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Taken In By Margaret Jeanette Henry Riggs was enjoying a very good day. As plant manager for a large global manufacturer he was extremely happy that their downtime was reduced last month by two per cent. It still could be reduced some more but this was a start. His phone rang and his whole day was shattered. The headquarters had called and told him the plant was shutting down in sixty days. They could make the same product in Haiti for half the cost per unit. He was to call a meeting of the employees tomorrow to announce the news. He called his secretary and told her to post the mandatory meeting. She didn't think anything of it as they had these about every three months. She thought it was probably some campaign the company was starting. That night he told his wife of ten years about it. She said her store was doing great in sales and they had nothing to worry about if he couldn't find something right away. Henry said, "Rita, it doesn't look good. There are too many people looking for jobs in this area." Rita answered, "I know with the two other companies that have shut down in town this year it is going to be hard to find anything in your line unless something drastic happens." The next day Henry made the announcement. He told the employees he was as surprised as they were. He told them it was a corporate decision and there was no appeal. Sixty days later Henry was without a job. The corporation offered him a job but it was six hundred miles from home. He declined it and they came to a settlement of two years pay for him, and his insurance paid for the next two years. He also was vested in the pension program, so he wasn't too bad off. He had resumes in at every company for twenty miles around. Each one of them said if there were anything they would call him. He knew it would be a long time to wait for their calls. Whenever he was shopping and ran into one of the ex-employees he was greeted warmly. He was well liked and known to be a warm, considerate boss. He was usually soft touch for anyone whom needed something special like an advance of pay or a few days off excused. The first two weeks went pretty good. During the first week Rita received word that her Aunt Harriet had died. They made the four-hour drive to attend the funeral. After the funeral a lawyer approached Rita and told her she was the sole beneficiary of Harriet's will. He told her there was significant money and a boarding house out in the country that she was inheriting. She was surprised, as her Aunt Harriet was a distant person and had never seemed real friendly. She had always been friendly to her but not real close. The lawyer told her it would take a month to close everything and an appointment was made for five weeks away on a Monday. He gave her his card with the appointment date and time on it. The five weeks went fast for Rita but not for Henry. He was getting bored with little to do. Rita was getting disgusted with his complaining about all sorts of little things. All he wanted to do was sit in front of the television set and watch sports. He thought, thank goodness for the sports networks. They drove up to see the lawyer. He had closed every loose end, and when they were done Rita was surprised to find out that she now had a check for over a quarter million dollars in her hand. She now realized that Aunt Harriet had been quite a businesswoman. When she told the lawyer she was surprised that Harriet had never married the lawyer told her that Harriet had been a lesbian. This was a great shock to her. She never suspected that. After they left the lawyer's office they drove out to see the boarding house. It was fifteen miles out of town. They found it with ease and Rita met with Sandy Browne who was running it. They talked in Sandy's office for over an hour. While they were meeting Henry walked around the house and yard. He was surprised at how nice everything was. He could see a lot of attention went into every detail. They returned home and celebrated their good luck. The next day Rita came home with a bunch of papers telling Henry she was buying the building the store was in. She told him she needed his signature on a lot of papers for joint ownership. He signed a lot of papers not looking at them. When he finished Rita was on the phone for at least a half hour. Henry assumed it was for the buying of the building. When she finally got off the phone she came in and sat down close to Henry. Rita said, "I was just talking to Sandy Browne at the boarding house. She needs some help up there. I told her you could help, do you mind?" Henry said, "No, I don't mind. It might be good getting back into the working world again. What kind of help does she need?" Rita said, "Well Sandy said she can't seem to hire anyone locally. Being so far out there isn't a large pool of people looking for work there. I imagine it could be almost anything. She said she would send someone down for you tomorrow so you don't have that long drive alone." Henry said, "I can drive up there. I don't mind driving." "I already told her it was OK to send someone. They will be here tomorrow morning. You better pack a couple of outfits, you know jeans and shirts and stuff." He went and packed a medium suitcase, figuring if he needed more he could go into town and get something. The next morning he was surprised to see a young girl maybe twenty picking him up. She introduced herself as Kris and told him she was a full time worker at the boarding house. The trip was made with them making small talk. They arrived in the early afternoon and Kris took his suitcase and showed him into Sandy's office. Sandy smiled at him and shook his hand. He was surprised at how strong her handshake was. Once seated Sandy started, "I am glad you will be able to help us. We are two people short as I see it so everyone is stretched to the limit. You will lessen that a lot. We have strict rules here for help and I expect you to follow them the same as everyone else. Do you think you will have a problem with that?" Henry said, "No, I don't think it will be a problem. I am here to help and wherever you need me is OK with me." Sandy smiling said, "That's great. I know we will get along just fine. You may find you'll have to make some changes but as long as you try your best we will sail along smoothly. Now, I am going to call Cathy to get you started. Are you ready?" He assured her he was ready and she called Cathy. Cathy was three inches taller than he was and was a knockout. She was pretty enough to be a model he thought. He followed Cathy into the kitchen. Cathy said, "You can start by doing the dishes. You can find out where they go after you dry them by looking in the cupboards. First, you need to get an apron on." He said he didn't think he needed an apron but Cathy told him it was a rule to wear an apron in the kitchen at all times. She produced a long apron and helped him slip it on. She buttoned the buttons in back from the floor all the way up. She stepped back and looked at him. Smiling she said, "Tomorrow it will fit better. Right now it drags a little on the floor. It is one of my aprons and you are not as tall as I am. Now, get started on those dishes." He wondered what she meant by it fitting better tomorrow but started the dishes. This was nothing like the help he thought he was going to give them. He got engrossed in the dishes and soon was humming as he washed them. He rinsed them and dried them finding out where they went in the cupboards. Just as he finished Cathy told him it was time to start supper. She pointed to a bunch of potatoes and told him to peel them. He peeled them and put them in the pot that Cathy had provided. He asked Cathy about the boarding house. She said, "It usually has four to six guests during the week and maybe a dozen on week-ends. They are always female and can be very demanding. She told him he must always smile and provide the best service possible so they return to stay again." He asked why no men ever stayed there and Cathy said, "Because this place is known as a lesbian sanctuary. It is a place where lesbians can meet and not be harassed or ridiculed. No one but women work here and that is also a rule set down long ago by the original owner." Henry wondered about the only women rule and why he was allowed to come up to help. He assumed an exception had been made for him. With his longish hair he looked very much like a woman in his apron. When supper was ready he asked Cathy to undo his apron but she told him he was to help serve. He was shocked when she told him the help ate after the guests were done. Reluctantly, he helped serve the guests and Sandy. When they were done eating he was extremely hungry. He ate a good meal and felt refreshed. Then Kris helped him with the dishes. When the dishes were done Kris took him to his room. When he couldn't find his suitcase he asked Kris where she put it. Kris told him she had no idea where it was right now. He was distraught that it wasn't in his room. He told her he was going to talk to Sandy. She told him Sandy wasn't to be bothered after supper for anything. He said he needed his pajamas out of the suitcase. Kris opened his closet to show him a nightgown hanging there for him to wear. He told her he wasn't going to wear it and she just shrugged. Then he noticed all sorts of dresses hanging in the closet. He asked whose room this really was. Kris said, "It is your room. You know the rules-only women work here. I am surprised Sandy didn't have you change before this. She must be slipping. I'll be in early tomorrow morning to help you dress. Good night!" He watched her leave and then he got undressed. He was tired and decided to put on a nightgown just to wear to bed. It felt light and airy to him. He was asleep within minutes after crawling in bed. He was so tired he didn't hear Kris come into his room the next morning. She woke him up. She smiled when she saw he was wearing the nightgown. Kris implored him, "Come on sleepyhead. Get up!!" He slowly woke up and wondered where he was. Then he remembered. Kris helped him out of the nightgown and then slid his shorts down off of him. Then she held a pair of panties out for him. Sleepily he stepped into them. He woke completely when she came at him with a pair of breast forms. He said, "I don't want those! I am not going to put them on!" Kris said, "It's up to you. If you don't then Sandy will take you into town to see mean Dr. Green. He will put implants in you so fast that your head will swim. You don't want that so let me help you with these. I am trying to help you. I am not your enemy, I am your friend believe it or not." He didn't know about Dr. Green but he didn't want to take any chances so he allowed her to put the breast forms on him. Kris held them as the glue set up. Finally she let go of them and he was surprised at how heavy they were. Kris told him a special solvent was needed to get them off. She then slid a bra up his arms. He was in shock at what was happening. Kris then got a black slip and let it fall over his shoulders. Then she reached under the slip and attached a garter belt to him threading the garters through his panties. Then she slid a pair of black sheer stockings up his legs and fastened them to the garters. Then she helped him into a black dress with some lace trim on it. He was in shock at standing there in a dress. She then put a pair of three-inch black heels on him. She helped him over to the bench in front of the vanity. She applied some lipstick to his lips. It was dark red and very shiny. She added some eyeliner and some light eye shadow. Some mascara to his eyelashes completed the job. When he looked in the mirror he was surprised at how he looked. Now fully awake he said, "You don't really expect me to leave this room in this get up do you?" Kris said, "I will not force you but if you don't report downstairs to the kitchen Sandy will be in here and she will have you down there in a flash. You never want to piss Sandy off because she can get very mean. I don't know what she does to men but I have seen her make men cry like babies. So, please as a favor to me come down to the kitchen and help with breakfast." Henry decided he would do as she requested and as soon as possible talk to Sandy. HE went and helped with breakfast and after breakfast he helped do the dishes. They finished the dishes and he saw Sandy go into her office. He took the chance and knocked at her door. She said enter and he entered. He said, "I think there's been a mistake here. I came up to help you, not be dressed in a dress and treated like a servant girl. If this is all the help you need I want to go back home today. My suitcase has disappeared and I want it back." Sandy looked at him closely and then said, "I am sorry if you are unhappy but I am not here to make the help happy every instant. Your wife told me I could use you any way I see fit. She told me you would help for some time. She told me you would follow the rules. Are you saying you want to make her a liar?" Henry said, "No, I am not making her a liar. I don't think she understood what was all involved when you asked her to send me up here. I am a man not a girl!" Sandy said, "You will stay here until your wife says I should send you back. While you are here you will do as you are told and do it to the best of your ability. Do you understand?" Henry asked, "Will you call my wife so I can talk to her?" Sandy said, "I will not bother her with trivial things. You have two minutes to get back to work. If you do a good job you will be rewarded accordingly. Now get back to work!" "I'm leaving now." He turned to leave and heard a click. The door wouldn't open. Sandy said, "You can make this hard or you can make it easy. You are not going anywhere. Where would you go in dress and no vehicle to go anywhere. Just go with the program and it won't be so bad. You may even find you like it if you give it a chance." He heard the click and knew the door was unlocked. He said, "I know what I like and what I don't like. You are holding me against my will. I will do what is necessary, but I won't promise you I will like it." Knowing he was defeated he headed back to the kitchen. Kris told him he was to scrub the floor. She gave him a pail of sudsy water and a rag to use. He quickly found out how hard it is to move on your hands and knees wearing a skirt and apron. Suddenly he noticed the rag he was using. It was blue with little gold crowns in it. He realized it was part of the shirt he had worn coming up here. He finished and when Kris checked it she told him he missed a spot and had to do it over. Dejectedly he got clean sudsy water and Kris gave him another rag that had been part of his shirt. He made sure to hit every spot of the floor. When he was done Kris told him it was an excellent job done. He felt some pride in that. They were fixing lunch when he asked Cathy, "Is it possible for anyone to get out of here?" Cathy told him, "For you it will be up to Sandy when and if you leave. She is very demanding and I can't see her releasing you. Maybe your wife will rescue you." He hadn't thought about that. He thought, when Rita sees what Sandy has done she will be very upset and probably fire her. He had never fired anyone but relished the thought of Sandy getting the axe. He served lunch with a smile on his face, thinking about Sandy getting fired. After lunch was served and they had eaten they were doing dishes when Kris told him that after supper she was going to do something with his hair. He didn't like the sound of it but didn't make any fuss. That afternoon the girls showed him how to clean the rooms for guests. His legs were killing him from walking in those damn heels. He quickly picked up on how the rooms should look when they were properly prepared. After supper when their chores were done Kris had him strip down to his panties, bra, stockings and heels. She started by washing his hair with a flowery smelling shampoo. Then she did a little clipping on his hair then placed some big rollers in his hair. Then she put some foul smelling lotion on the rollers. She put a plastic cap over his hair and told him to shave himself. He went in the bathroom and found the shaving supplies on the counter. He thought, she doesn't miss a thing. He shaved his face and went back to Kris. She looked at him and told him to go back and finish the job. She told him to shave his legs, underarms and chest. He wasn't real hairy but resignedly went and id as she said. He was finishing when she came in and shaved his back and arms. He felt naked without the light hair he had had since he could remember. When he put his stockings back on he revelled in the silkiness of them. They felt exotic and erotic at the same time. Kris was happy when she saw he had put his stockings and bra back on with out being told. She removed the plastic cap and rollers and started to brush his hair. He was starting to enjoy the experience. She brushed for a long time it seemed to him but he didn't complain. As she brushed she said, "I know you have been through a lot lately but just listen to what I am going to tell you. If you go along with all of this you might find it isn't so bad. You have a roof over your head and three solid meals every day. Think of the clothes as a necessary evil if you have to. I like you and I want to see you get ahead. I don't know what is all in the works for you because I only follow orders from Sandy and am not in on the whole plan for you. I know I have been tough on you at times but I have a job to do. If you ever want to talk feel free to come to me. I promise I'll always be honest with you." Henry said, "Thank you. I will come to you if I get too flustered. I don't know what's going on and wish I could see the future." Kris told him, "We have had several men here since I have been here. They were trained as maids for their wives at their wives' request. I don't know if your wife requested that or not but I wouldn't be surprised if she did." He had never thought about that. He couldn't believe Rita would do something like that to him. Kris finished brushing his hair and gestured to see what he looked like. He saw a woman's face in the mirror. His hair was styled in a pageboy style with a flip at the ends over his shoulders. His hair glistened brightly. He liked the look and wondered if it was wrong to enjoy looking like this. Kris told him good night and left. He got ready for bed and was soon sound asleep. The next morning he was up and just about fully dressed when Kris came in his room. He finished dressing and Kris told him he looked divine. He felt a sense of pride hearing this. They went down to start breakfast. They were preparing breakfast when Sandy made a rare appearance in the kitchen. The three of them worked a little nervously being watched by Sandy. Sandy said, "Henry, you look great in that outfit. Take your apron off so I can see how you really look under it." He removed his apron. Sandy smiling said, "Looking like that we can't call you Henry anymore. What would you like to be called?" He told her he didn't know when Kris said, "How about Henrietta?" Sandy said, "No, that doesn't fit him. We have to lose the Henry. I have it; we'll call him Etta. He has lost the Henry but can keep the Etta. Now, Etta, how do you like your new name?" He answered, "It's OK, I guess. Can I ask you a question?" Sandy said he could so he continued, "What are you planning for me? Will I ever get out of here?" Sandy said, "You don't need to know any of that. I can tell you that it may be possible that you will leave someday but I can't promise anything. You keep dong a good job and you will find things get better." Sandy turned and left before he could say anything else. He just wanted to know where things stood and now he had doubts he would ever leave. Sandy had talked about things getting better and he wondered about that. As he served breakfast he was amazed at seeing Cathy and Kris smiling at him like something was about to happen. It disconcerted him wondering why they were smiling so much. After breakfast he was told to follow Kris. She led him to her room and told him he was going to learn how to serve a lady. She had him help her undress and then redress. He did it with flying colors and she was all smiles when she told him he would not have a problem helping guests this weekend that may request his services. He wondered what those services might be but decided to wait and see. After lunch they had him polish all of the silver. He was surprised at the amount of silver they had. There were three tea sets and lots of forks, knives and spoons. This took him all afternoon. Just before suppertime guests for the weekend started to arrive. He had to assist with bags and such so they could keep up at times. Everything went smooth and by bedtime he was completely bushed. Saturday morning he couldn't believe the amounts of food that was being prepared. He was told to make twelve servings of oatmeal and to set the table for twenty people. He started the water and then started setting the table. He finished the table just as the water started to boil. He made the oatmeal and when it was finished he was surprised to see at least a dozen people seated at the table already. Breakfast went smoothly but after breakfast he was told to go to room six and assist a woman getting dressed. He went and found a woman in her mid-thirties lying on top of the covers. She told him to get her blue underwear out of the dresser. He got it and helped her out of her nightgown, which he folded and placed on a chair. Then he knelt and held her panties open for her to step into. Then the bra was next. When he had her slip on her she told him to pick out a pretty dress for her to wear. He looked in the closet and saw a half dozen dresses hanging there. After some thought he picked a coral and blue one that zipped in the back. He helped her get it on and zipped her up. She told him to get the blue flats from the closet. He did that and when she had them on she told him there was just one more thing. He wasn't expecting what happened next. She grabbed him and planted a kiss on his lips. He asked what that was for. She said, "That was for your help with my bags last night and your help this morning. We are told not to tip here so I get around it in other ways. Are you upset because another girl kissed you?" He said, "Not in the least but I am not a girl. I am a man." She asked him how he ended up in this place. He started to tell her but she told him to sit down and continue. When he had told her as much as he knew he saw her looking him over closely. She said, "If you really want to get out of here I'll take you to live with me. I pride myself as a good judge of character and I think you are a good person. I don't know why they are dong this to you but I will allow you to live with me as you want." He said, "I don't think Sandy will allow me to go with you. I have to wait this thing out and see what transpires. I am hoping everything works out like it always has in the past." She said, "Take off your rose colored glasses. You are in a rough world. It will eat you alive, if you let it. Now, my name is Sylvia Stark. What's yours?" He said, "It is really Henry but they call me Etta. It's a stupid name but I wasn't about to argue with them over it." Sylvia asked, "How did they come up with Etta?" "Oh, one of the girls suggested Henrietta and Sandy said there was no more Henry just Etta. So, now that is what they call me." Sylvia asked, "Would you like to share my bed tonight? We can have some fun." He replied, "I don't know if they would allow that. Besides I thought you all were supposed to be lesbians." Sylvia told him, "I am bi-sexual. I can go either way and you seem to be a very nice person. For some odd reason I like you. You don't come on strong but I can see a strong character in you. I see someone I want to get to know better." He told her, "I don't know why either but I like you. You are the first person here to treat me like a human being with dignity. I appreciate that. I have a wife or at least I think I do. I don't know where she fits in with all of this but I am sure I will find out soon enough." Sylvia said, "I am going to ask Sandy if you can share my bed tonight. I come here every other weekend and I think I am a pretty good customer. Remember the customer is always right." He left with a light feeling in his head. He went down to the kitchen to see what had to be done. He got busy making some of the lunch, which entailed a lot of handwork. He wondered about what had just happened to him and how he felt about Ms. Stark. He had never had feelings like this before. After lunch he was busy doing rooms, which involved new towels and soaps, new bed linens, and always leaving a couple of mints on the pillow. In room six he left six mints. At supper he heard more laughter than he had heard in an eternity. Everyone seemed to be in an especially jovial mood. The mood caught him and soon he was laughing with Cathy and Kris. As they were eating they shared some jokes they had heard. He felt the best he had since arriving there in what seemed ages ago. Kris noticed that Sylvia Stark had been watching him closely, and teased him about it. He responded to her by telling her that it was nothing and that she was imagining it. He had just gotten into bed when there was a knock on the door. It was Sandy. She told him he was wanted in room six. She said she didn't know why or what for but that he was to be harmed in no way. He was told it was very unusual for anyone to request help to be a bedmate and that he better watch himself. He went and lightly knocked at the door of room six. He heard enter and entered the room. Sylvia told him to join her in bed. He climbed in and wondered what was going to happen. It was quiet for about three minutes. Then Sylvia asked, "How did you really get into this position?" He explained in detail how the plant closed and he couldn't find any work and how his wife had inherited this place and volunteered him to help out. He yold her how he thought it would be possibly yard work or help in the office but everything went wrong. When he was done Sylvia asked, "Do you think your wife knows what is happening to you?" He honestly answered, "I don't really know but I am considering that she might know. I haven't been able to talk to her since I've been up here and I am wondering why she hasn't called me. We never went more than two days apart without talking to one another before. This makes me wonder all the more" Sylvia said, "Well, let's get down to some serious love-making now." She planted a kiss on his lips. She took the initiative and started to get him worked up. He started to respond to her ministrations. Soon he was on his back and she was straddling him. She rode him with ease, very slow and deliberate. They both came simultaneously. They lay side by side enjoying the afterglow. Finally he asked, "This place is supposedly only for lesbians. I always thought lesbians didn't have anything to do with men." She replied, "Being bi-sexual, I can go both ways. You were great. I haven't had this good a sexual encounter in years if ever. I don't know why but I really go for you. There is something about you that I can't put my finger on that turns me on. I would like it if you would spend the rest of the night with me. Do you think you can?" He answered her question with a kiss. He didn't know why and for the first time in years let his instincts answer instead of thinking things out. They embraced and kissed and soon fell asleep. He awoke early and left her room. It was late when he made it to the kitchen. Kris was there and smiled at him like something special was happening. She said, "Well, did you finally drag yourself away from your girlfriend? I stopped by your room and you weren't in bed or the bathroom so I figured you were making it big time." He told her, "I was only doing what Sandy told me to, that's all." Kris said, "I suppose Sandy was there in the room telling you everything to do also. Or was it just you and your lover?" He said icily, "I don't think you could handle the details. Let's get breakfast started now." Kris said to Cathy, "Wow, look who's taken over as boss now. He gets himself laid and thinks he rules the world." He decided he would keep quiet and maybe it would blow over. He directed his attention to making the oatmeal. Kris had him make some pancakes also. Soon there were ten women eating. He was disappointed not to see Sylvia there. Soon, Sylvia was there. She sat quietly until he asked her what she would like for breakfast. She asked him what looked best this morning. He suggested a pancake. She told him a pancake would be fine. He asked her if she would like some whipped cream on it. She said she had never had a pancake with whipped cream but she would try it. Five minutes later he set a large pancake down in front of her. He had made a smiley face with the whipped cream. She smiled at him and thanked him. He was elated and felt light-headed. He had never felt this way before when anyone had thanked him. He wondered why this was happening to him. He thought she is a special person but he didn't know why. After breakfast the guests started to leave. He had to carry bags to cars for them along with Kris and Cathy. When he carried Sylvia's bags to her car and placed them in her trunk she thanked him and then to his surprise she gave him a big kiss on the lips. Kris saw this. When they were back in the house it was quiet and Kris said, "Etta, you sure made a big hit with one of the guests. I suppose you will be going to her house for Thanksgiving and Christmas." Etta answered, "Oh, don't be ridiculous. She just happens to like me and how I treat her." The three sat in the kitchen at the counter having a cup of coffee. He started thinking of Rita. He didn't feel he had been unfaithful, telling himself it was just for the job but he couldn't get Sylvia out of his mind. He had never enjoyed sex with Rita the way he had with Sylvia. The rest of the day Sandy let them relax. Sandy had told them the next guests would be coming on Tuesday so they had all day tomorrow to get the rooms ready. Monday was spent getting all of the rooms cleaned and ready for guests. It went fast and he was no longer getting pains in his legs from the heels. He was actually starting to enjoy some of the cleaning involved with the job. Tuesday after breakfast Sandy told him she was taking him into town. She told him to change into a regular dress. He looked in his closet and wondered what the difference was between what he had been wearing and a regular dress. Then he noticed a pink sundress hanging there. He decided to put it on. When he got it on and looked at himself in the mirror he was surprised that all he saw was a woman there. There didn't seem to be any semblance of a man. When he went down to meet Sandy she handed him a pink purse, telling him she knew he would pick that dress. They got into the car and left. He was surprised when she drove right through the town and kept going. About six miles out of town she pulled in at a house that had a sign in front saying it was Tonya's house of Fashion. The sign read 'alterations and sewing done.' Sandy told him to come with her. Once inside she introduced him to Tonya. Tonya seemed to be a no-nonsense type of woman in her fifties. She immediately took him into the next room and told him to take his dress off. He knew better than to question her. She soon returned with a black dress trimmed with lots of lace. She helped him with the massive petticoats and then helped him get the dress on. When he looked in the full-length mirror he realized it was a French maid's dress. As he was looking in the mirror Tonya put a cap on his head, it was white and had black ribbons hanging down from it. Then she got an apron trimmed with black lace and tied it around his waist. The apron had a little heart shaped pocket trimmed with black lace also. He was surprised at his reflection and didn't even hear Tonya tell Sandy that all of the uniforms had matching aprons and caps. He looked when she showed him another black one, a royal blue one trimmed with white lace, and a pink one trimmed with more black lace and lastly a white one trimmed with red lace. Tonya said to Sandy, "I have never seen a white maids dress, but it will look lovely on him." Sandy said it was for a very special occasion that was coming up. He wondered about that but let it drop. They got all of the uniforms into the car and were on their way back into town. Sandy said to him, "You are now a full-fledged maid. You no longer will have to scrub the floors or do the laundry at the house. You will, however still do the ironing and help prepare the meals. You can wear the regular apron over your uniform and apron and take it off to serve. The black uniforms are for regular days and the rest, I will tell you when you are to wear them. Do you understand?" He assured her he understood. He was slightly unnerved when he wondered how Sylvia would take him in one of his maid's dresses. He hoped it would be the pink one for some reason unknown to him. He then thought how it wasn't right for a man to think about things like that. He was surprised when Sandy pulled up in front of a place that had a sign saying it was Susan's House of Beauty. Sandy took him in and introduced him to Susan. Susan said, "Sandy has all ready told us what she wants done to you. It will take about four hours if you just cooperate with us. If you do I promise you will be stunning." Sandy said to him, "You had better cooperate with them. I know this is something you never did before but afterward you will be glad we think enough of you to go this far." Susan led him back and told him to take his dress off and hang it on the hanger on the rack. He did what he was told. They started out by shampooing his hair then led him to a chair. He was told to keep his fingertips in a bowl of liquid, which he did. Someone started working on his hair. Another girl came and started to do his nails. He couldn't see anything that was going on. Two hours later he wanted to look in a mirror so bad to see what was being done, but in the position he was in he couldn't see anything. Soon he saw Susan come toward his eyes with an artist's paintbrush. She brushed something on his eyelids and then he saw her come toward his eyes with what looked like a wood-burning tool. He expected a burning sensation but only felt a slight warming sensation. She painted what seemed to him his whole face and he frequently felt the warmness of the little pencil. Finally she was working in his lips. He saw the deep red color on the brush and knew he was going to have the reddest lips he had ever seen. When she finished she had him sit still for ten minutes supposedly to let all of the chemicals do their thing. He wondered about all the things he had felt and how he was going to look. Ten minutes later his chair was put back in the upright position and he was turned to see himself in the mirror. He was shocked to see his hair now hung down to the center of his back and was a mass of curls. His face was completely made up with eye shadow, blush, mascara and lipstick. As he knew his lips were a deep shiny red. Then he saw his nails. They were a matching red to his lips and extended a good half-inch past the ends of his fingers. He said. "There s no way I am going to make myself look like this again. I don't have the first idea of how to apply all the stuff you used on me." Susan said, "You don't have to worry. It is all permanent except for the nails. They will grow out and you will have to come in to get them filled and re-colored. We wove extensions into your hair but you don't have to worry about that. Make sure you brush it well every day." He saw Sandy standing looking at him and smiling. Susan helped him get out of the chair and led him back so he could put his dress on again. When he was ready he looked in the full-length mirror and wondered why he felt so sexy. He felt like he was the prettiest girl in town and it bothered him somewhat to feel that way. When they got back to the house another surprise was waiting for him. When they walked in Kris and Cathy lavished allsorts of praise over his new look. He blushed, but you couldn't see it under his make-up. Kris took his hand and led him to the dining table. She pointed to a bouquet of flowers in a large vase. He didn't know why she was doing that until she said, "There's a card on it, read it, lover girl!" He took the card and read it. It read 'Thanks for the wonderful time. Any time any place. Sylvia" He was thunderstruck. He had never ever received anything like this before. He didn't know how to react and looked at Kris and Cathy standing there grinning. Then Cathy handed him a box of expensive candy that had a card taped to it. He read the card, it said 'Sweets for my sweet. Sylvia' Kris said, "I have never seen anyone get anything like this. You must really have made an impression on her." Cathy said, "I know, it was that pancake with the smiley face on it." She started laughing and soon all four of them were laughing. Sandy asked what was going on, and Kris filled her in. Sandy said she had never seen anything like that before and asked him what he had all done. He told her he didn't think he had done anything that great, that he had just tried to be a good companion to her. He knew it was a lie of sorts but he justified it that they didn't need to know all the details. Finally Sandy told him to get his new clothes out of the car and put them in his closet and to put on a black outfit. He felt so great that he was smiling when he walked through carrying all of his new uniforms. He put them away except for the black one, which he put on. He really liked the way the petticoat felt against his legs. He returned to the kitchen area to get to work. The two girls were generous in their praise of how nice he looked. They both told him they were jealous of him. He wondered where all of this was leading but didn't dwell on it. For all of his life he had taken things as they went and tried to make the best of them. For some reason he knew everything would work out. They had some time before it was time to start supper so he opened the candy and offered a piece to Kris and Cathy. They both said how it was excellent candy. For a reason unknown he went and offered Sandy a piece. As he entered her office he noticed that she was looking him over closely. After he offered her a piece of candy and she took one she said, "Etta, I am in a quandary. We have never had an employee make such an impression on a guest. I am not faulting you but I would like to know just why Sylvia Stark is so taken with you. I am glad she likes you rather than the opposite of her detesting you but I have never seen anything like this. What can you tell me that will let me know why she is acting that way? She never got close to anyone else in all of her stays here. I wondered a few times why she kept coming back." He told her he truly didn't know why she was so taken with him. Sandy accepted that, thanked him for the candy, and sent him to start supper. That night when he took his shower he tried to wash the make-up off. When he looked in the mirror it looked brighter than before. He resigned himself to the fact it was actually permanent. He knew he should be devastated by the fact it was permanent but he wasn't. He went to bed happy, thinking about Sylvia and how nice her body was and how nice she was to him. It bothered him that he was thinking about Sylvia more than about his wife but he justified it in the fact that if his wife cared about him she would have at least called to talk to him. The next two days went fast with six mid-week guests and plenty of other things to do. On Friday morning when he was getting ready he noticed a bottle of something setting on his dresser. He looked at it and saw it was perfume. Just for the sake of seeing how it smelled he sprayed some on himself. It had a flowery smell but wasn't unpleasant. The day was going fast and late in the afternoon guests started to arrive forth weekend. About four o'clock Sandy told him to put his white uniform on. She also told him she saw he found the special gift from her and that he smelled nice. She told him to put more on. He went up and put it on the white uniform. He remembered Sandy telling him it was for a special occasion and he wondered what it was. He decided not to waste time worrying about it. He sprayed the perfume on liberally and went back downstairs. He had to help a woman with her bags and when he had them in her room and returned downstairs he saw supper was being served. He pitched in and helped serve it. After supper he was helping with dishes when Sandy told him there was a woman who needed help with her bags. He went out and was shocked to see it was Rita, his wife. She glanced at him but showed no sign of recognition. His heart fell when she didn't even acknowledge him. He put her bags on the bed in the room reserved for her. He went down and helped put the remaining dishes away. They were done when Sandy came and told them they were done for the evening. He was going back to his room when he saw his wife entering her room. He decided that he had to face her some time, and now was as good as any. He went and knocked lightly on her door. He heard her say to come in and entered. She glanced at him and asked what he wanted. He said, "I came to have a talk with my wife!" She looked closer at him then exclaimed, "My God, it is you. You have changed. I didn't recognize you at all. Are you enjoying your stay here?" He answered angrily, "No, I am not. I want to know if you knew this was going to happen to me?" She said, "All Sandy said is she needed help in a bad way. She did say she would have to make some changes in you but I didn't think they would go this far." He said, "Well, you have to get me out of here. I want to go home with you and return to being your husband." She said, "Look in the mirror and tell me you see a husband. Does a husband wear a maid's uniform and heels? Does a husband wear make-up like a woman? Do you know any husbands who have long curly hair and long painted fingernails?" He said, "No, I don't but that doesn't change the fact that I am your husband and I want to go home." Rita said, "Right now I don't think I want to take you home. But I'll tell you what; I'll think about it and let you know. If you do come home with me it will be as my maid not my husband. It looks like my husband is gone. You look more like a maid than you ever looked like my husband." He said, "What is wrong with you. You know I am your husband and you are purposely ignoring that. Do you send me up here for them to change me like this?" She testily said, "So what if I did! You weren't doing anything that useful around the house and I couldn't see that was about to change. You never exerted your husband's rights and I took them over. So, now if you want to come back it will be as my maid, not my husband." He was devastated. His whole world had collapsed. She told him to go back to his room that she was tired after the long drive. He returned to his room a very unhappy man. The next day he avoided her like the plague. He saw her watching him often but didn't acknowledge her presence. Kris and Cathy knew that Rita was his wife and were surprised he didn't show more attention to her. They didn't ask him about the relationship between his wife and him. On early Sunday afternoon Sandy called him into her office. When he entered he saw Rita there. Sandy began by saying, "I have been talking to your wife and she says she will take you with her under certain conditions. Do you want to go with her?" He said yes and Sandy continued, "Then she will tell you the conditions." Rita started, "If you come you will come as my maid. You will live as my maid always. You will sleep in the bedroom next to mine so if I need you, you will be available. You will take care of all the things a maid does including the housework and shopping. You will keep yourself presentable as a maid. You will do whatever I ask and not give any backtalk. Do you still want to go home with me?" He said yes he did. Sandy handed him a sheet that Rita had been reading from. It read as she had said. He was told to sign it. He signed. Sandy made a copy and handed one to Rita and one to him. She told him it was so he wouldn't forget. She told him to go pack and he could wear his pink uniform home. He went and packed. As he was packing Kris and Cathy came in his room. They both told him they would miss him tremendously. He gave them what was left of his candy from Sylvia. They both got tears in their eyes. They both gave him a kiss on the cheek. He told them he would miss them also. They left him to his packing. He wondered if he was doing the right thing. He thought about how his love for his wife had changed. He didn't have any idea of what was going to happen. There still was some love for his wife but it wasn't like it was. As far as he could tell she wasn't the woman he married. He got both of their clothes in the car and when it was time to leave he thought about backing out on going home, then decided it was the only way things could possibly get straightened out. On the way home Rita said, "You know I was never much of a housekeeper but you will get the house looking great right away. Things have changed with me and I don't ever want to hear you tell me I am your wife from now on. I will stay married to you at least for the time being but I don't want any criticism from you. Do you think you can do that or do I have to turn around and take you back?" He said, "I think I understand. I don't know where this is all going but I am going to take it a bit at a time." She said, "Good, I'm glad you are taking it so well. It is better if you just accept it." The rest of the trip was made in silence. When they got home he was told to take her clothes to her bedroom and put them away. When they pulled into the garage he saw his car was gone. He didn't say anything but noted it. When he was putting her clothes away he saw his side of the closet was empty. He looked in what used to be his dresser and found his clothes had disappeared there also. As he was putting his clothes away he was thinking. He knew his marriage was over. He was sad but at the same time decided that he was now a changed person. Never before had he ever tried to punish a person. He had always looked on the good side of everything. Now, he had his doubts. When he had everything put away, he was sitting on the edge of his bed when he heard Rita call him. He went into the living room where she was and she told him to make her a sandwich, as she was hungry. He went into the kitchen and saw some left over chicken in the refrigerator. He made her a sliced chicken breast sandwich with some lettuce on it. He took it in to her and she told him he should have served it on a platter. She told him to get her a glass of milk. He got it and served it on a platter. She told him he should curtsy when he served her. He did a shot at a curtsy and she smiled. Just then the door opened and a handsome man walked in and went up to Rita and kissed her on her lips. He was flabbergasted. Rita said, "Jimmy, this is Etta, our new maid. Etta this is Jimmy. Jimmy, are you hungry? I can have Etta make you something." He said he wasn't hungry and Etta left to go back into the kitchen. Seeing Rita eat had made him hungry. He looked in the refrigerator and finally made himself a cheese sandwich. He thought that now he knew why she had gotten rid of him. She was having an affair. This was confirmed when at bedtime he saw both of them go into her bedroom. He was in bed when he heard the sounds of their making love coming from the next room. He had a disturbing night's sleep and woke up feeling like he had not gotten any sleep at all. He got up and got dressed in a black uniform. It was now second nature to him to start the day like this. It took him minutes to shave and return to spray some perfume on. Then he went down to start breakfast. He knew Rita always had a toasted English muffin with jelly for breakfast. He knew that within two minutes she would be coming for breakfast. She didn't disappoint him. When he didn't see Jimmy he assumed Jimmy had left during the night. He asked her about his clothes and his car. She told him she had given his clothes to a thrift shop and sold his car. When he asked how she forged his name for the car she showed him a power of attorney he had signed. She told him she had all of their bank accounts had been put in her name and he was totally dependent on her for everything. He was devastated. She left the copy of the power of attorney on the table for him. He felt like he had lost everything. His biggest loss was his marriage as he saw it. He didn't know why they should continue the charade. He called Jerome Harke, who was an attorney he played golf with. Jerry told him at first that he would be available to play golf tomorrow morning if that was what he wanted. He asked Jerry if he could stop over on his way to his office, that he wanted to talk to him as an attorney. When Jerry rang the bell and saw Henry he didn't recognize him at first. Henry said, "It appears I have no money so if you want to leave go ahead. Otherwise I need to talk to you." Jerry said, "Go ahead and talk. Why are you in that get- up anyway?" Henry told Jerry the whole story. When he was done Jerry looked at the power of attorney and the agreement he had signed making him Rita's maid. He told him they were useless as legal documents. He asked if he had signed anything at the beauty parlor where they applied the permanent make-up. He then said he had to make a phone call, and soon there was an investigator there from the sheriff's office. It was noon by the time they were ready to leave. Henry was assured that everything would be all right. Jerry had called the bank and talked to the president, and miraculously Henry's name was back on the accounts. Jerry had also made a long distance call to the beauty parlor asking who their lawyer was. They said they didn't have one and he told them they soon would have one. He asked them if they had forms for people to sign who got permanent make-up. They said they did and he asked about Henry's paper. They said just a minute, and came back and said that Sandy had signed it. He told them not to lose it. Jerry told Henry he would be filing divorce papers and filing a civil suit for conspiracy and filing suit against Sandy and the beauty parlor. He told Henry that when he was done Henry wouldn't have to worry. Henry was worried though. He didn't like being revengeful but at the same time didn't like being taken advantage of either. He sat down in the living room where it was quiet and thought about all that he knew was about to happen. He thought about how Rita was going to be surprised because she would never suspect him of filing for divorce. He had to smile at the thought. He thought to himself that it would never have happened if she hadn't had Jimmy there last night. She had shot down their marriage vows in their bed right in front of him. Rita had just finished with a customer when two deputies came in. They informed her she was under arrest and allowed her to lock the store before they handcuffed her and took her away. She didn't know what was going on and thought it was a big mistake. At the jail she was told to get an attorney. She called Jerry, who told her he couldn't defend her, as he was Henry's attorney. He told her he could contact any other attorney she wanted. She gave him a name and he told her he would call him and send him right down. He told her not to talk to anyone until her attorney had a chance to talk to her. She was surprised when fifteen minutes later a man came to the room where they were holding her and introduced himself as her attorney. He left and soon returned with a copy of the charges. He glanced through them and asked her a few questions. When he was done he told her she was in serious trouble. He asked her if it was all true and she told him it was basically true. He said, "I know Jerry Harke very well. He will no doubt file a civil lawsuit against you as well and probably divorce papers. Do you want me to handle all of them or would you like a different attorney for any of that?" She told him she had confidence in him and he told her their only chance was if they got Judge Keller. He told her that Judge Keller was the most lenient judge he had ever seen. Just then a deputy came and told them the hook-up for the courtroom was ready for them. They went to the little room and Rita heard all the charges read against her. She had never realized she was breaking so many laws. When the judge asked how she pleaded, her lawyer said 'not guilty.' The judge set a pre-trial hearing for the following week. They left the hearing room with the television hook-up and were going down the hallway. A man came up to them and asked if she was Rita Riggs. She answered that she was and the man handed her some papers. The deputy uncuffed her so she could sign that she had received them. Thomas Last, her attorney, looked at them. He told her they were divorce papers and that she couldn't go home that night. He told her there was also a civil complaint against her filed on behalf of her husband. She was totally shocked as he was never one to pursue a path like this. She never expected him to do something like this. She posted bail and returned to her store. She called Henry and asked if they could talk. He told her as far as he knew she only wanted to talk to the maid and the maid was gone. He told her she would be better off talking to Jerry Harke. She knew it was a lost cause. She locked the store and went into her office in back. She turned on the little TV she had back there and was surprised to hear how she had been arraigned on conspiracy charges. Nothing was said about the divorce or civil suit, which she was thankful for. She laid down on the sofa she had there and fell asleep. She woke up in the middle of the night wondering where she was. She then recalled what had happened. She wondered what was going to come of it. The next morning she called Jimmy and told him what was happening. He told her to meet him for breakfast. She agreed and soon was crying on his shoulder. Meanwhile Henry was wondering how much trouble it would be to get rid of the make-up. He was shocked when he found out it would be a few thousand dollars. Jerry called him and told him to get in his best dress as they wanted to get some pictures of him before he changed back into being a man again and dressing as a man. He told Jerry he didn't know if that was possible, as the correction for his permanent make-up seemed pretty expensive. Jerry told him with what he thought he would receive that he could wear whatever he wanted. When the photographer arrived he was surprised at how nice Henry looked. He started right away with some close-ups of Henry's face. Then he started taking pictures of a full-length Henry. He told Henry he could change clothes and to put something nice on. Henry put on the pink maid's dress. The photographer said that was perfect and shot about six pictures of him in his maid's outfit. The photographer told Henry he could make some money if he wanted to sell some of the pictures. Henry declined the offer. The photographer asked if Henry had a before picture. Henry gave him an 8 X 10 that was hanging in the hall. The photographer left telling Henry he could see the results Thursday at his studio. Henry said he would be there at two in the afternoon. Henry thought about where he was in regard to everything. He decided that until he could get rid of the make-up he was further ahead wearing the dresses or maybe some slacks and a blouse. After lunch Jerry called him to tell him that Sandy had just been indicted for conspiracy and kidnapping. Actually the kidnapping was a result of her not letting him leave when he had said he wanted to go home. He also told Henry that he had filed charges against the beauty parlor for using permanent make-up without his personal permission. He told Henry that he was sure their business insurer would come through with a nice settlement. Henry felt better after talking with Jerry but still was afraid to go anywhere where he might be recognized. Finally he decided to go to the bank to get some money. When he got there the teller wouldn't give him any because he had no identification. She called her supervisor and he requested to speak with the president of the bank. They refused to get him so Henry called Jerry and explained what was happening. Before he knew what was going to happen the president of the bank was there. Jerry had called him and told him that if this wasn't straightened out immediately Jerry would be filing a suit against the bank. The president apologized profusely to Henry and personally took care of his request for money, and then took him to his secretary who gave him an identification card for future transactions. Henry walked out with fifteen thousand dollars in his purse. He headed for a used car lot. He left with a newer two-passenger sport car. He intended to go shopping for some new clothes to replace those Rita had gotten rid of. He then thought about how he would look in men's clothes and the facial make-up. He stopped at a shopping center and while walking down the concourse he saw a dress that caught his eye. It was a sundress but had embroidered roses around the skirt. He liked the way it looked. He stopped in and by the time he left he had three new dresses. He stopped by Jerry's office. When he was shown in by Jerry he said, "I need someone to talk to and you are the only one I know who knows about me that is available to talk to. I don't know when I will be going back to men's clothes with this face. It wouldn't look right and I have to find out what's involved I would like to think it would be painless and quick but I am afraid besides being expensive it is going to be painful." Jerry said, "Don't worry about it. When it comes time to go to court it might be better if you were still in dresses. That would get the jury's sympathy right off the bat. I know the defense attorney will ask why you are still in dresses and if you tell him what you just said it will turn any jury in your favor. So don't worry about that. From what you said you need someone to talk to. There must be someone you feel free to talk to, someone who you can open up to. If you don't you will destroy yourself. Can't you think of anyone you can feel free to talk with? It might be someone you worked with before, or a minister, or just about anyone." He thought, and the only one he could think of was Sylvia. He wondered why he couldn't think of anyone else, why she was the only one he could think of. He told Jerry he knew of one person but didn't know how to get in touch with her. He then remembered her saying she was at the boarding house every other week. He told Jerry he would have someone to talk to by Friday night. Jerry told him that Rita and Sandy had both made bail and were free. He told him that Rita would probably be calling to get her personal things from the house. Henry told him that shouldn't be a problem. He thanked Jerry for everything and left feeling better. He was home about a half hour when he received a call from Rita's attorney. He set up a six o'clock time for her to come and get her personal things. He was eating supper when the doorbell rang. He answered the door and there was Rita and her lawyer. Her lawyer asked if he wanted a police officer there while Rita got her things. Henry told him he didn't think that was necessary. They came in and Rita headed for the bedroom. Henry sat at the dining room table and watched the comedy. Her lawyer tried to help her but she didn't need his help. Her lawyer asked if she could take a couple of the suitcases. Henry got two for her to use. He took them in and placed them on the bed. Rita looked at him and said, "My lawyer told me not to talk to you but I have to tell you I am sorry. It was all my fault. I never thought you would divorce me or do any of this." He told her, "When you had me changed you changed my personality also. It would have been OK until I met Jimmy and you had him in our bed. That killed any chance of us getting back together. Now you have to face the consequences of what you did to me. I can't feel sorry for you because that is how much you changed me." She said, "That outfit looks real nice on you. You have good taste in clothes everything considered. Can we try to be friends even with all that is happening?" He said, "I have to do some heavy thinking on that. It may or may not be possible. I really don't know right now." Her lawyer walked in after going to the bathroom and told Henry it would be better if he left her alone. She told her lawyer that they were just having a nice conversation and he shouldn't blame Henry for that. He returned to his chair in the dining room. Forty-five minutes later she had everything she wanted and left. He sat thinking about her and wondering if their marriage could possibly be saved. He decided that it was done. He didn't have the love for her that he once had. The next afternoon he went to the photographer's studio to see how the pictures turned out. He couldn't believe the before and after picture the photographer had put together. The close ups were fabulous, making him look very pretty. He thought that if he didn't know it was him he could fall in love with someone who looked like that When he left he had copies of six of the pictures including the before and after one. He went home and packed some clothes so he could take a drive on Friday. He knew where he would go and what he wanted to do. On Friday he drove up to the boarding house. He shopped in town and ate supper there so he would arrive at the boarding house just before dark. When he pulled in and parked in front of the house it was Kris who came out to help with the bags. When she saw who it was she was all smiles. He asked Kris, "Is Sylvia Stark here yet?" Kris said, "Yes, she is. She looked very disappointed when Sandy told her you're no longer here. I am so glad to see you but I know Sandy won't be. She was in jail for a day and a half before she raised bail. I am glad you are standing up for yourself." Henry said, "Do you suppose you could go in and get Sylvia to come out here. I really would like to talk to her." Kris said, "I'll get your lover out here if I have to carry her or bring her out at gun point." She left and went into the house. She knocked on Sylvia's door. She entered and said, "I think I know what you need. You need some good news and I have it. Your lover is outside waiting for you. He wants you to come out." Sylvia was out of the door of her room before Kris could move. When Sylvia saw Henry she started wal

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It was a cold rainy night and I was walking home from work. I like my job, well about as much as you could like working in an office and staring at a computer all day. I was wearing a jacket, slacks and a button up shirt. My face was the 5 o’clock shadow that I get whether it has been 5 days or 5 minutes since I shaved. A small amount of long chest hair poked out of the top of my shirt. I was not really paying attention. I had walked this path home a hundred times before. I had no reason to...

4 years ago
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This is a fictional story. Enjoy!! :)All she ever wanted was to be taken, dominated against her will; to surround to her passion and be free of her fear. To be with someone who would push her limits, challenge her boundaries, release her inner b**st, as you will.She felt this way with him, a man she would not have normally been attracted too but yet, there was something that drew her to him, like a moth to a flame. When she laid beside him afterwards, snuggled deep into his warm, comforting...

3 years ago
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My wife’s sister was irresistible and teased me once too often.Joanne was gorgeous! Blonde, blue eyes, a body to die for, and a flirt. When we picked her up at the airport, she gave me a hug that lasted so long that my wife, her sister, noticed.“Hey, Joanne! That’s my husband you’re hugging,” she reprimanded loudly.“Sorry sis, but you said that Bill was good looking. I got carried away.”But I knew she wasn’t sorry and neither was I. I got a nice boner holding Joanne and I knew she felt it. I...

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I am a FOOL, for I have loved my wife for now going on twenty years. We have or I thought we loved each other. I was and am a FOOL. Let me first tell you that my name is Franklin, I am 48, with gray hair and eyes, my weight is just about 280lb, I stand at 6/3, I have a fair mussel mass though out my body. My wife Joan is44 and stands 5/4 at 145lb, with a good body 44dX38X40 just the right size for loving. We live a good life with our two children Joshua at seventeen and stela sixteen both...

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*** This story is fantasy and not intended to be taken literally*** It was a pretty typical Saturday night for me. I'd been at the nightclub all night, was well on the way to being tanked and had had no luck with the babes. I'd struck up a conversation with some guy at the bar, and after a few laughs and backslaps, I excused myself and went to take a piss. Afterwards while washing my hands, I heard the door open behind me, felt a sharp stab in my left buttock, then everything went hazy and I...

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It was early in the morning, around seven o'clock. You were sitting around the dining table with your parents and twin sister, except, none of you were eating. You had been asked to come downstairs for a family meeting. Looking around the table you could see that your sister was looking at you with a worried look in her eyes, and your parents appeared both serious and anxious. "Why is everyone staring at me?" you ask, rustling in your seat, nervous at the attention everyone was giving...

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—All characters in this story are fictitious and are at least 18 years of age.— Rachel awoke. Her eyes drifted to the clock next to her bed. 2:33 AM The night was eerily quiet and she was restless. “Ugh! Why can’t I get any sleep!?” She threw the sheets off her bed and went to the bathroom. She turned on the faucet and splashed some water on her face. She paused there, looking at herself for a moment. Rachel was a long haired brunette, mid back length, naturally straight and thin. She was tall,...

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HIS POINT OF VEIW: You’d wake up wet and bucking at fingers intruding in your panties, fingers that had obviously been at it for a while considering how wet you are. You are so horny and blissed out you don’t care who it is. At hearing you gasp awake, I lift your top and begin to lick and suck your nipples. Tickling each nub with my tongue strongly, switching back and forth. You raise your ass to help me remove your panties. My thick cock is now hanging between your legs, aimed right at your...

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From tiknala (a fan) 05/10/2013Knock , knock … the door opens and there you stand , just out of bed it seems , hair tousled ,your dressing seemingly hurriedly put on , not quite tied properly ,I can see the rise of your breasts trying to push out from the gown , I cant take my eyes off the view …...Yes , what is it , you say …..You asked for a quote on some decorating , I say . Oh , yes come upstairs and I will show you wants needs doing …... oh boy , I know what needs doing , you .We begin to...

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In the city I went to high school in there was three parks in walking distance of my home, I mean you could walk to the parks which was between one to two miles from my home. One of the parks is small with a basketball court and baseball, softball diamond and numerous walking paths. Doing the weekdays this park is pretty much empty of people until about two in the afternoon. It was near eleven in the morning and I was bored at home so I went to this park to walk the trails and do a little...

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I had just been into exploring my sexual side for a short time when this happened.I was about 16 and still shy and nervous. I had kept my sexual liaisons to the local cruising places at night and anonymous. I wasn't old enough to get into the gay bars, and hadn't worked up the courage to go into the local bath-house, The Apollo.I was walking through the mall one day when I noticed a guy checking me out. I was surprised by how obvious he was in such a public place. The mall was dead, but it...

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Trish was twenty one and was no stranger to hard sex. She had been having sex since she was thirteen. She loved it rough and kinky. Many of her men friends were older or married. She was pretty and sexy and a freak in the sheets. There was very little she would not do for the right cock. A good cock to Trish was a hard one. She loved them hard and long. She loved cum rather it come from a hard cock or a wet pussy. She would spread her legs for a male or female tongue. She loved to suck a nice...

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She was riding in her usual covered carriage with her trusted driver at the reins. The trip was thus far uneventful. They had traveled this road many times. As they turned a corner in the road, they were confronted by a band of scruffy looking young men. There were three of them; more than her elderly driver could fight off. One of the men looked in the carriage and saw the long curly red hair of the woman sitting clutching her breast as if to ward off an attack. The man pulled her arms away...

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You drive down the dark, dimly lit street in your van.  You hope you have the right road, because the time is almost upon you.  Suddenly, you see her.  She is dressed just like she said she would be in the email, short jean skirt, black tank top, and a little over-shirt that she has dropped down below her shoulders.  She's carrying a white bag with blue straps.She wasn?t kidding about the hair either.  Its long curling waves flow down her back almost past her full lush ass.  You know...

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####This is my third work on CHYOA, hooray! This work needs polishing and perhaps more content which I will be updating in the near future. If you don't like cuckhold & stupid male protagonist & rape & minor violence, turn around now. Otherwise, enjoy! Lara and Jake are neighbors. They go to same college and live next doors. Lara is the nerdy type when at school, with a rather short build, wearing a giant pair of glasses, dressed like a typical good gal that doesn't stand out among the crowd...

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The young wife sighed as she came out of the shower and toweled her body dry. She faced another tediously long, lonely, night alone. Her Husband was still on duty over seas, and was not due back home for another month. She had been alone for six months now. She smiled as she dried her body, for she thought of her new husband and the way he had made her feel. She had been virgin the night they married, and her experienced husband had awakened things in her that had lay sleeping. She touched her...

2 years ago
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"I love you," I whispered. That was how it began. I didn't know it at the time, of course, but those three words sealed my fate. They were true. Still are. She loves me too. Of that, I have no doubt. She tells me so with every touch, every lingering kiss. It's just that she has needs... But that is not where I begin. We had been casual lovers for some time, and she had always been in control. I loved that about her - her strength and confidence. She was demanding, but I loved...

2 years ago
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Anxious Alicia Chapter 4

It was weird, I wasn’t as nervous as I expected, which gave more resolve to continue with the doctor’s cure. The store was rather busy but I continued on as it was normal. I got some weird looks and stares but nothing negative. Then it was time to go through the check out. The cashier kept looking at me funny while she rang in my groceries which prompted me to ask why. “What’s the matter?” “Sorry, you are the first person to be naked in this store that I have seen. Aren’t you afraid to get...

3 years ago
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RobbyChapter 6

Robby woke up the morning after the melee with Karen's husband stiff and sore. He reckoned the only part of him that was not sore was nestled between the panty-clad butt-cheeks of Karen, as he lay spooned against her back. His dick was not sore, but it was as stiff as a crowbar. Unlike the previous morning he did not pull away from her and leap from the bed. Instead, he pulled her tighter against him and nuzzled her neck. Karen gave a little sigh of contentment and wiggled back against him,...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Lana Rhoades VR 23099

You want a little fuck toy for the night? You’ve got one. Lana Rhoades is here to make you happy, however you’d like. She starts off by whispering in your ear and telling all the naughty, dirty things you can do to her — you should do to her. She wants her holes filled, and you’re the man to fill them! The stunning brunette tells you to take off your mask, and when you do, you’ll nearly fall over in your chair. Lana in lingerie is a very dangerous thing…just make sure you please her, and she’ll...

4 years ago
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Hi everybody. I am Prakash Patel, now in Ahmedabad, a settled business man. I am 5ft 4 inches, fair, medium but athletic built, smart & soft man. I am here to share my real life experience. Now I am 46. I developed my knowledge in sex as most of boys do. Yes, Porn magazines, friends and Gujarati romantic novels. I was bored and my mind moves to next stage to do all those things practically. But, the question was How to do? I tried a lot. But nothing happened. It actually happened when I was in...

2 years ago
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Blood BondsChapter 5

The old man drained the last of the beer off the keg, and brought the bottle to Ethan's small table. There was some beer foam right at the mouth of the bottle, which the old man blew away with a whizzy puff, before settling it down on the table. He then looked at Ethan with wide, almost hazy, glassy eyes and said: "He can smell you are trouble." Ethan shook his head and his stilted smile had the look of tasting salt about it. He drank another gulp of beer and asked the old man, "I...

4 years ago
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How would I make you cum

]How would I make you cum?Were alone in the bedroom and have all the time in the world.I start by holding you close and slowly run my hands over your body, caressing and stroking you whilst I gently kiss your lips and neck.I kiss you with my tongue so that I feel our tongues intertwining. I slide my hand up under your top and stroke your back (undoing your bra) and then slowly slide my hand down the back of your trousers, down, under your knickers and cup your arse checks, stroking, spreading...

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The Halloween Party

(episode 18) This follows College SexscapadesI believe it was a Monday morning while sitting in class next to Brittany that she asked what I was doing for Halloween the next night. I told her that I was planning to go over to my fraternity house for the Halloween party there. Brittany then asked, “What costume have you come up with for Halloween?” I responded, “I haven't come up with anything yet, but I will be at the party.”Brittany then informed me, “Jennifer, Renee and I are going to a huge...

College Sex
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Intergalactic Love Story

In the galaxy of Micera there was peace until one of the people of the planet ChenChau went to the planet MayFlower and killed the king who had no son therefore there could be no king, but that did not stop Mayflower's Generals from declaring war on ChenChau. Neither could see eye to eye on who's fault it was. The ChenChauians thought it was the MayFlowerians fault because King Gonho wasn't protected well enough. But the MayFlowerians thought it was King Thodane's fault for not keeping closer...

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Teachers Movie Theatre Gangbang

The thirty young school students were safely locked up in the YMCA under the supervision of two other teachers and three volunteer parents. I had organised the night off to take time to stroll around the city. I told the 'powers that be' that I was going out with a family member, but in reality I was just looking for adventure. The idea of sitting in a room with thirty giggling 12 year old boys and girls did not appeal. I'd had a shower at the Y and I had got dressed into an outfit that...

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Guilt vs Pleasureonly a dream

I woke up this morning all in disarray...my heart was beating ten to the dozen..my massive bosoms were heaving..my skin was all clammy!! I knew it was not true...You see...I had this dream...an amazing dream that sent me into another world..I was walking along the forest..near our farm..just silly lonely aul me..and I felt I was being watched...the hairs on my arm and the nape of my neck stood on edge...I quickened my pace but ears all a-listening...As I got to the clearing..he was standing...

3 years ago
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Brutal Brothers 8211 Part 6

This is the next part of the brutal Brothers series after I was fucked by Manish and his 4 friends and the driver and same happened with Anjali. We reached our hotel at night. I got dressed and went in the hotel Anjali and my brothers were already there, Anjali was looking divested her hair were all curled and she her face was very red I realized that my brothers had taken her very hard. Manish was booking rooms at the counter and I was standing next to him the hotel was not a very decent place...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 8 Blame It On Me 8

After two months of the most exhausting road trip in human history, Tori and Trina Vega could not be happier to be back home in LA. The eldest s*ster was beyond red thanks to a routine poolside stay in Tucson two days before, and the slightest touch triggered the sunburn's pain. The pity for her s*ster was the only thing that had kept Tori from strangling her over the last 48 hours.All three Vega women rushed into the house from the camper, leaving the fully healed Mr. Vega to grab the bags...

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Babita and me

The next day (Sunday) I woke up early and was doing my work, babita came early for work; she was looking radiant after yesterday’s lovemaking and gave a sexy smile. I went near her and kissed her lips, she embraced me tightly and we kissed for some time, my hands roaming over her body. She was wearing a red churidar and was looking stunning. She told I will finish my work soon as I have to go to some other house for work and will come in the afternoon, I told her ok and she made breakfast for...

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Hot Mom on Ice

Ice storms are among the most unpleasant of natural phenomena, but I will be eternally grateful for a particular one which hit at precisely the right time and changed my life (and my Mom's) forever. I was in my first year in college in a neighboring state, about a 4-hour drive from home--that is, under normal circumstances. I had had a great first quarter, doing well academically and (more important for a horny teenager) with the girls. I had been something of a nerd in high school and had...

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Punishment ParkChapter 6

Tanner was not denied any visual delight that the park he’d created now offered it’s new owner, and the hordes of ecstatic feminity who’d usurped the masculine audience he’d envisaged. Kneeling leashed and naked at the pole close to the gallows he’d constructed, he erected hard at his predicament, taking in the magnificent pomp of the mature redhead who’d seen to his downfall, he was immersed in a surreal and eternal sexual arousal, his lust for submission developing daily, his coming out as...

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My body gets discovered

This story makes use of West Asian clothing and terms. If you prefer this to be more western, please adjust the vocabulary in the right panel. Example outfit: Disclaimer: All characters are over 18. This story involves racial degradation and strong non-consensual themes. This is fantasy and should not be repeated in the real world, unless as part of a role-play between consenting adults. Please enjoy, and leave feedback even if you don't! My day was off to a bad start. I knew it was a mistake...

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Marys story Part 33

Standing there was the sexiest woman that Mary had ever seen. She was about Mary’s age, she thought, but with very stylish blonde hair. Her make-up and nails were immaculate. She was dressed in a very expensive looking cream blouse and matching trousers. Mary realised that she could see all the detail of her longline bra showing through the blouse, and that there appeared to be suspenders going down from the bottom of the bra towards the waist. The woman’s breasts were pushed up and looked to...

2 years ago
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Sex with hot neighbour

I am amit, living in a corporate township. My wife is used to visit her parents once a year and for that she will be out for at least one month. In the summer of 2000, my wife went to her parents house. I was alone at home, my neighbour sweety is very hot and sexy. She and her husband doing sex everyday, i watch them from the window from terrace. She is doctor and attending her clinic everyday between 4 to 8. On returning she just go to her bedroom which has a big window and can be seen from...

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Hot cousin brother

Hi All,When i was 18 my parents had to go out of station for 3 days so they asked my cousin brother to stay with me. That day I went to college and came back home my brother also came back from work and we had dinner and sat before the TV then I sat on the sofa and my brother was sitting on the floor I was wearing only shirt and short skirt and my brother was wearing only shorts because it was summer and after seeing some songs in the TV my brother went and brought some beer from the fridge...

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The Cuckolds Reward Alistairs Story Part I

Alistair heard the short ringing tone of his mobile. It was an email notification signal. He leapt up from his chair and picked up his mobile. It was from Julie: ‘Arrived okay. Abdul here to meet me. Off to the apartment now. Will email later. Luv Julie xxx.’ He breathed a sigh of relief. At least his wife had arrived safe and well. He reached over for his glass and took it across to the drinks cabinet so that he could refill it. He had worried about her flying to Turkey on her own and away...

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The Nehbors Chapter seven Sex on the sand dunes

Sue did not seem to care just as long as she had her orgasm I also was going to cum . She knew I would Explode deep insider her it did not matter to her she loved it . She was always wicked hot an horny like this and being pregnant meant no condom . Chapter Seven Sex in the Sand Dunes We hear the couple going at it she looking down on them we could hear them talking loudly . I'm going to cum soon sis yes fuck me fuck your sisters tight twat oh gawd fuck me yes yes . Thank...

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Nikkis Story Slippery Susie Part 8

Slippery Susie - part 8 (Nikki & friends) FMMM by wile_e_coyote_mn1 Nikki admired a lot about her mom, but it was her easy going attitudeand obvious lust for life that she thought were her mother’s bestattributes. Having just turned 18, Nikki felt bad for her friends thatdid not have the same close relationship with their parents as Nikki didwith hers. She had always felt she could share anything with herparents, even if it was something she had done wrong. Yes they could getupset...

1 year ago
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Buckle up for this one guys cause it’s about to get crazy up in this bitch. Why? Well, let’s just say that all of your needs for amateur porn have been met for the rest of your goddamn life, as well as your children’s life, as well as your children’s children’s life and so on. I honestly don’t know if it’s possible to actually go through all of the amazing videos that you’ll find on Pornformance.com, and the best part is that they are all 100% free. Yeah, you heard me right, even a bum can go...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Loose Vignettes

This is just a repository for short stories and fragments that don't really have a home yet. Feel free to suggest where some of these paragraphs could lead to next in the comments, or if you want to write the next paragraph to one, that would be cool too. If you've got a story that you think one of these could be adapted to, send me a message and I'll see what I can do. Finally, if you've got a bit of a story that doesn't fit anywhere else, feel free to add it here.

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Submissived Alison Rey A Tip To Submit

Cute MILF Alison Rey loves making money almost as much as she loves sex. That is why she is such a huge fan of camming. She gets the best of both worlds as she fills her pussy up with huge dildos while a ton of pervy guys shower her in cash. But when one of her fans spams her with messages, Alison is a little weirded out. She challenges the guy to come over and talk to her face to face. But when he shows up, she cannot believe her eyes! He ties her up with some rope and then makes her gag on...

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Second wife

Been living with my second wife for about 10 years ,nice house edge of town .We had no k**s ,she had a daughter from her first marriage living with us ,just left to go to uni. To spice up our sex life We started watching web cam sites ,occasionally paying girls or couples to ‘perform ‘ for us , seemed to work as my ex wife got excited and it always got me hard . Followed one very sexy lady ,our age , would take her private on the site , my wife seemed to love talking with her and directing the...

3 years ago
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A Favor for Danny Boy A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between...

2 years ago
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Night of Many Firsts

Night of Many firsts (Part One)Don Abdul ©She was engaged to be married, but a couple of weeks to the wedding, her whole world came crashing down around her, when she received an anonymous tip that took her to a motel on the edge of town. At the motel, she caught her man, and her would-be maid of honor, stepping out from a raunchy fuck fest.....The trauma of that incident and the heartbreak it caused her would have put some other person in a sanatorium. Dawn however is a sister with attitude,...

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The Low Realm

You feel a cold hard surface underneath you. You open your eyes to try and get a feel for your surroundings but find little difference from them being closed. Wherever you are it's dark. So dark you couldn't see your hand until it was practically laying on your face. The air bites into your skin as you realize that you'r not clothed. You could've sworn you had clothes on at some point but you fail to recall. With little other option you begin to fumble around the surface you'r on to get a feel...

4 years ago
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A caring mother pt1

Joanne had been worried about her son Chris for some time. Several years actually. Right through school he'd never had a date. He just seemed incredibly shy around girls. When it came time to find a date for the prom he locked himself in his room and no matter how hard Joanne tried to get him to ask a girl to go with him, he'd just run away and hide."Maybe he's gay," said his father John, an ex-military man who regarded getting a woman in bed as similar to storming the beaches of Normandy. Just...

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Pink and White Dress

A Pink and White Dress Janet L. Stickney [email protected] If you were to say that I was scared, you would be right. I stood there completely dressed as girl, complete from the skin out, including panties, white pantyhose, a bra stuffed with socks, and a party style dress that did nothing but scream femininity. Pink, with white lace trim, short enough to reveal my knees, pushed out by the three petticoats enough to make it sway with every step I took. My hair, once...

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Mystery TourChapter 4 Arriving

For the first few days, life on the ship was a lot like life in the moonbase. The biggest difference was Lupe. She went next door to see Miguel two more nights in the first week. Dee only came over once, and she slept with Kim that time. I could live with that, especially since I was with Carlita and Maria that night. It showed how far we'd come in a short time. A threesome with me, my sort-of-ex wife and my teen daughter's best friend! Sure I enjoyed it. We'd all been through medical so I...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 15 Hogwarts Champion

Chapter Fifteen – Hogwarts Champion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, exhib, hand, grope, spank, unif, voy The selection process for the Triwizard Cup had begun the night before, after the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. Any student over the age of eighteen and wanting to try their hand at being selected as Hogwarts Champion had only...

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