirt with no bra, a little knee length skirt and you're barefoot. I’m in my plumbing company coveralls with company insignia. I can see you have beautiful large breasts and I start to produce a bulge in the crotch of my fairly tight fitting coveralls. You take a quick glance but don’t initially seem to notice.You tell me the...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Bachelors party helpers

So this past weekend was interesting to say the least lol. That group I'm with, last week one of the guys was talking to me and a few other girls and wanted us all to get together this weekend and do him a favor. Basicly it was one of his friends bachelor party and he wanted to throw him a fun night so me and a few girls went out and bought the maid outfit, under it we wore lace thongs, a garter belt and stockings, no need for bras.       Saterday everyone gathered at his place for dinner while...

2 years ago
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home bilder volunteer and the little helpers

I have become a regular volunteer with a local organization that builds homes for the poor.I was on a build this past summer and we finished the home and presented it to the family. They were a single mom and her 3 c***dren. The oldest was a young man of fifteen soon to be f******n. The youngest was 10. We were cleaning up the bits of remaining debris and doing some final bits of grading as we did. The family was given the keys and the boys all headed out to the tree in the yard to play. We...

4 years ago
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Ava breathed in a deep breath, the crisp forest air filling her lungs and warming her heart and reminding her of days long past. She had always loved going out to the forest, the sound of birds in the distance and of the wind in the trees. There was something special about being alone in such a quiet and peaceful place. Today was the last day she would get to go out before winter came and it was too cold for her, the last day she would get to try her new gear before spring. She had been...

3 years ago
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Sexy Laurie is HELPLESS

The air inside the coffee shop was rich with the scent of dark Colombian coffee and sweet donuts. Amber glanced from table to table picking up snippets of conversation from the chatter that melded into a constant, nonsensical din. Joy was late, 15 minutes late and Amber was caught between succumbing to disappointment and maintaining her hopeful anticipation. She continued to wait anxiously for her friend to arrive.This was to be their first meeting in the real world after months of building an...

3 years ago
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Totally Helpless

It all started about 10 years ago. One Friday night I was in a bar in the city where I live, when I noticed that the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen was looking at me across the room. I could hardly believe it, but before I knew it she walked over and started talking to me. I was still thinking "What's wrong with this picture?" when she suggested we go to a nearby hotel.Once we got to the room, she offered to get me a drink from the mini bar. Suspecting nothing, I drank the whiskey and asked...

1 year ago
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My buddy banged my wife while i watched on helplessly

Dave now wanted Sarah badly. He Dave and I had been best friends since our days back in college. We had what I call a very competitive friendship. We were extremely competitive on everything we did from playing sports to getting girls. The big problem was that Dave would just about beat me in almost everything. He had a physical presence that I couldn’t match. This helps him greatly with playing sports and with the girls. I just could never equal him in anything. It had been a few years after...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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My Little Helper

If you have read my other stories, you know I have only written true accounts of events that happened or were told to me. This story is completely fiction except the main character is real. This is a continuation of the story titled Donna. I live alone, mostly, and work at a job that I hate! I am a legal secretary for a local attorney who is an asshole. He treats me ok and the pay is adequate. I'm just bored out of my fucking mind. One warm Saturday afternoon, I heard a...

3 years ago
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Eros Academy Chapter 2 The Teachers Helper

His roommate’s name was James Wotan. After Michael was able to get over his surprise he introduced himself. “How did you know about the peepholes?” Wotan shrugged as he put down his packet on the opposite bed. “My older brother went here. He filled me in on some of the…peculiarities. They’re all over the place, bedrooms, showers, classrooms. The freshmen dorms are laid out deliberately, boy, girl, boy, girl, so we can look in on each other. Watch yourself, cause you can bet, they’ve got one...

3 years ago
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Santas Little Helper

It was that time of year again, time to get the suit out of mothballs and dry cleaned, Nick thought to his self. He headed up the rickety stairs toward the attic, pushing the cobwebs out of his way. He reached the door and rattled the doorknob, causing the door eerily creaked open. The room was filled with thick musty air, as he made his way across the room to the light switch. Flicking it on the room illuminated. In the corner of the room, hung the Christmas red Santa suit, in a clear plastic...

1 year ago
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Santas Little Helper

As the holidays approached, Kendra realized her job wasn’t paying her enough to get the presents she wanted to give to her family and friends. After spending a few weeks trying to find a job, she was desperate, and ran across an ad for “Santa’s helpers”. Since they were looking for evening and weekend workers, she could actually do both jobs. Have a Master’s Degree and a good job as a clerk in a law office, she was a little embarrassed to get a job like that, but went for the interview. She had...

2 years ago
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Santas Little Helper

The snow lay deep, all around the huge wooden barn where Twinkle Toes was piling up the presents in their respective sacks. This year she had addresses beginning with A to D. Some were for America, some for Europe, some for Africa, Asia and Australia. She looked round and gave a huge sigh as she contemplated the almost endless line of gift-wrapped parcels. She was sure the list was getting bigger every year. Outside she could hear the grunts of the reindeer and the chomping sound they made as...

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Daddys little helper

Everybody was surprised that at the age of eighteen I was still a virgin. I wasn't all prim and proper, I'd sucked a few boys off, wanked quite a few more and let them get their hands all over my body, but I'd never thought of any of them as the someone special I was going to give my precious gift to. Nor was I one of these girls who was determined to save myself for marriage, I'm a firm believer in the old idea that you don't buy a car without taking it for a test drive. What I had never...

2 years ago
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Daddyrsquos Little Helper

“MARY!!!”Daddy’s bellow barely penetrated above the hot music that was blasting through my headphones and I chose to ignore it. I was trying to finish some college work. That was the official story at least. Truth was I was watching porn on my laptop while letting the sounds wash over me. I could guess what he wanted, and I decided that I wasn’t at his beck and call and that he could fucking well wait. Then there was a knock on my door, followed moments later by an even louder one.“What the...

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