Little Baby Girl free porn video

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Little Baby Girl Ted runs afoul of some ladies when they mistake him for a pedophile. They try to get their revenge. I will let Ted tell it. Peace Belle. I woke up and found I nude and tied to a chair. It was in a basement. The girl that I tried to pick up last night said, "Bagged him good Anne. He is starting to come awake now." Anne said, "Good job Amy. Now we got this pervert, we can treat him for his problem right." I wanted to say something. I did not know what they were talking about. I could not say a word. I was gagged. Anne said, "Nothing to say Pervert. Good! We don't want to hear it anyhow. We got you dead to rights. We have you on tape. We have your DNA. We have your fingerprints. We know what you did to that child last week." I was wondering what were they talking about. I just got back into town last night. I was overseas in the service for the past three years. Amy removed the gag. She said, "Speak!" I said, "If your proof is that good, then turn me over to the police. That is what they are paid for." Anne put the gag back in my mouth. Anne said, "All they would do is put you in a hospital. You would not pay for what you did. We will make you pay." Amy removed me from the chair but kept my hands bound. She put a rope around my neck and pulled me to the bathroom. I was given a complete body shave. Then she naired me. After that, I was given a shower. Anne came and said, "Body wax." I was led to a room and a bench. Both Amy and Anne took their time as they applied the wax. They also seemed to take great joy in my pain as they ripped off the wax. I could not cry out, but the look on my face told them all. Amy next tucked and stuffed my balls into my body. Then she placed my penis so it was between my legs and pointing down. After she was done, she put me in a diaper, rubber panties, an adult sized baby suit, a cap that looked liked a baby would wear, booties, and mitts. Amy said, "Our ltttle girl is ready. Anne bring in the baby's bed." Anne wheeled in a large cradle. Now in case you are wondering why I did not fight back, I was still bound and still weak from the knock out drug. Amy and Anne were both five feet eight inches tall. I am only five foot tall. My hands were set free and Amy put me in the cradle. Amy gently rocked me to sleep. When I awoke I saw that Amy and Anne were busy. They had put in the room a changing table and a crib. There was also a third woman. Amy said, "Dorothy meet your Aunt Janet." Janet stood over me. She was five feet nine inches. She said, "She is just adorable. It looks like she needs changing." I was lifted to the changing table. My suit, rubber panties, and diaper were removed. Anne wiped my bottom. Then she put talcum powder on me. Then I was rediapered. A fresh set of rubber panties and was put back into my baby clothing. Anne then put me on her lap. Anne said, "Amy. Can you see if Dorothy's bottle is ready?" Amy came in with a bottle. It was type of bottle that is used on farms for livestock or a zoo would for large animals. Amy "Here you go Anne. Dorothy looks hungry." Anne removed the gag and put the bottle in my mouth. I started to drink. The contents tasted very sweet. It was also thick. To my surprise, I drank it all. Anne then said as she burped me, "My, you were hungry Dorothy. Here is your pacifier." I did not want to take it. It looked a penis. She forced it in my mouth and tied it to my head. Anne said, "That should keep you happy my Little Snookums." I was feeling tired. The pacifier had bitter taste to it. Anne put me in the cradle. I fell asleep. For the next two weeks my life was like that of a baby. Whenever I woke up, I had my diaper changed. I would be fed. Anne and Amy would bottle feed me. Janet would breast feed me. After being fed and burped, the pacifier would be placed in my mouth. I would be set back in the cradle. A set of headphones would be placed on my ears and I would listen to a recording until I fell asleep. After the two weeks were up. Anne came to me. She removed the pacifier. She said, "Dorothy. Your Aunt's and me want you to be a big girl. That means potty training. You don't want to remain in diapers now do you?" I said, "No mommy." (Where did that come from?) Anne said, "That is my good girl. We start today." Very quickly I learned I had to sit down for everything in the bathroom. I was now dressed like a toddler. Mary Jane shoes with long white socks and little girl dresses. I was allowed to watch the DVD and the VCR. I was also allowed to play with dolls and have pretended tea parties. (I was thinking and acting like a little girl.) Meals I was place in a high chair and spoon-fed. It was bowl of grits and Cream of Wheat mixed together. It had sugar and milk in it. Anne would feed me most of the time. Amy or Janet would feed me when Anne was at work. I also was made to take three pills at each meal. I was told the pills were vitamins. One week later I was took to a doctor. I was told it was for vaccinations. Dr. Jones said, "Your daughter is coming along fine. Bring her in once a month for a check up." One month later, I was brought back to the doctor. I received more shots. I was told they were booster shots. I was now allowed to wear clothing along the lines of a grade school girl. They were all skirts or dresses. I asked, "Mommy. How come I am not allowed to go to school with the other kids?" Anne said, "Well Dorothy, you have some special needs. It is better for us to home school you. Now go outside and play with your jump rope." I did as I was told. When I was inside, I would still watch the DVD or VCR. If I watched real TV, it was the game shows or soap operas. I ate normal food. Anne also left girl style books and magazines. I also still took my vitamins. This went on for six weeks. One night I got a major cramp. I was sent to the hospital. Dr. Jones preformed surgery on me. I was told I had an obstructive bowel. (I later found out my penis and genitals were removed. I had a false vagina added. I was made to be a girl down there.) Anne paid Dr. Jones. Dr. Jones gave me three large shots in my butt. I was told they were antibiotics. When we got back to the house, Anne said to me, "Dorothy. You are becoming a big girl now. It is time for you to learn how to use make up and hygiene products. You will be taught how to take care of your hair." I now looked like a pre-teenage girl. I was taught how to cook, sew, do laundry, and how to keep a house. I was also taught how to have sex as a girl. I was surprised on how natural it felt. Another six weeks passed. As I came to look more like a teenager, Anne had me put on birth control pills. I was also given a dildo. I would use it on myself. I still watched the DVD. I was starting to dream about having sex with men. I spoke to Anne about this. Anne said, "That is good honey. You are growing to be a woman. Your body now is now like a woman. We will set you up for your first date." My date was a member of the hockey team. He was gentle and sweet. He took me to the movies. All he did after the date was to kiss me on the cheek. I wanted more, Anne did not let me. She allowed me to use the dildo both in my mouth and vagina. As I sucked on the dildo, Anne said, "You are not ready for to have sex with boys yet. But you will soon will be." Three weeks later, I was 'Deflowered'. My date asked me, "Are you're sure I am not your first?" I had to say, "You are my first. It has to be you who has string of girls." Both Anne and Amy taught me to keep a man or a boy happy by praise or ego strokes. They taught me how to control men by learning what buttons to push and when. Anne said, "Dorothy, you are ready for men." Three weeks later, Anne set up dates for all of us. They were all members of my unit. Frank Smith, who was my date asked, "Are you any relation to Ted Pinkerton?" I said, "Our fathers are brothers. I must have a slight resemblance. Why?" Frank said, "He is now wanted for desertion. If you see him, get him to turn himself in. It is his best hope." I said, "This is strange. Ted was always a man who you could count on." Frank said, "I know. That is why I want Ted to turn himself in." Then Frank started to nuzzle me. He said, "Don't worry. I will protect him if I can." I started to take Frank. I made him cum three times. Frank almost passed out He said, "This gal has staying power. Can you do a train?" I said, "I don't know. Can I try?" Anne had set me up. She let my former unit members do me. I had all four men for all the night. I wore them all out. I sat up after I was done and smoked a cigarette. Anne handed a glass of wine and said, "That's my girl. I taught you well." The next week we went shopping. I saw my twin brother Ambrose. Amy tried to run him over. The police arrested all of us, including Ambrose. Amy, Anne, and Janet were charged with kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, and aiding and abetting a deserter. Amy was also charged with assault. I was charged with desertion. Ambrose was charged with rape and child molestation. Dr. Jones had her license revoked. My lawyer was able to get the desertion charge tossed. He did it with a quick search of Anne's place. He proved to the judge that I was held against my will. He also proved that my captors used drugs and mind control to alter my thinking and my looks. (So that was what was on all the DVDs, tapes, and CD's.) While I was free, I could not rejoin my unit. I was now a woman. I was given a medical discharge. I checked with the Wellman Clinic. The best they could do, was to partially deprogram me. In short, they turned down my sex drive. I am now working part time while going to business school. I have a lawsuit going against Anne, Amy, Janet, and Dr. Jones. I thank Ms. Starr for helping me tell this tale. Peace Dorothy Pinkerton. You're welcome Dorothy. Peace. Belle Starr.

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It’s 3am and babygirl is asleep in her bedroom… her k**s and m***y asleep in their rooms. Daddy is awake and horny so he drives over to babygirl’s house and quietly walks over to her window… pushes the window up. Babygirl wakes up and wide-eyed looks at daddy with surprise… she whispers “No Daddy! You can’t come in! What if you wake the b**s?” Daddy just smiles and says “Well, baby… you just better be quiet!” as he climbs in the window. Baby is a good little girl and is nakk** so when daddy...

2 years ago
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A Pleasure Trip With My Baby Girl

Her head is resting in my lap, heavy and snuggled in towards my body. I can feel her every breath, deep and satisfying, and unconsciously tries to sync mine to hers. Each rise of her body presses her against my hand, resting on her long toned legs. My fingers trace the outline of her face, from behind her ears, along the neck and over her lips. She looks up and smiles at me — that mesmerizing smile. Sitting here, naked, spent after sex. I think to myself; this is not how things work; this...

3 years ago
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Daddy feeds his baby girl

It is lunchtime, are you eating baby girl?Yes, Daddy, I am going to eat right now.Good girl, I am proud of you for remembering to eat.  Daddy needs you to take care of yourself, honey.Yes, Daddy.Playful banter and naughty texts continued throughout the day while John worked his part-time job.  He missed his baby girl.  Going from working twenty-four hours at the firehouse to eight hours at the part-job was a long time away from her.  Texts, pictures, and videos helped him edge and feel the...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling my babys fantacy

Fulfilling my babys fantacyYou and I have been having trouble letting each other know what our fantasy's are.You finally told me about your transsexual interests thinking that I would think your weird.But was happily surprised that I fully supported you.We had been chatting with fairdesire for a few months and I wanted soo badly for you to fulfill your fantasy.I seen several raffles for to win trips over seas and bought several.I WON THREE !!!!!Oh my goodness, I had a hard time keeping my mouth...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling My Babys Fantasy

Fulfilling my babys fantasy You and I have been having trouble letting each other know what our fantasy are. You finally told me about your transsexual interests thinking that I would think your weird. But was happily surprised that I fully supported you. We had been chatting with fairdesire for a few months and I wanted so badly for you to fulfill your fantasy. I seen several raffles for to win trips over seas and bought several. I WON THREE !!!!! Oh my goodness, I had a hard time...

1 year ago
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Babygirl and DaddyChapter 3

I closed and locked my bedroom door. You put his arm around me, pulled me close, and kissed me hard. I felt weak in the knees, God I wanted you with every part of my body. I hesitated, then placed my hand on his shoulder and uttered softly, "Daddy, I think we'd better stop and go someplace discrete, it's too risky here and that bitch might catch us." You nodded in agreement, and then asked where the bathroom was. I opened the door and told you it was the first door down the hall on the...

2 years ago
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Making Her Daddys Baby Girl

I stared at Shay as she finished her dinner, shocked to realize that she was looking like her mother more with each passing day. It made my heart ache still to think of my beautiful deceased wife. She had lost her battle with breast cancer 5 years ago but the wound on my heart still felt fresh. I hadn’t starting seeing anyone in the years following her death because every time I thought about it I felt like it would be cheating. That isn’t to say there had never been anyone interested since,...

3 years ago
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Emilys Choice Ponygirl

Emily’s Choice – PonygirlBy Sarah        Sarah heard her young freshman slave girl call her from the living room.  Sarah walked into her living room, to see Emily kneeling on the floor, naked, with the collar firmly locked around her neck.  Sarah smiled, and walked over to her new pet, and groped both her small tits in her hand.  Emily quivered as her Mistress pinched her nipples, and she let out a low moan, as her nipples stiffened in response.  It had taken her an hour to decide to snap the...

4 years ago
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Beyonce Becomes a Ponygirl

Part IV Beyonce lay out in the afternoon sun. The island had a hot, tropical climateand although she had been kept in the shade for the hottest part of the day,it was still uncomfortable and humid. The sweat was pouring off her and shehad no way to wipe it off. She had always liked hot holiday destinations andwas therefore no stranger to sunning herself. She had even bathed topless before,but never like this. As part of her acclimatization process, Jen had explainedthat it was necessary for...

3 years ago
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Babylon Project End of the Line

Babylon Project: End of the Line By Lynn LeFey "Hey mom... tell me a story," Alex demands. He braces himself in the door of the cockpit, looking like he owns this freighter. I can't help but smile. He looks like a miniature version of his father. That makes me both proud and a little sad. "Are all your assignments done?" I ask. "Yes," he sighs, rolling his eyes. I gesture to the copilot's seat. He pushes himself forward, and floats gently into the seat, moving the way...

3 years ago
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The Magic Soap of Babylon

The Magic Soap of Babylon OBJECT: Magic Soap of Babylon USAGE (setting the form): Imagine the form that you wish the soap to "create" when next used. While holding this image in your mind, tap the soap three times and then blow on it. You will know that the new form for next use has been set when a small spark shoots out of the soap. USAGE (activation): When applied with water or moisture, the form of the user will instantly transform into that of the soap's last form...

1 year ago
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Mommys Tortured Baby Girl

100% fiction! "Good morning, Baby Girl!" Chimed my Mommy, "Good morning, Mommy." I said. I had just been dreaming of my Mommy's hot, wet pussy when she came into my room to wake me up. My pussy was slick and swollen from my dream fantasy as Mommy shoved her hands under the covers and ran her fingernails over my naked body. She stopped at my nipples and twisted them firmly. "Ow, Mamma!" I said, but giggled because it felt pretty good. Mommy then placed a finger in my soaking pussy and lightly...

4 years ago
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My Baby Girl

Being a single parent is always hard, no matter which parent has custody of the child. My ex and I have split custody of our daughter, a twenty year old college student in history major. She is 5'9'' and is voluptuous and curvy with full perky breasts, a toned stomach and a nice round bum to match. During the summer, she always comes over to stay with me, so we can have quality father daughter time together. This year, my hours required at work have been cut and therefore, my days seem slower...

2 years ago
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Gentle Baby Girl

"Very good sir. At this price she can be with you through the end of your business stay. You will find that all daily matters are taken care of and the principal concern is your enjoyment." "You took note of the picture I gave you?" "Indeed sir, we have done our best to provide you with the character and feature you requested. It is nothing less than we do for our best customers." "Pavla Matriona will be attending to the girl during your stay here at the Hotel...

3 years ago
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Life Goes On Baby Girl

"A friend just told me on facebook that she lost 16,000 dollars in her 401k last night due to the election."She raised her head from her book. "Did she say how that worked? I don't get it. Oh! The stock market. Duh.""Yes," I agreed, "the stock market dove."Cheryl giggled as she replied, "I'm often a step behind, but sometimes I catch up. I need to go and look at some emails.""Okay, you do that little one."She rose up and stooped down. "Kisses to my darling." "Pressing deep hugs dear one," I...

Love Stories
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Becoming a Catgirl

You are a person in a slightly futuristic society where a special serum has been invented that allows normal human beings to become catgirls. This is a multi-step process to turn you into a fully trained pet for someone to adopt. Catgirls appear mostly human, except with a cat tail growing from their tailbone, and cat ears on top of their head as opposed to normal human ears. These new appendages are extremely and erotically sensitive, as is the lower back. The subject can choose their new body...

2 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Fucked by the Boy Shes Babysitting

“You know…” She began. “We still have some time left…” Rachel purred. Jake chuckled. Rachel moved her right hand down to his crotch and held it there. Rachel felt the boy’s face twist into a grin. Rachel grinned as well and began grasping at the kid’s growing erection. Jake’s cock slowly grew, thickening and lengthening. It pointed upwards and reached passed the kid’s belly button under his shirt and pants. Rachel grabbed the meat through the fabric and started lightly stroking it causing Jake...

1 year ago
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The Babysitter My Wife and the BiGirls

“So, all you have to do,” Danielle said to me over her shoulder, “is get rid of the k** for the night, get yourself some beers and make sure it’s Kim who answers the door.”“Do you need her to be wearing anything special?” I asked, gripping her hips tightly. “Or do you want it to be a surprise?”“Don’t tell her a thing,” replied the babysitter, breathlessly. “Me and my friends are gonna be a bit of a shock to her.”I pulled out of her tight teenaged cunt and shot all over her pert little bum, “Oh,...

4 years ago
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Daddys Baby Girl

The cliché that’s this little story. You don’t just marry the girl, you marry the family too. As I was dragging myself awake two days ago. This story awoke before me. I wrote it in part of that day. Edit and post took part of the next day. So I hope it’s not too rough. I almost put this into the romance category. But it’s non-erotic, but there’s still a romance, just from a very different point of view. Again there’s no sex in this little tale. It’s all narrative from one person’s point of...

3 years ago
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Nancys Baby Girl

      Nancy Jacobson always wanted a little baby girl. She and her husband, Steve, were trying during the first few years of their marriage, but now she was 38 years old and time was running out. They lived in a big, but not very preserved cabin, a few miles outside of town. That and the fact that none of them had a stable job, made it impossible for them to adopt a child. Nancy, a blond, chubby woman with long fingernails, had become increasingly depressed due to this situation, and rarely...

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