Becoming A Company Girl free porn video

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Becoming a Company Girl By Mister Double-U Joe Krastler walked into the large office building and headed towards the elevator. He walked in and pressed the button for the 18th floor. He was impeccably dressed in a blue suit; red tie, crisp new white shirt and highly shined black shoes. Joe was recently graduated from a community college and, with his AA degree, was anxious to get moving in the corporate world. He took the newspaper out from under his arm and looked at the circled classified ad again. ?Administrative Assistant: The proper candidate will be well organized, highly motivated, able to think and act independently, and be a team player.? Joe put the ad back under his arm. He had all those things. He smiled slyly to himself as the elevator stopped on the 18th floor. He stepped out into a spacious reception area. He walked briskly up to the lady behind the desk. ?Hi!? he said, sticking out his hand. ?I?m Joe Krastler and I?m here for the Administrative Assistant position advertised in the newspaper.? The lady looked at him quizzically. ?Uh, okay,? she replied, ?do you have an appointment?? Joe smiled. ?Sure do,? he replied. He removed a piece of paper out of his pocket. ?I received an e-mail from Miss Young yesterday morning. She told me to come in today to apply.? Joe leaned over her desk. ?She said she was VERY impressed with my qualifications,? he said, smiling broadly. ?Okay, sir,? she replied. ?If you?ll have a seat, I?ll tell Miss Young that you?re here.? She picked up the telephone and Joe headed towards a row of chairs along the wall. He sat humming to himself. The receptionist put the phone down. ?Miss Young will see you now,? she said. Joe walked back to her desk. ?Go down the hall to the office with the big double doors at the end of the hall.? ?Thanks!? Joe said, smiling again. He walked down the hall past a long row of cubicles until he reached the big double doors. Joe stared up in amazement. ?Wow!? he said. ?Incredible.? He knocked on the door. ?Come in,? the voice on the other side said. Joe opened the door and stepped inside a spacious office. It had wall to wall carpeting, two leather sofas, a bar in the corner, and a huge window with an incredible view of the city. The voice turned around and faced Joe. She was a beautiful woman; tall and slim with long legs, red hair in a professional style, and deep green eyes. She wore a well-tailored suit, black, with black hose and heels. ?You must be Joe,? she said. She walked across the room and held out her hand. Joe took it and shook heartily. ?Yes, Ma?am,? he replied. ?Sit down, please,? she said. Joe walked over to the big leather couch and she followed, sitting in a leather chair across from him. Her long legs mesmerized Joe. He could see, as she sat down, the tops of her stockings. He could also see that she wasn?t wearing a shirt underneath her suit jacket. ?Your resume is impressive, Mister Krastler,? she said. Joe looked up. ?Uh, thank you Miss Young,? he said. ?Please, call me Miss Emma,? she replied. Joe smiled. The perfume she was wearing was almost mesmerizing. He could barely concentrate. Joe felt himself getting hard. He casually slid his hand over his cock to try to hide it. ?Let?s see,? she said, reading his resume, ?Captain of the correspondence club for three years; member in good standing of the future businessmen of America, two years Chess Club.? She turned to another page. ?Your grades, however, are less than impressive. Am I correct, Mr. Krastler?? Joe gulped. He had had trouble his last year with a few subjects and passed them by the skin of his teeth. It knocked him out of the running for Valedictorian. ?Well, I can explain that.? Emma stopped him. She threw the resume back on her desk and leaned against it. Her dress was so short that Joe could easily see the pink panties that she wore. ?Under normal circumstances, Mr. Krastler, I wouldn't even consider you for this position.? She stopped, then continued speaking. ?But, I think you have potential. And I?m willing to work with that potential.? She walked back around and sat behind the desk. ?Are you interested?? Joe smiled and slid forward on the couch. ?Absolutely, I?m very excited to work for your company.? ?Good,? she replied, ?You start tomorrow morning at 8:30.? She leaned forward on the desk. She definitely wasn?t wearing a bra either. ?Please be on time and dressed appropriately.? Joe got up, covered his hard-on with the bottom of his jacket and walked quickly to the desk. ?I promise you won?t be disappointed.? He shook her hand rapidly. ?I?m sure I won?t,? she replied. Joe walked quickly out the door and headed down the elevator. He was so excited. He went straight home and took out a brand new suit for tomorrow; gray check with a nice gray shirt. His dad had bought it for him after graduation. He promised him that he would wear it on the first day of his new job. Joe walked out to the living room and tried to watch television. His mind wandered and he swore he could still smell Miss Emma?s perfume. The aroma took his mind back to their meeting. The short skirt she wore, those long legs encased in those black stockings, the little pink panties she wore. Joe shook his head. ?Snap out of it man!? he said to himself. ?She?s going to be your new boss!? He decided to head off to bed early to make sure he got to work on time. He walked upstairs, got changed, and crawled into bed. The thought of Miss Emma returned to his mind immediately. This time, it was worse than before. Joe was seated in the big leather chair that she sat on during the interview. She entered the room in a mist. She wore nothing but a short black robe. She walked slowly over to him and removed the robe. She was completely naked. She walked slowly to Joe and knelt down in front of him. She ran her hands along his shirt and down to his belt. Instantly, he was naked too and she was fondling his cock and balls. She kissed and sucked him as she ran her hands all over his body. Joe absently moved his hand up to his dick and began masturbating. She stood up and moved her naked body on top of him. His cock was quickly inside her and she rode him to climax. She began screaming as she came. Joe felt himself jerk and cum. He woke up with a start. ?Oh shit!? he said. He grabbed a towel, cleaned himself off and fell back asleep. His alarm clock went off at 6:00. Joe rolled over and hit the snooze button. He felt tired. Incredibly tired. An hour later, he rolled himself out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He took a quick shave (he considered himself lucky that he didn?t have much facial hair), took a shower, got dressed, and headed out the door to his first day. He still felt exhausted as he walked through the massive reception area. ?Ah. Hi Joe,? the lady behind the desk said, cheerily. ?Miss Emma told me you?d be starting today.? She stood up. ?I?m Angela,? she said, holding out her hand. Joe took it. ?Are you okay, Joe? You look a little out of it.? ?I?m sorry,? Joe said. ?I had a rough night last night.? Angela sat down. ?I?m sorry to hear that. Why don?t you go on down to Miss Emma?s office. I?ll tell her you?re here.? ?Thanks,? Joe said, and headed down the hall towards the big double doors. He knocked and Miss Emma told him to come in. Today, she was wearing a pink suit with pink heels and her red hair in a tight bun. Joe stood there at the door. She was looking out the window. She turned, saw Joe, and frowned. ?Are you all right, Miss Emma?? Joe asked. She sighed. ?No, not really.? She walked over to the sofa and sat down. Joe slowly moved towards the big chair, wondering if she would stop him. She didn?t. He walked over and sat down. She immediately got up and ran over to him, put her head on his shoulders and started to cry. ?It?s horrible, Joe,? she cried. The smell of her perfume made Joe?s head spin. ?Everything is falling apart. My life is falling apart.? She put her head back into his shoulder and cried again. ?Come on, Miss Emma,? Joe replied, lightly putting his hand on her shoulder. ?It can?t be that bad. Can it?? ?It can!? she cried. ?I have nothing, Joe. All this,? she swept her hand across the room, ?is nothing! What does all this mean if you?re alone. No family, no friends. Nothing! My life is nothing.? She started crying again. Joe moved his hand up to his head. He felt very wobbly. ?Miss Emma,? he said, shakily, ?I?m sure you have lots of friends.? He put his hand under her arm and moved himself off of her. He walked unsteadily over to the big couch. She sat down next to him. ?You! You?re my friend, right Joe?? she asked. ?Please say you?re my friend.? Her big green eyes were full of tears. Joe blinked to clear his thoughts. ?Of course I?m your friend, Miss Emma,? he said. She sat up and kissed him on the lips. Her scent was all over him now. ?You?re so sweet, Joe. I knew I could count on you.? She stood up. ?And I know how to reward my friends,? she continued. She walked over to a door and opened it. She motioned to Joe to follow her. He stood up and shakily moved across the room. Inside, she removed her clothes. She wore a small pink bra that barely covered her large breasts, little pink panties, and stockings with a pink garter belt. She reached up and undid the bun and her long hair fell open. There was a large bed in the corner of the room. She walked over to it and climbed on top. ?Take me Joe!? she said. ?Take me now!? Joe walked uneasily towards the bed. He managed to take two steps before he fell into unconsciousness. When he woke up, he was lying naked in the bed. Miss Emma was sitting on a chair across the room. She wore a tight black suit and black boots. She was holding a camera and flipping through a roll off film. ?Very nice,? she giggled. ?Care to see?? She threw the pictures over to Joe. He picked them up and looked at the pictures. They were all of him, in various positions, with Miss Emma. ?I don?t think it will help your professional career having it known that you took advantage of your boss on your very first day. Here I was, a crying, helpless girl and you came in and comforted me just so you could have sex with me. Tsk tsk. How unprofessional,? she smiled. ?That?s all made up!? Joe said. He looked around for his clothes. ?Oh really?? she asked. She picked up a remote control and turned on a television set hanging on the wall. An image of Joe sitting on the chair, comforting Miss Emma came on. The next image was him walking with her into the bedroom. And finally, Joe forcing himself on Emma. Joe?s face dropped. ?And don?t bother destroying the pictures, there?s plenty more?along with the video tape. I think I can send you away for 10-20 years on rape charges.? ?Ok, what do you want from me? I don?t have any money,? Joe said. ?Ah, the $64,000 question,? Miss Emma replied. ?What I want is you.? ?I don?t understand,? Joe said. Miss Emma smiled and stood up. She walked to the side of the bed and threw back the covers. ?You see, Joe, I have an interesting hobby,? she said, running her hand on the bed. ?Transformation and Sissification of men. In other words,? she leaned in very close to Joe?s face, ?I like to turn big strong men like you into sissy babies.? She backed away and walked over to a closet next to the bed. She opened it and started looking through the clothes hanging there. ?I?m out of here!? Joe said. ?You won?t get very far like that,? she replied. Joe started looking around the room. ?Where are my clothes?? he yelled. ?Gone,? she replied, ?gotten rid of.? She stopped and pulled out a short baby doll dress. ?Ah, this will do.? She threw it on the bed. Joe laughed. ?You?ve got to be kidding.? He walked over to her and stood about three inches from her face. ?Where are my fucking clothes?? She reached up and grabbed Joe by the balls. He let out a piercing scream and dropped to his knees. She let go and grabbed his arm, twisting it back. Joe howled in pain. ?First rule: Never! Ever! talk to me like that again! Understand?? she said. Joe nodded. She let go of his arm. He stood up and lunged towards her. She grabbed his arm again and threw him over her shoulder. He landed across the room with a thud. ?Mental note, Joe,? she said. ?I have a third degree black belt in Karate.? She walked over to a dresser and pulled out a pair of black lace panties. She threw it to him. ?Put that on!? Joe slowly got to his feet and stepped into the panties. His cock poked out over the top of the waistband. Miss Emma giggled. ?Hmm. Maybe you?re not ready for that yet. Come over here.? Joe slowly moved towards her. ?If you?re thinking of a way to escape, don?t bother. Remember that you?re 18 stories up. Where are you going to go?? She walked back to the closet and pulled out a box of adult diapers. She took one out of the box and handed it to Joe. ?Let?s try this instead.? Joe backed off. ?No way!? he said. Miss Emma punched him hard in the stomach, then slapped him. ?Have you forgotten so soon?? she asked. Joe lay there, holding his stomach. Miss Emma walked over and slipped the diaper on him and fastened the sides. She grabbed his hands and placed large mittens on them, closing the bottom with duct tape. ?This is so you don?t try to pull your little diaper off,? she said, in a sing song voice. She picked him up by the hair and ordered him into the dress. It was short and pink and flared out at the bottom with layers of crinoline all over. She tied the back straps into a little pink bow. ?You?re so cute, I could eat you all up,? she said laughing. She slipped little girl socks on his feet and then put on a pair of Mary Jane shoes. Joe immediately tried to take them off. ?Bad little girl!? She rolled Joe over and slapped him on the back of his leg. He screamed. ?The good little girl needs to keep her ?shozies? on.? Miss Emma took the shoes off and walked over to the dresser. She squirted something into them and walked back to Joe. She slid the shoes on Joe?s feet and the cement squished against his foot. A moment later, she let go and put on the other shoe. ?The shoes are now filled with industrial liquid cement. Something this company manufactures, as a matter of fact. See the cement doesn?t dry until it comes in contact with heat, like your foot, for example. Then can almost never be removed.? She took Joe?s arm and led him across her office and into the large bathroom on the other side. She sat him down and strapped down his arms and legs. She also strapped his neck with a belt on the back of the chair. ?Be right back,? she said. She walked over to her desk and pressed a small buzzer. ?Angela, would you send Bernard in here please?? A moment later, there was a knock on the door and a large man wearing leather pants and a barechested outfit walked in the room. He walked over to Miss Emma and lowered his head. ?You called for me, Mistress Emma?? he asked. ?Yes, I did,? she replied. They walked into the room and Bernard saw Joe strapped to the chair. ?This is my new little girl. I want you to give her the usual treatment.? ?Yes, Mistress Emma,? he replied. ?What usual treatment?? Joe asked. Bernard slapped him. ?You will not speak unless Mistress says it is allowed,? he replied. He turned and dropped a small medical bag on the counter. He opened it and took out a large electric razor. He walked over and began to buzz off Joe?s hair. When it was down to a crew cut, Bernard stopped and took out a straight razor and some shaving cream. ?I would suggest you don?t move,? he said, smiling. He shook up the can and sprayed the foam all over Joe?s head. He rubbed it in, and taking the razor, slowly removed the rest of his hair. He then took the cream and sprayed it all over Joe?s face and shaved that also. He went back into the bag and took out a bottle filled with liquid. ?This is a depilatory. It will make sure your hair does not grow back. Again, do not move. If this gets in your eyes, it could be very very painful,? he said. Bernard poured the liquid into his hands and rubbed it all over Joe?s face and head. He then took a rag, dunked it in some water and wiped it off. He stepped back and looked at Joe. ?What color, Mistress?? he asked. She walked over and stood next to Bernard. ?Beige for the eyes, I think. Maybe light pink for the lips. What do you think?? ?An excellent choice, Mistress,? he said. He reached into the bag and pulled out a pair of latex gloves. He then pulled out a tattoo needle. He poured the beige ink into it and faced Joe. ?Close your eyes,? Bernard growled. Joe did as he was told. Joe felt the needle across the lid of his eye. When Bernard was done, Joe could see that he now had permanent beige eye shadow. Bernard put down the needle and changed the color from beige to pink. ?Close your mouth,? he growled again. Joe again did as he was told. Bernard took the needle and gave Joe permanent pink lipstick. He shaped his lips in a more feminine style and lined them in the same pink color. Bernard shut off the needle when he was finished and stepped back to look at his work. Miss Emma joined him. ?Excellent, Bernard.? She moved Joe?s head around for a better look. ?Absolutely perfect.? Bernard bowed his head. ?Thank you Mistress,? he replied. He packed up his bag and headed for the door. ?Well, what do you think?? she asked Joe. ?Like it?? Joe looked in the mirror. What looked back at him was a bald man, wearing a little girl?s dress with beige eye shadow and pink lipstick. He started to cry. ?Aw. Poor baby,? she said, smiling. She undid the straps and helped Joe to his feet. She attached a dog collar with the words ?Baby Girl? written on it. Miss Emma took the leash that was attached to it and led him out of the room to a mirrored door next to the bathroom. She pressed a hidden button and a door opened. They stepped inside and rode the elevator down to the basement. The door opened and they stepped out. ?This is going to be your little playroom.? Miss Emma replied. ?Right now, I?m going to put you in your crib and give you a bottle.? She led Joe over to a large crib in the middle of the room. She lowered the side and Joe stepped in. She closed the side and looked down at him. ?I hope you?re going to be very happy here,? she said. ?I?ll have someone come down with a bottle in a few minutes.? She kissed him on his forehead and walked back to the elevator. ?You can?t do this to me!? Joe yelled. ?I?ll find a way out of here, somehow!? Miss Emma sighed and walked back to the crib. ?Little baby girl needs to go to sleep now,? she growled, ?and little babies of your age don?t speak yet.? She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a pacifier. ?Open your mouth!? Joe closed his lips tightly around it. ?Such a stubborn little girl.? She held his nose closed. When he opened his mouth to breathe, she slipped the pacifier into his mouth and stretched the elastic around the back of his head to keep it on. ?There. That?s better,? she said. ?Since you?ve been such a bad girl, no bottle for you.? She walked back across the room towards the elevator. ?Sweet Dreams,? she said, and turned off the light. Joe could hear ?Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? playing in the background. A small night-light was the only light in the entire room. Joe sat up in the crib and tried desperately to pull off the mittens that were taped to his hands. The pacifier had a weird hazelnut flavor to it. He tried to climb over the side of the crib, but with the mittens on his hands he couldn?t get a firm grip. Eventually, he sat down and exhaustion took over and he fell asleep. The elevator door opened up and startled him. Miss Emma walked across the room, followed by Bernard and another girl. Bernard walked over to the crib, lowered the side rail and lifted Joe out of the crib and placed him on a mat on the floor. ?Baby needs a change?? Miss Emma asked. Joe began kicking, trying to get free of Bernard?s grip. Miss Emma laughed. ?Come on, baby. It?s not that bad having your diaper changed.? Bernard grabbed both of Joe?s ankles in one hand and lifted them off the mat. He reached over and removed Joe?s diaper. Miss Emma snapped her fingers and the girl walked over and took the wet diaper. She came back with a large, wetnap and wiped it all over Joe?s ass and his penis. He began to get aroused. ?We?ll soon take care of that,? Miss Emma said, tapping Joe?s cock with fingernail. The girl brought a new diaper and Bernard let go of Joe?s legs. He started to get up, but Bernard knocked him back down and held his hand on Joe?s chest. ?You will stay put and let her put on your diaper,? he growled. Joe started kicking again and Miss Emma walked over to the far wall. She removed a long cane and walked back to Joe. She touched him with it and he screamed. ?That is what bad little girls get when they don?t behave,? she said, touching him with it again. Joe stopped moving his legs and she was able to replace his diaper. Bernard lifted him up and removed Joe?s dress. He caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror. He looked even sillier than before. He was a bald, hairless man, with painted on eyebrows, eye shadow, and lipstick. The girl held up another little frilly dress and Joe stepped into it. ?Very good!? Miss Emma removed the pacifier. ?You may not be able to speak just yet,? she said. Joe tried and found he couldn?t. ?Remember watching those old cartoons where they would drink Alum or something like that and their head would shrink and they would talk all high pitched and squeaky?? Joe nodded. ?Well, our company created something like that. We coated the pacifier with it. It will stretch out your vocal chords. We can then go in and adjust it just the way we want it.? The girl took a bottle out of a small bag she carried and handed it to Bernard. He took it and placed it at Joe?s mouth. He turned his head to avoid drinking it. ?Come on, now,? Miss Emma said, ?you need to drink your bottle.? Joe tried putting his hands up to push it away. Miss Emma sighed and walked over to him. She placed a long fingernail along the bottom of Joe?s neck and pushed. Joe opened his mouth to scream and Bernard shoved in the bottle. ?Drink!? Bernard said. Joe lay there and shook his head. Bernard looked at Miss Emma. She nodded. Bernard took out the bottle and picked Joe up. He put him over his knee and pulled up his dress. Bernard removed the diaper and began to spank him. Hard. It took only a few strokes for Joe?s ass to turn beat red. Joe opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Tears ran down his face. Bernard continued spanking him. Miss Emma walked in front of Joe. ?This is what happens when bad little babies don?t listen,? she said. ?Are you going to be a good girl?? Joe nodded. Bernard kept going. ?Will you do what we tell you to?? she asked. Joe nodded. He thought he would pass out from the pain. Miss Emma looked up. ?Bernard, stop please.? Bernard stopped. Joe sighed. Bernard lifted him back up and laid him on the mat. He picked up the bottle again. ?Drink!? he said. Joe quickly took the bottle and began drinking it. It tasted like sour milk. He made a face as he drank. Miss Emma laughed. ?Don?t like the taste, huh?? she asked. Joe shook his head. ?I?m sorry, baby.? Bernard glowered at him and Joe made sure that he drank the entire bottle. Once he was done, Bernard burped him, and then put him back on the mat. He tried sitting up, but Bernard pushed him back down. While Joe was drinking, Miss Emma gave the pacifier to the girl and she walked over to a small fridge in the corner. She opened the door, took out a pitcher and dipped the pacifier in it. She came back and handed it to Miss Emma who placed it on Joe?s head. ?This girl is Stephanie,? Emma said, pointing to her. ?She will be your nanny.? The girl looked to be about 18. She was dressed like Mary Poppins. ?She will be taking care of you while I am upstairs working. Now, you be a good girl.? She kissed his cheek and headed to the elevator. Bernard followed. Once the door closed, Joe got to his feet and promptly fell down again. His legs felt like they were on fire. ?While you slept, your hamstrings have been cut and shortened.? Stephanie said. ?This will prevent you from walking away. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk.? Joe got to his knees but the pain was still too much and he fell back down. ?Would you like me to read you a story?? she asked. Joe glared at her. She smiled. ?Okay baby, then I?ll put your tape back on.? She picked up a remote control and pressed a button. ?Twinkle, Twinkle? played through the speakers again. Stephanie reached into her bag, took out a pair of headphones and put them on. She picked up a ?Seventeen? magazine and started flipping through the pages. Joe couldn?t take it anymore. He wanted to scream. He wanted to run away. He was so sorry that he ever saw that job offer in the paper. He became tired and drifted off to sleep again. He woke up with pains in his stomach. He felt sick. Stephanie was still reading her magazine on the chair next to him. Joe reached over and slapped her with his mittened hand. She looked down. She picked up the remote and turned off the music. ?Baby okay?? she asked. Joe shook his head. A look of fear crossed his face and he quickly shit his diaper. It was warm and soft. He felt sicker than before. Stephanie leaned down and took off Joe?s pacifier. ?Phew!? she said, holding her nose. ?Did you go poopies?? she asked. Joe blushed and promptly shit himself again. He nodded. ?Aw! That?s okay, baby,? she said. She laid him down and lifted his dress. ?Now, you will sit still for me to change you, won?t you?? she asked. Joe nodded. She removed the diaper. It was covered. Stephanie walked over and threw out the diaper. Then came back with a wetnap and wiped Joe down. He was incredibly embarrassed, but found that he had another erection. ?I guess baby likes this after all,? she said. Joe blushed again. She took a clean diaper and put it back on him. ?Does baby want to hear a story?? Joe didn?t react. Stephanie went back into the bag and took out a small book. ?Here?s one. ?What Little Girls Are Made Of,?? she said. She opened the book and began to read. ?Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice. That?s what little girls are made of,? she read. She turned the book so Joe could see the picture. It was a little girl with sweets around her. He liked the picture of the little girl. He stared at it as she showed it to him. She then turned the page. ?Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails. That?s what little boys are made of.? She showed Joe the picture. It was a little boy with all sorts of nasty things around him. Joe turned his head. ?You don?t like that picture?? Stephanie asked. Joe shook his head. ?I understand. Little boys are yucky!? she continued. Joe nodded. Stephanie continued reading and Joe paid close attention to the little girl parts and looked away during the little boy parts. When she was done, she closed the book and put it away. ?Would you like another bottle?? she asked. Joe?s stomach grumbled. He nodded. She got up and went to the fridge and pulled out another bottle. She heated it up and gave it to Joe. He hungrily drank it down. ?My, you were hungry!? Stephanie said. She reached over and pressed a button. A moment later, Bernard came into the room. ?I think she?s ready for another nap, Bernard,? Stephanie said. ?Yes, Miss Stephanie,? he said, nodding and lowered the side of the crib. Joe didn?t resist as Bernard lifted him up and into the crib. He covered Joe with a blanket and quietly walked back to the elevator. Stephanie started the music again and followed Bernard out of the room. Joe lost track of time. He had no idea what day it was or how long he?d been there. Every day, Stephanie would come down and change and feed him. She would read him stories and show him pictures. He would sleep in the crib soothed by ?Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.? It could have been weeks, maybe months. He had no idea. ?How?s our little baby today?? Miss Emma asked. Joe growled at her. Miss Emma frowned. ?I don?t like that at all,? she replied. ?Stephanie, maybe she needs another changing.? She leaned in very close to Joe. ?Bladder time for you,? she whispered. Joe suddenly felt his bowels empty. It was that soft squishy feeling that he always got after they gave him the bottle. Miss Emma smiled. ?I take it, by your expression, that it worked,? Miss Emma said. ?You may not be aware of it, but you have been subjected to a great deal of subliminal messages in the time you?ve been here.? Joe sat there, stunned. ?See, I?ve put a lot of time and effort into you transformation to womanhood.? Stephanie walked over to Joe and lifted up his latest dress, a frilly white dress. She took off Joe?s diaper and began cleaning him. Stephanie deliberately touched Joe?s cock. This time, it remained limp. Joe noticed this and looked shocked. Stephanie continued touching it, then stroking it, and finally licking and sucking it. Nothing happened. ?The bottle that you?ve been drinking contains a salt peter mixture,? Miss Emma said. ?It?s the thing they give to young boys to stop them from playing with themselves,? she smiled. ?That, along with the large doses of estrogen that are in your milk promises that you won?t get hard anymore. You may even grow breasts soon.? She turned to Stephanie. ?Our little girl is growing up.? ?There are more messages that you?ve received but it?s too early for most of them.? She turned and headed back towards the elevator. ?Stephanie, make sure that she gets her bottle before you put her down. And don?t play with her too long. She needs her sleep,? Miss Emma said. Stephanie stood up and headed back to the chair. ?Ooo! I can?t wait until you get older so we can play together,? Stephanie said. She turned to Miss Emma. ?Shall I give her some solid food, Miss Emma?? She stopped. ?That?s a very good idea,? she said. ?It has been 3 months and I think she?s ready.? Joe?s eyes widened. ?Yes, Joe,? she said. ?It has been three months since you first walked in. Pretty soon, you?ll be ready for the next phase.? Stephanie walked over to the closet. She opened the door. ?Strained Peas, Carrots, or Apple Sauce?? she yelled. ?Peas,? Miss Emma replied. Stephanie brought the jar over to Miss Emma then walked over and grabbed a high chair in the corner. She picked Joe up and sat him in the chair. She put the tray on and sat down in front of him. Miss Emma reached over and took out the pacifier. Joe moved his mouth to stretch it out. ?Ah,? he said. ?Much better.? His voice was high pitched, like that of a young girl. ?Hey!!? ?Miss Emma??!!? Stephanie yelled. ?It?s okay, Stephanie,? she said. She leaned into Joe and whispered in his ear. ?Baby Time for you.? ?Goo Goo! Gah Gah!? Joe said. Stephanie smiled. Joe started making incoherent baby noises. ?That?s a good little baby girl,? Stephanie said. ?Another of those wonderful subliminal suggestions that I told you about,? Miss Emma said. She smiled. ?Dadadadadadadadada!? Joe yelled. Stephanie smiled. H e began pounding his mittened fist on the tray. ?Oh no!? Miss Emma said. ?We have a stubborn baby again.? She sighed. ?Bladder time for you,? she said to Joe. His bowels emptied again. ?Now you will sit there, with a mess in your diaper and eat what Miss Stephanie has for you. And don?t give her any more trouble. Understand?? Joe nodded. Miss Emma smiled and Stephanie began feeding Joe the jar of strained peas. It tasted worse than the bottle. ?Eat up baby. There are lots of good nutrients and vitamins in this,? Stephanie said. ?They?ll help you grow up big and strong.? Joe knew it was futile to resist. He opened his mouth and Stephanie fed him the entire jar of peas. She wiped up his face and got him out of the high chair. She then stood him up against the crib and took off his dress. Joe saw himself in the mirror. His body had lost a lot of definition. His stomach and chest were thin, almost anorexic, from the lack of food; his arms thinned out as well as his face. He reminded himself of those kids in those television ads for food donations. He moved along the crib, closer to the mirror. Miss Emma smiled. ?Our little baby is trying to walk,? she said. ?That?s good. It means her legs are recovering.? Joe didn?t hear them. He was intent on getting to that mirror. He faced it, still holding on to the crib for support, and looked closer. His dick was limp and he thought that it might be shrinking. His ass looked bigger, though, as if someone stuffed two pillows into it. His chest hurt and his nipples looked larger, rounder. It even looked like the chest grew a bit. He moved his hand to touch them and fell over. Stephanie laughed and picked him up. ?I guess you?re not ready for that yet, huh baby?? she said, smiling. ?That?s enough excitement for one day, Stephanie.? Miss Emma said. ?Please put her back in her crib and let her get to sleep. We have some big days coming up.? She turned and headed out. Stephanie put the diaper back on Joe, gave him a new dress and pacifier, and put him in the crib. ?Revert to normal,? Stephanie said. She turned off the light and headed out the door. Joe was allowed to get out of the crib whenever Stephanie was there. The ?baby girl? collar was around his neck. He was allowed to start crawling. Joe enjoyed the limited freedom that he was given. The chain on the collar was attached to a large wooden table and extended about 20 feet; enough for him to move around, but not enough for him to reach the stuff on the wall or the elevator door. Whenever they took the pacifier out of his mouth, they would say ?Baby Talk for you? and he would be unable to express himself. If he were very bad, Miss Emma would make him shit his diaper and sit in it until she felt that he learned his lesson. ?She just won?t listen today, Miss Emma,? Stephanie said. Joe was being exceptionally bad. He was trying to stand up and walk, but the collar kept him on the floor. He pulled at it, tying to get it off. He would stamp his feet and scream through the pacifier. ?Have you called Bernard?? she asked. ?Yes, Miss Emma,? she said. ?He?s not here.? She walked over to him. He knew what was coming but he was determined. ?Bladder time for you,? she said. Joe?s bowels emptied. He continued to pull on the chain. ?Bladder time for you.? It happened again. Joe pulled on the chain, but was shocked. ?I can do this all day, little girl,? Miss Emma said. She said the phrase four more times. The mess began to leak out of the diaper and all down Joe?s legs, even getting all over his shoes. Joe stopped and sat there. ?There,? Miss Emma said. ?You should have no more problems.? She knelt down and looked at Joe. She slapped him, hard. ?You will behave yourself or I promise you that you will be sorry!? She got up and headed out the door. Stephanie picked Joe up and put him on the table. She changed his diaper and put him in the crib. Joe rolled over and fell asleep. Again, Joe lost track of time. He just wanted out. He couldn?t stand being here anymore. He cried constantly. With all the weight he lost, Stephanie could pick him up and carry him around the room in her arms. He started to learn to walk again. Slowly, at first. He could take about three or four steps before he fell. Miss Emma was very pleased at his improvement. She changed the large mittens to small ones and Joe was allowed to eat with a spoon. Miss Emma walked in one day while Joe was in the highchair eating and sat down in front of him. ?Revert to normal,? she said. ?How are you feeling today?? Joe put down his spoon. ?I?I feel fine?Miss Emma,? he said. Joe?s voice sounded more mature. Like a late teenager. She smiled. ?That?s very good,? she said. ?Have you been good for Miss Stephanie?? ?Yes, Miss Emma,? Joe replied. She turned to Stephanie. She nodded. ?That?s also very good,? Miss Emma said. ?Would you like to get out of here?? she asked. Joe?s eyes lit up. ?Oh yes, Miss Emma,? he said. ?More than anything.? She smiled and stood up. ?Please take off your dress.? She took the tray off the highchair and Joe stood up. He removed his dress and Miss Emma touched his chest. The sensation was electrifying. He grabbed on to the chair for support. She ran her long fingernail around the tip, flicking it, and then along the bottom and in a big circle all around. She stopped and smiled again. ?I think she?s finally ready,? she said. Stephanie smiled and ran over to the buzzer. Miss Emma held out her hand and took Joe?s. She led him to the table. ?Lay down,? she said. Joe got up on the table and did as he was told. Miss Emma and Stephanie strapped him down. Joe lifted his head. ?Wait a minute. I thought you said I was getting out of here.? ?You are, Joe,? Miss Emma replied. ?But we can?t let you go out like that.? She rubbed his bald head and touched his chest again. He moaned. She smiled. The door opened and Bernard walked in followed by a short man with a long white lab coat. He had big droopy looking glasses and wild black hair. His beard was unkempt and had small pieces of food in it. Miss Emma walked up to him and shook his hand. ?Doctor F,? she said. ?A pleasure to see you.? ?Emma!? he replied. He held up her arms and she spun around. ?You?re looking wonderful.? He looked over at Joe lying there. ?Thank you, doctor,? she replied, smiling. ?This way.? She led him over to the table and he placed a large bag on the floor. ?Has the training been going well?? he asked. She nodded. ?Yes. This one has been making excellent progress. He?s only been here eight months too.? The doctor looked surprised. ?Only eight months?? He looked at Joe and touched various parts of his body. ?Looks like it?s been at least a year. Maybe 18 months.? He turned back to Miss Emma. ?You?ve done wonders with the formula, my dear. Well,? he continued, ?I better get started. Does she have all the commands?? Miss Emma nodded. ?Very good,? the doctor said. ?Don?t worry, my dear. You won?t feel a thing,? he said. The doctor took a large knife and made a small incision under each of Joe?s budding breasts. Joe?s eyes filled up with tears. The doctor opened the incision and took out a breast implant. ?You did say 38D, right Emma?? he asked. She nodded. ?Okay.? He took the implant and slowly slid it inside the breast. He placed his hand inside and moved it around until he was satisfied with the shape. He then stitched up the cut and did the same with the other. ?The doctor is a genius, Joe,? Emma said. ?I think you?ll be very happy with the results.? He then cut around Joe?s midsection and removed a large portion of his stomach; similar to those stapling operations that you would see on television. He re-attached the intestines and sealed the incision. ?That will make sure that you keep your girlish figure,? the doctor said. He moved down and squeezed Joe?s legs. He reached behind and he could feel him playing with something on his calf. ?The hamstring seems to have heeled nicely. Has she been able to walk?? he asked. ?She has tried, doctor,? Stephanie said. ?She can take about four or five steps before she falls down.? ?I?ll double check it,? he replied. He reached around to Joe?s hips. ?Have to fix this too,? he said. The doctor made another incision at Joe?s waist down to the top of his leg. He opened it up and placed the same kind of implant that he used in the breast in his hips. He again, moved his hand to give it the right shape and closed him up. Then the doctor repeated the same procedure on the other side. ?Please roll him over, Bernard,? the doctor said. Bernard undid the straps on Joe?s wrists and ankles and rolled him on his stomach. The doctor checked Joe?s leg as Bernard re-fastened the straps. ?The hamstring needs to be lengthened again.? The doctor cut the back of Joe?s leg and then at the back of his foot. He cut a small piece of muscle and attached it back again then took that piece and stitched it to the hamstring. The doctor then undid Joe?s diaper and placed a gloved finger in his asshole. ?Nice and tight. But the first time will probably kill him,? he said laughing. The doctor took a large butt plug out of his bag and put a lubricant on it. He then spread his cheeks apart and placed it in Joe?s ass. ?You?ll learn to love this, Joe,? Miss Emma said. The plug had to be ten inches around and eight inches deep. Joe felt like he was going to be ripped apart. When it was fully in, the doctor took a few pieces of medical tape and secured the plug in place. When he finished, he asked Bernard to pick Joe up off the table and place him in the chair. Bernard did as he was asked, strapping Joe?s hands and feet in. The doctor walked over to him and looked at his face. ?Did you decide how you want her to look?? the doctor asked. ?Yes,? Miss Emma said. She walked over to the desk and took out a stack of papers. She brought them back. ?These eyes, this nose, heighten the cheeks, fuller lips.? The doctor nodded. ?You know, it?s a good thing I like you,? he said, smiling. He closed Joe?s eyes and began to work on his face. Joe was sure that he passed out a few times from the pain. Hours later, the doctor spoke. ?That?s it,? he said. ?Please keep the bandages on for a week. I will come back then to see how she is doing.? He walked over and kissed Miss Emma on the cheek. ?Good bye, sweetness,? he said. Joe was in total darkness. He felt someone undo the straps and lift him off the table. He was then placed down on a soft mattress. He assumed he was back in his crib. Joe tried to move, but the pain shot through his body. ?I would suggest that you don?t move.? She rubbed the top of his head. ?You will be fine in a week or so. Miss Stephanie will take care of you.? She got up and Joe could hear her heels clicking on the cement floor. A pair of headphones were placed on Joe and turned on. Instead of ?Twinkle, Twinkle? it was now The Backstreet Boys and N?Sync songs. Joe lay down on the mat and cried himself to sleep. Stephanie was excited to see Joe every day. She kept talking about how great things would be once the bandages were off. She fed him every day with a long tube that was forced down his throat and a creamy liquid was poured into it. It tasted a lot like the sour milk that he got in his bottle. The first few times, Joe gagged on it as he ate. Stephanie giggled and gave him some instructions on how not to choke on it. At the end of the next week, Stephanie and Bernard walked in. Bernard lifted Joe out of the crib and carried him across the room and into the elevator. The doors closed and the car went up to the top floor. The doors opened and Joe could feel the sunlight on his face as they walked across the room. Bernard put him down in a straight chair and cuffed his hand and legs to it. ?How are we feeling today, Miss?? the doctor asked. Joe nodded. The doctor picked up a scissors, cut the bandages around his face and slowly removed them. ?Please keep your eyes closed. It may take a few moments to get used to the light.? Joe did as he was told. ?Okay, little girl. Open your eyes,? Miss Emma said. Joe opened his eyes and felt the flutter of long lashes against his face. He blinked a few times and was able to focus on the people in the room. There was Bernard, with his normal blank look on his face; Miss Stephanie smiling enthusiastically; the doctor, looking very pleased with himself; and Miss Emma, smiling broadly. ?You did a fantastic job, doctor,? Miss Emma said. Stephanie ran over to the drawer and brought Miss Emma a pair of stockings, garter belt and a red pushup bra. Miss Emma took the items and helped Joe put them on. ?You?ll need to learn to do this yourself soon,? she said. She rolled the stockings up Joe?s smooth legs and fastened them to the garter belt. She slipped the red bra around Joe?s back and hooked it in the front. She then pushed his breasts to create more cleavage. She moved slowly and her hands shook as she finished. She snapped her fingers and Stephanie ran over to the closet. She brought back a pair of red heels. She knelt down and placed them on Joe?s feet. Stephanie undid the straps on the chair. ?Stand up. Slowly,? she said. Joe placed his feet on the floor and slowly got up. He thought that he would surely fall over with those shoes on, but found them to be incredibly comfortable. Stephanie walked over to the bed and brought Miss Emma a large garment bag. She opened it up and pulled out a short, red, sleeveless sequin dress. ?Step into this,? she said, nervously. Her hands shook as she held the dress. Joe stepped in slowly and Miss Emma zipped it up. Joe stepped back and Miss Emma smiled. She took a wig box out from behind the chair and opened it. Inside was a long, fire red wig. Bernard attached a bit of cement to Joe?s scalp and carefully placed it on his head. He grabbed a large brush and slowly brushed it out. ?Doctor. You were fantastic!? she said, kissing him on both cheeks and hugging him. The doctor smiled. Stephanie jumped up and down, clapping her hands. She grabbed Joe by his hand and led him to the mirror. ?Come see how beautiful you look!? Stephanie exclaimed. She stopped and Joe looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn?t believe that was him. His eyes had been cut and made longer. They looked Asian. His nose had been shortened and made into a cute little bob. They raised his cheekbones and added a permanent blush to it. His lips had been made fuller and reshaped; more like a movie siren. His body was perfect. He had large full breasts, which easily hung over the tops of the bra. He had hips and a slim waist, which made him, look like a fashion model. His legs looked incredible in those high-heeled shoes and nude stockings. He stood there stunned for a few moments. He could have passed for a 16 year-old girl. Miss Emma snapped her fingers and Stephanie quickly left the room. Bernard and the doctor followed her out. Miss Emma walked over to Joe and placed her arms around his waist. ?Do you like what you see?? Miss Emma asked. ?I?m?I?m not sure,? Joe replied. Miss Emma reached over and removed the mittens from Joe?s hands. ?I know I do,? she said. ?Doctor F does wonderful work.? Joe?s nails were long from his time in the gloves. Miss Emma rubbed her hand over Joe?s hand and arms. ?He?s the best around,? she said, purring. Joe still stood there, stunned. Miss Emma turned him around to face her. She placed her hands on his hips and moved in close. She moved her head and kissed Joe passionately on the lips. He didn?t return the embrace. He stepped back. ?Did you think I would want you after all this?? Joe screamed. ?Look at me!? ?I am looking at you, Joe,? she replied. ?Looking at how beautiful you are.? She moved in again. Joe backed away. ?No!? he yelled. ?Stay away from me.? He fell on the floor and scampered towards the closet door. ?I really didn?t want to do it this way, Joe. I wanted to take you freely. I wanted you to enjoy this,? she said, sighing, ?but if that?s the way you want it.? She walked up in front of him and started removing her clothes. The suit jacket and shirt were first, revealing her incredible breasts. They poured over the little pink bra she wore. Joe backed up and was trapped against the wall. Miss Emma then removed her skirt, showing pink stockings and garter belt. She had long legs and pink high heels. She reached up and slowly lowered her panties; her erect cock looking Joe right in the face. He stopped, stunned. ?Yes, Joe. I?m a Transsexual,? Miss Emma said. ?Don?t you find my cock attractive? Don?t you want it?? Joe stopped and stared at it. It was bigger than his was. Miss Emma moved closer. She was right on top of him now. ?Tell me that you want it, Joe.? ?Yes,? Joe said. ?I want it more than anything.? ?Then get over here and lick it!? she ordered. Joe got to his knees and crawled over to Miss Emma. Her cock stood inches from his face. Joe leaned over and licked the tip, tasting her. Joe continued to lip the tip of Miss Emma?s cock, then moved up and down the shaft. Joe reached down and under his dress. He grabbed his little cock and started playing with it. He took his free hand and cupped Miss Emma?s balls. He rolled them around in his hand. She began to moan, softly. Joe leaned back and opened his mouth and took her cock all the way in. ?Stephanie trained you well,? Emma said, as Joe deep throated her. He sucked on her slowly at first then quicker. She arched her back and came down Joe?s throat. He had no trouble catching it all and swallowing it in one gulp. Miss Emma fell to her knees and kissed Joe deep on the lips. This time, he returned the kiss. She helped him up and led him over to the bed. She bent him over and lifted up the dress. The butt plug the doctor had put in was still there. She removed it and squirted some lubrication on her cock and in the crack of his ass. She slowly moved her cock into his crack. Joe screamed from the pain. Quickly, Miss Emma was all the way inside him, pumping furiously. She grabbed his hips and fucked him long and hard. ?Oh yes!! Miss Emma!! Fuck me in my virgin ass!!? Joe screamed. Miss Emma smiled and continued fucking Joe. She pulled out and rolled him on his back. She reinserted her cock and fucked Joe even harder. His tits practically leaped out of the dress as she pumped him. ?Look at me!!? she yelled as she came in his ass. Joe looked up and saw the expression on Miss Emma?s face. She filled Joe?s ass with her cum. When she was done, she pulled out and sat next to Joe on the bed. ?Get me a towel,? she said. Joe got up, pulled down the bottom of his dress and came back with a towel for her. ?I want you to remember that look on my face. That is what you will see whenever we have sex.? Joe sat back down. ?What?? he asked. Miss Emma cleaned herself off and tossed the towel on the bed. ?Oh, make no mistake. You?re going to be doing this again. Often.? She turned to face him. ?You think this was a one time thing? You were programmed to love cock. After the surgery, the tapes you heard had subliminal messages in them telling you how wonderful it is to suck cock and get fucked in the ass. You can?t help it. The feeding tube, that was to train you to swallow cum and the butt plug in your ass?well?? Miss Emma giggled. ?That?s obvious.? She touched Joe on the leg. ?You?re going to be my favorite of all.? Joe leapt off the bed. ?No! I will not!? he screamed. ?And what makes you think you have a choice?? she replied. ?I control you Joe Krastler. And there is nothing you can do about it.? ?Oh yeah?? he said, heading for the door. ?Just watch me.? Miss Emma grabbed Joe?s arm as he walked away and bent it behind his back. He screamed in pain. With her free hand, she unzipped his dress. ?You are mine!? She let him go and it dropped from his shoulders on to the floor. His limp cock hung there. ?And I can do with you whatever I want.? Joe lunged towards her. ?Bladder time for you,? she said. Joe felt his stomach growl and he quickly ran to the toilet. Miss Emma walked over to him. ?You see?? she said, ?There?s nothing you can do about it.? She turned and walked out the bathroom door, dimming the lights. She returned a moment later and knelt in front of him. ?Now, for the final touch?? She pulled out a small, spinning, wheel and held it in front of Joe. ?Look at this, Joe.? He tried to resist, looking away. ?It?s very pretty, isn?t it? Don?t you like the pretty, spinning, wheel?? Joe stared at the wheel. ?It is very pretty, Miss Emma,? Joe replied. His head followed the spinning wheel. ?Very pretty. Listen carefully,? she said, speaking very low and quiet. ?You have no memory before this moment. As far as you know, you?ve always been like this and always worked for me. Always liked men and their cocks; sucking them, and having them in your ass.? ?Yes, Miss Emma,? Joe replied. ?Good,? she said. ?When I count to 10, you will be a girl forever. Joe Krastler will disappear. He never existed. Is that clear?? ?Joe never existed, Miss Emma,? he said. ?Your name is now?.? she paused a moment, ?Vanessa,? she finished. ?What is your name, girl?? ?Vanessa, Miss Emma.? ?Good. Here we go. Keep watching the nice spinning wheel. ?1?..Joe is disappearing? ?Disappearing.? He repeated. ?2?..Being replaced by Vanessa? ?Vanessa? ?3?..You have always been Vanessa? ?Always Vanessa? ?4?..You love men and their cocks.? ?Love men and cocks? ?5?..You love my cock.? ?Love Miss Emma?s cock? ?6?..More awake. Feel Vanessa taking control? ?Vanessa? ?7?..Almost there. Always been like this? ?Always? ?8?..Always been Vanessa? ?Always Vanessa? ?9?..Always worked for me? ?Always for you? ?10?.Wake up.? Joe blinked his eyes. Miss Emma hid the wheel behind her back. ?What happened Miss Emma?? Joe asked. ?What do you remember?? she asked. Joe stared blankly for a moment. ?Nothing,? he said. He stood up quickly. ?I?d better get to work.? Miss Emma stopped him. ?I think you?d better put some clothes on first.? Joe looked down at his naked body and blushed. ?I guess so.? Joe ran out of the room and towards the closet door. ?Vanessa?? Miss Emma yelled. Joe ran back to the bathroom. ?Yes, Miss Emma?? Miss Emma lifted her skirt and pulled off her panties. Her cock sprang to attention. ?Do you like this?? she asked. ?Oh yes, Miss Emma.? Joe said. His mouth began to water. ?May I have some of it now?? She pulled up her panties and smoothed out her skirt. ?Not right now,? she said. Joe looked disappointed. ?Later, my sweet. We?ll play later.? She walked out and stroked Joe?s hair. ?Get dressed and go back to your desk.? Joe walked over to the closet and picked out a short pink skirt and white top. She put on her panties and stockings, then put on a matching bra and the clothes. She grabbed a pair of pink shoes. Miss Emma kissed his cheek as Joe ran out the door. He went right to the receptionist?s desk. Angela was sitting there. ?Hi Angela,? Joe said, sitting down. ?Have the phones been busy today?? ?No hon, not at all,? she replied. A delivery man walked up to the desk. Joe stopped. ?Hi sweetie,? he said. ?Hi Vanessa. You?re looking very pretty today,? the delivery guy replied. ?You know, I?m still waiting for you to accept my dinner invitation.? ?You know I can?t do that,? Joe said, giggling. ?As much as I?d love to.? He shrugged and left. Miss Emma stood along the wall behind the desks. She smiled. ?Perfect,? she said, and walked back to her office. A man walked up to the desk. ?Hello, my name is Fred Williams. I?m applying to the advertisement in the newspaper for an administrative assistant. I have an appointment with Miss Young this morning.? Joe looked down at the book. ?Ah yes, please go right back. I?ll tell her that you?re on the way.?

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Companys Xmas party

This happened at the company annual Xmas party.   I work for a large haulage company so the guests were either drivers or the office staff and their partners.  Last Xmas my wife and I attended the company Xmas party held by my boss at a very fancy hotel.   Everything was free that night, including the food and booze so we all went to have a good time at the company’s expense. The boss even booked rooms for those who lived further afield. Most of the drivers attended, along with their partners...

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The birth of Poison Ivy and fall of Supergirl

2150 A.D Los AngelesIt's been 150 years ago that we discovered the kryptonite on Earth and yet we know nothing about it only he weakened Superman and his cousin Supergirl. We know nothing about its power its effects on human. However it's gonna change. Indeed professor Pamela Isley experienced it against her will. But who is Pamela Isley? She is a young woman 25 years old brunette hair blue eyes 5.5 feet 32C this lovely girl has no lover but doesn't despair she has no friends either, indeed she...

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Cheerleader Ponygirl

The Cheerleader Ponygirl The Cheerleader PonygirlBy Sarah  Sarah was just a cute little High school cheerleader when she stumbled onto Sir Jeff?s website about ponygirls.? She was from a small farming town in the south, and being the curious girl, she started searching for more information. She spent many nights combing the internet for information, stories, pictures, and other useful information.? She found out all about the training and stable lives of ponygirls, and as she learned...

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Becoming My Girlfriend

Becoming My Girlfriend by Jaana "A college boy unwittingly swaps his cock for a pussy, his girlfriend tricking him into believing it's a temporary thing, but it becomes harder and harder to believe as piece by piece, she steals the rest of his body. But is this seeming nightmare really a blessing in disguise?" *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! *** "UUNNNNNGGG...." Bernard...

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breeding party for babygirl

“Hey babygirl… it’s time to go for a ride.” “Oooo Daddy! I love riding with you. Where we going?” “Daddy’s taking you to a breeding party.” “A breeding party? Sounds exciting, what is it?” “Just like it sounds, babygirl… Daddy’s taking you to get you thoroughly bred by lots of stranger daddy cocks!” “Oh Daddy… you have all the best ideas!” “Of course, babygirl… now put on that thin little short dress real quick and your fuck me shoes before Daddy gives you a spanking…” So babygirl puts on her...

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Shrunken Batgirl

Her memory of the past night was still clouded. As her alter-ego Batgirl, she remembered trying to enter a supposedly closed lab building to look for several missing women. One of her sources had told that a group of scientists was doing experiments on live people there. All that she could remember was a bright light........ ....Suddenly, she felt the room starting vibrate as what sounded like giant steps approached her "room". In an instant, the "ceiling" opened up, and to her shock,...

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The Fall of Batgirl

As promised here is a suite :) But the story is in future so the names may change As I said before the Supergirl is no more she's now Super Evil and with Poison Ivy they love each other but with their sex thristy and their lust mind they want more so they think together how to hunt down the others heroines and they both choose targets Super Evil will take care of Wonder Girl and Poison Ivy chooses the Batgirl. Batgirl alias Barbara Gordon daughter of general Gorgon himself great grand son of...

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New Life for Batgirl

The event in this story takes place shortly after the Joker's attack on Batgirl that crippled her for life. Barbara Gordon lay in her hospital bed shortly after her crippling incident with the Joker. She curses herself for being so dumb to get caught by that maniac. She had spent the last few hours crying then getting mad and finally crying again. The Doctor's told her that she would never walk again. She did not know what to do. A nurse came in and handed Barbara an envelope. She simply...

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Becoming My Girlfriend

"UUNNNNNGGG...." Bernard moaned as he speared the soft, wet mound ofhis girlfriend, Allison. "OOOOOH!" she cried as she was mounted, andwrapped her supple, pale thighs around his hips, her legs scissoringbehind him to pull him even deeper into her slick canal.Bernard was in heaven as he started thrusting hard into Allison,savoring the pleasure of her soft, curvy body. He found it odd thatshe was so willing to have sex now, when their relationship was on therocks, but he had waited so long for...

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Two new pretty things for Mistresses Expensive red shoes a slavegirl

Two new pretty things for Mistresses . Expensive red shoes & a slavegirl.   I finished off my makeup in the mirror, by applying a final touch of lip gloss & just the tiniest extra hint of mascara to the tips my lashes. I had spent over 2 hours in the process, in? the bath & waxing my body all over & especially intimately. Painting my toenails & primping myself. I slipped out of my lace baby doll nightie. & pulled on my most expensive sheer silk pantie & bra set. A matching garter belt for my...

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Becoming his girl Sissy story by GirlyGay

In the summer after my eighteenth birthday, I met Nick. He was a thirty-something who lived in our building. My parents had gone for their yearly European trip, and I had been left behind this year because I had college orientation during what would have been the last week of their trip. Mooning and alone, with nothing to do for four whole weeks until my flight up west, I took to the pool to catch some sun. I had not bought new trunks in a while, and so my old ones were riding high on my...

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The Batgirl

Her ass looked like heaven. He’d never seen a smoother, more perfectly shaped set of feminine hips. Her hips couldn’t be better displayed than in those skin-tight, white and pinstriped, polyester baseball leggings.She was the batgirl and he’d been told she was strictly off limits, but Hollywood Kasey couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass. Even standing in the ‘on deck’ circle, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her ass. He couldn’t be more mesmerized. Bent over scooping up some scattered baseballs by...

Straight Sex
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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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Pleasure Island Ponygirls

Pleasure Island Ponygirlsby Sarah        Sarah and Emily couldn't believe their luck in getting the invitation to Pleasure Island.  The two 18 year old teens had survived their first semester of college, with a D average, but it was enough to pass them into the spring semester.  Now as the pivotal moment for all new college girls arrived, spring break, the girls had each received in the mail an invitation to what was rumored to be the best party spot for all of spring break.  Of course they had...

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Becoming Daisy the PuppyGirl

       It had been awhile since John had taken her on a date night. ?After two years of marriage the flame had started to die out and she was desperate to get it going again. ?She had done everything she could to look amazing for the date. ?She wore a new, sexy black dress and three inch heels. ?Her auburn hair, she had twisted and pinned beautifully up the back of her head and had little ringlets coming out of the top of the twist. ?She wore more makeup than she normally would, but the simple...

2 years ago
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Becoming a Big Girl

Becoming A Big Girl By Nancy Rose His heart pounded in his chest, hands shaking, breathing shallow and fast, like he couldn't catch his breath. If he said yes, everything would change. He would be changed; she would own him body and soul. He would die, and someone else would take his place, someone girlish, pretty, dainty, horny and desperately submissive to her, and to all women. She would ask him the same question she had asked 30 days in a row,...

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Emilys Choice Ponygirl

Emily’s Choice – PonygirlBy Sarah        Sarah heard her young freshman slave girl call her from the living room.  Sarah walked into her living room, to see Emily kneeling on the floor, naked, with the collar firmly locked around her neck.  Sarah smiled, and walked over to her new pet, and groped both her small tits in her hand.  Emily quivered as her Mistress pinched her nipples, and she let out a low moan, as her nipples stiffened in response.  It had taken her an hour to decide to snap the...

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Beyonce Becomes a Ponygirl

Part IV Beyonce lay out in the afternoon sun. The island had a hot, tropical climateand although she had been kept in the shade for the hottest part of the day,it was still uncomfortable and humid. The sweat was pouring off her and shehad no way to wipe it off. She had always liked hot holiday destinations andwas therefore no stranger to sunning herself. She had even bathed topless before,but never like this. As part of her acclimatization process, Jen had explainedthat it was necessary for...

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Becoming a Naughty Girl

I've always been curious about sex. I've always explored and touched my body or was always willing to let someone else do some exploring on me, starting from a young age. When a was a little girl my best friend was a boy and of course we played house, pretending to be married, and looked at eachothers private parts and some times even touched eachother. Later, a boy cousin my age came to live with us for a summer. We were 7-8 and he taught me how to give him a blow job. I didn't ever do it...

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Life With AlphaChapter 19 Batgirl

On a Wednesday in January, Beta, Kasumi, Kara and I took the afternoon off to look at real estate. When I had first started on this adventure to recreate fictional women for my own pleasure and company, I had built a rather large house to accommodate everyone. I hate the word mansion, but that's basically what it was. Three above-ground floors plus a large (and secure) basement. It had fourteen bedrooms and was currently laid out to comfortably hold up to 22 people. (It was originally...

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Becoming Daddys BoyGirl

Becoming Daddy's Boy-Girl Feeling sexy and looking pretty is what I have so come to love and is my basic and number one goal as a transvestite. I spend many a weekend night enjoying my life as a hot looking elegantly transformed - feminine gal while visiting the local transsexual bar in my home town of Boston. Short skirts, high heels, and stunning make-up turn me into what I think can be a rather attractive feline looking bar fly. I frequent the transgender friendly clubs and must...

1 year ago
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Company Concubine

CHAPTER 1: COMPANY OPEN HOUSETo my surprise, my mother-in-law seemed more amused at my vexation and embarrassment, rather than sympathetic to my distraught state of mind, as I related to her details of my visit at the company open house at my wife’s new job.“It w-was unreal. I-I was so embarrassed a-and stupefied as Sara took me around a-and introduced me to a-about 35 – I-I really lost count – company executives and b-brawny male co-workers w-who’ve fucked her since she’s been working there....

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Threes Company0

When the clock moved a few minutes passed the top of the hour, her vehicle rode up the incline, onto the parking pad, and I walked toward the door to greet her she walking in the door. To my surprise, another car was coming in behind her, and I watched as she moved to the back of her car to greet the visitor. She disappeared around the corner of the house, and I hesitated for a moment with wonder of the goings on. I reached for the knob, unlatching the door, and headed toward the side of the...

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The Accompanyist Part 1

This story takes place in 2003. A bit about myself, I am in construction management. I am a short guy, 5’7′, good looking with brown hair, a moustache and green eyes. I do have a good size cock for my size, it is seven inches. In all of the stories I have read on here and other sites the guy always has a nine inch dick, six inches thick. Most women I have had sex with are surprised at the size of my dick as they seem to judge penis size by how tall a man is and I suppose in most cases they...

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The Accompanyist Part 1

This story takes place in 2003. A bit about myself; I am in construction management. I am a short guy, 5'7", good looking with brown hair, a moustache and green eyes. I do have a good size cock for my size; it is seven inches. In all of the stories I have read on here and other sites the guy always has a nine inch dick, six inches thick. Most women I have had sex with are surprised at the size of my dick as they seem to judge penis size by how tall a man is and I suppose in most cases they...

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The Company

The Company Belladonna [Partially based on an idea suggested by Jennifer] Richard rubbed his stocking covered foot beneath his desk as he looked over the work of one of his managers. The sensual feeling helped make the task seem less tedious to him. He then heard a knock on the door. He quickly put his foot down and forced it into his shoe as his secretary walked towards his desk. "Here's the expense report you wanted, Mr. Williams", Joan said as she placed the report on his...

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They were deeply in love with each other. Becky was Catholic and a virgin on her wedding night. She also would not use birth control, fortunately she had a tilted uterus which they did not learn for a year, but it prevented her from becoming pregnet. Becky was hot 5’4” tall about 105 lbs natural redhead, pure ivory Becky and Gill were newlyweds, just out of high school, they were just 18 a young innocent couple, that white skin unless she spent time out in the sun and her freckles came out. She...

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Runners Make the Best Ponygirls

Runners Make the Best Ponygirls Chapter 1: Taken 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds. Her foot struck the pavement, the pain lancing up her nerves. The blister’s covering her left and right feet squished with each step. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds, she repeated. Her mouth opened, with a great gasping inhale her chest expanded, oxygen filling her lungs. A half second later her nostrils flared as the air inside her chest rushed to escape. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8...

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An Interest in Ponygirls

About East Coast Slavers Organization stories: My apologies for any confusion caused by the way I screwed up the numberingon the first story I posted from this series. As my draft approached sevenhundred pages, I realized that the single story I envisioned starting withwas too long and too complicated to remain a single story. Then, to my furtherhorror, I realized that A Caribbean Adventure was actually number two in theEast Coast Slavers Organization Series. Anyhow, I have reassigned A...

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Company Christmas Party

My name is Jim and after finishing college, I got a job in accounting at a small company. I looked and looked for a job, and finally had a job interview with this company in late September, and was hired as of October 1 st . The company had several small stores that sold women’s jewelry and accessories, and I was responsible for keeping track of inventory, credit card transactions, and payroll. With the inventory, I was to keep the buyer aware of items that hadn’t sold for a long time, as well...

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The Company Picnic

The Company Picnic ============== by AzalelPart One: The Contest -----------------------        Ann MacMillan looked at the computer screen in disbelief.  She honestly could not believe it.  The problem was that the information was undeniable.  She had lost the contest.  She hung her head and cried a little.  She just did not know how she was going to tell her girls.        The contest rules had been very simple.  Of the thirteen sales representatives employed by Anderson & McCall, a...

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Company Cuckold

[/image]Story Content :( M/F, M/F/F, MP, Interracial, Cheating) My name is Peter Morris and this is my story. I really don't quite know where I should begin. You see I've kept a kind of journal over the last few months in which I jotted down notes on things that've happen to me. I did so in an attemptto try to make sense out of the various predicaments I've found myself in. I know this may not make sense, so let me give you some background on me and tell you my story since you've been good...

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Company Executive PT3

It had been another usual morning. It was another usual early morning run in her neighborhood as well. Along with that was another good warm shower and the beautiful 40 year old woman’s smile which faced her as it looked back at her once she was out of her shower and standing in front of her mirror that day. Seeing as she was heading into work, she put on her makeup and then to her dresser drawer, again, to put on something which said it all, which defined her as one of your gorgeous and...

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Cuckold Company

My name is Peter Morris and this is my story. I really don’t quite know where I should begin. You see I’ve kept a kind of journal over the last few months in which I jotted down notes on things that’ve happen to me. I did so in an attempt to try to make sense out of the various predicaments I’ve found myself in. I know this may not make sense, so let me give you some background on me and tell you my story since you’ve been good enough to at least pick this up to...

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Akis Company I

When her parents chose Aki’s name (in Japanese characters, the ‘A’ means ‘Asia’ and the ‘ki’ means ‘Hope’) they had the dream that their daughter would be a ‘hope for Asia’. Her father decided that she go to international kindergarten, to get accustomed to English at an early age. He always used to say that languages are the doors to the world. In Junior High School Aki went to Canada for one year, and in High School to Australia for one year. She even took German as a second foreign language....

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The Company of Companions

The Company of Companions by La Bruja Mutante Edited by slinet042 "Stop your evil actions, Lord Arcabus! You're outnumbered!" The lich turned his head slowly, as the living corpse he was. He confronted with his gaze the five adventurers that had intruded into his lair, and then he smiled. Or, at least, he showed a largeamount of teeth. "The Company of Companions, just in time..." "Stop acting like you were expecting us, Arcabus. You won't fool us," shouted Sir Santiaco, the...

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New Company PoliciesChapter 1 Once there was a girl

Five months later. Susan finished booting up her computer. Once again she was faintly annoyed by the mandatory garish logo she was presented with for her desktop wallpaper. The picture depicted a scantily clad woman with improbably large breasts, barely contained within a minuscule lace bra. The woman was holding a large dildo pointed towards her open mouth, she appeared like she was about to lick the toy. Below, strategically placed so that anyone looking at the image could not be sure if...

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How to corrupt an entire company

This is part of a sequence of stories which happily stand on their own. However if you want to read them in order they are When she was bad she was of so much better, How to seduce a scientist, How to corrupt a scientist and then this one.********************************************************************************************************************Bobbi was totally knackered. Setting up and running a company from scratch was far harder than making a scientific breakthrough that would...

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Belles story Daddybabygirl

He opens the door and steps into his home, relieved to be home and exhausted from a long day. But more then anything, he's relieved to be back to the place where his princess is. And the fact that she hasn't come running the moment he stepped inside suggests she must be sleeping.And after hanging up his coat, he moves straight to her room, gentle opening the door to peer inside. Indeed she has fallen asleep, though clearly not a proper sleep, she rarely sleeps well when he isn't home. Instead...

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Bath For Babygirl

He knew her name was Molly, he knew some of her past wasn’t very pretty. Her life so far, at such an early age, had been less than pleasant. Now she is 18, even though she looks alot younger. She had endured abuse from a very early age. It had continued as she lost her home and was on the street, no one cares about you on the street, that he knows for sure. She began to feel like maybe they were right, she was nothing, just something to be used. Worthless in her own mind.After talking to her...

First Time
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Playtime For Babygirl

I lay in bed completely naked. Slowly rubbing baby oil all over my body, paying special attention to my tits and my pussy. I begin to pull and tease my nipples, my other hand finds my swollen, tender clit, I feel myself slowly pinching and rubbing my clit. As the fever builds, I stop and tie my tits as tight as I can get them. They change to a deep purple. Next, I clip clothes pins on each nipple as I continue to tease my clit, taking my other hand and fingering my pussy and my ass with two...

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Colonels daughter C Company whore

Somewhere in the South of England in the summer of 1911. She looked at me across the Officer's Mess with complete disdain, as if I was something she had trodden in, as was her right as the daughter of the Colonel of the 2nd (Home Service) Battallion the North Dorsetshires while I was a mere sergeant She wasn't an exceptional beauty, or even voluptuous., She just had that air of haughtiness that made me want to push her against a tree rip her things off and show her exactly what I...

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My Wife at the Company Beach Party FAN EDIT

***************************************************************************************************DISCLAIMER:All credit goes to the original author of the story Mr. Clarkoverns his page can be found at this is a favourite post with a few fan edits as tribute to the originality of the author. please visit Mr. clarkoverns site for more of his great work. I Do not own nore claim to own the characters, plot, or any part of the story that is the authors original...

3 years ago
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The Company Part 2 of 2

Summary: This is Part 2; a continuation of "The Company" story. I recommend reading Part 1 first, which described what led Brian to his current state; a cum-hungry shemale. Thin, new large breast implants and gorgeous long golden blonde hair. Part 2 continues the changes and eventual conclusion. Maybe more to come! Let me know if you spot any errors or if you like the story! -Mandie Chapter 6: Dramatic changes continued The next several weeks were filled with more procedures. I...

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