B.oys T.o G.irls Travel free porn video

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This is a story about a travel service with a unique feature. Peace Belle Starr. B.OYS T.O G.IRLS Travel Service Hello everybody. My name is Diane Jackson. My roommate's name is Amy Ohiler. That was not our names at birth. Our old names were Andy and Jack. I am Jack. The person who changed us had an offbeat sense of humor. She must have liked that song. How we came to be this way and how I met Beth Katphur is like this. The factory were Andy and I worked was shutting down for a three week summer maintenance cycle. I was not needed so I decided to plan a trip. Andy said, "Hey Jack. There are cruise ships in the Caribbean. A two week cruise is great vacation and we can meet some hot chicks who might be just a fling or life long deal. What do you say Jack?" I said, "Andy that sounds great. I will call some travel agents tomorrow to get a good deal." I had to admit one thing. Andy despite being a nut, came up with a winning way to spend our time off. A cruise in the Caribbean. Images of tall ships and pirates popped into my mind. I had to laugh. Andy asked, "What's so funny?" I said, "You in old time sea clothing with an earring. Now beer me wench." Andy said as he tossed me a can. "Right back at ya Jack you scurvy seadog." We both laughed at the thought of being on a fast sloop with rum and wenches raiding the seas and driving the Royal Navy crazy. The next morning I called five travel agents. The first four had no options. The last was BTG Travel. BTG Travel had a few trips and options open. I decided to see them in person after work. I found that was when they did a large portion of their business. I saw Beth. I wish to say she was beautiful, but she was not. She had face that was scarred and twisted. I thought she had a tragic accident and left it at that. Beth said, "What brings you to BTG Travel?" I said, "To book a cruise in the Caribbean. One of those barefoot types of cruises if that can be done." Beth said, "Yes it can be done. How about one that allows you join in the fun?" I asked, "What do you mean join the fun?" Beth said, "You know of those dinner theater acts where a mystery played before you and everyone helps solve the case?" I said, "Yes I do. That would be great for a weekend cruise." Beth said, "Well I am talking a bit longer. You will board your ship and act as if you were a member of that era. Think of it as a Sea going Renaissance Faire theme park and theater act." I said, "That does sound like a lot of fun." Beth said, "You will only need a small bag that will hold any shower gear may need and one days worth of clothing. The rest will provided to you." I said, "Only shower gear and a days clothing. Why?" Beth said, "Well because for entire time of your cruise, you will live as they did. Unless a medical emergency happens, you will be on a ship of the early 1700's in a role of that era for your entire cruise. Your role will be given to as you check in. Can you sail a ship?" I said, "Yes I can. I race members of the yacht club. I know it ruins their party by a working class Joe like me beats the High and Mighty. I know it is a small victory, but it feels good." Beth smiled and said, "Then you will love your cruise." "What does this mean I can be on one or more ship?" I asked. Beth said, "Oh that is easy. You will be placed aboard one of four types of ships. Cargo which is a Caravel or a Galleon. Naval. Naval will be a ship that was typical of that era. British, French, and Spanish Navies mostly. Pirate. Pirate vessels will be mostly fast sloops. You might be captured and made to serve on your new ship." I said, "This looking better all the time. I remember that the Spanish used Galleons as both a cargo and naval vessels. The British favored Sloops of War. Early Fast Frigates if you will. Allow me to call my housemate. That way he can give you his credit card and I can pay for mine right now." Well we got our cruise times and Andy and I checked in to the BTG Inn. We each received a Welcome packet. My role was to be a Noble of that era. Andy was my servant. I read the packet further. I was to travel back to England with Andy as my servant to meet my King with important news. In each packet were two tablets with the instructions to strip and bath. Drain the tub and refill with hot water. Place the larger of the tablets in the hot water. Climb in the tub and swallow the other tablet. Soak for one half hour then drain tub and dry off. Go to bed and you will awake in your role in the morning. You will be assisted by the staff in getting into your clothing. Warning reversal factors are prizes and must be found. You must find your reversal factors or remain as you look. If you do not change back out of your role's looks by the end of your tour, you will remain that way forever. That doesn't seem too hard. The warning seemed to be a way to get the lazy to join the fun. Well I followed the instructions and went to sleep. I woke the next morning and found two women in my room. I rose and looked in the mirror in the room. I was a woman. I had my height, but the body of a woman. Very well endowed. 48DD. Redhair that went to my waist of 22 inches. Emerald Green Eyes. A set of hips at a 38 inch factor. The women were there to give my last set of instructions. The first woman spoke. "Hello Diane. That is your name in this life. Here is your first reversal prize. It will return your mind to this era. You will also have all your memory of your trip. Here is a picture of the other prize. You must find it and your partner's as well. His will look the same as yours except, his has his name on it. Yours has your name on it. Your partner is shown how to dress and how to dress you. As a Lady, you will wear additional garments than your partner. Your partner's Role name is Amy. Amy has her first prize as well. Beth has sent a message to you. It is as follows. 'I could sense your thoughts. Thank you for accepting me as me. I was injured on one cruise. It happened when I was to close to a cannon blast. The flash scarred me for life. BTG paid for all my medical costs and gave me a job. I wish you well and success. Watch out for your roommate. He is a Rich Playboy and does not mind on who he hurts or how he affects others. That is why he is your maid and you are a lady. I hope you return and your partner does not. He will hurt for the Working Class Joe to make a buck. A true pirate. You would try to keep jobs for your friends and foes for the right reason. A true Noble person. Again I wish you success. ' I was right about Beth. She cared and was a Lady. Despite her looks, I felt the need to look her up after this cruise. She had a job, so I knew money was not a concern. But there is more to life than money. I was not seeking her as a lover, but a friendship had promise. I found out any gold I got one the trip could be kept. You just had to pay the tax on it. I found out I had two goals. One to find the prize coins. The other to get funds to help Beth remove some of her visible scarring. Before I left, I did some research about Beth. She was before the cruise she got hurt on, a lovely person. Both of mind and body. She went on her trip as a favor to her boss to impress a client. She lost her job and BTG hired her. They could not pay her compensation and her old boss showed records that she was dismissed before she left on the cruise. I knew of her old boss. He owed me money on bet he had with me with a boat race. He was a cheap skate welsher. She was a Working Class Joe like me. For this part of the tale, I will use our role names. Amy entered the room. She walked to me and said, "My Lady. I have packed everything and arranged for the porters to carry the baggage to the ship. We sail in three hours." Since I was already dressed, thanks to the BTG aides, I said, "Excellent Amy. Let us go to the harbor and get on board. We will be safer on board then here. The sooner we can get to England and Crown, the sooner we can send aid to fight the Spanish. The French are not much better. I wish my dear kinsman Capt. William Morgan was here. He could sail us back to England and fight anything that would try to harm us." Amy said, "Capt. Morgan is a pure pirate and you know that my Lady." I spoke, "Amy do not be an upstart. Capt. Morgan gives Good Queen Elizabeth her cut first. He works for the Crown and you know that." We set sail and in less than an hour out of port I heard the look out cry, "Ship off the port bow! It flies The Jolly Roger!" The Captain of the ship. "Raise more sail. Every one who is not on the sails prime the ships guns. They will not take this ship with out a fight." I will give our Captain credit. He led the pirates on a chase that lasted two hours. He needed another thirty minutes and would have lost them in the dark. The fight lasted only ten minutes and the pirates won. The pirates raided the holds and took most of the cargo, all of the rum, all the powder, all the cannon shot, all the food, Amy, and me. We were put in the cargo hold and tied to a support. The pirate ship sailed to a remote island. The Captain entered the hold. He spoke. "I am Capt. H. L. Hunley. Master of this ship and all her crew. My boys did well today. You fought well for a woman. If want out of your bonds, you must serve the ship. I lost only one man today. It was my Cabin Boy." Capt. Hunley eyed me. I felt like a piece of meat. Amy said, "Capt Hunley sir. What does a Cabin Boy do?" Capt. Hunley said, "He is an aide." Amy asked, "Does that mean he runs errands and does small tasks?" Capt. Hunley said, "Yes it is." Amy said, "I will take the job. It is what I do for my Lady. I can even wash and mend your clothing. After all, a fine gentleman like yourself always would want to look his best." Capt. Hunley "Good. You will be a fine one." Then he cut her free. Davy Jones said, "Capt. Hunley, the ship has suffered minor damage. The hull is intact but we lost our Bow Spirit." (The Bow Spirit is figure that some ships have on their bows. The Bowsprit is a spar where the mast stays are.) "We can replace it in port tomorrow. The carver can make one in two days." said Capt. Hunley. Amy said, "Capt. Hunley. My lady could serve as one." Capt. Hunley said, "No she will not. She will be a good model for one." Amy asked, "Why not good Captain?" Capt. Hunley said, "Wave action could kill her and Capt. Morgan would take personal offence for me just placing her there. The Royal Navy is enough to deal with. Capt. Morgan would hunt us down, sink the ship and maroon the crew on the islands around here. She is worth more to us alive anyhow. Ransom for her is her weight in gold." Amy asked, "Capt Hunley sir. What do you want done with her?" Capt. Hunley said, "Take her to my quarters. Bind her to the wall in front of my desk. I want my trophy to be seen by my guests. She is not to be harmed or touched, except by her hand servant. She will be fed and washed. She will be allowed to take care of womanly needs. I want my trophy live and whole." I asked, "Capt. Hunley sir. Does that mean I can go for small walks on board? To a place of privacy to take care of my womanly needs? To have a small cot to rest at night? If my kinsman came here and seen I was well taken care of, he might reward you. If he found otherwise, he could see you in a Challenge Match or kill you out right. You are right in the ransom amount. After all, the Pirates Confederacy is meant for everyone making gold and silver. This is a good deal for you if I am healthy. A bad deal if I am dead or worse." Capt. Hunley said, "Your are right Yon Bonnie Lass. What else can you do for me?" I said, "I have good mind for figures. I can make sure everyone gets their cut and the ship to make a profit. You would like that." Capt. Hunley said, "This ship has no name. In honor of your skills as a fighter, and as a Lady. I will now christen her 'Lady Diana'. None of the crew will harm you or they will answer to me." I said, "I believe a charge of rum or ale for everyone and the ship is called for. If going to christen a ship, you must do it right. The ship's spirit will call for that. A good ship and crew with a Captain to guide them, is a hard thing to beat." "You are right and wise for a woman. You will bound by your word only. There is a small cabin that will meet your needs. It is next to mine. It is unused now. All is needed is two bunks and a wardrobe. Your handmaid will serve you from there." said Capt Hunley. I was free to walk about the ship and examine the cargo hold for the prize coins. That would the first place to look other than the Captain's Quarters. I also held the ship's biggest item. It's Letters of Marquee. The paperwork that allowed it to raid for the Crown and Queen. Without the letters, Capt. Hunley could be sunk on site or hung. Well for the next ten days I did three things. The first was to count the gold and silver taken in raids and to keep track of the ship's supplies. This also allowed me to skim a few more coins in to my purse. The next was to look for the prize coins. I wanted to change back and I needed my prize coin to do that. The last was to fend off Capt. Hunley's advances. He is a rogue. A romantic rogue. I did not feel it would be fair to him to love and leave him. The trip was about to end. I knew Amy was servicing the crew in more ways than one. In short, she was having sex with them. I could not find the prize coins. I was in on the raids that we did. I saw all the booty taken. If I were on shore buying items for the ship, I would look for the coins in the local shops. On the last day I found out why I could not find the coins. Amy had them. It was the night before we were to go back home. Amy and I had this conversation. Amy said, "I know you have been looking for prize coins. Well Diane, I have them and will throw them over the side. I like being a pirate." I said, "Well this trip has been fun, but I want to go home and back to real life." Amy said, "You were always a party pooper. You can't stop me from tossing the coins. I will remain this way. So won't you." I said, "Not for long. If you toss the coins, I will toss this. Do you know what this is? It is the ship's Letters of Marquee. Without the Letters of Marquee, the ship and the crew have no protection. If a Naval Ship takes you, you will hang." Amy said, "You would not dare." I said, "Yes I will. So even if you don't care for yourself, think about your shipmates. Do they deserve to pay for your acts?" Capt. Hunley came over and said, "She is right Cabin Boy. Give the coins to me. Lady Diane, please return my ships Letters of Marquee." I gave Capt. Hunley the Letters of Marquee. Amy handed the coins to Capt. Hunley and in the process dropped them. The coins landed in the scuppers. The next wave took them forever. I knew the coins were time sensitive. In two more days, they would break down in their base components. Both Amy and I would be women forever. We landed with the morning tide. I went to the BTG Inn. I was met by the same two women that helped me when I came in. I was told to put first coin I had into a goblet. I did so. Then it was filled with some wine. I was to drink it. I was told, "Your roommate was responsible for you being this way. We cannot make you a new coin. We can exchange all the treasure you won. You will be rich. Your roommate's share can be reverted to you. Do you want it?" I said, "Only one third. Amy can keep a third. The rest to my travel agent. It could help her to get a look that is more to her liking." The aide spoke. "It is done. How do you know if the amount is right?" I said, "I did the ship's books. I knew how much every body made. I guess there was some pirate in me after all." The Aide said, "Yes, but you worked with your crew and helped them. Amy was only looking out for herself." I checked in to a local hotel. I went shopping at a local mall. I bought a small ranch that had a house. I also bought a local bar. It was working man's type bar and I kept it as it was. I made arrangements for my belongings to be sent down to my ranch house. Amy had other problems. While I could live off my winnings, Amy could not. Amy could not go back to her job at the plant. I had a solution. Amy was to be a maid. My maid and housekeeper. She also had to pull a few shifts at the bar. While Amy did not like it, she knew she had no choice. I did let her date who she wanted. I saw Capt Hunley after the cruise. He too was on vacation. Horace and I did date. Horace lived in the area. Well I love to tell you more, but Horace and I are going out dancing tonight. I think he is going to propose to me tonight. I will say yes. I thank you all for listening. I thank Belle for telling my tale. Peace. Diane Jackson

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Trudi Travel

As a freelance journalist on a small Caribbean island I’m always looking for ideas. Things to write about in a human-interest, non-investigative way. I don’t dig the dirt, don’t look for trouble, just try to find people and things that readers of local magazines will find interesting.That’s why I was at this press conference at a trade show in a fancy hotel (or resort, as they like to call them here). It was a showcase for the island’s travel industry and a networking opportunity for local...

2 years ago
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Boys Will Be Girls

Boys will be Girls By Marci The following story is an original work of fiction based on a true story. Only the names have been changed. *********************************************************************** Marc left the drug store, turned the corner, and began walking up Maple Street toward Carolyn's house. It was one of the nicest streets in town. Large older houses and overgrown trees gave the neighborhood a nice feel. Marc liked going to Carolyn's house. He knew she took...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett? http://forum.dolcettgirls.com/index.php/topic,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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Pleasure Island Ponygirls

Pleasure Island Ponygirlsby Sarah        Sarah and Emily couldn't believe their luck in getting the invitation to Pleasure Island.  The two 18 year old teens had survived their first semester of college, with a D average, but it was enough to pass them into the spring semester.  Now as the pivotal moment for all new college girls arrived, spring break, the girls had each received in the mail an invitation to what was rumored to be the best party spot for all of spring break.  Of course they had...

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Domination in a Travelodge

This week rather than write another story of make believe people in a make believe world, I would beg your indulgence and relate to you MY story. Or at least the story of one afternoon a few summers ago in a Travelodge on the west bound side of the M4. Every word I write here tonight will be the truth. It all happened. I hope that in reading it, those of you who face life alone will be encouraged to believe that there IS someone out there who shares your fascination for the outer edges of...

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Traveler Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle. Permission given to post on FictionMania and Crystal's, and Sapphire's. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or...

2 years ago
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Boys and Girls together 6

We started to play and Jennie showed up an hour later. She asked if she could play. The captain of the other team said. "Yeah Jennie, play center for us." No one objected. We played till around noon then everyone headed home. I had intentionally brought my bike. Jennie didn't have one. So I took off and went home. I decided that I was going to have to change my playing habits, this was not a good situation. When I got home I put my bike in the garage and went inside to have...

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Boys and Girls and Boys Part I

“But, you know, maybe I’m not cut out for this. I mean, an 85. What kind of professor will I be if I keep making 85’s on my exams?” I stared across the dinner table at my boyfriend Roger, willing him to shut up, just for a second. He had been prattling on about his damn 85 – the first ‘B’ he’d received since starting college two years ago – ever since he’d received the grade six hours earlier. We had been at this restaurant celebrating the first anniversary of our first date for over an hour...

Group Sex
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Sex during travel

For a Man it is very difficult to know the difference between love and lust. I realized this at the age of 38. At 35,I always believed that men go for sex and women don’t want it. This is a story of how this idea changed. I have to travel a great deal all over India and therefore spend quite a bit of time on the road or rail. Due to this reason I have made the buses and trains my sex room and what a variety it offers. Women of all ages and desires sweating and moving in rhythm. It’s a great...

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Boys and girls together 3

Introduction: The Luncheons with Megan continues. I woke up the next morning really rested and pleased with the way yesterday went. My only misgiving was that Jennie was not the girl I thought she was. She was acting more like a horny young girl, then my friend, the tomboy. I guess I wanted her to behave more like my mom, faithful, until I proved to be unfaithful. I guess I am confused. Before this week Jennie and I never had sex or even thought about having sex. This really was confusing....

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Time Travellers

A fictional extract of an erotic story of two time travellers I've written. This extract finds one character Jayne caught up in a Roman Orgy.Jayne smiled and laughed with Sabina playing around with the food and toasting as the music played the whole atmosphere was one of celebration almost abandonment. The horn blew and the square fell silent, Jayne watched as two young men stood up from the crowd and walked towards the leaders, Jayne and Sabina’s table was pulled to one side to give a little...

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Boys and Girls and Boys Part II

This story is acontinuation of Boys, and Girls, and Boys Part 1 “So…what happened?” Roger looked at me, then looked down at his lunch tray. “Jack’s moving out of the dorm. Moving into his fraternity house.” “He freaked out, didn’t he?” I asked, sitting across from him. “He said it was too much for him. He liked what happened, but he couldn’t risk anyone finding out. Also, he didn’t really want to have an ongoing relationship with a couple. Said it was too perverted, even for him.” We both...

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Boys and Girls and Boys Part II

This story is acontinuation of Boys, and Girls, and Boys Part 1 “So…what happened?” Roger looked at me, then looked down at his lunch tray. “Jack’s moving out of the dorm. Moving into his fraternity house.” “He freaked out, didn’t he?” I asked, sitting across from him. “He said it was too much for him. He liked what happened, but he couldn’t risk anyone finding out. Also, he didn’t really want to have an ongoing relationship with a couple. Said it was too perverted, even for him.” We both...

Group Sex
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Boys Will Be GirlsChapter 2

In this chapter and any future chapters all transsexuals, transvestites, and shemales/lady-boys are referred to as she and her. So the Carmine name opened doors and instead of waiting for an opening I had an appointment with Dr Avram Fine that morning at 10 AM. I arrived 15 minutes early to scout out his practice and I found myself on Cameron Street the home of pretty much nothing but medical offices. They covered everything from cardiologists to sports injury specialists and on to gastro...

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Time Traveler

Hi, this is my first story, I can't write it in English, because I don't know very well the language, but maybe in some time I will. Para toda la comunidad latina, escribo esta historia con mucho gusto y con la esperanza de que se comienze a escribir en espa?ol, esperoi les guste. [email protected] TIME TRAVELER By The Storyteller 2002 Copyright La idea de viajar por el tiempo siempre ha acompa?ado al hombre moderno desde la aparici?n de la ciencia. El viaje por el tiempo resulta una ...

1 year ago
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Cowboys and Indians with my cousins

Note : This Story is Completely Fictional By I. L. Liesome My name is Eric. I am a 58 year old man and this story may seem childish to you but it was very hot stuff back in the day. This story began when I was just 18 years old. Yep, 41 years ago back in Oklahoma. My mom had a 5 sisters and each of her sisters had 2 to 7 kids. I had 23 cousins and 19 of them were female. They were all very cute and ever since I can remember they always made me horny, every one of them. The same year I turned...

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Boys and girls together

One day this new kid came into our school, he was a tough kid and was looking to establish his place in the pecking order. I was top dog. So he figured that he would start with me. He pushed me in the schoolyard, so I pushed him back. He threw a punch at my head. I blocked it, the way my father had taught me and put him on his back with one punch. You see dad was a bouncer at a very rough neighborhood bar and taught my sister, brother and I how to fight. George got a bloody nose and scrapped...

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Runners Make the Best Ponygirls

Runners Make the Best Ponygirls Chapter 1: Taken 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds. Her foot struck the pavement, the pain lancing up her nerves. The blister’s covering her left and right feet squished with each step. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds, she repeated. Her mouth opened, with a great gasping inhale her chest expanded, oxygen filling her lungs. A half second later her nostrils flared as the air inside her chest rushed to escape. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8...

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An Interest in Ponygirls

About East Coast Slavers Organization stories: My apologies for any confusion caused by the way I screwed up the numberingon the first story I posted from this series. As my draft approached sevenhundred pages, I realized that the single story I envisioned starting withwas too long and too complicated to remain a single story. Then, to my furtherhorror, I realized that A Caribbean Adventure was actually number two in theEast Coast Slavers Organization Series. Anyhow, I have reassigned A...

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When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly They Are PaddledOn Guard

When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly, They Are Paddled. Part 1, ?On Guard?Disclaimer:  Warner Brothers and their studio partners own the show and characters depicted in the show.   All similarities to persons living or dead are pure coincidence. .This story is a parody and the story begins with girls behaving badly.  Rory is accosted and pulled into an in prop meeting, coup held in preparation to remove Paris as editor of the school paper.  Her demands and constant re-writes have caused a mutiny...

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The Camgirls Sexfight A True Story

(I will not be using the names, usernames, or website of the actual event. I don't want to possibly anger any beautiful camgirls out there) Something interesting happened last time I was browsing the webcams of my favorite porn site. See, one of the things I enjoy watching is two girls having fun on a camera. I never really pay, I just like to see how they flirt, and chat with their costumers. This time was different, though. I clicked on one of the cams I have never tried before. The picture...

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The Traveler

Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... The Traveler It’s funny how some of my most enjoyable kills have been planned in a matter of days or even hours. I was in...

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The Traveler

It is a long time since I began this odyssey. My name isn?t really important, mostly I call myself Traveler? or Trav Veler. I know, not very original. It is a long time since I began this odyssey. The machine I built was supposed to be a stasis cell. My idea was similar to cryogenics, but by freezing time rather than the person. Well, that didn?t pan out. I?m no longer entirely sure how it works but whenever I switch it on it flings me through the ether to another place, another time, but I...

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The Traveler

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy...The TravelerIt’s funny how some of my most enjoyable kills...

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Hai. This is Ashok from Chennai, aged 32 yrs and an avid fan of ISS and this also happens to be my first submission to ISS and its a real happening which is just four months old. I am working with a MNC as Trainer, which involves a lot of travelling and am always away from home for more than 25 days in a month with a very tight working schedule. I was looking for a break and I happened to take leave for a week and i decieded to head for Goa, a Place Which I Was Longing to Visit. On May 2009, I...

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Shemale, tranny or as some like calling them t-girls, I like them. Im not talking cross dressers, I'm talking about the ones with titties, curves and sound like a woman. Being a bi male, to me its the best of both worlds. I like watching porn of them and honestly I prefer the ones of them doing a strip tease, ending with them stroking their cock and cumming all over themselves. I met one, unknowingly, once while playing around on a chat site. I was cruising thru the members "online" when I came...

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The travel

Our Trip to Visit GrandmaI had just completed the eight grade in school and was looking forward to entering the High School in Summerton, Georgia the coming fall. Mom decided that we should go and visit her mother in Louisiana for the summer. Dad was working on a special project and would not be able to travel with us. He would join us in a couple weeks after he'd completed the job. Mom was a little upset being as we'd planned the trip months earlier but due to a last minute snafu Dad had to...

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The Writer and the Traveller

“A hard-bitten ego-driven loner, “ was the way her agent had described him. “You know – big, tough, been-there-done-that, travels alone because he thinks other people can’t keep up. Talks a lot on TV, but has never written a book. Now he wants you to write one – his book. The authorized biography.” The obvious question was why, with all his travelling, all his ego, he’d never put anything on paper. “He’s too arrogant, if you know what I mean. I think he’s terrified of failure,” was the way her...

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The Writer and the Traveller

“A hard-bitten ego-driven loner, “ was the way her agent had described him. “You know – big, tough, been-there-done-that, travels alone because he thinks other people can't keep up. Talks a lot on TV, but has never written a book. Now he wants you to write one – his book. The authorized biography.” The obvious question was why, with all his travelling, all his ego, he’d never put anything on paper. “He’s too arrogant, if you know what I mean. I think he’s terrified of failure,” was the way her...

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It had been a long day for Nick Jackson. He had two more nights left on his five-day training stint in the small college town. He worked for a software company and had been flown down to instruct a new client’s employees on how to use the program for maximum benefit. After picking up a small salad and taking it to his room, he decided to hit the hotel bar for a glass of chardonnay. The place had a smattering of other business travelers peppered out amongst the tables – and actually there was at...

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For the Cowgirls

                                                                                                     For the Cowgirls Iris was on her way home from work. It had been a long stressful day at the doctor’s office where she worked. One of the other girls had called in sick, and she was left to deal with all of the patients and paperwork by herself. She had to stay late just to catch up. On top of that, she was almost 2 hours from home, and missing her kids, who had been at daycare since early that...

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For the Cowgirls

                                                                                                     For the Cowgirls Iris was on her way home from work. It had been a long stressful day at the doctor’s office where she worked. One of the other girls had called in sick, and she was left to deal with all of the patients and paperwork by herself. She had to stay late just to catch up. On top of that, she was almost 2 hours from home, and missing her kids, who had been at daycare since early that...

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