Nice Shoes Part 2 free porn video

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Nice Shoes Part 2 By Deane Christopher Copyright 2004 As expected, Janice Meadows was standing just beyond the pier's security checkpoint. "There she is," Paula informed Ethan. "Where?" "Over there on the left, right below the bank of TVs displaying United's departure times." "Okay. I see her. She's the one wearing the gray skirted business ensemble, with a red satin camisole under the jacket?" "That's her alright. "Are you ready?" Paula asked under her breath. Taking a deep breath to help quell her uneasiness, Ethan replied through the clenched teeth of a forced smile, "Yeah... I guess I'm about as ready as I'll ever be." "Good, because you're on..." +++ With a great big smile blossoming happily on her face, Janice Meadows stepped forward, and eagerly embraced the blonde she thought to be her husband in a welcome home hug that conveyed a sense of implied intimacy that few women ever dared to share. "I've missed you," she earnestly declared. "I've really, really missed you." "And, I've missed you too, dear." the blonde sheepishly returned. "Did you by any chance take note of just who I happened to bump into while I was at O'Hare?" "Yes. I most certainly did," Janice replied, as she turned to address the beautiful long-legged brunette who had accompanied the blonde bombshell that her husband could turn himself into. "Hello," Janice beamed. "We've talked on the phone a number of times, but it's really nice to finally get the chance to meet you in person, Ginger. Welcome to LA. I hope that you will enjoy your stay, and if there's anything that I or anyone else connected with the Meadows' Modeling Agency can do to make your stay a more pleasant one, all you need do is ask, all right?" "Yes," The brunette began to giggle. "I've had my staff book you a suite at the Hilton. I hope that it will meet with your approval. If it doesn't, all you need do is to let me know, and I'll have my special assistant make other arrangements for you." The brunette's giggle elevated into what Janice Meadows took to be a chuckle, and a very irritating one at that. "Ginger, did I by any chance say something that struck you as being funny?" "No..." the chuckle was sounding more and more like a choked-off laugh with each and every passing moment. "No, you didn't say anything funny." At that, the blonde began to chortle as well. "Okay!" Janice irately snapped. "What gives? Something's going on here, and I want to know exactly what that something is." Unable to completely stifle herself, the brunette snickered, "We fooled you. I wasn't sure if we could pull it off, but we did." "What?" a very putout and thoroughly perplexed Janice sternly demanded. "What in the world are you talking about?" "We pulled a switcheroo on you. I'm not who you think I am. That's to say that I'm your husband, Paula, while that very nice young lady whose hand you're holding is none other than Miss Ginger MacGregor." Ethan, clearing her throat first, endeavored to interject herself into the conversation, "Actually, my real name is Ethan Samuels, but I go by Ginger MacGregor whenever I'm like I am now." Though somewhat taken aback by the pair's admissions, Janice, having glanced down at the matching pair of stiletto heels that graced the feet of the new arrivals, rounded on the shapely brunette, "So, I take it that your assumption about our little Miss MacGregor here was indeed correct and that you're not the only soul who possesses a pair of those nifty, transsexualizing high heels of yours?" Brushing back a loose strand of Ginger's chestnut hair from out of her face, Paula casually replied, "Yes. That would be a safe assumption on your part, dear." "That's great!" Janice was all smiles. "We can sure use somebody else who has the ability to alter her appearance to suit whatever the 'it' is that the client is looking for. Now, thanks to Ginger here, you and I can maybe get off on that dream vacation that we keep talking about, but never seem to be able to take..." A few minutes later, as the three of them were making their way down to the baggage claim, Janice made a request of her high heel wearing cohorts, "This is a little too confusing for me. So, could I get the two of you to do me a big favor, and switch back to your old selves?" "Sure," Paula replied. "We'd be happy to. However, just how do you propose we accomplish that? I mean, with the three of us looking like we do, and given the fact that there are all these men around here, it's pretty much a given that at least one of them will be eyeing one or the other of us up one side and down the other. In other words, dear, there not much a chance that Ginger and I will be able to pull off a switch without somebody taking note of it." "That's true," Janice replied thoughtfully. "But I wasn't suggesting that the two of you do it out here, where everybody and his brother can see you." "All right. Then, just where, may I ask, were you suggesting that we do it'?" "How about the two of you doing it in there," Janice said, as she grabbed both of their hands, and began to lead them across the concourse, steering a path towards the ladies restroom. Once inside, she directed her two charges into two unoccupied stalls. "All right, you two. Do whatever it is you have to do to make things normal, and while you're doing that, I'll give Amber a call, and just have her bring the van around. That way, once we collect whatever luggage you have, we can be on our way. "Now, I don't know how hungry the two of you are, but as for myself, I'm famished. So, if it's okay with the two of you, how about the four of us stop someplace to get something to eat before we head on over to the Hilton, and drop Ginger off?" +++ Having been informed by the restaurant's congenial hostess that it would be at least a half an hour before the four of them could be seated in the dining room, they elected to steer a course into the adjoining bar. Once there, Paula, saying that she was going to see if she could find the little girls' room, made a small request of her wife. She asked Janice if she would be kind enough to order a Margarita for her should the barmaid come around to take their order during her absence. That prompted Amber to ask Paula if she would mind some company. Informing her Aunt Janice to please order a Pina Colada for her, Amber quickly caught up to Paula. As the two of them passed out of the bar and began to wend their way down the hall to the ladies room, Amber impishly, if not conspiratorially, inquired, "So, Paula, what's the skinny on this prospective new model of ours? I mean, did you by any chance learn anything that I might find to be of particular interest during the fight out from O'Hare?" "Now that you mention it," Paula casually replied, "I do believe I did." Thoroughly intrigued, Amber tersely demanded. "What is it? What'd ya find out, Paula? "Please! Oh, please!" Amber giddily implored, as she followed Paula into the ladies restroom. "Tell me that you found out that she's a lesbian and that she's not hooked up with anyone in particular at the moment." "Well..." Paula replied coyly, as she made her way into the first of the lavatory's two adjoining stalls. "While I really shouldn't ought to be telling tales out of school, I do believe that I might just have some news that's to your liking." Before Paula could utter another word on the matter, Amber energetically quipped, "You're shittin' me, right?" "No. Not at all... "I'm not, as you so aptly put it, 'shittin' you'. The fact of the matter is that I have it on good authority that Ginger has, what you might call, a thing for other women, much the way I have been lead to believe that you yourself do..." +++ "By any chance, Ginger, are your ears burning?" Janice, in a conspiratorial tone of voice, inquired of her sole tablemate. Taken aback by Janice Meadows' pointed inquiry, Ethan stammered, "Huh?" "You do realize that even as we speak, that rather outspoken young niece of mine is back in the ladies room, giving my husband the third degree, hoping to find out if you might be up for some - Oh, how should I put this? - girlish activities, that - I guess you could say - are of a sexual nature?" With the rose of a blush blossoming in her cheeks, Ethan coquettish replied, "Yes. Your husband did warned me that such might be the case during our flight out here from Chicago." "And, you're not put off, or upset by that?" "No. Should I be?" Unsure as to how she should respond, given the delicate awkwardness of the topic, it was Janice's turn to grope for an appropriate way in which to express her feelings on the matter, "Heavens no. "Look, as far as I'm concerned, whatever happens between you and Amber is for the two of you to decide. However, if you do decide to give it a go, and you find it isn't working out the way you'd like it to, and Amber starts giving you a hard way to go, all you need do is to let either Paula or myself know, and we'll be more than happy to put a stop to it. "In other words, Ginger, both Paula and I want you with the agency, and we don't want Amber making you feel so uncomfortable that you might one day want to part company with us. "So, if you find that it gets to be a hassle dealing with Amber, now or in the future, you just say the word, and I'll have a little talk with her. Okay?" "Thanks... But, for some odd reason or another, I have a funny feeling that, when it comes to that niece of yours, that's not going to be necessary." "Odd you should say that Ginger, because, as ironic as it might sound, I was thinking along the very same lines myself..." +++ During desert, Janice very nonchalantly gazed at her watch, and in an apparent knee jerk reaction, excitedly blurted, "Oh, my! I didn't realize that it was getting this late." Then having eluded to the fact that she had an early meeting that she had to attend the following morning, Janice Meadows continued on to make a request of Ginger. Confiding the fact that Paula was in between apartments, and so was temporary staying with her and her husband, she asked if it would be all right with Ginger if she called a cab to take both her and Paula home. That way Amber could drive Ginger over to the Hilton, and once there, ensure that she was settled in. Ethan, realizing that it was nothing more than a ploy to give her and Amber some time to get better acquainted, readily agreed. +++ On their drive over to the Hilton, Amber and Ethan talked of inconsequential things, as they compared notes on their various likes and dislikes. More time than not, their conversation revolved around their musical taste, movies and their take on various television shows, both past and present. Then, in effort to get a better feel for what lay ahead of her, Ethan began to ask Amber some rather pertinent, if not pointed questions concerning the inner workings of her aunt's modeling agency. Amber, having answered the very same sort of inquiries before, provided Ethan with a fairly good insight into what she could expect to encounter in the days and weeks to come. With a few words of reassurance that Ginger's career was in good hands, and that her aunt would do right by her, Amber brought the mini-van to a stop in the front of Hilton's main entrance. With a hint of awkwardness infusing her voice, Amber said as she put the mini-van in park, "Ginger, I hope you don't mind, but my aunt would never forgive me if I didn't stick around to see that everything's okay. In other words, I just want to make sure that you're happy with the accommodations that we, or I really should say, I arranged for you?" "Actually, I was kind of hoping you'd say something to that effect. Fact is Amber, I find that I'm really enjoying your company, so much so that I was kind of hoping that I might be able to talk you into sticking around for awhile. Now, I know you probably have something else on tap for tonight, and if you do, that's perfectly okay with me. However, if you don't, after I get settle in, how 'bout joining me for a drink at the bar?" +++ From the very first moment that Ethan laid eyes upon Amber, she realized that Paula had been right on the money. Amber was cute; cute and very, very sexy, in a sassy, coquettish sort of way. However, as accurate as Paula had been about her niece's looks, she was dead wrong about how ditzy Amber was. From the first, Ethan suspected that the young woman's ditziness was nothing more than a fa?ade: a very cleverly constructed sham that allowed the perky blonde a good deal more latitude than most people would be afforded in any given situation. By pretending to march to the beat of a different drummer, Amber could operate under prevailing expectations. By doing so, Ethan suspected that Amber, employing her endearing, Little Miss Innocent, dumb blonde routine, could pull off one coup after another for her aunt's modeling agency. By doing such, Ethan suspected that Amber had proven herself to be a real asset to her aunt's modeling agency on numerous occasions. As the evening progressed, and their conversation began to make inroads into matters of a much more personal nature, Ethan quickly realized that Amber was anything but an airhead. The truth of the matter was that the perky twenty-four year old had an extremely good head on her shoulders. It was not long before Ethan found herself as enthralled with Amber's mind, as she was with Amber's ever so supple body. Another thing that Ethan found to be refreshing about Amber was her openness. She did not pussyfoot around, mince words, or soft pedal anything. Amber seemed to say what she meant, and meant what she said. However, as opinionated as she was, Ethan found Amber refreshingly open- minded. Instead of getting her hackles up, or discounting an opposing opinion out-of-hand, she would examine the possibility that her own opinion might be flawed, and therefore might require some re-thinking, and perhaps even a little amending. However, on the deficit side of the equation, Amber's candor posed a real problem for Ethan, owing to the fact that Ethan, who abhorred liars and lying, found herself wishing that she could be as forthcoming with Amber as Amber was being with his female alter ego. Several times during their conversation, Ethan caught herself on the verge of spilling the beans about those magical high heels of hers, and how they allowed her to become an anatomically correct woman on an elective, part-time basis. Each time though, Ethan had enough presence of mind to stifle herself before letting the cat out of the bag. But though she did, it was becoming increasingly harder for Ethan to hold back the information she so dearly and desperately wished to impart. Before they had even gotten down to the Hilton's bar, Ethan knew without a shadow of doubt that she liked Amber, and dearly wanted Amber to like her as well. Added into the mix, in a somewhat convoluted, if not perverted fashion, was the fact that Ethan's manly-attuned libido lusted for Amber, so much so that her vagina was leaking love-juices like a sieve on a damn near perpetual bases. Ethan internally fumed. 'Damn, I sure hope that Amber doesn't catch wind of the fact that I'm all sopping ringing wet down there...' Amber, however, did take note of her companion's apparent discomfort. Waiting until their barmaid had withdrawn from taking their drink order, in a voice that carried no further than the confines of the booth they occupied, Amber tactfully inquired, "Is there something wrong, Ginger?" Whereupon, she continued on to very bawdily and brashly add, "You didn't just get your period, did you? I mean, from the way you're squirming around on the bench over there, it sure looks as if you did to me." Thinking fast, Ethan clamored. "No! It's not that. It's these damn pantyhose I'm wearing. They're giving me a wedgie." "Oh..." Amber, with a smile, knowingly replied. "I just hate it when that happens..." +++ With both of them acting as if they were a little bit more inebriated then they were, Ethan, with the mere hint of a giggle, combined with a slight slurring of her words, posed a question, "What do you say Amber? Should we call the barmaid over, and order another drink? Or, should we be good little girls, and call it a night?" "Oh, I don't know..." Amber impishly tittered. "While I'd really like to have another, I'm not sure if that's really a good idea. The very last thing I need right now is for a cop to pulled me over, and charge me with DWI. I mean, as it stands now, given my luck, I'd probably be borderline on a Breathalizer. So, as much as I'd like to have another drink with you, I think the prudent thing for me to do is to call it a night, and head on home." "Are you sure?" "Yes... As much as I hate to, I think I really ought to be going." Then, acting as if the idea just sort of pooped into her head, Ethan presented Amber with another option, "Hey, here's a thought. Instead of driving all the way home, and risk the possibility of getting pulled over, why don't you just stay here with me tonight? I mean, it's a two- bedroom suite, so you're more than welcome to crash in the one I'm not using. Or, if you'd like, you can always bunk in with me?" "Are you serious?" Amber asked excitedly. "I most certainly am. "The truth is, Amber, I'd really like you to stay the night, what with me being new in town and all..." Amber's voice took on an uncharacteristically serious tone as she reached over, and enfolded Ethan's femininely sculptured hands in both of her own. "Ginger," Amber's intonations held a tentative note that Ethan picked up on immediately, "while I'd love nothing more than to take you up on your most generous offer to spend the night, there's something you really need to know about me." In an effort to make it as easy on Amber as possible, Ethan tenderly replied, "If it's that you're a lesbian, I think I'm way ahead of you on that one." "And that doesn't put you off?" "No... Should it? Especially so, when I'm one myself..." "You are?" Amber was exuberant. "Yes..." Amber, who was squeezing Ethan's hand so hard, so as to redden Ginger's knuckles, sought to clarify herself. "Actually, when you come right down to it, I'd have to say that I'm more of a bisexual; a bisexual who has, shall we say, some very strong lesbian leanings, rather than a full blown lesbian, per se." "So," it was Ethan's turn to seek clarification, "in a round about manner of speaking, I take it that what you're saying is that you're going take me up on my offer?" "Yes. The truth is that I'd love to." "Great. I was hoping that you would. "So, Ginger, are we going to order ourselves another drink, or what? I mean, we can stay here and talk for a little while longer, or we can always head up to the room now if you'd like..." Amber added hopefully. "I mean, it makes no never mind to me..." "Tell you what. Why don't we order our drinks to go? That way, we can take them up to the suite with us," Ethan eagerly suggested. "Sure sounds like a plan to me." +++ With drinks in hand, the two young ladies entered the elevator. Turning about, Ethan demurely pressed the appropriate button for the floor upon which her suite was located. Then, in a fluid motion that took Amber by complete surprise, Ethan brashly enfolded the spunky Californian in those emasculated arms of hers. Having done so, Ethan proceeded on to punctuate that maneuver of hers with the most passionate of impassioned French kisses, a kiss that spoke volumes, a kiss that clearly communicated the fact that the spunky California beach bunny was in for an unprecedented night of ardent lesbian love making. "Oh, my God!" Amber breathlessly gasped, as their lips parted. "You kiss just like a man." "I do, do I?" Ethan, irreverently replied, with a sarcastic little laugh escaping those luscious lips of hers. "Funny you should say that, because I have been known to think like one too. "So, tell me," Ethan continued on to coquettishly inquire. "Is that going to be a problem for you?" "No, silly. I was just making an observation. That's all..." With that male libido chomping away at the bit to get back to the business at hand, a thoroughly invigorated Ethan planted yet another impassioned lip-lock on those ever so luscious lips of Amber's. +++ "That was phenomenal," Amber dreamily purred, as she so serenely snuggled within the blissful serenity of her lover's embrace. "Absolutely phenomenal..." "So, I take it that you liked it?" "Liked it?' Amber was incredulous. "I loved it. I absolutely loved it. "Take it from me, Ginger. You, girl, are one fantastic lover." "Well, even if it's not true, I must say that it's sure nice of you to say that..." Ethan modestly murmured. Whereupon, she lifted her hand to Amber's left breast, and using the middle and index fingers of her right hand, began to languidly fondle and caress the teat and corresponding erogenous zone of its encircling areola. "No!" Amber's voice vigorously lashed out, in effect, issuing a resounding challenge. "I really mean that, Ginger. You really are a great lover. "Fact is, I never had anyone make love to me the way you just did. Make no never mind about it. It was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful..." Dreamily, as if groping for the elusive words that would best describe her disjointed impressions, Amber endeavored to convey her feelings. "Look, I know how crazy this is going to sound, but there were times when you were down there, in between my legs, doing what you were doing with that marvelous tongue of yours, that I almost felt as if a man was down there, eating me out. I mean, right from the git-go, you took charge, very much the way damn near every man I've ever slept with has. That's to say, that you were forceful, like a man, but in a very unique and special way that I've never encountered before tonight. You were very gentle, in what I would call a distinctly womanish sort of way, a way that I found to be so refreshing, not to mention, so enjoyable, as to be beyond belief." Feeling that she needed to say something at that juncture, Ethan meekly replied, "Well, I'm sure glad to hear that you enjoyed yourself." "And here I thought that was a given," Amber burlesque vamped, as she seductively drew the nails of her left hand slowly up the run of Ethan's inner thigh. "All right, lover-girl," with her timbre of her voice taking on an impish inflection, she continued on to say, "I do believe it's your turn now. So, just lay back, and enjoy yourself, while I do unto you, as you just did unto me..." +++ To say that from that point onward, Amber and Ginger were an item would have been the grossest of understatements. Where one was, the other was there as well. They were inseparable, joined at the vulva so to speak, and loving every moment of it. Ethan knew, without any equivocation whatsoever, that she had found her soulmate. In like fashion, so too had Amber. Before their first week together had drawn to a close, each knew and understood that they completed one another in a myriad of ways. They were happy, to the point of unbridled exuberance, and that happiness of theirs was contagious. Onlookers, even many of those who found their lesbian relationship falling somewhere between the lower threshold of distasteful to and the upper limits of abhorrent, had to concede the fact that if any two people were made for each other, the two of them most definitely were. However, though she constantly berated herself for harboring such negative feelings, Ethan was increasingly feeling uneasy about a certain aspect of her and Amber's budding relationship. Given that they were always within one another's company, Ethan felt smothered by Amber's presence, since she was for all intents and purposes locked into her Ginger motif. Now, while it was true that Paula had shown Ethan a way to rid herself of the residual girl-time she amassed while wearing those magical high heels of hers during their flight out from O'Hare, Ethan was nevertheless troubled by the massive amounts of residual girl-time she was accruing. Though she doubted that such existed, Ethan was nevertheless plagued with the possibility that there very well might be a 'point of no return'; a point where she would find herself locked into her female state forever. Being a part-time woman was one thing. Being one for the rest of her life was something else altogether. Ethan liked being a man far too much for her to ever contemplate living out the rest of her life as a fully functional female. The very notion of having to deal with icky things such as a real woman's little monthly visitor, and eventually the hot flashes of menopause, sent cold shivers running up and down Ethan's spine. Unnerved by the dread of those feelings of hers, Ethan sought to reassure herself that she could regain her manhood when and where she so chose to do so. The trouble was, Amber by her mere presence afforded Ethan no wiggle-room whatsoever in which she could easily opt back into her manly form. While one might think that a trip to the bathroom offered Ethan a safe haven in which she easily could pull a prestro-chango, girlo to guyo and back again quick-change routine, it did no such thing. Amber, to Ethan's chagrin, was forever popping in, just to see what was going on, and to tell Ginger that she loved her, and to express how happy she was now that they had found each other. Ethan was aware that she had another option to fall back on. She could always come clean with Amber. She could sit Amber down, and have a heart to heart talk with her. She could tell that spunky Californian lover- girl of hers the whole truth about herself, and how those magical high heels of hers allowed her to become a woman on an elective, part-time bases. Trouble was, while Ethan had full intentions of doing just that, she had not reached a point where she felt secure enough in their relationship to venture into such uncharted territory. Having agonized over the matter, Ethan, fearful that Amber might well cut and run once she was appraised of Ethan's transsexual nature, was not ready to take the risk of spilling the beans. Eventually, Ethan knew, the opportunity to do so would present itself. However, until it did, Ethan resigned herself to keep silent on the matter. +++ One day, while she and Amber were dining over at the Meadows' palatial abode, Ethan managed to catch Janice Meadows' ear. "Janice..." Ethan whispered under her breath. "I need you to do me a big favor. I need you to get your niece out of my hair for a few minutes. Trust me. I'll explain why later. All right?" A few minutes after that, Janice, upon opening the refrigerator door, disparagingly exclaimed, "Wouldn't you just know it? We're all out of butter. "Amber, if it's not to much trouble, could I get you to run down to the store and pick me up a tub?" "No problem, Aunt Jan. Ginger and I will be happy to do that for you." "Not so fast, young lady," Janice nonchalantly countered. "I have a few things I want to run by Ginger with regards to next week's photo shoot, so could you be a dear and run down to the store all by your lonesome? Or, if you'd like, I can have Paul either ride down with you, or drive you down? Whichever you prefer..." "No. That's not necessary, Aunt Jan. I'm a big girl. I can go all by myself. All I need is a kiss from Ginger, and I'll be on my way." Collecting her kiss, Amber, with an airy, "I'll be back in a jiff," turned about and strode off toward the door. As she did, she called back over her shoulder with a directive that was clearly intended for Ginger, "Miss me." Ethan waited until the agency's mini-van was heading down the street before doing what she so dearly had wanted to do for the past several days. Requesting that the Meadows blink when she told them to, Ethan formulated the metal directive that she dearly hoped would restore her to her normal manly state. "Okay. On three, everybody blink. Ready? One... Two... Three... Blink." "Well, well, well..." Paul Meadows could not restrain himself from chuckling. "Welcome back, buddy. Long time no see." Ethan, having taking a quick inventory of his manly physique, happily quipped, "It worked! It actually worked. I wasn't sure that it would, especially after all this time I've logged as a girl, but it did, and that's fan-frigging-tastic." "I take it that you were worried that it wouldn't?" Paul, who still found the situation to be quite humorous, goaded. "Worried doesn't even begin to express how I was feeling. The truth of the matter is, I was so worried I was beside myself with fear, thinking that I might be stuck as a woman for the rest of my life." "And that would be a bad thing?" Janice got in a jab of her own. "For you, no. For me, yes," Ethan replied. "It would be a very bad thing. "I'll grant you that I absolutely love the fact that I can turn myself into a woman. And, it more or less goes without saying that I thoroughly enjoy doing stints as one. But, when it comes to the twenty-four seven, no buy-back business, all I can say is: that's for the birds. As much as I like being a woman, I happen to like being a man more. "Now, I'll grant you that if I had been born a bona fide woman, a woman who had the magical wherewithal to turn herself into a man anytime the mood struck me, I'd probably feel differently. I'd more than likely feel just the opposite as to how I feel now. "But, since I wasn't born a woman, that's pretty much a moot point. "Basically, and I bet your husband will back me up on this, he and I have the best of both worlds. We get to be women without all the muss and fuss that normal women have to put up with. We don't have to fix our hair; or put on makeup; or go through the drudgery of shaving our legs, or anything of the sort. We just put on those marvelous high heels of ours, and slam, bam, thank you ma'am; we're not just gorgeous, we're gorgeous to the nth degree. "More to the point, unless of course there's something he has neglected to tell me about, neither Paul nor I ever have to deal with ignominy of having a period. "And that, for my money, is a real blessing." From the sidelines as it were, Paul chimed in with a hearty and heartfelt, "Amen to that one, brother. I wholeheartedly agree. Truer words were never said." Clearing her throat as a preamble to saying something, Janice Meadows sought to clarify a matter that had been pressing on her mind. "I don't mean to digress here, guys, but since we only have a short time before Amber rejoins us, I'd like to ask you a few rather pointed questions, Ethan." "Sure... Ask away." "Since you could say I have a vested interest in what's going on, since Amber is not only my niece, but she also works directly under me, I'd kind of like to know what your intentions are? In other words, Ethan, exactly where do you see this relationship of yours going? Tell me. Is this just a fling for you? Or, is it something more? I mean, while I don't mean to pressure you, I just would like some reassurance that you're not going to break my niece's heart one of these days. "I mean, you do know that she's head over heels in love with you, don't you?" "Actually," Ethan sought to clarify things, "she's in love with Ginger, but yes, to answer your question, Janice, I'm fully aware that she has strong feelings for my female alter ego, as I do for her." "Please believe me, Ethan. I'm not trying to be confrontational here, but I know Amber, maybe even better than her own mother does, and knowing her like I do, I can state without any equivocation whatsoever that my niece loves you. "So, I guess that brings me to my next question. When do you intend telling Amber about those magical high heels of yours, and how you're really a man, and how you use those magical high heels of yours to become the women that my niece has fallen in love with? "I mean, you do intend on telling her, don't you?" "Yes. Yes, I do," Ethan vigorously replied. "Believe me, Janice. I have every intention of telling her. I mean, that's pretty much a given since I have full intentions of asking that niece of yours to do me the honor of marrying me." "Marrying you!" Janice's response was jubilantly couched. "Wow! You sure don't pussyfoot around, now do you? I mean, while I knew that things were getting serious, I wasn't aware that things become that serious, this fast. Good. I'm glad to hear it. Believe me, if any two people should be married, it's the two of you. "However, aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself, Ethan? I mean, before you ask Amber to marry you, don't you think that she needs to know about you, and Ginger, and those magical heels of yours?' "Well, of course she does. Trust me, Janice, I have every intention of telling her." "Well, if I were you, I'd tell her soon. Fact is, knowing my niece as I do, the sooner you tell her, the better." "Yes... I wholeheartedly agree with you. "The truth is, Janice, I've been wanting to tell her way before this. My problem is, the opportunity to do so never seems to present itself." "Well, it's like I said before, Ethan, knowing my niece as I do, were I you, I tell her soon." At that juncture, Paul interjected, "Look, I hate to be the spoil-sport here, but do believe that I just heard the van pulling into the driveway. So, where I you, Ethan, I'd pull a quick presto-chango right about now." "Gotta'ya. Okay. Everybody, on three, blink."

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Venice had car trouble

Venice was having one of those days, she had a tough day at work and as soon as the clock hit 5:00pm she hurriedly got to her car and pulled away just as the rain started. Venice’s commute was very long. It took her an hour each way. She knew that it would take longer in the downpour she was in. As she pulled onto the highway she looked down and noticed that the her already too short denim skirt had ridden all the way up to hip and she is soaked. She sighed heavily thinking that her day...

2 years ago
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Janices Unexpected Threesome

The eleven o’clock news had started about fifteen minutes earlier when I heard a key entering the lock to our door. Moments later the door opened and Janice entered the room, closing and locking the door behind her. Janice stood by the door for a few moments before saying “You’ll never guess what happened tonight.” I looked at her, waiting for her to continue her story, as I had absolutely no idea as too what she about to tell me. Janice looked at me with a grin on her face and said “I got...

3 years ago
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Janices Way

JANICE'S WAY By Jasmine Lee It all started in early December. Janice, the woman across the street, called after Terry as he walked up his front steps. "Scuse me, Terry? Could you do me a favor?" "Sure, Janice, what do you need?" "Could you carry my Xmas tree up the steps for me?" "Be glad to," Terry replied, wondering why she couldn't ask her husband to do it. Terry hated getting involved with the neighbors. He preferred to keep to himself and felt very ill at ease...

4 years ago
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Nice Shoes Part 4

Nice Shoes Part 4 By Deane Christopher Copyright 2004 An hour or so later, as Amber snuggled ever so serenely with Ethan's manly embrace, she heard him ask, "So, what's the verdict? Am I keeper, or what?" Playfully, knowing fully well that she had already made up her mind on the matter, Amber dreamily replied, "Well, while I have to admit that that was an absolutely phenomenal start, we're going to have to do it at least two more times before I can come to any sort of...

2 years ago
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Janices Italian Job Part 2

As they continued riding in the gondola, Natalie took Janice's hand and placed it on her breast, placing her hand on top of Janice's and squeezing. When Janice squeezed on her own, Natalie let out a soft moan. The gondola had circled back to where it had picked them up, and they exited the boat. They made the walk back to the car holding hands and drove back to the villa. Once there, they went to Natalie's room and sat on the bed."Can I ask you something, Natalie?""Of course.""I have...

First Time
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Venice in August

Venice in August By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer My thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for assisting me in preparing this story for posting. Venice in August I’d wandered away from the cathedral entrance, wondering what the hell I was doing there anyway. It was the third day of our holiday, and my two daughters had taken their spouses inside to enjoy the splendour of the old building. And the coolness of the air, I should imagine. I didn’t want to go inside the building myself. I’d seen...

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Venice in August

My thanks go to PapaGus and Deryk for assisting me in preparing this story for posting. I'd wandered away from the cathedral entrance, wondering what the hell I was doing there anyway. It was the third day of our holiday, and my two daughters had taken their spouses inside to enjoy the splendour of the old building. And the coolness of the air, I should imagine. I didn't want to go inside the building myself. I'd seen it all too many times before and like most of the city, it held too many...

1 year ago
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Suffering for Shoes A hardcore gay foot sock an

Suffering for Shoes. A hardcore gay foot, sock, and shoe worship fantasy including ballbusting, trampling, retefism, and bondage.When I was 19, I knew I had a feet l, socks, and shoe fetish. I didn't know how bad my shoe fetish was until after I had been going to see this 35 year old studly daddy for a while.I saw his ad online. He only lived about 15 miles from me. Over in the college town. His pics were great. He was a stud. Black hair brown eyes. He was 6 foot 3 inches tall. Really Manly...

4 years ago
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Dream Shoes

Dream Shoes The other night I had a dream that was tantalizing. I am not an outward Crossdresser and I spend most of my "girl" time reading fiction and wishing I had the money, time, energy, and clothes to do so. However, I do have a small collection of shoes that I wear when the opportunity avails itself. I sort of have a liking for shoes. That's my weakness like for some of you that might have a liking for dresses, pantyhose, panties, etc. My wife recently bought a pair of...

3 years ago
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Shoes Make The Woman

Written by Phoebos THE SHOES MAKE THE WOMAN This is my third work now and could turn into a whole series of unrelated stories if people tend to like the idea. If you need to contact me for any reason my email is [email protected] Please let me know how I can improve my writing so that it is more enjoyable for everyone. My girlfriend is quite possibly the smartest person on the face of the planet, or the most insane depending on who you talked to. It also doesn't hurt that...

2 years ago
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If The Shoes Fit 4

If the Shoe Fits 4 By: Paul Jutras and Heather St. Claire The bank had taken over Moon Tech labs for failure of payment. When the auction took place for Dick's safety deposit box, a mousy little girl name Roxy Pizza stood and watched the bidders. She was never one to stand up for herself, but when the bidding got high enough to get rid of most of the buyers, she managed to raise her hand to cough at the right time to have it sold to her. "The box contents goes to...

1 year ago
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Cherrys New Shoes

Cherry Adams was a wiry attractive redhead who needed a new pair of shoes. She owned over three hundred and fifty pairs, a mere pittance according to her. However, she was missing a pair that matched the color red of the new dress her boyfriend insisted she buy. “Cherry, you have red shoes,” he informed her as she slipped on her coat. She sashayed over to her rich, older lover and bent over so she could display her very ample bosom to his appreciative eyes. “Baby,” she cooed. “That red dress...

2 years ago
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I entered the small office in the back of the shoe store. The store manager looked me up and down which felt very creepy, but I took the seat anyway when he motioned his hand. I wanted the job. I never expected a callback for an interview since I was still a high school junior and my acne only cleared up three months ago. The manager, who was in his late 40s, sat in his old leather chair behind the desk covered in papers. The chair squeak was horrendous when he leaned back. "So you're...

1 year ago
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In Her Shoes

This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! In Her Shoes By Pretzelgirl 1. Closet One of my earliest memories involves me learning to walk. Crawling on the hardwood floors of the cramped duplex my parent's once lived in, I still remember the smell of lemon floor wax. I'm sure I knew how to walk at the time, but for one reason or another had chosen not to. I was always slow when it came to social conventions. I used to crawl...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

4 years ago
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My first time with another persons shoes my aunts

The very first time I fucked another persons shoe was when I turned 18. Before that I had been doing it with my own shoes for years, but we will skip that for another story.One day I went to see my aunt at her house, she lives about 5km from me and is about 15 years older than me. Let´s call her "Helena". She is blond, quite small and good looking! She almost never buy new shoes, so all of her shoes are several years old. That day it had been raining quite much and she had to cut the grass...

4 years ago
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Mrs Goodytwoshoes

“I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my mouth, “You never said.” “Well, we were embarrassed, and we didn’t think that he would...

2 years ago
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My wifes shoestore adventure

This is a true story about my wife.After much gentle prodding over a year or so my wife was getting into more and more situations where she could show off her ample assets to unsuspecting men and sometimes women. She was about 5'4" and somewhat curvy with 38D breasts and in her late 20's. I had been purchasing shorter and shorter skirts and more revealing tops for her to wear and she was really starting to enjoy showing her body off. She was becoming accustomed to going about with no panties or...

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Ademas Shoes

Her name is Adema (Ah deem ah), and if you think with an Indian accent, it's a very pretty name. And she has the most beautiful of lady's feet, or so I imagine. She adorns them with a horde of girlishly feminine shoes. My problem is that she removes her shoes as she enters her apartment. She leaves those shoes outside of her apartment at her door. And I have to walk by those gorgeous shoes every day. I can't help but stare as I walk past her apartment. I have the strangest of desires,...

3 years ago
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Shoes and Socks

Shoes & Socks by CutePatti ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As I walked into the bathroom to take my evening shower I noticed that my daughter's cute pink mary jane shoes and a pair of her white frilly socks were laying on the small dressing bench. The socks had each been separately placed just inside each shoe's opening with great care, certainly not the usual way she would have normally removed and discarded them by flipping the shoes...

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Shoes Bill looked down at his shoes. They fascinated him. They made his feet look so small and dainty. They looked so feminine and pretty. Bill had to admit his feet did look pretty in these shoes. He looked past the hem of his skirt and down his nylon clad legs to the girlish feet in the shoes that held his attention so strongly. He sighed at the appearance of his legs and feet in the skirt and shoes. His attention to the feet and the shoes did not go unnoticed by his wife Helen...

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Fun With Frilly Socks and Mary Jane Shoes

As I walked into the bathroom to take my evening shower I noticed that mydaughter's cute pink mary jane shoes and a pair of her white frilly sockswere laying on the small dressing bench. The socks had each beenseparately placed just inside each shoe's opening with great care,certainly not the usual way she would have normally removed and discardedthem by flipping the shoes off in 2 different directions and then pullingoff the socks, turning them inside out and balling them up. No....thisseemed...

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My First Sex Was With Men Part 2 The Red Shoes

Still, in my teens, I was hitchhiking in the California/Nevada mountains. Don't recall where I was headed at the time. I was on a very desolate two-lane road. A grizzled hard rock miner had given me a ride to what seemed like the middle of nowhere, where he turned off the paved road to get to his mine.The landscape was dry and rocky. High altitude desert country. The road was not well-traveled. In the hot afternoon quiet the only sound I heard was the buzzing of a few tiny wild bees, going...

Gay Male
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Two new pretty things for Mistresses Expensive red shoes a slavegirl

Two new pretty things for Mistresses . Expensive red shoes & a slavegirl.   I finished off my makeup in the mirror, by applying a final touch of lip gloss & just the tiniest extra hint of mascara to the tips my lashes. I had spent over 2 hours in the process, in? the bath & waxing my body all over & especially intimately. Painting my toenails & primping myself. I slipped out of my lace baby doll nightie. & pulled on my most expensive sheer silk pantie & bra set. A matching garter belt for my...

4 years ago
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Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes

"Good morning, Ma'am. How may I serve you?" Katrina felt a shiver run down her spine to see the young man kneel beforeher, as if someone had run a pin-wheel along its length to lightly prick herskin. Such a charming welcome! Such sweet obeisance! She had heard whispers of this shoe store for some weeks now, rumours ofthe originality of its goods and the unique service it offered. It had takensome time to find, though, it never bothered to advertise, its name was nevermentioned in the press,...

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Man Dating Chapter 8 New Shoes

Chapter 8 "Man Dating" - New Shoes If the story is new for you... start at Chapter 1... no rush ...just relax and hope you enjoy... more to come. The room was empty now, his crying had stopped, his bottom felt like the fire was dissipating but he was sure what ever make-up Debra had applied that morning was now in smears and dripping down his face. The private room had a second door and he hoped that it would lead to bath room or such that included access to a sink and a mirror....

2 years ago
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In Her Shoes Part 3

I guided Peter into the main shopping mall in town leading him straight into a shoe shop. The girl in the shop fetched a few pairs for me to try on and I relished asking Peters opinion. He tried not to look too obvious that he was hooked on my shoes and feet. I 'hummed' and 'ahmmed' a short while, telling the girl I was undecided and may well be back later.Grabbing his arm once more we walked around the mall going into various shoe shops. In the ones without sales staff I would make him fetch...

2 years ago
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The girl with the yellow shoes

Do you believe in love? I try to believe in it, deep inside I want to. But reality has shown me that love is far from the fairytale in a book or movie. Love can be excruciatingly painful and often doesn’t have the ‘happily ever after’ ending. I’ve seen enough of bad endings, with family, friends, and even myself. I thought I wasn’t destined for true love, the love where you walk with your head in the clouds all day, where you can’t stop smiling because butterflies are tickling the inside of...

Love Stories
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Its All About the Shoes

Guys have to understand something about women. For us, it’sall about the shoes. Maybe it’s an exaggeration for me to say that a pair of Louboutin boots or Manolo Blahnik pumps is better than sex. But really, it would depend on the quality and duration of the sex before I could honestly make that call. My husband and I are discussing sex fantasies, and he has just mentioned one particular hot night on a recent cruise. “Oh, yeah…that’s the night I wore my silver sandals,” I recall, closing my...

3 years ago
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Its All About the Shoes

Guys have to understand something about women. For us, it’sall about the shoes. Maybe it’s an exaggeration for me to say that a pair of Louboutin boots or Manolo Blahnik pumps is better than sex. But really, it would depend on the quality and duration of the sex before I could honestly make that call. My husband and I are discussing sex fantasies, and he has just mentioned one particular hot night on a recent cruise. “Oh, yeah…that’s the night I wore my silver sandals,” I recall, closing my...

Straight Sex
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A Mile In Her Shoes

A Mile in Her Shoes By Mister Double-U "I tell you Sylvia, it drives me crazy." Allison said. She and her friend Sylvia sat sipping coffee at an outdoor caf?. It was a beautiful spring afternoon. "Every time we have to go out somewhere nice, he's ready in 20 minutes. He's stomping his feet and screaming at the top of his lungs telling me to hurry up." She sat back and took a sip of her coffee. "I tell you, I can't stand it anymore." "I know exactly what you mean, darling." Sylvia r...

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OMG II The Shoes

Walking down the street, Pansy Pumpscock knew exactly what to do. She needed to make men cum. She needed to feel them throb and spurt all over her hands as she pumped them. After all, giggles, she was Pansy Pumpscock. She also needed to coat her face with their salty-sweet man goo. She needed men to face fuck her hard until they shot ropes of cum down her throat. And she needed them to butt fuck her so that she could feel the jets of sperm shooting inside her. She didn't really care...

4 years ago
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Janices Italian Job Part 3

The next morning Janice woke up to find Natalie sitting out on the small patio outside the bedroom. She slipped on a robe and went out to join her, leaning over her chair and kissing her."Is that coffee I smell?""Yes, I had Rosalinda bring a thermal pot and two cups. Help yourself."Janice poured herself a cup and sat down next to Natalie."You were right. It is quite peaceful out here in the morning. I can see why you enjoy it.""It is my favorite time of day out here. Or at least it was...

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Shoes Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown The damp morning breeze was still chilly, but I left my bedroom window open anyway to get rid of the smell of recently dried paint. The lacy white curtains fluttering in the breeze didn't really look right for a boys room, but they would do until Mom could find some decent ones that fit my window. I was laying in bed, staring up at the slanted ceiling and wondering how much of doing nothing I could fit into my first day of...

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My Wife8217s New Shoes

The last thing Lynn said as I walked out the door was, “I’m off shopping this morning, where will you meet me”. “Your choice” was my reply. Lynn said, “Ok. Meet me at the Shoe Shop about midday, I need some new shoes for the Annual Dinner next week”. I replied “Yes” and left the house to visit a mate. If you’ve been following Lynn’s escapades, you’ll know that we’ve been married for 25 years and she is a blonde aged...

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Wife Sells ShoesAnd More

Recently my wife starting selling clothes online - pants, tops etc. Even some of the kids clothes they grew out of. I told her maybe she should get rid of some of her old shoes and boots too, make room for some new ones. She really had no interest so I told her I would sell them for her. She thought I was just being perverted so she shot me down. After a few weeks of her listing stuff and not really selling, I offered my help again. This time she seemed interested but I told her there would be...

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Wife Sells ShoesAnd More

Recently my wife starting selling clothes online - pants, tops etc. Even some of the kids clothes they grew out of. I told her maybe she should get rid of some of her old shoes and boots too, make room for some new ones. She really had no interest so I told her I would sell them for her. She thought I was just being perverted so she shot me down. After a few weeks of her listing stuff and not really selling, I offered my help again. This time she seemed interested but I told her there would be...

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In Her Shoes Part 2

please read the first part. After a short time of resting my feet on Peter’s bum I now slipped my foot back rubbing the sandal against his balls and cock. His knees started to widen slightly as I teased I could see his balls quickly rise up and tighten as they had before. His cock was now straight along my foot and his body was rocking back and forth in time with my foot. I could feel the pre-cum lubricating my foot and shoe it was obvious that he must be getting close once again as his...

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In Her Shoes Part 2

please read the first part. After a short time of resting my feet on Peter’s bum I now slipped my foot back rubbing the sandal against his balls and cock. His knees started to widen slightly as I teased I could see his balls quickly rise up and tighten as they had before. His cock was now straight along my foot and his body was rocking back and forth in time with my foot. I could feel the pre-cum lubricating my foot and shoe it was obvious that he must be getting close once again as his...

1 year ago
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Caught on camera with her shoes

DR. Jean Marlin was a sex therapist. She had a big house and lived alone. Always busy working; the DR hired a cleaning agency to do her housework. They assigned an older gentleman who she met at their office while signing the paperwork. He was black in his late 40’s. He seems to have been there a while so the DR had no reservations in giving the agency the code to her alarm system. He was to come once a week at 2pm on Fridays. Light dusting, sweeping, laundry and sheet changing and bed making...

2 years ago
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Silver Shoes

Silver Shoes By Ryoko Dan looked at his watch for the third time in the last few minutes, while looking through the window of his office, he pointed to the phone and almost instantly the sound of the phone breaks the silence. "Liz, has Sharon called yet, she knows that I expect her to phone me as soon as she returns from picking up the kids." "No Mr. Sharpe, I will let you know as soon as she calls, she probably is being held up in traffic." "Well, please let me know when...

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In My Mothers Shoes

Image and perception do not always provide you with the full picture. I look like a woman in her early 30's, and you could reasonably assume that I have always been a woman, but I was once a teenage boy. I will never be that boy again, and I no longer want to be him. I did not know it at the time, but a trip to the local convenience store would change my life. I walked to the store to buy a loaf of bread, and I made my way down the damped street after I finished my transaction. I...

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Miss Goody Two Shoes

"Come here you dirty little slut!" I didn't think I'd been beckoned in a worse way, and though the vile manner in which I was spoken to, caused a rush of juices to pool inside my lower lips, my arousal was still a secret. "Fuck you!" I said and turned my head back to my laptop. In my head, my wise voice, the one who always gets an opinion, but rarely makes any real difference, spoke the words. "What a cunt! Don't you dare give him a thing!" "I already said 'fuck you!' I silently respond. "I...

Straight Sex
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Sexy Spin On An Old Twilight Zone Episode Dead Mans Shoes

Narrator: "Nathan Edward Bledsoe, of the Bowery Bledsoes, a man once, a specter now. One of those myriad modern-day ghosts that haunt the reeking nights of the city in search of a flop, a handout, a glass of forgetfulness. Nate doesn't know it but his search is about to end, because those shiny new shoes are going to carry him right into the capital of the Twilight Zone." A late model Chevy four door car stops in an alley. Two men get out and open the trunk. They wrestle a body of a man out...

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New Shoes

So I just got off the phone with you setting up a special brunch date at one of our favourite sidewalk cafe's. I requested that you wear something specific and that I would be checking as I laughed when we hung up the phone. I quickly jumped into the shower and prepared for our date in a few hours. The whole time I was daydreaming of what I had asked you to do. These thoughts caused my cock to stir as I was hoping that you followed the instructions that I issued. Now I also told you there would...

1 year ago
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The Boy Who Would Be Prom Queen Chapter 17 Lance Needs a New Pair of Shoes

Lance emerged from the landscaper's shed and walked towards the front of the school. He was wearing the new dress he got yesterday. He walked with confidence as his heels clicked on the sidewalk and his dress swished across his legs. Students looked at him and smiled. Just then a girl came by. "Hi, Simone, I'm with the school paper. I'm doing a piece on the prom court nominees." "Hi," Lance said smiling. "I don't think we've met." "I'm Trudy." "Trudy, it's nice to meet...

2 years ago
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Janices Italian Job Part 1

Janice was almost certain she was straight. The one and only time she had touched another girl's breasts or even kissed another girl was that summer when she was sixteen and a camp counselor, and she chalked that up to youthful exploration. Since then, in her last two years of high school, Janice had dated boys, a lot of boys. She had finally slept with one of them, then spent the next two months worrying she was pregnant.After finally getting a pregnancy test, and it was negative, she swore...

4 years ago
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Venice Revisited

After what seemed to be a lifetime hubby and I finally made our way to Italy. It was a fantastic trip starting in the south and working our way up some six weeks. I must say and doing so is a bit of a surprise, it was Venice that left the biggest impression on us. Rome has it’s history and Florence was so refined but it was the sexual energy we felt in Venice that had us dying to return to. Our first trip was taken with longtime friends, I’d call them our closest still today but what lacks is...

2 years ago
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Tammys New Shoes

Tammy was wearing a new pair of shoes today. They were black ballet flats and since she'd noticed that I'd been staring at her legs lately, I think she wore the flats to see if I'd look at her legs even more. Last week she took off her panties at lunch and gave them to me, requesting that I wear them the next day. I followed her instructions to the letter and enjoyed the feeling of wearing her delicates so close to my skin. Today was no different, except instead of those cute socks...

4 years ago
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A New Pair of Shoes

Adapted from the 1997 Usenet entry "Baby Gets A New Pair Of Shoes," by the author Polly. This was their one and only post, and no contact information is known. Kelly slowly turned the sandal in her hands, eyeing it cautiously. It seemed to be a perfectly ordinary piece of footwear. Red, with a 4" high stacked heel, it had a number of straps and buckles. So gaudy. She checked the size printed on the insole. 7 – her size. Oddly, no sign of a label was seen anywhere on the...

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Kayla Wears My Wifersquos Shoes

How did I know Kayla? She was a girlfriend of my nephew, see a pic of her here wearing my wife’s shoes: nephew and Kayla went out for a number of years. This provided me with the opportunity to get to know her quite well. What she liked, what she didn’t like, her quirks, all stuff that I thought I would never need to know or use in the future. When they broke up it was your classic deal where they both hated each other and vowed to never...

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The Red Shoes

"The Red Shoes" By Jennifer Richardson My fianc?e Beverly was away on a girl's only holiday to Ibiza for two whole weeks. At the airport when I'd dropped her off she'd laughed and told me to work hard while she was away. "Plenty of overtime Alistair, then I can blow it all on decorating when I get back!" I waited until she'd checked in she met up with her friends in one of the bars and had sent me off with a disinterested wave. There had been catcalls and raspberry's directed a...

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New Shoes

The shop was lit with the warm glow of patent leather shoes. Stilettos the colour of fresh bruises, tip to heel with black knee-high boots and mossy court shoes. The rich scent of polish washed across my skin and I almost forgot, for a moment, that I needed to be back at the office by 1:15. Over by the counter, the sales assistant chatted to some fashion victim with less dress sense than money, oblivious to my presence. With no shoes or credit card anywhere in sight it was obviously a social...

1 year ago
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Shoes on the train a love story Oh sorry not

It was her shoes that started it. I have a fetish with women's feet and the shoes they wear. I tell people that I notice a woman's shoulders and abs first, but that's almost a lie. I look at a woman's feet. Her shoes will tell you about her. The type of shoe, the age of the shoe and the style of the shoe are all important. It's also important what time of day she's wearing them too. Used to be that a woman wore heels because that was her only choice. Now with all the different styles out there,...

1 year ago
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Miss Goody Two Shoes

Introduction: Victoria finally meets her neighbours son…when he is released from prison Miss Goody Two Shoes As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. Victoria, I dont really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday. she muttered. Thatll be nice for you. I didnt know that you had a son, I replied, somewhat in shock. Wed lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and theyd never mentioned a son. Hes been away, she...

3 years ago
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Shoe Store Salesman sells more than shoes

Story is in the 60’s before cell phones and PCs when small stores actually had sales people that serviced clients. This is a close to true story, well sort of the mature fuck is real. As part of his high school business class requirements, Jim had gotten a job at a local shoe store. The owner had gone out for the afternoon and left Jim to stock shelves as it had been a slow day. He was in the back when the bell rang telling him someone had entered the store and he went up front. He...

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