A Helpful Change Part 2 free porn video

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'A Helpful Change' Part 2 By Peachy CHAPTER 6 Ten minutes later at around Eleven o' clock we arrived at Mrs. Storey's house. I had felt very self conscious in the car and had tried to sink down in my seat as we drove around, even though I didn't know anyone in this neighbourhood. Natalie had been giving me tips on how to act like a girl, such as smoothing my skirt underneath my legs when I sat and keeping my legs together. I had been trying to lighten my voice a little but Natalie said I needn't worry. She advised me to look at myself in the mirror fairly often to remind me how to act, but I didn't need reminding. 'Off you go then girl!' Natalie leaned over and opened the door for me. 'I'll pick you up at five.' I felt very nervous and strange. I looked at Natalie, feeling worried. She smiled and put her arm around me. 'Don't worry Sammy, you'll be fine.' she said. 'You're doing a very nice thing for this lady. Anybody else would have let her down and ran a mile, I'm really proud of you. There's no need to feel embarrassed or strange or anything, you look fine. Just be yourself and relax, just be Samantha.' She reached over and hugged me and all of a sudden I felt really good about myself and what I was doing, it even felt almost natural. 'Thanks so much for your help Natalie, you've been brilliant.' I said, suddenly feeling quite overwhelmed at what a lovely person she was. 'I'm sorry if I moaned a bit, you've been right about everything.' 'S'ok!' Natalie said. 'I'm always right! And maybe you're just on your period?' I laughed. 'Do you want me to come to the door with you?' she asked. 'Introduce you properly?' I nodded and we both got out the car and walked toward the door. We rang the doorbell and Mrs. Storey answered, smiling widely. 'Hello dear! Lovely to see you again.' she said. She looked at Natalie quizzically. 'Hello Mrs. Storey, I'm Natalie from the work agency.' She stuck out her hand and Mrs. Storey took it. 'I'm sorry I wasn't here the other day to introduce Samantha properly. She's a top girl and I'm sure you'll be getting along fine.' 'We already have been haven't we dear?' Mrs. Storey said. I smiled and nodded a little too enthusiastically. I still felt very nervous, although I was surprised to feel quite pleased to see her. 'Well, I'll leave you two together then!' Natalie said. 'Be good Samantha!' She winked at me, got into her car and drove off. Mrs. Storey ushered me in and closed the door behind me. 'Well how are you then Samantha?' Mrs. Storey asked. 'You don't mind me calling you Samantha do you? I don't really care for Sam, girls should have girls names I think.' 'No that's fine,' I said, almost chuckling to myself. 'And no more of the tomboy image either I see!' she went on. 'And good thing too, you look very pretty. I'm very surprised that you don't have a boyfriend! Is there nobody around who's got their eye on you?' I hope not, I thought. 'Erm, don't think so.' I said. 'I'm not umm, really interested in boys yet.' If I could get away with being a girl who didn't talk about boys I'd be quite happy. 'Well I think they'll be interested in you dear!' she said laughingly. I had to change the subject. I remembered her Sister Betty. 'How are you feeling after the other day?' I asked, genuinely concerned. 'A bit better thank you dear. It's nice to have you here for company. Some of my family may be coming down to see me in a while, so that'll be nice.' I hope they wouldn't be coming whilst I was here. 'What can I do for you today then Mrs. Storey?' I asked, taking off the denim jacket and hanging it on the peg. 'I'll leave you to your own devices Samantha, I'm sure you're sensible enough. I haven't been able to see what needs doing lately as I've been without my glasses, but I should be getting my new pair any day now. The place probably needs a good going over with the duster and polish if you wouldn't mind. Maybe you could make me something to eat in a while? Actually there's a few dishes that need washing?' 'That's fine,' I said. I realised that now she was getting a new pair of glasses I would have to be careful to always keep up my appearance. 'And put on that apron there, you don't want to get that nice top dirty do you?' I smiled and went into the kitchen and Mrs. Storey sat down to watch television. I leaned against the workbench and let out a deep breath. My reflection in the glass door to the garden caught my eye and I stared, fascinated. It was less shocking to me now and I realised with a tingle that I was beginning to accept the image as being me, not just as something I was pretending to be. Even my expressions seemed like that of a girl, I thought as I studied my face. I moved around, traced my polished fingers over my breasts and watched my skirt twirl round with me as I felt it brush against my legs. Again a tingling excitement filled me and I looked away quickly, feeling a little afraid. I decided that I would try and hold on to my old identify and not let myself go too far into this new role. I would accept being Samantha and relax, but I didn't want to enjoy it too much, even though Natalie said I should. I would be careful, I decided. I wrapped the green apron carefully around my waist. I was aware that the green didn't really go with this outfit and I felt ever so slightly annoyed, then surprised at myself for having such a unusual thought. I begun to do the dishes. For the rest of the day I sort of wandered around the house and cleaned up here and there. Quite a lot of time I just spent sitting with Mrs. Storey and listening to her talk, as she liked to talk! She said many times how lonely she gets and how glad she was that I was here, especially now that she had lost her sister. I felt very sorry for her and sad that there was nobody else for here. I didn't want to ask about her family coming down as I was scared of the answer. At around two pm I was sitting with Mrs. Storey, just watching television and feeling really quite relaxed, thinking how simple and hassle free this whole thing actually was. Apart from wearing these clothes of course, I reminded myself. But I actually felt quite comfortable. Mrs. Storey passed me a piece of paper. ' There's a shopping list there dear, I wonder if you wouldn't mind popping to the shops to get me a few things?' I froze. Why hadn't I thought of this? I didn't want to go walking around outside like this! 'Umm, sure,' I said, standing up and going to get my jacket. 'Get yourself a bag of crisps or something too if you'd like,' Mrs. Storey said, passing me some money. 'See you in a while. The shops are about a fifteen minute walk down the road, you cant miss them.' 'I'll just pop to the toilet,' I said. I needed to think. 'Have to make yourself pretty before you go out eh?' Mrs. Storey said, chuckling. I closed the door and sat down on the toilet, the porcelain cold against my bare thighs. I stood up and smoothed my skirt out beneath me as I sat down again. Think of an excuse not to go! I thought. But there wasn't one, I had to do this. At least nobody knew me around here. I tried to comfort myself by treating this as a confidence building exercise. I stood up and studied my face in the mirror. If you looked really closely at me maybe people would see that I was a boy, but I realised I was pretty safe. I had to smile as I realised I didn't know which option was worse: To look exactly like a girl or to look like a boy dressed as a girl. If I looked like the latter then it would be disastrous. I forced myself to be sensible and consider my facial appearance in a feminine way. I took the red scrunchie out of my hair and let it fall, then pushed it back behind my ears. I wished I had a hairbrush to make it look neater and more girlish, and I realised the need for a handbag full of such useful things. As a boy I rarely worried about my hair. I liked the look of my hair down, it somehow looked a little wilder and more grown up, but it looked more feminine tied back and you could see the earrings better. I re-tied it as Natalie had. This was the first time that I had done it myself but it seemed to come naturally. This time I just pulled one long strand down to fall against my chin. I shivered at the effect and how pretty it looked, even better than before. Was this me? Could I enjoy this? My heart thudded at the image before me. I made a mental note to ask Natalie if we could look at ways of making me look like a girl but less pretty, as I didn't want to attract attention. I felt vain at thinking of myself like this, it was very strange! I decided I had better get on with it and so I left the bathroom, said goodbye to Mrs. Storey and went outside into the street. CHAPTER 7 It wasn't that warm outside and I could feel the wind all around my bare legs and up my skirt, so I reluctantly decided to pull up the knee socks. I buttoned up the denim jacket too, noticing again my new breasts and how you could see them through the jacket. I hurried along the road to the shops. As it was a Sunday there were a few children playing outside. One cute little girl looked up at me and smiled sweetly. I smiled back, but inside I felt funny as I knew she was looking up to me as a pretty older girl. Around the corner a group of three boys slightly younger than me were standing around their bikes. They looked at me and began to giggle and nudge each other. I was briefly terror struck, thinking they had noticed I was a boy, but then I heard one of them say 'Go on, say something to her!' I walked on quickly and one of the boys shouted 'Hey sexy legs!' I ignored them and walked even faster. I couldn't wait to be back inside. Eventually I reached the small supermarket. As bad luck would have it, it was pretty busy. As quickly as I could and avoiding peoples eyes I obtained the items on Mrs. Storey's (long) list, and grabbed a bag of crisps for myself. I joined the long queue at the cash register, behind a young lady with a little girl. I looked at the floor. 'Excuse me sweetie,' the lady said to me. 'You haven't got change of a ten pound note have you?' 'Umm, no. Sorry,' I said. Why did everyone seem to wanna speak to me?! 'Oh, no worries,' the lady said, smiling politely. Suddenly she frowned as she looked more closely at my face. Again I felt terrified, surely this time I had been noticed! I blushed bright red. But then the lady reached into her pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. 'You've got a little smudge of dirt on your face honey, let me get it for you.' She reached her hand out and rubbed my cheek. 'There!' she said. 'Pretty as a picture!' 'Thanks,' I said, still blushing. I felt very relieved, but amazed that this woman had looked at me that closely and not just believed that I was a girl, but a pretty one at that. I felt dazed and giddy with it all. After what seemed like an eternity I reached the cash register. It was run by a boy around my age. 'Hi,' he said, putting Mrs. Storey's things through the till. 'How are you?' 'Fine,' I said, looking away. 'I'm Steve, as you can see.' He pointed to his name badge. 'And you are?' Arrgh! Leave me alone! 'Samantha,' I mumbled, hating to say it. 'Well hello Samantha, haven't seen you around here before,' he said with a smile. My stomach flipped over as I realised that he was coming onto me. I resolved never to leave the house again whilst I was Samantha. I decided against saying anything, just a quick 'Bye,' as thankfully he had done packing up the shopping. I hurried out of the shop and back to Mrs. Storey's. I had a few more chores to do at Mrs. Storey's and absorbed myself in them, thinking about my outing at the supermarket. Once I had calmed down a little I realised that I hadn't really acted in an accepting way. I had better get used to such things, as for all I knew Mrs. Storey would send me out for her shopping quite often. I knew that the right thing to do was to go with it and do my best. Five o'clock came and Mrs. Storey thanked me and gave me another ?10. It seemed that this would be a regular thing. I heard a beeping from outside as Natalie arrived to collect me. I went out and climbed into the car, brushing my skirt underneath me as I sat down next to her. 'Hey baby! How did it go?' Natalie asked, smiling. 'Ok,' I said, thinking of my outing to the Supermarket. I felt I had failed in some way there. 'Just ok?' Natalie asked as she pulled off. 'Umm, a bit better than ok I suppose. I had to go outside to the supermarket and I found that kinda hard, but I think it will be better next time. I didn't quite make enough effort.' Natalie frowned a little. 'What do you mean? Nobody suspected did they? I don't imagine they would have done?' 'No, no, quite the opposite, that was the problem,' I said, shifting around in my seat. 'I was really rushing the whole thing to get it over with cos I felt really uncomfortable being treated as a girl, but afterward I thought about what you said and I realised I should be making more effort and accepting it all, y'know.' 'I'm so proud of you Sammy!' Natalie beamed. 'I was worried you were gonna be all moany and never want to do it again, but it sounds like you did a real good job.' I smiled and felt good about myself. 'How about we go get some food? Fancy Pizza?' Natalie said 'Yeah, great! I can't wait to get outta these clothes though. Oh, you were right as usual, Mrs. Storey said she's gonna be getting some new glasses any day now.' 'Hmm,' Natalie said. 'You know what that means don't you?' 'Yeah, I've gotta always do my best and wear lotsa makeup and stuff. It's ok.' 'Good girl!' Natalie said. 'Also you may need a bit more practise at getting used to it, even though you seem to be doing great. S o I want to see you go get the pizza! After that we can get you back to plain ol' Sam.' 'Alright! But that means we get it how I want it, with lotsa pineapple!' 'Blurgh!' Natalie said. 'I want pepperoni too!' I laughed as the car drew up to the Pizza place, but as I got out of the car and went inside I couldn't help feeling nervous. Still, I figured the more I did things like this the more I would get used to it and the more comfortable I would be. I decided to throw myself into it. 'Hi!' I said breezily to the young guy behind the counter. He looked to be in his late teens and was quite good looking, I suppose. 'Hi!' he said back, and turned to me with a warm smile. My stomach flipped a little as I realised he was reacting to me as a pretty girl, but I tried to just go with it. 'I'm Dave, how are you?' he said. 'I'm fine thanks,' I said. 'Umm, can I have a large Cheese and Pineapple pizza, half with pepperoni please?' 'Sure thing love, coming right up. Will be about ten minutes though.' Darn. I had to stay there for that long. I leaned back against the wall near the counter. There was no one else in there so the silence was a bit heavy between me and Dave. In the spirit of things I tried some conversation. 'Busy day?' I asked. 'Kinda slow actually, for a Sunday it's surprising. What have you been up to today, taking it easy?' 'Umm no,' I said. 'I've been helping out at the house of this old lady, for a school thing.' 'You've spent all day Sunday with an old lady? Good looking girl like you should be out having fun!' I blushed deeply and looked at my shoes. This seemed to spur him on even more. 'What else do you get up, when you're not at school?' he asked, leaning over the counter. 'Oh, not much,' I said. See it as a challenge. See it as a challenge. I said to myself. 'Just hang around, read and stuff.' 'How would you like to hang around with me sometime?' he said. 'Could I get your number? Ill text you sometime?' I couldn't believe this was happening. Would every guy I spoke to try and come on to me? It felt really weird but all the same I felt a little flattered. 'Umm, ok,' I said. I don't know what I was thinking, I was just going with it. I certainly didn't really want to give a guy my number. But all the same I heard myself telling it to him and watching him write it down. 'Great, I'll text you soon!' he said. ''Oops, your pizza's ready.' Somebody passed him the pizza and he put it on the desk. He reached out his hand. 'I already told you I'm Dave, can I get your name?' 'Samantha,' I said, putting out my hand. He took my hand gently, not the kind of handshake I was used to. I suppose it was quite nice. 'Great to meet you Samantha, I'll be in touch. Enjoy your pizza! And that's a real cute skirt, by the way,' 'Thanks, umm, great to meet you too,' my face was nearly the colour of the skirt by now, I was sure. I stumbled out of the door and into the car. 'Well just what was going on there then?' Natalie said. 'You were getting pretty close to that guy weren't you?' 'I can't believe what just happened,' I said, groaning and sinking into my seat. 'He asked for my number and I gave it to him. Don't ask me why.' 'Oh my God!' Natalie screamed. ' You go girl!! That's amazing! What, did you like him or something?' 'Course not!' I said, looking at Natalie almost angrily. 'I was just trying to be the part, y'know.' However there was a part of me that had almost enjoyed what had just happened, it was certainly flattering. 'He wasn't coming onto me anyway, was he? He was coming onto Samantha, just what I'm dressed up as.' I said huffily. 'But that is you baby!' Natalie said. 'You're not just somebody dressed up, it really suits you. You look great!' 'Alright, can we drop it now?' I said. I was feeling really confused. 'Sorry Sammy,' Natalie said. 'I get a bit carried away. But this is such a blast! You've got to admit its kinda fun?' 'Maybe a little,' I conceded. 'Anyways, let's get back and get this pizza eaten.' she said. 'I'm starving.' 'I got him to spit on your side,' I said drolly. 'Was that while you were drooling all over him, you big slut?' Natalie said, raising an eyebrow. 'Natalie!' I cried, but I had to laugh. We got back to Natalie's and enjoyed the Pizza as we watched TV, we had a cool time. Even though I wanted to get out of the clothes right away I was really hungry and so it waited until we had eaten. Natalie turned me back into 'Sam,' but when she had finished and I checked myself over in the mirror I had a curious empty feeling. I had imagined that changing back would feel like a great relief but standing there in my shorts and t-shirt I just felt kinda drab and dull. 'Not quite as exciting eh Sammy?' Natalie said as she reclined on her bed. 'No,' I admitted, 'but it's me at least.' But was it really? Being Samantha had felt quite natural, not really even that fake. I didn't want to think any more on it really, I just wanted to go home. 'Well Sammy its been a pretty amazing day eh? Want to get off home?' I sure did. On the drive home Natalie began to discuss Tuesday. 'I'll pick you up after school, get you to mine asap and get you into the uniform skirt and your undies and make up and stuff. Ok?' 'Lovely,' I said sarcastically. But secretly I was pretty curious about wearing a girl's school uniform. As I said, for some reason I'd always felt very comfortable in school uniform and liked the smartness of it. I always admired the way the girls looked in it, as they tended to be smarter than the boys at my school. We pulled up at my house. I thanked Natalie very much for everything and we shared a nice hug. I really did like her very much, she felt just like a big sister to me. Despite everything I looked forward to seeing her again after school on Tuesday. I went inside and said hello to Aunt Marie and told her all about my day, leaving out of course the fact that I'd been dressed as a girl. Then I was really happy to just go and chill out in my room and go to sleep, it was all too much to think about. Chapter 8 Monday and Tuesday at school passed and I tried not to think too much about being Samantha. I chatted with Michael at school about my time with Mrs. Storey (Minus the details of course) and the usual things. His work experience at the Garage seemed to be going really well. I don't quite know why but I felt a little different around Michael. Having dressed and acted as a girl had maybe left an impression on me, as he seemed quite different from me because of his sheer 'maleness,' I wasn't sure. Again I didn't want to think about it too much, I was a little worried about where this whole business might be heading. Every time I thought about the approaching Tuesday afternoon dressed in a girls school uniform my heart skipped a beat. I felt very confused. What made things worse was that Dave, the Pizza guy had texted me on Monday and wanted to see me! His message had been: 'Great to meet you Samantha, would love to meet up sometime. Let me know cutie xxx.' Despite this I felt pleased at being called a 'cutie.' I had never really been complimented on my looks before. I thought I would chat with Natalie about it and see what she said. Tuesday afternoon came too soon and Natalie was there outside school to pick me up. I was walking out of school with Michael at the time. 'Woah, that Natalie is something,' Michael said. 'You're lucky to get her on your work experience thing. I've got a fat guy called Alvin helping me out. He stinks.' I laughed. 'Yeah Natalie's great. I hang out with her a bit before and after, she's really nice.' 'You reckon you've got any chance with her, even though she's twenty?' Michael asked. 'I don't really think of her like that,' I said. 'She's more like a sister or something.' 'It must have crossed your mind though, she's gorgeous!' Michael said. I didn't say anything. I didn't know why I'd never thought of her like that. Come to think of it I'd never really been that interested in any girls or women. I really liked and admired them, but I thought that was a different feeling. I didn't have time to think about that then though. I jumped in the car and said goodbye to Michael. 'Good to see you Sammy,' Natalie said. 'How you doing?' 'Ok, a bit nervous,' I said. 'Oh, c'mon you're a star!' Natalie said. 'You'll be fine. I've got everything ready for you again so it'll be a breeze. There is one little thing though...' 'What?' I said apprehensively. If it wasn't one thing it was another, it seemed. 'My flatmate Emma is back from her holiday, so maybe that makes things a little tricky for you changing there.' 'Oh man...where else are we going to go?' I said. 'Are we driving there right now?' 'Well, steady on,' Natalie said. She pulled over to the side of a country lane. 'Now I reckon that we can still do all we need to do at my flat. I've known Emma for ages and she's more than just my flatmate, she's a good friend and a real laugh. The way I see it you have two choices: We can come clean to Emma about it, she'll be cool with it, or you can pretend to be a girl when you're around her.' 'Oh man!' I said again. 'But how will I get round her initially, as I go into your flat as a boy and come out a girl! How's that gonna work?' 'Hmm. Well she's not going to be there all the time that you are. She usually works at this time of the day, she's only home at the moment because she's just got back from holiday. And on Sunday morning's she'll still be sleeping, but she could well be there later on in the day... so as I say, you can just be a girl around her and we'll rush you in and out when you're a boy. It wont be a problem for you to be a girl around her, you've done it before and we know you can easily pull it off.' 'Yeah, don't remind me,' I said. 'Why didn't you think of your housemate being a problem before?' 'Cos she's not a problem, Sammy. We could easily tell her the truth about the whole thing and she's being fine with it, she'd think it was a right laugh. Any reasonable person would see that you're doing this for a good reason, cos you're such a nice guy and doing a favour for an old lady.' 'Ok,' Yet again Natalie was right. 'But I think I'd rather not tell her, y'know its pretty embarrassing for me.' 'I don't think it is really,' Natalie said, 'but I understand where you're coming from. So I reckon for now you'll do the girl thing with her and just see how it goes, yeah? You've got to meet her anyway, she's great.' Natalie started the car up and talked me through my impending change. 'Right, we'll try and do this fairly quickly...obviously most of your clothes are fine as you're just going in your school uniform, but I bought you a new blouse as well, a slightly smaller one because yours is a baggy boys shirt and it'll look better. So then just get your knickers and stuff on. Don't worry I washed them! I also actually got you these little fake foam breast things, thought they would help.' 'Oh my God you're kidding!' I said. 'Where did you get them!?' 'Off the internet of course! They're great, a little bigger than before. I figured that girls your age have a little more than what you had in the upstairs department. Stick 'em in your bra and they'll look and feel real!' 'But I don't want big breasts!' I felt a bit panicky about this, and stupid to even have to say such a thing. 'They're not really big, they're perfect.' Natalie said. 'Just one more thing to make you feel like a real girl. You know we've got to do this as properly as we can if you're going to be going outside sometimes and Mrs. Storey is wearing glasses and whatnot. I'll have to get you some more clothes as well. Probably something different for the Sunday, you don't want to wear the same clothes all the time.' 'Thanks, I think.' I said. I felt a little calmer now. 'And then see what you can do with your hair and then I'll sort your make up out. You need to learn how to do it yourself but there's not really time now. Tell you what, after I pick you at six thirty we'll go for something to eat and chill out and have a good chat and all, sound good?' 'Yeah, cool,' I said. 'There's a few things I wanna chat to you about to do with all this too,' I was thinking of the text message from Dave 'Great, we'll have a good laugh,' said Natalie. 'I like hanging around with you Sammy, I've never met anyone like you!' 'I bet you haven't!' I said, and we both laughed. Soon we arrived at the flat. Natalie rushed me upstairs and into her room to get changed, and we could hear Emma faffing about in the kitchen. Natalie went to say hello to her and left me in her room. 'Why hello my dear...' I heard Natalie say. Everything was again set out on the bed, and again I felt that fear and curiosity of the skirt. I figured that Natalie would have got a grotty second hand school skirt, but she had actually bought a brand new one as the bag and price tag of the School Uniform shop was discarded next to it. It was the standard bottle green pleated skirt that all the girls at school had to wear. I unbuttoned my shirt and reached for the white bra. I put it on like Natalie had showed me before, looking in the mirror for help. It felt ticklish moving around my chest. Then I noticed the little foam breasts, they were pink and sort of circular with a nipple and everything. I thought about what way round they should go and then squeezed them into the bra and fiddled around with them. I finished and looked in the mirror. It was shocking, as they really looked real. I felt them and pushed them together, and fingered the lace and straps of the bra. I felt weird because I didn't look quite complete, what with wearing boy's trousers and my face not quite done up. I felt that if I was wearing a bra and looking like I had breasts (or just plain having them) then I wanted to feel the complete part and look like a proper girl. I hated feeling half and half. Without putting the blouse on first I pulled off my socks, trousers and underpants and reached for the white knickers and knee socks, the same that I had worn on Sunday. I got them on and looked at myself full length in the mirror, a boy wearing girl's underwear. I somehow felt neat and sorta liked the way I looked, it was nice the way the bra and panties matched each other and I liked the white. I brushed my hair behind my ears and realised that even just wearing this underwear I looked like a girl. You could hardly see my penis even. I looked around for the green pleated skirt, lifting it up and feeling the fabric. I quite liked the way it smelled and I both wanted to wear it and feared it at the same time. I stepped into it awkwardly and zipped it up and buttoned it. I smoothed the pleats down along my legs, liking the way it felt against my bear legs and feeling weird about liking it. The hemline stopped right around my knees. Looking in the mirror again I realised I looked even more delicate and feminine in my bra, socks and skirt, like any schoolgirl getting ready. I thought I had better hurry up, but I couldn't hear Natalie yet. I reached for the new blouse (I don't know why it was called a blouse because it was exactly the same as my boy's shirt but a smaller size, so I tried to just think of it as a shirt) and pulled it on. It was a little small and tight on me, but that seemed to suit a girlish figure like mine. I buttoned it up, finishing with the collar and then I tucked it into the skirt band. I could feel the breasts quite tightly against the shirt and saw as I was doing my familiar green red and black striped tie up that they were quite prominent and gave me a good shape, they weren't too large or anything. I finished the tie, neat and well tied like it always was. I leaned down to look in the mirror and straightened the collar round and made the tie as smart as I could. I was very keen to look myself over as now that I was wearing the tie I felt almost complete, but I wanted to put on the jumper and blazer first. Just then Natalie came in. 'Nearly ready?' she asked. 'Sorry I got caught up chatting with Emma and hearing about her holiday. She went to Spain! Lets have a look at you.' She took me by the shoulders and then stepped back to look me over. 'Wow,' she muttered. 'You look very sweet! Some girls really suit a school uniform, I know a lot of boys love it! How do your boobs feel? Can I just...' Natalie moved around behind me and reached around to fiddle with the breasts. She moved them up and a little closer together, and then came back around to look at me. 'Perfect!' she said. 'They look good in the blouse. How do they feel?' 'Umm, fine.' I said. 'You can't just go grabbing then you know!' I said, half jokingly. They feel real or something. Can I just get a good look at myself?' 'Ooh lets do your hair and face first! Sit down.' I sat down on the swivel chair and Natalie grabbed my face with both hands. 'Oh you're so cute! I love doing you up!' I blushed and she span me round and started combing my hair back. I really liked having my hair combed even though Natalie was rushing a little. 'I think we should go for bunches today Samantha, rather fitting with the school uniform. I wish your hair was a little longer...and couldn't we give it a decent cut?' 'You know we can't!' I said. 'I am a boy sometimes, you know!' 'Shame,' Natalie muttered. 'This lovely hair going to waste.' Natalie did seem to get a little carried away sometimes, I thought. But I also felt quite proud of apparently having such nice hair and maybe it would be good to do something with it. Natalie bunched my two strands of hair together just above my ears and wrapped a red scrunchie around each bunch. 'Oh that's lovely!' Natalie said, spinning me round to see me from the front. 'Shake you head!' I did and my bunches bounced around, hitting my cheeks. It made me smile, as it was quite a funny feeling. Natalie screamed in delight. 'Oh we've just got to give you a bit of a fringe to go with that, you' d look just perfect! Please please please?' 'I'm sorry Natalie, I'd like to but it would look too silly when I'm a boy. Wouldn't it?' I added, a little hopefully. My heart was pounding fit to burst. I felt guilty about wanting to look nicer but terribly excited as well. 'Oh it would look alright!' she said. ' It would be so worth it! I can do it good, I've cut loads of my friend's hair!' 'Oh go on then, do it quick before I change my mind!' I said. What was I letting myself in for? This was crazy. Wouldn't this mean I would look a lot more like a girl all of the time? But I couldn't stop it. 'Yay! Awesome!' Natalie cried. She pulled out a fair few strands of my hair and let it fall forward over my face, then bought out a big pair of scissors and carefully snipped it above my eyebrows. 'Just a few strands on your forehead, make all the difference,' she murmured as she worked. 'There, done!' I reached up and fingered it carefully. Natalie sat back and looked. 'Yeah, that looks nice. But you can't look until I've done your make- up. I keep meaning to teach you how to do this but we never have time! You don't need much, but still.' Natalie applied some light mascara, eyeliner and a bit of blusher. 'No time for lip gloss and I think you should get used to applying lipstick,' she said. 'Ill do it for now but take this with you and re- apply it at some point during your time there.' she did so, painted my nails, stuck some earrings on me and then I was done. 'There we are! Now get your blazer and shoes on and off we go!' 'What about the jumper?' I asked. I wanted to wear the complete uniform. 'Nah, too baggy and unflattering,' Natalie said. 'Most girls don't wear one, or they wear a smaller one than yours. Looks better with just the blouse and blazer.' I looked over myself in the mirror and I couldn't quite believe what I saw. A very pretty and smart young schoolgirl looked back and me, and her hair! The bunches, my bunches were so cute looking and made me look a little younger, but the breasts and legs were those of a maturing girl. The fringe that I had was a great improvement on before. I felt complete and so comfortable. The blazer, although it was rather big and kinda masculine made me look even more girlish because of the contrast of my breasts pushing against the cotton of the blouse, as well as the smart skirt. The same with the tie, because it was considered a masculine item it seemed to emphasise the femininity of a schoolgirl. I couldn't explain to myself why I felt so right in the school uniform. I had always liked wearing it, I loved the way the colours complemented each other (even the red scrunchies matched) but now I was wearing a girls uniform it just felt perfect. All this was really starting to scare me like never before. I didn't really have a boys face anymore, even when I wasn't wearing make up I felt like I looked like a girl, especially now that I had got my hair cut. Why had I done that? My boy's identity seemed to be fading fast. Everything was moving way too quickly. 'Blimey,' I said. 'What do you think?' Natalie asked. 'You look very nice.' I couldn't explain to Natalie how I felt. I was sure that she knew anyway. 'What did you mean about boys liking girls in school uniform?' I asked quietly. 'Oh I dunno, it's a thing in the culture innit. Something about them being sweet and innocent I think, a lot of people have a thing for uniforms, its very common. But don't worry too much, you're not likely to see that many boys are you?' 'I dunno...' I was having difficulty speaking. I felt very strange. As always Natalie made me feel better. She hugged me from behind and put her head on my shoulders and spoke to me in the mirror. 'I'm sorry if I get a bit carried away Sammy, I didn't mean to force you into changing your hair like that. I think it looks very nice on you, but I have to say again that if this is getting a bit much for you then we can stop now. You know you always have a choice.' 'Natalie,' I said, trembling with what I was about to say. 'What if...what if I liked looking like this?' The effort of saying this was too much for me and I burst into tears. I felt just full of confusion. 'Oh Sammy!' Natalie cried, and hugged me tightly as we sat on the bed. I sobbed into her shoulder and was vaguely aware that this was spoiling my make-up. 'It's ok, its ok,' she said. When my sobbing subsided Natalie began to talk. 'I'm so sorry if this has all been too much for you, I didn't mean to push you at all. We can stop all this right now, whatever you want.' Part of me wanted to just quit right then and there. I knew it was possible and I could just go back to before. But I really felt like this was the start of something big and exciting, something that just felt... right. I felt my resolve strengthen a little as I realised this. Plus of course I couldn't just bail out on Mrs. Storey and I really enjoyed hanging out with Natalie like this. And after my work experience was over I could do what I wanted. 'No, I want to carry on with it. But I just feel so weird about it...' 'Look at me Sammy,' Natalie said. I did so. 'Oh your makeup! Ill have to do it all over again!' Natalie said, smiling. 'But listen to me Sammy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being happy about what you look like and how you feel about it. If this feels right to you then it feels right, end of story. I hope you don't mind me saying, but this really does suit you. Maybe this was meant to be.' Natalie got up to get a tissue and proceeded to clean my face a little. 'Come here.' She took me by the hand, led me to the mirror and stood behind me again with her head on my shoulder. 'You look absolutely lovely.' she said emphatically. I felt all warm inside and began to relax a little more. 'I think that anyone would be pleased to look like you do, and it's not just the way you look that makes you so lovely, it's what a nice person you are. This isn't just a look for you, it's actually how you are on the inside. I cant think of one thing wrong with that, and anyone who can think of one is crazy, stupid or both!' I laughed and felt so warm toward Natalie. 'You'll start me crying again!' I said. 'I know, that was horribly soppy wasn't it!' she laughed. 'But true though. Just be who you want to be. I can take all this off you right now, but I think that actually this is you.' 'Ok, ok,' I felt much better now. I still had doubts but I was beginning to accept myself more. 'We'd better get going hadn't we? I think we're late.' 'Yeah, we'd better. Are you ok?' Natalie said, stepping back. 'Yeah, I think so,' I said. 'We can talk more tonight,' Natalie said, 'Go for dinner or something.' 'Yeah, that'd be nice.' I said. I still had to bring up that flipping text message. Accepting being a girl was one thing but dealing with boys was something else. 'Oh I've got you a little handbag, every girl needs one.' Natalie passed me a pink and white 'Hallo Kitty' bag. 'It's an old one of mine but its in pretty good condition. You can put your lipstick and phone and stuff like that in it. I put a comb and some other little bits you might need in there.' 'Thanks very much!' I said. It was on a long strap and I hung it on my shoulder. 'Now lets get you outta here and to that old woman!' Natalie said. We rushed downstairs and in the hallway pumped into Emma. 'Oh hey Em this is Samantha, one of my little girlies. She's such a doll, helping out an old lady of mine!' 'You've got little girlies and old ladies huh?' Emma said. 'You're a funny one Natalie Jones! Hey Samantha, good to meet you. Oh I love your little bunches! So cute. Is Natalie taking good care of you?' 'Yeah she's great,' I responded. I liked Emma instantly, she seemed cut from the same mould as Natalie. She was quite a beautiful girl around Natalie's age, small and blonde and quite tanned at the moment. 'Been on holiday?' I asked. 'Yeah, Spain it was gorgeous!' she said. 'Sucks to be back. We gonna see you later? I'm doing nothing tonight, I'm absolutely knackered. Eating Ice Cream and watching Friends is my grand plan, join us if you wanna. That's if this one doesn't eat all the ice cream!' she pointed to Natalie. 'I was hungry!' Natalie whined. 'Yeah maybe we'll see you later darling! Gotta go now, bye-ee!' Emma waved us off and we got into Natalie's car to head to Mrs. Storeys. To be continued.

Same as A Helpful Change Part 2 Videos

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South of Bikini 4 Departures

With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...

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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 25 Two Sudden Departures

One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...

3 years ago
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Manufacturing a Partnership

Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...

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My first encounterin a train compartment

My first encounter...in a train compartment.It was almost exactly a year since my 'Changing Room' incident that was revealed in my previous story. I was a year older, but was I any wiser? I'd been working away from home for the whole of my summer holidays and it was time to return there, and then within days back to school. I was 16 and had been 'sort of apprenticed' to a foreman in charge of refurbishing shops for the last 6 weeks. The job wasn't really the type most schoolboys got in their...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Chapter 5 The Changelings Bride

Book Six: Heart's Longing Chapter Five: The Changeling's Bride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xandra – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds “My husband,” I whispered into Chaun's ears as I lay draped over his body, my naked breasts rubbing into his ebony skin, his cock hard inside me, his seed swirling through my once untouched depths. “Husband?” he asked. “Of course” I giggled. “My love. My husband.” It was so wonderful to say...

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The Fat Older Men Change1

The life is so terribly for Nun, the 29 year old Thai girl who’s living in Great Britain. Last year she worked in a Thai restaurant and met the young black stud who said he loved her with a true heart and promised many things to her. Everything looked so perfect at that time. Now she’s jobless, and that’s not the worst part, when she got back to her BF’s flat from job seeking she found him fucking another girl. He tried to explain but it was too late. She decided to pack her bags and...

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When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...

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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

1 year ago
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The Seachange

Jack and Dianne had lived a comfortable life in Melbourne..... the capital city of Victoria, Australia. Jack, the senior accountant of a major corporation had worked 30 years. Dianne, a housewife who loved entertaining. But, after 30 years of work, Jack and Dianne wanted to retire....to enjoy their remaining days in comfort and peace. Fresh air beckoned.....a country lifestyle. Jack and Dianne packed up, and bought a lovely house in Toolern Vale, Victoria. The air was clean, the horses were...

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Pounding by Daddy in the Changerooms

I was single, bored and masturbating way to often. I was young, innocent, and i was in my last year of high school. I had done everything with a previous girlfriend, from kissing to sex and I was straight of course, but had a pure obsession with older men. I spent a lot of my time, stripping, rubbing my hard cock, fingering myself at the sight of and older man fucking a younger boy. I went on websites, playing with them over webcam and still do to this day. But I was still a virgin, wanting...

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Wild Sex In The Pool8217s Changeroom

Hi, everybody! This is my third story here and the reactions and steamy emails I have received for my previous story have been overwhelming. I particularly have a thing for women older than me and I have been to their service of all those who have contacted me. I welcome all suggestions and emails especially from women and girls in Bangalore. I’m 26 years old now and this story is about a year old with my then girlfriends who was of my age. I’m 5.10 with an athletic physique with a well-endowed...

4 years ago
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ChangesKatie Beginnings

ChangesKatie: Beginnings By Lacey_Katie My cousin Lisa met me at the airport. She reminded me of Nicole Kidman, just not quite as tall and as pencil-thin. Lisa was, and is, a natural redhead, 26 years old, and she wore a royal blue blazer, matching skirt which reached her mid-thigh, and navy stockings. She highlighted that with small gold earrings and a matching bracelet. She was 5'8" tall, around 125 pounds which made a great figure. I later learned it was 36D, 24, 36. Lisa...

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The Role Exchanger

Just a heads up, this story is a bit odd and the TG elements in it are fairly light, but I do hope you enjoy it. And I wrote this story for my own amusement while playing around, so if you don't like it... too bad. The Role Exchanger By Morpheus The college courtyard provided a scene much like every other morning, being filled with a throng of students. Several dozen young men and women were scattered about, going about their normal routines as they awaited the start of...

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The Role Exchanger 2

This story was written as a serial over the period of several months. The Role Exchanger 2 By Morpheus Part 1 It was a nice Saturday in the quiet suburban neighborhood, with the people who lived there going about their normal business. There was nothing to break the usual peace and calm... until now. There was a strange flickering in the very air as a glowing blue ball of light slowly moved across the sky above. Reality itself seemed to rippled around the alien entity... Then...

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The Role Exchanger 3

This story was written as a serial for my Yahoo group The Role Exchanger 3 By Morpheus Part 1 A glowing ball of blue light slowly moved through the atmosphere, guided by an alien intelligence as it sought out its next destination. Humans who knew of this strange being called it the Role Exchanger, though it didn't think of itself as such. In fact, the very idea of names was alien to this being. The Role Exchanger shifted direction and descended from the...

1 year ago
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The Changeover

Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. THE CHANGEOVER By Wyrdey There are many scholarly theories about the Changeover - why it happened, how it happened. They talk about 'social forces' or 'chemical pollutants' or 'historical inevitability'. None of them are even remotely true. The lunatic fringe have their theories as well - They prefer 'the wrath of god' or 'alien intervention'. They're closer, but still...

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