A Close Shave free porn video

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This is THE first time I've ever published anything anywhere. I've got some ideas for a few other stories, and am still working out the ending for this one. If you like it, please review it, and offer some constructive criticism. Please note, while the sex in the story isn't graphic by any means, it's in there, so in the unlikely event that such things bother you, pass it by. A Close Shave By Superconductor "Dammit! Why do they have to have these meetings so early?!" Eric Parker was upset - mostly at himself. He had overslept, again, and still in his underwear, he had only 20 minutes to get to a corporate meeting with an important customer. He was a victim of his own success - his insistence on double-checking the work that his team did had kept him late at the office again. It had become routine for him not to leave the office before midnight. It wasn't that he didn't have a good team, or that they didn't do good work; it WAS because he didn't trust anybody to do as good of a job as he could do. So, when his alarm went off at 6:00am for his 8:00 meeting, he was too tired to hear or react to it. So, throwing on his pants, grabbing a tie and jacket, and buttoning his shirt as he flew out the door to his car, he sped off towards the Vertex Software Inc. building. He was about halfway there when he glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw the stubble that he had neglected to take care of before commencing his high-speed escape from his house. "Shit! I can't go in like that..." he whined to himself, just as he spotted the mall where his girlfriend Sandy worked. Pulling the car into a quick left turn, he sped off across the mostly empty parking lot towards the entrance nearest the pharmacy, two stores down from the boutique that his girlfriend Sandy worked at as a beautician. Drawing a few odd glances as he screeched to a halt in a parking spot and running into the mall, he ran into the pharmacy, not noticing the odd tinkle that the door made as he pushed through it, only registering subconsciously that it was odd that the pharmacy which he had been in several times, didn't have a door before, much less an actual bell announcing the arrival of a customer. Never mind that the pharmacy didn't open before 9:00am. As he glanced around feverishly, it only then began to dawn on him that things didn't look quite right, including the ancient old man behind the counter, who was apparently wearing a bathrobe. "Hello Eric, what can I help you with today?" the old man asked with something of a knowing smirk on his face. "Uh, hi. I need a bag of disposable razors - oh, there they are," Eric said, in too much of a hurry to realize that the old man had called him by name. He grabbed a sealed plastic bag of pink razors and fairly threw them on the counter. "Whoa son, slow down. I don't think that's what you really want is it?" The old man began to reach for the razors when Eric slapped his hand down on top of the old man's and said, "Those are exactly what I need. Please - I'm in a hurry. How much are they?" "Careful boy; I don't cater to rudeness or impatience. Now, I have something here which I'm sure would be of much more interest to you..." "Sir. I apologize if I seemed rude. But I am in a terrible hurry. I need those razors. That's the only thing I need right now. Please just tell me how much they are, and I'll get out of your hair." Eric glanced at his watch and grimaced - only 5 minutes to go until the scheduled start of the meeting. "Very well Eric. I'll sell them to you. Can't say I didn't warn you. But please, make sure you read the instructions included - these are very special razors. And please take some of this shaving cream, complimentary of course." "Sir, I've been shaving since I was 14 - I think I know how it goes. Thanks for the cream - but I'll be shaving dry today. If you hadn't noticed, I really am in a hurry. Now for the love of Mike, how much?!" The old man sighed, "Very well. That comes to $25." "$25? Are you kidding? These are disposables! Christ! Here - I don't have time to argue. But I'm going to be back to complain. $25. Jesus!" "Yes Eric, I know you'll be back. Here's your receipt. And have a very interesting day." Eric barely registered the last as he swept out of the store with his purchase under his arm, already ripping at the plastic to tug one of the plastic razors out. Back on the highway, Eric had little time to reflect on the strange encounter he just had. He was busy enough trying to get the plastic cover off the razor, driving and going over the presentation he was due to give in - "Shit! Two minutes!" He hit the gas, praying that he wouldn't run into any cops. Finally getting the cover off the razor, he began scraping it along the stubble, bracing himself for the burn that follows a dry shave. He was very pleasantly surprised when it never came - in fact, it felt like his skin was being moisturized by the razor as he ran it along his face, jawline, and upper lip. Finishing up, just as he pulled into his spot, he ran his hand across his jaw and was amazed how close the shave was, and how soft his skin was. Closing the car door behind him, he ran into the building, tying his tie on the way in. As he swiped his security badge, he threw a friendly hello at the security guard, "Hey Max, how's it going?" and began to walk towards the elevator. The guard, puzzled, moved to intercept him and said, "Excuse me, uh, sir, can I help... oh, Mr. Parker. Almost didn't recognize you. Have, uh, a nice day." Eric cocked an eyebrow at him and got on the elevator, and punched the button for the top floor. When he got up there, to his great relief, everyone was still outside the conference room having coffee and other refreshments. He saw his boss, Mr. Corouthers talking with a couple of the clients and raised his hand in a half wave. Corouthers mouthed the word "late" and then gave him an odd look, as his hand went to his chin and mouth. Perplexed, Eric searched out Brad Wilkes, his best friend and fellow software genius. He found him filling up his mug with coffee, and picking over the remains of a few pastries. "Brad, what's shakin'? Looks like I got here just in time." Brad was bent over his coffee, doing what he could to make it taste better. "Dude, you just escaped the boiling oil - their main negotiator - Adams - is late and... WHOA." Brad had finally stood up and looked Eric in the face. Now he was wearing an expression of horror. "Dude! Didn't you look in the mirror this morning? What the hell were you and Sandy doing last night?" "What - yeah - I looked. Hell, I shaved on the way over here. What are you talking about?" "Eric, what's wrong with your face man? Your lips especially - did you eat shellfish or something? They're all swollen. And why are you wearing red lipstick?" "WHAAAT? You're fuckin' with me... come on!" Eric bolted for the bathroom, with Brad hot on his heels. The door exploded inward as he fairly shouldered it open and jumped in front of the mirror. True to Brad's description, something was wrong, very wrong, with his face. Specifically the area just below his cheeks, around his lips, his jaw and just down to the top of his neck: the skin itself seemed okay, albeit very smooth. "Like a baby's butt," Sandy would have described it. The real problem was along his jawline, which seemed to be much finer than its normal chiseled appearance, tapering down to a chin that *just wasn't his*. It was much too fine, too pointed. But the real shocker was his lips, which seemed to be engorged - and painted. Bright red. Grabbing a paper towel, Eric scrubbed furiously at them, but only succeeded in making them more red - and made the bottom one bleed. "What the fuck?! How in the hell did this happen?" Eric was mortified. "I can't go in there like this - Christ! I look like a ... a..." "Blowjob specialist?" Brad offered as he looked at his buddy and snickered. "That's some mouth buddy - if you weren't a guy, I'd be getting turned on." "Go fuck yourself. I'm in trouble here man! Corouthers is gonna shit, and I'm gonna lose the deal." It seemed like the bones in Eric's legs were turning to something akin to silly putty, as he collapsed against the wall next to the sink. "Nah, you'll be okay. Just tell Corouthers you had some bad shellfish, and you had an allergic reaction. He'll have to accept that. As for the deal, I think you'll be okay. Nobody knows the project like you do, and besides, I think that the senior negotiator is a closet queen. You'll get him so excited with that face of yours that he'll cave in the first five minutes." Eric glanced at Brad. "Shit man, I hope you're right. Let's roll. We gotta get set up." Eric pulled himself off the floor and opened the door. Stopping at Corouthers to give him the story, the looks he got from his boss changed from perplexed suspicion to outright sympathy and admiration for his insistence at coming in despite an obvious health condition. He followed Eric into the conference room, and offered to take over if Eric wanted to go to the doctor. Eric demurred, insisting that it was only temporary and he'd be able to handle the presentation just fine. Mr. Corouthers assembled the group in the conference room with himself and Mr. Adams for the client at the head of the table. Eric began his presentation, and despite an uncomfortable moment or two when Adams was clearly winking at him, delivered quite nicely. He had one more uncomfortable moment when Adams pressed his business card into Eric's palm and held his hand for a good 30 seconds, insisting on doing lunch the next week. Only Eric's acceptance, and his cell phone number, resulted in his release from the grip of the excited Mr. Adams. The end result was a cause for celebration. Eric's presentation had sold the client (or was it that "kisser"?) and Vertex Software was now engaged in a $25,000,000 contract. Eric and his team were given the rest of the day off, with an admonition to Eric to stay away from Red Lobster for a while. Eric, who now had a huge headache because of the stress of the morning only too quickly accepted, intending only to go home and climb into bed, which he did. He awoke to the smell of dinner cooking. Obviously Sandy Jenkins, his girlfriend, had arrived to take care of dinner. He loved Sandy, and was pretty sure she loved him. She had a great personality, and an even better body. Well proportioned at 5'6", she had wonderfully kissable C- cup breasts, and a gymnast's physique from the exercise regimen that found her at the gym five days a week. Eric had signed them both up for a membership, but had stopped going to the gym because of his work schedule. While he still had a great body, he was starting to "soften up". She had plenty of opportunity to work out since Eric was always working, and that very thing had been the source of many of their "lover's quarrels". More accurately, they were fights. And recently, they had been bad - one of which was why Eric had spent the night alone the night before. Sandy walked into the room. "Well, welcome back to the living sleepy head. I'm sorry about last night, but I was so upset at you not coming home until 1am that I just needed to go *somewhere*. Promise me you'll try to be home earlier more often and I'll forget about last night, okay?" Eric rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Huh? What - oh, yeah. I'm sorry too. You know me - perfectionist. I just have to learn to trust my team more. Say, ohmygosh..." Eric's hand flew to his face - and met with the normal five-o-clock shadow that he had become accustomed to. Sandy had started at his sudden gesture. "What's the matter - have a toothache?" "Sandy, do you notice anything different about my face? My lips, chin, anything?" "Nope - if we're going out later, you need to shave, but other than that, you're the same bonehead that I fell in love with. Why?" "Hmm. Nothing." Eric sat at the edge of the bed, stroking the stubble on his chin, upper lip and cheeks. "Okay, well, dinner will be ready soon. Hey - borrowed your car to go get some things for dinner - did you buy these?" Sandy held out the opened bag of disposable razors. "They're really a cute color - but wouldn't have guessed you'd pick pink." Eric took the bag of razors and said, "Well, I was in kind of a hurry. I didn't really look to see if the pharmacy had anything else." Sandy wore a confused expression. "Pharmacy? The receipt said 'Spells- R-Us'. Is that like an emporium or something?" "What are you talking about - it's the same pharmacy we go to all the time. Let me see that receipt." Sure enough, the receipt had "Spells-R- Us" marked clearly at the top. "Hmm, must have sold out. You didn't see the shop? It was where the pharmacy next to where you work used to be." "What are you talking about? The pharmacy's there - where do you think I bought this stuff?" Sandy held up a bag of toiletries and a couple packages of pantyhose. The name of the pharmacy was clearly marked on the outside of the bag. "Huh. That's really weird. Whatever. Okay, I'll be down in a sec - just gotta go to the bathroom." "Oh, okay - do me a favor and put away my stuff won't you?" Sandy dropped the bag at Eric's feet and walked out the door. "What the hell happened to me today?" A million questions began swirling around in Eric's head, as he looked at the bag of razors in his hand. He looked more closely at the bag and noticed a little piece of paper inside. Opening the piece of paper, he noted that they were apparently instructions for the razors. Finding that a little ridiculous, he tossed the little paper back in the bag and walked into the bathroom. Doing his business, he barely gave the bag another glance. After dinner, despite Sandy's insistence that they go somewhere to have some fun, Eric opined that he was still kind of tired from the day and wanted to spend a quiet evening at home. Sandy relented, and they found themselves snuggling on the couch, watching a rerun of Seinfeld. This episode had Jerry shaving his chest because of something his girlfriend had said or some such thing. Eric wasn't paying a whole lot of attention, as the morning's events went swirling about. "How did that guy know my name?" was the last question he was pondering when he realized that Sandy was looking at him expectantly, as if waiting for an answer. "Huh? Did you say something?" "Honest to God Eric, even when you're here, you're not here. I said, have you ever shaved anything to please your woman?" "Uh, besides my face? No." Eric almost saw the next question coming. "Well, would you?" "Would I what?" "Shave something besides your face if I asked you to?" Eric didn't like where this was heading. "What, like my head? Not on a bet!" Sandy pouted. "I'm serious. And it wouldn't be anything so obvious - nothing that would show anyway. Take your chest for example - you don't have a lot of hair there anyway. Would you shave that?" Eric almost said no, but then reconsidered. What could it hurt? After all, Sandy was right - he didn't have a lot of hair there, and it's not like anyone would notice. "Yeah, I suppose - I could do that." "Well, how about something like, say, your legs? Lots of guys shave their legs." "Only if they're bodybuilders or swimmers. But yeah - I suppose." He saw it coming. "Well," she purred, "how about down there? Would you shave *there* if I asked? I mean, I shave there all the time. Just because I like the way it feels." Eric started to feel decidedly weird about this conversation. "Gee, I dunno. I never considered that. If I did that I wouldn't be able to take a shower at the gym for a while. Could you handle that when I came home?" To his relief, Sandy scrunched her nose up. "I suppose you're right. We should start small. So, go upstairs and get ready." Eric squawked, "What? What are you talking about?" She smiled as she slipped her hand up his shirt, and began twirling the hairs on his chest. "Why darling, just calling your bluff. Seeing if you'd do what you said you would. You weren't lying to me were you," she said, as she drew her mouth into another pout. "No, I wasn't lying. I just didn't expect it to be tonight, that's all." "Good. Well, you go upstairs and draw a bath, and I'll join you in a minute." Eric went upstairs. "What the hell did I get myself into?" he wondered. "And how did she talk me into this?" He began drawing the bath and grabbed his razor out of the medicine chest. When the water had gotten high enough, he stepped into the tub and let his head rest on the back of the tub. As he lay there relaxing, his thoughts turned back towards the events of the morning. Something bothered him about the whole experience that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He had just begun to drift off to sleep when Sandy came into the room. He instantly became hard. She was wearing a red-lace teddy that was sheer enough to leave nothing to the imagination. Coupled with thong panties, and fuzzy red slippers, she was absolutely stunning. "Wow," was about all he could manage to say as she knelt next to the tub. "Wow, huh? I like wow." She grabbed a sponge and began soaping it up. "We need to make sure you're nice and clean before we get to the 'shave'. Where do you want me to start?" She liked her lips and then smiled as she reached into the tub and wetted the front of him down. "Anywhere you like madam," he squeaked as he tried to gain his composure. Of course, while she was sponging him down, she took care of one part of his anatomy very carefully. When he came, he thought he'd hit the ceiling. But gradually, the warmth of the tub, the stress of the day, and the very comfortable sponge bath that he was getting soon had him drowsing in twilight sleep, edging towards downright snore-city. He was barely aware of Sandy popping the lid on the shaving gel that the old man had thrown in the bag with the razors and lathering it upon his chest. He was even less aware of the rustling of the plastic bag as Sandy withdrew one of the pink razors and began slowly scraping off the lather and the hair underneath. In fact, he slept through the whole thing until she slapped him on one of his pecs and said, "Okay sleepyhead, you're done!" He awoke with a start, and looked around sheepishly. "I'm sorry Sandy, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." He yawned as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "That's okay, you didn't miss much. Say, these razors and cream are really great. Your chest is sooooo smooth! The moisturizers in this stuff must be great!" Eric's hands explored his chest. "Say, you're right. I can't feel the grain at all. But my chest does feel a little funny. Cold." Sandy said, "Oh, that's normal. My legs feel that way after I shave 'em. It'll warm up after you put a shirt on. Or lay on top of me." "Now that's the best proposal I've heard all day. Come here and check out your handiwork!" Sandy fairly glided across the room and flung herself into Eric's arms; they collapsed on the bed. Before long, they were a tangle of arms, legs, lips and other body parts. Climax came easily to them both, and following the fervent session, Eric lay comfortably atop Sandy, stroking her hair, looking into her eyes. All at once, Sandy's expression went from one of bliss, to confusion, to discomfort. She began squirming. "Eric honey, could you please stop pressing down on my breasts? They're still a little sensitive - ugh! Could you just get off? I'd like to cuddle with you." "Sure thing babe," Eric said, a little confused, "but I wasn't pressing down on them. I'm supporting myself on my elbows - but you're right - it's a little hard to breathe right now." As Eric pushed up, sat back on his heels, and prepared to flop down next to Sandy, he was aware of a sensation, a bouncing sensation, that he'd never, ever experienced before. Just as he was glancing down do find out what caused it, Sandy gave out a gasp. "Eric?! What happened to you?! You have, have..." "Good Christ! I've got tits!" There was no doubt. Eric was now sporting his very own set of love- pillows. At least a C-cup by Sandy's reckoning. They were well formed, attractive breasts, the nipples pointing out at least a half an inch, each of which was surrounded by a silver-dollar sized areola. They just looked very funny on Eric's frame. "ERIC! WHAT HAPPENED?" Sandy was in a panic. A thousand things were going through her mind - none of them good. "Sandy, I DON'T KNOW! I'm as upset as you are - after all, I'm the one that suddenly 'sprouted'!" "Eric, look at me. Tell me the truth - are you transsexual? Have you been taking female hormones?" "Hell no! You think I wanted this? You know me better than that! I can't think of any... wait - what razor did you use? Did you use my razor to shave me?" "No, I showed you the one I used - one of those new pink razors. Why?" "Oh, SHIT! The razor's the answer! I used one on my face this morning because I was in a hurry to get to work, and it did 'things' to my face - I thought it was an allergic reaction or something." Eric was now subconsciously feeling his breasts, running his hands around, over, and under them. "Stop that Eric. You're freaking me out." Sandy was now staring at Eric's breasts with not a little fascination. "You're kidding me about the razors, right? I mean, how could a razor do this to you?" "I'm just saying, the effect is the same - I used it on my face, it changed my face. My lips blew up, my jawline and chin changed, and my skin got really, really smooth. Everywhere the razor touched my face, changed it to look, well, like a girl." "NO WAY! I don't believe it." "Well Sandy, how do you explain these?" Eric gestured violently at his chest, clearly getting more pissed with every passing minute. "Oh man, what am I gonna do?" He sat down on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands, and his breasts now gently swaying and bumping into his forearms, a most disconcerting feeling to be sure. "Oh honey, I'm sorry. It's just that it's so hard to believe you know? I mean, a razor? Doing this to you? That'd be like some kind of funked up magic, y'know?" "MAGIC! Shit! The name of the store! The name was "Spells-R-Us! It must be some kind of new age psycho shit magic store. The dude behind the counter even tried talking me out of buying the razors. I was in too much of a hurry to pay him any attention. He even looked kind of amused by the time I left - he must have known this was going to happen." He suddenly stood up, breasts bouncing, and with a look of annoyance, strode across the room to the bathroom where he grabbed the bag of razors. Digging inside, he pulled out the little piece of folded paper. Reading aloud, "SRU guarantees that Miracle brand razors will deliver the closest shave with the best image improvement the user has ever had, or her money back. Use of these razors should be limited to twice a week on the same body area, or results may be unpredictable. Use of these razors..." The rest was a list of disclaimers that Eric quickly read over. Nowhere in the paper did it say that using it on a guy's chest would give him breasts. Tossing the paper aside and flopping back on the bed (and wincing as his breasts bounced against one another) he again began to moan. Sandy looked at her changed boyfriend with a mixture of emotions - at first, it had been horror, then fascination; now, admittedly, it was with more than a little bit of curiosity. "Um, Eric, how do they feel?" "How do they feel? How do you think they feel? They feel like fucking tits!" "No, that's not what I meant - are they sensitive? Women's breasts tend to be much more sensitive than men's breast tissue - so, the question is, are they?" "I dunno - I don't feel any diff... Oh WOW!" His hand, which had resumed its exploration of his new accoutrements, had brushed across the pencil eraser sized nipple on his right breast. "That felt like a bolt of electricity just ran from my boob to my dick!" Sandy giggled, "Oh really? Hmm, well that's very typical for women's breasts. Honey, I think you got the whole package." She covered her mouth, as she began to suppress the giggles that were spilling out between her fingers. "Oh yeah, laugh it up. You're not the one that has to carry these around." Just as he spoke the words, the sheer ridiculousness of his statement hit him and Sandy at the same time. Both exploded into laughter. After the laughs subsided, the sobriety of the situation hit Eric again. "How am I going to explain this, these?" Sandy said, "Well, do you think it's permanent? I mean, you said that your face changed this morning. It looks normal now, though you need a shave. Do you think if you wait long enough these will disappear too?" Eric snapped his fingers. "You're right! The effects on my face wore off while I was sleeping. Maybe it was because of my 5 o'clock shadow. I guess we'll find out tomorrow huh? I mean, body hair grows pretty slow, but maybe they'll be gone by tomorrow. Y'think?" Eric's voice had an edge of desperation. "I guess we'll see. In the meantime, how would you like to see how much fun those can be?" Sandy asked with a wink. "You must be kidding. You're not kidding, are you?" "No, I'm not. Breasts can add a great deal of sensual feeling during sex - that's why we women wish you men would spend more time on foreplay. Now, lay back on the bed, I want to show you what you've been missing - and me too." The next half-hour, during which Eric came at least three times, Sandy showed him "what women want" in terms of touch and taste. By the time she was done, Eric was completely exhausted, and was actually trembling with sexual energy. Sandy sat back, admiring her handiwork, smiled, and lay down next to Eric. "Now wasn't that nice? Did you learn anything?" The last thing Eric said before dropping off to sleep was, "Oh my God." The Morning After Eric woke the next morning with the light of the sun shining in his eyes. Sandy was behind him with her arm draped across his neck, snoring lightly at his neck. "What a weird fucking dream - imagine me with, oooooohhh shit!" Eric had glanced down at his new rack. "Sandy! Wake up! I still got 'em!" "Hmm? What? Oh. Heh heh. Yeah - is it my imagination, or are they a little bigger than they were yesterday?" Sandy said as she peered at her be-breasted boyfriend through sleepy eyes. "Huh? Oh God, you're right! I can't even hold one of 'em in my hand; I could yesterday! Why in the hell aren't they gone? They should be gone!" "Now wait a minute - you said yourself that body hair grows slower. Maybe that's it. Was there anything else you did different before we shaved you? We ate - did you eat breakfast yesterday?" Sandy asked. "No, I was in too much of a hurry. But... wait - did you use shaving cream or gel on me or something yesterday when you shaved my chest? I shaved my face dry," Eric said. "Yeah, I used the gel that was in the bag with the razors. Ooops! I'll go get it..." Sandy called over her shoulder as she ran into the bathroom. The look on her face didn't give Eric any reassurance. She was reading the can aloud, "Miracle Shaving Gel and Depilatory. When used with Miracle brand razors, keep that smooth feeling for weeks..." "WEEKS!? I've got tits for WEEKS?!!" Eric fairly screamed. "Umm, yeah, weeks. Hold on... Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it first sounded. It says results vary for different people. But it guarantees the results for at least two weeks regardless of hair growth rate. Honey, you're 'racked-up' for at least a fortnight. I'm so sorry!" "You're sorry. Jesus. I'm gonna get fired, 'cause I sure can't go to work like this... Sandy, what am I going to do." Eric moaned and flopped back on the bed again, his ample breasts spreading and resting on his arms. He almost looked ready to cry. "Well, the first thing you're gonna do is stop whining like a baby, and show some backbone. They're only breasts. We know they're going to go away. You've got vacation time coming. Why don't you take some?" Sandy was starting to get angry; this was building up into a very common fight. "You know I can't! We just landed that contract! The software's not ready - I haven't tested it completely yet!" Eric's voice, along with his agitation was rising. "Dammit Eric, you have a TEAM. You are the TEAM leader! Part of leading is letting those that you're leading do their jobs, and trust them to do them right! They need a break as much as you do! Did you know that at the last party that you took me to, that half of your team was considering leaving the company because of your micro-managing bullshit?! And that was 6 months ago! Can you imagine how they feel now? Eric, there's no fucking 'I' in fucking 'TEAM'!!!" Sandy was really frustrated now - particularly because they'd been down this very familiar road countless times. "You just don't want to see me succeed! You've always hated my job and the fact that I work so hard and hardly get anywhere!" Eric shouted. "Eric, that's not true! Don't blame me for your type-A personality! I'll remind you, that it's what got you in the predicament that you're in in the first place! Tell me, when you spent all that time the night before last triple checking your TEAM's work, did you find any mistakes?" "Well, the code wasn't commented correctly, and..." "Eric, did it RUN?" "Yeah, but..." "Did you have to change anything to make it RUN? Yes or no?" "I had to add comments..." "YES OR NO?!" "Well, no." "Okay, do you think it's conceivable, that your team may be competent after all? That they might not need you to endlessly check their work and keep your thumb on them like you were saving the goddamn world?" "I suppose so." Eric saw he was going to lose this argument. Sandy dropped her voice and said, "Okay, do you realize that it's 10:00 on a Friday morning, and nobody's called to find out where you are? Why do you suppose that is?" Sandy smiled and crossed her arms, with a look of complete and utter satisfaction on her face. "What? Oh Jesus!" Eric began frantically tugging his pants on, and grabbed a shirt out of the closet. "Oh honey, did you forget a couple of 'small' things?" Sandy giggled as she watched Eric trying to button his shirt over his swollen bosom. Despite how much he tugged and pulled, he couldn't make the buttons and button-holes reach each other. "FUUUUUCK!" Eric screamed as he threw the shirt across the room, and sat down again on the bed, defeated. Sandy walked over and put her arm around his shoulder. "Face it love, until you get rid of your new 'friends', you're not going back to work. Besides, you have to admit, if they were really all that worried about you, they would have called. Since you went home 'sick' early yesterday, they probably figure you're sick today too, and are letting you get some rest. Why don't you call in - talk to Mr. Corouthers. I'll bet you lunch he's going to be very understanding when you ask for two weeks off to get over your 'condition'". Sandy gave him a slight squeeze around his shoulders and ran her hand down Eric's arm. "Besides, remember how much fun you had last night? I've got ideas that will make last night seem like a walk in the park." Her hand crept from Eric's arm and began to make slow circles around one the nipple on Eric's left breast. "Hmm, it was pretty great. I thought it was a dream when I first woke up. Guess not huh?" He grinned sheepishly. "Okay, you win. I'll make the call." Eric called Mr. Corouthers, and Sandy won her bet. Mr. Corouthers was very sympathetic, and wanted Eric to know that his team had relayed the message to take as much time as he needed. He said he completely understood when Eric told him that he had developed a "chest thing", and would need a couple of weeks to get over it. He also took the opportunity to let Eric know that he was getting a raise, because of his very evident dedication to the job, but not to come back until he was 100%. "Oh, I'm more than 100%..." Eric muttered. But he was much more humble as he slumped into a chair in the kitchen as Sandy prepared breakfast. "You were right," Eric said as he fidgeted with his napkin. "Hmm. Imagine that," Sandy said, still glowing with her victory. "They don't need me," Eric pouted. Sandy turned around. "Now, Eric. That's not true. You are very important to that company. But always remember, you're never as important as YOU think YOU are, and other people are always more important than YOU think THEY are. You've given your heart and soul to that job, and you've been rewarded in the past. You're the fastest rising young executive in that company; everybody knows that, everybody appreciates that." "Oh yeah, that reminds me. Corouthers said I got a raise." "Really?" Sandy squealed - and ran over to give Eric a hug. "Now you can afford to buy me a really great lunch!" "Sure. You're willing to wait two weeks for it huh?" Eric said, raising his eyebrows. "Nope. You and I are going out today, and you're gonna love it." "You must be kidding. How can I go out like this? I'll be a laughing stock. And what if somebody from the office sees me?" Eric's panic level was rising. "Oh relax honey, if I'm right, nobody will even know it's you." "What do you mean?" Eric asked "You'll see - eat your eggs." Sandy tipped a wink at him, and said no more. A Chance Encounter "No. No way. No fucking way - get away from me with those things." Sandy had lured Eric back into the bedroom under the auspices of trying to find him something to wear. She held the bag of razors in one hand, and had extracted one from the bag. She wore an odd little smile. "Eric, I want to try something. If it works, then you won't have to worry about what to wear. If it doesn't, you still won't have to worry. What's the harm?" Eric sighed, "What do you want to shave?" Sandy smiled. "Something very easy to hide - your legs. I want to see what they'll look like." Eric said, "I dunno - I mean, we both know what's going to happen, but I don't know if I can wait two weeks for them to return to normal. I don't really want to change anything more than what I have already." Sandy said, "Okay then. Do your face then. You did that yesterday. It returned to normal the same day right?" Eric said, "That's true, but I shaved dry. Hey - I could shave my legs dry right? Then they'll return to normal today or tomorrow right?" Sandy said, "Well, you could shave 'em dry, but you'd probably cut yourself. How about using regular shaving cream? They'll be 'girly' for a little longer, but at least you won't be a bloody mess. Plus, you really ought to soak in the tub before you begin." "I suppose you're right. I guess it couldn't hurt." Eric began filling the tub. As he dropped into the tub, he got a strange look on his face. "Sandy..." "Yes hon?" "What if I did the whole thing? I mean, I've got tits for two weeks right?" Eric asked. "What do you mean, 'the whole thing'? You don't mean your whole body?" she said wide eyed. "Yeah, I do. I figure, I'm stuck like this, for at least two weeks. I can't go anywhere, I can't do anything like I am. If those razors have the same effect everywhere else, I'll certainly fit in better. No?" Sandy said, "That's true, but if you only use regular shaving cream, you'll be back to the way you are now in a couple of days at most." Eric timidly asked, "Well, what if I didn't use 'regular' shaving cream..." Sandy only smiled. "Now you're reading my mind. Took you long enough. Want some help?" Eric said, "No, I think this is something I ought to do myself." A Different Perspective "Well, what do you think?" Eric said. Eric had been upstairs in the tub, denuding himself for the better part of an hour. He had discovered that the razor, used in conjunction with the shaving gel had really taken very little skill. He hadn't nicked himself once (though if he'd read the instructions, he would have discovered that was impossible anyway), and frankly he loved the way his skin felt. Some things felt wrong, and he was sure that Sandy would help him out. "Oh..." Sandy giggled, "you look, well, um, great." "What?" Eric said, a little annoyed with her mirth. "Well, the parts that you did look fantastic." Which was true. Eric, besides his beautiful breasts, now had the long legs of a dancer, extending down to delicate ankles. His arms were very lithe, with finely boned wrists. He had regained the pouty lips and fine chin and jawline from the day before. He now sported an hourglass shape, with a waist smaller than Sandy's, a flat, toned stomach and flared hips that threw a feminine sway to his walk. "You just need a little help with the rest." "Like what?" Eric said, looking down at himself. "Well, your hands and feet for one - you look like a cartoon character with those tiny wrists and ankles attached to those huge hands and feet. And you look like a cavewoman with that forehead of yours, complete with unibrow sitting over top of that lovely lower face of yours. Let's not forget your hair and ears. Also, you forgot to do your shoulders and back didn't you? You look like a female bodybuilder with those shoulders of yours. You also didn't do your backside - it just doesn't look right. Also, there's one other detail that you forgot." "Uh, I didn't want to shave down there yet." "I can't blame you, but that's not what I meant. How disconcerting would it be to hear your voice coming out of that body?" She smiled. "Oh yeah. But there's no hair on my neck." "Maybe none that you can see, but there's always hair, besides, put your hand on the back of your neck," she said. "Oh. Yeah - okay, I see what you mean. Care to give me a little help?" he said. Sandy grinned. "Okay. Can't leave you looking like some Frankenstein monster. Let's go." For the next half hour, Sandy did the parts that Eric couldn't reach, or had forgotten. They discovered that with the application of the shave gel to an area, and one swipe of the razor, it was enough to get the changes going. She watched in amazement as she ran the shaver down Eric's back the muscle tone shrinking - Eric's frame actually looked to be contracting, getting smaller with every passing second that the gel and razor were in contact with each other. His ass cheeks formed into two round bubbles that when perched on the coltish legs that her boyfriend now sported made for a lovely combination. His back done, she considered his face and neck. "Don't shave off my eyebrows huh? I hate that look - women who shave off their eyebrows, just to draw 'em back on. It looks so dumb." "Not what I had in mind. If I'm right about this stuff, we may not have to." She lathered the gel, on his forehead and nose. "Close your eyes." She then dotted his eyelids and slid some along his eyelashes. She then took the razor and simple set it on top of his forehead. She gasped as the changes began in Eric's face - the brow softened, and his eyebrows thinned as they rose slightly on his face. His eyelashes actually "grew" longer as she watched, as the skin continued to mold itself to the new bone structure forming underneath. "Heh heh, tickles." Eric's hand began to move up to brush at his face. "No! Don't! Don't touch!" she commanded as she grabbed his hand. While the other changes to Eric's face continued, she applied more gel to Eric's ears and connected the lather to that already on the top half of Eric's face and head. His ears immediately began to shrink and pin back to the side of Eric's head as she watched. All the time, tiny hairs began to surface in the lather of the gel. Finally the changes seemed to be done in Eric's face and she took a sponge and wiped the lather off his face and ears. "My God Eric, you're beautiful!" "What? Let me see!" He gasped as Sandy held up a mirror. He was gorgeous! He tried all different types of expressions. None of them could make him look any less stunning than his natural expression. "Wow - that's something! Hey - I still sound like me." Sandy said, "Oh yeah - okay, lean back, and tilt your chin towards the ceiling." Eric did as she said and said, "What are you going to do?" "I'm gonna do something about this li'l old Adam's apple of yours," as she began liberally applying the shave gel to Eric's neck. "Don't slit my throat babe!" Eric laughed as she finished up and reached once again for the razor. The moment she touched it to his neck, he began coughing. His eyes widened in alarm as his hands flew to his throat. Eric was clearly in pain as he began dry heaving. "What?! What's the matter?" Sandy cried in alarm as she watched her boyfriend, clearly in distress. "Can't breathe... throat... feels like... (cough) it's closing..." All at once, he took a deep breath and fell back against the back of the tub, chest heaving, eyes closed. "Eric, honey, are you okay?" Sandy asked, gently touching her very feminine boyfriend on the shoulder. "Sure, just let me... get... my breath. Oh my gosh, is that my voice?" Eric's voice was no longer his own - it was now a breathy contralto, liquid honey that would make any man melt into a puddle. "Oh baby, this is weird." Eric began to push himself out of the tub. "Whooaaa. Balance is a little off." He stepped carefully out of the tub. Turning slowly in the full-length mirror, he got a good glimpse of himself from the front and behind. Turning to Sandy, her mouth hung open, and she was shaking her head slowly from side to side. "Eric, this is just wrong. Nobody looks the way you do. You look amazing! If it weren't for your one last piece of your old body, I'd never guess it was you in there. It IS still you in there right?" Sandy was looking just a little uncomfortable. "You bet it's me! I just can't get over this! I feel so different! I could spend all day just looking in the mirror!" He giggled and then laughed out loud at the way it sounded. "Well, it's pretty apparent you like what you see," Sandy indicated with a nod of her head. "So how exactly does it feel?" "Like I said, I'm a little off balance - it's like my whole 'center' has moved. Every inch of my skin feels all tingly, and my skin - feel it - it's soooo soft! My God, I think I'm falling in love with my own body!" Eric's erection was now throbbing, bobbing up in down with the pressure of the bloodflow coursing through it. "Are you going to stand there and let that thing blow on its own and waste it? Or are you going to put it to some use?" Sandy said, sliding behind her, well, she didn't know exactly, putting her arms around Eric and squeezing gently. Eric turned, breasts jostling gently against Sandy's. "Well, if it doesn't make you uncomfortable with me looking like this," he said. "Nah - I know it's you in there. And besides, I've done some experimentation, plus, you still have it where it counts. For now..." Before Eric could react, she pulled him into the bedroom and began a whole new "instruction" session. Later, as they lay cuddled next to one another, Eric said, "Lover, what did you mean, when you said 'For now'?" Sandy said, "Oh come now Eric, you can't be that dense. I mean, you've got the whole package now, excepting one detail. Aren't you the least bit 'interested'?" Eric was thoughtful. "Yes and no. On the one hand, everything has been great and new, and I never imagined it could be like this. On the other hand, I'm a little reluctant to give up that one last piece of 'me' y'know? I suppose I could, but could you handle two weeks without the 'real me'?" "Oh, I'm sure we could work something out. I've got my own collection of toys. We'll make do... somehow." Sandy had a faraway look in her eye, one that didn't particularly make Eric very comfortable. Then suddenly it was gone. She looked at him and said, "Eric, you know I love you regardless of how you look. I stuck with you when you weren't around much, and I still love you, even if you do look better than me. If we do go out, I'm not going to get any attention at all." "What do you mean?" Eric asked. "Oh come on! The way you look now? Do you honestly believe, looking the way you look, that if we go out you're not going to turn every head in the room? I mean, who could compete? Cindy Crawford could walk by you naked, and not a male eye in the place would follow her." "Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. I'm not sure I like that..." Eric got an adorable pouty expression on his face as he pondered the concept of male attention. "Oh, don't worry about it, it can be fun. Flirting is cool, as long as it doesn't go anywhere. Sometimes it can be a great outlet for frustration. I should know." Sandy smiled as she almost mumbled the last. "Whatever. Okay, what were we talking about - oh yeah - junior here. Can I think about it? Over lunch maybe? I'm really hungry." Eric's now finely shaped hand slipped down to her smooth, taut stomach. "Sure. Why don't we umm, take a shower, and then we'll find you something to wear. Though I don't know if I have a bra to fit you. You may just have to go au natural - from the looks of it, you have the 'perkiness' to pull it off. Oh, and you'll need a wig too. The flattop you're sporting doesn't really go with the body. And you'll need a name too. 'Eric' just isn't going to cut it out in public." "How about Erica? It'll be easy for us both to remember, and if one of us slips up, it'll be easy to fake it," Eric said, rather Erica. "Sounds good. Now get your behind, your very cute behind, into the shower and let's get cleaned up. As Erica bounced away back into the bathroom, Sandy could only shake her head. "This is gonna be some two weeks." After lunch Erica came down dressed only in a wispy robe. Sandy glanced over and gave a low wolf-whistle, an impish smile on her face. Erica playfully swatted at Sandy's behind and sat down at the table. Sandy glanced over and giggled. "What?" "Well, um, Darling. If you're going to look like that, you'd better learn to play the part," Sandy said, trying to be subtle. "What? What do you mean?" Erica said, as she straddled the chair. "Well, generally, 'nice girls' don't display their 'wares' for the entire world to see. You may want to practice sitting like this." Sandy demonstrated the "proper" way for a "lady" to sit. "Well, who says I'm a 'nice girl'? Isn't it a little too early to tell?" Erica cooed as she smiled. "Well, you can't go lighting up everybody's libido everywhere you go. Besides, the 'hidden and unknown' can be more seductive than just laying it out there. Now, why aren't you dressed?" "Well, simply because this is the only thing that will fit. None of my old clothes will fit. I tried." Sandy laughed. "Oh Eric, did you honestly believe you were going to put your own clothes on after this? You are so dense!" Erica pouted. "Well, okay, so I didn't think it through. That still doesn't help me though. What am I gonna wear? Your stuff?" "Exactly. Why don't you find something that you like in my stash up there, and put it on." "I'm not sure about this..." "Jesus Eric! I mean Eric-A... Look at yourself! It's a little late to be having second thoughts! Go put something on!" "Like what? I don't know what goes with what." "Oh for Christ's sake!" Sandy was getting irritated. "You mean to tell me that with all of the clothing you've pulled off of ME, you can't find the wherewithal to find something that you can put ON? I mean, shit Eric - for someone who's always 'in control' you're acting like you have no common sense! No, go find something that you've liked ME in, and PUT IT ON!" "Okay, Jesus, settle down. I'm sorry." Eric fairly slunk out of the kitchen and back to the bedroom. He came back a few minutes later, dressed in a pair of jeans and a short tank top. Sandy noted that he'd (she'd - this was gonna be hard to get used to) even managed to squeeze himself into a bra somehow. She also noted that he was also now sporting a pair of her low heels - a surprise to be sure. "Now, that wasn't so hard was it? How does it feel?" Sandy asked, eyebrow cocked. "Weird and good - it's going to be tough to get used to." "You're telling me - tell ya what. After lunch, we'll go shopping. If you're gonna be like that for a while, you're going to need some stuff. You can't be raiding my drawers for the next two weeks. Now have a seat Erica - lunch's ready." A few miles away, the old man sat up, covered his crystal ball and glanced over at his assistant - "Danni, my girl, this is going to be an interesting few weeks. Time to set the next part of the story in motion..." To be continued...

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ForclosedChapter 6

We went to a party for some film people I knew. Kelly looked fabulous, and flirted with everyone as if we were the young successful couple we were pretending to be. It was creative people mostly, not anyone famous or crazy rich. But these were my people, exactly who I needed to network with to find good work. Kelly sat with several guys, flirting and laughing with them, showing a lot of leg and a fair bit of cleavage. I sat with Noriko in the next room. Ah, Noriko; stunning, talented,...

4 years ago
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ForclosedChapter 7

What I needed was a divorce, on my own terms. I waited for Ralph to start the conversation about his relationship with my wife; that happened a few days later. “If you want to keep her, knock her up.” I told him. “She always said we’d have a kid as soon as our finances were sorted out. Kelly wants a baby, Ralph. Tell her that’s what you want too, and propose.” “What if she says no?” Ralph worried. “Just make sure your timing is right. First of all, tell her you only want her from now on,...

2 years ago
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First Shave

  The morning sunlight softly fills the room as I begin to stir. Joan (my wife) with our neighbor Dana completely exhausted me last night in the shower. I was just beginning to wake when I felt a hand stroking my cock. Another hand fondling my balls. Opening my eyes, I saw Dana's mouth slowly take in the head of my cock. Joan swirled her tongue over my balls.Dana slowly engulfed my cock inch by inch, swirling her tongue over the shaft. Joan sucked a ball while fondling the other in her soft...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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The Shave

Lori had always been proud of her hair and took extra pains to to regularly shampoo and condition it; even giving it an occasional hot oil treatment. As she laid there, she closed her eyes and remembered the joyful feeling of running her fingers through the wet, soapy strands. She remembered letting her slick fingers trace her lips and plunging them between the folds to find the little nub. The ecstasy that followed as she teased and tickled that erogenous center. Now she felt a wet warmth...

1 year ago
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First shave

I had started my second semester at college. I was 19 and since my swimming days were over for the next three years I had been letting all my body hair grow back. It was just about all grown back. I moved off campus to a small apartment. So this is a story about the first time I was shaved by someone else. It was 4am when ducks landing on the pond woke me from my shallow sleep. I had made it to bed around midnight after a very long day college was going to be hard. I was awake now and the first...

3 years ago
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"Closeted" "Sickening little sissy," Madge said after the shock of catching me wearing in her panties and a garter belt as I sat on her bed putting on a pair of her sheer hose. She quickly devised a plan and after getting me ready she continued with me in her bedroom. Before I could protest or realized what was happening she had bathed, Naired, plucked powdered and perfumed me and was now working on dressing me. I could feel the heavy floral scent of her perfume as it floated around...

1 year ago
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First Shave

The morning sunlight softly fills the room as I begin to stir. Joan (my wife) with our neighbor Dana completely exhausted me last night in the shower. I was just beginning to wake when I felt a hand stroking my cock. Another hand fondling my balls. Opening my eyes, I saw Dana’s mouth slowly take in the head of my cock. Joan swirled her tongue over my balls. Dana slowly engulfed my cock inch by inch, swirling her tongue over the shaft. Joan sucked a ball while fondling the other in her soft...

2 years ago
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Dream Shave

This is my first time submitting a story, here it goes…. So it was the beginning of summer a couple of years ago, we were all between 17-19 years old and we had just finished our exams so college was out for the summer and we were having a big party at a friends house. Everyone was having a good time, drinks were flowing, when I settled in one of the rooms chatting with three girls, Lucy (on the rounder side with an amazing rack), Lizzy (much fitter with E cup tits), and the girl that I fancied...

3 years ago
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The Shave

Relaxing back into the pillow behind her, Lori looked down between her legs at the large, thick, bushy patch of hair that grew there. It was black and curly and came nearly up to her waist line. When she became aroused the hairs would glisten with moisture. More than once it had been matted by a lovers cum, taking days to clear out completely. Lori had always been proud of her hair and took extra pains to to regularly shampoo and condition it; even giving it an occasional hot oil treatment. As...

3 years ago
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Slut Gets Shaved

Sixth day on xhamster and Master is pleased that His cumslut is attracting a following. Here are snippets from my online conversations of the last two days. ‘I’m the kind of man to cum in her waterbottle multiple times so that she is always drinking my cum and she doesn’t forget what her master tastes like.’ ‘I want to just make a mess all over you and in you.. Do you like to drink cum? I would want to give you a mouthful and watch you drink it down.’ ‘[I read your posts] one hand on my...

2 years ago
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Slut Gets Shaved

Sixth day on xhamster and Master is pleased that His cumslut is attracting a following. Here are snippets from my online conversations of the last two days. "I'm the kind of man to cum in her waterbottle multiple times so that she is always drinking my cum and she doesn't forget what her master tastes like." "I want to just make a mess all over you and in you.. Do you like to drink cum? I would want to give you a mouthful and watch you drink it down." "[I read your posts] one hand on my mouse ,...

4 years ago
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20th The embarrasment of being shaved

I had lots to think about after that weekend, the first letter I wrote on the Monday evening was to Margaret and Florence thanking them for the lovely time I had. Them another to Emma telling her all about it too and about how embarrassing their openness had been, yet admitted I had found it exciting. At the time I didn’t think I could ever get used to such openness, yet I realized that’s how I’d felt about Emma’s perversions and somehow got used to it. The next couple of times we went up to...

1 year ago
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20th The embarrasment of being shaved

I had lots to think about after that weekend, the first letter I wrote on the Monday evening was to Margaret and Florence thanking them for the lovely time I had. Them another to Emma telling her all about it too and about how embarrassing their openness had been, yet admitted I had found it exciting. At the time I didn't think I could ever get used to such openness, yet I realized that's how I'd felt about Emma's perversions and somehow got used to it. The next couple of times we went up to...

2 years ago
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Notes: So, for some reason lately I’ve been obsessed with this. Then the other day, this popped into my head. I probably could have wrote more but I ran out of time and figured that I’d just post like this. Plus it could lend itself to another story. My regular caveat. I’m not an author, I just play one on the internet. I like this creative outlet for my fantasies and hopefully some of y’all like it too. It really helps me to visualize when I write. Tuesdays were my wife’s busy day at work....

2 years ago
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The Village Shaved

Part 1: http://xhamster.com/user/catherine-belmont/posts/448244.htmlPart 2: http://xhamster.com/user/catherine-belmont/posts/450107.htmlBella shuffled along behind the male slaves that helped her from the wagon. They headed towards a dusty, gray structure down the dirt path. The two male slaves chattered away ignoring her."Master says this one is a live one. She's feisty," one of them said. They both looked at each other and cackled."Well, she won't be for long, now will she?" said the other....

3 years ago
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First time being shaved

Our holiday time is a time where we can fulfil our fantasies. Like most married couples we get bogged down with every day life, work, money, deadlines. When we are on holidays however it is as though we leave our stresses at the airport and we are different people once we board that plane. Our favourite destination is Thailand, the people are friendly and there are quite a few places where you can indulge your naughty side with no risk of bumping into people you know. I have always had a...

3 years ago
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My Mother gets her Fanny Shaved

My Mother gets her Fanny ShavedI was on my own last night in my bed, my mother went home as my father came back off his trip early. She has just arrived and is collecting the washing for the machine, she wants her basques, knickers and thing washed. My mother asked if I could shave her fanny for her today, but we are waiting until the nurse has been, around ten, we hope.After a bath, breakfast and the nurse, we are back in the bedroom, my mother is in jeans and tee shirt.“Where do you want...

2 years ago
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Undisclosed Desires

This is the story of my first experience with another guy, and probably my only. I'd always had fantasies about being with another man, i'd watch gay porn and yearn so badly to be the men in those videos. I guess I assumed it was normal or maybe I just didn't want to admit anything to myself. I don't think I'm actually gay but being with another man was something I just had to experience. Anyway, I was on my highschool football team with a few mates of mine. Most of the team were pretty close...

2 years ago
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Undisclosed Relation With Aunt 8211 Part V

By : Abhi.Bang1984 After that wonderful bus experience we reached the place in the morning and enjoyed the marriage ceremony. All the time in the marriage she was looking towards me and I was looking for her. Whenever she got time she used to come close to me and rubbed her ass of breast on my body. I also used touch her whenever no one was around. Then after attending the marriage we both again continued to return and my family was coming after 2 days. She was very happy to return alone with...

3 years ago
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Undisclosed Relation With My Aunt

By : Abhi.Bang1984 Hi This is Abhishek currently staying in Bangalore. The story that I am going to present is from my real life experience. It happened when I was in class XII in Delhi. We were staying in a joint family consist of 13 members. I have a uncle who has a wife of age around 33yrs with 4 yrs old daughter(gudiya). My dad and uncle is in cloth whole sale business. So they travel very frequently outside the town. This is story is about me and my aunt’s unexplained relation between us....

1 year ago
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The Village of Agony and EcstasyCh 3 Shaved

The Village of Agony and ecstasy Chapter 3 Shaved Bella shuffled along behind the male slaves that helped her from the wagon. They headed towards a dusty, gray structure down the dirt path. The two male slaves chattered away ignoring her. "master says this one is a live one. She's feisty," one of them said. They both looked at each other and cackled. "Well, she won't be for long, now will she?" said the other. "Master will break her, that's for sure, " they laughed again. Bella froze and...

4 years ago
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Her husband Jim, who was already dressed for work, was watching her. He licked his lips and complimented her. “Darling you are just plain beautiful. How did I get so fucking lucky?” She would flash him a seductive smile, and purr, “Hey handsome, flattery will get you everywhere.” She loved his five-foot nine muscular body. Not to mention his blond hair, blue eyes, and a smile that could melt butter. Sexually he was as kinky as her, and loved trying new things. It didn’t seem like...

1 year ago
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Madeline brushed her long black hair away from her face, as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Her round face, button nose, rose colored lips, and sapphire blue eyes were the envy of many women, half her age. At forty-five, she still considered her five foot five, body voluptuous, with all the curves in the right places. She applied just enough make-up to be alluring. Straighten her blouse; that contained her well endowed breasts, and checked her skirt. After that she donned four inch...

2 years ago
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My wife seemed just a little too happy lately and although we shared an "open" marriage, we still were married nearly 7 years and the valley we were in didn't make ME that happy. This prompted me to "keep an eye" on things a little better. I decided the best way to do this would be to go to work like normal (I kept my own hours and was an outside salesman) and park down the street from my house. Sure enough, around 2 in the afternoon, Gary, one of the 17-year-old neighbor "kids", went...

1 year ago
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Closet Case

Dinner at the Drake house was not a rushed event. Wireless devices had been banned at the kitchen table so the family actually talked about their day as they lingered over dinner and tonight was no different. Everyone seemed fine until seventeen-year-old Kendra reminded her folks that she was heading to party at her friend's house which was typical on Friday night for her.Upon hearing this her brother Lonnie asked permission to leave the table before dessert claiming that he was feeling tired....

3 years ago
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Closet Guy

I have a thing for older women, more specifically, older married women. It started when I was sixteen and it continues to this day, some twenty odd years later. I guess it's fair to say that I got an early start sexually. I was playing "doctor" with the girl next door when I was eleven and just before my twelfth birthday I accidentally got to see my parents making love. It was only natural that the next time Kay and I played doctor that I had to show her what I'd seen and even though I...

1 year ago
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Closet Sex

Closet Sex Stephanie and I are the two smartest kids in the eighth grade. We get almost perfect grades and everyone knows it. We are both thirteen years old and have no outside life to keep us from our studies. My parents only let me watch television on Saturday and Sunday evenings and then only for a few hours. I have no friends to play with either. I used to have a friend that I played chess with, but he could never beat me so he stopped playing with me. I found myself spending...

2 years ago
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Closet MILF Not true story

Shelly Wright always threw the best women-only house parties the weekend before the Superbowl as a kind of special reward to all the women that would have so much work to do for each of their own big football parties the following week. The night was still pretty young, but Heidi decided her early morning plans would probably be harder to keep if she continued socializing and drinking with her colleagues from work. Leaving her coworkers house early would also alleviate the amount of grief she...

4 years ago
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Mom was a beautiful woman for her 37 years. She kept herself in shape with her excerize rituals every day. Dad, for many years was an executive with a lot of power. We got along well enough, that is, for a growing teen with needs and designs on his car. He generally relented though, and let me use it with warnings of caution. Things were pretty good between the three of us for many years, until that fateful day that dad's company got involved in some kind of Securities scandal. Suddenly,...

3 years ago
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closet surprise

This happened last year. My stepdaughter Jessie and I were home alone. Her mother was working that Sunday. I had let my stepson out to play and had promised the same for Jess as soon as she finished the days chores. Well, soon enough she asked me to check out the kitchen, and since everything was fine I told her to get herself ready. Let me tell you about Jess a little. She is half filipina and half white. She is tall and lanky for age of 11, with a fine light brown skin that tans...

4 years ago
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Closet Sissy step Son Made Into step Daughter

Why was I on all fours with my dad's cock in my ass and my sister's pussy in my face? Well little did I know that my mom knew about my secret. She knew that I had been wearing her and my sister's lingerie.It started when one day I was home alone and wandered down to the garage to play around on the air hockey table. I got bored and looked around as we had a lot of stuff down there. Boxes were piled up on one side and I looked in a few of them and found something that made eyes pop open. I saw a...

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