A Day At Work free porn video

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Number 26 of a series of individual stories. A Day at Work By SONIA email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!! My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I had a fantastic sex life which often involved me dressing in woman's clothes. I adored wearing sexy panties especially in a situation where I was outside in a semi public place. Dressing up was by no means a regular occurrence and I normally let Sally Anne decide when and what we would do. I had not dressed up for a few weeks and I was looking forward to a further opportunity. I kept dropping hints but Sally Anne ignored them so I moaned at her. She said with a slightly cross voice "I'm very busy at work and I don't have the time or energy for a heavy session - give me a few weeks and we will have a good time." I did not let the matter ride and moped around the house with a glum look on my face. "If you don't cheer up, you will regret it," Sally Anne said. Needless to say I did not cheer up. Dressing up is like a drug and once you start the need grows between sessions and cannot be ignored. "Right! Tomorrow's Friday so I will let you wear panties to work if it keeps you happy - but on my terms," she finally said. "If you comply with my demands then we will have a great session in the evening." The next morning while I showered Sally Anne was busy and when I went back into our room my business suit was on the bed along with a black satin corset, black satin panties and seamed stockings! "I can't wear a corset to work. Everyone will know what I am wearing," I protested. "You can and you will! You can wear your navy shirt, which is quite a thick material and if you need to you must keep your jacket on. I will let you off wearing your false breasts though." Half of me wanted to refuse but the other half was excited. The corset was not too long so I put it on first. I loosened the laces on the corset and undid the hooks before wrapping it round me and letting Sally Anne hook it up. I had not worn this corset before and loved the feel of it - until she tightened the laces! It was tighter than I had ever felt and seemed to make it so I could barely breath. Sally Anne had to help me with my stockings as I could hardly bend. Once they were attached I admired myself in the mirror thinking how sexy I looked. The corset had given me quite a waist and even though I did not have my silicone breasts on it still gave me a very female body shape. My penis was sticking out in a none too ladylike way! "That's not all," she went on, "bend over the bed!" I did as instructed and felt her smooth some lubricant on my anus and before I could move she had started to insert a butt plug into me. We had both tried butt plugs before and found them quite enjoyable so I relaxed and felt it slide in. It met my inner resistance and then passed and seemed to go on for ever stretching me wider than ever before. "Do you like it, it's a new bigger and longer plug," Sally Anne said with a smile in her voice. I could not decide whether this was agony or ecstasy and as I rolled other and tried to sit, I think I was erring towards agony! Sally Anne leant behind me and suddenly it started vibrating deep inside me - maybe it was ecstasy after all. With the vibrator still running deep in me I stood up and tried to walk. With my anus packed full of vibrator and the corset gripping me like a vice I could barely walk. "I can't go out like this," I protested again. "You can and you will," was all she replied as she turned off the vibrator. I went to put on my panties but Sally Anne stopped me. "These first," she said and passed me a pair of adult sized babies rubber pants and a terry towel cloth nappy. I looked at them in horror and she said "I can see by your state of arousal that you will probably come in your panties before the day is out and I don't want you making a mess so you can come as often as you like in these and still keep your panties clean." As she stood before me I knew I had little choice so. I watched in partial horror as she lay the nappy on the bed and then told me to lie on it. As I lay there she first folded my penis back between my legs and then folded the nappy around me and fastened it with two nappy pins. She then put the babies rubber pants over my legs and told me to stand while she pulled them right up. The nappy was quite bulky but when Sally Anne passed me the black satin panties to match the corset I found they were larger than normal and I pulled them on over the rubber pants and found that they covered them fully. I looked at my image now in the mirror and saw how my panties were stretched out over the bulk of the nappy and rubber pants and thought that in a weird way they looked sexy. I dressed stiffly and after pulling on my trousers I went to struggle to put on socks when Sally Anne once again stopped me and said "No socks. Your black stockings will pass at a glance. You will have to be careful if you don't want a problem explaining." I looked again at my image in the mirror and found my trousers were tight over my padded out panties and my whole rear looked oversized. The corset accentuated the bulk by clearly squeezing my waist in and from my viewpoint I looked extremely odd with a huge bum, narrow waist and breasts! Could I really go to work dressed like this? I put my jacket on and was relieved to see that I looked 'normal' to the quick glance. The look on Sally Anne's face of mischievous glee would have been funny had I not been seriously worried about what I was doing. She came across and gave me a kiss and slipped her hand into the back of my trousers and turned on the anal vibrator. "You must not turn it off. If the batteries go flat that is the only way you can stop it." She gave me a quick kiss and told me to set off for work and she would see me in the evening. I walked as normally as I could downstairs and out to the car. Every step I took I felt the grip of the corset, the pull of the suspenders, the feel of the stockings against my trousers, the movement of the nappy on my penis and the deep vibrations in my anus. As I got stiffly into my car and sat on the seat the vibrator pushed deeper into me and it felt as though it was touching the base of my penis and I could hold back no longer coming in my panties, pumping semen into the nappy. As I gripped the wheel and closed my eyes my whole body seemed to climax and as the sensations faded I opened my eyes and saw Sally Anne looking out the window at me with a knowing smile on her face. I arrived at the office and parked the car. Getting out of the car, I found walking normally almost impossible. Had I only had to contend with the bulk of the nappy under my panties walking would have felt odd, but add to that the massive anal vibrator still purring away deep inside me making me feel as if I was part split open and however I tried, my walk seemed more like a waddle. I found taking small steps helped and I headed to the lift. In the lift was a mirrored wall and when I looked at myself I was convinced I looked extremely odd. The corset through my eyes made me look small waisted with breasts and the bulk below my panties made my trousers and bottom look huge. In reality I probably looked 'normal' if you were expecting a normal man. After my orgasm at home my penis had moved and now seeing myself in the mirror it became rigid trying to push forward against my nappy. As I pressed the button and the doors to the lift began to close I relaxed but then a hand went through the gap and the doors reopened and in walked my secretary. Normally she dressed quite conservatively but today chose to wear a short grey pleated skirt that looked incredibly sexy. My heart beat fast as I stood beside her - would she hear the vibrator? - would she spot how I was dressed? I leant back against the wall of the lift which moved the vibrator inside me and I almost collapsed as I came again. "Are you alright?" Jane, my secretary asked. "I think I overdid my training last night and I am rather stiff and sore," I replied as the sensations through my body subsided. My penis barely lost its erection and when I reached the correct floor I followed Jane slowly along the corridor. Thank goodness no one seemed to watch me. I entered my office and carefully sat down while Jane made me coffee. Sitting at me desk I felt my corset through my clothes and could not resists wriggling to make the anal vibrator exert the best sensations on me and then dropped my hand to my lap and rubbed my penis through the nappy and just as Jane came back into the room I yet again came, pumping more semen into the nappy. Sally Anne telephoned me just before lunch and said "How are you enjoying your day, darling?" I admitted that I had come several times and that in spite of the constraints and discomfort I was having a fantastic time. "When you drive home I want you to strip off your work clothes and just drive in your corset, panties and stockings," she said and then reminded me that it would be a fun evening. As I hung up I thought about driving home and the fun evening and wriggled my bottom on my chair to push the vibrator deeper and came again! The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur and I found it was finally time to head home. As I stood up my anus felt numb from the day stretched by the anal vibrator but I realised that the batteries had finally died. My nappy felt soggy from a day of orgasms and felt rather uncomfortable as I finally made my way out of the office and down to the basement car park. On some previous adventures I had taken off my trousers in the car park and driven out in my panties but today I felt I had taken enough risks so I took off my jacket and tie and drove out still looking 'male'. I headed out of town and as soon as I had left civilisation behind I stopped the car in a field entrance and got out of the car and took off my shirt and trousers. I stood for a while enjoying the thrill of being dressed in lingerie exposed in the open and then opened the door to get back in. The interior light came on and I was flood lit for all to see before I closed the door and sat there back in partial darkness. The thrill of what I was doing was bliss and I sat with my heart pounding before starting the car and driving home with my corset exposed for all to see and my billowing panties stretched tight over my nappy and rubber pants framed above my stockings. I was on the verge of another orgasm but with effort held off my climax so I would be ready for Sally Anne when I got home. I wondered whether Sally Anne would let me into the garage or make me walk to the house exposed and was relieved to see the garage door open - but the light was on! I drove in and sat for a moment before deciding I had no option but to make a dash for the back door. I glanced around and seeing the coast was clear I opened the car door and quickly dodged to the front of the car where I was again obscured from view. I then checked again before making the short walk to the kitchen door and safety. Sally Anne greeted me with a huge hug and kiss and as we kissed she caressed my body through the corset and my panties feeling the nappy below. "I have spent a very frustrating day thinking of how you have been dressed. Did you enjoy wearing your nappy like a little baby below your panties?" I had to admit that I had and I confessed that more than once I had gone to the toilet and dropped both my trousers and panties to admire myself in the rubber pants. "Go and have a bath and we can then get ready for the evening - I have a surprise for you." That was all she said but handed me a drink and I went to the bathroom and took off the corset and stockings feeling the relief of its removal. In front of the mirror I took off the panties and stood there in the rubber pants admiring my 'baby' outfit and then finally took them off, throwing the sperm soaked nappy into the wash basket and finally bent over and extracted the butt plug from my rear end - the relief was complete! After my bath I went into the bedroom and was met by an incredible sight. Sally Anne was standing before me dressed as a Baby! She had on a pink satin top with matching pink satin frilly panties clearly over a nappy and I guessed rubber pants. The panties had layers of lace with white lace detail. She had a pink satin bonnet held in place with a pink satin bow and pink satin gloves and bootees each with pink bows. Sally Anne looked at me with a shy grin and said "The thought of you in your nappy today was just too exciting and I had this uncontrollable urge to dress up as a baby. Do you like my outfit?" As my towel dropped to the floor my erection gave her the reply she waited for. In her baby voice she said, "Do you want to dress as a baby as well, or as my older sister or my mummy?" Well what a decision! I stood there and could not decide. I loved the idea of dressing as a baby, putting on a new nappy and rubber pants but then the thought of my little girl party dress with its frilly petticoats was pretty exciting and then dressing as a pretty woman while having Sally Anne as a baby also was pretty exciting. Seeing my quandary Sally Anne suggested rolling a dice with 1 & 2 being the baby, 3 & 4 the little girl and 5 & 6 the mummy. She rolled the dice and it came up with a 4 - the little girl. I went to the wardrobe and got out the outfit. The dress was made from light purple satin with very puffy sleeves, a high waist and a very, very full short skirt and lots of lace trim. It was the epitome of a little girls frothy party dress. The matching full cut panties were from light purple coloured satin to match the dress with layers and layers of lace. The petticoat had so many layers and so much lace that it was almost white with just a hint of the light purple satin below and was very full and short and made the skirt of the dress flare out a lot. Although not very 'little girly' I wore it with a light purple satin corset, my silicon breasts and white stockings which were fully exposed below the short skirt. Once dressed I put on a blonde wig with ringlets and some makeup and I was ready. I looked in the mirror and was immediately glad I was wearing this outfit as it looked incredibly sexy with my frilly panties exposed if I bent the slightest amount. We kissed passionately and I took the opportunity of exploring her outfit. Beneath her satin top she was naked with her nipples sticking out like bullets and as I touched them she shuddered in my arms. "I need to check to see if you need your nappy changed," I said and pushed her back onto the bed. I pulled her frilly panties down and as I expected found rubber baby pants on below. I pulled these down and below found an adult sized terry nappy complete with nappy pins. I slipped my hand down the front and checked it was not wet and in so doing touched her vagina which had been shaved clean of hair. It may not be what a little girl does to her baby sister but my fingers caressed her clitoris and in a few seconds she came with a deep gasp of pleasure. I kissed her and pulled up her rubber pants and her frilly panties and after another kiss we went downstairs. It really was exciting seeing Sally Anne in her baby costume walking ahead of me. The thickness of the nappy made her bottom wiggle in a very sexy way. Couple this with the feel of my outfit and I was totally in bliss. My skirt swished about my legs as I went down stairs and with my hand by my side the feel of the petticoat was wonderful and made me feel so excited. The next couple of hours were amazing fun. We sat around and played games and just enjoyed the release of the rolls we were playing. I got us drinks and found Sally Anne had even bought a babies bottle although I did fill it with G & T! We had supper which Sally Anne ate with a spoon and I began to wonder if as 'a baby' she would not be interested in sex but after the meal she snuggled up to me and we were soon kissing. "Make love to me with my nappy on," she finally said and rolled over so she was kneeling on the floor and leaning over the sofa with her nappy covered bottom in the air in invitation. I took out my penis through the leg of my panties and hitched up my skirt and petticoat, knelt behind her and with some difficulty pulled her nappy to the side sufficiently so I could enter her. The look of her outfit and the feel of how I was dressed made for a very exciting situation. I leant forward and caressed her erect nipples and thrust slowly into her against the padding of her nappy and soon she was gyrating against me and then cried out as she came. I gripped her through her nappy at each side of her and pulled her back onto me and with a convulsion I came deep inside her. We finally separated and cuddled together on the sofa enjoying the combination of how we were dressed and the afterglow of sex. Bedtime finally came and we went up to bed. Sally Anne undressed and showered and I followed her, changing out of my clothes and heading off to the bathroom. When I came back into the bedroom Sally Anne had changed into a very short frilly top and had put back on her nappy and frilly panties and had her thumb in her mouth. I barely glanced at her before my eyes saw on the bed another nappy, rubber pants and frilly top for me. She made me lie on the bed as she put the terry nappy around me and pinned it into place. It was much more bulky than the one I had worn at work and seemed to squeeze my penis as I stood up and stepped into the rubber pants followed by the frilly panties. The matching top just covered the top of the panties and she put a lacy bonnet on my head and folded the bed back for me. She tied her hair into two bunches and got in beside me and cuddled up close. Once the lights were out she rolled on her side and I slid up behind her and slipped my hand down the front of her nappy and found her wet vagina and erect clitoris while pushing myself tight up against her bottom. By moving against her I effectively was able to masturbate myself as I caressed her to orgasm and as she came she pushed against me so I came in my nappy and still locked together we slept like babies.

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I live with a very handsome guy who works the night shift from 10pm to 6am at a local factory, he leaves for work at 9pm so i am on my own from the time he leaves. He left to go to work one night last week as usual so before he left i was dressed in a sexy g string panty lace bra and i was looking real hot so he could think about me all night at work. About ten minutes after he left i heard a knock on the door so i thought he had forgot something so i opened it without thinking that it was his...

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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmatesAfter moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed; I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and low...

3 years ago
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Yesterdays Panties Part 2

Yesterday's Panties - Part 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - From Yesterday's Panties- Part 1: Tabitha took her hand and put it on my left breast and began to massage it. She pinched my nipple and looked longingly in my eyes. "Maybe you could start sharing bras with me too, then," she asked as she pinched harder and sent a shock of excitement through me. "Baby, I don't think I have the parts that it takes to fill out your bra. ...

4 years ago
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In The Workshop

Hey! Thank you for the responses. I’ll get straight to the experience, continued from my previous experience. The driver stopped the bus and we didn’t bother as the conductor was rubbing my vagina by pushing my hips in his hairy legs even after i got an orgasm. I didn’t want him to stop either. It was a strange but good feeling. In about 3 minutes or so the driver came in with another man. The driver asked me to get up. I got up and saw that it was a motor workshop. They asked me to sit on the...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part eight reworked

Transition to Vikki part eight (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The story continues. Vikki settles into her new surroundings and with new friends. Plans are made for a visit and the club is seen for the first time.As with the others, this part has been heavily revised since first writing. Typo's, grammar and story plot mistakes have been corrected. Best to read these chapters...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part four reworked

Transition to Vikki, part four (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of Steven Jennings' tale how he abandons his old life to become Vikki. Valerie and Gina get closer and more life stories are told. This is updated from the original scripts.All original chapters have been rewritten and updated. Typos corrected, grammar put right and plot errors sorted out. Parts have bee...

3 years ago
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Slut Born To Tease Reworked

Slut: Born to Tease (part one). Reworked.I’ve just completed my chosen ensemble for this evening and I'm now standing in my bedroom, looking at my reflection in my full length wardrobe mirrors. I was just about to twirl around to view the full reflection of my pink PVC lingerie clad curvaceous body, when my husband walked into the bedroom, stopped at the doorway and sighed."Are you really wearing that lot tonight?" He said almost despondently."Of course I am!" I replied triumphantly.I was...

1 year ago
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I had a coworker in which I was not too fond of. He called in sick many times repeatedly making everything difficult. Apparently he had some sort of issues in his life, which I understood but it got pretty annoying. Aside from that I didn't really like his attitude either. His responses were pretty snappy. Most of the time he seemed like he didn't even care. I also was not fond of him being bisexual. I mean , no offense, he can do what he wants, but I was cautious when he was around. He was...

1 year ago
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Jaq And The Workmen

It was a nice afternoon; Jaq and I decided to take a stroll. We live fairly close to some building work that is taking place; a complex of industrial units are being constructed.The building site was within view. Being Sunday, the site was fairly quiet but there did seem to be some activity taking place. As we approached we stopped to see how the building work was progressing; the workers were in a prefabricated building obviously having a tea break.One of the guys looked up and saw us. "Get...

Group Sex
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wife shows herself to workmen

We used to go out on "flashing sessions" as we called them over a period of many years, but haven't done it lately, as we seem to have cooled off to how we used to be. A sign of age we presumed. Until this week! We had the use of a friends caravan at a lovely but quiet beauty spot not too far away from our home. As has happened before when this has occurred it seems to make the both of us "fruity" shall we say? One early afternoon we were both sitting on the decking at the front of the caravan...

2 years ago
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Bus Ride Part 4 The Masters Workshop

This is a continuation of the Bus Ride series – Parts 1, 2 and 3. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Bus Ride – Part 4 – The Master's Workshop “Hey sleepy head!” Gaby aroused from her deep sleep to look up at her new ‘friend’ Mary who was shaking her arm gently. Mary wasn’t really a friend but was the only person she felt she could trust and talk to. She was a former ‘slave’ and now...

2 years ago
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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Four Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Four: Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop Synopsis: Flashing between Daisy's training before the seminar and the seminar's beginning, more is learned about how Daisy trained to be ready as Ms. Rebecca's sissy maid example and how the Sissy Maid Workshop is run to insure the transformation of the submissive male candidates into the sissy maids and cuckolds wanted by their owners. I loved the look on Daisy's face as...

3 years ago
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The Workshop

Evan grew up in a tough environment and was a lot smaller than his two older brothers and large father. Being the runt of the litter life could’ve been far harder for him, but thankfully compassion and tolerance ran in his family. Evan was also the apple of his diminutive mother’s eye, a feisty woman whom one didn’t want to mess with.Like the rest of his family, Evan wasn’t academically inclined. He wasn’t stupid but came from a blue-collar family, where education was not deemed a great...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Daytona Beach DesireChapter 3

Mickey told me the next morning that he was having trouble fucking Hanna. He said she was just too tight or he was too thick or both. Either way, it actually hurt them both when he was inside her. She was becoming depressed because she was certain that there was something wrong with her. That Caitlin and I were having such a good time actually made it worse. He then admitted that she had told him she had faked her orgasms because she didn't want to disappoint me and she knew that we were...

3 years ago
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Yesterdays Panties

Yesterday's Panties Tabitha and I married just a couple years after college. And over the years, our sex life became "ordinary". It wasn't that I didn't find her sexy but after the initial honeymoon period where things are new, the newness wore off. We were very happy but in bed, there was just something missing. I think we both felt it but neither one of us talked about it. Sex just became less frequent and when it did happen, it was always the same pattern - a little touching,...

2 years ago
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Beach Fireworks

The fireworks are hotter inside the condo!I had watched her for several days at the beach resort we both were guests at in Ft. Walton Beach. Her name was Kate, a retired school teacher out for a week of sun and fun with her son and daughter’s small family. There appeared to be two children to each family who were a handful - that’s all I knew until tonight.She was very pretty, wore great fitting bathing suits and carried herself like a lady. Her legs were slender and had that nice separation at...

Quickie Sex
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Kim does strip tease for coworkers

My wife Kim is an exhibitionist. She has never come out and admitted as such, but you only need to look at her face when her tits are exposed to others to know that she enjoys the attention. Sometimes she made it look like an accident. Sometimes she blamed it on an alcohol-induced loss of inhibition. Either way I think she has just wanted to maintain a certain innocence in the process and I figured that was a good thing. It's not like I was entirely opposed to her exposures. They always...

2 years ago
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The bell announced the completion of my second week as a teacher. It was not my intent to teach high school students, but with the times being what they are, I accepted the only job I could find. ‘Miss Parker?’ The voice made me jump. I must have phased out there for a bit. When did the door to my room get closed? Why did the school seem so empty? The voice belonged to Darren Sloop. He sat in the middle desk of the third row. Aside from roll, I don’t think I’d ever heard him talk. ‘Miss...

2 years ago
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pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...

3 years ago
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Titcage Chapter 41 continued posted with permission from AllTheseRoadworks

Michael instructed Claire and Kitten to go out dressed like this with one goal: bring him back something to play with. Michael explained (while fucking Claire’s mouth) that some sluts were still unenlightened, and thought they were people, like men. They didn’t understand that they were pieces of fuckmeat to be used and bred, yet. Claire and Kitten were to go out and find a group of some ignorant women and bring them back for Michael and his groomsmen. He showed them some videos of women who...

1 year ago
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Jenny's family are super-rich real estate investors, and as long as I've known her she's sped around town in a flashy sports car. On this saturday morning, Jenny came roaring into the shop. I was just about to leave for the day, when I noticed the sizable dent in Jenny's car. "Mr. Malone!" Jenny hopped out of the convertible without opening her door. Her cute pleated skirt flew up on her thigh as she vaulted the distance. Her breasts rose and fell beneath her sweater provocatively due...

3 years ago
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Candy From Strangers 1 Yardwork

Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. “ 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldn’t keep his mouth shut!” He almost got to his feed but his wife pushed him back into his seat. She knelt under his desk slobbering all over his truly massive cock, slurping and worshipping at his meat . This mildly pacified the good DR. Higgins who...

4 years ago
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Wife Gets Banged By Union Ironworker

WIFE GETS BANGED MY A UNION IRONWORKER My wife Annie and I live in the suburbs of New York City. We are in our late forties, kids are all grown and gone, we each have decent jobs and are starting to enjoy life without worrying about pets or children. A few weeks back we decided to visit the Hamptons for a long weekend. We love the beach and since it was the off-season, the motel rates were reasonable and the weather was fantastic. So we left on Thursday and had until Sunday to enjoy our...

2 years ago
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Candy From Strangers 1 Yardwork

Introduction: The Chesterson twins get their first taste Heavens Cove, one late October night late 1990s Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldnt keep his mouth shut! He almost got to his feed but his wife pushed him back into his seat. She knelt under his desk slobbering all over his truly massive cock,...

3 years ago
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Youre a Celebrity Reworking

As of now you are a Celebrity to the world, you worked really hard to get to where you are today or maybe you were lucky. With fame comes opportunities, risks and consequences. It is time for you to go experience this life but you need to be wary as you are in the public eye alot and getting caught could put you in a tricky situation, Maybe you will meet other celebrities that you could potentially meet or get with and see where the story progresses from there. Notes: Remember you can modify...

3 years ago
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The doors to Dreamworks

You don't know why it happened, or HOW it happened, all you know is that you were watching a marathon of you favorite Dreamworks Animation movies, when you suddendly fell asleep and when you woke up you find yourself in a strange dark room filled with several doors. You notice that all of them have the name of different Dreamworks movies.

1 year ago
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It was a very warm night at the Litton School for Girls. The school sat on the edge of a small, isolated town that many former students had decided to settle in. The school itself was for women from the ages of 18 to 21. They were instructed on the proper way to behave in society. Though the U.S. was beginning a sexual revolution, the school functioned the same way in 1961 as it had it 1901. The instructors, taking a cue from the school's headmistress, neither discouraged nor encouraged...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Wet Workdays

Ms. Marietta Miller was a slave driver in the old sense. She tolerated no slacking, didn’t allow breaks and made you redo your work if she found just the tiniest mistake. And all this even though she wasn’t old -- in fact, she was the second youngest in the office, which didn’t make things easier. With her twenty-five years -- ten less that my thirty-five, for example -- she often rubbed us the wrong way, but there was nothing we could do about it. Mr. McCormack was hardly ever in the office,...

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For a couple of months I have been helping an elderly lady from our neighborhood to maintain her garden. Next to this lady lived a woman of, I estimate in her late thirties, who caught my attention because she looked attractive. One day she opened an upstairs window and shouted at me if I sometimes had time to help her. I felt red all the way to my neck, I happened to have just thought of this beautiful woman. I told her that I did have time and that I would ring her a bell when I was done with...

4 years ago
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It was a going to be perfect late spring day in the Northwest. I decided to call in sick. My wife, an assistant teacher, and k**s left for the school at their normal time. I had the whole house to myself. Part of wanting to skip work, was to get an early start on cleaning up the yard, which not only meant mowing the lawn, but weed pulling. FUN!!! As I was picking weeds out of the bark dust, my next-door neighbor Kelly popped out of her house to do some yard work herself. Now Kelly is no beauty...

2 years ago
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the time my wife started sharing me to her coworke

Im sorry I couldnt handle that of having a friend or anyone else fuck my ol lady if I couldnt please her Id have to leave her and not know it was happening before Id let it happen in front of me thats why when I thought I might have a problem some where I read studied learned and practices only to find out that the only problem i would have is wanting to fuck for longer amount of time than she wanted or needed it got to where I was always frustrated from not cumming before she would quite on me...

3 years ago
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Memoirs Back in the Workhouse

We continued the rounds of the workhouse and at one point found Miss Harrington sitting on a chair pretending to be dusting. When I challenged her, she sort to suggest that elderly ladies like her should be treated with respect and not be forced to do menial work. She even tried to suggest that I was already exceeding my role and would petition the vicar for my removal. Seeing the vicar played little part in my appointment, I almost laughed at her but just said, "We will see, Miss Harrington,...

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Memoirs continues New Master at the Workhouse

Chapter 6. New master at the workhouseMargaret sat at the computer again the following afternoon. She was a little tired from the morning’s exertions and Jeremy had given her the afternoon off but she wanted to find out more about Josiah Winsberly. The pair had spent the morning in the punishment room sweeping and vacuuming and looking over the apparatus there. Moving the items around was heavy, dusty work particularly as some of the frames were constructed of heavy timber and wedged in...

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