My Blood Test... free porn video

This week I went to get jabbed so my Doc would have the info for our next visit so its off to the draw place before breakfast and wait for an hour. An Asian woman was at the desk and kept my concentration while I discretely admired her cleavage while waiting for her to collect info, then I sat and waited pretending to read a paper glancing at another woman in her shorts flashing pubic hair.
My name was called and I entered and a little voice directed me to sit in a chair and wait so I checked out all the stuff in the trays as well as the computer. The nurse entered and asked my name and I responded kinda grouchy apologizing right after and she said she gets that all the time, she seemed tolerant and acted like she had been through the park many times to I thought I would let it rip.
I asked her how she was and she told me the one year anniversary for her Divorce was next week and I said "oh-bummer". Kinda makes you irritated like when other blood people miss the vein and she said Yeh as she stuck me good the first time and I paused to softly purr at the sensation as the needle entered. I opened my eyes to see her staring at me and remark "you like giving blood?", I told her it just feels nice as she leans sideways taking several long breaths.
I asked her if she was alright and she said to me softly "you seem kinda kinky if you mind me saying" so looking into her eyes placing a finger on her thumb I whispered "a larger needle would have been ok". Her hand moved quickly and grabbed mine gripping as she panted and swallowed then paused and said in a quivering voice " would have helped the draw be faster but you would have had a pressure sensation".
I looked her in the eyes and remarked that her Ex took good care of her at home- right? Batting her eyes while her free hand appeared to be pinching her stomach through the thin medical outfit she was wearing she finally muttered the words "yeh - we were verrry kinky so while still looking at her I asked from One to Ten how much? Several swallows later she said "Too low- I kinda took my work home".
My hand moved so she would be closer so my free hand landed on her waist tie string as I said "ok" and she nodded so two fingers went under and grabbed and pinched her progressing firmer as she panted. Then she asked me how mush I was and I said I have done more things to speak of and just fingers are a beginning in most senerio's, "o m g I love hearing that word and hope to expand if you accept?".
I looked at her as she leaned closer my hands holding her waist and said "Is a ruler and some rope ok too?", she took several long breaths and leaned over kissing me on the cheek and whispered "Please Top me?" as she handed me her number and I said "Think of a Safe Word for your Three Hour Tour".
She softly say's "Yes Master"...
I get up and brush her arm and around her chest giving her shudders as she remarks " I hope I have enough for you" and as we begin to part I pause and grip her body whispering "Often a little works better"...
I agree she says as I turn and walk out the door still hearing her panting and the mini-groping she received.

- 08.11.2022
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