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HOTWIVES By Donna Williams As I showered off last nights bedroom romp, my mind kept going back to what John had fantasized about. It seemed that his particular fantasy came up more often than not, and it probably came up in his mind when he didn't vocalize it. I wondered? I had finished my shower, dried off and dressed in a pair of old sweats and bellyless T, when John finally woke. "Mornin' love," he groggily said. "My turn in the shower, eh?" "Yea, after last night I think you had better." I went and made coffee and returned to ask John what he wanted for breakfast. He had already finished his shower, and was standing there in his boxers, shaving. "Would you like cereal or something hot for breakfast?" I asked. "What have you got that's hot?" "A hotwife!" He stopped shaving and looked back at me through the mirror, and smiled, "Mmmm, a hotwife sounds good!" "So, you'd like a hotwife for breakfast, eh?" And as our little conversation continued I noticed his cock had sprung up and through the fly of his boxers. "Maybe another time," I finally said, stopping the teasing. "How about some French toast?" *** Later that day, as I sat catching up on some email, my mind wondered to my conversation with John. I don't really know why I thought of it, but did a Google search for hotwife and found it had a meaning I would never have thought of, i.e., "A wife who is viewed as being sexually uninhibited with the freedom and the inclination to enjoy sex with her husband as well as other men." Reading further down the page there was a phrase I hadn't heard of either, "Cuckold Husband." It was defined, in part, as "husbands who want their wives to enjoy sex with different men or, to reverse the motivation, they want to have select men take their wives to bed. The cuckold husband may be turned on by having a wife that is known as being "hot, uninhibited, and willing, if not desirous, of regularly having sex with men." I then looked through several more pages that matched the Google search, and most confirmed the definitions I had initially found. I turned the computer off at that point, and sat there thinking and more than a little confused. *** "Hey baby, how's my little hotwife?" John asked while snuggling up to lick my ear as we lay in bed that evening. "I've been horny all day, thinking of you." I had to find out what he meant by 'hotwife' to see if it matched what I found out. So, I rolled over, reached down to check how horny he was and found he wasn't hard at all. "Hmm," I thought. I didn't move my hand, but just let it rest there, "Oh? Have you really been think of me?" "All day." So far, I felt no change in his arousal. "I would have thought you'd have been thinking of me and my lover lying here in the throws of sexual passion while you slaved away at work?" That did the trick. His cock started to stiffen. "Or would you rather have been here watching?" SPROING I grabbed and squeezed his cock. "Oooh, you like that idea, eh?" I asked, after I gave it a few wanks. "Just me and my lover...You watching from the chair...Did you have someone in mind for me to cuck you with?" Moaning, he replied, "It is one of my fantasies, but I hadn't ever put a face to your lover." "Why not? You wouldn't want me to go out and find some strange cock would you? Or would you?" "I... I..." he was on edge now, and so fast too I couldn't believe it. So I stopped. "Oh my God, don't stop!" he pleaded, reaching for my hand to replace it on his cock. "Oh no," I said firmly. "A good cuck wants to see his hotwife satisfied first." "Huh? What...?" "You want to get off? Then go down on me!" He'd never done that. He thought sucking a clit was too close to sucking cock. His cock slowly shrank in my hand. "What's the matter? It is one of my desires, you know." "Yea, I know, but..." "Men and women do it all the time. Hell even women do it together!" He was instantly hard again. I proceeded to manipulate his cock some more. "Ohhh, another hidden fantasy?" I asked. "Would you like to see another women go down on me?" He was getting close again, and I could tell his mind was fantasizing again. "Tell me!" I ordered, stopping again. He was quite frustrated at this point. "Please, Donna, don't keep stopping on me? I need to get off!" "You need?! What about what I need. If you want me to get you off, get up on your hands and knees between my legs," I instructed. "We are going to get you past your phobia, and use your fantasies to do it." As he reluctantly got into position, he asked "How?" "Close your eyes. Now, I'm not really into other women, but let's take one fantasy at a time. Keep you eyes closed and pretend you are a woman, a lesbian, and in bed with another woman. It is her first woman-on-woman experience, and although she is hesitant, you've managed to get her in bed. Are you imagining it yet?" "I'm trying." "Keep you eyes closed and imagine what you think a woman, such as yourself, would do to convert a woman, such as myself, to lesbianism. Then begin to act it out." He was hesitant, and didn't appear to be making any headway (no pun intended) into putting himself into a lesbian woman's shoes. "What are you waiting for, Christmas?" I asked. "I'm trying," he said with some frustration. "I must be thinking too hard. I mean, like how did she manage..." "She who?" I interrupted. "The lesbian. How did she..." "You're supposed to be her, so you should be asking 'How did I manage'. Manage to what?" "Ok. How did I manage to get you in bed if you aren't into women?" he asked. "Well..." I paused to think. "I guess that's a good question. Let's see, you like women, right?" "Of course." "But I haven't had any sexual experience with another women, only other men, right?" "Right again." "Hmmm. Ok, I'll tell you what. Let's start from the beginning." "The beginning?" "Yes. Let's say you've invited me over for wine and to talk, and then proceed to seduce me," I suggested. "And how am I supposed to know how to do that, as another woman, I mean." "Why just about the same as you would as a man." "Yea, but how would that be pretending I'm a lesbian?" "Well... Oh, I know, we'll dress you up as a woman!" He sat back, a little stunned at what she said. "Huh?" he asked. "Yeah, that'll work. You get to fantasize about two women making love, and I get you to finally go down on me! Come on, get off the bed. Let see if we can find you something to wear. Then I have to get dressed also." Before he knew what was happening I had him in a bra, panties, a garter and seamed stockings, all in red. "Wait, is all this necessary? Why can't I just put on a dress or something?" "Because, you have to feel the part. Feel like a sexy woman. Someone that could seduce another." I then produced a cashmere sweater dress, that would stretch where necessary to fit him. After stuffing his bra, I handed him the outfit to put on. "Mmm, this is soft!" he remarked. He pulled on the skirt and then the top. I watched as he started petting the material over his arms. I then had him sit so I could put a pair of ankle strap heels on him. As he sat on the edge of the bed he started rubbing the material over his thighs, feeling how the material felt on conjunction with the stockings. I heard a little moan escape his lips. I slid a hand under his skirt and felt for his cock. He was hard again, but I didn't make any comments, just gave it a gentle squeeze and he moaned again. Standing abruptly, I helped him to his feet. "Come on, let's get some makeup on you so your faces matches the rest of your image," I instructed him. I sat him at my vanity and did him up in a very sultry look. I then took out his ponytail, and ran a brush through his hair a couple of times. "Here, take this brush and go into the living room and brush it through your hair for ten minutes, while I get changed. While you're doing that, try to get into the part you are to portray? Then set out some white wine, and some cheese and crackers." I checked on him a couple of times, while I was getting ready. He was so engrossed in feeling the softness of his outfit he didn't even notice. I did, at one point, however, have to remind him to get out the wine to let it breathe. Once I had finished getting ready, I snuck out the front door, turned and rang the bell. I waited, and waited some more, then opened the door and went back inside. "John?" I called. "Where are you? I've been waiting outside for you to invite me in!" He reappeared and appeared a little shook up. "That was you? I nearly had a heart attack when you rang the bell! Then I could find you!" "Well, I was just trying to get into the part of being your invited guest," I giggled. "I guess I should have let you know what I was up to. Now come on, let's start over. I'll go out and ring the bell again, and you come and invite me in. Now remember, you're a women, try to think of what you've seen me do when I've had women come visit." So, we started again, and he invited me in, giving me a hug and an air kiss on the cheek. He then invited me over to the couch, and sat close to me. He managed a little small talk and I could see he was trying hard, so I made it easy for him. At one point I remarked on how nice his outfit looked. "Why thank you," he responded. "You should feel how soft this material is." At that point I petted his arm, "Ohh, that is nice," I remarked. "Does it feel just as nice wearing it?" He took the hint, "Oh yes! We're close to the same size, would you like to try it on?" "I'd love to!" We then went into the bedroom so he could slip out of it and I could try it on. "My, it is comfortable, isn't it?" I remarked. "Yes it is. Let me show you something else!" He then led me over to the bed and sat me down. "Feel how nice it is over your stockings!" he commented, as he sat beside me in his lingerie, and rubbed my leg through the skirt. "Mmmm, that does feel good," I remarked, looking him in the eyes. He then leaned over and kissed me softly on the lips, then did it again. I moaned, "Mmmm, that's nice too." Soon we were in a hard lip lock with our tongues wrestling. He forced me back on the bed. "Oh Donna, I want you so bad! Let me show how nice it can be?" "OK," I whispered. He then pushed my skirt up and pulled my panties down, then bent over and kissed me right on my clit and I let out a little moan. He then flicked his tongue over it, raising another moan out of me. At this point he began to gently suck on it. "Oh yes, yes, that's so nice Vicky," I called out. I had been calling him Vicky all evening. Although he had never done this before, he must have read about it, because he soon had me in the throws of an orgasm. Once I had calmed down, he lay beside me and we cuddled. He rubbed the material on my belly. I then commented, "That was great Vicky, I mean John. Was it as bad as you thought it would be?" "No it wasn't. Once I got into it, I enjoyed it." "I liked the whole evening, too. What about you? Did you like everything? I asked. "I guess so. It was different, that's for sure. And that outfit felt nice," he responded. "Well then, maybe we should do this more often?" I teased, but he didn't refuse. "Now, Vicky," I made a point of using his fem name, "it's my turn to make your little clitty feel good." *** It had been a few months since we brought Vicky out. During this time, we played our little lesbian act a few times. More often than not, actually. When we had 'normal' sex, he would continue to refer to me as his hotwife. And on occasion, when he was dressed as Vicky, I would call him a hotwife. He seemed to dig those times too. "You know," he commented one night, "You've had your fantasy fulfilled, what are we going to do about my fantasy?" "Which one?" I asked. "You know, the one where you take a lover and cuckold me!" He sure gets hard fast when this subject comes up. "Do you really want to see it fulfilled?" I asked. "Well... I suppose, but I'm not really sure. I mean, I didn't like the idea of going down on you, but soon learned to enjoy it. And I get so aroused when we talk about you being a hotwife." I gave his hard cock a squeeze. "Well, your little buddy sure likes the idea anyway," I giggled. "But I don't know if I could have sex with someone else, outside of our marriage I mean." "I've thought about that, but if you have my permission, it should be ok," he remarked. I asked, "Why don't we just pretend that you are someone else, like we pretend you are Vicky? "I've tried that in my own mind, but I can't be someone else and watch you at the same time." "So you want to watch?" "I think so." "Hmmm, I'll have to think on it." After I had thought a bit, I suggested, "Maybe, if you were having sex with someone else at the same time, I wouldn't think I was cheating on you. You know, we could get a hotel or motel room with two beds, and you could watch me at the same time." His cock didn't fade at the suggestion, and in fact took that moment to explode. I, on the other hand, wasn't so sure about him having sex with some strange woman. *** A couple of weeks later, he asked me if I had thought more about the subject. I had, but was now wondering if he was more interested in having sex with other women. I had read about couples getting into swinging, but I didn't think I could be as charitable as him when it came to permitting him to have extramarital sex. "Yes John, I've thought more about it. In fact, I was going to bring it up tonight, but since you've asked. Just last week a gentleman came into the shop, and, while there, actually hit on me." "Really?! Do tell." "Not much to tell actually, except that he's been in a few more times. Persistent I'd say. He wants to take me to lunch tomorrow." "Did you agree?" he asked. "Well, no, not yet. I wanted to get your input. He said he'd come by again before lunch to get my answer." "Go for it!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. "Now, let's go to bed!" *** Rick did come by and take me to lunch. In fact, it was a longer lunch than I anticipated, as we got to talking and then got on the subject of John's fantasy of me being a hotwife. I had to explain to him what a hotwife was. Rick said he'd really like to make John's wishes come true. I voiced my concerns about how I would feel I was cheating, even though I had John's permission, and how I might go along with it if John had a date also, but that I was also concerned about John having sex with another woman. Rick commented, "Maybe you'd feel better if it was another man instead." "What?" I asked. "Sorry, just thinking aloud." "Yeah, but you said something about another man, and John?" "Well, you wouldn't have to worry about him running off with another woman if it were a man instead, is all." "Haw, hee hee," I laughed. "That would be funny, in a way. I mean... well let me tell you about another hotwife. Her name is Vicky." I was actually thinking that if John were humiliated as Vicky, he'd cease with wanting me to cuckold him. *** I was rather horny late that night and managed to get John dressed as Vicky, and while we were enjoying each others company, I asked, "Vicky?" "Yes?" "Rick and I had a long talk at lunch." "Oh, that's right, I almost forgot about that. NOT!" He laughed. "So how'd it go?" "He said he'd like to make your wishes come true, but is a little hesitant about having another guy watching him." "Oh, I see." he sounded a little disappointed. "No, wait now, he didn't say you couldn't watch, altogether. He just wants to meet with me again and go over some details so he'll feel more comfortable. You think that you'd still want to watch if we could work it out so he'd feel more comfortable with you being in the same room?' "I guess so, what would that entail?" "I'm not really sure. I told him that I wanted you to have a partner also, so that you could watch us while having sex with your partner. I think he wants to help me choose someone he'd feel comfortable with, to be your lover." "I don't see any problem with that," he replied. *** The following Thursday evening, while John was again dressed as Vicky, I said, "Guess what Vicky? Rick has found someone to be your lover, and I've approved. You think you'd be up to letting things happen tomorrow night?" "I've been on edge with anticipation ever since you started talking to Rick. Heck yea, that sounds like a plan." "Ok then. I've taken tomorrow off from work so I can get things together. I'll check us into the Starbeam Hotel on 8th, near your office, you know it?" I asked. "Yea, I've seen it. Doesn't look too seedy." "Well, we'll want to go out for dinner, then maybe a bar or club. I'll pack us a few things, and you can come by the hotel after work. I'll call you at work with the room number, and we can change for a night out. How's that sound?" "Like I said before, sounds like a plan." *** "Hello honey," I said to John as I let him in the room. "I'm just about finished getting ready, why don't you take a shower, and I'll set your things out. You'll need to shave again. When you're done, get dressed and meet me in the hotel's lounge. OK?" "Why don't you just stay up here and wait for me?" "Well, our dates will be in the lounge waiting, and I figured to go ahead and keep them company while you prepared yourself." "OK then." "Now don't keep us waiting too long. I'd hate to have to have Rick come up and spank you for being late. He's big enough to do it too." "Very funny, ha ha. Don't worry, I am anxious to get the evening started too. So, what does my date look like?" "Blond, a gorgeous blond. Now, don't get your hair wet it would take forever to dry. I put a shower cap in the shower, so use it." After he got in the shower, all I had left in there was a lilac scented shower gel, I set out Vicky's stuff, grabbed his wallet and put everything in a ladies wallet and tossed it into a little purse. Then I threw his car keys and male clothes into a carry all, and took them to my car. I wished that I could have been there to see the reaction on his face when he found out all he had were Vicky's things to wear, and had no way home. *** Rick, Dave (Vicky's blind date) and I sat in the lounge wondering when John, I mean Vicky, would come down. He'd been a while. I figured he was weighing his options and saw they were pretty few. Then he'd probably wonder if I would carry out my threat of sending Rick up to get him. Rick saw me smile real wide. "What? Did he do it? Is he here?" "Yes indeed. All made up and looking quite like a lamb being led to slaughter," I responded. I waved over to Vicky. When he got to the table, he was quite subdued. "Gentlemen, this is Vicky. Vicky, this is Rick and that is Dave. Let's sit and get better acquainted, shall we?" "Well, Vicky," started Rick, "Donna's told me quite a bit about you, but failed to say how pretty you were." I kicked John in the shin. Startled, he responded, "Th-th-thank you Rick." Dave remarked, "I have to agree with Rick, not quite what I expected." "Thank you Dave, you're not quite what I expected either. My w..., I mean, Donna's not really told me a lot about you, only to say you were blond." "Well, I did say 'gorgeous blond'. Did I lie?" He didn't have an answer. We chatted a bit, though John was still quite subdued, and appeared to be shy. The guys never let on they knew who he really was, and kept him off balance with questions and comments. Of course, John knew that Rick knew, but had no idea if Dave knew. "Vicky? You seem pretty quiet. Are you always this shy?" asked Dave. "Aw, leave her alone Dave. Obviously she's just taken with your good looks," I remarked. "I'm sure she'll loosen up as the night progresses, right Vicky?" "Uh, yea, sure Donna, sorry Dave." "Good! Well enough of this chit chat, I'm hungry. What say you and Vicky meet us at Sergio's for a little romantic Italian dinner?" I asked Dave. "Maybe she'll open up a bit more on the ride over. Ready Rick?" *** Before dinner, I took John back to the restroom to freshen up. "What have you got me into?" asked John loudly. "Shush! It was Rick's idea, mostly," I responded. "After I told him about my worries, he figured that you'd be less likely to run off with your lover if it were a man, instead of woman. He also said he'd be more comfortable, that is, he wouldn't worry about you getting jealous and attacking him if someone like Dave were with you." "Jeeze Donna, I can't believe this. I am not gay! How could you go along with this?" "I know you're not gay. You wanted me to become a hotwife. I've never really been keen on the idea, but it was your desire. One of your biggest fantasies. If you still want me to take a lover, then what's good for the goose, is good for the gander. Besides, you've gotten comfortable being Vicky, and you've also shown that being deemed a hotwife has peaked your interest, while pretending to be Vicky. So get it in your head, this is the only way it can happen. I guess that tonight, Vicky will also become a hotwife. " I waited for, and expected him to call off the whole thing, instead he quietly asked, "And what is Dave going to do when he finds out who I really am?" "Shit, is he a sissy too?" I thought to myself. He had just pissed me off. So I told him, "He already knows, and can't wait. He's living out one of his fantasies as well. I've gotten to like Rick, and am now looking forward to being fucked by him. Now, end of discussion, let's go." As we walked back to the table I wondered if my turning John into Vicky had brought out his submissiveness, or what? During dinner, I watched as John let Dave occasionally touch him and caress him, the way men sometimes do when trying to seduce their lady. John would simply smile or giggle, but made no move to reject Dave's advances. Rick was doing the same to me, so I knew what the score was. Later, we ended up at a club that played some loud music, where we did more dancing than talking. John was a little awkward at first, trying to fit into the feminine role, but a few drinks loosened him up a little. Enough to allow Dave to give him a few pecks on the lips. I'm sure his mind was elsewhere most of the time, probably wondering what was in store for him later, back at the hotel. The drinks had loosened me up too, and now that I was pissed at John, I decided to go ahead and see what was going to happen next, wondering if John would willingly submit to Dave. *** During the elevator ride up to our floor, I soon got my answer as Dave pulled John into a deep and clearly passionate kiss. "Damn," I thought, "Rick hasn't even kissed me like that!" Rick smiled and winked at me, asking, "Are you sure you want to share a room? It looks like they may be at each other before we undress." I still wasn't sure I wanted Rick to really fuck me, and wasn't sure I wanted to see Dave make a woman out of John, but I was still pissed and this clouded my judgment. If I asked Dave to check into another room, would John come to his senses and call it off, or was he too far gone already? If Dave and John didn't fuck, then I'd be right back to my initial concern of cheating on my husband. If Dave and John were in the same room with me and Rick, would John even care to watch? I'm sure he still wants to, but will Dave leave him alone long enough to let him watch. If he watches, and gets jealous, will he then not have sex with Dave, causing me to become a cheater. "Damn him, this makes me so mad," I thought to myself. As we walked to the room, I wondered if John would finally call it off at the last minute. "Well, here we are," I said to no one in particular. "Come on Vicky," said Dave to John as he pulled him into the room, "show me which one of these beds is yours." "Jeeze Dave, did you forget why we are here?" I asked. "Vicky knows that you know, and now you know that Vicky knows, so slow down a bit and let her get her thoughts together." I was thinking I'd give him one last chance. "Vicky and I need to change into something more comfortable." I gathered our favorite nighties and drug John away from Dave's clutches and into the bathroom to change. John simply changed without a word. I looked at him and asked, "You ready to watch me and my lover? There's no turning back once we go out there." "Yes, I think so," he quietly replied. The bulge in his nightie indicating it was so. "OK then, you had better watch, at least occasionally, while showing Dave what a woman like Vicky can do for her man." I spritzed him and myself with my favorite perfume. Taking a deep breath, I said, "I'm ready, let's go." Rick and Dave had wasted no time, and had already undressed and gotten into the beds, the covers folded back inviting me and John in. John didn't even hesitate, and climbed in bed with Dave. "Oh well. His choice." I thought, and settled in beside Rick. I could hear Dave complimenting Vicky on his gown and how pretty he was. This threw me off a bit, but then Rick decided it was time to turn on the charm with some sweet talking and passionate kissing of his own. He then played with my breasts while massaging my clit, before moving down to slide my gown upwards. I was starting to get into it, when I looked over at John and Dave. Dave had slid John's gown up and was suckling his nipples, while holding onto his cock. I could tell John was getting close to cumming. I called over to John, and finally broke through, "Vicky! Vicky, you're not watching!" Breaking John's concentration and getting Dave's attention also. Dave knew the score and what was expected of him. "Watch your hotwife, Vicky," whispered Dave, as he rolled John onto his side to face me, and spooned up behind him, keeping one hand playing with his nipples and the other with his cock. "Look where Rick is. He's tasting her nectar now. Have you done that with your wife?" "Umhumm," moaned John. "I expect you to do that to me later," he continued. "Do you feel how hard my cock is against your little butt? I'm going to fuck you soon. We'll just follow Rick's lead. As he takes your wife, I'll take you." Rick then started to move up my body, kissing and licking his way to my breasts. Sucking on one, then the other, before moving up to kiss me again. "Oh Rick, that was feeling so good. I love having my clit sucked without having to beg for it." "I can tell," he responded. "You are so wet. I think you are ready for me now." We then locked lips again, as he rose up to enter me. "Oh my God! Is that a log?" I asked, as he eased it into my pussy. He really wasn't much bigger than John, but John didn't need to know that. Once he was all the way in, I stated loud enough for John to hear, "Please let me rest a bit. I'm not use to something that big. Let me get comfortable before you continue." "Do you see that Vicky?" Dave asked quietly, releasing John's cock. "He's being real gentle, isn't he? He really knows how to make love to a woman, doesn't he?" "Yes, yes, I see," whimpered John. "Please don't stop what you were doing?" "But it's our turn now. Get up on all fours, and I'll lube us up," Dave firmly ordered. He had John positioned sideways across the bed facing us so he wouldn't miss a thing. In the meantime Rick had started to slowly fuck my pussy, as I stared into John's eyes, watching them change as Dave inserted his fingers into John's ass to lube it. John's eyes were getting bigger as another finger then another was inserted. "Look Rick, Dave's preparing to take Vicky's cherry!" I whispered. Rick looked over and John's gaze went from me to Rick. He blushed! I had never seen him blush before, but he actually blushed! John, then closed his eyes, and then reopened them when his head was again looking in my direction. Seeing that blush, I then turned to Rick, "Fuck me Rick! Fuck me hard! Make me cum! Cuckold my husband!" John let out a loud gasp, causing me to look back. Dave was now entering John's ass. "Damn Vicky, you have one tight pussy!" "Please let me rest a bit. I'm not use to something that big. Let me get comfortable before you continue." I heard John mimic what I had said earlier to Rick. Yes, he was paying attention. Dave waited a bit, and then pushed in a little more. "Oh Vicky, I can tell I'm your first. How does that feel?" "It hurts, but I think I'm getting used to it. Keep going!" "Harder Rick! I want see if Dave can fuck Vicky as hard!" Dave and Rick looked at each other for the first time and smiled. Then they got down to business. "I'm going to cum Rick! Cum when I cum!" "I'm going to cum Vicky! Are you ready for it?" I think everyone but John came at nearly the same instant. Rick rolled off me and panted loudly. Dave was collapsed on John's back. "Oh that felt so good, Rick. I haven't cum like that in a long time. I'm glad my husband talked me into this." After we had all caught our breath, I looked over at John, "Thanks honey. Now I know what I was missing. We'll have to do this more often. Was it as good for you? Did you cum?" He moaned as Dave pulled out, "It felt good, but I didn't cum. I feel so frustrated!" "I know," I answered. "I've been there." "Do you want to cum?" I asked. "Yes!" "How bad?" "Huh? I don't know. Bad!" "Then I'll help you, but you have to do what I say." "Tell me." "Get you purse, there's a tampon in there. You need to insert it in your ass so you don't leak all over your gown," I informed him. He did as instructed. "You don't have that empty feeling anymore do you?" "No, it feels good." "Come over here Vicky." He walked over and stood by the bed. "Lift your gown and grab your little clitty! Now, did watching me and Rick excite you as much as you expected?" "Yes, I loved the look on your face." "And I loved the various expressions on yours. Especially when you blushed!" I teased. "Were you embarrassed, or feeling submissive to Rick?" "Both I think, embarrassed that I was feeling submissive." "Look into Rick's eyes now!" I ordered. He did, but quickly averted his eyes. "No, don't look away. Look back while you play with your little clitty!" He started blushing again, as Rick chuckled. After a bit, I asked, "Ricks the bull now, you know that don't you?" "Yes," he moaned. "Release your clitty!" I ordered. "To be a complete cuckold, you have to do what the bull says too! You know that don't you?" He answered with a frustrated, "Yyyes!" "Well Rick, are you going to complete his cucking?" I asked. "It is what he wants! Tell him John, tell him you want this!" He quickly looked back at me, noticing I had called him John instead of Vicky for the first time tonight. "Look into Rick's eyes John, and tell him!" He blushed again, and looking back at Rick, asked, "Would you please complete this worthless husband's cucking?" "Try again," ordered Rick. "And add the term 'Sir'." "Would you please complete this worthless husband's cucking, Sir?" "First," ordered Rick, "give Dave a kiss and a proper thank you for fucking your ass!" He turned and walked over to where Dave lay watching with interest. "Thank you Dave, I've never been fucked like that before," he said leaning over to kiss Dave again. Sitting up Dave replied, looking over to us, then back at John, "Your welcome John. And thank you for fulfilling one of my fantasies." Whereupon Dave pulled John back into bed, cradled him in his arms and gave him a kiss to be remembered by. Once John managed to stand again, he noticed Rick and I were in a lip lock of our own. Rick then released me, saying, "That was very good John! Now, come back over here so you can give me a proper thank you." John went over to Rick and tried to kiss him, but Rick pushed him away. "That's not the proper way to say thank you to your bull. Don't you know anything about being a cuckold? No, I guess you don't, since this is your first time." "What do I do?" John asked. Rick pulled back the covers, and said, "Kiss me there!" John looked at me. "It was your desire to be cucked. I gave you every chance to back out. I tried to humiliate you into backing out by tricking you into dressing as Vicky. Then again by setting you up with your date. At least twice more during the night's activities I gave you ample opportunity to back out. But you didn't put a stop to it. Now it's too late! Do as you're told!" I firmly stated. John then turned back to Rick and bent over to kiss his cock. "Because you hesitated, and questioned my order, now you have to clean it with your mouth. Get all you wife's and my juices off it." John then proceeded to lick and suck it clean. "Now," instructed Rick, "Clean out your wife's pussy. I want it clean for when I fuck her again." John does have a wonderful tongue, so when he had finished cleaning me out, I was ready to be fucked again. "That's enough, John. Turn off the lights and go to bed. Rick and I have some unfinished business to take care of." John climbed back in bed with Dave, and they kissed again, as I climbed on top of Rick and proceeded to screw him. Later, I could hear and just make out John doing the same thing with Dave. I was now a hotwife, Vicky was a pseudo hotwife, and John was a sissy, cock sucking cuckold. Everyone got what they wanted, if not more! To be continued...?

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One of my xHamster subscribers fulfills my fantasy

Ive been on xHamster just over a year now. I’ve met and talked to a lot of interesting people, both men and a few women. I know some people get impatient with me because I need to get to know someone first before we meet. Well, that brings me to Cody. Cody is not his real name, he is also married. I asked for permission to write this story and he granted it as long as I changed his name and didn’t discuss his business. Cody owns his own business and is very well off financially. He’s 6’5, dark...

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The Bosss Toy

"She's awake," said the first voice. "So?" replied the second nonchalantly. "She's probably scared out of her mind and thinking we're going to kill her, Lee. The last thing we need is a panicked captive." Alora turned toward the voices. "So you're not going to kill me?" she asked fearfully, her throat dry and her voice scratchy. "No," replied the first, and Alora heard him step toward her and suddenly there was a hand under her chin. "Do you want some water?" he...

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My Fiancee the kind hearted whore

Janice, my Fiancee, had come to keep me company and had stayed for several hours on both the Friday and Saturday night. She'd also sat down with other men a few times as she'd worked at the camp for 17 years so was quite well known there. As a 38 year old woman she still had a lovely slim body and small but pert breasts. It was on the Sunday night that a slightly overweight Chief Technician, who's name was Dave, came and sat next to her at the bar. We'd met, briefly, when he'd been...

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AmberChapter 6

I was up early again on Monday. It would be a busy day. I was at the unit by 0515 hrs. I left to pick up Amber for school at the usual time, and was back by 0830 hrs, and worked in my office until I went to Post Housing at 0930 hrs The civilian there had all of my paperwork ready to be signed. He gave me a rather strange look when he handed me the keys to the house. I thanked him and left. When I got to the house, Billy Ray's trucks were parked there, and his men were sitting on the lawn...

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The first time

I remember it very clearly. It was the summer before I turned fourt***. At this point in my life all I ever thought about was sex. I was always hard. Everything seemed to get me hard. The clevage of a women, a girl in tight shorts, a girl with a skirt on, and the thought of being with a guy. Now I thought this was just a faze and would go away, but it only got worse. I would masterbate about 10 times a day, and I found myself thinking more and more of my guy friends. One day I was really horny,...

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Enjoying My Married Cousin While Sleeping

Hi this is anand from Bangalore. am 21 yrs old this happened during my semester exam. this is a real story. Am a football player of 6.3 feet. with my cock of 6.3inch. this story is how i enjoyed my married cousin laxmi 29yrs while she is sleeeping. She is white in complexion with soft and smooth skin in which if u keep ur hand u will slip. fig of 32 28 34. perfect body with perfect ass. She always prefer saree in which she looks hot, your precum will eject on seeing her, her husband mani,...

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Black husband watches his wife fuck 5 White Marine

Story by LatishaTwo weeks ago my wife Teresa told me that she was somewhat interested in cuckolding with other men. We both are African Americans. I am 30 years old and she is 26. One thing I aways had trouble with was having a tough strain of erectile dysfunction, never allowing me to fully please her. Along with that, she always seemed to be fascinated by military men. Just last week, she was hypnotized by a white US marine taking off his shirt as part of a community car wash. Seeing this...

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Rosita Chapter 2

Charlie awoke the next morning with Rosita next to him. Shewas laid on her belly with her head snugly nestled deep into her pillow. Her arm stretched across Charlie’s chest as if to keep him there. Her dark hair partially covered her face but wasn’t enough to mask her beauty to Charlie as he looked at her and recollected the night before. He placed his hands behind his head and relaxed as she began to stir. Her hand rubbed against his chest gently. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked at...

Straight Sex
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Cousin Behen Ki Thakan Mitayi

Hi dosto mera naam shashank hai aur main 23 saal ka ladka huin..Main abhi mba kar rha huin aur delhi mein apni family ke saath rehta huin…Aaj main meri cousin chestha aur mere beech hue achanak sex ke kahani share karna chahta huin…Ye bilkul sach story h jo last week hi hui.. Main apne college mein lecture attend kar rha tha ki meri cousin ka phone aaya ki aaj vo apne college se jaldi free ho jayegi to hostel ki jagah mere ghr ek din ke liye rehne aayegi…Main ye sunkar khush ho gya aur kyunki...

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Return of the Teen Morphed to a Sexual Woman

Return of the Teen ,Morphed to a Sexual Woman. She was 21 and had been away from home for two years when she called to ask if she could come to stay for a few days, and then was meeting her boyfriend at the airport to go east for her first trip to the Big Apple. As we chit chatted and brought each other up to date on the way to my patio home, I realized that she had indeed matured quite a bit. She no longer had that little girl approach and wide eyed wonder at things. She had become quite a...

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Property Sex

PropertySex! I tend to spend most mornings masturbating furiously to a variety of blowjob, titty fucking and hardcore explicit lesbian videos, so this morning was a little bit of a change in routine for me. Instead of popping a Viagra, lubing up and stroking it to HD porno, I had a cup of coffee and spent a few hours calling up real estate agents and making appointments to look at new homes. It’s not that I actually need a new masturbation chamber or splooge room, but the sexy bitches at...

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Making the Movie

Kayla was laughing at me. “What’s so damned funny?” I asked her. “You’re taking this so seriously,” she pronounced. “I just want it to be good. We said we could do it better. If we don’t have a good story, it will suck.” We were leaning across the breakfast bar, drinking coffee. It was my favorite time of the day because I got to look at my gorgeous wife and drink my favorite non-alcoholic beverage at the same time. “What’s the hang-up?” she asked. “I’ve got about four or five different...

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About me xhamster sex

my world remained same in earlier days or years when i used to only watch porn here, but been long time now as i discovered the other more realistic and kinky side of this website.And since then i have been trying to explore more and more but still find hard to interact with women here(mostly i try Indian as i am attracted more towards them, But i like all types of women *winks*), may be the cliche still stands out about "Bhartiya Naari", but i wanted to see that image breaking and Modern...

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Runaway TrainChapter 11

I'd heard Liz Larimer sing a couple dozen times before she became a star. I had seen her first public appearance when she was 14 years old on the stage at the high school. I had seen all or parts of her performances in two productions at the amusement park near the township where we both grew up. I thought I knew what to expect when she took the stage. I stood with my friends in the dugout as we waited for her to make her way through the door that led from the team's clubhouse. The noise...

2 years ago
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Stranger Sex At The Concert with Kelly

It was the summer of 1995. Kelly and I had been invited to attend a concert at our local 8,000-seat venue. We were the guests of a radio station and although I had gotten the tickets through work, I didn’t know anyone at the station.We were invited to a mezzanine level suite. The booze and the food were plentiful. The suite was packed with bodies. The female sales folks from the station were dressed to the nines and looked sexy as hell.Kelly had also dressed for the occasion. She was wearing...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Promises Pt 02

When I posted the first part of this story I fully expected a barrage of indignant comments about my religious viewpoint. But none appeared. Could it be that those who would normally emerge from wherever to criticise me did not read beyond the opening statement, choosing instead to write it off as blasphemy? Or could it be that they could find no answer other than the Bible is the truth and should not be questioned? CM. Chapter 5 Trial Day 3 ‘But you wouldn’t be questioning God, would you...

2 years ago
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TripinChapter 26

After talking to Royce I realized that the rush for a secure office was a bit premature. If daddy had a crew on my house, then he had men watching the office as well. Most likely he had been in contact with Jarvis. Jarvis had said something that lead me to believe that my dad trusted me. After talking to Royce, I had a feeling he was also checking to be sure, I did the right things. Sam called me shortly after Royce. He immediately handed the phone to the owner of the gun store. "Ms Ayers,...

2 years ago
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The Experiment

The Experiment By Vivian Bird Kelly was terrified as he and his wife Allison entered a fashionable Los Angeles restaurant. It was quite understandable for him to be terrified since it was the first time that he was outside their house dressed entirely in female clothing. Not only was he clad in delicate lingerie underneath his dress, but his face was fully made up and his pierced ears held long, crystal earrings....

2 years ago
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Dyres Method

I sat from the observer's chair as they were brought in. For the first time, they looked scared. They knew what was coming. Not pain, not punishment as such... just that they were going to be turned round, into... someone who would hate what they were. But everyone sitting next to me agreed this was the best thing. These kids had shown no interest or liking for the world they lived in, their community, their society... that was about to end. In a few months they would be the very girls...

4 years ago
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Fucked in the local bar Check my profile pics for

This story starts out at my boy friends house. It was just him and I. (A little background, he was a d**g dealer.)We had been smoking and had done a few lines of coke, which always got me horny. We moved to the bedroom and started to undress when his two friends knocked at the door. He met them at the door in his underwear and let them in. Then he called me out. I said, wait a sec. He said no, you don't need to get dressed, come out now. Well I'm not shy, plus a little high, so what the hell. I...

3 years ago
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Brat Girl After School Delight

I am very mad at both my parents, collectively and individually. First they decide they want to paint the whole house with an idea to sell and move and don't even ask my option, hey I live here too. So my mother picks a really crappy paint scheme of mauve, pink and white for my room. How can I have any cool cred with a room like that? Next my father moves furniture in my room while I'm not there and finds my box of "toys", hey where's my privacy. Now I'm grounded and have to come...

3 years ago
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Ann The meeting

When I checked my mailbox on the adult dating site, there was a short message from a woman named Ann. She was 30, living in Cambridge, MA, just across the Charles River from Boston, new to the adult site, and would be interested in chatting. I acknowledging her email, indicated that it was nice to meet her, and asked her about herself; at least whatever information she was willing to share at this early time. She wrote the next day. She was originally from Seattle, was single, worked in...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Preetis Enjoyment With Snake Massage

By : Preetikul Hello so friends how are you, again banging a story treat of Lesbian, Fucking in Train to Bombay, Great fantasy of massage thru a Snake, pleasure from snake, out door fucks in Mountains etc. After the night out party as sluts under Shinde Sir’s company, he came early to pick me for an outing in the outskirts of Aurangabad city with Ritu and Shinde’s driver in his Hyundai i10 car. I was in the bathroom for a shit and was sitting nude and Mom wasn’t aware that I had been there, so...

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