Tamara's Continued Developement free porn video

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The next morning Tamara awoke in a dreamy state. She felt the warm silk sheets glide over her nipples as she turned. The delicious sensations aroused her. In her dreamy half sleeping state she fantasized someone drawing the sheets off her body. Suddenly, she was aware of someone in the bed with her. It all began rushing back to her. “Oh my god, he’s still here!” she thought. Slowly, she moved away from him. Sensing she was awake, he placed his hand softy on the small of her back.

“Let me give you a massage darling,” he said low and sweet, kissing her neck.

He began to massage the small of her back in little circles, then moving up her spine to remove any tension. She stiffened at first, and then settled down to the lovely sensations as the tension left her. He massaged her shoulder blades, then shoulders and down each arm. Next, he sat up and massaged her feet, then calves and up her outer thighs. She waited timidly for him to touch her inner thighs but unexpectedly he did not. Her expression betrayed a momentary disappointment.

“I have already ordered breakfast for us my sweet darling, you will want to put on a robe and fix your hair before it arrives,’ he told her. He disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door.

“What the hell am I going to do now, I can’t take this two days in a row!” she thought. She stretched and began to compose herself. She sat up and shuffled to the chair where her robe was d****d. Looking in the mirror, she frowned at the tussled hair and remains of makeup. A knock came from the door to the suite. He exited the bath in his robe, picked up his wallet and crossed to the living room. She heard him instruct the waiter with the cart, thanked him, then the waiter thanked him profusely and closed the door.

“Your breakfast and paper are here my lady,” he called to her. She hurriedly stumbled to the bathroom and locked the door. “Shower later dear, your breakfast will get cold. I promise this will be a day of rest and preparation.” he said through the locked door. She brushed her hair and wiped the make up from her face. Clutching her robe around her, she sheepishly opened the door and walked past him to sit at the table.

She could not bring herself to look him in the eyes. He had humiliated and used her, despite his gentleness. He poured the coffee and offered her a croissant. She picked up some serving tongs and made a selection. She nibbled on it absent-mindedly looking out the window avoiding eye contact. He served her the rest of breakfast and sat patiently with her. When she was finished, she grabbed for the paper and sat nervously behind it.

“I have a few things I would like to discuss with you today darling,” he said looking directly at her. She dropped the paper and glared at him. “I want to begin your education in the Arts of Pleasure and I have a few recommendations for you…”

“Damn you!” She spit. “What the hell did you do to me all yesterday then? You used me!”

“You don’t understand my dear,” he said calmly. “I want you to learn about modeling, dance, painting, acting…”

“I took that in school. Why should I do that for you?” she defended. A bright flush appeared in her cheeks.

“You have an apartment in New York on 5th avenue. I want you to go enroll at the Art Students League in drawing classes. I also want you to sign up to model in the figure drawing class. Then there is a very fine acting coach I will introduce you to as well. Also, you will sign up with the dance school for belly dancing and strip tease….”

“If you think you are going to take over my entire life you bastard, you better think twice..” she stammered. She thought better of her approach and softened. “Please, how am I going to make this abrupt change in my life without my friends and family asking questions?”

“Just tell them you are rediscovering the Arts and want to try something fun and daring,” he suggested. "We are not in the 18th century after all my darling. Although you would make a lovely ‘Madame X’,” he said with a wicked grin.

The rest of the day was spent making travel plans and flying to New York. They delivered her bags to her apartment and she dressed for dinner. He dressed as well in a fine custom suit and shoes. When they arrived at the restaurant, the acting coach and the owner of the dance school met them for dinner. Tamara was struck by the sizes of their breasts and wondered how they could walk so gracefully. She glared at them as they discussed the schedule for her classes. The gentleman advised the teachers of the schedule at the Art Students League. Next, the three of them arrived at a tentative weekly schedule for the new student. She just bit her lip and nodded. They finished dinner, shook hands and parted.

“I will be at your apartment in the morning to take you to your classes dear,” he told her in the cab back.

“Well, I just might not be there you fucking bastard,” she spat back at him.

“Perhaps you would like a writing class to help with your new diary, my little odalisque?” he told her with little smile. The cabby winked at them in the mirror.

She sat in the cab silent with her lips pursed and nostrils flared. They rode silently back to the apartment, she got out and the doorman welcomed her back. She walked stiffly back, stopped, turned and glared at the cab over her shoulder then went through the opened door. She cursed and cried for hours that evening and finally fell into a fitful sleep.

The next morning she dressed and was ready for him. She dressed in an elegant gown and heels with full makeup. The most inappropriate thing she could think of for classes. It only served to embarrass herself in the classes. He met her at the door of her apartment and smiled broadly with a twinkle in his eyes.

“I’m glad you’re dressed, you look magnificent,” he said. “Aren’t you going to invite me in for coffee? We have some time before classes.” He handed her a gift wrapped package. “This is for home study.”

Looking at him sternly, she took the package and led him to the breakfast table. He sat down and poured himself some coffee while she walked to the far end of the table and sat with the package. She tore off the wrapping angrily opening the box. There was a book titled “Yoni Exercises” and several objects including K-loop, Gyneflex, Kegel Pro, Femin X, Jade Eggs, Vaginal cones, and a Vaginal Barbell. Looking up completely puzzled, she pushed the box aside and sipped on her coffee.

“What the hell is all this?” she gestured at the box. “Looks like parts of something. Am I supposed to build a model?”

He laughed and almost spit out his coffee. “No, you will understand when you read the book. I want you to incorporate some exercise into your after class studies. You might get creative and use them while practicing your dance exercises,” he said with a sly smile.

He escorted her down to where the chauffer and car were waiting. They got in and did not speak on the way to the Art Students League. He took her upstairs to an office where a woman in a black dress with enormous breasts was holding a drawing up to the window. He introduced Tamara to the artist, as the student they had discussed. They went on a tour of the building to orient her for her evening classes. He then escorted Tamara back to her car and headed to the dance school.

They had a dressing room set up for her with appropriate garb at each school. He acted as her social secretary and arranged everything. She attended the class and made an effort to follow the other students and the instructor. The instructor was a tall woman with raven hair and unusually large breasts dressed in a belly dancing costume. She jiggled almost obscenely when she danced. Tamara refused to attend the strip-tease session until her psycho k**napper persuaded her. The same instructor put them through simple bump-and-grind exercises. The women giggled and had a good time making jokes with each other. After class the women all showered and changed into their conservative street clothes. They invited Tamara and her ‘boyfriend’ out for coffee. She looked at him with a sideways glance and started to refuse. He encouraged her and told her to go and he would take a cab so she could use the car to take her new friends. The women were all impressed with the limousine and handsome chauffer as they piled into the back.

She was happy when she arrived back at her apartment. Happier than she had felt in years. She was feeling like she had new friends. ones that genuinely liked her. Her new girl, Veronica took her things for her. Tamara went in to wash. Waiting at the table where he was engaged in conversation with the newly hired girlwas the k**napper next to Veronica. Veronica was a very talented, graceful, dark-haired and voluptuous French woman, he had hired her at the recommendation of his trusted teachers.

“We were discussing the art of courtship from a French perspective, my dear” He offered.

“What would mademoiselle like for lunch?” Asked the cook.


“Perhaps a salad too? Or perhaps a little quiche for strength?” Asked Veronica.

“Yes, please bring that to her also my dear- for her strength.” He ordered.

A little later, Veronica reappeared and served Tamara. She gave Master a glance for approval.

“Now where were we in our discussion, Veronica?” He continued. “Noticing the nuances at first is essential, as we communicate at all times on two levels.”

“Oui monsieur, the tone of voice, the expression, clothes, the ‘langue de corp’ or body language – all discovered in a few moments I think. The things that lead to attraction!”

“Oh, please. Are we going to have a bohemian discussion about truth, beauty, freedom and love? Spare me, I am trying to eat!” Tamara protested looking at the two of them with contempt. Veronica started to shrink away and the gentalman reached out gently to stop her.

“Sit Veronica, I value your opinion on this subject. My lady loves truth as is evident from her writings. She would sacrifice anything for the truth, just as you would for love!” He said firmly, looking both women in the eye in turn. Veronica sat down awkwardly and smiled sheepishly at him.

“Attraction is passion’s starting point and the basis for love to endure. It is a process of discovery that makes it real. For example, searching the eyes of a woman reveals her true feelings,” he asserted. Both women looked away and Veronica blushed.

“Monsieur please, I am not used to sitting in the presence of my employers!” She woman said without looking at him. Her cheeks were quite rose now.

“This is only a conversation between friends my dear, about a very important human process. It has nothing to do with our business arrangements. I hope it does not make you too uncomfortable,” he continued.

“Well it makes me damned uncomfortable!” Tamara began rising from the table.

“Sit! This is important to your education in the Arts, my dear lady,” he commanded.

“Flirt is next Mounsier. It is an art in itself, ne l’est pas? Noticing, sending little messages at the right time and understanding the play, the ‘overtures’ and trusting you know.”

“Ah, and next would be the demonstration, the display of skill or talent perhaps!” he exclaimed. Both women blushed deeply at his assertion. “It is the first test of one’s honesty and integrity. It is essential before true romance can begin. A poet, a chef, an artist, an actress, or a dancer may have advantage in demonstration.” he continued.

“Idylle! Romantic! It is passion where truth and beauty become one!” exclaimed Veronica. Her eyes flashed as she looked at both of them. She smiled broadly when he nodded in approval.

“You are very expressive little one! Romance is where bonds of attachment are forged in the fires of passion! It is when we become most vulnerable as we reveal all and then stay anyway.” He smiled broadly at both women. The lady tilted her head and gave a half smile.

“Intimite’ Monsieur!” Veronica said in a hushed voice. A tear of emotion formed in her eyes. He reached up and wiped away the tear.

“Touching must be respectful of timing, situation and boundaries. Touching without permission or sexualizing touch would betray trust.” He said softly, looking into her widened eyes.

“Damn straight, you bastard!” blurted Tamara. Veronica was startled by the sudden outburst. He turned and leveled a hard look at T. She fell silent.

“Excitation preliminaire will come next my dear. Foreplay includes verbal expression of passion and meaning as it builds sexual tension.” He said low and calm. A wicked smile came to his lips as he stared at Tam. Veronica became flushed, her nostrils flared and breathing noticeably labored.

“Please sir, may I be excused. I have much work to do in the kitchen.” Veronica pleaded. He smiled and nodded to her. She quickly got up and hurried to the kitchen.

“The last steps include intercourse, pledging commitment and continued renewal of courtship. Don’t you agree my dear lady? Go and prepare yourself for me now.” He commanded.

“You fucking lowlife bloody hypocrite! You are just exploiting me, using me!” she yelled. He tilted his head and pointed at the hallway. She jumped up knocking her chair over, threw her napkin on the table and stormed off to prepare herself.

Opening the door to her bedroom was her signal to him she was prepared. He walked through and locked it behind him. Veronica could hear them both as the drama unfolded. She played with herself imagining what it must be like. She heard him explain the Yoni exercises and tools as he demonstrated them on his lady, who squealed and protested. Veronica knew all too well what was going on. It had cost her two marriages and now she was reduced to being a domestic in a foreign country. Her employer would respect her and be most kind, but she longed for home and romance.

The week had past and the reluctant student attended every one of her classes. Some of it even interested her. Modeling on Friday evening was very awkward but she got through that as well. He instructed her to continue classes until completion and he would check on her progress with her teachers. She did not see him again until the following week and she relaxed into her routine with the support of her new friends.

When she arrived home one evening a new toy was waiting in the bedroom. A Medela dual breast pump with TENS electrodes built into the cups and all mounted on a roll around stand. The instructions were taped on top with a simple note “Read Me”. She stormed out of the room and into the kitchen to get some answers.

“Veronica! What the hell is that thing in my bedroom and how did it get there?” She blurted. Poor Veronica dropped the pheasant on the floor that she was preparing and uttered French expletives.

“My Lady, two men delivered and assembled it at Sir’s direction. He came and signed for it himself for the delivery.” The agitated cook carried the bird to the sink to wash and recover her work.

They both heard the door to the apartment open at that moment. Tamara rushed out to challenge her keeper. She stood with hands on her hips as if confronting a husband home for a night with the boys.

“More exercises for me to do? If you think I am going to let you make a damned cow out of me, you are nuts. This is the last straw! I, I can’t take anymore!” She began to break down and cry. She managed to force a few crocodile tears.

He held her in his arms and patted her fanny as he consoled her. He smiled to himself a wicked and knowing smile. Then he led her back into their bedroom. He sat her down and explained the operation of the system, how to clean it and gave her a schedule of times she would use it. Then he had her undress and sit in front of the mirror. He explained what he was doing at each step. She started to resist him and he reexamined with her why it was that she would do as she was told. He tied her wrists behind her and turned on the pump to check it out. He turned toward her with a cup in his had and she tried to move away. The suction latched onto her nipple, pulling it up and into the tubing. He attached the next one and adjusted them to assure proper movement. She tried to shake them off but the suction was too great. He flipped the switch on the electrodes and began increasing the current. Each time the suction pulled one of her nipples up to the electrode in the cup, she felt a little shock. The first time made her jolt in the chair and yelp. He turned down the current and she simply jumped and jiggled at the next cycle.

Soon she began to breath heavily and her nostrils flared. A bright red flush appeared across her chest and she shut her eyes. A few minutes passed and she began to moan. She then opened her eyes and gasped. He was standing over her with the head of his cock inches from her lips. Her mouth fell open and allowed him to enter. She worked on him feverishly to get it over with and make the pump stop. Seeing her tied and being pumped exited him to the point that he shook and ejaculated for what seemed several minutes to her. She struggled to milk him with her lips and tongue while swallowing each time she felt him spurt. He withdrew and watched her for a few minutes, gasping and her chest heaving as she breathed and her breasts jiggle as the pump cycled. The towel she was sitting on was soaked.

He shut off the machine but she continued to twitch. He then untied her wrists and she sat there trembling and crying. Her clit was swollen to almost the size of a small g****. He lifted her out of the chair and carried her to their bed where he slipped a silk pillow under her buttocks. He found her G spot with the end of his cock and massaged it, in and out. He rubbed her swollen hooded clitoris as he pumped and she wriggled under his pressure. Soon she arched and gripped the silk sheets to hold on for dear life. Spasms shot through her and she tried to clamp down as she had learned. It only intensified the sensations to the point she could no longer hold on. She clung to him clutching with her arms and legs as she forgot herself and then slowly released. He held her for several minutes saying nothing and stroking her hair. Then he withdrew from her to draw her a warm bubble bath, he washed himself and dressed for dinner. Veronica tried her best to conceal her excitement and he did not do anything to embarrass her as she served him.

Tamara appeared at the table an hour later and Veronica brought out her dinner. The three were polite with one another that evening and both Sir and his Felatrix Tamara thanked Veronica for her wonderful dinner. The following evening he took the both of them to a show at a gallery and then to a nice dinner out. All this became part of the lady’s routine after classes and on weekends. It began to have a potent effect on her both physically and emotionally. She felt at ease with him but worked hard to conceal her building feelings for this evil man.

In acting classes she became quite persuasive in the parts she played. The creative exercises helped her to tap into her emotions and feel each line she portrayed. She realized he wanted her to use what she learned to entertain him. She knew he liked her haughtiness, tearful anger and resistance as he directed her in role-play. She knew he liked her smoldering sensual expressions too, once she was aroused. She practiced her expressions in the mirror while belly dancing. The instructor was demanding and pushed her to learn every nuance. She realized she risked displeasure if she did not do her best. Drawing and painting classes were no strain for her, as she loved making the shift to her visual, creative side. Studying every detail, she often lost track of time. Her shyness soon disappeared when she modeled and became a favorite subject with the students. She often examined their work and even offered a few suggestions. Line, form and light fascinated her and she began to pose with mirrors and adjusted lighting for her self portraits. Her teachers praised her to everyone, including the ‘Social Secretary’.

Each night he would help her with her homework. He encouraged her and complemented her every success. He helped Veronica in the kitchen while Tamara practiced or studied. He even modeled for her drawing practice. She marveled at discovering the ‘shift’ to the right brain mode and realized that she could feel it. She loved the wonders of light, line and form as he demonstrated them with various objects in diffuse and in hard light. She had become a perfect model for him now as she understood his needs. Tears would well up in her eyes easily as she played his favorite roles for him. Slowly, she gained poise, grace, balance and strength in all her efforts. She loved her new interests and immersed herself in the Arts. He always deferred to her studies and this also motivated her to work diligently. A small amount of trust and ease began to show between them.

Months had past and classes were concluded for the holidays. Veronica had left for Pairs and her family. He was away on business when her classes ended. She and her friends went everywhere together. Then one day she found a letter waiting for her under her door.

“Congratulations! You have accomplished much my little odalisque! You have developed artistically, emotionally and physically to a new level! I am overwhelmed with our success in development of your breasts and the effects it has on your libido! You are ready to move on with another aspect of your education. Meet me at the Hotel listed below on Paradise Island in the Bahamas in three days.”

A flush came to her cheeks as she read it. She looked down at her bust line and noticed the wet spots on her bra. She did not care. She loved her new body and the intensely delicious sensations it afforded her. She reveled in her effect on men when opening her winter coat to reveal her form. Her breasts fully covered her chest, her areolas puffy and dark. She had to wear shields to cover the leakage from being aroused. There was a glow about her and lust in her eyes. It seemed no man could resist her charms. She knew she dared not allow any man but him to touch her. Her body ached for a man’s touch. She resented him leaving her to suffer without him. “This time I will show him who he is dealing with,” she thought. An idea popped in her head and brought a smile to her lips. “Seduction is a double-edged sword you bastard,” she said to her reflection. She would extract her diaries and be free of his manipulation and ego" she thought with her new unbrideled confidance he helped her develop.

Same as Tamara's continued developement Videos

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Caught out continued

Introduction: Alisons revenge continues I told you in my first story how our wives had caught me and my mate Dave, visiting a local massage parlour, Daves missus had after a few weeks pretty much put it to one side and he and she were working things out, from what I could gather he had put the whole mess down to me, playing the part as if I had forced him to shag the girls and to be honest that is pretty much how it had started, he was reluctant to cheat on his missus at first but later he...

2 years ago
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Fucking Continued 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends! Did you forget me? Let me remind you. I am Chahat Khanna, the protangonist and author of ‘Fucking by Boyfriend’ published under the Couple category of Indian Sex Stories. I told you how my boyfriend Rohit fucked me hard with his 10 inch long thick cock. I received a lot of emails for the story. Some really liked it while some asked if it is true. Guys, the story is cent percent genuine. Some asked whether Rohit really had 10 inches. I cant make anyone believe but thats also cent...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend Visits Continued

When Mario arrived my wife was visibly nervous. She was not the young girl Mario remembered. She had grown into a full woman with a great body and Mario took notice of that. I could see him looking at every inch of her body. I could also see a hunger in his eyes that I remember from years before. As for Mario, he was still a very handsome Latino man. He was visibly older and more mature. My wife took notice of that also. I could see how she took side way glances at Mario as we talked. I took...

4 years ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 4

Friday – Monday Morning I got up at 6:30 was looking forward to the day and the weekend. My cock was hard and I never even jerked off all week. I headed to work at 8:30 little later than usual but I was caught up with both jobs I was doing right now and hope nothing would go wrong today. The day really went smooth and was heading for home at 4:00 and called Janice. She answered the phone obviously looking at the call display first, by saying "Hello this is your fucking cheating fucking whore...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Caught out continued

My missus Alison in contrast had gone absolutely bonkers and was set on revenge plain and simple, she had bought herself sexy gear (with my cash) and was getting herself toned up by working out every night, then about 3 weeks later I had come home from work to find a big hairy ginger Irishman shafting the shit out of her and her enjoying every second of it, she had said it was to be the first of many (at least as many as I had visits to the parlour) and then we could see if there was...

2 years ago
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A date with Caroline continued

It was such an erotic experience, making love to her on the beach, Now, with both of us spent, we walked back to my car, hand in hand. The taste of Caroline’s cum still in my tongue, overwhelming my senses. The taste, the texture, coating my mouth. It was surprisingly wonderful.I opened the car door for her and she kissed me on the cheek as she got in. So feminine and sweet. I asked where she would like to go for dinner and Caroline leaned over to me and wispered in my ear, “I can feel your cum...

3 years ago
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Brooke comes to visit continued

…ContinuedI took Brooke’s hand and walked to the bedroom, fixing my skirt as I went. Brooke laid on her side at the far end of the bed. I kneeled and slowly crawled my way to her. Getting closer, she covered her face saying, “ugh! You are driving me nuts!” That really was my intention. I knew this was turning her on and I was sure a breaking point is in sight. When I reached her, I straddled her hips, making sure my skirt was loose around my legs. This looked like a typical cowgirl position...

2 years ago
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The SPA part 2 Continued

3I slept surprisingly well, I was tempted to watch the film again when I awoke but resisted the temptation. I tried to get on with things in a normal way but found it hard to get the Spa out of my mind. My chores kept me out until after lunch. At 2pm my phone rang it was Sara, she appeared breathless, I asked her what she was doing. She was in the gym, she had a busy schedule so rang me before her next Spa session. It was short call but at least I knew she was well. I had not had any contact so...

1 year ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued

Continuing with JaniceI was awaken by the phone ringing and saw that Janice was no longer in the bed so I got up and saw a pair of oversize black silky shorts laid out on the bed with a oversize white T shirt beside them. I assumed they were for me to wear so I put them on and exited the bedroom and saw Janice was talking on the phone. She was obviously talking to her boyfriend Mike and I looked out the window and saw that we sure received a lot of snow over the night. Janice was already...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Return to Puerto Banus Continued Part 1

We have been so busy these last few months, moving into a new home and settling into new jobs, so Dave just hasn’t gotten around to continuing our story and has asked me to make a start, so here goes.Hopefully, you’ve read ‘Return to Puerto Banus’ and you know that both I and my husband get very turned on when he sees other men admire me. Especially when, shall I say, I am more daring in my mode of dress. Being away from home and anonymous, gives us more opportunity to indulge in our...

4 years ago
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My Cousin Jacqui Continued

Jacqui would only be visiting my family for the next four days, and would then return to her family in the west Texas plains. Some way, I had to experience her again before then. Since she had initiated our first rendevous last night, I was confident that she would be more than a willing participant again. That bathroom was across the hall from my room, and the urgency of my morning piss was impossible to ignore. The towel that Jacqui had so coyly teased me with the night before lay on...

2 years ago
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Lessons from Grandfather Part 2 continued

So I stood by my grandfathers bed. I knew what he wanted and my best coarse was to fulfill his need and be quiet. Nevermind that my pussy was dripping in anticipation of what is to come. Deep inside of me, I knew I wanted it. He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, just looking at me. Finally he asked, “Where is your grandmother?” I said meekly “Sleeping in her chair” He smirked and said, “Well it seems the sleeping pills are working. Playtime for Papaw” he continued, smiling...

4 years ago
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Sophia Continued Pt 02

This is the second part of Sophia Continued and should be read in conjunction with part 1 and parts 1 to 4 of Sophia, by Castlestone for it to make sense. My purpose in continuing the story is to provide closure to Don and Maria in their relationship. Castlestone is a tremendous writer, and I must thank both him and also Yellowperil, Castlestone’s editor for some tremendous help. Before he became unable to contact, castlestone had completed two further chapters which he had sent to yellowperil...

1 year ago
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Spa visit continued to home

So my first experience at the spa was quite good. Had taken ther****t’s number for long weekend. So called her on Friday afternoon but no response. Tried calling her after couple of hours but still not response. I thought I ran out of luck and it’s going to be dry a weekend. Out of curiosity left a text message saying "As decided can we meet for weekend". Got a call back from her at about 10pm in the night. Had a little bit talk around and she mentioned "they are not allowed to answer phone...

3 years ago
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Lisas ordeal Continued

Having cleaned myself up as best I could I turned the key in the ignition and started to move off. I immediately thought that I should try and make myself more respectable for when I got home as I didn’t want to have to tell my husband of my ordeal. I pulled up next to the door that led back upstairs to my office, leaving my coat I got out of my car and hurried up the stairs.On reaching my floor I headed straight for the ladies room only to be greeted by my boss Mr Stevens. He must have seen...

1 year ago
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Dance Lessons Continued

I put the shower on to cover up any sounds that might have escaped the bathroom that might sound like I was pleasuring myself. I put some lotion on my hand and began to stroke my already very hard cock. I sat on the toilet, closed my eyes, and my mind went right to the dance lesson. How good it felt to have my hands on Joanne’s soft body as I listened to her instructions on how to do the hustle. As my right hand continued to stroke my hard shaft, my minds eyes saw Joanne down on her...

3 years ago
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it happened on vacation and continued at home pt 8

  There is a lot going on in my little part of the world but I still have my interests (sex), my needs (sex) and my wants (sex). Isn't sex all your mind revolves around when your a teenager. We spend 9 months getting out and the rest of your life trying to get right back in, and that doesn't just apply to males, right ?. OK, so I'm having sex with my girlfriend, my sisters friend and my sister. WHAT !, you think I can't handle it ?. I'm 16 years old, I can produce buckets of cum, I can...

2 years ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 7

Sunday I woke up at 11:00 and Janice was not in the bed. I put my jogging shorts on shook the cobwebs out of my head and went to the washroom. I found Janice and Kelly were in the kitchen having a coffee and a cigarette. Janice and Kelly had obviously had showered and were relaxing and talking. Janice was wearing a pair of tight black cotton shorts, a black tank top, with no bra. Kelly was wearing a pair of tight short blue denim shorts, white tank top, and also no bra. Janice said “Good...

1 year ago
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A Weekend I Will Never Forget Continued

Half an hour later while I was sat chatting to Sheila the barmaid, the girls walked in."Hi again Sparky" "Oh no" I thought. "Hi girls ok" "Fine" they replied "Would you like a drink?" Claire asked "We could share a bottle of wine"."You're not old enough to drink" I stated."Sheila can we buy Sparky a drink?" "As long as Sparky pays" Sheila replied.Claire gave me a fiver and I ordered the bottle and Sheila came back with the wine and three glasses and winked at me.We moved to a corner table....

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Adventurous Office Worker Continued

I could not stop thinking about that perfect ass since our lunch in my hotel room. I would try to focus on a task and the thought of my cock sliding into her warm pussy would take over. It was so vivid that I could even feel it. Each morning I woke her body was all I could think of. I would lie there and stroke myself to the thought fucking her again. It was the same at night too.I had messaged her a couple of times however there was no answer. I wanted to message her more but didn’t want to...

4 years ago
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Fall Semestercontinued

Slowly I eased down allowing Chris's cock to invade my willing bung hole. As his cock head entered my bung hole I sighed deeply and raised slowly back up off his stiff cock. This I repeated about four time, each time letting more and more of Chris's throbbing cock enter my bottom. Chris allowed me to have my fun for a little while, than Chris raised and turned us over till he was on top and I on the bottom. I raised my legs up, Chris adjusted his arms till my legs were were inside his arms....

2 years ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 7

Sunday I woke up at 11:00 and Janice was not in the bed. I put my jogging shorts on shook the cobwebs out of my head and went to the washroom. I found Janice and Kelly were in the kitchen having a coffee and a cigarette. Janice and Kelly had obviously had showered and were relaxing and talking. Janice was wearing a pair of tight black cotton shorts, a black tank top, with no bra. Kelly was wearing a pair of tight short blue denim shorts, white tank top, and also no bra. Janice said “Good...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Continued Erotic Adventures of Slave Kala Beach Mansion

I remember my first trip to Daniel Thorn’s beach mansion well; he was an extremely rich man, wealthy to the point there’s no point talking about it. I went for a party, and loved every minute. I had a great time during that weekend, and made ever so many new friends (it’s amazing how reminiscing on the past can make you feel younger, isn’t it?). This was only the first of many times I spent with the Thorns, both at his island retreat off the coast of France and the place in the Hunt Country, I...

1 year ago
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Party Women Need Love Too Continued

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 5. Party Women Need Love Too Nellie and her brother, Earnie, lived in a town house along a thoroughfare. The neighborhood had once been fashionable, and the condominium behind an ivy-covered wall still had signs of quiet elegance in spite of the four-lane traffic zooming past. Laura threw, by far, the most wonderful parties. She seemed slap-dash, but intuitively knew how important it was for an orgy to evolve gradually, but no too gradually....

4 years ago
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sis and her best friend continued

Episode 4 – The Bowling BallMum and dad are away for a few days leaving me (12) at home with my older sibling and her best friend Jenny (both 15) - continuing my story of youth, loss of innocence and sexual awakening. From Episode 3 … I felt Jenny’s hand enclose my throbbing shaft. She kissed me softly on the lips then began moving down my body caressing my neck and chest, briefly pausing to kiss and lick my nipples …Continued … I felt her tongue poking my belly button before continuing her...

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Revolting Development

This is a spamfic, really, just something I had to get out of my system. -Kiai Revolting Development I came to in a sparsely furnished bedroom. I glanced around; the place looked big and bland, more bland than any motel I'd ever seen. "Damn, this looks like Sim City." It didn't surprise me to hear my own voice pitched in soprano; one whole side of the room was a mirror, and the diffuse bedroom lighting was bright enough for me to see the profile of breasts on what had to be...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 52 Madeleines Story Continued Its A Small World

By the time we turned onto the West Gate Freeway, crossed over Southbank and headed towards Port Melbourne Dad and I were decent again, Vikki and Mum having accomplished the not so easy task of stuffing our erect cocks back into our respective pants. However by the time we crossed over the West Gate Bridge and continued along the freeway through a whole bunch of western suburbs Madeleine began to get a might impatient. Not only did she want to take her turn at my cock she was also getting a...

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it happened on vacation and continued at home pt 14 The Final Part

Hope you all enjoy how it comes together. There have been several parts to this and I almost thought I dragged it out to long but I don't feel it got dry or lacked quality. I hope you enjoy the conclusion of: it happened on vacation (and continued at home) pt 14. The Final Part. So what am I to make of the revelations from Mom last night. She is pregnant with my child plus her and Sis intend to share me then on top of that my Mom and Dad are really Brother and Sister !. I know...

1 year ago
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My Favorite Babysitter Ever Continued

"I love you, too, precious. My turn?" Anna asked while sitting up. I sat up on my elbows and replied with a soft, “Absolutely.”My dick twitched on the floor slowly becoming a softy again. With her sitting right there naked, pink hard nipples still looking like pencil erasers, her pussy literally dripping on the velvety sanded wood plank floor, I loved her and she knew that. I got up, leaned into her and stabbed her with my tongue. We fell softly back down but this time me on top of her. My...

2 years ago
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Sophia Continued Pt 03

Sophia Continued Part 3 Should be read after Sophia Continued Parts 1 and 2, and all parts of Sophia by CastleStone. I make no claims to be as funny as CastleStone. I’m just trying to provide a conclusion for Don and Maria who were kind of left hanging in the wind. Also, I don’t have the gamma ray desk light that CastleStone had or his recipe book. Just maybe this part will give us that conclusion. Also I would like to give credit to Yellow Peril, CastleStone’s editor who gave me access to...

2 years ago
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My Favorite Babysitter Ever Continued

Introduction: Playing in the Rain This is the sequel to my story, My Favorite Babysitter Ever. By now, you know who I am, what I look like and how I got my first real feel for sexual pleasure. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did feeling it and writing it. These are my first few stories, I hope my stories provide some pleasure and maybe some inspiration for you all dying to have your first sex at an early age. This may become controversial but I ardently support child pornography (the...

3 years ago
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Our 5 day nude camping trip continued

You enjoyed the first day of our adventure during my 5 days of nude camping that I figured you would like to hear about the rest of our trip. We slept until sunrise and the glow of the sunshining into our tent woke us up. We were still on top of our sleeping bags with the door and window flaps open. I couldnt help but notice we had a lot of joggers taking their time slowly passing our tent checking for our next show. Not to disappoint hubby and I started masturbating each other before he moved...

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My wife arrived home just after I got off the phone with Kelly. She asked how the “yardwork” went, and I said “GREAT”!! She gave a coy look, and said, “Great. Usually you don’t mention yardwork and great in the same sentence.”I said, “Ask me later when the k**s go to bed.” She gave that curious look, and agreed.All through dinner, I kept hearing in my brain Kelly’s voice say, “When is she going to stick her fingers in that pretty little cunt??” After the k**s were in bed, and I was sure they...

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Having just had my fill of Tanya’s cunt and Carol fucking my cunt, [see story 118] The three of us walked back to the living room where I saw that my Jon and Aaron were both sitting on the sofa naked. Carol offered, “Just like I left them”, meaning she had been there when the two men had their sex episode. I went over and sat next to Jon while Tanya moved into the chair next to Aaron and Carol took the lounge chair. “Well was your Avis a good whore?’ I asked Tanya. “The slut was perfect” she...

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Fucking Continued 8211 Part 2

Hi! I am back with a bang. Friends, I am your own Chahat Khanna. 34-24-34. Remember? Fucking by Boyfriend and Fucking Continued. Remember? This story is about how I was double fucked. I told you about Lucky in the last story. 6 feet height, excellent physique and of course good personality. He always fucked me with his eyes. Once Rohit was not in the gym and I was doing normal exercises and all. I went to the washroom to freshen up and I had not opened the door that Lucky called me from behind...

3 years ago
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Neighbor Hood Friends continued

The next morning when I woke up I was still in the same position I fell asleep in! And so was April! I was pleasantly surprised the she wasn't just a really good wet dream! With my hand still on her tit, I squeezed it and kissed her on her shoulder. I felt her nipple get hard and her ass wiggle a little against my normal morning hard on! I started kissing her shoulder working my way down her side nibbling her side as she flinched away because it tickled. I continued kissing and nibbling down...

3 years ago
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My Neighbour Janice Continued Part 6

Tuesday – Sunday Tuesday On Tuesday I went to work played catch-up from Monday. Janice called me and told me that she was going to have a surprise for me the next time she saw me and wouldn't’t tell me anything else. Wednesday I had a routine day and nothing exciting happened, work, dinner with some friends and got home at about 9:00 and Janice wasn’t home, I went off to bed after news. Thursday Morning I got up shaved and showered. As I was getting out of the shower I heard Janice’s...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Bi orgy continued part 2

Orgy continued...After we had all watched each other cum, we sat and talked and drank more, while the porn played in he background. The night was getting late and two couples weren't staying over, they needed to be home to relieve babysitters. We all said our goodbyes, and thanks for a great evening.That now left 3 couples, the hosts, us and another couple. We continued drinking and chatting, the conversation turning more dirty as we drank more and more. We were all sitting close together now...

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