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NO HALF MEASURES PART 4 © Jenny Walker 2003 Author's note: If you have not read the first three installments of this story, please do not read this as it will make little sense to you. If you can take the time to read the earlier chapters, I hope you will find the time invested to be worth it. Thank you to everyone who has given me such helpful feedback. Further comments and suggestions are most welcome. Thanks especially to Hebe Dotson for making wonderful suggestions to help me to better this story. CHAPTER 25 The car sped along the dark motorway. I sat in the back with Jools beside me. "Faster..." I whimpered. Jon put his foot down on the accelerator. It was the strangest feeling. Almost numb. It was as if I was detached from reality and watching the goings on as an outsider. I don't know why it was. Perhaps it is a defence mechanism the mind has to prevent a total collapse. Jools had her arm around my shoulders and she gave me a little squeeze. I looked across at her and gave her a wan smile. "You OK?" she murmured. I shrugged. "I guess." My conversation with Claire had been brief and to the point as both of us was descending into a state of not being able to string many words together. My mother had been complaining of her 'indigestion' pain on and off all day. As she was planning to visit for the weekend, Claire had arrived in Cardiff around teatime. About an hour and a half before Claire phoned, my mother, complaining of pain in her chest, had apparently turned grey and collapsed. An ambulance rushed her to the emergency department of Cardiff Royal Infirmary where it became clear in that she was having a heart attack. The cardiologists whisked her off for an emergency angioplasty. That was when Claire phoned me. Apparently an angioplasty is something to do with a balloon being put into the heart to open the blocked artery or something; that's all I understood from Claire's increasingly garbled explanation. I had been in a bit of a daze after putting the phone down, but knew I had to be there. I was going to jump in my car and drive straight up there, but Jools had been able to talk some sense into me. She had said that even if I had not had a few glasses of wine, there was no way that I was going to be driving myself. After asking a few questions she realised that the only ones present who had not had any alcohol were Noel and Jon as they both were driving. Though Noel immediately volunteered, Jools insisted that Jon drive and that he drive her car seeing it was infinitely more reliable than his. The miles raced by and the rhythm of the car speeding along the near empty road had a strange, soothing effect. I had been in quite a state when we first got into the car - not quite hysterical, but not far from it. Now I was calmer, but inwardly I was still terrified. I did something that I had not done in a long time. I prayed. Hard. -*- It was just under two hours after leaving London when we pulled into the car park at the Royal Infirmary. Jon had not wasted any time as the journey normally took over two and a-half hours. I let myself be guided along by Jools as she followed the signs leading towards the Coronary Care Unit. I let Jools do the talking when she asked at the enquiries desk where Esther Evans was. The nurse on duty, after confirming that I was close family, informed us that she was still in the procedure room and then she directed us to the relatives' waiting area. Claire was sitting there looking quite forlorn as my father paced up and down. He looked grey and haggard, old beyond his years, but still he gave me a rueful smile when I came in. I didn't know what to say or do so I reacted on instinct. I rushed over to him and hugged him. He hugged me back fiercely. "Are you alright?" he murmured. I released him and stood back. "I think so," I replied. "What about Mum? Where is she? What's happening? Have they done the procedure yet?" I paused for breath. "Take it easy," he said gently. "Come on and sit down." I sat down beside Claire and she snaked an arm around me. "Heya," she said. "Hi, Claire," I said as I gave her a quick hug before returning my attention to my father. He spoke slowly and deliberately, "Your mother is still in there. She's been in there for over two hours now and we haven't heard anything further yet." "How long will it take?" I asked. He hesitated before responding, "The doctor said it should take just over an hour... if everything went smoothly." I absorbed what he said and the implications of what he did not say. I did not know what to do. I felt totally powerless. The three of us sat there beside each other and, for a time, did not say anything. I imagine we were each being haunted by our own fears and doubts. Jon and Jools remained at a discreet distance. "What are you all dressed up for?" Claire asked. Initially I was confused by her question, but then I realised that, in my haste to leave London, I had not had time to change. I was still wearing the strapless short black dress. I looked down and realised that as my coat had slid open, I was displaying what I am sure my father thought was an indecent amount of cleavage. I self-consciously pulled my coat around me. "I was... well we were... having a little celebration party." I felt guilty as I said this. How could I have been celebrating whilst my mother was having a heart attack? "I'm sorry," I added lamely. My father sighed, "You weren't to know. None of us did." What scared me more than the thoughts I had about my mother was that I could see fear etched into the lines on my father's face. My father was always the rock in our household. The strong one; the one who always knew what to do. When a child sees fear in its parent's eyes, it brings a greater terror than anything it has previously known. In a wavering voice I asked, "Dad, what do you think is happening?" His shoulders sagged a little and he turned to me as he shook his head, "Nicola dear, I really don't know. We just have to wait. We have to trust. Trust in the skill of the doctors and in the will of God." I wanted to say that that was easier said than done, but restrained myself from doing so as I knew it would not help. Claire got up from where she was sitting on the other side of me, sat down on the other side of my father and leant up against him. He sat there in the middle of us and put an arm round each of us and pulled us in close. -*- After about half an hour of just sitting there, we saw a doctor in blue scrubs approach the nurse at the duty station. She pointed in our direction. As he walked over to us, we all got to our feet. I tried to read his expression, but it was decidedly neutral. He stopped in front of us, "Mr Evans?" My father nodded. The doctor asked, "And these are...?" "My... daughters," my father replied. As the doctor looked at me, I thought I saw a flicker of recognition in his eyes before he looked back to my father. The doctor nodded. "I'm Dr. Saville, the Consultant Cardiologist on duty. As you know, your wife was brought in with an extensive anterior myocardial infarction..." He paused. "...Sorry, she had had a significant heart attack and one of the main arteries supplying blood to her heart had blocked." He paused again. When my father nodded, he continued, "We took her into the cardiac catheterisation suite and confirmed the presence and location of this blockage by injecting dye into the coronary arteries. As someone explained to you earlier we were going to open the blockage by passing a balloon across it and blowing it up. We did this and we had just inserted what we call a stent, a metal cylinder to keep the vessel open, when your wife developed a serious cardiac arrhythmia, that is an abnormal heart rhythm I mean." He paused again and we all nodded. I willed him to go on wishing he would get to the part when he would tell us everything was alright and we could see her. "We had to administer electric shock treatments to try and get the heart back into its normal rhythm..." "Lord no..." Claire moaned. We are all victims of our TV culture that with its medical dramas has told us more about certain parts of medicine than we ordinarily should know. My father put a hand on Claire's arm, but did not take his eyes from the doctor's face. "Go on," he urged gently. The doctor sighed before speaking his next words and I felt a sense of dread growing within me. "Mr Evans, I'm sorry, we did all we could. We worked on her for almost an hour and administered multiple shock treatments and various emergency drugs, but we were unable to restore a normal heart rhythm." He paused again before making it absolutely final, "Your wife passed away a few minutes ago." "No!" Claire screamed. "No, no, this can't happen. NO! There must be something you can do, you have to do something," she wailed at the doctor. My father, with his own tears streaming down his cheeks, grabbed her and hugged her tight, speaking softly, "Claire, I know, I know, but they did everything they could." The doctor stood there looking miserable and no doubt wishing he were anywhere else on earth but here. I felt something similar. He looked at me and cleared his throat, "Miss, are you OK?" The dam opened. "No," I sobbed. I closed my eyes to try and hold the tears back before realising that nothing on earth could do that. In an instant Jon and Jools were at my side. They had heard what the doctor had told us. "She's dead," I sobbed, "she's gone." Jon pulled me into his arms and held me close and Jools hugged me from the other side. My body heaved as the sobs and sorrow wracked my very being. I do not know how long we stood like that. Time had no meaning. I felt a sense of panic mixed with fear and intense hurt. I was barely aware of Jools and Jon standing there holding me. Eventually, they released me and my father was there. When I looked into his eyes, I lost control again. I saw my own pain and grief mirrored in his expression and it seemed to double it. I buried my head in his chest and sobbed again. "Shhh," he said gently. When I looked up into his reddened eyes I shook my head, "What are we going to do? How can this have happened?" He swallowed and couldn't even manage to reply, he just held me close. He guided me over to where Claire was sitting on a chair. She looked morose, almost as if she was in a trance. "Sit here," he said, "I have to go and see what we do now." I sat beside her and when she became aware of my presence she began to cry again. We held each other and we cried together. We cried for our loss, for our mother, for the times we would never again enjoy as a complete family, for the things we never said, for the things we wished we had not said. We cried for our father who had lost his soul mate of over thirty years. My father returned. He had called a funeral director who was going to oversee all the necessary arrangements. He managed to pry Claire and me apart and putting an arm around each of us, began to lead us towards the room where my mother was. She lay still, her skin was grey but her expression was peaceful. There were many more tears shed in that room as we each said our goodbyes. My father put a hand on her brow and in a shaky voice murmured, "'Til we meet again my love." Claire and I totally lost it after that. My father had to take us again by the arms and lead us out of there. "That's not her you know," he said softly. "That's the body that is left behind, her soul has left it, and she is in paradise now. You both know that, don't you? You both believe that, don't you?" We both nodded. I wanted to believe it, I really did. He led us towards the exit. The cool night air did nothing to assuage the fire that I felt was burning my heart out. Jools and Jon gave me a quick hug. "We'll get a hotel somewhere. We'll call by tomorrow sometime," Jools said quietly as they headed back to her car. We got into my father's car and not a word was said on the journey home. What could be said? Nothing needed to be said. The shared grief was almost palpable. Even walking into the house felt strange. Already I thought I could perceive an emptiness there. I have no idea what it must have been like for my father to get into his bed alone that night. For him to realise that from now on, there would be an empty side in the bed that he had shared with our mother for most of their lives. I shrugged off my clothes, removed my corset and fell into bed feeling more drained than I could ever remember. I couldn't even bring myself to remove my make up. As I lay in bed, I cried again, but no tears came. My eyes were now dry, no moisture remained, and it seemed all the more painful to cry like that. Sleep overtook me like a welcome drug, a temporary escape from the nightmare of reality. -*- It was after ten the next morning when I eventually woke up. Although I was physically rested, I still felt like an emotional wreck. The ghoul who looked back at me from the mirror did little to improve my sense of well-being. My smeared and caked make up on my pasty face made me look like something out of the Addams Family. It was when I got out of the shower that I realised that I had a problem. It was nothing compared to the events of the previous night, but a problem nonetheless. Notwithstanding the clothes that I had arrived in the previous night, I had nothing to wear. With nothing but a towel wrapped around me, I tapped on Claire's door and slipped in. She was just finishing dressing and her glum face reminded me of the pain we shared. "I couldn't possibly borrow something to wear could I? I've nothing but the dress I was wearing last night." Despite the austerity of our circumstances, we both managed a weak smile. At the thought of me wearing the dress in the daytime, or having to wear the towel? We didn't know. It was as if we were searching for some chink of light to penetrate the dark cloud that seemed to be hovering just overhead. It was a brief respite only. I gratefully accepted the loan of a white T- shirt, black slacks, and a pair of panties and returned to my room. Although I was thankful, I still was going to have to address this problem. Claire did not lend me a bra, as there was no way I would fit into one of hers and ditto for shoes. I was not going to put on my five-inch heels so I went downstairs in sock soles. I pushed open the kitchen door and Claire and my father were at the breakfast table. I sat down in my seat and inexorably my eyes and theirs were drawn to the one empty seat left at the table. I thought I was going to lose it again and pushed back my chair, "I'm not hungry." "Sit," my father said gently but I was under no illusion that it was a request. "You need to eat, we all do. We will get through this." We all made a token attempt at eating something. -*- Jools and Jon called by just before lunch and I was so grateful to see them - not only because the company of close friends was a comfort, but because Jools came with several bags from different high street stores. She really did think of everything. "I knew you would be a bit stuck for clothes. When I got up this morning, I realised I had nothing else to wear so I got something for me and several outfits for you." Jon grinned ruefully and shrugged, "I just wore what I had on anyway." Jools rolled her eyes and continued, "There's enough there to do you for nearly a week I think." She paused and hesitated, "Erm, well I took the liberty of buying something a bit more formal." "Huh?" I said. She sighed, "I got you a black jacket and skirt suit with a white blouse." It dawned on me and a lead weight seemed to press down on me again. "Oh, for the funeral," I said grimly. I forced a smile, "Thanks, Jools. I really appreciate this. I don't know what I would do without you guys." She smiled and gave me a hug, "You don't have to worry about that. We're going to shoot back to London; this is a family time. I'll ring you later and get the details of the funeral. We'll be here for that. Won't we, Jon?" He nodded, "We definitely will." Jon gave me a hug too and whispered, "I'll be thinking of you." "Thanks," I murmured and did a lot of blinking to try and absorb the increasing moisture around my eyes. They left. The rest of the day was a bit of a blur. The aunts, uncles and cousins arrived in at various times. I noticed the odd disapproving look coming in my direction, but I really could not have cared less about it. No one said anything though. At least they had some sensitivity to the situation. Dawn and Phil were the only ones I was actually glad to see. They, along with Claire and I, took a walk late afternoon. We did not really talk about anything and little was said. It was enough that they were here and both Claire and I appreciated it. The next day we stayed home from church. I do not think even my father could have faced the multitude there and he was not a man who was given to staying home from church. In the afternoon we had a visit from Reverend Patterson. Nathan, the assistant minister, was with him. They shared words of comfort with us and then began to talk about the funeral arrangements. I knew it was necessary, but I could hardly bear to listen. Claire could not either and just excused herself and went upstairs. In a bid to gain some respite, I got up and said I would make some coffee. I was boiling the kettle in the kitchen when I heard the door open. I turned around and it was Nathan. "Hi," I said awkwardly. "Hi, Nicola," he said softly. "How are you doing?" I shrugged, "As expected I guess." He nodded. "I can't imagine how you are feeling. But I want to assure you that I will be praying for you and your family." I snorted a little. "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head, "It's nothing. I shouldn't think such things." "There's little point in bottling up your feelings at a time like this. You can say anything you want to me. If you think it will help." I gave a hollow laugh, "You might regret saying that. I was going to say something like it's a bit late for prayers. Really like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted isn't it?" I did not mean to get worked up, but I could not help it. "A fat lot of use praying did me on Friday night! A fat lot of use it did my mother! All the praying in the world isn't going to bring her back is it?" He shook his head slowly and said gently, "No, it won't." "So then, what's the point," I almost spat. I could feel my blood boiling, "I mean why? Why did this happen? My mother was as good as they come and when she could do with a bit of help from the God you believe in, where was he? Can you answer me that?" He paused before replying. With an almost pained look he shook his head, "You know that there is nothing I can say that will answer that question satisfactorily so I wouldn't even try. As well, I'm not here to try and argue with you, I'm here because I care." I sighed and rubbed my eyes, "I'm sorry." I swallowed hard, "I'm sorry, it's not your fault. I just don't understand..." I lifted my hand and wiped my cheek, "I'm sorry." He stood up and awkwardly patted my shoulder. At that, I burst into a full flood of tears. I don't know if the hormones in my system augmented it or if Nick would have cried just as much - it was irrelevant anyway. He gently put his arm around my shoulder and stood there as I sobbed. When I finally stopped, I apologised again. "Nicola, don't be sorry. There are things in this world that I don't think we will understand until we look back from the end of time. All I know is that I believe in and look forward to a place with no more tears, no more pain and no more mourning." I sighed, "That sounds too good to be true." He smiled, "The fact that it is true makes it even better." "Nathan, look... thanks." He shrugged, "Anytime. We had better get some coffee back in there." As we got the coffee ready and began to carry it in, he said, "You know, I happened to catch Top of the Pops on Friday night..." I groaned and winced, "Nathan, oh no, I can explain..." He laughed softly, "I thought you were wonderful." -*- The funeral was scheduled for midday on Wednesday. To tell you the truth, I cannot remember much about what happened on Monday and Tuesday. I think that is because nothing much did happen. It was as if we were in a strange sort of limbo. As if our lives were on hold. I did talk to Jools each day on the phone and it was good to chat to her. Wednesday was a misty grey day with drizzling rain. It seemed to suit the way I felt. I dressed in the new suit Jools had bought. It fit me well and was more conservative than the usual cut of my clothes, but it was far more appropriate though. My father, Claire and I sat in the living room in our good clothes for most of the morning. We had nothing else to do nor did we have anything else to think about. We just sat there, for the most part in silence. In the notification in the local newspaper, my father had requested that only family and invited friends would come to the funeral. I idly asked why he had specified that and he looked at me strangely and asked me if I really wanted all the old family friends to come to the funeral and find that suddenly my mother was mourned by two daughters instead of a son and daughter. I shut up after that and felt suitably chastened. When the time came, we got into the car and drove the short distance to church. The church was half full. Our extended family was there. Jools was there and Beth with her. As well, I saw the rest of the band members. Laura had come with Brian and even Steve, Tom and Simon were there. The service was short and simple; the way my mother would have wanted it. Although the church was not full, the singing of the great, Welsh Wesley hymns swelled the rafters and I did my best to join in when I wasn't choked with the emotion of the occasion. Reverend Patterson delivered a short address focussing on the character of my mother, the faith of my mother and the hope of my mother. He delivered a challenge to all of us present as to our character, faith and hope. Nathan prayed for those of us left behind. It was kind, compassionate and sensitive. When we stood at the end of the service and sang my mother's favourite hymn, 'Love Divine All Loves Excelling', both Claire and I found it difficult to control ourselves. I eventually gave up and pulled out a tissue and just held it to my eyes. After the benediction, the coffin was lifted and carried down the aisle and we fell in behind it. My father put his arms around each of our shoulders and walked slowly with us. I couldn't bring myself to lift my gaze to meet the eyes of those present. There was a short walk behind the funeral car until it reached the end of the street. We got back into my father's car and followed the hearse to the cemetery. The rain was heavier now, but it did not seem to matter. A small gathering had come from the church and they were standing around the graveside. Reverend Patterson read from Psalm 23 and prayed again as the coffin was slowly lowered into the ground. I was stung by the indignity of death, its finality and the horrific reality of it. I had never really felt this before though I remembered the deaths of some of my grandparents. Although I had been upset, I had really been too young to fully appreciate the significance. As the mud was scattered on top of the coffin I could not tell whether the moisture running down my cheeks was the rain or the rivers of grief that were pouring out of my soul. I turned away and found Jools and Beth right behind me. We were all soaking wet and their eyes were red too. Beth hugged me fiercely for several minutes. She did not say a single word; she did not need to. There followed a succession of hugs and the physical comfort was greater than any that words could bring. Even Aunt Vera seemed kind and compassionate that day. I was shivering by the time we got home again and we took it in turns to have a warm bath and get into clean dry clothes. The pain had not gone, but its intensity had dulled somewhat. The funeral and the graveside service gave us all some closure. It did not end the grief, but it ended the beginning of moving on with our lives no matter how hard and inconceivable that appeared. I dressed in a pair of denim jeans and white sweatshirt and went downstairs. My father was in the living room just sitting there. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke. "When are you planning on going back to London?" I shrugged, "I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it." "I suppose you are going back to your music and your sordid performances?" There was a definite bitter tinge to his words that took me totally by surprise. "Pardon?" He sighed, "I saw you on television on Friday night. It was not the sort of thing your mother and I would normally watch, but Claire insisted. I was disgusted. Your mother was too." "Dad, don't say that. Not now," I pleaded in a pained voice. "I'm only making you aware of the full picture," he said coldly. "What are you saying? Are you trying to say that watching me had something to do with what happened?" He shrugged, "She was upset. Seeing her only s...seeing you prancing about like a cheap tart. You draw your own conclusions." "Dad, no! Please. No," my voice was rising in intensity, "But I thought she was having pains off and on all day." "Nothing compared to the one she got after watching your performance." I knew he was hurting and was probably just hitting out as a response to the trauma of the day, but it was sending me into a spiral of despair. "Why are you telling me this? What do you want me to do?" I cried. He gave a mirthless smile, "I have no idea since you are going to do what suits yourself anyway, aren't you?" His words cut deep into me and a few tears began to roll down my cheeks. He saw this and snorted. He stood up and turned his back saying harshly, "Save it for the cameras." I sniffed and stood, "I know you are upset..." He whirled around, "Damn right I'm upset!" I was shocked as never in my life had I heard my father utter a word which could in any way be construed as swearing. I was actually scared at that moment and I took a step back, "I'll leave you alone now." I was planning to go to my room and let him cool down, but his next words chilled me to the core of my being. "Yes, do that. Leave me alone. And don't come back until you are prepared to stop your filthy charade and live a normal life. I've lost a wife, I don't want to lose a son too." I could barely believe what I was hearing. I remembered his words at Christmas about how he would never reject a child of his. I falteringly tried to bring this up and he advanced towards me and shouted, "Haven't you understood a word I've said?" I turned and ran out of the room and up the stairs. I went into Claire's room where she was just finishing drying her hair. "What's wrong?" she asked neutrally. I told her about the exchange I had had downstairs and she nodded slowly. "Surely you don't agree with him?" I asked. She shrugged and sighed, "Nicola, I don't know what to think, what to feel." "You think I was responsible for this too?" "It really doesn't matter about blame. It doesn't change anything." "Claire," I said slowly shaking my head, "Don't do this to me. I need you. I need both of you..." She interrupted, "Yes, well it always is about you, isn't it? For once in your life can't you see that it is not all about you? What about what I need? I'm hurting too. This affects me too." "Claire..." I tried to interject before being cut off again. "Answer me one question," she said heatedly, "Hypothetically say, if all you have done over these last months was a contributing factor to what happened to Mum, would you have done it any differently? If you could go back and not do what you have done, would you?" I screwed up my eyes, "Claire, I can't answer that..." She nodded and her voice was again even, "That's what I thought. Can you let me finish getting dressed please?" I went to the door and turned, "I'm going to leave now, but can I call you?" She sighed, "Look I'll call you in a while. I need some time to sort things out, OK?" It was not OK, but what could I do. In a daze, I went to my room, threw the few possessions I had with me into a bag and went downstairs. I grabbed my coat and walked out the front door. The feeling of grief is one of the most consuming emotions there is, but add to it the feeling of being absolutely alone and I think that is as close as you can come to rock bottom. The rain had stopped and I started walking. I did not really know where I was going at a conscious level, however I ended up at the local bus station. I went up to the counter and asked when the next bus to London was. The clerk was sympathetic, "Sorry love, it's not until seven tomorrow morning." I did not know what to do and could not think clearly. I trudged over to the chairs in the waiting area and collapsed into one of them. Before long, I found myself crying again. I had not known how I was going to get over losing my mother, but I knew that with my father and sister, I would be able to do it. But without them? It was as if I was descending a treacherous slope and someone had just cut my safety rope. -*- The next thing I remembered was waking up in my bed at Jools' place the following morning. She was sitting beside my bed looking as if she had not slept. I was disorientated and confused as I sat up. "Uhh, hi," I murmured. "Thank God," she said. "Are you alright?" I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes, "I think so. What happened? How did I get here?" Part of me hoped that my memories of the last few days were nothing more than a bad nightmare, but that would have been too much to hope for. Jools filled me in on what had happened. When she had got back to London, she rang Cardiff to talk to me and see how I was. She got Claire who said that I had left a few hours before. When Jools pressed her for information she gathered that the circumstances surrounding my departure had been less than ideal. She told me that Claire did seem concerned that no one was aware of my whereabouts. I was told to expect many messages from Jools on my mobile phone's voice mail. Apparently I had not switched it on the previous day. Eventually Jools rang Jon and dragged him away from Tanya's place to drive all the way back to Cardiff to look for me. "How did you find me?" I asked. "By chance, by luck or by some answer to prayer - one of the above. We drove around the streets near your parents', sorry, I mean near your Dad's house. We checked the hospitals, the police, then we drove to the railway stations and eventually the bus station." I nodded, "Yes I remember going there, but I don't remember much after that." Jools exhaled slowly, "Jon and I were scared to death when we found you. You were just sitting there, eyes wide open, but otherwise totally unresponsive. You know like almost catatonic. We spoke to you, but you just looked through us. We gently got you to your feet and led you to the car. Jon wanted to take you to the hospital, but I thought if we got you home here, you would hopefully be alright." I screwed my eyes up and rubbed them again, "I don't remember any of this. How can this be?" Jools shrugged and spoke slowly but deliberately, "Sometimes when the body or mind has too much to deal with, it can shut down for a while. I don't know - that's what we thought. We got you home and you were still in this trance-like state so we just got you into bed. You went to sleep, but you were moaning and whimpering as you slept. I have to say, I've been close to calling the doctor a few times. It might not be a bad idea to go and see one, you know." I shook my head, "No, I think I'll be OK." I paused, "Jools? Thanks. I'm sorry." She hugged me, "Don't be silly. Don't you know I love you? I'm just so relieved that you are OK." I got showered and dressed as Jools had made some breakfast. "You look awful," I said to her. She grinned, "I feel pretty tired." "You should get some sleep." "I plan to," she hesitated, "Do you want to talk about what happened yesterday? I got the impression from Claire there was some stuff she wasn't telling me." I sat for a few moments and gathered my thoughts. I told Jools the whole sorry tale and by the end of it, we were both in tears. "I'm going to have to stop doing this," I said as I wiped my eyes. "No way!" Jools replied forcefully, "You don't bottle it up. We talk and we cry, it's the only way to deal with it." She paused, "You know they are just hurting. They don't know how to deal with it." I shrugged, "I know." "They'll come round." I sighed, "I hope so." -*- The next few days were dull and dreary. I wasn't sleeping well and I saw many of the long hours of the night go by before sleep visited me. I got up late at some stage each morning after trying to make up for lost sleep. My appetite was poor and it was an effort to eat anything. I usually only forced myself to eat when Jools encouraged me to. I sat around listlessly, watching daytime TV but not actually seeing what was on. I couldn't even bring myself to play the piano or guitar and that was very unusual. Previously when I had been low, music was always the retreat. The haven where I could seek sanctuary and gradually let myself heal from whatever the insult was. Not this time. There were no more tears. I do not know if it is possible to exhaust the body's store of tears. That is the way I felt. There were no intense burning emotions. Just a dull ache; a cold emptiness. This was worse. Jools had done a fantastic job of erecting an invisible fence around me. There was no talk of work nor were there phone calls to find out when I would be back on the promotional bandwagon. I did have some visitors, but it was almost too much effort to talk to them. Jon called around each day. He would just sit there and occasionally hold my hand though he did not try to get me to talk and I was grateful for this. However, I could not even tell him that. He would chat about what he was doing; tell me stories about people we knew. I knew what he was doing and although I did appreciate it, I was not sure if it really helped. Laura called round a few times. She did not talk about work particularly, but gently kept me up to date with what was going on at the studio, who was in recording at that time, what they were like, and so on. Kate even called round once. Jools had phoned her to let her know why I had not been out for my morning runs. After almost a week, things did not seem any better. Neither Claire nor my father had phoned. I had lifted the phone on several occasions and had even dialled half of Claire's number before setting the phone back down. They had both been quite clear in their words to me. If it was the grief talking, then when it began to clear, it was up to them to get in touch with me. They did not though. On Tuesday morning, Jools was up bright and early and when I surfaced she said, "Pack a bag, we're going." I raised an eyebrow, "Going? Where? I don't want to go anywhere." "Well we are going," she said kindly but firmly. "We're going to Silsbury Manor. That is I'm driving you down, but you're staying there. With Beth." "Why?" "Because you need to move on from where you are right now. And being here hasn't seemed to help. I thought that some time there might be good for you. It has good associations and memories, doesn't it?" I nodded slowly, "I guess, but..." "Good, that's settled then," she interrupted brightly, "we're leaving after lunch so you'd better get with the packing." I knew better than to try and argue so I went and did as she suggested. I had no idea how long she was planning that I stay there. I imagined that she did not really know herself. I packed a large suitcase. -*- We arrived late evening and Beth was there waiting. She gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek when I arrived. I actually smiled when I saw her. "Hey, you," she said. "Hi, Beth." "Come on in. Your old room is ready. You coming in, Jools?" She shook her head and I looked at her anxiously, "Jools, don't leave. I need you." She smiled and squeezed my arm, "You'll be fine here. I'll ring each day. I've things I need to do so I'm going to head back up to London now." Beth led me on in and informed me that her parents were home. "What they...know about me?" I asked gingerly. She smiled, "They know you are a special close friend who has recently lost her mother and needs some time to deal with it. Nothing more. Oh, well apart from the fact that you are a rock and roll superstar." I actually laughed before I realised it. It felt strange, almost foreign. It felt good. Mr. Carstairs, or Alan as he insisted I call him, was a tall, distinguished man in his fifties with thinning, silvery hair. He had tanned, leathery skin and an easygoing manner that made me feel at ease. His wife, Rose, was petite and I could see that Beth took after her. She was soft spoken and welcomed me into their home. I expressed my thanks to them for letting me come to stay. "Have you eaten?" Rose asked. I frowned, "Err, no." She smiled. "Mabel thought as much and has left a stew on the stove for you." I thought about protesting that I was not hungry, but realised that that would sound ungrateful. "Thanks," I said and followed her and Beth into the kitchen. There was something about sitting at the kitchen table with Beth and her mother that stirred things up inside me. The emotionless void that I had been living in began to crumble and as I ate I felt the pain and grief returning. I think it was being in a family setting again. Seeing Beth interact with her mother reminded me of my loss and I could barely contain myself. Rose noticed this and gently suggested that Beth help me to my room with my things. Upstairs, I sat on my bed and raised my hand to my eyes. "You OK?" Beth asked gently as she sat beside me. I nodded then shook my head, "I don't know, Beth." I swallowed hard as a tear escaped my defences. She took me into her arms and held me close. "Shh," she whispered, "It will be OK. Don't hold back." I didn't. After a good cry, I really did feel better. Beth told me that Jools had been increasingly worried about me over the previous week. I had seemed flat and cold and she was worried that I was not dealing with things. She was right. I did not know it or realise it at the time. I had just been opting out and switching off. "I don't know what I've done to deserve you and Jools. You both are amazing and I love you both to bits," I said. Beth blinked hard a few times and then laughed, "Stop it or I'll be crying again before long." She paused, "Been sleeping well?" I shrugged, "Not really." She nodded and said, "Get yourself ready for bed. I'll be back in a moment." I was a little puzzled but did as instructed. I was sitting up in bed in my nightdress when she reappeared in her nightclothes. She closed the door and slipped into the other side of the bed. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. She smiled, "Hey, I know Jools and you snuggled up together the last time you were here. Now it's my turn." She paused and continued more seriously, "No really, I figured that a bit of physical comfort might help you sleep. If you don't mind?" I smiled and shook my head, "I don't mind." She grinned and winked, "I promise to behave. Besides you're not really my type anymore. Now before..." I laughed and poked her. We lay down and snuggled and I murmured, "I guess you're not really my type anymore either Beth." There was a tinge of sadness in my voice. One year ago if I had been in this situation, things would have been a lot different. Would they have been better? I could not answer that. Just different. Beth switched out the light and with mischief in her voice and a smile that I could not see she said, "Well close your eyes and pretend I'm him if that helps you sleep better." "Beth!" I exclaimed, "You're bad." She giggled. -*- After having the best night's sleep I had had in over a week, I woke up when Beth gently shook my shoulder. "Come on, Sleeping Beauty," she teased, "time to get up." I frowned, groaned and looked the bedside clock, "Huh? It's only seven thirty. What's the emergency?" Beth grinned and pulled back the curtains, "Sun's shining, surf's up and the beach is calling to you for a lovely refreshing morning jog." I groaned again and pulled the covers back over my head, "You can't be serious." She laughed and whipped the covers off the bed leaving me lying there in my nightdress, "Have you ever known me to joke about such a serious matter as physical exercise?" I knew she was as stubborn as her older sister so I rolled out of bed and pulled on a T-shirt and pair of jog bottoms. By the time we got outside, I had to feign my reluctance because it was a beautiful morning. I felt like someone who had been living in a monochromatic two-dimensional world and had now suddenly been dropped into this vibrant world of Technicolor. The singing of the birds, the salt I could taste on the fresh sea breeze, the warmth of the early morning sun on my back; it was all magnificent. Before long, I was able to add the sensation of burning in my lungs and complaining muscles in my legs to that list. We ran hard and fast. I had not been running for a few weeks now, but it was gratifying that I had not lost all my previous fitness. No matter how hard I pushed myself though I could not keep up with Beth. That girl could run. A glance in the mirror when we returned to the house confirmed that my cheeks were glowing radiantly. I felt a million miles away from the dark place I had existed in. I felt a twinge of guilt that I had enjoyed myself. I knew it was irrational and I knew that life had to go on. I was alive and I felt good about it for the first time in what felt like a very long time. In reality, only ten days had passed since that fateful phone call from Claire. Mabel was in the kitchen and when we walked in, she exclaimed loudly and gave me a large hug. I nearly got lost in her voluminous bosom. She insisted on making us a large breakfast. Beth was not overly approving as there was more fried food than she thought was fitting, but she managed to hide her disapproval from Mabel. I, for one, was glad. I was actually starving and gained pleasure from eating for a change. Mabel expressed her sympathy for my recent loss and began to chatter away telling me what was new around Silsbury Manor. "And that song of yours, m'dear. Oi'll have you know, we bought it, we did. Not that oi approves of that video m'dear." She had a little twinkle in her eye, "The trouble oi had controlling my Sam when he watched that. It weren't ordinary." We laughed and ate with gusto and I enjoyed just sitting listening to Mabel as she twittered on. -*- The next few days were enjoyable and relaxing and I began to spend time playing piano again. I was just idly playing but I could feel that somewhere inside me, there were the beginnings of a song. I did not want to rush it. I knew it would not be an easy one. Sometimes you just have to wait for it to come to the surface. I went for long walks across the fields in the afternoons, sometimes with Beth, sometimes alone. I did a lot of thinking and reflecting. Had I done wrong with all that had happened over the last six months? I made myself ask the difficult questions. In which situation would I be happier? Being myself as I was now with all that had happened particularly in the last few weeks? Or being Nick as I had been, my life as it was, and nothing different? It was painful to answer, but I knew the truth. Claire had been right. I would not have done anything different. It was hypothetical, but I had to ask and answer it to be able to move on with my life now. I hope I don't sound callous. Make no mistake, I missed my mother deeply, but to say I would do anything, including going back to being Nick, to bring her back? I could not say that. If I had not chosen this path, would it have made any difference to what happened to my mother? I would never know. I thought of Nathan's words to me. All things happen for a reason, but we may not understand it in this present life. I began to relate to those words now. On Saturday morning, after our customary run, Beth suggested we drive up to Exeter for a day's shopping. She said that I needed to do some work on my summer wardrobe as the weather was getting warmer. Who was I to argue? It was a lengthy drive, but as we chattered the whole way, the time passed quickly. We certainly made the best of it, as we must have been in every boutique and clothes store in the whole place. We spent a fortune. I now had a fairly decent summer wardrobe with light summer trousers, long flowing skirts, miniskirts, short sun dresses, sun tops, T- shirts, sleeveless blouses, sandals ? you name it, we bought it. I know we probably got a little carried away, but I enjoyed it and could now understand better the female concept of 'retail therapy'. We grabbed a bite to eat in Plymouth on the journey back. I enjoyed the meal and left the waitress a hefty tip. I now had a greater appreciation for those in that profession as I had first hand experience of how hard it was. We arrived back at Silsbury Manor around nine p.m. Rose Carstairs rolled her eyes at us and tutted when she saw the amount of bags we carried back into the house. "Had a good day, girls?" she asked with a smile on her face. We responded in the affirmative. We were both exhausted and I turned in for an early night. Sleep was becoming a more familiar friend again and I was very relieved to make its acquaintance once more. I joined the family at Seaton Parish on Sunday morning and enjoyed the service there. The vicar was speaking from Matthew chapter 11 and his text was "Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest". I found it helpful and comforting. -*- The next morning, I felt an inner pull to the piano. The song that had been lurking inside me was trying to break its way out. I sat and let my fingers roam over the keys as I looked out and feasted on the splendid vistas of the cliffs and surf-splashed beaches below. I felt as if I was not quite getting to where the song was. It always seemed just around the next corner out of reach. After lunch, I let myself idly play again and it was quite a surprise when I found myself playing some hymns. Not only that, I found myself playing my mother's favourite hymn, "Love Divine". I continued to play it and gave it a slightly different arrangement, a slower more syncopated feel. I began to sing the words. Suddenly it was as if the song crept up on me and jumped out in front of me. I played and paused to write words and arrangements down. It was not an easy song to write. At times I had to stop and go for a little walk, take a break and grab something to drink and the like. Just before dinner, I felt I had it finished. It was personal, emotional, but it was me. There are some times when a song just has to be written, but does it have to be performed or shared? I often mused over things like that. Is a song any lesser for not being heard by others? I tended to think that it was. A song was made for being sung and for being heard. -*- On Tuesday after breakfast, Beth grabbed me. "Doing anything this morning?" I grinned and said, "Oh now, let me check with my secretary to see what my busy schedule has for me today." She giggled, "I'll take that as a no then. I think it's time you had a session in ?La Belle Femme? again." That was of course her salon. I raised an eyebrow, "Really? Think I'm in need of some essential maintenance?" She chuckled, "Oh not at all. I don't play on the essential needs that people have, I try to exploit their wants and desires. Pays more cash that way." I laughed, "So you're appealing to my vanity then?" She nodded, "Guilty as charged." I inclined my head, "In that case, I think you have your first exploitee of the day." After the short drive into Plymouth we walked into her salon that was not too busy at this time of the morning. Walking in the door brought back the memories of my previous visit to ?La Belle Femme?. I had walked in the door as Nick and had left as Cara. It felt strange to be revisiting it. "So what do you want done?" Beth asked. I grinned, "What can you offer?" She laughed, "How about a package that I call 'the works'?" "Sounds good to me." She started with a repeat of the all over body wax and I was already beginning to regret signing up for the works. It did not take me too long to be reminded of how painful the waxing was. Beth insisted that it was an essential for the summer months. Although it was just as painful, this time it was not as embarrassing. However, Beth did tease me about my navel piercing. "You're just jealous," I retorted. "You think so?" she asked. "What makes you think I don't have one too?" I shrugged nonchalantly, "I peeked inside your nightdress the other night when you slept beside me." She gasped, "You did not!" I winked, "No, but I had you going didn't I?" I could swear that she ripped off the next piece of wax with vengeful gusto, but thankfully it did not take too much longer before she declared my body hairless. Next was my hair. Beth took a quick look at it. "You know, it has really got quite long. I think we could give it a bit of a cut and although it is hard to see where they are now, you don't need those old hair extensions at all. Say if we cut it up to here," she held her hand a third of the way down my back, "I think that would do it." She was right. My hair had got really long. Although I loved the long wavy tresses, it was hard work looking after it. She introduced me to Eve who she assured me was her very best hair stylist. After a wash, cut and set I had to agree with Beth. My hair looked great. In styled sleek glossy waves, it cascaded over my shoulders to just below the level of my shoulder blades. It did make me look quite different. It was so much tidier also. I was then passed on to Nina who did my make up for me and then started on my nails. She was going to apply a fresh set of acrylic nails to my fingers. "What about a nice long set?" she asked. I shook my head, "No, I can't have them too long. Affects my work." She smiled, "Oh come on, you can learn to work with them, no? What do you do?" I paused, "I'm err...a musician. So they would make the old guitar playing awkward you know." She stood stock-still and stared at me. "Blimey!" she exclaimed, "I know who you are.'re Cara Malone, aren't you?" I smiled self-consciously, "Err, yes." She smiled animatedly, "I thought I recognised you at first, but I reckoned I had just seen you in here before at some time. I can't believe this! I loved your song and have hardly been able to get it out of my head. Wait 'til I tell the others." She began to look around the salon. "No please," I said with a little more urgency in my voice than I had intended. I got her attention and I continued, "Don't draw attention to me." She nodded slowly and smiled, "Oh of course. You must get this all the time. Sorry, I just got a little carried away. You're the first star I've ever worked on. This is unreal!" I just smiled. Little did she know that she was the first person to recognise me like this. I did not tell her that though. It felt strange to sit there as she gushed about my song and me. I figured that it would be something that I would have to get used to if things continued to go well. As I sat there relaxing while Nina applied the nails and painted them a blood red colour, I suddenly realised that I had no idea what had happened to 'No Half Measures' after it had risen to number eight in the charts. Two weeks had passed since then. For all I knew it could be at number one by now. I dismissed it, as I did not think it was likely, however I did have a yearning to check out what it had done since then. I thought that this was a positive sign. I was actually thinking about the future and getting back to doing what I enjoyed. I stepped out of the salon a new person in more ways than one. Not only did I look different with my new hairstyle and freshly done make up and nails, I felt different inside. I was ready to get on with my life. I still bore the ache of loss for my mother and I still knew the pain of the distance that now lay between me and my sister and father. Beth must have noticed something as she drove me back to Silsbury Manor. "Penny for your thoughts?" she asked as we got out of the car and entered the house. I smiled and shook my head, "Not worth that much. Actually, I was just thinking about getting back to London and moving on with things." Beth smiled, "That's wonderful, although I'm not going to pretend that I won't miss you. It's been great having you here. You know, you're like the second sister I never had." She winked. I laughed and hugged her, "That's the way I feel about you and Jools." I stepped back and paused, "Look... thanks." She waved a hand, "For what? I didn't do anything." I shook my head, "You did more than you could know. This last week has been just what I needed." "When do you want to get back to London?" I shrugged, "I don't know. As soon as I can, but I've no car here. Should I ring Jools? No, sure I can just get the bus." Beth laughed, "Cara Malone, rock superstar take the bus? I don't think so." I protested, "Beth, I don't think of myself like that." "I know, but you have an image to uphold and music stars don't take buses. Listen, I've nothing much on tomorrow. I could run you back up if you'd like." "I don't want to put you out..." "Pfft!" she said, "Don't be silly. That's settled then." -*- From talking further to Beth I had learnt that 'No Half Measures' had slipped to number eleven the week after entering the Top Ten and then last week it had slid further to number eighteen. I was not too disappointed. At the start of all this I would not have believed how far we would get had someone predicted it. After lunch, I was trying on some of my new summer outfits and admiring myself in the mirror. Yes I know it sounds vain, but I was feeling good about myself and was not ashamed to indulge it a little. I had just slipped on a cropped white halter-top and pastel yellow miniskirt. New hair, new makeup, new nails, new clothes; I began to understand how good that can make a girl feel. And add a bit of new jewellery that I had also splashed out on. Mabel calling from outside my door interrupted my self-indulgent reverie. "Miss Cara, are you there m'dear?" I called for her to come in. She stuck her head around the door, "There's a young man at the door for you Miss Cara. 'Andsome young man too at that." She smiled. Who was it? For an instant I wondered if it could be Paul. Beth had gently asked if I wanted to meet up with him again, but the way I was feeling when I had first arrived, I had not thought that I would feel up to it. "What does he look like?" "Oh let me see now. Tall, fair hair, a little nervous." Jon. It had to be. I smiled, "Tell him, I'll be right down." Mabel left and I found myself checking my appearance in the mirror again. "What are you doing?" I murmured to myself with bashful amusement. It was Jon. He was standing awkwardly in the hall as Mabel chatted to him amiably. "'Ere she is now; nice to meet you young man." She made herself scarce. "Hi, Jon," I said. "Err hi," he said. He looked me up and down and raised his eyebrows. "What?" I asked. He shook his head, "Nothing. Just like, wow. You look great and I'm not just saying that." I grinned, "Thanks." I thought I could feel my cheeks reddening a little. "How are you doing?" I shrugged, "Better thanks. Much better. Come on in and sit down and tell me what you are doing all the way down here." He hesitated, "I don't really know. I just... well I was worried about you. The way we found you in Cardiff and the way you were back in London. Jools had told me that you were doing OK down here, but, I dunno, I just wanted to make sure you were alright." I was really touched. "Thanks, Jon, that means a lot to me." We relaxed and chatted as he filled me in with the news of the last few weeks. Suddenly, I had an idea. "Jon, are you heading back to London tonight?" He shrugged, "Well yeah, that was the plan." "Got room in your car for a hitch-hiker?" He grinned and winked, "I've high standards you know. I only stop to pick up pretty girls." I pouted, "Jon!" He laughed, "Sure, no problem. You sure you want to head back to the big smoke?" I nodded, "I'm ready. It's time to get things back on track." I paused and began hesitantly, "Listen Jon, I wrote another song." Another pause, "I haven't let anyone hear it yet. It's very personal. Will you listen to it and honestly tell me what you think?" He nodded, "Sure." I think he probably had a fair idea what the song was about. We went to the music room and I sat down at the piano. I sat for a few moments to compose myself before beginning. The song was an ethereal almost Celtic-like piece. In my mind, I could not only hear the piano, but wispy pan-pipe-like sounds, gentle bass and rhythmic drums. I began to sing. "The centre of my world and my anchor in this life The fixed point of my days as I walk upon this earth The constant, the love, the one who always knew Knew me inside out from the day of my birth Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven to earth come down; Fix in us thy humble dwelling; All thy faithful mercies crown! Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure unbounded love Thou art; Visit us with Thy salvation; Enter every trembling heart. Always there through the good, the bad, the high and low, Your words the balm for wounded heart or just the simple bruise Selfless love, always giving, meeting all my needs I never dreamed that you would be, someone I could lose Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit, Into every troubled breast! Let us all in Thee inherit; Let us find that second rest. Take away our bent to sinning; Alpha and Omega be; End of faith, as its Beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. A boat cut free from moorings, tossed upon the open sea I'm struggling and fighting, an effort for each breath They say a knife can be so sharp, you barely feel the pain Not so the knife that cuts so deep, the pain that follows death Come, Almighty to deliver, Let us all Thy life receive; Suddenly return and never, Never more Thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love. The empty seat, the missing voice, the chasm in my heart, You were the glue that held together, all things in their place, I wake at night, with breathless hope, that all was but a dream But reality stings in my eyes, I can no longer see your face Finish, then, Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be. Let us see Thy great salvation Perfectly restored in Thee; Changed from glory into glory, Till in heaven we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Oh how I wish I could see you now, lifted beyond the stars No more hurt, no more pain, almost too wonderful to be Through my tears I steel myself, clinging to the edge of hope Heaven is to be with you again ? so save a place for me." I finished and sat there unmoving. After a few moments, I looked over at Jon. He swallowed and stood and walked over to me. "Are you OK?" he said softly. I nodded, but could not say anything. He put a hand on my shoulder, "That was intense." "Too intense?" I asked. He smiled gently, "Well it felt as if you reached into my heart and ripped it open, so, pretty intense, yes. Not too intense though. Very moving." I nodded, "It was one of those that had to come out. I wasn't sure, but it just felt right: the transposition of the hymn verses with my own words. I had to write it, I have to sing it." "I know. That melody, my goodness! It's haunting. It almost made me shiver." I smiled, "Sorry." "No, don't be. I just want to check, are you sure you're up to singing this song?" I shrugged, "I don't know. But I have to." He nodded and squeezed my shoulder, "I'm sure she'd be proud you know." I looked ahead and could not say anything. I blinked furiously in a vain attempt to avoid the inevitable. -*- I had invited Jon to stay for dinner. This was no problem to Mabel who was delighted to have the opportunity to try and pick up on some gossip. She kept fishing to find out who Jon was and did not seem content with my explanation that he was just a colleague and good friend. It was the only explanation she was getting though. There was nothing else to tell her. After dinner, Beth and I had a mini-tearful goodbye with lots of hugs. I thanked Alan and Rose for letting me stay and they assured me that I would be welcome anytime. I knew they meant it and I was glad. The way things were at the moment, I could well be in need of some family hospitality in future days. Jon and I set off though his car really was in bad shape and the noises it made were not ordinary. "Seriously, when are you going to get rid of this thing?" I asked. "Hey, I like this car. We've been through a lot together." "But now you are a successful rock guitar hero don't you think you need something more befitting your status?" He laughed, "Maybe, we'll see." He did inform me that Jools had a paycheque for me. The profits of the sales of our song were beginning to filter through. Given the damage I had done to my credit card at the weekend, I was glad to hear this. He also told me that Simon would be delighted that I was back on the go again. He had been starting to press Jools more and more to find out what I was doing and when I would be available again. Jools, true to form, was as yielding as a solid brick wall. Apparently, Simon felt we should maintain the momentum and get the second single out. He was probably right, plus we had an album to finish. As we neared London, I felt my anticipation begin to grow. I felt invigorated and ready to take on the world. -*- CHAPTER 26 Jools had been delighted and surprised to see me when I returned. After having to reassure her repeatedly that I really was OK, she brought me up to speed with things that had been happening whilst I had been in Devon. I knew about how 'No Half Measures' had fared, but Jools had more details on specific sales and profits. She also had a cheque with a very pleasing five-figure sum on it for me. She told me that Sony were already making plans to release 'No Half Measures' around Europe as they thought the market would be receptive to it. After connecting to the Internet on her PC, she then logged onto and I was quite taken aback to see my own web page. It was simple and uncomplicated. It basically showed the cover photo of the single with its details and there were two links: one to a potted biography that seemed innocuous and the other to a mini-gallery which featured some of the other shots that Rod had taken during the photo session. They were certainly flattering, but I did feel a little disconcerted having this plastered over the World Wide Web. I mentioned this to Jools and she dismissed it easily. "Cara darling, let's face it, it's not just your singing and music that will sell your records..." Apparently, Simon was keen that we made all haste to get the second single out. He and Jools had been discussing it and they both thought that 'Not Dancing, but Flying' would be a good choice. Their reasoning was sound. It was poles apart from the loud and brash rocky feel of 'No Half Measures' and it would show divers

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No Half Measures Part 2

Author's note: Thank you to everyone who gave helpful comments and feedback on part one of this story. If you haven't read part one, you really should, as you will have missed key elements of the story. This is part two of what I hope will be a continuing story. Again, your comments and thoughts would be most welcome. No Half Measures ? Part Two By Jenny Walker (c) 2003 CHAPTER 9 I stood there for a moment not knowing what to say. Eventually, I found my voice and...

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No Half Measures Part 3

Authors note: Here is the next installment of Cara?s saga. Please, please, please don?t read this if you haven?t read the first two parts. Sorry that all the parts are so long, but if you take time to read them, I hope you will enjoy this tender and gentle story. If you have read the first two parts, you may want to reread them or at least read the last bit of part 2 as this kicks off straight where you were left hanging. Thanks. All comments and feedback are most welcome. NO HALF...

3 years ago
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No Half Measures Part 5

NO HALF MEASURES PART 5 By Jenny Walker © 2003 Author's note: This is a shorter instalment than previous ones. I feel that it leaves the reader in a nice position... apologies in advance! However, the next four chapters are almost complete and I will submit them after a suitable period of time. Thanks and credit are due to the wonderful Hebe Dotson and Anne Baker who tirelessly correct my mistakes and improve my writing ? any errors that remain, are mine. CHAPTER 29 I had...

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No Half Measures Part 6

NO HALF MEASURES By Jenny Walker © 2003 PART 6 Author's note: Many thanks to all the readers who have persisted with this tale of mine. This is the penultimate instalment. Thanks and credit are due to the wonderful Hebe Dotson and Anne Baker who tirelessly correct my mistakes and improve my writing ? any errors that remain, are mine. CHAPTER 31 The mind is a mysterious thing; the control it can have over the physical body is quite remarkable. There may be nothing wrong...

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No Half Measures Part 7

Author's note: I can't believe that so many of you have stuck with me on this story which has gone on for so many pages! Thank you to all of you and especially those of you who have kindly taken the time to leave comments. Thanks and credit are due to the wonderful Hebe Dotson and Anne Baker who tirelessly correct my mistakes and improve my writing - I could not have done it without you two special ladies - any errors that remain, are mine. NO HALF MEASURES PART 7 By Jenny Walker (c)...

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Desperate Times Desperate Measures

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures "Man I hope this works out well" Kevin heard his partner state as he was sitting down in the bedroom the two share. He was glad his partner was up for this, as his parents were eager to meet him and his recent partner. Kevin himself was wearing a nice dress shirt and slacks, with his short sandy hair slicked back, framing his stocky face punctated by light blue eyes. He turned towards his partner. "Didn't figure your folks would be that...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Sister Measures My Cock Before She Takes It

I was only sixteen at the time of this story. I’m eighteen now and my name is Dan. It is based on my real like experience with a few exaggerations… Actually! It was winter and my sister was visiting for the holidays. It was Christmas Eve and our parents had left to shop. It was just me and sister alone. My sister, Allie, is very attractive at age 24. She is fairly small but has a nice big ass and a little chest. She had a beautiful face like myself and our whole family. She was a college...

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Sister Measures My Cock Before She Takes It

I was only sixteen at the time of this story. I’m eighteen now and my name is Dan. It was winter and my sister was visiting for the holidays. It was Christmas Eve and our parents had left to shop. It was just me and sister alone. My sister, Allie, is very attractive at age 24. She is fairly small but has a nice big ass and a little chest. She had a beautiful face like myself and our whole family. She was a college graduate, CU. I was good looking but very, very youthful, a real cute face. I...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 6

From the time they left the driveway Maria's and Elizabeth' lips rarely parted until they reached the base of the Mountain and Elizabeth had to give Janet directions. As they turned into the long driveway the headlights shone momentarily on a large sign. Maria read the words. "Dr. Elizabeth Reed", she said out loud. "Yes, I am a doctor, Kitten" The woman said. "What kind of doctor?" Maria asked, snuggling in close to Elizabeth. She liked being called Kitten. "A gynecologist!"...

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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 8 Preventative Measures

While my methods depend on sexual stimulation, I needed to take steps to ensure that my two charges would remain virginal until the completion of their training. In any matter related to my work I always like to consult the expert in the particular field. For assistance in this area I had chosen to make use of the services of one Giacomo Baptista. His arrival at Highgate was a source of reassurance to me. Although at first glance his dark Mediterranean looks suggested that he was not the...

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seducing stephen chapter 8 extreme measures

It should come as no surprise; things felt quite different in my household now. After allowing my husband and my teenage lover to simultaneously share my bed, and my charms, the dynamics of my cozy little family had shifted considerably.A few weeks ago, I was living the dream. By day, I was being pleasured regularly by my strikingly handsome and virile sixteen-year-old neighbor and boarder.And, by night, I had my husband captivated. He was riveted by my sordid tale of sexual adventure; as he...

2 years ago
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Desperate Measures

"I know," sighed her friend, "I never see Marcus either." "We haven't had sex in forever," complained Bri. "I am sooooo horny, but it seems like I'm invisible. I call him and ask him to come over, I even tell him I'd make it worth his while, but he just says the guys are coming over to watch the game." "Don't you have anything to take his place," asked Sara mischievously. “Yeah, but I want the real thing! I think I’m single handedly keeping the battery companies in...

4 years ago
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Extreme Measures

Gwen walked out onto the balcony and looked down at the citythat she was assigned to protect. She had always done her job well. Nothing ever stopped her from completing a mission that she had been assigned to, until now. Gwen took a drink of her wine and closed her eyes as it slid down her throat. The wind up here around Megan’s isolated home was strong enough that Gwen could feel it blow through her hair as she opened her eyes to the sparkling sky overhead. “Can you stay tonight?” Megan asked...

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Desperate times Desperate measurescuck oriented

We were so at peace when we first married, I was working in the mortgage industry making a 6 figure income when I met the love of my life, Sharyn. I was mesmerized by her from head to toe. She is about 5 feet 5 inches and she is an ex-dancer from New York and did some Broadway. She is built very solid and curvy with a natural 38dd bustle and about a 42 inch butt packed around a waistline, she probably wears an 8-12 in a dress depending on the maker. She resembles Christina Hendricks a little...

2 years ago
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desperate measures

things were not going well for Jen, she had just recently ended a long relationship, she had been laid off at the plant, and bills were piling up, the only bright spot was her best friend was getting married in Las Vegas, since they lived on opposite sides of the country she wanted to go to the wedding so bad, her friend agreed to pay for her hotel but all other expenses she had to cover herself, she sc****d together all her dimes, and headed out on the 8 hour drive, she had a great time ,...

2 years ago
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Desperate Measures To Satisfy Lust

Summer holidays are always great for housewives in India. Generally, they go to their parent’s place and have a break from their daily life. My case was no different. It was starting of summer holidays and a day before my wife was set to leave to her parent’s place. We had awesome satisfying sex that night and multiple rounds of sex. Next day I saw them off at the airport and was thinking about the next 30 days. Next day went well and I enjoyed with my friends with a get-together at my place....

4 years ago
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Corrective Measures

"Man, I still can't believe what a bitch my mom is. Jesus, I can drive. I can even almost buy a pack of cigarettes, but she still won't let me stay home by myself when she goes on vacation." "Relax, Bobby. So your mother likes to send her precious little baby to stay with his aunt while she goes on vacation. So what?" "Go to hell!" "Hey, don't yell at me. You're the one who has been on this topic for an hour, mama's boy." "This really isn't funny, Hank." "I don't know....

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Desperate Measures With Best Friends 8211 Part I

By : Rahulsharma2211988 Hi, ISS readers..I m Rahul Sharma 23 years old.I m a regular reader of ISS..I love to read real stories..This is my first attempt to write in ISS.I m going to start a series of stories and this particular story being d first of d series.Without wasting much time i ll start my story now. This incident happened with me during 3rd yr of coll.I studied in Baroda.I had a group of 5 friends.Me,naznin,jiten,niki and priety.We all were best friends since d first year of college...

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Corrective Measures

Pia sat in silence, ashen faced and scared as her parents were hysterical. Their "guruji" sat cross-legged on the floor, muttering to himself. Her mother wailed, "How could this happen? We should've never left her alone with her friend." Her father tried to comfort her, but choking back tears, he asked the holy man, "Is there any hope? Can she be cured and rehabilitated?"Pia knew she was toast. Her mom had discovered the vibrator during a routine search of her room. She never understood why her...

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Henrys Security Measures

“You’re not going to work without doing your business Henry,” shouted Edith Clancy from the top of the stairs. Henry lumbered along the hallway to the lower steps and peered up the gloomy stairwell of the dingy, rundown, low quality, terraced house at the face grimacing over the rail. The curl of blue smoke from her cigarette gathered in a cloud, which hung over the landing. He saw the gap tooth grimace turn into what was deemed to be a smile as the huge man dragged off his high visibility work...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 12 Drastic Measures

December 18, 1988, Iron Mountain, Michigan “What the... ?!” I gasped. “She’s sedated,” Alicia said from behind me. “Sedated? What the fuck did you do?” “An intervention,” Jennifer said. “After Elyse worked on you, we talked. I got in touch with Alicia, she talked to Doctor Barton and we hatched a plan.” “Which was?” “To kidnap your wife and bring her here,” Alicia said. “Doctor Barton officially knows nothing about that part of the plan. But he sanctioned it. Come have some coffee and...

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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 12 Desperate Measures

The night passed off without incident. Varna had insisted they all stay together in the Royal Suite and take turns mounting guard in addition to the palace guards placed outside the suite, none of whom Varna trusted. The following morning at breakfast a palace official hurried in and walked up to Varna, who was helping herself to some chopped fruit from the buffet laid out at the back of the room. "My Lady, may I have a word please?" "Of course." She put down her bowl and turned to...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 2

Janet finally awoke in the late afternoon, her body and mind well rested and ready to play with her daughter again. Her bladder felt uncomfortably full and she had a desperate need to pee. Rising from the bed she stretched her nude body for several seconds and then headed for Maria's bedroom. When she unlocked the door and looked in she saw Maria was in a deep sleep and that the room was filled with the thick stench of urine still. She walked to the bed and gently nudged her daughter. Maria...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 3

Janet and Maria changed the pee-stained sheets and pillows and Janet unlocked the windows to allow fresh air into the room. They sat on the bed together and just talked for about an hour, both of them thrilled with their new relationship. They constantly stopped their conversation to kiss passionately or caress each other's intimate areas. Janet made a small lunch of cheese, crackers and wine and brought it to Maria's room on a silver tray. She placed it in the floor and the two of them...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 4

Monday morning Janet called the school and told the guidance counselor that Maria would not be in classes that week due to a sprained ankle. She had not heard a sound from her daughter all-night and peeked in to see that she was all right. When Janet opened the door she saw the empty wine glass on the nightstand and knew that Maria had flagrantly disobeyed her. Throwing on a housecoat, Janet slipped out to the backyard, and with a sharp steak knife, cut off a long thin branch from the maple...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 5

Maria proved to be the perfect daughter. That is if you're the perverse daughter of an even more perverse mother. The teenager cleaned, cooked and attended to Janet's every need, her only reward being a mouthful of shit and piss and some really wicked orgasms. And although Maria treated her mother like a queen, Janet also treated Maria like a princess. They had become inseparable and both of them loved it. When Saturday afternoon arrived Janet took Maria to her bedroom and sat her on the...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 7

Gina Weston finally gave up. It was now two in the morning and she still hadn't found a suitable take-home for the evening. After spending nearly three hours in a building filled with loud music, drugs and hot, sexy teenagers she was still unable to pick up any of the young girls that appeared to be so available. She shrugged her shoulders, chugged down the last of her drink and headed for the exit. Some nights she just went home empty-handed. 'At least, ' she thought to herself, 'I was...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 8

Gina felt warm, soft lips on her forehead as she awoke from a very restful sleep. "Good morning, Goddess!" Leslie was standing beside the bed, still beautifully nude and wearing a glowing smile. As Gina raised her head her nostrils were instantly filled with the scent of fresh brewed coffee. "I made coffee already." Leslie said, a little nervous. "I hope you don't mind." "Not at all." Gina smiled as she sat up and patted the bed. "Come here with me." Leslie climbed onto the...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 9

Gina found herself becoming more and more attached to Leslie emotionally as well as sexually. The fifteen-year-old was bright and full of life, with a libido almost as strong as her own. By late afternoon she knew that Leslie's passions could be stimulated very easily with any type of erotic conversation or dirty comment and she took every opportunity to bring up the subject of sex. Leslie loved the frankness with which Gina spoke about love and sex. She made her feel at ease about it and...

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Desperate MeasuresChapter 10

Sunday was a day of rest and relaxation for the new lovers. They never left each other's side and as the day went on they became more and more romantic. They kissed and touched each other constantly, each time renewing their hot passion for each other. Gina had proposed that they refrain from having any orgasms until later that night. She wanted to prolong their excitement and build their arousal gradually. It worked like a charm and by evening time both of them were fondling each other and...

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CorruptionChapter 3 Counter Measures

Quick orders were issued to his men as Caleb rushed to his car. They could handle the booking and processing the depositions of Ricky and Cindy. His emergency lights, normally hidden behind the grill of his car, were flashing before he left the area where the rest of the cars were parked. Caleb was east of Livingston, Texas, in an area of Texas known as the Big Thicket. He was about ninety miles from home, and he was afraid for his family. "Al, any ideas?" Caleb demanded. "There are a...

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That Sunday AfternoonChapter 7 Drastic Measures

On Thursday I returned home to my strained marriage wondering if I was going to have to take Jim's advice and tell Sonya I wanted a divorce. The more I thought about it the more I thought I would not be able to do it. Another week went by and nothing had changed. As far as I knew Sonya hadn't had any contact with the asshole and I didn't question her about him. In some ways things between us were good. We talked and made love and carried on as though nothing was wrong but the problem was...

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DreamweaverChapter 6 Corrective Measures

It was going to be a really long night. I looked at Bob and he just shrugged. "I'm over my head, Jimmy. My only concern is how Angela will take a stranger walking in on her and talking about things no one is supposed to know." "Oh, I don't want to talk to her," Lizzy said. "Not yet anyway. You're right; it will take some time before she's ready for that. I just want to be there for her for now, be with her, let her get used to my presence, maybe get to know her a little. I was...

4 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 30 Emergency Measures

"You need to get that fire out!" I heard Timothy shout. "It's too close to your missile magazine." "The magazine is empty!" a female voice called back. "We shot everything during our breakout from Ursus!" "I'm not worried about an explosion," Timothy called back. "The smoke from that fire will be poisonous if it reaches the loading tubes. Those tubes contain heavy metals that you really don't want to breathe." "Everyone here is in suits!" the voice cried back. "We...

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There and BackChapter 127 Emergency Measures

The messenger opened his mouth, and the next words out of it would send me reeling. “The ship carrying Her Maj- ... er, I mean, Lady Anora, to Nevarra was scuttled. There were some survivors, but Lady Anora wasn’t among them.” The four of us sitting in the dining room were in an immediate uproar, everyone yelling questions, until Alistair finally hollered over the din, silencing all of us. “Alright, please, start at the beginning. When did this happen, what do we know, and who...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Extreme measures1

We finally closed school and I can't wait to get home. There is a party at my best friend’s house. And I and my sisters are of course invited. My parents decided to have three children me, 18 year Nicole and the youngest, Alexa who is 15. Nicole does get everything she wants because she is cute; Alexa on the other hand gets almost everything she wants because she's hardworking. I also get ALMOST everything because I am dad's favorite, he won't admit it but he shows it. "Nice party...

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Extreme measures0

We finally closed school and I can't wait to get home. There is a party at my best friend’s house. And I and my sisters are of course invited. My parents decided to have three children me, 18 year Nicole and the youngest, Alexa who is 15. Nicole does get everything she wants because she is cute; Alexa on the other hand gets almost everything she wants because she's hardworking. I also get ALMOST everything because I am dad's favorite, he won't admit it but he shows it. "Nice party...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 9 Countermeasures

Amanda, Mark and Sam casually strolled up the sidewalk to Sly's, an open-air restaurant with a park like atmosphere. Scanty clad waiters and waitresses quickly tended to the needs of the diners. They never stayed any longer than it took to write down the orders, fill the orders and replenish cups of coffee or stronger drinks. Hans Steiner sat at a table overlooking the foot traffic on the sidewalk. The diminutive man stared down at the passers by, a king surveying his kingdom. He waved the...

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Halftime Stranger

It was a warm October night and I was at a college football game with a few buddies. Throughout the first half of the game, I looked to my right and there was this hot sexy bald guy 3 sections to my right. He had huge arms and was wearing a black wife-beater and jeans. We kept looking at each other and at each time, he would show that bright smile of his.At halftime, I went to the restroom and used one of the stalls, luckily I was the only one in the bathroom. As I opened the stall, he was...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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Halfling The peddler stretched his legs out, the sore on his upper calf where his legging strap had been wound too tight, had plagued him since late afternoon, and now, with the days walking done and the strap loosened, it had at last began to relent. His son slowly stirred a stew of dried meat and some roots they had foraged during their days walk. The battered kettle with its cracked enamel had been hung on a stake over the coals and now bubbled and occasionally spat savory odors at...

1 year ago
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Halfling Group

(Prologue in third person) One fine morning our merry band of halfling heroes returns from the forest, having finished the perilous task of collecting bulaberries for the town bakery, and expecting a big piece of bulaberry pie each for reward. Leading from the front is Paladin, who observes the basket with watchful eye, lest sneaky Rogue might steal a berry for himself. Muttering behind him is Wizard, who proclaims they would have found the berries long ago, if only they would have listened to...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

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